The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900 Boston, MA 02114 Charles D

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The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900 Boston, MA 02114 Charles D The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900 Boston, MA 02114 Charles D. Baker GOVERNOR Tel: (617) 626-1000 Karyn E. Polito Fax: (617) 626-1081 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Kathleen A. Theoharides SECRETARY March 26, 2021 CERTIFICATE OF THE SECRETARY OF ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL NOTIFICATION FORM PROJECT NAME : Cobbs Pond Bedrock Source Development PROJECT MUNICIPALITY : Littleton PROJECT WATERSHED : Concord River EOEA NUMBER : 16309 PROJECT PROPONENT : Littleton Water Department DATE NOTICED IN MONITOR : January 6, 2021 Pursuant to the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA; M.G.L. c. 30, ss. 61-62I) and Section 11.06 of the MEPA regulations (301 CMR 11.00), I hereby determine that this project does not require an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Project Description As described in the Environmental Notification Form (ENF), the project consists of construction of a new water supply source and a pump station adjacent to Cobbs Pond to supply additional drinking water in Littleton. Future water consumption estimates from the Water Capacity Analysis (completed in 2017) indicate the need for additional water to supply the Town of Littleton’s (Town) growing water demands due to increased population and industrial and residential development. The project is proposed to expand the sources of supply, improve water quality, and provide operational flexibility that will increase redundancy and resiliency in the municipal water supply system to meet future demand. The project includes the installation of three public drinking water bedrock wells referred to as the Cobbs Wells (Cobbs-1, Cobb-2, and Cobbs-3); a 1,000-square foot (sf) pump station which will process water from the three wells using chemical treatment; and approximately 1,100 linear feet (lf) of EEA# 16309 ENF Certificate March 26, 2021 water main from the pump station to the existing water distribution system on Nashoba Road. An existing gravel road, which will be paved, will provide access to the wellfield and pump station. The Proponent is seeking approval from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) of a new public groundwater supply source to withdraw up to 0.55 million gallons per day (MGD) of groundwater from the proposed site within the Concord River Basin. Permits and registrations issued by MassDEP’s Water Management Program authorize the Proponent to withdraw an average of 1.464 MGD from six active wells (combined maximum daily approved rate of 2.21 MGD) in the Merrimack River Basin under the Water Management Act (WMA). Actual annual average and maximum withdrawals from 2012 to 2016 ranged from 0.90 to 1.10 MGD and from 1.71 to 1.88 MGD, respectively. Unaccounted for Water (UAW) ranged from 10 to 16 percent and residential per capita usage ranged from 52 and 63 gallons per day (gpd) during that same period. The Proponent is not applying for an increase in its total authorized withdrawal nor expansion of the public water system distribution area. Project Site The 7.8-acre project site is located off Cobbs Lane and includes two Town-owned parcels which abut and form the southern shoreline of Cobbs Pond. It consists mainly of forested watershed associated with Cobbs Pond and wetlands. Specifically, the parcels are owned by the Littleton Conservation Commission (LCC) and are subject to a Conservation Restriction (CR) that is held by the Littleton Conservation Trust (LCT), which is a private non-profit entity. The ENF identifies an easement on these parcels for water supply purposes (to be used for water supply and distribution), which is managed and controlled by the Littleton Water Commissioners. The site is accessed from Cobbs Lane. The site contains the three installed test wells (Cobbs-1, Cobbs-2, and Cobbs-3), which will be the final production wells, and a gravel access road. The proposed wellfield is located within the Concord River Basin. The proposed wells will pump groundwater from the bedrock aquifer. The proposed 400-foot Zone I radii for the wells are currently owned by multiple private and public entities. The Cobbs Wells are located adjacent to Cobbs Pond. Nagog Pond, an Outstanding Resource Water (ORW), is located approximately 1,500 feet to the southeast. A Coldwater fishery (CWF) stream located approximately 2,000 feet southwest of Cobbs-1 flows into Nagog Pond. Five Certified Vernal Pools are located approximately 1,000 to 1,500 feet west and northwest of the Cobbs Wells. The Proponent operates six water supply wells at Spectacle Pond, Beaver Brook, and Whitcomb Avenue, all of which are active. Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Environmental impacts associated with the project include alteration of less than one acre of land; creation of less than one acre of impervious area; alteration of approximately 1,000 sf of buffer zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetlands (BVW); construction of 0.3 miles of water mains; and withdrawal of up to 0.55 MGD of water at a new source. As described more fully below, the project will require conversion of Article 97 land in order for the Proponent to gain control of the approximately 21- acre Zone I area. Temporary impacts are associated with the construction period. Measures to avoid, minimize and mitigate environmental impacts include avoiding direct impacts to wetland resource areas, use of an existing access road, and sedimentation and erosion controls during construction. 2 EEA# 16309 ENF Certificate March 26, 2021 The effects of climate change, including changes in precipitation and increases in temperatures may affect the Town’s water supply over time. The Town participates in the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) grant program. The MVP program is a community-driven process to define natural and climate-related hazards; identify existing and future vulnerabilities and strengths of infrastructure, environmental resources and vulnerable populations; and develop, prioritize and implement specific actions the Town can take to reduce risk and build resilience. Permitting and Jurisdiction The project is subject to MEPA review and preparation of an ENF pursuant to 301 CMR 301 CMR 11.03(1)(b)(3) and 301 CMR 11.03(4)(b)(1) because it requires an Agency Action and it will result in conversion of land held for natural resources purposes in accordance with Article 97 of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Article 97) to any purpose not in accordance with Article 97 and will result in a new withdrawal or expansion of withdrawal of 100,000 or more gpd from a water source that requires new construction for the withdrawal. The project requires the following permits from MassDEP: • Approval of Pumping Test Report for Source of 70 gallons per minute or greater (BRP WS 19); • Approval to construct a source of 70 gallons per minute or greater (BRP WS 20); • Approval to construct a Water Treatment Facility of 200,000 gpd or more and less than 1 MGD (BRP WS 23C); • Sale or Acquisition of Land for Water Supply Purposes (BRP WS 26); • Water Management Withdrawal Permit (BRP WM 03). The project will require an Order of Conditions from the LCC (or in the case of an appeal, a Superseding Order of Conditions (SOC) from MassDEP). If the project construction activities disturb one or more acres of land, the project will require a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater General Permit for Construction Activities from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Because the Proponent is not seeking Financial Assistance from the Commonwealth for the project, MEPA jurisdiction extends to those aspects of the project that are within the subject matter of required or potentially required Agency Actions and that may cause Damage to the Environment as defined in the MEPA regulations. Review of the ENF The ENF includes a description of the project, project plans, an alternatives analysis, the Permit Application for Approval of the Pumping Test (August 25, 2017), and the Source Final Report (August 12, 2020). It identifies measures to avoid, minimize and mitigate project-related impacts. The Proponent submitted supplemental information on February 8, 2021 to respond to comments and requests for additional information identified at the MEPA virtual site visit on January 19, 2021; March 16, 2021 to respond to comments from the Town of Concord (dated March 1, 2021); March 16, 2021 to provide a framework in which to achieve compliance with the Zone I requirements pursuant to the Drinking Water Regulations; and March 25, 2021 to respond to supplemental comments from the Town of Concord (dated March 18, 2021). 3 EEA# 16309 ENF Certificate March 26, 2021 I acknowledge the comments from the Town of Concord which identify concerns with the analysis presented in the ENF regarding the potential impact of the project on Concord’s WMA Registration, particularly with regards to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) decision on rights to the waters of Nagog Pond by the Towns of Littleton, Acton, and Concord.1 However, based on a review of the ENF, supplemental information, and comment letters, I do not find that a discretionary EIR is warranted. I note that the issuance of this Certificate does not signify the conclusion of the public engagement process for this project. The WMA and New Source Approval review processes include additional opportunities for public review and comment and MassDEP has sufficient regulatory authority to address outstanding issues during permitting. MassDEP comments do not recommend further MEPA review. Alternatives Analysis According to supplemental information, the Proponent conducted an extensive test well exploration program in the 1980s, at which time the Spectacle Pond well was identified as a new source and is now the Proponent’s largest producer of water. While the program also identified a number of other moderately favorable sites, these had minimal yield.
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