Guide to the Records, 1975-2005. Collection Number: 7712

Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections Cornell University Library

Contact Information: Compiled Date EAD Date Division of Rare and by: completed: encoding: modified: Manuscript Collections Brenda February 2007 Peter Martinez Jude Corina, 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Marston, Rima and Evan Fay June 2015 Cornell University Turner Earle, February Ithaca, NY 14853 2007 (607) 255-3530 Sarah Keen, Fax: (607) 255-9524 January 2008 [email protected] Sarah Keen, June 2009 Christine Bonilha, October 2010- April 2011 Bailey Dineen, February 2014

© 2007 Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library

DESCRIPTIVE SUMMARY Title: Human Rights Campaign records, 1975-2005. Collection Number: 7712 Creator: Human Rights Campaign (U.S.). Quantity: 109.4 cubic feet Forms of Material: Correspondence, Financial Records, Photographs, Printed Materials, Publications Repository: Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library Abstract: Project files, correspondence, financial and administrative records, subject files, press clippings, photographs, and miscellany that, taken together, provide a broad overview of the American movement for , , , and bisexual rights starting in 1980. HRC(F)'s lobbying, voter mobilization efforts, and grassroots organizing throughout the are well documented, as are its education and outreach efforts and the work of its various units that have served as think tanks: the Human Rights and Health Fund, The Triangle Institute (TTI), and the HRC Foundation. Language: Collection material in English

Organizational History HRCF/HRC Leaders: Steve Endean, HRC founder and Treasurer (1980-1983) Executive Director (1983-1989) Executive Director Tim McFeeley (1989-1995) Executive Director Elizabeth Birch (1995-2004) President (2004) Interim Director Hilary Rosen (2004) President Joe Solmonese (2005-present) Foundation The Human Rights Campaign Fund (HRCF) was founded by Stephen Endean in 1980 as the United States' first gay and lesbian political action committee (PAC). Like other PACs, it started raising and contributing money to the campaigns of candidates likely to advance the group's interests. In its case, the mission was to advocate for gay and lesbian civil rights "by supporting and educating candidates for federal elective office." 1 The organization was created partly in response to the successes of anti-gay groups, including the Moral Majority and the National Conservative Political Action Committee. In July 1980, HRCF registered with the Federal Election Commission and in November 1980, HRCF made its first campaign contribution to Jim Weaver, D-Ore., who defeated his Moral Majority-supported opponent. HRCF aggressively pursued "the goal of basic human rights through modern political methods" and wanted to help "bring the gay movement into the mainstream of the American political process." 2 Distinctly bipartisan from its beginning, an early brochure explained, "The Campaign Fund's mission is simple: to provide financial support on behalf of the gay and lesbian community to candidates of both parties, Republicans and Democrats, who pledge their support of gay civil rights legislation."3 In its early years, HRCF got the support of famous activists and cultural celebrities, including Tennessee Williams, Joan Baez, Cesar Chavez, and Gloria Steinem. The organization was officially incorporated in the District of Columbia as a non- profit political committee on April 14, 1982. The incorporators of the organization were Steve Endean, Gilberto Gerald, and Farley Peterson. The initial Board of Directors at the time of incorporation were Virginia Apuzzo, Jerry Berg, John Campbell, Dallas Coors, Steve Endean, Gilberto Gerals, Ethan Geto, Rev. Elder Jerri Ann Harvey, Jim Hormel, Paul Kuntzler, Bettie Naylor, Lois Galgay Reckitt, Jerry Weeler, and Kerry Woodward.4 In September 1982, HRCF held its first large fund raising dinner at the Waldorf Astoria, featuring former Vice President Walter Mondale. Throughout its history, HRC annual dinners have been a staple of the organization's fundraising apparatus. As a result of effective fundraising techniques, during the November 1982 election cycle HRCF managed to raise nearly $600,000 and contributed $140,000 to 119 congressional candidates, 81% of whom won their races.5 Following the 1982 election, HRCF became the 17th largest independent political action committee in the United States.6 In 1987, they raised more than $1,360,000.7 In 2005, donors contributed a record $35.9 million.8 Gay Rights National Lobby In November 1985, HRCF merged with the Gay Rights National Lobby. The Gay Rights National Lobby (GRNL) had been incorporated in the District of Columbia on August 15th, 1976. According to the articles of incorporation, GRNL was created for "the purpose of lobbying, at the Federal government level, for civil rights and other Federal legislation pertinent to gay people."9 The original incorporators of the organization were Roy Birchard, R. Adam DeBaugh, Franklin E. Kameny, Paul J. Kuntzler, and Richard G. Maulsby. At its inception, GRNL's founders expressed their intention to focus on areas of concern for the gay and lesbian community "including, but not limited to, public and private employment, housing, the use of public accommodations, licensure, immigration and naturalization, taxation, the Armed Services, and the criminal code."10 In 1978, after moving to Washington, D.C. from Minnesota, Steve Endean became the executive director of GRNL. During its nine year history, GRNL focused on several legislative issues on the federal level, lobbying for the passage of a lesbian/gay civil rights bill, increased AIDS funding, and the revision of immigration laws to remove provisions discriminating against gay and lesbian immigrants. In 1982, GRNL became one of the first gay and lesbian organizations to be admitted to the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, a "broad coalition of religious, labor, women's, and minority groups working on civil rights at the federal level."11In 1982, after extensive negotiations between GRNL and officials from the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), delegates at the AFSCME convention approved an endorsement of gay civil rights legislation at all levels of government.12 In 1983, conflicts with other activists, including the Advocate publisher David B. Goodstein, led to Endean's resignation from both HRC and the Gay Rights National Lobby. In 1985, after accumulating a large financial debt, GRNL merged with the Human Rights Campaign Fund to ensure the survival of GRNL's mission and maximize the effectiveness of both organizations.13 Think Tank: Right to Privacy Foundation The Right to Privacy Foundation (RPF) was incorporated on July 14th, 1981, and its first President was Steve Endean, who had also served as first president of GRNL. The organization was incorporated by Steve Endean, Franklin Kameny, and Rev. Lawrence Uhrig. Endean, Uhrig, and Kameny also served as the organization's first Board of Directors. In April 1983, RPF's Board of Directors included Rev. Don Eastman, Doug Elwood, Stephen Endean, Meryl Friedman, Nath Rockhill and Tony Silvestre. According to the articles of incorporation, the purpose of RPF was to "engage in research, sponsor research and publish educational materials concerning the public policy implications of on the basis of ." 14 In a press release from GRNL announcing the creation of the organization, the author describes the importance of RPF's mission, asserting that "there is no single organization devoted solely to providing the unique educational research service required to effectively address the public policy questions surrounding national legislation of concern to and ."15 Though RPF's history was brief, the organization conducted extensive research on anti-discrimination in employment, the federal Gay Civil Rights Bill, and HIV/AIDS discrimination. The organization essentially functioned as a think- tank, analogous to large conservative organizations like the Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, and the Free Congress Foundation, the bipartisan Brookings Institution, and the progressive People for the American Way. Records of the Right to Privacy Foundation from 1981 to 1989 are part of the Human Rights Campaign Records. In some ways, the RPF was a predecessor to the Human Rights Campaign's educational endeavors. Educational Units of the HRC: Human Rights and Health Fund/The Triangle Institute (TTI)/Human Rights Campaign Foundation In October 1986, HRCF expanded its organizational activities with the creation of the Human Rights and Health Fund, a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization that supports the work of HRC through research, educational efforts and outreach. This branch of HRCF was "formed for the charitable and educational purposes of conducting research and educating the public on the social, economic, and health issues gay men and lesbians."16 In March 1988, HRHF officially changed its name to The Triangle Institute (TTI). During its early years, HRHF/TTI was engaged in several major projects. The electoral research project (ERP), was one of the organization's first projects. According to one information packet distributed by the organization, the ERP's objective was to "explore the impact of gay rights and AIDS related issues on voting behavior and candidates for elective office." Another major project of HRHF/TTI was the MEDPAC project, focused on reliable information dissemination related to the AIDS crisis. According to a Board of Director's report from May 1988, "MEDPAC is a press packet which provides up-to-the-minute, authoritative, and comprehensive coverage of medical aspects of the AIDS crisis. Its distribution is to medical, legislative, service provider, funding, and other personnel who need such information but may not have ready access to it."17 HRHF/TTI also advocated for and facilitated the creation of academic and professional gay and lesbian caucus networks. In 1993, when the National Day Project (NCOD) merged with the HRCF, NCOD became part of TTI. In 1995, TTI became the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. In 2006, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation was engaged in several projects related to research, public education and programming. These projects included the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Outreach Program, the Family Project, the Workplace Project, the National Coming Out Project, the Religion and Faith Program, and the HRC Research Institute.18 While some analysts have observed that "there is a frustrating division in the progressive world between organizations that do grassroots or community organizing and those that do analysis and policy development,"19 HRC has focused substantial attention in both directions. In 1995, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force also took this step and formalized its research activities by forming the NGLTF Policy Institute, a separate, non-profit organization to serve as a national information clearinghouse and resource center dedicated to educating and organizing around lesbian and gay men's issues. People for the American Way, formed in 1980, is another example of a large progressive organization tackling both political and research functions. Fairness Fund/Speak Out In January 1988, HRCF further increased the scope of its organizational activities with the acquisition of Steve Endean's Fairness Fund (FF). Endean had created the Fairness Fund (FF) in December 1986 to provide letters and mailgrams on behalf of concerned individuals to political leaders with the intention of influencing federal legislation relevant to the gay and lesbian community. When the Fairness Fund merged with HRCF, its name changed to Speak Out. When Steve Endean returned in 1988, the HRCF created a Field Division for grassroots organizing. Speak Out, like the Fairness Fund before it, generated mailgrams and letters to members of congress in high volume at pivotal moments in the legislative process. According to the agreement reached between HRCF and FF in 1988, HRCF asserted that their legislative agenda would be "substantially enhanced by the ability to generate, in a rapid and effective way, a 'public outcry' when necessary."20 The method of grassroots political lobbying through sponsored mailgrams and letters was first developed by the women's movement during the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) campaign and became an effective means of political lobbying throughout the Fairness Fund's and Speak Out's history.21 1989 Organizational Change In 1989, HRCF was reorganized into two distinct entities, a political membership organization known as the Human Rights Campaign Fund and a political action committee known as HRCF-PAC. In the same year, the Board of Directors approved the lesbian program of HRCF in an attempt to further develop HRCF's representation of lesbian issues and lesbian constituency.22 1990 Legislative Successes In 1990, several significant pieces of legislation from HRCF's political agenda were approved by the federal government. The Americans with Disabilities Act, which included a provision preventing discrimination based on HIV/AIDS status, CARE-Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resource Emergency Act, and the Federal Statistics Act were all important pieces of legislation that were made possible, in part, by the efforts of HRCF. At the invitation of President George H.W. Bush, HRCF representatives attended the signing ceremony of the Hate Crimes Statistics Act.23 Presidential Politics In 1992, HRCF supported its first presidential candidate, governor of Arkansas Bill Clinton. During the election, HRCF contributed $3 million dollars to Clinton's campaign. 1995 Organizational Change In 1995, under the guidance of Executive Director Elizabeth Birch, HRCF underwent several significant changes. The name of the organization was officially changed from the Human Rights Campaign Fund to the Human Rights Campaign and the Triangle Institute became the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. In addition, HRC adopted its current logo, a new positioning statement, and a new vision statement.24 New Building in 2003 HRC purchased and renovated the building at 1640 Rhode Island Ave., N.W., in Washington, DC for its national headquarters. It dedicated the new space on National Coming Out Day, October 11, 2003. 2005 Organizational Change In 2005, the Executive Director's position was redefined as a President. The Communications Department became the Communications and Marketing Division, the Education Department became the Public Education and Outreach Division, and both Divisions came under the Vice President for Programs. HRC in 2007 In January 2007, HRC described its mission as: " inspiring and engaging all Americans, ... to end discrimination against GLBT citizens and realize a nation that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all."25 Contributing to the campaigns of candidates who will support GLBT civil rights is still a focal point of HRC's work. In addition, "HRC works to secure equal rights for GLBT individuals and families at the federal and state levels by lobbying elected officials, mobilizing grassroots supporters, educating Americans, ...and partnering with other GLBT organizations."26 HRC concentrates on creating effective education and outreach programs. Major issues include equal rights and benefits in the workplace and ensuring families are treated equally under the law. In 2007, "the Human Rights Campaign, the largest national gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender advocacy organization, envisions an America where GLBT people are ensured of their basic equal rights, and can be open, honest and safe at home, at work and in the community. HRC has close to 600,000 members - all committed to making this vision of equality a reality."27 Footnotes: 1. "HRC Bylaws Original, Amended, Restated." Human Rights Campaign Records, #7712, Box 34, f. 18. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. 2. Draft time line in 20th Anniversary Files, Human Rights Campaign Records, #7712, Box 34. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. 3. Brochure, "Human Rights Campaign Fund: An Introduction," Human Rights Campaign Records, #7712, Box 30, f. 37. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. 4. HRCF Articles of Incorporation, 1982. Human Rights Campaign Records, #7712, Box 33, f. 1. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. 5. The Campaign Fund Report, Vol. 2, no. 1, p. 1 reports that HRCF raised nearly $600,000 in its first full year of operation and contributed to 119 Congressional candidates in 36 states, with an 81% win rate. Other documents in the Education Department's files about HRC's history report that contributions were made to 118 candidates, and of the total money raised, $140,000 was given to the candidates. A draft timeline references p. 489 of Dudley Clendinen and Adam Nagourney's Out for Good, Simon & Schuster, 1999. 6. 20th Anniversary Files. Human Rights Campaign Records, #7712, Box 34. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. 7. HRCF "Fact Sheet," 5/26/1988, in 20th Anniversary Files. Human Rights Campaign Records, #7712, Box 34. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. 8. HRC Annual Report 2005, p. 40. Available at the HRC website at: 9. GRNL Certificate of Incorporation. Human Rights Campaign Records, #7712, Box 5, f. 1. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. 10. Ibid. 11. Capitol Hill: The Newsletter of the Gay Rights National Lobby, vol. 4, no. 3 (1982). 12. Ibid. 13. GRNL Articles of Dissolution. Human Rights Campaign Records, #7712, Box 5, f. 4. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. 14. RPF Articles of Incorporation. Human Rights Campaign Records, #7712, Box 39, f. 1. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. 15. Ibid. 16. HRHF Articles of Incorporation. Human Rights Campaign Records, #7712, Box 40, f. 40. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. 17. HRHF Board of Directors report, May 14, 1988. Human Rights Campaign Records, #7712, Box 78, f. 12. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. 18. "HRC: What We Do," HRC Web site, August 17, 2006. Information that was provided in 2006 on HRC's website at this address: RC.htm. In 2008, it was changed and moved to: 19. Kallick, David Dyssegaard, "Progressive Think Tanks: What Exists, What's Missing?" Report for the Program on Governance and Public Policy, Open Society Institute, January 2002, p. 4. essive_20020115/progressive_thinktanks.pdf. 20. FF and HRCF Merger Documents. 1988. Human Rights Campaign Records, #7712, Box 18, f. 2. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. 21. Ibid. 22. Job Description for Lesbian Program Director. Dec. 1990, Human Rights Campaign Records, #7712, Box 18, f. 69. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. 23. "HRC: A historical Snapshot," HRC Web site, August 17, 2006. Information was provided in 2006 on HRC's website at this address: .htm. In 2008, this information was moved to this location: 24. August 31, 1995 memo in 20th Anniversary Files, Human Rights Campaign Records, #7712, Box 34. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library. 25. "About the Human Rights Campaign," HRC Web site, January 8, 2007. Information was provided in 2007 on HRC's website at this address: In 2008, it was changed and moved to: 26. Ibid. 27. Ibid.

COLLECTION DESCRIPTION Project files, correspondence, financial and administrative records, subject files, press clippings, photographs, and miscellany that, taken together, provide a broad overview of the American movement for lesbian, gay, transgender, and bisexual rights starting in 1980. HRC(F)'s lobbying, voter mobilization efforts, and grassroots organizing throughout the United States are well documented, as are its education and outreach efforts and the work of its various units that have served as think tanks: the Human Rights and Health Fund, The Triangle Institute (TTI), and the HRC Foundation. Also included in the collection are some records of the Gay Rights National Lobby, the Right To Privacy Foundation, and the Fairness Fund.

SUBJECTS Names: Human Rights Campaign (U.S.). Fairness Fund. Gay Rights National Lobby (U.S.). Human Rights and Health Fund. Right To Privacy Foundation. Triangle Institute. Subjects: AIDS (Disease)--Law and legislation. AIDS (Disease)--Treatment. Bisexuals--United States. movement--United States. Gay men--United States. identity. --United States. . Lesbians--United States. Lobbying--United States. Sex discrimination--Law and legislation. Sexual orientation. --United States.

INFORMATION FOR USERS Access Restrictions: Names and addresses of private individuals cannot be disclosed in writing or other publication medium until 70 years after presumed creation of the document unless the individual gives express written permission. All users of the collection will sign an agreement to abide by this restriction. HRC records will be restricted until 5 years after creation, except for publications, which can be made available immediately upon creation, and other exceptions as noted below. Executive Director and administration correspondence and Board of Directors files will be restricted for a number of years still to be determined. Files marked "confidential," "confidential draft," or "staff only," will be restricted for 10 years after presumed creation unless otherwise noted. Financial information such as payment and donation amounts will be restricted for 25 years after such transactions occurred. Materials submitted to HRC under the assumption that they will be anonymous will be restricted until such time that names and addresses have been redacted to protect the privacy promised by HRC. Blueprints to existing HRC facilities will be restricted to permission of HRC. Box 61 is now OPEN (2015). Box 62 is restricted until 2016. Box 63 is restricted until 2017. Box 64 is restricted until 2018. Box 65 is restricted until 2019. Box 66 is restricted until 2020. Box 67 is restricted until 2021. Box 68 is restricted until 2022. Box 69 is restricted until 2023. Box 70 is restricted until 2024. Box 71 is restricted until 2025. Box 72 is restricted until 2026. Box 73 is restricted until 2027. Box 74 is restricted until 2028. Box 75 is restricted until 2029. Box 76 is restricted until 2030. Box 77 contains plans for HRC's office building and is restricted to permission of HRC. Box 78 is restricted to permission of the organization, except for folders 18, 22-23, 36-43, which are unrestricted. Box 79 is restricted to permission of the organization, except for folders 44-46, 56-64, which are unrestricted. Box 82 is restricted until 2017. Box 83 is restricted until 2018. Box 84 is restricted until 2023. Box 85 is restricted until 2022. Box 86 is restricted until 2022. Box 87 is restricted until 2024. Box 88 is restricted until 2024. Box 89 is restricted until 2024. Box 90 is restricted until 2025. Box 91 is restricted until 2026. Box 92 is restricted until 2023. Box 93 is restricted until 2023. Box 94 is restricted until 2023. Box 95 is restricted until 2016. Box 96 is restricted until 2023. Box 97 is restricted until 2025. Box 98 is restricted until 2023. Box 100 is restricted until 2021. Box 101 is restricted until 2023. Box 102 is restricted until 2021. Box 103 is restricted until 2023. Box 104 is restricted until 2020. Box 105 is restricted until 2022. Box 106 is restricted until 2023. Box 107 is restricted until 2024. Box 109 is now OPEN (2014). Box 110 is restricted until 2018. Box 111 is restricted until 2023. Box 112 is restricted until 2024. Box 113 is restricted until 2023. Box 114 is restricted until 2026. Box 115 is restricted until 2016. Box 116 is restricted until 2017. Box 117 is restricted until 2018. Box 118 is restricted until 2020. Box 119 is restricted until 2022. Box 120 is restricted until 2024. Box 121 is restricted until 2024. Box 128 is restricted until 2074. Box 130 contains plans for HRC's office building and is restricted to permission of HRC. Box 131 is restricted to viewing by the Human Sexuality Curator only. Cite As: Human Rights Campaign records, #7712. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.

RELATED MATERIALS Collecting program: Human Sexuality Collection. Alice Kleberg Reynolds papers, #7606 Larry Bush papers, #7316.


Date Description Container

Series I. Administrative Files Files from the top-level of Human Rights Campaign (Fund) administration, including files of executive directors, presidents, and Boards, and files relating to membership, fundraising, and planning, including plans for HRC's office building. Currently, there is no separate subseries for founding documents. Articles of incorporation, bylaws and their revisions, and

other key records relating to the founding and development of HRC(F) as an organization can be found in the Education Department's 20th Year History Project files (Series VII). Files regarding various mergers with other organizations are also found primarily in the 20th Year History Project files.

Note that most of the official records of the HRC(F) Board of Directors, Board of Governors, and Human Rights Campaign Foundation Board have not yet been transferred to the archives, and the use of Board and Executive Director files is currently restricted.

Executive Staff

Included here are the correspondence, subject files, and other files maintained by each head of HRC(F). Currently it consists primarily of the records of Elizabeth Birch, with scattered files from others. The early files contain a lot of

correspondence from long-time Administrative Assistant Farley Peterson. These boxes are not yet open for research use. HRC has yet to determine the length of their restriction. Early files of Stephen Endean, 1970-1985, came with Gay Rights National Lobby files HRC inherited and are in Series II. Additional Endean files may be found in the Fairness Fund and Field Division files in Series V and in the Right to Privacy Foundation files in Series VIII. Some

files from Steve Endean's tenure as HRC Treasurer and a few additional files from executive directors Vic Basile and Tim McFeeley are in the 20th Year History Project files (Series VII).

Stephen R. Endean, 1980-1983 Box 54, 78, 79

Vic Basile, 1983-1989 Box 79

Tim McFeeley, 1989-1995 Box 79, 108-109

Elizabeth Birch, 1995-2004 Box 94-98, 100, 103-107, 110-113, 116-121, 128

Harvey Hurdle (Chief Operating Officer), 2001- Box 90 2005

Cheryl Jacques, 2004 Box 91

Board Materials Box 54, 79, 82-84, 93, 127

Included here are the agenda, minutes, and correspondence from Board meetings, drafts of reports they produce, and other files produced by HRC's Board of Directors, Board of Governors, and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation Board. Note that most of these vital records have

not yet been transferred to the archives, and their use is currently restricted. Some memoranda from the Board are found throughout the collection, in the files of various departments and units of HRC(F).

HRC Legal Department, 1997-2000 Box 1, 54-56, 70

Reports and Operations Box 1, 59, 65-67, 69, 70, 127

Annual reports, financial reports, staff rosters and staff reports, personnel manuals, and other files from the overall operation and administration of the agency. Additional annual

reports were cataloged separately in a collection titled "Miscellaneous Human Rights Campaign periodicals and newsletters."

Membership and Fundraising

Included here are files from HRC(F)'s efforts to encourage membership, including files from the Insider Program, later the Federal Club, and the Sustainer Program. Much of the work to encourage new members happened at the local level at events planned by the Constituent Mobilization Division and Field office, so researchers should look in those series too. Also here is documentation of HRC's communication with its members, including member feedback on issues, both protest and support. The direct marketing files show HRC's efforts at communicating with members and appealing for funds through the years. Also included are correspondence and files from the Development Department. Records containing financial information are restricted for 25 years from date of creation.

Membership Programs Box 1, 127

Member Feedback on Issues Box 2

Direct Mail Examples Box 3, 28

Development Box 1, 58, 61, 66-67

HRC Office Building, 1640 Rhode Island Ave., Box 1, 101, 130


Files relating to the design, building, furnishing, and funding of HRC's building, which opened in 2003, including correspondence regarding awards won. Except for the two folders in Box 1 and two folders in Education Director Kim Mill's files in Series VII, these files are not yet open for research use. Blueprints to existing HRC facilities will be restricted to permission of HRC. Series II. Gay Rights National Lobby (GRNL) and Stephen R.

Endean files, 1970-1985

GRNL was founded in 1976 and merged with HRCF in 1985. This series contains files of Steve Endean, 1970-1985, and records of the Gay Rights National Lobby 1976-1985, including founding documents; GRNL board meeting packets, 1976-1985; other administrative files;

files from GRNL's lobbying work in the US Congress, mostly on immigration reform; and files from the Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forums, 1984-85, and other projects. Endean kept files about lesbian and gay civil rights issues in various localities around the country, 1978-88. His files also contain correspondence from 1981- 85, including his resignation letter from GRNL.

GRNL's subject files on related organizations and on HIV and AIDS appear to have been transferred to HRC and then maintained by HRC

staff for some time. These files are found in Series III: Legislative and Public Policy.

Stephen R. Endean Files Box 4, 127

Administration Box 5, 54-57, 127

Lobbying Box 4

Projects Box 5, 127

Series III. Legislative and Public

Policy, 1975 -

These administrative, subject, and candidate files and the files of two staff members, E. Rosenthal and S. Smith, document the legislative and public policy work of HRC(F) from 1980 to 2005. The records indicate that at least from 1989 to 1995, this work was undertaken by the Public Policy Department. The Public Policy Department held subject files with material dating back to 1975. HRCF's Legislative Reports and Weekly Updates (1989-1991) provide insight into the issues HRCF was tracking and the information subscribers were receiving. There are three separate subject files: one on organizations, started by GRNL; one on HIV/AIDS, including youth and school issues; and one on the military, including the Don't Ask/Don't Tell policy. S. Smith's files document HIV and AIDS related work of HRCF in the mid-late 1980s.

Lobbying, 1980-1989 Box 6

Documents legislative and national political issues of concern to HRCF during these years.

Eric Rosenthal's Files, 1980-1988 Box 6

E. Rosenthal's files, 1980 - 1988, document work of the departments (variously named over the years) that dealt with legislative, judicial and public policy issues and connections with the

Triangle Institute, GRNL, and HRCF. They also document various state initiatives in the late 1980s. Public Policy Department, Administrative and Box 7-12, 85-86, 127

Subject Files, 1975-1995

Files on the activities of this department and the issues it kept track of, mostly from 1989 to 1995, including files on the 103rd Congress (1993- 1994), people of color, legislation on hate crimes and health care reform, Congressional non- discrimination pledges, and issues of anti- bullying, anti-violence, and condom availability in schools.

Legislative Reports and Weekly Updates, 1988-1991 Box 13

Organizational Subject Files Inherited from Box 12

GRNL, 1976-1988

HIV and AIDS Box 13, 14

Steve Smith's Files, 1985-1990 Box 13

Military, 1984-1996 Box 11, 14-16, 127

This subseries includes information regarding the U.S. Navy's admission of Negroes in 1942.

Political Races Box 127

Series IV. Constituent Box 17

Mobilization Division, 1980-1988

These are files of the unit that acted as a political action committee (PAC), dispersing funds and mobilizing citizen support for HRC-endorsed candidates for the U.S. Congress and other federal offices, 1980-1988. In 1988, the work of this unit folded into the new Field Division. Series V. Grassroots Organizing

and Mailgrams

Included here are HRC(F)'s efforts to mobilize citizens to send messages to Congress at key times. HRCF adopted this approach when it merged with Steve Endean's Fairness Fund in

1988 and created SpeakOut and a Field Division for grassroots organizing. The records of the Fairness Fund are also included here.

Fairness Fund, 1986-1988 Box 18, 58-59

Steve Endean created the Fairness Fund (FF) in December 1986 to fight right-wing amendments in Congress and encourage positive federal legislation relevant to the gay and lesbian community by providing overnight constituent mail to national political leaders. FF fund staff wrote the text for letters and mailgrams and arranged to have them delivered on behalf of concerned individuals. FF tried to capitalize on the large crowd at the 1987 March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. These records include organizational vital records (including article of incorporation, bylaws, and the 1988 merger documents), FF board meeting documents, and correspondence.

Field Division and Speak Out, 1988 -

When the Fairness Fund merged with HRCF in 1988, HRCF created a Field Division for grassroots organizing, and Steve Endean returned to lead this unit. Some of this kind of work had been formerly conducted by the Constituent Mobilization Division, and some of the files here may have originated with the Constituent Mobilization unit. Endean created Speak Out to carry on the constituent mail functions of the Fairness Fund.

The records in this series document the work of the Field Division, including event materials, grassroots lobbying, education, the Marches on Washington in 1987, 1988, and 1989, state based

activities, and Speak Out. They include the records of Seth Kilbourn, National Field Director, 2000-2004.

Administrative Box 18, 21, 54-59, 61, 63, 65, 67-69, 78

Subject Files Box 22, 23, 54, 78, 127

National Organizations Box 21

Field Division, State-by-State Files, pre-1998 Box 23-27, 80

Field Division Events, 1988-2007 Box 23, 61-62, 64-72, 122-127

National Field Director Seth Kilbourn Files, 2000-


Administrative Box 29, 54-56, 59-60, 69, 71-76, 78

Subject Files Box 29, 54-59, 73-74, 77

Marriage Box 29, 54-56, 60, 75-76, 127

Series VI. Communications and Marketing

This series documents the media statements, publications, and other communications, both print and on-line, of the Human Rights Campaign Fund and HRC. It contains press releases and publications from the Communications Department, 1980-2004. Kim Mills worked here in 1996-1998 and gathered together these historical files. David Smith was the Director of the Communications Department

in 2004. In a 2005 restructuring, he became the Vice President of Programs, a unit that includes both the Communications and Marketing Division and the Public Education and Outreach Division (formerly the Education Department.) Some HRC publications were cataloged separately and are listed at the bottom of this guide.

Press Releases and Publications Box 30, 54-55, 60, 69, 97, 114, 127, 129

Series VII. Education and

Outreach, 1980-2004

Documenting the education and outreach activities of HRC(F), this series contains the records of the Education Department, which became the Public Education and Outreach Division in 2005. Most of the files come from Kim Mills, who was the Education Director from 1998 to 2004. The department files include the director's correspondence, 1998-2004, her speeches, and two disks of her computer files, as well as some photographs and various organization-wide administrative materials. The Education Department was in charge of HRC's web site until the creation of an Information Technology unit in 2004, and the files here show web trend statistics and work on web redesign, 1997-2004.

Various important administrative documents, including bylaws and merger documents, can be found in the Education Department's 20th Year History Project files.

Other subseries contain subject files used in the creation of educational materials by and for HRCF staff on issues including the military, family, health, religion, and National Coming Out Day. Workplace files document WorkNet (HRC's Internet portal for workplace information), HRC's Business Council, and issues such as Exxon Mobile's corporate polices. Education Department Files Box 30, 32, 56, 59-60, 79

HRC Web Site Box 31

20th Year History Project Box 10, 33, 34, 54-58, 60, 64, 71, 78

Subject Files and Clippings Box 10, 35-37, 57, 60

Military, 1991-1993 Box 37

Workplace Box 38, 54-55, 70, 72-73, 127

Business Council Box 55-59

Family Net Box 1

Health Box 31, 102

Religion Box 35, 74

Marriage Box 127

National Coming Out Day (NCOD) Box 35, 127

Series VIII. Research Records from the predecessor organization, Right to Privacy Foundation, and HRC's nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) units devoted to research and analysis: the Human Rights and Health Fund, The Triangle Institute (TTI), and the HRC Foundation.

Right to Privacy Foundation (RPF), 1981-1989 Box 39, 54-55, 127

Records of the Right to Privacy Foundation, founded by Steve Endean, which researched anti- discrimination in employment, the federal Gay Civil Rights Bill, and HIV/AIDS discrimination. Consists mostly of administrative records. Also

includes files on civil rights and direct marketing materials showing efforts at raising money to support their HIV and AIDS related lobbying work.

Human Rights and Health Fund (HRHF) Box 40, 78

Inherited Files, 1977-1985

Past polls and correspondence collected and used by the Human Rights and Health Fund and its


Human Rights and Health Fund (HRHF), 1986-

February 1988 Created in 1986, the Human Rights and Health Fund and its successors, the Triangle Institute and then the HRC Foundation, have been nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations that support the work of HRC through research, educational efforts, and outreach.

Included under the Human Rights and Health Fund are administrative files and issue files on gay politics, key races, polling data, minority AIDS outreach, and MEDPAC clippings. Some project files were passed along to The Triangle Institute and are merged with those files.

HRHF Administration Box 40, 57-59, 78

The administrative files include R. Brady's chronological correspondence files, budgets and financial reports, articles of incorporation and

bylaws, the application for 501(c) 3 status, and notes from Board of Directors meetings.

HRHF Issues Box 40

The Triangle Institute (TTI), Mar. 1988-1995 Box 39, 40, 59

In March 1988, HRHF changed its name to The Triangle Institute (TTI) and was active under this name until 1995. Its programs included the Electoral Research Project (ERP), the MEDPAC project focused on disseminating reliable information related to the AIDS crisis, and after 1993, the National Coming Out Day Project (NCOD). Documented here are TTI's fund

raising through grant applications and direct marketing and HRHF/TTI Board meeting packets and some of its project files. The files on the Electoral Research Project and on AIDS projects include earlier work done by HRHF. The current documentation is limited to activities from 1986 to 1988.

NCOD files are in a separate subseries. Other important TTI documents can be found in the Education Department's 20th Year History Project files (series VII).

HRC Foundation

In 1995, TTI became the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. Programs funded in part or in full through the Human Rights Campaign Foundation include: the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Outreach Program, Family Project, Workplace Project, National Coming Out Project, Religion and Faith Program, and the HRC Research Institute.

Workplace and WorkNet project files and some National Coming Out Day files are found under the Communication and Education series. Foundation bylaws and two folders with articles about HRC Foundation events and staff can be

found in the Education Department's 20th Year History Project files (series VII). No additional records from the HRC Foundation have been transferred to the archives yet.

AIDS Research, 1981-1998 Box 41

The collected files related to AIDS research generated and collected by HRC's 501c units, including administrative files and correspondence about the AIDS Federal Policy Act and other issues documenting the work of this unit, MEDPAC packets (press clippings related to HIV and AIDS issues), reports issued by other agencies, subject files, and files related to the publication Guide to Public Health: Principles to Protect HIV-related Confidentiality and Prevent Discrimination, Washington, DC: Association of State and Territorial Health Officers, 1988. Files on AIDS are also found throughout the collection.




Subject Files

Guide to Public Health Practice: Principles to Protect HIV-Related Confidentiality and Prevent Discrimination

National Coming Out Day (NCOD) Files, 1987-

This subseries contains the inherited files of the original organization that started National Coming Out day in 1987 and the files after 1993, when the Human Rights Campaign Fund took it

over. The NCOD merger documents can be found in the Education Department's 20th Year History Project files (series VII).

Inherited files, NCOD organization, 1988-1993

Administrative Box 50

Subject Files Box 50-51, 60-63

Media Coverage Box 51-52, 62

HRC's NCOD project, 1993-1999

Subject Files Box 52, 65-69

Media Coverage Box 39, 53

Lois Reckitt, Board Member, Files Box 78, 79

Reckitt was a Board member of both the Human Rights and Health Fund and TTI. Her files include documents about organizational name

changes and mission statements. All Board files are currently restricted.

Studies Box 127

Series IX. Multimedia

Artifacts Box 19, 20, 32, 43, 44, 81, 99, Mapcases

This subseries contains various plaques and posters, HRC election merchandise, various buttons, large census maps, cloth banners, and

blueprints for the 2003 new office building (restricted to permission of HRC).

Audiovisual Materials Box 32, 42, 45-49, 99

This subseries contains many HRC-produced videos, including public service announcements, tributes to staff members, National Coming Out Day clips, campaign advertisements, and various other materials. Also found in this subseries is HRC's CD "Being Out Rocks."

Box 127, 129, 131 Series X. Miscellaneous

Newspapers and magazines Box 127, 129


Date Description Container Series I. Administrat ive Files Executive Staff

Stephen R. Endean, 1980-1983

1982-83 Correspondence Box 54 Folder 24 Vendors Miscellaneous - Bills, Receipts

1982 HRCF - Box 78 Folder 36-37 Correspondence-- general

June 1982-Feb 1983 HRCF - Box 78 Folder 38-43 Correspondence - Endean - Treasurer

March 1983-June 1983 HRCF - Box 79 Folder 44-45 Correspondence

1982-1983 Correspondence Box 79 Folder 46

Vic Basile, 1983-1989

1983 HRCF - Exec. Director Box 79 Folder 47 Search Committee

1983 HRCF - Box 79 Folder 48 Correspondence with Board and general

September 1983-1984 HRCF - Box 79 Folder 49-53 Correspondence

1986 Correspondence-- Box 79 Folder 54 Important

1987 Next Step/Corporate Box 79 Folder 55 Accounting Direct Mail

Tim McFeeley, 1989- 1995

1989-March 1992 HRCF - Box 79 Folder 56-64 Correspondence - Executive Director - McFeeley

1986-1991 Human Rights Box 108 Folder 1 Campaign Fund Tax Records

1987 The Triangle Institute: Box 108 Folder 2 Board of Directors: Conference Call Meeting

1987-1991 AIDS Treatment Box 108 Folder 3 Project and World AIDS Awareness Day

1987-2008 Press Clippings Box 108 Folder 4

1988 Agenda Book for the Box 108 Folder 5 Triangle Institute: Board of Directors Meeting- February

1988 How Senior Campaign Box 108 Folder 6 Professionals Think About Gay and Lesbian Issues: Documents Delivered to the Triangle Institute

1988-1991 Human Rights Box 108 Folder 7 Campaign Fund: Letters, Notes, and Articles of Amendment

1989 Organizing Grassroots Box 108 Folder 8 Constituent Mail and Pressure on AIDS and Lesbian/Gay Rights

1990 Lesbian and Gay Health Box 108 Folder 9 Conference and National AIDS Forum

1990 National Coming Out Box 108 Folder 10 Day

1990 National Summit on Box 108 Folder 11 Homosexuality: Notes and Press Packets 1990-1991 Act Up DC: ATAC2 Box 108 Folder 12

1991 Gays in the Military Box 108 Folder 13

1991 National Lesbian and Box 108 Folder 14 Gay Health Conference

1991 Speaking for Ourselves: Box 108 Folder 15 Lesbian and Gay Elected and Appointed Officials and Candidates

1991 Triangle Institute: Box 108 Folder 16 Arthur Lipkin: Harvard Curriculum

1995 Out for a Change: Box 108 Folder 17 Addressing Homophobia in Women's Sports (videorecording)

1996-2003 Human Rights Box 108 Folder 18 Campaign: Literature and Pamphlets

1984-1993 Human Rights Box 109 Folder 1 Campaign Fund Financial Statements and Tax Returns

1985-1992 Human Rights and Box 109 Folder 2 Health Fund: Letters, Memos, and By-Laws

1986-1992 Homophobia Box 109 Folder 3

1988-1992 The Triangle Institute: Box 109 Folder 4 Annual Reports, Project Synopses, and Letters

1989-1992 Human Rights Box 109 Folder 5 Campaign Fund and the Triangle Institute

1989-1993 Human Rights Box 109 Folder 6 Campaign Fund: Memos and Announcements

1991-1992 Boycott of the Boy Box 109 Folder 7 Scouts of America

1991-1992 Events and Event Box 109 Folder 8 Calendars

1991-1992 Sit-In for Gay Rights at Box 109 Folder 9 the Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc.

