The Victorian Naturalist
I THIE Victorian Naturalist: THE JOURNAL & MAGAZINE OP THE f^tl |lalutialt$t$' ^m of fnmh. MAY, 1913, TO APRIL, 1914. ir^On. JEOitOr : MR. F. Q. A. BARNARD. The Author of each Article is responsible for the facts and opinions recorded. /IR e I b II r n e : WALKER, MAY & CO., PRINTERS, MAOKTLLOP STREET (off 390 LITTLE COLLINS STREET). 1914. \SAl&3^^^ ^^ THE VICTORIAN NATURALIST, •VOX-., 2^2212^. MAY, 1913, to APRIL, 1914. CONTENTS. Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria: — pagk Annual Eeport - - - - - -4o Exhibition of Wild-Flowers - - - 116,134 Proceedings 1, 25, 45, 61, SI, 97, 113, 129, 145, 169, 193, 217 Reports of Excursions - 1, 25, 26, 29, 35, 45, 61, 81, 98, 113, 114, 118, 119, 129, 130, 135, 145, 169, 195, 220, 221 ORIGINAL PAPERS. Baker, R. T., F.L.S.— On a New Variety of Eucalyptus ylohulus —E. globulus, var. St. Johni (with plate) - 127 Bastow, R. a. —Notes on the Lichen-Flora of Victoria (with plate) - - - - - -175 Chapman, F. , A.L.S. —Victorian Fossiliferous Limestones and their Correlatives in Other Lands - - 139 Chapman, F., A.L.S. —On the Occurrence of the Cainozoic Shark, Carcharoides, in Victoria (with figure) - 142 D'Altox, St. Eloy, C.E.—The Botany of the "Little Desert," Wimmera, Victoria (with map) - -60 Doyle, Gerald V. —A Note on Parturition in Perameles - 214 Gabriel, J.—The Incubation of the Mutton-bird Egg - 226 Gatliff, J. H., and Gabriel, C. J. —List of Recent Victorian Brachiopoda (with plate) - - - 210 GoUDiE, J. C. —Notes on the Coleoptera of North- Western Victoria, part v.- - - - -189 Hardy, A.
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