ANG Resist Oplan Bayanihan in South Quezon-Bondoc Peninsula
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Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol. XLIII No. 10 May 21, 2012 Editorial Resist Oplan Bayanihan in South Quezon-Bondoc Peninsula massive and brutal terror campaign is currently ravaging the structures are bases. They are a people of South Qezon-Bondoc Peninsula (SQ-BP) as part of bane to the masses' livelihood. Athe intensification of the US-Aquino regime's Oplan Bayanihan The soldiers oblige everyone war of suppression. to attend their public meetings. They subject the locals to inter- It is marked by one of the nihan but commit wanton viola- rogation in the guise of conduct- most concentrated deployments tions of human rights. ing a “census.” They summon of fascist forces in the history of Squad-size groups of armed anyone they would like to inves- the enemy's suppression and soldiers comprising “peace and tigate and harass those who encirclement campaigns. Up to development teams” stay for have been active in mass strug- eight strike battalions are posi- long periods in villages. For up gles, accusing them of being tioned in 22 towns, or an aver- to six months, they live like fat- members of revolutionary mass age of 200 fascist forces per tened pigs in peasants' houses organizations or of being sup- municipality. They include the in over 50 barrios, spending porters of the armed revolution. entire 74th IB, the 85th IB, the their days getting drunk, gam- They are then subjected to re- 76th IB and Special Forces Bat- bling and texting.They also use lentless intimidation to coerce talion, the 416th and 417th barangay centers and other them to cooperate with the mili- Public Safety Management Com- public tary and “clear their record.” panies and three and a half Those who refuse to coop- battalions of CAFGU under erate feel compelled to the 59th IB. This is aside leave the area to avoid from forces of the threats to their lives. Philippine National Police assigned to the various In this issue... towns of SQ-BP. The pres- Environmental ence of these activist slain 6 fascist forces are a major dis- Violence against ruption in the minors 7 normal course of the masses' Revolution spreads lives. They im- to an urban pose martial rule. poor They utilize their so- community 10 called “people-cen- tered” tactics un- der Oplan Baya- The fascist brutality of the need to bear arms and fight. of the favorable terrain, the su- Oplan Bayanihan in SQ-BP can- In the face of the regime's periority of guerrilla tactics and not be concealed. Since Oplan stepped up violence, the Commu- the depth of mass support in or- Bayanihan began ravaging the nist Party of the Philippines calls der to inflict casualties on the area, more than a hundred hu- on the people of SQ-BP, the con- enemy, seize their weapons and man rights violations have been cerned NPA units in the guerrilla arm the growing number of Red documented, including viola- front and in the entire Southern fighters. tions of the rights of children, Tagalog region, and all local Par- There are so many opportu- killings and abductions. Cases of ty branches and revolutionary nities for launching tactical of- illegal searches and arrests mass organizations to promptly fensives that they are sure to abound. and with all their might expose, win. The NPA must closely mon- Oplan Bayanihan is being assail, resist and frustrate Oplan itor the enemy's movements to stepped up in SQ-BP in accor- Bayanihan. In the coming determine the poorly manned dance with the US-Aquino months, they must act with all and scattered units of the AFP, regime and the AFP's objective courage and with utmost skill their supply lines and other of clearing the area of the NPA and invigorate mass struggles weak targets. The NPA must by the end of 2012. Aquino and intensify tactical offensives. raise its offensive posture and wants to turn SQ-BP into his The massive militarization of its capability for quick and clan- “trophy” for its long history of SQ-BP opens many opportunities destine action in order to take peasant struggles and armed for accumulating big victories advantage of the many opportu- revolution. and advancing the revolutionary nities that have opened to Nonetheless, the US-Aquino movement in a major way. launch arned attacks on the fas- regime is inadvertently creating The local NPA units must cist enemy. a contradiction. In intensifying launch more extensive, more nu- NPA units in other parts of its campaign of suppression, it merous and more intensive tac- Southern Tagalog must launch drives the people toward the tical offensives in the coming timely tactical offensives in ac- path of mass struggle to resist months. They