1991-1992 Stonewall-25 Box 109 Folder 10 Organizing Committee

1991-1993 March on Washington Box 109 Folder 11 for Lesbian and Gay Rights

1992 League America Box 109 Folder 12

1993 National Coming Out Box 109 Folder 13 Day/ Triangle Institute Merger

1994 Human Rights Box 109 Folder 14 Campaign Foundation (formerly the Triangle Institute)

1994 QLF: The Think Tank Box 109 Folder 15 Imperative: A Proposal

Elizabeth Birch, 1994- Box 94-98, 100, 103-107, 2004 110-113, 116-121

1994 Executive Director Box 94 Folder 1 Search

1994 Human Resources: Box 94 Folder 2 Policy: Personnel Handbook

1994-1995 HRC Management Box 94 Folder 3

1994-1999 Direct Mail to Elizabeth Box 94 Folder 4 Birch

1995-1996 Lobbying Rules: Box 94 Folder 5 Mintz/Levin 1995-1999 American Airlines: Part Box 94 Folder 6 1

1995-1999 American Airlines: Part Box 94 Folder 7 2

1996 HRC Reorganization Box 94 Folder 8

1996-1998 Elizabeth Birch: Letters Box 94 Folder 9 to the Editor of the NY Times

1996-1998 Human Rights Box 94 Folder 10 Campaign By- Laws

1998-1999 "This Week at HRC" Box 94 Folder 11

1999 California Marriage Box 94 Folder 12

1999 The Employment Non- Box 94 Folder 13 Discrimination Act, Part 1: Includes HRC Briefing Book through Section 4

1999 The Employment Non- Box 94 Folder 14 Discrimination Act, Part 2: Includes HRC Briefing Book through Section 10

1999 The Employment Non- Box 94 Folder 15 Discrimination Act, Part 3

1999 The Employment Non- Box 94 Folder 16 Discrimination Act, Part 4

1999 HRC: How Will We Box 94 Folder 17 Stop the Hate?

1999-2000 California- "No on Box 94 Folder 18 Knight"

1999-2000 Family Net: A Project Box 94 Folder 19 of the HRC Foundation: Part 1

1999-2000 Family Net: A Project Box 94 Folder 20 of the HRC Foundation: Part 2

1999-2000 Human Rights Box 94 Folder 21 Campaign and Human Rights Campaign Foundation: Combined Operating Budget, Part 1

1999-2000 Human Rights Box 94 Folder 22 Campaign and Human Rights Campaign Foundation: Combined Operating Budget, Part 2

1999-2000 Business Council Box 94 Folder 23

2000 Human Rights Box 94 Folder 24 Campaign: Final Audit, 2000

2000-2001 Boy Scouts of America Box 94 Folder 25

2000-2001 FY01 Budget: HRC and Box 94 Folder 26 HRC Foundation

2001 Human Rights Box 94 Folder 27 Campaign Audit 2001

2003 Boston MD Event Box 94 Folder 28

1994-1995 Communications Box 95 Folder 1 Department Daily Press Clippings

1994-1996 Miscellaneous News Box 95 Folder 2 Articles

1994-1995 Congress and Gay Box 95 Folder 3 Rights

1994-1998 Christians and Gay Box 95 Folder 4 Rights

1995-1996 News: Candace Box 95 Folder 5 Gingrich and Gay Rights

1995-1996 News Articles: Box 95 Folder 6 Enda/Jobs and Gay Rights

1995-1996 Testimony for the Box 95 Folder 7 Employment Non- Discrimination Act

1996 DOMA/ENDA: Senate Box 95 Folder 8

1996 Gays in the News Box 95 Folder 9

1996 HRC in the News Box 95 Folder 10

1996 HRC and Jesse Helms Box 95 Folder 11 Campaign

1996 Members' Statements Box 95 Folder 12

1996 News Articles Related Box 95 Folder 13 to DOMA

1996 News Articles: Box 95 Folder 14 Presidential Campaign '96

1996 Outed Congressmen Box 95 Folder 15

1996 Outvote'96 Box 95 Folder 16

1996 Resources Box 95 Folder 17

1996 Selected Editorials Box 95 Folder 18

1996-1997 Communications Box 95 Folder 19 Department Daily Press Clippings

1996-1997 Defense of Marriage Box 95 Folder 20 Act, Part 1

1996-1997 Defense of Marriage Box 95 Folder 21 Act, Part 2

1996 News Articles: Clinton Box 95 Folder 22 and Gay Rights no date Chris Ruel Box 96 Folder 1 no date Craig Fox Box 96 Folder 2 no date James Romain Box 96 Folder 3

1992-1997 Randy Rice: San Box 96 Folder 4 Francisco 1993-1996 Susan Robers/Arlene Box 96 Folder 5 Snyder

1994-1995 Christine C. Arguedas Box 96 Folder 6

1994-1995 David Watkins Box 96 Folder 7

1994-1997 Miller Brewing Co. Box 96 Folder 8

1995 Paul J. Weaver Box 96 Folder 9

1995 Tom Feegel Box 96 Folder 10

1995-1996 Apple Proposal Box 96 Folder 11

1995-1996 Chai Feldblum Box 96 Folder 12

1995-1996 Janet Reno Box 96 Folder 13

1995-1996 Mary C. Dunlap Box 96 Folder 14

1995-1996 Nancy Cunningham Box 96 Folder 15

1995-1996 Stephanie Unger Box 96 Folder 16

1995-1996 Toby Fitch Box 96 Folder 17

1995-1997 Abby R. Rubenfeld Box 96 Folder 18

1995-1997 Barbara Roberts Box 96 Folder 19

1995-1997 Management Assistance Box 96 Folder 20 Corp Board Structure

1995-1997 Richard Turner Box 96 Folder 21

1995-1998 Christopher T. Ruetz Box 96 Folder 22

1995-1998 Maine Won't Box 96 Folder 23 Discriminate

1995-1999 E. Birch Bio Box 96 Folder 24

1995-2000 Mauntner Project Box 96 Folder 25

1995-2002 Box 96 Folder 26

1996 AALS- October 4th Box 96 Folder 27

1996 American Express Box 96 Folder 28

1996 American Express Box 96 Folder 29 Financial Advisors 1996 Brian Rix: Los Angeles, Box 96 Folder 30 CA

1996 Cheryl Van De Box 96 Folder 31 Kerkhove

1996 Diana DeGette, CO Box 96 Folder 32 Representative

1996 Don Flood Box 96 Folder 33

1996 Eric Rofes Box 96 Folder 34

1996 Gary Box 96 Folder 35 Trowbridge/Fran k Benedetti

1996 Glen Paul Freedman Box 96 Folder 36

1996 John Feather Box 96 Folder 37

1996 Kava Franklin Box 96 Folder 38

1996 NationsBank Box 96 Folder 39

1996 Ralph Vandersnick: Las Box 96 Folder 40 Vegas, Nevada

1996 Sheriff Margo Frasier: Box 96 Folder 41 Austin, Texas

1996 Troy Ford Box 96 Folder 42

1996 Valerie Kay Ulstad, Box 96 Folder 43 M.D.

1996-1997 Brenda Fraser Box 96 Folder 44

1996-1997 Chastity Bono Box 96 Folder 45

1996-1997 Dennis Rhodes Box 96 Folder 46

1996-1997 Kathy Deitsch Box 96 Folder 47

1996-1997 MAJIC Box 96 Folder 48

1996-1997 MCI/AT+T Box 96 Folder 49

1996-1997 Sabrina H. Riddle Box 96 Folder 50

1996-1997 Stephen Rivers Box 96 Folder 51

1996-1997 Terry Turrentine Box 96 Folder 52

1996-1998 Russell S. Roeca Box 96 Folder 53 1997 Chrysler Box 96 Folder 54

1997 E.B. SF Dinner Speech Box 96 Folder 55

1997 Ellen De Generes- Box 96 Folder 56 Travel

1997 Jamie Fox Box 96 Folder 57

1997 Jon Rubin Box 96 Folder 58

1997 Judy Edmonds Box 96 Folder 59

1997 Mapping Our Journey Box 96 Folder 60

1997 Merrill Lynch Box 96 Folder 61

1997 Paula J. Ryan Box 96 Folder 62

1997 Rabbi Jerry M. Danzig: Box 96 Folder 63 Encino, CA

1997 Sarah Cundy Box 96 Folder 64

1997 Tom Thompson Box 96 Folder 65

1997-1998 Betty DeGeneres Box 96 Folder 66

1997-1998 Euora, Anabel Box 96 Folder 67

1997-1998 Jim Roth Box 96 Folder 68

1997-1998 Lawrie Demorest Box 96 Folder 69

1997-1998 Robert Farmer Box 96 Folder 70

1998 Arlene Rusch Box 96 Folder 71

1998 Asner, Ed Box 96 Folder 72

1998 Catlin Ryan Box 96 Folder 73

1998 Cromwell, Kim Box 96 Folder 74

1998 D'Amato Box 96 Folder 75

1998 David Tseng Box 96 Folder 76

1998 DP Server Proposals Box 96 Folder 77

1998 Emeritus Board Box 96 Folder 78

1998 Ginny Appuzo Box 96 Folder 79

1998 Jeff Trandahl Box 96 Folder 80 1998 John D'Emilio Box 96 Folder 81

1998 Marcus Box 96 Folder 82 Communications

1998 Mark B. Rinder Box 96 Folder 83

1998 Melinda Cuthbert Box 96 Folder 84

1998 Merck Box 96 Folder 85

1998 Naral: D'Amato Box 96 Folder 86 Endorsement

1998 Richards, Ann Box 96 Folder 87

1998 United Airlines Suit Box 96 Folder 88 (SF)

1998 Vande Logt, Mary Kay Box 96 Folder 89

1998-2005 B.C. Bios Box 96 Folder 90

1999 Fleischman, Aaron Box 96 Folder 91

1999 Marriage Project-Hawaii Box 96 Folder 92

1999 NAPWA/CAEAR Box 96 Folder 93 Coal/NLGHA

1999-2002 Kathleen Kennedy Box 96 Folder 94 Townsend

2000 Chris Rice Box 96 Folder 95

2000 Danny Roberts (MTV's Box 96 Folder 96 Real World)

2000 Millenium March Box 96 Folder 97

2000 Nancy Rubin Box 96 Folder 98

2000-2003 Jonathan Russell Box 96 Folder 99

2001 Senator Paul Sarbanes Box 96 Folder 100

2001 Urvashi Vaid: New Box 96 Folder 101 York, NY

2001-2003 Melissa Etheridge Box 96 Folder 102

2002 Janet Reno Event Box 96 Folder 103

2002 Minnesota Box 96 Folder 104

2002 PMK/HBH Company Box 96 Folder 105 Overview

2003 Joel Rothschild Box 96 Folder 106 no date Hate Crimes Box 97 Folder 1 no date Photos Box 97 Folder 2 no date Pride Box 97 Folder 3

1995 EB Phone Messages Box 97 Folder 7

1997 Bill Lann Lee Box 97 Folder 11 Nomination

1997 HRC Quarterly Box 97 Folder 12 Advertising Rates and Specifications

1998 HRC Legal Box 97 Folder 15

1998 HRC Publications Box 97 Folder 16

1998 Names Project Box 97 Folder 17

1998 National Coming Out Box 97 Folder 18 Day

1998-1999 National Dinner/Board Box 97 Folder 20 Meeting

1998-1999 Texas Freedom Box 97 Folder 21 Network

1999 Marriage Box 97 Folder 23

1999-2000 Military Box 97 Folder 24

2000-2002 E. Birch Box 97 Folder 26 Correspondence

2001 Aspen Gay Ski Week Box 97 Folder 29

2001 E. B. Employment Box 97 Folder 30 Agreement

2002 Billy Bean Box 97 Folder 33

2002 Business Week: The Box 97 Folder 34 New Face of Philanthropy

2002 Business Women's Box 97 Folder 35 Network

2002 Charlotte- November 2- Box 97 Folder 36 3, 2002

2002 E.B. to Shinseki: Don't Box 97 Folder 37 Ask, Don't Tell

2002 E. Birch Files Box 97 Folder 38

2002 Election 2002 Box 97 Folder 39

2002 Fortune Magazine Box 97 Folder 40

2002 HRC Board of Box 97 Folder 43 Directors- Palm Springs

2002 HRC Dinner Box 97 Folder 44

2002 HRC Executive Dept. Box 97 Folder 45

2002 HRC Pilot Project Box 97 Folder 46

2002 The Lesbian and Gay Box 97 Folder 47 Community Center Project

2002 Major Donor Retreat Box 97 Folder 48

2002 New York Dinner 2002 Box 97 Folder 49

2002 November 2002 Cost Box 97 Folder 50 Center Statements

2002 Prime Access Box 97 Folder 51

2002 Putting the CEI Box 97 Folder 52 Conflict Behind Us

2002 Youth Net Box 97 Folder 53

2002-2003 E. Birch Box 97 Folder 54 Correspondence, Memos, and Recommendation s

1993-1994 AMA's 65th HR Box 98 Folder 1 Conference and Expo/SF Hilton: Sexual Orientation as a Diversity Issue

1993-1994 Leadership: Box 98 Folder 2 California/SF Fairmont

1993-1994 SF Bar Box 98 Folder 3 Association/Lillic k and Charles: "Lesbian and Gay Legal Issues in the '90s"

1994 Policies and Procedures Box 98 Folder 4

1994-2000 LLEGO Box 98 Folder 5

1995 Action Wisconson Box 98 Folder 6

1995 American Library Box 98 Folder 7 Association: Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual

1995 American Psychological Box 98 Folder 8 Association

1995 AT and T Box 98 Folder 9

1995 On-Line Box 98 Folder 10

1995-1996 Eastman Kodak Box 98 Folder 11

1995-1996 Lawyers for Human Box 98 Folder 12 Rights

1995-1997 Christian Coalition Box 98 Folder 13 Letter

1995-1999 Magazine Box 98 Folder 14

1995-2001 AIDS Action Box 98 Folder 15

1996 The Center Box 98 Folder 16

1996 DOMA Senate Debate Box 98 Folder 17

1996 Horizons Corporate Box 98 Folder 18 Conference

1996 HRC News Box 98 Folder 19

1996 International Imperial Box 98 Folder 20 Court

1996 LA G/L Community Box 98 Folder 21 Center

1996 L/G Parents Box 98 Folder 22 Association 1996 Mothers' Voices Box 98 Folder 23

1996 Workplace/Market Box 98 Folder 24 Summit

1996-1998 Empire State Pride Box 98 Folder 25 Agenda

1996-1999 Cavanaugh, Hagan, and Box 98 Folder 26 Pierson: Strategic Planning

1996-2000 Martin Ornelas- Box 98 Folder 27 Quintero LLEGO

1997 ABC "This Week" Box 98 Folder 28

1997 Amoco Box 98 Folder 29

1997 Anti-Defamation Box 98 Folder 30 League

1997 Bennett and Beard Box 98 Folder 31

1997 California/Orange Box 98 Folder 32 County

1997 Chris Haiss: EAGLES Box 98 Folder 33 Center

1997 Executive Directors Box 98 Folder 34 Support Group Meeting

1997 FBI Box 98 Folder 35

1997 International Network Box 98 Folder 36 of Lesbian and Gay Officials

1997 Leadership Lambda, Box 98 Folder 37 Inc: Dallas, Texas

1997 Lesbian and Gay Bands Box 98 Folder 38 of America

1997 LGBT Fairness Indiana Box 98 Folder 39

1997 Motorola Box 98 Folder 40

1997 National Congress for Box 98 Folder 41 Student Activists

1997-1998 Lesbian and Gay Box 98 Folder 42 Community Service Center, Inc.

1997-1998 Lunday Foundation Box 98 Folder 43

1997-1999 The Advocate Magazine Box 98 Folder 44

1997-1999 International Gay and Box 98 Folder 45 Lesbian Human Rights Commission

1997-2000 Lambda Legal Defense Box 98 Folder 47 Fund

1997-2000 National Political Box 98 Folder 47 Roundtable

1997-2000 National Political Box 98 Folder 47 Roundtable- Part 2

1997-2001 Leadership Conference Box 98 Folder 50 on Civil Rights

1998 Anti-Gay Org. Box 98 Folder 51

1998 Equality Colorado Box 98 Folder 52

1998 Events VIP Invites Box 98 Folder 53

1998 Ex-Gay Counter Ads Box 98 Folder 54

1998 Ex-Gay Ministries Box 98 Folder 55

1998 50 State Action Box 98 Folder 56

1998-1999 Adoption Box 98 Folder 57

1998-1999 Cincinnati Legal Box 98 Folder 58

1998-1999 LGRL- Texas Box 98 Folder 59

1998-2000 After Stonewall Box 98 Folder 60

1999 Alignment Strategies, Box 98 Folder 61 Inc: Diversity Initiative

1999 American Airlines Box 98 Folder 62 GLEAM

1999 Ellerbe Becket Box 98 Folder 63

1999 BOD Exec. C'ee Box 98 Folder 64 Conference Call 1999 Equality at HM Box 98 Folder 65

1999 Equality Rocks Box 98 Folder 66 Conference Call

1999 Federation Box 98 Folder 67

1999 Gore Correspondence Box 98 Folder 68

1999 Iowa 2000 Presidential Box 98 Folder 69 Caucus Project

1999 Keppler Associates Box 98 Folder 70

1999 King Center Box 98 Folder 71

1999 Legal Guide for Lesbian Box 98 Folder 72 and Gay Couples

1999 Liberty Hill Foundation Box 98 Folder 73

1999 Logo/Design Box 98 Folder 74

1999 Louisiana Box 98 Folder 75

1999 National Coming Out Box 98 Folder 76 Project (NCOP)

1999-2002 Exxon Mobil Box 98 Folder 77

2000 American Charities Box 98 Folder 78

2000 American College Box 98 Folder 79 Personnel Association

2000 America OnLine Box 98 Folder 80

2000 Audit 2000 Box 98 Folder 81

2000 Bay Windows Box 98 Folder 82

2000 Election 2000 Box 98 Folder 83

2000 Israel Gays Box 98 Folder 84

2000 James Byrd, Jr. Box 98 Folder 85 Foundation

2000 Leadership Washington Box 98 Folder 86

2000 Maclean's: Canada's Box 98 Folder 87 Weekly Newsmagazine

2000 MTV Box 98 Folder 88 2000 National Coalition of Box 98 Folder 89 Anti-Violence Programs

2000 National Coming Out Box 98 Folder 90 Day

2001 American Red Cross Box 98 Folder 91

2001 B'nai Brith Box 98 Folder 92

2001 Legal Research Memos: Box 98 Folder 93

2001 LGBTST People of Box 98 Folder 94 Color Org.

2001 Navy: Pietropaoli HR Box 98 Folder 95

2002 E. Birch Files Box 98 Folder 96

2002 LCCR- Humphrey Box 98 Folder 97 Awards, May 8th

2003 Diversity Initiative Box 98 Folder 97

1986-1996 Vic Basile: Washington, Box 100 Folder 1 D.C.

1996-1997 Chastity Bono Box 100 Folder 2

1996 Coming Out: Gene Box 100 Folder 3 Hunt no date Mitchell Gold Box 100 Folder 4

1997 Goldman, Rohn Box 100 Folder 5

1997 The Rev. Peter Gomes Box 100 Folder 6

1996 Letitia Gomez Box 100 Folder 7

1995 Stephanie Gonzales Box 100 Folder 8

1996 Marc Goodman Box 100 Folder 9

1997 Dr. Martin Gorbien Box 100 Folder 10

1997 Rich Gordan Box 100 Folder 11

1997-1998 Jim Gordon, Ph.D. Box 100 Folder 12

1998-2000 Al Gore Box 100 Folder 13

1998-2000 V.P. Gore Box 100 Folder 14 1995-2000 Gore 2000 Box 100 Folder 15

2000-2001 Tipper Gore Box 100 Folder 16

1997 Michael Gorges: Box 100 Folder 17 Washington, D.C.

1995 Ashley Goss Box 100 Folder 18

1992-1996 Christopher Gould Box 100 Folder 19

1995-1996 Ed Gould, Encino, CA Box 100 Folder 20

1996-1998 Jim Graham Box 100 Folder 21

1996 Gary Grant: Texas Box 100 Folder 22

1997-1998 Michael Grantham Box 100 Folder 23

1996 Steve Grate Box 100 Folder 24

2000 James Gray Box 100 Folder 25

1997 Suzy Gray Box 100 Folder 26

1997 Anthony Green Box 100 Folder 27

1996 Bruce Greenberg: Box 100 Folder 28 Arlington, VA no date Greer, Lynn Box 100 Folder 29

1996 Stephanie Grey Box 100 Folder 30

1997 Jackie Grover Box 100 Folder 31

1996 Beth A. Grupp- Vote Box 100 Folder 32 Now '96 no date Patrick Guerriero Box 100 Folder 33

1998 Guffey, E./Hammell, Box 100 Folder 34 N.

1998-2000 Steve Gunderson Box 100 Folder 35

1997 Stacey Gurian-Sherman Box 100 Folder 36

1994-1995 Gutierrez Fernando Box 100 Folder 37

1996 Mike Haase Box 100 Folder 38

1996 Fred C. Haeberlein Box 100 Folder 39

1995 Boze Hadleigh Box 100 Folder 40 1996 George Hadleigh Box 100 Folder 41

1997 Scott Hafner Box 100 Folder 42

2002 Hairston, Veronica Box 100 Folder 43

1995 Gail Halava Box 100 Folder 44

1997 Sandy Hale: PRIDE Box 100 Folder 45 (Montana)

1995 Carolyn Hall Box 100 Folder 46

1999 Gene Hall Box 100 Folder 47 no date Simon Halls Box 100 Folder 48

1997 Everett Hamilton Box 100 Folder 49

1998 Robert Hamilton Box 100 Folder 50

2003-2004 Sara Hamlen Box 100 Folder 51

1997-1998 Herb Hamsher: Part 1 Box 100 Folder 52

1998-1999 Herb Hamsher: Part 2 Box 100 Folder 53

2003 Ryan Hanson Box 100 Folder 54

1997 Harbeck, Karen Box 100 Folder 55

1994 Edwin A. Hardy Box 100 Folder 56

1995 Marguerite Delaney Box 100 Folder 57 Hark

1996 Senator Tom Harkin Box 100 Folder 58

1997 Jan Harmon Box 100 Folder 59

2001 Jane Harmon Box 100 Folder 60

1998 Rep. Jane Harmon Box 100 Folder 61

1996 Krista Harms: Box 100 Folder 62 Ohumwa, IA

1997 James Harris, Ph.D. Box 100 Folder 63

1997 Janice Alyene Harris Box 100 Folder 64

1997 Rand Harris: Chicago, Box 100 Folder 65 IL

1995 Virginia Harris Box 100 Folder 66 1995-1998 Scott Harshbarger- Box 100 Folder 67 Attorney: General no date Peter Hart Box 100 Folder 68

1996 Shannon Hart: Los Box 100 Folder 69 Angeles, CA

1996 John W. Hartman Box 100 Folder 70

1996 Dave Harvey Box 100 Folder 71

1997 John Hassell Box 100 Folder 72

2000 George Hawkins Box 100 Folder 73

1997 Russ and Helma Box 100 Folder 74 Hawkins: Kansas City, MO

1995 Dan Hazard/OUT Box 100 Folder 75

2000 Laurette Healey Box 100 Folder 76

1995 David Hebner Box 100 Folder 77

1996 H. Tappan Heher Box 100 Folder 78 (Documentary Filmmaker)

1997 Alison Heintz Box 100 Folder 79

1996 Wendy Heistad Box 100 Folder 80

1995 Jesse Helms Box 100 Folder 81

1996-1998 Stephen E. Herbits Box 100 Folder 82

1997 Kelli Herd Box 100 Folder 83

1996 Alan Hergott Box 100 Folder 84

1995 Alexis Herman Box 100 Folder 85

1999 Lynne Hermle Box 100 Folder 86

1999-2000 Christine Hershey Box 100 Folder 87

1998 Frederick Hertz Box 100 Folder 88

1997 Jeanne Heschele Box 100 Folder 89

1999 Emily Hewitt Box 100 Folder 90

1995 Adrienne Hickey Box 100 Folder 91 1996 Michael Hickey: Box 100 Folder 92 Hollywood, CA

1998 Higinbotham, Arthur Box 100 Folder 93

1997 Steve Hildebrand Box 100 Folder 94

1996 Rick Hill- NC Dinner Box 100 Folder 95

1997 Hines, Thomas Ann Box 100 Folder 96

1996 Cynthia Ho Box 100 Folder 97

1998-2000 Hochberg, Fred Box 100 Folder 98

1997 Paul Hokemeyer Box 100 Folder 99

1996-1998 Eleanor Holmes- Box 100 Folder 100 Norton: Washington, D.C.

1997 Brian Holt Box 100 Folder 101

1997 Dr. Winston Holt Box 100 Folder 102

1996 Ray Hom Box 100 Folder 103

1996 Steve Horn Box 100 Folder 104

1996 Terry M. House, M.D. Box 100 Folder 105

2000 Janet Howard Box 100 Folder 106

1998 Howell, Wendy Box 100 Folder 107

1996 Patrick M. Hudak Box 100 Folder 108

1996 Denay Hudson Box 100 Folder 109

1997 Mary Jo Hudson Box 100 Folder 110

1998-2003 Mike Huffington Box 100 Folder 111

1996 Bill Huggins Box 100 Folder 112

1997 Hubert H. Humphrey, Box 100 Folder 113 III

1997 Kenneth Hurd Box 100 Folder 114

1997 Red Hurd Box 100 Folder 115

1996 Lisa Hutchins Box 100 Folder 116

1996 Gail Ifshin Box 100 Folder 117 1999 Robert Iger/ ABC Box 100 Folder 118 Group no date Greg Irwin Box 100 Folder 119

1996 Amy Isaacs- ADA Box 100 Folder 120

1995 Jesse L. Jackson Box 100 Folder 121

1996 Shaun Jackson: Box 100 Folder 122 Burtonsville, MD

1995 Richard Jacobs Box 100 Folder 123

1997 Greg Jakubowicz Box 100 Folder 124

1995 Jeffrey M. Janis Box 100 Folder 125

2001 Bruce W. Jaster Box 100 Folder 126

1996 Lorri Jean Box 100 Folder 127

1995-1999 Everett Jennings, III Box 100 Folder 128

1996 Kevin Jennings Box 100 Folder 129

1996 Andrea Johnson/Shorr Box 100 Folder 130 and Ass.

1996 Earvin "Magic" Box 100 Folder 131 Johnson

1996 Janet Johnson: Box 100 Folder 132 Clearwater, FL

1998 Johnson, Leonard Earl Box 100 Folder 133

1997 Linda Johnson: Milford, Box 100 Folder 134 NH

1997 Mark F. Johnson Box 100 Folder 135

1996 Paul Johnson, M.D. Box 100 Folder 136

2004 Sky Johnson Box 100 Folder 137

1996 Thomas C. Johnson Box 100 Folder 138

1996 Tom J. Johnson/ A. Box 100 Folder 139 Timothy Nodes

1998 Beverly Jones Box 100 Folder 140

2001 Dr. Jones, Richard Box 100 Folder 141

1998 Joyner, Dwight Box 100 Folder 142 2003 Kalamar Design Box 100 Folder 143

1999 Michele Kammerer Box 100 Folder 144 no date Tony Kannanthanam Box 100 Folder 145

1996-2001 Arthur M. Kaplan Box 100 Folder 146

1997 Elaine Kaplan Box 100 Folder 147

2001 Sam Kaplan Box 100 Folder 148

2001 Kaplan, Woody Box 100 Folder 149

1996-1998 Karen Kaplowitz Box 100 Folder 150

1995 Lynn Kappelman Box 100 Folder 151

1996 Lisa Karle Box 100 Folder 152

1998 Sonia Katyal Box 100 Folder 153

1996 Karen Ellen Kavey Box 100 Folder 154

1997 Marla Kaye Box 100 Folder 155

1998 Keller, David Box 100 Folder 156 no date Nancy Kelly Box 100 Folder 157

1995 Sue W. Kelly Box 100 Folder 158

1996 Kathryn Dean Kendell Box 100 Folder 159

1995-1998 Sen. Edward M. Box 100 Folder 160 Kennedy

1996 Patrick Kennedy Box 100 Folder 161

1996-2001 Sen. J. Robert Kerrey Box 100 Folder 162

1996 Senator John Kerry Box 100 Folder 163

1997 Killian, Brian Box 100 Folder 164

1996 Kinder, Lydenberg, Box 100 Folder 165 Domini

2001 King, Billie Jean Box 100 Folder 166

1996-1997 Coretta Scott King Box 100 Folder 167

1995 Herb King Box 100 Folder 168

1996 Wesley King: Dayton, Box 100 Folder 169 Ohio 1998 David Wood Kinnard Box 100 Folder 170

1997-1998 Ted Kirby Box 100 Folder 171

1995-1996 Bill Kirkner Box 100 Folder 172

1996 Dale and Carol Box 100 Folder 173 Kirkpatrick

1998 Klainberg, Lesli Box 100 Folder 174 no date Michelle Knapik Box 100 Folder 175

1997 Alex Knight Box 100 Folder 176

2001 Harry Knox: Georgia Box 100 Folder 177 Equality Project

2000 Randy Komisar Box 100 Folder 178

2004 Geoffrey Kors Box 100 Folder 179

1999 Larry Kramer Box 100 Folder 180

1996 Torrie Kranz- New Box 100 Folder 181 Orleans Dinner

1996 Tamara Kreinin Box 100 Folder 182

1998 Kriesil, Christin Box 100 Folder 183

1996-1998 Mathilde Krim, Ph. D. Box 100 Folder 184

2002 Project Manual Box 100 Folder 185

2000-2001 PUD 1: Planned Unit Box 100 Folder 186 Development

2000-2001 PUD 2: Planned Unit Box 100 Folder 187 Development

1999 Regarding the Human Box 100 Folder 188 Rights Campaign Real Estate Options

2001 Zoning Commission Box 100 Folder 189 Application

September 2002 Los Angeles Board Box 103 Folder 1 Leadership Meeting

2002 Atlanta Pride Capital Box 103 Folder 2 Campaign 1999-2000 Equality Rocks Box 103 Folder 3

2000 Equality Rocks VH1 Box 103 Folder 4

1999-2000 Vermont Freedom to Box 103 Folder 5 Marry Task Force

2001 Wotapalava Box 103 Folder 6

1995-2000 Election 2000 Box 103 Folder 7

January 16, 2002 Directors Meeting Box 103 Folder 8

1999-2002 Family Pride Coalition Box 103 Folder 9

2002 National Policy Box 103 Folder 10 Roundtable

September 13-15, 2002 Minneapolis Dinner Box 103 Folder 11

2002-2003 Foreign Service Exam Box 103 Folder 12

2001 New York City Bar Box 103 Folder 13 Association

1999-2003 Scheduled Events Box 103 Folder 14

2000 Thank Yous Box 103 Folder 15

2001-2002 General Box 103 Folder 16 Correspondence

2002 Capital Campaign Box 103 Folder 17

2001-2002 September 11th Victims Box 103 Folder 18 Fund

2002 ENDA Outreach Box 103 Folder 19

2000-2001 Schedule "No"s Box 103 Folder 20

2001-2002 HRC Financial Box 103 Folder 21 Statements

2003 Davis and Harman Box 103 Folder 22 Meeting

2000 Equality Rocks Media Box 103 Folder 23

2000 Platform Committee - Box 103 Folder 24 Democratic National Convention

2002 Michigan Events and Box 103 Folder 25 News 2002 Columbus "Building Box 103 Folder 26 Equality" Event 2002

June 2002 Hawaii - Interview and Box 103 Folder 27 Speech

2002 San Francisco Events Box 103 Folder 28 and Meetings 2002

2000 Oregon and Box 103 Folder 29 Washington

2003 Dallas Events Box 103 Folder 30

2003 Mike Berman Events Box 103 Folder 31

2003 Miscellaneous Box 103 Folder 32 Appointments and Correspondence

March 2003 Philadelphia Dinner Box 103 Folder 33 2003

February 2003 Los Angeles Dinner Box 103 Folder 34 2003

2000-2002 Memos and HRC Box 103 Folder 35 Procedures and Outreach

2000 Miscellaneous Materials Box 103 Folder 36

1994 Correspondence Box 103 Folder 37

1995 Correspondence Box 103 Folder 38

January-May 1996 Correspondence Box 103 Folder 39

June-July 1996 Correspondence Box 103 Folder 40

August-December 1996 Correspondence Box 103 Folder 41

January-May 1997 Correspondence Box 103 Folder 42

June-December 1997 Correspondence Box 103 Folder 43

1998 Correspondence Box 103 Folder 44

1990 Correspondence Box 103 Folder 45

2000 Correspondence Box 103 Folder 46

2001 Correspondence Box 103 Folder 47 2003 Correspondence Box 103 Folder 48 no date HRC- Work Net Box 104 Folder 1

1991-1998 Public Policy Box 104 Folder 2

1995 Christian Coalition- Box 104 Folder 3 9/95

1995-1998 E. Birch Speech Drafts Box 104 Folder 4 (1)

1995-1998 Electoral Targets, Box 104 Folder 5 Speeches, and Statistics

1995-2000 E. Birch Speech Drafts Box 104 Folder 6 (2)

1996 EB on MacNeil Lehrer Box 104 Folder 7

1996 North Carolina Dinner Box 104 Folder 8

1996-1997 North Carolina Box 104 Folder 9 Campaign

1996-1998 E. Birch Speech Drafts Box 104 Folder 10 (3)

1996-1998 OutVote '96 Dinner Box 104 Folder 11

1997 NCOD Box 104 Folder 12

1997 North Carolina Dinner Box 104 Folder 13 1997

1997 Retirement Box 104 Folder 14

1997-1998 Angels in America Box 104 Folder 15

1997-1998 North Carolina Box 104 Folder 16

1997-2000 Speech Info Box 104 Folder 17

1998 Board of Directors and Box 104 Folder 18 1998 Campaign Activities

1998 News Releases Box 104 Folder 19

1998 North Carolina Dinner- Box 104 Folder 20 2/14- 2/15

1998 Speeches (1) Box 104 Folder 21

1998-1999 Georgia Box 104 Folder 22 1998-1999 Political (1) Box 104 Folder 23

1998-1999 Political (2) Box 104 Folder 24

1998-1999 Speeches (2) Box 104 Folder 25

1999 Atlanta 10/14 Box 104 Folder 26

2000 Democratic Convention Box 104 Folder 27 Speech

2000 Stanford Box 104 Folder 28 no date AJ Austin- Short Box 105 Folder 1 Speech no date Business Speech Box 105 Folder 2 no date Dallabrida and Box 105 Folder 3 Associates no date Elton John AIDS Box 105 Folder 4 Foundation no date Generic Talking Points Box 105 Folder 5 no date Houston Box 105 Folder 6 no date Speech- Divide and Box 105 Folder 7 Conquer- Buchanan

1995 Boston Box 105 Folder 8

1995 Dallas, Texas Box 105 Folder 9

1995 HRC Powerpoint Box 105 Folder 10

1995 Los Angeles Box 105 Folder 11

1995 Minneapolis- St. Paul Box 105 Folder 12

1995 San Francisco Dinner- Box 105 Folder 13 12/95

1995 South Carolina- 9/95 Box 105 Folder 14

1995 Ten City Tour Box 105 Folder 15

1995 Ten-Day Tour Box 105 Folder 16

1995 Washington, D.C. Box 105 Folder 17

1995-1996 Chicago Black Tie Box 105 Folder 18 Speech 1996 Atlanta Box 105 Folder 19

1996 Columbus, Ohio- 6/96 Box 105 Folder 20

1996 Democratic National Box 105 Folder 21 Committee- 1996 Leadership Conference

1996 Don McCleary Tribute Box 105 Folder 22

1996 Los Angeles- 2/96 Box 105 Folder 23

1996 Minnesota Dinner Box 105 Folder 24

1996 Nashville- 1/96 Box 105 Folder 25

1996 Nashville Dinner Box 105 Folder 26

1996 New Orleans Box 105 Folder 27

1996 North Carolina- 2/96 Box 105 Folder 28

1996 NY Trip- 8/20 Box 105 Folder 29

1996 Speech- Notre Dame Box 105 Folder 30

1997 Denver Box 105 Folder 31

1996 Denver Dinner- 2/97 Box 105 Folder 32

1997 E. Birch Speech Drafts Box 105 Folder 33

1997 Ellen, ENDA, and Box 105 Folder 34 Equal Rights: National Press Club 4/16/97

1997 HRC Directors' Box 105 Folder 35 Meeting

1997 HRC Georgia Equality Box 105 Folder 36 Project

1997 Law Review Article on Box 105 Folder 37 ENDA

1997 Los Angeles Box 105 Folder 38

1997 Los Angeles Dinner Box 105 Folder 39

1997 Nashville Dinner Box 105 Folder 40

1997 National Dinner Box 105 Folder 41

1997 Nashville Dinner Box 105 Folder 42 2000 Amnesty International Box 105 Folder 43

2000 Boston Box 105 Folder 44

1997 Boston- 6/21 to 6/24 Box 105 Folder 45

2000 Boston Debate Box 105 Folder 46

2000 Charlottesville/ UVA- Box 105 Folder 47 9/28

2000 Denver Box 105 Folder 48

2000 Denver: Capital Box 105 Folder 49 Campaign- 10/25- 10/27

2000 Detroit- July 29 Box 105 Folder 50

2000 Florida Box 105 Folder 51

2000 Gore Roll Out- Phil. Box 105 Folder 52 10/2

2000 Houston MD- 9/2000 Box 105 Folder 53

2000 Laguna/Dallas Box 105 Folder 54

2000 LA Trip Box 105 Folder 55

2000 Los Angeles- Box 105 Folder 56 Democratic National Convention- 8/11- 8/16

2000 Miami- 1/13 Box 105 Folder 57

2000 NCOD- Philly Box 105 Folder 58

2000 Newport Box 105 Folder 59

2000 New York MD Box 105 Folder 60

2000 NGLFT Policy Box 105 Folder 61 Roundtable- September

2000 NYC Board Meeting Box 105 Folder 62

2000 San Francisco Dinner- Box 105 Folder 63 July 8

2000 United Jewish Box 105 Folder 64 Communities- 3/20 2000-2001 American Forum Box 105 Folder 65

2000-2001 Anti-Nadar Tour Box 105 Folder 66

2000-2001 Denver- June 14-15 Box 105 Folder 67

2000-2001 DOT- June Box 105 Folder 68

2000-2001 Philadelphia MD Box 105 Folder 69 Dinner- January 18

2001 Boston MD Brunch- Box 105 Folder 70 1/28/01

2001 Chicago MD- 2/13/01 Box 105 Folder 71

2001 Cleveland Dinner- May Box 105 Folder 72 5

2001 Columbus- May 24 Box 105 Folder 73

2001 Denver Dinner- Box 105 Folder 74 2/24/01

2001 ED Retreat- Laguna Box 105 Folder 75 Beach, CA- April 19-22

2001 LA Dinner/ Real Box 105 Folder 76 Estate- Feb. 16- 17

2001 Los Angeles- May 21 Box 105 Folder 77

2001 Miami Box 105 Folder 78

2001 New York: AOL- Time Box 105 Folder 79 Warner

2001 North Carolina M.D.- Box 105 Folder 80 January 30-31

2001 San Francisco Dinner- Box 105 Folder 81 June 22-24

2001 Springfield/Boston- Box 105 Folder 82 April 30- May 1

2001 Tennessee Dinner- Box 105 Folder 83 3/24

2002 Elizabeth Birch- Box 105 Folder 84 Colorado CC Event, November 14 1990-2001 Strom Thurmond Box 106 Folder 1

1991-2002 Wellstone, Paul Box 106 Folder 2

1992-2002 Gramm, Phil Box 106 Folder 3

1994-2000 Vermont Box 106 Folder 4

1996-2001 Helms, Jesse Box 106 Folder 5

1997 Rev. F. Jay Deacon Box 106 Folder 6

1997-2000 E. Birch Box 106 Folder 7 Correspondence

1997-2002 Thompson, Fred Box 106 Folder 8

1997-2002 Torricelli, Robert Box 106 Folder 9

1998 Dadey, Dick Box 106 Folder 10

1998 Houston Contacts Box 106 Folder 11

1998-1999 Donner, Rachel Box 106 Folder 12

1998-2002 Cleland, Max Box 106 Folder 13

1999 Breslauer, Mary Box 106 Folder 14

1999 Coburn, Heather Box 106 Folder 15

1999 Correspondence Box 106 Folder 16

1999 E. Birch Box 106 Folder 17 Correspondence (1)

1999 E. Birch Box 106 Folder 18 Correspondence (2)

1999 E. Birch Box 106 Folder 19 Correspondence (3)

1999 E. Birch Box 106 Folder 20 Correspondence (4)

1999 FEC Box 106 Folder 21

1999 Feinstein, Michael Box 106 Folder 22

1999 Gray Davis Box 106 Folder 23

1999 Greystone Box 106 Folder 24 1999 HRC Staff Handbook Box 106 Folder 25

1999 Latham, Liz Box 106 Folder 26

1999 McCutchen, Doyle Box 106 Folder 27

1999 Shepard, Judy Box 106 Folder 28

1999 San Francisco- 11/17- Box 106 Folder 29 18

1999 Seattle- 11/18-20 Box 106 Folder 30

1999 Sen Torricelli Book Box 106 Folder 31

1999 Thank You Cards- E. Box 106 Folder 32 Birch

1999-2000 Iowa- Campaign 2000 Box 106 Folder 33

1999-2000 Presidential Box 106 Folder 34

1999-2000 Roundtable- 3/16 Box 106 Folder 35

1999-2002 New York Event Box 106 Folder 36

2000 Democratic National Box 106 Folder 37 Convention

2000 EQR on VH1 Box 106 Folder 38

2000 Gore Endorsement Box 106 Folder 39

2000 Orlando/Disney- June Box 106 Folder 40 14-15

2000 Wake Forest Debates Box 106 Folder 41

2000-2002 Carnahan, Jean Box 106 Folder 42

2000-2002 HRC Correspondence Box 106 Folder 43 and Board Meeting

2001 City Briefings Box 106 Folder 44

2001 Houston Board Meeting Box 106 Folder 45 6

2001 Melissa Etheridge Box 106 Folder 46 Concert- 8/2001

2001 1640 Rhode Island Ave. Box 106 Folder 47

2001-2002 Houston- Executive Box 106 Folder 48 Meeting 2002 Houston Dinner- Box 106 Folder 49 3/2/02

