ELSEVIER Tectonophysics 251 (11995) 215-228

Mantle structure and seismotectonics of the Sunda and Banda arcs

Nanang T. Puspito a, Kunihiko Shimazaki b a Department of Geophysics and Meteorology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, lndones~a b Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo, Yayoi 1-1-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan Received 24 March 1994; accepted 1 June 1995


We have examined the mantle structure and seismotectonic features of the Sunda and Banda arcs, Indonesia, based on the P-wave tomographic images, focal mechanism solutions, gravity anomaly and heat-flow data. On the basis of slab morphology and seismicity, we can divide the arcs into three parts, the Western Sunda, Eastern Sunda, and Banda arc. The slab-like tomographic image penetrates to a depth of about 500 km below the Western Sunda arc where seismicity does not exceed a depth of 250 km. In the Eastern Sunda arc, where a seismic gap exists between 300 and 500 km depths, the slab appears to be continuous and to penetrate into the lower mantle. Beneath the Banda arc, with seismicity down to a depth of about 650 km, the slab dips gently and does not appear to penetrate into the lower mantle. The positive gravity anomaly shows a systematic pattern, namely, the anomaly along the Eastern Sunda arc is larger than that in the Western Sunda and the Banda arcs. Along the back-arc side of the Sunda and Banda arcs, the heat flow decreases from the west to the east. Seismic strain release from the shallow earthquakes calculated from the CMT solutions show the strain axes to be oblique to the structural trends. The CMT solutions show that the Eastern Sunda arc is characterized by normal earthquakes along the trench and back-arc thrusting earthquakes north of the volcanic line. In the Western Sunda and the Eastern Sunda arcs, earthquakes of the down-dip extension type dominate the slab down to a depth of 200 km while down-dip compression earthquakes occur below 500 km depth. In the Banda arc, deep earthquakes show down-dip extension to a depth of 500 km; below this depth the state of stress is not clearly defined.

1. Introduction able to recognize that there are dissimilarities among the island arcs. For example, the double-planed deep Island arcs are among the most interesting tec- seismic zone (Hasegawa et al., 1978) is a special tonic features in the world. These regions are com- feature of the northeastern Japan arc. This feature is posed of oceanic trenches, non-volcanic and volcanic not always found beneath island arcs, not even in the arcs, and back-arc systems. They have characteristic other regions of the Japanese islands. Thus, the features in common: recent volcanic activity, deep- investigation of dissimilarities of those seismological sea trenches and deep earthquakes characterize the and geophysical features among the island arcs may island arcs (e.g. Sugimura and Uyeda, 1973). How- improve our understanding of island-arc tectonics. In ever, if we examine those common features in detail, this study we have chosen the Sunda and Banda arcs along with other important geophysical data such as of Indonesia as study region. We have attempted to gravity anomaly, heat flow, and topography, we are examine the seismological and geophysical data in

0040-1951/95/$09.50 © 11995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved SSDI 0040-1951(95)00063- 1 216 N.T. Puspito, K. Shimazaki / Tectonophysics 251 (1995)215-228 detail and discuss their possible correlation with nar, 1970; Newcomb and McCann, 1987). The Banda problematic tectonic features of the region. arc extends eastward from Sumba passing along The Sunda and Banda arcs of Indonesia (Fig. 1) Tanimbar Islands. In the region, the arc provide various modem examples of convergent pro- curves sharply counterclockwise to a westward trend cesses and products that have made the region one of in the north through Bum Island. The southern limb the best sites for seismotectonic studies of island of the arc is the place of collision between the arcs. The arcs are considered as products of the great northward moving Australian continental plate and Burma-Banda system (Hamilton, 1979, the southeastemmost part of the Eurasian plate. Be- 1989), where the convergence of the southeastern neath the southern limb of the arc, the seismic zone block of the Eurasian and Indian-Australian plate is dips northward to a depth of about 650 km. In the taking place. The Sunda arc, extending westward east, the seismic zone curves to define a basin-shaped from Sumba passing along Java and Sumatra to the zone that plunges gently westward (Cardwell and Andaman Islands, is considered to be an active Isacks, 1978). continental margin or continental arc (Uyeda and We divide the Sunda and Banda arcs into three Kanamori, 1979). Along the arc, the Indian oceanic regions based on differences in seismicity and slab plate is being subducted beneath the Eurasian plate. morphology (Puspito et al., 1993), i.e. the Western The seismic activity west of the Sunda strait (which Sunda, Eastern Sunda, and the Banda arcs (Fig. 2 separates Sumatra from Java) does not exceed a shows the three regions). For each region we present depth of 250 km. In the east of the strait, the a cross-section of P-wave velocity, earthquake distri- maximum depth reaches about 650 km with a gap of bution, compression (P) and tension (T) axes of seismicity between 300 and 500 km (Fitch and Mol- focal mechanism solution, gravity anomaly, topogra-


