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Harvey Milk Archives

Harvey Milk Archives

Volume II Number 3 Next Deadline: February 16- Next Issue: February 23 February 9,1983

Published biweekly in Santa Clara County bv Our Projects. Inc Catholic Monsignor Archives Attacks Pro-Gay Report used as a research and educa­ San Francisco (IGNA) Mon­ — "went far beyond its man­ tional tool, it is meant to be signor Peter Armstrong, the date’’ in discussing theological used in a non-partisan way. new chair of the San Francisco issues of whether told IGNA that Catholic Commission on homosexuality should be he hopes to raise funds for Social Justice, said on viewed as an acceptable life­ more equipment, such as Fire­ February 3 that a controversial style. files. Those working on church report on the status of “ T here’s the p roblem ,’’ the project have been sorting Gays and Catholicism “ holds said Armstrong. “ You have and cataloguing, trying to put the church in contempt" and the teachings of the church in order all the wealth of the task force that wrote it which simply say we can’t material available. Resear­ should be disbanded. support homosexuality as an chers will have access to the alternate lifestyle. That’s not archives in an effort to educate The original ISS-page re­ the Judaic-Christian tradi- people about the Gay port, issued last July, severely tion.’’ movement symbolized in Har­ criticized “ the oppression*’ of Among the report’s 54 re­ vey Milk. Gay people by the Catholic commendations that Arm­ The organization has aLso Church, suggesting that the strong said he “ can’t live started a newsletter. The first church include education with’’ are the proposals for issue contains an e.ssay by about Gigts ia its schools, Gay adoptions, equal benefits Frank M. Robinson; aurhor of provide support groups for for ftain«-«ex couples, arid The'Glass Inferno, about the Gay priests and Lesbian nuns language that calls the church pains of growing up Gay. and facilitate adoptions by “ oppressive.’’ Robinson praises the Ar­ Gays through church service Armstrong wants the Task chives because it will prevent agencies. Force dissolved “ because misinformation: “ I do not The report was written by a they’ve done their w ork.’’ know what Harvey’s fate 14-member Task Force on Sources on the Commission would have been if the Harvey Gay/Lesbian Issues, about on Social Justice see Arm­ MHk Archives had not been two-thirds of whom were Gay, strong’s appointment as an ©Photo by established. I am not sure and was “ accepted and endor­ attem pt to “ reel in” the com­ TedSahl what the historians would sed’’ as a “working paper’’ to mission, especially after the have done, how they might spur dialogue on Gay issues. national attention brought by San Francisco (IGNA) An ar­ expect others to save it for us.*’ have edited his speeches, how The Commission on Social the intense debate about the chives dedicated to preserving The Archives is currently they might have subtly Justice is a body appointed by Gay report. the memory of assassinated housed in a private home and reshaped the past, how they the archbishop and mandated The commission at its last Gay politician Harvey Milk consists of thousands of phot­ might have interpreted the to look into how to apply meeting voted 8 to 3, with one and the Gay movement in San ographs, slides, and personal man who was and the man “ Catholic teachings to real abstention, not to disband the Francisco in the 1970s has memorabilia covering Milk’s who might have been . . . I life,’’ and has been active with Task Force. “The church been founded. entire life, as well as literature don’t think they’ll have that such issues as the nuclear would be saying to the Just as nations have their from Milk’s four campaigns opportunity now. And freeze and the civil war in El homosexual community that museums and presidents their for public office, items related perhaps that’s the true pur­ Salvador. they wouldn’t listen any libraries, Scott Smith, Direc­ to the trial and the pose o f any type o f archive.’’ Monsignor Armstrong said more,’’ said Jack Kelly, com­ tor of the Harvey Milk Ar­ riot following, and a wide Those wishing to donate or the report was one-sided with mission member. “The Gay chives, believes that other range of other material from obtain more information no consideration of the community wants full par­ leaders should be remem- tragic to comic. should write: Archives, 3930 - traditional church teachings ticipation. Now they’re being leaders should be remembered. It was Harvey Milk’s 17th Street, San Francisco, on homosexuality. He said the excluded — and this would “This is our history. We can’t request that all the material be CA 94I14. • Task Force — appointed to look like we were continuing look at violence against Gays th a t.” • President Declares Year of the Bible” the commandment, ‘Thou A Forum on Gay Report shalt not kill.’ by Catholic Task Force is By Rosalie Nichols & Johnie Staggs Having sent Congress ihat scheduled for 7:30 pm on same day a new budget pro­ Wednesday, Feb. 23, at President Ronald Reagan, tending a National Prayer jecting a $188.8 billion deficit, Jonah's Waii, lOth &.■ San whose election in 1980 was Breakfast in Washington. the President instead decried Carlos, San Jose. For info, aided by the Moral Majority, D.C. the amO’T'.c's that feosernment call Joan (408) 298-0204. as proclaimed 1983 the “ Inside its pages lie all the bureauci\..?>s spend each year 'Year of the Bible.’’ answers to all the problems “ for problems related to drugs that man has ever known,” and alcoholism and disease." Reagan averred, according to While Reagan received five INSIDE a UPl story appearing in the standing ovations from the San Jose Mercury February 4. religious broadcasters and told Earlier in the week, Reagan them that in addressing them, had addressed 3,500 delegates “ I get a very special feeling, Letters, p J attending the 40th annual con­ like being born again,” some lali World, |}.5 vention of the National Reli­ constituents at home were less lagazine, py gious Broadcasters and asked, than pleased with his introduc­ lu n e s ^ ^ lO “ Has anyone stopped to con­ tion of religion into politics. Can we resolve to read, sider that we might come clos­ “There is no doubt that The OmfitorjL p.l3 learn and try to heed the er to balancing the budget if Bible is a significant docu­ Dir^toiil p.lS greatest message ever written all of us simply tried to live up ment,” said Peter Bishop, pre­ — God’s word and the Holy to the Ten Commandments sident of the Humanist Com­ Bible?’’ Reagan was quoted as and the Golden Rule?” munity of San Jose, “but we saying to several thousand The President was not refer­ lawmakers and diplomats at- ring to the military budget and Continued on page 2 Roberti asks Gov. to appoint women funky New Wave Fashions

Sacramcnlo — Senate President suasions. Robert! asserted. Pro Tempore David Robert) has Robert! later emphasized that Robert! said it is the duty of the called on Governor Deukmejian the Senate's position on the issue Senate Democratic Leadership to to appoint more women and is fundamenlai. make certain that the Californians minorities to important gover­ "It is past the time when Cali­ who elected an overwhelmingly nment posts to help gain Senate fornia can afford to have a Democratic Legislature see their approval of gubernatorial ap­ government consisting only of wishes for an open and diverse pointments. middle-class, .white males. state government carried out. Robert! (D-Hollywood) told a Women and minorities deserve to “ Part of the Democratic man­ packed luncheon assembly at the be appointed to positions of date is to ensure that discrimina­ State Democratic .X'onx ention power and responsibility, and the tion has no place in California that the Senate, which holds the Governor should recognize that state government,” Robert! con­ power to deny or approve the fact or he could face difficulty get­ cluded. Governor's appointments, would ting his appointments approved," Robert! said Deukmejian insist^ that he nonúnáte people Robert! said. should demonstrate that he in­ who áre "not only competent, ex­ “ Senate Democrats don’t plan tends to continue former Gov. perienced, and.knowledgeable, to stand by while -Governor Jerry Brown's open-door policy but who lepresent the whole spec­ Deukmejian turns back the clock toward women and minorities, if trum of people in California — on social advances in California he hopes to have cooperation from both sexes, all races, government made by his from the Senate in getting his ap­ religions, and sexual per- predecessor, Jerry Brown," pointments approved. • Dan White Privacy Commission can profit report now available Sacramento — The final report of families, opening up local govern­ San Francisco (¡GNA) The es- ' (he Commission on Personal tate of the late Supervisor ment records to the individuals YEIAR O F BIBLE, continued from page I Privacy, a commission created to they pertain to, and preventing Harvey Milk cannot legally investigate discrimination against local police from using surveillan­ must beware not to establish Leviticus 20:13 contains an stop former Supervisor Dan persons of different sexual orien­ ce and infiltration techniques- the followers of The Bible as Old Testament injunction White, convicted killer of Milk tations, is now available. Senate against groups which are not in­ the only legitimate moral force against homosexuality, calling and Mayor , President Pro Tempore David volved in illegal activities. in our country. - the practice “an abomina­ from profiting by the sale of Robeni has announced. Another recommendation in “ It is not appropriate for tion” and declaring “their any future account of the The report of the California the report would expand current the same Administration that slayings, a San Francisco Commission on Personal Privacy blood shall surely be upon anti-discrimination laws to prohi­ terminated the established judge has ruled. outlines what the Commission bit discrimination in the work­ them.” The Levitical code Superior Court Judge Stuart says is evidence of widespread dis­ place or in housing on the basis of Presidential practice of send­ formed the basis for American Poliak signed an order drawn crimination in California on the sexual orientation. ing greetings to the National Colonial law providing capital up by White’s lawyers that basis of sexual orientation. Roberti .(D-Hollywood) Conference of the American punishment for so-called “ un­ blocks efforts by Scott Smith, The Commission on Personal authored Senate Bill 18 in 1980, Humanist Association to turn natural acts.” Milk’s former lover and Privacy was created to investigate which would have, if passed, around and endorse the reli­ And as late as 1981, Dean executor of his estate, to im­ and recommend action to alleviate prohibited discrimination in the gious tract of other groups,’’ Wycoff, leader of the Santa pose a trust on any profits that such_discrimination. The final workplace on the basis of sexual Bishop told Our Paper. Clara County Moral Majority , White might make from sell­ report, based on an 18-month orientation. “ Is President Reagan bow­ relied upon “ G od’s Law” to study, outlines a number of areas ing accounts of his crime. Roberti noted that the Com­ ing to the pressure of groups call for the execution of Gay John Wahl, the lawyer rep­ in which the Commission says mission’s report and recommen­ citizens of differing sexual orien­ that advocate persecution of people by the state. resenting Smith, called the dations should be of benefit not tation have suffered humanists?’’ Bishop asked. ^ “ I realize it is fashionable in profits that White might make only to those of differing sexual discrimination, including orientation, but citizens whose “ If so, who will be next?” ; some circles to believe that no “blood money’’ and told the business, government and social privacy has been invaded on the Phil Mass, president of the one in government should en­ judge that legally allowing relations. basis of age, disability, and other Gay Atheist League of Ameri­ courage others to read the such profits would “quite “This report .should add to our characteristics. ca (GALA) in San Francisco, Bible. That, we’re told, will frankly encourage political understanding of the problems The report of the State Com­ stated, “ President Reagan’s assas.sination.’’ violate the constitutional sepa­ faced by California citizens be­ mission on Personal Privacy is proclam ation declaring 1983 Judge Poliak said, “The law ration of church and state,” cause of their sexual orientation,” available for a fee through the the ‘Year of the Bible’ is a does not allow the imposition Robeni commented. President Reagan told the reli State Personnel Board. To obtain dangerous precedent and fur­ of a trust, on an independent Recommendations made in the a copy, call (916) 445-3721, or gious broadcasters. “ When act of writing a book even by a Commission’s report include the write the Stale Personnel Board, ther erodes a precious pillar of hear the First Amendment perpetrator o f a crime.’’ adoption of legal reforms to im­ Policy and Standards Division, our democracy, separation of used today as a reason to keep No evidence was presented prove the legal treatment of un­ 801 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, state from religious involve­ traditional moral values away at the hearing that White, who married couples and alternative CA 95814. • ment. He has polarized those from policymaking, I am is scheduled for parole who do not believe in the shocked. The First Amend­ January 4, 1984, has sold or is Judeo-Christian belief from ment was not written to pro­ negotiating the sale of any the mainstream of American tect the people and their laws literary or dramatic i ights. Gay community statement life.” from religious values; it was Wahl said he intends to ap­ Mass went on to declare that written to protect those values peal the ruling. He added that on blood donor policy the President “ has supported from government tyranny ” he had received a letter from a document which is full of The Freedom From Religion New York — The National Gay someone in Hollywood who statements by the National hate, vindictiveness, sado­ Foundation in Madison, Wis said a deal was being worked Task Force and more than 50 Hemophilia Foundation, we have other organizational representa­ masochism, guilt provocation, consin is bringing a suit out for a television drama on asked you all together to hear the and anti-Gay and anti-woman tives from the Gay community Gay community’s concern and re­ against Reagan’s “ Year of the the killings. incursions.” Several projects that deal nationwide held a press conferen­ sponse in the hopes that we will Bible” proclamation, accord­ “ Millions have died because with the Dan White murders ce late last month to issue a together fight the national health ing to Phil Mass of GALA. of it and it still serves as a are in the works, but none of statement on national blood emergency called Acquired Im­ Until its outcome. Mass sug­ donor policy and Acquired Im­ these is sponsored by White mune Deficiency Syndrome means of dividing groups, gests, “The best way to deal mune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). communities, and nations,” with this proclamation is himself. These include a film (AIDS). “ On behalf of Gay men and he said. “ For Gays, Leviticus read the Bible ~ all of it — based on The Mayor o f Castro The statement was presented by Street by Randy Shi Its, a docu­ Lesbians across the United States, alone has brought untold suf­ then let others know the evil Virginia M. Apuzzo, Executive Continued on page 5 fering.” mentary, plays at the Eureka Director of the National Gay Task instrument that it is.” • Theater and other theaters in Force, the large.st Gay civil rights San Franci.sco, and a novel by and public education organization Daniel Curzon, From Violent in the Country- Men, about an attempt '.o Joining Ms. Apuzzv 'n answer­ assassinate a figure similar to ing question.s during ihc press con­ Dan White while he is in ference were Roger Enlow, M.D., prison. a clinical investigator and research Judge Poliak left intact the immunologist, and a represen­ remainder of Scott Smith’s tative of the American Associa­ lawsuit against White, a tion of Physicians for Human wrongful death claim. Rights, whose work focuses on Smith is seeking at least AIDS, Ron Vachon, Executive $100,000 — the maximum lia­ Director of the National Gay bility coverage in White’s Health Education Foundation, (408) 280-1603^^ homeowner insurance policy Inc., and Larry Kramer, a mem­ — on behalf of Robert Milk, ber of the Board of Directors of the Gay Men’s Health Crisis, a Harvey Milk’s brother and A Housekeeping Service New York City organization sole surviving family member. which educates the public about Although sentenced to seven AIDS, provides services for AIDS Write or Call for our Service List years, eight months for his victims, and funds research on the killings. W hite is expected, disease. P.O. Box 307 • San Jose, CA 95103 • (408) 280-1603 with time off for good The text of the Gay com­ Free Estimates • Reasonable Prices • Barter behavior, to serve only four munity’s statement is as follows: and one-half years. • “ In response to recent

