ANNUAL REVIEW 2018 2 IN 2018...

We presented and produced We toured throughout , at all scales, reaching shows and artworks across Scotland, 68 the UK and internationally unique locations world 195 29 premieres local authority 29 OUT OF 32 areas performances 613 Scottish towns, 104 villages and cities Scottish We entertained more than 11 islands 89,000 people

We reached digital audiences, with

video 513,900 views website 243,734 visits social media 67,860 followers 3

We were on the road with We worked with our programme of work for actors and touring 116 performers 127 weeks 233 creatives 138 technicians

Cover image: The Strange Undoing of Prudencia Hart. Photography by Pete Dibdin. Shift. Photography by Drew Farrell. 4 THE NATIONAL THEATRE OF SCOTLAND We are a theatre without walls for the 21st Century making audacious, collaborative theatre that represents the complexity of modern Scotland, taking theatre to our communities and to the world.

Season Launch. Photography by Julie Howden. 5 6 THEATRE WITHOUT WALLS

In 2018, we toured across Scotland at all scales: to 194 unique locations and venues, reaching audiences in 91 percent of local authorities with our broad programme. We challenged audiences with the notion of where and how theatre can be staged. Locations in 2018 included seven stunning Scottish beaches, a botanical garden, a meadow, a giant shoebox, the back of a truck, the Dundee Courts of Justice and a shopping centre as well as the great stages of Scotland.

We showcased Scottish talent to international audiences with performances in Brazil; Dublin and Achill, Ireland; Charleston, South Carolina, USA; Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago.

Season Launch. Photography by Julie Howden. 7

Justice Syndicate, Citizen of Nowhere. Photography by Drew Farrell.

VR playground, Citizen of Nowhere. Photography by Drew Farrell. 8 9 ROCKVILLA AND BEYOND

We worked with the best creatives, artists and theatre technicians to create world-class theatre for Scotland’s stages. This work is rehearsed in our two year-old technical and production facility on the banks of the Forth and Clyde Canal in North . We also opened up our theatre-making resource to 111 community groups, artists and companies to benefit from.

NTS, Rockvilla. Photography by Eoin Carey. 10 CELEBRATING SUCCESS

In 2018 we were delighted to win seven awards:

Two Scotsman Fringe First Awards: First Snow/Première Neige and My Left Right Foot – The Musical

Herald Angel Award: My Left Right Foot – The Musical

The Sunday Herald Culture Award: Our Ladies of Perpetual Succour

The Civic Trust Awards: A commendation for National Theatre of Scotland and Hoskins Architects

Scottish Power Foundation: Innovative Project Award- Runner Up, Futureproof

Broadway Baby Fringe Festival Awards: Favourite New Musical for My Left Right Foot – The Musical

Our Ladies of Perpetual Succour. Photography by Manuel Harlan. 11 12

Our work has been critically applauded throughout the year, with many shows winning five star reviews

CYRANO, THE SCOTSMAN “sings the big song of humanity in an inimitable Scottish voice, and with an ambition and sense of style that not only thrills the eye, but utterly wins the heart”

THE 306: DUSK, THE HERALD “Emanuel and Williams’ trilogy honours the dead who have previously lain nameless in a way that lingers long after the music’s final note has sounded”


MY LEFT RIGHT FOOT: THE MUSICAL, SUNDAY POST: “eye-wateringly close to the bone genius”

THE REASON I JUMP, THE OBSERVER “a revelatory insight into autism”

Cyrano de Bergerac. Photography by Mihaela Bodlovic. 13 14 THEATRE FOR EVERYONE

In 2018, we made a commitment to disabled, D/deaf and neuro diverse audiences to ensure that our productions and projects explored best practice, were as accessible as possible, and broke new ground. We staged The Reason I Jump in North Kelvin Meadow and The Children’s Wood, adapted from Naoki Higashida’s autobiographical book, performed by a group of artists with autism. We created a new partnership with the National Autistic Society to open up all of our productions as much as possible to neuro diverse audiences. 15

The Reason I Jump. Photography by Pete Dibdin. 16 THEATRE FOR EVERYONE We piloted Limitless, a project with NAS and Royal Conservatoire Scotland that explored good practice in using and theatre methodologies with autistic children, teenagers and young adults. We premiered My Left/Right Foot – The Musical, a Birds of Paradise co- production and an outrageous new piece of musical theatre exploring disability and representation on stage which took the Edinburgh Festival Fringe by storm.

My Left Right Foot - The Musical. Photography by Tommy Ga-Ken Wan. 17 18 THEATRE FOR EVERYONE

We created Creative Licht, a sign language interpreting initiative and partnership with Sign Arts, Birds of Paradise and Solar Bear to explore how to improve creative sign language interpretation in the performing arts and improve the quality of the theatre experience for Deaf audiences. We pioneered fully integrated BSL in two of our productions. We opened up the full theatre-going experience to new and older generations of debut theatre-goers, reaching 200 people that have not had the opportunity to go to the theatre before for a diverse range of reasons (personal or economical).

My Left Right Foot - The Musical. Photography by Tommy Ga-Ken Wan. 19

We programmed 68 accessible performances including integrated BSL, Audio Described, Captioned and Autism Friendly. We recognized Scotland’s rich diversity of languages by supporting Theatre Gu Leor’s tour of quadriilingual play Scotties; by celebrating gaelic culture and language in Rocket Post and Scots Language in Cyrano De Bergerac and by offering opportunities for Gaelic and BSL Artists as part of our Starter programme for up and coming theatre artists.

Exchange 2018. Photography by Ewen Weatherspoon . 20 THEATRE FOR EVERYONE We acknowledged that parents need support in order to participate in the theatre sector, so we took part in the Parents in Performing Arts pilot to address these issues.

Shift. Photography by Drew Farrell. 21

Shift. Photography by Drew Farrell. 22

Just start Here. Photography by Megan McEachern. 23 THE FUTURE OF THEATRE In 2018 we focused on future generations and future talent with the month- long Futureproof Festival unleashing 10 radical productions co-created with young people across Scotland.

