September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1793 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

HONORING AID WORKERS KILLED contributions to our nation’s transportation tigate and conduct enforcement activities. The IN AFGHANISTAN safety each year. potential for the NTSB to obtain evidence vol- In 1967, Congress formed the NTSB as untarily from the parties involved in an incident SPEECH OF independent agency to investigate civil avia- may limit the evidence available to the modal HON. BOB GOODLATTE tion accidents and significant transportation agencies in the pursuit of an enforcement ac- OF VIRGINIA accidents in the surface modes—railroad, tion. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES highway, marine, and pipeline—as well as as- We also remain concerned about the impact Tuesday, September 28, 2010 sisting victims of fatal accidents. of a provision prohibiting the disclosure of in- Since its creation in 1967, the NTSB has in- formation by party representatives during an Mr. GOODLATTE. Madam Speaker, I rise vestigated more than 132,000 aviation acci- investigation. While the intent of the provision today to honor the 10 courageous men and dents and more than 10,000 accidents in other is sincere, its impact may severely harm the women whose lives were brutally cut short in transportation modes. As a result of these in- party representative system, a system that has Nuristan Province, Afghanistan, on August 5th, vestigations, the Board has issued a total of served the Nation well over the years. 2010. These individuals devoted their lives to almost 13,000 safety recommendations and We would like to work with the Chairman helping others, and unfortunately, paid the ulti- over 82 percent of those have been adopted. and Rep. CARNAHAN to ensure the provision mate price. In making safety improvement recommenda- achieves its intended result without unintended In particular, I would like to recognize and tions based on world-class investigations, hun- consequences. honor Brian Carderelli, a constituent of mine dreds of NTSB professionals as well as the Finally, we would like to thank the Chairman from Harrisonburg, Virginia. Mr. Carderelli was Federal Aviation Administration and the avia- for trying to address the concerns raised at a recent graduate from James Madison Uni- tion industry have helped create the safest markup regarding the language in the bill on versity and was working to chronicle the work aviation system in the world. With its current interim recommendations. of the aid workers by recording them in photo- resources, NTSB continues to do a tremen- Unfortunately, despite these changes to the graphs and video. Unlike many new college dous service to this Nation and the traveling bill, we are still concerned that there may be graduates, Mr. Carderelli chose to pursue a public in all modes of transportation. some confusion with the issuance of both in- career in a challenging foreign environment, H.R. 4714, as amended, provides for a four- terim safety recommendations and final rec- where his dedication to improving the lives of year reauthorization—fiscal years 2011 ommendations. Again, we hope the Chairman others took priority. His work with the Inter- through 2014. will continue to work with us to address these national Assistance Mission and the Inter- Given the size of the federal deficit and the concerns as this bill moves forward. national School of Kabul are a testament to improvement in aviation safety resulting in While these are several issues that we that dedication. fewer aviation accidents requiring NTSB’s at- would like to continue working on in a bipar- Though the work of Mr. Carderelli and the tention, we are concerned with the level of tisan manner, we do support H.R. 4714 and International Assistance Mission team was funding authorized in this bill. look forward to working together to improve certainly valued by those they helped, unfortu- We believe that a better starting point for the bill. nately not everyone appreciated their efforts. the NTSB’s funding levels is $100.4 million, I thank the Chairman as well as my other For several years, the Taliban ruled Afghani- the amount requested in the fiscal year 2011 colleagues for their work on this bipartisan bill. stan with brutality and terror. Intolerance for President’s budget. The NTSB both supports other religions and ignorance of human rights and is comfortable with the President’s budget f was standard. While the situation for the citi- Request. zens of Afghanistan has improved since the Despite the state of the federal budget, as HARVARD PILGRIM CANCELS rule of the Taliban, their presence has not introduced, H.R. 4714 would have authorized MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLAN, been eliminated, and their brutal tactics per- a twenty percent increase over current levels SADLY A SIGN OF MORE TO sist. from 2010 to 2011. COME The work of Brian Carderelli and his nine Even a ten percent increase in authorization fellow workers is the work that will ultimately levels, as included in the amended version of HON. KENNY MARCHANT erode support for the Taliban and end that H.R. 4714, raises concerns due to the Federal chapter in the country’s history for good. Their OF TEXAS deficit. H.R. 4714, as amended, would author- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES efforts were selfless and humble, and are an ize a total of a 27 percent increase in funding inspiration to us all. These dedicated individ- over 4 years. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 uals will be missed, but the untold impact that We remain concerned with the authorization Mr. MARCHANT. Madam Speaker, sadly each one of them had on the lives that they levels contained in the bill and look forward to what we said would happen to the popular touched will certainly not be forgotten. continuing to work with our colleagues on this Medicare Advantage program when Congress f issue should H.R. 4714 go to conference. enacted Obamacare is starting to come true. NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION This bill also expands the NTSB’s authority Harvard Pilgrim recently notified 22,000 New SAFETY BOARD REAUTHORIZA- to investigate ‘‘incidents’’ in all modes of trans- England seniors that it would be canceling TION ACT OF 2010 portation. The bill directs the NTSB to define their Medicare Advantage plans at the end of the term ‘‘incidents’’ in a rulemaking. It is our the year. The decision to cancel their partici- SPEECH OF understanding that the Department of Trans- pation in the program was made because of HON. THOMAS E. PETRI portation will be given the opportunity to com- the newly enacted freeze in federal reimburse- ment on and influence the NTSB’s rulemaking. ments and their concerns regarding the long- OF WISCONSIN This bill would also require the formulation of term viability of Medicare Advantage. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with I am very afraid that Harvard Pilgrim is just Tuesday, September 28, 2010 each appropriate modal agency to describe the tip of the iceberg. Other Medicare Advan- Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, while there are and reach understanding on the roles and re- tage providers will probably reach the same several issues that we would like to continue sponsibilities of each party in the event of an decision to cancel their participation. Health working on as this bill moves forward, I want NTSB incident investigation. care reform was supposed to allow those indi- to voice my support for H.R. 4714, the ‘‘Na- We believe that the inclusion of ‘‘incidents’’ viduals who liked their health care insurance tional Transportation Safety Board Reauthor- in the definition of ‘‘accidents’’ will require to be able to keep it. Sadly these 22,000 New ization Act of 2010.’’ close oversight by Congress to ensure that England seniors are now searching for new The NTSB is a small, but important, part of there are no negative impacts on the ability of coverage in 2011. We must restore Medicare the federal government and makes critical each modal transportation agency to inves- Advantage for our seniors that depend on it.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.038 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1794 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 REGARDING THE IMPORTANCE OF more importantly, Mr. Speaker, they save lives The Soldiers of 2nd Plt., B Co. returned fire NON-PROLIFERATION EFFORTS in Afghanistan. and moved their trucks forward out of the AND IRANIAN SANCTIONS The Franklin facility produces what is called ambush. From their new position, the Sol- ‘‘net armor’’ to protect a wide range of vehi- diers continued to fire, forcing the enemy to break off the attack and flee. What amazed cles that transport our soldiers on missions in HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN the Soldiers, and the leaders, was the trucks Afghanistan. This net design was developed OF RHODE ISLAND had taken three direct hits by insurgent jointly by QNA, DARPA and ONR. Easy to RPGs and none had penetrated the trucks. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES use, these QNA nets provide many types of ‘‘The worst effect of the insurgents’ RPG Wednesday, September 29, 2010 vehicles with 360-degree protection, including fire was that I got my bell rung a bit,’’ said overhead, from rocket-propelled grenades U.S. Army Pfc. Joseph Sweat from Smith- Mr. LANGEVIN. Madam Speaker, I rise (RPGs). This ultra-lightweight, low-cost and ville, Tennessee. Sweat was driving one of today to discuss the grave threat posed to the easily adaptable protection will even defeat the trucks that was hit. ‘‘The RPGs deto- stability of the Middle East if the Iranian re- multiple RPG hits. nated at the nets, failing to penetrate the ve- gime were to acquire or develop nuclear hicle’s armor,’’ said U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Earlier this year, I toured the Franklin facil- weapons technology. Cameron Erisman from Hiram, GA. ity. I had the opportunity to talk with the work- In June, CIA Director Leon Panetta specu- ‘‘It turns out, the nets did exactly as ad- ers and plant managers, and I saw the net vertised they would do,’’ added Ward. ‘‘All of lated that Iran probably has enough low-en- armor they were manufacturing. I heard the riched uranium for two nuclear weapons. The the Soldiers whose vehicles were hit by enthusiasm and pride they had in their work, RPGs are alive today and still in the fight.’’ silver lining, if there is one, is that according and I tried to imagine how the light-weight to Panetta we likely have sometime before nets that I held could possibly stop a rocket- f they would be able to build weapons with this launched grenade. IN HONOR OF THE VIETNAM VET- material. I firmly support the Administration’s And then last Thursday, I received a note ERANS OF AMERICA—READING, effort to use this limited time to press Iran in from the company. It was a story that ap- PENNSYLVANIA CHAPTER every way available to deter them from attain- peared September 22nd in an online news- ing a nuclear capability. It is important that the letter from Fort Campbell, Kentucky. It’s writ- President have strong tools to enforce this ef- ten by U.S. Army 1st Lieutenant R.J. Peek, HON. JOE SESTAK fort, which is why I co-sponsored the Iran who is with the 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry, OF PENNSYLVANIA Sanctions Accountability and Divestment Act, 101st Airborne Division. His story is filed from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES which was signed into law on July 1, 2010. Ghazni Province in Afghanistan, and he talks These sanctions have also been backed by about how his platoon was ambushed and his Wednesday, September 29, 2010 the European Union. truck, covered with the new net armor, had Mr. SESTAK. Madam Speaker, on Sep- Last week, in a speech at the Center for taken three direct hits by insurgent RPGs and tember 24th, 2010, in Reading, Pennsylvania, Strategic and International Studies, Stuart not one penetrated the truck. He finishes his a ceremony marked the 22nd anniversary of Levey, the Treasury Under Secretary for Ter- story with the following quote, ‘‘All of the Sol- that proud community’s Vietnam Memorial. It rorism and Financial Intelligence, said U.S. diers whose vehicles were hit by RPGs are is my personal honor to join the Vietnam Vet- and international sanctions are ‘‘dramatically alive today and still in the fight’’ because the erans of America (VVA), Reading, PA Chapter isolating Iran financially and commercially.’’ He QNA nets did exactly what they were sup- in celebrating that event. The author Myra was optimistic that this ‘‘can and will create le- posed to do. MacPherson wrote that ‘‘above all, Vietnam verage for our diplomacy.’’ By targeting Iran’s Madam Speaker, I hope all the workers at was a war that asked everything of a few and import of refined petroleum and its banking in- the Franklin facility have seen this report from nothing of most in America.’’ When called, dustries, these sanctions are putting a the field. We are proud of the courage and many young Americans went abroad to fight squeeze on the regime and hopefully will ulti- sacrifice of our uniformed men and women in for our Nation—just as their fathers did before mately discourage any illicit activity. Afghanistan. But we are equally as proud of them. Sadly, the sacrifices they made in As Chairman of the Strategic Forces Sub- the men and women in Franklin, Massachu- Southeast Asia were not reciprocated by our committee, I know all too well the seriousness setts whose labor helps save the lives of our government or the American public. They re- of the nuclear weapons business. While these troops each and every day. turned to a nation wracked by recession and weapons cannot be put ‘‘back in their bottle,’’ Madam Speaker, I would like to enter into without the medical care, counseling, edu- responsible nations with this technology can the RECORD 1st Lieutenant Peek’s story, so cational opportunities or public support they work to stop those who seek to acquire them that all my colleagues can appreciate his can- deserved. in order to hold the world and their neighbors dor and the description of what his platoon That outrageous neglect persisted for over hostage. I commend President Obama, Sec- faces every day, and how the QNA nets are thirty years as a grossly underfunded Depart- making a difference. retary of State Clinton, and my predecessor ment of Veterans Affairs was unable to meet and friend Ellen Tauscher on making non-pro- [From Clarksville Online, September 22, 2010] their needs. As a result, courageous men and liferation a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy, (By U.S. Army 1st Lt. R.J. Peek, 3rd Bat- women suffered alone for years with the de- and I hope the world community will join us in talion, 187th Infantry, 101st Airborne Divi- bilitating illnesses associated with exposure to sion) prioritizing non-proliferation and maintaining Agent Orange and other physical and emo- pressure on Iran as one critical step towards GHAZNI PROVINCE, AFGHANISTAN.—When 3rd tional maladies unique to that war. The fight to this goal. Battalion, 187th Infantry began using new mine-resistant, ambush-protected all-terrain right those wrongs was led by the VVA, and f vehicles, they also made the switch from bar as the senior most veteran ever elected to the cage armor to net armor. House of Representatives, it has been my sol- NET ARMOR MADE IN FRANKLIN, When the first few trucks moved into cir- emn duty in Congress to see that our Vietnam MA SAVES LIVES IN AFGHANI- culation with the net armor, many Soldiers veterans receive the recognition and re- STAN were concerned about its effectiveness, but sources that belatedly fulfill our obligation to the nets were combat tested September 19th, them and their families for their service to a and Soldiers approved. HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN U.S. Army 1st Lt. Matthew Ward from now grateful Nation. OF MASSACHUSETTS Herndon, VA, platoon leader of 2nd Platoon, The 110th and 111th Congresses have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES B Company, 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry, worked very hard in that regard but more confessed he was skeptical about the nets. ‘‘I needs to be done. Madam Speaker, I ask that Wednesday, September 29, 2010 just didn’t think the thin net would be able this chamber pause to acknowledge the patri- Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I would to safeguard the vehicle and the Soldiers otism, courage, and fraternity of the VVA and like to share with my colleagues a message I from a rocket-propelled grenade.’’ salute every veteran of the Vietnam War. With While conducting a patrol along a highly received last week from Technology Solutions traveled road in eastern Ghazni, insurgents our nation again at war, let us continue our Group—LAST Armor, a manufacturing com- initiated an ambush from close range. Less work to finally, fully support veterans of all pany in Franklin, Massachusetts, and a pro- than 100 meters away, insurgents fired a vol- conflicts. And let us pledge to never again duction facility of QinetiQ-NA (QNA). This ley of RPG rounds, followed by a series of abandon a generation of brave American war- company keeps good jobs in Franklin—but fire and then another RPG. riors.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.042 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1795 IN GRATITUDE TO CHRISTIAN Title IV of this legislation, which includes TRIBUTE TO HAROLD GILDEA SHREWSBURY provisions I authored and that previously passed the House as H.R. 1665, will mod- HON. TOM LATHAM ernize the Coast Guard’s management of its HON. RODNEY ALEXANDER OF IOWA OF LOUISIANA billion dollar annual acquisition program by im- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES posing requirements that complement reforms Wednesday, September 29, 2010 the Coast Guard has already enacted and en- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 sure full accountability for taxpayer funds. Mr. ALEXANDER. Madam Speaker, I rise Mr. LATHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise to rec- today in recognition of a brave young boy in Specifically, Title IV will require the appoint- ognize Harold Gildea, a World War II Army my district, Christian Shrewsbury. ment of a chief acquisition officer who can be veteran from Boone, Iowa, and to express my At just one year old, Christian is battling a senior military officer or member of the sen- appreciation for his dedication and commit- Spinal Muscular Atrophy II, a motor neuron ior executive service but who must be a ment to his country. disease, which affects the voluntary muscles trained acquisition professional with the high- The Boone News Republican is currently that are used for activities such as crawling, est available acquisition certification. running a series of articles that honors one Boone County veteran every Tuesday from walking, head and neck control and swal- It will also eliminate the use of private sector lowing. It is a relatively common ‘‘rare dis- Memorial Day to Veterans Day. Harold Gildea lead systems integrators and require the order’’: approximately one in 6,000 babies was recognized on Tuesday, September 28. Coast Guard to develop independent life-cycle born are affected, and about one in 40 people Below is the article in its entirety: cost estimates for its largest procurements. are genetic carriers. BOONE COUNTY VETERANS: HAROLD GILDEA Though there is currently no cure or treat- Further, Title IV requires the Coast Guard to (By: Greg Eckstrom) ment for SMA, I am profoundly inspired by the complete a thorough mission needs analysis Harold Gildea, a Luther native and World courage exhibited by Christian and his family and a preliminary affordability assessment be- War II veteran, has had a varied military ex- each day. fore initiating a large acquisition; it requires the perience. On behalf of the U.S. House of Representa- Coast Guard to consider trade-offs among During his time in the service, he’s es- tives, I extend our sincerest gratitude to Chris- cost, schedule, and performance when estab- corted George S. Patton, had a tian, for his spirit and the encouragement he lishing operational requirements; and it re- chance meeting with a prisoner of war over- provides to other young children and for the quires thorough testing of new assets. seas from Boxholm, saw the end of World joy he brings to all around him. War II and helped guard a boat full of beer. f Finally, this legislation applies strict cost and Typical? Not really, but what was in World schedule breach standards to Coast Guard War II? PROVIDING FOR CONCURRENCE acquisitions so that Congress will be alerted Gildea was born in Luther, a town his fam- WITH AMENDMENTS IN SENATE when cost overruns or schedule delays occur. ily had lived in for 150 years. After grad- AMENDMENT TO H.R. 3619, COAST uating from Luther High School, he signed GUARD AUTHORIZATION ACT OF H.R. 3619 will also reorganize the service’s up for the draft on Feb. 16, 1942 and was 2010 senior leadership, strengthen its marine safety drafted after graduation. By September of program, establish safety equipment and con- 1942, he was processed at Camp Dodge and sent to Missouri to become a Military Po- SPEECH OF struction standards for certain fishing vessels, liceman with the 211th Military Police in the HON. ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS and strengthen the service’s homeland secu- Army. rity missions. OF MARYLAND ‘‘I don’t know how come, but I was chosen to be in this military police company in Fort IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I am disappointed that a number of provi- sions in the House-passed legislation were Leonard Wood, Mo.,’’ he said . . . a decision Tuesday, September 28, 2010 that he considered lucky, ‘‘in a way.’’ dropped in the final bill, including provisions I Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, as Chairman After training, Gildea was met with an as- authored that would have created a student signment that was far from normal. He was of the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and loan program for maritime workers and provi- sent to California at the end of May to help Maritime Transportation, I rise today in strong sions strengthening diversity at the Coast accompany Gen. Patton across the Mojave support of H. Res. 1665, which provides for Guard Academy. Desert. While the assignment was an honor, concurrence by the House in the Senate it was hot, to say the least. Amendments to H.R. 3619, with amendments. I will continue to work on these critical ‘‘He’d run these tanks through an intersec- The Coast Guard reauthorization before us issues, including working to move legislation tion, and our men would be there to direct is the product of four years of work. I com- that I believe addresses significant current him,’’ Gildea said. ‘‘You could only stand out mend Chairman OBERSTAR for his leadership challenges. in the intersection about 30 minutes and your feet would start to scald. We’d have to and Ranking Members MICA and LOBIONDO on That said, H.R. 3619 is an urgently needed have men in there to keep changing. Those the Transportation Committee for working so authorization for the Coast Guard and I urge tanks, the dust would be 8 to 10 inches deep, closely with us. its passage in the House today. and that hot sun’s over 120 degrees.’’ I also thank Chairman BENNIE THOMPSON From California, he was sent to southern and Ranking Member KING of the Homeland Finally, I also join Chairman OBERSTAR in New Guinea to relieve MP’s in the area. The Security Committee—and I thank all of our commending the outstanding service of the fourth morning he was there, Gildea was at Senate counterparts for their commitment to Staff Director of the Subcommittee on Coast breakfast when he spotted a soldier that completing this authorization. Guard and Maritime Transportation, John looked familiar. I have often described the Coast Guard as Cullather. ‘‘I don’t know why I put it like I did, but I said, ’Would you know any of the our ‘‘thin blue line’’ at sea. That line has rarely John is one of the true professionals on the been stretched as thin as it was this past year McFarlands from Madrid?’’’ Gildea said. ‘‘He Hill—and he will be sorely missed. just sat there and stared at me. He said, ‘I as the service responded to the Gulf oil spill am one.’’’ and the earthquake in Haiti while carrying out His knowledge of maritime issues and of the history and missions of the Coast Guard is The chance encounter overseas with a fel- its other daily missions. low Boone County native was interesting— H.R. 3619 authorizes $10.2 billion in fiscal truly unparalleled—as is his knowledge of almost as interesting as Gildea’s next assign- year 2011 for the Coast Guard and increases House procedures and his passion of service ment. He had been in southern New Guinea the authorized end-strength for military per- to those who work, travel, and recreate on our for only two weeks when he was put on guard sonnel by 1,500 members to 47,000 total per- nation’s waterways. duty . . . keeping watch over interesting sonnel. cargo. John is also an exceptional man—a pro- ‘‘We’d been there probably about two This is a small down-payment on what we foundly generous and caring individual who owe our Coast Guardsmen and women—and weeks and some ships come in, and they as- has the respect of every single person on the signed us to guard this one ship,’’ he said. it is long overdue. Transportation Committee and of everyone ‘‘When we got down there it was loaded with This legislation also includes a number of throughout our maritime industry. beer. A whole ship loaded with beer. Well, finely tuned provisions strengthening the [Gen. Douglas] McArthur wouldn’t let them Coast Guard’s implementation and manage- I wish John the very best as he begins his have it, so they assigned us as duty to guard ment of its many missions. new adventures. that beer to make sure it stayed there.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29SE8.020 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1796 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 For six weeks, the beer sat in the ship. It our great nation. It is an immense CALLING ON TURKISH-OCCUPIED wasn’t until a few soldiers figured out how to honor to represent him in the United CYPRUS TO PROTECT RELIGIOUS break open a port window and throw some of States Congress, and I wish him all the ARTIFACTS the beer into the ocean to scoop up later best in his future endeavors. that any of it could be consumed. Finally, SPEECH OF the beer was released and Gildea’s strange guard duty was over. f HON. ED WHITFIELD Gildea moved around to several different OF KENTUCKY areas, being assigned to various guard duties IN HONOR AND REMEMBRANCE OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and police work. He remembers the climate STEVE HEGEDUS being hot and humid, with not much for Tuesday, September 28, 2010 areas to escape the weather. Mr. WHITFIELD. Madam Speaker, I rise At a staging area where soldiers prepared today to voice my strong opposition to H. Res. to enter Japan, in Leyte, Gildea found him- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH 1631, a one-sided resolution that seeks to ad- self in the hospital with an illness. While OF OHIO vance political interests under the guise of the there, soldiers from Corregidor liberated protection of religious sites on the island of American women and children from a prison IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES there. These former prisoners were sent to Cyprus. This resolution carries with it the po- the hospital that Gildea was recovering. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 tential to significantly damage relations be- ‘‘I had been there for three weeks, and I tween Turkish and Greek Cypriots at a time was getting to where I could get up and move Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise when reconciliation talks are at a critical stage. around,’’ he said. ‘‘They come in one morn- today in honor and remembrance of Steve In fact, the United Nations special envoy for ing and wanted to know if some of us boys Hegedus, beloved family man, friend, mentor, Cyprus expressed hope that, an agreement on could get up and help the women and chil- the divided island could be brokered by the dren with their stuff. They were putting firefighter, peace activist and veteran. end of the year. them through their interrogation. I went up In 2009, Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders to this lady and little girl and spoke to her Mr. Hegedus grew up in Cleveland along and said I’d be glad to help her. We got to took a tremendous step toward reconciliation visiting, and the little girls’ folks were from Buckeye Road where many Hungarian immi- with the formation of the Cultural Heritage Boxholm, Iowa. Her mother had died in pris- grants, like his parents, had settled. He served Technical Committee, an organization tasked on, and her dad was some place out in the with honor in the during with the protection, preservation, and restora- jungles. World War II as a member of the 11th Air- tion of the rich cultural heritage of Cyprus. ‘‘This lady . . . I can’t remember where borne in the Pacific Theater. The young men This committee has made enormous progress this lady was from . . . this lady brought the in identifying sites, located in both northern girl back to Boone,’’ Gildea said. ‘‘They were he met while at war grew to be close and life- long friends. After the war, Mr. Hegedus joined and southern Cyprus, which are suitable for in Boone and called my folks and went up restoration and protection. This committee has and talked to them.’’ the Cleveland Heights Fire Department where been one of the most successful vehicles yet The dropping of the atomic bombs brought he served with excellence, compassion and about the end of the war, and with it great created for fostering open dialogue and honest relief from many soldiers. Gildea had already dedication for more than thirty years. He even- conversation between Greek and Turkish Cyp- been training to go to Japan. He was a part tually attained the rank of . While a riots on an issue of great importance to both of three platoons in the company—one deal- firefighter, he operated a small home repair communities. It would be unfortunate if actions ing with traffic control, one with prisoners business. Although his work ethic was unwav- by the U.S. Congress were to somehow unin- and one general guard duty. While being ering, his first priority was always his family. tentionally disrupt the progress that has been given their duties, one that struck the sol- He and his wife, the late Mary Rose Hegedus, made so far to protect and restore precious diers was tagging bodies. ‘‘That’s how bad they were figuring it was raised their children and remained closely con- artifacts and heritage sites. going to be,’’ he said. nected to them and their grandchildren. When While I commend my colleagues for their Gildea was 3/4 of a mile away from the Mary Rose became ill, Mr. Hegedus lovingly desire to protect the rich cultural heritage of Cyprus, the two parties in this conflict are al- U.S.S. Missouri while the peace treaty sign- cared for her. His daughter, Pamela; son, Ste- ing was being done. ready working to correct the wrongs of the ‘‘We could see it through good field glass- ven; son-in-law, Timothy; daughter-in-law, past. This resolution puts their hard work in es,’’ he said. ‘‘You could see people moving Debbie; and grandchildren, Jordan and Ariel jeopardy, and I urge Congress to play a around. We could say we’ve seen it, I guess.’’ continued to be the center of his life. peacemaking role, rather than take sides in a Following the end of the war, Gildea was sent to Yokohama, where he stayed in the Mr. Hegedus’ energy for life, passion for dispute. third floor of a large building. Everything in learning and willingness to take a stand on f the area had been fire bombed, however this issues of social justice were always part of HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE building had been spared. He also recalled who he was. He lived with love for humanity OF MR. JOE HUBBARD one other building in the area that was still and concern for our planet. He was an envi- standing. ‘‘There was a little Methodist church,’’ he ronmentalist before most even knew what the HON. JERRY F. COSTELLO said. ‘‘It was made of brick, and it never word meant. Mr. Hegedus took great care of OF ILLINOIS burned.’’ his garden and fruit trees, sharing his harvest IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES It was while staying in this building that with friends, family and neighbors. He utilized Wednesday, September 29, 2010 he made a trade with a Japanese man that green practices before they were popular, was was moving out of the building. He had sev- an active member of the Sierra Club and he Mr. COSTELLO. Madam Speaker, I rise eral postcards of the building on his desk, today to ask my colleagues to join me in rec- served on the board of the Cleveland Peace which Gildea asked for, and the man agreed. ognizing the exemplary life of Mr. Joe Hub- He then asked Gildea for some chocolate Action. Mr. Hegedus was an outspoken advo- bard, a tireless advocate and dedicated serv- from his rations . . . he had a little boy who cate against nuclear arms and was an out- had never tasted chocolate. Gildea obliged. ant for people in need. ‘‘He had a little boy who was seven years spoken leader of the Lyndhurst Nuclear Weap- For fifty years in the East St. Louis commu- old and never tasted chocolate,’’ he said. ‘‘It ons Freeze Group. He was also an avid pa- nity, Joe Hubbard has been the person that was kind of amazing to think that he wanted tron of theater, music, literature and the arts, people turn to when they have nowhere else that candy.’’ and he attended lectures and performances to turn. When a single mother needs shelter Gildea’s time overseas was varied. His on a regular basis. Mr. Hegedus was a long- and food for her children; when a family has recollections vary from the odd to touching seen all their possessions destroyed in a fire; to humorous. He enjoyed his time overseas, time member of the South Euclid Library Book however quickly reminds folks that at the Club. when an unemployed father has lost all hope of finding a job; or when an elderly person time, it was not much of a choice. Whether Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join comes to the end of life with no family or being drafted or not, for most men at the me in honor and remembrance of Steve time, serving their country was something friends to see them through their final days, they did without much thought. Hegedus, whose kindness, colorful person- there has been one response—call Joe Hub- ‘‘We had no other choice,’’ he said. ‘‘It’s ality, love for humanity, and devotion to family bard. just our duty and we had to do it.’’ and friends framed his entire life. His beautiful Joe Hubbard learned about families in need I commend Harold Gildea for his spirit will live on, and he will always be re- the hard way. His father experienced a debili- many years of loyalty and service to membered. tating workplace injury when Joe was young,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29SE8.022 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1797 forcing his family into financial hardship and have visited their twin town and become part lating General Feucht upon his retirement as requiring them to accept assistance from oth- of each other’s families. The festivities for the assistant adjutant general for Air, and as a ers. No doubt this early experience, in concert 20th Anniversary of these two towns include a commander for the Ohio . with Joe’s deep Christian faith and the exam- cultural convergence, as the Mayor and He also served as the Air National Guard ple of some compassionate mentors, played a Mayoress of Evesham, England and assistant to the commander, Air Force Mate- significant role in setting him on his life’s mis- Evesham, New Jersey will exchange gifts. riel Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force sion of helping those less fortunate. Also, a ceremony with the Cherokee High Base. In this role he provided support nec- As a young man, Joe became involved with School Girls Traveling Choir and the Boy essary to maintain and sustain Air Force the St. Vincent de Paul Society and began to Scout Troop #100 from Marlton will promote weapon systems readiness. expand his work with the poor through that or- cultural unity between the two towns. In 1968, General Feucht joined the Ohio Air ganization. Realizing the need to provide an Madam Speaker, I ask that my fellow rep- National Guard and during his service ob- organizational foundation to capitalize on Joe’s resentatives of the House join me in congratu- tained a bachelor of business administration dedication and energy, the Catholic Diocese of lating the Evesham Twinning Association on from the University of Cincinnati. He has com- Belleville began Catholic Urban Programs with their 20th Anniversary and the citizens of both manded the 180th Fighter Wing and the 121st Joe as Coordinator, a position he has held to New Jersey and England who have spent the Air Refueling Wing in the Ohio Air National this day. last 20 years cultivating this cherished rela- Guard and in 2004 was promoted to There are those who say that Joe Hubbard tionship. I am proud to be able to represent general. can accomplish more with one phone call than these exceptional citizens and their British General Feucht is an accomplished com- others could with a week’s work. In the past brethren. mand pilot with over 4,700 total flying hours 50 years, Joe has developed many contacts f with more than 4,000 in the F–100, A–7, and and knows how to pull the right resources to- F–16 and over 700 in the KC–135. For his dis- gether to solve a problem. But Joe Hubbard is A TRIBUTE TO JIM HUDSON, tinguished service, he was presented the Le- not just a high-level administrator. Joe goes ALHAMBRA CHIEF OF POLICE gion of Merit for exceptionally meritorious con- into the broken homes and squalid apartments duct in performance of outstanding services to deliver assistance. He visits the sick and el- HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF and achievements. derly and those in prison. He delivers the food OF CALIFORNIA For his many years of dedication to our Na- and clothing to families. He holds the hands of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion, I again join the people of Ohio’s Seventh people as they lay dying, listening to their final Congressional District in extending our best Wednesday, September 29, 2010 words and seeing to it that they are laid to rest wishes upon his retirement and wish him on- with dignity. Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today going success in all future endeavors. Joe Hubbard has received many accolades to honor Jim Hudson, retiring as Chief of the f for the work he has done ministering to the Alhambra Police Department. poor and needy in his community but that has It is with great pleasure that I congratulate IN HONOR AND RECOGNITION OF never been what drives him. Joe’s faith, his Chief Hudson on his very successful career in RAMON ‘‘RAY’’ LUGO III, NEWLY family and many friends and service to his fel- public service. His lifetime of dedication to APPOINTED DIRECTOR OF NASA low man are important to him. Joe has been public safety—an amazing 34 years—is re- GLENN RESEARCH CENTER IN quoted, ‘‘When you are created in the image markable. Chief Hudson not only exhibited CLEVELAND, OHIO and likeness of God.... We all have a com- valor and perseverance, he also fostered cour- bond of love.’’ This statement probably age and dedication among our brave men and HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH best explains what has kept Joe Hubbard women in law enforcement. OF OHIO doing God’s work for his fellow man for these Chief Hudson began his career as a Police IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Explorer, a Cadet, then a Reserve Officer at past 50 years. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join the Orange Police Department. He then joined me in an expression of appreciation to Mr. Joe the Glendale Police Department in 1981 be- Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise Hubbard for a lifetime of compassionate care fore he transitioned back to Orange, where he today in honor of Ramon ‘‘Ray’’ Lugo III, the and to wish him the very best in the future. quickly rose through the ranks as an Officer, newly appointed Director of NASA Glenn Re- f Sergeant, and finally Lieutenant. In 2001, search Center in Cleveland, Ohio. Serving as Chief Hudson made his way to the City of Al- Acting Director of NASA Glenn since 2007, IN HONOR OF THE EVESHAM hambra where he started as Police Captain Mr. Lugo is the first Hispanic-American Direc- TWINNING ASSOCIATION’S 20TH and eventually was promoted to Chief of Po- tor in the history of NASA. ANNIVERSARY lice in 2004. As Director, Mr. Lugo will continue his du- Under his leadership, the Alhambra Police ties as the leader of NASA Glenn. He is re- HON. JOHN H. ADLER worked to build a safe community where sponsible for planning, organizing, and imple- OF NEW JERSEY Southern California families can live, work and menting the vital programs and missions that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES play. keep NASA Glenn and the Cleveland commu- His great leadership and guidance of the nity on the forefront of scientific research and Wednesday, September 29, 2010 police department and the community will be innovation. In his new position, Mr. Lugo will Mr. ADLER of New Jersey. Madam Speak- deeply missed. continue to oversee NASA Glenn programs er, I am extremely pleased to honor the I ask all Members to join me in thanking that focus on spaceflight systems develop- Evesham Twinning Association on their 20th Chief Hudson for his extraordinary service. I ment, aeropropulsion, space propulsion, power Anniversary of their ‘‘twin town’’ relationship wish you all the best in your retirement. systems, nuclear systems, communications between Evesham, New Jersey and Evesham, f and human research. England. The year 2010 marks 20 years that Mr. Lugo began his career at NASA’s - the two towns of Evesham have shared a for- TRIBUTE TO MAJOR GENERAL nedy Space Center in Florida in 1975 while mal relationship of friendship. HARRY ‘‘A.J.’’ W. FEUCHT, JR. still a student. His experience there inspired The little known tradition of twin towns him to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in began after World War II to promote inter- HON. STEVE AUSTRIA engineering in 1979 and a Master’s degree in national relationships. This tradition was OF OHIO engineering management in 1982. His work meant to unite a global community to guard IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has been recognized with numerous national against animosity between cultures. While still honors, including two NASA Exceptional a new concept in the United States, twin Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Achievement Medals for his outstanding con- towns has a rich tradition in Europe that fos- Mr. AUSTRIA. Madam Speaker, I rise today tributions to the Galileo mission and Inter- ters appreciation of other cultures and creates to congratulate Major General Harry ‘‘A.J.’’ W. national Space Station redesign. He was also bonds between communities. Feucht, Jr. for his outstanding service to our awarded three NASA Outstanding Leadership This tradition of acceptance of similarities Nation, and the State of Ohio, on the occasion Medals. and differences between Evesham, New Jer- of his retirement. Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join sey and Evesham, England has been fostered It is an honor to join the people of Ohio’s me in honor and recognition of Mr. Ramon for 20 years as guests from both countries Seventh Congressional District in congratu- ‘‘Ray’’ Lugo III, upon being named the first