/ published by: S.F. Coalition defends Our Projects, Inc. IT’S A SMALL WORLD Political/News Editor: Rosalie Nichols Cenerai Manager: Steve Century I Gay blood donors Sports/Entertainment Editor: David A. DeLong Marketing/Sales Manager: Susan Levitz San Francisco (ICNA) The Coali­ cal; unscientific, ineffective, and tion for Human Rights, repre­ irresponsible. 973 Park Avenue, San lose, CA 95126 • (408)289-1088/297-9506 New UK Police Powers senting 52 Lesbian/Gay, bi­ The Coalition is seeking a more By Lindsay Taylor sexual and other organizations in scientific solution to the possible the San Francisco Bay Area, has blood transmission of AIDS. London (IGNA) Britain’s Conser­ of affection between two people under 21 is concerned. voted to “ actively oppose any at­ In an official statement, the vative Government, elected in of the same sex may be considered The National Council for Civil tempt to separate out Gay men Coalition strongly urged the deve­ ORANGE JUICE 1979 on a strong “ law and order” “ indecent.” It is therefore feared Liberties and the Campaign for from blood donation.” lopment of a “ surrogate screening platform, has introduced into that this clause could be used to Homosexual Equality are moun­ Both the American Red Cross process that will guarantee the '^Thoughts on Coming Out” Parliament a bill to give the police harass people in and around Gay ting strong campaigns against the and the National Hemophilia safety of each unit of donated ^ p i n i o n s sweeping new powers of search, meeting places. bill on behalf of Gays and other Foundation have announced their blood,” but warned that any arrest, and detention. Gay groups Other clauses of the bill em­ minority groups. Some Members intention to exclude Cay male screening process “ should in no By Allen Young throughout the country have power the police to arrest anyone of Parliament have agreed to donors in an effort to curtail the way exclude any potential donor criticized the measure because it who has a previous conviction and work for CHE’s suggested amend­ spread of Acquired Immune on the basis of sexual orientation, For three days last summer, ‘‘on the cage,” perhaps a disregards a Royal Commission’s Deficiency Syndrome. FREEDOM DAY PARADE PERSONAL FINANCiS? Leather Contest sponsored by who refuses to be fingerprinted at ments to the measure. gender, national origin or race.” Thom Gianfagna and some friends throwback to the leftist concept of recommended safeguards for civil At the Coalition for Human Lambda News was promoted as a attended the Ohio State Fair to any time; to hold suspects for The Government, however, is The Coalition did encourage a Due to either lack of interest or In your issue published on a vanguard, of being on the “cut­ liberties. Rights’ meeting on January 19 “ voluntary screening of those fundraiser to make up the deficit staff a booth set up by the Ohio questioning for 24 hours; to determined to push the whole bill organization, there has been little January 12,1 read an article ting edge” of a revolution. Rather Perhaps of most significance to detain young people in custody through Parliament by May if members attacked the Hemophilia donors with characteristics of concerning the financial from the Closet Ball, although Lesbian and Gay Rights Coali­ representation for San Jose for than suggest that a select group of Lesbians and Gay men is the “ in their own interests” ; and to possible. It has appointed known Foundation in particular, AIDS and high risk medical con- background of one of the most Lambda Association was never tion. Thom wrote about his ex­ the Lesbian/Cay Freedom Day radical Gays perform the function provision that will allow the police hold people suspected of “ serious Conservatives to the committee variously as homophobic, hysteri- prominent members of our offered any financial accounting periences for High Gear ' I Continued on page 9 Parade in San Francisco. of a vanguard, however, it is my to arrest prople for any offense, arrestable offenses” for up to six studying the bill and will likely This year, though, this will community, namely Mr. Dan from the event. (Cleveland) and described his view that all Gay people, willy- The remaining three court however minor, that could cause days, during the first two of which curtail debate if too many amend­ change. A non-political Relic. feelings at the end of the weekend nilly, live on the edge right now, an “ affront to public decency.” G A Y S X A T E M E N X , cortf/>iM«//rompage2 Judgments reported in the article they may be refused communica­ ments are moved. committee is beginning to be 1 was totally disgusted by it as encompassing both relief and and perhaps only need to be a lit­ Although the bill does not resulted from disputes arising dur­ tion with family, friends, or Civil liberties groups are formed to organize a San Jose because I honestly believe his joy — “ relief because I was no tle more aware of it than they are. define “ public decency,” past we join the National Hemophilia “Therefore, we urge: ing the period in which Lambda lawyers. All of these powers have pessimistic about the chances of Foundation (NHF) and others in contingent for this year’s parade. personal finances or anybody’s longer on display for the smirkers. Only shame and fear keep us in court cases have set precedents making major changes before the 1) Every effort be made by finances are no one else’s News was being operated under a serious implications for Gays, par­ expressing our deep concern that a We would be appreciative if you Joy because I knew that we had closets; both of these should be that imply that any public display ticularly where sex involving men bill becomes law. • the blood industry to test blood could pass this information on. If business. (Besides, the amounts of lease-purchase contract between helped people, both ‘straight’ and completely understandable to any national blood program be for­ and blood products for agents you know of anyone interested in money involved in this case are Lambda Association and Dan •Gay’.’’ well-informed Gay person. But mulated which safeguards the which indicate a current or past participating in such a venture, petty.) Relic. The contract called for Terry Cosgrove and Patrick overcoming the same is an essen­ health of all Americans. infection, e.g. Hepatitis B, which please have them contact Mark I don’t believe Mr. Relic is a monthly financial reports cover­ Forbes are two Gay men currently tial beginning; and refusing to be “ As the NHF noted, ‘the issues may also indicate a high risk for White at 293-0504 Monday-Friday dishonest person. Otherwise he ing the newspaper’s income and celebrating victory in a case silenced by the fear, even though Raid on Gay Party in London surrounding AIDS remain com­ AIDS. 12-4 pm (as soon as possible). could have skipped town a long expenditures, but these were not resulting from their being thrown caution may often be taken, is a plex, there are no simple answers.’ 2) Funds be made immediate­ time ago. Any person at one time produced. out of an Illinois disco for same- Unfortunately, tthe NHF wasn’t Sincerely, commitment we should make to By Lindsay Taylor ly available to government agen­ or another has financial problems It is our editorial Judgment that sex dancing. Acting on the early hours of October 3rd, alter prosecution came about because successful in following its own ad­ cies, medical institutions, and vol­ MARK WHITE burselves and our kind. That’s the police had received a or setbacks, some bigger than these matters, which are public strength of the college town’s what overcoming Gay oppression of lack of evidence or because the vice. As indicated by recent sur­ untary community groups, to MICHAEL CARAVAYO others. If you can’t help them, record, are not the private busi­ Human Rights Ordinance which is all about! telephone call alleging that sexual police were unwilling to bring con­ veys and both published and un­ research the cause(s), effects, and ness o f Mr. Relic but are matters London (IGNA) Nearly ten weeks acts involving men under 21 (the troversial charges and risk a test published data, there are no sim­ then you should at least not put prohibits discrimination on the I once knew a man who worked after 37 men were arrested during cure of AIDS — which remain INDECENT ARRESTS them down. o f concern to Lambda Asstxia- basis of sexual preference, the two age of consent) were taking place. case that might lose. ple answers regarding AIDS and unknown — as well as to offer for Time, Inc., who came out of a raid on a Gay birthday party in When the piolice questioned guests Since your paper came out, I tion members and to the Cay obtained the help of the Lambda the closet at work by putting a pic­ Martin Johnson commented our national blood donor patient services to those suffering I think a warning should be community at large, and that is West London, the police have an­ and discovered that two of them that while he was relieved that the program. placed in your paper regarding the have supported and even Legal Defense Fund and won the ture of his lover on his desk — an nounced that they will not from this disorder. promoted it. I think members of our reason for publishing them. precedent-setting out-of-court set­ were in fact under 21, all of the period of uncertainty was over, he “ The concern of the NHF has 3) All individual blood increase in arrests at public act calculated to imitate socially proceed with threatened charges men present were taken to the your staff know that. Please note that we never ac­ tlement in which the disco’s owner acceptable heterosexual behavior. half-regretted that the police had been the safety of the blood donors screen themselves, recog­ restrooms. cused Mr. Relic o f being a dis­ under the 1%7 Sexual Offenses local police station and held over­ not proceeded against him, since product upon which the survival The arrests are for penal code This article has changed my agreed to pay the two men SIOOO It worked; he made his point on Act. Earlier there had been con­ nizing that in giving the ‘gift of mind because it leads me to honest person. Those are your each and affirm its compliance night. he had been prepared to take the of hemophiliacs is based. But to life,’ there is the responsibility to 647(a) (lewd act in public) and behalf of Gay liberation, and he cern in the Gay community that The host of the party, Martin believe that because of personal words. But Just as you honestly with the law. did not get fired. Another man I case to the European Court of single out any segment of our give the safest gift possible. 314.1 (indecent exposure). Both believe these matters are no one the police would attempt to test in Johnson, was warned that he was Human Rights in Strasbourg, society as the source of unsafe charges are misdemeanors which differences with various members Cosgrove’s comment: “ It takes know also worked for Time, and 4) The medical and scientific of our community, some members else’s business, we sincerely be­ court paru of the Act that have likely to be charged with keeping a France if necessary. He and blood is divisive and dangerous. carry possible jail sentences and so much energy to be out in public was more or less dragged out of community acknowledge what has on your staff let their bitterness lieve that the community is en­ not been used before, namely, for­ disorderly house or with several of his guests are now Unfortunately, as it exists today, fines. Conviction requires one to — to handle the stares, the insults, the closet when he was arrested by bidding sex in a house or apar­ been known for many years: that show in their articles towards titled to have access to this infor­ procuring acts of gross indecency. taking legal advice with a view to we are all potential victims of our register with the police as a sex the threats of violence. You have the vice squad< Much to his sur­ tment if a third person is present. the direct or indirect questioning members of our community who mation and much more regarding to be selective. You can’t do it 24 It is unclear whether this suing the police for wrongful present national blood program. of donors is an inadequate offender. prise — this was pre-Stonewall — The 37 men were arrest^ in the decision not to proceed with arrest. • in one way or another, are the financial idiosyncrasies of hours a day — at least I know I he did not lose his job. Both of “ In fact, the nation’s blood safeguard to the quality of blood; These arrests are occurring in Lambda Association. products industry, upon which stores such as Macys, shopping working towards the advancement can’t. But it’s important to push these men, in very different ways, moreover, a policy to exclude any and prosperity of our Gay —Board o f Directors the lives of many Americans group (fom blood donation, centers, and malls. against the barriers. All the then, are “ out” at work, yet the newer diseases, the need for hepatitis B vaccine. community. Our Projects, Inc. human rights ordinances in the Gay men’s depend, is, in some cases, a whether mandated or voluntary, Plain clothes security guards are neither of them would have worn further research and for Gays “ Group B,” therefore, has Speaking for myself, as usual, world aren’t going to mean a button in the offices of Time business venture planned at the would be both ineffective and making most of the arrests. Many health issues themselves to take the initiative in been working with a London expiense of medical and scientific are obtaining confessions from I’m sick and tired of reading anything until Lesbians and Gay saying “ How Dare You Presume inappropriate. about your personal conflicts in health education programs has clinic where doctors are willing tto safeguards. Ineffective verbal “ Above all, it is incumbent suspects by promising to let the men hold hands in public and I’m Heterosexual?” become apparent. vaccinate Gay men if they lack your paper. All this time I dance together.’’ London (IGNA) Two groups have screening, spot medical testing, upon the blood industry and the person go if he confesses. After Others do wear buttons; I’m “Group B’s” primary aim is to natural immunity and have lovers believed members of your staff Being “ o t in public’’ as Terry recently been formed in London and questionable commercial government agencies that regulate obtaining the confession, the sure tens of thousands of Gay but­ with the aim of fighting diseases build up a bank of information who are carriers. truly cared about our community. NOT A RETRACTION put it, is only one aspect of being tons and T-shirts shouting our sources taint the product for all. blood donor policy to refrain police are called. to which Gay men are falling vic­ about hepatitis that will be The “ Terry Higgins Trust” was “This long-term failure, However, now I wonder: Do they out, and the fact that a growing preference to the world have been from suggestion or implementa­ If you are arrested, do not make In the January 12th issue of tim. “ Group B” is the name of a available to both health formed to increase information coupled with the AIDS health any statements to the security really care about this community? number of people are out in public sold and worn. I remember a but­ tion of a blood donor screening Our Paper, we reported that self-help group for men who are professionals and Gay men. It about diseases such as AIDS and emergency these last two years, is program which, by whatever guard or police other than your Or do they write a newspaper just is what makes the post-Stonewall ton I once wore; it said “ Freaking Ms. Atlas Press had obtained a carriers of Hepatitis B, while the also intends to provide a support Kaposi’s sarcoma. Although these cause for great concern, but if we means or under whatever name, identification. Do not sign to get even with those with whom era different from the rest of Fag Revolutionary” on it, a court judgment against Relic “Terry Higgins Trust” — named group for those who are carriers diseases are still rare in the UK, are brave enough to combine the amounts to a political solution to anything except the promise to they have differences or conflicts? human history. Coming out is in­ phrase taken from a comment 1 hope in the future you will Enterprises. after the first Londoner to die of of the disease. Additional impetus four Londoners are known to talents of our voluntary agencies, a medical problem. Pitting victim appear in court on the citation disputably one of the main things made by Thomas Foran, the learn to leave your personal We stated that, “ In a media­ Acquired Immune Deficiency has been provided by Health have died from related infections the business community, the issued by the police. that Gay liberation is all about, prosecuting attorney in the 1969 against victim will serve only to disputes out of your newspaper. tion session held at the home of Syndrome — aims to raise around Secretary Norman Fowler’s recent within the last year. The first fun­ blood industry, and government divert attention from the vital If anested, contact a private Dean Tomich last spring. Relic and I believe that alT Gay people, trial of the (Chicago Seven. He had announcement that Gay men in draising event will be a party at And when you do that, then even those who have never been one^ hundred thousand pounds agencies, we could create hope medical and ethical concerns that attorney or the public defender. had admitted owing the lamented at a businessman’s lun­ (approximately $I60,(XX)) to help general are to be given no priority London’s “ Heaven Ultradisco” where there is fear, life where and only then you will be justified out in public and Find the thought cheon, “ We’ve lost our kids to the lie at the heart of this health BOB KOPELSON in your pride in your paper. amount and Tomich had of­ research into AIDS and related in treatment with the new anti- in January. • there has been death. crisis.” • fered to put up the money, but frightening, and on the other end freaking fag revolution.” ALEX MENDIZABEL of the spectrum, those who are diseases. NEW CENTER LOCATION neither gentleman carried When 1 wore that button, 1 was British Gay men have access to through on the commitment. movement activists, arc confron­ immersed in New York’s Gay In light of our significant ted daily with the question of how a network of free clinics that The court awarded the full liberation movement. I was living provide treatment for all kinds of growth over the past two years, Response: We wholeheartedly amount claimed.’’ much or how little they are “ out.” on unemployment insurance after the Board of Directors of the Billy agree with your description o f Mr. I like to think of this as being sexually transmitted diseases. Dan Relic as "one o f the most The facts as reported in our • Continued on page 6 Most major hospitals throughout DeFrank Lesbian and Gay article are a matter of public prominent members o f our com­ the country have such clinics, and Community Center has begun record. Plaintiff, under oath Want to sound off about something? Your Opinions are actively looking to relocate. In munity ” (i.e, the Cay community many of those in Central London o f San Jose). and accompanied by a sworn welcome in Our Paper! Name will be withheld on request, but provide the best available health order to choose the best possible witness, testified to the details facility to serve the needs of ail of Mr. Relic was the acknowl­ each letter must contain the writer’s true name, address, and care for Gay men. But since many described above. Under ques­ telephone number for verification. Letters may be subject doctors are still unfamiliar with us, we want to gather input from a edged founder o f Lambda Associ­ tioning by the judge, defend­ ation, a non-profit corporation, to editing for good taste and elimination o f any material which broad cross-section of our ant Relic (also under oath) ad­ community. and its publication Lambda News. mitted their accuracy. might be libelous or an invasion o f privacy. Send your letters He has received many awards In short, we want to know what Two members of our staff to Our Paper. 973 Park Avenue, San Jose. CA 95126. Short your ideas are and what your from Gay organizations over the articles and book reviews are also welcome for publication. years, has organized many com­ who were not parties to the ac­ Counseling needs are in this regard. You play tion were present in the court­ munity events, and has held lead­ Individual-Croup-Couples an important role in the future of room during this testimony. Also Alcohol A Drug Problems our community and we need your ership roles in various organiza­ Py* J!.****^ '* * biweekly newspaper dedicated to Inform, serve and enter-" tions, including the title "King Mr. Tomich has written to tain Cay men and Lesbian women and their humanistic friends in Santa participation. us complaining that Our Paper Clara County. Father / ” in Casa, Inc. He even Please join us at the has violated a privacy agree­ ran fo r public elected office Publlc^on of advertising contained herein does not necessarily consti­ Community Center on Monday, ment made by parties involved tute endorsement. Signed columns are the opinion of the writers, and not February 14, from 7:30 - 9 p.m. (Community College Board) as in a mediation session at his necessarily the opinion of the publisher, the advertisers or their agencies. MSW to see where we’ve been in the last recently as 1979. Oar Paper reserves the right to reject any material, including ads, which David P. Steward, home. Neither Our Paper nor UccnMd Clinical Social Worker two years and where we want to This recognition o f Mr. Relic as its publisher. Our Projects, it considers in poor taste or which might be libelous, invasive of privacy, go in the future. a public figure makes him and his Inc., was a party to any such and/or a basis for legal action. An agenda for the meeting is activities newsworthy in our agreement. State License #8493 community. Letters submitted to Oar Paper are assumed to be for publication unless enclosed. Please give us a call and Our report was based entire­ Insurance Accepted Further, the financial difficul­ otherwise indicated, and must contain the writer’s true name, address, let us know if you will be there. ly on courtroom testimony and and telephone number where he/she can be reached for verification. We deliver anywhere in Santa Clara Looking forward to seeing you ties reported in our January 12 court documents and was re­ Valley or around the world. at the meeting, article all involved community viewed by our entire Board of Reproduction by any method without permission of the publisher is pro­ MICHAEL MCGIRR, President organizations and/or events. hibited. Stories and photographs will be considered for publication and Directors for fairness and ac­ must be accompanied with a self-addressed stamped envelope, if return Board o f Directors The Closet Ball organized by Evenings & weekends available Charge your purchase to one of your major credit cards, King Father Relic et a! at the curacy prior to publication. • is requested. — Note: The Billy DeFrank Center is Call for appointment over the phone or come by our shop County Fairgrounds was held Copyright ©1982 by Our Projecu. Inc. ( ) located at 86 Keyes Street, San under the non-profit sponsorship 415 928-4946 Jose. Phone (408) 293-4525. o f Lambda Association. The For advertlilat rates, contact Snsaa Levlti. (4M) 7M-«204. GOA Sinks in Debt Gay Couples Research In an effort to understand bet­ Veronika Voss” ter the dynamics of Gay male rela­ STOP SMOKING (Continued from January 12 issue) The San Francisco-based Great tions since 1976 for'alleged racial tionships, Bill Reiner, a profes­ MONEY BACK GUARANTEE By John W. Rowberry Outdoor Adventures (GOA) is discrimination.) sional researcher and experienced By now the mystery includes the established as a nefarious charac­ “ defunct and teetering on the But last year. Levy lost SI4,000 Gay therapist, is conducting a Maintenance Program doctor, a cold, aloof woman ter; traf­ brink of bankruptcy,” according in deposits on cancelled trips, and study of couples who have been Robert has already encountered in ficking in drugs; the public health to an article by Wayne April in the an attempt to duplicate the success together less than three years. Multimodal Approach his search for Veronika’s past; E offical who conspires to procure February 3 issue of Bay Area at Great America by holding a This study will ascertain im­ and a second level to the plot the possessions of tHV doctor’s Reporter. Gay Night at Circus Vargas portant information about per­ emerges. slowly-dying patients; the news­ The three-year-old recreational plunged the financially troubled sonality dynamics in Gay male (408) 378*9490 The world of Veronika Voss is paperman who risks his relation­ organization, founded and owned GOA SI 1,000 deeper into debt, couples, relationship satisfaction, CALL FOR FREE INTERVIEW one of a culture in shock. The ship for one insane affair with the by Aryae Levy, is currently asking according to fi.A./?. stability, and stages of growth in Zero Out, Inc., 441 N Central Ave., Campbell Germany of 1955, after nearly a ghost of the past—each weaving creditors to forgive debts owed or Claims made by Levy that the Gay relationships over time. This decade of allied occupation, is a in and out of the others. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo to accept an eventual eight cents Advocate and the Voice were is in response to a growing need to jarring combination of textures, Veronika Voss is filmed in for every dollar, according to forgiving his advertising debts increase our knowledge of male native and foreign, that breeds breathtaking black and white, but o B.A.R. ° ON STAGE °o were not supported when those bonding and the factors that in­ contempt. Fassbinder’s most quite unlike anything that has o o In his “ biggest money-maker of publications were contacted by fluence the quality of our relation­ obvious metaphor is the incessant come before it. Rather than the o all,” Levy is quoted as saying he B.A.R., and a bill owed to B.A.R. ships. background poise of American John Carradine featured in CLO’s Brigadoon o OAVOUNIo HT deep shadows and sharp demarca­ o made between S20,000 and itself has been placed with a Volunteer participants are <4M)7|»MTg pop music that is beamed over the tion of film- noir, Fassbinder Nuc o $2S,000 on GOA’s Gay Night at collection agency — a move that needed to complete this important airwaves. Fassbinder sometimes taken brilliant white frames and o Marriott’s Great America in 1981. Levy is quoted as saying will study. Men who have been in a (418)4M-77M layers sounds over sounds in a way o PROPK higtng PROQI« let shadows gently nudge the sur­ o Stage, film and television star (The event was picketed by a probably force GOA into bank­ couple relationship for three years that lets each sUy identifiable, face edges, never hampering the o John Carradine will be appearing o group of Santa Clara County Gay ruptcy court. or less, and are currently living ROBERT T..MACK, JR. but also surround and grate at the surface ability to reflect back o as Mr. Lundie in the San Jose o activists, who complained that “ Etopite it all. Levy credits with their partner should contact LIFE • HEALTH • RETIREMENT edges of his characters. scenes filled near to overflowing o Civic Light ’s March o Gay money going to the Marriott himself as being a good business­ Bill Reiner, MS, MFCC, at (415) FIRE ■ HOMEOWNERS ■ AUTO • LIABILITY Where American soldiers in with a plastic, unwarming light. production of Lerner and Loewe’s o family was donated to Mormon man, and he refutes the suggestion 922-4764. After the completion of INDIVIDUAL • FAMILY - BUSINESS • GROUP Maria Braun were good, if alien, But in the white there is a softness o Brigadoon. Mr. Carradine began o organizations that oppose Gay that the organization might have the study, participants will be in­ COOP CENTER AGENT guys, here they are reduced to a that envelopes everything. Sur­ o his acting career fifty-six years ago rights and the Equal Rights survived under different manage­ vited to a presentation of the 471 S. MURPHY - SUNNYVALE. CA 94086 single stereotypical image: a Black faces are clean; even the cluttered o and has been delighting audiences o Amendment. The group pointed ment,” B.A.R. reports. Levy is research findings and their im­ P.O. BOX614 - PALO ALTO. CA 94302 soldier who deals drugs for this house of Veronika has about it an o across the United States ever o out that Great America had been now involved in setting up a travel plications for building more doctor of dubious credentials. But austere museum quality. Charac­ since. Best known for his many o boycotted by Chicano organiza­ dub called Adventures in Travel. • satisfying relationships. • Fassbmder’s sensibilities do not ters, and their emotions, are o film roles, he has also appeared in o run to the racial slur. There is no allowed no dark recess into which o numerous stage productions and o clandestine alleyway, no jive, no they can escape; everything must o as a featured star in television New Recycling Centers Lesbian-Feminist LAW OFFICES be-bop, no individual condemna­ be witnessed, painfully on its sur­ o dramas. o Discuss All Legal Problems — Confidentially tion. The soldier, like so much else face. In San Jose Mr. Carradine will o Problem-Solving in the film, is only a metaphor. He o be working with director Peter People Who Care. Recycling rials may be left during non-open Personal Injury & Accidents,. Criminal & Veronika, while based on an ac­ o Center, a non-profit corporation, does not originate the value tress tliat was known as the Ger­ o David Heth and a cast of seventy- hours or the depot locations could The Lesbian-Feminist Problem- Drunk-Driving, Business & Contracts, system. He, like post-war Ger­ seven local performers. o has announced the establishment be discontinued. man Garbo, looks amazingly like o Solving Support Group has spaces Family Law & Divorce, Bankruptcy — many, inherited it and fulfills it to The San Jose Civic Light o of three Mt. View/Los Altos Hills Items accepted at the locations Marlene Dietrich, especially in a o drop-off locations at Gemco - available in the ongoing group Other Services AvEulable. the best of his ability. The doctor, particularly evocative scene in Opera’s enchanting new o include newspaper, tin cans (labels meeting on Tuesday evenings in the concentration camp refugees o production of Brigadoon will be Showers Drive parking lot, Pay- removed), aluminum cans, glass which she stands at a grand piano o Less Shopping Center between the Mountain View area. ROBERT KOPELSON she preys on, Robert, even Veron­ and sings “ Memories are made of o performed at the San Jose Center o (color separated), motor oil, high The emphasis is on developing ika herself—none are individual for the Performing Arts, March Albertson’s and Handyman, and grade ledger paper, corrugated 64 W. Santa Clara • San Jose this...” in a classically German- o o Parking Lot A at Foothill College. intuitive and intellectual power to characters Fassbinder wishes to accented English. 