We hosted Exchange, a festival of young theatre-makers at Eden Court, Inverness. The newly formed Youth Project Team took up residency with us for a year, to inform our future direction.

Our Starter programme offered 10 residencies at Rockvilla to diverse artists. Our talent development Engine Room, inspired by the opportunities for artists at Rockvilla, took to the road in 2018, offering up 80 workshops and events in 12 different locations nationwide involving over 500 opportunities for artists. We collaborated with the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation to create a pilot internship scheme for non-artists from black and minority ethnic communities interested in careers in theatre across all departments, with the long term aim of increasing participation from Scots from ethnic minority backgrounds in the theatre industry. 24 THE FUTURE OF THEATRE We grew audiences for the future with Theatre in Schools Scotland (TiSS), in partnership with Imaginate. 18,000 school children watched the best theatre from Scottish children’s theatre companies in their own school halls and nurseries.

NEIL MCINTOSH, HEAD AT STROMNESS PRIMARY, ORKNEY SAID “one of the most atmospheric, poignant pieces of drama for children I have ever seen. A highly topical and emotional piece which affected every person in the room, both pupils and adults. Fantastic!

JULIE WILSON, HEADTEACHER, GIGHA PRIMARY SCHOOL SAID “The impact of the visit has been utterly transformational for us. For most of our children, many of whom experience rural or social/financial deprivation this was their first, and probably only experience of live theatre. Their learning, growth and development have been significantly impacted by the visit in terms of their raised aspirations, interest in the arts and focus on achievement.” 25

TISS. Photography by Eoin Carey. 26 A THEATRE FOR CONTEMPORARY SCOTLAND We want to enrich Scotland’s cultural life and have a meaningful impact on society.

In 2018 we participated in 11 festivals across Scotland, marked Black History Month with two shows, led Pages of the Sea, the Danny Boyle large scale outdoor memorial to mark Armistice Day, co-produced The 306: Dusk with Perth Theatre and 1418 NOW; the final part in our World War One trilogy and took to the streets with women across the country, with the mass participation project, Processions to celebrate one hundred years of votes for women.

Pages of the Sea Roseisle Beach Findhorn. Photography by Paul Campbell. 27 28

We launched National Theatre on Screen with projects created especially for broadcast or personal viewing.

For the first time we toured to cinemas, via the Regional Screen Machine, reaching geographically remote audiences with Rocket Post. We premiered the short artistic film Radial, as part of Futureproof Festival; and the documentary Run Free, about our pioneering parkour for young men project with the British Council and Manifesto Jamaica, premiered at the Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival.

Run Free. Photography by Kirsty Anderson. 29 30

We digitally innovated with the creation of The Reason I Jump app and through Citizen of Nowhere, our mini festival and timely exploration of the future of theatre, technology and society.

The Reason I Jump. Photography by Pete Dibdin. 31 32 YOUR NATIONAL THEATRE

We asked our audience what they thought of us. 90% of survey respondents would recommend National Theatre of Scotland to a friend, 78% say our shows are thought-provoking and 86% say our pieces are well produced and presented. We invited our audiences on to Scottish beaches to contemplate, Pages of the Sea; on to the streets of Edinburgh to celebrate, Processions and in Glasgow to play uniquely Glaswegian cameos in Super Night Shot. We asked the community of North Lanarkshire to open up their worlds of work and to join a large scale cast to create Shift at Summerlee Museum of Scottish Industrial Life. We built a labyrinth in North Kelvin Meadow for the neighbourhood to enjoy after the Reason I Jump run had ended. Our Learn team enhanced our show programme with special events and workshops, at our HQ Rockvilla in Glasgow and further afield. 416 workshops took place, which engaged 6302 participants and 500 people were engaged as participants in National Theatre of Scotland productions.

‘so profoundly poignant and powerful, it moved me to tears… an outstanding production which honours the memory of the 306 soldiers.’ (AUDIENCE MEMBER, THE 306 DUSK)

‘It was very special – moving – stimulating – a brilliant use of the North Kelvin Meadow’ (AUDIENCE MEMBER, THE REASON I JUMP)

The Reason I Jump. Photography by Pete Dibdin. 33 34

‘It was excellent to see NTS hosting this kind of informal, youthful event with opportunities for such diverse voices to shine. Will look forward to similar in future. (AUDIENCE MEMBER, JUST START HERE 2018)

‘This was a wonderful show. Beautifully performed, amazing costumes, witty dialogue, bold staging, great music and it made me feel so proud of our National Theatre.’ (AUDIENCE MEMBER, CYRANO DE BERGERAC)

‘What a fantastic event Hacks for The Future was. It was the best afternoon for a long time. There was something for everyone to do and you could tell by the faces of those taking part how much fun and enjoyment they got from it. I was moved to see the joy and smiles on everyone’s faces.’ (AUDIENCE MEMBER, HACKS FOR THE FUTURE) 35