2002 IAFF Human Relations Box 106 Folder 50 Conference

2002 New Orleans Dinner Box 106 Folder 51

2002 San Francisco- Dinner Box 106 Folder 52 and Board Meeting

2002-2003 Cleveland Capital Box 106 Folder 53 Campaign- Nov. 14-15, 2003

2002-2003 Elizabeth Birch- Twin Box 106 Folder 54 Cities- January 22, 2003

2003 E. Birch Box 106 Folder 55 Correspondence

2003 Houston Box 106 Folder 56

2003 HRC Foundation/ Box 106 Folder 57 Kresege Foundation

2003 Laguna- April 2003 Box 106 Folder 58

2003 Lavender Road to Box 106 Folder 59 Success: The Career Guide for the Gay Community

2003 Leadership Conference Box 106 Folder 60 on Civil Rights no date Photographs Box 107 Folder 1

1992-1994 Momentum TV- News Box 107 Folder 2 Cities

1993-1994 Media Box 107 Folder 3

1994 Momentum TV- To Do Box 107 Folder 4

1994-1995 Homo Xtra Box 107 Folder 5

1994-1998 HRC News Clippings Box 107 Folder 6

1994-1999 Alabama- 3/4/99- 1st Box 107 Folder 7 Report of Murder 1994-2000 E. Birch Box 107 Folder 8

1994-2002 E. B. Box 107 Folder 9

1995-1997 HRFC Box 107 Folder 10

1995-1999 News Clippings Box 107 Folder 11

1996 Audit Evaluations Box 107 Folder 12

1996 News Clips- Hawaii Box 107 Folder 13 Court Decision

1996-2002 E. Birch Letters and Box 107 Folder 14 Speeches

1997-2000 HRC News Clippings Box 107 Folder 15

1998 News Clips 1998 (1) Box 107 Folder 16

1998 News Clips 1998 (2) Box 107 Folder 17

1998-1999 HRC News Clips Box 107 Folder 18

1998-1999 James Hormel- Box 107 Folder 19 Nomination for US Ambassador to Luxembourg

1999 Clips Related to 1999 Box 107 Folder 20 HRC National Dinner

1999 Communications Dept. Box 107 Folder 21 Clips- December

1999 Hormel- June 1999 Box 107 Folder 22

1999 HRC News Clips (1) Box 107 Folder 23

1999 News Clippings (2) Box 107 Folder 24

1999 News Clippings (3) Box 107 Folder 25

1999 News Clippings (4) Box 107 Folder 26

1999 News Clippings (5) Box 107 Folder 27

1999 The Nation- July '99 Box 107 Folder 28

1999 Wyoming Cops- HCPA Box 107 Folder 29

1999 Xeroxed News Box 107 Folder 30 Clippings (1)

1999 Xeroxed News Box 107 Folder 31 Clippings (2)

2000 General Contractor's Box 107 Folder 32 Proposal

2000 Tenant- Possible Box 107 Folder 33

2000-2001 Concord Box 107 Folder 34

2001 Concord Partners- Box 107 Folder 35 Proposed Schedule

2001 Design (1) Box 107 Folder 36

2001 Design (2) Box 107 Folder 37

2004 HRFC Agenda Box 107 Folder 38

1988-1998 Funds: The Triangle Box 110 Folder 1 Institute, the Human Rights and Health Fund, and the Human Rights Campaign Fund (1)

1988-1998 Funds: The Triangle Box 110 Folder 2 Institute, the Human Rights and Health Fund, and the Human Rights Campaign Fund (2)

1992-1996 Human Rights Box 110 Folder 3 Campaign Fund: Budgets

1992-1996 The Human Rights Box 110 Folder 4 Campaign Foundation (formerly the Triangle Institute)

1993 Proposal to the Human Box 110 Folder 5 Rights Campaign Fund by Schwab, Bennett, and Associates: Securing Lesbian and Gay Rights in the Corporate Community

1995-1996 Human Rights Box 110 Folder 6 Campaign Fund Budget and Balance Sheets

1996-1997 HRC Foundation Box 110 Folder 7 Briefing Book

1996-1997 Human Rights Box 110 Folder 8 Campaign Foundation and Human Rights Campaign Fund: Combined Operating Budgets (April 96- March 97)

1997 FY 97 Budget: Political Box 110 Folder 9 Department

1989-2001 Human Rights Box 111 Folder 1 Campaign Strategic Plan

1989-2001 Human Rights Box 111 Folder 2 Campaign Memos and Letters

1999-2000 Letters to Members, Box 111 Folder 3 Partners, and Donors

2001-2002 Judge Charles Box 111 Folder 4 Pickering- Nominee to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals- Briefing Book, Section 1- General Information on Judge Charles Pickering

2002 Briefing Book- Section Box 111 Folder 5 2- HRC Letter Opposing Judge Pickering's Nomination, Section 3- HRC Letter to Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Section 4- Action Alerts to Committee Members' States and to Action Alert Members, Section 5- Letters from Law Professors to Senate Judiciary Committee Members

2002 except for Court Briefing Book- Section Box 111 Folder 6 Transcript 6- Miscellaneous Allied Organizations' and Editorial Positions on Pickering, Section 7- Summary of Criticism of Opposition to Pickering's Nomination, Also- Court Reporter's Transcript of Defendant's Sentence Hearing Before Judge Pickering (1994)

2003 Hearing on the Status Box 111 Folder 7 of Current Law Regarding Civil Marriage for Same-Sex Couples- Section 1- An Overview of Federal Rights and Protections Granted to Married Couples

2003 Hearing on the Status- Box 111 Folder 8 Section 2- State Civil Marriage: Protections, Responsibilities, and Benefits

2003 Hearing on the Status- Box 111 Folder 9 Section 3- H. J. Res. 56, the "Federal Marriage Amendment" 2003 Hearing on the Status- Box 111 Folder 10 Section 4- Same- Sex Marriage and Religious Freedom, Section 5- Public Opinion on Gay and Lesbian Rights

2003 Hearing on the Status- Box 111 Folder 11 Section 6- Relationship Protection at the State and Local Levels, Section 7- FAQ on Corporate Benefits

2003 Hearing on the Status- Box 111 Folder 12 Section 8- Op- Eds and Editorials on Civil Marriage, Section 9- Real Families

2003 Hearing on the Status- Box 111 Folder 13 Section 10- Selected State Codes and Supplemental Policy Statements

2004 Hearing on the Status Box 112 Folder 1 of Current Law Regarding Civil Marriage for Same-Sex Couples- Section 1- American Families- Loving Lesbian and Gay Couples and Their Children- Who Would Be Made Second- Class Citizens by an Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment

2004 Hearing on the Status- Box 112 Folder 2 Section 2- Legal Problems with Amending the US Constitution to Ban Marriage for Same-Sex Couples

2004 Hearing on the Status- Box 112 Folder 3 Section 3- Amending the Constitution is Serious Business and Should Not Be Undertaken to Solve Social Issues

2004 Hearing on the Status- Box 112 Folder 4 Section 4- Americans Oppose Amending the Constitution to Enshrine Discrimination Against Same-Sex Couples

2004 Hearing on the Status- Box 112 Folder 5 Section 5- Federalist (States' Rights) Principles Dictate Not Amending the Constitution on Marriage but Leaving the Matter to the States

2004 Hearing on the Status- Box 112 Folder 6 Section 6- It is the Constitutional Role of Judges to Interpret the Constitution, Section 7- The Constitution Protects Free Exercise of Religion

2004 Hearing on the Status- Box 112 Folder 7 Section 8- Writing Discrimination into the Constitution Will Have Devastating Effects on American Families

2004 Hearing on the Status- Box 112 Folder 8 Section 9- Marriage Laws Have Not Remained Static, But Have Changed Over Time

2004 Hearing on the Status- Box 112 Folder 9 Section 10- Children Raised in Lesbian and Gay Homes Do As Well By All Standard Measures as Other Children

2004 The Human Rights Box 112 Folder 10 Campaign and the Federal Marriage Amendment: An Outline of Activities that Defeated the Amendment

2004 The Human Rights Box 112 Folder 10 Campaign and the Federal Marriage Amendment: An Outline of Activities that Defeated the Amendment

1981-1996 The Gay Rights Box 113 Folder 1 National Lobby

1982-1997 HRC Files Box 113 Folder 2

1985-1989 The Human Rights Box 113 Folder 3 Campaign Fund (1)

1985-1993 The Human Rights Box 113 Folder 4 Campaign Fund (2)

1988-1995 HRC Photographs Box 113 Folder 5

2000 106th Congressional Box 113 Folder 6 Scorecard

2000-2004 Event Invitations Box 113 Folder 7

2001 Business/ Box 113 Folder 8 Discrimination Pamphlets

2002 2002 Congressional Box 113 Folder 9 Election

2003 HRC- New Box 113 Folder 10 Headquarters

2003 Photographs from Box 113 Folder 11 Equality Rocks! 2003 (1)

2003 Photographs from Box 113 Folder 12 Equality Rocks! 2003 (2)

2003 Photographs from Box 113 Folder 13 Equality Rocks! 2003 (3)

2003 Regina Paris- Box 113 Folder 14 Photographer for Equality Rocks! 2003 no date Answers to Senator Box 115 Folder 1 Nunn's Questions no date Background Materials in Box 115 Folder 2 Support of Lifting the Ban on Gay Men and Lesbians in the Military (1) no date Background Materials in Box 115 Folder 3 Support of Lifting the Ban on Gay Men and Lesbians in the Military (2) no date Boston Contacts Box 115 Folder 4 no date Chicago Contacts Box 115 Folder 5 no date Cleveland Contacts Box 115 Folder 6 no date Confidentiality Box 115 Folder 7 Agreement no date Detroit Contacts Box 115 Folder 8 no date Indiana Contacts Box 115 Folder 9 no date National Republican Box 115 Folder 10 Campaign Committee no date NBC Box 115 Folder 11 no date New Orleans Contacts Box 115 Folder 12 no date PAC Criteria Box 115 Folder 13 no date Portland Box 115 Folder 14 no date San Antonio Contacts Box 115 Folder 15 no date Santa Fe Contacts Box 115 Folder 16 no date Seattle Box 115 Folder 17 no date St. Louis Contacts Box 115 Folder 18 no date Tennessee Contacts Box 115 Folder 19 no date Tom Harkin Box 115 Folder 20 no date White House Box 115 Folder 21 Conference on Hate Crimes

1984-1990 Gays in the Military (1) Box 115 Folder 22

1984-1990 Gays in the Military (2) Box 115 Folder 23

1989-1990 Congressional Box 115 Folder 24 Scorecards- 1980s

1990-1996 Organizational Box 115 Folder 25 Assessments

1991-1992 Human Rights Box 115 Folder 26 Campaign Fund

1992-1993 Clinton Letter Box 115 Folder 27

1992-1994 Human Rights Box 115 Folder 28 Campaign Fund- Momentum TV (1)

1992-1994 Human Rights Box 115 Folder 29 Campaign Fund- Momentum TV (2)

1992-1995 Union Box 115 Folder 30 1993-1996 CA Info: Orange Box 115 Folder 31 County Together

1994 Anti-Gay Legislation Box 115 Folder 32

1994 November '94 Elections Box 115 Folder 33

1994-1995 Atlanta Dinner- 5/95 Box 115 Folder 34

1994-1995 HRC and Republicans Box 115 Folder 35

1994-1996 Michigan Political Box 115 Folder 36 Memos

1994-1996 Oregon- Ballot Box 115 Folder 37 Initiative/ Fall '95

1995 Boston Dinner- 10/95 Box 115 Folder 38

1995 Boston Hotels- 10/95 Box 115 Folder 39

1995 Chicago Dinner- 7/95 Box 115 Folder 40

1995 Columbus Dinner- Box 115 Folder 41 6/95

1995 Detroit- Women of Box 115 Folder 42 HRC 3/95

1995 District of Columbia Box 115 Folder 43

1995 DOJ Working Group Box 115 Folder 44

1995 EEOC Box 115 Folder 45

1995 Florida- Gay Travel Box 115 Folder 46

1995 Grand Rapids Trip- Box 115 Folder 47 8/95

1995 Greenville Dinner- Box 115 Folder 48 9/95

1995 IA-PAC Memo 9/95 Box 115 Folder 49

1995 Illinois Federation of Box 115 Folder 50 Human Rights

1995 Intro to Massachusetts- Box 115 Folder 51 2/95

1995 Los Angeles Steering Box 115 Folder 52 Committee- 8/95

1995 Louisiana- Mary Box 115 Folder 53 Landrieu for Gov.

1995 Maine- Ballot Initiative Box 115 Folder 54 7/95

1995 Memento from the Box 115 Folder 55 White House

1995 Michigan Dinner- Box 115 Folder 56 10/95

1995 Minneapolis Dinner- Box 115 Folder 57 9/95

1995 NY Dinner- 6/95 Box 115 Folder 58

1995 Oregon- 2 Lesbians Box 115 Folder 59 Murdered- 95

1995 Palm Springs '95 Box 115 Folder 60

1995 Policy Box 115 Folder 61

1995 Political Dept. Box 115 Folder 62 Personnel

1995 San Francisco Dinner- Box 115 Folder 63 6/95

1995 San Francisco Trip- Box 115 Folder 64 12/95

1995 St. Louis Trip- 9/95 Box 115 Folder 65

1995 Time Mag. Letters Box 115 Folder 66

1995 Univ. of Pennsylvania- Box 115 Folder 67 3/95

1995 Washington, D.C. Box 115 Folder 68 Dinner- 10/95

1995 Washington Post Box 115 Folder 69 Letters

1995 White House- 95 Box 115 Folder 70

1995 White House Meeting- Box 115 Folder 71 7/26/95

1995 White House- Security Box 115 Folder 72 Clearance- Executive Order

1995-1996 Boston- Mary Box 115 Folder 73 Breslauer- Events 1995-1996 Boston Trips Box 115 Folder 74

1995 GA- Georgia Equality Box 115 Folder 75 Project

1995-1996 Lesbian Health Box 115 Folder 76

1995-1996 Minnesota- GLC Box 115 Folder 77

1995-1996 Pennsylvania Pridefest Box 115 Folder 78 '96

1995-1996 WA Political Info- 5/95 Box 115 Folder 79

1995-1996 White House AIDS Box 115 Folder 80 Conference

1995-1996 White House Box 115 Folder 81 Conference on AIDS (1)

1995-1996 White House Box 115 Folder 82 Conference on AIDS (2)

1994-1997 Hollywood Supports Box 116 Folder 1

1995-1997 Austin Box 116 Folder 2

1995-1997 Bisexual Box 116 Folder 3

1995-1997 Illinois Leadership Box 116 Folder 4 Committee

1995-1997 Minneapolis Trips Box 116 Folder 5

1995-1997 Minnesota Political Box 116 Folder 6 Memos

1995-1997 New York City Trips Box 116 Folder 7

1995-1997 President Clinton Box 116 Folder 8

1995-1997 San Antonio Box 116 Folder 9

1995-1997 San Diego Box 116 Folder 10

1995-1997 Transgender (1) Box 116 Folder 11

1995-1997 Transgender (2) Box 116 Folder 12

1995-1997 Washington State Box 116 Folder 13

1995-1997 White House Box 116 Folder 14

1996 Atlanta Dinner- 96 Box 116 Folder 15 1996 Atlanta Dinner- 5/96 Box 116 Folder 16

1996 California Project Box 116 Folder 17

1996 Campaign 1996 Box 116 Folder 18

1996 Chicago Dinner- 7/96 Box 116 Folder 19

1996 Chicago- Philip Palmer Box 116 Folder 20 4/96

1996 Cleveland Dinner- 4/96 Box 116 Folder 21

1996 Clinton/Gore Box 116 Folder 22

1996 Clinton/Gore '96 Box 116 Folder 23

1996 Clinton/Gore Re-Elect Box 116 Folder 24

1996 Columbus Dinner '96 Box 116 Folder 25

1996 DNC Office of L/G Box 116 Folder 26 Outreach

1996 Gay and Lesbian Legal Box 116 Folder 27 Services and Resources

1996 Greater Boston Box 116 Folder 28 Business

1996 Harold Ickes- The Box 116 Folder 29 White House

1996 HRC Campaign '96 Box 116 Folder 30

1996 HRC- Canada Box 116 Folder 31

1996 HRC-DC Dinner Corp. Box 116 Folder 32 Solicitation Outreach

1996 Greater San Diego Box 116 Folder 33 Business Association

1996 ID- No on 1 Coalition Box 116 Folder 34

1996 Inauguration Event Box 116 Folder 35

1996 Independent Box 116 Folder 36 Expenditure

1996 Indiana Box 116 Folder 37

1996 Laguna Contacts Box 116 Folder 38 (Orange County)

1996 LA One Event Box 116 Folder 39

1996 Lobbying Gift Rules Box 116 Folder 40

1996 Los Angeles Contacts Box 116 Folder 41

1996 Massachusetts Political Box 116 Folder 42 Memos

1996 Michigan Dinner '96 Box 116 Folder 43

1996 New Orleans Dinner Box 116 Folder 44 '96

1996 Northwest Trip Box 116 Folder 45

1996 Ohio- PAC- 4/96 Box 116 Folder 46

1996 Patricia S. Fleming- The Box 116 Folder 47 White House

1996 San Diego Trips Box 116 Folder 48

1996 SF Dinner- 96 Box 116 Folder 49

1996 South Carolina Trip- Box 116 Folder 50 2/96

1996 St. Louis Federal Club- Box 116 Folder 51 6/96

1996 Tulsa Box 116 Folder 52

1996 Viaticus Box 116 Folder 53

1996-1997 Boston Box 116 Folder 54

1996-1997 Colleagues Box 116 Folder 55

1996-1997 Colorado- Governor Box 116 Folder 56 Roy Romer

1996-1997 Denver Dinner Box 116 Folder 57 Committee

1996-1997 Hawaii Box 116 Folder 58

1996-1997 Inaugural- 97 Box 116 Folder 59

1996-1997 Los Angeles Box 116 Folder 60

1996-1997 Mike McCurry Box 116 Folder 61

1996-1997 Minneapolis Contacts Box 116 Folder 62 1996-1997 Puerto Rico Box 116 Folder 63

1996-1997 San Diego Contacts Box 116 Folder 64

1996-1997 Los Angeles Box 116 Folder 65

1996-1997 S. Planning Box 116 Folder 66

1996-1997 Triangle Ball- 1997 Box 116 Folder 67 Inauguration

1996-1997 White House Box 116 Folder 68

1997 AIDS Info- 1997 Box 116 Folder 69

1997 Chicago- 7/97 Box 116 Folder 70

1997 Cheryl Mills- The White Box 116 Folder 71 House

1997 Donna Shalala Box 116 Folder 72

1997 Faith Communities Box 116 Folder 73

1997 Findings from a Survey Box 116 Folder 74 of 700 Hawaiian Voters

1997 Harvard Kennedy Box 116 Folder 75 School of Gov.

1997 Hawaii Box 116 Folder 76

1997 John Kayser- Denver Box 116 Folder 77 Dinner

1997 Lake- Hawaii- 10/97 Box 116 Folder 78

1997 Los Angeles Political Box 116 Folder 79 Memos

1997 Maine Box 116 Folder 80

1997 Maria Echaveste- The Box 116 Folder 81 White House

1997 Michigan Dinner Box 116 Folder 82 Committee

1997 Missouri Box 116 Folder 83

1997 National Survey on Gay Box 116 Folder 84 Family Issues

1997 New Orleans Box 116 Folder 85 1997 News Clippings Box 116 Folder 86

1997 NGPA Box 116 Folder 87

1997 OutVote Box 116 Folder 88

1997 Provincetown Box 116 Folder 89

1997 Richard Socarides- The Box 116 Folder 90 White House

1997 San Francisco Contacts Box 116 Folder 91

1997 San Francisco Political Box 116 Folder 92 Memos

1997 San Francisco Trips Box 116 Folder 93

1997 Sean Maloney- The Box 116 Folder 94 White House

1997 Sylvia Matthews- The Box 116 Folder 95 White House

1997 Texas Commerce Bank: Box 116 Folder 96 Houston, TX

1997 Washington, D.C. Box 116 Folder 97 Contacts

1997 White House Briefing- Box 116 Folder 98 2/97

1997 White House: R. Box 116 Folder 99 Emmanuel

1991-1998 Gays in the Military Box 117 Folder 1

1991-1998 Strategic Planning Box 117 Folder 2

1994-1998 HRC Marketing Studies Box 117 Folder 3

1995-1998 Congressional Box 117 Folder 4 Scorecards

1995-1998 Dallas Dinner 98 Box 117 Folder 5

1995-1998 Greystone Box 117 Folder 6

1995-1998 Los Angeles Dinner- Box 117 Folder 7 2/96

1995-1998 Los Angeles Trips Box 117 Folder 8

1995-1998 Texas Political Memos Box 117 Folder 9 1996-1998 Albert Gore Box 117 Folder 10

1996-1998 California- San Box 117 Folder 11 Francisco

1996-1998 Chicago Travel File Box 117 Folder 12

1996-1998 Illinois Political Memos Box 117 Folder 13

1996-1998 Minneapolis Box 117 Folder 14

1996-1998 Nashville Trip- 1/96 Box 117 Folder 15

1996-1998 New York Contacts Box 117 Folder 16

1996-1998 Seattle Box 117 Folder 17

1996-1998 Utah Box 117 Folder 18

1996-1998 White House- 7/22 Box 117 Folder 19

1996-1998 Witeck-Combs Box 117 Folder 20

1997 EMB Folders Box 117 Folder 21

1997 Hate Crimes Box 117 Folder 22

1997 Oregon Box 117 Folder 23

1997 Texas Trip- 9/10 to Box 117 Folder 24 9/14

1997 Washington State Box 117 Folder 25

1997-1998 Appointments Box 117 Folder 26

1997-1998 California Political Box 117 Folder 27 Memos

1997-1998 Chicago Box 117 Folder 28

1997-1998 Colorado Political Box 117 Folder 29 Memos

1997-1998 Dallas Box 117 Folder 30

1997-1998 Dallas Black Tie, Inc. Box 117 Folder 31

1997-1998 Erskine Bowles Box 117 Folder 32

1997-1998 Gospel and Soul Box 117 Folder 33

1997-1998 Hawaii Box 117 Folder 34

1997-1998 HRC National Dinner Box 117 Folder 35 1997-1998 Interfaith Alliance Box 117 Folder 36

1997-1998 Lake- Hawaii- 80 slides- Box 117 Folder 37 10/97

1997-1998 Los Angeles Dinner Box 117 Folder 38

1997-1998 Michigan Box 117 Folder 39

1997-1998 New Orleans Box 117 Folder 40

1997-1998 Santa Cruz Box 117 Folder 41

1997-1998 Walt Disney Company Box 117 Folder 42

1997-1999 United Airlines Box 117 Folder 43

1998 Anti Gay Ad Box 117 Folder 44

1998 Boston Box 117 Folder 45

1998 Circles Box 117 Folder 46

1998 Clinton Gore Ac Box 117 Folder 47

1998 D'Amato Box 117 Folder 48

1998 D'Amato, Pro-Choice Box 117 Folder 49 Orgs.

1998 Denver Dinner- 2/21 Box 117 Folder 50

1998 Dignity/USA Box 117 Folder 51

1998 Florida Contacts Box 117 Folder 52

1998 Florida Trip Box 117 Folder 53

1998 Gay and Lesbian Box 117 Folder 54 Advocates and Defenders

1998 Hewlett- Packard Box 117 Folder 55

1998 Ms. Tipper Gore Box 117 Folder 56

1998 Out Magazine Box 117 Folder 57

1998 PrideFest Philadelphia Box 117 Folder 58

1998 United Airlines (1) Box 117 Folder 59

1998 United Airlines (2) Box 117 Folder 60

1998 Variety Ad Box 117 Folder 61 1998 White House- Al Gore Box 117 Folder 62

1994-1998 Union Box 118 Folder 1

1994-1999 Victory Fund Box 118 Folder 2

1994-2000 National Black Gay and Box 118 Folder 3 Lesbian Leadership Forum

1994-2000 NLGTF Box 118 Folder 4

1994-2000 Transgender Box 118 Folder 5

1995-2000 HRC Foundation and Box 118 Folder 6 the HRC Fund

1995-2000 John L. Sullivan Box 118 Folder 7

1995-2000 Philadelphia Inquirer Box 118 Folder 8

1996-1998 Strategic Plan '98 Box 118 Folder 9

1996-1999 Colorado Trips Box 118 Folder 10

1996-1999 Columbus Box 118 Folder 11

1996-1999 George Magazine Box 118 Folder 12

1996-1999 IBM Box 118 Folder 13

1996-1999 National Organization Box 118 Folder 14 of Women (Patricia Ireland)

1996-1999 Tennessee Political Box 118 Folder 15 Memos

1996-1999 Whitman-Walker Box 118 Folder 16

1996-2000 Artists- NO Box 118 Folder 17

1996-2000 P-FLAG Box 118 Folder 18

1997 Dallas Contacts Box 118 Folder 19

1997-1998 Dallas, Santa Cruz, LA- Box 118 Folder 20 2/4-2/9

1997-1998 GSC- Keying Questions Box 118 Folder 21 Pending

1997-1998 Philadelphia Box 118 Folder 22

1997-1998 South Carolina Box 118 Folder 23 1997-1999 Adoption Box 118 Folder 24

1997-1999 Aspen Box 118 Folder 25

1997-1999 Atlanta Contacts Box 118 Folder 26

1997-1999 Boston Box 118 Folder 27

1997-1999 Florida Box 118 Folder 28

1997-2000 Campaign Activities Box 118 Folder 29

1997-2000 General Mills Box 118 Folder 30

1998 Arkansas Box 118 Folder 31

1998 Atlanta Trip- 3/19 Box 118 Folder 32

1998 Dallas Dinner- 11/7/98 Box 118 Folder 33

1998 HRC: Towards a Box 118 Folder 34 Million Members

1998 Maine Box 118 Folder 35

1998 MN Speech 98 Box 118 Folder 36

1998 New York Steering Box 118 Folder 37 Committee

1998 NYC Fed. Club Box 118 Folder 38

1998 Oklahoma Box 118 Folder 39

1998 Philadelphia Contacts Box 118 Folder 40

1998-1999 Elton John Box 118 Folder 41

1998-1999 Jim Hormel Box 118 Folder 42

1998-1999 Melissa Etheridge Box 118 Folder 43

1998-2000 Democratic National Box 118 Folder 44 Committee

1999 AIDS in Sub-Saharan Box 118 Folder 45 Africa

1999 Atlanta, 4/30- 5/1 Box 118 Folder 46

1999 Dallas Black Tie Dinner Box 118 Folder 47

1999 Death Penalty Box 118 Folder 48

1999 ER Don Was Box 118 Folder 49 1999 ER Print Ads Box 118 Folder 50

1999 ER Television Box 118 Folder 51

1999 Hawaii Box 118 Folder 52

1999 HRC Political Dept. Box 118 Folder 53

1999 Ingrid Caseres Box 118 Folder 54

1999 Laurette Healey Box 118 Folder 55

1999 Mary Cahill Box 118 Folder 56

1999 Nike Box 118 Folder 57

1999 Planet Out Box 118 Folder 58

1999 President Clinton Box 118 Folder 59

1999 Rel Liberty Prot Act Box 118 Folder 60

1999 Santa Clara Box 118 Folder 61

1999 Seattle Box 118 Folder 62

1999 Stadium Seating Box 118 Folder 63

1999 Texas- Hate Crimes Box 118 Folder 64

1999 United Airlines Box 118 Folder 65

1999-2000 ER Corporate Box 118 Folder 66

1999-2000 ER Memos Box 118 Folder 67

1999-2000 ER Message Box 118 Folder 68

1996-2001 Shell- Sept. 10, 2001- Box 119 Folder 1 Houston

1997-2001 GLAAD Box 119 Folder 2

1997-2002 Enda Meeting Box 119 Folder 3 Background- Feb. 5

1997-2002 HRC Pamphlets Box 119 Folder 4

1998-2001 MMOW BRD Calls (1) Box 119 Folder 5

1998-2001 MMOW BRD Calls (2) Box 119 Folder 6

1998-2001 Oklahoma Contacts Box 119 Folder 7

1999-2000 ER Producers Box 119 Folder 8 1999-2000 Heather Quinn Letters Box 119 Folder 9

1999-2002 Purchase of 1640 RI Box 119 Folder 10 Ave- Docs

2000 Adoption Box 119 Folder 11

2000 CD ERocks Box 119 Folder 12

2000 Diversity Box 119 Folder 13

2000 Equality Rocks- Photos Box 119 Folder 14

2000 Equality Rocks Box 119 Folder 15, v-5644 Videocassette

2000 ER Cancellation Ins Box 119 Folder 16

2000 National Dinner 2000 Box 119 Folder 17

2000 National Dinner 2000- Box 119 Folder 18 Urgent

2000 2 tape recordings: God Box 119 Folder 19, TR 8785d Loves Us All and TR 8784a (Sager/Feinstein) and "Question," "Family," "Al Miyasato," and "Jean Aoki"

2000 Youth College 2000 Box 119 Folder 20

2000-2001 Co-Chair List- Gala Box 119 Folder 21 Dinners

2000-2001 HRC Talking Points Box 119 Folder 22

2001 AT+T League- June 7, Box 119 Folder 23 2001- Orlando

2001 Bush Era Judicial Appts Box 119 Folder 24

2001 Chicago/Boston- Oct Box 119 Folder 25 26-27

2001 Dept. of Agriculture Box 119 Folder 26

2001 ERocks II Box 119 Folder 27

2001 Events Calendar- FY02 Box 119 Folder 28 and 03

2001 Faith-Based Initia Box 119 Folder 29

2001 Free State Justice Event Box 119 Folder 30 2001 Girl Scouts, USA Box 119 Folder 31

2001 Helm's Amendment Box 119 Folder 32

2001 Justification for Writing Box 119 Folder 33 Regulations for Federal Victim Compensation Fund that are Inclusive of Domestic Partners (1)

2001 Justification for Writing Box 119 Folder 34 Regulations for Federal Victim Compensation Fund that are Inclusive of Domestic Partners (2)

2001 Maryland Box 119 Folder 35

2001 Military Photo Box 119 Folder 36

2001 Minnesota Box 119 Folder 37

2001 9/11 Box 119 Folder 38

2001 Palm Springs- Dec. Box 119 Folder 39 2001

2001 Republican Outreach Box 119 Folder 40

2001 Research Outside Box 119 Folder 41

2001 SF Event and Box 119 Folder 42 Community Event

2001 Southern Poverty Law Box 119 Folder 43 Center

2001 Speeches Box 119 Folder 44

2001 Spitzer Box 119 Folder 45

2001-2002 Budget 2002 Box 119 Folder 46

2001-2002 Claudia French Box 119 Folder 47

2001-2002 Corporate Recognition Box 119 Folder 48 Matrix

2001-2002 9/11 Relief Efforts Box 119 Folder 49 2001-2002 NYC Relief (1) Box 119 Folder 50

2001-2002 NYC Relief (2) Box 119 Folder 51

2002 EB- Contract Extension Box 119 Folder 52 Memo to Brd

2002 EB. HR Ascroft- Re: Box 119 Folder 53 Hate Crimes

2002 Home Depot Box 119 Folder 54

2002 HRCF- Community Box 119 Folder 55 Action Program Pilot Report

2002 Mychal Judge Act Box 119 Folder 55

2002 Strategic Planning Box 120 Folder 1

2002 Youth College 2002 Box 120 Folder 2

2002-2003 Ford Sponsorship Box 120 Folder 3

2002-2003 HRC Pamphlets Box 120 Folder 4

2003 Corporate Sponsor Box 120 Folder 5 Packets

2003-2004 FY04 Budget Box 120 Folder 6

1996-2004 HRC Strategic Plan Box 121 Folder 1

2001-2004 Blueprint for Bush Box 121 Folder 2

2001-2004 Box Office Tickets Box 121 Folder 3 Form

2003-2004 HRC Marriage Plan (1) Box 121 Folder 4

2003-2004 HRC Marriage Plan (2) Box 121 Folder 5

2003-2004 Marriage Box 121 Folder 6

November 11, 1999 Project "Out There" Box 128 Folder 1

"What We Do" Box 128 Folder 2

1999 Strategic Plan 1999- Box 128 Folder 3 2004

July 23, 2005 The Five Year Strategic Box 128 Folder 4 Plan 2005-2010

2002-2005 Board Rosters Box 128 Folder 5 Harvey Hurdle (Chief Box 90 Operating Officer), 2001- 2005

Cheryl Jacques, 2004 Box 91

Board Materials

1983 HRCF - Board member Box 54 Folder 25 correspondence re: Contributions

1982/1983 HRCF - Board/Internal Box 79 Folder 65 Correspondence

March 1983 HRCF - Board of Box 79 Folder 66 Directors Meeting

1995-1997 HRC Goals, Leadership Box 82 Conference, Bi- weekly reports from Executive Director to Board of Directors, Board meetings, Budget

March 1996-1998 Board and Leadership Box 83 Conference, By- laws

March 1998-2003 Board and Budget Box 84

1991-1996 Correspondence and Box 93 Folder 1 Reports

1992-1993 Briefing Papers Box 93 Folder 2

1993 Correspondence Box 93 Folder 3

1993 Correspondence and Box 93 Folder 4 Reports

May 1993 Military Box 93 Folder 5

1994-1997 Solomon Amendment Box 93 Folder 6

1994-2000 Morale Box 93 Folder 7

1994-2003 E. Birch Memos and Box 93 Folder 8 Correspondence

2003 Phone Book- October Box 93 Folder 9

2003 Phone Book- Box 93 Folder 10 December

January 28, 1984 Agenda Box 127 Folder 1

April 24-25, 1982 Board Meeting-Election Box 127 Folder 2 Disbursement Guidelines

HRC Legal Department,


1997 HRC Legal dept. - Box 1 Folder 18 various

1998 (LAMBDA) Lesbian & Box 1 Folder 19 Gay Civil Rights Litigators Roundtable

1996 House & Senate Gift Box 1 Folder 20 Ban, Rule 52

July 1999 HRC Internet Domains Box 1 Folder 21 Registration

1996-98 HRC Legal--Lobbying Box 1 Folder 22 Registration

1997-98 Gay Marriage-Vermont- Box 1 Folder 23 Baker v. State

Gay Marriage-DOMA Box 1 Folder 24 & Gay Marriage Issues

1998 Gay Marriage-Hawaii Box 1 Folder 25

1998 Gay Marriage-Alaska Box 1 Folder 26

Mar 1999 Final Draft Strategic Box 1 Folder 27 Plan with Tasks 1999-2004

1999 HRC Legal-HRC Legal Box 1 Folder 28 Fellows-Tamara Ahmar's papers, HRC Orientation materials

1998 HRC Legal-Millennium Box 1 Folder 29 March on Washington-legal docs

May 1999-December 1999HRC Legal-Chron Files Box 1 Folder 30-35 (T. Ahmar)

1997-98 Hawaii Ballot Initiative Box 54 Folder 17

1998 Gay Marriage- Box 54 Folder 18 Comparison of State laws//Hawaii litigation

Oct 1999 HRC Legal-Chron File Box 55 Folder 22 (Cheryl Henson- paralegal)

1999 HRC Legal dept. - Box 55 Folder 23 various

February-December 2000 HRC Legal-Chron Files Box 56 Folder 17-21 (Cheryl Henson)

Mar 1999 Board of Directors & Box 70 Folder 13 Board of Governors rosters

Reports and Operations

1988 HRCF Strategic Plan Box 1 Folder 12 1989 - 1993 (draft Sept 14, 1988)

7-9/30/80 and 1-6/30/1981HRCF - Financial - Box 1 Folder 13 FEC "Reports of Receipts & Disbursements"

1988 HRCF - Organizational Box 1 Folder 14 Audit Report

1995 HRC Personnel- Union Box 1 Folder 15 Contract

1996 HRC Personnel- Box 1 Folder 16 Handbook- revisions

1989 HRCF - Retreat info. - Box 1 Folder 17 HRCF Retreat 1989, Program Department

1988 Staff/Board of Box 59 Folder 13 Directors rosters

1994 HRCF Year and Box 65 Folder 3 Financials- Audit FY '94

1995 HRC Summary Box 66 Folder 3 Financial Ledgers

Mar. 31 1995 HRCF Foundation- Box 66 Folder 4 year and Financial Statements

1996 HRC Combined Box 67 Folder 8 Operating Budgets Apr. 1996- Mar. 1997

March 31, 1996 HRCF Summary Audit Box 67 Folder 9 Financial Reports

1998 HRC Hawaii POC- Box 69 Folder 10 Final prelim. Campaign Spending 9/05- 19/98, prelim general campaign spending 9/20- 10/18/98

1997-98 HRC Hawaii Protect Box 69 Folder 9 Our Constitution campaign- Primary Disclosure Report Financials (Financial report - state)

1994-1998 HRC Accounting Box 69 Folder 11 Policies, memos, reviews

1999 HRC Hawaii POC Box 70 Folder 14 campaign- Final disclosure report (1998)

1984-1993 Bank Account (Part 1) Box 127 Folder 3

1984-1993 Bank Account (Part 2) Box 127 Folder 4

July 31, 1997 IRS Documentation Box 127 Folder 5

1982 Disbursements Box 127 Folder 6

Membership and Fundraising Membership Programs

1987 Insider Program: Box 1 Folder 38 Operations Manual

1987 Insider Program: Susan Box 1 Folder 39 Hestor Proposal to Enhance Program

1988 Insider Program: Dan Box 1 Folder 40 Bradley Biography File - Obituary, Press Clippings

1987 Insider Program: Box 1 Folder 41 Correspondence - Insider's Report Conference

1987 Insider Program: Box 1 Folder 42 Second Annual Conference, Oct. 1987

1987 Sustainer Program: Box 1 Folder 43 Operations Manual

1987 Sustainer Program: Box 1 Folder 44 Mailings, Examples

1989 Federal Club Box 1 Folder 45 Conference

1995 Federal Club Box 127 Folder 7 membership documents

Member Feedback on Issues

1997 Feedback from Box 2 Folder 1 members re: Domestic Partnership/Ado ption

1998 HRC's support of Sen. Box 2 Folder 2 D'Amato- letter to cancelled members (drafts and final)

1999 HRC's support of Sen. Box 2 Folder 3 D'Amato- Feedback from members

1998 Logbook support of Box 2 Folder 4 calls regarding Sen. D'Amato

1998 Feedback from Box 2 Folder 5-7 members re: Sen. D'Amato

1998 Feedback from Box 2 Folder 8 members re: Sen. D'Amato (telemarker pledge)

1998-1999 Feedback from Box 2 Folder 9-11 members re: Sen. D'Amato

1999 Feedback from Box 2 Folder 12 members re: Sen. D'Amato (NO NY's mailed Entire file 135,000)

1998 Correspondence from Box 2 Folder 13 members re: Support for Sen. D'Amato (sample letters)

1998 Correspondence from Box 2 Folder 14 members re: Support for Sen. D'Amato

1998 Feedback from Box 2 Folder 15-16 members re: Sen. D'Amato

1998 Feedback from Box 2 Folder 17 members re: Sen. D'Amato (we did mail NY; prospects not current members; 300,000; January)

1998 Feedback from Box 2 Folder 18 members re: Sen. D'Amato

1998 Feedback from Box 2 Folder 19 members re: Sen. D'Amato (1st year end; entire "core file" no NY's mailed; 100,000) (Political; mailed October '98 to members who have given at least $20 in last 24 mos.)