4-6 and 10-13. Tickets may be pur­ cardboard and brown paper bags reclaim mental, emotional and (408) 293-4000 judge; it is the society that o chased by calling (408) 286-6841. • o The Foothill College location is (flattened). No plastic, magazines, But then Fassbinder designed open Saturdays from 10-4, while physical well-being. The group spawned them he condemns. Veronika Koss to play on the mys­ o o Phonebooks, catalogs, egg cartons also examines issues related to the Gemco and Pay-Less sites will or garbage will be accepted. Veronika beckons Robert tique of nostalgia; his tribute to an o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo be open from 10-4 Saturdays and power such as class, money, again; this time to watch her do a era in German history also be­ For more information about meaningful work, oppression, small part in a film that will, Sundays starting the weekend of this community-oriented pro­ comes an homage to an era in February 19-20. sex, sex roles, loving relationships, according to her way of thinking, German cinema. The faces, the VINYL tion emerged real-time cassettes, gram, contact People Who Care, and so forth. U -H A U L CAMPBELL mark her comeback. She cannot produced on chrome or chrome- Noreen Ford, director of PWC, P.O. Box 1394, Los Altos, CA stylizations, the wide-ranging Group facilitator Dotty Cala­ maintain. The simple scene causes equivalent tape from Mobile Fi­ stresses that absolutely no mate- 94022. phone (415) 964-3877. • cinematic devices for fades, scene brese has studied Cooperative ■ K B MOVING CENTER a physical collapse. As Robert VAGABOND delity or Nautilus. These are still changes, and dissolves are lifted By Rad Bennett Problem Solving with Hogie watches, Veronika’s former hus­ from hundreds of films make among the finest pop music Wyckoff in Berkeley since 1975 10% DISCOUNT TO OUR PAPER READERS band steps out of the shadows and during the 1950’s. The structure © Stonewall Features Syndicate, 1983 efforts in the cassette market. Feminist Psychology and uses the feminist problem insists that she be rushed to her of Veronica Voss, patterned from Mobile’s best efforts (The solving and support group ap­ Trucks/Trailers One-way Local doctor’s care. Afterwards it is the his adoration of Douglas Sirk, In the past column, we talked Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour, The 9th annual National Con­ proach developed by Wyckoff in husband who reveals the final vibrates with crystalized realiza­ about the emergence of the cassette Cat Stevens’ Tea for the Tiller- ference on Feminist Psychology ist Approach to Understanding her book Solving tVomen's Prob­ mystery to Robert—Veronika is a tions. as a viable medium for the quality man. Genesis’ Trick o f the Tail, has been scheduled for March 3-6 and Treatment.” lems. (408) 3 7 i -5184 morphine addict. Robert hears his Veronika Voss is Fassbinder’s reproduction of classical music. and Steely Dan’s Aja) are even at Westin and Mayflower Hotels Morning and afternoon work­ For more information, call Dot­ Tony M^llo, Manager version of what happened to most beautiful film, from begin­ Popular albums have fared less manager of the Capitol plant on marginally preferable to the in Seattle, Washington. Theme of shops include such topics as ty at 968-1981 evenings or week­ Veronika Voss during her fall ning to end. It is conceived like a well, though there are signs of the matter) for the portable player company’s fine discs, due to a the conference is “ Bonding Be­ "Bonding or Binding in Lesbian ends. 0 from grace. jewel, where the viewer peers recent improvements that indicate market, which at that time complete absence of ticks, pops or tween Women.” Relationships.” “ Alleviating Pro­ But it turns out for Fassbinder through hard-polished facets hope for the future. boasted machines that could make swish, noises that can creep into The conference, sponsored by fessional Burnout," "Interdepen­ Delicatessen that this is not enough, retelling a towards a transparent but none- Over the past years, cassette the Who sound like alley cats on the best of records. the Association” for Women in dency and Bonding between Dis­ Restaurant story based on the real-life tragedy the-less solid core. Veronica Voss users who preferred popular the backyard fence. Nautilus Records made history Psychology, is designed to bring abled and Non-Disabled Wo- Feminist Writers Now Open Opening March / , I 98Í of German actress Sybille Sch­ is a flawless gem, highly polished, music seem to have been held in Then came the audiophile half­ a year ago by issuing the Police’s together feminists working with men, ‘Financial Survival in the mitz, whose tragedy, mirroring against a backdrop that could tar­ disdain by manufacturers, as if speed mastered discs, most of Ghost in the Machine on real­ time cassette simultaneously with women and women’s issues in the Reagan Era,” “ Black Women Veronika’s, Fassjiinder uncovered nish the hardest of jewels. While the fact that they preferred that which were pop items in the begin­ helping professions and behavior­ and Relationships,” and much The February 20 meeting of the while searching for the retired ac­ the trilogy itself surpasses even kind of music meant they didn’t ning. They sold well, which the commercial A&M record, and al sciences. more. ^ Bay Area Chapter of the Feminist tress for a role in one of his films. Fassbinder’s epic intentions, care much about the quality of proved that pop fans really did have since gone on to release A Culinary Experience absolutely stunning cassette ver- Two full-day seminars have Conference entertainment will Writers’ Guild will feature a read­ He creates an entire landscape of Veronika Voss is unquestionably sound. Pop cassettes were then care about sound, in point of fact, been scheduled on “ Gender, include a concert by Sweet Honey ing and discussion of the newly ^X£.atiu£ dateiinß^ ______intrigues: the doctor, now firmly his masterpiece. • made (and I have personal assur­ becoming almost fanatical about Sexuality, and Object Relations in’the Rock. .released Lesbian Studies with Peg ance from the quality control it. Out of this half-speed revolu­ Continued on page 10 Theory (or can Feminist Psycho­ For further information, write Cruikshank and other contribu­ logists continue to ignore Psycho­ to: AWP Registration Committee, tors. Admission is $2 to non­ Call Us blow Patrice Munsel, opens at the Cen­ tainer broke all standing box of­ P.O. Box 31449, Wallingford Sta­ members at 2:30 p.m. in Room analytic Theory?)” and “ Alcohol­ 92 N. Market St. (408)947-1733 TINTYPES Stars Patrice Munsel ter for Performing Arts in San fice records in Broadway musical ism and Co-alcoholism: A Femin- tion. Seattle, WA 98103. • 340, Building B, Fort Mason. San Jose, CA 95113 (408) 947-7398 Jose on February 17. theater when she starred in The For further information, con­ Nominated for two Tony Merry Widow at Lincoln Center, tact Carol at (415) 655-4125. • Awards, including “ Best and has received high acclaim for ORANGE JUICE, continued from pafte 4 Musical,” the dazzling Tintypes is her work in other hits such as packed with the romantic Can-Can, Kiss Me Kate, .Applause leaving the New Left’s Liberation municating nowadays. melodies and cultural flavor of and A Little Night Music. a i d s , from page 5 News Service (LNS). Economic Still, I feel that I live on the America at the turn-of-the- Clive Barnes, in an article for reality helps determine the edge of coming out. Here’s a century, featuring tunes from the New York Post, explains that feasibility of button-wearing. di'tion associated with AIDS.” current example: next month. I’m Members of the Coalition such favorite American com­ “Tintypes, by the way, are those Who can say what effect my going to a Golden Wedding An­ posers as George M. Cohan, Scott old photographic positives printed button had on the Gay and non- recognize a social responsibility to niversary party for an aunt and educate and de-mystify the public Joplin and John Philip Sousa. on strip metal — and it makes a Gay people who saw it? I’m sure uncle, and I’ve been wondering Conceived by Mary Kyte, Mel very appropriate title for the that in the case of some in­ about the disease, but in a resolu­ how open I’m going to be with tion the Coalition advised the Marvin and Gary Pearle. this .show. For the idea is to ill jTTiinatc dividuals the button was “ coun­ their children, cousins whom I scrapbook of nostalgia recreates and capture a time in, and even ter-productive,” a phrase conser­ media, medical profession, and haven’t seen for years. When they governmental agencies to "cease images of historical figures such as more, an image of American vatives like to use because it suits ask me about the “ latest” in my Teddy Roosevelt, Emma Gold­ history through the pop music of their strategy. But I know of at and desist from referring to AIDS life, 1 could tell them blandly as a ’Gay’ problem or ‘Gay man and Anna Held, the inspira­ the period.” least one man, then active in the about my latest book {Gays Under tion for the Ziegfeld Follies, as Each of the talented performers non-Gay Marxist left, who saw disease’ and to recognize it as a i\ 1 The Cuban Revolution) and about human emergency and potential well as other characters of the in the show portrays a typical my button, and for whom that in­ my boyfriend. I could worry time. Their stories, coupled with American, and mime sequences stant, that moment of confron­ catastrophe that must be dealt about possibly “ ruining” the par­ with as such and with all due the music of the period, evoke an are woven throughout the tation with the words on my shirt, ty by being “ too” out, but I am era that is often referred to as the whirling song and dance routines. was momentous on his road out of speed, instead of scapegoating the \ - ii beyond such concerns. My cousins Gay community or depending last gasp of America’s innocence The show originated at the the closet. will hear all, and I hope it will be a —‘those years that bridge the I9th Arena Stage in Washington in 1 had another experience with a upon our grassroots organizing to positive experience for them, this encourage funds for research in f I and 20th century. summer 1979, and was brought to button. My mother found one on encounter with a faggot relative. this field.” The star of Tintypes, Patrice Off Broadway in spring of 1980 by a sweater 1 left at her house by ac­ POTTERY SALES OUTLET Others, I know, hide their Pat Norman, co-chair, told -I Munsel, began her career at the the American National Theatre cident, and that’s how I wound up Gayness at family affairs. They ripe age of 17 when she made and Academy. Since then it has coming out to her, though I’d had IGNA that they issued the SAVE 20% & MORE ON OUR HUGE have their reasons, but I hope statement because it was felt that music history as the youngest had a smashing run on Broadway my own ideas for doing it more they’ll give it another thought; s e l e c t io n o f p o t s & PLANTS. singer to debut at the Metropoli­ in the 1980-81 season. gently and intentionally. to reject Gay male blood out of how else will their family members NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEKI9-5 tan Opera. She went on to become Starring as the flamboyant An­ I don’t wear buttons any more. hand would have a very bad effect Robin Taylor, Janet Powell, Stuart Zagnit, Ronald Wisniski, Patrice Munsel starring in the 1982-83 learn and grow? • on “ the social level,” and they are Call (406) 9844)467 or 1400 (Also told tor Rotate) an accomplished actress and na Held is musical star Patrice My job and environment don’t national tour o f TINTYPES opening at the Center for Performing Arts in San Jose on February 17. popular vocalist, charming Munsel. Ronald Wisniski, ac­ askiiig for nothing more than a 1793 Loflgyette St.. Sonta C lara permit it. But in any case, wearing ©Allen Young, 1982. Distributed thru millions of television viewers for claimed for his portrayal of ,scientific basis instead of hysteria Santa Clara Valley audiences the nostalgic days of a bygone era buttons isn’t my way of com­ Stonewall Features Syndicate for any decisions. • Tintypes, starring Broadway several years as star of her own will have an opportunity to relive when the hit Broadway musical musical comedy and opera star network show. Thé popular enter- Continued on page 10 H i ‘ V' * :v, ^■ \ ^ r. h‘f ' ‘ ■ ♦ . ■■ Have S exy, BUCK’S ■ r-.. '^iij CENTER OF LIGHT Smooth, Sleek Skin. Saloon 6 Ice 5 ^ Psychological, Metaphysical, Spiritual Cay and Lesbian nd oi unwanted heir oermanentty with Cream Parlor El« r «44 ^ arid PecW wortt done Counseling Service ditcreetty A Prlvelety. I 1425 HACIENDA AVE / CAMPBELL ( SAN tOSE ) CA / 95006 / 40B 374-0260 Individual For an Appointment Free ConeunaOon Phone (4M)23S47S0 'A Western Bar Couplet ■¿i\ Mary Rozaa 408-292-3133 Rap Support Groups M-F — Sam. • 9pm. U LC Inc 251 0 Icnnor Dr. close to O'Conrxir Hosoital 301 Stockton Ave. 27S-SB2S

Í5 The Arts and .eisure Scene in

