Programme 2008 Summer University

2008 Summer University of the European (EL) in co-operation with Transform!Europe

10th – 14th July in Paris


Objectives • To deepen axis 1 of the Prague Appeal of the 2 nd EL congress: “Together, we will put into failure the attempt to generalize precariousness of work and flexicurity. In the name of a Europe which does not give up the social rights. For the right of all to plan their lives securely.” • To help forge a community of interests and aspirations among workers living in Europe, to develop a class consciousness on the European level which transcends differences in age, sex, or skill, differences between Eastern and Western Europe, and between migrants from within the EU or beyond it. • To publicise our proposals and to take part in developing a common platform on social policy for the European elections. The Summer University is part of the EL campaign against precariousness, which includes initiatives in other European countries in October 2008 and the participation at the European Social Forum in Malmö in September 2008.

Programme 2008 Summer University

Thursday, 10 July The transformation of the job market, the loss of job security, social consequences and policies

13:30 - 14:00 Reception Short presentation on the Summer University Christine Mendelsohn (EL) and Elisabeth Gauthier (Transform!Europe) 14:00 - 16:00 Plenary Session Moderators: Anastasia Theodorakopoulou and Benjamen Salesse • Financial capitalism and transformation of the workforce Elisabeth Gauthier (Transform!Europe, Espace Marx) • The loss of job security, the break-up of communities; social, ideological and political challenges for . Joachim Bischoff (Sozialismus Magazine, Transform!Europe) 16:30 - 18:30 Workshops 1. New social realities and struggle of the political hegemony: right-wing strategies of Sarkozy and Berlusconi; European crisis of social democracy; potential for social transformation by the Left Elisabeth Gauthier (Transform!Europe, Espace Marx), Cornelia Hildebrand (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Transform! Europe), Haris Golemis (Institut Nicos Poulantzas, Transform!Europe) 2. The neoliberal transformation of the school and university system, its meaning and resistance. Maite Mola (PCE), Brigitte Gonthier-Maurin (sénatrice des Hauts de Seine), Olivier Gebuhrer (PCF), Stéphane Bonnery (PCF) and Daniel Rome (PCF) 3. May 1968 – forty years after. What lessons gained for the political debate today? Jan Slemenda (SDS) and Patrick Coulon (Transform!Europe) 19:30 Meeting with Marie-George Buffet in Bobigny and dinner

Friday, 11 July European neoliberal policy and resistance

10:00 - 12:00 Plenary Session Moderators: Katharina Tetzlaff and Henri Wehenkel Presentation of APEIS, association for precariousness • The impact of the Lisbon Agenda (2000 - 2010) on the job market, social security and the public sector. The approval of the European Court of Justice of current EU policies concerning the struggles of workers. Attacks against the right to strike. Alfred Kleinknecht (Professor for Economics of Innovation, TU Delft) • EADS: an example for the process of resistance and common proposal Michel Molesim (member of the European Enterprise Committee EADS) 14:00 - 16:00 Workshops 1. Women as the mainstays and victims of flexibility Litsa Doudoumi () and speaker from East Europe 2. The consequences of flexibility for the younger generations and

Programme 2008 Summer University

aspects of life Giorgos Karatsioubanis (Jeunes de Synaspismos), Francesca Ruocco (PRC) 3. How to resist the competition between workers from the East and the West Daniel Bliort (Socialist Alliance of Romania) and Christian Pelishowsky (CGT) 4. Economic and political aspects of migration Pedro Marset (PCE), Omar Rkiouak Khanounous (migrant worker struggling with CGT in France) and Fabienne Lentz (Dei Lenk, Transform!Europe) 5. Health consequences of precariousness Carles Acozar (EuiA) 17:30 Visit to the Mac Val Museum of Contemporary Art, reception at Val de Marne

Saturday, 12 July Our proposals for a social and democratic Europe

10:00 - 12:00 Plenary Session Moderators: Maite Mola and a young socialist from Poland (Presentation of the Niemeyer building, which we will visit at 16:00) • Differences and common points for alternative proposals of the member parties of the European Left Walter Baier (Transform!Europe) • Presentation of EL proposals member of the EL 14:00 - 16:00 Workshops 1. Strategies for the reconstruction of a class consciousness and willingness for common transformation; citizens’ campaign for a new treaty. Christiane Reymann (Die Linke), Jean François Gau (PCF, campaign against the TCE) and a representative of Sinn Fein 2. The state of the debate on a Europe-wide minimum wage; the motion of Die Linke to the 2 nd congress, document of the EL network of trade unionists. Steffen Bockhahn (Die Linke) and a member membre of the EL network of trade unionists 3. Working time and flexibility: the current debate at the Dimitris Papadimoulis (Synapismos, MEP GUE/NGL) and Francis Velain (responsible of metallurgic UGICT CGT) 4. Critical analysis of the Scandinavian social model and its use in the ideological and political debate in Europe Inger Johansen (Red/Green Alliance), Gitte Pedersen (Red/Green Alliance), Christan Juhl (Trade Unionist 3F Danois) and Yan Le Lann (UEC) 16:00 Visit the Niemeyer building with Gérard Fournier 19:00 Boat tour and dinner at the Seine River

Programme 2008 Summer University

Sunday, 13 July European Summit on the Union for the Mediterranean in Paris Europe and other regions of the world

10:00 - 12:00 Plenary Session Moderators: Aminata Diouf and Pedro Marset • Europe and other regions of the world Francis Wurtz (President of GUE/NGL), Obey Ament (PCF, Latin America), Laila Shaïd (PCF, Middle East), Inna Shupac (PC Moldova) and Miguel Portas (Bloco de Esquerda, MEP GUE/NGL) 14:00 - 16:00 Plenary Session Moderators: Cristina Gay and Yannis Bournous Presentation of the results of the different workshops 20:00 Dinner at Saint-Denis, fireworks and 14 July ball (national holiday)

Monday, 14 July The common EL campaign against precariousness in Europe

10:00 - 12:00 Plenary Session on the actions to be taken after the Summer University Information about the participation and proposals for the European Social Forum 2008 in Malmö, Campaign against precariousness in Europe: common materials, festivals of national parties and the organisation of the meeting in Brussels on 25 October. Paul Marcus (PC Wallonie), Anastasia Theodorakopoulou (Synaspismos), Christine Mendelsohn (PCF) and Pedro Marset (PCE) 12:00 Picnic and departure