must punish the cordance with their reading and oppression and assert their de- fascists who have been brutaliz- monitoring of the AFP's deploy- mands for genuine land reform ing the masses. They must steel ment and movements. The NPA and an end to feudal exploita- their determination and further in the neighboring region of Bi- tion. The US-Aquino regime's raise the capabilities of the NPA col must also launch tactical of- mounting brutality only con- units in SQ-BP. They must devel- fensives to force the enemy to vinces the people all the more of op expertise in taking advantge shift its units currently concen- trated in SQ-BP. Thus, local NPA units in SQ-BP will be further ANG Contents able to maneuver and inflict Editorial 1 ever bigger blows on the enemy. Vol. XLIII No. 10 May 21, 2012 Martyrs of Quezon 3 We must enhance the peo- ple's courage to resist the US- Ang Bayan is published in Bombing in Mindanao 5 Pilipino, Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligay- Environmental activist slain 6 Aquino regime's campaign of non, Waray and English editions. suppression. We must forge Docking of USS North Carolina 6 It is available for downloading their militancy to resist the ram- at the Philippine Revolution Web Violence against minors 7 page, terrorism, deception and Central located at: Offensives in SMR and Bicol 9 brutality being inflicted on them by the fascist soldiers and other Ang Bayan welcomes contribu- Ka Ramon: Communist, peasant hero 9 armed personnel of the reac- tions in the form of articles and Revolution spreads to the urban poor 10 news. Readers are likewise tionary regime. The people must Arson as a demolition tactic 12 enjoined to send in their com- launch various kinds of mass ac- ments and suggestions for the Urban poor in Davao fight back 13 tions including organized evacu- betterment of our publication. Strike in Con Ban Kiat wins 13 ations and other protests in the You can reach us by email at: town centers to denounce the Workers in Butuan 14 [email protected] presence and basing of soldiers in their homes and villages. Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee Simultaneously, we must of the Communist Party of the Philippines propagate the demand for gen- 2 ANG BAYAN May 21, 2012 uine land reform and agrarian reform and make it Filipinos and other nationalities abroad and en- resonate throughout. The antifascist struggle will courage them to launch protests. Let us strength- be deepened and strengthened through the invig- en the call to hold accountable the officers and oration of mass struggles to reduce land rent, raise men of the AFP responsible for violations of human the wages of farm workers, eliminate usury and rights and international humanitarian law. have the peasants' agricultural produce sold at the Let us learn from the experiences of the people correct prices. and the revolutionary forces from other regions in The revolutionary mass organizations and local order to achieve major victories in the coming Party groups and branches in SQ-BP must act firm- months against Oplan Bayanihan in SQ-BP and ly against the ravages of Oplan Bayanihan. They pave the way for the advance of the peasant mass- must strengthen mass struggles and quickly ex- es' democratic struggles and the strengthening of pand defense committees and people's militias. the armed revolution. They must strengthen the underground movement. As the brutality in South Quezon-Bondoc They must unleash the masses' initiative and cre- Peninsula has shown, Aquino has proven that ativity in using various tactics in order to seize Oplan Bayanihan is no different from, but even weapons and launch various attacks on the enemy. more violent than past oplans. It has been clearly NPA recruitmemt must be stepped up. demonstrated in SQ-BP that the AFP catchphrases We must form a broad united front to support “defending human rights” and “advancing peace” the people in SQ-BP against Oplan Bayanihan. We are worthless. must strengthen the movement against militariza- The Filipino people are acutely aware that tion and for human rights advocacy. Let us call for the US-Aquino regime's Oplan Bayanihan war of myriad investigations on the growing number of suppression is a war being waged in defense of human rights violations, especially violations of the rotten oppressive and exploitative system. the rights and welfare of children. We must expose But no matter how brutal, it will surely be de- the criminal officers and personnel of the AFP.and feated in the face of the courage and militancy file cases against them. of the people and their determination to ad- Let the cry for justice of the people of SQ-BP vance along the path of mass struggle and armed resonate worldwide.