News of Interest to the Community

Published as a Serviceof The Memphis Gay Coalition

Volume 9, Number 10 November 1988 Names Quilt Reaches AIDS Activists Shuts Down FDA Washington

Washington- The emo­ Rockville, MD- AIDS Arrests began at the front trained for weeks on how to manded the "prompt release of to tionally powerful Names Proj­ activists had promised shut entrance as demonstrators took avoid looking bad on national and access to all promising, safe · ect Quilt, six times larger than down the Food and Drug Ad­ down the FDA flag and re­ TV and were clearly on edge. drugsto people with life-threat­ ministration in Rockville, placed it · with a At about 10:00 AM,a pro­ ening diseases, including AIDS last year, returned to Washing­ Maryland Oct. 11, and for all "Silence=Death" banner and a testor threw his body against a and HIV infection; drug trials ton on October 8 and 9. The intents and purposes, they did. flag reading "75,000 Persons large plate-glass window to the opento women, peopleof color, quilt encompassed 375,000 Hundreds of employees were with AIDS Fight Back." Later right of the main entrance. The IV drug users, and others; and square feet with 8,288 3' x 6' reported glued to the windows in the day, an effigy of Pres. window gave way and the pro­ establishment of a national reg­ panels, each memorializing a as about 1,500 activists broke Reagan appeared on the flag­ testor was arrested. This was istry listing accurate, current, person who had died of AIDS. other windows of the block­ pole. the second of three successful and comprehensive data on all Throughout the 11 hours of long building, climbed on en­ Peter Stanley of ACf UP assaults on the FDA's large AIDS drug programs." display, activists and celebrities tryways, and plastered the (AIDS Coalition To Unleash windows. Around noon, a FDA spokespersons re­ read the names of those who building with protest signs and Power) climbed onto a large group of six protestors crashed sponded that they are doing have died. Among the readers stickers. The "Silence=Death" awning over the main entryway through a side window and en­ everything possible to get were Shirley McLaine, Richard posters were everywhere. and taped up posters reading tered the FDA's offices. It took AIDS drugs to the market. "We Gere, Sigourney Weaver, Vito About 200 people werearrested "AIDSGATE" and "America half an hour for the police to don't develop the drugs, we just and FDA employees went Isn't Doing Shit." tanley re­ review them," said Don Russo, Harvey Fierstein, and place allsix in custody. Some of home late in special police mained on the roof for more the protestors required medical McLearn, an FDA spokesper­ Memphian Rick Bray. buses. than an hour putting up other attention as the result of being son, "and we can't just give up . ''The quilt," Geresaid in an Activists arrived about signs and setting off smoke roughed up by the police. the system because of AIDS." interview, "is about people­ 7:00 am and began their as­ bombs, but was never arrested. The civil disobedience ac­ McLearn said the FDA about family and love, mani­ saults of the building within According to sources at the tion at the FDA was coordi­ believes it will be more benefi­ festing real feelings. It's warm minutes. Press packets of litera­ scene, the day resembled a nated by the the AIDS Coalition cial in the long run if drugs that and soft, and a tremendous dis­ ture accused the FDA of a game between demonstrators To Network, Organize, and "really work" are released. play of affection and creativ­ "woefully inadequate handling and Montgomery County's Win (ACf NOW), an umbrella AIDS activists, he said, seem to ity ... There is alot of bigotry and of the AIDS epidemic, espe­ rubber-gloved police, but only organization for the country's want the agency to hand out fear of anything Gay and it re­ cially regarding the release of the activists were having fun. some 50-plus AIDS direct ac­ "unproven drugs willy-nilly." ally breaks down barriers." promising new drugs." Officers had reportedly been tion groups. Acr. NOW de- · Gere said he had friends whose names were in the quilt Dance Nets About $1400 for ATEAC and that he was "imploring the government to make available as much money as possible for Dance Against Darkness, a "It was certainly a disap­ ances. places. The composer and au­ research. It's particularly musical play about AIDS pointingturnout, but it's under- Several organizations have thor have talked informally poignant," he said, "that we're played to about 360 in 15 per­ .standable," said Allen Cook, requestedspecial performances about taking the production on formances and netted almost ATEAC's secretary. "AIDS is a throughout the city and the play here on the Ellipse right in front the road using the Memphis cast $1400for the Aid to End AIDS subject that is easily avoidable may again resurface in various as the core. of the White House. Committee. Tom Stewart, and wouldn't, on the surface, Ray Family Settles President of ATEAC, indicated seem to be afun topic for a night the proceeds w·ould be used for at the theatre," he said. Two for $1.1 million patient aid. years ago, A TEAC underwrote Tampa, FL - The Ray fam­ The play began Sept. 15 and royalties for the production of ily, who was suing the school closed Oct. 15 to a sell-out As Is at Circuit Playhouse. board for barring their three crowd and standing ovations. "We didn't enter into this en­ Hailoween Schedule of Events HIV antibody-positive hemo­ Dance Against Darkness was deavor as a moneymaker," said see Quick Clips on page 11 philiac sons from attending funded through grants from the Cook, "but we feel that educa­ tional events like Dance should school, have settled out of court Memphis Arts Council, the Day Why You Shq�l.d Yote.fot Oukakis according to the Boston Globe. Foundation, and the Memphis be done in order to make the . Gay Coalition. Funding from general community aware of . · Guestt:ditorial on·:page 2 The Ray family home in Ar­ the Memphis Gay Coalition the problem." .. : . .cadia was destroyed on August was provided from funds gath­ Author Bari Biern and com­ Everyt�ing, You:Wanted tQ Know,(and 28, 1988 by an unknown arson­ · · ·.· . ered for AIDS education sev- poser Roy Barber, both from ,_., More)about Genital Warts ist. The family has made a set­ . eral years ago in the city's first Washington, were in atten­ tlement for $1.1 million dollars. Health.Column on,page 7 benefit for AIDS, Old Hash. dance for the final two perform- How Can and Vote fo� Bush? by Susan Mackenzie, Attorney Unfortunately, these are the civil rights be then? If Bush is Dukakis supports a Gay Civil ership and support in the fight at Law same Justices who have not let elected we will not even have Rights Bill. Not only does against AIDS. their own, or the nation's, the voices of dissenting Justices Dukakis voice his support for A government headed by I continue to be amazed by influence their speaking their support of our our civil rights, he introduced a Bush and Quayle will not re­ the Lesbians and Gay men who decisions. The most recent ex­ cause. Gay Rights Bill into the Massa- spect the Constitution and indi­ support Bush in his bid for the ample is the Hardwick case in Further, there have been re- chusetts legislature in 1974. vidual rights, especially our Presidency of the United States. which the majority of the Su­ cent favorablelower court deci- This was twelve years ago and rights.There will beno procivil Such a vote counters all the preme Court, including the two sions that have denounced the only fiveyears after Stonewall, rights leadership from the ex­ progresswe have made for Gay Reagan appointees, held that that has been yet Dukakis took action sup­ ecutive branch, and vetoes of Rights since the infamous state sodomy laws do not vio­ rampant in the military and in portingour civil rights.Further, any legislation Congress does .We have made late and Gay constitu­ employment. These cases are Dukakis does not believe that pass.The Gay community must substantial progress, but these tional rights. Further, this deci­ beingappealed, but with a Re- the merefact a personis Gay is wake up and thinkbeyond their accomplishments have been sion upheld a conviction of a agan-Bush Supreme Court, a valid reason to deny an indi­ wallets. Even assuming the eroded during the Reagan ad­ Georgia man by concluding there is not even a glimmer of vidual a securitycle arance. position that we will be finan­ ministration. A George Bush that even though homosexual hope that these decisions will Dukakis has openly sought cially better off under Bush is administration would further conduct may occur in the pri­ stand. Tile forthcoming gloom . specific criminal penalties for correct, without civil rights and this trend and can thwart our vacy of one's home and behind is not found only in the Su- .On theother hand, with increased discrimination fight for civil rights for genera­ a closed bedroomdoor, thisfact preme Court, but in every cir- the Reagan-Bush administra­ and violence directed towards tions to come. does not prevent a prosecution cuit of the Federal Court sys- tion has implemented policies us, we will not beable to benefit The most pressing threat to for sodomy. tern. President Reagan has al- that have actually increased from any economic windfall. our battle for fulland equal civil Justices - Blackman, Bren­ ready appointed over fifty per- violence against Lesbians and Without civil rights and protec­ rights lies in the Supreme nan, Marshall, and Stevens cent of the Federal Judges cur- Gay men. The Reagan-Bush tion under the laws of this coun­ CourtThere are currently three joined in a dissent to themajor­ rently on the bench. These are administration opposed a ban try and the individual states, we Justices on the Supreme Court ity opinion wherein they ques­ Justicesin the same ideological on discrimination basedon HIV will be forced to be closet case over the age of seventy-nine. tioned the validity of outlawing vein as Reagan's Supreme status. The administration's money and all. Let us maintain consensual homosexual activ­ Court nominee, Justice Boric. handling of the AIDS crisis has our victories and continue the ity between adults. Justice Ste- For this reason alone, our only fueled and increased the advancement of our cause by . vens has already been replaced civil rights demand that no violence against Lesbians and voting for Mike Dukakis on by a conservative Reagan ap­ Lesbian or Gay man thwart Gays. Dukakis has supported a November 8, 1988. pointee; and Justices Black­ our cause by voting for bill outlawing discrimination man, Brennan,and Marshall are George Bush! based on actual or perceived our elderly Justices facing emi­ Bush openly supports the HIV status. Dukakis has also nent retirement. Wherewill our Hardwick decision while Mike called for greater Federal lead- Box 3038, Memphis, Tennessee 38173.0038. Phone (901) 454-1411 (evenings).