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.045 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1798 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 Hispanic-American to the position of Director suing your goals relentlessly. It is an honor to on the occasion of his retirement from SRC, of a NASA center. Mr. Lugo’s journey at represent Brianna and her family in Congress, Inc., formerly Syracuse Research Corporation. NASA has been framed by integrity, expertise and pay tribute to the many successes she A native of Hamilton, New York, Bob Rob- and energy. He brings a renewed hope and vi- has achieved with her great courage and per- erts joined the U.S. Air Force in 1960 and sion to NASA Glenn, to the citizens of Cleve- sistence. soon after receiving his commission entered land and to our entire Nation. f flight training at Dover Air Force Base. He flew f more than 200 combat missions in Southeast SUPPORTING GOLD STAR Asia and in 1972, he became Director of Ac- HONORING BRIANNA COMMERFORD MOTHERS DAY quisition Management to the Office of the Sec- ON BEING NAMED HOPE ON retary of the Air Force, Office of Special WHEELS’ NATIONAL YOUTH AM- SPEECH OF Projects. After 20 years of distinguished mili- BASSADOR HON. LAURA RICHARDSON tary service in numerous assignments at var- OF CALIFORNIA ious levels of command, Bob retired from ac- HON. SCOTT GARRETT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tive duty in 1980. Bob received the Distin- OF NEW JERSEY guished Flying Cross, the Air Medal with 15 Tuesday, September 28, 2010 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Oak Leaf Clusters, Airman Medal and Meri- Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise torious Service Medal. He has always wel- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 today in support of H. Res. 1617, which sup- comed professional challenges and never de- Mr. GARRETT of New Jersey. Madam ports the goals and ideals of Gold Star Moth- clined an opportunity to serve his country. The Speaker, I rise today in honor of the Hyundai ers Day. Gold Star Mothers Day is observed list of Bob’s active duty assignments is long Hope on Wheels program, and to congratulate on the last Sunday of September each year. and many Air Force personnel, both uniformed a brave young woman named Brianna I am proud to cosponsor H. Res. 1617, and I and civilian, count themselves fortunate for the Commerford on being named the Hope on thank my colleague, Congressman ROSKAM for opportunity to have served with and learned Wheels’ National Youth Ambassador. This introducing this resolution. from Bob Roberts. program will donate $6.8 million to 68 chil- Gold Star Mothers Day reminds us all of the Bob joined SRC in 1991 as president and dren’s hospitals across the nation, continuing ultimate sacrifice made by our men and CEO. His knowledge and leadership in U.S. Hyundai’s long-standing commitment to the women in uniform who gave their lives for our government and private sector programs has treatment of pediatric cancer. The organization country. We also remember the mothers of greatly advanced SRC’s capabilities to support could not have picked a more able or appro- our fallen soldiers who have to deal with the numerous customers, including the Depart- priate ambassador than Brianna. pain of losing their child. ment of Defense, the National Air Intelligence One of the great joys of serving in Congress On June 4, 1928, the American Gold Star Center, the Naval Air Warfare Center and the is representing so many outstanding and re- Mothers, Inc. was established when twenty- Environmental Protection Agency, as well as markable citizens who use their life abilities five mothers who lost a child in World War I state and local initiatives associated with eco- and experiences to improve the lives of those met in Washington, DC. Membership was later nomic development, technological innovation, they may never meet. Brianna Commerford is opened to mothers who lost children in other environmental quality and academic-to-indus- one of those exemplary citizens. Just twelve armed conflicts. Congress then designated the try partnerships. years old, Brianna displays a wisdom and ma- last Sunday as Gold Star Mothers Day on SRC was fortunate to have Bob’s leadership turity far beyond her years, and has created June 23, 1936. for nearly 20 years. Under Bob’s direction, the incredible good out of one of life’s most terri- These remarkable women have turned their company has seen tremendous growth, and fying situations. grief into service to others. Gold Star Mothers continues its mission to keep America safe When she was nine years old, Brianna was provides a mutual bond of sympathy and sup- and strong by protecting its people, environ- diagnosed with Stage IV Hodgkin’s port. They also assist veterans and their de- ment and way of life. An independent, not-for- Lymphoma. With courage, tenacity, and sup- pendents with VA claims, and provide aid to profit research and development company with port from those around her, Brianna overcame service members and their families who have more than 50 years of experience in defense, a year of grueling treatment and eventually died or were wounded during active duty. environment and intelligence, Bob helped defeated the cancer. Since entering remission Mr. Speaker, I also want to recognize the 11 shape the company into what it is today—a re- in October 2009, Brianna has shared her story service members from Long Beach, California, source that is delivering unique, next-genera- of survival in schools, hospitals, and other which is in my district, who lost their lives dur- tion solutions of national significance to our places across New Jersey, bringing hope and ing Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation government. SRC plays a critical role in pro- inspiration to so many. Moreover, Brianna has Enduring Freedom. They are: Pfc. Sephen tecting America’s freedom and Bob leaves helped raise over $20,000 for the American Castellano, Sgt. Anthony Davis, Jr., Pvt. SRC strong, successful and well-positioned to Cancer Society. Ernesto Guerra, Spec. Roberto Martinez meet future challenges. Brianna has taken a scary and daunting Salazar, Pfc. David T. Toomalatai, Staff Sgt. Bob has been supported in his professional prognosis and unlocked its potential for good. Joshua Whitaker, Sgt. 1st Class Randy Col- career by numerous close friends, strong rela- She has learned one of life’s most difficult les- lins, Sgt. Israel Garcia, Pfc. Lyndon Marcus, tionships and his eight children. On behalf of sons—that greatness is found in our ability to Jr., Spec. Astor Sunsin-Pineda, Pfc. George the 25th District of New York, I would like to create good within our own locus of control. I Torres. I ask my colleagues to join me in thank Bob Roberts for his many years of serv- can think of no one better suited to serve as thanking and remembering these individuals ice to our Nation. Bob Roberts answered the a National Ambassador for this important for their service to our country, and to keep call to serve his country, and his service has cause. The same energy that carried her their families and especially their mothers in made a difference. We wish you well, Bob, through treatment will serve the Hope on our thoughts and prayers. and hope you know how deeply grateful we Wheels initiative well, as Brianna and Hyundai Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me are for your contributions. Best wishes to you partner to find new ways to treat and hopefully in supporting H. Res. 1617 and I yield back upon your retirement. one day prevent and cure pediatric cancer. the remainder of my time. f Thanks to her courage and the skill of her f HONORING THE HOSPICE VOLUN- doctors, Brianna is back to doing what she TEERS OF WATERVILLE AREA loves: riding horses, playing soccer, and living CONGRATULATING SRC, INC. the life of an active twelve-year-old. She has PRESIDENT, BOB ROBERTS, ON made the commendable decision to further the HIS RETIREMENT HON. MICHAEL H. MICHAUD OF MAINE cause of pediatric cancer research by sharing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES her story with us today. In closing, I would like HON. DANIEL B. MAFFEI Wednesday, September 29, 2010 to leave you with you a line from a poem OF NEW YORK Brianna wrote while she was in treatment: ‘‘I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. MICHAUD. Madam Speaker, I rise have CANCER and I really DON’T like it. The today to recognize the Hospice Volunteers of Wednesday, September 29, 2010 chemo is GROSS, but I’m STRONG and can Waterville Area on the 30th anniversary of fight it.’’ Mr. MAFFEI. Madam Speaker, I rise today their founding. Brianna brings a powerful testimony to the in tribute to Robert U. Roberts, a lifelong serv- Hospice Volunteers of Waterville Area importance of living courageously and pur- ant to the U.S. military and defense industry, (HVWA) was founded in 1980 by a small

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29SE8.024 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1799 group of concerned community members look- bama before becoming a teaching and project ergy that define America. The legacy of the ing to provide non-medical support for individ- assistant at the University of Wisconsin. His train will always manifest the trailblazing spirit uals and their families during the last phases first labor leadership role came in 1982 when Cleveland’s small business owners, whose of life and grieving process. It has since gone he was elected President of the Madison sense of independence and innovation are on to become a cornerstone for end of life Labor Council. During this time Dave literally vital rails along the economic track running care in the region, serving 27 communities in showcased how far he was willing to go to ad- from Cleveland, Ohio to all points across our central Maine. HVWA has gone on to expand vocate for the labor movement during a strike nation. their services through the establishment of against Greyhound. Dave stood in front of a f Camp Ray of Hope, an award winning state- fast-moving bus driven by a strikebreaker, wide program aimed at bringing together those forcing it to come to a screeching stop. HONORING BILL FELTON who have lost loved ones to illness, accidents, In 1986, Dave became the secretary-treas- suicide, and homicide, as well as Hope’s urer of the Wisconsin State AFL–CIO where HON. JOHN J. DUNCAN, JR. Place—a youth peer counseling program. his hard work and enthusiasm to help other OF TENNESSEE For anyone who finds themselves in this po- unions helped him win the election for AFL– IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sition, the last stages of life are often filled CIO President in 1994. In addition to his com- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 with tumultuous emotions, pain, and fear. The mitment to improved health care, minimum services which the staff and volunteers at wage increases, family and medical leave, im- Mr. DUNCAN. Madam Speaker, Bill Felton HVWA provide to their neighbors during a pe- proved health and safety on the job, and plant of Knoxville, Tennessee, is one of the most re- riod of ultimate vulnerability are truly remark- closing notifications, Dave also spent his years spected men in my District. His military career able. At no cost to patients or their families, leading the AFL–CIO reshaping the labor and civic service make him admired by every- volunteers operate a multitude of support movement. He recognized that in order to one fortunate to know him. groups, direct care companionship and be- achieve success, it was essential to build rela- Bill Felton is a leading expert in the trans- reavement counseling. tionships with local communities and involve portation field. His education began at the Uni- There is no way to quantify the value of the general public. This transformation brought versity of Tennessee, where he majored in HVWA to the central Maine region. For thirty increased success and visibility to Wisconsin transportation and received a Bachelor of years, they have remained a steadfast beacon labor. Science degree in business administration. He of compassion, understanding and comfort for The AFL–CIO and the Wisconsin workers it soon found himself in the United States Army those who need it most. I wish them the very represents will surely miss the hard work, cou- Transportation Corps, rising to top leadership best going forward, and I hope their example rageous advocacy, and genuine dedication of positions. stands as a testament to what can be Dave Newby. Personally, I will greatly miss his Bill’s long and distinguished career in the achieved through the kindness of the human leadership, advocacy and vast knowledge. I Corps began with his commission as Second spirit. wish Dave the happiest retirement and thank Lieutenant and lasted three decades, when he Madam Speaker, please join me in honoring him for the work he has done to support Wis- retired as a . During his time in the the Hospice Volunteers of Waterville Area for consin’s working families and their commu- military, Bill was stationed mostly at the U.S. their three decades of devoted service to their nities. Army Transportation Corps’ headquarters at community. f Fort Eustis, Virginia, where he became an ex- f pert in transportation and logistical matters for IN RECOGNITION OF THE 60TH AN- the military. RETIREMENT OF DAVE NEWBY NIVERSARY OF THE TRADING During his military career, Bill continued his POST TRAIN SHOP training and education through many courses, HON. RON KIND including instruction at the Industrial College of OF WISCONSIN HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH the Armed Forces and the completion of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF OHIO Defense Advanced Traffic Management IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Course, Transportation Movements Officer Ex- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 tension Course, and Transportation Corps Ca- Mr. KIND. Madam Speaker, today I rise to Wednesday, September 29, 2010 reer Officer Course. He also graduated from pay tribute to a man who spent a majority of Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise the Command and General Staff College. his career fighting for the rights of Wisconsin today in honor and recognition of the 60th an- Bill loves the military and does everything workers, the current President of the Wis- niversary of the Trading Post Train Shop lo- he can to help those in active service; but he consin State AFL–CIO, David Newby. After cated on Pearl Road in Cleveland’s Old has always had an especially soft spot for Vet- years of service to workers in the State of Brooklyn neighborhood. I also recognize its erans. Wisconsin, Dave is retiring this year. Although owner, Mr. James Berilla. He is the founder of the East Tennessee his leadership and dedication to the labor The Trading Post Train Shop opened in the Veteran’s Memorial Association and is largely movement will be greatly missed, his contribu- fall of 1950 under its first owner Ralph Brown. responsible for the Veterans Memorial at tions will not be forgotten. Mr. Brown discovered a community-wide clien- World’s Fair Park in downtown Knoxville. For 16 years, Dave has led the Wisconsin tele of train enthusiasts of all ages. Forty Bill has always felt very strongly about our State AFL–CIO, a federation of over 1,000 years later, he sold the shop to the current Nation and is very patriotic. Never one to sit local unions, representing 250,000 Wisconsin owner. Sixty years later, the Trading Post by idly and complain, he has always taken an workers. Dave was determined to achieve Train Shop serves clients including second active role in politics. He served as President economic justice in the workplace and social and third generation patrons. The shop fills or- of the West Knoxville Republican Club and justice in Wisconsin communities, and ders from throughout Ohio and across the Executive Committee Member of the Knox throughout the years he has had tremendous country. County Republican Party. success accomplishing these goals. One issue The Trading Post Train Shop carries Lionel His other civic contributions include serving at the forefront of Dave’s agenda was to en- model trains and collectibles for sale or trade. as Vice President of the Knoxville Convention sure quality health care for Wisconsin workers. The busiest time of year for the Train Shop is and Visitor’s Bureau and on the Board of Di- In 2003, the Wisconsin AFL–CIO created the always the December holiday season. Model rectors of the Bijou Art Center. He also Wisconsin Health Care Partnership Plan, an trains with real smoke, metal tracks and whis- worked tirelessly for the Knoxville Dogwood innovative proposal that strengthened the de- tles continue to be a treasured American holi- Arts Festival, Girls’ Club, Knoxville Rotary bate in Wisconsin on how to solve the health day tradition, circling Christmas trees in mil- Club, and rose to top leadership at the Knox- care crisis. In 2007, this plan was combined lions of homes every December. ville Chamber of Commerce. with other health care proposals to become Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join Bill is also a respected businessman who is ‘‘Healthy Wisconsin: Your Choice, Your Plan,’’ me in honor of the Trading Post Train Shop, a leader in the life insurance industry. Several a plan to provide health care for all. its patrons, past owner Ralph Brown and cur- articles he wrote on the industry have been Dave’s passion for equality and helping oth- rent owner James Berilla. Images of trains published nationally, and he is the former ers goes back to his involvement in the civil racing through a tunnel, across the desert or President of the Knoxville Association of Life rights and anti-war movements during the atop a bridge remain deeply embedded within Underwriters. 1960s and 1970s. After the movements, Dave the spirit of our nation. They reflect the great Madam Speaker, I do not see how anyone taught history at the Tuskegee Institute in Ala- frontier, innovation, adventurous spirit and en- could love this Country more than Bill Felton.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.052 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1800 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 I call his service and devotion to the United streets who have paid the ultimate price for professional on issues so important for our na- States and his Community to the attention of our failure to end homelessness. In remem- tion. my colleagues and other readers of the bering those who died on the streets, the In my efforts to advance current legislation RECORD. cause of ending homelessness is kept urgent providing United States citizens the freedom to f as is the Nation’s collective commitment to travel to Cuba, I seized an opportunity to visit preventing such deaths in the future. New York City and create national media dis- INTRODUCING A HOUSE CONCUR- I urge my colleagues to support this House cussion of the issue. Accompanying me on RENT RESOLUTION SUPPORTING Concurrent Resolution and reaffirm Congress’ that trip in September 2009 was Bob Whitley, THE GOALS AND IDEALS OF NA- commitment to ending homelessness by pro- truly one of the most knowledgeable and re- TIONAL HOMELESS PERSONS’ moting a comprehensive national response spected travel industry leaders. MEMORIAL DAY that addresses the housing, health care, in- As our trip progressed, I came to know Bob come, and civil rights causal factors and con- for the man he was and the legacy he would HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS sequences of extreme poverty. Let us make leave behind. His passion for United States OF FLORIDA this year’s first night of winter and longest generated tourism and his love for people IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES night of the year, December 21, 2010, a true around the world drew us together. This past Wednesday, September 29, 2010 national day. March, Bob helped organize and lead the U.S. f Cuba Travel Summit in Cancun, Mexico—an Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, event that drew strong participation from both I rise today to introduce a concurrent resolu- RECOGNIZING MILITARY MEDICAL nations in an effort to open communications tion to support the goals and ideals of National AND AIR CREWS and discuss easing travel restrictions. Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day, in recogni- Bob passed away in May, and his funeral SPEECH OF tion of the people who have died on our included an unrivaled gathering of travel in- streets, in emergency shelters, condemned or HON. MIKE THOMPSON dustry colleagues and friends. Today, I add abandoned properties, and from elements di- OF CALIFORNIA my name as one of his greatest admirers. rectly related to homelessness. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bob held many distinguished positions On or near the first day of winter and the throughout his career, including Director of Tuesday, September 28, 2010 longest night of the year, National Homeless both the Florida and Pennsylvania Depart- Persons’ Memorial events have been held na- Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, ments of Tourism, Director of the Virginia tionwide every year since 1990 to remember I rise in strong support of House Resolution Beach Convention and Tourist Bureau, and an the homeless persons whose lives and deaths 1605, which recognizes the service of medical incredible thirty-two years at the United States might otherwise go without any public recogni- and air crews in helping our wounded warriors Tour Operators Association. Because of his tion. make the expeditious and safe trip home to outstanding record, Bob has been recognized Throughout my home state of Florida, this the United States and commends the per- internationally many times. This year, he will important day is being recognized, along with sonnel of the Air Force for their commitment to receive the 2010 National Tour Association over 200 other local municipalities, organiza- the well-being of all our service men and Pioneer Award, an honor given to career lead- tions, and statewide organizations throughout women. ers in tourism. I am proud to be a past recipi- the United States. With the support of the Na- The Air Force’s Aeromedical Evacuation ent of this same award and it is my honor to tional Coalition for the Homeless, National Squadrons help guarantee that our wounded share it with Bob. Consumer Advisory Board, and the National soldiers are quickly reunited with their families In addition to his career accomplishments, Health Care for the Homeless Council, Na- and given the best medical care in U.S. hos- Bob was an avid golfer and enjoyed traveling tional Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day brings pitals. Since September 11, 2001, to new destinations around the globe, eventu- attention to the tragedy of homelessness and Aeromedical Evacuation flights have been re- ally visiting over 100 countries. He leaves his to remember our homeless neighbors and sponsible for transporting over 81,000 patients wife, two sons, a daughter, their spouses, and friends who have paid the ultimate price for from Operation Enduring Freedom and Oper- his grandchildren to carry on. our nation’s failure to end homelessness. ation Iraqi Freedom, yielding a 98 percent sur- The travel industry has lost a giant, with The statistics are daunting: more than half a vival rate for injured soldiers. Today, a soldier Bob’s passing. We will miss him. million people in the United States do not injured on the battlefield in Afghanistan or f have a place to call home each night and half will be back in an American hospital in an av- of them are without shelter; nationwide each erage of three days. This is over seven days HONORING JOSEPH BARBAGLIA year, an estimated 2,000,000 people experi- faster than during Operation Desert Storm and ence homelessness; and the mortality rate over 40 days quicker than during the conflict HON. RUSS CARNAHAN among homeless populations has been shown in Vietnam. OF MISSOURI to be almost four times that of the general As a veteran who was wounded in Vietnam, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES population. I was flown into Travis Air Force Base in Wednesday, September 29, 2010 As American citizens, it is not only our de- Northern California. Travis Air Force Base is sire to help those in need; it is our duty to pro- now home to the 349th Aeromedical Evacu- Mr. CARNAHAN. Madam Speaker, I rise to vide every homeless man, woman, and child ation Squadron. These physicians, nurses and recognize Joseph Barbaglia, a successful with a place to sleep at night, an opportunity medical technicians go above and beyond the businessman, person of faith and selfless to sustain economic stability, and the right to call of duty every day. community volunteer. access health care. I am honored to bring this resolution to the Joe and his business partner Guy Bopp are On June 22, 2010, President Obama and floor and remain committed to supporting our owners of Southwest Hill Auto Parts Inc. They Members of Congress were presented with Armed Forces. are celebrating their 25th year in business at ‘‘Opening Doors: the federal strategic plan to f the same location in the famous ‘‘Hill’’ neigh- prevent and end homelessness’’ which de- borhood in the City of St. Louis. Joe’s busi- scribes how the federal government will part- HONORING BOB WHITLEY ness is one of the most successful and rep- ner with states, local communities, non-profit utable auto parts firms in the St. Louis region, organizations and the private sector. This res- HON. SAM FARR and Joe is a member of business organiza- olution provides us with the opportunity to OF CALIFORNIA tions that are dedicated to providing quality commend the efforts of the States, territories, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES service and products to the general public; and possessions of the United States who groups such as the Better Business Bureau, support the goals and ideals of National Wednesday, September 29, 2010 the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers, Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day, to encour- Mr. FARR. Madam Speaker, I rise today to the Hill Business Association and the Profes- age those not already doing so, and to salute honor the memory of Bob Whitley. sional Business Men. Additionally, he is also the dedicated professionals and organizations As President of the United States Tour Op- on the Board of Directors of Eagle Bank. who provide assistance 365 days a year to erators Association, Bob Whitley dedicated his Joe Barbaglia is a faithful leader in his people in need. life to promoting travel, tourism and building church serving on various committees for the It is time we acknowledge, as a nation, all lasting friendships. I am proud and honored to good of St. Ambrose Catholic Church. Joe has of the people in our country living on the have worked with such a caring and dedicated been instrumental in the success of such

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.054 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1801 church as La Festa at St. Ambrose Church, RECOGNIZING ASSISTANT CHIEF has fought hard to protect the public and St. Ambrose Golf Tournament, and the Alumni STEPHANIE REDDING AND HER worked to improve the lives of countless New Breakfast at St. Ambrose. HISTORIC CAREER OF PUBLIC Haven families for the better. I, like so many Joe will help out anyone in need. Joe and SERVICE others, consider myself fortunate to have had Southwest Auto Parts are the main sponsors the opportunity to work with Stephanie and for Car Show/Soap Box Derby held at Shaw HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO find myself in awe of the many ways in which School every year in June and the annual OF CONNECTICUT she has enriched the lives of others and en- Muscular Dystrophy Association fishing tour- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hanced the quality of life in our community. I am so pleased to join her husband, New nament. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Haven Police Captain Pat Redding, their son As a community leader Joe has held pro- Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, it is a Patrick, her parents William ‘‘Wiggy’’ and Dolly vided critical support for numerous community privilege for me to rise today to celebrate the Johnson, as well as all of the family, friends, events such as the Fireworks Display at distinguished career of Assistant Police Chief and colleagues who have gathered today to Sublette Park, Bike Race on the Hill, and Stephanie Redding. After twenty-five years on congratulate Assistant Chief Stephanie Red- Party in the Park at Berra Park, the Southwest the force, Stephanie announced her plans to ding as she celebrates her retirement. I cannot High School Alumni, and Second District Po- retire from the New Haven Police Department thank her enough for her decades of service lice Association. and I am honored to have this opportunity to and innumerable contributions to our commu- Joe has been named the Hill Neighbor- join the many family, friends, and colleagues nity. Stephanie has set a standard to which hood’s ‘‘Citizen of Year’’ and is the president who have gathered to thank her for her exem- we should all strive and I have no doubt that of the Hill 2000 Neighborhood Association, plary service to the Department and our com- no matter what her future endeavors may be, demonstrating the community’s confidence in munity. she will continue to find ways in which she Joe Barbaglia’s ability as a leader who gets The daughter of a former West Haven fire can make a difference in the lives of others. things done. chief, Stephanie has always understood the My very best wishes to her and her family for He is married to his wife Thersea and has importance of public service. She chose a ca- many more years of health and happiness. a loving daughter Nina. Joe Barbaglia is a reer in law enforcement and entered the New shining example of what it means to be an ex- Haven Police Academy in 1986—still in a time f when women were not commonplace among emplary citizen for one’s community, state and CONGRATULATING PETER BOHLIN nation. the ranks. Stephanie started at the New Haven Police Department as a Patrol Officer ON RECEIVING THE 2010 GOLD MEDAL FROM THE AMERICAN IN- f and throughout her career served as a Mount- ed Patrol, Sergeant, and Lieutenant before be- STITUTE OF ARCHITECTS IN HONOR AND REMEMBRANCE OF coming the first female Assistant Chief in New MR. J. THOMAS MULLEN Haven’s history. HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI Whether as District Manager of the East OF PENNSYLVANIA Shore/Morris Cove District, the Officer in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Charge of the Family Services Division, or As- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH Wednesday, September 29, 2010 sistant Chief, Stephanie has earned the re- OF OHIO spect and admiration of her colleagues and Mr. KANJORSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES community leaders alike. Stephanie’s tenure today to ask you and my esteemed colleagues in the House of Representatives to pay tribute Wednesday, September 29, 2010 has been marked by her integrity, profes- sionalism, and compassion. She has twice to Mr. Peter Bohlin on receiving the 2010 Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise served as acting Chief of Police during transi- American Institute of Architects Gold Medal. today in honor and remembrance of Mr. J. tional phases at the Department, and was ap- The Gold Medal is considered the highest Thomas Mullen, a devoted husband, father, pointed to the State Victim Advocate Advisory individual honor an architect can receive from and friend. His faith and his dedication to serv- Committee. She has also shared her expertise the American Institute of Architects. It recog- ing all of humanity, especially the poor and with her colleagues around the world, serving nizes ‘‘a significant body of work of lasting in- marginalized, were unshakable. as an instructor at the Academy and pre- fluence on the theory and practice of architec- ture.’’ Mr. Bohlin is the 66th recipient of this Mr. Mullen moved to Ohio in 1983 to work senting on community policing and other fam- prestigious award. in the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court. Two ily and children’s issues at both national and Mr. Bohlin graduated from Rensselaer Poly- years later, Governor Dick Celeste appointed international conferences. technic Institute in 1959 before receiving his him Director of the Ohio Department of Youth Over the years, I have had the opportunity Masters in Architecture from the Cranbrook Services. He joined Catholic Charities in 1987 to work closely with Stephanie on a project we Academy of Art in 1961. and combined Gospel values with business both care deeply about. She has spearheaded During his sophomore year of college, Mr. savvy to transform the organization’s Cleve- the collaborative effort between the NHPD and Bohlin’s parents moved from New York to land branch. At the time of his death, he was the Yale Child Study Center’s National Center Northeastern Pennsylvania. president and chief executive officer of Catho- for Children Exposed to Violence and their ex- After graduation from Cranbrook, Mr. Bohlin lic Charities Health and Human Services. He traordinary joint multi-disciplinary intervention founded Bohlin and Powell in Wilkes-Barre, was also serving his third term as Chair of the programs—including the Child Development- Pennsylvania with his former Rensselaer Governor’s Council on Juvenile Justice. Community Policing Program. This ground- breaking work has changed the way police of- classmate Dick Powell. Their first job was to Mr. Mullen played a key role in helping the ficers and clinicians respond to children in design a home for Mr. Bohlin’s parents in Bear Cleveland’s Catholic Charities branch develop trauma. It has galvanized support services Creek, Pennsylvania. into a $100 million operation that serves hun- around at-risk youth, and it has saved and Only a few years later, they designed a sec- dreds of thousands of people. Coworker Tom healed lives. ond home for Mr. Bohlin’s parents in Con- Allio praised Mr. Mullen as ‘‘brilliant in his ca- Stephanie’s contributions to our community necticut, known as the famous ‘‘Forest pacity to leverage foundation and government and commitment to community service extend House,’’ which landed their small firm on the support to help the poor, the homeless, and far beyond her professional career. She volun- front page of the New York Times’ Home sec- the marginalized.’’ teers with the New Haven Boys and Girls tion in 1976. Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join Club, the Yale Child Study Center, and the After the success of the ‘‘Forest House,’’ me in honor and remembrance of Mr. J. United Way of Greater New Haven, and she Bohlin and Powell continued to expand. Short- Thomas Mullen. I offer my condolences to his has served as the cheerleading coach at the ly thereafter they opened two more offices in wife, Julie; to his daughter, Maggie; to his Sacred Heart Academy. In all that she does, Pennsylvania. sons, John, Patrick, Matt, and Jim; to his thir- Stephanie touches the lives of others and this In 1989 Bohlin and Powell opened an office teen grandchildren; and to his many friends. is particularly true of our young people. in Seattle, Washington after winning a contest Mr. Mullen lived his life with love, generosity, As a peace officer and a public citizen, to design Bill Gates’ home. and commitment to social justice. He will al- Stephanie has been a credit to our New In 1991 Mr. Powell retired and Bohlin and ways be remembered for his good work and Haven community and to the State of Con- Powell became the firm Bohlin Cywinski Jack- his generous spirit. necticut. A trailblazer in our City’s history, she son.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.058 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1802 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 In 1999, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson opened ing a half century of service to the residents By kickoff time, the standing room only its first office in California to design Pixar Ani- of central Maine. crowd of 16,600 was as loud and excited as mation Studios. It was at this time the firm es- f I have ever seen. Less than two minutes into tablished its relationship with Apple founder the game, Quarterback Bevil hit wide receiver and CEO Steve Jobs. Over the years Apple FOOTBALL RETURNS TO LAMAR J.J. Hayes for a 25-yard touchdown pass that has hired Bohlin Cywinski and Jackson to de- UNIVERSITY had the newly remodeled Provost Umphrey sign multiple Apple stores across the country, stadium rocking. The Warriors evened the including its famous location on Fifth Avenue HON. TED POE score at 7–7 in the first quarter. Then, both in New York City. OF TEXAS defenses stood strong, not allowing a score Today, Bohlin Cywinski Jackson maintains IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES until Bevil threw a 57-yard touchdown pass to offices in Wilkes-Barre, Pittsburgh, Philadel- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 receiver Kendrick Prejean towards the end of phia, Seattle, and San Francisco. The firm the third quarter. In the end, the Cardinals pre- currently has almost 200 employees. Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Speaker, it is vailed 21–14, lead by Bevil and another local Over the years, Mr. Bohlin and his firms September and back home in Texas that can talent, former Lumberton running back Cody have been recognized for their work on hun- only mean one thing—football season is in full Hussey on the offense. Linebacker Asim Hick dreds of occasions by the Pennsylvania Soci- swing. Each week helmets are buckled and led the defense with 8 tackles and a sack. ety of Architects, AIA, Business Week, the Na- cleats are tied as hundreds of teams line up Madam Speaker, after years of rumors and tional Parks Service, and the Society of Amer- to compete across the state, from the Pop false starts, football has returned to Lamar ican Registered Architects, among others. Warner leagues up to the professionals. I was University in grand fashion. The team is load- Among his award-winning portfolio of honored to be a part of history as the Lamar ed with local, talented players. They have projects, he has designed Seattle’s City Hall, University Cardinals played and won its first beautiful new facilities that help bring in the buildings throughout the campuses of Yale home game in over twenty years against the ‘‘big game’’ college experience. I am proud to University and Syracuse University, and the Weber International University Warriors. celebrate the hard work that numerous people Pocono Environmental Education Center in Lamar University began playing football in put in to bring college football back to Lamar Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania. 1923, when it was known as South Park Jun- University. I wish them the best of luck in the Madam Speaker, please join me in recog- ior College. The team was a Southland Con- future. Finally, GO BIG RED!! nizing Mr. Bohlin on this remarkable achieve- ference power in the late 1960s, notching four And that’s the way it is. ment. From his humble beginnings in North- championships in seven years. In 1989, the f eastern Pennsylvania, Mr. Bohlin has estab- program was discontinued, forcing alumni and CONDEMNING REMOVAL OF lished himself as one of our country’s premier football fans in the area to choose a new fa- MOJAVE CROSS MEMORIAL architects. vorite college team. Now, after several years f of hard work, the Cardinals are back on the SPEECH OF gridiron with all of Southeast Texas supporting HONORING KENNEBEC them. HON. ROBERT B. ADERHOLT BEHAVIORAL HEALTH The first steps towards bringing football OF ALABAMA back to Lamar were taken in January 2008, as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. MICHAEL H. MICHAUD the student body voted for a tuition increase to Tuesday, September 28, 2010 OF MAINE help fund the program. That tells you all you Mr. ADERHOLT. Mr. Speaker, as has been IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES need to know about the hunger for football in mentioned the monument that is being de- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Southeast Texas. Lamar University President bated has stood in the Mojave Desert for 75 Mr. MICHAUD. Madam Speaker, I rise Dr. James Simmons and Athletic Director Billy years to honor our veterans. It stood there, today to recognize Kennebec Behavioral Tubbs searched long and hard for the coach that is, until the night of May 9th when vandals Health on its 50th year of providing health who could oversee the rebirth of the football stole it. This memorial was a 7-foot cross that care to central Maine residents. program from the ground up. The right man has endured much turmoil including a recent Kennebec Behavioral Health (KBH) is dedi- for the job was 20-year coaching veteran and legal attempt to have the cross removed, cated to providing high quality, innovative, former NFL player Ray Woodard. He assem- which was turned away by the Supreme community-based services and to improving bled a staff of experienced coaches and de- Court. the lives of central Maine residents who expe- veloped an offensive and defensive scheme Those responsible for the disappearance of rience mental illness, emotional difficulties or without a single player recruited. the cross have shown disrespect for both vet- behavioral challenges. Founded in 1960 by Dr. When it came time to recruit players, Coach erans and this Nation’s legal process. Charles Rothstein as the Community Mental Woodard made good on his promise to attract I would also like to commend the VFW for Health Center of Central Maine, KBH has local talent. Nine of his starters come from the their determination in the face of this dis- grown by leaps and bounds. Today, Kennebec area and he has eleven additional local back- respectful act. They have vowed that the me- Behavioral Health employs over 340 Mainers ups. Leading the offense is Quarterback Andre morial will be rebuilt and are offering a in the service of helping their neighbors in Bevil, who played high school football a short $125,000 reward for information leading to an need. With medical clinics in Augusta, drive down the road at West Orange–Stark. arrest. Skowhegan, Waterville and Winthrop, KBH The defense is headed by former West Brook President George Washington once said, serves more than 12,000 children and adults High School standout Jacody Coleman. Lamar ‘‘The willingness with which our young people every year. is a young team with no senior starters, leav- are likely to serve in any war shall be directly Mainers far and wide have come to rely on ing the Cardinals with a bright future. proportional to how they perceive the Veterans the dedication and devotion of KBH and its The Cardinals opened their returning sea- of earlier wars were appreciated by their na- employees. The programs and services of- son in Lake Charles, Louisiana, with a nail-bit- tion.’’ fered demonstrate a keen understanding of ing 30–27 loss to longtime rival and nationally I think President Washington would agree mental and behavioral trauma across age and ranked McNeese State University. There was that this appreciation includes allowing our economic demographics. With many Mainers little time to lament, as the following week was veterans’ memorials to stand in honor of them. generally unable to afford the level of care sure to be one of the biggest events in South- f provided by Kennebec Behavioral Health, the east Texas sports history—the return of foot- IN HONOR AND RECOGNITION OF organization makes over $2.5 million dollars ball to Lamar University. NASA’S OBSERVANCE OF 2010 available in financial assistance each year. As I made my way through the Lamar cam- HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH Governor Baldacci recently proclaimed June pus on September 11, the sights I saw 16 as ‘‘Kennebec Behavioral Health Day’’ in amazed me. Fans wearing red and white were lined up as far as the eye can see, enjoying HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH recognition of the effectiveness of KBH’s men- OF OHIO the spirit of community that only college foot- tal health services. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I am pleased to share in the recognition of ball can bring. I met some alumni who had Kennebec Behavioral Health as they reach been there battling the intense Texas heat Wednesday, September 29, 2010 this important milestone. since noon, others who flew in from across the Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise Madam Speaker, please join me in cele- Nation to witness the first home game in 21 today in honor of NASA Glenn Research Cen- brating Kennebec Behavioral Health on reach- years. ter’s annual observance of Hispanic Heritage