15S 90E 140E Fig. 1. Tectonic map of the Sunda and Banda arcs, Indonesia. Triangles denote active volcanoes. The large arrows indicate the direction of plate motions relative to the Eurasian plate. BR = Buru; CTB TR = ; HLM = Halmahera arc; MCZ = Molucca Collision Zone; MDN = Mindanao; MLC SEA = Molucca Sea; MN TR = ; NG TR = Negros trench; NGN TR = trench; NS TR = North Sulawesi trench; SGH = Sangihe arc; SR = Seram (adopted from Puspito et al., 1993). N.T. Puspito, K. Shimazaki / Tectonophysics 251 (1995) 215-228 217 phy, and heat-flow data. The cross-sections are We have compiled the focal mechanism solutions roughly perpendicular to the structural trends (Fig. from the centroid moment tensor (CMT) solutions 2). We have examined the detailed seismotectonic obtained by the Harvard group (e.g. Dziewonski and features of the arcs on the basis of these cross-sec- Woodhouse, 1983) and selected the solutions that tions. In order to clarify the characteristics of the have small values of non-double couple component arcs, we also discuss the tectonic implications. (e.g. Kawakatsu, 1991). We have selected the CMT solutions for 321 events that occurred in the period 1977-1991 with magnitudes Ms > 5.0. In addition 2. Data to the above data, we have determined the CMT solutions based on the algorithm developed by We have adopted the three-dimensional P-wave Kawakatsu (1989) for earthquakes that occurred in velocity structure from the seismic tomography work 1992, and performed the CMT inversion by utilizing of Puspito et al. (1993), who obtained the P-wave the long-period seismic waveform data taken from tomographic image by using the ARTB (Algebraic IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seis- Reconstruction Technique of Bayesian type) method mology). We have determined the CMT solutions for originally developed by Hirahara (1988). They em- 42 events with magnitudes Ms > 5.0. Fig. 3 shows ployed a dataset of 118,203 P-wave traveltimes of the projected compression (P) and tension (T) axes local and teleseismic earthquakes taken from the ISC of the CMT solutions for shallow earthquakes that (International Seismological Center). The P-wave to- occurred in the period 1977-1992. Fig. 3 shows that mographic image is presented in term of the slow- in the Eastern Sunda arc, especially along the trench ness perturbation with respect to the velocity model in the south of Bali, the compression (P) axes of Herrin (1968). appear to be parallel to the structural trend while the


15S 90E 140E Fig. 2. The three studied regions along the Sunda and Banda arcs of Indonesia, the Western Sunda, Eastern Sunda, and Banda arcs. The division is based on the slab morphology and seismicity. The dotted lines show the proposed boundaries of the three regions. The three solid lines show the cross-sections of Fig. 7. The triangles denote active volcanoes, the contour lines show the bathymetry. 218 N.T. Puspito, K. Shimazaki / Tectonophysics 251 (1995) 215-228