Gaze is non-profit and produced by volunteers. We assume no liability for Could she discuss the differ­ needs to know? There are five possible, anyone else you have claims made by advertisers. Appear­ Reader Requests ent private and group therapies for the "who" question. had sex with or shared a needle ancein this publicationis not an indica­ available? (1) Who did I get it from? with. It is not fair to the rest of tionof sexualorientation or identity. We More of the Same Answer: The last person I had the community if you do not tell welcome materials submitted by read­ Surely a mention of CodA Being an adult child and ers, but reservethe right to edit or reject and ACoA (a great help to me) sex with. Yes and no. The per­ these last two I mentioned to codependent myself, I was suchmaterials . Subscriptionsare avail­ would direct some people to a son beforethat or the one before help stop the spread of the virus. pleased to see Becky able at $8a year tocover mailing costs. recovery program. that. Again yes and no. The I wish to add at this 11 Caperton's October column Gaze is published times a year by And for those who want to blood transfusionI had in 1980 point that I am not an IV drug the Memphis Gay Coalition. deal with codependence. · As learn more, please suggest in southern Florida. For me user and never have been, but this article has just barely some books. personally, I have to believethe those of you who areshould be Co-Editors touched the surface, I hope she addressed just as much as any­ Allen Cook - John Stilwell C.M. Dare last answer to this first "who" will treat the subject in more Memphis question. one else, if not moreso. You are depth with further columns. (2) StaffWriters What Do You Who did I give it to? To in as much or more danger of Carole Taylor - Bob Dumais I believe your readers could me this answer is very simple getting the human immunodefi­ Vincent Astor - Becky Caperton benefit from a discussion of Do.WhenYou -anyone that I have had sex or ciency virus because when you John House dysfunctions which contribute a relationship with in the last share a needle you are in direct to codependenceand the effects Are Told Your eight and a half years. For you contact with another person's Typesetting And Layout of those dysfunctions on chil­ HIV should consider anyone you blood- even if you do not see Allen Cook - Bob Dumais dren growing up in dysfunc­ Test is Posi­ Cecil Mcleod - John Stilwell have had sex with or shared any blood on the syringe or tional families. (Alcoholism is tive.? Part 1\vo needles and syringes with. You needle. My only advice to you if Clrculadon obvious, but please don't forget Last month my letter posed will have to set your own time you use drugs is: do not share Cecil Mcleod - John Stilwell rigidity and religiosity.) five questions. (1) When? (2) period. It should be at least one drug paraphernalia of any Bob Dumais Some discussion of denial: Where?(3)Who?(4)Why?and year. kind. denial of the dysfunction(s)and (5) How? Each of these one­ (3) Who do I tell? Firstall (or (4) Who will tell someone Advertising Manager a denial of our own feelings word questions has multiple of as many as I can) of those else. Well, that is simple to Bob Dumais might help some people recog­ other questionsto go along with people I have had sex or a rela­ answer. First, your best friend, nize themselves and realize Copyright © 1988 by MGC. Reprint them. This month I would like tionship with in the last 8 1{1 then the big mouth who over­ permissionon non-syndicated material they are not alone. to go into some that I have asked years, then my friends that I hears you telling someone else. granted to Gay publications only pro­ And how many readers un­ and have been asked of me. want to share this with. You It is sure they have no right to vided proper credit is given. Micro­ derstand the frequency of sub­ Let's take.#3 -Who? must make up your own mind as tell anyone, but it is human filmedby SouthernGay Archives, Boca stance abuse among adult chil­ Who did I get it from?Who did far as who to tell. But it is im­ nature to spread rumors and Raton, FL. Gaze is theregistered trade­ dren or the transgenerational I give it to? Who d!) I tell? Who perativethat you tell your lover, gossip, even though they have mark of the Memphis Gay Coalition. All aspectsof bothsubstance abuse rights reserved. will tell someone else? Who wife, husband, partner, and, if and codependence? continuedon page 14 - � ---�


1268 Madison Avenue 901-725-1909 THEY'RE BACK!



Mondays & i ednesdays ·

't\\U\lrilie IJG11estrl ALSO OUR OTHERSHOWS CONTINUE ON FRIDAY NIGHTS AND THE BREAKFASTCLUB ON SATURDAY NIGHTSI CHECK US OUT We have 10 CDraught Noon- 7 PM PLUS Many Other Specials committee and the bill passed the House and Senate on Sep­ Congress Passes tember 27. _Comprehensive AIDS Issues and Practice studies Package Hate Crimes Research - which are routinely con­ Washington, DC - In the jected AIDS hysteria and quick ducted by NIJ - are practical, closing moments of the tOOth fixes and has opted instead for a in-depth examinations of criti­ Congress, the U.S. House and sensible and serious responseto Requested by Senate cal issues facing law enforce­ Senate passed an omnibus this public health crisis," said On Oct. 1, Pres. Reagan encourage reporting by hate ment and criminal justice prac­ health bill that includes the Basile. "With 40,000 dead and signed into law an appropria- crimes victims; and 3) improve titioners. Whereas the initial nation's first comprehensive 1.5 million infected, this action tions bill that calls for a major the treatment of vic­ NIJ exploratory study on hate plan for fightingAIDS. Passed comes not a moment too soon." study of hate crimes by the tims." crimes cost less than $20,000, by voice vote October 13, the AIDS activists credited the Dept. of Justice. At request The Issues and Practices the Issues and Practices project bill - S. 2889, the Omnibus Senators Kennedy and Hatch, the of National Gay and Les- project will build on an explora­ is expected to cost as much or Health Amendment Act - Representatives Waxman and bian Task Force (NGL TF), Sen. tory study of hate crimes com­ more than $100,000. contains the result of negotia­ Madigan for moving the bill, (R-Cf) are Lowell Weicker added pleted by NIJ in October 1987, "We delighted that Sen. tions betweenboth houses over and cited their hard work and report language to the bill des- which concluded that "homo­ Weicker and his colleagues in AIDS legislation passed earlier persistencein the closing hours. NIJ ignating "sufficient funds for sexuals are probably the most Congress have directed to in the year. The AIDS package in­ NIJ (National Institute of Jus- frequent victims" of hate vio­ combat hate crimes," said Vic Basile, Executive Di­ cludes these elements: tice, the researchdivision of the lence. Despite efforts by Kevin Berrill, Director of rector of the Human Rights • Authorization for medical Justice departtnent) to conduct NGLTF and more than 70 NGLTF's Anti-Violence Proj­ Campaign Fund (HRCF), research including most re­ "An an 'Issues and Practices' study members of Congress to per­ ect Issues and Practices hailed the passage of theAIDS search provisions of both bills, on hate crimes - i.e. crimes suade the Justice Dept. to con­ study should significantly im­ legislation as "an extremely including 750 new personnel motivated by race, religion, duct a follow-up study, no ac­ prove the law enforcement re­ important first step toward the slots of the U.S. Public Health full , or ethnic- tion has been taken for a sponse to bias-motivated at­ long-overdue national battle­ Service set aside for AIDS ity." According to the appro- year. Accordingly, NGLTF­ tacks against Lesbian and Gay plan against AIDS. work; a 9-month deadline for priations language, the NIJ joined by Gay and Jewish people and other minority "Tinsbill is especiallycriti­ award of AIDS research grants study will "highlight existing groupsin Connecticut- urged groups. We are grateful to Sen. cal to people with AIDS and and contracts; 21-day response programs to combat hate crimes Sen. Weicker to seek appro­ Weicker for his help on this HIV infection because it offers time for resource requestsfrom and provide guidelines for priations report language re­ issue and for his continuing them hopethat drugs will begin AIDS research agencies; new criminal justice agencies to 1) quiring additional study of the support of our struggle to be to move more quickly through mechanisms to encourage clini­ identify, classify, investigate, issue. The Weicker language free from discrimination and the research process and be­ cal trials and early access to and prosecute hate crimes; 2) was adopted by a conference violence." come available to sick peopleas experimentalAIDS treatments; early as possible," added and model protocols for care of Basile. HIV-infected persons. Army Re-enlists Lesbian Proponents of the bill also • Authorization for AIDS noted the importance of the education programs at the fed­ bill's anonymous testing and eral, state, and local levels. to Avoid Fines public education provisions for Authorized spending is at least According to The Wash­ Berigan, said the re-enlistment tary refused to re-enlist her on preventing new cases of HIV $270 million a year through ington Blade, the Army has contract includes a clause that grounds that she was- ·openly infection, while regretting that fiscal 1991. At least$30 million agreed to re-enlist an openly stipulates the agreement would Lesbian. U.S. District Court the bill does not include the is reserved for education tar­ Gay personinto its ranks, but it become nullified if the U.S. Judge Morton Gordon, a comprehensive program of vol­ geted to minority communities. took a $500-a-day fme to per­ District Court rules in favor of Johnson appointee, granted untary, confidentiaJ. testing ear­ , The bill allows the use of paid suade them to do it SSgt. the military on a case challeng- Ben Shalom a preliminary in­ lier passed by overwhelming advertising in public education Miriam Ben Shalom, a40-year­ ing the Dept.of Defenseregula- junction on August 3 which margins in the House. programs. old drill sergeant and substitute tions barring Gay people from barred the military from deny­ Sen. Jesse Helms (R-NC) • Two-year authorization school teacher, has now re-en­ the service. · ing her re-enlistment on the had threatenedto killthe bill by for health care demonstration listed for another six-year term Ben Shalom filed her first basis of sexual orientation, at tying up the legislation with programs, including home in the reserves. According to lawsuit against the Army in least until the judge had a obscure parliamentary maneu­ health and sub-acute care - the Blade,the Armyre-enlisted 1977 after being dismissed for chance to ruleon Ben Shalom's vers. Through skillful negotia­ $110 million a year. and Ben Shalom at the last possible acknowledging her Lesbian- latest lawsuit, challenging the tions a massive lobbying • Two-year authorization moment before a court order ism. She won that decision in re-enlistment regulation which and media campaign, propo­ for anonymous HIV testing and would have required them to August of last year. This past bars Gay people.A trial date has nents of the bill moved the leg­ counseling, through grants to the pay Ben Shalom a $500 a day August, her current term of not be set for the case. islation through House and states at $100 million a year. fine.Shalom's attomey,Patrick. enlistmentexpired and the mili- Senate despite Helms. • A two-year national advi­ "Congress soundly re- sory commission on AIDS.