1998 Feedback from Box 2 Folder 20-21 members re: Sen. D'Amato

1998 Feedback from Box 2 Folder 22 members re: Sen. D'Amato (Sample Emails -through D'Amato Crisis HRC Logged over 1,000 email (this is an under estimation))

1998 Feedback from Box 2 Folder 23 members re: D'Amato

1998 Feedback from Box 2 Folder 24 members re: Don't Ask/Don't Tell

1998-1999 Feedback from Box 2 Folder 25 members re: Matthew Shepard

2000 Feedback from Box 2 Folder 26 members re: Millennium March

Direct Mail Examples

Jan. 1996 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 1 Address Label Prospect

Jan. 1996 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 2 Activist Prospect

1996 HRC Direct Mail-May Box 3 Folder 3 Prospect HR56P1 Pkg A

1996 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 4 March Prospect HR36P1-Control Version

1996 HRC Direct Mail-V-4 Box 3 Folder 5 dummies

1996 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 6 March Prospects HR36P1-Sticker Test

1996 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 7 HR96P1 Membership Prospect HRC

1996 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 8 March Prospect- ENDA version (HR36P2)

1996 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 9 Membership prospectus-free magazines

1996 HRC Direct Mail-New Box 3 Folder 10 member prospect-referral letter

1996 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 11 Second request: "Liberty and justice for all"

1996 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 12 Women's Piece

1996 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 13 ENDA Petition

1997 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 14 Member get a member HRB7PP

1998 HRC Direct Mail-Public Box 3 Folder 15 Opinion Survey/members hip enrollment form

1998 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 16 Nohat non- union/nonrecycle d

Sept. 1997 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 17 Magazine Prospect

1999 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 18 Prospect

1999 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 19 Proposal '99

1999 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 20 Proposal '99 circa 1999 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 21 Membership form

1999 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 22 Proposal

1999 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 23 Proposal '99

1999 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 24 Proposal '99

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 25 Membership contribution form

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 26 Membership form

Jan. 95 HRC Direct Mail-First Box 3 Folder 27 renewal

1996 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 28 Membership renewal

1996 HRC Direct Mail-4th Box 3 Folder 29 renewal

Jan 1996 HRC Direct Mail-1st Box 3 Folder 30 renewal 1996 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 31 renewal notices

1996 HRC Direct Mail-3rd Box 3 Folder 32 renewal

1996 HRC Direct Mail-5th Box 3 Folder 33 renewal

1997 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 34 Membership Renewal

Jan 1997 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 35 Membership Renewal

1998 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 36 Membership Renewal

Apr 1999 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 37 Prospect '99

Dec.1994 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 38 Holiday Card

May 1995 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 39 Candace Appeal

July 1995 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 40 Helms PAC Appeal

Sept.1995 HRC Direct Mail-Ryan Box 3 Folder 41 White Urgent Gram

Oct.1995 HRC Direct Mail-Maine Box 3 Folder 42 won't discriminate appeal

Nov.1995 HRC Direct Mail-Year Box 3 Folder 43 End Appeal BRE version 3rd class HRB5A1

Nov. 1995 HRC Direct Mail-Years Box 3 Folder 44 end appeal BRE Version 1st class HRB5A1

1996 HRC Direct Mail-PAC Box 3 Folder 45 appeal HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 46 Lo$PAC Campaign HR76A1 PkgA

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 47 Lo$PAC Campaign HR76A1 PkgB

HRC Direct Mail-Seps Box 3 Folder 48 PAC Appeal

1996 HRC Direct Mail-CA Box 3 Folder 49 Seps Appeal

1996 HRC Direct Mail-105th Box 3 Folder 50 congress- "Congrats on Victory"

1996 HRC Direct Mail-CA Box 3 Folder 51 appeal HR96A3

1996 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 52 Membership survey- contribution form

1996 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 53

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 54 LO$PAC appeal HR76A1

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 55 Hi$PAC Appeal 5196

1996 HRC Direct Mail-1996 Box 3 Folder 56 welcome packets/memb. card

1996 HRC Direct Mail-1996 Box 3 Folder 57 welcome packets/memb. card

1996 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 58 membership card

1997 HRC Direct Mail-credit Box 3 Folder 59 card pledges c. 1997 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 60 pledge reminders

1997 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 61 specified pledges

1997 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 62 ENDA appeal

1997 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 63 member survey

1997 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 64 survey and petition

Jun. 1997 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 65 pledge reminder

Aug. 1998 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 66 emergency telepost appeal FY99

1998 HRC Direct Mail-year Box 3 Folder 67 end appeal

1998 HRC Direct Mail-year Box 3 Folder 68 end appeal

1998 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 69 ACK's

1998 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 70 welcome

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 71 campaign '98

Jan1999 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 72 statewide human rights organizations

June 99 HRC Direct Mail-Anti- Box 3 Folder 73 Gay ADS appeal

Aug. 1999 HRC Direct Mail-Ray Box 3 Folder 74 of Light Appeal

1998 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 75 Holiday Card FY'99

1999/2000 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 76 Holiday Card (appeal) 1999 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 77 NonPAC Appeal

1999 HRC Direct Mail-1999 Box 3 Folder 78 PAC appeal

HRC Direct Mail-"Ray Box 3 Folder 79 of Light" Appeal

1999 HRC Direct Mail-PAC Box 3 Folder 80 Appeal

1999 HRC Direct Mail-Early Box 3 Folder 81 Bird Appeal

1999 HRC Direct Mail-Early Box 3 Folder 82 Bird Appeal

999 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 83 Phone Pledge

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 84 Protect our constitution

HRC Direct Mail-Non Box 3 Folder 85 PAC Appeal

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 86 November appeal test

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 87 California Project

HRC Direct Mail-LO$ Box 3 Folder 88 letters samplers

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 89 California Project

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 90 Holiday card

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 91 Telephone contribution

1996 HRC Direct Mail-HRC Box 3 Folder 92 Partners invite

1996 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 93 Partners Certificate

1999 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 94 Partners invite

July 1996 HRC Direct Mail-July Box 3 Folder 95 High Dollar survey appeal HR77A1

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 96 Federal Club memorandum

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 97 Federal Club one time pledge

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 98 Federal club

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 99 Federal club request

1998 HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 100 Federal club newsletter March, April 1998

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 101 Federal club invite

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 102 Federal club: victory in Hawaii

HRC Direct Mail- Box 3 Folder 103 Federal club membership acceptance

1999 Fed. club video appeal Box 3 Folder 104

HRC Direct Mail- Box 28 Federal Club appeal

HRC Direct Mail- Box 28 Federal Club Video (folder contains 2 audiocassettes)

HRC Direct Mail- Box 28 Videotape: "A Message from Elizabeth Birch for Key Supporters of the Human Rights Campaign"


1996 Development-"Federal Box 1 Folder 46 Club" mailing

1987 HRCF - Development Box 1 Folder 47 Fundraising Correspondence

1987 Director of Box 58 Folder 4 Development- Correspondence/ Memos (Internal)

1990 Development-HRC Box 61 Folder 1 Dinner Budgeting memos

1994-1995 Development-Bequests Box 66 Folder 1

1995-1996 Development Box 67 Folder 1 department memos and summary info

HRC Office Building, 1640 Rhode Island Ave., N.W.

2000? (prior to 2002) HRC--Building Box 1 Folder 36 (Washington D.C.) Prospectus by HOK Architects

July 2003 HRC National Dinner Box 1 Folder 37 (7th Annual) Sponsor Packet, "Building Equality" no date Bid Documents Box 101 Folder 1

2000 Budget Box 101 Folder 2

2000 Purchase Agreement (1) Box 101 Folder 3

2000-2001 Purchase Agreement (2) Box 101 Folder 4

2002 Cabling Vendor Box 101 Folder 5 Information

2002 Construction Meetings Box 101 Folder 6

2002 Contract Specifications Box 101 Folder 7 (1)

2002 Contract Specifications Box 101 Folder 8 (2)

2002 Contract Specifications Box 101 Folder 9 (3)

2002 ETI Environmental Box 101 Folder 10 Laboratory: Monitoring of Asbestos- Containing Materials (ACM) at the HRC Foundation Building, Floors 2-6

2002 ETI Environmental Box 101 Folder 11 Laboratory: Monitoring of Asbestos- Containing Materials (ACM) at the HRC Foundation Building, Floors 7-8

2002 HRC Headquarters Box 101 Folder 12 Building, Smoot Construction

2002 HRC Future Box 101 Folder 13 Headquarters, Monthly Progress Report, September 2002

2002 HRC Future Box 101 Folder 14 Headquarters, Monthly Progress Report, October 2002

2002 HRC Future Box 101 Folder 15 Headquarters, Monthly Progress Report, November 2002 2002 HRC Future Box 101 Folder 16 Headquarters, Monthly Progress Report, December 2002

2002 Monitoring of the Box 101 Folder 17 Abatement of Asbestos- Containing Materials (ACM), August 8-16, 2002

2002 Monitoring of the Box 101 Folder 18 Abatement of Asbestos- Containing Materials (ACM), August 19-30, 2002

2002 Office Furniture Bids Box 101 Folder 19 and Information

2002 Proposal for Lump Sum Box 101 Folder 20 Construction Services, May 2002

2002 Survey of Roofing for Box 101 Folder 21 Condition and Asbestos- Containing Materials, May 2002

2002 Workstation and Box 101 Folder 22 Standard Furniture Bid Package, August 2002

2003 HRC Future Box 101 Folder 23 Headquarters, Monthly Progress Report, January 2003

2003 HRC Future Box 101 Folder 24 Headquarters, Monthly Progress Report, February 2003

2003 Interior Design and Box 101 Folder 25 Signage Information

January 8, 2003 Logo at Skyline design Box 130 Folder 1

May 13, 2002 Schematic Design Box 130

July 3, 2002 Progress Set Box 130

January 8, 2003 Construction Box 130 Documents

Includes plans for signage and donor recognition wall

February 13, 2003 Issued for bid Box 130

Includes plans for signage and donor recognition wall Series II. Gay Rights National Lobby (GRNL) and Stephen R. Endean files, 1970- 1985

Stephen R. Endean Files

1978-1988 PA Council for Sexual Box 4 Folder 26 Minorities

1984-1988 Legislation- Box 4 Folder 27 Dannemeyer, et al. Bills

1985 D.C. Home Rule Act, as Box 4 Folder 28 amended, (GPO)

1978 G/L Civil Rights- Box 4 Folder 29 Seattle, WA Initiative 13

1978 G/L Civil Rights - Box 4 Folder 30 Eugene, OR Referendum 51

1978 G/L Civil Rights, St. Box 4 Folder 31 Paul MN

1978-82 G/L Civil Rights- Box 4 Folder 32 Various States

1978-83 G/L Civil Rights- Box 4 Folder 33 Various States

1982-83 G/L Civil Rights- Box 4 Folder 34 Madison, WI

1988 G/L Civil Rights (W. Box 4 Folder 35 Hollywood, CA, MA)

1981-83 S. Endean - Box 4 Folder 36 Correspondence & Drafts

1982-83 S. Endean - Box 4 Folder 37 Correspondence & Drafts

1982-84 S. Endean - Box 4 Folder 38 Correspondence & Drafts

1985 S. Endean - Box 4 Folder 39 Correspondence re: Endean resignation

July 9, 1982 Correspondence re: Box 127 Folder 8 Philadelphia Testimonial Banquet

S. Endean: "The Impact Box 127 Folder 9 of PACs"


1981-1983 GRNL - Taxes - CA Box 54 Folder 1 Withholding

1983 GRNL - 501c4 Box 54 Folder 2 reapplication

1983 GRNL - 1983 Financial Box 54 Folder 3 Statements

May 1983 GRNL - Resource Box 54 Folder 4 Development Committee Meeting

May 1983 GRNL - Finance Box 54 Folder 5 Committee Meeting

1983 Grant Proposal- Box 54 Folder 21 Chicago Resource Ctr.

1983 Grant Proposals- Box 54 Folder 22 Playboy Foundation

1983 Grant Proposal- Box 54 Folder 23 Crossroads Fund

1976-1984 GRNL - Taxes - Box 55 Folder 1 Federal Exemption Form 990

1984 GRNL - 1984 Financial Box 55 Folder 2 Statements

1985 GRNL - Tax materials Box 56 Folder 1

1985 GRNL - 1985 Financial Box 56 Folder 2 Statements

1985 GRNL - Financial, incl. Box 56 Folder 3 "call for help" from members

1985 Executive Director's Box 56 Folder 4 Report, March 1985

1985 GRNL membership Box 56 Folder 5 List

1977-86 GRNL - Taxes - DC Box 57 Folder 4 Withholding

1977-86 GRNL - Taxes: General Box 57 Folder 5 Corres. with the I.R.S.

-1986 GRNL - DC Corporate Box 57 Folder 6 Returns

1986 GRNL - 501c4 Status Box 57 Folder 7 info 1986 GNRL-Financial/Tax Box 57 Folder 8 info.

1976 Certificate of Box 5 Folder 1 Incorporation of The Gay Rights National Lobby

1982 By-Laws of GRNL Box 5 Folder 2

1982, 1983 GRNL and establishing Box 5 Folder 3 the Right to Privacy Foundation, "Goals & Objectives" documents

1985, 1987 GRNL and HRCF - Box 5 Folder 4 MOU 1985 and Articles of Dissolution of GRNL 1987

1985-86 Various- lobbying Box 5 Folder 5 Registration, other corresp.

Fairness Fund Field Box 5 Folder 6 Associate - Letter of Agreement

1979-80 Lobbying-Field Box 5 Folder 7 Associates Lobbying Strategy & Theory

1980 GRNL- Finance-Budget Box 5 Folder 8 [1980] (report to Board)

1981 GRNL - 501c4 Box 5 Folder 9 reapplication

1977 GRNL - Finance - Box 5 Folder 10 Taxes, Corporate (DC)

1976-78 GRNL - DC Tax Box 5 Folder 11 materials

May-July 1979 GRNL - Finance Sheets Box 5 Folder 12

1982 GRNL - Financial Box 5 Folder 13 Reports 1982 GRNL - 1982 Financial Box 5 Folder 14 Statements

1982 GRNL mailings Box 5 Folder 15 undated 1982 GRNL - Report to Box 5 Folder 16 Board of Directors, Executive Director's Report

1976,1984 GRNL - Board Election Box 5 Folder 17 Results

1984 GRNL - Board of Box 5 Folder 18 Directors Election Ballots - Examples of Ballots Returned with Comments

1985 GRNL - Advisory Box 5 Folder 19 Board Nominations

1985 GRNL - GLID - Box 5 Folder 20 Gay/Lesbian Vote '85 Materials

1976,1981 GRNL -Board of Box 5 Folder 21 Directors GRNL

1982 GRNL - Board of Box 5 Folder 22 Directors annual report

1976-1978 GRNL - Letters to Box 5 Folder 23 Board of Directors

1976 GRNL - Interim Box 5 Folder 24 Organizing Board of Directors

1976 GRNL Board of Box 5 Folder 25 Directors Elections

Dec 1976 GRNL Board of Box 5 Folder 26 Directors Meeting

Jan. 15, 1977 GRNL Executive Box 5 Folder 27 Committee Meeting

1977 GRNL Board of Box 5 Folder 28 Directors Meeting (Correspondence Notes, Minutes) April 1977

1977 GRNL Board of Box 5 Folder 29 Directors Meeting, Dec. 11- 12, 1977

1981 GRNL Board of Box 5 Folder 30 Directors Meeting, Finance Reports

Feb 1981 GRNL Board of Box 5 Folder 31 Directors Meeting (Reports Packet)

1981-85 List of Board members Box 5 Folder 32 & Correspondence

1984 GRNL Management Box 5 Folder 33 Plan, Nov. 1984 n.d. Strategy for GRNL Box 5 Folder 34 merger w/ HRCF, S. Endean Correspondence

1977 Lobby Link Box 5 Folder 35

1983 Grant Proposal to Box 5 Folder 36 Playboy Foundation

1982, 1985 Fundraising: external Box 5 Folder 37 consultants

1982 Grant Proposals: Box 5 Folder 38 Chicago Resource Center

1983 GRNL Grant Box 5 Folder 39 Proposals: The Crossroads Fund

1985 GRNL/RPF/NGTF/ Box 5 Folder 40 NGTF-FHD Discussions

1980 G/L Political Box 5 Folder 41 Restructuring effort open letter 1984 American Society of Box 5 Folder 42 Association Executives-- Telemarketing

1981-84 GRNL and NGTF Box 5 Folder 43 relations - correspondence and memos

11/1984 Gay & Lesbian Box 5 Folder 44 Leadership Forum I

1985 Gay and Lesbian Box 5 Folder 45 Leadership Forum II & III

1985 Supreme Court Watch Box 5 Folder 46 Corresp.

May 1983 Resource Development Box 127 Folder 10 Committee Report


1984 Immigration Legislation Box 4 Folder 1 Briefings & Hearings (L-2-13) F.1

1984 Immigration Legislation Box 4 Folder 2 Briefings and Hearings (L-2-13) F.2

1984 Immigration Legislation Box 4 Folder 3 Briefings and Hearings (L-2-13) F.3

1984 Immigration Legislation Box 4 Folder 4 Briefings and Hearings (L-2-13) F.4

July 1982 G/L Immigration- Box 4 Folder 5 Transcript of Proceedings- Briefing on impact of immigration law excluding L/G non citizens Immigration Box 4 Folder 6 Legislation- GRNL Letters/ Publications/ Press Releases (L- 2-09)

Immigration Box 4 Folder 7 Legislation- Support Letters (L-2-11)

Immigration Box 4 Folder 8 Legislation- Notes (L-2-10)

1985 HR 230 Gay and Box 4 Folder 9 Lesbian Civil Rights

1980-81 Mailings re: Gay Civil Box 4 Folder 10 Rights

1984-85 Gay & Lesbian Youth Box 4 Folder 11 Issues

1984-85 Gay & Lesbian Youth Box 4 Folder 12 Issues

GRNL - "Sexual Box 4 Folder 13 Minority Youth: An Annotated Bibliography" by SMYL (1984)

1985 Gay Teen Suicide Box 4 Folder 14 Prevention HR 1099

1984-86 Anti-Gay Violence, Box 4 Folder 15 Studies, news clippings, memos

1983-84 Congressional Lobby Box 4 Folder 16 Team info

1977 (S. Endean) Lobbying- Box 4 Folder 17 Minnesota Committee for Gay Rights Lobbying material

1979-80 (S.Endean) Lobbying- Box 4 Folder 18 Lobbying materials, manuals, strategies

1970, 1976, 1983 Lobbying-general Box 4 Folder 19 lobbying handbooks, articles

1980, 1981 Lobbying Publications- Box 4 Folder 20 "You're Fired," "A Look at Gay Teachers," "If your constituents ask..."

1980 GRNL/NGLTF Box 4 Folder 21 Lobbying Publications "Does Support for Gay Civil Rights Spell Political Suicide?"

1981 Lobbying Publications Box 4 Folder 22 "Does Support for Gay Rights Spell Political Suicide?"

1985 Lobbying-HR 230 Anti- Box 4 Folder 23 discrimination in Employment

1985 Northstar Project: G & Box 4 Folder 24 L Needs Assessment in Minnesota

1985 Manuals/General Box 4 Folder 25 Education: Legislative Process Workshop


1979-1980 Discrimination (reports, Box 5 Folder 47 documentation, corresp.)

1985 Discrimination Box 5 Folder 48 documentation- Brooklyn College

1985 Special Projects: Box 5 Folder 49 Opposition to Meese- Attny General Appt.

1981 GRNL misc. Box 5 Folder 50

1977 AYE! The Newsletter Box 5 Folder 51 of GRNL (Vol 1, No 1, 2)

March 1985 GRNL - Directory - Box 5 Folder 52 National Gay/Lesbian Organizations Nat'l Leadership forum

Nov. 1984 GRNL - Gay/Lesbian Box 5 Folder 53 Leadership Forum I

March 1985 GRNL - National Box 5 Folder 54 Gay/Lesbian Leadership Forum II (Attendee Packet)

March 1985 GRNL - Gay/Lesbian Box 5 Folder 55 Leadership Forum II

Sept. 1985 GRNL - National Box 5 Folder 56 Gay/Lesbian Leadership Forum III

1982-83 Union- Gay Rights- Box 5 Folder 57 AFSCME

1982-83 Unions/AFSCME-Gay Box 5 Folder 58 & Lesbian Worker Protection

1982-83 Union/Labor-- Gay & Box 5 Folder 59 Lesbian Worker Protection Resolutions

1983 GRNL - Union/Labor Box 5 Folder 60 Program

1985 HR 2361-Immigration Box 5 Folder 61 and Nationality Act

1984-85 G/L Non- Box 5 Folder 62 discrimination legislation

1980 Civil Rights Box 5 Folder 63 Amendments Act of 1979-Hearing- US GPO publication

1982 HRCF/GRNL Election Box 5 Folder 64 Night Congressional Races Listing

G/L Civil Rights-- Box 5 Folder 65 Various

1982 News From Capitol Hill Box 127 Folder 11 Series III. Legislative and Public Policy, 1975 -

Lobbying, 1980-1989

1980 HRCF-Analysis of Box 6 Folder 1 Congressional Seats- S. Endean

1988 HRCF-Sen. Lloyd Box 6 Folder 2 Bentsen- Votes Record

1987 Supreme Court Box 6 Folder 3 Nomination - Robert Bork

1986 Lyndon LaRouche - Box 6 Folder 4 "No on 64- Stop LaRouche"

1987-88 Rev. Jesse Jackson- Box 6 Folder 5 Presidential Candidate

Canadian Law Box 6 Folder 6

1985 Foster Care- Mass. Box 6 Folder 7 Policy re: Homosexuals as Foster Parents

1985-88 G/L Civil Rights- Box 6 Folder 8 Discrimination - Gay and Lesbian Protections (States, Cities, Counties, etc.)

1988 G/L Response to: Box 6 Folder 9 Republican Convention

1989 GRNL - Copies of Box 6 Folder 10 constituent letters sent re: L/B/G issues

1989 March on Houston, TX Box 6 Folder 11 - May 1989 - Press Clippings

Legislative- Civil Rights Box 6 Folder 12 S.1220

1986-1987 HRCF G/L Civil Rights Box 6 Folder 13 Bill & other legislative initiatives

1985 Civil Rights Restoration Box 6 Folder 14 Act of 1985 (H.R. 700)

1985-1986 HRCF Comments on Box 6 Folder 15 Chairman's Recommendation s- AIDS commission

1985 or 1986? HRCF V. Basile Box 6 Folder 16 Testimony- AIDS Commission- DRAFT-

1986 Bowers v. Hardwick- Box 6 Folder 17 Supreme Court decisions- Opinions

1985 GRNL Civil Rights Bill- Box 6 Folder 18 House- Lobbying efforts

1985 G/L Civil Rights Bill- Box 6 Folder 19 Senate (S. 430)

Jan- Apr. 1985 GRNL Outgoing Box 6 Folder 20 Correspondence re: Civil Rights Bill

Eric Rosenthal's Files, 1980-1988

1980-82 HRCF Potential Box 6 Folder 21 Advisory Board persons

1980-1983 HRCF Correspondence Box 6 Folder 22 re: Advisory Board positions (includes corresp. from famous persons)

1983-84 Dronenburg v. Zech Box 6 Folder 23 (Chief of Naval Personnel)

1984 GRNL Fundraiser @ Box 6 Folder 24 Red Parrot

1985 GRNL Executive Box 6 Folder 25 Director, N. Roth-various

1985 Lib. of Congress- Box 6 Folder 26 Congressional Research Service "Overview of Legal Developments in Homosexual Rights"

1986 Bowers v. Hardwick Box 6 Folder 27 (Georgia Sodomy Statute case)

1987 Gay Rights Coalition of Box 6 Folder 28 GW Univ Law v. Georgetown University-DC Court of Appeals

1987 Supreme Court Box 6 Folder 29 Nominations: Kennedy and Ginsburg (newsstories)

1987 State Initiatives- Box 6 Folder 30 Arizona-Mecham Recall//Info about Ed Buck

1987-88 TTI Electoral Research- Box 6 Folder 31 Campaign Operative Focus Groups Correspondence TTI --Foreman & Heidepriem

1987-88 Supreme Court Box 6 Folder 32 Nomination: Bork- Newsclippings, positions

1987-88 State Initiatives-La Box 6 Folder 33 Rouche Initiative

1988 Watkins v. U.S. Army Box 6 Folder 34 (Gay-based discharge)

1988 HRCF Organizational Box 6 Folder 35 Audit, February 1988

1988 U.S. Dept. of Justice- Box 6 Folder 36 HIV Civil Rights Opinion

1988 TTI Electoral Research- Box 6 Folder 37 Campaign Operatives, February 1988

1988 HRCF Democratic Box 6 Folder 38 National Convention

1988 HRCF Information Box 6 Folder 39 packet @ Democratic National Convention

1988 Webster v. Box 6 Folder 40 Reproductive Health Services

1988 Anti-Gay Violence Box 6 Folder 41

1988 State Initiatives- Box 6 Folder 42 California "No on 102", "No on 96" 1988 State Initiatives-Oregon Box 6 Folder 43 "No on 8"

Public Policy Department, Administrative

and Subject Files, 1975-1995

1990 HRCF - Americans with Box 7 Folder 1 Disabilities Act of 1990 S.933 Chapman Amendment Text

1983 HRCF - Legislation: Box 7 Folder 2 S.598 - American Society of Public Administration

1988 HRCF - Legislative: Box 7 Folder 3 S.2345/H.R.4498 "Americans with Disability Act 1988"

1989-1990 HRCF - Legislative: Box 7 Folder 4 HRC's Work in Passing the ADA Act of 1990

8/30/1989 HRCF - S.933 ADA Box 7 Folder 5 Act of 1989 - Final Text

1987 HRCF - Legislative: Box 7 Folder 6 HRC Work on S.1200 "AIDS Information Act 1987"

1988 HRCF - Legislative: Box 7 Folder 7 S.1220 Federal AIDS Research, Info, Care Act

1987-88 HRCF - AIDS Research Box 7 Folder 8 Legislation: Wexler Reynolds/Vic Basile - Exec. Dir. HRCF

HRCF - H.R. 709 "Gay Box 7 Folder 9 and Lesbian Civil Rights Bill" HRCF - S.464 Civil Box 7 Folder 10 Rights Bill

HRCF - H.R. 230 - 99th Box 7 Folder 11 Congress - Civil Rights Bill

HRCF - Legislative: Box 7 Folder 12 S.1432 - 99th Congress

Sept 1987 HRCF - H.R. 1119 Co- Box 7 Folder 13 Sponsors

1988 HRCF - H. 3193 Co- Box 7 Folder 14 Sponsors

October 1988 HRCF - S.2889 - 100th Box 7 Folder 15 Congress

HRCF - Legal Issues: Box 7 Folder 16 Decisions

1986-87 HRCF - Legislation: Box 7 Folder 17 Wisconsin - AIDS Testing & Insurance

1986 HRCF - Legislation: Box 7 Folder 18 Helms Amendment - Washington D.C. law re: Insurance and AIDS Testing

August 1986 HRCF - Legislation: Box 7 Folder 19 House Roll #250: J.Dixon Motion to Rise - D.C. Insurance

July 1986 HRCF - Legislation: H. Box 7 Folder 20 J.Res. 663

HRCF - Legislation: Box 7 Folder 21 Various AIDS- related - 99th Congress

1986? HRCF - "Women and Box 7 Folder 22 AIDS: Three Portraits" by Dennis Lonergan (incomplete typescript) 1975-1980 HRCF - Legislation: Box 7 Folder 23 Gay Teachers

1979 HRCF - "Attitudes Box 7 Folder 24 Toward Premarital, Extramarital, and Homosexual Relations in the U.S. in the 1970s" Norval Glenn. (Preprint: Journal of Sex Research May 1979)

1975-1980 HRCF - Medical Box 7 Folder 25 Association Support re: Homosexuality & Human Rights

1986 HRCF - U.S. District Box 7 Folder 26 Court/D.C. - American Council of Life Insurance v. District of Columbia

1986 HRCF - D.C. Insurance Box 7 Folder 27 - Bill Negotiations

1986 HRCF - Legislation: Box 7 Folder 28 Reports, Correspondence, Press Clippings: D.C. Insurance v. AIDS Testing

1986 HRCF - Legislation: Bill Box 7 Folder 29 6-343 Prohibition of Discrimination in the Provision of Insurance Act of 1986

1986 HRCF- H.R. 3071 Box 7 Folder 30 AIDS Testing & Counseling - Waxman Bill Legislation Drafts (CTCND)

1986 HRCF - H.R. 3071 Box 7 Folder 31 AIDS Prevention Counseling & Testing "Waxman Bill"

1986 HRCF - Legislation: Box 7 Folder 32 AIDS F.Y. 1987 Appropriations

1989 HRCF - Legislation: Box 7 Folder 33 AIDS F.Y. 1988- 1989 Federal Appropriations

1989 HRCF - H.R. 5142 Box 7 Folder 34 Public Health Service Act Bill - 100th Congress

1988 HRCF - S.1575 Box 7 Folder 35 Cosponsors

1989 HRCF - Legislation: Box 7 Folder 36 S.1220 Public Health Service Act - 100th Congress

1987-88 HRCF - S.1220 Box 7 Folder 37 Compilations of Background Publications

HRCF - Legislation: Box 7 Folder 38 H.R. 3193 Hate Crimes Statistics Act

1993 HRCF- Public Policy Box 7 Folder 39 Department (PPD) Communications, 103rd Congress

1994 HRCF-PPD Box 7 Folder 40 Communications 103rd Congress

1993-1994 HRCF Public Policy Box 7 Folder 41 Department- monthly Reports, other reports

1993-1994 HRCF "Civil Rights Bill Box 7 Folder 42 of 1993"- drafts, memos

1993-94 HRCF Public Policy Box 7 Folder 43 Department- administration files, memos

1993-94 HRCF-PPD Hate Box 7 Folder 44 Crimes Legislation

1993-94 HRCF-PPD Health Box 8 Folder 1 care Reform Legislation (HRC response)

July- Nov 1993 HRCF PPD "Get A Box 8 Folder 2 LEGislative UPdate"- daily

Jan- Oct 1994 HRCF PPD- "Get A Box 8 Folder 3 LEGislative Update"- daily

1993-94 103rd Congress - Box 8 Folder 4 clippings, reports, memos, Mar 1993 - Sept 1994

1993-94 HRCF Public Policy Box 8 Folder 5 Division

1994 HRCF Public Policy Box 8 Folder 6 Div - materials, correspondence [D. Zingale]

1994 HRCF PPD - Lobby Box 8 Folder 7 Visit Response Report Sheets

Aug 1993-Sept 1994 HRCF PPD - internal Box 8 Folder 8 memos, corresp.

June 1995 Congressional Hearing Box 8 Folder 9 on Accreditation of Graduate Medical Education

1995 Congressional Hearing Box 8 Folder 10 on H.R. 1946- Parental Rights and Responsibility Act of 1995

1992-95 Condom Availability in Box 8 Folder 11 Schools (MA) Curtis vs. Falmouth

1993-1995 Brown v. Hot, Sexy, Box 8 Folder 12 and Safer Productions (MA)

1995 Brown v. Hot, Sexy, Box 8 Folder 13 and Safer Productions (MA) U.S. Court of Appeals, 1st Circuit

1995 "Parents, Schools, and Box 8 Folder 14 Values," Hearings- Witness Testimony

1995 "Parental Involvement" Box 8 Folder 15 Hearings- Potential Witnesses

1995 "Parents, Schools, and Box 8 Folder 16 Values" Testimony- William Bennett

1995 "Parents, School, and Box 8 Folder 17 Values" Hearing- Testimony & Background Info

1995 "Parents, Schools, and Box 8 Folder 18 Values" Hearing- Testimony and background info

1995 HRC & Allied Orgs. Box 8 Folder 19 Response: Hoekstra Hearing Info, memos, etc.

1995 "Parents, Schools, and Box 8 Folder 20 Values" Hearing HRC Response, Talking points, and Potential Questions for witnesses

1995 Hearings- Box 8 Folder 21 Organizational letters to Hoekstra Individual letters to Hoekstra

1994-95 CUAV- Community Box 8 Folder 22 United Against Violence- AIDS Education

Sept. - Dec 1995 HRC Website during Box 8 Folder 23 Hearings

Fall 1995 Action Alerts from Box 8 Folder 24 Other Orgs.

1995 "Parents, Schools, and Box 8 Folder 25 Values" Hearing- Organizational Responses to hearings/ issues

1987-95 The G/L Resource Box 8 Folder 26 Center of Ventura County (press releases, newsletters, policies, letters)

1994 Alone no more: Box 8 Folder 27 Developing a School Support System for G/L/B Youth Publication by Minnesota Dept. of Education

1993-95 Homosexuality in Box 8 Folder 28 Schools/ G/L/B Students

1995 Family Life Education, Box 8 Folder 29 Fairfax County, VA

1995 L/G/B Students/ Box 8 Folder 30 School Issues- State level Action, Policies

1994-1995 "Safe Schools Anti- Box 8 Folder 31 Violence Project" Annual Reports, Seattle. WA

1993 MA- Governor's Box 8 Folder 32 Commission on Gay & Lesbian Youth

1994-95 MA- Safe Schools Box 8 Folder 33 Program for Gay and Lesbian Students

1993-1995 Project 10 East- Box 8 Folder 34 Cambridge Public Schools

1995 Youth Project 10- Los Box 8 Folder 35 Angeles Schools

1995 Lesbian/ Gay Speakers Box 8 Folder 36 Bureau- Training Manual (San Francisco)

July 1995 Report: Saint Paul, mp, Box 8 Folder 37 Public Schools- "Out for Equity"

Dec. 1986-March 1987 HRCF - Box 8 Folder 38 Correspondence - Gay Cable Network

1987 HRCF - "Presidential Box 8 Folder 39 Classroom for Young Americans" letter - Reckitt (ed)

1992 HRCF--Youth Board Box 8 Folder 40

Ca. 1992 Gainesville Area Box 9 Folder 1 Human Rights Campaign, "Information Packet on Sexual Orientation & Human Rights"

ENDA Working Notes- Box 9 Folder 2 California

Working Notes- Box 9 Folder 3 Colorado

ENDA Notes- Box 9 Folder 4 Massachusetts

ENDA Working Notes- Box 9 Folder 5 Oregon, Penn

1996 ENDA Working Notes- Box 9 Folder 6 general HRC Correspondence

Misc. Legal legislation- Box 9 Folder 7 Civil Rights

1996 DP- Employees Box 9 Folder 8

Domestic Partnership Box 9 Folder 9 (DP) Employee Considerations

1994 Project Wall Street Box 9 Folder 10 "1993 Census"

1992 Sexual Orientation Box 9 Folder 11 Discrimination- Reports

HRCF "Documenting Box 9 Folder 12 Discrimination" 1st Ed.

1994 HRCF "Documenting Box 9 Folder 13 Discrimination" 2nd Ed. Originals

1994-5 Romer v. Evans Legal Box 9 Folder 14 Materials

ENDA Color Blind Box 9 Folder 15 Initiative

1994 ENDA Religious Box 9 Folder 16 Support

1994-96 Civil Rights Law- State Box 9 Folder 17 Executive Orders

1994-96 Civil Rights Box 9 Folder 18 documentation- articles

1993-1994 Workplace Orientation Box 9 Folder 19 policies- publications

1994 ENDA Corporate Box 9 Folder 20 Endorsement

1995 Work Place Project- Box 9 Folder 21 Organizational/B usiness Responses 1994-1995 HRCF "Documenting Box 9 Folder 22 Discrimination" Personal Stories of Employment Discrimination - final version

1996 HRC Press Release & Box 9 Folder 23 Talking Points Employment Discrimination

1995-96 Employers with non- Box 9 Folder 24 Discrimination Policies (Governmental & Law Firms)

1995 Civil Rights Bill Box 9 Folder 25 Jurisdictions with non- Discrimination statutes

1995 Civil Rights Bill Box 9 Folder 26 Documenting- Corporate

1995 HR 1863 (104TH Cong. Box 9 Folder 27 1st Session) House Language- ENDA

1994 H.R. 4636 (103RD Box 9 Folder 28 Congress, 2nd session) House Language- ENDA

June 1994 Los Angeles County Bar Box 9 Folder 29 Association Committee on Sexual Orientation Bias Report

June 1994 Los Angeles County Bar Box 9 Folder 30 Association Committee on Sexual Orientation Bias Appendices to Report

Ca.1994 Civil Rights Bill Box 9 Folder 31 Documenting- Summary of State Provisions

1993 Civil Rights Legislation- Box 9 Folder 32 MA

1990-1991 Civil Rights Legislation- Box 9 Folder 33 WI

1992 Civil Rights Box 9 Folder 34 Legislation/repor ts-CA

1992 Civil Rights Box 9 Folder 35 Legislation/repor ts -IA

1991 Civil Rights Box 9 Folder 36 Legislation/repor ts -PA

1992 Civil Rights Box 9 Folder 37 Legislation/repor ts-CT

1983-85 Civil Rights Box 9 Folder 38 Legislation/repor ts-NYC

1993 Civil Rights Box 9 Folder 39 Legislation/repor ts-MD (Baltimore)

1989-1993 Civil Rights Box 9 Folder 40 Legislation/repor ts-MN

1994 103rd Congress- Box 9 Folder 41 AIDS/HIV policy discussions

1994 HRCF F.A.N.- 103rd Box 9 Folder 42 Congress issues/ alerts (FAN publications)

1994 HRCF Ballot measure Box 9 Folder 43 Campaign

1994 HRCF Abrea- corresp., Box 9 Folder 44 calendar, memos

1993 Leadership 2000 Box 9 Folder 45 (Democratic Leaders) Conference

Aug - Oct 1993 103rd Congress News Box 10 Folder 1 Clippings - gay/lesbian

Sept - Dec 1993 103rd Congress News Box 10 Folder 2 Clippings - gay/lesbian

Jan - Mar 1994 103rd Congress News Box 10 Folder 3 Clippings - gay/lesbian

Mar - June 1994 103rd Congress News Box 11 Folder 39 Clippings - gay/lesbian

Apr - Dec 1994 103rd Congress News Box 11 Folder 40 Clippings - gay/lesbian

1993 HRCF Public Policy Box 11 Folder 41 Division - 103rd cong. Issues (memos, reports, PPD efforts)

Sept- Nov 1993 HRCF Press Releases Box 12 Folder 54

1994 HRCF Press Releases Box 12 Folder 55

1994 People of Color- Box 12 Folder 56 memos, correspondence, etc

1994 People of Color- Box 12 Folder 57 publications

1993-94 HRCF Congressional Box 12 Folder 58 Policies- non- discrimination pledges

1993-94 Voting Records of Box 12 Folder 59 103rd Congress (votes per bill)

1999 ENDA (Employment Box 85 Non- Discrimination Act) and Equality Agenda

1989-2002 Senators' Files Box 86 May 2005 Proposed State Box 127 Folder 12 Legislative Electoral Pilot Plan

HRC's Political Action Box 127 Folder 14 Committee

Legislative Reports and Weekly Updates, 1988- 1991

Aug 1988 HRCF Legislative Box 13 Folder 25 Reports and Weekly Updates

June-December 1989 HRCF Legislative Box 13 Folder 26 Reports and Weekly Updates

Jan-Feb 1990 HRCF Legislative Box 13 Folder 27 Reports and Weekly Updates

March-April 1990 HRCF Legislative Box 13 Folder 28 Reports and Weekly Updates

May-July 1990 HRCF Legislative Box 13 Folder 29 Reports and Weekly Updates

August-October 1990 HRCF Legislative Box 13 Folder 30 Reports and Weekly Updates

March-April 1991 HRCF Legislative Box 13 Folder 31 Reports and Weekly Updates

May-June 1991 HRCF Legislative Box 13 Folder 32 Reports and Weekly Updates

July-Sept. 1991 HRCF Legislative Box 13 Folder 33 Reports and Weekly Updates

Oct.-Dec. 1991 HRCF Legislative Box 13 Folder 34 Reports and Weekly Updates

Organizational Subject Files

Inherited from GRNL, 1976- 1988

1988 AIDS Action Network Box 12 Folder 1

1985 American Legislative Box 12 Folder 2 Exchange Council

1980-82 American Psychological Box 12 Folder 3 Association- Comm. on Gay Affairs

1982-83 Americans for Box 12 Folder 4 Democratic Action--1983 ADA National Convention

1984 Anti-Gay Box 12 Folder 5 Organizations- Against D.C. AIDS Legislation

1984 Bay Area Physicians or Box 12 Folder 6 Human Rights

1984 ACLU Bill of Rights Box 12 Folder 7 Lobby

1982-83 BWMT--Black and Box 12 Folder 8 White Men Together

Feb 1987 CDC Conference on Box 12 Folder 9 Anti-Body Testing

1984 Congressional Black Box 12 Folder 10 Caucus

May 1988 Desert & Mountain Box 12 Folder 11 States Lesbian & Gay Conference

1986 HRCF-East End Box 12 Folder 12 Organization for Human Rights (N.Y.)

Nov 1988 National Conference of Box 12 Folder 13 Gay and Lesbian Public Officials

1986 Emily's List Box 12 Folder 14 1985 Equity Institute- Box 12 Folder 15 Diversity Training in Schools

1984-1985 HRCF-FAIR-PAC Box 12 Folder 16

Oct 1987 HTG- Hi-Tech Guys Box 12 Folder 17 Newsletter (San Jose, CA)

July 1988 FF-1st National Lesbian Box 12 Folder 18 and Gay Education Conference

1988 Lambda Legal Defense Box 12 Folder 19 Fund- AIDS update vol. 3, No. 1 Docket update Sept. 1988

Nov 1988 Lavender Law Box 12 Folder 20 Conference

1982-86 GRNL-Leadership Box 12 Folder 21 Conference on Civil Rights

June 1988 Third Annual Louisiana Box 12 Folder 22 AIDS Conference

1986-87 HRCF-March on Box 12 Folder 23 Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, Oct 11 1987

1988 HRCF-"Out in the Box 12 Folder 24 Heartlands: Taking the next step" Midwest Regional Leadership Conference

1982 NARAL- Nat'l Box 12 Folder 25 Abortion Rights League- grassroots organizing and training

1986 National AIDS Box 12 Folder 26 Network

Oct 1983 National AIDS Vigil Box 12 Folder 27 Commission

1987 National Association of Box 12 Folder 28 Gay and Lesbian Dem. Clubs

1988 National Black Gay & Box 12 Folder 29 Lesbian Conference

1986 National Committee for Box 12 Folder 30 an Effective Congress-Listing of Contests

1985 National Coalition of Box 12 Folder 31 Black Gays

1982 National Gay Rights Box 12 Folder 32 Advocates

1984 National Lesbian and Box 12 Folder 33 Gay Health Foundation

1981-82 NOW-ERA National Box 12 Folder 34 Outreach Campaign Kit

1976, 1983-84 NOW (Nat'l Org. for Box 12 Folder 35 Women)

NOW-Working File Box 12 Folder 36 E.R.A.

