Rare Books in Our Collection
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Rare Books in the MIA Library A B C 1 Author Title Date 2 F.Max Muller The sacred books of the east (vol 9) 1900 3 William Hatchett The Adventures of Abdalla son of Hanif 1729 4 Jean Humbert Anthologie Arabe ,Ou Choix de Poeies Arabes 1828 5 Francisco Pons Boigues Apuntes Sobre las Escrituras Mozarabes Toledanas 1897 6 Baron Frederick Calvert Baltimore A Tour of the East 1767 7 Greenhill,William,Alexander A treatise on the Small-pox and measles 1847 8 Max Herz Bey Arab Museum catalogue of the National Museum of Arab Art 1896 9 Ploquin,M Catalogue des Anciennes Faiences 1896 10 Augustus Ralli Christians at Mecca 1909 11 Henry Otis Dwight Constantinople & Its Problems : Its Peoples,Customs ,Religions & Progress 1901 12 Gabriel Colin Corpus des Inscriptions Arabes et Turques de L'Algerie 1901 13 Gustave Mercier Corpus des Inscriptions Arabes et Turques de l'Algerie 1902 14 W. M. Flinders Petrie The Royal Tombs of The Earliest Dynasty part II 1901 15 Moritz Steinschneider Die Arabische literature der juden 1902 16 Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie Ehnasya 1905 17 Georges Bengesco Essai d'une Notice bibliographique sur la Question D'Orient 1897 18 Gaston Migeon Exposition des Arts Musulmans 1903 19 William Chaffers Gilda Aurifabrorum 1899 20 Albert Frederick Calvert Granda and the Alhambra : A brief description of the Ancient city 1904 21 Wilhelm Bode Vorderasiatische Knupfteppiche aus Alterer Zeit 1902 22 Roy, Presentee Relation nouvelle d'un Voyage de constantinople 1681 23 Tycho Brahe Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica 1602 24 William Chaffers Hallmarks on Gold and Silver Plate 1896 25 D. Joaov Historia de Tangere que Comprehende 1732 26 David Lopes Historia Dos Portugueses No Malabar 1898 27 Alois Sprenger El-Mas'udis " Historical Encyclopaediaentiteld Meadows of Gold and Mines of Gems VOL.1 1828 28 William Arnold Bromfield Letters from Egypt and Syria 1856 29 Albert Vandal Le Voyages du Marquis de Nointel 1670-1680 1900 30 Paul Eudel L'Orfevrerie Algerienne et Tunisienne 1902 31 Bennici,Giuseppe l'ultimo dei trovatori Arabi in Sicilia 1874 32 Sir William Muir The Mameluke or Slave Dynasty of Egypt 1260-1517 A.D 1896 33 Joseph-Francois,Dupleix Memoire pour le sieur dupleix contre la compagnie des Indes 1759 34 David S. Margoliouth Mohammed and the Rise of Islam 1905 35 Jacob Georg Christian Adler Museum Cuficum Borgianum Velitris 1782 36 Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge The Nile Notes for Travellers in Egypt 1895 37 Auerbach, Rev. Meyer An open letter addressed to Sir Moses Montefiore: The Holy City of Jerusalem 1875 38 William Ellwanger The oriental rugs a monograph 1903 39 Mary Churchill Ripley The Oriental Rug book 1904 40 William Thompson Walters Oriental Ceramic Art 1899 41 Collin Edgar Boehm The Persian Gulf and South Sea Isles 1904 42 Duncan Black MacDonald The religious attitude and life in islam 1909 43 Elias Henry Jones The Road to en-Dor : Being an account of how two prisoners of war at Yozgad 1921 44 Roy Envoyes Second Voyage du pere Tachard 1689 A B C 45 Ole Olufsen Through the Unknown Pamirs. The Second Danish Pamir Expedition. 