If you can commit to one night a month on a regular basis, we can use you The job consists of answering the phone in the comfort of your own home between the hours of 7:30PM and 11:00PM. You will provide i�formation regarding bars, local groups, etc. and occasionally,just be a good listener. THIS IS NOT A PHONE SEX SERVICE! For More Information: Call 454-1411 Americans Shun S ex? No Offense Meant, Atlanta-More than afifth this study is that, to my under- of Americans abstained from standing, it's the first time ever Nashville - A Nashville Rememberance Urged for sex and another 60% report in the United States anyone has city councilmember who had having just one sex partner in ever been able to gather (a sci- planned to introduce legislation Harvey Milk, Nov. 27- the previous year, putting them entific sample of) information to ban the presentation of a at low risk for AIDS, a national about sexual behavior," said cable television programaimed The Harvey Milk Remem­ cials in the U.S. On Nov. 27, survey indicated in September. WilliamDarrow, chief sociolo- at Gays, has backed off after beranceCommittee, an ad hoc 1978, Milk - along with San But the Centers for Disease gist in the CDC's AIDS divi- receiving criticism from his organized by the Gay Services Francisco Mayor George Control survey also found a sion. "I think it is encouraging peers and Gay activists. Network of KansasCity andthe Moscone - was assassinated significant number of single to see that the American people George Annistead, told a National Qay and LesbianTask by Dan White, another city men who report having 10 or will respond." reporter, "We're going to have Force, has declared Sunday, Supervisor. That night, more more sex partners annually- a Tom Smith of the National a problemwith this movie about Nov. 27- the tenth anniver­ than 40,000 marchers con­ practice CDC said amounts to Opinion ResearchCenter said it . If it promotes any kind sary of Harvey Milk's assassi­ verged on San Francisco's City flirting with the deadly virus. is unlikely that the 21.5% who of abnormal sexual activity, nation - to be Harvey Milk Hall to mournthe deathsof both Of the 1,481 people ques- said theyabstained from sex did I'm against it. Anything other Rememberance Day. The men. Months later, Dan White tioned, 21.5 percent reported so becauseof AIDS becausethe than heterosexual behavior is Committee urges Gay groups was acquitted by a jury of first they had no sex partner and group largely contained people demented and sick," he cot'l- across the country to hold degreemurder and convicted of 59.6% reported having one in poor health, olderpeople,and eluded. events, such asvigils and work­ manslaughter- for which he. partner in 12 months. others who avoid sex for rea- Armistead was planning to shops, remembering Milk and servedonly five yearsin prison. The study indicated that sons other than fear of AIDS. introduce legislation to prevent focusing attention on the grow­ The lenient sentence· shocked 4.6% of men who have never Male homosexuals are at the airing of Gay Cable Net­ ing problem of anti-Gay vio­ and outraged many, sparking been married age 18-29 and increased risk ofthedisease that work, an hour-long magazine lence. To encourage obser­ angry protests and violence. 2.9% of those who have never has killed almost 42,000people style programproduced inNew vances on Nov. 27 and during "The tenth ·anniversary of been married age 30-44 re- becauseanal receptive sex is an York. the following week, NGL TF Harvey Milk's assassination ported having 10 or more part- easy way to contract the dis- Another councilman, Ste- and the Gay Services Network allows us to not only recall his ners in 12 months. ease. wart Clifton, called of Kansas City have prepared enormous contribution to our "What we really learn from Armistead's remarks "inappro­ an informational packet that movement," said Kevin Berril, priate" and contended that a lists suggested events, re­ Director ofNGL TF's Anti-Vio­ Computers Compiling move by the council to prevent sources, and includes a brief lence project, "but also to focus the presentation would be cen­ biography of Milk. attention on the violence that Dangerous Lists sorship. Courts have consis­ Harvey Milk, a tireless and still plagues our community, tently held that "prior restraint" outspoken advocate for the still threatens our freedom to National Gay Rights Advo­ AIDS Civil Rights Project. is not acceptable. rights of Gay people and other live and love as we choose. It is cates has challenged "People who are reluctantto tell In dropping plans for legis­ oppressed groups, was elected my hope thatlocal observances Colorado's policy of recording state officials that they are Gay lation on the issue, Armistead to the San Francisco Board of will encourage more of us to the sexual orientation and drug or bisexual, or that they are IV said his remarks were not meant Supervisors in 1977, one of the combat anti-Gay violence and history of all people taking the drug users or prostitutes, will to offend anyone. first openly Gay elected offi- demand equal protection." HIV antibody test at state-sup­ simply stay away from the ported sites. According to state's testing sites in order to NGRA attorneys, this informa­ avoid questioning. It is unfair to tion is stored along with the require people to place their subjects' names, addresses, and names on a state list with such a phone numbersat local test sites frightening potential for abuse and on a centralized state com­ as a pre-condition for obtaining puter data bank. needed medical information." In a strongly worded letter, NGRA Executive Director NGRA warned State Health Jean O'Leary warned that the Director Tom Vernon that the department's policy is likely to state's policy is legally and produce epidemiologically in­ medically unsound, and that accurate information. "Un­ failure to abandon it voluntarily doubtedly, some Gay men, IV could lead to legal action. drug users, and prostitutes are NGRA has also filed a request refusing to identify themselves under Colorado's Freedom of as such when they take the test. . Information Act to obtain com­ Therefore, Colorado figures plete disclosure about the test­ may underestimate the preval­ If you know anyone needs a basket of food and paper goods ing policy. ance of AIDS in these groups on Thanksgiving or Christmas, let us know. Just fill out the coupon ''The department's testing and exaggerate the spread of below and give it to any Aphrodite member or mail it to: protocol is dangerously short­ AIDS into low risk populations. Aphrodite Baskets sighted because it discourages The implications for prevention P.O. Box 41822 people from being counseled and funding priorities are Memphis, TN 38174 and tested," stated Benjamin enormous." Schatz, Director of NGRA's Sponsors will be contacted for details due to limited distribution.

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Memphis Gay Coalition "Aphrodite Supports Gay Memphis" usually recreate the very pain chances are you won't have macy with yourself, then you you want to avoid. Learning to much togive anyone else either. areready to pursuethe intimacy put the memories to rest and Needless to say, achieving with another. In the next issue, leave the pain behind can be these goals is very hard work! there will be a short quiz to test difficult, but it is not impos­ Talking things over with some­ your intimacy, followed with Intimacy sible. one who will be honest and some suggestions for creating a Next, before you can be supportive- a trustedfriend or fulfilling sense of intimacy in by Becky Caperton, MS to workon. happy with another person, it a professional - does help. your life. When special days ap­ Becoming and remrumng helps to behappy with yourself. People who lack intimacy lack Write to Becky c/o Box proach like birthdays and holi­ intimate with another person Be honest with yourself. If you it from within first. After you 3038, Memphis, TN 38173- days, many people begin to can be scary and difficult. We don't like the person you see in have done a self-inventory and 0038 think about exchanging gifts, risk a lot when we open our­ the mirror every morning, strengthened your own inti- cards, and flowers with their selves up to someone else. significantfriends and partners. When we think about getting These things aresimple ways to close to someone, we are often send a very important message: afraid to stop being on our best "I carefor you and I want you to behavior. What if we let the know how special you are to other person see us as we really Re-Elect me." are andfind that they don't like While these gestures are us? If this happened, we would important,they represent the tip feel hurt, even betrayed, be­ of the iceberg for creating the cause it is the "real me" that is Steve main ingredientthat can make a being rejected.There is also the too relationship with anyone work. fear that we might become That main ingredient is inti­ dependent on the other person macy. Intimacyis the processof and on the relationship. We risk. sharing feelings, thoughts, ex­ may feel that we losing periences, and dreams with control of our own lives if we to others. It is understanding with open up someone else. the heart, not the head. True Eventually, the great hu­ intimacy is trusting, honest, man need for intimacy over­ and open, and spontaneous. comes these fears a person can risk.. Everyone needs intimacy. takethe What aresome to future Infact, expertsrank intimacy as of the ways make a one of the highest needs of intimate relationship more sat­ to human beings. One would think isfying, or improve and sus­ State Senator tain that something that appears to a current one? be so natural and so necessary First, you must learn to toour emotional survivalwould leave the past behind. When come easily, but this isn't al­ you are preoccupied with ways the case. For many of us, thoughts of being hurt (as in a Knows Mid-Town intimacy is something we have previous relationship), you -Open Minded

Willing to Question the Status Quo

Gay Switchboard

Information ''The State. needs to Referrals CounseUng provide additional funding for persons 7:30-11:00 PM Nightly

- with AIDS and 324-GAYS for confidential testing."