Hacks for the Future. Photography by Paul Campbell. 36

Adam. Photography by Sally Jubb. 37 LIST OF SHOWS

1. Let the Right One In 49. VR Theatre Citizen of 29. My Left Right Foot – The 2. Rocket Post Film Nowhere Musical 3. Just Start Here 50. Hello, Hi there Citizen of 30. Midsummer 4. How To Act Nowhere 31. An Satyre of the Thrie 5. Future Forecast Airdrie 51. The Justice Syndicate Estates rehearsed reading 6. Future Forecast Motherwell Citizen of Nowhere 32. Super Night Shot Gob 7. Shift Squad 52. Truth To Power Café 8. Gut Citizen of Nowhere 33. Cyrano de Bergerac 9. Ma Pa and the Little Mouths 53. Pig Citizen of Nowhere 34. Scotties 10. Eddie and the Slumber 54. VR Playground Citizen of 35. Jump TT Sisters Nowhere 36. A Mile in my Shoes Moray 11. The Strange Undoing of Futureproof Festival 55. Pages of the Sea Prudencia Hart 56. Pages of the Sea Ayr 37. Chronicles Futureproof Fife 12. Eve Festival 57. Pages of the Sea 13. Adam 58. Pages of the Sea Shetland 38. Motion Futureproof Festival 14. As Far As My Fingertips 59. Pages of the Sea Benbecula 39. Do’s and Don’ts Futureproof Take Me Somewhere Orkney Take Me Festival 60. Pages of the Sea 15. Unexploded Ordnances, 61. The Fierce Urgency of Now 40. Radial, film Futureproof Take Me Somewhere Theatre in UXO Festival 62. My Friend Selma 16. Processions Schools Scotland 41. Lots and not Lots Theatre 17. The Reason I Jump Futureproof Festival 63. Is This a Dagger? 18. Rocket Girl Exchange in Schools Scotland 42. Hacks for the Future Exchange 19. Remote Control Futureproof Festival 64. How to Fix a Broken Wing 20. Framework and Fragments Theatre in Schools Scotland 43. ReWIND Perspective Exchange Theatre in Schools Futureproof Festival 65. Martha 21. Glitter Face Exchange Scotland 44. The World is a Wedding, 22. San Marino 1972 Exchange 66. Poggle Theatre in Schools the presentation of Unst in 23. The Happiness Project Scotland Everyday Life Futureproof Exchange Theatre in Schools Festival 67. The Attic 24. Ofrenda Exchange Scotland 45. Wild Life FM Futureproof Exchange Theatre in Schools 25. Mara Festival 68. Titus 26. Austerity and Me Exchange Scotland 46. The Drift 27. Game Face Exchange 47. The 306: Dusk 28. First Snow / Premiere 48. Citizen of Nowhere: neige Unknown Cloud 38 WHERE WE TOURED TO IN 2018 Scotland: Aberdeen, Aberlady, Airdrie, Alford, Annan, Ardminish, Gigha, Armadale, Ayr, Ayr Beach, Baile Mòr, Iona, Balivanich, Benbecula, Baltasound, Unst, Bathgate, Bettyhill, Blackburn, Blairgowrie, Bonnyrigg, Brodick, Arran, Bunessan, Mull, Cambuslang, Castlebay, Barra, Clarkston, Clydebank, Coatbridge, Culla Bay, Benbecula, Daliburgh, South Uist, Dornoch, Dumfries, Dunblane, Dundee, Dunecht, Dunoon, Duns, Edinburgh, Elgin, Fauldhouse, Fife, Forres, Fort William, Galashiels, Girvan, Glasgow, Gorebridge, Greenock, Gretna, Haddington, Haroldswick, Unst, Inverarish, Raasay, Inverness, Kelty, Kemnay, Kinross, Kirkcaldy, Kyle Of Lochalsh, Kyleakin, Skye, Lagganulva, Mull, Lairg, Lenzie, Lerwick, Shetland, Liniclate, Benbecula, Livingston, Loanhead, Lochdar, Mull, Lochgilphead, Lochinver, Mallaig, Maybole, Motherwell, Musselburgh, Nairn, Newton Mearns, Newtongrange, North Berwick, Oban, Paible, North Uist, Paisley, Peebles, Penicuik, Perth, Peterhead, Polmont, Port Glasgow, Roseisle Bay, Rosewell, Roslin, Rutherglen, Salen, Mull, Scapa Bay, Orkney, St Andrews, St Boswells, St Ninian’s Beach, Shetland, Stirling, Stranraer, Strontian, Tain, Tillicoultry, Tobermory, Mull, Torphichen, Tranent, Turriff, Ullapool, West Sands Beach, Whitburn, Wick.