WEDNESDAY SUNDAY SBNTA CLf RB COUNTY NITE BRUNCH DINNERS i1 -3 Lesbian/Gay Community Center Special Events ductor technology Hours 9-4 .30 pm Th S, Fri; 1-4:30 pm Sun (1884-1922) Open year round (except Christmas Day) from 9 M 86 Keyes Street, San lose, CA 9S112 Other hours and group tours by appointment. Donation am (4081247-2000 Feb 1-28 Black History Month: Activities and cultural Foothill Community College 12345 El Monte Ave off Hwv women together I rr>en are welcome (406) 293-4S2S(293-ACAV W orld of Miniatures: Museum and shop displays include events include exhibits focused on achievements of Black« I 280, Los Altos Hills (415)948-8590, ext .381 COCKTAILS & DISCO Wednesday; Feb 9,16,23 Cay Toastmasters: Dedicated to the sciences, arts and other professions Also. Youth Day i scale model Victorian Village four operating model rail­ Feb 9-28 San lose Historical Museum: Vintage fashion THE SAVOY 1640 Main Street, Redwood City • (415) 361-9444 improving speaking skills, recognized by Toastmasters Inter­ social events featuring entertainment San lose State Univ roads, dioramas of Wiscasset. Maine waterfront and a national. 6 pm sity. 277-2721. exhibit with outfits from late 1850 s to early 1900 s. Timeline mid-western interurban Hours 11-5 pm Sat. Noon-4 pm Sun 20469 Silverado Ave., Cupertino • (408) 446-0948 exhibit on San jose/Santa Clara Valiev, from Indian settle­ Weekday hours vary Group rates available 1372 S Bascom Wednesday: Feb 9,16,23 Lesbian Rap: Discussion/support 11-13 Workshops and demonstrations Feb How to...Fair: ments through Spanish and Mexican rule to statehood and Ave, San Jose (408) 294-2166 group for Lesbians of all ages 7;00 pm centering around household repairs and gardening 4-10 in the present Docent tours by arrangement. Also on site: PlartetariumILaser light Show. Eye See the Light Show with Thursday: Feb 10,17,24 Men's Support Croup: An informal Fri; 106 pm.. Sat & Sun Santa Clara County Exposition original pioneer and replica structures. Hours: 10-4.30 pm support and social group Open rap. 7:00 pm Center 295-3050 or 257-6400 laser lights and omniphonic music Alternates with regular **AMAN*SBAR"~1[^ Mon-Fri; Noon-4 pm. Sat & Sun 635 Phelan Avenue, off planetarium programs Times vary Thur-Sun evenings Ç ^ Feb 12 Sweetheart Weekend: lilt Rose Band. $3.50 cover Senter Road. San )ose.(408) 294-2787 Friday: Feb 11 Womyn's Valentines Dance. 8-12 pm. Minolta Planetarium, De Anza College, Stevens Creek Blvd , The Savoy, 20469 Silverado, Cupertino. (406) 446-0948. Sunday: Feb 13,20,27 Alcoholics Anonymous: 10:30 am. Feb 9 - Mar 13 De Saisset Museum: Beth VanHoesen. Cupertino. Sunday: Feb 13,20,27 Cay Young Adult Croup: Inlormal Feb 12 Talent Show: Bufiel 7-9 pm (SI.00). Talent Showy paintings. Hours 10-5 pm , Tues-Fri; 1-5 pm,. Sat & Sun pm (no cover). Third Anniversary Party at The Interlude. 49 ] Youth Science Institute: Live native animals and exhibit area support group for men and women up to 21 1:00 pm. Campus Gallery, University of Santa Clara, Franklin St off 9-4 30 pm Tues-Fri: Noon-4:30 pm Sat. 16260 Alum Rock Ave, Stevens Creek Blvd,5an lose. Call 244-2829. The Alameda. 984-4528 BOOT Monday: Feb 14 Board of Directors Meeting: Progress San lose (408) 258-7382 Aquatic displays at Youth Science report and discussion of new location. 7:30-9 pm Feb 12 Sweetheart Dinner Dance: 6:30 pm at Holiday Inn Feb 9 -M a r 24 San lose Museum of Art: Main gallery. Institute at Lake Vasona Park 9:30-4.30 pm Tues-Sat 298 Hassel Smith, paintings Other galleries: Harry Powers, Tuesday: Feb 1S,22 VDIBIood Pressure Screening: 6-9 pm in downtown San lose. $15. Proceeds to benefit Metropolil, i Garden Hill Dr off Blossom Hill Rd, Los Gatos (408) 356-4945 Community Church building fund. (406) 279-2711(7494)794, sculpture (thru 3/3); lude Silva, new work (thru Mar 4). Hours San lose Flea Market: 12000 Berryessa Rd. lumbo garage sale BACK Tuesday: Feb 15,22 Slightly Older Lesbians: Informal social 10-4:30 pm, Tues-Sat; Noon-4 pm. Sun. Closed Mon. Nominal and discussion group for women over 30. 7pm. Feb 12,13 Stamp Show: Exhibition and sale of stamps, wt on lOO-acre site. 1 800 sellers' stands, snack bars, mariachi admission fee. No charge Sun 110 S Market St. San lose band, kiddie rides Open year round, weekends only, from SAN JOSE, CA Friday: Feb 18,25 Women's Coffee House: 8 pm auction on Sat., Feb 12.10-6 pm., Sat. 10-5 pm.. Sun San |o (408) 294-2787 Convention Center. 277-5277. 7:30 am to dusk (408)289-1550 A COCKTAIL LOUNGE AND CAFE Q Monday: Feb 21 Black and White Men Together: 7 pm Feb 9 • Mar 26 San lose liu titu te of Contemporary 415 STOCKTON AVE. • 294^552 Feb 13 Sweetheart Brunch: Bring your favorite person an 737 STOCKTON AVENUE • 293-1293 Monday: Feb 21 CASA General Meeting: 7:30 pm Art: Charles Hilger. paper installation; Cheryl Calieri, litho­ get $2.00 oft your bill. The Savoy, 20469 Silverado, Cuperti t. Ticket Agencies For other February events, call the Center. graphs; Michael Avata. sculpture installation (thru Feb 12). (408)4464)948. Gallery closed Feb 13-17. lune Wayne, lithographs; Diane ; 297-7552 for information Tickets charged to major Performing Arts Feb 13 Coing-Away Party for lerry: Buffet, male stripper Scherwood Shultz, mixed media; David Hatch, installation; credit cards w ill be mailed (allow 10 days). entertainment by Sisters o i Cachino, and all the béer you o i Irene Dogmatic (Feb 18-Mar 26). Hours 11-4 pm „ Tues-Sat San lose Box Office; 912 Town & Country Village — Feb 9-12 University of Santa Clara Theater: George Bernard drink. 11 am to 2 am. $10 cover. 641 Club, 641 Stockton Avi 377 S First St. 998-4310 246-1160. Phone Charge: 246-3700. Accepts all major credit San lose. (408) 998-1144. THE CRUISER Shaw's You Never Can Tell. "The confusion of changing ideas Feb 9 - Mar 27 Rosicrucian Art Gallery: Santa Clara Artists cards for tickets to most San lose Events (415) 328-9895 means comedy when a suffragette's daughter returns to Feb 14 Valentine's Day Revel: Love's Not Time's fool ■ Assn, varied media and subjects (thru Feb 20). Ethel Calvello; Ticketron; (415)393-6914. LOUNGE AND RESTAURANT 1890's England to find her intellectual prowess is no Late Afternoon Revel on Saint Valentine's Day with love Oils, landscapes, seascapes, and still life (Feb 23-Mar 27 protection against old-fashioned love." Directed by Peter poems from across the centuries presented by Nils Petersor Hours 9-4;45 pm. Tues-Fri; Noon-4:45 pm. Sat-Mon Park Ave Dial-A-Date S k f i d e n O'Sullivan Tuesday thru Saturday 8 pm, except 7 pm Feb 6 5:30-6:45 pm at Barrington's Lounge. The Sainte Claire IMti i ’ near Naglee Ave, San lose (406) 287-9171 introduces • Bar Hours 10-2 Louis B Mayer Theater. Tickets: 984-4015 Info: 984-4565 Market and San Carlos Streets Dial (408) 293-4678 for a three-minute recorded message on area events and attractions on any given date. our neighbors • Restaurant Op«n Tues-Sot Feb 9-26 King Dodo Playhouse: Comedy repertory w ith 8:30 Feb 14 2nd Anniversary Party: Buffet and champagne. Sports Events pm performances Fri & Sat ONLY / Ought to Be in Pictures. Special show by Sleasy Productions w ith appearance by •PLEASE NOTE: All events are subject to change, check with BACHELOR QUARTERS • Sunday Brunch 11-3 alternating with Madness on Madrona Drive. 176 E. Fremont UDonna. The Savoy, 20469 Silverado, Cupertino.(408) Feb 10,12,24 Men's Basketball: San Jose State University vs sponsoring organizations when possible Ave, Sunnyvale. (408) 266-6060 4464)948. Utah Slate(2/10); Cal State/Long Beach(2/12). Fresno State (2/24). 8 05 p.m Civic Auditorium. 145 W San Carlos St ^ near AND WHISKEY GULCH SALOON 2651 EL CAMINO Feb 9-26 Caslighler Theater: Classsic, old-time melodrama Document Length 14074 Feb 14 Valentine Private Mait-Lisi Party: 8 pm at B Street S Market St.. San lose Tickets. (408) 277-3241 Info. 277-3296 The Bride of Circles...or Wedded But No Wife 8.30 pm Fri & 236 South B Street in downtown San Mateo. (415) 348-4045 We’re easy off 101 exit on REDWOOD CITY 4 1 5 3 6 6 -4 9 5 5 Sat ONLY Discount on advance reservations Box office Feb 12,18,19 Men's Basketball: University of Santa Clara Feb 15 Lecture: Behind-tfie-Scenes Look at The Shadow vs St Mary's (2/12), Loyola-Marymount (2/18); Pepperdine 0045 07 University Ave. West • Palo Aito hours: Noon-9 pm at 400 E Campbell Ave. Campbell (408) with director David Lemos and the cast and designer- 'd- 866-1408 (2,'19) 7;30pm. Toso Pavilion, Bellomy St o ff The Alameda, 53 for subscribers, 55 for non-subscribers. Advanced tit k> ' Santa Clara Tickets; (408)984-4660. Info: 984-4063 Feb 9-27 ThealerWest; . 8 pm Fri & available Montgomery Theatre 294-7572. Feb 12,26 Rugby: San JoseSeahawks vs Olde Caels(2/12); Sat only, except 2 pm mat Feb 13. 20, & 27 Old Town 19,20 Specialty & All-Breed Dog Shows: Spon>or*‘d o' Theater 395-S434 Old Blues (2/'26) 11 am., 1 & 3 pm Evergreen Community the Santa Clara Valiev Kennel Club Specialty breeds shovvr C ollege, 3095 Yerba Buena Rd 925-2408 or 378-6108 Happy Hour 4-7pm. Feb 10,12,14 San lose Symphony: Verdi s Rigo/etto 8 pm Feb 19 only Obedience trials and all-breed show on Feh JO W ide Screen Video Feb 10& 12 for season ticket holders and Single tickets, single 8-6 pm. Santa Clara County Exposition Center 295-305i>''- Feb 19,25 Gymnastics: Tournament includes 8 members of Mon - Fri Special Sua6pm tickets only. Feb 14 San lose Center for the Performing Arts 257-6400 the U S. gymnastics team. Participants. San lose State Tickets: 298-2.300 Into: 287-7383 University. U.C Davis. Stanford and Athletes In Action (2/19), Dancing Sporting Feb 20 Mardi Gras Parly: $100 cash prize for Best Mardi San lose State. U C Berkeley, and UCLA (2/25) 7 30 pm Feb 10-27 San lose Repertory Company; . 8 MAC'S " Cras Costume and S100 cash prize lor Absolute Worst Mardi Spartan Gymnasium, S,in Carlos & 4th Sts. Tickets 277-3241 Nightly Events pm Preview performances Feb 10 & 11, opening nite Feb 12. 7 eras Drag. $2 cover. Desperados Dance Bar, 1425 Hacienda Into 277-3296 pm Feb 13, and 1 pm matinees Feb 13,16,19, 20, & 27 Ave, Campbell. (408) 3744)260 998-9535 Montgomery Theatre 294-7572. Feb 20 Armchair Traveler Film: Scotland Forever' 7 3li Continuing Attractions Feb 11-19 San lose State University Theatre: A Streetcar Flint Center. De Anza )unR>r College, Stevens Creek BKd 349 So. 1st St., San Jose Named Desire. 8 pm, except 2:30 pm Feb 16 Campus Theater Cupertino 257-9555 or 996-4816 Kelley Park: 150-acres with tree-shaded sites & bicycle 277-2777. Feb 22 Explórame Film: Robert frost's New England 8 15 paths Also, three special features. San lose Historical Museum, bSS'F’helan Ave, off Senter Rd Original and replica A TINKER'S DAMN “RAFAEL” Feb 17-20 San lose Broadway Series: Tintypes starring pm San )ose Center for the Performing Arts (415)771-47 3 3 Patrice Munsel 8 pm, except 7 pm Feb 20 2 pm matinees Feb structures recreate early San Jose (408) 287-2290 lapanese 46 N. Saratoga Ave., Santa Clara • 243-4595 19.20. San lose Center for Performing Arts. Tickets (408) Friendship Carden, lovely landscaping, pools with rare Koi 246-1160 Museums and Galleries I ish. a tea house and moon bridge provide serene setting for strolling (408) 277-4661 Happy Hollow Park & Zoo, geared to Feb 22 - Mar 17 California V o u ^ People's Theatre: Tales of Feb 9-28 San Jose Art League: Eric Oback, watercolors pre-teens, with rides, puppet shows, and baby animals of both Brer Rabbit. 9.30 & 11 am. Mon. thru Fri. Sunnyvale Hours: noon-4 pm Tues-Sun 482 S Second St. San )o«* M's) LO S ALTOS • MOUNTAIN VEW 294-4545 exotic and domestic breeds to pet, feed or observe A steam Performing Arts Center Tickets: 245-CYPT, Info: 245-9731 Counseling & Therapy Feb9-2B New Almadén M ining Museum: U n iq u e memor.i- tram ride runs through the park from Happy Hollow to Linda R. Janowitz, MFCC#MW8455 Feb 23 Los Angeles Ballet Troupe: Children's Program Historical Museum (408) 292-8118 Celia Medina. MSW, LCSWiitJ<06168 PET EMPORIUM includes a suite from Prokofiev's Cinderella, and selections bilia with exhibits and iniernational archives on site of SIN CE 1959 from other children's classics pre-goldrush quicksilver (mercury) mines. Also Indian arti Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum: 1342 Naglee Ave at Park Mediation & Divorce Services A "Oanaral Stor«" For Pat* And SuppNas facts gathered by museum owner/curator, who lived with Avenue Rare artifacts of Egypt. Babylon & Assyria, including Feb 24-26 West Valley College Theatre: . 8:15 Group & Private Sessions for Parents & Children Yokut tribe for five vears Hours; 1-4 pm Mon Th, & Fn 1i>4 mummies and a tomb replica to explore, plus planetarium & pm West Valley College 867-2200, ext 326 SPECIALIZINQ IN BIRDS pm Sat & Sun Croups in morning hours by appointment o^'v art gallery Open year round Free, except planetarium (408) Bilha Llor, MA, Certified Divorce Mediator OOQ QROOMINQ Feb 25,26 San lose Symphony; Maestro George Cleve 13 miles south of San lose via Almadén Expressway 21570 287-9171 Massage & Body Work BIRD • SMALL ANIMAL BOAROINQ conducts the Kyung-Wha Chung as guest artist 8 30 pm San Almadén Rd, San lose (408) 268-7869 Winchester Mystery House; 525 S Winchester Blvd Bizarre Arlene Wilson, Certified Massage Practitioner lose Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets 298-2 300 Info hut beautiful 160-room Vic’orian mansion designed by \ \ v 287 7383. ^78 Foothill Fler«ronics Museum; Exhibit of the P'_' 415 948-4246 ham electronics collection. Deforest papers, early tubes, eccentiic widow or rifle heir House cost 5'ó m illion dollars; MTN. VIEW transmitters and receivers, plus microwave and semicon- was under continuous day & night construction for 38 years DELTA: A Center for Interpersonal Growth 998 EL MONTE AVE. (OFF EL CAMINO) A 2444 Moorpark Ave, Suite 112, San Jose, CA 95128 (408) 288-7744

QIaaa • China ■ Pottary ■ Furnitura - Collactablaa OPEN 8AM TO 2AM DAILY ONE OF THE LARGEST SELECTIONS IIMS ^!i,e A i\jtlque G allerleg Design OF LATEST ADULT MATERIAL IN BOOKS Located In Paste-up The Lost Flea Market, Building 51 MAGAZINES - NEW & USED FILMS - BETAM AX& VHS TAPES Form Ruling Open Wednesday thru Sunday Free Parking Camera Work VIEWING M ACHINES - PRIVATE BOOTHS - MARITAL A O S Photo Typesetting 1940 Monterey Road Bus. 2794)303 389 So. First St. at W. Son Salvador 294-2135 San Jose, CA 95112 1660 S. B.-XSCO.M .AVE., C\ MF BE I I Res 225-3585 Coll cur Pink Col Theater fer lotest leatures 973 Park Avenue • San Jose. CA 95126 • (408) 297-9506 25 W. San Salvador at S. First 998-9488 Chiropractor Palo Alto (415)857-1221 TINTYPES Continued from page 7