Paid for by the Cohen Re-election Committee Rick Bray, Committee Member

• ·' 7 Genital Warts

Genital warts, (condylo­ see a doctor so that other types ing new drugs being tested is mata accuminata or venereal of similar-looking infections or interferon, a natural substance warts), arecaused by a group of conditions can be ruled out or in the body that can kill certain AZT Funding Continues viruses called human papillo­ treated. Genital warts are usu­ viruses such as HPV. In clinical maviruses, or HPV's. They are ally diagnosed by direct visual testing, interferon has been ef­ The U.S. Senate has ap­ AZT- which then cost $10- spread by sexual contact with examination. Colposcopy, a fective in treating genital warts, proved a bill which will extend 12,000 a year- for people who an infected partner and are very painless examination during although side effects and recur­ by six months the federal otherwise could not afford it. contagious. Genital warts affect which a lighted magnifying rence of the warts are potential government's fundingfor AZT However, new drugs to treat an estimated 3 million people in instrument is used to view the problems. for low-income individuals. AIDS have been slow to enter the U.S. annually. Approxi­ internal reproductive organs in Complications The program was due to expire the market and the cost of AZT mately two-thirds of persons women, can beperformed in the Genital warts sometimes Sept. 30, leaving about 6,000 has fallen only slightly, to about who have sexual contact with doctor's office.In some cases, it enlarge during pregnancy. This people without the drug. $8-10,000 a year. aninfected partnerwill develop is necessary to do a biopsy of can make urination difficult The bill, introduced by Sen. The proposed funds will be this common sexually transmit­ cervical tissue. This involves and, if the warts are on the vagi­ Lowell Weicker (R-Cf),would distributed through state health ted disease. taking a small sample of tissue nal wall, can make the vagina provide up to $15 million to departments. Each state may Symptoms from the cervix and examining less elastic and cause obstruc­ continue the program through develop income guidelines for Like many other STD's, it under a microscope. tion during delivery. March 31, 1989. Weicker also distributing the funds. Tennes­ HPV infections often do not Scientists supported by Scientists now believe that persuaded Burroughs­ see has supported about 17 cause symptoms; one study NlAID are trying to develop several types of HPV play an Wellcome, the manufacturerof people on the program since its sponsoredby the National Insti­ simpler ways of diagnosing important role in the develop­ the drug, to contribute $5 mil­ inception. tute of Infectious Diseases genital warts in women. One ment of certain kinds of cancer, lion to pay for the drug. PWA's requiring the drug, (NIAID) reported that almost new technique is to examine a including cervical cancer, vul­ In the spring of 1987, but unable to pay for it are en­ half of the women with HPV Pap smear for evidence of the var cancer, and cancer of the Weicker first moved to enact couraged to contact the Aid to had no visible symptoms. In virus using a special staining penis (a rare cancer). the program which was estab­ End AIDS Committee (901- many cases, however, small, technique. - Infants bornto women with lished with $30 million. At that 458-AIDS) for information hard spots, easily visible to the Treatment genital warts can develop laiyn­ time, it was seen as a stop-gap aboutapplying for the program. eye, develop within 3 weeks to Genital wartsoften occur in geal papillomatosis (warts in rr.�.tSure to cover the costs of 3 months after exposure. groups and can accumulate into the throat). Although a rela­ In women, the warts occur large masses on genital tissues. tively rare occurrence, it is a on the lips of the vagina, inside They often reappear after treat­ life-threatening condition for the vagina, or around the anus. ment. Depending on factors the child and requires frequent Women also develop cervical such as their size and location, surgery to correct. In studies warts, which are flat lesions genital warts are treated in sev­ using interferon on children (jayWomenS invisible in their early stages. eral ways. A doctor may recom­ with this condition, the warts " · Cervicalwarts are one common mend treatment with a chemical were reduced in size but tended cause for abnormal Pap smear such as 10% podophyllin solu­ to recur following treatm·ent. tests. A Pap smear is a micro­ tion, which is applied to the Prevention scopic examination of cells affected area and washed off The best way to prevent Socia{ (jroup taken from the uterine cervix in after several hours. Podophyl­ infection is to avoid direct con­ order to detect cervical cancer. lin should not be used during tact with genital warts. Use of a In men, genital warts usu­ pregnancy because it is ab­ condom during sexual inter­ Thursday ally appear on the tip of the sorbed by the skin and may course may provide some pro­ penis; however, they also may cause birthdefects. tection, depending upon the November 17th be found on the shaft of the Small warts can be re­ location of the warts. Through penis,the scrotum, or the anus. moved by freezing or burning. continued medical research, Genitalwarts can develop in the Surgery is occasionally needed scientists hope to answer the 7:30PM mouth of a person who has had to remove large warts that have many questions surrounding oral sexual contact with an in­ not responded to other treat­ HPV infection such as how to Ellen Bass fected person. Left untreated, ment. Doctors at some medical prevent transmission in the genital warts may eventually centersalso use laser surgeryto absence of symptoms, what Nationally Known Speaker develop a fleshy cauliflower­ remove genital warts. role certain HPV's play in the like appearance. With support fromNlAID, development of cancer, and speaking on Diagnosis scientists are developing more ways in which HPV infections It is important for a person effective ways to treat genital can be more effectively treated "Supporting Healthy Sexuality" who may have genital warts to warts.Among the more promis- and prevented. Minority Prison Project Saturda Minority Prison Project our brothers and sisters more," y (MPP), a support project for said Prowett. Gay men and women, has in Prison December 1Oth moved its headquarters to (riP), a support program for � Memphis. MPP was formed in Transsexuals and Transvestites 7:30PM Chicago in 1980 and most re­ in prisons,is now beingformed . cently was workingout of Little "We are looking for TV/fS per- �i An Ornament Making Party Rock, Arkansas. sons who areinterested in help. According to MPP founder ing expand this programand for For More Information John Prowen, the MPP "works those who care to write those with Gay men, Lesbians, and TV /fS sisters behind bars." Call Jean at 458-1973 Transpersons." For further information, "We are looking for profes­ write to John PrOwett, 1973 sional and para-professional Sipes, Memphis, TN 38127.

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Mondays Happy Hour 5-8pm Two-for-one Drinks Dance Floor Opens 8pm $3 Beer Blast 8-11pm (Except Halloween) 25¢ Coolers 8-11pm (Except Halloween)

Tuesdays Happy Hour 5-8pm Two-for-one Drinks Dance Floor Opens 8pm $3 Beer Blast 8-11pm 25¢ Coolers 8-11pm Show at 11pm

Wednesdays Happy Hour 5-10pm Two-for-one Drinks Dance Floor Opens 8pm "Claim to Fame" Night $50 Cash Prize to Winner Show at 11pm $4 Cover

Thursdays Happy Hour 5-9pm Two-for-one Drinks Dance Floor Opens 9pm Ladies' Night - $1.50 Beer Blast for Women $3 Beer Blast for Men 8-1lpm 25¢ Coolers 8-11pm

Fridays & Saturdays Happy Hour 5-8pm Two-for-one Drinks Dance Floor Opens 8pm Special Theme Shows 11:30pm $5 Cover

Sundays Happy Hour 5-8pm Two-for-one Drinks Dance Floor Opens 8pm Laid Back Nite & Jock Night $1 Optional Beer Blast for Guys 8-12pm $4 Cover BEST OF EVERYTHING!

...... Special Halloween Events Saturday- October 29 19th Annual Costume Contest $50 Prize to the Winner $25 Prize to 1st Runner-up Special Halloween Show Featuring Pearl Harbor &: the GDI Show-Ghouls

Sunday- October 30 7th Miss Mess Memphis Pageant $100 Prize to Winner $50 Prize to 1st Runner-up Hosted by Melina (Your Lovely DJ) Co-hosted by Leslie Cartier Featuring Miss Mess Memphis 1987 Lana "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" Starr (Once a year Melina comes down out of the DJ booth. to belt out a tune - don't mess it!)