England: London and Brighton Internationally: Dublin, Ireland; Achill, Ireland; Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Charleston, South Carolina and Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago. 39 Shift. Photography by Drew Farrell. 41 194 UNIQUE VENUES FOR THEATRE AND ARTWORKS Aberdeen beach; Airdrie Town Hall; Aros Hall; Tobermory; Assembly Roxy; Ayr Beach; Battersea Arts Centre; Beacon Arts Centre; Bennochy Parish Church Hall; Bonnar Hall, Dundee; Botanic Gardens, Glasgow; Brighton Theatre Royal; Bunessan Hall, Mull; Byre Theatre, St Andrews; Civic House, Glasgow; Clarkston Hall; Colaiste Acla, Achill; Corn Exchange, Haddington; Corran Hall, Oban; Culla Bay, Benbecula; Dalbeattie Town Hall, Dumfries & Galloway Arts Festival; Dundee Rep Theatre; Dundee Sheriff Court; Dunoon Burgh Hall; Eden Court Theatre; Galashields Volunteer Hall; Haroldswick Hall, Unst; King's Hall, Canada Hub, Edinburgh; Lemon Tree, Aberdeen; Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh; Macphail Theatre, Ullapool; Macrobert Arts Centre, Stirling; Mareel Theatre, Lerwick; Motherwell Theatre; Nairn Community and Arts Centre; National Museum of Scotland; New Deer Hall; North Kelvin Meadow and Children's Wood; Outside Sleeperz Hotel, Dundee; Perth Theatre; Platform at the Arches; Platform, The Bridge at Easterhouse; Polmont Young Offenders Institute; Raasay Community Hall; Roseisle Beach, Moray; Rothes Hall, Fife; Shopping Centre – Dundee; Southside Community Centre, EICF; St Ninian's Beach, Shetland; Studio, Edinburgh Festival Theatre; Summerlee Museum of Industrial Life; Teatro Marília Bella Horizonte, Brazil; The Abbey Theatre, Ireland; The Black Box Theatre, Trinidad & Tobago; The Brunton, Musselburgh; The Gaiety Theatre, Ayr; The Hub, EIF; The Mareel, Shetland; The Sunart Centre, Strontian; The Vision Building, Dundee; The Woolfe Street Playhouse, Spoleto Festival; The Worm, Aberdeen; Tramway, Glasgow; , Edinburgh; Tron Theatre, Glasgow; Truck in Paisley; Unst Leisure Centre; V&A Dundee; West Sands Beach. 42 THEATRE IN SCHOOLS SCOTLAND Aberlady Primary School; Alehousewells Primary; Newton Park Primary; Newtongrange Primary Alford Primary School; Annan Academy; School; Noss Primary; Oaklands School; Our Ardnamurchan High School; Arisaig Primary; Holy Redeemer’s Primary School; Our Lady Of Balivanich School; Belmont Primary School; Lourdes Primary School, Blackburn; Papdale Blackfriars Primary School; Bonnyrigg Primary Primary School; Paradykes Primary School; Park School; Broomhill School; Bunessan Primary Primary School; Park View Primary; Pinkie St School; Campsie View School; Canal View Peter’s Primary School; Rattray Primary School; Primary School; Castlebay Community School / Riverside Primary School; Rockfield Primary Sgoil Bhagh a Chaisteil; City of Perth Childcare School; Quarryhill Primary School; Salen Primary Centre; Clifton Hall School; Cornbank Primary School; Rosewell Primary School; Roslin Primary School; Cornhill Primary School; Craigroyston School; Sacred Heart Primary School, Girvan; Community High School; Cummertrees Primary Sacred Heart Primary School, Penicuik; Simpson School; Cunningsburgh Primary School; Primary School; Sound Primary School; South Daliburgh School / Sgoil Dhalabroig; Davidson Morningside Primary School; ; Spittal Primary Mains Primary; Doonfoot Primary School; School; St Albert’s Primary RC School; St Dornoch Academy; Dounby Community School; Andrew’s Primary School, Orkney; St Anthony’s Dunblane High School; Dunecht Primary; Duns Primary School, Armadale; St Boswells Primary Primary School; Eastwood High School; Elmvale School; St Cuthbert’s Primary School, Maybole; Primary School; Forthview Primary School; St Eunan’s Primary School; St John The Baptist Foxlea Early Learning & Childcare Centre; Gigha Primary School, Fauldhouse; St Joseph’s Primary Primary; Glaitness School; Glen Urquhart High RC School, Glasgow; St Joseph’s Primary School, School; Gorebridge Primary School; Gretna Whitburn; St Joseph’s R C Primary School, Fife; Primary; Holy Cross Primary School, Glasgow; St Kentigern’s Academy; St Mary’s Primary RC Holyrood RC High School; Inverclyde Academy; School, Maryhill, Glasgow; St Ninian’s Primary Iochdar Primary; Iona Primary School; James School; Stobhill Primary School; Strathesk Gillespie’s Primary School; Jordanhill School; Primary School; Tain Royal Academy; The Kaimhill Primary; Kingsland Primary School; James Young High School; Tillicoultry Primary; Kinross Primary School; Kirkcaldy North Primary Tobermory High School Primary Department; School; Kyle Primary School; Kyleakin Primary Torphichen Primary School; Towerbank Primary School; Law Primary School; Loanhead Primary School; Trinity Primary School; Ulva Primary; School; Lochside Primary School; Longhaugh Whitecraig Primary School; Williamston Primary Primary; Loretto Junior School; Mallaig Primary; School; Windygoul Primary School Mary Erskine / Stewarts Melville; Mauricewood Primary School; Meethill School; Musselburgh Grammar School; Newark Primary School; 43

How to Fix a Broken Wing, TISS 2018. Photography by Brian Hartley. 44 SCREEN MACHINE LOCATIONS Car Parks – Auchrannie Hotel, Brodick, Isle of Arran; by Church, Main Street, Lochinver; Lairg Community Centre, Lairg; Dark Island Hotel, Liniclate, Isle of Benbecula; near Shinty Club, Fort William; opposite Bettyhil Hotel, Bettyhill; Resource Centre, Lochgilphead; Harbour Area, Mallaig; Ledaig Car Park, Tobermory, Isle of Mull; Main Car Park, Kyleakin, Isle of Skye, The Pier, Castlebay; Isle of Barra, Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath.

The Strange Undoing of Prudencia Hart. Photography by Drew Pete Dibdin. 45 46 IN 2018 WE THEATRICALLY PARTNERED WITH 14-18 NOW; Aberdeen Performing Arts; Akhe Theatre Company; Artichoke; Ayr Gaiety; Back to Back Theatre; Birds of Paradise; Campo; Catherine Wheels; Dumfries and Galloway Arts Festival; Eden Court Theatre; Edinburgh International Childrens Festival; Edinburgh International Festival; Empathy Museum; Fanshen; Findhorn Bay Arts; Glas(s) Performance; Gob Squad; Hotel Motel; Imaginate; Limina Immersive; Mammalian Diving Reflex; Manifesto Jamaica; Nairn Book and Arts Festival; North Kelvin Meadow and the Childrens Wood; Peacock Visual Arts; Perth Theatre; Project X; Rimini Protokoll; Royal Conservatoire Scotland; Season for Change; Sign Arts; Split Britches; Spoleto Festival; Take Me Somewhere; The Citizens Theatre; The Lyceum Theatre; The Traverse Theatre; The Tron Theatre; Theatre Gu Leor; Theatre PAP; Thrill Laboratory; Tourettes Hero; Visible Fictions and William Galinsky Works. AND CIVILLY PARTNERED WITH British Council Trinidad and Tobago; Canadian Council for the Arts; Creative Scotland; Culture and Business Fund Scotland; Culture NL; East Ayrshire Leisure; Event Scotland and Year of Young People; Festival Internacional de Teatro, Palco; Fife Council; Fife Cultural Trust; Made in Scotland; National Autistic Society; Neon Festival; New College Lanarkshire; North Ayrshire Council; North Lanarkshire Council; Orkney Islands Council; Paisley 2021; QC-UK Connections Programme, British Council and Government of Québec; Quebecois Cultural Commission; Regional Screen Scotland and The Screen Machine; Rua de Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Scottish Prison Service & HMP YOI Polmont; South Ayrshire Council; Taigh Chearsabhagh; The Byre Theatre; The Scottish Salmon Company; The Space; ThinkNation and West End Festival. 47

