E164 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 14, 2002

issue. The key, though, is the short position Don began his long tenure in public service the RECORD reflect that had I been here, I of the banks and their gold derivatives. The in 1959 as an Administrative Assistant to Cali- would have voted ‘‘aye’’ on this rollcall vote. central banks have ‘leased’ gold for low re- fornia State Senator Richard Richards and turns to the bullion banks for the purpose of served in the same capacity with Assembly keeping the price of gold low. Greenspan’s f remarks in 1998 explain how the price of gold Member and then State Senator Joseph M. has been suppressed at times when it looked Kennick, Assembly Member Bruce Young and RECOGNIZING LUCIAN ADAMS like the price of gold was increasing.’’ State Senator Paul Carpenter. He has also Furthermore, Howe’s complaint also cites served as a Consultant to the Assembly Com- remarks made privately by Edward George, mittee on Oil, Mining, and Manufacturing, as a HON. NICK LAMPSON governor of the Bank of England and a direc- Deputy to Board of Equalization Member Paul OF TEXAS tor of the BIS, to Nicholas J. Morrell, chief Carpenter, and as an advisor in a volunteer IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES executive of Lonmin Plc: ‘‘We looked into capacity to Assembly Member Bob Epple. the abyss if the gold price rose further. A Wednesday, February 13, 2002 further rise would have taken down one or Don’s extensive experience in press and several trading houses, which might have media relations, speech writing, and research- Mr. LAMPSON. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to taken down all the rest in their wake. There- ing and drafting legislation serve him well as honor and recognize an American hero, fore, at any price, at any cost, the central today he works as a political advisor to many Lucian Adams, who risked his life for his coun- banks had to quell the gold price, manage it. candidates and office holders throughout Los try and went far beyond the call of duty. It is It was very difficult to get the gold price Angeles County. I have counted on Don as an my honor to salute this valiant man in his he- under control, but we have now succeeded. advisor and trusted confident throughout my roic efforts and his exceptional community The U.S. Fed was very active in getting the service in the 9th Congressional District of gold price down. So was the U.K. [United first year in office and I thank him for offering Kingdom].’’ his vast knowledge of experience to me. Texas. Whether the Fed and others in the alleged So it is with great pleasure that I ask all On April 23, 1945, President Harry Truman ‘‘gold cartel’’ have conspired to suppress the Members to join me in thanking Mr. Don I. awarded Mr. Lucian Adams with the Congres- price of gold may, in the end, be secondary Foltz for his contributions to our American po- sional . Mr. Adams is the re- to the growing need for financial trans- litical system and his many years of service to cipient of this prestigious award for his brave parency. Wall Street insiders agree that as the people of California and our Nation. actions during World War II. He is also the re- long as regulators, analysts, accountants, cipient of a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star. and politicians can be lobbied and ‘‘cor- f rupted’’ to permit special privileges, there Mr. Adams served as a Staff Sergeant in the will be more Enron-size failures. IN HONOR OF WILLIAM 30th Infantry, 3rd Infantry Division, under the Securities and Exchange Commission JEFFERSON JR. . On October 28, 1944, Chairman Harvey L. Pitt, well aware of the Sergeant Adams was responsible for saving seriousness of these problems, recently testi- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS the lives of his company near St. Die, France. fied before the House Financial Services On that fateful day, Adams and his com- Committee that ‘‘it is my hope there are not OF NEW YORK other Enrons out there, but I’m not willing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pany were stopped by the enemy while trying to drive through the Mortagne Forest to re- to rely on hope.’’ Wednesday, February 13, 2002 Robert Maltbie, chief executive officer of open the supply line to the isolated 3rd Bat- www.stockjock.com and an independent ana- Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor of talion. Sergeant Adams encountered the con- lyst, long has followed Morgan Chase. He William Jefferson Jr. in recognition of his centrated fire of machine guns in a lone attack tells Insight that ‘‘there are a lot of things 102nd Birthday. on a force of the German troops. Despite in- going on in these companies, but we don’t William Jefferson Jr. was born in Columbia, tense fire which the enemy di- know for sure because much of what they’re rected at him and rifle grenades which struck doing is off the balance sheet. The market is South Carolina in 1900 to Carrie and William scared and crying out to see what’s under the Jefferson Sr. He moved to New Jersey at age the trees over head engulfing him with twigs hood. Like Enron, much of what the banks 13 and on to New York during his 20th year. and branches, Sergeant Adams made his way are doing is off the balance sheet, and it’s a On March 10, 1937, William Jefferson Jr. mar- to within 10 yards of the closest machine gun time bomb ticking as we speak.’’ ried Maybell Stevens. Together they had five and killed the gunner with a hand grenade. Just what would happen if a bank the size daughters: Willamae, Carrie, Louise, Maybell This and other actions allowed Sergeant of Morgan Chase were unable to meet its fi- and Theresa. Adams to personally kill nine soldiers, elimi- nancial obligations? ‘‘It’s tough to go there,’’ nate three enemy machine guns, dismantle a Maltbie says, ‘‘because it could shake the fi- William worked for 38 years for an interior nancial markets to the core.’’ decorating company and retired at the age of specialized force which was armed with heavy 67. Nevertheless, William has continued to artillery, and clear the wood of hostile oppo- f help his family members to this day, rede- nents. The course of actions that were taken TRIBUTE TO DON I. FOLTZ signing their apartments and houses. While by Sergeant Adams would seem to be a living at Linden Plaza in Brooklyn, New York, scene directly from a movie however, all of he started the Garden Club and was still work- these courses took place in a time of unset- HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF ing there until a few years ago. tling war. OF CALIFORNIA Mr. Speaker, William Jefferson Jr. has lived Throughout the years, Mr. Adams has ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to see 19 different presidents, from President hibited an unyielding commitment to his com- Wednesday, February 13, 2002 William McKinley to President George Walker munity and city at large. In 1986, the city of Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to Bush—two world wars, and countless inven- Port Arthur changed the 61st Street to Staff rise today and recognize Don I. Foltz, a proud tions that would have been thought unimagi- Sgt. Lucian Adams at the request of the Port citizen, honorable man, longtime public serv- nable at the time of his birth. I urge my col- Arthur Mexican Heritage Society. For his ef- ant, and friend and trusted advisor. Don has leagues to join me in honoring this man who forts in reaching out to the youth of Port Ar- dedicated his professional years to the service has experienced so much. thur, a scholarship fund has been set up in his of countless California elected officials and f name. communities and I am happy to honor his ac- Mr. Speaker, Mr. Adams’ life is rich with PERSONAL EXPLANATION complishments today. countless examples of self-sacrifice and ex- Don was born in Glendale, California but traordinary accomplishment in service to our has spent most of his years in Long Beach, HON. J.C. WATTS, JR. great Nation. His contributions to Southeast California, where he continues to reside today. OF OKLAHOMA Texas are immeasurable. He has dedicated He was the loving husband of Mary Lou—his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his life to the United States Army and this lifetime personal and professional partner. He country and I ask my colleagues to join me in is also the proud father of two sons, David Wednesday, February 13, 2002 commending Mr. Lucien Adams in serving our Foltz and Steven Foltz, and grandfather to Mr. WATTS of Oklahoma. Mr. Speaker, I great nation for over 50 years. Parker C. Foltz, the apple of his grandpa’s was unavoidably detained earlier today during Congratulations, Mr. Adams on a job well eye. the rollcall vote #19 on H.R. 2356. I ask that done. God bless you, and God bless America.

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