1904 46 Lucy Mary Jane Garnett Turkish life in the Town and Country 1904 47 Robert Curzon Visits to Monasteries of the Levant 1897 48 Max von Oppenheim Vom Mittelmeer Zum Persischen Golf Vol.1 1899 49 Max von Oppenheim Vom Mittelmeer Zum Persischen Golf Vol.1 1899 50 Russell,Right,M View of ancient and modern Egypt 1844 51 Hartwig Derenbourg Le Dīwān de Nābiga Dhobyānī, Texte Arabe, Publié Pour la Premičre Fois, Suivi D'une Traduction Historique 1869 52 t. f. keane Six Months in the Meccah:… 1881 53 Ulick Ralph Burke A History of Spain(vol2) 1895 54 samuel lyde,b.a., The ansyreeh and ismaeleeh:a visit to the secret sect of northern syria;… 1853 55 M. Huillard Breholles Histoire des Croisades : vol.III 1867 56 M. Huillard Breholles Histoire des Croisades: vol.II 1867 57 M. Huillard Breholles Histoire des Croisades: vol.1 1867 58 M. Huillard Breholles Histoire des Croisades : vol.IV 1867 59 Scott,A.J Journal of a residence at bagdad 1832 60 Mason,P.H A New elementary grammar 1877 61 Justin Sabatier Description Generale des Monnaies Byzantines (vol 2) 1862 62 Lavallee,Theophile Histoire de L'empire Ottoman 1855 63 Samuel Greene Wheeler Benjamin - Persia and the Persians 1887 64 Jean-Baptiste Le Chevalier Voyage de La Propontide et Du Pont-Euxin 1800 65 J. A. La Trobe Scripture illustrations, being a series of engravings 1838 66 Hurtado de Mendoza Guerra da Granda que rei D.Felipe II 1776 67 John Ussher A Journey from London to Persepolis 1865 68 Ajbar Machmua Coleccion de Obras Arábigas de Historia y Geografía Volume 1 1867 69 Giovanni Pietro Bellori Joannis Petri Bellorii Romani Adnotationes 1730 70 Archille Deville Histoire de L'Art de la Verrerie dans l'Antiquite 1871 71 François Bourgade La Clef du Coran 1852 72 Pascual de Gayangos Memoria Sobre la Autenticidad de la Cronica Denominada del Moro Rasis 1850 73 William Ouseley The oriental collections :Vol.II january,February,and March 1798 1798 74 Joseph Pitton de Tournefort Relation d'une Voyage du Levant Tome second 1717 75 Anselmo Banduri Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum a Trajano Decio 2 vols 1718 76 Lucy Matilda Cubley The Hills and Plains of Palestine 1860 77 Louis Viardot Histoire des Arabes et des Mores D'espagne 2 vols. Volume 1 1851 78 Charles Berton Quatre Annees en Orient et en Italie 1860 79 M. Andreae Beyer Joannis Seldeni de dis Syris Syntagmata ii 1680 80 A. Wartensleben Jerusalem 1868 81 Rowlandson,Lieut.M.J(trns.) Tohfut -Ul-Mujahideen, an Historical work in the Arabic Language 1833 82 Assemanus,Joseph,Simonius Bibliotheca orientalis clementino-vaticana 2 Vols 1721 83 Emilio Lafuente y Alcántara Inscripciones Arabes de Granada 1959 84 Arnold Hermann Ludwig Heeren Essai sur l'influence des Croisades 1808 85 Eugène Daumas La Vie Arabe et la Societe Musulmane 1869 86 Theodor Haarbrucker Religionspartheien und philosophen Schulen 1850 87 Silvestre Sacy Les Seances de Hariri 2 vols 1822 88 Douglas William Freshfield Travels in the Central Caucasus and Bashan 1869 89 Clément Huart Konia la ville des Derviches Tourneurs 1897 90 Claude Savary Le coran traduit de l'arabe 1787 A B C 91 Caspar Waser Grammatica syra,Duobus libris methodice 1619 92 Emmanuel-Guillaume Rey Voyage dans le Haouran et Aux bords de la mer Morte 1859 93 Aḥmad Ibn- Muḥammad al- Maqqari The