Theodore Roosevelt in the one- man play. Bully. An Adventure with Teddy Roosevelt, recreates in Tintypes his role as Roosevelt, and Robtn Taylor stars m the show as Emma Goldman. . • VINYL VAGABOND Continued from page 7 sions of t'Jton John’s Greatest What do you like Hits, Linda Ronstadt’s Simple Oar Qaestion: Dreams, and John Klemmer’s Straight from the Heart, among to do in your others. Perhaps their greatest spare time? cassette achievement is a really hot Yoar Unswers: jazz jam session featuring Victor (Photos by Teri) Feldman, called Secret of the Barbara Hershey questions her own sanity after suffering a series o f Andes, which 1*11 put up against assaults from an unseen force that seems determined to destroy her. any record in the field of .sonic When wdl the last time you day, so that he can surprise (and battle. .“The Entity“ brought yeur lover roses? Or slipped delight?) his lover with a visit at CO But Now that the personal portable Barbara Hershey stars in 2(Xh woman who experiences terror of a love note into his/her lunch? work from a male stripper. Now, machine, much more sophisti­ With Valentine’s 1>ay coming Century-Fox’s suspense drama. an unknown presence that seems not all of us are in a position to lipiC . in cal cated and far less costly than the The Entity .directed by Sidney J. intent on possessing her body as up, it’s nearly impossible to ignore supply that kind of gift (and a lot fd t ^ live to early portables, has caught on, the Furie and produced by Harold well as her soul. the more romantic aspects of life. of us aren’t even in a position to major labels have begun to catch Schneider. Hershey, who previ­ Now playing at; UA .Movies, More than likely, you have receive it!), but you’ve got to ad­ the drift of the audiophile com­ ously co-starred in Richard Rush’s Redwood City; Town Center, already planned to get your lover mit, it’s going to make an im­ ^ whi<^^ ® . ihef^ ® ' panies and are starting to produce critically acclaimed The Stunt Sunnyvale. • a gift, whether it’s a watch or a pression! better pop tapes. A recent sam­ Man, plays Carla Moran, a box of candy. An overwhelming And for the single Gay, ’tis the pling showed quality improved majority of Gay men and women season to be aggressive and send across the board, both in full price ^ I d me they always give a gift to that beautiful person you’ve been '•pleases and in the new budget thgir special person on Valentine’s admiring at least a card. ' iwo-fers” (two albums on one Da^;. Considered as a favorite Gay So, all you See’s candy fanatics ih tape). Outstanding among the holiday« Valentine’s Day is almost take heart! This is the perfect time vjhet® latter are the Warner Brothers/ as popular as Halloween — for to let your lover know that they the b«“ lik 't* ^ Elektra/Asylum series, featuring different reasons, of course. can prove their love for you with b o o k * such artists as James Taylor, Talk­ (From top to bottom} Tom Ramirez, Kandis Chappell (Equity guest Gift ideas ran the gamut from at least a S lb. box. ing Heads, and Joni Mitchell; and artists) and Patrick Lawlor appear in San Jose Rep's production o f homemade choct^late chip cookies Happy Valentine’s Day to all of s o e h d “ evety Vanguard’s series featuring the Michael Cristofer’s award-winning play THE SHADOW BOX, to a trip to the R u^an River. One you! • .Ilik^'^/jriet“*'' best of .such performers as Ian and directed by David Lemos. Photo by Rick (iovea. man is gleefully aw ning the big Sylvia, Joan Baez, Stephane << Grapelll, and Pete Seeger. The The Shadow Box*’ Vanguard releases in particular Michael Cristofer’s award­ Lucente is assistant stage manager. impressed me with their winning play, The Shadow Box, Lemos, along with the cast and consistency; quality on all the will be presented by San Jose Rep­ designers for The Shadow Box tapes tested was in the ballpark as ertory Company in the Montgom­ will give a “ behind-the-scenes” far as comparison with di.scsgoes. ery Theatre in downtown San Jose view of the production on Tues­ Corpus has been upgrading it­ A big step in the direction of from February 12-27. The produc­ day, February 15 at 8:00 pm . in self remarkably...and the Gay quality was taken by RCA, which tion is directed by David Lemos, the Montgomery Theatre. This Kate Nelilgan stars as a courageous mother who never loses faith that bars are much better than they Dear Dan issued John Denver’s new album, were several years ago. Producing Director for San Jose lecture is offered in conjunction her missing 6-year-old son will return in this suspenseful human drama. By Dan Gatewood the mellow yet pungent Seasons o f Rep. with the San Jose Community The Hidden Door at 1003 the Heart ir? both a regular edition The Shadow Box, winner of the College District’s Office of “Without A Trace” Morgan is a hot western and levi and a digital master version pro­ 1977 Pulitzer Prize and the An­ Community Affairs. A woman’s bravery and a police gence who passionately clings to cruise bar, which is open after Dear Dan, detective’s relentless search for the belief that her son will return. thought I was “ Mr. Right” dum­ duced on chromium oxide cassette. toinette Perry (Tony) Award for Tickets are available at San Jose hours weekends. The busiest club I’m a 21-year-old Gay man ped me. It really hurt. That’s The latter, although not yet com­ Best Play of the 1976-77 sea.son, and Peninsula Box Offices, all her missing son provide the ele­ Without A Trace is produced is The Zodiac, a disco for young who’s only been in San Francisco when I ran to S.F. parable to a real-time audiophile deals with the delicate and painful BASS ticket centers, at the Mont­ ments of suspenseful human and directed by Stanley Jaffe people at 617 So. Staples. > for two monies. I’m attractive, Now I’m back to normal, and cassette, is as far beyond a pop line that separates the living and gomery Theatre one hour before drama in Without A Trace, a from a screenplay by Beth Jolly Jack 11, downtown at 413 and was just starting to really get I’ll be ready to resume modeling cassette of four years ago as a dying. In separate cottages on a each performance, and by calling Stanley Jaffe Production released Gutcheon based on her novel. Peoples gets whatever is left over. in to modeling before I broke within a year. But my major pro­ modern car is beyond a Model T. hospital’s grounds dwell three ter the San Jose Rep Box Office be­ by 20th Century-Fox starring Kate Now playing gt: Hillsdale, San All bars have pool tables, serve both legs a year ago. While I was blem is really starting to get in my Virtually all (but not quite all) minal cancer patients — one of tween 1-5 pm, Monday through Nelligan. Mateo; Old Mill, Mottntain View; liquor and close at 2:00 a.m. in my casts, I gained almost 60 way once more. Everyone here pop cassettes now use the Dolby B them Gay — who are attended by Friday, at (408) 294-7572. • Nelligan stars as Susan Sclky, a Town Center, Sunnyvale; Prune- I stay at the Sheraton-Marina, pounds and my lover, who seems to think that I’m stuck on noise reduction system that various family and friends. The woman of strength and intelli­ yard, Campbell. • but may check out the handsome myself. The truth is that I’m very reduces tape hiss to a minimum. play is about their anxieties and new La Quinta Royale next time great beach and a muy simpatico shy, and I really don’t care for the The major complaint that still re­ their coming to terms with the around. For straight dining, try staff. bars at all. What I need are social mains with all pop cassettes is that finality of their condition. Captain Boomer’s, Cooper’s Brownsville, Harlingen and activities, but I don’t know how to they do not include the song texts The play is not really about Alley, J.B .’s Crab Pot, Josie’s McAllen are the principal cities in get into one. As you may know, usually found on the correspond­ death; it was heralded as, “ Thun­ FORTUNES Mexican, Luciano’s or The Torch. the Rio Grande Valley and typify it’s hard to start out in a strange ing records’ album covers. It dering with life, storming and The sand-duned strip of Padre most rather drab border towns. b y city. I need to be around other Seems that only a strong public boiling with thrilling perform­ Island is in the Gulf of Mexico, Best* bar bets are the Etc., in Gay men who ask themselves outcry will achieve any change in ances...It is absolutely uplifting. and parallels the Texas coast from McAllen or the mostly straight questions like am I strange for that practice. Brilliantly written...truly startling, Tycho Corpus Christi in the north to studio V Disco in Brownsville. wanting to be with one man, for All-in-all, today’s cassettes and in its uncompromising way, Port Isabel in the south. Elizabeth Street in Brownsville is wanting to sit in front of a fire eat­ offer convenience, flexibility, and infamous for young Chicano very, very, very funny.” AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) A trick Causewayi at both ends connect ing cheese and drinking wine, for quality at very economical prices. David Lemos, 26, director of LEO (July 23-August 22) A Leo in hiberna­ to the mainland, but no through hustlers...and so is the Plaza, could turn into the best of treats, so get ready. tion? Things are somewhat topsy-turvy, and wanting to buy eleven roses, have These are important considera­ The Shadow Box, is Producing road covers the full stretch of its south of the border in them sent, and coming home with tions when one faces the fact that Something you’vp been fantasizing and dreaming you’re up for long nights, days, weeks of staying Matamoros. Director for San Jose Rep—which about could become incredible reality.' You may 113 mile length. the twelfth in my hand? Am I a the Phillips S” laser-read digital warm and safe inside. Saving your energy for Harlingen hosts an Air Show in he joined in August 1980 to even learn something about creating your own South Padre Island is one of freak for wanting a real relation­ disc will be released (finally) in create its first production team. spring? Simple pleasures like reading a book, America’s fastest growing new October, and Brownsville is noted reality. Unreal! cooking a good meal, are very important. ship instead of meaningless sex? early 1983. To be sure, it will offer A Theatre Arts/Television resorts...and still relatively un­ for Charro Days Fiesta in I’m bored with bars full of a quality a bit greater than cur­ graduate of the University of PISCES (February 19-March 20) Mingle. Be VIRGO (August 23-September 22) Exploring spoiled. It is best during the long February. plastics wearing designer jeans. If rently found, but the players Santa Clara, he appeared in over with piople. Walk through crowds. Talk to the many realms and levels of the masculine and summers, but attracts thousands If you need to visit Brownsville, you could just sort of point me in alone, originally announced at 10 productions at the university, strangers with nice eyes. If you don’t live in a city, the feminine is one of the very best things about of Texas kids during ‘Spring stay at the Fort Brown Motor the right direction, I would appre-. around $500, have been hiked in as well as two sea.sons as an actor go to one. Be capable of the deepest compassion. being Gay. You’ve got the inside track on a lot of Break’ and more thousands of Hotel, and for straight dining try ciate it. price to close to $1000; and the Drop your cynicism. If you can manage this, info that straights miss out on. Pay special Lavio’s or Leonardo’s, a pair of and publicist with Theatre Santa Mexican citizens at Eastertime. Totally Bored Out cassette industry, with its econom­ Clara. His directing credits you’re becoming a real Pisces, and you’ll love the attention to those realizations now.' South Padre is less than an Mexican restaurants that come ical format and new quality con­ include Starting Here, Starting results. LIBRA (September 23-Octoher 22) Whoever DOING BMERICN hour’s drive from Brownsville or well recommended. Dear Totally; trol, is prepared to do battle. Digi­ Now, Applause; and for the Rep ARIES (March 2I April 20/ Quick and clever, needs helm should apply to their nearest Libra. Harlingen, both of which are ser­ The Rio Grande Valley is not, One way to point you in the tal discs will probably be the last season, he directed Mohere’s sharp a:id witty—characteristics that Aries know.s The bonds of friendship are strong, tied lovingly WITH BOB DAMRON ved by several flights daily from repeat not for everyone. The right direction would be to recom­ standard someday, but the im­ Tartuffe. well—but ones that are especially you right now. tighter as you are able to extend yourself and give Houston, Dallas and San An­ beachcomber in me loves the mend Charle’s Silverstein’s book, provements we’ve discussed in The Shadow Box opens at the You’d rather spend the night at a bar like those you love exactly what they need. You’ve got “ South Texas Gulf Coast” tonio. remoteness of Padre Island Man to Man. He points out a clear these articles, plus the price differ Montgomery Theatre (West San “Cheers” than cruise the local meat rack. A good a way about you! The island has a small, but en­ National Seashore...and Corpus division between those he calls entials of such staggering Carlos and Market Streets in time to write an overdue letter to an old friend. SCORPIO (October 23-Novetnber 21) Any thusiastic Gay colony, and keeps getting better all the time! “excitement seekers" and those variation, have put that day off— Obviously, I’m not too fond of downtown San Jose) on Saturday, TAURUS (April 21-May 20) Someone in a ideas about yourself that are based on ideas from The semi-tropical Rio Grande pus (as it’s called) was described although there arc as yet no Gay he names “home builders. ” Most perhaps for a decade. • February 12 at 8:(X) p.m.; and will the past need to be gotten rid of. Old habits and Valley is at the “ tip” O’Texas, as “a small village of smugglers bars, the locab frequently invade border towns...but who knows o f us have features o f both in our Sloiwwall I eatures Syiiilivufe, IVS.t position of authority is getting hard to take. Bossy what turns someone else on. continue through Sunday, Febru­ and cantankerous, it looks like they’re up to no compulsions are getting in the way of growth. Pull just north of the border with Old and lawless men, with but few the UghtkoaM Pub, one block makeups, some more o f one than ary 27 at 2 p.m. the weeds and appreciate the clearer path. Mexico. women and no ladies.” from the old Lighthouse in neigh­ One thing for sure, if the the other. good, and it also looks like you have to live with it weather up north is cold and nasty Crossword Solution Appearing in The Shadow Box for now. Learn to shut it off when you leave That's how you find the way to fall in love! You may feel like you’re in a Today it is an important in­ boring Port Isabel. Louie’s The terms are fairly self-explana­ arc Tom Ramirez and Kandis foreign country, because you’ll dustrial city, livestock center and Backyard serves an adequate buf­ ...the South Texas Gulf Coast of- tory, but Sihersteins book ex­ (From Last Issue) work, so that the night time stays the right time. SAGITTARIUS (November 23-December 21) The fets a place in the sun...with won­ Chappell (Equity guest arti.sts); world of possibilities beckons. Life becomes kalei­ hear more Spanish spoken than the ninth largest port in America. fet, hunky waiters, glamorous set­ plores in depth exactly what this Wendy-Howard Benham, J. GEMINI (May 2!-June 20) Your fantasies may English, even on radio and TV. Points of interest include the ting and straight late night disco. derful beaches and warm, friendly division means. Don’t gel down doscopic and could be dizzying unless you have a people. • Stephen Coyle, Merilee Imamoto, be oh, so appealing, but don’t get lost in them. firm idea of who you are. This question does keep Estimates put the number of Yacht Basin & cruisy Seawall, For dining the Tiki is fair, and on your Gay brothers who are ex­ Randall King, Patrick l awlor and Your partner has a special need for you right here popping up, doesn’t it? Maybe there’s more than Mexican-Americans living near U.S. Naval Air Station, CXrean the Yacht dab is better. The Jet­ {For more detailed information, citement seekers. The old Golden Charles Martinet. on earth, not up in the clouds. Stay in touch. Ask one answer. You’ll need to be a juggler of the the Rio Grande as high as 739k. Drive, Corpus Christi University, ties is a beach at the south end of pick up a copy of the Bob Rule applies here. /, too. am an Peter Buckley is assistant to questions. Give answers. Be there. Reach out. mind. 1 So if you’re a Latin lover or several museums and Mustang the island, where Gays, straights, Damron Address Book '83 attractive man who tends to be a the director and production stage CANCER (June 21-July 22) You feel more like lover of Latins, you’ll love it here. State Park. bi’s, junkies or whatever con­ available at most better bars, homebuilder, so I can appreciate CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) The your problem. manager. The set design is by a Scorpio than a Cancer—mysterious and wanting tried and true can be just that, but don’t take Geographically, Corpus Christi Little shrimp boats ply the verge. baths and bookstores throughout waters around Aransas Pass and Hundreds of cars and vans park Yes, it’s hard to get going in a John Murphy, with lighting by to get to the bottom of things. Your energy is advantage of what you have just because you have is a ways north of the Mo Grande America. Or send SI 1.00 for your Kurt Landisman, costumes by Valley, but the largest city in North Padre Island. Annual even­ or cruise around here late nights... new city, and make a Gay Hfe out­ R f i E ^ r a i s i concentrated on something of great importance to It. Maybe you need to take a fresh look at things copy (which includes packing and and the T-Rooms are busy, busy. side the bars. School would be an Marcia Frederick and sound by you, and you lose no detail. You might even want Get out of town and take the tried and true with South Tex (population 233,000) ts include the All-Texas Jazz shipping) to Bob Damron Enter- Terry Hunter and Nat Fast. Tom to seek out a Scorpio friend. Get into it. easily identifies with the area. Festival, Bay Fest, Buccaneer I stay at the South Padre HiNoa prises, tne., P.O. Box 14-077, San obvious choice for meeting a ' SumewaH Features Syndicate. 