1981 NWPC (Nat'l Women's Box 12 Folder 37 Political Caucus)- Gay Rights

1988 New Alliance Party Box 12 Folder 38 (Fulani- Presidential Candidate)

1984 PFLAG Box 12 Folder 39

1981-84 PAW-People for the Box 12 Folder 40 American Way- Bulletins, quarterly reports

1982-83 PAW-- Box 12 Folder 41

1984 Philadelphia Lesbian Box 12 Folder 42 and Gay Task Force (PLGTF) 1980-84 Religious Box 12 Folder 43 Orgs./Churches: Evangelical Religion and Homosexuality

Religious Box 12 Folder 44 Orgs./Churches: Religious Support-Catholic Church

1984 Religious Box 12 Folder 45 Orgs./Churches: Church of the Brethren-Civil Rights for Gays and Lesbians

1979-83 Religious Box 12 Folder 46 Orgs./Churches: MCC (Metropolitan Community Churches)

1979-81 Religious Box 12 Folder 47 Orgs./Churches: United Church of Christ

1979-84 Religious Box 12 Folder 48 Orgs./Churches: United Methodist Church

1979-84 Religious Box 12 Folder 49 Organizations/C hurches-G & L Civil Rights

R.I.S.E. Program Box 12 Folder 50 (Raising Immune System Efficiency)

1984 Right to Privacy P.A.C. Box 12 Folder 51

1988 HRCF Southeastern Box 12 Folder 52 Conference of Lesbians and Gay Men

1984 Trade Unionists for Box 12 Folder 53 Human Rights HIV and AIDS

1985 AIDS Information- Box 13 Folder 1 Reports (AMFAR, NYS Dept. of Health)

1989 AZT Testing Box 13 Folder 2

1985 AIDS-International Box 13 Folder 3 (Australia, Canada)

1988 AIDS and IV Drug Use Box 13 Folder 4 (Report by NASADAD)

1985 AIDS and Box 13 Folder 5 Employment- Economic Impacts

1988 AIDS Prevention - Box 13 Folder 6 GAO Testimony (Budget Appropriations)

1987-88 AIDS Testing - reports, Box 14 Folder 4 statements, news

Abortion Editorials Box 14 Folder 5

Abortion Box 14 Folder 6

Abortion Box 14 Folder 7

Breast & Cervical Box 14 Folder 8 Cancer

Hepatitis Box 14 Folder 9

Tuberculosis Box 14 Folder 10

AIDS-General Box 14 Folder 11

McClintock "AIDS Box 14 Folder 12 Cure Act" Program (HR 3310)

AIDS-Nat'l Box 14 Folder 13 Commission Report

Infectious Disease Box 14 Folder 14 Emergency Act of 1993

AIDS- Budget Box 14 Folder 15

AIDS-Education & Box 14 Folder 16 Prevention

AIDS-Research Box 14 Folder 17

AIDS-Treatment Box 14 Folder 18

AIDS-Transmission Box 14 Folder 19

PWAs/HIV Box 14 Folder 20

AIDS- Editorials Box 14 Folder 21

Press Clips: Misc. AIDS Box 14 Folder 22

AIDS- Healthcare Box 14 Folder 23 workers

Kimberly Bergalis Box 14 Folder 24

AIDS-Testing Box 14 Folder 25

AIDS-Immigration Ban Box 14 Folder 26

The Politics of AIDS I Box 14 Folder 27

The Politics of AIDS II Box 14 Folder 28

Magic Johnson/ AIDS Box 14 Folder 29 in Sports

AIDS/Global Box 14 Folder 30

Cannabis Buying Club Box 14 Folder 31

Act-up Box 14 Folder 32

Women & AIDS Box 14 Folder 33

Harkin Box 14 Folder 34

Steve Smith's Files, 1985-1990

1984-88 Whitman-Walker Clinic, Box 13 Folder 7 D.C.

1985-87 Washington D.C.- Box 13 Folder 8 AIDS plans, Bills

1985-1987 GAA (Gay Activist Box 13 Folder 9 Alliance) Washington, D.C. AIDS Budget FY 89

1985-1988 Washington, D.C.- Box 13 Folder 10 Health Bills 7-373 "Clinical Lab Act of 1987"

1985-1989 Gay children- Families Box 13 Folder 11 (folder 1 of 2)

1985-89 Gay children- Families Box 13 Folder 12 (folder 2 of 2) Testimony, Bills, Hearings

1985-89 D.C. Metropolitan Box 13 Folder 13 Comm. on AIDS Issues

1986 AIDS: DC Government Box 13 Folder 14

1988 D.C. Met. Comm. on Box 13 Folder 15 AIDS issues- Pentamadene issue

1988 GAA DC AIDS Budget Box 13 Folder 16 FY 1988

1988 McCormick v. Box 13 Folder 17 Hechinger (wrongful termination case re: AIDS)

1988- 1989 DC AIDS Prevention & Box 13 Folder 18 Surveillance Projects Grant Application

1988-90 HRCF GLAA- Gay and Box 13 Folder 19 Lesbian Activist Alliance

1989 D.C. Health Care Box 13 Folder 20 Agency (proposed)

1989 DC-AIDS (Fiscal Box 13 Folder 21 Planning)

1989 David Clarke et. al. v. Box 13 Folder 22 USA (Briefs) 1989 Legislation "Basic Box 13 Folder 23 Health Benefits for all Americans"

1989-1990 DC AIDS Budget FY Box 13 Folder 24 1990

Military, 1984-1996

1995-1996 Military Don't Ask Box 11 Folder 1 Don't Tell (DA / DT) Policy

1994 Military Articles Box 11 Folder 2

Nunn, Sam Box 11 Folder 3

(DA / DT) Box 11 Folder 4 Cammermeyer

(DA / DT) Hackworth Box 11 Folder 5

(DA / DT) Inman Box 11 Folder 6

(DA / DT) Meinhold Box 11 Folder 7

(DA / DT) Monsuma Box 11 Folder 8

(DA / DT) Panccia Box 11 Folder 9

(DA / DT) Peck Box 11 Folder 10

(DA / DT) Colin Box 11 Folder 11 Powell

(DA / DT) Crae Box 11 Folder 12

(DA / DT) Steffan Box 11 Folder 13 Decision

(DA / DT) Steffan Box 11 Folder 14

(DA / DT) Thome Box 11 Folder 15

(DA / DT) Truscott Box 11 Folder 16

Other Countries- Box 11 Folder 17 Military Ban

Lesbian Veterans Press Box 11 Folder 18 Conf.

Military I Box 11 Folder 19

Military II Box 11 Folder 20 Boyer Resolution Box 11 Folder 21

1993 To Support and Defend Box 11 Folder 22

Schroeder Bill Box 11 Folder 23

Military Letters Box 11 Folder 24

Military- ROTC/ Box 11 Folder 25 Recruiting

Operation Lift the Ban Box 11 Folder 26 Weekend

Military Echoes of Box 11 Folder 27

Service members Legal Box 11 Folder 28 Defense Network

1993 Aspin - Memo of June Box 11 Folder 29 1993

Don't Ask Don't Tell Box 11 Folder 30

Nunn Skelton Meehan Box 11 Folder 31 Boxer

Military Regulations Box 11 Folder 32

1993 Military 10-93, 11-93 Box 11 Folder 33

Military Box 11 Folder 34

Campaign for Military Box 11 Folder 35 Service

Campaign for Military Box 11 Folder 36 Service

Military Editorials Box 11 Folder 37

Military- Op- Ed Pieces Box 11 Folder 38 and Letters to the Editor

1993 1993 Military Articles I Box 14 Folder 1

1993 1993 Military Articles II Box 14 Folder 2

1993 1993 Military Articles Box 14 Folder 3 III

1993 HRCF Meehan/ Fazio Box 15 Folder 1 Amendment to the Defense Authorization Bill

HRCF-PPD Defense Box 15 Folder 2 Authorization Bill

June 1992 DOD's Policy on Box 15 Folder 3 Homosexuality- published by GAO

1993 Campaign for Military Box 15 Folder 4 Service

1993 Gays in Military: Sen. Box 15 Folder 5 Nunn; Hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee

1993 Gays in Military- Box 15 Folder 6 Editorial War (news clippings)

1993-1994 HRCF-PPD Gays in the Box 15 Folder 7 Military & other issues

1989-1992 Military & Box 15 Folder 8 Homosexuality - Press

1993 Military Issues- Black Box 15 Folder 9 Lesbian and Gay (Veterans) Leadership Forum

1992 Military Ban on Box 15 Folder 10 Homosexuality- Senate and House Legislation- Press Releases

1993 Operation Lift the Ban/ Box 15 Folder 11 Speak Out

1992-1993 Military- Post-Election Box 15 Folder 12 press releases

1993 H.R. 2401 Statute Box 15 Folder 13 Language/ Committee language

July 1993 U.S. President/ Box 15 Folder 14 Administration Position on Don't Ask/ Don't Tell

1989-1992 Lesbians in the Military Box 15 Folder 15 (reports, articles)

1993 (SecDef) Military Box 15 Folder 16 working Group Report

1991-92 Army memo to lift the Box 15 Folder 17 Ban

1991-1993 Press Clips/ Editorials Box 15 Folder 18 on DA, DT and Gay In Military

1992 Military Briefing Box 15 Folder 19 Materials

1991-1995 Military Discharge Box 15 Folder 20 Statistics

1991-92 Military- Coast Guard Box 15 Folder 21

1992 Military- Sodomy- press Box 15 Folder 22 clippings

Military Conduct- Box 15 Folder 23 Various

1988-94 Military- Box 15 Folder 24 Harassment- Articles, Reports, clippings

1993 Operation Lift the Ban- Box 15 Folder 25 Talking Points

1990-1992 Military- APA Box 15 Folder 26 (American Psychological Association) Packet Articles

1994 HRCF PPD - Equal Box 15 Folder 27 Employment Act

1993 HRCF Serial murders of Box 15 Folder 28 gay men (reports, news, efforts)

1993 HRCF Gays in the Box 15 Folder 29 Military

1994 HRCF Health Care Box 15 Folder 30 Reform Bill - sexual discrimination

1993-1995 GL MFP (Military Box 15 Folder 31 Freedom Project)

1992-1994 GLBVA and related vet Box 15 Folder 32 groups

1990-1992 Military-resources for Box 15 Folder 33 vets

1993 Military Reading Project Box 15 Folder 34

1989-1993 MFP (Military Freedom Box 15 Folder 35 Project)

1989-1991 GL MFP-old minutes Box 15 Folder 36

1993-1994 DoD Regs-copies and Box 15 Folder 37 related materials

1993 Surveys Re: Military Box 15 Folder 38 Ban

1993 Military- Box 15 Folder 39 Workplan/Target s

1993 Issue-fact sheets Box 15 Folder 40 (Campaign for Military Service)

1993 CMS Fact Sheets Box 15 Folder 41

1993 CMS Targeting Box 15 Folder 42

1993 CMS Policy Box 15 Folder 43 Recommendation s

1993 Rand Report-Talking Box 15 Folder 44 Points

1993 CRS (Congressional Box 15 Folder 45 Research Service): Homosexuals and Military

1993 CRS Info Pack Box 15 Folder 46

1993 Right Wing Ban Box 15 Folder 47 Attempts

1991-1992 Press Clippings-Gays in Box 15 Folder 48 the Military

1993 West Point/Major Box 15 Folder 49 Berry

1991-1993 Military-letters from Box 15 Folder 50 orgs opposing ban

1992 APA-Meeting of Box 15 Folder 51 National Orgs on the US Military Gay Exclusion

1994 GLMFP and Service Box 15 Folder 52 Members Legal Defense Network

1993 Department of Defense Box 15 Folder 53

1993 House Armed Service Box 15 Folder 54 Committee Members

1993 HASC Box 15 Folder 55

1993 HRC Talking Points- Box 15 Folder 56 Public Policy Dept.

1993 Articles-PPD Box 15 Folder 57

Military L-6-05 Box 15 Folder 58 Background Materials

1992 Military Resolution Box 15 Folder 59

1993 House Bill 2440 (gays in Box 15 Folder 60 VA Nat'l Guard)

1993 Opposition to Hoar Box 15 Folder 61

1992 Witch Hunt-Japan Box 15 Folder 62

1942 Negroes in the Military Box 15 Folder 63

1993 Nunn's Codification Box 15 Folder 64

1991-1993 DoD Military Working Box 16 Folder 1 Group Reports (Folder 1 of 2)

1991-1993 DoD Military Working Box 16 Folder 2 Group Reports (Folder 2 of 2) Military Political Box 16 Folder 3 Cartoons re: Gays in the Military Debate

HRCF Notes on Policy Box 16 Folder 4

1992 Military- Freedom of Box 16 Folder 5 Expression/ Association

1991 Military- Policy History Box 16 Folder 6

1992 Military Gen. Colin Box 16 Folder 7 Powell & DA, DT Policy

Military- Legal Issues Box 16 Folder 8 (reports, articles)

Dec 1992 U.S. Congress Box 16 Folder 9 Republican Hearings

Military - "Questions Box 16 Folder 10 for Defense Officials concerning DoD policy"

1992 Research Papers on Box 16 Folder 11 Homosexuality in the Military

1992 Military Policy- Position Box 16 Folder 12 documents

1991-1994 ROTC Press Releases/ Box 16 Folder 13 articles

1990-1992 Statements and Reports Box 16 Folder 14 Supporting Ban

1993 Model Testimonials Box 16 Folder 15 (Campaign for military service)

1993 Gays in the Military- Box 16 Folder 16 Testimonies (various)

1992 Box 16 Folder 17

1993 Selland v. Aspin Civil Box 16 Folder 18 Action US District Court 1992 J. Skerik story (articles) Box 16 Folder 19

1993-1994 Allen Schindler Case- Box 16 Folder 20 articles, correspondence

1991-1993 Steffan v. Cheney U.S. Box 16 Folder 21 District Court

1995 Thomasson v. Perry Box 16 Folder 22 and Dalton- Brief of Amices Curial in Support of appellant

1992 Cases- T. Thorne Box 16 Folder 23

1992-93 Cases- C. Traxler Box 16 Folder 24

1992-93 Cases- T. Panicca Box 16 Folder 25

1988-1993 Cases- D. Pruitt v. Box 16 Folder 26 Chaney

1993 Cases- Various Box 16 Folder 27

1981 Congressional Research Box 16 Folder 28 Service Review of Cases, 1981

Cases (Homosexuality Box 16 Folder 29 in Military)

1991-1992 Cases- Cammerneyer Box 16 Folder 30

1992 DA, DT Cases Box 16 Folder 31

1993 Cases- Meinhold v. U.S. Box 16 Folder 32 Dept. of Defense

1996 HIV in Military- PRESS Box 16 Folder 33

DoD Policies- HIV Box 16 Folder 34

1995 Dornan Amendment- Box 16 Folder 35 HIV Military

1995 ABLE case Box 16 Folder 36

1997 RMSN- Navy Lesbian Box 16 Folder 37 discharge case

1995, 1996 Service members Legal Box 16 Folder 38 Defense Network- "Conduct Unbecoming Continues: The First Year Under 'Don't Ask Don't Tell, Don't Pursue'"

1996 Service members Legal Box 16 Folder 39 Defense Network- Press Kit Materials

1994-1996 Servicemembers Legal Box 16 Folder 40 Defense Network

1994 DD Form 214- Box 16 Folder 41 Recommended Changes to Discharge Form

1991-1996 Military- Various Topics Box 16 Folder 42 re: Don't Ask/ Don't Tell

1992 U.S. GAO (General Box 16 Folder 43 Accounting Office) Reports (DoD & Homosexuality) GOA/ NSIAD 92-98

1993 GAO Report- (DoD & Box 16 Folder 44 Homosexuality) GOA/NSIAD 93-215

1992 GAO Report- Press Box 16 Folder 45 Clippings

1984 GAO Report (DoD & Box 16 Folder 46 Homosexuality) 1984

1988-1989 Defense Personnel Box 16 Folder 47 Security Research & Education Center Reports re: Homosexuality

1993 HRCF Ban on Gays Box 16 Folder 48 and Lesbians in military

October 15, 2009 DADT Campaign Box 127 Folder 13 Proposal Political Races

Federal Contributions Box 127 Folder 15 of HRC members

Endorsements for 2006 Box 127 Folder 16

HRC e-Quality Box 127 Folder 17 Candidates Bundling Program Series IV. Constituent Mobilizatio n Division, 1980-1988

1982 Campaign Box 17 Folder 1 Contributions (HRCF Letters w/checks)

1982 Campaign Box 17 Folder 2 Contributions (letters, transmittals, etc.)

Nov. 9, 1982 HRCF-Mailgrams to Box 17 Folder 3 Congresspeople re: 1982 Election Results

1983-1984 Campaign Box 17 Folder 4 Contributions (letters, disbursements, HRCF memos)

1985 Campaign Box 17 Folder 5 Contributions (letters, transmittals)

1986 Campaign Box 17 Folder 6 Contributions (letters, memos, etc)

1988 Democratic Convention Box 17 Folder 7 G/L Voice Events

1985-1988 HRCF-Political and Box 17 Folder 8 legislative update and misc.

1982 HRCF-1982 City Box 17 Folder 9 Committee Volunteers

1981 1982 Election "Jerry Box 17 Folder 10 Falwell- Take us Back to 1950's" Ad copy proof

1982 1982 Election "Rep. Les Box 17 Folder 11 Aucoin- A Friend in Need" Ad copy

1983 California Redistricting Box 17 Folder 12 Initiative- Sebastiani Plan

'84 Candidate Files Box 17 Folder 13

1983-1984 General Presidential Box 17 Folder 14 Candidate Information ('84 election)

1983 1984 Election- Rev. Box 17 Folder 15 Jesse Jackson- Presidential Candidate

1983 1984 Election- Gary Box 17 Folder 16 Hart/ Presidential Candidate

'84 Election- Walter Box 17 Folder 17 Mondale/preside ntial candidate

1987-1988 H.R. 3058, S. 1220 Box 17 Folder 18 Helms Amendment-Bill, congressional record, U.S. Senate correspondence

1987 Jesse Helms cd Box 17 Folder 19

1983-87 Jesse Helms: news Box 17 Folder 20 clippings, voting record

1987-88 Wexler-Reynolds Box 17 Folder 21 correspondence Oct. 1987 U.S. House-Rep. Dan Box 17 Folder 22 Burton-Study on Spread of AIDS

1988 H.R. 4783 Humphrey Box 17 Folder 23 Amendment

1988 Senator Pete Wilson- Box 17 Folder 24 LGBT issues

1989-1990 Rep. Sheldon- Box 17 Folder 25 Traditional Values Coalition

1987-1988 Pamphlets on lobbying Box 17 Folder 26 (general)

1988 1988 Campaign General Box 17 Folder 27

1988 1988 Presidential Box 17 Folder 28 Campaign General

1987-1988 National Committee for Box 17 Folder 29 Effective Congress: Race Listings

1988 1988 Presidential Race- Box 17 Folder 30 Polls & General Info.

1987-1988 Political-Bruce Babbit Box 17 Folder 31

1987-1988 M. Dukakis Campaign Box 17 Folder 32 & Correspondence

1987-1988 Dukakis press clippings Box 17 Folder 33

1987-1988 Dukakis-member Box 17 Folder 34 correspondence

1987 Alexander Haig Box 17 Folder 35

1987-1988 Jesse Jackson Box 17 Folder 36

1987 Jack Kemp Box 17 Folder 37

1987 Political-Jeane Box 17 Folder 38 Kirkpatrick

1987 Paul Laxalt Box 17 Folder 39

1987-1988 Ron Paul (Libertarian) Box 17 Folder 40 1987 Pete du Pont Box 17 Folder 41

1988 Dan Quayle Box 17 Folder 42

1987 Pat Robertson Box 17 Folder 43

1988 1988 Democratic Box 17 Folder 44 Convention-Gay & Lesbian VOICE '88

1988 1988 Democratic Box 17 Folder 45 Convention- Planning Meeting Notes & Logistics

1988 Democratic Convention Box 17 Folder 46 Info

1988 1988 Democratic Box 17 Folder 47 Platform

1988 1988 Democratic Box 17 Folder 48 Convention- Platform & Delegate Selection

1987-1988 Republican Convention Box 17 Folder 49 Information

1988 Republican Party Box 17 Folder 50 Platform-HRC Testimony

1988 1988 Republican Box 17 Folder 51 Platform

1988 Republican Convention Box 17 Folder 52 Press releases

1988 The War Conference Box 17 Folder 53 (1988)

1985-1987 Press Clippings-PR Box 17 Folder 54 Material-Public Opinion & Gay and Lesbians

1988 1988 Presidential Race- Box 17 Folder 55 Public Opinion Poll-Press Clippings

1985-1987 Conservative/Anti-Gay Box 17 Folder 56 mailings 1985-1987 Legislative-Religious Box 17 Folder 57 Support

1985-1989 G/L Rights and Box 17 Folder 58 Religion

1985-1987 D.C. Revenue Bond Act Box 17 Folder 59 of 1985 Georgetown University

1987 US Dept. of Health and Box 17 Folder 60 Human Services Budget for FY 1988

1988 "Civil Rights Box 17 Folder 61 Restoration Act: Responses to Grove City College v. Bell"

1984 Bob Schuster for Box 17 Folder 62 Congress - Investment PAC kit

1984 Alabama Senate Race Box 17 Folder 63 1984- Jim Hunt Candidate Info.

1984 Congressional Races Box 17 Folder 64 1984- Candidate Info.

1983, 1987-1988 HRCF Campaign Box 17 Folder 65 Contributions

1982 HRCF Proposal for Box 17 Folder 66 Marketing

1982 1982 Candidate Box 17 Folder 67 Questionnaire

1982 FY '82 Campaign Box 17 Folder 68 Contributions Series V. Grassroots Organizing and Mailgrams

Fairness Fund, 1986-


1986 Fairness Fund Box 18 Folder 1 Certificate and Articles of Incorporation, By-laws

1988 FF and HRCF Merger Box 18 Folder 2 Documents - Bylaws, MOU, Agreement

1988 FF - L. Bush Box 18 Folder 3 Correspondence

1986-87 Grant Applications & Box 18 Folder 4 Responses

Mailgram- First Letter Box 18 Folder 5 & Ad

1988 Mailgram-Various Box 18 Folder 6 Mailgram Text

1988 Mailgram for S.2000 Box 18 Folder 7 Hate Crimes Statistics Act

1988 Hate Crimes Statistics Box 18 Folder 8 Act H.R. 3193/S.2000

1988-89 Public Opinion Box 18 Folder 9 Mailgram- Authority Sign-up Sheets

1986-88 Mailgram Materials Box 18 Folder 10

1988 Mailgrams- Box 18 Folder 11 Correspondence- Various

1988 Political- Alabama Box 18 Folder 12

1988 Political- Illinois Box 18 Folder 13

1988 Political- Kentucky Box 18 Folder 14

1988 Political-Indiana Box 18 Folder 15

1984 Political-California Box 18 Folder 16

1984 Political- New York Box 18 Folder 17 1984 Political- Ohio Box 18 Folder 18

1984 Political - Arkansas Box 18 Folder 19

1984 Political - Oregon Box 18 Folder 20

1988 Political - Oregon Box 18 Folder 21

1988 Field Associate-general Box 18 Folder 22

1987 Fairness Fund "Let's Box 18 Folder 23 Send 'Em a Message" Button

1987-88 Mailgrams Box 18 Folder 24

1987 National March on Box 18 Folder 25 Washington for Lesbian & Gay Rights- Organizing Kit

1988 National March on Box 18 Folder 26 Wash.-March Participation

1987 National March on Box 18 Folder 27 Washington 1987- Sign in Sheets

1987 National March on Box 18 Folder 28 Washington 1987-Names & Contact Info.

1987 Founder's Club- Billing Box 58 Folder 5 Info.

1987-88 Fairness Fund - Board Box 59 Folder 8 of Director's Meeting Minutes, Handouts & Financial Reports

1986-88 Grassroots-Pledging Box 59 Folder 9 Club Renewals, Financial Statements

1986-88 600 club- Pledging Box 59 Folder 10 Members

1988 Orders Filled Box 59 Folder 11

Field Division and

Speak Out, 1988 -


Speak Out mailgram Box 18 Folder 29 advertisements

1988 Op-Ed re: Speak Out! Box 18 Folder 30 [Aug 1988]

1989 Speak Out mailgram Box 18 Folder 31 program [1989]

1987 "New Manhattan Box 18 Folder 32 Project" Direct Mail letters from HRCF

1987 Nebraska/Iowa Box 18 Folder 33 Development Project

1987 Fundraising: NAGAAA Box 18 Folder 34 Proposal

1987 Prospect Mail Program Box 18 Folder 35

1987 Southeastern Box 18 Folder 36 Organizing Project

SAME (Southeastern Box 18 Folder 37 Arts, Media, and Education Project) Script of play "Warren"; Proposal to HRCF for Tour and Play "Warren"

1987 Rocky Mountain Box 18 Folder 38 Development Project

1987, 1989 Conference flyers, misc Box 18 Folder 39 Gay and Lesbian

1989 "The Macro File", L. Box 18 Folder 40 Bush file

1989 Field Legislative, Box 18 Folder 41 canvassing

1988 S. 1220 AIDS Info Act Box 18 Folder 42 1987 National Lobby Days Box 18 Folder 43 (March on Washington for Gays and Lesbians)

1989 Field - Names Quilt - Box 18 Folder 44 Canvassing / Videotaping

1989 Names Quilt Video - Box 18 Folder 45 individual release forms

1988 MailGram - POM - Box 18 Folder 46 MCC

1988 Field - National Box 18 Folder 47 canvassing effort

1991 Field - Calendar of Box 18 Folder 48 Significant Events (1991)

1988 HRCF Field, L. Bush Box 18 Folder 49 Strategic Meeting with Peat Marrick

1987-88 POM- "March Again by Box 18 Folder 50 Mail" op-ed & contact notes

1988 Letter & Contacts: Box 18 Folder 51 Subcommittee of National Civil Disobedience

1988 Field-Preliminary Goals Box 18 Folder 52 & Objectives for 1989

1988 Field-Oregon-Political Box 18 Folder 53 Candidate Memorabilia

1988 Field-Oregon- Box 18 Folder 54 Candidate Information

1988 Field-Oregon- L. Bush Box 18 Folder 55 Trip

1989 Awards Given for Box 18 Folder 56 Mailgram Excellence 1989 Correspondence- re: Box 18 Folder 57 Mailgram sign-up @ conferences, event.

1988 U.S. District Court for Box 18 Folder 58 District of Columbia: Civil Action 88-3190 David Clarke, et al vs. USA

1988 Superior Court for the Box 18 Folder 59 District of Columbia: Gay Rights Coalition of Georgetown Univ Law Center v. Georgetown University

1988-89 Armstrong Amendment Box 18 Folder 60 (#2541)- Washington D.C. Appropriations Bill, HR 4776

1989-90 HRC-Created Summary: Box 18 Folder 61 Votes of 101st Congress

1988 H.R. 3193: Hate Crimes Box 18 Folder 62 Statistics Act

1988 "And God loves Each Box 18 Folder 63 One" United Methodist Church Resource dialogue about Homosexuality and the Church

1991 Materials re: HRCF Box 18 Folder 64 Speak Out Program

1989-1990 Youth-related issues, Box 18 Folder 65 notes and correspondence.

1990 Field Associates and Box 18 Folder 66 Speak-Out, letter drafts

1991 Lesbian-Gay Rights bill Box 18 Folder 67 and Call List notes

1990 Lesbian Program Box 18 Folder 68 Director-Job Description

Speak-Out Program Box 18 Folder 69 Part-time Worker Job Flyer

Tips on letter-writing, Box 18 Folder 70 Action Alerts

1988 AIDS Legislative Box 18 Folder 71 Program

1987 Correspondence: House Box 18 Folder 72 Amendment No. 963

1987 Helms Amendment No. Box 18 Folder 73 963

1987 General AIDS related Box 18 Folder 74 news clippings

1988 Voting Record Box 18 Folder 75 Composite- Sen. Lloyd Bentsen

1988 Dukakis vs. Bush Box 18 Folder 76 Election Materials

1987 AIDS Programming- Box 18 Folder 77 National Broadcast Assoc. for Community Affairs

1988 Correspondence of Box 18 Folder 78 HRC-Various

1984 Show Our Strength Box 18 Folder 79 Leadership Manual

1984 Show Our Strength Box 18 Folder 80

1984 Show Our Strength Box 18 Folder 81 News clippings

1985 Direct Mail Materials Box 18 Folder 82

1985 State Comm., Texas, Box 18 Folder 83 Freedom Parade Speeches 1985 Speak Out materials, Box 18 Folder 84 Lee Bush file

1990 Field- 1990 Election Box 21 Folder 1 Results

1994 "1993 Census- Sexual Box 21 Folder 2 Orientation Policies- Fortune 500 Corporations" Wall Street Project)

1998 D. Redwing Box 21 Folder 3 presentation @ SALSA homophobia policy Series #3

1996,1997 Field Action Network Box 21 Folder 4 (FAN)

1997 FAN- Congressional Box 21 Folder 5 District Coordinators Survey Responses

1995, 1996,1997 Action Alerts/ News Box 21 Folder 6

1997 Action Alert Mailing Box 21 Folder 7 July 1997

1996 HRC Candidate Manual Box 21 Folder 8 G/L Issues- Working File

1990 Campaign Skills- Box 21 Folder 9 Training & Workshop Ideas

? 1994 Information Packet Box 21 Folder 10 faxed to Candidates

1997 Events HRC and non- Box 21 Folder 11 HRC

1997 Department- Field Box 21 Folder 12 Organizers Meeting, May 1, 1997

1997 HRC- Field Training- Box 21 Folder 13 working files & CA Training packet

1997 Field Report Mailing Box 21 Folder 14 (June 4, 1997)

? 1997 Projects- Field Training; Box 21 Folder 15 Media 101

1996 Trip Notes, Agenda- Box 21 Folder 16 California K. Layton (3- 4/1996)

1998 Trip Reports (Reviews Box 21 Folder 17 & Plans)

1999 Trip Reports (Reviews Box 21 Folder 18 & Plans)

(Dec. 1997) Political- HRC PAC Box 21 Folder 19 Newsletter

1996 HRC Report: "Lesbian/ Box 21 Folder 20 Gay Issues- Where do they stand- 1996 presidential candidates"

1995? "Grassroots Memo" Box 21 Folder 21

Field Publication "From Box 21 Folder 22 the Field" Quarterly

1999 Field Dept.- Internal Box 21 Folder 23 Memos, Reports, minutes

1998 Field Dept.- Internal Box 21 Folder 24 reports, memos

1997 Field Dept.- Internal Box 21 Folder 25 memos, correspondence, work plans

1996 Field Dept.- Internal Box 21 Folder 26 memos, correspondence, work plans

1999 Political Info. packets Box 21 Folder 27 (for Congress)

1995-96, 1997-98 Political - PAC- Federal Box 21 Folder 28 Contributions

1996 Political- Internal Box 21 Folder 29 memos, reports, etc

1997 Political- Internal Box 21 Folder 30 Memos, etc

1999 Political- Internal Box 21 Folder 31 memos, reports

1990 Memos, notes-E. Box 21 Folder 32 Rosenthal/K. Layton

1994 Political- Campaign Box 21 Folder 33 1994- Staff Travel

199? Student Leadership Box 21 Folder 34 Conferences

1996, 1995 Field Internship- job Box 21 Folder 35 responsibility memos

(?1992?) Development workshop Box 21 Folder 36 (mgmt Training) handout

1996, 1992 Direct Mail Box 21 Folder 37 (membership) (examples)

1996, 97 Strategic Planning Task Box 21 Folder 38 force

1997 G/L Community Box 21 Folder 39 Organizations- Events

1997 Grant Proposal- George Box 21 Folder 40 Gund Foundation

1998 Building Site Selection Box 21 Folder 41 Committee

1996, 1997 STATE Steering Box 21 Folder 42 Committees

12/11/1997 Communications Press Box 21 Folder 43 Clippings Packet

1997 Info Packet- AIDS/ Box 21 Folder 44 HIV 1997 Website (memos, Rpts) Box 21 Folder 45

May 7, 1994 Employee Handbook Box 21 Folder 46

1994 Administration- Box 21 Folder 47 Memos, job postings, etc.

1992 National Endorsement Box 21 Folder 48 Campaign

July 1997 HRC STAFF Directors Box 21 Folder 49 Meetings

1996? HRC Presentation Box 21 Folder 50 Graphs, charts, etc.

1982-83 Field State, New York Box 54 Folder 6 City Committee

1983 Field States- Box 54 Folder 7 Philadelphia C.C.

1984 Show Our Strength and Box 55 Folder 3 Other Fundraiser Materials

1983-84 Field States, Box 55 Folder 4 Washington D.C.

1982-85 Field (states), Box 56 Folder 6 Correspondence, Financials, etc. (state coordinators)

1985 Field State, California- Box 56 Folder 7 S.F.& L.A. events

1985 City Comm. New Box 56 Folder 8 England Dinner

1985 Guidelines for Box 56 Folder 9 fundraising dinners

1985 City Comm., Box 56 Folder 10 Washington D.C. Dinner

6/15/85 State Comm., Key West Box 56 Folder 11 Fundraiser

1985 City Comm., Atlanta Box 56 Folder 12 dinner 2003, 2005 Operations Human Box 56 Folder 22 Resources Handbook

1986 City Comm. Events Box 57 Folder 9

1987 Michigan/Ohio Box 58 Folder 6 Organizing Project

1987 1987 Annual Dinners - Box 58 Folder 7 New England, Florida, Georgia

1987 Washington, D.C. Box 58 Folder 8 Dinner

1988 Dinners D.C., Atlanta Box 59 Folder 12

1990 Political- Campaign Box 61 Folder 4 1990- Staff Election Travel

1990, 1991-2 Finance Report Box 63 Folder 5

1993, 1994 Financials (proposals, Box 65 Folder 6 budgets, balance sheets)

1996 FAN- Action Alerts- Box 67 Folder 12 Finance Planning

1997 Field- Departmental Box 68 Folder 4 Charges, Finance

1997 Grants Box 68 Folder 5

(Jan) 1998 "HRC Field Dept. C-3 Box 69 Folder 15 Programming" Report

1997, 1998 HRC Finance Box 69 Folder 16 Committee Reports

1985 Report to the Board of Box 78 Folder 18 Directors, HRCF, On Public relations and Direct Mail Activities

1994 Outreach to Box 78 Folder 23 Republicans- Corresp. R. Colbert- McFeely 1991-1994 1996, 1997 Lists of Names- Board Box 78 Folder 24 of Directors, Bd of Governors

1996, 1997 Board Reports (Dec Box 78 Folder 25 1996, May 1997)

1997 Board Reports (June, Box 78 Folder 26 Sept/Oct 1997)

1998 Board Report (May Box 78 Folder 27 1998)

1993, 1995, 1996 Staff/Department Box 78 Folder 28 Rosters

Steve Endean's Pride- Box 127 Folder 18 Period Trip (1991)

Subject Files

1996 Adoption Box 22 Folder 1

1997 Allies Box 22 Folder 2

1994 Articles and Pictures - Box 22 Folder 3 NCOD (folder 1)

Articles and Pictures - Box 22 Folder 4 NCOD (folder 2)

1993- Articles and Pictures - Box 22 Folder 5 NCOD (folder 3)

1996 Campaign '96 Report Box 22 Folder 6

1994 1994 Candidate Box 22 Folder 7 Materials from HRCF

1993 Civil Rights Bill Box 22 Folder 8 Targeting

1995 DCCC / House Targets Box 22 Folder 9

1997 DISNEY BOYCOTT Box 22 Folder 10 response

1997 DP - Domestic Box 22 Folder 11 Partnership Benefits

1997 Ellen Coming Out Box 22 Folder 12 House Parties ENDA pre-1998 Box 22 Folder 13

ENDA Box 22 Folder 14

1995-97 Faith & Fairness Box 22 Folder 15

1997? FAN Organizer's Box 22 Folder 16 Manual

1997 Freedom to Marry Box 22 Folder 17 brochure (Lambda Legal)

1997 Freedom to Marry Box 22 Folder 18 Coalition (working file)

Gay Parenting Box 22 Folder 19

1997 Gay Parenting- "Love Box 22 Folder 20 Makes a Family"

1997-8 Gay / Lesbian Parents Box 22 Folder 21

1997 G/L Parenting Box 22 Folder 22 "National Survey on Gay Family Issues"

1997 Hate Crime Stats Box 22 Folder 23 (reports )

1997 HIV / AIDS Box 22 Folder 24

1998-99 Impact Illinois Box 22 Folder 25

1997 International Box 22 Folder 26

Opposition - Jerry Box 22 Folder 27 Falwell

1997 HRC - Marriage Box 22 Folder 28

Marriage Box 22 Folder 29

1997 Marriage - Report Box 22 Folder 30 "Research on Orgs Opposing Same Sex Marriage"

1997-98 NCOP Box 22 Folder 31

1996 "Opposition Primer" by Box 23 Folder 1 the Pro-choice Resource Ctr. 1996

1997 HRC - Out There - Box 23 Folder 2 Talking Points

1995 PFAW Report "Hostile Box 23 Folder 3 Climate"

1997 People of Faith Box 23 Folder 4

1995 Political Retreat (HRCF Box 23 Folder 5 staff)

1996-7 Pride Box 23 Folder 6

Radical Right Box 23 Folder 7

1997 Sex Panic Box 23 Folder 8

1997 State Initiatives - Ballot Box 23 Folder 9 Initiative Strategy Center

1996 State Plans Box 23 Folder 10

1995-6 Transgender - AEGIS Box 23 Folder 11

1997-99 Transgender Issues Box 23 Folder 12

1997 U.S. OPM - non- Box 23 Folder 13 discrimination policy

1996-98 HRC internal - Box 54 Folder 26 Transgender Issues

1997 HRC Workplace Box 78 Folder 22 Discrimination

National Organizations

1994-97 DC-ACLU Box 21 Folder 51

1997 AFL-CIO-Union Cities Box 21 Folder 52

1997 DC-AIDS Action Box 21 Folder 53 Report

1997 Ballot Initiative Strategy Box 21 Folder 54 Center

DC-Alliance for Justice Box 21 Folder 55

DC-Amnesty Box 21 Folder 56 International USA

1992-2000 DC-NARAL Box 21 Folder 57

1997 GLSTN-Spring Box 21 Folder 58 Newsletter

1996 HANDS OFF Box 21 Folder 59 Washington

1996 UF Metropolitan Box 21 Folder 60 Community Churches (UFMCC)/HRCF -UFMCC Partnership

1994-96 Independent Political Box 21 Folder 61 Action (Nat'l Conference on Independent Politics August 1995, Pittsburgh, PA)

1997-98 NGLTF Box 21 Folder 62

1994-97 NOW (National Box 21 Folder 63 Organization for Women)

PFLAG Box 21 Folder 64

1996-97 PFAW (People for the Box 21 Folder 65 American Way)

1997 Religious Coalition for Box 21 Folder 66 Reproductive Choice- "Organizational Assessment"

1996-97 Right to Privacy, PAC Box 21 Folder 67 (Portland, OR)

1995 Triangle Foundation Box 21 Folder 68 (Detroit, MI)

Opposition-American Box 21 Folder 69 Family Assoc.