History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain VOL.2 1843 94 Petrus Forskal Descriptiones Animalum :Avium,Amphibiorum 1775 95 C. Defremery and Le D' B.R. Sanguinetti Voyages d'ibn Batoutah(vol.4) 1858 96 Societe royale des Antiquaires du Nord Atlas de L'Archeologie du Nord 1857 97 Robert Huntington Veterum Mathematicorum 1693 98 Librairie de la cour imperiale H. En orient impressions et reminiscence 2 vols 1867 99 John Henrico Hottingero Historia orientalis quae,Ex Variis orientalium 1660 100 John Bayle A Levantine family 1897 101 Edward Vernon Schalch Arabic Selections with a vocabulary 1830 102 Abraham Parsons Travels in Asia and Africa Including a Journey from Scanderoon to Aleppo 1808 103 Aly Abencufian La Vie du Roy Almansor, Ecrite par le Vertueux Capitaine 1671 104 Stefano Mainoni Descrizione di Alcune Monete cufiche del Museo 1820 105 Joseph August Du Cros Histoire des voyages de monsieur le marquis ville en levant et du siege de candie 1669 106 Julius Theodor Zenker Bibliotheca Orientals Manuel de Bibliographie orientale 2 vols 1861 107 Jacob Köbel, Astrolabii declaratio, eiusdemque usus mire jucundus, non modo astrologis 1550 108 Joseph D. Carlyle Maured Allatafet Jemaleddini Filii Togri-Bardii: seu Rerum Aegyptiacarum Annales 1792 109 Benedetto Accolti Benedicti de Acoltis Aretini 1532 110 Henri Gûys La Nation Druse son Histoire 1863 111 Aḥmad Ibn- Muḥammad al- Maqqari The History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain VOL.1 1840 112 Zakarīyā ibn Muḥammad Qazwīnī & Ferdinand Wüstenfeld Kosmographie die wunder der schopfung 1849 113 William.H Morley Description of an Arabic Quadrant 1860 114 Viardot, Louis Scenes de Moeurs Arabes 1834 115 Georgius Hieronymus Welsch Commentarius in Ruzname Naurus sive tabulae aequinoctiales 1676 116 Jean-Joseph Marcel Palaeographie Arabe, ou Recueil de Mémoires 1828 117 Dotter Gio Battista Historia Africana Delladivisone Dell'Imperio 1650 118 Richard Beck A Treatise on the Construction ,Proper use and Capabilities of Smith, Beck and Becks 1865 119 Heinrich Sike Euangelium infantiae vel liber Apocryphus 1697 120 Charles Ramus Forrest A Picturesque Tour Along the Rivers Ganges and Jumna in India 1824 121 Justin Sabatier Description Generale des Monnaies Byzantines (vol 1) 1862 122 James Cavanah Murphy the History of the Mahometan Empire in spain: Containing a general history of the Arabs 1816 123 Louis Feĺicien Joseph Caignart ¬de Saulcy Memoire sur les monnaies datees des seleucides 1871 124 Duncan Forbes The adventures of hatim tai, : a romance 1830 125 John Carne, William Henry Bartlett Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor 1836 126 Vere Monro A Summer Ramble in Syria 2 vols (Volume 2) 1835 127 Hasselquist,Frederic Voyages dans le levant dans les annees 1749,50,51&52 Vol.1 1769 128 Pagi-Nassir-Bek L'espion de Thamas kouli-kan,dans les cours de l'Europe 1746 129 Lodovico Marracci Alcorani Textus Universus 1698 130 Meffieurs Fermanel, Observations Curieuses sur le Voyage du Levant 1668 131 Melchior de Vogue Les Eglises de la terre sainte 1860 132 Francisco Javier Simonet Historia de los Mozarabes de Espana 1897 133 Joseph Berington Histoire Litteraire des Arabes 1823 134 George Sale The Koran (Alcoran of Mohammed) 1801 135 J.