198} During the Mexican War, Cor­ Days and Kingsville Rodeo. Resort, which has lovely rooms, a Francisco, CA 94! ¡4.] Continued on page 12 fees by cashing your checks at “ per check” charge. your own bank. Take into consideration your Second, consolidate small ac­ own time and effort, too. A bank counts. Low balances mean high may charge far less, but if you I W U f , fees, so by moving several small have to make a long trip each time accounts to a single bank, you can you make a deposit or a with­ eliminate some bank charges. drawal, you may actually spend Finally, consider that old more. If you travel a good deal, it reliable standby, comparison may be easier for you to have mT ^ ^ g c y c le Celebrity shopping. Strange as it may checks accepted from a larger and Soofcs l^^cords more familiar institution than Citation sound, you can shop for a bank New-Used Caprice/Impala just like you shop for a steak. Ask from a smaller, local bank whose Corvette several banks in your community name is not readily recognized. S a n J o se Camaro for their fee schedules, perhaps Using the information that Malibu 138 E. SANTA CLARA ST. Cavalier using the list I’ve provided for a you’ve gathered, and keeping in guide. Find out if there are com­ mind your need for convenience SAN JOSE, CA 96113 Chevette Monte Carlo binations of services offered that and a long-term banking relation­ 408-286-6275 may eliminate some of the other ship, then choose the bank you MON.-8AT. lOH» AM - MO PM fees you’re paying. At many in­ want to deal with. Oh, and one 8UN. lOHW AM — 8:00 PM stitutions, a free safety-deposit further hint: most of the fees at **Paying Too Much for Banking?^ box may be supplied to checking- any particular bank are account customers, or the annual negotiable; if you’re a good P a io A lto customer, speak to an officer and 230 AVENUE By Adam Starchild fee for a credit card may be PALO ALTO, CA 94301 waived. Calculate your average you may find that the published 415-321-2846 Courtesy Chevrolet Recently, a major bank in to put it into a money fund. check usage to determine if you list of fees simply doesn’t apply to MON.-FRl. 10:00 AM — OKW PM Chicago announced that it was Caught between higher save more or spend more with a you at all. * SAT. 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM 3030 Stevens Creek Blvd '(at Winchester) San Jose going to charge S2.00 to operating costs on the one hand, flat-fee checking account or a ©Stonewall Features Syndicate, 1982 SUN. 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM customers with less than $1,000 on and less cheap money to lend on Ave. charge banks that Wt Buy. Sell a IVsde quality Booka A Record» (408)249-3131 deposit each time they called to the other, the banks explain that Banking Service 4th Qtr 1981 chg. for service Phone For Buying Hours find out how much money they they have little choice but to hike Bounced check $7.34 100

li 9 9 in about 27« of Gay men; it is of­ Gay Press OURSTORY , continued from page 13 By Harvey Thompson, M.D. ten asymptomatic, but can cause ‘VD is not Valentine’s Day weight loss and diarrhea. was a very short time before they Britten. England's most capable Association met in Italy to take up the torch modem composer, wrote many carrier state. It could be eradi­ 27 Strongylodiasis: A round- Oar Directory Cupid’s arrows may be laced 9 Gardnerella Hemophilus: once more. Without the “ help” songs and operatic roies with his with more than love. There are This organism has changed its cated if everyone susceptible took worm infection of the upper in­ to meet in . (>41 Stockton Avenue, San lose 95126 (408)998-1144 the vaccine. of people who had their own axe lover, Peter Peats, in mind. 641 C lub*...... now enough sexually-transmitted name three times, but continues to testines that can cause cough as it to grind, Wilde and Douglas A Clean Mr ell-Ughted Place for Books* 21271 Stevens Creek. Cupertino 95014 (408) 255-7600 18 Cytomegalovirus: This virus One of the most effective of those 92 N Market Street, San lose 95113 (408)947-17.33 diseases (STD’s) for a disease-a- cause a malodorous vaginal infec­ passes through the lungs or ab­ San Francisco might have gone on to live works is the cycle Michuelangelo A Culinarv ixperieoce* (Creative Catering}. . may be the culprit in the current dominal symptoms when the adult A Tinker'! Damn* (V'deo/DiscaLounge) 46 N Saratoga Avenue. Santa Clara 95050 (408) 24 V4595 day plan this month. You might tion that produces little associated together for years aftervvard. But Sonnets, a setting of the Italian's PO Box 70185, Sunnyvale 94086 say that a large city like San Fran­ AIDS problem (see below). It is females lodge in the mucosa of the Plans for the first Western Re­ Alwin tnlerpri»e*¡Mail-Order Book Service’ discharge. gional Conference of the Gay that story, as we know, ends more love poems to his lover, Tommaso The AiHwer* . . 1640 Main Street. Redwood City 94063 (415) 361-9444 cisco, you could have a different 10 Listeria Monocytogenes: ubiquitous in the Gay community, bowel. Four percent of Gay males 412 Florence Street. Palo Alto (415) 327-1681 but can probably cause a mononu- Press Association have been re­ unhappily. di Cavatieri. Again, this pair |. Anthony (Hair express' lover and a different disea.se each Man can carry this bacterium in are said to carry this. Society, which claims to place The Antique Galleries . 1940 Monterey Road. San lose 95112 (408) 2790303 cleosis-like state for which there is leased by Doug Wright and Tony stayed together for many decades (415) 348-4045 night. Here’s a list of what to his intestines, infecting others But the big news in the Gay such importance on continuing re­ until the death of Britten in 1976. B Street* (Supper ClubrDiiCOj 236 South B Street San Mateo 94401 avoid, day-by-day. no treatment. Torres, co-chairs of the Confer­ Bachelor Quarters* (Baths)...... 1934 University Ave, Palo Alto 94303 (415)325-7575 through fecal contamination. community is our own syndrome: lationships, gets in the way of Gay One indication of the recognition ...... 86 Keves Street San lose 95112 (408) 293-4525 Results may be blood poisoning or Better than halfway through the ence committee. The conference Billy DeFrank Community Center* February 28 AIDS: Acquired immunode­ will be held in San Francisco ones when it can. Somerset their relationship gathered was the Black A W hite Men Together ¡Social Croup) . . . P O Box 1192, Los Catos 95031 (408) 356-6932 even a rare form of meningitis. month, but there are more haz­ ficiency Syndrome is of unknown Maugham, irascible and nasty as letters of condolence sent to Pears The Boot Rack Saloon*...... 41 i S.ockton Avenue. San lose 95126 (408)294 4552 1 Syphilis: a delicate corkscrew­ ards than bacteria and viruses! the weekend of March 12 and (408) 734-8204 shaped organism that begins its in­ 11 Niserria Meningitidis: This cause, possibly the result of a yet- he was, still inspired complete at that time. Born W ith H(Advertising Agency Sui-sn Leviti)...... 973 Park Avenue, San lose 95126 “ cousin’' of gonorrhea can cause 19 Trichomonas Vaginalis: This 13, 1983. Bread A Rotes * fMarx'st Book store; 95Ü So First Street. San lose 95112 (408)294-2910 fection on the skin, then spreads unknown virus or the onslaught of The conference, entitled devotion from his “ secretary” From Harmodius to Aristogeiton, (408) 279-9825 symptoms similar to th^ urethritis protozoa causes an itchy, mal­ Buck's'(Disco/Lounge) . 301 btockton Avenue, San lose 95126 through the body over weeks, all-of-the-above on the immune Creeping Professionalism,” will Gerald Haxton. They met in 1914, the pair of lovers who went to Camera One (Movie Theatre; 366 So first Street, San lose 95112 (408)294-3800 months, years. seen in GC. odorous vaginal inflammation in system. It seems to be sexually take a hard look at the progress and lived together until 1944. death together for the sake of Center o( lig h t (Counse/mg; ...... P.O Box 3142. San lose95116 (408)238-6790 12 Strep Infections: Not com­ 2 Gonorrhea: an infection women, but can equally cause transmitted in a fashion similar to toward professionalism of the Haxton’s early indiscretions made Greek freedom, through Hadrian, Paul Coke, D.C. .Chiropractor;...... 4117 El Camino Real. Palo Alto 94306 (4151857-1221 monly included among STD lists, irritation and burning in the uri­ Courfety Chevrolet (Terry Brown’...... 3030 Stevens Creek Bivd, San lose (408)249-3131 caused by nieserria gonorrhea that Hepatilis-B—through blood re­ Gay/Lesbian media, beginning in it impossible for him to live in who built 14 cities in honor of his but strep pharyngitis and pyo­ nary outlets of either sex. cipients, IV drug abusers. Gay England, where he was officially dead favorite Antinous, to W.H. Create Your Weight IJoan H illin)...... 292 So 18th Street. San lose 95116 (408) 293-5805 is usually limited to the site of in­ the days before Stonewall and ex­ The Cruiser* (Restaurant & Bar) 2651 11 Camino Real, Redwood City 94061 (415)366-4955 oculation with resultant secondary dermas (skin infections) oc­ 20 Entamoeba Histolytica: This sex. Some conditions associated termed a sexual offender. For that Auden and Chester Kallman, we casionally seem to be sex-related. parasite can live happily within tending into the future when DA.T.A. Entcrpriict(Ma/e Contact Service)...... P.O. Box 3238, Redwood City 94064 inHammation and pus. with AIDS are: computers impact on the flow of reason, he and Maugham made ' have the example of great love and The Daybreak* (Women s Bar; ...... 171IW t l Camino Real M t View 94040 (415? %1-9951 3 Chlamydia: a protean infec­ the colon of the host, or, at its Kaposi's Sarcoma: This formerly their home in the south of France sharing. DELTA: A Center for Inlerpertonal Growth . 2444 Moorpark Ave., Sui e 112, San lose 95128 (408) 288-7744 worst, can cause bloody diarrhea information. (408) 286-8500 tion that manifests itself in dif­ Now, after spending nearly two rare cancer must be added to the Men and women who were in­ for most of their lives together, We may not have the financial Democratic Information Center*...... 483 Auzerais Avenue, San lose 95126 weeks with only the bacteria, you and fever. which seems like little hardship. considerations of community pro­ Detperadot* (Disco/Bar)...... 1425 Hacienda Ave, Campbell (San losel 95008 (408) .374-0260 ferent ways, but most commonly list of sexually-transmitted strumental in founding and (408) 279^2250 can graduate to the viruses: 21 Giardia Lamblia: This para­ Yet the intervention of the 2nd perty to hold us together, or the Don luan'i* (Restaurant and Disco/Loungel...... 92 N. Market, San lose 95113 known as a major cause of non­ diseases, though it could be just guiding early Gay/Lesbian publi­ The Downtown E loritl...... 52 W Santa Clara. San lose 95113 (408) 280-6314 specific urethritis, or NSU. This is 13 Herpes Virus: Both types I site lives higher up in the small in­ opportunistic on the background World War, when they were forced legal recognitions of a marriage (408) 280-1603 testines and can cause frequent cations, others who are working Dust Busters (Housekeeping Service)...... P.O. Box 307, San lose 95103 usually a diagnosis of exclusion and II can cause genital blisters or of AIDS. on a documentary on the progress to leave their home, forced a de­ certificate. We may not have the Elecirology by Mary Rozsa...... 251 O'Connor Drive, San lose 95128 (408) 292-.3133 loose bowel movements. (415)32.3-1003 (when it’s not gonorrhea.) even rectal infections. Herpes is Pneumocystltls Carinii: Again, of Gay media, and persons with cision to come to the United plight of our children to remem­ Force-5...... P O Box 1077. Palo Alto 94302 22 Candida Albicans: when it’s States rather than England, where ber to keep a failing marriage For Yourself (The Sensuality Store)...... 220 State Street, Los Altos 94022 (415)949-3417 4 Shigella: a bacterium that more a disease of the media, sell­ this “ Gay pneumonia” is probably knowledge and experience in the (415)-328-9895 usually causes severe diarrhea with ing lots of magazines and air time; in the mouth, Candida is called not actually sexually transmitted, Maugham would have been more going in spite of its lack of affec­ The Garden* (Bar & Restaurant)...... I960 University Ave., Palo Alto 94303 “thrush.” In the vagina, it’s use of computer technology in the Graphics by Steve* (Craphics/Typesetting) 973 Park Avenue. San lose 95126 (408) 297-9506 an abrupt onset and high fever its importance in the Gay com­ but strikes those AIDS patients comfortable. Haxton, far more tion. But those are not what (408) 2694)273 called a “ yeast” infection. When media and small businesses are Hairporl(Hairsfy/ing (or men A wom en;...... 1568 Meridian Avenue. San lose 95123 shortly after oral contamination munity pales in comparison to who haven’t the normal defenses being invited to participate in gregarious than his famous lover, makes a great love story. Possibly, Hammer A lewis(Sf>ecia/tyC/ofhes Men A Women/ 28 N, Market St. San lose 95113 (408)295-5808 by fecal material. some of the other STD’s listed it causes skin infection beneath to resist this otherwise ubiquitous was the person who actually even finer examples are right H.M.S.* (DiscotVideo Bar)...... K>60 S Bascom Avenue Campbell 95008 (408) 377 9700 the foreskin or on the head of the workshops designed to impart to (408) 244-2829 5 Salmonella: a bacterium that here. organism. participants solid, useful gathered the material which around you, right now. Some of The Interlude* (Bar A Restaurant)...... 4942 Stevens Creek, San lose 95129 14 Pox viruses: Molluscum con­ penis, it’s called “ balanitis.” Myohacterium-a vium Intercellu- Maugham used in his famous the bravest lovers are your neigh- Kevan's* (Businessmen’s Lounge)...... 10095 Satch Way, Cupertino 95014 (408) 725-9662 also causes diarrhea, symptoms knowledge and information that Robert Kopelson(Attorney at Law;...... 64 W. Santa Clara. San lose 95113 (408) 293-4000 similar to shigella. Less common tagiosum are small dimpled bum­ When it infects a person with larae: An “ atypical” TB organism stories. Strange and edgy as the ' bors, those men and women who AIDS, it’s an “opportunistic” in­ will enable them to better serve Bob Mack (MSI)(Insurance Broker) ...... 471 S Murphy, Sunnyvale 94086 (408)738-2919 as a venereal disease since it re­ ps a few millimeters in size that are found frequently among AIDS affair must have been, it takes make their lives together for years (408) 998-95.35 fection. In any case, it’s still the their readers and listeners. Mac’s Club* (Bar;...... 349 S. First St . San lose 95112 quires a larger inoculum. usually self-limited, and found victims. Workshops are tentatively more than habit to make two men without great fame or great Main Street* (Bar A Restaurant)...... 737 Stockton Avenue San lose 95126 (408) 293-1293 same fungus. (408) 279-2711 6 Canpylohacler (fetus yp jejunii: about the genitalia and perineum. Cryptosporidium: A parasite planned on: Working with elected live together for three decades. wealth. Mclropolitan Community Church*...... 