Effects of Water Levels on Ecosystems: an Annotated Bibliography

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Effects of Water Levels on Ecosystems: an Annotated Bibliography Long Term Resource Monitoring Program Technical Report 96-T007 Effects of Water Levels on Ecosystems: An Annotated Bibliography This PDF file may appear different from the printed report because of slight variations incurred by electronic transmission. The substance of the report remains unchanged. December 1996 LTRMP Technical Reports provide Long Term Resource Monitoring Program partners with scientific and technical support. This report did not receive anonymous peer review. Environmental Management Technical Center CENTER DIRECTOR Robert L. Delaney MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS AND INTEGRATION DIRECTOR Kenneth Lubinski INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY SERVICES DIRECTOR Norman W. Hildrum Cover graphic by Mi Ae Lipe-Butterbrodt Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use by the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior. Report production support provided by Information and Technology Services Division Printed on recycled paper Effects of Water Levels on Ecosystems: An Annotated Bibliography by Joseph H. Wlosinski and Eden R. Koljord U.S. Geological Survey Environmental Management Technical Center 575 Lester Avenue Onalaska, Wisconsin 54650 December 1996 Additional copies of this report may be obtained from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161 (1-800-553-6847 or 703-487-4650). This report may be cited: Wlosinski, J. H., and E. R. Koljord. 1996. Effects of water levels on ecosystems: An annotated bibliography. U.S. Geological Survey, Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, Wisconsin, December 1996. LTRMP 96-T007. 261 pp. Contents Page Contents ................................................ iii Preface ..................................................v Abstract..................................................1 Introduction ...............................................1 Acknowledgments ...........................................2 References................................................2 Table. Key word list by major topic (after Janecek 1989) ..................3 Subject Index ............................................ 249 iii Preface The Long Term Resource Monitoring Program (LTRMP) was authorized under the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-662) as an element of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Environmental Management Program. The LTRMP is being implemented by the Environmental Management Technical Center, a U.S. Geological Survey science center, in cooperation with the five Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) States of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provides guidance and has overall Program responsibility. The mode of operation and respective roles of the agencies are outlined in a 1988 Memorandum of Agreement. The UMRS encompasses the commercially navigable reaches of the Upper Mississippi River, as well as the Illinois River and navigable portions of the Kaskaskia, Black, St. Croix, and Minnesota Rivers. Congress has declared the UMRS to be both a nationally significant ecosystem and a nationally significant commercial navigation system. The mission of the LTRMP is to provide decision makers with information for maintaining the UMRS as a sustainable large river ecosystem given its multiple-use character. The long-term goals of the Program are to understand the system, determine resource trends and effects, develop management alternatives, manage information, and develop useful products. This report was developed with funding provided by the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program under Strategy 1.2.3, Determine Effects of Water Levels and Discharges on the Upper Mississippi River Ecosystem, as specified in the Operating Plan of the LTRMP for the Upper Mississippi River System (USFWS 1993). v Effects of Water Levels on Ecosystems: An Annotated Bibliography By Joseph H. Wlosinski and Eden R. Koljord Abstract This report contains annotations from more than 800 papers and reports describing the effects of water levels on ecosystem components, primarily in fresh waters. An index containing key words is included to facilitate the location of references on certain subjects. Key words are also grouped into general categories. The work was performed as part of the Upper Mississippi River System Long Term Resource Monitoring Program. Introduction Abstracts, Enviroline, and Life Sciences), TYMNET (Scisearch), Water Resources Abstracts, Ecological Abstracts, the Aquatic Twenty-seven dams allow for the management Plant Information Retrieval System at the of water levels on the Upper Mississippi River University of Florida, and various other sources System (UMRS). Most of these dams were at