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.060 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1803 Month, which was organized by the Hispanic Shortly after their first anniversary in De- strong footing and her work here in the United Advisory Group at NASA Glenn. As employ- cember 1936, the Fire Company welcomed States has created long lasting relationships ees at NASA celebrate the heritage, culture the Ladies Auxiliary of the Lake Parsippany that will continue to be fruitful; though she is and numerous contributions of Hispanic Amer- Volunteer Fire Company. The Auxiliary per- leaving her legacy lives on. We wish her well icans in Greater Cleveland and throughout our formed remarkable work for the firefighters on her future endeavors. country, we reflect on this year’s theme: ‘‘Her- and are credited with the company’s steadfast itage, Diversity, Integrity and Honor; The Re- progress. The Ladies Auxiliary spent many f newed Hope of America.’’ nights supplying hot coffee in the freezing Americans of Hispanic descent have served weather while the members were engaged IN RECOGNITION OF HOWARD our country in numerous ways. Their rich and with firefighting duties. O’NEIL diverse culture has touched the life of every The passing years have seen continued im- American and has been an invaluable compo- provements for the Lake Parsippany Volunteer nent of Cleveland’s diverse social fabric. Fire Company. In the year 2002, the company HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. I also rise in honor of this year’s keynote moved across the street to their new home. OF NEW JERSEY speaker, NASA astronaut Jose M. Hernandez, However, the old firehouse still continues to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who was part of the crew aboard the space serve the community as a substation for the shuttle flight, Discovery, from liftoff on August Parsippany Rescue and Recovery Unit. In Wednesday, September 29, 2010 28, through touchdown on September 11, 2007 the Company added a 75 ft. Pierce Lad- 2009. His leadership and expertise in the der Truck. Mr. PALLONE. Madam Speaker, I rise today fields of chemical, computer and electrical en- The Lake Parsippany Volunteer Fire Com- to recognize the accomplishments of Chief gineering have promoted great strides in sev- pany continues to welcome new members into O’Neil, a resident of New Jersey and dedi- eral areas of scientific study. an organization dedicated to protecting their cated member of the Neptune Township po- Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join community and living out their motto: ‘‘Neigh- lice. Chief O’Neil has recently completed 40 me in honor and celebration of Hispanic Herit- bor protecting and helping neighbor.’’ years and 4 months of distinguished service in age Month, of the NASA Glenn Research Madam Speaker, I ask you and my col- the township of Neptune and will be retiring Center and of Astronaut, Jose Hernandez. leagues to join me in congratulating the Lake this winter. I applaud Chief O’Neil’s achieve- The innumerable contributions made by His- Parsippany Volunteer Fire Company, District ments and dedication and recognize his work panic Americans have added immeasurably to #3 as they celebrate 75 years of community which serves as an inspiration to us all. NASA Glenn’s unparalleled global record of service. A native resident of Ocean Grove, New Jer- success. f sey, Chief O’Neil’s career of public service f began in 1964 when he served in the New RECOGNIZING REPUBLIC OF CO- Jersey National Guard until 1970. He was HONORING LAKE PARSIPPANY LOMBIA’S AMBASSADOR CARO- then assigned to the patrol division of Neptune VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY LINA BARCO Township Police until 1979. During his career on the force, O’Neil earned several pro- HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN HON. GREGORY W. MEEKS motions, including Sergeant in 1981, Lieuten- OF NEW JERSEY OF NEW YORK ant in 1985, Captain in 1987, Deputy Chief of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Police in 1996 and most recently, Chief of Po- lice in 2003. Furthermore, he remained an out- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Wednesday, September 29, 2010 standing member, former president and vice Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Madam Speaker, I Mr. MEEKS of New York. Madam Speaker, president to the Policeman Benevolent Asso- rise today to honor the Lake Parsippany Vol- I offer these remarks on my own behalf and ciation as well as the Fraternal Order of Police unteer Fire Company, District #3 located in on behalf of my fellow co-chairs of the Con- State Lodge. gressional Colombia Caucus which includes Morris County, New Jersey, which is cele- Chief O’Neil’s civic achievements have also Representative MARIO DIAZ-BALART, Rep- brating its 75th Anniversary. helped to form numerous organizations de- resentative HENRY CUELLAR, and Representa- In 1935, a group of concerned citizens, rec- voted to further advancing the safety and well- tive AARON SCHOCK. As co-chairs of the Cau- ognizing the need for fire protection in the being of the Monmouth County community. In cus, we recognize today the tremendous work Lake Parsippany area, began taking steps to- 1994, he chaired a committee that established and legacy of the Republic of Colombia’s out- ward the formation of the Lake Parsippany a fund that gives monetary donations to fami- going Ambassador to the United States, Caro- Volunteer Fire Company. The Fire Company lies of officers who were killed in the line of lina Barco. Since 2006 Ambassador Barco has was formally organized in early September duty. In addition, he helped establish an edu- been an exemplary representative of the gov- with incorporation formalities approved on No- cation fund as well as a fund for healthcare for ernment and people of Colombia. She has vember 2, 1935. special case residents of the area. Moreover, Determined to start the company off suc- worked tirelessly to deepen the ties between O’Neil has served or continues to serve on cessfully, members loaned money to purchase the United States and the nation of Colombia, multiple organizations, including the New Jer- some fire equipment and a committee was a key South American ally. sey Governor’s Awards committee and Attor- formed to investigate the possibility of pur- Ambassador Carolina Barco has been an ney General’s Awards committee. chasing a used fire truck. By December 1935, effective advocate on behalf of her country en- just one month after organizing, the company suring that we are well aware of the many Chief O’Neil’s enthusiasm for service ex- had acquired its first fire truck from the Living- ways that the United States can support a tends well beyond his call of duty as a police ston Fire Company. The Morris Plains Fire As- promising vision for the future and the contin- officer as evident in his active community sociation provided fire rings with which to ued progress of our ally, to the benefit of our leadership. A true member and devotee to his summon members to a fire. entire hemisphere. There has been much community, he has dedicated his time to In the early days, meetings were held in the progress for us to support. While she has coaching numerous youth sports teams includ- residences of Mr. Peter Yeager and Mr. Ed- been Ambassador to the United States, we ing little league, recreational basketball and ward Flanagan. The Lake Parsippany Property have seen evidence of the commitment of Co- soccer, and travelling boys and girls soccer. Owners Association Club House eventually lombia to continue efforts to reestablish and The youth and families of Neptune Township became the gathering place. maintain government control over its territory, are fortunate to have benefited from Chief After establishing a place to meet, the next fight drug trafficking and terrorist activities, re- O’Neil’s energetic service and civic participa- step members took was to obtain a suitable duce poverty, and become a more inclusive tion. location to house the fire truck. Land was pur- society. Despite Colombia’s decades long con- Chief O’Neil has tirelessly devoted his time chased from the New York Daily Mirror and flict with guerrilla forces and paramilitary to his community and epitomizes what it construction was started on the firehouse in groups, public security has been restored in means to give back. Madam Speaker, please August 1936. Through the efforts of its mem- many areas previously under siege, and a sta- join me in leading this body in acknowledge- bers organizing dances and raffles and the ble environment for investment has been cre- ment of the extraordinary contributions of help from generous contributors, the Fire ated. Chief Howard O’Neil. He is a greatly valued Company had become a fully functioning fire As Ambassador Barco passes the baton to citizen of the State of New Jersey, and I am company just one year after organizing. her successor, we know that her country is on honored to recognize him today.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29SE8.027 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1804 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 COMMEMORATING THE VISIT TO During the two months after the current Car- colleagues to join me in congratulating this CUBA OF THE FREEDOM SCHOO- ibbean tour, the vessel will visit five cities his- American treasure, The Lawrenceville School, NER AMISTAD IN RECOGNITION torically linked to the 19th century slave trade: which on October 8, 2010 will be celebrating OF UN DAY OF REMEMBRANCE Savannah, Charleston, Norfolk, Washington its 200th birthday. FOR SLAVERY VICTIMS DC and Baltimore. The next heritage tour will f include visits this summer to Boston, Halifax and seven Great Lakes ports, culminating in IN HONOR AND REMEMBRANCE OF HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO DR. ROBERT MULLER OF CONNECTICUT Chicago. In December, the Amistad sails back IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to Africa, including for celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the independence of Senegal. HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH Wednesday, September 29, 2010 But for now, all eyes are on Cuba. OF OHIO Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, it is with f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES enormous pride that I wish to inform my col- leagues that the Freedom Schooner Amistad, CELEBRATING THE BICENTENNIAL Wednesday, September 29, 2010 a national human rights icon moored in New OF THE LAWRENCEVILLE SCHOOL Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise Haven, CT, is making history this week. As today in honor and remembrance of Dr. Rob- part of the United Nations commemoration of HON. RUSH D. HOLT ert Muller, a lifelong champion for peace who March 25 as the global Day of Remembrance OF NEW JERSEY served humanity tirelessly throughout his life. for the victims of the Atlantic slave trade, the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Born in Belgium in 1923, Dr. Muller was Amistad arrived Monday in Matanzas, Cuba raised in the Alsace-Lorraine region of France Wednesday, September 29, 2010 and today will sail for Havana. where he experienced unrelenting political and The Amistad entered Cuban waters on Mr. HOLT. Madam Speaker, I rise today to cultural turmoil. During World War II he was a March 22, 2010 for a 10-day, two city Cuba recognize the bicentennial of one of America’s member of the French Resistance and was tour that will culminate its recent Caribbean premier private secondary schools, The imprisoned by the Germans during the Nazi Heritage Voyage. The ship first visited Lawrenceville School of Lawrenceville, New occupation. In 1948, he won an essay contest Matanzas, site of a new UNESCO-affiliated Jersey. Founded in 1810 as the Maidenhead with his entry about how to govern the world. slavery museum. Today, the Amistad will sail Academy and run under such names as the The prize was an internship at the newly cre- into Havana Harbor to commemorate the his- Lawrenceville Classical and Commercial High ated United Nations. toric ‘‘triangle of trade’’ connections between School for more than 70 years, the school was The internship set him on a life path that led America, Europe, Africa and the Caribbean. ‘‘refounded’’ in 1883 to become The to 38 years of work behind the scenes at the Tomorrow, the vessel will host a three-hour si- Lawrenceville School as we know it today. United Nations where he rose to the official mulcast about the shared slave trade heritage, And for 200 years this remarkable institution position of Assistant-Secretary General, serv- connecting Cuban students to classrooms has provided its students with an education ing three Secretaries General. across the Atlantic Ocean and at the UN in that challenges the mind and has instilled in In 1986, Rodrigo Carazo, the President of New York. In addition to public tours of the them a strong commitment to community serv- Costa Rica, proposed that Dr. Muller become boat and academic panels on its history, the ice. the chancellor of the U.N. University of Peace Cuba visits will focus on the impact of the The Lawrenceville School facilities are des- in Costa Rica of which he was the co-founder. slave trade on our transatlantic cultural herit- ignated a National Historic Landmark. De- His deeply spiritual understanding of our age—including religious ritual, film, music, signed by the esteemed American landscape planet and the life that graces it led him to dance, poetry and visits to former plantations. architect, Frederick Law Olmsted who de- create a ‘‘World Core Curriculum’’ which is The sale of the Amistad captives in Havana signed New York’s Central Park and taught at 34 Robert Muller Schools around the was a small transaction in the thriving inter- Cadwaladar Park in Trenton, the campus con- world. The Curriculum earned him the national slave trade. But the resulting events tains several houses where students live, UNESCO Peace Education Prize in 1989 and arguably turned the tide against slavery based on their gender and year of graduation. the honorary title of ‘‘father of global edu- itself—and the historical connections across Most of the faculty lives on the campus as cation.’’ He also received the Albert Schweit- the modem African Diaspora are direct and well, some in the houses with the students, zer International Prize for the Humanities and profound. and others in residences with their families. the Eleanor Roosevelt Man of Vision Award. This visit is especially poignant because This provides a community rich in teaching He was a prolific writer, having published Amistad’s own story began in Cuba. The origi- and learning. Classes are held around oval fourteen books in various languages, including nal ship was built in Cuba. In 1839, the wooden tables rather than in the traditional ‘‘2000 Ideas and Dreams for a Better World’’, Amistad sailed from Havana, the center of the rows of desks. Students are held to the high- in which he proposed concrete, visionary illegal slave trade. This will be the replica’s est academic standards, and each day stu- ideas designed to create a peaceful and har- first visit to Cuba—and it coincides with the dents practice their team sports, study or work monious planet. tenth anniversary of its launch at Mystic Sea- at fulfilling their social service requirements. Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join port Museum on March 25, 2000. Many of the leading figures in almost every me in honor and remembrance of Dr. Robert The Amistad is a 140-foot replica of the two- field come from the Lawrenceville School. Muller, who will be deeply missed. I offer my masted black schooner that was at the center Lawrenceville has a proud history of public heartfelt condolences to his entire family and of the 1841 slave rebellion case argued suc- service. Graduates include three New Jersey to his many friends. Dr. Muller’s life is one to cessfully by John Quincy Adams, leading to Governors, Charles Olden, Joel Parker and celebrate, as he lived it with a generous heart, the first U.S. Supreme Court case freeing Afri- Rodman Price, who also served as a Member a true joy for living and unwavering love for can captives. The replica Amistad has visited of Congress; Lowell P. Weicker, who served his family, friends, colleagues and our beau- 70 domestic and international ports as a sym- as both Senator and Governor of Connecticut; tiful planet. bol of this human rights milestone. Charles Fried, who was appointed by Presi- f In 2008, the Amistad undertook a 14,000- dent Reagan as Solicitor General of the mile transatlantic sail to Africa. On March 25 United States; J. Harvie Wilkinson, III, who sits A TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF THE of that year, the Amistad was linked via sat- on the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals; Ri- LIFE OF DAVID DRUKER, M.D. ellite directly to the UN as the General Assem- cardo Maduro, who was President of Hon- bly voted to commemorate that date as the bi- duras from 2002 to 2006; Brigadier General HON. ANNA G. ESHOO centennial of the pioneering British act that Horace Porter, who was awarded the Medal of OF CALIFORNIA first outlawed the slave trade. Students from Honor for his service in the Union Army; and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES six countries sailed legs of the Africa voyage. World War I Aviator, Jarvis Offutt for whom Soon thereafter, the Amistad was designated Offutt Air Force Base is named. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 as floating ambassador for the UN Permanent Under the inspired leadership of Elizabeth Ms. ESHOO. Madam Speaker, I rise today Memorial to Honour the Victims of Slavery and A. Duffy, the first woman to be selected as to honor the life of an extraordinary physician the Atlantic Slave Trade. The boat’s most re- Head Master, The Lawrenceville School has and a distinguished constituent of California’s cent port of call was Santo Domingo, for a been faithful to its traditions as it prepares its 14th Congressional District, Dr. David Druker. week of programs for youths from the Domini- young men and young women for leadership After 35 years as a healer and leader in the can Republic and Haiti. and service in a changing world. I ask all my medical community, Dr. Druker passed away

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.067 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1805 on July 23, 2010, following a three-year strug- ical Society, the California Medical Associa- and advancement and it is an honor for me to gle with lung cancer. tion, and the American Medical Association, bring to the attention of this House the Dr. Druker was trained as a clinical der- among other affiliations. In addition to these achievements of this extraordinary gentleman. matologist, but his interest in people was any- responsibilities, Dr. Druker found time to au- Although the death of Mayor Arnold is a great thing but skin-deep. First as a practitioner and thor papers and textbooks on dermatology and loss to our District, his work will live on in the professor, then later as an executive, he al- medical administration, all the while devoting many accomplishments we recognize here ways sought to engage those around him, to himself to his wife, his children, and his grand- today. collaborate with and learn from his colleagues children. and friends. In this way, he nurtured ties be- Dr. Druker’s impressive accomplishments f tween the medical profession and the broader have immeasurably enriched our community, RECOGNIZING THE ACHIEVEMENTS Peninsula community, becoming a pillar of the but perhaps his most lasting legacy lies in the OF THE HAWAIIAN PARTICI- Palo Alto Medical Foundation and the catalyst devoted care of his patients. One patient re- PANTS IN THE HOSA NATIONAL for an expanding and increasingly effective membered him as ‘‘a great guy and a fantastic LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE community health network. doctor,’’ a physician whose gentleness left the With all of Dr. Druker’s gifts as a doctor and patient ‘‘with this lasting fondness after all director, it’s hard to imagine him in any other these years.’’ Another simply and powerfully HON. CHARLES K. DJOU profession. But he did not initially intend to noted that back in the early 1980’s, ‘‘he saved OF HAWAII enter medicine. Raised in Marshalltown, Iowa, my boyfriend’s life.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dr. Druker received his Bachelors Degree in Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Economics from Harvard University and was me in extending our deepest condolences to accepted by the University of Michigan Law Dr. Druker’s wife, Karen; his children, Daniel Mr. DJOU. Madam Speaker, I rise today to School before changing his mind and entering and Ellie; his five grandchildren; and his two recognize the students of Hawai‘i HOSA who the University of Iowa Medical School, under sisters, Hannah and Leah. Dr. Druker’s intel- traveled to Orlando to compete in 25 health- the condition that he make up his pre-med re- lect and passion led him to become the related medical events with 7,000 delegates quirements first. Dr. Druker’s precipitous ca- human foundation of the Palo Alto Medical from 46 states. The excellence displayed by reer change brought him an avalanche of Foundation and the Peninsula’s physician and the team throughout this competition is indic- science coursework and ultimately brought friend. Whether diagnosing a patient or direct- ative of the bright futures they can have in the Palo Alto residents an exceptional doctor. With ing new and exciting health advances, Dr. health care community. his penchant for quiet understatement, Dr. David Druker’s warm heart and healing hands Hawai‘i sent a delegation of 84 students Druker recalled his first year of medical school will be missed by all who were touched by his from 12 high schools and four colleges from as ‘‘a fun year.’’ dedication and humanity. Maui and Oahu to compete in the 2010 HOSA National Leadership Conference. Hawai‘i is in- He married his wife Karen in 1966 and f served two years in the U.S. Army before fin- credibly proud of the 13 students awarded Top ishing his residency at the University of Or- HONORING GEORGE WILFORD 3 Medallions and the 18 students who earned egon in 1975. After a year of private practice ARNOLD the Top 10 Finalist award. I would like to rec- in Portland, Dr. Druker moved to Palo Alto to ognize the following students from Hawai‘i for join what was then the Palo Alto Medical Clin- HON. ED WHITFIELD their tremendous accomplishments at the ic. While seeing 30 dermatology patients a OF KENTUCKY HOSA National Leadership Conference: Rance China, Josie Gomez, Brianna day and teaching at the Stanford University IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES School of Medicine, Dr. Druker rose to hold a Daranciang, Ashley Layco, Carianne Matsuo, number of leadership positions in the clinic Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Ana Liza Capulong, Sandra Jamilla, Joybell and in regional and national organizations. He Mr. WHITFIELD. Madam Speaker, I rise Pablo, Vanessa Joy Sagaoinit, Tony Valdez became Executive Director and then Chief Op- today to honor George Wilford Arnold for his Jr, Britteny Acoba, Joleen-Taylor Baxa, erating Officer of what had become, under his lifelong contributions within his community. I Marikris Racho, Nicole Kawahara, Allen leadership, the Palo Alto Medical Foundation wish to recognize his accomplishments by re- Orense, Kevin Quitoriano, Kimiyo Lindley, (PAMF), before being named President and calling some of his many achievements as an Glady Meir Baloran, Cheryl Batara, Diana Chief Executive Officer of PAMF in 1999. outstanding public servant. Simon, Woody Hoshibata, Brandy-Shaye Au- Guided by Dr. Druker’s vision of high-quality Mr. Arnold began his public service in the Stein, Mericris Neyra, Catherine Sabio, Ty outpatient care and his ‘‘multi-specialty group U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II, and Nakama, Zachery Grace, Nicole Colello, practice’’ healthcare model, PAMF vastly ex- this service to his country and community con- Samantha DeLeon, Liane Hisamoto, Aprilei panded its range and its roster. The Founda- tinued throughout his life. Following his military Ramirez, Alnora Murai, Ruel Reyes, Lisa tion grew from 120 to nearly 1,000 physicians service Mr. Arnold served on multiple boards Kaaihue, Charmaine Alontaga, Shaneen and now serves locations throughout the Bay as well as civic organizations that worked to Northington, Lian Balmores, Jenna Maligro, Area, including Sunnyvale, Fremont, Los improve the quality of life in the surrounding Judy Sadoyama, Harriet Gumban, Brittney Altos, San Carlos, and Burlingame. Dr. Druker region. After many years of service he be- Acoba, Jade Simpliciano, Angel Badua, played a leading role in cementing the alliance came a self-taught visionary seeking to im- Johnelyn Cadang, Jensine Domingo, Benedict between PAMF and Sutter Health in 1993, fur- prove the supply and the quality of water for Juliano, Suzanne Lieu, Shaynna Palasigue, ther integrating and enhancing community his city, county, and region. This dedication to Kristine Saguid, and Theodore Ueki. health services. The Palo Alto Medical Foun- improving the people’s quality of life led him to The Health Occupations Students of Amer- dation remembered Dr. Druker as man who serve as chairman of the Logan/Todd Re- ica (HOSA) promotes knowledge, technology had ‘‘a particular passion for children and edu- gional Water Commission from 1997 to 2003 education, and skill and leadership develop- cation, and fostered long standing partner- and the executive director from 2003 to 2005. ment for all health sciences to prepare and ships with schools.’’ Along with his commit- Mr. Arnold also served as the Mayor of equip our students to meet the needs of the ment to the health of youth, Dr. Druker pro- Adairville for almost 20 years. During this time future healthcare community. Programs like moted the idea of a ‘‘Center for Innovation’’ at he was both trusted and respected for his HOSA promote academic excellence, encour- PAMF to generate new and better approaches commitment to the people. age our students to specialize in subjects that to clinical care. In his community and surrounding area, interest them, and allow our students to inter- Dr. Druker made countless contributions to Mayor George Wilford Arnold was seen as an act with peers from around the country who the wider medical community as well. He example of hard work and ingenuity. One of share those interests. Education is crucial to chaired the American Medical Group Associa- his greatest strengths was that he possessed our success as a nation and we must continue tion and the California Medical Group Associa- an unwavering belief in the people he rep- to ensure that quality education remains a pri- tion, and served on the Board of the Unified resented. His work and leadership are largely ority. Medical Group Association. He was a Trustee responsible for the advancements of drinkable On behalf of the schools, parents, and of the California Medical Association, a Fellow water within the First Congressional District. teachers of the First Congressional District of of the American Academy of Dermatology, Madam Speaker, Mayor George Wilford Ar- Hawai‘i, I would like to extend my congratula- and belonged to the Santa Clara County Med- nold was an integral part of Kentucky’s growth tions to the students of Hawai‘i HOSA. Aloha.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29SE8.029 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1806 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 HONORING DAVID ROMERO program has served victims in every county in every day to detect, treat, prevent and—one Missouri. All these initiatives are complimented day—cure breast cancer. It is a time to recall HON. LOIS CAPPS by the Highway Patrol’s efforts to educate the personal losses of so many family mem- OF CALIFORNIA young people about the dangers drunk driving bers and friends. And it is an occasion to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES poses to all Missouri drivers. measure the important progress made against Madam Speaker, the Missouri State High- breast cancer and the improvement in the Wednesday, September 29, 2010 way Patrol can be proud of all it has done for chances of survival and in the quality of life for Mrs. CAPPS. Madam Speaker, I rise today the State of Missouri, and they should be con- women and men with breast cancer. to pay tribute to my constituent David Romero gratulated for receiving this well deserved But, for the more than 200,000 American from San Luis Obispo, CA. award. I trust my fellow members of the women diagnosed with breast cancer this Mr. Romero is retiring as mayor of San Luis House will join me in congratulating the men year, and the 40,000 who will die from breast Obispo, after holding this office since 2002. and women of the Highway Patrol. cancer, it is also time for us to renew our com- Prior to serving as mayor, Mr. Romero served f mitment in this struggle, to reaffirm that we will on the City Council, worked as the Public complete this work, meet unmet needs, and Works Director and further dedicated himself IN HONOR OF TRICIA ROBERTS once and for all end the risk of breast cancer to our community by lecturing at Cal Poly, and to our families and our children. serving in the Chamber of Commerce, SLO HON. MICHAEL N. CASTLE This is a struggle that we willingly take on Council of Governments and SLO Regional OF DELAWARE for our families, and for families around the Transit Authority. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES world, where a woman dies from breast can- Mr. Romero is a true public servant, and his cer every minute of every hour of every day. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 contribution to San Luis Obispo and the great- This year, 1.3 million women worldwide will be er community will not be forgotten any time Mr. CASTLE. Madam Speaker, it is with diagnosed with breast cancer, and of them a soon. He is a sterling example of the work that great pleasure that I recognize a great Dela- half million will die from breast cancer. As we a city can accomplish when its citizens roll up warean, Tricia Roberts, a recipient of the mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the their sleeves, work together and dedicate Kathryn J.R. Swanson Public Service Award United States, we do so as members of a themselves to making their community a better from the Governors Highway Safety Associa- global community facing a common health place. tion (GHSA). Tricia was given this prestigious threat. It has been an honor to work with him to en- award for her tireless dedication to keeping This year brings other important commemo- sure the residents of San Luis Obispo are Delaware’s roadways safe during her career rative milestones in the fight against breast well-represented locally and in Washington, with the Office of Highway Safety (OHS). I am cancer. I learned recently that this year is the DC. In our conversations over the years, I am honored that the GHSA has selected Tricia for thirtieth anniversary of Nancy Brinker’s prom- consistently struck by the dedication and re- this award as she is certainly well-deserving. ise to her sister, Susan G. Komen, to pursue sponsibility he feels towards his friends and I also wish Tricia all the best in her new found a cure for breast cancer—a promise that neighbors of this beautiful city. retirement. helped spark vital patient advocacy worldwide On behalf of the entire San Luis Obispo Tricia joined the Delaware OHS as a com- in the race for a cure. community, I am proud to honor Mr. Romero munity relations officer in 1989, while I was This is the twentieth anniversary of the Na- and his wonderful family today. I wish him serving as Governor of Delaware. Through tional Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detec- much rest and relaxation in his retirement! hard work and determination, Tricia quickly tion Program (NBCCEDP), administered by f rose to director of OHS in 1994. During her the Centers for Disease Control and Preven- time as director, Tricia led the charge to enact tion (CDC). In 1990, Congress stepped in to CONGRATULATIONS TO THE MIS- strong motor vehicle safety measures, such as give women access to early cancer detection. SOURI STATE HIGHWAY PATROL the primary seat belt law, bicycle helmet law, By passing this law, we sent the message that and the repeat DUI offender legislation. After no woman should have to forgo life-saving HON. IKE SKELTON legislation was signed into law in 2000 to tests because she can’t afford them. More OF MISSOURI make a .08 blood alcohol level the standard in than 3 million American women have bene- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES all 50 states, which I and others in the House fitted from this program. of Representatives worked to pass, Tricia This is also the tenth anniversary of the Na- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 worked tirelessly for several years to toughen tional Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention Mr. SKELTON. Madam Speaker, it has drunk driving laws in Delaware to meet federal and Treatment Act, which expanded Medicaid come to my attention that the Missouri State requirements. Also a steadfast proponent of coverage for American women diagnosed Highway Patrol recently received the 2010 Checkpoint Strikeforce DUI prevention pro- through the screening and early detection Outstanding Law Enforcement Agency Award grams, Tricia was extremely dedicated to services supported by NBCCEDP. Today, this from Mothers Against Drunk Driving. I am keeping impaired drivers off of Delaware’s coverage is available in all fifty States. proud to pay tribute to the men and women of roads. Her innovative measures and dedica- Last year, in passing comprehensive health the Highway Patrol and the exceptional serv- tion to highway safety has improved Dela- care reform, we built on these early achieve- ice and protection they provide the citizens of ware’s roadways and undoubtedly ensured the ments by expanding health coverage and Missouri. safety of thousands. making preventive health care more acces- For years, Missouri’s Highway Patrol has I am proud to represent a state where indi- sible for all Americans. We did this because been a national leader among law enforce- viduals such as Tricia Roberts reside. I am ex- uninsured cancer patients are 60 percent ment agencies in the fight to prevent drunk tremely grateful for Tricia’s efforts toward im- more likely to die than privately insured pa- driving and care for the victims of this sense- proving highway safety and I wish her all the tients within five years of diagnosis. We did less crime. Sobriety check points and effective best in retirement. It is individuals like Tricia this because of the tens of millions of unin- patrols have resulted in almost 285,000 DWI that give Delaware the good name that it has. sured Americans who deserve screening, arrests since 1980, and investigations by the f treatment and care—but do not receive them Highway Patrol have led to more than 17,600 today. criminal charges against drunk drivers in the BREAST CANCER AWARENESS We have important work that remains to be same time period. MONTH done. Only a fraction of the American women While these statistics are truly impressive eligible to receive preventive health services and important to note, the Highway Patrol’s HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN under NBCCEDP do so. There are waiting greatest success cannot be measured. Count- OF CALIFORNIA lists at clinics, which mean women whose can- less lives are saved everyday because of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cers could have been caught early and treated Highway Patrol’s hard work and commitment instead find out when their disease has pro- to protecting Missouri families from the dan- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 gressed and spread. There are new screening gers of drunk driving. And, for those who are Mr. WAXMAN. Madam Speaker, October 1 technologies to be developed, new treatments sadly affected by drunk driving, the Highway is the beginning of Breast Cancer Awareness and hopefully cures that await discovery. Patrol stands ready to help with a victim advo- Month. This is a moment to reflect on the Madam Speaker, I hope that every Amer- cacy program that has long been considered great work done by scientists, physicians and ican family takes a moment during October to among the finest in the nation. To date, the nurses, patients, survivors, and their families reflect on the progress we’ve made against