15S 90E 140E 15N



W-Sunda E-Sunda Banda N.T. Puspito, K. Shimazaki / Tectonophysics 251 (1995) 215-228 219 tension (T) axes are perpendicular to this trend. averaged heat-flow map. We have presented the data These features represent shallow normal earthquakes in their numerical values; in addition, possible con- within the bending oceanic plate. tours also have been drawn. The most interesting In the bottom of Fig. 3 we have also plotted the feature of these data is the characteristic heat-flow regional seismic strain of the shallow earthquakes distribution along the back-arc sides of the Sunda calculated from the CMT solutions for each region. and Banda arcs. Heat-flow values in the Western We employed 211 CMT solutions for calculating the Sunda arc range from high to very high, in the regional seismic strain. In this study, the regional Eastern Sunda arc they range from moderate to high, seismic strain is an average of all CMT solutions for and in the Banda arc from low to moderate values. each region. The calculation is done by averaging all These features are clearly seen if we plot the original CMT solutions for each region. The regional seismic data only along the back-arc sides of the arcs. Fig. 6 strain for each region shows that the strain axes are shows the original heat-flow data taken along the oblique to the structural trends. back-arc sides of the arcs plotted against the longi- We have adopted the regional gravity anomaly tude of the data location. The plotted data clearly data from the work of Haxby et al. (1983). The data show the heat flow decreasing from the west to the consist of the free-air anomaly for the land region east along the back-arc sides of the Sunda and Banda and the SEASAT-derived anomaly for the ocean re- arCS. gion for every 5'× 5' point. Haxby and his col- leagues digitized the free-air anomaly from the pub- lished gravity anomaly map. The SEASAT-derived 3. Features of the cross-sections anomaly is derived from the difference between the SEASAT altimeter measured sea surface and the We present cross-sections of seismological and GEM-10B geoid of NASA. Fig. 4 shows the com- geophysical features for each region along the Sunda piled gravity anomaly data. The gravity anomaly and Banda arcs in order to examine the variations in data generally show a pattern that is usually found in the seismological and geophysical characteristics island-arc regions. A large negative gravity anomaly along the arcs. Fig. 2 shows the cross-section lines. is found along the trench axis and a large positive We have plotted all the compiled data, gravity gravity anomaly dominates the coastal areas. The anomaly, heat flow, focal mechanism solution, and positive gravity anomaly (Fig. 4a) shows a system- the P-wave velocity structure. We have also plotted atic pattern, namely, the anomaly along the Eastern the calculated gravity anomaly caused by the deep Sunda is larger than that in the Western Sunda and slab. We only calculated the effect of slab below 100 Banda arcs. km depth. We approximate the geometry of the deep We have compiled the heat-flow data from sev- slab based on the simplified form of the slab-like eral published data (Bowin et al., 1980; Carvalho et tomographic features and the distribution of earth- al., 1980; Thamrin, 1985; van Gool et al., 1987; quakes. For calculation of the gravity anomaly caused Matsubayashi and Nagao, 1991; Nurusman and Sub- by the deep slab, we assumed a two-dimensional ono, 1992). Most of the heat-flow measurements in slab. The slab and the mantle both are assumed to be the Indonesian region have been conducted in the homogeneous bodies. We assumed that the density sedimentary basins where oil-industry activities are contrast is 0.06 g/cm between the cold descending concentrated (Nurusman and Subono, 1992). Only slab and its surrounding mantle. This simple calcula- very few measurements have been carried out in the tion is based on the two-dimensional method of deep-sea regions. We then averaged the compiled Talwani et al. (1959). For the heat-flow data, we data for a block size of 1°× 1°. Fig. 5 shows the have not plotted the averaged values; instead, we

Fig. 3. The projected tension (T) and compression (P) axes of the CMT solutions for the shallow events that occurred in the period 1977-1992. The regional seismic strain of the shallow events calculated from the CMT solutions for each region is given in the lower part of the figure. 220 N.T. Puspito, K. Shimazaki / Tectonophysics 251 (1995) 215-228



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15S o o ~'~'~_< /~ 90E 140E N.T. Puspito, K. Shimazaki / Tectonophysics 251 (1995) 215-228 221


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Z4 ~4 • BZ~ 77 3S 35 t. 10o so 4e~_ 55 616 01 d 73 t 1 e6 5051 83 65 BZ ~6 a3]'j o V 6L 94 86 L = 76 BO 58

83 10] 9Z B~ el o, S4 eZ r'i"d~=e

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96 a7 7Z e3 39 ¢,= 31 ~'-r ~'~

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~° % L/- ....

