VALUING THE AQUATIC BENEFITS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA’s LOWER MAINLAND Nearshore Natural Capital Valuation VALUING THE AQUatIC BENEFITS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA’S LOWER MAINLAND: NeaRSHORE NatURAL CAPItaL VALUatION November 2012 David Suzuki Foundation and Earth Economics By Michelle Molnar, Maya Kocian and David Batker AcknOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge the extremely helpful contributions received during the preparation of this report. First and foremost, the authors wish to acknowledge the Sitka Foundation, who made this report possible. In addition, we would like to thank VanCity, Pacific Parklands, and Vancouver Foundation for their early and ongoing support of our natural capital work. We would like to thank Kelly Stewart (San Jose State University), Heidi Hudson (DSF), Zac Christin (EE), Lola Paulina Flores (EE) and David Marcell (EE) for their research assistance. Thanks to peer reviewers Sara Wilson (Natural Capital Research and Consulting), David Batker (EE), Jay Ritchlin (DSF) and Faisal Moola (DSF) for their advice, guidance and support in strengthening this report. Many thanks to Hugh Stimson (Geocology Research) who provided spatial data analysis and produced all of the maps within this report, and Scott Wallace (DSF) for sharing his fisheries data analysis. Copyedit and design by Nadene Rehnby Downloaded this report at and Suite 219, 2211 West 4th Avenue 107 N. Tacoma Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V6K 4S2 Tacoma, WA 98403 T: 604.732.4228 T: 253.539.4801 E:
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