Midsummer. Photography by Pete Dibdin. 48 ARTISTS WE WORKED WITH IN 2018 PERFORMERS Virr, Harry Ward, Gail Watson, Lois Weaver, Owen Myriam Acharki, Jade Adamson, Umar Ahmed, Whitelaw, Gavin Jon Wright, Juliana Yazbeck, George Anton, Natalie Arle-Toyne, Maggie Bain, Benny Young, Basel Zaara. Katie Barnett, Maureen Beattie, François Bernier, Adam Buksh, Daniel Cahill, Colin Campbell, CHOREOGRAPHERS AND MOVEMENT DIRECTORS Neshla Caplan, Gwendolen Chatfield, Nalini Chetty, Janis Claxton, Rachel Drazek, Zoe Halliday, Steven Richard Clements, Jo Clifford, Stephen Clyde, Hoggett, Kane Husbands, Eddie Kay, Jessica Richard Conlon, Craig Connolly, Nicole Cooper, Kennedy, Kally Lloyd-Jones, Brigid McCarthy, Calum Macritchie, Carol Ann Crawford, Malcolm Jenny Ogilvie, Janice Parker, Skye Reynolds, Cumming, Faoileann Cunningham, Angela Darcy, Michael Sherrin, Robbie Synge, Hannah Venet. Michael Dawson, MJ Deans, Ewan Donald, DESIGNERS – SET, COSTUME, SOUND, LIGHTING George Drennan, Matthew Duckett, Karen Dunbar, AND VIDEO Nick Dunning, Brian Ferguson, Kirsty Findlay, Grant Anderson, Sebastian Bark, Garry Boyle, Keith Fleming, Gavin Fullam, Rylan Gleave, Robert Ross Brown, Karen Bryce, Julie Charland, Jeremy Goodale, Christina Gordon, Jamie Hallahan, Mat Chernwick, Daryl Cockburn, Ailie Cohen, Guy Hand, Peter Hannah, Jessica Hardwick, Tommy Coletta, Davy Cunningham, Kirsty Currie, Andre Harris, Sarah Higgins, Katie Honan, Ryan Hunter, Dekker, Kai Fischer, Gareth Fry, Pam Fulton, Reuben Joseph, Bhav Joshi, Adam Kashmiry, Yuri Galkin, Gavin Glover, Rebecca Hamilton, Ceit Kearney, Bob Kelly, Guillermina Kerwin, Ashanti Harris, Philip Pinksy, Simon Hayes, Lewis Anne Kidd, Harry Knights, Rebekah Lumsden, den Hertog, Pam Hogg, Rūta Irbīte, Jack Henry Thierry Mabonga, Natalie MacDonald, Rehanna James, Emily James, James Johnson, Christine MacDonald, Alana MacInnes, Billy Mack, Scott Jones, Naomi Kuyck-Cohen, Martin Labrecque, Mackie, Anna-Russell Martin, Fletcher Mathers, Charlotte Lane, Tim Mascall, Jen McGinley, Jeff Kay McAllister, Isobel McArthur, Emma McCaffrey, McGrory, Georgia McGuinness, Euan McLaren, Louise McCarthy, Natali McCleary, Stephen Fred Meller, Nico Menghini, Becky Minto, Niamh McCole, Ruth McGill, Lorraine McIntosh, John O’Meara, Rachel O’Neill, Matt Padden, Daniel McLarnon, Cian McNamara, Mairi Morrison, Gerry Padden, Nik Paget-Tomlinson, Philip Pinsky, Mulgrew, Eileen Nicholas, Jade Ogugua, Samuel Tom Piper, Lizzie Powell, Richard Price, Tim Pashby, Sean Patten, Henry Pettigrew, Gabriel Reid, Nick Sagar, Hayley Scanlan, David Shea, Quigley, Jim Reid, Anneika Rose, Peggy Shaw, Aileen Sherry, Karen Tennant, Niroshini Thambar, India Shaw-Smith, Dawn Sievewright, Ewen Cécile Trémolières, Geert van de Camp, Simon Somers, Chiara Sparkes, Harry Standjofski, Kirsty Wilkinson, Ross Wilson, Chahine Yavroyan. Stuart, Berit Stumpf, Gavin Swift, Colette Dalal Tchantcho, Karen Tennent, Sarah Thom, Zoé Tremblay, Nicola Tuxworth, Isabelle Vincent, Vince 49

