
Wood Buffalo National Park PARKS CANADA IN AT A GLANCE



Kluane National Park and Reserve

Nááts’ihch’oh National Park Reserve WELCOME! TABLE OF CONTENTS Discover a thrilling of midnight sun and northern lights, of icebergs and soaring High 2 The Klondike where ancient Indigenous cultures thrive. 5 Conserving for the future 6 Staff favourites Whether you’re looking for adventure or a break from the everyday, Parks Canada has countless unique 8 Epic adventures experiences to suit your needs. 15 Make it happen 16 Northern Canada map Learn more about how we’re working hard to fight climate change and discover how you can become Directory a ‘citizen scientist’ and help protect . 17 18 Come visit... there’s never been a better time! 19 21 Manitoba 21 Newfoundland and


FROM WHITEHORSETO Dredge N Complex, S.S. Chilkoot Trail, S.S. Kluane NationalPark andReserve LOCATIONS 1,695 km ROUNDTRIP

o . 4NationalHistoric Sites Keno Klondike

, Discovery Claimand , Dawson Historical gold rush. yearsduringthe haditsglory that ruins ofthecity, aboomtown the of theNorthinBennett. Explore Route trainandstepintothewilds board the White Pass and Yukon Travel toCarcross, thenhopon the eraalongKlondikeHighway. footsteps takenbythedreamersof the Go backintimeandfollow then take thetrain to Bennett , 70 kmfrom DAY 1

of Bennett Lake campgr camp inParks Canada’s ound ontheshores before returningto Whitehorse. – First commercialvillage Nations out theCommons–amodernday Carcross; whenyouarrive, check Klondike. Boardthetrainbackto gold-seekers whomadeittothe and walkinthefootstepsof Take Chilkoot thelegendary Trail foranotherdayofdiscovery? Ready CHILKOOT TRAIL DAY 2


DAY 3 DAY 5 DAY 6 S.S. KLONDIKE DAWSON HISTORICAL AND COMPLEX AND S.S. KENO DREDGE NO. 4 Climb aboard the S.S. Klondike, a restored flagship of the British Yukon Navigation Company sternwheel fleet. From there, a stroll on the banks of Tour the “Paris of the North”. Get a Explore the Klondike goldfields! Visit the will take you to McBride Museum and the Kwanlin Dün behind-the-scenes look at Dawson the Discovery Claim, follow the trail Cultural Centre. Watch the and you may see a family of beavers City. Visit Robert Service’s cabin. and stand in the spot where the building a lodge. Keep an eye to the sky for circling golden eagles. nugget that started the Klondike Get to know the quirky personality gold rush was found in 1896. of the “Bard of the Yukon”. Board DAY 4 the S.S. Keno. Sip tea at the stately Visit Dredge No. 4, the enormous KLONDIKE Commissioner’s Residence, or test machine that dug up creek beds Dawson City, 550 km from Whitehorse your mettle in the Escape Room. to bring gold to the surface. Millions Can you do it all? of dollars’ worth of gold were left Travel north to Dawson City and check out Five Finger Rapids along the way. behind by gold rush hand miners. Take advantage of the midnight sun to wander streets where historical buildings blend into the living town. Imagine thousands of gold-seekers-of-old milling about the busy streets. Feel the history which infuses every aspect of modern in this iconic gold rush town.

3 DAY 7-8 DAY 9 DAY 10 KLUANE Already up? Get your hiking gear Wake up and spend a morning Haines Junction, 850 km from Dawson City, passing through together, put on your shoes and set soaking up the scenery at Kathleen Travel along the aptly named Top of the World Highway through Chicken, off to discover the amazing Kluane Lake. Go birdwatching along the Alaska and back along the to Kluane. Don’t forget to stop by on foot! Dezadeash River Trail. There’s still time to enjoy the views from the Natural History Museum in Burwash Landing. How about a hike up the King’s the Rock Trail before Stretch your legs on the Soldier’s Trail, located near the Tachäl Dhäl Throne? Perhaps a paddle on the heading back. Visitor Centre. Keep your eyes peeled, you might get lucky and catch a glimpse crystal-clear of Kathleen of some Dall sheep. Lake is more your thing. Return to Whitehorse, 155 km Make a stop to plan your trip at the Da Ku Cultural Centre by the park gate camp at Kathleen Lake and unearth the fascinating world of Kluane. Campground

camp at Kathleen Lake Campground


THE CHALLENGE THE RESULT? How do we identify natural areas Tallurutiup Imanga, in Lancaster to protect for future generations? Sound, is now being established as a National As a country of wild open spaces, Canada Area by the of Nunavut and has the opportunity to become a world Parks Canada. leader in conservation, protecting natural areas and providing a safe habitat for species at risk.