the Environmental Management Technical authorized by Congress in 1930 to maintain a 9-ft Center and the Upper Mississippi Science Center navigation channel (Rivers and Harbors Act, July at La Crosse, Wisconsin. Many of the abstracts 3, 1930, H.R. 11781). As noted in Wilcox and in this report were taken directly, or with some Willis (1993), Engineering Manual 1110-2-3600, changes, from annotated bibliographies authored November 30, 1987, provides guidance on the by Ploskey (1982) or Triplett, Culver, and management of water control projects. Waterfield (1980). Other abstracts were taken According to the guidance, even for single- directly, or with some changes, from original purpose projects, operations "must be tuned to papers. Some abstracts were copied from produce the benefits for environmental and social Selected Water Resources Abstracts. We goals. ." generated annotations in instances where no abstracts were available after copying sections In the General Plan for the UMRS from the report verbatim, and as such take Environmental Management Program (U.S. responsibility for errors and misstatements. This Army Corps of Engineers, North Central report is not a complete bibliography on the Division 1986), major goals for the Long Term effects of water levels on ecosystems. We Resource Monitoring Program (LTRMP) were to arbitrarily excluded most of the literature from predict the effects of natural and human-induced tidal, brackish, and salt waters, and made no actions on various ecosystem components, and attempt to translate foreign works. The units of recommend management actions to ameliorate measure used in all abstracts are consistent with undesirable natural and human-induced effects on those from the original paper or abstract. the ecosystem. These goals have been carried forward with a strategy in the Operating Plan An index, with key words, is provided to (USFWS 1993) for the LTRMP of determining assist readers in finding abstracts concerning the effects of water levels and discharges on the certain subjects. The majority of key words UMRS. This annotated bibliography was written were obtained from the Upper Mississippi River to help meet the above goals and strategy. Conservation Committee Library Database (Janecek 1989). Key words, grouped into We searched Current Contents (Agriculture, general categories, are presented in the Table. Biology, and Environmental Sciences), DIALOG The index was constructed electronically by (Compendex; Aquatic Science and Fisheries scanning each abstract, including its citation. The numbers used in the index refer to the Triplett, J. R., D. A. Culver, and G. B. abstract number, not the page. Waterfield. 1980. An annotated bibliography on the effects of water level manipulation on lakes and reservoirs. Ohio Department of Acknowledgments Natural Resources, Federal Aid Project F-57- R, Study 8. 50 pp. We are indebted to Gene Ploskey, James U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Central Triplett, David Culver, and Gerald Waterfield Division. 1986. General plan, Upper for allowing us to use their annotated Mississippi River System Environmental bibliographies. We also thank Jean Schmidt, Management Program, January. 31 pp. Kristi Jackson, and Amanda Helbing for their assistance in performing literature searches and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1993. Debbie Harris and Georginia Ardinger for Operating Plan for the Upper Mississippi River editorial assistance. System Long Term Resource Monitoring Program. Environmental Management Technical Center, Onalaska, Wisconsin, References Revised September 1993. EMTC 91-P002R. 179 pp. (NTIS #PB94-160199) Janecek, J. A. 1989. UMRCC Library Database User's Manual. U.S. Fish and Wilcox, D. B., and K. W. Willis. 1993. Wildlife Service, Rock Island, Illinois. Identification of constraints on river regulation. Lock and Dam 9 near Lynxville, Wisconsin, Ploskey, G. R. 1982. Fluctuating water levels Upper Mississippi River Nine-Foot Channel in reservoirs; an annotated bibliography on Project. Report by the U.S. Army Corps of environmental effects and management for Engineers, St. Paul District-Minnesota, for the fisheries. Prepared by the U.S. Department of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Environmental the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, for the Management Technical Center, Onalaska, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Wisconsin, August 1993. EMTC 93-S012. Station, CE, Vicksburg, Mississippi, Technical 91 pp. (NTIS # PB94-103603) Report E-82-5. 2 Table. Key word list by major topic (after Janecek 1989) _________________________________________________________________________________ Vegetative Descriptors Invertebrate Descriptors Mammal Algae Annelids Muskrat Alisma Arthropod Otter Aquatic Aufwuchs Shorebird Ceratophyllum Benthos Teal Chlorophyll Clam Waterbird
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