DIRECTORS: STAGE AND SCREEN Hetherington, Rhian Hinkley, Seth Honnor, Andy Arnold, Cora Bissett, Paul Brotherston, Maksim Isaev, Jörg Karrenbauer, Muireann Kelly, Joe Douglas, Patrice Dubois, Graham Eatough, Nikolai Khamov, Tania El Khoury, Hannah Lavery, Alice Fleming, Robert Softley Gale, Tashi Gore, Lundhl, Andy Manley, Heather Marshall, Laura Hazel Grian, Debbie Hannan, Zinnie Harris, Kate McIver, Stacey Norwood, Adura Onashile, Sean Hewitt, Pol Heyvaert, Dominic Hill, Lu Kemp, Luke Patten, Matthew Pountney, Shona Reppe, Tamara Kernaghan, Claricia Kruithof, Donald Macinnes, Searle, Pavel Semchenko, Elyce Semenec, Simon Fraser MacLeod, Wendell Manwarren, Deborah Sharkey, Sietl, Berit Stumpf, Jess Thom, Sarah McArthur, Eve Nicol, Darren O’Donnell, Clare Thom, Isobel Thomson, Bastian Trost, Scott Patey, Thulani Rachia, Emily Reutlinger, Gill Twynholm, Anita Vettesse, Brendan Walker, Aby Robertson, Camila Ruz, Greg Sinclair, Shilpa Watson, Simon Will, Annie Wood. T-Hyland, Jess Thorpe, John Tiffany, Wils Wilson, Susan Worsfold, Benjamin Zecher. WRITERS AND DRAMATURGS Davey Anderson, Ian Brown, Jo Clifford, Philippe MUSICIANS, COMPOSERS AND MUSICAL DIRECTORS Ducros, Clare Duffy, , Chris Goode, The Alan Nicholson Band, Clarissa Cheong, , Douglas Maxwell, Martin McCormick, Stephen Cooper, Harry Myers Covill, Bernadette Linda McLean, Pamela McQueen, Frances Poet, Danford, Jonathan Gill, Scott Gilmour, Pete Jan Sobrie, Jack Thorne, Martin Travers, David Harvey, Philip Horan, Laoise Kelly, Nikola Wylot. Kodjabashia, Danny Krass, Lucy Lees, Bossy Love, Liam Lynch, Alasdair Macrae, MJ McCarthy, OTHER: FIGHT DIRECTORS AND VOCAL COACHES Gordon McIntyre, Claire McKenzie, Barbara Yvon Bonenfant, Paul Keohane, Renny Krupinski, Morgenstern, Laura Murray, Beldina Odenyo Jean Sangster. Onassis, Jocelyn Pook, Adam Robinson, Denis PLACEMENTS AND ASSISTANTS Krivtsov, Elias Rooney, Jean Sangster, Emma Guiditta Amato, Joanna Bowman, Charlie Cohen, Connell Smith, Richard Thomas, Dave Trouton, Frances Colin, Isla Cowan, Ellie Griffiths, Elli Wendy Weatherby, Darren Webster, Gavin Jalvas, Sanna MacGregor, Erasmus Mackenna, Whitworth, Gareth Williams. Catherine McLauchlan, Dairine Moxham, Caitlin THEATRE-MAKERS, LEAD ARTISTS AND CURATORS Mulgrew, Katherine Weaving. Agnes Barclay, Victoria Beesley, Aljoscha Begrich, BRITISH SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS Danny Boyle, Laurie Brown, Susan Bryson, Amy Cheskin, Neil Cleland, Lesley Crerar, Helen Andy Cannon, Jo Clifford, Peter Collins, Annie Farrelly, Karen Forbes, Catherine King, Natalie Dorsen, Johanna Freiburg, Sean Fullwood, Lucy Macdonald, Robert McCourt, Yvonne Strain, Gaizely, William Galinsky, Natasha Gilmore, Melissa Toner. Jeremy Goldstein, Alan Grieve, Mat Hand, Lewis 50 THEATRE TECHNICIANS ARE FUNDAMENTAL TO THE SUCCESS STORY OF SCOTTISH THEATRE-MAKING.