A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION Scientific studies and Indigenous y knowledge help Parks Canada to better understand the importance of natural areas. © Mark Mallor GET INVOLVED NOW IT’S YOUR TURN

CARING FOR KOKANEE From the ocean, to river, to lake: learn how the park is working to understand recent fluctuations in the Kokanee salmon numbers. Kluane National Park and Reserve p. 17

JOIN PARKS CANADA RESEARCHERS yler Garnham Help Parks Canada scientists with research such as water and vegetation sampling, raptor nest studies, fish sampling and remote camera monitoring anada/Ts Cark© P Cark© anada/Ts during a guided rafting trip along the Firth River. p. 17

CAPE MERRY BIOBLITZ Team up with scientists to help record the rich biodiversity around the Cape Merry battery. Discover, map and record , insects and birds. Learn about nature and help support its protection. Prince of Wales Fort National Historic Site p. 21


Get the inside scoop on the very best way to enjoy our parks and sites from Parks Canada pros!


KLUANE 1 ICEFIELDS “When I first visited Kluane National Park in 1994, I couldn’t imagine the immensity of the Icefields since they aren’t visible from the Alaska Highway. Now I know... I’ve been up there for two camping trips at the Discovery Base Camp. Spectacular!” Elise — External Relations

6 2

3 4

INSPIRATION FRIEZE SUMMIT 2 POINT 3 ART 4 LAKE VIEW “The mountains soaring above you at Inspiration “Blink and you could miss this tiny section of faded “Whether you ski the in the glittering Point in Ivvavik National Park and the wide valley wallpaper in the sunroom of the Commissioner’s and snow of spring, or hike through the rainbow below you are spectacular. Learning to view this Residence in Dawson City. It’s what remains of a of wildflowers in summer or the crimson and gold through the caring and connected eyes frieze hand-painted by former Canadian politician of fall, it’s hard to beat a Summit Lake view of our local guides is absolutely and influential Yukoner, Martha Black. I love the in .” heartwarming.” way this small, delicate, personal touch contrasts Barb — Park Manager Sarah — Management Officer with the stately furnishings in the home.” Jenna — Public Outreach Education Officer

SALLIKULUK HIKE ALONG UNIQUE 5 6 THE HUDSON BAY 7 HOT SPRINGS “Rose Island, (Sallikuluk in ) has been used by generations of Inuit who have lived, hunted, “Vibrant wildflowers in bloom, 18th-century graffiti “Whenever I go to Hot Springs in and gathered here. Part of Torngat Mountains etched in stone, and beluga whales swimming off Nááts’ihch’oh National Park Reserve, there is one National Park, this small island in Saglek Bay is in the distance – the hike from Sloop Cove to Prince place that I try to catch a few minutes to just sit. a resting place for Inuit with over 600 traditional of Wales Fort National Historic Site is a breathtaking It’s a big, flat rock at the source of Shúhzhié káili Inuit rock graves. When you step onto the island site to see and experience.” (The Creek Is Flowing Out of the Mountain). Watching you know you have arrived at a truly special place.” Duane — Acting Visitor Experience Manager the creek flow straight out of the rock and listening Gary — Park Superintendent to its bubbling notes, I like to think it’s the music the Elders say the mountains are keeping.” Lyn — Former Visitor Experience Team Leader

7 EXPERIENCE AN ARCTIC OASIS IVVAVIK NATIONAL PARK Join us on a guided, multi-day Arctic base camp trip into the heart of Ivvavik National Park. Hike to Inspiration Point and Halfway to Heaven, listen to the stories and learn about the culture of your Inuvialuit host. Fulfill your #ArcticDream among the mountains and rivers of the northern Yukon with a five-day catered trip.