Amer. Public Box 21 Folder 70 Philosophy Inst.

1992 Opposition-Christian Box 21 Folder 71 Action Network

1998 Opposition-Christian Box 21 Folder 72 Voice

Opposition-Christian Box 21 Folder 73 Coalition

Opposition-Nat'l Box 21 Folder 74 Coming Out of Homosexuality Day (Kerusso Ministries)

Opposition-Coral Ridge Box 21 Folder 75 Ministries

Opposition-Culture Box 21 Folder 76 Watch

1997 Opposition-Family Box 21 Folder 77 Research Council

1994 Opposition-Family Box 21 Folder 78 Research Institute

Opposition-General Box 21 Folder 79 Information

1997 Opposition-Promise Box 21 Folder 80 Keepers

1997-98 Opposition-Traditional Box 21 Folder 81 Values Coalition

Field Division, State- by-State Files,


Alabama Box 24 Folder 1

Alaska Box 24 Folder 2

Arizona Box 24 Folder 3-4

California Box 24 Folder 5-17

Colorado Box 24 Folder 18-27

Connecticut Box 25 Folder 1-4

DC (District of Box 25 Folder 5-9 Columbia)

Delaware Box 25 Folder 10 Florida Box 25 Folder 11-14

Georgia Box 25 Folder 15-16

Hawaii Box 25 Folder 17-25

Idaho Box 25 Folder 26

Illinois Box 25 Folder 27-34

Indiana Box 25 Folder 35

Iowa Box 25 Folder 36-38

Kansas Box 25 Folder 39

Kentucky Box 25 Folder 40-41

Louisiana Box 25 Folder 42-45

Maine Box 26 Folder 1-4

Maryland Box 26 Folder 5-11

Massachusetts Box 26 Folder 12-15

Michigan Box 26 Folder 16-21

Minnesota Box 26 Folder 22-25

Minnesota Box 80 Folder 1

Missouri Box 26 Folder 26

Montana Box 26 Folder 27-28

Nebraska Box 26 Folder 29-30

Nevada Box 26 Folder 31-32

New Hampshire Box 26 Folder 33

New Jersey Box 26 Folder 34-37

New Mexico Box 26 Folder 38-39

New York Box 26 Folder 40-51

North Carolina Box 26 Folder 52-55

North Dakota Box 26 Folder 56-57

Ohio Box 26 Folder 58-62

Ohio, cont'd Box 27 Folder 1-6 Oklahoma Box 27 Folder 7

Oregon Box 27 Folder 8-21

Pennsylvania Box 27 Folder 22-25

Puerto Rico Box 27 Folder 26

Rhode Island Box 27 Folder 27-28

South Carolina Box 27 Folder 29

South Dakota Box 27 Folder 30-33

Texas Box 27 Folder 34-41

Tennessee Box 27 Folder 42-43

Utah Box 27 Folder 44-45

Vermont Box 27 Folder 46-48

Virginia Box 27 Folder 49-50

Washington state Box 27 Folder 51-52

Washington state, Box 23 Folder 14-19 cont'd

Western Regional Box 27 Folder 53 Targets

West Virginia Box 27 Folder 54

Wisconsin Box 27 Folder 55-59

Wyoming Box 23 Folder 20

Field Division Events, 1988-2007

1987-1988 HRCF Night of 1,000 Box 23 Folder 21 Gowns (March 1987) Charity Ball for AIDS

1994 HRCF-Dinner MN Box 23 Folder 22

1990 HRCF-Brunch/Dinner Box 23 Folder 23 San Antonio

1991 HRCF-Dinner San Box 23 Folder 24 Antonio/Austin

1992-1993 HRCF-Dinner San Box 23 Folder 25 Antonio 1993 HRCF-Walk for Life Box 23 Folder 26 San Antonio

1993 Dinner-San Box 23 Folder 27 Antonio/Austin

1994 HRCF-Dinner New Box 23 Folder 28 England

1994 HRCF-Dinner San Box 23 Folder 29 Antonio

1995 HRCF-Dinner San Box 23 Folder 30 Antonio

1996 HRCF-Dinner Dallas Box 23 Folder 31

1996 HRCF-Dinner Houston Box 23 Folder 32

1996 HRCF-Dinner San Box 23 Folder 33 Antonio

1997 HRCF-Dinner San Box 23 Folder 34 Antonio

HRCF-misc. Box 23 Folder 35

1999-2000 HRCF-Dinner New Box 23 Folder 36 England

2001, 2002 Community Event PR Box 23 Folder 37 (TX, Wash.)

2002 Laughing Out Loud Box 23 Folder 38 (IL)

2001, 2002 Fairways to Equality Box 23 Folder 39 (MD)

2001, 2002 HRC presents Box 23 Folder 40 basketball games and parties (various states)

2001 Various community Box 23 Folder 41 events, CA

2000, 2002 Lina Shore Golf Classic Box 23 Folder 42 (FL)

2000 Various HRC Event PR Box 23 Folder 43 (CA, DC, OK, TX)

Oct. 1999 Portland, OR film fest Box 23 Folder 44 2000 Philadelphia Annual Box 23 Folder 45 Dinner

2000 Nothing But Net Box 23 Folder 46 (Philadelphia)

2000 Lina Shore Golf Classic Box 23 Folder 47

1995 South Beach, Miami, FL Box 23 Folder 48

1999-2000 Aspen, CO-Gay and Box 23 Folder 49 Lesbian Ski Week

July 1999 Laguna Beach, CA Box 23 Folder 50

1998 HRC Gala Dinner and Box 23 Folder 51 Awards, Los Angeles, CA

1998-1999 Dallas, TX Black Tie Box 23 Folder 52 Dinner

1998 Atlanta, GA Dinner Box 23 Folder 53

1999 Atlanta Dinner Box 23 Folder 54

1998-99 St. Louis Dinner Box 23 Folder 55

FY 1998-99 Nashville, TN Dinner Box 23 Folder 56

1998 HRC - Michigan Dinner Box 23 Folder 57 (Program Book, invitations, tickets)

1989-90 HRCF Dinner budgets, Box 61 Folder 2 per event,

1991 HRCF Dinner Revenue Box 62 Folder 1 reports,

1993 1994 Dinner Co-Chair Box 64 Folder 2 meeting

1993 HRCF Connecticut Box 64 Folder 3 brunch, honoring Kinlock, Stanback, Morales

1993-94 HRC Dinner budgets, Box 65 Folder 1 per event,

1994 HRCF Events Program, Box 65 Folder 2 Policies and Procedures 1995 Dinner Manager Box 66 Folder 2 software,

1996 1996 San Diego Dinner Box 67 Folder 2 controversy

1996 Laguna Beach dinner Box 67 Folder 3

1996 Richmond dinner - Box 67 Folder 4 HRC/Lambda event

1996 HRC "Strike Our Box 67 Folder 5 Helms '96" community bowling event

1995-1996 HRC - Michigan Dinner Box 67 Folder 6

1995-96 Cleveland dinner Box 67 Folder 7 financials,

1997 HRC - Tennessee- Box 68 Folder 1 Nashville Federal Club Brunch

1997 HRC - Nashville Box 68 Folder 2 Dinner "2nd Annual"

1995-98 HRC Event calendar Box 69 Folder 1 and listings,

1998 HRC - North Carolina Box 69 Folder 2 "Evening in Red" Dinner

1998 HRC - South Carolina- Box 69 Folder 3 1998 Black tie Event

1998 HRC - Louisiana HRC- Box 69 Folder 4 Hawaii Five- O Benefit

1998 HRC - Louisiana Box 69 Folder 5 Dinner 1998

1998 HRC - Louisiana Box 69 Folder 6 Dinner 1998- Boycott

1998 HRC Media Coverage Box 69 Folder 7 & Editorials- Louisiana Dinner 1998 HRC - Michigan Dinner Box 69 Folder 8

1999 HRC - Austin, TX 1999 Box 70 Folder 2 Dinner

1999 HRC - North Carolina Box 70 Folder 3

1999 HRC - Louisiana Box 70 Folder 4 Dinner 1999

1999 HRC - Michigan "10th Box 70 Folder 5 Anniversary Dinner" I

1999 HRC - Michigan "10th Box 70 Folder 6 Anniversary Dinner" II

1998-99 Dinner Cleveland OH Box 70 Folder 7 dinner 1999 (Table Captain's Packet)

1999 Women's Golf Box 70 Folder 8 Invitational (Baltimore/Washi ngton)

1998-99 San Francisco, CA- Box 70 Folder 9 Dinner

1999 Annual Black Tie Box 70 Folder 10 Dinner-San Antonio, TX

1998-99 Dallas, TX -Black Tie Box 70 Folder 11 Dinner

1999 National Dinner Box 70 Folder 12

2000 Dinner Binder- New Box 71 Folder 3 England Dinner (Pt. 1)

2000 Dinner Binder- New Box 71 Folder 4 England Dinner (pt. 2)

1999-2000 Financial- Portland, Box 71 Folder 5 Oregon

1999-2000 Financial- New England Box 71 Folder 6 Dinner

1999-2000 Financials- Philadelphia Box 71 Folder 7 PA Dinner 1999 2000 Washington Mystics Box 71 Folder 8 Basketball Game

1999, 2000 Chicago events Box 71 Folder 9 (Bowling 1999 and Beach Party 2000)

1999, 2000 HRC-Dinner and Fed. Box 71 Folder 10 Club

2000 Dinner Binder- Box 71 Folder 11 Cleveland OH Dinner

2000 HRC-General Budget Box 71 Folder 12 Info, FY 2000

1999-2000 Golf Tournament, St. Box 71 Folder 13 Louis, MO

1999-2000 Houston, TX Dinner Box 71 Folder 14

2000 MD-5th Annual Box 71 Folder 15 Fairways to Equality (part 1)

2000 MD-5th Annual Box 71 Folder 16 Fairways to Equality (part 2)

2000 Wash, D.C.-Gospel and Box 71 Folder 17 Soul

2000 NYC-Feinstein Music Box 71 Folder 18 Event

July 9, 2000 Out Front MN and Box 71 Folder 19 HRC- Minneapolis WNBA

2000 Bowling Party, Chicago Box 71 Folder 20

2000 Comedy Night-HRC Box 71 Folder 21 Indiana

2000 HRC Election Watch Box 71 Folder 22 Party, OK

2000 Portland, ME Box 71 Folder 23

2000 National Dinner Box 71 Folder 24

2000 Weddings By the Sea- Box 71 Folder 25 Laguna 2000 WNBA Box 71 Folder 26

2000 "Ride a Wave to Box 71 Folder 27 Equality"-Laguna Beach, CA

1999-2000 Waltz Across TX Box 71 Folder 28

2001 Valentine Boogie-Long Box 72 Folder 2 Beach, CA

2001 Final 4-St. Louis Box 72 Folder 3

2001 Laughing Out Loud- Box 72 Folder 4 Chicago Comedy Night

2001 Vagina Monologues Box 72 Folder 5

2001 Wash, D.C. "Before Box 72 Folder 6 Night Falls" Movie Event

2001 Philadelphia-Dinner Box 72 Folder 7

2001 Annual Dinner 2001- Box 72 Folder 8 Philadelphia Dinner (part 1)

2001 Annual Dinner 2001- Box 72 Folder 9 Philadelphia Dinner (part 2)

1991 When You Wish Upon Box 122 Folder 1 A Star- 8th Annual HRC Dinner

1994 The Colors of Freedom Box 122 Folder 2 II: HRC Dinner

1994 Come Out for Equality- Box 122 Folder 3 Dinner and Silent Auction

1994 Stand Out- 13th Annual Box 122 Folder 4 Dinner

1995 Ballroom and Boots- Box 122 Folder 5 Dinner

1995 The Colors of Freedom Box 122 Folder 6 IV: Dinner

1995 Freedom Cannot Rest- Box 122 Folder 7 Dinner 1995 Power Through Unity- Box 122 Folder 8 Dinner

1996 Believe in Change- Box 122 Folder 9 Dinner

1996 HRC Black Tie Dinner Box 122 Folder 10

1996 Let Freedom Ring! 5th Box 122 Folder 11 Annual HRC Dinner

1996 You've Got the Power- Box 122 Folder 12 15th Annual New England Dinner

1996 You've Got the Power: Box 122 Folder 13 Vote- HRC South Carolina Dinner

1997 Action= Power, Box 122 Folder 14 Honesty= Dignity, Love= Family- HRC Dinner

1997 HRC Black Tie Event- Box 122 Folder 15 South Carolina

1997 Illuminate, Educate, Box 122 Folder 16 Celebrate- Atlanta Dinner

1997 Silent Auction Box 122 Folder 17 Catalogue- North Carolina

1997 Towards a More Perfect Box 122 Folder 18 Union- HRC Gala

1997 Visibility Equals Box 122 Folder 19 Equality- Dinner

1998 Black Tie Event- South Box 122 Folder 20 Carolina

1998 Diversity, Unity, Box 122 Folder 21 Equality- Dinner

1998 Embrace Your Place- Box 122 Folder 22 Dinner

1998 Evening in Red- Dinner Box 122 Folder 23

1998 HRC Illinois Dinner Box 122 Folder 24 1998 Human Rights Box 122 Folder 25 Campaign New England Dinner

1998 Scenes of a Movement- Box 122 Folder 26 Dinner

1999 All Equal- HRC Dinner Box 122 Folder 27

1999 A New Millennium- Box 122 Folder 28 Black Tie Dinner

1999 Celebrating Our Family Box 122 Folder 29 Album- Dinner

1999 Equality in Motion- Box 122 Folder 30 Dinner and Silent Auction

1999 It's Time- New England Box 122 Folder 31 Dinner

1999 OutReachOut- HRC Box 122 Folder 32 Cleveland Dinner

1999 Unity in Equality- Box 122 Folder 33 Colorado Dinner and Silent Auction

2000 A New World- Atlanta Box 122 Folder 34 Dinner and Silent Auction

2000 Bridges- HRC Illinois Box 122 Folder 35 Dinner and Silent Auction

2000 Celebrate the Art of a Box 122 Folder 36 Movement- Gala Dinner

2000 Give Birth Again to the Box 122 Folder 37 Dream- Dinner

2000 20/20 Vision- New Box 122 Folder 38 England Dinner

2001 An Evening of Purpose Box 122 Folder 39 and Pride- Dinner and Dance

2001 The Circus of Life- Box 122 Folder 40 Black Tie Dinner

2001 The Future= You- Box 122 Folder 41 Texas Black Tie Dinner

2001 HRC Community- Box 122 Folder 42 Dinner

2001 HRC Summer Gala Box 122 Folder 43

2001 It's Time- 14th Annual Box 122 Folder 44 Atlanta Dinner and Silent Auction

2001 Stand Out, Stand Box 122 Folder 45 Together- 20th Annual New England Dinner

2001 10th Annual HRC Box 122 Folder 46 Colorado Dinner

2001 US: One Night, One Box 122 Folder 47 Event, One Cause- Columbus Dinner

2002 A Greater Vision- 15th Box 122 Folder 48 Annual HRC Dinner and Silent Auction

2002 Celebrate Equality- Box 122 Folder 49 Cleveland Dinner and Dance

2002 HRC Auction Guide Box 122 Folder 50

2002 Silent Auction Guide- Box 122 Folder 51 Boston

2003 Building Equality, Box 122 Folder 52 Building Family- 10th Annual Dinner

2003 Building Our Future: Box 122 Folder 53 Dinner and Silent Auction Guide

2003 One Swanky Supper- Box 122 Folder 54 HRC Illinois Dinner and Silent Auction

2003 Ring in the Roaring Box 122 Folder 55 20's- Dinner and Auction

2003 White Hot Black Tie- Box 122 Folder 56 Texas Dinner and Dance

2004 A Place at the Table- Box 122 Folder 57 HRC Carolinas Dinner

2004 Celebrate Equality- 10th Box 122 Folder 58 Annual HRC Austin Dinner

2004 Cleveland Dinner and Box 122 Folder 59 Dance

2004 Created Equal- Dinner Box 122 Folder 60 and Silent Auction

2004 Home= Living, Loving Box 122 Folder 61 Celebrating- 21st Annual Dinner Gala

2004 New England Dinner Box 122 Folder 62 and Silent Auction Catalog

2004 Turning Point- Illinois Box 122 Folder 63 Dinner and Auction

2005 Equality Rising: HRC Box 122 Folder 64 Phoenix Gala Dinner and Silent Auction

2005 Freedom is for Box 122 Folder 65 Everyone- 18th Annual Dinner and Silent Auction

2005 Imagination- Austin Box 122 Folder 66 Gala and Silent Auction

2005 Imagine Tomorrow: Box 122 Folder 67 Dallas/Fort Worth Black Tie Dinner

2005 Leading the Way: New Box 122 Folder 68 England Dinner and Silent Auction

2005 Less Gab, More Fab- Box 122 Folder 69 Colorado HRC Dinner and Auction

2005 Make Them Hear You: Box 122 Folder 70 12th Annual Cleveland Dinner and Dance

2005 Now More Than Ever: Box 122 Folder 71 16th HRC Illinois Dinner and Auction

2005 Tenacious- HRC Box 122 Folder 72 Carolinas Dinner

2005 22nd Annual Columbus Box 122 Folder 73 Gala Dinner and Silent Auction

2006 Celebrating the 25th Box 122 Folder 74 Anniversary of HRC- Austin Dinner and Auction

2006 Defy Limits- 17th HRC Box 122 Folder 75 Chicago Dinner and Auction

2006 Destination- Liberty Box 122 Folder 76 and Justice for All- Arizona Dinner and Silent Auction

2006 15th Annual Colorado Box 122 Folder 77 HRC Dinner and Auction

2006 Fire and Ice: 2006 HRC Box 122 Folder 78 Carolinas Gala Dinner and Auction

2006 Truth, Love, Box 122 Folder 79 Happiness- 19th Annual Atlanta Dinner and Silent Auction 2006 Voices in Motion- 23rd Box 122 Folder 80 Annual Columbus Dinner and Silent Auction

1991 Ain't No Mountain Box 123 Folder 1 High Enough- San Antonio Dinner and Auction

1992 HRCF: Auction and Box 123 Folder 2 Equality Fundraising Dinner

1992 Stand Out: HRCF Box 123 Folder 3 TC92- Dinner and Dance

1993 Family Matters: Box 123 Folder 4 Washington, D.C. HRCF Dinner

1993 The Power of Change: Box 123 Folder 5 The Twin Cities HRCF Dinner

1993 The Pursuit of Box 123 Folder 6 Freedom: Houston Black Tie Dinner

1993 United for Justice: New Box 123 Folder 7 Orleans Dinner

1993 We the People: HRCF Box 123 Folder 8 Saint Louis Benefit Dinner

1994 Into the Light- HRCF Box 123 Folder 9 Gala Dinner

1994 San Francisco HRCF Box 123 Folder 10 Dinner

1994 "Voices for Equality... Box 123 Folder 11 the Stonewall Legacy"- Louisiana Gala

1995 Full Effort, Full Box 123 Folder 12 Victory: Twin Cities HRCF Dinner 1995 Let Freedom Ring: 3rd Box 123 Folder 13 Annual St. Louis Gala

1995 San Francisco HRCF Box 123 Folder 14 Dinner, Dance, and Auction

1996 A Place at the Table: Box 123 Folder 15 HRC Nashville Dinner

1996 One Voice for Equality: Box 123 Folder 16 HRC 4th Annual St. Louis Dinner

1996 Out Vote '96- San Box 123 Folder 17 Antonio Black Tie Dinner

1996 Ribbons and Rights: Box 123 Folder 18 HRC Annual Dinner

1996 Upper Midwest HRC Box 123 Folder 19 Dinner

1997 Equality Through Box 123 Folder 20 Visibility: HRC 1st Annual National Dinner

1997 HRC Louisiana Black Box 123 Folder 21 Tie Dinner

1997 Nashville HRC Dinner- Box 123 Folder 22 A Place at the Table

1997 Show Your Stripes: Box 123 Folder 23 Upper Midwest/ Twin Cities HRC Dinner

1998 Coming Out Ball- San Box 123 Folder 24 Francisco

1998 Equality Through Box 123 Folder 25 Visibility: LA HRC Dinner

1998 Focus on Fairness: Box 123 Folder 26 Tennessee Dinner

1998 Louisiana Black Tie Box 123 Folder 27 HRC Dinner 1998 Moving Toward Box 123 Folder 28 Equality: Philadelphia HRC Dinner

1998 9th Annual HRC Box 123 Folder 29 Michigan Dinner and Afterglow

1998 N(ow) Loitering or Box 123 Folder 30 Electioneering Between This Point and the Poll- NYC Dinner

1998 Over the Rainbow: 10th Box 123 Folder 31 Annual San Antonio Black Tie Dinner

1998 St. Louis- 6th Annual Box 123 Folder 32 HRC Gala

1998 Together, Making Box 123 Folder 33 Equality a Reality- National Dinner

1998 Upper Midwest HRC Box 123 Folder 34 Dinner Party

1999 Celebrating Family Box 123 Folder 35 Values- Houston Winter Gala

1999 11th Annual San Box 123 Folder 36 Antonio Black Tie Dinner and Auction

1999 Embracing Our Family, Box 123 Folder 37 Defining Our Future- Philadelphia Dinner

1999 Equality=Pride- Box 123 Folder 38 Northern California Dinner and Auction

1999 Focus on All Families- Box 123 Folder 39 Tennessee Dinner and Auction

1999 Heroes- Black Tie VII- Box 123 Folder 40 Louisiana HRC Dinner and Auction

1999 Honoring Our Families- Box 123 Folder 41 the 3rd Annual HRC National Dinner

1999 HRC Gala Dinner and Box 123 Folder 42 Awards Ceremony- Los Angeles

1999 Ignite Equality- 7th Box 123 Folder 43 Annual HRC Midwest Gala

1999 10th Anniversary Box 123 Folder 44 Dinner and Silent Auction- Michigan

1999 Upper Midwest HRC Box 123 Folder 45 Dinner and Auction- 10th Anniversary

2000 Celebrating 20 Years- Box 123 Folder 46 HRC Portland Dinner

2000 First Annual Seattle Box 123 Folder 47 HRC Dinner

2000 Fourth Annual HRC Box 123 Folder 48 National Dinner- Washington, D.C.

2000 Honoring Women in Box 123 Folder 49 Politics- Portland Gala Dinner

2000 Honor, Respect, Box 123 Folder 50 Community- Tennessee Dinner

2000 HRC Gala 2000- Los Box 123 Folder 51 Angeles Dinner and Awards Ceremony

2000 I Am Equal- HRC San Box 123 Folder 52 Francisco Gala

2000 Once Upon a Time... Box 123 Folder 53 HRC Louisiana Dinner

2000 Our Legacy, Our Box 123 Folder 54 Future- Houston HRC Gala

2000 Who We Are, Where Box 123 Folder 55 We've Been, Where We're Going- HRC Dinner- Philadelphia

2001 Art of Equality- Box 123 Folder 56 Louisiana HRC Dinner

2001 Discover Your World- Box 123 Folder 57 HRC Houston Gala

2001 Equality Works- the Box 123 Folder 58 2nd Annual HRC Seattle Dinner

2001 Fifth Annual HRC Box 123 Folder 59 National Dinner- Washingotn, D.C.

2001 HRC Portland Dinner Box 123 Folder 60 and Awards Ceremony

2001 HRC Upper Midwest Box 123 Folder 61 Dinner and Silent Auction

2001 Los Angeles Gala Box 123 Folder 62 Dinner and Silent Auction

2001 Movement- HRC San Box 123 Folder 63 Francisco Black Tie Dinner

2002 Building Equality- 6th Box 123 Folder 64 Annual HRC National Dinner

2002 Equality's Right! HRC Box 123 Folder 65 Seattle Dinner and Auction

2002 Heroes Among Us- 7th Box 123 Folder 66 Annual Tennessee Dinner and Silent Auction

2002 HRC Midwest Gala and Box 123 Folder 67 Silent Auction- St. Louis

2002 HRC Oregon Dinner Box 123 Folder 68 and Awards Ceremony

2002 Los Angeles Gala Box 123 Folder 69 Dinner and Silent Auction

2002 Louisiana- 10th Annual Box 123 Folder 70 HRC Dinner

2002 The Road to Equality Box 123 Folder 71 Starts Here- Greater NY HRC Dinner

2002 Take Action! Houston Box 123 Folder 72 HRC Gala and Auction

2002 Upper Midwest HRC Box 123 Folder 73 Dinner

2002 Building Equality- HRC Box 123 Folder 74 Louisiana Dinner

2003 Fighting for Equal Box 123 Folder 75 Rights Every Day! HRC Dinner Gala

2003 HRC=Equality: Box 123 Folder 76 Philadelphia Region Equality Dinner

2003 Mission Equality- HRC Box 123 Folder 77 St. Louis Gala

2003 Motown- Detroit Gala Box 123 Folder 78 Dinner and Silent Auction

2003 One Voice- the 4th Box 123 Folder 79 Annual HRC Seattle Dinner and Auction 2003 Raise Your Voice- the Box 123 Folder 80 HRC San Francisco Bay Area Gala Dinner

2003 San Antonio Gala Box 123 Folder 81 Dinner and Awards Ceremony

2003 7th Annual HRC Box 123 Folder 82 National Dinner and Auction- Washington, D.C.

2003 Tennessee- 8th Annual Box 123 Folder 83 HRC Dinner and Silent Auction

2004 Black Tie XIII- Box 123 Folder 84 Louisiana HRC Dinner

2004 8th Annual HRC Box 123 Folder 85 National Dinner- Washington, D.C.

2004 Equality-It's So Box 123 Folder 86 Modern! Los Angeles HRC Gala

2004 Garden of Even- Box 123 Folder 87 Houston HRC Gala

2004 HRC St. Louis Gala Box 123 Folder 88

2004 HRC- Tennessee- 9th Box 123 Folder 89 Annual Dinner and Auction

2004 I'm Ready- Twin Cities Box 123 Folder 90 HRC Dinner

2004 Life, Liberty, and the Box 123 Folder 91 Pursuit of Equality- the 3rd Annual Greater NY Gala

2004 Now Is the Time- SF Box 123 Folder 92 Bay Area Gala Dinner and Auction 2004 Philadelphia Region Box 123 Folder 93 Equality and Auction

2004 San Antonio Gala Box 123 Folder 94 Dinner and Awards Presentations

2004 Seattle- 5th Annual Box 123 Folder 95 HRC Gala Dinner and Auction

2004 Welcome to Fabulous Box 123 Folder 96 St. Louis, Missouri- the 14th Annual HRC Dinner Gala

2004 All Together Now- 16th Box 124 Folder 1 Annual Twin Cities HRC Dinner- Minneapolis

2005 Equality Dinner- 10th Box 124 Folder 2 Annual HRC Tennessee Dinner

2005 Evening of the Stars- Box 124 Folder 3 HRC Michigan Gala Dinner

2005 HRC Los Angeles Gala Box 124 Folder 4 and Sponsorship Opportunities

2005 HRC- 25th Anniversary Box 124 Folder 5 Celebration Dinner- Washington, D.C.

2005 Impressions- Annual Box 124 Folder 6 HRC Gala Dinner- San Antonio, Texas

2005 Live With Beauty- HRC Box 124 Folder 7 Pacific Northwest Dinner and Auction

2005 Masquerade Ball- 8th Box 124 Folder 8 Annual Houston HRC Gala

2005 One=Many- HRC San Box 124 Folder 9 Francisco Dinner and Auction

2005 One Night Only! 13th Box 124 Folder 10 Annual St. Louis HRC Gala and Auction

2005 Right Here= Right Box 125 Folder 1 Now- the 4th Annual Greater NY Gala Dinner

2005 We Are Family- 1st Box 125 Folder 2 Annual Utah Gala Dinner and Auction

2006 Be Yourself- HRC 14th Box 125 Folder 3 Annual Louisiana Dinner and Silent Auction

2006 Bridges to Equality- San Box 125 Folder 4 Francisco Bay Area Gala Dinner

2006 Elevate- the 11th Box 125 Folder 5 Annual Nashville Equality Dinner

2006 Ignite- HRC 5th Annual Box 125 Folder 6 Greater New York Gala

2006 It's Up to You- Twin Box 125 Folder 7 Cities Dinner and Awards Ceremony

2006 Michigan- 17th Annual Box 125 Folder 8 HRC Gala Dinner

2006 Philadelphia- 10th Box 126 Folder 1 Annual Regional Equality Dinner

2006 Revolution- 7th Annual Box 126 Folder 2 HRC Pacific Northwest Dinner 2006 Roaring 20's Ball- 9th Box 126 Folder 3 Annual Houston HRC Gala

2006 Speak Out- Get Equal. Box 126 Folder 4 HRC Los Angeles Gala Dinner

2006 Unite, Baby! 1st Las Box 126 Folder 5 Vegas HRC Gala Dinner and Auction

2006 Viva Equality- HRC San Box 126 Folder 6 Antonio Gala Dinner

2007 Be Inspired- 6th Annual Box 126 Folder 7 HRC Greater New York Gala

October 11, 1987 National March on Box 127 Folder 19 Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights

2005 Main Won't Box 127 Folder 20 Discriminate Campaign

Oscars House Party Box 127 Folder 21

July 13, 1991 Chicago Human Rights Box 127 Fund Campaign Dinner

2004 African American Radio Box 127 Folder 23 Campaign

2002 Dallas Fort Worth Box 127 Folder 24 Black Tie Dinner

March 6, 2010 March Equality Box 127 Folder 25 Convention: Awards Ceremony 2010

National Field Director Seth Kilbourn Files, 2000-2004


2001-2002 FY03 Planning Box 29 Folder 1 2000-2001 FY02 Planning Box 29 Folder 2

2002 HRC Steering Box 29 Folder 3 Committees

2003 HRC Strategic Insights Box 54 Folder 44 Survey

2003-2004 Gill: Democracy Project Box 55 Folder 17 circa 2004 Research/Advocacy/Co Box 55 Folder 18 nsulting circa 2004 Field Report/SWAT Box 55 Folder 19 Analysis

2004 Non-HRC Reports Box 55 Folder 20

FY04 Planning Box 55 Folder 39

1999 Field Planning Box 55 Folder 40

1999 Field Plan 2001 Box 55 Folder 41

HRC State Box 55 Folder 42 Analysis/Advoca cy

2004 Analysis/Research/Adv Box 55 Folder 43 ocacy (contains CD)

2003-2005 Non-HRC State Box 56 Folder 32 Research/Advoca cy

2004-2005 Non-HRC State Box 56 Folder 33 Research/Advoca cy

2000-2003 HRC Steering Box 59 Folder 15 Committees circa 2004 2004 Election Box 60 Folder 6

1998 Field Dept. Box 69 Folder 17 Org./Budget

1998 HRC Field Dept- Box 69 Folder 18 presentation with photographs

1998-2000 Field Budget 2001 Box 71 Folder 29

March 2000 Field Budget Box 71 Folder 30 Presentation 1998-2000 Field Dept. Box 71 Folder 31 Org./Budget

2000-2001 FY02 Planning Box 72 Folder 10

2000-2001 FY02 Budget Box 72 Folder 11

2000-2001 Field Budget 2001 Box 72 Folder 12

2001-2002 FY03 Budget Box 73 Folder 5

2001-2002 FY03 Budget Box 73 Folder 6

2001-2002 FY02 Budget Box 73 Folder 7

2000-2003 FY04 Planning Box 74 Folder 2

Feb. 2003 FY04 Budget (Final Box 74 Folder 5 draft)

2003-2004 FY04 Finance Box 75 Folder 2 Committee Reports

2003-2004 FY05 Budget Planning Box 75 Folder 3

2003-2004 FY04 Field Cost Center Box 75 Folder 4 Reports

2003-2005 FY04 Budget Box 76 Folder 2

2000-2001 HRC Board Lists and Box 78 Folder 29 Memos

1998-2002 HRC Board Meetings Box 78 Folder 30 and Reports

April 2002 HRC Board Report Box 78 Folder 31

Subject Files

1999 Citizens for the Box 29 Folder 4 Constitution- "Developing Guidelines for Constitutional Change"

2003 Dukeminier Awards Box 29 Folder 5

2002 Elections 2002/Policy Box 29 Folder 6 Implications (transparencies)

2002 HRC Action Center Box 29 Folder 7 (transparencies) 1993-2000 Action Network Box 29 Folder 8

Action Tool Kit Box 29 Folder 9

1999-2002 Action Center Box 29 Folder 10

2001 Blueprint Box 29 Folder 11

2002 Campus Net Box 29 Folder 12

2001-2002 Democratic Governors Box 29 Folder 13 Association

2000-2002 Democratic Legislative Box 29 Folder 14 Campaign Committee

2001 Exxonmobil Box 29 Folder 15

2001-2002 Equality Fund Grants Box 29 Folder 16

2000-2001 Federation of Statewide Box 29 Folder 17 LGBT Orgs. Strategic Plan

1998 Federation of Statewide Box 29 Folder 18 LGBT Orgs- Summer meeting

2000-2002 Gill Foundation Box 29 Folder 19

Gill Foundation Box 29 Folder 20

2001 Grassroots Web Box 29 Folder 21

2001-2003 Hate Crimes Box 29 Folder 22

2002 HBCU/Diversity Box 29 Folder 23 circa 2001-2002 Transgender Issues Box 29 Folder 24

2002 Workplace Forum Box 29 Folder 25

2001 Political Consulting Box 29 Folder 26

2001 Grassroots Connecting Box 29 Folder 27

2002 Box 29 Folder 28

1999-2002 Field Substrategic Plan Box 29 Folder 29

1999-2002 IBM Grant/Internet Box 29 Folder 30 Advocacy

1998-2002 Governor Races, 2002 Box 29 Folder 31 1994, 1996-2001 Polling Results/Material Box 29 Folder 32

1998-2001 Polling Results/Material Box 29 Folder 33

Feb. 2000 HRC ENDA Research Box 29 Folder 34 Project

2002 Governor Races, IL-- Box 29 Folder 35 Press clippings

PAC: Federal--Senate Box 29 Folder 36 endorsement by HRC circa 2002 Pride Festivals Box 29 Folder 37

2000-2002 State Legislative Box 29 Folder 38 Management

2002 Organizational charts, Box 29 Folder 45 staff demographics, recruitment and other HR issues circa 1994, 2001-2003 Transgender Issues Box 54 Folder 27

2003 Web of Change Box 54 Folder 28 Conference circa 2003 Winning Connections Box 54 Folder 29 circa 2003 Dittus Communications Box 54 Folder 30

1995-2003 Constituency Outreach Box 54 Folder 31 and Black Pride

2002-2003 E-Team: Meeting Box 54 Folder 32 Notes/Agenda Items

2001-2003 ENDA Box 54 Folder 33

2003 State Legislative Box 54 Folder 34 Landscape and Strategy circa 1999 Diversity Issues/Plans Box 55 Folder 24

2003-2004 Other Orgs: Marriage Box 55 Folder 25

2004 Federation of Statewide Box 55 Folder 38 LGBT and Advocacy Organizations 1999-2000 Equality Agenda Box 56 Folder 23 circa 2001 Voter Files Box 57 Folder 13

2005-2006 Equality VA, Equality Box 57 Folder 14 FL

2002 Transgender Box 58 Folder 11

2000-2002 Voter Files (Contains Box 58 Folder 12 CD)

2001-2002 Field Substrategic Plan Box 58 Folder 13

2000-2002 State Legislative Box 58 Folder 14 General

2001-2002 Grassroots Enterprises Box 58 Folder 15

2000, 2003 Strategic Plan, 1999- Box 59 Folder 16 2004

1998-2002 IBM Grant/Internet Box 73 Folder 2 Advocacy

2002 PAC: Federal Box 73 Folder 3 circa 2002 PAC: Governors Box 73 Folder 4

2003 Market Insight and Box 74 Folder 3 Analysis

2001-2003 State Legislative Box 74 Folder 4 Management (contains floppy disk) circa 2002 Space allocation and Box 77 Folder 1 layout for offices in new building


2000-2002 Campaign 2004: Box 29 Folder 39 Consituency Outreach

2003 Non-HRC Marriage Box 29 Folder 40 Articles

2002 Work Plan: Broadus, Box 29 Folder 41 Kylar

2002 Work Plan: Seaton, Liz Box 29 Folder 42

1999 Union Contract Box 29 Folder 43 1998-2001 Work Plan: Kilbourn, Box 29 Folder 44 Seth

2003 Talking Points, Press Box 54 Folder 35 Releases, Powerpoints

2001-2003 Constituent Field Org. Box 54 Folder 36 Records (Payne, Donna)

2003 Steering Committee Box 54 Folder 37 Diversity

Nov. 2003 Research Report on Box 54 Folder 38 Religion and Gay Marriage

2001-2003 Work Plan: Wellman, Box 54 Folder 39 Heather

2001-2003 Work Plan: Mason, Box 54 Folder 40 Dyana

2001-2003 Work Plan: Crawford, Box 54 Folder 41 Michael

2003 Work Plan: Evans, Box 54 Folder 42 Carrie

2001- 2003 Work Plan: Green, Sally Box 54 Folder 43

2003-2004 State Level Box 55 Folder 27

2003-2004 Constituency Outreach Box 55 Folder 28 and Marriage

2004 Get Active/Donor Box 55 Folder 29 Digital

2004 Democratic Governors Box 55 Folder 30 Association

Management Box 55 Folder 31 Material/Info

Management Box 55 Folder 32 Material/Info

2004 Constituency Outreach Box 55 Folder 33 HBCU

2004 Constituency Outreach Box 55 Folder 34 Gen.

2004 Cheryl City Tour Box 55 Folder 35 2004 Work Plan: Duncan, Box 55 Folder 36 Kalina

2001-2003 Work Plan: Payne, Box 55 Folder 37 Donna

2004 HRC and the FMA Box 55 Folder 44

2005 Mellman Group Box 56 Folder 24 Research Proposal

2005 National Marriage Box 56 Folder 25 Campaign

2005 Supreme Court Box 56 Folder 26 Nominations

2005 March Projects Updates Box 56 Folder 27 and Press

2005 Marriage Project Box 56 Folder 28

2005 Bienestar Human Box 56 Folder 29 Services Latino Rights Collaborative

2005 Koebke et al., vs. Box 56 Folder 30 Bernardo Heights Country Club (CA)

2002-2005 Field Dept., Other Box 56 Folder 31

2005 2005/06 State Box 56 Folder 34 Constitutional Amendments

2003-2004 Campaign 2004 General Box 60 Folder 8

2003-2004 HRC Campaign Plan Box 60 Folder 9

2003-2004 HRC Campaign Plan Box 60 Folder 10

2003-2004 Plans and Messaging Box 60 Folder 11

2003-2004 FMA Box 60 Folder 12

2003-2004 Work Plan: Braud, Box 60 Folder 13 Brandon

2004 State 2004 Election Box 60 Folder 26 Plans

2003-2004 Marriage Budget Box 75 Folder 1 2005 FY06 Budget and Box 76 Folder 1 Description