160 East Virginia Street, San lose 95112 15 Papovavirus: Venereal warts How about a few little friends you Nearer to our time is the ex­ On this Valentine’s Day, my Ms. Atlas Press* (Pnnters/Typesetters)...... 973 Park Avenue. San lose 95126 (408) 289-1088 This bacterium is increasingly rec­ causing diarrhea in animals lately representatives and Gay political (408) 289-1088 ate caused by this virus, occurring can see? noted in humans, especially ample Pf Benjamin Britten and lover and 1 salute them, and we Our Paper* (News OHice)...... 973 Park Avenue. San lose 95126 ognized as another.bacterial cause groups (a panel of professional (Advertising Sales)...... (408) 734-8204 of diarrhea and requires specific about the ano-genital area, and re­ 23 Pthirus Pubis: Crabs are among AIDS patients who can’t Peter Pears, an apparently happy plan on being our own examples (406) ;292-8310 political aides are being invited to for the next thirty years. • The Party House(Cards. Decorations, Gifts A Invitations). . 1308 Lincoln Ave, S.in love 9512S antibiotic treatment different sisting treatment. No one is cer­ those freckles that move who pic­ seem to control the infestation. address this workshop); dealing arrangement that gave us the Pel Emporium* ...... 998 Elmonte Ave Mt View 94040 (415)948 4246 from the previous two bacteria. tain about just how contagious nic in the pubic forest^ benefit of their cultural offspring. ts Stonewatt Features Syndicate, 1983 Pink Cal Theatre(Adu(l Theatre) 25 W. San Salvador. San |o-e95H 2 (408) 998-9488 Taking care is the best way to with the problems which inhibit (408) 559 B8()8 7 Hemophilus Ducreyi: Chan­ they arc, although you’ll read 24 Sarcoptes Scabies: This mite avoid any of these. If you’re man­ the growth of the Gay/Lesbian Postal Express (Confidential P O Boxes)...... 2713 Union Ave San lose 95124 otherwise. Pottery Sales...... 179.1 Lafayette S t, Santa Clara 95050 (408) 984 0467 croid is uncommon, but it hap­ gets under the skin and moves ifesting any symptoms, slay home. media — reaching the upscale Recycle Bookstore* . , 138 E . Santa Clara St ibet. 3rd & 4!hl, San lose 9511,1 (408) 286-5275 16 Hepatiiis-A: This RNA virus about, causing intense itching pens. It’s characterized by ragged, Even at the most selfish, you’ll market, broadening the adver­ f o u í ^ e l f ^¿ . 230 Ham'lton Avenue, Palo Alto 94301 (415) 321-2846 tender ulcers of the genitals with is NOT the same as the cause of which gets worse at night. avoid spreading something that tising base, working with the non- The Renegades* (Bar A Resfaura.nt;...... 193 Stockton Ave. San love 95126 (408)275 9902 sore lymph nodes the more serious Hepatitis-B. It is 25 Enterobiasis: Pinworms in­ might just make the great circle Gay media, etc.; looking toward THEiSENSUALITVSTORi Robyiu Travel, Inc...... 4.37 Lyttdn Avenue, Palo Alto 94103 (415) .328 53"'5 8 Calymmalohacterium Granu- fecally transmitted, and has no fect OA/L Y humans, causing anal and come right back to you. And, the future in media; and San lose City Hall ...... First A Mission St.'eetv San lose P'lllO 658 1904lOaklarid Santa Clara County Government Center ...... 70 W, Hedding St S.m lose 95110 lomatls; This rare infection (a few chronic form nor carrier state. itching when the ingested egg hat­ it seems the more stress you place Gay/Lesbian broadcast media. (406)277-2777 17 Hepatitis—B: This DNA ches in that area, and larvae begin 5467 College Av. San lose Slate University Theatre ...... 5th and San Fernando San lose “ 5192 dozen cases in the United States on your immune system, the more In addition, three panels — oV Pat SandersiPreventive Health Care) 851 Tremont Ave.. Suite 214. I os Altos 94022 (415)9491200 Mon-Sat, noon-6 la.st year) is called granuloma in­ virus is the type transmitted by to migrate about. likely a candidate for AIDS you free-lancers and writers, editors, The Savoy* (Warner, s Bar and Restaurant) _’0469 Silverado Ave, Cu;>ertino 95014 (408) 446-0948 guinale, and appears as distinct fluid exchange and DOES have 26 Trichurls Trichurla: The may become • and publishers — will address the 949 3417/¡JOS Altos Sex Shop Arcade A Books* (Adult Bookstore) 389 So First Street, San lose 95112 (408)294-2135 ulcers in the perianal area. serious chronic forms and a human whipworm has been found Sliinewull I valiiri’s SymIU ale, IVttJ David P. Steward, MSW, l.C.S.W.(Cuunie/.ng/Aico/io. .i/id Drug Protdems/ . .. (415) 928-4946 problems directly related to their 220 State St *10 Stokes, Clayton, A McKenzie (Attorneys at taw ; It i Franklin S t. San Francisco 94114 (415)86.1-2312 areas of expertise and respon­ Tues-Sat.. 11-5 30 Toyon* (Mixed Bar) 1035 S Saratoga-Sunnyvale R. . San lose 95129 (408)446-1900 Class Issues sibilities and their relationship Tuxedo King (form a/W ear; 3127 Stevens Crée k Blvd . San lose 95117 (408) 244-8600 Valentine’s Day with each other in the media U-Haul (Campbell Moving Center}...... 1266 'White Oaks Campbell 95008 (408) .371-5183 Bay Area Women’s Philharmonic forcible rapes by SVt, robberies by (408) 286-8.301 Workshop chain. Crime Prevention Week Underground Records* (New and UsediCoHectors' AlbumslV) S Third Street, San lose 9511 3 The GPA’s new world-wide 18%, burglaries by 16%, and Upstart Crow* (Cenerai Interest Bookstore) 740 1 he Prunevard. Campbell 95008 (4081.371-5740 revel features by her one-time student Judy A one-day workshop for wo­ motor vehicle theft by 10%.” VideoEvenls(CosfomVideo Taping; (415)957-5795 The Bay Area Women’s Phil­ computerized WireService will (408; 266 1038 harmonic (BAWP) in its second Collins and filmmaker Jill God- men of all socioeconomic class The Crime Prevention Unit of Community involvement and Video Came Rentals (Markee Maintenance Co l. . San |c;e poetry and music backgrounds to “ explore class also be demonstrated and past Whiskey Gulch Saloon*...... 1951 University Ave Pali Alto 94303 (4151.328-9111 concert of the 1982-83 season will millow, which resulted in a the San Jose Police Department crime prevention practices by citi­ (408) 255-9880 issues within ourselves and be­ policy decisions discussed. Zales lewelers ...... 2IO‘»\ alito Fashion Park Cupertino 95014 “ Love’s Not Time’s Fool: A present rarely performed works by resurgence of Dr. Brico’s career. has announced its participation in zens played an important role in Zero Out (Smoke Ces.vaîit/n> ...... 441 N (‘ ential Ave. Can pbeM 95008 (408) 378-9490 tween each other in a non- Social events are scheduled Late Afternoon Revel on Saint women composers and Mozart’s Now in her 80’s, Dr. Brico con­ National Crime Prevention Week, this dramatic decrease of serious threatening environment” has which will allow for that all- Valentine’s Day,” a special per­ Symphony No. 40 in G minor, ducts the Brico Symphony in February 6-12, 1983. crime, according to a SJPD press *Our Paper is distributed tiee at places marked with astrri .ik We apprec lale this courtesy Organizations been scheduled from 10 a.m. to important networking among wishing copies to distribute to their membeis, please stop by the nevsspaper o ffu e To co'ie ct anv errors or formance of love poems and featuring guest conductor Dr. An­ Denver, Colorado, and has guest “ Public safety, crime and the release. 5:30 pm. on Saturday, February Lesbian/Gay journalists. This in­ omissions in Our Direttory. please call the newspaper office at (408i 289- |0H8 music, is set for February 14, 5:30 tonia Brico, on Saturday, Feb­ conducted extensively in recent teraction between peers is one of fear of crime continue to be the Special Crime Prevention Week - 6:45 p.m., in the newly restored ruary 19 at 8 p.m. at Zellerbach years, from Lincoln Center to the 26 in Palo Alto. highest priorities of our Depart­ packets are available from the Facilitated by Karla Boyd, the the more productive benefits for elegance of The Sainte Claire Auditorium on the University of Hollywood Bowl. ment,” Chief Joseph D. Mc­ Police Department at 151 W. workshop has a sliding scale fee of participants, according to the Hilton’s Barrington’s Lounge, California Berkeley campus. Another student of Dr. Brico, organizers. • Namara recently stated. “ During Mission, Room 129 or by phoning Name Market and San Carlos Streets, Dr. Brico, highly acclaimed Elizabeth Min, music director and $25-35. For more information, 1982, murders decieased by 41^o, (408)277-4133. • call 323-0745. • San Jose. conductor of many of the great conductor of BAWP, will be the Mailing Address, Noted poet and performer of orchestras of Europe and featured piano soloist at this per­ formance. BAWP’s 1982-83 Prin­ poems Nils Peterson, Professor of America, is considered a pioneer CLASSIFIEDS s ¡ p 'c a » . .State/Zip. English and Director of Creative for women in this field. She holds cipal Guest Conductor, J. Karla Tltiitgi) ate Cltoogiitg Writing at San Jose "State Univer­ the prestigious title of being Lemon, will lead the orchestra in a □ Enclosed is my check/money order for $------sity, will present love poems from amongst the University of work by Julia Perry, one of the Postal Express Astrological Coonsellng for a ______subscription. across the centuries, including his California at Berkeley’s 1(X) most few Black women composers ac­ Private Mail Box Rentals by A U RO RA (408) 973-1016 Mail to: Our Paper, 973 Park Avenue, San lose, CA 95126 own. The Choraliers of San Jose Distinguished Graduates and was tive today. 24-Hoar Mail Pick-Up State University, widely known. also the first American graduate For ticket information, call Message Service (415) 652-7157 or write BAWP, AD COPY: singing group under the direction of the Master School of Conduct­ UPS Packages Shipped SOLOFLEX BODYBUILDER ing at the Berlin State Academy of 3543 - 18th Street, San Francisco, Classified Coupon of Charlene Archibeque, will per- C opying Services For sale: $350, excellent con­ INSTRUCTIONS: Type or neatly print vour ad exactly as /orm songs of love. Music. CA 94110. All seats reserved, Resame Service you wish It to appear. Regular type is 25C per word, bold type wheelchair accessible, childcare dition Miguel: day 721-4218, The program is sponsored by In 1975, she was the subject of 2713 Uaioa Ave. (at Cortaer) evening 246-6048.______IS 50» per word. Add up the total cost of vour ad. If you wish San Jose Poetry Center and is an Academy Award nominated provided, discounts for seniors (408) 559-8868 your ad to appear more than one time, multiply the number made possible in part by grants documentary feature film, An­ and disabled. • of times you wish your ad tc run times the cost of the ad. If you run the same ad copy tor six issues consecutively, you from The Sainte Claire Hilton, the tonia: A Portrait o f the Woman, LESBIAN AND GAY BOOK- can deduct a 1056 discount from the total. Fine Arts Commission of the City BARTER: Graphic artist will SERVICI Mail-o

Hepatitis B, a serious disease, The hepatitis B virus can be Now this serious sexually may be sexually transmitted passed on by contact with transmitted disease is usually^ Sexually transmitted diseases among the contaminated body fluids preventable by vaccination with gay community are epidemic. Herpes has such as saliva, urine, semen, and blood. the new hepatitis B vaccine recently received a lot of attention; The hepatitis B virus can be transmitted After more than a decade of research and gonorrhea and syphilis are well known; through tiny breaks in the skin or contact development, a new vaccine is available but the Centers for Disease-Tonu ol with mucous membranes. This can occur for prevention, not treatment, of hepatitis (CEX^) recently issued a major during intimate sexual contact and can B. In clinical studies, the vaccine was recommendation for the prevention of lead to hepatitis B for the partner of an highly effective in preventing hqjatitis B another sexually transmitted disease: infected person. Although most patients infection and was generally well H qoatitis B- In their Morbidity and recover and over half contracting tolerated. No serious adverse reactions Mortality Weekly Report, the CDC stated: hepatitis B do not get symptoms, there is occurred in these studies. “Susceptible homosexually active males no specific treatment and no known cure The vaccination regimen consists of a should be vaccinated [against hepatitis B] for hepatitis B infections. series of three injections, the first two a regardless of their age or duration of their m onth £g5art and the th ird , six m onths homosexual practices.” Hepatitis B may lead to even after the first. To be effective, the vaccine more serious complications must be given before a person gets Gay men are at a high risk of For those who do get symptoms of hepatitis B. The vaccine h e ^ jMevent the contracting hepatitis B hepatitis B, a mild or severe “flu-like” Hinipasp- It is not effective as a treatment. In one study, from 51% to 76% of 3,816 sideness may continue for wedes or yUk suggest that you consult your doctor gay men seen in five sexually transmitted months. Ten percent of all infeaions to determine if you should be vaccinated. disease clinics had evidence of past or become long lasting (chronic) with present hqjatitis B infection. Once potential complications that are For m ore informarion infected, there’s a 6% to 10% chance of sometimes more serious than those of about hepatitis B and the becoming a carrier—capable of passing other sexually transmitted diseases. The on the virus. The CDC estimated there serious con^>lications include the chronic vaccine to prevent it, contact are nearly 1 million carriers in the United carrier state, chronic active hepatitis, your doctoi^ clinic, or the States and that 100,000 of these carriers chronic persistent hepatitis, cirrhosis, and are gay men. even cancer of the liver. Every year American Liver Founda­ almost 4,(KX) carriers die of cirrhosis. In tion. 998 Pompton Avenue, addition, carriers have a risk 273 times Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 greater than that of the general pxç)ulation of contracting a usually fatal (201) 857-2626. form of liver cancer.

This message is brought to you as a public service by The American Liver Foundation

Why you should consult your doctor or clinic protect against hepatitis caused by viruses other than rare cases, fever over 102 °F was reported. The vaccine helps protect against infeaion caused by hepatitis B virus. More generalized complaints including malaise, hepatitis B virus. This virus is an important cause of viral No serious adverse reactions were reported in over fatigue, headache, nausea, dizziness, muscle pain, and hepatitis, a disease mainly of the liver. Even mild forms of 6,000 individuals receiving the vaccine m clinical trials. ioint pain were rqxwted infrequently. Rash was reported this disease may lead to serious complications and The most frequent reaaion was soreness at the point of rarely. As with any vaccine, broad use may reveal aitereffeas, including liver cancer. There is no specific injeaion; less common local reactions included redness, additional adverse reactions. Ysur doctor or clinic knows what special care must treatment for viral hepatitis. swelling, warmth, or formation of a hard, lurt^likc spot. \^ccinatk>n is recommended for persons who have a The locJ effects were usually mild and lasted no more be taken when administering the vaccine and in higher risk of becoming infeaed with hepatitis B virus than 2 days after vaccination. Occasionally, low-grade determining who should receive the vaccine, llie vaccine because of frequent, close contact with infected people or fever (less than 101 “F) occurred. When it did, it usually is not intended for persons who are allergic to any of its exposure to body fluids from such people. It will not lasted no longer than 48 hours following vaccine ion. In components.