8 available. guided andnon-guidedtrips deepest rivercanyons. Both Paddle through Canada’s with thespiritsofland. Dehcho FirstNations. Journey Welcome tothehomeof CLASSIC


9 © Parks Canada/Fritz Mueller 10 OF THEWORLD THE T EXPERIENCE OP

Have theexperience ofalifetime:hiking and trip orbase-campexpedition inQuttinirpaaq

exploring thetopofworld–aplacefew 24-hour daylighttoexplore thisHighArctic National Park, orhikeindependentlyunder

wilderness andancientInuit homeland. Join aguidedbackpacking NATIONAL PARK QUTTINIRPAAQ others willgo!


Explore and discover Torngat Mountains National Park. Learn and experience Inuit culture, be amazed by the and northern lights, see icebergs and hike traditional Inuit travel routes. Stay overnight at a satellite camp, have a picnic on the beach, or take part in evening presentations with researchers, Parks Canada staff, Inuit Elders and cultural performers.

11 12 Guided tripsavailable. three riverstoearnyourTriple Headercrest. thrilling LittleNahanniRiver. Completeall Nah tackling thefamed RockGardensstretchof Pííp’enéh łéetóóDeé(BrokenSkullRiver)before whitewater adventure. Warm uponthe scenic The Nááts’ihch’ohTriple Headeristheultimate NÁÁTS’IHCH’OH NATIONAL PARK RESERVE PLAYGROUND WHITEWATER PADDLE A Ɂ ane Deé(SouthNahanniRiver)andthe

© Colin Field/NWTT WHERE LEGENDS COME ALIVE PRINCE OF WALES FORT NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE Seek the adventure of a lifetime at Prince of Wales Fort National Historic Site. Take a boat ride across the Churchill River where thousands of beluga whales gather each summer. Immerse yourself in the life of an 18th-century fur trader with a Parks Canada guided tour. This massive stone fort at the edge of the windswept Hudson Bay is what legends are made of.

13 ASTRONOMY FESTIVAL UNDER NORTHERN SKIES BUFFALO NATIONAL PARK Take part in northern Canada’s largest celebration of space and science during this three-day event in August in Wood Buffalo National Park. Activities for the novice star-gazer and the seasoned astronomer are available during this incredible astronomical wilderness adventure.

14 CANADA’S NORTH HOW TO GETTO HAPPEN! MAKE IT - - - - - BE PREPARED before you book your travelling plans. before youbookyourtravelling historic sitefordetailedinformation Make sureyoucontacttheparkor sales togetthebestdeal. forperiodic,watch 24-hourseat agencycontacting yourtravel and Get accesstodealsonairfareby bring yourtuqueandmitts. monthoftheyear; inany It cansnow expecta Weather delaysareanormal and asleepingmask! strong–bringsunscreen and isvery 24 hoursadayinthesummertime In theHigh Arctic thesunshines tion inallseasons. ------service toPondservice Inlet. snowmobile, but thereisscheduledair or Sirmilik isonlyaccessiblebyboat from RankinInletorBakerLake byboat. Ukkusiksalik isaccessibleviaaircharter flights toResoluteandthenaircharter. Quttinirpaaq orsnowmobile. then byboat flights toQikiqtarjuaqand Auyuittuq isaccessibleviascheduled flights from Whitehorse or fromWhitehorse flights Yellowknife. air charterfromInuvik, viacommercial Ivvavik andVuntut canbereachedby Whitehorse. CitydepartfromFlights toDawson Frankfurt, andFairbanks, Germany Alaska. and Yellowknife andseasonallyfrom Kelowna, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa Canadian cities, including Vancouver, Fly year-round to Whitehorse frommajor all bereachedbyroad. Chilkoot Trail andS.S. Kluane, Cityhistoricsites, Dawson