15S 90E 140E Fig. 5. The averaged heat-flow map. The original data are averaged for each 1 ° × 1 ° block. Heat-flow values are in mW/m 2. The possible contour lines are also shown present the original data. The earthquakes focal Banda arc. The main features will be described mechanism solutions are represented by their pro- below. jected compression (P) and tension (T) axes. The P-wave velocity structure is presented in terms of the 3.1. The Western Sunda arc slowness perturbation with respect to the Herrin velocity model (Puspito et al., 1993). In these cross- The WS-WS' cross-section (Fig. 7a) passes sections we have also plotted the topography, active through the Java trench, Sumatra, and the Malay and Quaternary volcanoes, and the well-located Peninsula (Fig. 2). The gravity anomaly shows a hypocenters of earthquakes whose focal depth is typical pattern observed in most island-arc regions. constrained by pP-P taken from the ISC Bulletins. A large negative anomaly (about -60 mgal) is The cross-section widths are 0.5 ° for the gravity found in the trench axis; a large positive anomaly anomaly and topography data, 2 ° for the heat-flow (about 70 mgal) is found near the coast line. The data, and 1° for the seismicity and the compression calculated gravity anomaly caused by the deep slab (P) and tension (T) axes. The cross-sectional fea- shows a peak of about 170 mgal near the volcanic tures are shown in Fig. 7, (a) for the Western Sunda front. The abundant heat-flow data, mainly provided arc, (b) for the Eastern Sunda arc, and (c) for the by oil industries in Sumatra, shows that the heat flow

Fig. 4. The gravity anomaly map. The upper part (a) shows the positive gravity anomaly and the lower part (b) shows the negative gravity anomaly. The contours are in mgal. The data are taken from the work of Haxby et al. (1983). 222 N.T. Puspito, K. Shimazaki / Tectonophysics 251 (1995) 215-228



200 ., ".~ (~I ..: . Continental Shelf ! Oceanic E 160 °° ...

E • " .'.;*,""~ ::... " " I 120 •.;-..." :....~ . . • "~'~ ".• ":'¢°'e:- • i mmo u. .o .~ • • • • ...~ ° • ~ • . .. 80 tO -. :;~:: !{:'"" - ~". @ . .. "%° ,~' 3: 40

I| Banda W. Sunda i E. Sunda I . I I I ! i i I 95E 105 118 122 135E Fig. 6. The heat flow along the back-arc side. The original data are taken along the back-arc side of the Sunda and Banda arcs. The horizontal axis shows the longitude of the original data. The dotted lines shows the proposed boundaries between the Western Sunda, Eastern Sunda, and Banda arcs. in the back-arc region ranges from high to extremely The topography profile clearly shows large topo- high, mostly higher than 80 mW/m. In the ocean graphic features in the oceanic region and the corre- region, the heat flow varies from low to high. The sponding variations are found in the gravity anomaly dip of the seismic zone that does not exceed 250 km profile. Two peaks of large negative gravity anomaly depth below Sumatra is about 30 °. The obtained are found. One (about - 100 mgal) is located along P-wave tomographic image shows that the descend- the trench axis and the other one (about -80 mgal) ing slab is well delineated by the slab-like high- characterizes the fore-arc basin. Large positive grav- velocity zone. The slab-like high-velocity zone agrees ity anomaly (reaches about 130 mgal) is found near well with the distribution of earthquakes. The slab the coast line where the calculated gravity anomaly appears to penetrate down to a depth of 500 km, caused by deep slab reaches about 200 mgal. The suggesting the existence of aseismic slab below heat flow in the back-arc basin is moderate (about 80 Sumatra. The focal mechanism data indicate that the mW/m) while in the ocean region it is low. The deep earthquakes are dominated by the down-dip seismic zone in this cross-section extends down to a tension type. The shallow strike-slip earthquakes near depth of about 650 km but a seismic gap exists in the the volcanic front represent the shallow seismicity depth range 300-500 km. The descending slab is associated with the right-lateral Sumatra . clearly delineated by the slab-like high-velocity zone. The slab-like high-velocity zone can be traced down to the lower mantle. The earthquake focal mecha- 3.2. The Eastern Sunda arc nism solutions indicate down-dip tension type for the intermediate-depth earthquakes, while the deep The ES-ES' cross-section (Fig. 7b) passes through earthquakes are dominated by down-dip compression the Java trench, Bali to the south of Borneo (Fig. 2). i 0 KM WS ~'.~-. .... "... WS +10o . t ]00 o mgal Gr <-~ [ 2OO -100 3O0 m= r~ -- 0 m Tp - 4O0 L " : " I 25oo 50O _..w~.~.~:~-..:~ ~, 5000 6OO 160 7OO 80 HF.. ~ ." 8OO L " l 0 mW/m2 T-AX I S 900 I _t t y//t~ / [ L o KM L _ I ~ //_ ] ~l I~'~,,~K//Z'Y///J~/A~)))$:::::::f::::~.:::::::::~.::::L[')b)t::~ 0 KM !O0 I>>>:I:f.>I/,>:l>!:~J~>>>H>>b>: I 1 e~ :,::::::::::::::::::::: I ]00 I[::::::::H:::::I:::::::::]:::::::::II~,~ 200 H:::::::::I::::::::::::::::::::::::::: t~///A~ I 200 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::] V/~ 300 I] :::::::::::::::::::::L~/~ 300 5 :::1 4OO :::1 i:i:i:i:]i:i:i:i:ilI:~'~l:~/~ ii~)))) 40O 1:::4II II I 500 500 600 [ 60O 70O ~q I I II IF/Z/A I 7O0 Ill f 80O [J 80O I li~ L[I I I[ I I 90O P-AX I $ + 2 % ~:::::;I;:.::-;;I K///~Y,/~ - 2 % 900