Monday- October 31 Special Tricks &: Treats Galore Show 11pm

on the river 287 S. Front St. 526-1038 • To develop a prevention community empowerment. effort to the health of the com­

model promoting individual • To develop the capacity of munity. and group behavior change minority Gay and bisexual men The grant program is pro­ which includes reinforcing safe to take leadership in their com­ jected to take place over almost sex messages, curbs substance munities and demonstrate an five years, but annual funding NA/BWMT Receives abuse, provides on-going psy­ ethic which says it's a benefitto is not guaranteed throughout chological support, and is car­ the entire community when that period. · AIDS Education Grant ried out in the context of overall people volunteer their time and

The National Association Francisco, and New York­ of Black and White Men To­ while constituting a National gether has been awarded a grant Task Force on AIDS Preven­ Personals Computer Bulletin of $207,737 for AIDS preven­ tion to better coordinate the tion by the Centers for Disease local efforts and extend them to Control (CDC). The grant was all 22 chapters. Board Goes Nationwide formallyannounced on August • To design and conduct a

10 in Atlanta and took effect on survey among BWMT mem­ Gay Memphians can now · night. The discussions in the that date. The initial funding bers and the patrons of minor­ communicate daily with more general "Dialogue" area range ters from Disease runs through April 30, 1989, a ity-oriented Gay bars to gain than 3000 Gay Brothers and from commentary on the latest Control,Trebor Tracks dance period of slightly less than nine information about knowledge, Lesbian Sisters from all across Broadway shows to debates on music lists and user-written months� attitudes and behaviors con­ the U.S. The Personals Com- the upcoming Presidential elec­ erotica. The most impressive NA/BWMT was desig­ cerning AIDS, transmission of puter Bulletin Board of Mem- tion. The other two areas are service is the AIDS Bibliogra­ nated one of 32 national and the virus, and risk reduction phis has recently hooked into a reserved for discussions on phy and Abstract Service regional organizations to re­ practices. nationwide communications AIDS "Survivors" and "Com­ which provides more than 3 ceive grants under a new CDC • To impact chapter mem­ network called GayCom. ing Back" from substance megabytes of references to the initiative called the National bers and the wider circle of all GayCom connects 16 Gay ori- abuse. Thereis also a "net mail" most current AIDS informa­ AIDS Minority Information 22 BWMT/MACT(Men of All ented bulletin boardsfrom coast area for private or personal tion available. and Education program. It is the Colors Together) chapters with to coast every night via The communication with members The Personals operates 24 onlyGay multi-racial organiza­ effective AIDS risk reduction Backroom BBS in New York of otherGayCom systems(for a hours perday as a free service tion to be funded. education, in the form of the City. Other boards are located in 25 cent fee per message sent). to the Memphis Gay commu­ The overall goal of the "Hot, Horny, and Healthy" Boston, Washington, D.C., Over 2000 messages are ex­ nity and can connect to any funded project is to prevent the workshop developedby theLos Tampa, Charlotte, N.C., Wic- changed every month. computer with communica­ spread of HIV infection and ·Angeles chapter and additional hita, San Diego, San Fransisco, GayCom also provides it's tions software and a 300 or equip members to act as effec­ componentsof basic AIDS edu­ Houston,Grand Rapids, Seattle, member boards with a wide 1200 baud modem. Online tive AIDS educators. There are cation. Pittsburgh and 3 cities in New variety of news and informa­ registration is required to gain six interrelated purposes out­ • To develop a set of prin­ Jersey with other cities around tion. Among the hundreds of access to the system. The data lined in the application: ciples for building partnerships the country planned for the fu- files currently available are the phone number is 274-6713.

• To build on the AIDS edu­ at the local level on AIDS in ture. Person with AIDS Coalition You can write for more infor­ cation work done primarily by minority communities that is GayCom provides 3 message Newsletter,NorthernLightsAl­ mation from The Personals, members of four chapters - specific to the varied needs of areas that are "echoed" to all ternative Newsletter, weekly PO Box 40381, Memphis, TN Memphis, Los Angeles, San the chapters. GayCom participants every AIDS statistics from the Cen- 38174.

memphis BLACK&WHITE VOTE MEN TOGETHER. AnInterracial Gay Organization for All People DAVID of Purpose Black and White Men Together of Memphis, Inc. is a Gay interracial organizationcommitted to fostering supportive environments whereinracial and cultural barriers can be overcome and the goal of human equality realized. To these ends, we engage in educational, political, cultural, and socialactivities as means of dealingwith racism , sexism, homophobia,and UPTON otherinequities in our communityand in our lives.

November Calendar Nov. 2 - Pot Luck 7p m- Nick's STATE REPRESENTATIVE Nov. 6.- Board Meeting 1 pm- Ed's DISTRICT90 Nov. 7 & 21- C/R.Group 7:30pm- Irwin's MIDTOWN MEMPHIS Nov. 12- Fall Flash Fling 8pm -Nick's Nov. 17- Sharing & Caring Night 7 pm- Jeff's "WE NEED ADDITIONAL Nov. ·20- Seated Thanksgiving Dinner, RSVP: 327-3753 FUNDING FOR AIDS"_DAVIDUPTON Nov. 24 - · Thanksgiving Coffee & Cake, 6:30pm-Chuck's Nov. 28- General Meeting, 7:30 pm - Peabody Library

For details: Call Nick (327-3753), Ed (452-5894);, Irwin (72&1461) or write BWMT/Memphis, P.O. PAID FOR BY UPTON FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE, CHRIS RAMSEY, TREASURER Box 41773, Memphis, TN 38174 by Lady A.

Wouldn't you know. The major events tbis month turned Midtown. Check the listing in lot of work and promise ahead. out mostly to be of the glitter the Information and Services We werewelcomed with alot of and gleam type. As they (who­ section of this selfsame news­ sincerity by both people we ever "they" are) always say, paper. recognized, or almost recog­ sometimes, what goes around, Respectinr; the traditions of nized, and also by the entire comes around. Now to the organization involved, we gathering. This is basic tothese work...... will say only that there was groups, we could feel it. We morehairspray presentthan we also found ourselves in most TillS IS YOUR LIFE have seen since the 60's, and the unusual company: a room full DEPARTMENT Miss Coon Queen selection was of drag queens who were, one (or, who was that masked no less than hysterical. The and all, completely sober. trophy) facility is large and clean, with a continued on page 12 We have, in our short career as a person, and our infinites­ mal career as a Hedda Hopper Lady Astor and Sofonda Peters caught unawares. Hopeful, been discussed, gos­ siped about, dished, and slan­ dered behind our creamy white thoroughly for an entire show, back on numerous occasions. with only shortbreaks for guest LaRado Leather, Inc. This time, howeve::, was the apper:1tnces. She also �.ad a at the Laureh\ ood Collection firstthat we can recallreceiving great deal to say, toward the a trophy behind our back. end, about many rumours Leave it to Billie Jo Casino to which circulate about her, par­ LADIES & MENS FINE LEATHER once again perform the seem­ ticularly concerning some past APPAREL/ACCESSORI ES episodes in her life and her cur­ ingly impossible. Yes, Nini,we 4615 PO}>L\R .-\\"E .. SUTE 10 did realizethat the annual Billie rent state of health. Her reply �fDlPHIS.T_:\; :lR117 Jo Casino awards were taking was, ''They don't know, but (901) 763-:!7:!� place, we wrote it up (so read Billie Jo knows." To a crowd the column, so read the paper, which had suddenly become Grace). No subtle hint or out­ absolutely silent, she retold a rightlie wasfabricated to make story called "Footsteps" to sure we and our hot cross buns which she added: "Billie Jo will were in attendance. BUT! never be alone." The audience Thanks to the magic of modern was deeply moved and the technology and everyone's crowd surrounding her during penchant for videotaping drag­ her last number completely hid stravaganzas, we saw ev-er-y­ her from the camera. thirig. Oh yes, she did give us one of Billie Jo has waxed creative the tasteful little trophies, tho' overtime for these awards. The we do not know whereto obtain usual categories (bar of the posession of same, at this writ­ year, DJ of the year, etc.) were ing. She was still at a loss what present of course. She had also to call it, even at the show, and tasteful little trophies for the our own person was described Chewing Tobacco Award, the as"the wierdest thing walking" Fish Trapped in a Man's Body and our journalistic efforts as Award, the Bootstrap Award, "nobody understands half of and others. We will let y'all what she says but the bitch sure have the extreme pleasure of does work hard at it." We do hearingrecipients Trixie Thun­ appreciate the recognition, after derpussy, Tommy Stewart and all, she was our predecessor in the staff ofGDI (theseare not in this columnar space. And we do order, we knowbetter than that) recognize a· genuine compli­ explain about the bows and ment when we hear one, even if whys, or Miss Casino will do it is second hand and on vide­ the honors herself far better otape. Thanks, you frizzy, red­ than we can. headed, transphibian, so-and­ Sharon Wray was awarded so, andwe hopeyou have just as Queer of the Year and Miss much to say on many more Crystal Jo was awarded Most occasions. 852 S. COOPER STREET Promising Entertainer, a great MEMPHIS, TN 38104 complimentindeed from anen­ OTHER SIDE OF THE tertainer with as much staying PROVERBIAL COIN power as Billie Jo herself. Let DEPARTMENT (MIDTOWN BETWEEN CENTRAL & YOUNG) us merelyadd thatit couldn'tgo to a nicer person than Crystal, We just barely did make the Trade & Sell Paperbacks and we shareBillie Jo's opinion second major drag-stravaganza of her fine perfonnances and of this month which was an in­ sense of style. house benefit for Lambda Cen­ Open 10.5 Billie Jo posesses her fair ter. Memphis LambdaCenter is Closed Sunday 278-9546 share of chutzpah to single­ a meeting place for 12-step re­ handed! entertain a crowd so covery programs located in · .. Image You walk out your door continuedfrom page 11 cocktails will be served and a Ordering a beer and down the street, CALENDAR FOR THIS sheet is available at the bar for and sitting all alone Not realizing the states MONTH'S BIG HOLIDAY side dish sign-up. Taking a few sips as you're watching your feet. HALLOWEEN, your mind starts to roam. HALLOW'EEN, WINGS will hold a fun­ Finally, you stop ·sAMHAIN, draiser CLUB NIGHT with a Watching the ripples Looking all around, ALL HALLOWS EVE TURKEY RAFFLE on No­ from your tears in your beer, Noticing that somehow (take your choice) vember 12 at the PIPELINE. You wonder what the HEU it's the other side of town. October 29: By the by, congratulations to are you doing here. • Halloween Costume Contest WINGS for carrying off the Searching your pockets As your eyes move at GDI ON THE RIVER first place trophy for club par­ there's some loose change, October 30: ticipation at the SHOW ME 15 to the mirror behind the bar, Looking up to see the logo You see a familiar face • PWA Benefit Camp Show run held by the GATEWAY in with the same familiar name. with the same old scar at the PIPELINE CLUB St. Louis. Members • Miss Mess Memphis at of TSAR US and WOMEN OF Slowly opening the door GDI ON THE RIVER LEATHER carried off several You strain a little harder you walk inside, and finally you see, • Dallas Revue-Leather and other honors. Yea, Memphis! Glancing very quickly That the face staring back Lace at WKRB from side to side. • Masquerade Ball and Con­ VETERAN"S DAY, No­ is the face belonging to me. test at the APARTMENT vember 11, will find a special Everyone is watching October 31: UNIFORM NIGHT (this so you find a stool, Stacy Sharbel • Special Show and Costume means full uniform) at the Sitting by yourself at ANOTHER BAR PIPELINE with the support of Contest and feeling like a fool. •Halloween Fiasco at TSARUS members and also a WKRB IN MEMPHIS new group of MALE DANC­ • Halloween Show and Cos- . ERS called FIRST CLASS at tume Contest at J-WAG'S ANOTHER BAR for a mid­ OPEN THE DOOR TO YOUR FUTURE • Costume Party and Contest night show. at the PIPELINE • A quiet place to get away ANOTHER BAR'S parking from it all would be problems appear to have been BARBARA'S. solved. Do not park at Sears, but written permissionhas been THIS MONTH'S obtained to use the Furniture DEFINITION Center lot nearby. DEPARTMENT PAGEANT: An elaborate MISS J-WAG'S was se­ and colorful public spectacle. lected even while this paper was Truer words were never being put together. Lisa DeSa­ spoke. voy came in first, followed closely by Dee Dee Whitaker WOMAN ON THE and Sofonda Peters. Less than 3 JOIN THE MEMPHIS GAY COALIT'ION STREET DEPARTMENT. percentage points separated the Clip and mail to: MGC, P.O. Box 3038, Memphis, TN 38173-0038 APHRODITE'S next bene­ three. N�E ------fit THAT'S ENTERTAIN- ADDRESS