NUNAVUT YUKON is accessible via scheduled isaccessibleviascheduled Klondikecan - - - - - additional information. or email: [email protected] Call Parks Canada1-888-922-1290 triptoBaseCamp. airstrip withashortboat bycharteredflighttoSaglek followed toGooseBay scheduled airservice Torngat Mountains isaccessibleby information (867-588-4986). information Parks Canadaofficein Tulita fordetailed For or [email protected]). (867-695-7750; detailed information Canada officein Fort Simpsonfor For Tuktut Nogait. an airchartertoIvvavik, Aulavikand Dempster HighwaytoInuvik, thentake or Whitehorse toInuvik, ordrivethe Edmonton, Vancouver, Yellowknife from Fly viascheduledairservice AB alsoprovideaccesstoWood Buffalo. NT orwinterroadstoFort Chipewyan, Buffalo. Year-round roadstoFort Smith, Fort Chipewyan, Fly year-round toFort smith, NTor

NORTHWEST TERRITORIES AND LABRADOR NEWFOUNDLAND Nááts’ihch’oh Nahanni, pleasecontacttheParks AB toget Wood , pleasecontactthe



© Parks Canada/Jackie Zinger DIRECTORY NORTHERN CANADA

National Park National Historic Site Other


Access for the physically impaired Camping Interpretation Motorboating Snowmobiling Gift shop Recreational vehicle Cycling Fishing Dark Sky Preserve Picnic area/Shelter Cabin Mountain biking Rafting Xplorers activities Playground Backpacking/Hiking Hot Springs My Photo Missions app Mountain/Ice climbing Birdwatching Red chairs Marine mammals Winter activities Beach Cross-country skiing Canoeing/Kayaking Dog-sledding

16 YUKON ontJohn Allers ontJohn anada/s Cark© P Cark© anada/s

1 Kluane 2 Vuntut 3 Ivvavik Home to Canada’s highest peak, ’s The setting for one of the planet’s great animal A Beringian landscape with one of Canada’s largest icefield, wildlife and rich cultural heritage. migrations. oldest rivers. DON’T MISS DON’T MISS DON’T MISS - Hike deep into the majestic backcountry or go - Experience the rich natural and cultural heritage - Experience Inuvialuit culture during a multi-day, on a spectacular day-hike. of the Vuntut Gwitchin. guided base-camp trip. - Soar over Canada’s highest mountain peaks and - Hike through a vast arctic landscape of rocky - Tackle the world class Firth River on a largest non-polar icefields on an unforgettable peaks and sweeping tundra valleys. whitewater rafting adventure! flight-seeing tour.

Old Crow, YT | 1-867-667-3910 (local and overseas) Yukon, YT | 1-867-777-8800 | @ParksCanYukon | @ParksCanadaNWT Haines Junction, YT – 160 km from Whitehorse, YT 1-867-634-7207 | @ParksCanYukon KLONDIKE NATIONAL HISTORIC SITES

4 Chilkoot Trail 5 S.S. Klondike 6 Dawson Historical Complex A route used by Chilkoot Tinglit Traders and The largest sternwheeler in the British Yukon The city at the heart of the 1898 Klondike thousands of Yukon-bound prospectors. Navigation Company’s fleet. Gold Rush. DON’T MISS DON’T MISS DON’T MISS - Earn lifelong bragging rights on a challenging - Roam the decks of an authentic sternwheeler and - Wander through historic buildings, exploring multi-day hike. discover how she maneuvered the swift waters. past and present. - Learn about the gold rush and the Carcross - See a short video with sternwheelers in action: - Solve a real Klondike murder mystery in the Tagish culture at Skookum Jim House. In the Days of the Riverboats. Escape Room.

Whitehorse, YT Whitehorse, YT Dawson City, YT 1-800-661-0486 | 1-867-667-3910 1-800-661-0486 | 1-867-667-4511 (summer) 1-867-993-7200 | 1-867-993-7210 (summer) | @ParksCanYukon | @ParksCanYukon | @ParksCanYukon


7 Dredge no. 4 8 S.S. Keno 9 Discovery Claim The largest wooden-hull, bucket-line dredge in One of the hundreds of sternwheelers that built Where gold was found in 1896, sparking the North America. Yukon communities and industries. . DON’T MISS DON’T MISS DON’T MISS - Learn about this amazing machine and what it - Stride up the gangplank and into an era when - Dream of being the miner who plucked the first took to build and maintain it. the Yukon’s rivers were its highways. gold nugget from . - Join a guided tour to see the inner workings of - Head to the upper deck to view George Hunter’s - Download Parks Canada’s Explora app and the dredge. photo exhibit Dawson City in the 1950s. follow in the miners’ footsteps.