April 25, 2005 Public Education on Box 127 Folder 26 Marriage Equality in California Series VI. Communica tions and Marketing

Press Releases and Publications

HRC Publications- Box 30 Folder 11 various

1994-2003 HRC Publications- Box 30 Folder 12 various communication

2000-2002 HRC Box 30 Folder 13-15 Event/Publicatio ns (various)

1996-1998 Advertising- HRC Box 30 Folder 16 Quarterly

1997, 2001 Publicity- Various Box 30 Folder 17

2002? Publications- HRC Box 30 Folder 18 Building PR/ Development booklet

2003 Building Dedication Box 30 Folder 19 Publication "Building Equality"

2002 HRC Quarterly summer Box 30 Folder 20 2002, fall 2002 mailing insert

2000 HRC Quarterly summer Box 30 Folder 21 2000 mailing insert

2001 HRC Quarterly Spring Box 30 Folder 22 2001 Federal Club Mailing Insert 2003 HRC Quarterly Spring Box 30 Folder 23 2003 Mailing Inserts

1998 HRC Quarterly Feb Box 30 Folder 24 1998 Mailing Packet

1997-2002 CEI (Corporate Box 30 Folder 25 Equality Index)/Coors

1996 HRC Illinois Black Tie Box 30 Folder 26 Gala (dinner) - Program book

1998 Sept HRC OutVote 1998 - Box 30 Folder 27 Program booklet: "The Lesbian and Gay Political Convention"

1996 HRC's ENDA Box 30 Folder 28 Communications /Press Kit

2000 Human Rights Box 30 Folder 29 Campaign 6th Annual Dinner

1988-89 HRCF Press Releases Box 30 Folder 30

HRC Publication: Box 30 Folder 31 "Documented Cases of Job Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation"

National Coming Out Box 30 Folder 32 Day Publicity Materials

1987-2002 Event Publicity Box 30 Folder 33 Materials

HRC Folders Box 30 Folder 34

FamilyNet Publicity Box 30 Folder 35 Materials

Brochure: "HRCF: An Box 30 Folder 36 Introduction"

HRCF Brochure Box 30 Folder 37 1990 - 2000 HRCF Brochures Box 30 Folder 38 (various)

WorkNet Publicity Box 30 Folder 39 Materials

1984 HRCF Publication: Box 30 Folder 40 "1984 Election Round-Up"

1994 HRCF Publication: "A Box 30 Folder 41 Winning Message"

1996 HRC Publication: Box 30 Folder 42 "Questions you will be asked about L/G issues during your campaign"

1981 GRNL/NGTF Box 30 Folder 43 Publication: "Does Support for Gay Rights Spell Political Suicide?"

1981 GRNL Publication: "A Box 30 Folder 44 Look at Gay Teachers"

1981 GRNL Publication: Box 30 Folder 45 "You're Fired!"

1980 GRNL Publication: "If Box 30 Folder 46 Your Constituents Ask..."

HRC(F) Publications: Box 30 Folder 47 Voting Records: 101, 102, 103 Congress

Take Action for Box 30 Folder 48 Equality postcard

HRC Publication: "A Box 30 Folder 49 Basic Human Right: Talking about Gay Marriage"

1996 HRC Publication: Box 30 Folder 50 North Carolina Campaign '96

2001 Equality Project Action Box 30 Folder 51 Alert: ExxonMobil

1996 HRC Publication: Box 30 Folder 52 "Campaign '96"

HRCF Sticker: "Erase Box 30 Folder 53 Hate"

1994 HRCF Publication: Box 30 Folder 54 "What Every L/G American needs to know about Health Care Reform"

Triangle Institute Box 30 Folder 55 Envelopes

1996 HRC Poster: "You've Box 30 Folder 56 Got the Power. Register. Vote."

2003 Gay Marriage- Articles, Box 54 Folder 15 Report, Law Suit (Goodridge vs. The Dept. of Public Health, 2003)

2003 HRC--Gay Marriage Box 54 Folder 16

March 2004 Hearing on the Current Box 55 Folder 14-16 Law re: Civil Marriage for Same Sex Couples Before the Senate Judiciary Committee

2003-2004 Gay Marriage, HRC Box 60 Folder 5 Action Plan

1996-1998 HRC/HRC Box 69 Folder 12 Foundation: Combined Financial Statements

2002 Speak Out! Activist Box 97 Folder 4 Tools for GLBT Equality no date Take Action for Box 97 Folder 5 Equality no date Transgender Americans: Box 97 Folder 6 A Handbook for Understanding

1995-1999 National Dinner Guide- Box 97 Folder 8 Part 1

1996-2000 Equality: A Winning Box 97 Folder 9 Message: Talking About Lesbian and Gay Issues in Your Campaign

1996-2005 Resource Guide to Box 97 Folder 10 Coming Out

1997 Membership- Equality Box 97 Folder 13 Begins With You

1997-2004 Congressional Box 97 Folder 14 Scorecard: Congress #s 105- 108

1998 OutVote '98: The Box 97 Folder 19 Lesbian and Gay Political Convention

1999 Equality: It's A Smart Box 97 Folder 22 Business- Corporate Support Opportunities

1999-2004 and 2005-2009 Five Year Plan Box 97 Folder 25

2000-2002 National Dinner Guide- Box 97 Folder 27 Part 2

2000-2002 Retail Catalog Box 97 Folder 28

2001 HIV/AIDS and HRC: Box 97 Folder 31 Two Decades of Fighting for Life

2001 HRC and the GOP Box 97 Folder 32

2002 HIV/AIDS and Box 97 Folder 41 Communities of Color

2002 Holiday Cards Box 97 Folder 42 2003 Building Equality Box 97 Folder 55 Brochure

2003 FamilyNet Brochure: Box 97 Folder 56 Summer 2003

2003 Federal Club Box 97 Folder 57 Recruitment Brochure

2003 Kitchen Table Issues Box 97 Folder 58

2003-2005 National Dinner Guide- Box 97 Folder 59 Part 3

2004 Justice for All? The Box 97 Folder 60 Importance of a Fair and Balanced Judiciary for GLBT Community

2004 Marriage Equality Box 97 Folder 61 Brochure

2004 Youth College Box 97 Folder 62

2005 Get Equal Box 97 Folder 63

2005 Historically Black Box 97 Folder 64 College and University Program no date Answers to Questions Box 114 Folder 1 About Marriage Inequality no date HRC Cards Box 114 Folder 2

2003-2004 Pride Guide Box 114 Folder 3

2004 Resource Guide to Box 114 Folder 4 Coming Out (Includes Spanish Copy and Copy Targeted to African- Americans)

2004 Youth College Box 114 Folder 5

2005 Miscellaneous HRC Box 114 Folder 6 Pamphlets

2006 American Psychological Box 114 Folder 7 Association- Division 44- Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues

2000-2002 HRC Magazines Box 127 Folder 27

Informational Pamflets Box 127 Folder 28

Annual Reports Box 127 Folder 29

2002 Corporate Equality Box 127 Folder 30 Index

2002 The State of the Family Box 127 Folder 31

Educational Pamflets Box 127 Folder 32

Stickers (Out to Vote; Box 127 Folder 33 Fight Hate Crimes)

1994 Equal to the Task Box 127 Folder 34

June 29, 1998 "Ordering a Little Fair Box 127 Folder 35 Play"

October 1982 1982 Philadelphia Box 127 Folder 36 Fundraiser

Official Logo Artwork: Box 129 Folder 1 floppy disk

2004 Transgender Issues in Box 129 Folder 2 the Workplace

Membership Requests Box 129 Folder 3 Mailings

Speak Out: Activist Box 129 Folder 4 Tools for LGBT Equality

RU? pin Box 129 Folder 5

The Agenda radio show Box 129 Folder 6 card

2006 Leading Equality Box 129 Folder 7

HRC Religion and Faith Box 129 Folder 8 Program Love is Everywhere: Box 129 Folder 9 Fashion Supports the HRC

Guides to Coming Out Box 129 Folder 10

Smart Business: HRC Box 129 Folder 11 Corporte Sponsorship

Equality Center Box 129 Folder 12 brochure and postcard

Pamphlets and Box 129 Folder 13 programs designed for minority communities

2006 Corporate Equality Box 129 Folder 14 Index

Federal Club Box 129 Folder 15 publications

October 11, 2003 Building Equality Box 129 Folder 16

1998 Equality: A Winning Box 129 Folder 17 Message

2004 Justice for All Box 129 Folder 18

2004 Equality from State to Box 129 Folder 19 State

2005 2005 dinners, galas, Box 129 Folder 20 fundraisers

April 28-May 1, 2005 A Time in History: 4th Box 129 Folder 21 Annual HRC Leadership Summit

Our Kitchen Table Box 129 Folder 22 Issues

August 14-20, 2006 Youth College Box 129 Folder 23 Campaign Training Series VII. Education and Outreach, 1980-2004

Education Department


1988-98 Photographs, Various Box 30 Folder 1 HRC, HRCF

Photographs, HRC Box 30 Folder 2 various events

HRC--Staff Handbook Box 30 Folder 3

1998-99 HRC Strategic Planning Box 30 Folder 4

2000-2002 HRC Strategic Planning Box 30 Folder 5 1999-2004

1996-1998 HRC Strategic Planning: Box 30 Folder 6 HRC documents

HRC Strategic Planning Box 30 Folder 7

1998-99 Speeches-K. Mills Box 30 Folder 8

2000-01 Speeches-Kim Mills Box 30 Folder 9

2002-03 Speeches-K. Mills Box 30 Folder 10

2002 Kim Mills Files CD- Box 32 Folder 15 ROM: STATEOF.ppt, Board 2002b.ppt

2000, 2003 Kim Mills Files CD- Box 32 Folder 16 ROM: various .eps files, Olina10.25.ppt, Atlanta.ppt

1998-2000 Education Director Box 56 Folder 14 Correspondence

2002, 2003 Communications Dept- Box 59 Folder 17 K. Mills- Correspondence

1999-2004 Education Director Box 60 Folder 2 Correspondence

1999-2004 Education Director Box 60 Folder 3 Correspondence 2004 Board of Directors-Aug Box 79 Folder 67 2004 meeting packet

HRC Web Site

1997 Web Trend Statistics Box 31 Folder 1 August

1998 Web Trend Statistics Box 31 Folder 2 October

1999 Web Trend Statistics Box 31 Folder 3 July- Dec.

1999 Web Trend Statistics Box 31 Folder 4 Apr.- June

2000 Web Trend Statistics Box 31 Folder 5 December

2001 Web Trend Statistics Box 31 Folder 6 January

2001 Web Trend Statistics Box 31 Folder 7 March

2001 Web Trend Statistics Box 31 Folder 8 April- May

2001 Web Trend Statistics Box 31 Folder 9 March

2000 Web Trend Statistics Box 31 Folder 10

2000 Web Trend Statistics Box 31 Folder 11 April- May

2000 Web Trend Statistics Box 31 Folder 12 June- August

2000 Web Trend Statistics Box 31 Folder 13 Sept.- Oct.

2000 Web Trend Statistics Box 31 Folder 14 Nov. - Dec.

2001 Web Trend Statistics Box 31 Folder 15 January

2004 Website Stats, costs, Box 31 Folder 16 "Virtual Equality" Inhouse presentation

2002-2003 Website redesign- drafts Box 31 Folder 17 2001-2003 Website redesign Box 31 Folder 18-20

2002 Website redesign- Box 31 Folder 21 Project Management

20th Year History Project

1990-1993 Press Clippings, Articles Box 10 Folder 26 re: HRCF Staff or events

1982-1989 HRCF/GRNL Articles, Box 10 Folder 27 Clippings, Internal documents "Leadership Issues"

1982 HRCF Articles of Box 33 Folder 1 Incorporation

1985 HRCF-AIDS: Box 33 Folder 2 Legislation (proposed), HRC Statement, public opinion (news clippings)

1997-98 Candidate Files- Box 33 Folder 3 Hormel, James

2000 Political-US Presidential Box 33 Folder 4 Candidates

1996-2000 Political-News Clips Re: Box 33 Folder 5 Presidential/Sena te Candidates

HRC ENDA Box 33 Folder 6 Transgender- Flyer by "The Transexual Menace"

1994-97 Press & Speech Box 33 Folder 7 Transcripts re: ENDA (1994) and Civil Rights

Nov. 1993 HRCF--Ballot Measure Box 33 Folder 8 Project

MOW materials-list of Box 33 Folder 9 Gay organizations in Baltimore/Washi ngton area

1989 Lesbian Agenda Box 33 Folder 10 Conference

Dec. 1987-Feb. 1989 First Annual Report for Box 33 Folder 11 Gay/Lesbian March Activists- Cincinnati

1989 UFMCC Conference Box 33 Folder 12 Program "Good News for All People"

[1987] "Surgeon General's Box 33 Folder 13 Report on AIDS" pamphlet

1989 National Black Gay & Box 33 Folder 14 Lesbian Conference: Program booklet

1989 Evangelicals Concerned Box 33 Folder 15 materials

1989 NORA mailing Box 33 Folder 16

1989 "Southeastern Box 33 Folder 17 Conference for Lesbians and Gay Men" pamphlet

1987-89 G/L/B Misc. Box 33 Folder 18 Pamphlets

1989 Clippings/Press Box 33 Folder 19 coverage AIDS

1988-89 Names Project/AIDS Box 33 Folder 20 Quilt info

1989 Ohio State University Box 33 Folder 21 Names Project Exhibition materials

1988 Names Project-DC Mall Box 33 Folder 22

1989 American Peace Test Box 33 Folder 23 Mailing

April 17, 1989 The New Republic, Box 33 Folder 24 "AIDS in the USSR" article

Gayellow Pages info Box 33 Folder 25

July 1998 HRC publication: Box 33 Folder 26 "Status of Hate Crimes Against Gay Americans"

1994 HRCF publication: "A Box 33 Folder 27 Winning Message: Talking about L & G Issues in Your 1994 Campaign"

1998 Institute for Gay and Box 33 Folder 28 Lesbian Strategic Studies publication: "Creating Communities: Giving & Volunteering by GLBT People"

Spring 1997 HRC--Workplace Box 33 Folder 29 Project-State Fact Sheets-supporter of non- discrimination and Domestic Partnership policies

1995 IMPACT, Illinois' Gay Box 33 Folder 30 and Lesbian Political Action Committee, Program Booklet: "IMPACT: Eighth Annual Political Gala"

1994 HRCF conference Box 33 Folder 31 program, 1st Annual Randy Klose Leadership Conference

March 5-6, 1995 HRCF conference Box 33 Folder 32 program, 2nd Annual Gay & Lesbian Randy Klose Leadership Conference

1982 Endorsement Requests, Box 33 Folder 33 various orgs.

1999 HRC Strategic Plan Box 33 Folder 34 1999-2004 & Status Report Apr-Oct 1999

1995 HRC Stationery Box 33 Folder 35 Examples "Unmodified 1st Drafts"

1995-96 Illinois HRC Box 33 Folder 36 Newsletter- Design for Vol 2, Issue 1, Jan 1996, printed Vol 1, Issue 1 Winter 1995

Aug 4, 1993 Endean Obituaries Box 33 Folder 37

March 1993 Stephen Endean, draft Box 33 Folder 38 manuscript, "Into the Mainstream: A First Hand Account of Twenty Years' Progress on Lesbian/Gay Rights"

1980-83 The Right to Privacy Box 34 Folder 1 Foundation Fundraising

1995 Human Rights Box 34 Folder 2 Campaign Foundation By- Laws (Formerly Triangle Institute), Adopted Oct. 6, 1986, Amended Apr 23, 1993 and Dec. 1, 1995

March 1993 HRCF / National Box 34 Folder 3 Coming Out Day Merger

1988 TTI--"Managing the Box 34 Folder 4 Gay Rights Endorsement" Gay Rights and Politics in the Public Mind

1988 TTI--Playboy Box 34 Folder 5 Foundation grant

1982, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1994HRC --By-laws: Box 34 Folder 6 Original, Amended, Restated

1983 HRCF--Proposed Box 34 Folder 7 Organization Chart

1996 Voter Registration- Box 34 Folder 8 Campaign '96 North Carolina

1995-1996 Campaign '96-North Box 34 Folder 9 Carolina- Telephone Ctr. Manual

1994 Ballot Measure Box 34 Folder 10 Campaign

May 20, 1996 Legislative-Colorado- Box 34 Folder 11 Amendment 2- Decision Rally- Photographs

2000 HRC--Public Policy Box 34 Folder 12 Committee- Meeting Minutes

1991-94 GRNL Timeline, HRC Box 34 Folder 13 History draft article

1987 The War Conference Box 34 Folder 14 1987 Agenda and Invite List

1984-90 Press Clippings About Box 34 Folder 15 HRC

1999 HRC--20th yr History- Box 34 Folder 16 Project Outline

20th yr History- Box 34 Folder 17-18 Comments on DRAFT 2000 20th yr History- Box 34 Folder 19 Research

1982-1989 20th yr History-Content Box 34 Folder 20 Pieces for Text

1988-89 20th Anniversary - Box 34 Folder 21 History Project- Federal Club

1982 HRCF Privacy Rights Box 34 Folder 22 '82--Tennessee Williams fundraising mailing

20th Anniversary- Box 34 Folder 23 History Project- 1982 Annual Dinner photographs

2000 20th yr History-Text Box 34 Folder 24 Edits-McFeeley

1990-1992 HRC--Press Releases Box 34 Folder 25 and news clippings, various topics

1999 20th yr History- Box 34 Folder 26 Interview Transcripts

1982-1983 BOD- J. Foster Box 54 Folder 8 Correspondence/ Reports

1982-84 Treasurer Reports, City Box 55 Folder 5 Committee (S. Endean)

Nov. 18, 1999 HRC--Project 'Out Box 55 Folder 6 There'

Mar 11, 1999 HRC, "Revisions to the Box 56 Folder 13 By-Laws" memo

1986 HRCF - Annual Box 57 Folder 10 Spending - Correspondence and excerpts from 1986 Annual Report, Budget

May 2002 John Gardner Box 58 Folder 9 Leadership Award: E. Birch Application File

1989 HRCF - 501(3) 4 Box 60 Folder 1 Transition Task Force

December 31, 1987-1990, HRCF, Financial Box 64 Folder 1 March 31, 1992 Statements

2000 20th yr History Project- Box 71 Folder 1 Historian correspondence

2000 20th yr History- Box 71 Folder 2 Contract- Historian

1986-1994 HRCF BOD Box 78 Folder 16 Chronology

1987-1995 HRC and HRHF Box 78 Folder 17 Historical Info: December 1986 Campaign and Political Fundraising Records, HRHF Board of Directors Meeting, Nov. 7, 1987

Nov. 16, 1988 HRCF-Vic Basile Box 78 Folder 19 Corresp.-Edward Kennedy re: AIDS legislation

1983-89 HRCF-- Executive Box 78 Folder 20 Director - Basile, Vic - Correspondence, Memos, Significant

Nov. 1990 HRCF--Executive Box 78 Folder 21 Director, T. McFeeley-Memo to Federal Club

Subject Files and Clippings

1990-1991 G/L Related Press Box 10 Folder 4-25 Clippings, 22 folders

1994-98 HRC--Gay Marriage Box 35 Folder 18 Rights

1995-96 Gay Marriage Rights- Box 35 Folder 19 Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund, The Marriage Project

1994-98 Gay Marriage Rights- Box 35 Folder 20 News Clippings, Press Releases

2004 Presentation on Box 35 Folder 21 Marriage

May 2000 HRC--Equality Rocks- Box 35 Folder 22 Press Clippings

1996 Campaign 1996-Info Box 35 Folder 23 Packet

1990 Gay and Lesbian Arabic Box 35 Folder 24 Society

Aug 2002 Presentation (partial, Box 35 Folder 25 draft?) to IIE

2000-2001 2000 U.S. Census-G & Box 35 Folder 26 L Households

March 2002 Women's Sports Box 35 Folder 27 Network- Marketing Proposal

2002 Olivia Cruise- Box 35 Folder 28 Sponsorship

1990-1991 G/L Related Press Box 36 Folder 1-36 Clippings, 36 folders

1987-1988 Communications- News Box 37 Folder 1 Clippings

1989 "Communications"- Box 37 Folder 2 Clippings and Articles

1991 Communications News Box 37 Folder 3 Clippings 1988-1992 News clippings Box 37 Folder 4

April-November 1992 News clips, Portland Box 37 Folder 5

August 5 - October 17, 1991News clips Box 37 Folder 6-50

2001 Diversity Focus Box 57 Folder 11 Groups- Results- Report

2004 Campaign 2004-meeting Box 60 Folder 4 notes, plans

Military, 1991-1993

1990-1992 Statements and Box 37 Folder 51 Speeches

1990-1993 Netherlands Box 37 Folder 52

1991 National Day of Action Box 37 Folder 53

1991 Support to lift ban Box 37 Folder 54

1991 ROTC campaign to lift Box 37 Folder 55 ban

1992 Michael Gary-Ban Box 37 Folder 56 Statement

1992 Military-Thank-you Box 37 Folder 57 statement from McFeeley to Schroeder

1992 Presidential-Military Box 37 Folder 58

1992 Racial Integration Box 37 Folder 59 Comparison

1992 Stephens Statement- Box 37 Folder 60 G/L veterans of MD

1992-1995 Security Clearance Box 37 Folder 61

1993 Armed Services Box 37 Folder 62 Hearings

1993 Military Hearings I Box 37 Folder 63

1993 Military Hearings II Box 37 Folder 64

1993 Military Hearings III Box 37 Folder 65

1993 Military Hearings IV Box 37 Folder 66 1993 Blank Witness Forms Box 37 Folder 67 for Military Hearings

1993 House Box 37 Folder 68

1993 Senate Box 37 Folder 69

1993 Military Issues Box 37 Folder 70

1993 Military General Letters, Box 37 Folder 71 etc.

1993 Military Box 37 Folder 72 Correspondence

1993 Coalition of Gay and Box 37 Folder 73 Lesbian Groups in VA

1993 Opposition to DA/DT Box 37 Folder 74

1993 Constituents' Visits to Box 37 Folder 75 Congress

1993 Vets' visits Box 37 Folder 76


2001-02 VA Insurance/ DP Box 38 Folder 1 Benefits

1997-99 DP Benefits/ Box 38 Folder 2 Ordinances- Legal Cases/ Challenges

1997-1999 DP Benefits- Court Box 38 Folder 3 Challenges

1998-1999 San Francisco, CA- DP Box 38 Folder 4 Benefits- Court Cases, various

1997-1998 S. Baptist Boycott- Box 38 Folder 5 Disney

2001 Coalition to Promote Box 38 Folder 6 Equality- Exxon Mobile (info packet)

1999 Exxon Mobile Box 38 Folder 7

2000 Exxon Mobile Box 38 Folder 8 June 26, 2000 Gay Press- Equality Box 38 Folder 9 Clippings (Exxon Mobile coverage)

2002 Exxon Mobile Box 38 Folder 10

1999-2002 Exxon Mobile - Box 38 Folder 11 Shareholder Actions

2001-2002 Exxon Mobile- SEC Box 38 Folder 12 (Security & Exchange Commission) Filings

1997-2001 Workplace- Religion Box 38 Folder 13

2000-2003 State of the Workplace- Box 38 Folder 14 Video News Release

2001 Out and Equal Box 38 Folder 15 Leadership Conference

2000 Out and Equal Box 38 Folder 16 Leadership Conference

1997-1999 Workplace- Insurance Box 38 Folder 17

2001 Workplace Box 38 Folder 18 Conferences- various held in 2001

2000 Working Out Box 38 Folder 19 Conference

2002 Workplace Forum, Box 38 Folder 20 Columbus, OH

2003 Equal Benefits Box 38 Folder 21 Ordinance, San Francisco, CA (report)

2000-2001 Workplace research- Box 38 Folder 22 HRC/ Wharton School Survey

2001 Workplace Research Box 38 Folder 23

2002 AOL Time Warner- Box 38 Folder 24 Partner Sponsorship

1999 AOL - Online Policy Box 38 Folder 25 Coalition

1997 Gay Families Issues Box 38 Folder 26 Polls

1998-1999 Out and Equal- Various Box 38 Folder 27 workplace conferences presentations

2000 Commercial Closet- a Box 38 Folder 28 proposal

1997-2001 Workplace- Gays in the Box 38 Folder 29 U.S. Federal Government

Publications: Stories, Box 38 Folder 30 Gays & Lesbians in the Workplace

2000 Mills: Press Coverage: Box 38 Folder 31 HRC and Workplace Issues

1994-98 DP Benefits: Press Box 38 Folder 32 Clippings-DP Benefits Adopted

2001 DP Benefits Box 38 Folder 33

2002 California EBO (equal Box 38 Folder 34 benefits ordinance) Bill

1999 WorkNet Articles-Susan Box 38 Folder 35 Gore, "The Lesbian & Gay Workplace" (draft)

1991-98 WorkNet Articles Box 38 Folder 36

1999 WorkNet Articles Box 38 Folder 37

1997-2001 WorkNet-Transgender Box 38 Folder 38 Issues-Articles, Policies

WorkNet-Transgender Box 38 Folder 39 Issues-Articles- Peter Oiler/Winn-Dixie 2002 Diversity Best Practices- Box 38 Folder 40 business model

2003 Company policies- Box 54 Folder 9 Workplace guidelines, articles

2002-03 Workplace Backsliding Box 54 Folder 10 Companies (re: LGBT DP benefits)

2003 WorkNet- Benefits/ Box 54 Folder 11 Policies Revoked

2001-2003 Exxon Mobile (HRC Box 54 Folder 12 pressure for non- discrimination policy)

2001-2003 Exxon Mobile- Box 54 Folder 13 Corporate Policies, HRC @ shareholder meetings

2003 Exxon Mobile Box 54 Folder 14

2003-04 UCLA- GLBT Box 55 Folder 7 Leadership Institute

2003-04 HRC Worknet- Box 55 Folder 8 CHUBB Group

2004 WorkNet- Gill Box 55 Folder 9 Foundation Domestic Partner Benefits

2003-04 Work Net- HRC Box 55 Folder 10 planning

1995-99 WorkNet-Transgender Box 70 Folder 1 Issues-HRC and GenderPac

2001 Thomas, Louis, "Sexual Box 72 Folder 1 Orientation and Employee Productivity" Survey Results

2002 Boycott against Exxon Box 73 Folder 1 Mobile Business Council

(Oct) 1999 Business Council Box 55 Folder 11 Meeting Materials

Jan-Mar 1999 Business Council Box 55 Folder 12 Meeting (Minutes, Correspondence, Materials)

Apr-Nov 1999 Business Council Box 55 Folder 13 Meetings (Materials, minutes, correspondence)

2000 Business Council Box 56 Folder 15 Meetings and Correspondence (March-May)

2000 Business Council (Oct. Box 56 Folder 16 Meeting Packet)

2001 Business Council (April Box 57 Folder 12 and Oct meeting packets) memos

2002 Business Council (April Box 58 Folder 10 and October Meetings) + Memos (2002 Confidential Business Council "Target" List)

2003 Business Council Box 59 Folder 14 Meetings April and Oct.

2004 A Strategic Growth Box 127 Folder 37 Plan for WorkNet

Family Net

1999 Family Policy Network- Box 1 Folder 1 Meeting Agenda, Minutes

2000 Family Policy Network Box 1 Folder 2 Meeting, Agenda, Minutes, Readings

Sept. 1999 Family Net- program Box 1 Folder 3 information 2002? Family Net Book Idea Box 1 Folder 4

2000-2001 Family Net- Marketing Box 1 Folder 5 and Design

2002 Family Net- Rainbow Box 1 Folder 6 Families grant proposal

2000-2002 Family Net- Publicity Box 1 Folder 7

Family Net: Impacts of Box 1 Folder 8 Customer Segmentation Analysis on Acquisition and Retention Strategies

2003 FamilyNet-Sears Box 1 Folder 9 "American Dream Campaign" Home Ownership

2002 Family Net-Strategic Box 1 Folder 10 and Marketing Analysis

Family Stories Box 1 Folder 11


1993-1999 Lesbian Health articles Box 31 Folder 22 and press releases, news clippings

1995-2000 Lesbian Health-Articles, Box 31 Folder 23 Reports

1994-2000 Lesbian Health-Surveys, Box 31 Folder 24 Polls, Reports

Lesbian Health-Healthy Box 31 Folder 25 People 2010

March 2000 "Scientific Workshop Box 31 Folder 26 on Lesbian Health" Conference-HHS

1997-98 Needle Exchange- Box 31 Folder 27 Legislation- Family Research Council 1997-98 Needle Exchange- Box 31 Folder 28 Legislation- HRC/Other Orgs: Memos, Press Releases, Studies, draft legislation

1997-98 Needle Exchange- Box 31 Folder 29 Articles

1985-2001 Capital Campaign, Box 102 Folder 1 Exhibits 2-10

1988-1997 HIV Prevention: Box 102 Folder 2 Women

1994-1998 HIV Prevention: Box 102 Folder 3 Perinatal Transmission

1995-1998 HIV Prevention: Box 102 Folder 4 General

1995-1998 HIV Prevention: Youth Box 102 Folder 5 (1)

1995-1998 HIV Prevention: Youth Box 102 Folder 6 (2)

1995-1998 HIV Substance Use Box 102 Folder 7

1995-1999 HIV: Women Box 102 Folder 8

1996-1998 HIV Prevention: P.I. Box 102 Folder 9 Impact/Science

1996-1998 Managed Care: Box 102 Folder 10 HIV/AIDS and General Info

1996-1999 HIV Treatment: Box 102 Folder 11 HAART/General Info (1)

1996-1999 HIV Treatment: Box 102 Folder 12 HAART/General Info (2)

1996-2001 Capital Campaign, Box 102 Folder 13 Exhibit 1

1997 HIV Prevention Act: Box 102 Folder 14 Coburn 1997

1997 HIV Prevention: Box 102 Folder 15 Federal Training

1997 Lesbian Health Box 102 Folder 16

1997-1998 HIV: TB/STDS Box 102 Folder 17

1997-1998 HIV Treatment: PHS Box 102 Folder 18 Guidelines

1997-1998 Managed Care Reform Box 102 Folder 19 1998 (1)

1997-1998 Managed Care Reform Box 102 Folder 20 1998 (2)

1997-1999 HIV Prevention: Gay Box 102 Folder 21 and Bisexual Men

1997-1999 HIV Treatment: Access Box 102 Folder 22 to Care/Cost

1997-1999 Medicaid Expansion: Box 102 Folder 23 105th-106th Congress

1997-1999 Medicaid: HIV/AIDS Box 102 Folder 24 and General Info (1)

1997-1999 Medicaid: HIV/AIDS Box 102 Folder 25 and General Info (2)

1998 HIV Prevention: People Box 102 Folder 26 of Color

1998-1999 Managed Care Reform: Box 102 Folder 27 General

1999 Design Development Box 102 Folder 28 Schedule, HOK Architects

2000 Capital Campaign, Box 102 Folder 29 Exhibit 15

2000 Financial Due Diligence Box 102 Folder 30

2000-2001 Capital Campaign, Box 102 Folder 31 Exhibits 11-14

2001 Capital Campaign, Box 102 Folder 32 Exhibits 16-24


8-11-99 Religion Round Table Box 35 Folder 12 (Relates to Publication "Mixed Blessings: Mainstream Religion & Gay & Lesbian Americans)

1998 HRC Report: "Mixed Box 35 Folder 13 Blessings: Organized Religion and Gay & Lesbian Americans in 1998 (correspondence and news articles)

1996-1998 Family Research Box 35 Folder 14 Council (articles, position papers)

1996-1998 Family Research Box 35 Folder 15 Council (articles, position papers)

1996-1998 Christian Coalition- Box 35 Folder 16 Subject File

1996-1998 Christian Coalition- Box 35 Folder 17 Subject File

2002-03 "Mixed Blessings"- Box 74 Folder 1 Working Folder


Marriage vs. Box 127 Folder 38 presentation

Vote No on the Federal Mapcase Y-8 Folder 8 Marriage Amendment

National Coming Out Day (NCOD)

1989 National Coming Out Box 35 Folder 0 Day press releases, Jason Serinus

2001 HRC--National Coming Box 35 Folder 1 Out Project- Drafts: "A History of NCOD"

2001 National Coming Out Box 35 Folder 2 Project--Kit

Aug 2001 National Coming Out Box 35 Folder 3 Project-Draft "Coming Out Resource Guide", Draft Spanish Language Translation

1997 National Coming Out Box 35 Folder 4 Project-Info Packet

1997 HRC Spokesperson Box 35 Folder 5 NCOD Project, Betty DeGeneres

2002-2003 NCOP-Esera Tuaolo Box 35 Folder 6

2002 Being Out Rocks, Box 35 Folder 7 promotion and press coverage

2002 Being Out Rocks, Box 35 Folder 8 Correspondence

2002-03 NCOP, various Box 35 Folder 9

2002 "Being Out Rocks" Box 35 Folder 10 Press Kit

1988 Coming Out Day - Box 35 Folder 11 Sponsor Orgs list

National Coming Out Box 127 Folder 39 Day poster Series VIII. Research

Right to Privacy Foundation

(RPF), 1981-1989

1981 RPF- Articles of Box 39 Folder 1 Incorporation- certificate

1979-80 RPF- Mailings: re: Civil Box 39 Folder 2 Rights 1980-83 RPF- Materials re: Civil Box 39 Folder 3 Rights Amendment Acts

1981-84 RPF- Financial Status Box 39 Folder 4 Records and Financial Statements

1981-84 RPF- Taxes - Misc. Box 39 Folder 5

1982 RPF- Post Office Box Box 39 Folder 6 & Postage

1982 RPF- Internal Revenue Box 39 Folder 7 Service

1982-83 RPF- Teresa Sullivan Box 39 Folder 8 Associates-Bills

1982-95 RPF- Draft Bylaws, Box 39 Folder 9 Proposed Budget

1982-1984 RPF- Taxes-Forms Box 39 Folder 10 Filed

1983 RPF- Direct Mail Box 39 Folder 11 Fundraising Budget & Letter

1983-84 RPF-Federal Gay Civil Box 39 Folder 12 Rights Legislation: Bills, Status, RPF memo

1984-86 RPF-Financial Box 39 Folder 13 Statements and Reports, Correspondence with IRS

1985 RPF-Right to Privacy Box 39 Folder 14 Grant Proposal to Chicago Resource Ctr.

1985 RPF- AIDS- Insurance Box 39 Folder 15 anti- discrimination laws

1986 RPF- Executive Board Box 39 Folder 16 Correspondence

1987-88 RPF- Federal Tax Form Box 39 Folder 17 942

1989 RPF- Voter Registration Box 39 Folder 18 -Interfaith Action for Interfaith Justice

9/1982- Oct. 1983 Direct Mail Box 39 Folder 19 prospecting- T. Sullivan Assoc.

1983 Right to Privacy Form Box 39 Folder 20 Letters

Dec 1982 Board Update- from R. Box 39 Folder 21 Davis- Education & Research Director

April 30 1983 Right to Privacy Box 39 Folder 22 Foundation Board of Directors Meeting

1983 RPF/GRNL Box 54 Folder 19 Fundraiser- Hispanic G/L Comm. in VA

1983 Grant Proposal- Stroh Box 54 Folder 20 Brewery

1982-84 Budget, expenditures Box 55 Folder 21

June 2010 Tony Silvestre's Box 127 Folder 40 Archival donations

1981 Creation and Box 127 Folder 41 Establishment

Rick Davis: Education Box 127 Folder 42 and Research Director

Board Members Box 127 Folder 43

January 23, 1986 Board meeting minutes Box 127 Folder 44

June 10, 1983 Appeal Mailing Box 127 Folder 45

Community/Constituen Box 127 Folder 46 cy Service and Education

Notes Box 127 Folder 47 Human Rights and Health Fund (HRHF)

Inherited Files, 1977-1985

1977, 1981, 1982, 1983 Polls - G/L/B/T Issues Box 40 Folder 1 (various pollsters)

1978 Polls - NBC News/AP Box 40 Folder 2

1980 GNRL/NGLTF Box 40 Folder 3 Political Study Report

1980-1985 Civil Rights Box 40 Folder 4 Amendments Acts

1981-85 Various Polls-results, Box 40 Folder 5 news stories

1983-85 Various Polls, Surveys- Box 40 Folder 6 results, news stories

1984 U.S. Presidential Box 40 Folder 7 Surveys (NGTF/GRNL/ HRCF)

1985 Attitudes towards Box 40 Folder 8 Homosexuality- student papers, Cornell Univ.

1985 Lesbian & Gay Box 40 Folder 9 Democrats, Elected Officials

1985 Legislative Report by Box 40 Folder 10 Steven Endean

1985 State Lobbying Box 40 Folder 11 literature (MGPC, MOHR)

1985 Voter Research Box 40 Folder 12 Foundation

1982-1983 Correspondence with Box 78 Folder 32 D. Goodstein

Human Rights and Health Fund

(HRHF), 1986- February 1988

HRHF Administration

1987-1988 Misc. Memos, Box 40 Folder 34 Correspondence, etc.

1982-1988 HRHF/TTI Box 40 Folder 35 Management Reports, Sept. 1982-July 1988

1987-1988 Legal Counsel- Box 40 Folder 36 Establishing (501c3)

1987 R. Brady Chronology Box 40 Folder 37 File, Oct - Dec 1987

1988 R. Brady Chronology Box 40 Folder 38 File, Jan - Apr 1988

1988 R. Brady Chronology Box 40 Folder 39 File, May-June 1988

Jul.-Sept. 1988 R. Brady Chronology Box 40 Folder 40 File

1988 Articles of Box 40 Folder 41 Incorporation & Bylaws

1986 Tax Bequest Box 40 Folder 42 Information (general)

1988 Cost Allocation Box 40 Folder 43 Agreement

1985 HRHF Non-Profit Box 40 Folder 44 Corporation Application

1986 Financial Statement Box 57 Folder 1 Report

1985 HRHF Application for Box 57 Folder 2 501(c) 3 Status

Oct. 1986 Org. Meeting Box 57 Folder 3 1987 Financial Statements Box 58 Folder 1 (March-Nov.)

April 1987 501(c) 3 issues- Board Box 58 Folder 2 of Directors Meeting

1987 Summary Financials Box 58 Folder 3

1987 1988 Annual Budget Box 59 Folder 4

1988 Financial Reports 1987- Box 59 Folder 5 88

1986-88 Legal Requirements for Box 59 Folder 6 501c3/REB

1988 IRS Tax-Exemption Box 59 Folder 7 Materials

1987 Board of Directors Box 78 Folder 1 Meeting May 1987

1987 Board of Directors Box 78 Folder 2 Meeting Oct. 1987

1987 Board of Directors Box 78 Folder 3 Materials and Minutes

1987 Board of Directors Box 78 Folder 4 Meeting Nov. 1987

1987 Board of Directors Box 78 Folder 5 Meeting Dec. 1987

1987-88 Board of Directors Box 78 Folder 6 Correspondence / Resignation Letters

1987,1988 HRHF Board Meetings Box 78 Folder 7

1988 Board of Directors Box 78 Folder 8 Meeting Jan. 1988

1988 Board of Directors Box 78 Folder 9 Meeting Feb. 1988

1988 Board of Directors Box 78 Folder 10 Meeting March 1988

1988 Board of Directors Box 78 Folder 11 Meeting April 1988

1988 Board of Directors Box 78 Folder 12 Meeting May 1988

1988 Board of Directors Box 78 Folder 13 Meeting June 1988

1988 Board of Directors Box 78 Folder 14 Meeting July 1988

1988 Board of Directors Box 78 Folder 15 Meeting Sept. 1988

HRHF Issues

1986-87 c3 Project: Key Political Box 40 Folder 13 Races

1986-88 Minority AIDS Box 40 Folder 14 Outreach (reports, notes, newsletter)

1986-88 Polling Data (Results, Box 40 Folder 15 Reports, PR)

1987 Mertz-Gilmore Box 40 Folder 16 Foundation - HRHF Correspondence

1987 Reports on Politics of Box 40 Folder 17 AIDS

1987 Congressional Member Box 40 Folder 18 / Committee Lists - 99th & 100th Congresses

1987 Foundation Listing - Box 40 Folder 19 Possible Grantors

1987 Civic Service Inc. / Van Box 40 Folder 20 Dyk & Assoc.

Sept. 1987 MEDPAC Clipping Box 40 Folder 21 Package 1987 MEDPAC Clipping Box 40 Folder 22 Service of AIDS Medical Developments

1987 Human Rights and Box 40 Folder 23 Health Fund News Clippings

1987 Gay/Lesbian elected Box 40 Folder 24 officials

1987 The Politics of AIDS: Box 40 Folder 25 Risk and Empathy on the Epidemiological Frontier (Nov. 3, 1987)

1987-88 United Way - Box 40 Folder 26 Combined Federal Campaign D.C.