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29SE8.032 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1807 breast cancer and to commit to taking steps to 96-inch main. We know from past experience matter of honor and fairness to our citizen sol- protect their health or to contribute in some the destructive power of such a break. There diers. way to creating and achieving a world without is no doubt a sudden break at Tuckerman f breast cancer. Lane and Gainsborough Road would have A TRIBUTE TO MRS. JUDY TUCK- f been devastating. ‘‘We appreciate your personal sacrifices, in- ER, DIRECTOR OF CONSTITUENT RECOGNIZING THE DEDICATED EM- cluding the physical demands of working long SERVICES FOR U. S. REP. BOBBY PLOYEES OF THE WASHINGTON hours in near-record breaking heat, and the L. RUSH, ON THE OCCASION OF SUBURBAN SANITARY COMMIS- time that could have been spent with loved HER RETIREMENT AFTER 24 SION ones celebrating our Nation’s Independence YEARS OF SERVICE Day holiday. Your professionalism and work HON. DONNA F. EDWARDS ethic personify the work ethic of the entire HON. BOBBY L. RUSH OF MARYLAND WSSC team. We are so very proud of our em- OF ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ployees and the contractors who represented IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, September 29, 2010 the Commission in all phases of the repair op- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 eration. Ms. EDWARDS of Maryland. Madam ‘‘On behalf of our customers and staff, we Mr. RUSH. Madam Speaker, we live in an Speaker, I would like to recognize the dedi- want to express our sincere gratitude for your age where the average length of time that a cated employees of the Washington Suburban excellent implementation of WSSC’s customer typical American worker spends on a job is Sanitary Commission (WSSC) in safeguarding service goals and expectations. You selflessly from three to five years. That’s why, as this the citizens of Prince George’s and Mont- carried out our mission to provide safe and re- month comes to a close, it is all the more re- gomery Counties in Maryland. liable water, life’s most precious resource, in markable that one of my most respected em- In the early morning hours of July 1, 2010, an ethically and financially responsible man- ployees, Mrs. Judy Tucker, has served me a WSSC fiber optics monitoring system noti- ner. We salute you for a job well done!’’ with distinction, honor and humility for 24 fied key WSSC personnel of impending dan- One noteworthy individual is WSSC Cus- years—only one year shy of a quarter century. ger involving a 96’’ water main located near tomer Care West Group Leader, Hak Kwon. Her commitment to service and to the people Tuckerman Lane in Montgomery County, Nicknamed by many during and after this of the 1st Congressional District of Illinois is Maryland. This highly pressurized water main event as ‘‘The General,’’ Mr. Kwan lead the truly remarkable in this day and age. And for is one of the main distribution conduits serving WSSC Team working tirelessly and profes- that, I thank her for her service. both Counties, but is of particular importance sionally to resolve the problem as quickly and But there’s so much more to Judy Tucker’s to the citizens of Prince George’s County. as safely as possible. story. WSSC mobilized immediately coordinating In crisis situations such as this early July When the history of Chicago’s African Amer- with Maryland state and county officials to iso- 2010 incident, it is comforting to know that the ican political community is written, Judy Tuck- late the problem, dewater the main, replace employees of the WSSC can rise to the occa- er’s name will be an important part of that vast the damaged section, and restore water serv- sion, make the difficult decisions, and safe- network of tireless, determined men and ice. This all occurred without a loss of water guard our citizens. women who served with distinction in those all pressure in the system that could have im- Madam Speaker, I ask all of my colleagues important ‘‘trenches’’—you know, the nose-to- pacted adversely critical services like hospitals to join General Manager Jerry Johnson and the grind, inner workings of government that and firefighting capabilities. WSSC instituted me in commending the WSSC and its employ- mean the world to the typical voter, constituent and enforced mandatory water restrictions ees on a job well done. and his or her family. Judy Tucker is the only over the holiday weekend to ensure adequate f employee to have served me, consistently, pressure was maintained for public health and since I was first elected to the U. S. House of safety. PROVIDING HONORARY TITLE FOR Representatives in 1992. That was 20 years WSSC is to be commended for their leader- ARMY RESERVISTS ago. This tribute recognizes her for 24 years ship and efforts throughout this incident. As of service because, prior to my election to Paul Hajek, Acting Director of Operations for SPEECH OF Congress, Judy served me capably and effec- the Maryland Emergency Management Agen- HON. TOM LATHAM tively, for four years, as my personal secretary cy (MEMA) wrote to WSSC’s General Man- OF IOWA in my Second Ward Aldermanic Office. ager, ‘‘I found WSSC to be highly profes- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Judy’s background in public service also in- sional, responsive and cautiously deliberate in cludes playing key administrative leadership how they handled the entire incident. From a Tuesday, September 28, 2010 roles for my friend, Cook County Commis- State perspective, it was refreshing to work Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I strongly urge sioner Jerry Butler, and, prior to that, working with a company that at every turn ‘had it under my colleagues to support H.R. 3787, which I for several years for the iconic African Amer- control’. Your company’s actions turned what joined my colleague the gentleman from Min- ican Member of Congress, Ralph Metcalfe, was a probable ‘emergency incident’ into an nesota in introducing. Our military increasingly who also represented the people of the 1st ‘event’.’’ depends on the National Guard and Reserve Congressional District. It is my pleasure to WSSC Commissioners and General Man- to keep our country safe. Men and women note that through all of Judy’s professional life ager Jerry N. Johnson honored WSSC em- who served our country faithfully for decades she has prided herself on her service to the ployees for their efforts in this incident during deserve full recognition as veterans, even if men and women of the City of Chicago, the the July 21, 2010 Commission meeting. In a they were never deployed. The legislation State of Illinois and, for the past 20 years, the communication from the General Manager to would extend full veteran status under federal people of the 1st Congressional District that the employees honored, Mr. Johnson wrote: law to retired members of the Guard and Re- I’m so proud to serve. ‘‘As you know, I believe that our employees serve. Current law does not consider Guard As Director of Constituent Services, Judy are our most valuable asset. The members of and Reserve members to be veterans unless managed those all important details of what it the WSSC team demonstrate their commit- they were deployed for more than 30 days. means to provide assistance to those constitu- ment every day whether they are responding The policy excludes many soldiers in the ents who need help. No matter the request, if to a customer inquiry in the Call Center, in- Guard and Reserve who, while never de- it was within our power to assist a constituent, specting a contractor’s repair of a sewer lat- ployed for long periods of time, carried out Judy Tucker made sure that their resource or eral, turning valves to isolate a water main critical support roles during times of war and information needs were addressed quickly, ac- break or repairing a pump in the machine peace, engaged in frequent and often dan- curately and in a professional manner. There shop. I am proud to be a member of such a gerous training exercises, and stood ready to was never a request too large or too small for dedicated and capable workforce that so fully risk their lives to protect our nation during mili- Judy to handle. In many ways, Judy’s job is understands the critical nature of our work and tary careers that spanned decades. This legis- one of, if not the most important job that I how each of us plays an important role in ful- lation recognizes the service and sacrifice of have on staff. That’s because her work hits filling our obligation to provide high quality reli- National Guard and Reserve retirees and home where it matters most—in the daily lives able services to our customers. grants them the full honor of being called vet- of the constituents that my staff and I are here ‘‘Due, in part, to your hard work, WSSC erans that they have earned. I urge my col- to serve. Judy never forgot about the needs of averted a potentially catastrophic break in the leagues to support this legislation, which is a my constituents and she worked tirelessly to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29SE8.035 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1808 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 provide them with the information, services or Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues ple calling the shots in May 2009 were angry access to resources and services that they join me in congratulating and wishing the at the filing of the Ike Brown case and angry needed for all the years I’ve been a member Rhawnhurst-Bustleton Ambulance Association at our filing of the NBPP case. That anger was the result of their deep-seated opposi- of Congress. Madame Speaker, I can’t tell you many more years of faithful service to the tion to the equal enforcement of the VRA how grateful I am for her capable service and community. against racial minorities and for the protec- how proud I am of the honor and distinction f tion of whites who have been discriminated she has brought to my office. against. Ms. King, Mr. Rosenbaum, Mr. In addition to being an effective Constituent A PROCLAMATION HONORING Kappelhoff, Ms. Clarke, a large number of Services Director, Judy is also a loving wife, GOLDIE MORROW LONG the people who work in the Voting Section mother and grandmother. Married to her hus- BOERNER HARRISON ON HER and the CRD, and many of the liberal private band, Elisheous Tucker for 38 years, she and 100TH BIRTHDAY groups that work in the civil rights field be- lieve, incorrectly but vehemently, that en- her husband are faithful members of the Mir- forcement of the protections of the VRA acle House of Prayer Church. As she settles HON. ZACHARY T. SPACE should not be extended to white voters but into her well deserved retirement, while my OF OHIO should be limited to protecting racial, ethnic staff and I will miss her, I suspect she’ll be IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and language minorities. The final disposition of the NBPP case, able to spend more time with her church com- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 munity, her family and friends. In addition to even in the face of a default by the defend- traveling, I can imagine her spending much Mr. SPACE. Madam Speaker, ants, was caused by this incorrect view of civil rights enforcement, and it was intended more time tending to her garden, a hobby that Whereas, Goldie Morrow Long Boerner Har- rison was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, to send a direct message to people inside and I know she truly enjoys. outside the CRD. That message is that the What more can I say other than every Mem- on October 3, 1910, filing of voting cases like the Ike Brown and ber of Congress should be blessed to have Whereas, Goldie joined the SPARS during the NBPP cases would not continue in the someone of the caliber, grace and profes- World War II, where she sang and danced in Obama Administration. The disposition of sionalism of Mrs. Judy Tucker. While my staff a show for enlisted personnel in the Coast the NBPP case was not required by the facts and I will miss her presence in our office, she Guard, developed during the case or the applicable will always be a valued member of the perma- Whereas, Goldie opened a hair salon in law, as has been claimed, but was because of this incorrect view of civil rights enforce- nent ‘‘Rush Team’’ for years to come. Massillon where she styled the hair of the stars who performed at the Canal Fulton Play- ment that is at war with the statutory lan- On behalf of my staff, my wife, Carolyn, and guage in the VRA and with racially fair en- the people of the 1st Congressional District of house, including Vivian Vance, Tammy forcement of federal law. Grimes, Imogene Coco and President Tru- Illinois, I wish Mrs. Judy Tucker all the joy and FAILURE TO ENFORCE SECTION 5 gifts that God can bestow upon her, and her man’s daughter Margaret, If anyone doubts that CRD and the Voting family, for years and years to come. Whereas, Givin now lives in Dover, Ohio, Section have failed to enforce the VRA in a Thank you so much, Judy, for a job well where she will celebrate with close friends and race-neutral manner, one only has to look at done. I value our friendship and you and your family, the enforcement of the Section 5 family are forever in my thoughts and prayers. Resolved that along with her friends, family, preclearance requirements. Those require- My God richly bless you now and always. and the residents of the 18th Congressional ments mandate that federal preclearance for voting changes within the covered jurisdic- f District, I congratulate Goldie Harrison on achieving her 100th birthday, and for her con- tions be obtained for any covered change and CELEBRATING THE 50TH ANNIVER- tributions to her community and country. that preclearance not be given for changes SARY OF THE RHAWNHURST— that have a racially discriminatory purpose f or effect. The statutory language of Section BUSTLETON AMBULANCE ASSO- TESTIMONY OF MR. CHRISTOPHER 5 speaks in terms of protecting all voters CIATION from racial discrimination. But the Voting COATES BEFORE THE U.S. COM- Section has never interposed an objection HON. ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ MISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS RE- under Section 5 to a voting change on the GARDING UNEQUAL ENFORCE- ground that it discriminated against white OF PENNSYLVANIA MENT OF THE LAW voters in the forty-five (45) year history of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Act. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 This failure includes no objections in the HON. FRANK R. WOLF many majority-minority jurisdictions in the Ms. SCHWARTZ. Madam Speaker, I rise OF VIRGINIA covered states. Indeed, the personnel in the today to honor and congratulate the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Voting Section’s unit which handles Section Rhawnhurst-Bustleton Ambulance Association 5 submissions are instructed only to see if Wednesday, September 29, 2010 on its 50th anniversary. This volunteer ambu- the change discriminates against racial, eth- lance corps, located in Northeast Philadelphia, Mr. WOLF. Madam Speaker, I submit cer- nic, and language minority voters. This prac- serves the residents of the Bustleton and tain sections of the testimony of Mr. Chris- tice of not enforcing Section 5’s protections Rhawnhurst neighborhoods. topher Coates before the U.S. Commission on for white voters includes jurisdictions, such Civil Rights in which he discusses the unequal as Noxubee County, Mississippi where the Fifty years ago Rhawnhurst and Bustleton Ike Brown case arose, where white voters are were not served by the ambulances operated enforcement of federal voting laws by political in the racial minority. It is in those jurisdic- by area hospitals. This lack of emergency and career officials in the Department of Jus- tions the Voting Section’s failure to apply medical services was a serious safety and tice. Section 5’s protections for the white minor- health challenge for these residents and busi- THE DECISION TO DISMISS AND TO LIMIT ity is particularly problematic. On two occa- nesses. Seeing this need, a small group of INJUNCTIVE RELIEF IN THE NBPP CASE sions, while I was Chief of the Voting Sec- dedicated citizens took action. Five individuals It was within this atmosphere, with these tion, I tried to persuade officials at the CRD met in the basement of a neighborhood home managers, and with pressure being applied level to change this policy so that white vot- by an organization—NAACP LDF—that is ers would be protected by Section 5 in appro- to take an oath to provide this much needed priate circumstances, but to no avail. I be- service. Six months later, with two ambu- close to the Obama Administration’s CRD management, that the decision to gut the lieve that present management in both the lances in its fleet, the Rhawnhurst-Bustleton NBPP case was made. Although there have CRD and the Voting Section are opposed to Ambulance Association incorporated as a non- been recent reports that indicate that senior race-neutral enforcement of Section 5 and profit organization. political appointees at higher levels in the continue to enforce those provisions in a ra- The ambulance association is now state-li- Department were involved in the NBPP case, cially selective manner. censed and certified, operating 24 hours a it was Ms. King, along with her Deputy, REASONS GIVEN BY THE DOJ FOR ITS ACTIONS IN day, 365 days a year. Over the past 50 years Steve Rosenbaum, who the Justice Depart- NBPP CASE these dedicated volunteers have incorporated ment has claimed made the decision to dis- As I have indicated, I am not going to tes- advanced technologies and practices into their miss three of the party-defendants in the tify about the statements made during my meetings with Ms. King and Mr. Rosenbaum, daily operations. This neighborhood has been case and ordered the limitation on the broad- er injunctive relief recommended by both because of the DOJ’s assertion of the delib- safer and more secure over these past 50 Voting Section and Appellate Section attor- erative process privilege. However, the DOJ years because this small group of committed neys against the one remaining defendant. and Mr. Perez have publicly articulated the people decided to take an extra step to care It is my opinion that this disposition of reasons for the disposition of the NBPP case, for their neighbors. the NBPP case was ordered because the peo- and I will therefore address here several of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29SE8.038 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1809 these publicly stated reasons for dismissals showed up at the entrance in KKK uniform eral observer election coverage, in which she of three of the defendants and the limitation and that one of the Klansman was carrying a stated to the entire group in attendance that on the injunctive relief. billy stick. Further assume that the two the Voting Section’s goal was to ensure The primary reason cited by the CRD for Klansmen were yelling racial slurs at black equal access for voters of color or minority not obtaining injunctive relief against Black voters who were a minority of people reg- language. Panther Jerry Jackson who stood at the istered to vote at this polling place, and the In November 2009, a similar lunch meeting Philadelphia polling place in uniform with Klansmen were blocking ingress to the poll- was held by Ms. Fernandez on the subject of fellow Panther King Samir Shabazz, but ing place. Assume further that a local police- the National Voter Registration Act without a weapon, was that a Philadelphia man comes on the scene and determines that (NVRA). The NVRA has three provisions police officer who came to the polling place the Klansman with the billy club must leave that have led to enforcement activity by the made the determination that King Samir but that the other Klansman could stay be- Voting Section. The first is Section 7 which Shabazz had to leave the polling place, but cause he was certified as a poll watcher for requires that certain government offices, that Black Panther Jackson could stay be- a local political party. such as the local office that provides public cause he was a certified Democratic Party In those circumstances does anyone seri- assistance, also provide their clients the op- poll watcher. During my thirteen and one- ously believe that the Assistant Attorney portunity to register to vote. The other two half (131⁄2) years in the Voting Section, I can- General for Civil Rights would contend that provisions of the NVRA are found in Section not remember another situation where the on the basis of the facts and law, the CRD 8 of that Act. They require states to ensure decision not to file suit under the VRA, did not have a case under the VRA against that voter registration list maintenance be much less to dismiss pending claims and par- this hypothetical Klansman because he re- conducted so that registration lists do not ties, as in the NBPP case, was made in whole sided in the apartment building where the have the names of persons who are no longer or in part on a determination of a local po- polling place was located, or because he was eligible to vote in the jurisdiction. Further, lice officer. In my experience, officials in the allowed to stay at the polling place by a Section 8 also provides that certain notice Voting Section and the CRA always reserved local police officer because he was a poll procedures are to be followed in order to le- for themselves, and correctly so, the deter- watcher? I certainly hope Mr. Perez would gally remove persons from a voter registra- mination as to what behavior constitutes a not find that hypothetical case lacking in tion list. In discussions specifically addressing the violation of federal law, and what does not. merit, and I will guarantee you that Ms. list maintenance provision of Section 8 of One of the reasons for this federal preemp- King, Mr. Rosenbaum, Mr. Kappelhoff and the NVRA, Ms. Fernandez stated that list tion of the determination of what con- Ms. Clarke would not either. However, such maintenance had to do with the administra- stitutes a VRA violation is that a local po- reasons are a part of the publicly articulated tion of elections. She went on to say that the lice officer is not normally trained in what grounds for the CRD’s decision to instruct Obama Administration was not interested in constitutes a VRA violation. In addition, in me to dismiss a significant portion of the that type of issue, but instead interested in the Philadelphia Police Incident Report pro- NBPP case. issues that pertained to voter access. During vided to this Commission, the Philadelphia Based upon my own personal knowledge of the Bush Administration, the Voting Section police officer who came to the polling place the events surrounding the NBPP case and began filing cases under the list mainte- did not determine that Black Panther Jack- the atmosphere that has existed in the CRD nance provision of Section 8 to compel states son’s actions were not intimidating; instead, and the Voting Section against racially fair and local registration officials to remove in- he simply reported that Mr. Jackson was enforcement of certain federal voting laws, I eligible voters. These suits were very un- certified by the Democratic Party to be a do not believe these publicly stated represen- popular with a number of the groups that poll watcher at the polling place. tations to this Commission and other enti- Further, as the history underlying the en- work in the area of voting rights. When Ms. ties accurately reflect what occurred in the actment and extension of the VRA shows, Fernandez told the Voting Section that the NBPP case. They do not acknowledge the local police on occasion have had sympathy Obama Administration was not interested in hostile atmosphere that has existed within for persons who were involved in behavior Section 8 list maintenance enforcement ac- the CRD against race-neutral enforcement of that adversely affected the right to vote and tivity, everyone in the room understood ex- the VRA. violated the protections of the VRA. In this actly what she meant. We understood that case, however, the fact that one Philadelphia MS. FERNANDEZ’S STATEMENTS TO THE VOTING she was not talking about Section 8 cases in police officer did not require Black Panther SECTION which there is a claim that the removal pro- Jackson to leave the area became such a In the summer of 2009, Julie Fernandez was cedures of Section 8 were not being complied compelling piece of evidence that it was appointed as the Deputy Assistant Attorney with; instead, she was talking about the cited by the Assistant Attorney General General for Civil Rights by the Obama Ad- types of cases that the Voting Section filed Perez in his May 14, 2010 statement to this ministration. One of her responsibilities is to during the Bush Administration whose pur- Commission. There Mr. Perez stated that oversee the Voting Section. Ms. Fernandez pose was to compel the states to comply ‘‘the Department placed significant weight and I had worked together in the Voting Sec- with the Section 8 directive that they do list on the responses of the law enforcement first tion during the Clinton Administration. She maintenance by removing ineligibles from responder to the Philadelphia polling place,’’ had spent years working for civil rights the list. in allowing Black Panther Jackson to escape groups since our Clinton Administration In June 2009, the Election Assistance Com- a default judgment and escape the entry of days, mainly with the Leadership Conference mission (EAC) issued its bi-annual report injunctive relief against his future actions. for Civil Rights, but I hoped that she might concerning which states appeared not to be Based upon my experience, this reasoning is have an enforcement approach different than complying with Section 8’s list maintenance extraordinarily strange and an unpersuasive Ms. King’s and Mr. Rosenbaum’s. I was to be requirements. The report identified eight basis to support the CRD’s disposition of the disappointed. states that appeared to be the worst in terms NBPP case. Mr. Fernandez began scheduling lunches in of their non-compliance with the list main- Another publicly stated reason by the DOJ the conference room of the Voting Section at tenance requirements of Section 8. These was in a July 13, 2009 letter to Congressmen which times the various statutes the Voting were states that reported that no voters had Frank Wolf and Lamar Smith that pointed Section has the responsibility for enforcing been removed from any of their voters’ list out that Panther Jackson lived at the apart- were discussed as well as other enforcement in the last two years. Obviously, this is a ment building whose lower level was being activities. In September 2009, Ms. Fernandez good indication that something is not right used as the polling place. This reason was held such a meeting to discuss enforcement with the list maintenance practices in that later abandoned by the CRD, but the fact of the anti-discrimination provisions of Sec- state. As Chief of the Voting Section, I as- that it was asserted by the DOJ as a reason tion 2 of the VRA. At this meeting one of the signed attorneys to work on this matter, and for the dismissals in the NBPP case strongly Voting Section trial attorneys asked Ms. in September 2009, I forwarded a memo- suggests that it was a reason asserted at Fernandez what criteria would be used to de- randum to the CRD Front Office asking for some point close to the time of the dismis- termine what type of Section 2 cases the approval to go forward with Section 8 list sals. Regarding the location of Black Pan- CRD Front Office would be interested in pur- maintenance investigations in these states. ther Jackson’s residence, our investigation suing. During the time that I was Chief, no ap- determined that Jackson’s claim that his Ms. Fernandez responded by telling the proval was given to this project, and it is my residence was at this apartment building was gathering that the Obama Administration understanding that approval has never been not true. However, even if Black Panther was only interested in bringing traditional given for that Section 8 list maintenance Jackson had resided there, it should be quite types of Section 2 cases that would provide project to date. That means that we have en- clear to all that such a fact would not have political equality for racial and language mi- tered the 2010 election cycle with eight provided him a legal basis for intimidating nority voters, and she went on to say that states appearing to be in major noncompli- voters. this is what we are all about, or words to ance with the list maintenance requirements To understand the irrationality of these that effect. When Ms. Fernandez made that of Section 8 of the NVRA, and yet the Voting articulated reasons for gutting this case, one statement, everyone in the room understood Section which has the responsibility to en- only has to state the facts in the racial re- exactly what she meant—no more cases like force that law has yet to take any action. verse. Assume that two members of the KKK, the Ike Brown or NBPP cases. Ms. Fernandez From these circumstances I believe that Ms. one of which lived in an apartment building reiterated that directive in another meeting Fernandez’s statement to the Voting Section that was being used as a polling place, held in December 2009 on the subject of fed- in November 2009 not to, in effect, initiate

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.070 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1810 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 Section 8 list maintenance enforcement ac- African American serves as the President am pointing out is that I believe that some tivities has been complied with. and as the Attorney General of the United minorities are just as likely to resort to law- In Mr. Perez’s letter to this Commission of States, and it is absolutely essential that the lessness in the voting area as are some August 11, 2010, he stated that the CRD cur- VRA be enforced equally against all racial whites. For the CRD and Voting Section to rently has active matters under the NVRA, and ethnic groups. pursue enforcement practices that ignore ‘‘including investigations under Section 8.’’ During my years in the Voting Section, VRA violations by members of minority In making this statement, I do not believe and particularly during the time I served in groups will encourage lawlessness in the vot- Mr. Perez was referring to Section 8 list a management capacity, I became acutely ing area by those who will have no fear that maintenance cases, the kind of cases Ms. aware based on complaints and conducting the Federal Government will enforce the fed- Fernandez was referring to when she talked investigations that a sizable number of vot- eral law against them. In our increasingly about no interest in enforcing Section 8, be- ing illegalities are committed by members of multiethnic society, that is a clear recipe to cause I do not believe that the Voting Sec- racial and ethnic minorities. Noxubee Coun- undermine the public’s confidence in the le- tion has recently been involved in any list ty, Mississippi is a prime example. Noxubee gitimacy of our electoral process. maintenance enforcement during the Obama was not, as some critics have claimed, a I have heard some argue that prosecutors, Administration. mere aberration. Let me give you two other both criminal and civil, have prosecutorial I believe that federal prosecutors, criminal examples. discretion that gives attorneys in the CRD and civil, have prosecutorial discretion in During the time I was Chief of the Voting and the Voting Section the authority not to deciding how we are going to use our re- Section, we conducted a prolonged investiga- bring VRA lawsuits against minority wrong- sources, but I do not think that discretion tion in Wilkinson County, Mississippi, a ma- doers. It is certainly true that prosecutors goes so far as to allow us to decide not to do jority-black county in the southwestern part have discretion to decide what cases to bring any enforcement of a law enacted by Con- of the State. A long battle between an all- based upon resource issues and other legal black faction and a racially integrated fac- gress, because political appointees determine considerations. But we do not have the dis- tion had been going on for a substantial pe- that they are not interested in enforcing cretion to decide not to enforce the law riod of time in that county. Relations be- that law. That is an abuse of prosecutorial based upon the race of the perpetrators or tween the two factions had reached the point discretion. the race of the victims of the wrongdoing. where the all-black faction would not allow Further, not to enforce the list mainte- Those discretionary decisions cannot con- members of the racially-integrated faction nance provisions of Section 8 are likely to stitutionally be based upon race. to play any role in the conduct of the local have partisan consequences as well. A num- In conclusion, I thank you for the time you elections, including the counts of absentee ber of the jurisdictions that have bloated have given me to testify on these important ballots or the choosing of persons to work at voter registration lists are where there are enforcement issues. I commend the Civil the polls. After a local election in Wilkinson sizable minority populations and are Demo- Rights Commission for making inquiries County in 2007, the home of a white can- cratic strongholds. For example, at the time into these areas. Individuals of good will, re- didate for local office was burned. No one of the trial in the Ike Brown case, the gardless of their race, ethnicity or language- was ever prosecuted for this burning, and the Noxubee County Election Commission had minority status, should be concerned about burning of this candidate’s home never re- not purged its list, as required by Mississippi the CRD not enforcing laws in a race-neutral ceived any national attention. The Voting law and Section 8 of the NVRA, so that the manner. As important as the mandate in the Section in the end did not file a VRA lawsuit number of persons on the voter registration VRA is to protect minority voters, white in Wilkinson County for a number of rea- list was approximately 130 percent of the voters also have an interest in being able to sons, including the pendency of multiple number of people in that county who were go to the polls without having race-haters election contests in state courts during the eighteen (18) years or older. As Congress rec- such as Black Panther King Samir Shabazz time of our investigation and the fear that ognized in enacting the list maintenance whose public rhetoric includes such state- the filing of suit by the DOJ would suggest provisions of Section 8, bloated voter reg- ments as ‘‘kill cracker babies’’ standing at we were taking sides in election disputes. We istration lists increase the risk of voter the entrance of the polling place with a billy did send federal observers to elections there, fraud. club in his hand hurling racial slurs. Given including the 2008 election. I came away this outrageous conduct, it was a travesty on THE IMPORTANCE OF RACIAL-NEUTRAL from the Wilkinson County investigation justice for the DIN not to allow attorneys in ENFORCEMENT OF THE VRA with the clear impression that African the Voting Section to obtain nation-wide in- Equal enforcement of the VRA is abso- American officials there were involved in junctive relief against all four of the defend- lutely essential for a number of reasons. voting-related acts of racial discrimination ants. First, it is required by the statutory lan- against whites. guage of the VRA. Congress did not use stat- In addition in 2005, I conducted an inves- f utory language that speaks in terms of dis- tigation in Hale and Perry Counties, Ala- crimination against racial or language mi- bama, two other majority-black counties. CALLING ON JAPAN TO ADDRESS norities, but in terms of discrimination on Again, there were political factions in these CHILD ABDUCTION CASES the basis of race or color. In extending and counties with one faction all-black and the amending Section 5 of the Act in 2006, the other a racially integrated faction. There SPEECH OF Congress used the term ‘‘any voter’’, not ra- were multiple claims by the racially inte- cial or ethnic minority voters. Further, the grated faction of absentee ballot and other HON. XAVIER BECERRA statutory construction given the VRA by the types of voter fraud being perpetrated by the OF CALIFORNIA courts supports that the Act is written in all-black factions in these counties. While IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES race-neutral terms and is intended for the investigating in Hale County, I learned that protection of all. there had been a recent highly contentious Tuesday, September 28, 2010 When we go to work with the DOJ, we all election, and on the night of that election, Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in take an oath faithfully to enforce the laws of election materials, including absentee bal- support of H. Res. 1326, a resolution calling the United States. Enforcing the VRA in a lots, were placed for safe keeping in a local on the Government of Japan to immediately racially selectively manner or choosing not bank vault so that those materials could be to enforce certain provisions of federal vot- reviewed the next morning by election offi- address the urgent problem involving United ing law is not in compliance with the oaths cials. Overnight that bank was set on fire. States citizen children who are abducted by that we have taken. No one was ever prosecuted for that burning. one parent and unlawfully taken to Japan with- Second, when the VRA was originally en- Again, the Voting Section did not end up fil- out intervention by the Japanese Government. acted in 1965, it probably did not make a ing a VRA lawsuit in either of these Ala- This resolution urges the Government of great deal of difference, as a practical mat- bama counties for a number of reasons, in- Japan to work closely with the United States ter, whether its prohibitions against race cluding on-going voting fraud investigations Government to return American children to discrimination and intimidation were en- by the state Attorney General’s office in their custodial parent in the United States and forced against minority wrongdoers as well those counties. I have recently learned that as white wrongdoers. During that time pe- several African American political officials to adopt the 1980 Hague Convention on the riod, there were very few minority election have been convicted for absentee ballot fraud Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. officials in the overwhelming majority of ju- in Hale County. Again, I came away from the As a father of three beautiful daughters, I risdictions, and in a number of jurisdictions Hale and Perry County investigations with have cherished every moment I have spent there were no minority election officials. the clear impression that some individual watching them grow up and I look forward to However, during the last forty-five (45) African Americans in those counties were in- seeing them continue to develop into con- years, the United States has changed for the volved in acts of racial discrimination fident, young women. Sadly, not all parents better. Large numbers of minority persons against whites. now serve as election and poll officials in In pointing these examples out, I am not have been as fortunate as me. hundreds of jurisdictions throughout Amer- suggesting that minority election and poll Since 1994, the State Department’s Office ica. In such a multi-racial and multi-cul- officials or minority political activists are of Children’s Issues had opened 194 cases in- tural country, not the one of Bull Connor or more likely to commit voting law violations volving 214 American children taken to Japan. Ross Barnett, but the country in which an than are their white counterparts. What I As of March 25, 2010, there were 95 open

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.071 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1811 cases involving 136 American children ab- Janssen, and Coxswain Sarah Pichardo, were in an incredible woman who has the distinction ducted or wrongfully retained in Japan. One of also victorious in their own event, finishing of being the oldest active paramedic in Or- those cases is that of Melissa Braden, the more than a boat’s length ahead of their clos- egon. Jane McLaughlin is 74 years of age and daughter of one of my constituents, Patrick est competitor. Their NCAA Championship is completing service as the Emergency Med- Braden. marks the final victory in an undefeated sea- ical Services Chief for the Chiloquin Volunteer In the midst of a custody dispute in 2006, son. They are the seventh crew team in Vir- Ambulance Service, capping off a long and Melissa was taken to Japan by her mother in ginia history to win the award, and the first distinguished career. violation of a court order giving both parents since 2007. I congratulate these dynamic Jane began her EMS career almost three access to the child and prohibiting either par- young women for their tremendous hard work, decades ago when her youngest son suffered ent from taking Melissa outside of the United and for the leadership and inspiration they an accidental wound and was treated and States. Melissa has been in Japan ever since. brought to the entire Women’s Rowing Team. transported by Chiloquin Volunteer Ambulance Despite an arrest warrant issued by the FBI I congratulate the women of the rowing Service. From that day on, she knew that her for her mother, Japanese authorities have re- team for their exciting victory. Their hard work, calling was to meaningfully serve and comfort fused to act on this case. Japanese courts determination, and competitive spirit are a those in need of emergency medical assist- give no recognition to the parental rights of the credit to the University of Virginia and the ance. non-Japanese parent, and the Japanese gov- Commonwealth. I invite my colleagues to join Since accepting this calling, Jane has ernment refuses to enforce U.S. court orders me in congratulating these impressive student- served her community for over 28 years in a related to child custody or visitation. athletes on their accomplishment. variety of emergency response functions. She has held every level of EMS certification the I have tried for the past 3 years to help se- f cure the return of Melissa or at the very least State of Oregon authorizes and has volun- reunite Mr. Braden with his daughter in Japan. RECOGNIZING THE AUBURN ALL- teered thousands of hours of service. Jane Unfortunately, Japan is not a signatory to the STARS LITTLE LEAGUE TEAM has never stopped learning and she has never 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects FOR THEIR PARTICIPATION IN stopped growing. At 61, she completed her of International Child Abduction. Parties to the THE WORLD SERIES fire fighting academy training. Hague Abduction Convention agree to prompt- The many awards and accolades presented ly return a child who is living in one Conven- HON. ADAM SMITH to Jane are a strong testimony to how much tion country and who has been removed to or OF WASHINGTON her community and others value her service to retained in another Convention country in vio- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES her fellow man. The Klamath County United Way has recognized Jane both with their Ac- lation of a left-behind parent’s custodial rights. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 I spoke about Melissa’s case before this body commodation for Excellence and Volunteer of last year, but it is important that I continue to Mr. SMITH of Washington. Madam Speaker, the Year Award. The State of Oregon Depart- speak about her case so that other parents do I rise today to honor Auburn, Washington’s Lit- ment of EMS and Trauma Systems awarded not have to live through what Mr. Braden is tle League Baseball team, the Auburn All- her the Meritorious Service award as para- still experiencing today. Stars, for their performance in the Little medic of the year. Jane was chosen by the As my mother once told me: there is nothing League World Series. mayor of Chiloquin to be the grand marshal in worse than losing your own child, especially The 646th Little League World Series began the 2009 Fourth of July Parade for her out- when your child is still alive. I thank Chairman August 20, 2010 and the Auburn All-Stars ad- standing service. BERMAN for his support of this issue and Mr. vanced to within one game of the United Madam Speaker, however noteworthy MORAN of Virginia and Mr. SMITH of New Jer- States Championships. The tournament hosts Jane’s age, years of service, and many sey for standing up for America’s parents and 16 national teams comprised of our country’s awards are, the real story is the good that she children. top young baseball players. The Auburn All- has done for almost three decades of service. I urge all of my colleagues to support this Stars achieved a great accomplishment by Jane’s neighbors and local citizens are familiar resolution to secure action on behalf of our reaching the Little League World Series, and with her accomplishments, but they know her American families with children retained in even more so for coming so close to advanc- best for her kindness, her compassion, her Japan. ing to the United States Championships. dedication, and her unselfishness. In the com- Mayor Peter Lewis of Auburn has recog- munity, when people think about the Chiloquin f nized the team’s success in the 2010 tour- Volunteer Ambulance Service, Jane TRIBUTE TO THE UNIVERSITY OF nament. Mayor Lewis has also praised the Au- McLaughlin comes immediately to mind. VIRGINIA WOMEN’S ROWING TEAM burn All-Stars for bringing the Auburn commu- Jane has demonstrated heroism when she nity together. During the tournament, the Au- has on many occasions risked her own life to HON. THOMAS S.P. PERRIELLO burn Avenue Theater opened its doors to the save the lives of others. Jane’s comforting OF VIRGINIA public and showed the game free of charge. ways as a first responder have helped the in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Many other local businesses supported the jured and sick cope with their emergency situ- ation with reduced fear and confidence that Wednesday, September 29, 2010 team in several ways such as contributing to the players’ travel and other expenses. It is their condition will improve. Jane has an in- Mr. PERRIELLO. Madam Speaker, I rise to clear that the entire community embraced their credible gift of healing that goes far beyond recognize the University of Virginia Women’s team through immense pride. the administering of basic medical attention. Rowing Team for their victory at the 2010 Together, the Auburn All-Stars advanced She not only relieves pain, she delivers com- NCAA Championships on May 30, 2010. This further than any other team from Washington fort and peace to people in distressed situa- victory gives the University of Virginia its 20th State since 1982. They should be extremely tions. The service that Jane has given to oth- National Championship in school history. proud of what they have accomplished ers comes from an acute sense of duty and I commend Head Coach Kevin Sauer and through each team member’s hard work and the sincere goodwill of an unselfish, engaged, Associate Head Coach Steve Pritzker for their dedication. and compassionate person. leadership. I also wish to recognize the mem- Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to As my esteemed colleagues well know, an bers of the First Varsity Eight, Coxswain Sid- please join me in congratulating the Auburn impact player like Jane McLaughlin sets the ney Thorsten, Jennifer Cromwell, Katrin Little League Baseball team and their out- tone of a successful operation, provides a Reinert, Desiree Burns, Kristine O’Brien, Mar- standing success in the Little League World shining example for others to follow in a re- tha Kuzzy, Helen Tompkins, Nora Phillips, and Series. lentless path to excellence, and engages oth- Summers Nelson, and the members of the ers to join her in serving their fellow man. f Second Varsity Eight, Coxswain Cristine Jane will be missed, but her good work will Candland, Victoria Burke, Marie Long, Lauren HONORING JANE MCLAUGHLIN continue in the hands and hearts of those she Hutchins, Sarah Borchelt, Caroline Sweeny, has inspired and trained to deliver the best in Christine Roper, Claudia Blandford, and HON. GREG WALDEN emergency medical service. Lauren Shook. These young women exemplify OF OREGON Madam Speaker and colleagues, I invite you the best tradition of the student-athlete: hard IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to join me in honoring Jane McLaughlin, the work, dedication, and commitment to excel- kind of person who improves our world and re- lence in sport, in academics, and in teamwork. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 stores our faith in our fellow man. Her good- The Cavaliers’ Varsity Four, Ruth Retzinger, Mr. WALDEN. Madam Speaker, I rise today ness is contagious, and she sets an example Hunter Terry, Chelsea Simpson, Inge to share with you and my colleagues my pride for all of us to follow.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.073 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1812 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 HONORING YOSEMITE NATIONAL A PROCLAMATION HONORING VOL- participants, families and staff. National GEAR PARK UNTEER FIREFIGHTER RYAN UP Day is an opportunity to celebrate the hard SEITZ work and dedication of both former and cur- rent teachers, counselors, program staff, and HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH HON. ZACHARY T. SPACE students who have been committed to GEAR UP and without whom GEAR UP would not be OF OHIO OF CALIFORNIA the success it is today. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This year, I will celebrate national GEAR UP Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Day with U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Mr. SPACE. Madam Speaker, Duncan at Friendship Charter Academy in Whereas, Ryan Seitz, a volunteer firefighter Washington, DC and with students in Pennsyl- Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, I rise vania, North Carolina and Texas remotely. today to commemorate the 120th birthday of in McArthur, Ohio, lost his life while fighting a brush fire, Governors in Iowa, New Mexico, Maine, Yosemite National Park. Yosemite National Washington, Colorado and North Carolina Park was designated a national park by an Act Whereas, in addition to serving as a volun- teer firefighter, Seitz also served as assistant have issued proclamations proclaiming GEAR of Congress on October 1, 1890. Yosemite UP Day, as has the Lieutenant Governor of director and technology coordinator for the was the third national park to be designated American Samoa. They are joined by the Herbert Wescoat Memorial Library, as such in the United States, following Yellow- Mayor of Lowell, Massachusetts and a mes- Whereas, Seitz risked his life to help others stone in 1872 and Sequoia in 1890. Friday, sage from New York City Mayor Michael by working as a firefighter, October 1, 2010 marks the 120th birthday of Bloomberg. Nevada has a proclamation and Resolved, that along with his friends, family, the park. 130 Wisconsin students will be travelling to and the residents of the 18th Congressional Eau Claire to celebrate GEAR UP Day. In Although Yosemite was the third official na- District, we remember and honor the life of tional park, it was the history of Yosemite Val- Richland, South Carolina, students will sign a Ryan Seitz, whose courage was matched only College Dreams Wall with the name of the col- ley that gave birth to the national park con- by his selflessness, and whose sacrifice lege they plan to attend and in Puerto Rico cept. In the 1860s, when commercial interests should serve as an example of the highest pa- students welcomed a group of law students to began to take a foothold in Yosemite, promi- triotism and devotion to duty. serve as mentors. nent citizens and politicians who were con- f Twelve years ago, after witnessing far too cerned about the effects of these interests A PROCLAMATION CONGRATU- few students from low-income communities began lobbying for Federal protection for the graduate from high school and enter college, area. A park bill creating the Yosemite Grant LATING GRANT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL IN SOUTH CHICAGO I created Gaining Early Awareness and Readi- passed both houses of Congress and was ness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR HEIGHTS, ILLINOIS signed by President Abraham Lincoln on June UP). The program supports cohorts of stu- 30, 1864. The Grant, which set aside the Yo- dents from 6th grade into their first year of col- semite Valley and Mariposa Grove, stated that HON. JESSE L. JACKSON JR. lege by providing essential services such as the lands be held ‘‘. . . for public use, resort OF ILLINOIS tutoring, scholarship assistance, college cam- and recreation . . . inalienable for all time.’’ It IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pus tours, counseling services, mentoring, and was the first time in history that land was set Wednesday, September 29, 2010 financial aid awareness. In addition, GEAR UP aside purely for preservation and recreation has created partnerships between postsec- for all people by action of the U.S. Federal Mr. JACKSON of Illinois. Madam Speaker, ondary institutions, community groups, busi- Government. The Grant’s creation set the Whereas, Grant Elementary School located nesses, and parents aimed at increasing sup- at 2712 Miller Avenue in School District #170 precedent for the eventual creation of the first port for our students to ensure success not of Chicago Heights, Illinois opened its doors in national park, Yellowstone, in 1872. The Yo- only in high school but college as well. The 1910. semite Grant was ceded to and administered services and partnerships created by GEAR Whereas, Grant Elementary has provided by the State of California as a State park until UP have proven to be a successful edu- education to tens of thousands of children 1906. The Grant was then ceded to the Fed- cational model that prepares students both from the Chicago Heights/South Chicago academically and emotionally for the rigors of eral Government and included in Yosemite Heights community during the past 100 years. National Park. college. Whereas, Grant Elementary has served a Today, I am pleased to announce that Today, Yosemite National Park encom- diverse student body, providing an exemplary twelve years after GEAR UP was enacted, 12 passes 747,959 acres, stretching across 3 education for children in kindergarten through million students in 49 states have participated counties and the western slopes of the Sierra eighth grades. in the program. This year alone, GEAR UP is Nevada Mountains. Almost 95 percent of the Whereas, On October 19, 2010 current and providing vital services to approximately park is Federally designated as wilderness. past students and their families, as well as 670,000 students in over 5,000 schools across The park is home to thousands of species of residents and elected officials of Chicago 46 states, including the District of Columbia plants and more than 400 species of Heights and South Chicago Heights will cele- and Puerto Rico. GEAR UP has been remark- vertebrates, including fish, amphibians, birds, brate Grant Elementary’s Centennial Anniver- ably successful. In fact, 80% of GEAR UP stu- reptiles, and mammals. Approximately 4 mil- sary. dents have completed high school and ap- lion people from around the world visit Yosem- Resolved, That along with the past and proximately half have matriculated into col- ite every year. With endless opportunities for present students, teachers, faculty and friends lege—a significantly larger proportion than outdoor recreation, most visitors spend their of Grant Elementary and the residents of the their non-GEAR UP peers. Furthermore, time in the Yosemite Valley, where they hike 2nd Congressional District of Illinois, I con- GEAR UP students take more rigorous and the John Muir Trail, wander under the canopy gratulate Grant Elementary School for pro- advanced courses. For example, half of all of the Giant Sequoias and breathe in the mist viding 100 years of excellence in education to GEAR UP students complete Algebra by 9th of Bridalveil Fall. Other visitors backpack students in Chicago Heights and South Chi- grade—an important indicator for high school through the wilderness, ascend the granite cago Heights. graduation and college matriculation. These peaks of Half Dome and El Capitan, or simply f results have proven that with essential serv- enjoy the beauty of Yosemite’s nature and ices, appropriate resources, and high expecta- RECOGNIZING NATIONAL GEAR UP tions, students from low-income communities wildlife. It is no wonder that Yosemite, with its DAY spectacular waterfalls, high country lakes, can and will graduate from high school ready meadows and granite domes, is often referred to pursue postsecondary education. Finally, I sincerely want to thank all GEAR to as the crown jewel of the national park sys- HON. CHAKA FATTAH UP staff and students throughout the country tem. OF PENNSYLVANIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who have made the program an extraordinary Madam Speaker, I rise today to commemo- success. I look forward to witnessing future rate the 120th birthday of Yosemite National Wednesday, September 29, 2010 GEAR UP accomplishments and continuing to Park. I invite my colleagues to join me in hon- Mr. FATTAH. Madam Speaker, I rise today see increasing numbers of low-income stu- oring the history and beauty of Yosemite Na- to recognize National GEAR UP Day and the dents succeeding in high school, entering col- tional Park. outstanding work of thousands of GEAR UP lege ready to succeed!