In 2018, alongside technical teams working Kara Jackson, Elli Jalvas, Patrycja Jastrzebska, for Scottish theatres/companies, the National Thomas Jones, Regan Kelly, Marina Kilby, Theatre of Scotland employed 138 stage Becky Kirkness, Kylie Langford, Martin Latham, managers and technicians across 121 roles. David Lauder, Julian Laver, Stuart Leech, Katy Lonsdale, Michelle Lyons, Tiffany Lytle, David THE FOLLOWING FREELANCERS WORKED MacAart, Sian MacGregor, Alicia MacInnes, IN PRODUCTION, TECHNICAL AND STAGE Pam McCabe, Cameron McFarlane, Heather MANAGEMENT ROLES ON PRODUCTIONS IN 2018: McKennan, Sean McKenzie, Jon Meggat, Clíona Haider Al-Shybani, Grace Allan, Neil Anderson, Ní Mhocháin, Nick Millar, Nick Miller, Robert Milne, Karen Lee Baron, Colin Bell, Richard Bell, John Muir, Natasha Murray, Stuart Nairn, Delilah Lindsey Bell, Ali Biggs, Niall Black, Alice Black, Niel, Anne E. Page, Nik Paget-Tomlinson, Tom Rafal Blaszczyk, Alison Brodie, Karen Bryce, Penny, Beata Peto, Miriam Plassmann, Sean Conor Burgess, Ross Caie, Ross Cameron, Quinn, Adam Quinn, Christy Reeve, Andy Reid, Emma Campbell, Richard Carmichael, Fraser Anna Reid, Nic Reilly, Ann Richardson, Valerie Cherrington, Patrick Chukwunonso, Rebecca Rickis, Lauren Roberts, Lisa Sangster, Sarah Clark, Shaun Clark, Guy Coletta, Ian Cunningham, Scarlett, Saffron Shearer, Amir Sherhan, Emma Stephen Cunningham, Lee Davis, Joe Davis, Skaer, Jill Skulina, Simon Smith, Neil McDowell Amy Dawson, Sean Desjardins, Neil Dewar, John Smith, Andy Stuart, Colin Stubbs, Finn Summers, Dinsdale, Ian Dixon-Wilkinson, Marina Dunford, Rosanna Sutherland, Grace Sutherland, Laurie Ruth Eitemiller, Daniel Evans, Michaela Fee, Sutton, Carrie Taylor, Ellie Thompson, Stephanie Molly McDonell Finlayson, Fiona Fraser, Paul Thorburn, Chris Traquair, Mathew Urey, Lisa Ward, Froy, Andy Gannon, Matthew Gardner, James Emma Whoriskey, Aimee Whyte, Sarah Wilson, Gardner, Elizabeth Gerrie, Joe Glasgow, Chariya Martin Woolley, Tom Worthington, Sophie Wright, Glasse-Davies, Chris Gorman, David Graham, Emma Yeomans, Megan Yeomans. Mickey Graham, Maddy Grant, Jessica Griffiths, Brian Gunnee, Kate Hall, James Hamilton, Amy There are many people who come together to Hastie, Patrick Hepplewhite, Roy Herd, David bring the National Theatre of Scotland’s work to Hill, Sara Hill, Chris Holmes, Jackie Holt, Naomi stages and sites across Scotland and beyond. Hoolahan, Shannon Howard, Katie Hutcheson, The following freelancers worked in a number 51 of vital supporting roles in 2018, including Peter Lannon, Campbell Lawrie, Karen Lee- Producers, Publicists, Creative Practitioners, Barron, Jo Lennie, Rhea Lewis, Amy Lovett, Front of House manager, Photographers, Site Teresa Lowe, Cara Lowe, Albert Lucas, Sharon Managers, Ushers, Workshop Facilitators etc. MacDonald, Fraser MacLeod, Helena Macvarish, Neil Maguire, Oceana Maund, Linzy McAvoy, Pam Khaliq Ahmed, Emma Ainley-Walker, Tony McCabe, Alan McKendrick, Corrie McKendrick, Anderson, Colin Bell, Suzanne Bell, Kim Corrie McKendrick, Heather McKennan, Beveridge, Kim Beveridge, Suzanne Margaret Steven McKenzie, Christopher McKiddie, Paton Biesty, David Black, Rosalind Blake, Catherine McLauchlan, Fraser McLeod, Rafal Blaszczyk, Claire Bloomfield, Mihaela Ramesh Meyyappan, Vicky Mohieddeen, Bodlovic, Christopher Bowen, Paul Brotherston, Debbie Montgomery, Lauren Moore, Calum Monica Brown, Jason Brown, Connor Burgess, Moore, Tim Morozzo, Kevin Andrew Morris, Rayanne Camara Bushell, Ross Caie, Garry Beth Morton, John Muir, Claire Murphy, Brogan Calderwood, Calderwood, Harry Caldwell- Murray, Eve Nicol, Martin O’Connor, Margaret- Hardie, Amy Cameron, Rhys Campbell, Emma Anne O’Donnell, Petriece O’Donnell, Beldina Campbell, Peter Iain Campbell, Ruxy Cantir, Odenyo, Adura Onashile, Anja Ormiston, Lesley Ruxandra Cantir, Richard Carmichael, Beth Orr, Magda Paduch, Emma Jane Park, Sarah Chalmers, James Chitty, Shaun Clark, Colin Paterson, Ely Percy, Sharon Powell, Catriona Clark, Sally Clay, Jo Clifford, Daryl Cockburn, Reilly, Dennis Reinmuller, Isabella Rose, Ryan Sharon Coffee, Emma Connell-Smith, Christine Rutherford, Peter Sandground, Jon Sandison, Cooper, Julian Corrie, Iain Craig, Ailie Crerar, Sarah Scarlett, Nima Maria Aida Séne, Fraser Emma Cunningham, Emily Cutts, Amy Dawson, Sheridan, Kayleigh Shields, Brian Smith, Stanley Gillian Dearness, Neil Dewar, Peter Dibdin, Peter Smith, Toby Spreadborough, Martha Steed, Dibdin, Catherine Dick, Richard Dill, Miriam Bridget Stevens, Emma Stevenson, Yvonne Sarah Doren, Findlay Duff, Emily Duncan, Paul Strain, Finnian Summers, Owen Sutcliffe, Dundas, Stephanie Eagling-Peche, Jassy Earl, Bernadette Swan, Nadia Sweidan, Shilpa Carolyn Edmondson, Peter Egan, Paul English, T-Hyland, Dawn Taylor, Ben Taylor, Sonia Tinagli- Jethro Flowerdew, Cara Fyfe, Andy Gannon, MacRae, Samuel Tranter, Chris Traquair, Douglas Leonie Rae Gasson, Annie George, Ana-Maria C Tucker, Peter Ujomu, Stephen Urquhart, Alice Gheorghe, Derek Gilchrist, Scott Gilmour, Gavin Vuillier, Richard Walker, Tommy Ga-ken Wan, Glover, Robbie Gordon, Sarah Rose Graber, Albert Watson, Kim Welch, Yesha West, Ricky Leon Gray, Susie Gray, Richard Gregory, Alan Williamson, Katriona Wilson, Rowan Wishart, Grieve, Lewis Grimmer, Lucy Hales-Tooke, Ruby Worth, Tom Worthington, Sophie Wright, Kate Hall, Mike Hall, Jane Hamilton, John David Wright, Catherine Yeatman, Megan Hamilton, Molly Hankinson, Ashanti Harris, Davy Yeomans, Ivo Lloyd Young, Alex Lloyd Young. Harrop, Amy Hastie, Colin Hattersley, Patrick Hepplewhite, Roy Herd, Scott Herret, Nils Den Hertog, Finn Den Hertog, Sara Hill, Lucy Hollis, Julie Howden, Olivia Hughes, Daniel Hughes, Islay Innes, Sally Jubb, Regan Kelly, Roisin Kelly, Andy Kinnear, Rebecca Kirkness, Hannah Knox, 52 STAFF AT THE NATIONAL THEATRE OF SCOTLAND IN 2018 Patrick Ahaoto, George Bell, Karen Benton, Joe YOUTH PROJECT TEAM MEMBERS Blythe, Lois Burrows, Max Chase, Laura Clark, Lauren Asher, Cameron Downing, Roderick Sophie Cooper, Maureen Dalton, Rachel D’Arcy, Gilkison, Ryan Hay, Sanjay Lago, Seona Lucy Deere, Bejal Desai, Ross Dickinson, Laura McClintock, Rachel-Jane Morrison and Gonca Donnelly, Paul Dundas, Nicky Fagan, Monica Yalcin. Fallon, Robert Fox, Angela Fraser, Genevieve Freeman, Derek Gilchrist, Christopher Gillies, ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER INTERNS Chariya Glasse-Davies, Gillian Gourlay, Juanita Bejal Desai, Allan Othieno, Elias Tekle, Rumaisa Green, Charlotte Gross, Alyson Hagan, Jane Ishtaiq Zubairi, Sidrah Ahmed and Yesha West. Hamilton, Fiona Hanrahan, Seth Hardwick, Brenna Hobson, Anna Hodgart, Naomi Hoolahan, Caitlin Irvine, Rosie Kellagher, Kathy Khorrami, Catherine Lamont, Stella Litchfield, Alisdair Low, Jannah Main, Marianne Maxwell, Adam McDougall, Bruce McDowall, Keith McDowall, Megan McEachern, Christine McGuire, Euan McLaren, Claire McNaught, Hazel Mirsepasi, Dallis Murray, Greig Neilson, Caroline Newall, Ruth Ogston, Sharon Oliphant, Eileen O’Reilly, Samuel Phillips, Anne-Marie Platt, Richard Price, Leonie Rae Gasson, Jessica Richards, Jim Russell, Emma Schad, Simon Sharkey, Kirsty Shea, Aileen Sherry, Gemma Swallow, Philippa Tomlin, Iain Urquhart, Jo Walsh, Fergus Weir, Arianne Welsh, Tom Worthington and Jackie Wylie.