· The MEMPHIS GA� COA­ MENT VII will take place at CITY STATE ZIP ------WKRB on November 13. LITION will host a community THANKSGIVING DINNER PHONE I'd Like to Join the Coalition as: A THANKSGIVING COV­ on the above named day. Side ____ A Contributing Member ($5.00) ERED DISH DINNER will dishes are pot luck, turkey plus ____ A Subscribing Member ($8.00,lndudes a subscription to Gau) beginat 4 PM at the PIPELINE trimmings will be provided. ___ A Sustaining Member ($20.00,Includes a subscri_ption to Gaze) on Thanksgiving day. It will be ____ A Household (2 People) ($35.00, lndudes a subscription to Gaze) hosted, and the turkeyprovided No soapboxthis month, just by Dougand the Pipeline.Wine Ta, ta. Lady A.

ME:MPH-15 CE:NTE:R fOR RE:PRODUCTI\1€ H-E:ALTH- A Com�lete Leather Shop Shop Hours Non-profitFeminist Health Clinic 12N- 8 PM Offering A a Full Range Of Gynecological Care Tuesday - Saturday

1462 Poplar at McNeil

· Memphis,Tennessee 38104 (901) 274-3550 There never seemsto be enough Margaret Featherstone, a play­ time or space to tell you about all wright, and Amy Dudley, a myste­ REVELlTIOIS: the really good books that we re­ rious and talented actress. Mean­ ceive for review. Here are some of while, the various personal and A collection of room we took for the night. Tom ography of Gay," into adventures the latest releases: professional struggles of the gay male ran around in his shorts preparing as diverse as the secret haunts of King's Company are revealed for his shower. I had showered famous writers to the food dubbed Surprising Myself by through the multi-dimensioned stories first, and was now in my pajamas "Lesbian Stew" recommended for

Christopher Bram, pub­ personalities of Mr. Cary, the di­ and already in one of the beds , the the temporarilybereft, from explo­ l_ished by Henry Holt and rector and owner; Elizabeth Hill, one closest to the shower. When ration of a notorious bar to learning Co, $8.95. the beautiful lead player; Tom finished in the bathroom he to live soberly. Margaret's African servant turned off the light, putting the Leetells us, "Gay children flare "Surprising Myselfis the bril­ Kicharuzi; and, of course, Marga­ roomin total blackness. He walked up everywhere, stronger than reli­ liantly realized debut novel of one ret and Amy. Beyond the challenge around my bed, patting me on the gion and law andviolence" and that of America's most promising of maintaining their illicit relation­ belly, and got into the other bed. It "I wanted to spendmy life writing young writers. It is a story aboutre­ ship, the women grapple with the was then that I realized what I had from my heart in a way that will lationships. Betweena young man choice of fulfilling love or ambi­ set up. Tom was the decision enhance the lives of my readers." edited by Wayne Curtis and his father. Between the father tion. Despite their intimacy, Amy maker, the doer. I wanted him to Take this journey with Lee and his ex-wife. Betweena mother doesnot reveal her troubled past to make the decision to climb in my along The Amazon Trail."- from and her children. Between the chil­ Margaret - and her abrupt disap­ Revelations:A Collection of bed... and start something. He had the book jacket. dren. And most important,between pearancewounds her lover deeply. Gay Male Coming Out started something all right. His two young men. Beginning with To assuage the pain, Margaret re­ Stories, Alyson Publica­ hand on my stomach had brought a their initial discovery of each other turns to "the strange, lonely world tions$7.95 quick erection. I turned to his side and proceeding by a series of deft of invention" to write her finest of the room, relieving some of the twists and turns to a dramatic and play. The new work demands an In celebration of National pressure against the covers, and I very moving conclusion, Bram exceptional actress, and bothCary Coming Out Day, Alyson Publica­ began to shiver as myinner warmth evokes with great elegance of style and Margaret determine it must be tions has published a collection of tried to dissipate itself. My teeth the love that grows between two Amy. The search for her moves stories entitled Revelations: began to chatter and I felt I had to special people and the adversity rapidly toward the stunning and The following are excerptsfrom offer some explanation. they must jointly overcome.Some­ well-Crafted denouement. Even if two of the stories in the collection: ''I'm cold," I said. "It's cold in times innocent and dreamlike, the pieces of this first novel fit too "Ocean Park," Gary M. Spahl, here. That drink didn't warm me sometimes raunchy and wicked, neatly, the reader is thoroughly Boston, Massachusetts: up." this always entertaining tale i� an charmed by Sturtevant's elegant "I tried to find a good place to There was silence. Then Tom's affecting portrait not soon to be prose and carefully conceived start - a key transitional phraseor a deep, soft, stained-glass voice forgotten." - fromthe book jacket. Characters." Publisher's Weekly brief lapse, My head spun with came from the darkness, "Do you "An extremely impressive per­ fears and hope and scenarios. Out­ want to come over here?" formance by a writer whose author­ Lesbian Crossroads by side, my body kept talking and lis­ Waiting for a couple of beats, ity and grace make him feel like Ru,ih Baetz, Naiad Press, tening and gesturing. Inside, my knowing well my reply but not the someone we should all have been $9.95 blood ran cold ... hot..cold. My feet magnitude of the step I would be enjoying for a long time. Bram's went numb, then my hands, then making, an electrical charge sud­ senseof characters runsas surely as "Ruth Baetzand her lover live in my feet again. She talked, I lis­ denly bolted me out of my place. I UnbrokenTies: LesbianEx­ the inevitabilities of what happens the Pacific Northwest where they tened. I talked, she listened. Ocean could not have resisted. LoversbyCaroiS.Becker,PhD, to them. His sense of sex is fraught are avid nature lovers, feminist Park disappeared.The Atlantic dis­ "Yes, I do." Alyo�.NJ�icatimi,$7.95 with discovery. Surprising Myself activists, and homebodies. Ruth appeared. Breathing became diffi­ I opened his covers and placed is filled with deft, incisive ironies has a private therapypractice in Se­ cult Every cell screamed with myself on top of him between out­ "In 1983, Carol Becker ended a that are often as funny as they attle where she specializes in anxiety. My heart pounded furi­ stretched arms... " five-year relationship. 'My lover are ...surprising." - Tom Steele, women's issues and counseling ously. Throat and lungs swelled and I had sat with friends during Christopher Street. Lesbians. She also gives work­ with unspoken words, waiting for The Amazon Trail by Lee their breakups,"she writes, "but the shops on counseling Lesbians, release and acceptance - bracing Lynch, Naiad Press, $8.95 end of my own relationshipfelt like coming out to parents, meeting for hurtand anger. The beer wasn't being cutloose on an uncharted sea your inner child, etc. cold. It wasn't warm. It wasn't wet "For four years Lee Lynch's of pain.' As a part of her recovery, Ruth met her frrst lover in col­ or dry. I chugged like a madman, I syndicated column 'The Amazon Becker decided to chart that sea. lege and lived with her for five talked, I listened. She talked, she Trail' has been appearing in Les­ "Through nearly one hundred years in a very closeted relation­ listened. The sailboats hung pre­ bian and Gay papers from coast to stOries and interviews, Becker - ship. When that love affair ended, cariously on the edge of every­ coast.Now, at last. it is available to also a psychotherapist - hastraced Ruth turned to her community for thing. her wide audience of Lesbian read­ the emotional trauma of a couple's love andsupport. Asshe worked to It came from nowhere, from ers who have been following her breakup, the stages of recovery, learnabout living openly as aLes­ everywhere. We were talking work in Toothpick House, Old andthe differing ways these former bian, she beganto realize that these aboutrelationships - whose I can't Dyke Tales, The Swashbuckler, lovers stayed in contact with each steps to community, life and remember. It just fell into the con­ Homeln YourHands,and her latest other. She finds the end of a rela­ wholeness must be taken by every versation., unannounced, un­ novel, Dusty's Queen of Hearts tionship can be a time of positive Lesbian no matter what circum­ planned, unexpected. Diner. personal growth, helping avoid stances compel her "coming out." " ... Yeah, like, I've been seeing Leecovers the Lesbian and Gay destructive behavior in the future. Ruth interviewed over eighty this guy for a couple of months scene from coast to coast, from Former lovers can alsoserve as the women and finally chose fifteen now, and sometimes you just gotta inside our bookstores to inside our foundation for alternative family from widely varying backgrounds take things as they are." bars, from campfrre to coven to groups, strengthening our commu­ to make up the women of Lesbian From the ocean, I watched careers, into and out of love. Grow­ nity and our ability to care for one A Mistress Moderately Crossroads . myself say the words. From the ing up Lesbian and being openly another." - from the book jacket. Fair by Katherine Stur­ These women share their per­ gazebo, I heard myself say them. and proudly Lesbian for thirty If any of theseboo ks has capture tevant, Alyson Publica­ sonal lives in intimate detail in the What was I doing? Not like that. years and the rich perspective that your fancy, you can obtain them tions, $8.95. pages of Lesbian Crossroads, be­ Not without a preface, a warning. comes from "the GoodLife;" just from the following: Alyson Publi­ "Within the colorful andhistori­ coming, in fact, a part of the com­ Not just thrown into the middle of a one of the many sections of this cations, 40 Plympton St, Boston, cally accurate romp through 17th munity of every Lesbian's Life. conversation. You blew it!" delightful, sobering, fascinating, MA 02118; The Naiad Press, Box century London's theatre district, An exciting, richly rewarding "My .Foolish Heart" by Way- and enriching collection. 10543, Tallahassee, FL 32302;