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.077 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1813 GUIRAGOS SHEKERDJIAN: A ergy from our oceans and rivers, using the ally known immigration attorney from Cleve- SURVIVOR’S STORY tides, currents, waves and even the thermal land, Ohio, as she is honored by the Cleve- properties of our oceans to generate elec- land Public Library as the first recipient of the HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF tricity. I also want to acknowledge the work of ‘‘Saluting the Dreamers’’ Award. RIAN AIRD OF CALIFORNIA Chairman B B , my friend and Wash- As a young woman, Ms. Wong settled in ington state colleague, who joins me in intro- Cleveland, Ohio, journeying here from her Chi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ducing this important legislation. nese homeland. She studied in Cleveland and Wednesday, September 29, 2010 This bill will bolster research and develop- eventually became a practicing attorney. For Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today ment in marine renewable energy, to ensure more than twenty-five years, Ms. Wong has to memorialize and record a courageous story the industry overcomes existing barriers to de- developed Margaret W. Wong and Associates, of survival of the Armenian Genocide. The Ar- ployment so that our ocean and tidal currents LPA, into a law firm known throughout the menian Genocide, perpetrated by the Ottoman can deliver power to homes and businesses in United States and the world for its expertise in Empire from 1915 to 1923, resulted in the American communities. Improved federal re- immigration law. Currently, she co-chairs the death of 1.5 million Armenian men, women, search programs are key to meeting our long- Immigration Law Committee for the National and children. As the U.S. Ambassador to the term energy security and climate mitigation Asian Pacific Bar Association, and she is chair Ottoman Empire Henry Morgenthau docu- goals, and creating American jobs in the ma- of the Cleveland Bar Association’s Immigration mented at the time, it was a campaign of rine hydrokinetic industry. Law Section. ‘‘race extermination.’’ A study by University of Washington, Vir- Ms. Wong has been recognized with numer- The campaign to annihilate the Armenian ginia Tech Advanced Research Institute, and ous awards and honors, including Cleveland Electric Power Research Institute that was people failed, as illustrated by the proud Ar- Magazine’s ‘‘Most Interesting People’’ award published in HydroReview stated that marine menian nation and prosperous diaspora. It is and the 1997 Creative Philanthropy Award renewable resources could yield 51,000 MW difficult if not impossible to find an Armenian from the Women’s Community Foundation. of power—equivalent to 34 conventional coal- family not touched by the genocide, and while Ms. Wong was inducted into the Ohio Wom- fired power plants. Yet at this time, our na- there are some survivors still with us, it is im- en’s Hall of Fame in 2000. tion’s commitment to this technology lags be- perative that we record their stories. Through Madam Speaker and colleagues, please join hind countries in Europe and Asia. the Armenian Genocide Congressional Record me in honor and recognition of Ms. Margaret In Washington state, the private sector, uni- W. Wong of Margaret W. Wong and Associ- Project, I hope to document the harrowing sto- versities, research institutions and public utili- ries of the survivors in an effort to preserve ates, LLP, upon being named the first recipi- ties are already working to bring affordable, ent of the ‘‘Salute the Dreamers’’ Award pre- their accounts and to help educate the Mem- reliable and abundant electricity to major bers of Congress now and in the future of the sented by the Cleveland Public Library. Ms. urban load centers located near Puget Sound. Wong’s great success as attorney and busi- necessity of recognizing the Armenian Geno- But these, and similar efforts across the coun- cide. ness owner continues to inspire us to follow try, need national support in order to truly real- our dreams, and to achieve our dreams. This is one of those stories (submitted by ize the benefits of commercial-scale marine Angel Shekerdjian): hydrokinetic projects in the United States. f My father, Guiragos, was born in 1905 in This bill will expand the renewable energy COMMENDING EYECARE AMERICA Adana, Turkey. He was 4 years old in 1909, research and development program at the when the massacres started in Adana. Sev- SPEECH OF eral Armenians took refuge in the church; so U.S. Department of Energy, so that Americans did his pregnant mother with her 2-year-old do not lose out on the global race to create HON. GENE GREEN daughter and little Guiragos. The Turks sur- and manufacture marine renewable energy OF TEXAS rounded the church and set it to fire. As the technologies. To do so, the bill creates a com- people inside realized what was happening, petitive demonstration grant program to test IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES they started running outside. So did my technologies, devices and systems at a variety Tuesday, September 28, 2010 grandmother, carrying the toddler in her of scales to facilitate commercial application. Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, arms and holding my father by the hand. As The environmental research program estab- soon as they were outside, a Turk killed her I rise today in support of H. Res. 1226, recog- and the little girl. And he stabbed my father lished in this bill will also help us best monitor nizing the 25th anniversary of EyeCare Amer- 3 times in the back—two stabs as the sign of the environmental impacts of these projects, to ica, the public service program of the Founda- the cross and a 3rd stab—all around the help disseminate information on ways to iden- tion of the American Academy of Ophthal- spine. A ‘‘good-hearted’’ Turk saw that the tify and avoid any negative environmental im- mology. Turk who was stabbing was aiming again, pacts to protect our marine environment. Addi- Founded in 1985, EyeCare America’s mis- stopped him saying: ‘‘leave the child, he is tionally, the bill will expand a Department of sion is to reduce avoidable blindness and se- already dead.’’ However, instead of leaving Energy research program to set up MHK test vere visual impairment by raising awareness him to die, the ‘‘good’’ Turk took him to a facilities in the United States, which are critical hospital. Once he recovered from his wounds, about eye disease and care, providing free they asked my dad what his name was. He in our efforts to demonstrate a wide range of health education materials and facilitating ac- said it was Guiragos. And the last name? He technologies, and evaluate the technical viabil- cess to medical eye care. did not know. So they asked what the profes- ity of each new and emerging type of tech- EyeCare America has programs for seniors, sion of his father was. My father told them nology at different scales. glaucoma, diabetes and children. that his father used to make candy, lol- In closing, I also want to thank the expert In 2010, EyeCare America celebrates its lipops. . . . So they gave him the name of staff on the Science and Technology Sub- 25th anniversary and across our nation, nearly Shekerdjian, meaning make of sugar. committee on Energy and Environment for ‘Sheker’ is ‘sugar’ in Turkish. He was sent to 7,000 ophthalmologists volunteer their serv- their extensive knowledge of this issue and ices to this worthwhile public service program. an orphanage. He eventually ended up in Bei- hard work. I urge my colleagues to cosponsor rut, where he met my orphaned mother, also Approximately, 35 million Americans experi- from Adana. this bill, and hope that we can work together ence an age-related eye disease, including to move it towards passage as soon as pos- f age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, sible. diabetic retinopathy, and cataracts, with this INTRODUCTION OF THE MARINE f number expected to grow to 50 million by AND HYDROKINETIC RENEWABLE IN HONOR OF MARGARET WONG, 2020. ENERGY PROMOTION ACT OF 2010 RECIPIENT OF THE FIRST AN- Vision impairment and eye disease is a NUAL ‘‘SALUTING THE DREAM- major public health issue, especially as 2010 HON. JAY INSLEE ER’’ AWARD begins the decade in which more than half of OF WASHINGTON the 78 million Baby Boomers will turn 65 and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES be at greatest risk for aging eye disease. HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH EyeCare America works to ensure that eye OF OHIO Wednesday, September 29, 2010 health is not neglected, by matching eligible IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. INSLEE. Madam Speaker, I rise today patients with one of nearly 7,000 volunteer to introduce the Marine and Hydrokinetic Re- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ophthalmologists across the country com- newable Energy Promotion Act of 2010, a bill Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I rise mitted to preventing unnecessary blindness in to promote the development of renewable en- today in honor of Margaret Wong, internation- their communities.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29SE8.044 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1814 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 These volunteer ophthalmologists will pro- PERSONAL EXPLANATION U.S. FOREIGN ASSISTANCE HELP- vide them with a medical eye exam and up to ING TO EXTEND CHINESE INFLU- one year of care at no out-of-pocket cost. HON. NICK J. RAHALL, II ENCE Seniors without insurance receive this care at OF CALIFORNIA no charge. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. FRANK R. WOLF EyeCare America has helped over 1 million Wednesday, September 29, 2010 people since its inception and is one of the OF VIRGINIA largest public service programs of its kind in Mr. RAHALL. Madam Speaker, this morn- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES American medicine today. ing, September 29, 2010, I was unavoidably delayed and not present to vote on the fol- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 I’d like to thank Rep. WHITFIELD, Chairman lowing bills: PALLONE, Chairman WAXMAN, and Ranking (1) Republican Motion to Adjourn—Vote Mr. WOLF. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Member BARTON for their support and assist- ‘‘no’’ on rollcall No. 545. ance in moving this bipartisan resolution. bring to the attention of my colleagues the use (2) Adjournment Resolution (H. Con. Res. of U.S. taxpayer financed foreign aid to ex- 321)—To provide for the House to adjourn for pand Chinese influence around the world. f the Autumn District Work Period—Vote ‘‘yes’’ It recently came to my attention that the Mil- CALLING ON JAPAN TO ADDRESS on rollcall No. 546. (3) Motion on Ordering the Previous Ques- lennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) has CHILD ABDUCTION CASES tion on the Rule for H.R. 847—James Zadroga awarded Chinese state-owned enterprises mil- 9/11 Health and Compensation Act; H.R. lions of dollars in contracts to build roads, con- SPEECH OF 2378—Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act; struct schools, and erect airports in countries HON. RUSH D. HOLT and H.R. 2701—Intelligence Authorization Act with MCC compacts. On June 30, Reuters re- (H. Res. 1674)—Vote ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall No. ported that ‘‘China’s Sinohydro Corporations OF NEW JERSEY 547. signed a contract with Mali to build a new air- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (4) H. Res. 1674—Rule providing for consid- port for the capital, Bamako, a $71.6 million project’’ financed by the MCC. This is not an Tuesday, September 28, 2010 eration of H.R. 847—James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act; H.R. 2378— isolated incident. Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, the resolution be- Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act; and H.R. China’s Sinohydro Corporation was also fore us this week addresses a painful issue: 2701—Intelligence Authorization Act—Vote awarded a contract for construction work in the problem of international parental child ab- ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall No. 548. Tanzania. Furthermore, according to news re- duction. Over the last several years, I’ve If present, I would have voted ‘‘aye’’ on all ports, on September 9 and 10 the MCC gained a greater understanding of this prob- except the motion to adjourn. signed contacts with a Chinese state-owned lem through the travails of one of my constitu- f construction company to renovate and expand ents, Mr. David Goldman of Tinton Falls, New 13 schools in Namibia. Thousands of dollars Jersey. As the case involving his son, Sean, HONORING EXACTECH’S 25TH have been awarded to Chinese state-owned has received international media attention, I ANNIVERSARY enterprises in Ghana for infrastructure con- will not revisit all of the details of that case struction. The list goes on. now. Suffice it to say that even with a treaty HON. CLIFF STEARNS According to the Treasury Department, OF FLORIDA on his side—the Hague Convention on the China now holds $846.7 billion in U.S. debt IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Civil Aspects of International Child Abduc- making China our largest banker. At a time of tion—Mr. Goldman needed my help and that Wednesday, September 29, 2010 economic hardship at home, the United States of our State Department, along with countless Mr. STEARNS. Madam Speaker, I rise should not be giving U.S. taxpayer dollars to other generous Americans, to finally secure today to commemorate Exactech’s 25th anni- China through foreign assistance. the return of his son in December 2009. Their versary. I also want to recognize Exactech for Furthermore, the U.S. should not be sub- 51⁄2 year separation and the legal maneu- being a leader in the business community and sidizing countries with abysmal human rights vering surrounding the case helped focus the for its commitment to improving the lives of in- world’s attention on the problem of inter- records. The State Department’s 2009 Human dividuals by helping them to maintain their ac- Rights Report states that the Chinese ‘‘gov- national parental child abduction, but unfortu- tivity and independence. nately, the overall problem remains. ernment’s human rights record remained poor Exactech develops, manufactures and dis- and worsened in some areas’’ during the re- Over the last decade alone, thousands of tributes orthopedic implants, related surgical porting period. The report goes on to cite vio- American children have been kidnapped by a instrumentation and biologic services to hos- lations including the severe cultural and reli- foreign-born parent and taken to other coun- pitals and physicians for use in the repair of gious repression of ethnic minorities, the de- tries, where the American-born parents inevi- bone and joints that have been damaged due tention and harassment of human rights activ- tably face a years-long process of trying to re- to injury or disease, such as arthritis. ists, extrajudicial killings and the use of forced cover their children. In the case of Japan— Today, more than 46 million Americans are labor. which is not a signatory to the Hague Conven- living with some type of arthritis. For a quarter tion—it has proven literally impossible for of a century, orthopedic surgeons have count- China perpetrates gross human rights American parents to recover their parentally- ed on Exactech, for innovations that allow abuses outside of its borders as well. In 2008, kidnapped children. The resolution before us them to make their patients more mobile. the international non-governmental organiza- calls upon the government of Japan to facili- With its headquarters in Gainesville, Florida, tion, Human Rights First, found that China tate the resolution of all such abduction cases, in my congressional district, Exactech is one sold over $55 million worth of small arms to and to ratify the Hague Convention on the of Florida’s fastest-growing companies with the genocidal regime of Omar al-Bashir in Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. more than 500 employees and distributing Sudan. According to the U.S. Campaign for Nearly a year ago, the members of the Tom products throughout the U.S. and in more than Burma, China is one of the largest arms sup- Lantos Human Rights Commission received 35 countries around the world. Its products pliers to the brutal Burmese military regime testimony from parents whose children had meet the most stringent quality requirements which has been implicated in gross human been parentally kidnapped to Japan. Each and have demonstrated excellent long-term rights violations including murder, rape and story was heartbreaking, and the frustration clinical results. the use of child soldiers. and sense of despair of the affected parents Exactech attributes its success to a strong Today, I sent a letter to the inspector gen- was palpable. H. Res. 1326 will send a clear corporate culture, where the values of integ- eral of the Millennium Challenge Corporation message to the government of Japan that the rity, compassion, teamwork, excellence and in- asking that he open an investigation into the Congress remains seized of this issue, and it novation guide each employee’s daily deci- extent to which Chinese state-owned enter- will also remind the affected parents that we sions. After 25 years of company develop- prises have been involved in receiving grant stand with them and that we know we have ment, the dedication to patient quality care re- awards through the MCC and determine if much more work to do on behalf of their ab- mains unchanged. such actions are in violation of the Millennium ducted children. I’m proud to be a co-sponsor Please join me in honoring Exactech on Challenge Act of 2003. I look forward to the of this measure, and I urge my colleagues to their silver anniversary and hoping for another inspector general’s report and will continue to support it. 25 strong years. monitor this issue closely.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.080 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1815 HORIPSEMA ‘‘HELEN’’ MENESHIAN: all the doors, windows and locks of our ACCOUNTABILITY FOR DEFENSE A SURVIVOR’S STORY house. We were all ordered to march in the CONTRACTORS ACT direction of the Syrian Desert. My mother’s trousseau of finest lace, satin HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF and silk was not meant to be enjoyed by her. HON. EARL BLUMENAUER OF CALIFORNIA One by one, each article was sold for the OF OREGON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES price of something to eat. Her gold coins, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, September 29, 2010 chains and rings also went the same way. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Eventually, hunger became unbearable, and Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today death took its grim toll. One by one, God Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, since to memorialize and record a courageous story called their first born, then their second July, I have been working with 26 Oregon Na- of survival of the Armenian Genocide. The Ar- born, then their third born to be by HIS side. tional Guard members who have filed a law- menian Genocide, perpetrated by the Ottoman They were never to feel hunger again! suit against the defense contractor KBR for Empire from 1915 to 1923, resulted in the Armen had been sent off to the military exposing them to the potent carcinogen, death of 1.5 million Armenian men, women, and Hripsema had been left alone in hexavalent chromium. These veterans have a Damascas. She tried to reach her father but compelling case for contractor negligence that and children. As the U.S. Ambassador to the they would not let her travel because she Ottoman Empire Henry Morgenthau docu- resulted in their poisoning. was Armenian. So, she found someone to As the legal proceedings have unfolded, mented at the time, it was a campaign of travel with to go to Hama where her rel- ‘‘race extermination.’’ ative, Kevork, was. In an interview with KBR has revealed the existence of a still-clas- The campaign to annihilate the Armenian daughter, Azad, in 1979 she says: sified contract clause that could shift the cost people failed, as illustrated by the proud Ar- Everybody got off when we were near of all damages and court fees onto the De- menian nation and prosperous diaspora. It is Hama. I was the only one left. They gave me partment of Defense—and by extension the difficult if not impossible to find an Armenian to a woman who had donkeys and this U.S. taxpayers. family not touched by the genocide, and while woman took me to Hama on a donkey. We Today I am introducing legislation, along had nothing. I had the child in my arms and there are some survivors still with us, it is im- with Representative SCHRADER, who has been the child’s necessities tied on my back. We a strong ally to these veterans, and Rep- perative that we record their stories. Through came by a cemetery and the woman said, ‘‘I resentative WALTER JONES, a leader on the the Armenian Genocide Congressional Record will not go in here.’’ She took me off of the Project, I hope to document the harrowing sto- donkey. She said, ‘‘I will be afraid to be in a House Armed Services Committee, to end the ries of the survivors in an effort to preserve cemetery. You do whatever you will.’’ contracting practices that shield companies their accounts and to help educate the Mem- I went in by myself, I found a shop. I asked from their own reckless behavior and that re- bers of Congress now and in the future of the the man in the shop, ‘‘There is the Baronyan move incentives for contractors to operate re- necessity of recognizing the Armenian Geno- family living here, do you know them?’’ He sponsibly. said, ‘‘Yes, they went to Haleppo.’’ I said, This legislation will set important and long- cide. ‘‘There is Kevork Guleserian here.’’ He said, overdue limits to indemnification agreements This is one of those stories (submitted by ‘‘Yes, they are here but their place is very and will introduce much-needed congressional Shirley Collins): far.’’ Then they locked the door. oversight of the defense contracting process. My name is Shirley Kalashian-Collins. I The child wanted some water, I gave him Senators WYDEN and MERKLEY are intro- was born in 1951 to Armenian parents. My some water and I went and sat by the store. mother was born in Aintab, Turkey, in 1920 ducing a version of this bill in the Senate, and And it got dark, it was evening. Then I saw I hope that our colleagues on both sides of the in the midst of the genocide of Armenians. my father-in-law’s grandson, he later said My mother and my grandparents narrowly that he would never walk the way I was sit- aisle and in both chambers will act swiftly to made it out alive and found refuge in the ting at, he would always go the other way. I enact this legislation before the end of the U.S. My paternal grandmother also had a lifted my head and saw him. I was looking session. harrowing story. Due to the threat against for them. He got very surprised and asked f the Armenians she was shipped to the U.S. at what happened and I told him everything. He 15 years old to marry an Armenian, only to took me, the child was in my arms, he took TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT find out a few years later that her parents the load I was carrying and took me to their COLONEL FRANCIS J. CURTIS were killed and her younger sisters kid- home. napped. My mother tried hard to put all He knocked on the door; they opened the HON. STEVE KAGEN these stories down on paper so the world door, a month, or a month and a half. Papa’s OF WISCONSIN would know what happened to our families. brother’s wife was there. She was Guleserian IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES After she passed away, I attempted to finish as well. In about a month the child who was her project. After nearly 10 years and hun- in my arms died. I was devastated. Then Wednesday, September 29, 2010 dreds of hours of work, I put the story to- papa came and asked, ‘‘Where is the boy?’’ I gether. Mr. KAGEN. Madam Speaker, I rise here said, ‘‘May your soul live, you’ll have an- today to pay tribute to Lieutenant Colonel Now I want to thank our Rep. Adam Schiff other one.’’ He was such a nice boy. They had for his efforts to put these stories that are asked to have him, ‘‘Give him to us, we’ll Francis J. Curtis as he relinquishes command left untold in the Congressional Record. I raise him up’’ in Damascus. I would not. How of the 432nd Civil Affairs Battalion in Green know my mother, if she were alive, would be can you give your own child? Bay, Wisconsin. dancing up and down with joy. You can’t Lt. Col. Curtis assumed command of the imagine how exciting this is for me after all f 432nd Civil Affairs Battalion in October 2007. the years of work to make sure these stories He has served in key positions as a U.S. are kept alive and heard so that history will OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL be recorded accurately. Thank you Rep. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Oper- Schiff. This is such a wonderful and amazing DEBT ations Command (Airborne) officer, with a spe- idea. cial focus on the conflict in Iraq. Under Lt. Col. This is the story of my Grandmother, HON. MIKE COFFMAN Curtis’s command, his battalion was deployed Horipsema ‘‘Helen’’ Meneshian, as told by in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom from my mother, Azadohi Kalashian: OF COLORADO late 2007 through late 2008. Prior to his de- My mother was a remarkable woman. She IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ployment with the 432nd, he also served in was born in Aintab in 1895. She was the only daughter of five children born to Soghmon Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Iraq from March 2003 through April 2004. During his 24 years of exceptional service to and Khanoom Meneshian. Mr. COFFMAN. Madam Speaker, today our In 1914 she married Armen Guleserian. this country in the United States Army Re- They had a big and fashionable wedding national debt is $13,472,761,083,757.88. serve, Lt. Col. Curtis has been awarded the party that lasted for three days. Their first On January 6th, 2009, the start of the 111th (3rd Award), Purple Heart, child was a beautiful and bright little girl Congress, the national debt was Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commenda- who gave them much joy. This child was not $10,638,425,746,293.80. tion Medal (6th Award), Army Achievement quite two years old when the Turkish gov- This means the national debt has increased Medal (3rd Award), Army Reserve Compo- ernment sent orders to have the Turkish by $2,834,335,337,464.00 so far this Con- nents Achievement Medal (31rd Award), Na- army go around and evacuate everyone in Aintab from their homes. gress. tional Defense Service Medal (2nd Award), Only whatever could be placed on a don- This debt and its interest payments we are Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, key’s back was allowed to be removed from passing to our children and all future Ameri- , Global War on Ter- the house. Then the Turkish soldiers sealed cans. rorism Service Medal, Armed Forces Reserve

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29SE8.045 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1816 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 Medal w/M Device, Br. Hourglass, Roman Nu- ment the program in their communities. Since And it is time here in America to right a meral 2, Army Service Ribbon, Reserve Com- then, 30,000 wanted individuals have surren- wrong that has been done to you and your ponents Overseas Training Ribbon, Armed dered through the program in 18 cities across cause out of a misguided notion that the vio- lent and tyrannical regime of Iran could be Forces Reserve Medal, Presidential Unit Cita- our nation in the past five years. Fugitive Safe Surrender is a success. In ad- mollified. It is about time that we change tion (Navy), Joint Meritorious Unit Award, the listing of the People’s Mojahedin Organi- Army Meritorious Unit Commendation, Army dition to violent fugitives, thousands of individ- zation of Iran as a terrorist organization. Superior Unit Award, Combat Action Badge, uals wanted for non-violent felony or mis- I’ve studied terrorism for much longer that and the Parachutist Badge. demeanor crimes have also felt comfortable in I’d like to admit. For over 35 years. I have Lt. Col Curtis will turn over his command to voluntarily surrendering in faith-based or other investigated terrorism, and I’ve seen first- Lt. Col. William A. Vaughn of the 422nd Civil neutral settings established by the program. hand, in my city, the devastation that ter- Affairs Battalion in Greensboro, North Carolina f rorism can bring about. This is not a terrorist organization. This is on October 2, 2010 at Lambeau Field in AHMADINEJAD an organization dedicated to achieving free- Green Bay, Wisconsin. dom and dignity for its people. Madam Speaker, I honor Lieutenant Colonel It is time for the rest of our Congress to Curtis for his service to our country and the HON. TED POE join 823 members—Democrats and Repub- 432nd Civil Affairs Battalion and I ask my col- OF TEXAS licans—who have supported House Resolu- leagues to join me in saluting a truly extraor- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion 1431 which calls for the lifting of this dinary member of our community. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 unjust, unfair and inaccurate designation. It has been lifted by the British government; it f Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Speaker, some has been lifted by the European Union; it things do not need to be elaborated on. Rudy U.S. MARSHALS SERVICE FUGI- should be lifted by the United States Con- Giuliani, a great American, recently spoke at a TIVE SAFE SURRENDER PRO- gress and President Obama should support it rally in New York City where 20,000 people as a defender of freedom. GRAM showed up to protest the dictator Ahmadinejad Just as this great country of America is and his corrupt regime. Ahmadinejad was in described as the last best hope for humanity, HON. MARCIA L. FUDGE town to spew more of his hateful deology. This you and your cause are truly the best hope for Iran. OF OHIO time, he interlaced his anti-Semitic rhetoric Your quest is as legitimate as solidarity IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with conspiracy theories on 9/11. This man was for Poland. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 does not speak for the Iranian people, who And it took lovers of freedom and leaders only want freedom to live their lives without of historical consequence like Ronald Ms. FUDGE. Madam Speaker, I rise today the shackles of a regime bent on preserving Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Pope John to share the recent success of the United its power at all costs. The courageous opposi- Paul, to stand with Solidarity no matter the States Marshals Service Fugitive Safe Sur- tion group MEK, who organized the rally, is consequences. render Program in my home of Northeast fighting for this very freedom. The State De- Your goals are our goals, they are the Ohio. From September 22 through 25, 2010, goals of a decent people; you want to guar- partment has got them wrong—they are not a antee equal rights for men and women; you 7,431 fugitives surrendered and took advan- terrorist organization and should not be listed tage of the Fugitive Safe Surrender program want to see freedom of religion and speech as one. Mayor Giuliani agreed with me and I’d and press; freedom of assembly in Iran, you held at Mt. Zion Church in Oakwood Village, like to submit his comments for the record. want Iran that does not threaten the exist- Ohio. This set a new national record for fugi- God bless you and thank you very much for ence of other nations; and you want an Iran tive surrenders in the program. Nearly 500 being here. I come here today for a very sim- that is under no circustances a nuclear wanted felons, including individuals wanted on ple reason, to stand with you in support of power. federal and out-of-state warrants all peacefully the basic rights guaranteed by the Constitu- It is your members and associates who surrendered during the four-day program, rep- tion of the United States and also the basic have consistently drawn open the secret cur- resenting over 12,000 outstanding warrants. rights guaranteed by the preamble to the tain that Iran tries to draw on its plans to Law enforcement, judiciary at the municipal, United Nations Charter. We need to remind develop nuclear weapons. It is your members who have risked their state and federal level, Pastor Larry L. Macon the United Nations of what it stands for. Ac- cording to the preamble of the United lives and lost their lives revealing the plans Sr. of Mt. Zion, and over 40 partnering organi- Nitions, it exists to reaffirm faith in funda- and steps of Ahmadinejad and the regime to zations joined together to offer those with out- mental rights in the dignity and worth of the acquire nuclear weapons. standing warrants the ability to peacefully sur- human person, and in the equal rights of Without your brave investigations and rev- render within the safe environment of Mt. Zion men and women and of nations large and elations, America and the world would still Church. This program could not have suc- small. be laboring under the inaccurate information ceeded without their extraordinary commitment The people of Iran are as entitled as all of that was contained in the National Intel- of time and resources. us to make a claim on the nations of the ligence Estimate of 2007 that said Iran had United Nations to reaffirm these goals for appeared to abandon its plans to build nu- As you know, Fugitive Safe Surrender is ad- them; and that is what you are here to do. clear weapons. Your members, your associ- ministered by the Marshals Service in states For too long the world has acquiesced in a ates, revealed that to be incorrect, inac- with a particularly high volume of fugitive war- regime in Iran that through mass murder, vi- curate, and dangerously wrong. rants, such as Ohio. The goal of Fugitive Safe olence and intimidation has denied basic If the history of the 20th century has Surrender is to reduce risks to police officers rights of your brothers and sisters and taught us anything, it is that we must con- in pursuit of fugitives, neighborhoods where friends and relatives and has been a con- front tyrants, oppressors, bullies and terror- felons often hide, and possible injury to the fu- sistent supporter of terrorism and of ter- ists as early as possible. rorist organizations beyond its borders. Acquiescence only leads to increasing loss gitives themselves. Authorized by Congress in All of you are here today to cry out for the of human life and human liberty. July 2006 and signed into law in 2007, it is be- world to stand with you and your brothers For too long the world has stood still as lieved to be the first program of its kind in the and sisters who are oppressed by the brutal the people of Iran, particularly those of you Nation. I am very proud that this program was regime in Iran. desiring freedom, have been oppressed, im- created in 2005 by my friend, U.S. Marshal They desire freedom! I desire freedom! We prisoned and slaughtered by a regime that Peter Elliott in the Northern District of Ohio. all desire freedom! No one can deny you your has no right to exist. After Cleveland Police Officer Wayne Leon desire for freedom! I believe that desire is It’s time to make common cause with you placed in your heart and soul by the Creator! in your noble quest. was shot and killed by a wanted fugitive, Mar- It comes from above. Not from here, not It is a risk that is worth taking. shal Elliott recognized the need for more safe- from below, but from above. It is a basic It is a cause that is worth the risk. ty in capturing felons and those persons want- human desire that the people of Iran are en- If the forebears of this country didn’t take ed on outstanding warrants. Marshal Elliott titled to and it is a basic human desire that the risk for freedom, then this great nation found this creative approach to reduce vio- all good people should support. would not exist. lence between fugitives and law enforcement. And if this institution that stands behind Your people, the people of Iran, are willing The first year Marshal Elliott launched the pro- us, the United Nations, wants to reclaim its to fight for freedom; you are willing to speak lofty goal of protecting human rights; which gram in Cleveland, 850 fugitives peacefully out against horrible atrocities to human dig- is a goal that has alluded it for many many nity. And when they do, this country, Amer- surrendered. years, then it must stand with you against ica, should strongly stand with them, and Building on this innovative program, Marshal the regime in Iran, against the brutalization speak out for them. Elliot later helped lead the program in 10 cities that goes on in Iran, and against the sup- No more silence! Where is our Ronald and was urged by mayors nationwide to imple- porting of terrorism. Reagan when we need him? Ronald Reagan

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.087 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1817 would have stood with the people of Iran, perative that we record their stories. Through A TRIBUTE TO ALVIN G. DAVIS strongly, bravely, and forthrightly. When the Armenian Genocide Congressional Record they sought to protest the inaccuracies and Project, I hope to document the harrowing sto- illegitimacy of the elections in Iran, Ronald HON. RANDY NEUGEBAUER Reagan would have America standing with ries of the survivors in an effort to preserve OF TEXAS them toe to toe, body to body and person to their accounts and to help educate the Mem- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES person, as he did with Solidarity. Where is bers of Congress now and in the future of the Wednesday, September 29, 2010 our Ronald Reagan when we need him? necessity of recognizing the Armenian Geno- One of the most monumental celebrations cide. Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Madam Speaker, I of freedom was on Christmas Day, 1989 in This is one of those stories (story submitted would like to recognize Alvin G. Davis for Berlin. by Scott Tejerian): being named to the National 4–H Hall of It was in the city of Berlin that severs My grandfather, Kevork ‘‘George’’ Fame. Alvin is one of 16 honorees from years earlier Ronald Reagan standing by the Hakalmazian, lost his family in the genocide around the country selected to receive this wall that then divided the free from the op- somewhere around age seven. His father was prestigious honor in 2010. Alvin will be the first pressed and stood in front of that wall and he forced to give my grandpa’s sister in mar- 4–H Club member from Texas to join the Hall was not afraid to stand up and said, ‘‘Mr. riage to the Turkish mayor of their town, Gorbachev, tear down this wall.’’ of Fame. Peri. My grandpa never saw his sister again. Now, in our time, we need a Ronald Reagan A Post, TX native, Alvin started in the 4–H Shortly after, when my Grandpa’s father, to cry out to the oppressors of your people to program in 1939. In 1948, he was the top 4– Sarkis, was reading the Bible one afternoon tear down the wall of tyranny, tear down the H boy and National 4–H Leadership Award in front of their house, Turkish soldiers took wall of oppression, tear down the wall of ter- winner. Alvin has also served as president of him and my grandpa’s mother, Oghapar, rorism, and of slaughter. away. My grandfather never saw them again. the 4–H club at the local, county, district and On that Christmas Day of 1989 in Berlin the My grandpa and the other children of the vil- college levels. wall had been torn down because brave peo- lage, including his older brother Hagop, were Alvin received a bachelor’s degree in animal ple like Ronald Reagan and many others rounded up by the soldiers and taken to the husbandry from Texas Tech in 1952. While at were willing to stand with protesters and the nearby river. At the river they were sepa- the university, he was president of the Texas oppressed in those communist countries. rated by size. My grandpa’s nephew, the son They weren’t afraid to speak out and they Tech 4–H Club and Texas Tech Rodeo Asso- of his eldest brother who was already living weren’t afraid to confront. Leonard Bern- ciation. In 1950, he became the director of the in the USA, was separated in the group of stein conducted a performance of Bee- first National Intercollegiate Rodeo Associa- smaller children away from my grandpa and thoven’s ninth symphony that day and he tion. Alvin was also the first inductee into the his brother, Hagop. The smaller children called it a ‘‘celebration of human freedom.’’ were thrown into the river to drown, except Texas Tech Rodeo Hall of Fame. I hope and I pray that you and I will go to my grandpa’s nephew knew how to swim. Along with his commitment to 4–H, Alvin Iran together; I hope we can have a celebra- When the Turkish soldiers saw him swim- has become a renowned rodeo announcer, tion of freedom for the people of Iran because ming, they shot him dead in the water. For poet, writer, and western artist. Several of his a celebration of freedom for Iran will be the the next few years, my grandpa and Hagop celebration of freedom for all of us. sculptures can be found in the collections of were forced to work for a Turkish farm But that day is not going to come about by presidents, governors, and celebrities. Alvin owner. They were his slaves. Eventually, my begging Ahmadinejad to negotiate. It is not founded the National Cowboy Symposium and grandpa and Hagop were rescued by an older going to come about from weakness. Bullies Celebration and has written children’s books, cousin, Marderos, who helped them escape to thrive from weakness. Tyrants are encour- an orphanage in Lebanon. It was there that poetry books, and a rodeo periodical. In 2002, aged by weakness. They know only one their eldest brother, Martin, who was living he was inducted into the National Cowboy thing: Strength. They must be confronted in Chicago at the time, found them and sent Song and Poetry Hall of Fame. with America’s strength, not America’s for them to come to America. My grand- I am enormously appreciative to Alvin for his weakness. America, the world, all of us must father arrived in Ellis Island on July 4, 1923. hard work and for his contributions to pro- make it plain that under no set of cir- He didn’t know his birthday, so for every cumstances will Ahmadinejad be allowed to moting cowboy culture. On behalf of the 19th year after that his birthday was July 4th. have nuclear weapons. That is not nego- Congressional District, including myself, I tiable. No discussion. No argument. No de- f thank Alvin for all of his time and effort to pre- bate. serve the values, honor, and respect of the No! No! No, to nuclear weapons! CALLING ON JAPAN TO ADDRESS American Cowboy and congratulate him on And instead, I say Yes to freedom, Yes to CHILD ABDUCTION CASES joining the National 4–H Hall of Fame. democracy, Yes to a free press, Yes to free- f dom for women, Yes to human dignity for SPEECH OF Iran and for all of us. RECOGNIZING THE CAREER OF MR. God bless you in your noble pursuit! I HON. MARSHA BLACKBURN SAM WOLF stand with you and all freedom loving people OF TENNESSEE stand with you. God bless you. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. JERRY F. COSTELLO f Tuesday, September 28, 2010 OF ILLINOIS A GENOCIDE SURVIVOR STORY: Mrs. BLACKBURN. Madam Speaker, I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES KEVORK ‘‘GEORGE’’ HAKALMAZIAN today in support of House Resolution 1326. It Wednesday, September 29, 2010 is time to reunite the families torn apart by the Mr. COSTELLO. Madam Speaker, I rise HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF abduction and retention of American children today to ask my colleagues to join me in rec- OF CALIFORNIA in Japan. ognizing the distinguished career and signifi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In Tennessee, we have personally been af- cant regional contributions of Mr. Sam Wolf. fected by this issue. Sadly I have constituents Sam Wolf, a resident of Granite City, Illinois, Wednesday, September 29, 2010 that await the passage of this resolution with served 18 years in the Illinois House of Rep- Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today high hopes and are eager to see their children resentatives from 1974 until he retired in 1992. to memorialize and record a courageous story returned home. Among his more notable accomplishments of survival of the Armenian Genocide. The Ar- Without an agreement on international child during his time in the General Assembly was menian Genocide, perpetrated by the Ottoman abduction between the U.S. and Japan, many legislation establishing community college vot- Empire from 1915 to 1923, resulted in the children are left in limbo between feuding par- ing sub-districts. This was important to ensure death of 1.5 million Armenian men, women, ents. Custodial arrangements are created to equitable representation of the different geo- and children. As the U.S. Ambassador to the provide the optimal environment for children graphic areas covered by a community college Ottoman Empire, Henry Morgenthau, docu- after a divorce. When foreign countries choose district. mented at the time, it was a campaign of to not recognize these agreements, they are Sam Wolf has been a strong proponent of ‘‘race extermination.’’ harming the well being of the children. Southwestern Illinois College and was a driv- The campaign to annihilate the Armenian The best and most immediate solution to ing force in the establishment of the college’s people failed, as illustrated by the proud Ar- this issue is for Japan to adopt the Hague Granite City Campus in 1984. Sam worked to menian nation and prosperous diaspora. It is Convention on the Civil Aspects of Inter- secure funding for the Industrial Technology difficult if not impossible to find an Armenian national Child Abduction. This agreement pro- Center at the Granite City Campus and the family not touched by the genocide, and while tects the rights of both parents while ensuring development of the Automotive Collision Re- there are some survivors still with us, it is im- the heath and safety of the children. pair Technology program there. Sam has been