BOARD MEMBERS (JANUARY TO DECEMBER 2018) Michael Boyd, Jean Cameron, Sheelagh Duffield, Claire Evans, Janette Harkess, Alison LeFroy Brooks Paul McKelvie, Keiran O’Neill, Iain Ritchie, Hardeep Singh Kohli, Robert Softley Gale, Seona Reid, Ros Taylor, Michael Urquhart and Jackie Wylie. 53

How To Act. Photography by Pete Dibdin. 54 WE COULDN’T HAVE DONE ANY OF IT WITHOUT... ARTISTIC DIRECTORS CIRCLE CORPORATE PARTNERS Brian Park, Claire and John MacSween, Elspeth After Digital, Arnold Clark, Dentons LLP, French Findlay, George and Jacqui Morris, Tim & Kim Duncan, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, Allan. Kayfoam Limited, Touchstone Training.

PATRONS FESTIVE FIRSTS SUPPORTERS Angela, Max and Amy Hendry, Ben and Lucy Charcoal Blue, Hiper, Ian Gilmour Transport, Thomson, Brenna Hobson, David and Olga Orr, Integro, Janette Elrick, Kynesis, RJ McLeod, RTC David and Judy Shaw, David and Terri Warnock, Training, Xeretec. Doreen Davidson, Evelyn and Brett Simpson, Fiona Nicolson, Fiona Ross, Fraser McMillan, FRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS Alan Maxwell, Alison Haggart, Amanda Duncan, Harry and Elaine Warnock, Hon. Lady Rita Rae, Andrew Lockyer, Angus MacCuish, Ann Gray, Ian Rankin, Ian Ritchie, Jackie and Alistair Forbes, Anne Begg, Audrey Barclay, Brian Neill, Campbell Joan and Enda Logan, Joan Elliott, Judith Chivers McInroy, Carol and John Fender, Caroline Newall, and Kevin Ford, Lesley Knox, Lorraine Porter, Mairi Catherine Gerrard, Christopher Lynch, David Mickel, Mark Downie, Michael and Ailsa Urquhart, and Lesley Reid, David Chittleburgh, Dorothy Nick and Sally Kuenssberg, Norma and Walter Bothwell, Eilidh Douglas, Eleanor Ironside, Nimmo, Peter and Diane Cabrelli, Ros Taylor, Elizabeth and Catriona Munro, Fiona MacKenzie, Seona Reid DBE, Sheelagh Duffield, Sir Brian and Frank and Shirley Howell, Gareth Beedie, Gemma Lady Seonaid Stewart, Sir Ronald and Lady Miller. Swallow, Gillian Hamilton, Graham Leadbitter, BENEFACTORS Gráinne Smith, Hazel Calder, Iain Halliday, Ian Alison Lefroy Brooks, Bruce Clark, David and Young, Irene Tweedie, James Aitken, James and Caroline Roger, Dr. James and Amanda Garden Norma Main, Janet Ellis, Janette Elrick, Jarad CBE, Ellis Croft and Elly Rothnie, Fred and Irene Rowan, Jean and Raymond Young-Kennedy, Shedden, Jeremy Smeeth, Jim and Betta Adams, Jennifer Johnston, Jerry Cowhig, Jessica Burns, John Mason, Jonathan A. M. Muirhead, Juliette Jim McLauchlan, Joan and Bob Grant, John Paton, May and John Moreland, Paul Foley, Paul and Frances Kerr, John Knight, John Lister, McKelvie, Peter and Linda Alston, Ross Nicol, Kirstien Hintjens, Liz Sutherland, Lord Colin Tyre, Roy and Dot Durie, Ruth Ogston, Sarah and MAC Cosmetics, Maggie Smart, Mairi Stewart, Spiro Phanos, Simon Bowie and Alison Watt, Margaret R. More, Mark Shaw-Smith, Mary Stagecoach East Kilbride, Stella Litchfield. Hepburn, Maureen Sturrock, Mhari McGlone, Mike and Dot Carney, Mirren Stobie, Patricia PRODUCTION SPONSORS Smith, Patsy Millar, Prof. William Sweeney & Mrs. Event Scotland, ScottishPower Foundation, Susannah Conway, Rachel Baker & BJ Stewart, The Scottish Salmon Company. Rana Keane, Rev Isobel J Brain, Robert Duncan, 55

Robert Kidd and Heather McKinlay, Roger Tynan, Ross and Elaine Martin, Rowan Wallace, Russell Lowe, Schuh, Scott and Barbara Brown, Shelagh and Brian Sayer, Simon Sharkey, Sue and Phil Leckie, Sue Hillman, The Muriel Spark Society, Thomas and Mary Harrison, Thomas Hanna and Jamie Pearson, Tom Gibson, Torcuil Crichton, Ulrike Maxrath, W. Hamish Fraser.

Thank you to all the charitable trusts and foundations who support our work.

Cyrano de Bergerac. Photography by Mihaela Bodlovic. 56 2018 FUN FACTS!

On 20 October 2018, we had 7 companies performing shows in Aberdeen, Perth, Dundee, Inverness, Paisley, Trinidad and Edinburgh.

Our technical teams and show staff ranged in numbers from 1 TO 100 2000 ping pong balls were used in Lots and Not Lots in Fife, Futureproof Festival 240m2 of artificial grass were used to cover the floor of The Hub in Midsummer

The coldest National Theatre of Scotland show Shift in Coatbridge -4°

The hottest National Theatre of Scotland show Eve in Brazil 38° 57

Lots and Not Lots, Futureproof. Photography by Drew Farrell.