muddy streetsand stimulating cof­ reading experience! A roadmap • land Harper, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl­ Follow Lee from 'The Good Henry Holt & Co, 115 West 18th fee houses, a sensitive romance leading to your own people."- from vania Life" through "Gay Lit," "Por­ St, NY, NY 10011. develops between two women - the book jacket "The- twin beds filled the small traits,""Gay Rites," and "TheGe- sex, when the obvious physical, place so much emphasis on sex? few happy heterosexuals. Tech­ biological, and tempermental 14. With all the societal niques have been developed differences between you are so . support marriage receives, the with which you might beable to Thrnabout is Fair Play vast? How can a man under­ divorce rate is spiraling. Why change if you really want to. stand what pleases a woman are there so few stable relation­ Have you considered aversion sexually, or vice versa? ships among heterosexuals? therapy? Quiz for Heterosexuals 13. Why do heterosexuals 15. There seem to be very The following question- closed your heterosexual ten­ naire, turning the same ques- dencies. How did they react? tions back on those who usually 8. Your ask them, has been circulated doesn't offend me so long as for over 20 years. It is being you don't try to force it on me. reprinted here in response to Why do you feel compelled to the many requests we have re- seduce others to your sexual ceived for it. orientation? alone. You can find help and 1. What do you think 9. If you choose to nurture support by contacting ATEAC, caused your heterosexuality? children, would you want them continued from page 2 the AIDS Switchboard, Gay · 2. When and how did you to beheterosexual, knowing the no right to, for � have the Switchboard, or me. You can Gaze firstdecide you wereheterosex- problems they would face? rightto tell the people� want write to me at P.O. Box 3038. ual? 10. The great majority of to. HIV Positive Will soon be 3. Is it possible your hetero- child molesters are heterosex­ (5) Who needs to know? All (Just a Number) sexuality is just a phase you ual. Do you really consider it of the above and none of the [Editor's note: There is no featuring a legal may grow out of? safe to expose your children to above. I believe after reading evidence that AIDS is transmit­ column 4. Is it possibleyour hetero- heterosexual teachers? the last answers to the above ted sexually through Lesbian sexuality stems from a neurotic 11. Why do you insist on question, you will know who sexual aciivities. Gay women What topics would fear of others of the same sex? being so obvious, and making a you need to tell. have the lowest rate ofsexually you like to see 5. Isn't it possible that all public spectacleof your hetero­ I cann ot stress to you transmitteddisease of any iden­ you need is a good Gay lover? sexuality? Can't you just be enough that if you are a Gay tifiable group. Exclusively Les­ discussed? 6. Heterosexuals have his- what you are and keep quiet male or or IV drug user, bian, non-IV drug users are not Write: tories of failures in Gay rela- about it? it is important that you get the consideredto be at risk for HIV Susan Mackenzie tionships. Do you think you 12. How can you enjoy a HIV test done. If you are posi­ and therefore are not particu­ c/o Box 3038 may have turned to heterosexu- fully satisfying sexual experi­ tive, remember you are not larly encouraged to be-tested.] ality out of fear of rejection? ence or deep emotional rapport Memphis,TN 38173- 7. To whom have you dis- with a person of the opposite 0038

According to Tommy Ste­ Miss J-Wag's wart, J-Wag's owner, less than Chosen three points separated the win­ ners. Lisa DeSavoy walked away The pageant was produced with top honorsin the first-ever by Trixie Thunderpussy who Miss J-Wag's contest Oct. 24. also served as emcee. Scores First and Second Runners-up were kept by members of were Dee Dee Whitaker and Wings. One of the judges, Soforida Peters respectively. Peaches, brought the house Sofonda won the Miss Conge­ down on a capacity crowd of niality award. over 200.

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14 "I Killed Her For Love" The Mitchell-Ward Affair - 1892