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.090 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1818 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 a member of the Southwestern Illinois College RECORD NUMBER OF AMERICANS Antranig (born 1989), Ohannes (born 1901) Board of Trustees since October 1995. DISTRUST THE MEDIA Bedros (born 1904) and Jirair (born 1907). My mother had two brothers, Minas and Hagop. In recognition of Sam’s tireless efforts to ex- It was in the summer of 1915 that the Otto- pand and improve Southwestern Illinois Col- HON. LAMAR SMITH man government gave orders that all Arme- lege, the Granite City Campus is named the OF TEXAS nian males aged 18–45 go to the military service, while the rest of the family was to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sam Wolf Granite City Campus. This is a fit- be deported. My father went to the military ting tribute for a man who has done so much Wednesday, September 29, 2010 but actually was working as a day laborer cutting stones to pave roads. to provide quality educational opportunities for Mr. SMITH of Texas. Madam Speaker, more current and future generations. So I accompanied my mother and two Americans than ever distrust the mass media, brothers, Antranig and Jirair, in deporta- Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join according to a new Gallup public opinion poll. tion. My other brother, Ohannes, and two un- me in an expression of appreciation to Mr. Just 12 percent say they have ‘‘a great cles were at that time in Istanbul and es- Sam Wolf for his many contributions to the deal’’ of confidence in the media to report the caped deportation. In few days time we gath- Southwestern Illinois region and to wish him news ‘‘fully, accurately, and fairly.’’ ered what we could carry and took the train A majority have little or no confidence in the to a city called Konya. From there we the very best in the future. walked all the way to Derzor, sometimes hir- media. ing horse or oxen driven carts, if we could f And by a margin of more than 3 to 1, Ameri- fine one. cans say the media are too liberal rather than Later we learned a pregnant woman of our CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH AWARE- too conservative, tying the highest mark of this village had childbirth at the departure time NESS WEEK, SEPTEMBER 19–25 decade. and was obliged to throw her newborn child Americans have good reason to be skeptical into the nearby Sakaria River. She was the young wife of Janig Belalian. of the media. They repeatedly promote a lib- On our way we came across Armenian sol- HON. KATHY CASTOR eral agenda and give the Obama Administra- diers working as stone cutters and paving tion and Congressional Democrats a free the road for the Berlin railway OF FLORIDA pass. project. My father was one of them, and was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES If the national media want to restore the able to escape his group and joined us in the public’s trust, they should give Americans the death march. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Somehow we managed our way until Alep- facts, not tell them what to think. po in Syria. On the way many died of starva- Ms. CASTOR of Florida. Madam Speaker, I f tion, thirst and hunger besides the cruel rise today to bring your attention to the first treatment of the police and gendarmes. After BEDROS VARTAN YESSAIAN: A that the march was horrible in the desert, Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) Awareness Week, SURVIVOR’S STORY especially for who live in colder climate. September 19–25, 2010. This week-long event Although the Euphrates River was nearby, is coordinated by the Charcot-Marie-Tooth As- HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF we were forced to march far from it, as some sociation (CMTA), and its members have been would die of thirst and exhaustion. Some- OF CALIFORNIA working towards educating Americans about times we march in endless circles ending in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the afternoon at same place we started in the disease. the morning. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Discovered in the late 1800s by physicians We marched on foot from Aleppo to Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today Meskena, Rakka Derzor and Shaddadiya. My Jean-Martin Charcot, Pierre Marie and Howard younger brother, Jirair, died of starvation Henry Tooth, CMT is a slowly progressive dis- to memorialize and record a courageous story of survival of the Armenian Genocide. The Ar- and hunger. We continued our march with- ease which attacks the nerves that control out knowing our final destination. On a menian Genocide, perpetrated by the Ottoman sensory information and muscle function of the rainy day and still under the tents, my fa- Empire from 1915 to 1923, resulted in the feet, legs and arms. Although CMT is not life- ther asked my brother, Antranig, to buy a death of 1.5 million Armenian men, women, cup of tea from the street vendor. My broth- threatening, it can cause severe disabilities, and children. As the U.S. Ambassador to the er said he has no money. Father pulled the and patients may lose feeling in their legs and Ottoman Empire, Henry Morgenthau, docu- bed sheet over his head and few hours later arms. mented at the time, it was a campaign of we found him dead. ‘‘race extermination.’’ Few weeks later my mother died. Neigh- CMT is one of the most commonly inherited bors came consoling me and wishing them a neurological disorders of our time. It affects The campaign to annihilate the Armenian peaceful death. In the morning the collector nearly 2.6 million people worldwide, without people failed, as illustrated by the proud Ar- came and took her body. All who had died regards to ethnicity or gender. One in every menian nation and prosperous diaspora. It is were stripped of their clothes and their bare 2,500 Americans has CMT, and in the Tampa, difficult if not impossible to find an Armenian bodies were thrown into a large ditch. family not touched by the genocide, and while The more we marched the more the police St. Petersburg area alone, more than 300 and gendarmes grew cruel. They beat, tor- people have been diagnosed. there are some survivors still with us, it is im- perative that we record their stories. Through tured, raped and killed innocent and un- armed people. In a neighboring caravan two To date, there is no cure for CMT, but the Armenian Genocide CONGRESSIONAL groups like CMTA are working diligently with young beautiful girls threw themselves into RECORD Project, I hope to document the the Euphrates River preferring death to scientists from the National Institutes of Health harrowing stories of the survivors in an effort rape. Raping became more regular and even (NIH) to find a solution, and they are hopeful to preserve their accounts and to help educate pregnant women were not spared. the gen- that a cure will be found in the coming future. the Members of Congress now and in the fu- darmes gambled on the gender of the unborn The CMTA was founded in 1983 to generate ture of the necessity of recognizing the Arme- child by cutting the woman’s abdomen by nian Genocide. sword letting the woman die in her blood. the resources to find a cure, to create aware- The Arab Nomads who live in the Syrian ness and to improve the quality of life for This is one of those stories: (translated by Desert used to come to our tents asking us those living with CMT. CMTA believes that be- the son and daughter of Bedros Vartan to live with them instead of sure death. fore there can be a world without CMT the Yessaian—Hovhannes Yessaian and Dench Thousands of Armenians were thus saved. I world has to be aware of CMT. Bedros Yessaian, respectively—a survivor of saw no hope and informed my brother that I the Armenian Genocide.) was going to live with the Arabs. My brother Seventeen states and the District of Colum- This is the true story in every detail that stayed with the caravan and later I learned bia held activities this week to raise aware- has been told to me and my sister by my fa- that he reached Mosul city in Iraq. ness of CMT. In my hometown of Tampa Bay, ther.——Hovhannes Yessaian. With Arab nomads I stayed for two years CMTA members distributed informational pam- and my Arab (parents) treated me as if their BEDROS VARTAN YESSAIAN: A SURVIVOR’S own biological son. The Arab Sheikhs (head phlets to students at Eckerd College and to STORY of a tribe) even refused the invitation of the families at local post offices and libraries. My name is Bedros Vartan Yessaian. I was Turkish authorities to participate in killing Madam Speaker, raising awareness about born in 1904 in a village called (Kinjilar), the Armenians and keep any looted property. which is not far from Izmit and Istanbul, and They treated all the saved children and CMT through CMT Awareness Week will help had about 2,500 inhabitants, most of which women with respect and dignity. While with to educate communities about this disease were Armenians. My father is Vartan and my the Arabs, I saw Turks forcing the Arme- and help to find a cure for this disorder. mother is Denchali. We were four brothers, nians to collect dry bushes and thorns and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.093 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1819 later pushed them into a cave. then they has received the Equal Access to Justice for his dedication and service to his country burned the bushes and all inside the cave Award from the Lackawanna Bar Association and his community. Major Moua passed away died of burns or choked to death. and Lackawanna Pro Bono, as well as the Pro at the age of 81 on August 8th, 2010 in Fres- Later I left my Arab parents and fled to Istanbul where my two uncles and brother Bono Award from their Pennsylvania Bar As- no, California. A service honoring his life will Ohannes lived. After the armistice I returned sociation. be held on Saturday, August 21, 2010 in Fres- to my village with my brother Ohannes and Throughout their professional careers, Mr. no. Uncle Hagop. and Mrs. Abrahamsen have continuously do- Major Moua was born on October 20th, However in 1922, Kemal Ataturk forces in- nated their time and efforts throughout the 1928, in Ban Nong Het, Xiengkhouang prov- vaded the western part of Turkey burning community. ince, Kingdom of Laos, 1928. In 1948, he villages and killing the Christians. My uncle Mr. Abrahamsen has served as Solicitor of completed grade 3 in the Lao elementary Hagop and brother Ohannes were killed and the Scranton School District and School Build- school in the same village where he was born. the entire village of Kinjilar was burnt to ing Authority and the Old Forge School Dis- In 1963, Mr. Moua was recruited to train as a ashes. I fled the massacre to Istanbul and trict, and currently serves as Solicitor of from there to Greece with my uncle Minas walking fighter, also known as an infantry who later emigrated to Armenia. Blakely Borough. He is also Chairman of the man. After completing the training, he was After leaning that my brother was in Financial Committee of St. Joseph’s Church in placed in the 1st Company, 201st Battalion, Baghdad I traveled to Baghdad and formed a Scranton. Special Guerrilla Units where he served in family. My wife Serpoohi was also a genocide Mrs. Abrahamsen has served as President southeast Asia and Laos during the Vietnam survivor, originally from Bilejik, a nearby of the Parents Club at Scranton Preparatory Conflict. Mr. Moua served in this unit through village to Kinjilar. School, Chairman of the Board at Scranton May 1975. During his time with the military, ——Bedros Vartan Yessaian Prep, President of the Board of Directors of Mr. Moua participated in a number of missions f the Friends of the Poor, and as Secretary of for the United States and the Kingdom of the Lackawanna Bar Association. Laos. For his outstanding service, Mr. Moua HONORING NED AND MARY ANN Madam Speaker, please join me in recog- ABRAHAMSEN ON RECEIVING was promoted to the rank of Major. After the nizing Mr. and Mrs. Abrahamsen. Together United States withdrew its troops and support THE ATTORNEY ROBERT W. they have demonstrated a remarkable commit- MUNLEY DISTINGUISHED SERV- from Indochina, Mr. Moua fled to Thailand and ment to community service in Northeastern eventually moved on to the United States, ICE AWARD FROM LACKAWANNA Pennsylvania. PRO BONO where he settled on June 21, 1989. f Major Moua received a number of citations HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI PAYING TRIBUTE TO MR. FRED and awards for his service in southeast Asia HARRSCH including the Vietnam Campaign Medal, the OF PENNSYLVANIA Vietnam Veteran’s Medal, the Vietnam Vet- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. STEVE KAGEN eran’s National Medal and the Lao Veterans of Wednesday, September 29, 2010 America National Medal. OF WISCONSIN Upon moving to the United States, Major Mr. KANJORSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Moua became active in community affairs. In today to ask you and my esteemed colleagues Wednesday, September 29, 2010 1991, he became a member of the Lao Vet- in the House of Representatives to pay tribute Mr. KAGEN. Madam Speaker, I rise here erans of America, Inc. The Lao Veterans of to Mr. and Mrs. Ned and Mary Ann America, Inc. represents veterans who served Abrahamsen on receiving the Attorney Robert today to pay tribute to Mr. Fred Harrsch for his dedication in upholding the great tradition of the United States honorably during the Viet- W. Munley Distinguished Service Award from nam War. It is the largest organization of its Lackawanna Pro Bono. the Green Bay Packers fence along Lombardi Avenue in the shadow of Lambeau Field in kind in the U.S. and includes thousands of Lackawanna Pro Bono is a non-profit orga- Hmong and Lao veterans and their families. nization established in 1997 to increase the Green Bay, Wisconsin. Mr. Harrsch inherited the Packer tradition 6 years ago when he took Major Moua was elected to serve in a leader- availability of free legal representation for low- ship role in the Lao Veterans of America Fres- income individuals and families throughout ownership of the fence which creates a unique sense of pride and camaraderie among fans. no Sub-Chapter in 2002. He has also attended Lackawanna County. Lao Veterans of America events in Wash- Over the past thirteen years they have orga- As friends, family, and visitors gather this foot- ball season to pay tribute to his hard work and ington, D.C. many times over the past few nized local attorneys to volunteer their time to years. provide representation in over 2,000 cases, contributions, I ask my colleagues to join me in honoring this outstanding individual. Major Moua will be remembered for all that and in the process have helped nearly 5,000 he has sacrificed and for all that he has residents of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Hundreds of thousands of fans pass by the city landmark on their pilgrimage to Lambeau achieved. He is survived by his wife, Kao Kim Lackawanna Pro Bono will host its second Lee, and their 7 children. annual Fundraising Gala on October 21, 2010 Field, which dons a new coat of paint and a fresh slogan at the start of every season. This Madam Speaker, I rise today to post- in Scranton, Pennsylvania. For the second humously honor Major Pang Ge Moua for his year, Lackawanna Pro Bono will honor a se- season, Mr. Harrsch has chosen the slogan, ‘‘In Coach McCarthy We Trust’’, in honor of dedication to his family, his country and his lect number of individuals and organizations community. I invite my colleagues to join me who have demonstrated excellent service to the Packers head coach. In addition to more than 100 volunteers who turned out to help in honoring his life and wishing the best for his the community with its Attorney Robert W. family. Munley Distinguished Service Award. Mr. Harrsch paint the fence this year, two spe- f This year’s group of deserving recipients in- cial guests came to take part—Packers Presi- cludes Mr. and Mrs. Ned and Mary Ann dent and CEO Mark Murphy, and the fence’s CALLING ON JAPAN TO ADDRESS Abrahamsen of Scranton. original owner, Steve Kraft. This marks the CHILD ABDUCTION CASES Edwin ‘‘Ned’’ Abrahamsen was born in 26th year of the fence-painting tradition. Madam Speaker, as Fred Harrsch cele- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1951. He grad- SPEECH OF brates another year of a great Green Bay tra- uated from Franklin & Marshall College in dition, I ask my colleagues to join me in salut- HON. GARY G. MILLER 1973, and received his Juris Doctorate from ing a truly extraordinary member of our com- OF CALIFORNIA the Dickinson School of Law in 1976. munity. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mary Ann Conaboy Abrahamsen was born in Scranton in 1951. She graduated from f Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Marywood College in 1973 before also receiv- HONORING PANG GE MOUA Mr. GARY G. MILLER of California. Mr. ing her Juris Doctorate from Dickinson School Speaker, I rise in support of House Resolution of Law in 1976. HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH 1326, a resolution calling on the Government Together, they are partners at Abrahamsen, OF CALIFORNIA of Japan to immediately address the growing Conaboy & Abrahamsen in Scranton. Mr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES problem of American children abducted to Abrahamsen specializes in personal injury Japan. cases, while Mary Ann specializes in family Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Since 1994, the Office of Children’s law, particularly in the areas of real estate, Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, I rise Issues—commonly referred to as OCI—at the wills trusts and estates, and divorce. Their firm today to honor the life of Major Pang Ge Moua United States State Department had opened

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29SE8.047 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1820 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 194 cases involving 269 U.S. children ab- COMMEMORATING THE 90TH mother was born in Aintab, Turkey in 1920 in ducted to or wrongfully retained in Japan. As BIRTHDAY OF ENTERTAINER the midst of the genocide of the Armenians. My mother and my grandparents narrowly of March 25, 2010, OCI had 85 open cases in- AND PHILANTHROPIST JOEY RUSSELL made it out alive and found refuge in the volving over 121 American children abducted U.S. My paternal grandmother also had a to Japan. Of these abducted children, Keisuke harrowing story. Due to the threat against Collins, is the son of one of my constituents, HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO the Armenians she was shipped to the U.S. at Randy Collins. OF CONNECTICUT 15 years old to marry an Armenian, only to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES find out a few years later that her parents Unfortunately, since the signing of the Trea- were killed and her younger sisters kid- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ty of Peace with Japan between the Allied napped. My mother tried hard to put all Powers and the Government of Japan in Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, on the oc- these stories down on paper so the world casion of his 90th birthday, I rise to com- would know what happened to our families. 1951, the Japanese Government has never memorate Joey Russell of Milford, Con- After she passed away, I attempted to finish issued and enforced a legal decision to return necticut, a comedian and humanitarian who her project. After nearly 10 years and hun- a single abducted child to the United States. has spent a lifetime working to make the world dreds of hours of work, I put the story to- gether. In addition, Japan has not agreed to the 1980 around him a better, happier place. Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of Now I want to thank our Rep. Adam Schiff Known to generations of Connecticut chil- for his efforts to put these stories that are International Child Abduction, which has re- dren as ‘‘Happy the Clown,’’ a television staple left untold in the Congressional Record. I sulted in the continued absence of an imme- in Hartford and my hometown of New Haven, know my mother, if she were alive, would be diate remedy that would enable the expedited Joey has brought laughter, good cheer, and dancing up and down with joy. You can’t return of abducted children to their custodial good works to those around him for decades. imagine how exciting this is for me after all the years of work to make sure these stories parent in the United States. Sadly, the Gov- In fact, Joey’s wit and timing as a stand-up comic has taken him all over the world, includ- are kept alive and heard so that history will ernment of Japan is the only G–7 country that be recorded accurately. has not acceded to the Hague Convention. ing famed comedy venues like the Thank you Rep. Schiff. This is such a won- Copacabana in New York and Grossinger’s derful and amazing idea. This problem is also compounded by Ja- Hotel in the Catskills. My great-grandfather, Sarkis Kalashian, pan’s legal system. Because Japan’s existing Throughout his career, Joey has matched married Margaret Hougasian after my great- family law system does not recognize joint his gift for entertaining with an impressive grandmother, Shoushan, died. Sarkis was custody nor actively enforces parental access record of philanthropy and public service. The killed in 1915 by Turkish soldiers. This left agreements for both its own citizens and for- son of a rabbi who served in the United States Margaret a widow with small children. My Army, Joey has raised money for over 20 am- cousin, Margo Torigiants, shared with me eigners, there is little hope for children to have the following story of how her grandmother contact with the noncustodial parent in viola- bulances for American Red Magen David for escaped to France after Sarkis was killed: tion of internationally recognized and protected Israel (ARMDI), formed the Golan Chapter of After the massacre of the Armenians start- this international humanitarian organization, rights. What is worse, the Government of ed, Margaret suddenly became a widow when and has led over fifty tours of the Holy Land. her husband and older son were killed in Japan has repeatedly claimed to foreign gov- I congratulate Joey, his wife Josi, and their 1915. According to her granddaughter, Margo, ernments that parental child abduction is not five children on reaching this impressive mile- Margaret had some gold nuggets as Sarkis considered a crime in Japan despite the fact stone, and I thank Joey for all the laughter had been a merchant in Kharpet. Earlier pic- that Article 3 of the Japanese Penal Code over the years. With or without the ‘‘happy tures of Sarkis and Margaret show them does indeed make it a crime for a Japanese happy and very well dressed. sticks’’ on hand, I know he will greet this She used these gold nuggets to get some citizen to abduct a child and move the child cause for celebration with a smile. Turkish people to help her and her children: across national borders. f Khoren, Hrant, Dickran, Araksi and Vartan Although Japan’s current Justice Minister (and maybe Agavni—daughter of Khoren) to MARGARET HOUGASIAN: A flee. She dressed up the boys as girls to dis- said upon her appointment that she is deter- SURVIVOR’S STORY guise them. (Boys were more likely to be mined to show that Japan ‘‘is very proactive’’ killed by the Turkish military). Somehow in adopting international protocols and conven- HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF they were able to get to Aleppo, Syria. She tions that are the ‘‘international standard,’’ OF CALIFORNIA tried to get them in an orphanage, but since child abductions to Japan continue to be a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES they had a parent, she could not get them in. she cooked for people and took the leftovers very serious and rampant problem. Con- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 home for the kids to eat. They stayed there sequently, is critical for the United States and Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today for a few years, but stayed close. Japan to work together to prevent future inci- to memorialize and record a courageous story They were afraid Arabs would kidnap the dents of international parental child abduction of survival of the Armenian Genocide. The Ar- kids. From there they settled in Marsielle, France. to Japan. menian Genocide, perpetrated by the Ottoman f As such, I call on my colleagues to support Empire from 1915 to 1923, resulted in the House Resolution 1326. This resolution calls death of 1.5 million Armenian men, women, HONORING THE HANNAH WESTON on the Government of Japan to immediately and children. As the U.S. Ambassador to the CHAPTER OF THE DAUGHTERS Ottoman Empire Henry Morgenthau docu- address the growing problem of abduction to OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION mented at the time, it was a campaign of and retention of American children in Japan. ‘‘race extermination.’’ HON. MICHAEL H. MICHAUD The resolution also calls on Japan to work The campaign to annihilate the Armenian OF MAINE closely with the United States to return these people failed, as illustrated by the proud Ar- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES children to their custodial parent in the United menian nation and prosperous diaspora. It is States and to provide left-behind parents im- difficult if not impossible to find an Armenian Wednesday, September 29, 2010 mediate access to their children. Lastly, House family not touched by the genocide, and while Mr. MICHAUD. Madam Speaker, I rise Resolution 1326 calls on Japan to immediately there are some survivors still with us, it is im- today to recognize the Hannah Weston Chap- adopt the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil perative that we record their stories. Through ter of the Daughters of the American Revolu- Aspects of International Child Abduction so the Armenian Genocide CONGRESSIONAL tion for their care of the Burnham Tavern for that these abducted children can be returned RECORD Project, I hope to document the 100 years. to their custodial parent. harrowing stories of the survivors in an effort The Chapter carries the name of Hannah to preserve their accounts and to help educate Weston in honor of the 17-year-old pregnant As an original cosponsor of this resolution, the Members of Congress now and in the fu- woman who showed incredible courage in it is of utmost importance to not only me, but ture of the necessity of recognizing the Arme- helping the patriots fight the British in the Bat- to my constituents Randy and Keisuke, that it nian Genocide. tle of the Margaretta. This was also known as is passed with the overwhelming support of This is one of those stories: the Battle of the Machias, the first naval battle the House of Representatives. These ab- (Submitted by Shirley Collins) of the Revolutionary War. Since 1910, the ducted kids—and their families—cannot wait My name is Shirley Kalashian-Collins. I Hannah Weston Chapter has owned and any longer. was born in 1951 to Armenian parents. My maintained the Burnham Tavern, where the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.099 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1821 people of Maine first gathered to plan the de- continue to do their job in safety for many with a grant from the Fireman’s Fund Heritage fense of their homes and our young nation. years to come. Program to help fund safety equipment. In The Tavern was built in 1770, and has a f July of the same year, the company was in- rich history dating back to the Revolutionary vited to participate in America’s Independence War. Plans to capture the armed British ves- HONORING LIBERTY CORNER FIRE Day Parade in our nation’s capital, Wash- sel, H.M.S. Margaretta, in the first naval battle COMPANY ington, DC. of the American Revolution were made in the In September 2009, insurance agency Lake Tavern, and the wounded were nursed there. HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN McVicker, along with the Fireman’s Fund In- Many items in the Tavern are associated with OF NEW JERSEY surance Company, awarded the Liberty Cor- that battle and the patriots who fought it. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ner Fire Company a grant for a new thermal Tavern acts as a historical landmark that wel- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 imaging camera to replace on its new Pierce pumper. comes visitors from around the country and Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Madam Speaker, I Today, the Liberty Corner Fire Company the world, who seek to learn more about this rise today to honor the Liberty Corner Fire important part of our nation’s struggle for inde- boasts an impressive fleet of fire trucks and Company, located in Bernards Township, responds to a wide array of emergencies in pendence. Somerset County, New Jersey which is cele- The Burnham Tavern is the oldest building and around their community. The success of brating its 100th Anniversary. volunteer fire departments such as this one is in eastern Maine, having withstood the test of The Liberty Corner Fire Company was in- time thanks to the members of the Hannah vital to the security of millions of Americans. corporated on October 17, 1910 and spent the Madam Speaker, I ask you and my col- Weston Chapter. The Tavern has been kept in 1 first 4 ⁄2 years organizing and growing prior to leagues to join me in congratulating the Lib- excellent condition, and the Chapter has paid its activation. On March 4, 1915, during a out of their own pockets for the upkeep of the erty Corner Fire Company as they celebrate meeting that officially activated the company, 100 years of exceptional service. 18th century building. 34 members joined what has become a fire The DAR has made a substantial contribu- company exuding bravery and rich in gen- f tion to the community through preserving a erosity. TRIBUTE TO CHARLES YOUNG historical landmark and educating its visitors. After becoming active, the members needed Their efforts are truly remarkable, and all of a firehouse. In June of 1915, a lot was pur- HON. TED POE Maine thanks them for their dedication to our chased and one month later construction OF TEXAS nation’s history. began. At the time of completion, the Liberty IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam Speaker, please join me in honoring Corner Fire Department funds ran low, but Wednesday, September 29, 2010 the Hannah Weston Chapter of the Daughters through the donation from the Bernardsville of the American Revolution for their work in Fire Company, the Company acquired its first Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Speaker, I rise preserving such an important part of our na- fire apparatus. today to pay tribute to a true American Hero, tion’s history. Over the years, the Liberty Corner Fire Charles Milton Young, who recently passed f Company joined alongside many other depart- away at the age of 91. I am honored to recog- ments as they battled fires. The members nize Charlie’s brave and commendable service HONORING THE SAGINAW RIVER worked tirelessly to not only keep their own to the United States of America. Charlie COAST GUARD STATION community safe, but surrounding communities Young proudly served our Nation in World as well. The company often reported to fires in War II as a United States Marine in 1944– HON. DALE E. KILDEE other towns in an effort to provide assistance. 1945. During his service, he sustained a se- OF MICHIGAN In 1954, it was decided that there was a vere injury during the battle of Okinawa, lead- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES need for a larger firehouse. Realizing the high ing to a 9-month hospitalization. In fact, he Wednesday, September 29, 2010 cost to do so, the members dedicated 7,400 distinguished himself in combat so greatly that hours of manpower to expand the building. By he was awarded the Purple Heart and the Ex- Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, I rise today doing so, they were able to save over half the cellence in Service medals. There is nothing to pay tribute to the members of the U.S. cost of the expansion. The building was com- nobler than answering the call to serve your Coast Guard stationed at the Saginaw River pleted with a dedication ceremony on July 14, country. His actions are a true testament to Coast Guard Station. The Mt. Zion Lutheran 1956. On December 10th of that same year, his patriotism. It is always sad when we lose Church in Bay City, Michigan will hold a pro- the Liberty Corner Fire Company received the a hero; however, it also brings us hope when gram and reception on October 3rd to recog- Certificate of Perpetual Existence. we remember men of the Greatest Genera- nize these dedicated service members. The 1980s brought about a boom of resi- tion, like Charlie, who have walked among us. The United States Coast Guard established dential and commercial building in the depart- Charlie was a dedicated family man, having a presence in the Saginaw River in 1842 ment’s primary service area. With the comple- been married to his wife Hazel for 72 years. when a lighthouse was constructed. Over the tion of an interstate highway and over 2,000 He was also the proud father of four children, years the Coast Guard has maintained a light residential homes built, the demands of the 17 grandchildren, 50 great grandchildren, and range system and expanded to now include 8 Fire Company increased. In response, the 6 great-great grandchildren. Charlie and Hazel boats, and is staffed by 27 active duty per- Company purchased a command vehicle: met and married in Beeville, Texas and later sonnel and 5 reserve personnel. Its area of re- 1982 Dodge Diplomat. However, the need moved to Corpus Christi to raise their family. sponsibility stretches from Point Lookout to also arose for a new firehouse to keep up with In 1960 they moved permanently to their lake Oak Point on the Saginaw Bay and from the the new construction sizes of modern fire home in Mathis, Texas. It is an honor to re- mouth of the Saginaw River to Green Point in apparatuses. member Charlie as a courageous soldier who Saginaw. The station is responsible for serv- After a long process of raising funds for a risked his life for the American dream but it is icing 134 aids to navigation. On the average, new firehouse, the groundbreaking was held in also an even greater honor to recognize him the station runs 110 search and rescue mis- August of 1989. Over a year later, in Sep- as an honorable Texan, dedicated citizen, and sions a year. The Station has been designated tember of 1990, the Liberty Corner Fire Com- a loving father, grandfather and husband. as the Ice Capabilities Center of Excellence, pany moved into its new home on a 10-acre There is no such thing as former Marine; which is the formal training site for the ice res- lot purchased back in 1925. This house boasts once Marines leave the military they are still cue procedures for the United States Coast a side bay with offices and rooms to facilitate Marines in heart and soul and patriotic zeal. It Guard. The crew is considered the specialists day-to-day work at the company. On May 4, is true that once a Marine always a Marine. in ice rescue and fulfills the role of instructors 1991, a wet down was held to celebrate the Charlie was proud to be a Marine, so much so in the field. new firehouse that as he said his final goodbyes to family Madam Speaker, I ask the House of Rep- In an effort to keep up with rising costs, the members, his last words to his son-in-law, resentatives to rise with me and applaud the company began the Santa Fund Drive in Maj. Joseph R. Ellis (retired USMC) was work for the Saginaw River Coast Guard Sta- 2000. In conjunction with the holidays, the ‘‘Semper Fi, my son, Semper Fi’’ as he shook tion. Their dedication to ensuring the safety company offers parents the chance to have his fist with all the strength he could muster. and security of persons traveling the waters of Santa Claus arrive on a fire truck to present There is nothing like a U.S. Marine. They are the Saginaw Bay and Saginaw River is exem- their child with a gift. a breed of their own. plary. I commend them for their service, en- On March 8, 2007, the members of the Lib- On September 28, 2010 PFC Milton Young, thusiasm, perseverance and I pray they will erty Corner Fire Company were presented USMC was laid to rest with Full Marine Honor

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.101 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1822 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 Guard detail with a 21-gun salute and taps. I A GENOCIDE SURVIVOR STORY: them ride the train out of Konia to Tarousse am honored to remember the life and memory ARAM DEMERJIAN’S FATHER against a certain amount of monetary pay- of a Texas hero. He will forever remain a hero ment. in the eyes of his family, his friends, his com- HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF f munity, and his country. Semper Fi, Charlie OF CALIFORNIA SECURING AMERICA’S VETERANS Young. Semper Fi. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES INSURANCE NEEDS AND GOALS And that’s just the way it is. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ACT OF 2010 f Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today SPEECH OF to memorialize and record a courageous story CONGRATULATING THE SOCIETY of survival of the Armenian Genocide. The Ar- HON. DEBORAH L. HALVORSON OF ILLINOIS OF KASTORIANS ‘‘OMONOIA’’ OF menian Genocide, perpetrated by the Ottoman IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NEW YORK ON THEIR 100TH AN- Empire from 1915 to 1923, resulted in the NIVERSARY death of 1.5 million Armenian men, women, Tuesday, September 28, 2010 and children. As the U.S. Ambassador to the Mrs. HALVORSON. Mr. Speaker, the intent HON. GARY L. ACKERMAN Ottoman Empire, Henry Morgenthau docu- of H.R. 5993, the Securing America’s Vet- mented at the time, it was a campaign of erans Insurance Needs and Goals (SAVINGs) OF NEW YORK ‘‘race extermination.’’ Act is to increase transparency and disclosure IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The campaign to annihilate the Armenian of the Servicemembers Group Life Insurance Wednesday, September 29, 2010 people failed, as illustrated by the proud Ar- (SGLI) program. The intent is to increase fi- menian nation and prosperous diaspora. It is nancial counseling for beneficiaries and to Mr. ACKERMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise difficult if not impossible to find an Armenian allow Congress to play a better role in pro- today in recognition of the 100th anniversary family not touched by the genocide, and while viding oversight and access of the program. of the Society of the Kastorians ‘‘OMONOIA’’ there are some survivors still with us, it is im- It is not the intent of H.R. 5993 to have of New York, located in Whitestone. perative that we record their stories. Through Congress weigh in on the legal question of The first Kastorian immigrants, hailing from the Armenian Genocide Congressional Record whether or not the Department of Veterans Af- Kastoria, a North-Western Province in Greece, Project, I hope to document the harrowing sto- fairs has the authority to allow ‘retained asset have deep roots in New York City. After their ries of the survivors in an effort to preserve accounts’. The language in H.R. 5993 is not arrival in 1887, the community quickly grew. their accounts and to help educate the Mem- intended to validate in any manner whether ’re- These new Americans organized a philan- bers of Congress now and in the future of the tained asset accounts’ are authorized in sec- thropic group that has done charitable work necessity of recognizing the Armenian Geno- tion 1970(d) of title 38, United States Code. and donated resources both in Greece and cide. f here in the United States. This is one of those stories (submitted by Aram Demerjian): PEDIATRIC RESEARCH CONSORTIA Founded on August 7, 1910, the Society ESTABLISHMENT ACT first began sending aid back to its members’ My father, born in Diarbekir in 1901, told me about the real events as I was growing homeland, Kastoria. The first donations sup- SPEECH OF ported a girls’ school, a pharmacy, and earth- up. His experiences of what happened to his father and how he made to escape death were HON. PETER T. KING quake-recovery efforts. During both World not pleasant for me to hear. I was born in Wars, the Society was active in providing as- OF NEW YORK Lebanon. I would like give you some of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sistance to Greece’s infrastructure and its de- accounts related to me. fenses. During those turbulent times, the Soci- My grand-father was an iron smith. He Tuesday, September 28, 2010 ety’s efforts helped Greece construct a war- made hand-cuffs for the prison inmates. His Mr. KING of New York. Mr. Speaker, I rise ship, a power plant and a water supply dis- own hand-cuffs clamped his own hands by today in support of H.R. 758, the Pediatric Re- the Turks. He was taken away from his home tribution system, as well as providing ship- search Consortia Establishment Act. ments of flour to Greek refugees. for questioning and his family never saw him again. This legislation is an important step towards Through the years, the Society’s generosity I consider my father a very talented man. understanding and eradicating diseases in has not been limited to Greece; it has sup- For instance, he could play musical instru- children. The consortia will lead to new in- ported many initiatives in New York and ments, he could sing with a vibrant voice. He sights to the major disorders that affect chil- throughout the United States. In 1941, the was not fanatic about his religious practice. dren and will empower researchers to discover Kastorians purchased $16,000 in U.S. Savings On his way to exile, he stopped at many vil- innovative strategies for diagnosis and treat- Bonds, and an aircraft was named The lages for few days or for few months. Some ment. Kastorian Spirit in their honor. They have do- religious man (sheikh) gave him shelter dur- Pediatric research and care is currently un- ing one stop. This host noticed that he has a nated to the American Red Cross and have good voice. So he invited my father to sing derfunded despite the fact that children com- annually given over $50,000 for scholarships. in the mosque. Of course, having nothing to prise 20 percent of our nation’s population. The Kastorians donated to the World Trade support himself, he could not refuse Sheikh’s Enrolling and evaluating a sufficiently large Center Fund after the 9/11 attacks, and to Co- request. I forgot to mention that my Dad group of children is the most effective way of lumbia University for its Hellenic Studies and also spoke Kurdish. understanding these disorders and to monitor Ancient History program. They also purchased Three months later, my father who is also how they manifest in adults. By having Pedi- a two-building complex in Whitestone that the a good horse rider, left the village at night atric research institutions collaborate and time. Not knowing anything about his des- share information in a methodical way, we can Society uses as its headquarters, where cul- tiny. At this time, I have not many details tural lectures and celebrations are hosted. about how he made to Aleppo (Syria). speed up breakthroughs and treatments to Madam Speaker, for the last hundred years, Someday, I shall sit down to write many fight diseases that affect children. the Society’s members have been able to other events regarding his brothers and his This investment in research is an important maintain their heritage and devotion to mother whom survived this genocide and step in speeding up the development of thera- Greece, while at the same time dedicating how my Dad was able to meet them again in pies to combat devastating diseases in chil- themselves to their home in the United States. Lebanon. His older sister was forcefully dren. I am proud to support this legislation. taken away by a Turkish soldier. f I look forward to seeing the Society of I also have some recollections told to me Kastorians ‘‘OMONOIA’’ of New York’s future by my mother’s side whose family was also HONORING FRE´ DE´ RIC CHOPIN’S efforts in improving the lives of not only exiled from the town of Konia. 200TH BIRTHDAY Greek-Americans, but also all Americans, for On my mother’s side, the story is different. many more years to come. Her father (Sarkis) was a merchant. Sarkis HON. MIKE QUIGLEY I ask that my colleagues in the House of owned some wealth. He converted his assets into gold coins. But he did not make the OF ILLINOIS Representatives join me, and rise in recogni- exile with his family made of 3 girls, one boy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion of the Society of Kastorians, its President, and his wife (my grand-mother). Sarkis was Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Dr. Elias Panides, its Vice President, Vasili E. taken away one morning and never came Zisis, and all its members, on their centennial back. The gold coins were hidden inside un- Mr. QUIGLEY. Madam Speaker, I rise today anniversary. derwear of the women. A local Turk helped to honor the 200th anniverary of the birth of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.104 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1823 the composer and pianist, Fre´de´ric Chopin, Ryan Jankowski, Luke Scharich, Jordan HONORING GEORGIE O’CONNOR and recognize the influence his music has had Stainforth, Tyler Palm, Jake Warren, A.J. on the world. Rubio, and A.J. McInnis. The team was HON. LOIS CAPPS ´ ´ Frederic Chopin was born in 1810 in the coached by Howard Miller, and Matt OF CALIFORNIA Napoleonic Duchy of Warsaw to a French fa- Jankowski. Mark Krzysiak serves as team IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ther and Polish mother. He was a child prod- Manager. During their World Series run, Grant igy in both playing and composing on the Bridgewater and Brandon Vittitow were named Wednesday, September 29, 2010 piano. In the following years Chopin moved to to the All Tournament Team. A.J. McGinnis Mrs. CAPPS. Madam Speaker, I rise today Paris after the Polish Uprising of 1830. There, was named to the All Defensive Team as a to honor my constituent Georgie O’Connor he supported himself by teaching piano and pitcher. from San Luis Obispo County. an occasional public performance. In 1837 he Madam Speaker, we are very proud of the Georgie is retiring from the Lucia Mar Uni- became involved with the French novelist team members, their manager and coaches fied School District, after having served since Amantine Dupin, better known under her and congratulate them on earning this title. its formation in 1965. Her almost 50 years of pseudonym, George Sand. Unfortunately, for They are a credit to their families, and their service on the school board is a California most of his life the artist suffered from a vari- communities, and they are a testament to dis- State record for the longest-serving school ety of maladies and died at the young age of cipline, dedication and perseverance. We wish board member, as confirmed by the California 39. them the best as they continue to pursue their School Boards Association. Because of the strong Polish influence of goals and in their future endeavors. Georgie is a local treasure who has dedi- his parents, Chopin never learned to fluently cated her career to ensuring high standards speak French. As such, much of his music re- f and a quality education for the young people tains influences of Polish culture; his Revolu- in San Luis Obispo County. ´ tionary Etude is interpreted as the story of the URGING HUMAN RIGHTS AND Over her tenure, Georgie has watched mul- Polish Revolution—because of which he fled DEMOCRACY IN KAZAKHSTAN tiple generations of students make their way his homeland. While France and Poland both through and graduate from Lucia Mar, includ- influenced the artist, he credits Bach and Mo- ing many current teachers and administrators. zart as the main forces that shaped his music. HON. ALAN B. MOLLOHAN Through it all, she has never lost sight of the While Chopin saw many of his contem- invaluable importance of a rigorous education poraries as lacking, he associated himself with OF WEST VIRGINIA for our nation’s young people. many romantic artists, including many writers IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES She is a true public servant, and it gives me and painters. Under the direction of Bach and great pleasure on behalf of the Lucia Mar Uni- Mozart, Chopin’s music is regarded as the Wednesday, September 29, 2010 fied School District Community to thank her for epitome of the Romantic Style. Chopin pre- Mr. MOLLOHAN. Madam Speaker, I rise her dedicated service today. I wish her much ferred his music to remain unnamed except for today to alert my colleagues to some growing rest and relaxation in her well-deserved retire- the genre and number, as he wanted the lis- concerns in Kazakhstan. ment! tener to create their own associations. He is Thank you and I yield back. As an ex-Soviet republic, Kazakhstan has for these reasons regarded as one of the f greatest composers and pianists who has ever made great strides in the past several dec- lived. ades. In fact, it was just 1991 when RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join Kazakhstan became the last of the Soviet re- WILLIAM H. MOBLEY IV me in honoring Fre´de´ric Chopin for his vast publics to declare its independence. Today, contributions and lasting effect on the world of Kazakhstan serves as the Chair of the 56 HON. JACK KINGSTON classical music. We would be joining much of member-nation Organization for Security and OF GEORGIA the world in celebrating, as festivals in honor Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Chopin have occurred in places such as While I commend Kazakhstan for the Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Warsaw, Paris, and my hometown Chicago. progress it has made over the past several For 200 years, he has been renowned as a decades toward becoming a more democratic Mr. KINGSTON. Madam Speaker, I rise talented composer and will continue to be re- nation, I am increasingly concerned about on- today to recognize the life of an outstanding garded as such for future generations. going allegations of corruption, human rights individual, William H. Mobley IV, who passed f abuses, human trafficking, religious persecu- away on May 23, 2010. tion, election tampering and suppression of For 35 years, Mr. Mobley worked as a Prin- RECOGNIZING THE SAGINAW VAL- free speech within the nation. In recent years, cipal Evaluations Officer and curator at the Li- LEY BABE RUTH 13–15 ALL-STAR I have seen reports indicating that brary of Congress. While his position was a TEAM Kazakhstan’s governmental system lacks the source of enjoyment and intellectual fulfillment basic rights of democracy—elections are often to him personally, it also served as an outlet HON. DALE E. KILDEE fraught with fraud; political opposition is sup- for him to provide a love of history and books OF MICHIGAN pressed; few independent media outlets exist; to others. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and respect for human rights, religious free- Throughout his time with the Library of Con- dom, and freedom of speech is questionable. gress, Mr. Mobley encouraged the donation of Wednesday, September 29, 2010 thousands of books to local communities and Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, I rise today The United States has sought a mutually libraries, and he had a special interest in pro- along with my colleague from Michigan, DAVE beneficial relationship with Kazakhstan and viding resources to his home city of Valdosta, CAMP, to honor the Saginaw Valley Babe Ruth provides aid to Kazakhstan to enhance eco- Georgia. Appointed by Valdosta State Univer- 13–15 All-Star Team as the National Runners- nomic growth, democracy, security and - sity to select and send books through the Li- up at the Babe Ruth World Series. The Sagi- manitarian needs. We understand, because of brary of Congress, Mr. Mobley spent years of naw Valley team was crowned this title on Au- Kazakhstan’s centralized location between Eu- his life shipping reading materials to Georgia, gust 25th in Monticello, Arkansas. rope and Asia, that it is in a unique position evidence of his willingness to make enormous Hailing from across Mid-Michigan, the Sagi- to help bridge East and West. However, I am personal sacrifices for the benefit of others. naw Valley Babe Ruth 13–15 All-Stars com- concerned that the current U.S.-Kazakhstan Valdosta State University recently found that pleted the year with a 16–3 record including relationship could be compromised and I think the total cost of the books donated by Mr. the Michigan State Championship and the it is time we critically evaluate these very seri- Mobley to the VSU library added up to more Ohio Valley Regional Championship. They ous allegations. than $750,000 over the years. To show their played against teams from across the Midwest I applaud the work of the Helsinki Commis- immense appreciation, VSU established The and East Coast to earn their spot at the World sion under the current leadership of Senator Bill Mobley Memorial Library Fund in Valdosta, Series tournament playing against 11 teams BEN CARDIN, and previously, Congressman Georgia. from across the United States. ALCEE HASTINGS for their ongoing commitment On a personal level, Mr. Mobley was con- The players are: Connor Foley, Grant to bringing these matters to light and I would stantly seeking ways to make knowledge more Bridgewater, Grant Miller, Sam Brooks, Zach urge my colleagues to take the time to look accessible. He promoted a love of reading Olszewski, Brandon Vittitow, Chase Krager, into this issue. among his friends and family, concentrating on