Fig. 7. Cross-sectional features along the Sunda and Banda arcs, (a) for the Western Sunda, (b) for the Eastern Sunda, and (c) for the Banda arcs. Cross-sectionlines are shown in Fig. 2. On the left from top to bottom are: gravity anomaly (Gr), topography(Tp), heat flow (IIF), and the P-wave velocity structure (P-Wat~e).In the gravity anomaly, the diamondsdenote the calculatedgravity anomaJy caused by deep slab and the pluses denotethe compiled gravity anomaly data. In the P-wave velocity structure, trianglesdenote active and Quaternary volcanoes and the circles denote the well-located earthquake hypocenters taken from ISC. The P-wave velocity is presented in term of slowness perturbations with minus denotinghigh velocity and plus denoting low velocity. The right side shaws the projected tension (T) and compression(P) axes of the CMT solutions. 224 N.T. Puspito, K. Shimazaki / Tectonophysics 251 (1995) 215-228

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i 1 • . " "~ " = ~f - r 0 m 4O0 2-:.i- "" """"'" 2500 ..rp.~,.r,:.:, "" :~ 5O0 • ,'.,'~.;.,. .~ . .'. t R jr 5000 60O 160 7OO I-IF. .. 8O 8OO [ J 0 mW/m 2 T-AX I S 90O I A/hA i 0 KM ~> 0 XM 100 100 20O . v .::. :.:X X.X. ~ 20O )i:X{ ======/~////// 3O0 :::::::::::::::::::::::::t~;~/JZM//~ ~ ~ ~ 3OO ...... ##f~/XA~////P'//ff//~~ ~ ~ ~, ~'A 4O0 4OO X) 5OO 5OO ~/1£~ ~ ~ x/XX,I~A//x;P'M .:.:.:.: //, I 600 t-J 6OO 7OO 7OO I II I 8O0 8O0 9OO P-AX I S 9OO + 2 % pP~/////A - 2 % Fig. 7 (continued). 226 N.T. Puspito, K. Shimazaki / Tectonophysics 251 (1995) 215-228 type. Shallow earthquakes near the trench axis are served in island arcs, a large negative anomaly along clearly dominated by normal earthquakes type. These the trench axis and a large positive anomaly along shallow normal earthquakes can be also found along the arc line. However, if we look at the data in more the trench in the east of this cross-section. Among detail, we recognize that they show certain character- them is the 1977 Sumba earthquake (Ms = 7.9). The istics along the Sunda and Banda arcs. The regional area north of the volcanic front is characterized by positive gravity anomaly shows a systematic pattern, the shallow thrust earthquakes which indicate back- the positive gravity anomaly in the Eastern Sunda arc thrusting in this region. This kind of thrust being larger than that in the Western Sunda and earthquakes can be found also in the east of this Banda arcs. First we suspect that this significant cross-section. Among them is the 1992 Flores earth- variation is partly caused by the effect of a deep slab. quake (Ms = 7.5). However, our simple calculation of the gravity anomaly caused by the deep slab has failed to ex- 3.3. The Banda arc plain this significant variation in the short-wave- length gravity anomaly. The peak of the calculated The EB-EB' cross-section (Fig. 7c) represents gravity anomaly caused by the deep slab does not fit the eastern part of the Banda arc (Fig. 2). The with the peak of the positive gravity anomaly that is cross-section is taken across the and found along the coast line (Fig. 7). This discrepancy the entire Banda Sea including the outer- and inner- might be caused by the shallow structural effects, arcs and the Weber deep. This cross-section cuts such as variation