Compiled by Vincent Astor the relationship was forbidden inseparable companion of Freda by Freda's older sister, Alice Ward, the attractive young This story was originally knew nothing else to do but to daughter of a Memphis me­ published in the November, carry out the pact chanic. The two girlsdid every­ 1975, issue ofGaiety Newspa­ It was January 25, 1892, and thing together,it was noted,and per as the second installmentin the "Gay Nineties" in Memphis when a person saw one of the the "Memphis Gay History" had just been marked with a girls,he always saw the other. series. WrittenbyFredHarris, tragic homosexual love-slaying. Late in 1890, Freda moved edited byGary Poe. The incident immediately drew with her parents and sister to the rapt attention of the entire Gold Dust, Tennessee, up the Part 1 nation and was later called Mississippi River from Mem­ Snow glistened on the "Memphis' most interesting phis. She and Alice corre­ ground that cold January after­ murder." sponded regularly exchanging ' noon as the buggy containing During the following such endearments as "You are two young women raced along months, page one headlines my own sweet love" and "Dar­ Front Street At Front and across the country revealed de­ ling of my life." Madison, just north of the post tails of the case to a fascinated In February of 1891, Alice office,the vehicle jerked to a public. Stories in the New York wrote Freda three letters asking Ward, discovered it and for­ status within the community, stop and the rider,Alice Mitch­ Times, the now defunct Mem­ to marry her. Freda consented bade Fredato write, see, or have the two girls' familieswere able ell,19, leaped out and ran down phis Public Ledger, and a 1930 and Alice sent her an engage­ anything to do with Alice. to obtain first class legal coun­ the bluff toward the riverboat Commercial Appeal feature ar­ ment ring, which Freda wore. Freda did manage to send Alice sel. Alice Mitchell was de­ landing. ticle on the case by Paul Cop­ The women then joyously a furtive note which read,"Dear fended by two of Memphis' Near the lliinois Central pock still exist to provide infor­ planned their marriage by mail Alice; I love you and always most prominent attorneys, railroad track, Alice caught up mation today. an<;t said, "Oh, how happy we will, but I have been forbidden General Luke E. Wright and with her "closest friend," Freda Alice Mitchell was the will be when we are married." to speakto you and must obey." Colonel George Gantt. Lillie Ward,17, who was going to daughter of a prominent and Despite difficulties,the wed­ Distraught beyond words, Johnson was represented by board the steamer "Ora Lee" wealthy Memphis furniture ding plans progressed and the Alice then resolved to act out Malcolm "Ham" Patterson, a with her sister,and slashed her dealer who belonged to the two women finally decided to the pledge they had made ear­ young lawyer who would later throat from ear to ear with a Tennessee Oub and moved in elope in August, 1891. Freda lier. On January 25, 1892,she become the attorney general, a razor blade before several the city's best social circles. would flee from Gold Dust to located Fredaleaving Memphis U.S. Congressman and gover­ startled witnesses.' Educated at Miss Higbee's Memphis, while Alice planned aftera shopping trip and carried nor of Tennessee. Later that evening, after her school,Alice was indoctrinated to cut her hair short,dress like a out the fatal promise. The judge in the case was arrest,Alice said that she loved with the traditional values of the man,and take the name Alvin J. Four days later,a grand jury Judge Julius J. DuBose, who Freda desperately, wanted to era, Ward. They then hoped to have charged Miss Mitchell and her was even. then viewed as an marry her, and could not live Unlike other ladies in her Alice's pastor at Grace Church companion in the buggy, Lillie eccentric and was later im­ without her. Long ago, they position, however, Alice marry them, after which they Johnson,with first degreemur­ peached. had made a compact that if they showed no interest in young would move to St. Louis. der. Miss Johnson was indicted Meanwhile,Freda Ward was should ever be separated,they men,even after reachingadoles­ Before they could carry out because Alice reportedly told buried in Elmwood Cemetery should. kill each other. After cence. Instead, she became the this scheme, Freda's sister, Jo Lillie to "wait here till I go and by huge throngs of mourners, fix her" as she left the buggy the Ledger reported, and her and afterwards Llllle had taken grave completely covered by Alice from the scene of the flowers. murder. To be continued next month Because of their wealth and RATES FOR CLASSIFIEDS: Per­ GWM,28, clean, straight-acting hol, smoke, drugs, ferns,bars. If ity,intelligence and ambitionto My interest - quiet dinners,long sonal, non-commercial ads FREE. professional. Seeks same,21-30 you're this straight-acting man, be a success if given the proper walks, romantic evenings, Limit of 30 words (including ad­ for Roommate/Friend to share 2 I want to meet you. Reply to support and guidance, send warm cuddly nights by the fire­ dress or phone number) and a Bdrm, House/Apt in Midtown. Greg, Box 3038, Dept llG, photo and brief resume (please place. Seeking GWM, 25-35, $2.00charge for the use ofourP.O. For more details come by or Memphis, TN 38173-0038. don't waste your time if it won't must bewilling to have a gentle Box. Please specify ifyou want to write: Jim,2091 #B Union Ave, check out). Your phone number learning and lasting monoga­ use our P.O. Box. Commercial ads 38104.Private entrance upstairs Are you looking for a comfort­ with address will be discreetly mous relationship. Need to be are charged at the rate of 20¢ per in back. Serious only please. No able and respectable place to called immediately. I need a financially secure, discreet, word, $3.00 minimum. Phone hustlers. Must be dependable live? Would you enjoy sharing partner,friend,and lover,not a straight-acting. Serious replies numbers and zip codes are free. and honest. Let's be friends and a two-story duplex with two possession and have a lot to only. Your photo gets mine. $2.00 additional charge for the use enjoy the holid�ys together. "straight-acting" GWMs? Rent offer - if you do too, let's _ex­ Reply to: J.T., P.O. Box of ourP .0. Box. Deadline for adsis is negotiable - includes every­ plore the possibilities, travel 750921, Memphis,TN 38175. the 15th of each month. Send to Roommate: East Memphis. thing! Write DK, Box 111262, expenses on me. Reply to: Gaze, Box 3038, Memphis, TN Straight-acting, WM, 35 to Memphis, TN 38111. Please Minton, Apt 150, 10710 Ken­ Lonely Inmate, WM, 25. Are 38173-0038. share 2BR apt. Hickory Hill include your telephone number. wood Road, Cincinnati, OH you tired of games? I am! area. Serious only,363-1492. 45242. Please enclose stamp. Eddie & Ozark Bed Breakfast. Quiet, GWM, needs honest, sincere, Stahl #21101, P.O. Box 208, wooded setting in historic area. Interested in meeting a GWM, loving protege who likes to Seeking artistic individuals Indian Springs, NV 89070 GreenwoodHollow Ridge,Rte 18,140#, with brownish-blonde travel,fits into a straight crowd wishing to express themselves 4-Box 155, (501) 253-5283, hair and blue eyes? Call Michael and wants a secure andprosper­ in floral art. Call 755-0021 or GWM, 26, 6', 165#, br/bl, AR Eureka Springs, 72632. at 901 853-2947. · ous future. I am early SO's but 756-4571. Salary open. straight-looking, progressive look -younger, have a mascu­ professional seeks a group of HOT ALL-MALE PHONE GWM, 32, 6'1", 165#, looking line, muscular, healthy body, GWM, 21, 5'10", 135#, Blue/ same to run droundwit,h. Enjoy ACTION,every scene,choose for character and integrity in a am clean cut, slim, and hand­ Brown, slender build. New to modem music, arts, safe sex. live or recordings. Have valid professional, attractive, single, s-ome. If you're over 21, clean Memphis area. Me=financially No ferns. All inquiries an­ Visa or MCready. 1-800-441- GWM, 28-48, in great physical cut, masculine, muscular, secure, loving, discreet, swered. Reply to: Dept 11 M, LUST. condition. No casual sex, alco- healthy,and have the personal- straight-acting, very huggable. Box 3038 , Memphis, TN 38173-0038 & The Information an.dServices Human Response Council: Tennessee Gay Lesbian HELP LINES Barbara's: 1474 Madison directory is printed as a public PWA services-275-3536. Task Force:P.O . Box 24446 , 278-4313. service and its listings are free. Kinship: Seveth Day Advent­ Nashville, TN 37202-4446. AIDS Switchboard: 458- GDI on the River: 287 S. Front Agencies and businesses listed ist Gay religious group. P. O. Memphis contact: Rick Bray - AIDS. Stre et- 526-1038. be hereiri have requested to Box 171135 ,Memphis 38187- 274-0454. Gay Switchboard: 324- J-Wags: 1268 Madison- 725- listed but have not been 1135 - 754-6160. Transexuals in Prison (TIP): GAYS. 1909. charged. Memphis Center for Repro­ For information: JohnProwett, LINC: 725-8895. Pipeline: 1382 Poplar - 726- MEMPHIS ductive Health: 1462 Poplar 1973 Sipes, Memphis 38127. Narcotics Anonymous: 276- 5263. ORGANIZATIONS Ave, Memphis 38104 - 274- Tsarus:(Leather-Levi club) LIVE. WKRB in Memphis: 1528 3550. Box 41082 , Memphis 38174- Rape Crisis:528-2161. Madison- 278-9321. Aid to End AIDS Committee Memphis Gay Coalition: Box 1082. Suicide & Crisis Interven­ (ATEAC): Box 40389 , Mem­ 3038 , Memphis 38173-0038, - Wings:(Leather-Levi club) tion: 274-7477. MISCELLANEOUS phis 38174-0389 - 762-8401 , 324-GAYS. Box 41784 , Memphis 38174- 458- AIDS. Memphis Lambda Center: 1784. COUNSELING SERVICES Airport Adult Theatre: 2214 Agape New Life Church: Meeting place for 12- step re­ Women of Leather: 181 N. Becky Caperton, MS: Coun­ Brooks Rd E.- 345-0657. AM WorshipSundays at11:00 covery programs. 241 N. Willett,Memphis 38104- 726- seling -327-9758 The Book Mart: 852 S. Cooper and Wednesdays at 7:30PM- Cleveland (above UnitedPa. int 5263 . Carole Taylor, MS: Counsel­ - 278-9546. 327-4145. Store),Memphis- 276-7379 . ing- 458-7098. Cherokee Adult Book Store: American Gay Atheists Minority Prison Project · MEDIA Northeast Mental Health 2947 Lamar- 744-7494. Memphis: Box 41371 , Mem­ (MPP): For information: John Center: 382-3880. Fantasy World: 1814 Win­ phis 38174-1371. Prowett,1973 Sipes,Memphis AIDS Update: newspaper chester- 346-2086. & Black White Men 38127. published by the Aid to End LEGAL SERVICES Getwell Book Mart: 1275 Together: Box 41773 , Mem­ Mystic Krewe of Aphrodite: AIDS Committee - 458- AIDS. Getwell- 454-7765. phis 38174 - 327-3753 , 452- Box 41822 , Memphis 38174- Gay Alternative: radio pro­ Susan Mackenzie, Attorney Getwell Adult Book Store: 5894 , or726-1461. 1822. gram, Mon. 6:00-7:00 PM, At Law: 147 Jefferson Ave., 1617 Getwell- 745-9054. WEVL: FM Gay and Lesbian Parents National Organization for 90 - Box 41773 , Suite 909 , Memphis 38103- Men of Leather: 1266 Madi­ Coalition, Inc. of Memphis: Women (NOW): Box 40982 , Memphis 38174. 2218 -,527-8890 . son- 722-8963. P. O. Box 40982 , Memphis Memphis 38104. Gaze: monthly newspaper: Paris Adult Entertainment & & 38174-0982. Parents Friends of Lesbi­ published by the MemphisGay RESTAURANTS BARS Center: 2432 Summer - 323- Gay Athletic Association: ans And Gays (P-FLAG): Coalition - Box 3038 , Mem­ 2665. Bowling, volleyball, camping, P. O. Box 172031 , Memphis phis 38l73-0038 - 454-1411. Another Bar: 1351 Autumn - Star Search Video: 1264 and more. Box 22914 , Mem­ 38187-2031 - 761-1444. The Personals: Gay Computer 278-9353. Madison - 272-ST AR. phis38122 - 744-0575. Phoenix (Gay AA): 272-9549 , Bulletin Board - 300 or 1200 Apartment: 343 Madison - Tobacco Corner Newsroom: Gay Women's Social Group: 276-7379 , or454-1414. baud- 274-6713. 525-9491. 669 Mendenhall Rd S. - 682- 324-6949 or 377-7312. 3326 & 1803 Union- 726-1622.

GAY COMMUNITY· THANKSGIVING DINNER Thursday, November 24 � 4-6 pm ...... , r:. 689 Melrose (ATEAC Offices)

The Memphis Gay Coalition invites you to join with other members of the Gay community to celebrate Thanksgiving. MGC will provide the turkey... YOU supply the rest.

Bring a side dish, a salad, some bread, a vegetable, or a dessert and share it. with your friends. A MemphisGay Coalition