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.106 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 historical accounts and always finding a way sacrifice and generosity, values which mani- nearly 3 years of service Jim completed Offi- to keep the content interesting. Among those fested themselves at an early age when Mr. cer’s Candidate School and tours of duty at who knew him best, Mr. Mobley’s kindness Goldhardt joined the United States Coast Fort Benning, Georgia and in DaNang, South and patience were two qualities that stood out Guard. Mr. Goldhardt spent six years patrol- Vietnam where he received the Bronze Star. most, and he used these strengths to educate ling America’s water and ensuring the safety Returning to civilian life, Jim again pursued his children and introduce them to the value of and security of our citizens. Master’s Degree at the University of Michigan knowledge—including his own 33 nieces and Mr. Goldhardt’s time in the Coast Guard sig- successfully completing those requirements to nephews. naled the beginning of his life-long commit- graduate in 1972. I commend William H. Mobley for his com- ment to public service. Mr. Goldhardt was a Throughout the 1970s James Anulewicz mitment to knowledge through education, his member of various organizations, including the was employed by Norman L. Dietrich Associ- constant support of those around him, and his Masonic Lodge, the Columbus Garden Rail- ates where his primary work involved the plan- invaluable service to the people of Georgia. way Society, Men’s Auxiliary V.F.W., the ning tasks for both the Township of Plymouth f American Legion, the Franklin County Board and the City of Flat Rock. In 1978, Jim was of Zoning Appeals, and the Ohio Township given full managerial responsibility for Norman COMMEMORATING THE 100TH ANNI- Association in addition to putting in 22 years L. Dietrich Associates. VERSARY OF TAIWAN’S NA- as a faithful employee at National City Bank James Anulewicz began a long tenure with TIONAL DAY and James Lang LaSalle. Mr. Goldhardt also the Charter Township of Plymouth in 1984 served four terms as a Pleasant Hill township when he was hired as the Planning Director. HON. DON YOUNG trustee during which he more than doubled the He also established his own consulting firm, OF ALASKA township’s Fire Department and fought hard to James D. Anulewicz Associates. Jim proved to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES protect Darbydale citizens from the environ- be invaluable, working closely with the Town- ship Supervisor related not only to planning Wednesday, September 29, 2010 mental and health threats posed by untreated raw sewage in the area. but in other areas as well. Mr. Anulewicz Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Madam Speaker, I Mr. Goldhardt’s stellar reputation also be- served as a planning consultant for the City of would like to extend my congratulations to the speaks of putting himself before others and Flat Rock and remains as a planning consult- people of the Republic of China (Taiwan) as untiring community activism. Mr. Goldhardt ant to Frenchtown Township near Monroe. they mark their National Day this October 10. truly cared about the town he grew up in and In 1989, James Anulewicz became the Di- Taiwan is our important ally in the Asia Pacific the people he had known all of his life. He rector of Public Services for Plymouth Town- region and a key trading partner with Alaska. regularly volunteered at the Georgesville Fish ship overseeing the Departments of Public Due to the hard work of Taiwan’s president, Fry and Harrisburg Homecoming. His passion Works, Parks, Planning, and Engineering as Dr. Ma Ying-jeou, the relationship between the for Ohio State Football was legendary, as was well as Solid Waste and Recycling. Jim was U.S. and Taiwan remains strong. I hope that his ‘‘Buckeye Porch,’’ where he would sit to named Community Administrator of the Year these relations will continue to flourish as watch the games every Saturday in the fall. by the Michigan Society of Planning Officials trade, educational and cultural exchanges, se- Anyone in Pleasant View knew they could call in 1994. curity cooperation, and Taiwan’s participation Mr. Goldhardt at any time of day or night and James Anulewicz is a member of the Amer- in international organizations increases. he would be ready and willing to solve the ican Planning Association, the American Soci- I would also like to recognize President Ma, caller’s problem. ety of Landscape Architects and the Michigan who, in the last two years, has significantly im- Most importantly, Mr. Goldhardt was a de- Chapter of Landscape Architects. He has proved the relations between Taiwan and voted family man. He left behind a loving wife, served as the 1st Vice President of the Fall Mainland China. There has been a consider- Patty, two sons, Scott and Martin, and a Festival Committee and is a Past President of able reduction of tension across the Taiwan daughter, Mendy, as well as three grand- the Kiwanis Club of Colonial Plymouth. Strait and there have been productive talks children, Samantha, Scott and Nathan. I am Madam Speaker, since 1984 James between the two sides on a number of impor- proud to join his family members in remem- Anulewicz has faithfully served the citizens of tant issues, including the signing of the Eco- bering and honoring Mr. Goldhardt, who was Plymouth Township. As he enters the next nomic Cooperation Framework Agreement on an inspiration and a beloved family member. phase of his life, he leaves behind a legacy of June 29 this year. f dedication, integrity, and excellence. Today, I In celebrating Taiwan’s National Day, I hope ask my colleagues to join me in congratulating that Taiwan will continue to have a strong re- HONORING JAMES ANULEWICZ Plymouth Township Director of Public Services lationship with United States, China and the James Anulewicz upon his retirement and rec- rest of the global economy. HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER ognizing his years of loyal service to our com- f OF MICHIGAN munity and country. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RECOGNITION OF KEITH f GOLDHARDT Wednesday, September 29, 2010 MAKE IT IN AMERICA AGENDA Mr. MCCOTTER. Madam Speaker, today I HON. MARY JO KILROY rise to honor and acknowledge Director of HON. NICK J. RAHALL II OF OHIO Public Services James Anulewicz upon his re- OF WEST VIRGINIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tirement after having served the Charter IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Township of Plymouth since 1984. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 While working toward a Bachelor of Science Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Ms. KILROY. Madam Speaker, I rise today degree at Michigan State University, James Mr. RAHALL. Madam Speaker, the spark to honor Keith Goldhardt for his unwavering Anulewicz spent the summers of 1965 and that long ignited our national economic engine commitment to his family, country and neigh- 1966 working as a student intern at Caro has been the imagination, hard work and de- borhood. Mr. Goldhardt passed away on Sep- State Hospital where his reports, plans and termination of Americans and American manu- tember 22, 2010, but left a lasting legacy for recommendations led to numerous changes, facturing. They are the creators of our Nation’s the many people whose lives he touched. Mr. alterations and new construction on the hos- economic strength, leadership and freedom. Goldhardt’s lifelong dedication to serving oth- pital grounds. Jim graduated from Michigan American Manufacturing has long been the ers is evidenced by his participation in numer- State in 1967 and entered the graduate pro- pride of our Nation, the foundation of our eco- ous community organizations, his tenure in the gram in Landscape Architecture at the Univer- nomic infrastructure and the core of our mili- U.S. Coast Guard, and his loving family. Mr. sity of Michigan. During the summers of 1967 tary might. It has been the driving force sup- Goldhardt was a stellar example of what every and 1968, he also became a student intern porting generations of Americans in pursuit of American should strive to be, an active and with the Huron Clinton Metropolitan Authority the American dream to build a better life for enthusiastic member of the community. where he was solely responsible for the anal- ourselves, our children and our grandchildren. Mr. Goldhardt spent his entire life in Ohio. ysis of the Clinton River basin to determine its Today, U.S. manufacturing directly employs He was born in Columbus and graduated from acceptability for a regional park. 14 million Americans and creates 8 million Pleasant View High School and Southern Ohio Prior to the completion of his program at the more jobs in other sectors. And, American College. Growing up in a tight knit community University of Michigan, James Anulewicz was manufacturing workers are the most produc- instilled in Mr. Goldhardt the values of self- drafted into the United States Army. During his tive workers in the world—twice as productive

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.110 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1825 as workers in the next 10 leading manufac- RECOGNIZING THE 99TH ANNIVER- many community endeavors. Some of the turing economies—contributing nearly 12 per- SARY OF TEN TEN DAY FOR THE Post’s many community activities include giv- cent to our gross domestic product. PEOPLE OF TAIWAN ing assistance to the Reisterstown Recreation When we support American manufacturing, Council, awarding scholarships to students at we not only help the bottom line, we support HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO Franklin High School, participating in the the American worker, and we create more OF GUAM American Legion Boys State and the Auxil- American jobs. Equally as important is our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES iary’s Girls State programs, as well as taking part in the American Legion Oratorical Contest ability to support our national defense and to Wednesday, September 29, 2010 sustain American infrastructure with American for high school students. In addition, the Post products. Ms. BORDALLO. Madam Speaker, I rise compiled a list of all known local veterans and today to recognize the 99th anniversary of We must go headlong into the fight to de- donated this to the Baltimore County Library. ‘‘Ten Ten Day’’ for the people of Taiwan. Ten fend our Nation’s economic and military secu- The Reisterstown American Legion Post Ten Day traces its roots to the Wuchang Up- rity. We must rebuild our ailing industries and 116 has contributed time and treasure to help rising that occurred on October 10, 1911, and many charitable organizations including, the invest in our 21st century workforce. that signaled the end of the Qing Dynasty and Maryland Special Olympics, the Epilepsy There is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but the start of a democratic movement that we Foundation, the United Cerebral Palsy Asso- we know the rules of supply and demand. We continue to celebrate today. ciation, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, must tackle the issues head-on and fight tooth Ten Ten Day is a celebration of the end of and organizations combating Multiple Scle- and nail to preserve American manufacturing tyranny for the Chinese people and the birth of rosis. and uphold every opportunity for Americans to democracy. It is significant to all freedom lov- In 2010, the Reisterstown American Legion have good paying jobs. ing people throughout the world. Post 116 was the winner of the Outstanding We are taking steps to right this ship and I want to especially recognize the people of Newsletter Award, produced by editor and return America to a place of strength in manu- Taiwan on this most important occasion. Tai- Past Post Commander Doug Lawrence. I facturing. Four ‘‘Make It in America’’ bills have wan has much to celebrate and it is a thriving would also like to congratulate the Post Offi- already been signed into law to: economic force in Asia, due to its visionary cers for the 2010–2011 term as they celebrate Close tax loopholes that encourage compa- leadership. I met with President Ma Ying-jeou the 75th Anniversary: nies to ship jobs overseas. and I commend his efforts to promote trade Commander Glenn ‘‘Thumper’’ Krout Make it cheaper for U.S. companies to get and improve relations between Taiwan and 1st Vice Commander Diane Hackney the materials they need to manufacture goods. China. Guam is home to many people of Chi- 2nd Vice Commander Bill Finch Speed innovation by breaking the backlog of nese and Taiwanese ancestry and our island Adjutant Len Gmeiner, Past Post Com- patents waiting for approval. mander continues to benefit from their cultural con- Finance Officer Maurice ‘‘Moe’’ Morton, Past Unleash small business lending with $12 bil- tributions to our community and the promotion Detachment Commander, Sons of the lion in small business tax cuts and new tools of trade and economic opportunities. American Legion to help American small businesses export I congratulate the people of Taiwan on the Sergeant at Arms Keith Hughes, Past Post goods and compete abroad. 99th anniversary of Ten Ten Day. We cele- Commander The Made in America legislation has the po- brate this historic occasion with them and we Chaplain Bill Finch tential to assist manufacturing businesses honor their friendship with the American peo- Judge Advocate Mark H. Olanoff throughout southern West Virginia. In my con- ple. We wish them many years of future pros- Service Officer Diane Hackney gressional district, we have nearly 13,000 peo- perity and we thank them for their friendship. Historian Keith Hughes, Past Post Com- mander ple employed in manufacturing at 208 facili- f ties. In 2009, the average U.S. manufacturing Madam Speaker, I strongly commend the worker earned $70,666 annually, while the 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE Reisterstown American Legion Post 116 as they celebrate their 75th Anniversary on No- non-manufacturing worker earned $57,993 an- AMERICAN LEGION, POST 116 vember 6, 2010. nually. A poll for the Alliance for American Manu- HON. JOHN P. SARBANES f facturing showed large majorities believe man- OF MARYLAND GRANTING CONGRESSIONAL GOLD ufacturing is the most important industry for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MEDAL TO JAPANESE AMERICAN our economy and national security, and sup- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 BATTALION port action to revive it. Two-thirds of Demo- Mr. SARBANES. Madam Speaker, I rise SPEECH OF crats, Republicans and Independents reject today to recognize the 75th anniversary of the the view that ‘‘high-tech’’ and ‘‘services’’ indus- American Legion, Post 116, located in my dis- HON. MICHAEL M. HONDA tries can replace manufacturing in a strong trict in Reisterstown, Maryland. The American OF CALIFORNIA U.S. economy. And, more than 75-percent of Legion is the largest wartime veterans’ service IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Americans support a national manufacturing organization in Maryland with 147 active Le- Thursday, September 23, 2010 strategy to make sure that economic, tax, gion Posts serving virtually every community Mr. HONDA. Madam Speaker, I rise today labor and trade policies work together to help throughout the state. in support of S. 1055, a bill to grant the Con- support manufacturing in the U.S. The Reisterstown American Legion Post gressional Gold Medal, collectively, to the Although the economy and the job market 116 was formed in 1935 by a group of 13 100th Infantry Battalion and the 442nd Regi- are on the way to recovery, America’s manu- charter members. The original members met mental Combat Team, United States Army, in facturing continues to face challenges. A help- at each others’ homes, the local Masonic recognition of their dedicated service during ing hand is needed to level the playing field Temple and the firehouse to conduct the against foreign competition. World War II. American Legion business before finding a The United States will forever be indebted I support H.R. 2378, The Currency Reform permanent location at the Garrison Forest to the Japanese Americans soldiers of the for Fair Trade Act, to help American manufac- School in Owings Mills. In the early fifties, the 100th Infantry Battalion and the 442nd Regi- turers fight back when it’s clear that countries Post was able to purchase their first home on mental Combat Team, United States Army, for like China are using unfair trade practices, like Route 140 in Reisterstown, giving members their bravery, valor, and dedication to the undervaluing and manipulating its currency in their own facility for conducting Legion busi- country. foreign exchange markets. This is an ness. The Post remained there until 1986 Though many of their families were unjustly exploitive export subsidy used to gain an un- when construction of Interstate 795 forced re- incarcerated in internment camps after the at- fair advantage over U.S.-made goods in the location to the present site about two miles tack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans global marketplace. from the first Post Home. The present location still fought to prove their loyalty to the United Building a future for America’s next genera- houses nearly 400 members and includes a States of America. More than 20,000 Japa- tion stands on the shoulders of all of us. We Sons of the American Legion Squadron of nese Americans enlisted in the U.S. Army, ap- must work together as Americans to invest in about 75 members, an American Legion Auxil- proximately 14,000 of whom served in the our country’s long term future and create high- iary of about 100 members and an active Le- 100th Infantry Battalion and the 442nd Regi- paying jobs. ‘‘American-Made’’ is far more gion Riders organization. mental Combat Team. The Japanese Amer- than a label it is the key to our long term eco- Over the years, the Reisterstown American ican 442nd Regimental Combat Team, includ- nomic prosperity. Legion Post 116 family has been active in ing the 100th Infantry Battalion, became the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.114 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1826 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 most decorated unit for its size and length of moved to Pasadena, California. Dick was a service, sacrifice, and uncommon acts of her- service in American military history. Among student in the Pasadena school system and oism. They make each of us so very proud. their numerous awards, the Japanese Amer- upon graduation, served honorably in the Aristotle said, ‘‘Men acquire a particular ican soldiers of World War II earned 21 Med- . quality by constantly acting a particular way als of Honor, 52 Distinguished Service After his service in the Air Force, Dick . . . you become just, by performing just ac- Crosses, 559 Silver Stars, 4,000 bronze stars, earned his college degree from Woodbury tions . . . brave by performing brave actions.’’ nine (9) Presidential Unit Citations, and 9,486 Business School in Los Angeles. He began The American people owe an enormous Purple Hearts. The 442nd saw the highest working for Union Oil and later moved his debt of gratitude to our 362,192 men and percent of casualties of any unit in the Army, young family to Riverside acquiring what even- women members of the National Guard in earning it the nickname ‘‘Purple Heart Bat- tually became Empire Oil Company. service to these great United States. These talion.’’ During his active life in Riverside, Dick, extraordinary individuals maintain the Guard’s Nisei men fought for the U.S. and its allies along with building Empire Oil into a major pe- multi-mission role—providing nearly 33 per- across Europe in many key battles. The 442nd troleum and chemical distributor, devoted his cent of America’s combat power globally. Yet, waged eight major campaigns in France, Ger- time and resources to a number of commu- simultaneously and with great skill, from ap- many, and Italy. Most notably, the 442nd led nity-based charitable organizations. He also proximately 3,400 community-based armories a heroic drive into enemy lines to free the sur- was active in Republican politics and various they serve their fellow citizens in defense of viving 211 members of a Texas unit who were local sports programs. Dick was known for his our homeland, and in support to states and trapped by the Germans in the rescue of the generosity to many charitable organizations local civil authorities and emergency response Lost Battalion. The governor of Texas would and those who know him remember his sense needs. later name them ‘‘Honorary Texans’’ for their of humor. For decades there has been a significant actions. Additionally, the Japanese American Mr. Alden is survived by his son Eric Alden evolution in the missions and capabilities of soldiers liberated towns such as Bruyeres, of Huntington Beach and wife Martha; Daugh- the National Guard. As Major General Allen E. Tackett, the Adjutant General of the West Vir- Biffontaine, and Belvedere. They also freed ter Michelle Fisher of Aliso Viejo; Daughter-in- ginia National Guard so appropriately states, Holocaust victims from one of the Dachau law Ann Alden of Riverside; five grandchildren ‘‘Not since World War II has the Guard been concentration camps in Germany. and two great grandchildren. Also surviving so vital to the overseas mission and not since Japanese Americans also served with great are Dick’s sister Barbara Meza of San the founding of our Nation has the Guard distinction in the Pacific Theater in the U.S. Clemente and a brother Gayle Alden of Au- been so vital to the defense of our homeland.’’ Army’s Military Intelligence Service, MIS. burn, Washington. Dick was preceded in death Madam Speaker, for 34 years I have been Through their command of the Japanese lan- by his son Scott, who played an important role privileged to represent the people of southern guage, they greatly facilitated Allied war efforts in the building of Empire Oil, and by his grand- West Virginia, and it is with humble sincerity I and the MIS is credited with shortening the daughter Jennifer Stevens. Dick was espe- say, our West Virginia National Guard is a war in the Pacific by at least two years. cially impacted by the death of his son and model example of the training, commitment to As a Japanese American who spent part of granddaughter, two individuals that were re- excellence and professional dedication to my childhood in Amache internment camp in markable in their own right. Dick will be buried America’s defense. Colorado, I am humbled by the perseverance in Olivewood Memorial Park, the same ceme- From the home front to the front lines, we of these Nisei soldiers through the difficult tery where Scott and Jennifer were laid to call upon our National Guard to fulfill missions struggle against racial prejudices and discrimi- rest. of public safety and security on and between nation that they endured both during and after On October 2, 2010, a memorial service our borders here at home, and send them to the war. Having valiantly fought to liberate the celebrating Dick’s extraordinary life will be foreign lands to combat terrorism abroad. world from tyranny and oppression while their held at the Salvation Army Chapel in River- They are among the first called to aid in a do- own families were imprisoned back home, the side. Dick will always be remembered for his mestic disaster and have often times been the 100th Infantry Battalion, the 442nd Regimental incredible work ethic, generosity, love of fam- last to leave a battlefield. Combat Team, and the Military Intelligence ily, and sense of humor. His dedication to his This year the National Guard marks its Service are true American heroes. The unre- family and community, especially the Salvation 374th birthday. Formed as colonial militias, the lenting patriotism of these veterans, now in Army, are a testament to a life lived well and new colonies in North America depended their late 80s and early 90s, paved the way for a legacy that will continue. I extend my condo- upon the Guard to protect fellow citizens from reconciliation and redress, and the full racial lences to Dick’s family and friends; although Indian attack, foreign invaders, and later to integration of the Armed Forces thereafter. Dick may be gone, the light and goodness he help achieve our independence. Recognizing Once again, Madam Speaker, I ask my col- brought to the world remain and will never be the militia’s role for the newly formed United leagues to join me in supporting S. 1055 to forgotten. States, the Framers of the Constitution em- grant the congressional gold medal, collec- f powered Congress to provide for training and tively, to the 100th Infantry Battalion and the equipping the militias. 442nd Regimental Combat Team, in recogni- GUARDIANS OF FREEDOM ACT OF Since founding and through an historic jour- tion of their patriotism and dedicated service 2010 ney of ‘‘call outs’’ and stand out missions— during World War II. from the bayou communities ravaged by Hurri- f HON. NICK J. RAHALL II cane Katrina to the frontiers of freedom during OF WEST VIRGINIA the Cold War, our National Guard has seen its TRIBUTE TO RICHARD SCOTT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Federal mission change. ALDEN Our National Guard has a duty and commit- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ment to the citizens and communities of the HON. KEN CALVERT Mr. RAHALL. Madam Speaker, today, I rise states in which these soldiers call ‘‘family’’ and OF CALIFORNIA on behalf of all of America’s National Guard ‘‘home.’’ It is a military service tradition that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and proudly introduce the Guardians of Free- has been challenged by long-term and mul- dom Act of 2010—a bill to elevate the Chief of tiple deployments to front lines in two active Wednesday, September 29, 2010 the National Guard Bureau to a position on theaters, and in support of missions in all cor- Mr. CALVERT. Madam Speaker, Riverside the . ners of the globe as directed by our Nation’s has been fortunate to have dynamic and dedi- The National Guard is one of our nation’s Commander in Chief. cated community leaders who willingly and un- longest standing institutions, empowered by Therefore, it is not only our duty it is an ab- selfishly give their time and talent and make Congress and providing to the states a highly solute necessity, that Congress take action to their communities a better place to live and trained and well equipped force to protect life elevate the Chief of the National Guard Bu- work. I rise today to recognize and honor one and property. reau to a position on the Joint Chiefs of Staff of those individuals: Richard ‘‘Dick’’ Scott Over the course of its nearly four hundred to serve as an advocate and liaison for the Alden. Dick passed away at his home on Mon- year history, the National Guard has remained National Guard of each State to inform of all day, September 20, 2010. He will be deeply a dual state-Federal force, providing security actions that could affect their Federal or State missed. on the home front and fighting threats to our missions. Dick Alden was born July 27, 1931, in Nation and our freedoms all over the globe. In a Nation such as ours, it is a stunning re- Hibbing, Minnesota and is the son of Alvin and Our National Guardsmen are true American ality that today we ask our brothers and sis- Verne Alden. As a young man his family patriots. Theirs is a proud story of tradition, ters, husbands, and wives to serve around the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.117 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1827 globe to preserve democracy and promote school’s arrival. During World War II, Athens In addition to his dedicated work with drug freedom. But in our country, where every was home to one of only five naval preflight and alcohol addiction support services, Mr. voice counts, our Nation’s active duty leader- schools in the nation. For the past 57 years, Vergnetti has generously donated his time to ship excludes the voice of the Chief of the Na- the residents of Athens-Clarke County have numerous community and public service orga- tional Guard Bureau. enjoyed a wonderful relationship with NSCS. nizations throughout Northeastern Pennsyl- Congress must ensure the National Guard They have also benefitted from the quality of vania. has appropriate input during the planning and students who studied there and retired officers He has served on the Board of Directors of budgetary process within the Department of who have settled in the Athens area. Since the American Cancer Society Ball of Hope, the Defense, and end the challenge to live with 1954, NSCS has launched more than 89,000 Northeast Theater Group, the Arts and Cul- ‘‘after-the-fact’’ process, as is now the case. officers into successful careers, and on Octo- tural Commission of Lackawanna County, the As a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ber 29, 2010, approximately 81 more officers Lackawanna County Council on Transpor- the Chief of the National Guard Bureau would will graduate, the final class to complete their tation, and the Lackawanna County Council on have responsibility and authority to advocate studies in Athens. This storied institution has Economic Development. and coordinate the Guard’s warfighting sup- remained in ‘‘The Classic City’’ longer than Mr. Vergnetti currently resides in Scranton. port and force provider mission with its home- any other location, making Athens truly the He has nine children, fifteen grandchildren, land security and support missions to ensure ‘‘Cradle of the Supply Corps.’’ and three great-grandchildren. the Guard has the resources to perform its As the Navy Supply Corps School prepares Madam Speaker, please join me in recog- multiple missions and fulfill its Constitutional to set sail for a new facility in Newport, Rhode nizing Mr. Leo P. Vergnetti as the Columbus role to our states. Island, the Athens campus will continue in its Day Association of Lackawanna County’s Man Creating a Veterans’ preference in the heritage of higher learning by serving as home of the Year. Throughout his career he has Transportation sector is very simple. It seeks to the University of Georgia and Georgia been dedicated to improving the quality of life to give America’s veterans an opportunity ad- Health Sciences University’s new medical in Northeastern Pennsylvania. vantage in the contracting process for their school. f service to our country—a means to attach im- Madam Speaker, I honor the Navy Supply HONORING MRS. MARIE BOUCHER portance and to acknowledge our fellow Amer- Corps School for the tremendous service it icans who have put their life on the line to pre- has provided, not only to the community, but serve our way of life. for the entire nation. I applaud the exceptional HON. MICHAEL H. MICHAUD Madam Speaker, from the battlefield to the partnership that has existed over the last 57 OF MAINE home fields, our National Guard—America’s years among the Navy school and Athens- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES patriots—exemplifies sacrifice and commit- Clarke County, Georgia. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ment to duty. f Mr. MICHAUD. Madam Speaker, I rise I urge my colleagues to vote for Guardians CONGRATULATING LEO P. today to recognize the accomplishments of for Freedom Act of 2010—so that we may re- Marie Boucher and to celebrate her 101st spectfully and gratefully fulfill our duty to sup- VERGNETTI ON BEING RECOG- NIZED BY THE COLUMBUS DAY birthday. port the original intent of our Constitution for Marie moved to Greenville, Maine with her each state to maintain an organized militia ASSOCIATION OF LACKAWANNA COUNTY AS MAN OF THE YEAR husband Auguste Boucher in 1951, and she with integrity—and, effectively support and ac- has been the oldest citizen of Greenville since knowledge the great sacrifice so many will- 2006. She is a proud mother and grandmother ingly make for all of us. HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI with eight children, twenty-eight grandchildren, f OF PENNSYLVANIA fifty-one great-grandchildren and nine great- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRIBUTE TO ATHENS-CLARKE great-grandchildren. COUNTY, GA AND THE NAVY Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Marie is well known throughout Greenville for her gracious hospitality and prowess in the SUPPLY CORPS SCHOOL Mr. KANJORSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise kitchen. She not only cooked for her large today to ask you and my esteemed colleagues family, but also made sure the woodsmen who in the House of Representatives to pay tribute HON. PAUL C. BROUN worked with her husband were well fed after to Mr. Leo P. Vergnetti, this year’s recipient of OF GEORGIA their long days in the Maine woods. For sev- the Columbus Day Association of Lackawanna IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eral years, she took her cooking skills to the County’s ‘‘Man of the Year’’ award. kitchen at the Log Cabin Restaurant, and Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Mr. Vergnetti will be honored at the Colum- Marie has remained active in her community Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Madam Speaker, I bus Day Association of Lackawanna County’s throughout her life as a long time parishioner rise today to pay tribute to the exceptional 102nd annual banquet in Dickson City, Penn- of Holy Family Church. partnership that has thrived for 57 years be- sylvania on October 10, 2010. As an exemplary member of the Greenville tween the community of Athens-Clarke Coun- Mr. Vergnetti is a native of Scranton, Penn- community, Marie is an asset not only for her ty, Georgia, and the Navy Supply Corps sylvania. He is the son of Anthony and town but also her state, and she celebrates School (NSCS). Angeline Vergnetti. her birthday surrounded by family and friends. For more than half a century, America’s Since 1972 he has owned and operated Madam Speaker, please join me in honoring Supply Corps officers have viewed Athens as LPV Enterprises, Inc., the sole food and bev- Marie Boucher for her contributions and in the birthplace of their careers. Before the erage vendor in the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton celebrating her birthday. school cast anchor in the southern college International Airport. town of Athens, the institution resided in nu- Since 1994, Mr. Vergnetti has been Presi- f merous locations, including Washington, D.C., dent of Vergnetti Consulting, Inc. He is also an BIRTH DEFECT PREVENTION, RISK Philadelphia, and Harvard University. agent with Northeast Insurance and Financial REDUCTION, AND AWARENESS ACT On June 4, 1953, the United States Navy Consultants. purchased 58 acres of land in the Oglethorpe Throughout this career, Mr. Vergnetti has HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO Historic District of Athens. The beautiful prop- been dedicated to helping individuals suffering OF CONNECTICUT erty held a rich history of education. Dating from drug and alcohol abuse and addiction. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES back to the 1860’s, the property served as Since 1994 he has served as an Aftercare Co- campus to Georgia University High School, ordinator and Counselor at Clear Brook, Inc., Wednesday, September 29, 2010 the Confederate Military School, the School for helping to organize intervention services and Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, one out of Disabled Confederate Veterans, the University support groups with schools, churches and every 33 babies born in our country suffers of Georgia’s College of Agriculture and Me- other community organizations. from a birth defect, and one out of every five chanical Arts, the State Normal School, and He also serves as a liaison with the Lacka- infant deaths in America is the result of a de- Coordinate College. Its legacy of education wanna County Treatment Court, and has fect. Even those children who survive a defect continued with the commissioning of the Navy served on the Medical and Legal Advisory grow up with a greater chance of illness and Supply Corps School on January 15, 1954. Board of the Pennsylvania Drug and Alcohol long-term disability. Perhaps most tragic of all, The Athens community had established a Commission for the Pennsylvania Attorney there are many times when these defects rapport with the U.S. Navy prior to the General’s Office. could be readily prevented.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.119 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1828 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 That is why I rise in support today of H.R. and keeping the BCVC’s member organiza- CELEBRATION OF THE REPUBLIC 5462, the Birth Defect Prevention, Risk Re- tions informed so that they may act accord- OF CHINA’S NATIONAL DAY duction, and Awareness Act of 2010. This leg- ingly. Mr. Kling has been an outspoken critic islation establishes a grant program to revi- of the military’s ‘‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’’ policy talize the Nation’s network of pregnancy risk and a leading voice in the fight for its repeal. HON. MARIO DIAZ-BALART information services. Additionally, Mr. Kling has been actively work- OF FLORIDA These services offer pregnant women and ing to ensure that military families receive the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their health care providers information and same benefits as private citizens under Amer- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 consultation regarding exposures to medica- ica’s recent landmark health care reform. Mr. tions, chemicals, infections, and illnesses that Kling’s leadership will help 700,000 young Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Florida. may pose a risk of birth defects, a risk to the adults whose families are members of Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize the pregnancy, or a risk to the mother while preg- TRICARE, which covers military families, be- Republic of China as it celebrates its 99th Na- nant. They also provide similar information on come eligible for health insurance coverage. tional Day on October 10th, 2010. This festive exposures during breastfeeding. I have always valued Mr. Kling’s insights holiday, known as Double Ten Day, celebrates Fifteen years ago, there were over 30 such and advice, and I proudly salute his excep- the start of the Wuchang Uprising in 1911, services across the country. Today, there are tional service to our nation’s veterans and, in- which led to the collapse of the Qing Dynasty fewer than 15. State and private funding has deed, to all Americans. Not only is Bill Kling in China and the establishment of the Repub- provided inadequate support, and even those an American hero, Madam Speaker, he is a lic of China. that remain open have sustained budget cuts living testimony to the spirit of national service The Republic of China has become a model of as much as 60 percent. And there are cur- and a true role model. of economic and democratic success in Asia. rently no Federal programs to provide support Through the diligence and ingenuity of the Tai- for these counseling services. f wanese people, their economy continues to This bill remedies that oversight. It gives flourish and has become one of the strongest mothers the information they need to protect HONORING CRAIG ZIMPHER in the region. In the last few decades, the Re- their children. And it will help reduce the fre- public of China on Taiwan has held several quency of birth defects in our Nation. I urge HON. JOHN A. BOEHNER democratic elections and peaceful transfers of my colleagues to support it. power. The Republic of China continues to f OF OHIO serve as a shining example of a free and HONORING MR. BILL KLING FOR IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES democratic nation in Asia. HIS SERVICE TO AMERICA’S VET- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 The United States and the Republic of ERANS China remain close friends and allies through Mr. BOEHNER. Madam Speaker, I rise their mutual commitment to democratic prin- today to congratulate and recognize a fellow ciples, freedom, and entrepreneurship. Madam HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS Ohioan and diligent public servant. Craig Speaker, I would urge my colleagues to join OF FLORIDA Zimpher, a friend and native of Piqua, Ohio, is me in congratulating the Republic of China as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES retiring from Nationwide Insurance, after a dig- it celebrates the 99th National Day. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 nified career in which he served both his Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, country and the State of Ohio. f Craig began to distinguish himself as a I rise today to recognize Mr. William ‘‘Bill’’ HONORING MOLINA HEALTHCARE Kling for his continued service to America’s young man while pursuing his education at the veterans. Mr. Kling’s unwavering patriotism Ohio State University. While earning a B.A. and continued dedication to America’s heroes and M.A in history, Craig served as a resident HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ advisor in the dean of student’s office, where are to be highly commended. OF CALIFORNIA Bill Kling served in the Navy during the Sec- he helped design the honors undergraduate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ond World War. It was during his time in the residential program. To this day, he remains Navy that Mr. Kling developed an unceasing active in the Ohio State University alumni Wednesday, September 29, 2010 devotion to his fellow servicemen. For over 35 community. Upon his graduation, he served as Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. years since, Mr. Kling has served his fellow a in the United States Army; Madam Speaker, as we celebrate Hispanic veterans living in south Florida through com- and, in 1973, he continued his commitment to Heritage Month, I would like to bring attention munity service and political activism. public service by going to work as the policy to Molina Healthcare, a managed care organi- Mr. Kling currently serves as the chair of the director for the minority leader in the Ohio zation that provides healthcare services to Broward County Veterans Council (BCVC), a House of Representatives. In this role, Craig families and individuals eligible for govern- coalition of 57 organizations in Broward and advised legislative leaders on a broad range ment-sponsored programs. Palm Beach Counties that operates under a of public policy issues facing Ohio families and common plan to protect and implement bene- businesses. Subsequently, Craig served as Thirty years ago, Dr. C. Molina, an emer- fits for veterans. the deputy assistant to former Ohio Governor gency room physician, saw a need to provide Uniting behind its mission ‘‘To Serve and James Rhodes, where he coordinated policy quality healthcare for patients regardless of Unite our Veterans,’’ the BCVC has achieved research, drafted legislative proposals for their financial status. Consequently, Molina substantial benefits for our veterans under Mr. Ohio, and advised the Governor on state regu- Healthcare was started. Kling’s leadership. As an advocate for better latory matters. In 1980, he became a member Molina Healthcare is dedicated to address- health care for veterans, Mr. Kling led the of the Governor’s cabinet, serving as the ing the disparities in healthcare in order to drive to build the new state-of-the-art Broward chairman of the Ohio Industrial Commission, positively impact members’ long term health County VA Outpatient Clinic in Sunrise, FL. In where he administered the State’s insurance and well-being. In addition, Molina Healthcare addition to a successful campaign for a vet- program. is devoted to serving the community and posi- erans state nursing home located in Pembroke At the end of this year, Craig, a Vice Presi- tively impacting the neighborhoods they serve. Pines—a crucial service for veterans living in dent of Nationwide Insurance, will retire after The vision of Molina Healthcare is con- south Florida—Mr. Kling and the BCVC were nearly 30 years with the company. Craig is sistent during Hispanic Heritage Month. They also instrumental in delivering a VA hospital to well liked and respected by his colleagues. He understand the need to develop linguistically Palm Beach, FL. is happily married to Park Zimpher, and they and culturally sensitive healthcare programs Mr. Kling’s leadership has even had a na- are the proud parents of three sons, Fletch, members. I applaud Molina Healthcare, for tional impact. Mr. Kling and the BCVC are re- Peter and Nate. Craig is an avid student of reaching out to low-income children and sponsible for the implementation of the handi- history and enjoys fishing and golf, pastimes women in rural counties in Texas through the capped parking signs that are now ubiquitous he will hopefully have more time for in the Children’s Health Insurance and Prenatal in shopping malls and public areas across months and years to come. I want to thank Plan. Lastly, I congratulate Molina Healthcare, America. Craig Zimpher for his service to his country for being named the 2010 largest Hispanic- Bill Kling’s most recent service to America’s and Ohio, and I wish him good health and owned business in the United States by His- veterans has focused on national legislation Godspeed in his retirement. panic Business Magazine.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.123 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1829 HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE CONGRATULATING JOSEPH A. HONORING U.S. MARINE CORPORAL OF MR. JOE HUBBARD PAGLIANITE ON RECEIVING THE AARON HOWELL ITALIAN AMERICAN ASSOCIA- TION OF LUZERNE COUNTY’S HON. JERRY F. COSTELLO LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD HON. DUNCAN HUNTER OF ILLINOIS OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF PENNSYLVANIA Wednesday, September 29, 2010 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Mr. COSTELLO. Madam Speaker, I rise Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Mr. HUNTER. Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor a true American hero, United States today to ask my colleagues to join me in rec- Mr. KANJORSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise Marine Cpl Aaron Howell from Potsdam, New ognizing the exemplary life of Mr. Joe Hub- today to ask you and my esteemed colleagues York. On April 22, 2010, during a mortar at- bard, a tireless advocate and dedicated serv- in the House of Representatives to pay tribute tack in Afghanistan, Corporal Howell lost both ant for people in need. to Mr. Joseph A. Paglianite, this year’s recipi- his legs and most of his fingers on one hand. For 50 years in the East St. Louis commu- ent of the ‘‘Lifetime Achievement’’ award from Close to death, he somehow summoned the nity, Joe Hubbard has been the person that the Italian American Association of Luzerne will to live. His life and his experiences are an people turn to when they have nowhere else County. inspiring lesson to us all about the selfless to turn. When a single mother needs shelter The Italian American Association of Luzerne sacrifice and courage of the men and women and food for her children; when a family has County will hold its 33rd annual Columbus serving in the military today. As Corporal How- seen all their possessions destroyed in a fire; Day Dinner Dance in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsyl- ell meets his latest challenge to rebuild his life, when an unemployed father has lost all hope vania on October 10, 2010. we know that this Marine will climb the next of finding a job; or when an elderly person The Association currently has over 200 mountain and, with his courage and can-do at- comes to the end of life with no family or members. titude, will serve as an example to us all. I ask friends to see them through their final days, Each year, the Association honors one of its that this poem, written by Albert Carey there has been one response—call Joe Hub- members with its ‘‘Lifetime Achievement’’ Caswell, in the honor of Corporal Howell’s ex- bard. award. Members meeting broad criteria are traordinary courage, be placed in the CON- Joe Hubbard learned about families in need nominated and the award is ultimately se- GRESSIONAL RECORD. the hard way. His father experienced a debili- lected by the Association’s Board of Directors. tating workplace injury when Joe was young, This year’s recipient is Joseph A. Paglianite HOWELL? forcing his family into financial hardship and of Dallas, Pennsylvania. Howell does one go off to war? requiring them to accept assistance from oth- Mr. Paglianite was born in Wyoming, Penn- Howell do you walk though the valley of ers. No doubt this early experience, in concert sylvania on October 13, 1925. He is the son death, and yourself ignore? of Antonio and Mary Paglianite. Howell do you come back from the dead, and with Joe’s deep Christian faith and the exam- rebuild your life again once more? ple of some compassionate mentors, played a Mr. Paglianite graduated from Wyoming Howell do you wake up and see your fine significant role in setting him on his life’s mis- High School before working as a wielder and legs, and part of your strong hands so sion of helping those less fortunate. inspector in the aircraft manufacturing indus- gone? As a young man, Joe became involved with try. Howell do you find the courage, the strength the St. Vincent de Paul Society and began to After a short time working in the aircraft to somehow move on? Howell, do you raise your fine head up so expand his work with the poor through that or- manufacturing industry, Mr. Paglianite was motivated by his Uncle’s pizzeria to change high, and want to live, with tears in ganization. Realizing the need to provide an eye? organizational foundation to capitalize on Joe’s careers and enter into the pizza business. In For only such things in a magnificent heart dedication and energy, the Catholic Diocese of 1953, he opened Joe’s Pizza in Harveys Lake, of courage so lie! Belleville began Catholic Urban Programs with Pennsylvania. For only such things our Lord God up in Joe as Coordinator, a position he has held to By 1960, with the help of his brother-in-law, Heaven, the courage so gives! this day. Mr. Paglianite had transformed Joe’s Pizza That against all odds, tells you I still have into Grotto Pizza, and they opened their first so much more to this our world to give! There are those who say that Joe Hubbard restaurant in Delaware. Over the next few For only such beauty, but comes and so - can accomplish more with one phone call than years, Grotto Pizza’s success in Delaware led nates . . . from a heart where faith and others could with a week’s work. In the past courage live! to more locations throughout the state. 50 years, Joe has developed many contacts Yea, you Marine . . . who upon battlefield of In 1988, a fire destroyed the original res- and knows how to pull the right resources to- honor were so bravely and so heroically taurant in Pennsylvania. Mr. Paglianite and his gether to solve a problem. But Joe Hubbard is seen! family rebuilt a new 650-seat restaurant on the As with your Brothers In Arms, who but did not just a high-level administrator. Joe goes original site, and two more restaurants in so such many most magnificent into the broken homes and squalid apartments Edwardsville and Wilkes-Barre quickly fol- things . . . to deliver assistance. He visits the sick and el- lowed. Living and dying for each other, all in that derly and those in prison. He delivers the food Today, along with the three locations in most heroic hue of green . . . and clothing to families. He holds the hands of All in that great glory and high honor, of Northeastern Pennsylvania, there exist eight- people as they lay dying, listening to their final being a United States Marine . . . een Grotto Pizza restaurants in Delaware. words and seeing to it that they are laid to rest And when on that morning you awoke, all in Mr. Paglianite’s success as an entrepreneur with dignity. your tears as you began to choke . . . has been an inspiration throughout North- As it was when your fine heart so spoke! Joe Hubbard has received many accolades eastern Pennsylvania. Don’t give in, don’t give up . . . finding hope! for the work he has done ministering to the This year, the Luzerne County Community Just Howell, did you find the strength to poor and needy in his community but that has College will open the Joseph A. Paglianite cope! never been what drives him. Joe’s faith, his Culinary Institute. Mr. Paglianite has donated Bringing the Angel’s up in Heaven to tears, emote! family and many friends and service to his fel- over one million dollars to LCCC for the devel- low man are important to him. Joe has been Just Howell, do you wake on each new morn opment of the new Culinary Institute and a . . . as oh Howell, you inspire us all quoted, ‘‘When you are created in the image scholarship program for first-year culinary stu- with your life so worn! and likeness of God . . . We all have a com- dents. As you Teach Us . . . as You So Beseech Us mon bond of love.’’ This statement probably Mr. Paglianite is a member of the Plymouth . . . as upon our souls your faith best explains what has kept Joe Hubbard Rotary Club and a member of the Gate of adorns! doing God’s work for his fellow man for these Heaven Roman Catholic Church in Dallas. For you are but the kind of Son, every Fa- past 50 years. ther on earth would wish for one! Madam Speaker, please join me in con- As you make us understand just Howell Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join gratulating Joseph A. Paglianite on this auspi- Heaven is won! me in an expression of appreciation to Mr. Joe cious occasion. His hard work and generosity And Howell against all odds, Thy Will Be Hubbard for a lifetime of compassionate care will continue to live on in northeastern Penn- Done! and to wish him the very best in the future. sylvania for generations. Now, I know Howell!