Dawson City, YT | 1-867-993-7200 Dawson City, YT | 1-867-993-7200 Dawson City, YT | 1-867-993-7200 1-867-993-7210 (summer) 1-867-993-7210 (summer) 1-867-993-7210 (summer) | @ParksCanYukon | @ParksCanYukon | @ParksCanYukon


10 Nahanni 11 Nááts’ihch’oh 12 Tuktut Nogait This UNESCO World Heritage Site features sheer Traditionally, home to the Shúhtaot’ine First Nations, A land of deep canyons, waterfalls, tundra granite spires, vast alpine plateaus and Canada’s grizzly bears, Dall sheep and woodland caribou. and wildlife. deepest canyons. DON’T MISS DON’T MISS DON’T MISS - Experience the trip of a lifetime on a three-week - Paddle the great (and largely unknown) - Experience serenity in the home of the Dehcho journey down the entire . Hornaday River on an 8-12 day excursion. First Nations and take a thrilling whitewater trip. - Blaze a trail while exploring new with no - Camp on the tundra 170 km north of the - Learn about the area’s natural history and established routes. . culture from Parks Canada guides.

Tulita, NT | 1-867-588-4884 , NT | 1-867-777-8800 , NT 1-867-695-7750 | @ParksCanadaNWT @ParksCanadaNWT @ParksCanadaNWT

Great souvenirs and apparel available at our places or online at

18 , NT |1-867-777-8800 - - DON’T MISS onEarth. anywhere A regionwithmorepingos(ice-coredhills)than 1-867-777-8800 | Sachs Harbour, NT - - DON’T MISS to polardeserts. The itall: have Arctic lowlands fertilerivervalleys 16 13 early summer. Come admirethediversewildlifeinspringand all-season roadbetweenInuvikand Tuktoyaktuk. athepingoswhiledrivingnew Marvel prehistoric-looking muskoxen. Hike throughthetundraandkeepaneyeoutfor river.northerly navigable Paddle the Thomsen, thecontinent’s most

Aulavik Pingo Canadian Landmark



a n a d a /s Cark© P Cark© anada/s Gz skiwoAngela @ParksCanNunavut |#QuttinirpaaqNP 1-867-975-4673 | , NU - - DON’T MISS caps, blackpeaksandmassiveglaciers. jagged withshimmering ice A spectacularlandscape @ParksCanadaNWT 1-867-872-7960 | Fort Smith, NT - - DON’T MISS protect someofthelastremainingbisonherds. Canada’s Park, largestNational establishedto 14 17 self-guided adventure! goneandset offona Go wherefewhave scientists. military footsteps ofancienthunters, polarexplorersand Experience thetopofworldandwalkin cabin ontheshoresofPineLake. behindandunwindinarustic technology Leave the SaltPlains. Look foranimaltracksasyoumeanderalong


Quttinirpaaq Wood Buffalo

a n a d a /R ys Cark© P Cark© anada/Rys Brayan P Cark© anada/s Charla Jones Déline, NT |1-867-589-3130 the Sahtúgot’ A placeofteaching, healing, andspiritualityfor @ParksCanNunavut |#UkkusiksalikNP Naujaat, |1-867-462-4500 NU - - surrounding aninlandsea. Lush tundralandscape 18 15 Ukkusiksalik’s icy winterlandscape! andride into Jump ontoasnowmobile and seals. Paddle orboat Wager Bayamidbelugawhales

Saoyú –ʔ Ukkusiksalik

į n ę – “the peopleofSahtú.”