in crustal thickness and the exis- across the most complicated pattern of submarine tence of mineral bodies in the crust. However, de- topography, especially large topographic features in tailed study is needed to clarify this point. the Banda Sea region. The water depth in the Weber The averaged heat-flow map (Fig. 5) and the deep reaches about 8000 m and is much deeper than cross-sections (Fig. 7) generally show a pattern which the Timor trough. The Weber deep is characterized is commonly observed across subduction regions, by a very large negative gravity anomaly (about low near the trench axis and its ocean region and -250 mgal) while the Timor trough is characterized moderate to high in the arc and its back-arc side. by a large negative anomaly of about -120 mgal. Along the back-arc side of the Sunda and Banda arcs The calculated effect of deep slab shows its maxi- (Figs. 5 and 6), the heat flow generally decreases mum (about 190 mgal) near the volcanic front. The from west to east. Heat flow in the back-arc side of gravity anomaly in the back-arc region shows a the Western Sunda arc is higher than that in the positive anomaly without conspicuous peak. Heat Eastern Sunda and the Banda arcs. A sharp decline flow in the back-arc region varies from low to high. of heat-flow values can be seen around the l18°E The dip of the Wadati-Benioff zone is about 45 ° to a line (Fig. 6). The line separates the continental and depth of about 650 km. The slab-like high-velocity oceanic crustal types beneath the back-arc side of the zone agrees fairly well with the distribution of earth- Sunda and Banda arcs (Katili, 1975; Hamilton, 1979). quakes. The slab does not appear to penetrate into This variation may be caused by variation in crustal the lower mantle. The focal mechanism data clearly thickness along the back-arc side of the arcs. Unfor- show that the deep earthquakes down to about 500 tunately, there is very few detailed information on km depth are of the down-dip tension type. Below the crustal thickness along the back-arc side of the this depth the state of stress is not clearly defined. arcs. Thus, it is difficult to correlate the crustal Shallow earthquakes in the back-arc region are char- thickness with the heat-flow distribution along the acterized by the strike-slip earthquake type. back-arc side of the arcs. The P-wave tomographic image (Fig. 7a) shows that the slab penetrates to a depth of about 500 km 4. Discussion and conclusions below the Western Sunda arc where the seismicity does not exceed a depth of 250 km. In the Eastern The regional gravity anomaly (Figs. 4 and 7) Sunda arc where a seismic gap exists between depths generally depicts a pattern that is commonly ob- of 300 and 500 kin, the slab appears to be continuous N.T. Puspito, K. Shimazaki / Tectonophysics 251 (1995) 215 228 227 and to penetrate into the lower mantle (Fig. 7b). The Carvalho, H. da S., Purwoko, Siswoyo, Thamrin, M. and Vac- variation in the depth of slab penetration along the quier, V., 1980. Terrestrial heat flow in the tertiary basin of central Sumatra. Tectonophysics, 69: 163-188. Western and Eastern Sunda may also be explained as Dziewonski, A.M. and Woodhouse, J.H., 1983. 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