1987-88 HRHF Case Statements Box 40 Folder 27

1987-88 Gay-Lesbian Box 40 Folder 28 Activists/Outlets

1988 Advisory Committee- Box 40 Folder 29 Ideas & Examples

1988 Research viability study Box 40 Folder 30 materials

1988 National Committee for Box 40 Folder 31 Responsive Philanthropy

1987 Survey '88: National Box 40 Folder 32 Visibility Campaign

1987 The Analysis Group, Box 40 Folder 33 Stanley B. Greenberg (Democratic poll taker)--"The Politics of AIDS" and other issues

The Triangle Institute (TTI), Mar.

1988-1995 1988 ERP information Box 39 Folder 23 packet - The Triangle Institute

1988 Campaign professional: Box 39 Folder 24 Focus group transcripts

1988 Connecticut and Box 39 Folder 25 Missouri Focus Groups: transcripts

1988 Managing the Gay Box 39 Folder 26 Rights Endorsement

1988 Board member packet - Box 39 Folder 27 From The Analysis Group re: ERP

1986-88 Electoral Research Box 39 Folder 28 Project (ERP) Content Pieces

1988 Memos and notes re: Box 39 Folder 29 Electoral Research Project (ERP)

1988 ERP - survey Box 39 Folder 30 instrument

1987 ERP correspondence Box 39 Folder 31 w/Analysis Group

1988 ERP correspondence Box 39 Folder 32 w/Analysis Group

1988 League of Gay and Box 39 Folder 33 Lesbian Voters - Info Packet

1987 AIDS: A Status Report Box 39 Folder 34 on Foundation Funding The Foundation Center - TTI annotated copy

1988 Notes re: requests for Box 39 Folder 35 grant funding applications 1988 CDC Assistance Grant Box 39 Folder 36 Proposal: AIDS information and education programs

1987 AmFAR: American Box 39 Folder 37 Foundation for AIDS Research - grants

1987 Robert Wood Johnson Box 39 Folder 38 Foundation: AIDS Prevention and Service Projects - grants

1987-88 Triangle Institute- Box 40 Folder 45 Formation

1988 Electoral Research Box 40 Folder 46 Project - misc. admin

1988 New World Foundation Box 40 Folder 47 - Grants (1988)

1988 New World Foundation Box 40 Folder 48 - Grants

1988 Funding Exchange Box 40 Folder 49 Proposal

1988 Gay Politics-Affiliated Box 40 Folder 50 Organizations (APA, NASW, APA, et al.)

1988 March on Washington Box 40 Folder 51 DC-Press list

1988 TTI - Literature Search, Box 40 Folder 52 Bibliography G/L/B/T

1988 TTI - Logo/Design Box 40 Folder 53 working docs

1988 TTI - Academic Box 40 Folder 54 Networks G/L/B/T

1988 TTI - Triangle Institute Box 40 Folder 55 "Homosexual Demographic" Survey materials 1988 J. Roderick Foundation Box 40 Folder 56 information

1988 TTI - National March Box 40 Folder 57 on Washington for Lesbian & Gay Rights, Proposal

1988 TTI - Playboy Box 40 Folder 58 Foundation - Grant

1988 Astraea Foundation Box 40 Folder 59

1988 TTI - The Forum Box 40 Folder 60 Institute

1988 Chicago Resource Box 40 Folder 61 Center - Grants

Spring 1988 TTI - The Advocate - Box 40 Folder 62 Letter to the Editor - Responses

1988 W.R. Hearst Box 40 Folder 63 Foundation - Grants

1988 German Marshall Fund Box 40 Folder 64 - Grants

1988 The Next Step / Box 40 Folder 65 AIDSWalk - Proposal

1988 Brother Help Thyself - Box 40 Folder 66 Proposal

1988 TTI - Triangle Institute: Box 40 Folder 67 News Clippings

TTI - "Counter Hate Box 40 Folder 68 Count Crimes" Hate Crimes Statistics Act stickers

TTI - Research: Box 40 Folder 69 Domestic Partners

1987-1988 TTI - Donor Box 59 Folder 1 Correspondence 1988 Institutional Box 59 Folder 2 Donors/Prospect s for the Electoral Research Project

1988 Correspondence: Box 59 Folder 3 Individual Donors/Prospect s

HRC Foundation

AIDS Research, 1981- 1998


1987 HRCF- Box 41 Folder 1 Correspondence- AIDS Federal Policy Act (HR3071 and S. 1575)

1987-1988 HRCF - Box 41 Folder 2 Wexler/Reynolds AIDS Research Mgmt

1988 Testimony about Box 41 Folder 3 Ampligen trial at MHC in NYC

1988-89 NORA (National Box 41 Folder 4 Organizations Responding to AIDS)

1989 Department of Labor, Box 41 Folder 5 Health, and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill


June 29, 1987 HRCF --MEDPAC Box 41 Folder 6 (AIDS related articles, info)

Aug 6, 1987 HRCF --MEDPAC Box 41 Folder 7 (AIDS related articles, info) Jan. 29, 1988 HRCF --MEDPAC Jan Box 41 Folder 8 29, 1988

March 22, 1988 HRCF--MEDPAC Box 41 Folder 9 March 22, 1988


1987 America Responds to Box 41 Folder 10 AIDS: Final Report "Listening and the American Response"

1987 "Nontraditional Box 41 Folder 11 Approaches to the Medical Malpractice Crisis": AHA Office of Legal and Regulatory Affairs

1987 Congressional Box 41 Folder 12 Clearinghouse on the Future, information packet

Dec. 1987 Community-Based Care Box 41 Folder 13 for Persons with AIDS. Aetna Insurance Group, Public Policy Issues Group.

1988 "AIDS Drugs: Where Box 41 Folder 14 are They?" by the Committee on Government Operations

1990 Milbank Quarterly: Box 41 Folder 15 "HIV and Childbearing"

Subject Files

1986 U.S. Patent & Box 41 Folder 16 Technology Transfer--Codes

1986 Symposium 1987: Labor Box 41 Folder 17 and Employment Issues Raised by AIDS and HIV Infection: District of Columbia Bar

1986, 1988 AIDS Drugs Info- Box 41 Folder 18 Petition to HHS/Testimony by Adler, NIH

1987-89 AIDS drugs and FDA Box 41 Folder 19 regulation materials

1987-88 AIDS and People of Box 41 Folder 20 Color: Subject File

1988 AIDS drugs info., Box 41 Folder 21 clippings, Press Releases

1988-90 AIDS Drugs: News Box 41 Folder 22 clippings, press releases, fact sheets

1985 HRCF State and Local Box 41 Folder 23 Legislation- AIDS

1985 HRCF Manhattan Box 41 Folder 24 Project on AIDS- drafts, ideas

1986-87 AIDS & People of Box 41 Folder 25 Color

1985 AIDS & Prisons- Box 41 Folder 26 Literature, clippings

1987 AIDS- Jewish Response Box 41 Folder 27

1985-86 News Clippings [AIDS] Box 41 Folder 28

1988 AIDS: Peptide T- Box 41 Folder 29 scientific literature

1986 AIDS- Public Opinion Box 41 Folder 30 Polls

1986? Safe Sex Guidelines for Box 41 Folder 31 Gay Men

1986? Sweeny Speech- SEIU- Box 41 Folder 32 Safe working practices re: blood borne diseases

1985 AIDS in school- articles Box 41 Folder 33

1980s AIDS- medical Box 41 Folder 34 Literature

1987 AIDS Testing- News Box 41 Folder 35 articles, public opinion

1985 Violence & Box 41 Folder 36 Discrimination against G/L People in Philadelphia

1987-88 AIDS Commission- US Box 41 Folder 37 Presidential Comm. on HIV

Mar 1988 AIDS Commission- Box 41 Folder 38 Presidential Comm. on HIV Epidemic Report

1986 AIDS Discrimination- Box 41 Folder 39 Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973

1986 AIDS Discrimination Box 41 Folder 40 Section 504

June 1981- 1986 "Reports on AIDS Box 41 Folder 41 published in The Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report"

Guide to Public Health Practice: Principles to Protect HIV- Related Confidentiality and Prevent Discrimination

ASTHO/Health Box 41 Folder 42 officers

Health Care Workers & Box 41 Folder 43 New OSHA/NIOSH Advisory

AIDS and Prisons Box 41 Folder 44

Immigrants/Tourists Box 41 Folder 45

Marital Screening/Dole Box 41 Folder 46 remarks

The Accuracy of AIDS Box 41 Folder 47 Testing

The Case Against Box 41 Folder 48 Compulsory Testing

CDC Testing Box 41 Folder 49 Guidelines

Impact Overview & A Box 41 Folder 50 Legal Perspective

Surgeon General's Box 41 Folder 51 Report & Section Three: Rebuttal Info

Inst. Of Med. Pub. Box 41 Folder 52 Health Rec.

Section Two: AIDS 101 Box 41 Folder 53 & The Science of AIDS

Care Needs/Cost Box 41 Folder 54

Paid Advertising Box 41 Folder 55 Awareness & The Need for Education & Expediting Research & Staff/Space Needs at NIH & International Efforts

Section One: S. 101 & Box 41 Folder 56 Why an Authorizing Bill? & American Nurses Association & Discrimination & Airline Security 504 American Medical Box 41 Folder 57 Association & Confidentiality

National Coming Out Day (NCOD)

Files, 1987-

Inherited files, NCOD organization, 1988-1993


1988 NCOD-The Big Book- Box 50 Folder 1 Folder 1

1988 NCOD-The Big Book- Box 50 Folder 2 Folder 2

1988 NCOD-The Big Book- Box 50 Folder 3 Folder 3

1988 NCOD-The Big Book- Box 50 Folder 4 Folder 4

1988 NCOD-The Big Book- Box 50 Folder 5 Folder 5

1988 NCOD-The Big Book- Box 50 Folder 6 Folder 6

1988 NCOD-The Big Book- Box 50 Folder 7 Folder 7

1988 NCOD-The Big Book- Box 50 Folder 8 Folder 8

1992 NCOD- Administrative Box 50 Folder 9 Misc.

Subject Files

1992 NCOD- Ads placed by Box 50 Folder 10 NCOD

1992 NCOD- AIDS Box 50 Folder 11

1985, 1992 NCOD- Anti-Gay Box 50 Folder 12 literature and reports

1991-1992 NCOD- Awards Given Box 50 Folder 13

1991-92 NCOD- Catalogs Box 50 Folder 14 selling NCOD merchandise

1992 NCOD- Conferences Box 50 Folder 15 where NCOD exhibited

1992 NCOD- Coordinators Box 50 Folder 16

1991-93 NCOD- Box 50 Folder 17 Correspondence

1992 NCOD- Direct Mail Box 50 Folder 18 Vendors

1991-1992 NCOD- Films and Box 50 Folder 19 Videos

1991 NCOD- Gay Rights Box 50 Folder 20 Bills (CO)

1991-1992 NCOD- Lesbian Box 50 Folder 21 Resources

NCOD- Lists Box 50 Folder 22

1987, 1990 NCOD- Non- Box 50 Folder 23 discriminatory Policies

1992 NCOD- Scout Letters Box 50 Folder 24

1991 NCOD- Studies and Box 50 Folder 25 Surveys

1991 NCOD- Subject & Box 50 Folder 26 Organization Files A-C

NCOD- Subject & Box 50 Folder 27 Organization Files D

1990-92 NCOD- Subject & Box 50 Folder 28 Organization Files E-F

1990-94 NCOD- Subject & Box 50 Folder 29 Organization Files G

1984, 1990-92 NCOD- Subject & Box 50 Folder 30 Organization Files H-M

1990-92 NCOD- Subject & Box 50 Folder 31 Organization Files N

1990-92 NCOD- Subject & Box 50 Folder 32 Organization Files O

1984-1992 NCOD- Subject & Box 50 Folder 33 Organization Files P

NCOD- Subject & Box 50 Folder 34 Organization Files S-V

NCOD-Logos Box 50 Folder 35

NCOD- Computer Box 50 Folder 36 Docs

NCOD- LA Committee Box 50 Folder 37

1991 NCOD-PSA Box 50 Folder 38

1992 NCOD- United We Box 50 Folder 39 Stand

1990-92 NCOD- Staff Meetings Box 50 Folder 40

1990 NCOD Coming Out Box 50 Folder 41 Ad campaign 1990 (photographs, corresp.)

1989 NCOD Publicity, Box 50 Folder 42 awards, etc.

1988 NCOD- National Box 50 Folder 43 Coming Out Day Kit & Buttons

1988 NCOD- National Box 50 Folder 44 Coming Out Day, Oct 11, 1988 (NGRA and The Experience Weekend) Printed Materials #1-20 (21, 22, 23 missing)

1989 NCOD- Media Box 50 Folder 45 Coverage and Correspondence (Eichberg) 1989 NCOD- Box 50 Folder 46 Correspondence - -Outgoing May- August

1989 NCOD- Box 50 Folder 47 Correspondence - - Outgoing Sept- Nov

1990 NCOD- Box 50 Folder 48 Correspondence- Outgoing

1991 NCOD- Shepodd Box 50 Folder 49 Remarks to National Lesbian Conference (Atlanta to GA 1991)

1991-92 NCOD- Press Releases Box 50 Folder 50

1991-1993 NCOD- Executive Box 50 Folder 51 Director- Shepodd

1993 NCOD- Eichberg- Box 50 Folder 52 Book Review & Correspondence

1993 NCOD/ HRCF- Box 50 Folder 53 Correspondence and Coming Out stories

1993-1994 NCOD- Comedy Box 50 Folder 54 Central and NCOD

1993 HRCF/ NCOD Box 50 Folder 55

1992 NCOD--Cartoon Box 51 Folder 1 Characters Coming Out

NCOD--Churches Box 51 Folder 2

NCOD--College Box 51 Folder 3 Groups

1988-91 NCOD--Proclamations Box 51 Folder 4

1989-90 NCOD--Sample Box 51 Folder 5 Solicitations 1991-1992 NCOD--Stonewall 25 Box 51 Folder 6

1990-92 NCOD--Youth Box 51 Folder 7 Resources

1989 NCOD-Media Box 60 Folder 7

1990 NCOD- Sponsors Box 61 Folder 3 (examples)

1991 NCOD- Friends Box 62 Folder 2 (example)

1991 NCOD- Sponsors, Box 62 Folder 3 Heroes, major donors (sampled examples)

1990-91 NCOD- Annual Report Box 62 Folder 4

1989-91 NCOD - Events Box 62 Folder 5 (corresp., flyers, etc.)

1991 HRC NCOD- Tax Box 62 Folder 6 Forms & Business Licenses (Triangle Institute)

1991 NCOD- Box 62 Folder 7 Receipts/invoices 1991 NCOD

1992 NCOD- Sponsors, Box 63 Folder 1 Heroes, major donors, supporters (sampled examples)

1991-92 NCOD- Grants Box 63 Folder 2

1990 NCOD- Marketing Plan Box 63 Folder 3

1992 NCOD--Events Box 63 Folder 4 (financial)

Media Coverage

1992 NCOD--Newsclippings Box 51 Folder 8 I

1992 NCOD--Newsclippings Box 51 Folder 9 II 1992 NCOD--Newsclippings Box 51 Folder 10 III

1988 NCOD--Newspaper Box 51 Folder 11 articles

1989 NCOD--Newspaper Box 51 Folder 12 articles

1989 NCOD--Magazines Box 51 Folder 13

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 14 Coverage AL

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 15 Coverage AZ

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 16 Coverage CA III

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 17 Coverage CA IV

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 18 Coverage D.C.

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 19 Coverage FL

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 20 Coverage GA

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 21 Coverage MA

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 22 Coverage MD

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 23 Coverage ME

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 24 Coverage MI

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 25 Coverage NM I

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 26 Coverage NY

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 27 Coverage OR

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 28 Coverage PA 1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 29 Coverage TN

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 30 Coverage TX

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 31 Coverage VA

1991 NCOD--Media Box 51 Folder 32 Coverage WA

1991 NCOD Media Box 51 Folder 33 Coverage WI

1991 NCOD Media Box 51 Folder 34 Coverage International

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 1 Coverage--AR

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 2 Coverage-CA I

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 3 Coverage-CA II

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 4 Coverage-CO

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 5 Coverage-CT

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 6 Coverage-IA

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 7 Coverage-ID

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 8 Coverage-IL

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 9 Coverage-KS

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 10 Coverage-LA

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 11 Coverage-MN

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 12 Coverage-NC

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 13 Coverage-NE

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 14 Coverage-NH

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 15 Coverage-OH

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 16 Coverage-OK

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 17 Coverage-UT

1989 NCOD- Newsletters Box 52 Folder 18

1991 NCOD Media Box 52 Folder 19 Coverage-misc.

1988 NCOD- Oct 11, 1988 Box 52 Folder 20 NCOD- Press Clippings, Media Coverage I

1988 NCOD- Oct 11, 1988 Box 52 Folder 21 NCOD- Press Clippings, Media Coverage II

1989 NCOD- Media Box 52 Folder 22 Coverage 1989 NCOD

1990-1992 NCOD- NCOD Box 52 Folder 23 materials, media coverage, stories

1991 NCOD- 1991 Media Box 52 Folder 24 Coverage

1991 NCOD--Media Box 62 Folder 8 Coverage NM II

HRC's NCOD project, 1993-


Subject Files

1993 NCOD- Brochure - Box 52 Folder 25 Original

1993 NCOD- 1993 NCOD Box 52 Folder 26 Events- Clippings, Flyers, Photos 1993 NCOD- 1993 Events- Box 52 Folder 27 Clippings

1994 NCOD- Events Box 52 Folder 28

1994 NCOD- Interfaith Box 52 Folder 29 Services

1994 NCOD- IKEA Box 52 Folder 30 advertisement, etc.

1994 NCOD- NCOD at Box 52 Folder 31 Univ. of Houston

1994 NCOD- Sponsorship Box 52 Folder 32 proposal, package

1994 NCOD- "Stonewall Box 52 Folder 33 25"/ "Windows on Gay Life"

1994 NCOD- NCOD Events Box 52 Folder 34 1994

1994 NCOD- Corporate Box 52 Folder 35 Proposals

1994 NCOD- Box 52 Folder 36 Advertisements- NCOD Forms

1994 NCOD- Newsweek poll Box 52 Folder 37 Re: Knowing Gay People

1994 NCOD- Press Releases Box 52 Folder 38 1993-1994

1995 NCOD- NCOD Event Box 52 Folder 39 Calendar

1995 NCOD- Events 1995 I Box 52 Folder 40

1995 NCOD - Events 1995 Box 52 Folder 41 II

1995 NCOD- HRCF - Box 52 Folder 42 NCOD 1995 presentation

1995 NCOD- Dallas, TX Box 52 Folder 43 Events

1995 NCOD- New Mexico Box 52 Folder 44 NCOD ad. & Counter Ad.

Oct 1995 NCOD/HRCF- Rally Box 52 Folder 45 in Washington DC- Press Release

1995 National Coming Out Box 52 Folder 46 Day Project - Report to HRCF Board of Directors

1995 NCOD- C. Gingrich Box 52 Folder 47 Schedule 1995 (May- October)

1995 NCOD- C. Gingrich Box 52 Folder 48 Tour

1995 NCOD- Internal Box 52 Folder 49 Correspondence- Combs

1995 NCOD/HRCF- State Box 52 Folder 50 Fair of Texas- A Family

1995 NCOD- PSA- M. Box 52 Folder 51 Etheridge, Bearse, Butler

1996 NCOD- Events Box 52 Folder 52

1996 NCOD- HRC- Box 52 Folder 53 Washington D.C. Rally

1997 NCOD- B. Degeneres- Box 52 Folder 54 HRC NCOD Spokesperson- PSA

1997 NCOD- Thank You Box 52 Folder 55 Letters

1998 NCOD- Feedback Box 52 Folder 56 Forms- College & Universities

1998 NCOD- 1-800 Line Box 52 Folder 57 Report July- Dec. 1998

1998 NCOD Box 52 Folder 58 Communications Contract

1998 NCOD- Event Forms Box 52 Folder 59 & Service Event ads

1998 NCOD E. Birch Box 52 Folder 60 NCOD Op- Editorial "The Importance of Coming Out"

1999 NCOD- NCOD Kit Box 52 Folder 61 Request Post Cards

1999 NCOD- Events Box 52 Folder 62

1999 NCOD- "Come out to Box 52 Folder 63 Congress" Kit & NCOD/HRC materials

1994 NCOD- Dallas, TX Box 65 Folder 4 NCOD

1994 NCOD- Merchandise Box 65 Folder 5 Orders

1995 NCOD- Box 66 Folder 5 Advertisement- Daily Variety, Sept 29 1995

1996 NCOD- Budget FY Box 67 Folder 10 1996

1996 NCOD- Dallas, TX Box 67 Folder 11 event

1995 NCOD/HRCF- Budget Box 68 Folder 3 and Memos FY 1995, 1996, 1997

1998 NCOD Media Reply Box 69 Folder 13 Forms & News Clippings

1998 NCOD- PSA (Public Box 69 Folder 14 Service Announcement) Package

Media Coverage

1993 NCOD Media Box 39 Folder 39 Coverage (Misc.)

1993 NCOD Newspapers I Box 39 Folder 40

1993 NCOD Newspapers II Box 39 Folder 41

1993 NCOD Magazines I Box 39 Folder 42

1993 NCOD Magazines II Box 39 Folder 43

1993 NCOD Pamphlets Box 39 Folder 44

1993 NCOD- NCOD Box 39 Folder 45 Articles

1994 NCOD- A. Bearse- Box 39 Folder 46 NCOD Media Coverage

1994 NCOD- News Clips Box 39 Folder 47 and Press Releases

1995 NCOD- Events- Media Box 39 Folder 48 Coverage

1996 NCOD- Media Box 39 Folder 49 Coverage- Press Clippings

1997 NCOD- Media Box 39 Folder 50 Coverage- Press Clippings

1999 NCOD- 1999 NCOD Box 39 Folder 51 Event Media Coverage

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 1 Coverage-AK

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 2 Coverage-CA I

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 3 Coverage-CA II

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 4 Coverage-CA III

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 5 Coverage-CA IV

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 6 Coverage-CA V 1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 7 Coverage-CT

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 8 Coverage-DC

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 9 Coverage-LA I

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 10 Coverage-LA II

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 11 Coverage-MN I

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 12 Coverage-MN II

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 13 Coverage-NC/SC

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 14 Coverage-NJ

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 15 Coverage- NM/S.W.

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 16 Coverage-NY

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 17 Coverage-PA I

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 18 Coverage-PA II

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 19 Coverage-PA III

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 20 Coverage-PA IV

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 21 Coverage-PA V

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 22 Coverage-TN

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 23 Coverage-TX

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 24 Coverage- WA/OR 1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 25 Coverage-WI/IL

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 26 Coverage- International I

1993 NCOD Media Box 53 Folder 27 Coverage- International II

Lois Reckitt, Board Member, Files

1987-88 HRHF Box 78 Folder 33

1987-88 TTI / HRHF materials Box 78 Folder 34

1988 TTI Box 78 Folder 35

1987 HRHF Agenda Book Box 79 Folder 68

1987 HRHF Board Materials Box 79 Folder 69

1987 TTI Board meeting, Box 79 Folder 70 Dec. 17, 1987

1987 TTI Board meeting, Box 79 Folder 71 Dec. 17, 1987 (2nd set)

1988 TTI Board conference Box 79 Folder 72 call meeting, March 17, 1988

1988 TTI Board conference Box 79 Folder 73 call meeting materials, June- July 1988

1988 Playboy donation Box 79 Folder 74


May 28, 1991 Biological Determinants Box 127 Folder 48 of Sexual Orientation

February 1, 1993 Target, Inc. Survey Box 127 Folder 49

American Survey on Box 127 Folder 50 Homosexual Rights

November 9, 2004 2004 Post Election Box 127 Folder 51 Results Series IX. Multimedia


1999 HRC Foundation Box 19 Poster: "Come Out to Congress" (NCOD)--2 copies

1998 HRC Foundation Box 19 Poster: "Celebrate Ten Years of National Coming Out Day"--2 copies

Mounted HRCF Poster: Box 19 "I'm not a straight person, but I play one on TV" (NCOD) c. 2000 Mounted HRC Box 19 Foundation Advertisement: "Without a marriage license...even inheriting basic household posessions[sic] became a legal nightmare" c. 2000 Mounted HRC Box 19 Foundation Advertisement: "Their vows in Canada mean little in Chicago" c. 2000 Mounted HRC Box 19 Foundation Advertisement: "Our celebration is postponed"

1992 Mounted HRCF Poster: Box 19 "Human Rights Campaign Fund Michigan Dinner"

1996 HRC ad copy: "You've Box 19 got the power. Register. Vote."

HRC Foundation Box 19 Poster: "Who Will Pick the New Supremes?"

2000 HRC Foundation Box 19 Poster: "Equality Rocks"

Poster: "It's About Box 19 Equality: Upper Midwest HRC Dinner Sept. 23"

HRC Foundation ad Box 19 copy: "Toward hope and healing for America"

Framed: "Equality" Box 20

1990 Framed Proclamation Box 20 by City of Atlanta: Human Rights Campaign Fund Day

1998 Framed Proclamation Box 20 by City and County of San Francisco: San Francisco Coming Out Day

1989 "Love is everywhere" Box 32 button, "National Coming Out Day 1989" button

HRC Political Box 32 Convention T- shirt "Gay Delegate"

HRC and GRNL lapel Box 32 pins, two envelopes

1993-96 Various Buttons and Box 32 Pins

2004 Baseball cap: "George Box 32 W. Bush, You're Fired!"

2004 T-shirt, red: "George Box 32 W. Bush, 'You're Fired!'"

2004 T-shirt, white: George Box 32 W. Bush, 'You're Fired!'"

2004 T-shirt, navy: George Box 32 W. Bush, 'You're Fired!'"

2004 T-shirt: front--"HRC Box 32 Vote Equality", back-- "I pledge to vote"

2004 "George W. Bush Box 32 'You're Fired!'" toy truck

2004 "George W. Bush Box 32 'You're Fired!'" lanyard

2004 "Vote Equality '04" Box 32 plastic envelope, "Unity '04" pokey thing

2004 "Vote Equality '04" Box 32 canvas bag

Atlanta Business and Box 43 Professional Guild, Stephen Endean

07/90 Harvey Milk Award, Box 44 Stephen R. Endean

05/03/92 Metropolitan Box 44 Community Church Community Service Award, Stephen Endean

01/28/95 Lieutenant Governor Box 44 State of California Commendation, Elizabeth Birch Poster: "Because Gay Mapcase R-1 Folder 5 men and Lesbians are discriminated against..."

1987 Poster: "Night of a Mapcase R-1 Folder 5 Thousand Gowns"

2000 Poster: "It's Your Turn" Mapcase H-5 Folder 4 2000 Millennium March on Washington

2000 Poster: "Millennium Mapcase H-5 Folder 4 March on Washington for Equality

1990 HRCF Poster: "Moving Mapcase H-5 Folder 4 Forward Together"

2003 Mounted Poster: "HRC Mapcase Y-7 Folder 1 Quarterly"

FamilyNet Illustration Mapcase Y-7 Folder 1

HRC Poster: "I am Mapcase Y-7 Folder 1 voting"

1996 Mounted Poster: "HRC Mapcase Y-7 Folder 1 Quarterly"

Mounted Poster: "HRC Mapcase Y-7 Folder 2 FamilyNet"-- signed by Betty DeGeneres

1998 Mounted Poster: "HRC Mapcase Y-7 Folder 2 Quarterly"

2004 Mounted Poster: "Unity Mapcase Y-7 Folder 2 '04"

2001 Mounted Poster: "HRC Mapcase Y-7 Folder 3 Quarterly"

Mounted HRC Poster: Mapcase Y-7 Folder 3 "Be conservative with the Constitution. Don't amend it."

2000 Mounted Poster: "HRC Mapcase Y-7 Folder 3 Quarterly" 2005 Mounted Poster: Mapcase Y-7 Folder 3 "Equality"

2003 Census Project: maps to Mapcase S-22 Folder 6 figure out where to locate Regional Field Offices

2000 HRC new building Mapcase Y-8 Folder 7 maps and blueprints [ REST RICTED]

Seven cloth banners: Box 81 "Building Equality"; 1 vinyl banner: "Vote No on the Federal Marriage Amendment"

Banner: "Human Rights Box 99 Campaign Fund"

Audiovisual Materials

2002 HRC: Audio CD: Being Box 32 Folder 14 Out Rocks

6-10-99 Audiocassette: Box 42 tr.8078a Elizabeth Birch

Audiocassette: Gregory Box 42 tr.8079a King

7-2000 Audiocassette: Joe Box 42 tr.8080a Cantor

Audiocassette: Kevin Box 42 tr.8081a Layton

6-2000 Audiocassette: Cathy Box 42 tr.8082a Nelson

Audiocassette: Box 42 tr.8083a Elizabeth Birch

8-6-99 Audiocassette: Daniel Box 42 tr.8084a Zingale

6-10-99, 6-8-99 Audiocassette: Cathy Box 42 tr.8085a Nelson, Kevin Layton

8-6-99 Audiocassette: Joe Box 42 tr.8086a Cantor 6-11-99, 8-5-99 Audiocassette: Vic Box 42 tr.8087a Basile, Hilary Rosen

8-4-99, 8-3-99 Audiocassette: Phil Box 42 tr.8088a Attey, Michael Weeks

5-3-92 Audiocassette: Endean Box 42 tr.8089a Tribute

6-5-00 Audiocassette: Tim Box 42 tr.8090a McFeeley

Audiocassette: Box 42 tr.8091a Birch/Gingrich

6-19-00 Audiocassette: Vic Box 42 tr.8092a Basile

6-19-00 Audiocassette: Vic Box 42 tr.8093a Basile, Part 2

1995-98 VHS: HRC and HRCF Box 42 v.735 Promo Videos

Nov. 8 1997 VHS: Human Rights Box 42 v.736 Campaign, First Annual National Dinner (use VHS)

Nov. 8 1997 VHS: Human Rights Box 42 v.737 Campaign, National Dinner Tape 1 (master tape)

Nov. 8 1997 VHS: Human Rights Box 42 v.738 Campaign, National Dinner Tape 2 (master tape)

VHS: Hawaii Marriage Box 42 v.739 Ads and Debate Around Them

Sept. 1998 VHS: HRC National Box 42 v.740 Dinner

Oct. 1998 VHS: Collections of Box 42 v.741 HRC Interviews on Matt Shepard

Oct. 14 1998 VHS: Matthew Shepard Box 42 v.742 Vigil Jan. 1999 VHS: Out at Work on Box 42 v.743 HBO

4/25/88 VHS: HRCF, Kathryn Box 45 v.744-46 Larson, "Working for Justice", 3 copies

VHS: "Randy Klose", 4 Box 45 v.747-50 copies

7/29/94 VHS: HRCF, Labor and Box 45 v.754 Human Resources Committee, Hearing from 7/29/94

VHS: "National Box 45 v.751-2 Coming Out Day", 2 copies

VHS: Clinton/Gore, Box 45 v.753 "The Man from Hope"

10/11/94 VHS: "National Box 46 v.755 Coming Out Day" Media Coverage

VHS: "Out There in Box 46 v.756-7 Hollywood", Comedy Central, 2 copies

05/10/04 VHS: HRC, Melissa Box 46 v.758 Etheridge

5/10/04 VHS: HRC, Melissa Box 46 v.759 Etheridge, "Constitution", master copy

04/27/04 VHS: HRC, Melissa Box 46 v.760 Etheridge, "Marriage", rough cuts

11/19/94 VHS: HRCF, Stuart Box 46 v.761-2 Davis, "Mom, Dad...I'm Gay", 2 copies

10/11/94 VHS: "National Box 46 v.763 Coming Out Day"

9/27/90 VHS: "The Harvey Box 46 v.764 Gantt Story"

1995 VHS: HRCF, Dan Box 47 v.765 Butler, PSA: "I'm not a Straight Person, But I Play one on TV" National Coming Out Project

9/14/95 VHS: HRCF, Dan Box 47 v.766 Butler, Amanda Bearse: "I'm not a straight person, but I play one on T.V."

9/92 VHS: "Come Out Box 47 v.767-70 Voting" Public Service Announcement, 4 copies

VHS: HRCF, "Bill Box 47 v.771-73 Clinton for President", 3 copies

VHS: "Steve Endean Box 47 v.774 Tribute"

9/15/93 VHS: Consumer Box 47 v.775 Opinion Services, , Tape 2

10/7/93 VHS: "World AIDS Box 48 v.776 Day 1993 & Magic Johnson

VHS: Good Morning Box 48 v.777 America: Eric Rosenthal;20/20 Transexual MD

11/19/94 VHS: "Saying Farewell Box 48 v.778 to Tim McFeeley" A Tribute

VHS: NLCOA A Smart Box 48 v.779 Business Decision

9/25/88 VHS: Deborah Box 48 v.780 Bergeron, Aid and Comfort, Boston Garden

VHS: 5 unmarked tapes Box 48 v.781-785

A note from JEB (Joan Box 48 E. Biren)

VHS: HRCF, Amanda Box 49 v.786 Bearse, National Coming Out Day (has index)

8/9/90 VHS: HRCF, National Box 49 v.787 Coming Out Day (edited master)

VHS: "Your Story, Our Box 49 v.788 Story"

8/27/94 VHS: HRCF, National Box 49 v.789 Coming Out Day PSA's w/ Amanda Bearse

9/22/99 VHS: Human Rights Box 99 Campaign General Membership Video Series X. Miscellaneo us

California Flag Raising Box 127 Folder 52

September 29, 1982 At the Waldorf: First Box 127 Folder 53 annual fundraising dinner

June 2000 Media Coverage: Big 3 Box 127 Folder 54 Automakers extend benefits

Media coverage: Hate Box 127 Folder 55 Crime Bill

Photographs Box 127 Folder 56

2001 The Laramite Prooject Box 127 Folder 57 by Moises Kaufman October 13, 1982 The First Annual Box 127 Folder 58 Banquet

Building Equality hat Box 127

Restricted material for Box 131 viewing only by the Human Sexuality Curator

National Corporate Mapcase Y-8 Folder 8 Sponsors banner

Newspapers and Magazines

2002-2003 Curve Box 127 Folder 59

2002-2003 A and U Box 127 Folder 60

2002-2003 Girlfriends Box 127 Folder 61

2002-2003 Metro Box 127 Folder 62

July-August 2002 Baby Box 127 Folder 63

2002 Newspapers Box 127 Folder 64

2002-2003 Newspapers Box 127 Folder 65

November 19, 2003 Gay marriage in the Box 129 Folder 24 Washington Times

SEPARATED MATERIAL The following materials have been cataloged separately as a collection titled "Miscellaneous Human Rights Campaign periodicals and newsletters," call number HQ75 .M68

• Capitol Hill Update, 4 issues, 1992-1994. • Corporate Equality Index: A Report Card on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Equality in Corporate America. Washington, D.C.: Human Rights Campaign, 2002, 2003, 2005. • Council Chronicle, May 1998. • Documented Cases of Job Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation • Documenting Courage: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Veterans Speak Out. Washington, D.C.: Human Rights Campaign, 2004 • Documenting Discrimination: A Special Report from the Human Rights Campaign Featuring Cases of Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation in America's Workplaces. Washington, D.C.: Human Rights Campaign, 2001 • Equality Illinois : Justice for all 2005. • Equality Rising: Commemorative Program and 2005 Community Calendar • Equality Wear, 4 issues. • Equal to the Task: A Five-Year Plan for the HRC, 1999-2004. • The Federal Q: The Official Newsletter of the Dallas/Fort Worth Federal Club, Summer 2004. • The Federal Report: The HRC Federal Club Newsletter, 8 issues, 1998-2001. • HRC/HRCF annual reports.. Washington, D.C.: Human Rights Campaign, April '95- March '96, April '98- March '99, April '99- March '00, April '00- March '01, April '01- March '02, April '02- March '03, 2005 • Illinois. vol.2 no.2-4, 1996 • The Inside Track: The Official Newsletter of the Dallas/Fort Worth Federal Club, [1998]. • Mission Impossible: Why Reparative Therapy and Ex-Gay Ministries Fail, 1999 • Mixed Blessings: Organized Religion and Gay and Lesbian Americans in 1998 • Right Here = Right Now, 2005 • Speak Out Message Report, 3 issues, 1992-1993. • Star quality : Human Rights Campaign 2007 Los Angeles Gala.

The following materials have been cataloged separately and may be found using the online library catalog.

• III International Conference on AIDS, June 1-5, 1987 Final Program. Washington Hilton Hotel Washington, D.C., U.S.A. • IV International Conference on AIDS, Book 2. June 15-16, 1988. • Ve conferencé internationale sur le SIDA : le defí scientifique et social : programme = V International Conference on AIDS : the scientific and social challenge : programme. June 4-9, 1989 Montreal, Canada. • Bradford, Judith, et al. The 2000 Census and Same-Sex Households: A User's Guide. New York: The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute, et al., 2002. • Capitol Hill: The Newsletter of the Gay Rights National Lobby, 1 issue. • Equality: Human Rights Campaign News about GLBT America. Washington, D.C.: Human Rights Campaign, Fall-Winter '03, Spring-Fall '04, Spring- Winter '05, Winter '06 • HRC Quarterly, Fall '96, Winter '97, Summer-Winter '01, Fall-Winter '02, Spring-Summer '03 • Labor and Employment Issues Raised by the Growing Incidence of AIDS and HIV infection. Brice A. McDonald, esp. March 4, 1987. Washington D.C. • Johnson, Hans. Wedded to Intolerance: Extremists Lead Nationwide Assault on the Lives of Lesbian and Gay People . Washington, D.C.: Human Rights Campaign, ca.1996. • Lambda Report on Homosexuality, Vol III, Issue 2, 3, 4. • Momentum, 3 issues. • National March on Washington program booklet, 3 issues. • Project Stop the Abortion Ban. S.L.: Fifty plus One, et al., 1998. • Review of the Public Health Service's Response to AIDS. February 1985. Office of Technology Assessment Technical Memorandum. • S. 1220: AIDS Research, Care and Education and Hostile Amendments. 1987. • Signals: A Publication of the Wichita Gay/Lesbian Alliance, 1 issue. • The State of the Family: Laws and Legislation Affecting Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Families, 2002 • The State of the Workplace for Gay and Lesbian Americans: Why Congress Should Pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Washington, D.C.: Human Rights Campaign, 1996. • The State of the Workplace for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Americans. Washington, D.C.: Human Rights Campaign, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004 (5 issues). • Transgender Issues in the Workplace: A Tool for Managers, 2004 • Voices: A Publication of Oregon's Right to Privacy, 1 issue. • Wedded to Intolerance: Extremists Lead Nationwide Assault on the Lives of Lesbian and Gay People. Washington, D.C.: Human Rights Campaign, 1997 • What is Lesbian and Gay America Thinking?: The First National Survey of Self- Identified Lesbian and Gay Americans. Washington, D.C.: Human Rights Campaign, ca. 1996.