19 v a n S im icJoanada/s Cark© P Cark© van SimicJoanada/s van SimicJoanada/s Cark© P Cark© SimicJoanada/s van

19 Sirmilik 20 Auyuittuq 21 Qausuittuq Deeply rooted in Inuit culture, this wildlife paradise This zig-zag skyline of craggy granite peaks and A cluster of islands home to the endangered is defined by mountains, icefields and . glittering glaciers overlooks tundra valleys and Peary Caribou and a traditional Inuit DON’T MISS deep . and fishing area. - Ride a snowmobile-pulled qamutiq (sled) and watch DON’T MISS Interested in Qausuittuq? Our team is working whales, seals, polar bears and seabirds feast. - Glimpse the grandeur of Auyuittuq on a guided on park activities. Contact our park office to find - Paddle into Oliver Sound as whales and seals day hike to the base of Ulu Peak or the Arctic Circle. out more! swim the dark blue waters. - Hike amid the peaks, ice and wild streams of Akshayuk Pass.

Resolute, NU: 1-867-252-3900 ext. 101 , NU: 1-867-975-4673 Pangnirtung or , NU , NU | 1-867-899-8092 @ParksCanNunavut 1-867-473-2500 | @ParksCanNunavut | #AuyuittuqNP @ParksCanNunavut | #SirmilikNP

22 Wrecks of HMS Erebus and HMS Terror Located south of King William Island, this historic site protects the wrecks of the two lost ships of Sir John Franklin’s tragic 1845 expedition. DON’T MISS - Visit the Nattilik Heritage Centre in Gjoa Haven, the community closest to the wreck sites, and learn how Inuit knowledge helped reveal the wrecks. Gjoa Haven, King William Island, NU 1-867-975-4673 @ParksCanNunavut | @PCArchaeology

20 NEWFOUNDLAND ANDLABRADOR MANITOBA Nain, NL |1-709-922-1290 - - DON’T MISS homeland. Polar bearsandcaribouroamthis ancientInuit Churchill, MB |1-204-675-8863 - - DON’T MISS denningareasintheworld. polar bearmaternity A subarcticwildernessprotectingoneofthelargest 26 23 Arctic charlunchandawelcomingcupoftea. oflocalInuitoverafresh thecompany Enjoy and bears. Hike acrosstundra, onthelookoutforcaribou adventure ofalifetime! Fly inbyhelicopterforanaerialtourand Churchill. bears fromtundravehicles Cape orthelodgeat Book aguidedtripforthechancetoviewpolar

Wapusk Torngat Mountains

© Christ Moskalopher Hudson Bay. forcontroloftheareaaround English #PrinceofWalesFort Churchill, MB|1-204-675-8863 newest parks, itprotects10,700km culturalsignificancefortheInnu,The MealyMountainsholdsgreat Inuitandothers. OneofCanada’s - - DON’T MISS A keysiteinthe18 1-709-458-2417 | 1-709-896-2394 | Goose Bay, NL tovisitors. eventually beavailable will that theexperiencesandservices Indigenous partnersandothersinthetourismsectortocreate and services, including searchandrescuecapabilities. Inthecomingyears, Parks Canadawillworkwith rivers. Intheseearlyyearsforthepark, thereisminimalinfrastructure potentialvisitorsshouldbeaware 24 27 Zip inaZodiactoSloopCoveandsee18 the Churchill River at Cape Merry. Cape the ChurchillRiverat panoramicviewof Experience abreathtaking graffiti bytheHudson’s men. BayCompany

Prince of Wales Fort Akami-Uapishk

th -century intheFrench--century


-KakKasuak- |@ParksCanadaNL

2 ofmountaintundra, marinecoasts, borealforests, islands, and th -century -century - - DON’T MISS centreforcenturies. administration The Hudson’s BayCompany’s majortradingand Churchill, MB |1-204-675-8863 25 cannons, afurpress, andvarioustradeitems. Explore theDepot’s roomsfilledwithcountless self-guided tour. Time-travel throughfur-trading ona history

York Factory

|#YorkFactory 21 FOLLOW US our website brochures on Look for these DISCOVER REGIONS TO 5 OTHER 1-888-773-8888 PARKSCANADA.GC.CA PLAN YOUR VISIT ONTARIO PRAIRIES CANADIAN ATLANTIC CANADA Cette publication est également disponible disponible également est publication Cette Parks Canada, 2018. represented by theChief Executive Officer of © HerMajesty theQueeninRightof Canada, All images ©Parks Canada unless otherwise noted en français. en WESTERN CANADA

Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site