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.128 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1830 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 IMPROVING ACCESS TO CLINICAL TRIBUTE TO SHERIFF LARRY the Salvation Army, the South Carolina Law TRIALS ACT OF 2009 WILLIAMS Enforcement Officers Association, the Pal- metto State Law Enforcement Officers’ Asso- ciation, and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. He SPEECH OF HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN OF SOUTH CAROLINA volunteered his time with the United States IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Youth Games of South Carolina. HON. EDWARD J. MARKEY A man of faith, Sheriff Williams was a mem- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 OF MASSACHUSETTS ber of Canaan Baptist Church in Branchville Mr. CLYBURN. Madam Speaker, I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and an honorary member of First Nazareth today to pay tribute to a tremendous public Baptist Church in Columbia. Thursday, September 23, 2010 servant, whose heart was bigger than his six- Madam Speaker, I ask that you and my col- foot-seven-inch frame. Sheriff Larry Williams leagues join me in recognizing this giant in the Mr. MARKEY of Massachusetts. Mr. Speak- served the citizens of Orangeburg County as law enforcement community. Sheriff Williams er, many years ago, I had the good fortune to a law enforcement officer for 33 years. We was an extraordinary advocate of his beloved meet Joey O’Donnell. Joey was the son of my have lost this beloved lawman, but his influ- Orangeburg County and a wonderful role close friend from Malden, Massachusetts, Joe ence and compassion for the people he model for young people. He made a lasting O’Donnell. Joey was a brave and resilient served will live on. mark on his community, our state and our na- child despite suffering from Cystic Fibrosis, Larry Williams was born in Bamberg County tion. We all owe him a tremendous debt of in 1956, to the late George Williams and Willie CF, a cruel disorder that robs the body of the gratitude, and we can best honor his memory Mae Carson Williams. He was educated in the ability to breathe normally and leads to other by immolating his commitment to public serv- public schools of Branchville, and went on to ice. debilitating health problems. As a result, CF attend South Carolina State University. He f typically cuts lives tragically short. later earned his bachelor’s degree from Claflin In 1986, Joey passed away when he was University in Criminal Justice with a minor in TRIBUTE TO RETIRING COLONEL only 12-years-old. Because of Joey and the Sociology. Sheriff Williams gave back to his ERIC N. SINGLE tireless work of his father Joe and mother alma mater, joining the faculty as an adjunct Kathy, who encouraged me to intensify Gov- professor of criminology and forensic science. HON. IKE SKELTON ernment efforts to combat CF, I decided to His career in law enforcement began as a OF MISSOURI police officer in the City of Orangeburg Police found the Bi-Partisan Cystic Fibrosis Caucus IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Department in 1977. After two years, he be- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 in Congress. Our goal has been to raise came a residential deputy with the Orange- awareness and build momentum towards a burg Sheriff’s Department. He quickly rose Mr. SKELTON. Madam Speaker, it has cure for CF, ALS, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s through the ranks to become a supervisor, come to my attention that Colonel Eric N. Sin- and other rare disorders. and in 2000, he was elected Sheriff. gle is retiring from the United States Air Force I was pleased to partner with my colleague, He received numerous recognitions for his after 29 years of distinguished service. Colonel Single received his commission in Representative CLIFF STEARNS (R–FL), in dedicated service. In 2003, the South Carolina 1981 through the Air Force Reserve Officer passing the Improving Access to Clinical Trials Sheriff’s Association selected him as Sheriff of the Year, an outstanding accomplishment for a Training Corps program at Auburn University, Act and sending it to the White House to be first term Sheriff. That same year he was rec- AL. He graduated from pilot training at Wil- signed into law. This bill will open up participa- ognized as an innovative Sheriff of Homeland liams Air Force Base, AZ in 1983, and has ex- tion in clinical trials for diseases like CF to Security. He also received recognition from tensive experience in the B–52G, B–52H and low-income and other patients. The bill ex- the U.S. Marshals Service for his commitment B2 bombers as an aircraft commander, in- cludes from the income caps set for the Sup- to Operation Intercept. structor and evaluator. In 1991, Colonel Single plemental Security Income and Medicaid pro- Sheriff Williams established himself as a for- deployed in support of Operation Desert grams the compensation that these patients midable lawman, who was well respected for Storm, flying 26 combat sorties in the B–52 receive for their participation in clinical trials his efforts to reduce the crime rate in Orange- over Iraq and Kuwait. He graduated from the for rare diseases The legislation will ensure burg County. His effectiveness won him the U. S. Air Force Weapons School in 1992 and that this modest compensation will not affect prestigious Strom Thurmond Award for Excel- was selected as initial cadre for the B–2 pro- eligibility for these programs. lence in Law Enforcement and the Regional gram. Organized Crime Institute’s 2007 Gold Medal- In 1998 Colonel Single took command of Patients will no longer have to choose be- lion Award for Excellence in Law Enforcement. the 393d Bomb Squadron at Whiteman Air tween their health benefits and the promise of That same year, he was selected as the Force Base, MO, where he led the B–2 a clinical trial. If we want to increase the Orangeburg County Community of Character through its combat debut in the skies over chances of finding cures to diseases like Cys- Award winner for the character trait of ‘‘Citi- Kosovo. Colonel Single not only led his tic Fibrosis, we also need to increase partici- zenship.’’ Squadron to success in Operation Allied pation in these trials. The Improving Access to In 2008 Sheriff Williams received the Crimi- Force, he acted as flight lead and Mission Clinical Trials Act gives low-income individuals nal Justice Award from the South Carolina Commander on the very first B–2 combat mis- a higher probability to help advance medical Victim Assistance Network. In 2010, the sion earning him a Distinguished Flying Cross science, and helps save lives in the process, Orangeburg County Sheriff’s Department and a place in aviation history. His coura- hopefully including their own. under his leadership was a finalist in the geous flight proved once and for all the true Crime Victims Services Award from the Na- value of stealth and long range strike. The bill we passed yesterday and the law tional Sheriffs’ Association. He was also rec- After his historic flight Colonel Single served that President Obama will enact with his sig- ognized with the Law Enforcement Com- on the Joint Staff in the Force Integration nature is really ‘‘Joey O’Donnell’s Law’’. He in- mendation Medal by the Battle of Eutaw Branch. He went on to command the 5th Op- spired it, and his name will forever be associ- Springs Chapter of the Sons of the American erations Group at , ND ated with it. Joey died before his time, but his Revolution in 2010. and the 40th Air Expeditionary Operations impact will be timeless. I salute my friend Joe Sheriff Williams always worked to improve Group on Diego Garcia, BIOT. Prior to his cur- O’Donnell and his wife Kathy and send my his service as a law enforcement official. In rent assignment in Air Force Global Power Ac- best wishes to the entire O’Donnell family. I 2002, he graduated from the 82nd session of quisition, Col Single served as the Vice Com- also want to recognize my friend Bob Cough- the South Carolina Sheriff’s Institute of mander, , Whiteman Air Longmont, Colorado. Then in 2009, he com- force Base, MO. lin, President and CEO of the Massachusetts pleted the 62nd session of the Law Enforce- Colonel Single is a Command Pilot with Biotechnology Council, for his tireless work to ment Executive Development Seminar. over 5200 hours. He has been awarded the help find cures to CF and other rare disorders. He served 3 years as a Crime Victim Serv- with ; Distin- This new law will offer hope to families around ices committee member for the National Sher- guished Flying Cross with oak leaf cluster; De- the country and bring us closer to the day iffs’ Association. He was also a member of the fense Meritorious Service Medal; Meritorious when we consign these devastating diseases South Carolina Association of Countywide Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters; Air to the history books. Elected Executives, the executive board for Medal with three oak leaf clusters; Aerial

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.131 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1831 Achievement Medal; Air Force Commendation oversees the Southwest Georgia Family Medi- MARKING ‘‘TED HOGAN DAY’’ Medal; Air Force Achievement Medal; Combat cine Residency and is the site for the Medical Readiness Medal with four oak leaf clusters; College of Georgia’s first satellite clinical cam- HON. K. MICHAEL CONAWAY National Defense Service Medal with bronze pus. OF TEXAS star; Southwest Asia Service Medal; Global IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES War on Terrorism Service Medal; and Kuwait In 2008, Phoebe Putney Health System Liberation Medal, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. helped to rebuild and expand the Sumter hos- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Madam Speaker, I know the Members of pital in Americus, Georgia, after it was de- Mr. CONAWAY. Madam Speaker, on Sep- the House will join me in paying tribute to stroyed by a tornado; Sumter Regional Hos- tember 18, 2010, the city of Crane, Texas Colonel Eric N. Single for his exceptional com- pital is now Phoebe Sumter Medical Center honored one of her own by proclaiming ‘‘Ted mitment to the United States Air Force and the and is a diversified health care system, com- Hogan Day.’’ Today, it is my distinct pleasure United States of America. plete with Inpatient and Outpatient Diagnostic to mark that day here in the United States f and Therapeutic Services, Outpatient Surgery House of Representatives. Ted Hogan, Sr. was honored for his out- MEDIA OUTLET FIRES JOUR- Services, Hospice, Rural Health Care Centers, Migrant Health, School Nurse Program and standing citizenship and his loyalty to the peo- NALIST WHO CRITICIZED DEMO- ple of Crane, but his true worth to his commu- numerous physician specialties and office CRATS nity goes far beyond that. practices. As an active member of the Crane Lions HON. LAMAR SMITH Through Mr. Wernick’s excellent guidance, Club, the Chamber of Commerce, the Amer- OF TEXAS Phoebe has been recognized nationally for ex- ican Legion, the Masons, and several local IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cellence in clinical quality, operations and churches, Mr. Hogan was a fixture in Crane, constantly devoting his time to make his Wednesday, September 29, 2010 community health. In 2004, Phoebe was pre- sented the prestigious American Hospital As- hometown a safe, friendlier, and more pros- Mr. SMITH of Texas. Madam Speaker, for sociation’s Foster G. McGaw Prize. Addition- perous city. I am particularly proud to brag on journalists who criticize Democrats, the pun- Mr. Hogan’s work on behalf of the children ally, the health system became the first hos- ishment can be severe. and young adults in Crane. ABC’s Washington, DC affiliate recently pital recipient of a Discovery Health Channel Through the Boy Scouts, the Masons, his fired veteran anchorman Doug McKelway after Medical Honor. Phoebe also has won three church, and more, Mr. Hogan has devoted his he broadcast a negative report about Presi- Voluntary Hospitals of America, VHA Leader- life to lifting and building up the next genera- dent Obama and congressional Democrats, ship Awards and the American Hospital Asso- tion of Americans. His work has helped sick according to the Washington Post. ciation’s Nova Award for an innovative teen children receive medical care, turn boys into During the Gulf oil spill, McKelway reported pregnancy prevention program. men, and give a moral foundation to the that an anti-oil demonstration attracted pro- Mr. Wernick is a native of Arkansas and a young people in his church. Every citizen in testers from ‘‘far-left environmental groups.’’ Crane, young and old, has benefitted from Mr. proud Razorback, receiving his bachelor’s de- He also mentioned that President Obama Hogan’s generosity with his time and wisdom. accepted over $77,000 in campaign contribu- gree in business administration from the Uni- It is a fitting tribute that they chose to honor tions from BP. versity of Arkansas, and earned his master’s him and the work he has done. And he said that the Senate was unlikely to degree in hospital administration from Xavier It is one of my great pleasures as a Member pass cap-and-trade legislation this year be- University in Cincinnati, Ohio. of Congress to share brief sketches of the cause Democrats don’t want to ‘‘propose a He is married to Stacy Wernick, ne´e Paul. life’s work of my constituents with the Mem- huge escalation in your electric bill’’ before They have one daughter, Lilly Katherine. Be- bers of this House, and Mr. Hogan is no dif- Election Day. sides his involvement with multiple local, state ferent. He is part of a generation of Americans Although McKelway’s comments were true, who understood that our country can only be and national organizations, he takes time to he was subsequently fired. great if we give more than we take and we in- This is yet another example of the media teach as a member of the Georgia South- vest in the institutions that serve future gen- protecting President Obama. western MBA faculty. He has been a Rotarian erations of Americans. Our nation would be a The media should give Americans the facts, since 1982, and is a Paul Harris Fellow. better place if more Americans walked in his not fire journalists who tell the truth. Mr. Wernick is a Fellow of the American footsteps. f College of Healthcare Executives and is direc- On behalf of the citizens of the 11th district of Texas, I would like to echo our neighbors COMMENDING JOEL WERNICK tor of the VHA. He is also on the board of VHA-Georgia, the Georgia Alliance of Commu- in Crane and thank Mr. Hogan for his service to God, his family, and his community. I am nity Hospitals, and he is Chairman of the Med- HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. humbled to be able to represent him in the OF GEORGIA ical Resource Network, a statewide managed halls of Congress. care network. Mr. Wernick is actively involved IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f in many local civic and economic development Wednesday, September 29, 2010 initiatives. He currently chairs the Southwest CONGRATULATING ALTOONA Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Madam Speaker, I Georgia Alliance for Progress, a regional coali- CURVE rise today to honor a man who has greatly im- tion to strengthen economic, educational and proved the medical community of Georgia, cultural infrastructures. HON. BILL SHUSTER Joel Wernick. OF PENNSYLVANIA Madam Speaker, Joel Wernick has greatly For over 20 years, Mr. Wernick has served IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as president and CEO of Phoebe Putney contributed to the lives of those in his commu- Health System in Albany, Georgia. Through nity and across the State of Georgia through Wednesday, September 29, 2010 his stewardship, Phoebe Putney has thrived. his leadership of Phoebe Putney. This year, Mr. SHUSTER. Madam Speaker, today, I The number of physicians has doubled. The he has been recognized by Georgia Trend rise to congratulate the Altoona Curve on win- facility has grown by several million square magazine for his significant contributions, hav- ning the 2010 championship of Minor League feet, and state-of-the-art technologies are now ing been named one of the State’s top 25 Baseball’s Eastern League. available to the patients. leaders. According to Georgia Trend, he ‘‘has The Altoona Curve is a Double-A affiliate of Phoebe Putney Health System is the re- guided the hospital to a period of historic the Pittsburgh Pirates that began play in Al- gion’s largest employer, and is comprised of toona in 1999. This is the Curve’s first title growth in staff, revenues and new services, Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital, a 450–bed after four previous trips to the league playoffs. tertiary care teaching hospital and Phoebe and has expanded the facility’s presence in The Curve are a hit in Central Pennsylvania. Worth Medical Center, a critical access rural vastly underserved areas in Southwest Geor- The franchise was named minor league base- hospital. Phoebe Putney Health System also gia.’’ For his dedication to our region, I wish to ball’s best in 2006, and the team continues to manages the Southwest Georgia Regional commend and congratulate an outstanding provide great entertainment during the sum- Medical Center, Georgia’s first critical access leader and my friend, Mr. Joel Wernick, on mer months for hundreds of thousands of loyal hospital, in Cuthbert, Georgia. Phoebe Putney this significant accomplishment. fans.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.133 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1832 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 I would especially like to recognize Curve Nation’s capital at absolutely no cost to them community and public at large. This year’s owner and Altoona native Bob Lozinak, his or their families, to visit and reflect at memo- two-day event will be held on Friday, October front office staff, manager Matt Walbeck, and rials built here in their honor. 15th, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday, the many Curve players this year who helped The fact that these soldiers, sailors, airmen, October 16th, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the make 2010 a championship season in Al- Marines, and Coast Guardsmen would uproot USPTO headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia. toona. themselves from their homes and families and The purpose of the Expo is to educate the An entire region says thank you, congratula- put themselves in harm’s way for our country public about the value and important role tions on this accomplishment, and best wishes is very humbling. The sacrifices they—and the trademarks play in our society and the global for continued success on and off the field. families they left behind—made are truly in- marketplace. f credible. The debt of gratitude we owe them Trademarks are words, names, symbols, can never be repaid, for without their honor, sounds, or colors that identify and distinguish CONGRATULATING BRIGADIER courage, commitment, and above all—sacrifice the goods and services of one party from GENERAL DAVID J. ELICERIO we would not be able to enjoy the freedoms those of others. The National Trademark Expo we have today. will display different types of trademarks such HON. MICHELE BACHMANN Please join me in thanking these Oregon as sound marks and trademarks that identify OF MINNESOTA veterans and the volunteers of Honor Flight of shapes and configurations of products and will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Eastern Oregon for their dedication, commit- feature company booths, themed displays, costumed characters, and inflatables. Banners Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ment, and service to this great Nation. f will feature information on century-old reg- Mrs. BACHMANN. Madam Speaker, I rise istered trademarks, the historical evolution and today to congratulate Brigadier General David IN COMMEMORATION OF THE 99TH transformation of trademarks, and the history J. Elicerio of Ham Lake, Minnesota, upon NATIONAL DAY OF TAIWAN of people behind certain trademarks. The being named the 34th Red Bull Infantry Divi- Expo will also feature children’s workshops, sion Commander. The Red Bulls hold a spe- HON. DAVID WU story time and guided tours. Educational lec- cial place in the hearts of all Minnesotans, and OF OREGON tures for adults will include lectures on Intel- I’m so pleased to congratulate Brigadier Gen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lectual Property for Small Businesses, ‘‘Why eral Elicerio on his new role with the Min- Buy ‘Legit’: About Counterfeit Goods,’’ ‘‘How nesota National Guard. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 to File a Trademark,’’ ‘‘Top Mistakes in Trade- Brigadier General Elicerio has served in the Mr. WU. Madam Speaker, October 10, mark Applications and How to Best Avoid Minnesota National Guard for 30 years includ- 2010, heralds 99 years of the Republic of Them,’’ and ‘‘Trademarks 101.’’ A video made ing a peacekeeping mission to Bosnia and two China (Taiwan). I would like to offer my con- to instruct pro se applicants will play in the tours in Iraq. His leadership capabilities have gratulations and best wishes to the people of National Inventors Hall of Fame Museum led to a decorated career and a distinguished Taiwan in commemoration of this 99th Na- throughout the Expo. Also, the Museum’s cur- reputation in the Guard. From his experience tional Day. rent exhibit highlights important food trade- as a senior staff member and having com- Taiwan is one of the United States’ strong- marks throughout the years. manded troops at the company, battalion and est allies and is dedicated to the principles of During the Trademark Expo, costumed brigade levels, Brigadier General Elicerio will democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. trademarked characters will introduce them- bring a wealth of experience that I know will I was deeply honored to meet with Taiwan’s selves during the opening ceremony and maintain the enormous confidence we have in President Ma Ying-jeou at the beginning of make appearances throughout the Expo, join- our troops. this year, and I hope to someday welcome ing the USPTO’s own Trademark character, T. Madam Speaker, I ask this body to join me him and Taiwan’s other high-level elected and Markey. A new cast of characters, including in recognizing Brigadier General Elicerio on appointed officials to our Nation’s capital. Clifford the Big Red Dog®, Lorax®, GEICO’s this special occasion and to express our grati- Moreover, in May I introduced H. Res. 1352, Gecko®, Chick-Fil-A’s® cow, The Berenstain tude for his service and the sacrifices his fam- a resolution supporting the goals and ideals of Bears®, Dippin’ Dots®, and a 5-Hour Energy® ily has made in dedication to preserving free- Taiwanese American Heritage Week and rec- bottle character will join veteran Expo char- dom in America. ognizing the close relationship between the acters Pillsbury’s Doughboy®, Hershey’s Kiss- ® ® f United States and Taiwan. Taiwanese Ameri- es , Hershey’s milk chocolate bar, Reese’s cans have played a critical role in strength- Peanut Butter Cups®, Crayola® crayons’ mas- TRIBUTE TO HONOR FLIGHT OF ening the fabric of American society and in cot Tip, Betty Boop®, Dennis the Menace®, EASTERN OREGON deepening the friendship and understanding Popeye®, Olive Oyl®, Curious George®, and between the peoples of the United States and Sprout®. Large inflatable characters, including HON. GREG WALDEN Taiwan. the Michelin® man, The Cat in the Hat®, ® ® OF OREGON In celebration of the 2010 Double Tenth Na- Green Giant , NFL football players, colle- ® IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tional Day, it is my hope that the United giate mascots, and Chick-Fil-A’s cow will once again transform the USPTO’s campus Wednesday, September 29, 2010 States, Taiwan, and the People’s Republic of China can continue to work together to pro- into a ‘‘Trademark Theme Park’’. Caterpillar® Mr. WALDEN. Madam Speaker, I rise on mote enduring peace and prosperity across equipment and a NASCAR® show car for 5- the occasion of Honor Flight of Eastern Or- the Taiwan Strait. Hour Energy® will also decorate the grounds. egon’s inaugural journey of 10 of Oregon’s f A story time featuring literary trademarked World War II veterans to visit their memorial characters sponsored by Hooray for Books!, a here in Washington, DC. On behalf of a grate- IN SUPPORT OF NATIONAL local children’s bookstore, will help tell the ful delegation, state, and country, we welcome TRADEMARK EXPO story of the prevalence of trademarks in our these heroes. daily lives. The veterans on this initial flight from East- HON. JAMES P. MORAN On average, people are exposed to 1,500 ern Oregon are World War II veterans: Bob L. OF VIRGINIA trademarks each day and more than 30,000 if Hemstreet, U.S. Army; Raymond ‘‘Ray’’ J. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES they make a trip to the grocery store. In a time Kuhn, U.S. Navy; Lavonne ‘‘Vonnie’’ I. Kuhn, of globalization, counterfeit goods pose an in- U.S. Navy; Arthur ‘‘Art’’ C. Krantz, U.S. Army; Wednesday, September 29, 2010 creasing threat to American businesses. A dis- Walter ‘‘Walt’’ D. Goodman, U.S. Navy; Gifford Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I play of counterfeit goods alongside authentic S. Hulse, U.S. Army; Leonard ‘‘Lenny’’ V. rise today to express my support for the goods, as well as an anti-counterfeiting lec- Morse, U.S. Army Air Force; Minnie ‘‘Marie’’ United States Patent and Trademark Office’s ture, will highlight the damaging effects of M. Colombari, U.S. Navy; David A. House, (USPTO) National Trademark Expo. In a time counterfeit goods on the economy as well as U.S. Army Air Force; and Henry ‘‘Milt’’ M. of ongoing challenges for the American and the USPTO’s anti-counterfeiting efforts. Coun- Prowell, U.S. Army. global economy, I want to join the USPTO in terfeit goods cost the United States billions of Madam Speaker, these 10 veterans from its efforts to recognize the vital role trade- dollars and hundreds of thousands of jobs an- Oregon are joining over 35,000 veterans from marks play in the economy. The 2008 and nually as well as undermining consumer con- across the country who, since 2005, have 2009 National Trademark Expos were very fidence in brand integrity when purchasers en- been transported from their home states to our successful and well-attended by the trademark counter knock-off goods of inferior quality.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.137 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1833 Some of America’s leading large corpora- The Church, however, was in great need of and has successfully helped reluctant students tions, small businesses, governmental agen- repairs. Over the next 100 years, the mem- to read and write with confidence. Moreover, cies, and non-profits will highlight the various bers of the Church and its leadership would as someone who knows the meaning of hard types of trademarks and the benefits of Fed- undertake extensive renovations to upgrade work, Harold has continued to challenge him- eral trademark registration. The exhibitors in- and maintain their place of worship. self and has worked to find innovative ways to clude CMG Worldwide Corporation; Inter- The first renovations began in the 1920s, use technology as a teaching tool in his spe- national Trademark Association, Inc. (INTA); when Rev. Joseph Boyarchuk led the con- cial education classroom. U.S. Department of Commerce, International gregation to paint the interior of the Church. In By choosing to teach after serving in the Trade Administration (ITA); National IPR Co- 1926, despite continued hard economic times, military, Harold has continued his public serv- ordination Center, U.S. Immigration and Cus- Rev. Lawrence Zakrevsky led a renovation of ice and made a lasting difference in his com- toms Enforcement (ICE); U.S. Customs and the exterior of the Church. munity. Border Protection (CBP); Wells Fargo & Com- After a fire damaged the Church in 1935, Madam Speaker, please join me in honoring pany; Innovation Ventures, LLC; American In- the exterior was again replaced in the 1940s Harold Shaw for his dedication and service to tellectual Property Law Association, Inc. under the guidance of Rev. Andrew Ulicky, his country and community. (AIPLA); Elevation Burger (Elevation Fran- and in 1949, a new tile floor was added. f chise Ventures, LLC); Idaho Potato Commis- During the 1950s, the interior was redeco- THE REAUTHORIZATION OF sion; Pepsom Group, Inc.; Dippin’ Dots, Inc.; rated under Father Shymansky, and a $4,000 JOHANNA’S LAW Caterpillar, Inc.; CFA Properties, Inc.; The iconostasis was installed. Travelers Companies, Inc.; Hillerich & Bradsby After St. Michael’s Church was rededicated Co. (Louisville Slugger); The Hershey Com- in 1954, further renovations continued. In 1957 HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO pany; GED Testing Service; and GEICO. the roof was replaced, and during the 1970s OF CONNECTICUT The Trademark Expo will emphasize new doors were added and renovations were IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES USPTO’s role in reviewing trademark applica- made to the property’s sidewalks. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 tions and issuing Federal trademark registra- In honor of the Church’s 75th anniversary in tions. American innovation and its associated Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, I rise 1985, the windows were replaced and the today in support of an important bill that en- intellectual property are critical to job creation Church’s interior was again repainted. and economic recovery. Through the registra- joys strong and consistent bipartisan sup- Under the current leadership of Monsignor port—the reauthorization of Johanna’s Law tion of trademarks, the USPTO assists busi- James Melnic, upgrades and renovations have nesses in protecting their investments, pro- through 2014. This is an important vote. It will continued to the building and its grounds. help to raise awareness of the warning signs moting goods and services in the U.S. and On Sunday, October 31, 2010 the Church for ovarian cancer. And it will, put simply, save around the world, and safeguarding con- will celebrate its centennial anniversary with a lives. sumers against confusion and deception in the Pontifical Divine Liturgy. marketplace. I applaud the USPTO for its con- Better awareness might have helped Jo- Madam Speaker, please join me in recog- hanna Silver Gordon—in whose honor the bill tinued efforts to educate the public on the role nizing this milestone. Over the past 100 years, of trademarks through the National Trademark is named. Johanna lost her life to ovarian can- the dedicated members of St. Michael’s cer despite being a health conscious woman Expo. I urge my colleagues to join me in rec- Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church have dem- ognizing the USPTO at this time when trade- who visited the gynecologist regularly. Like onstrated great pride in preserving the reli- many women, Johanna had symptoms and mark protection and intellectual property rights gious community that their ancestors worked play an increasingly important role in our glob- clinical signs of ovarian cancer that were so hard to create. missed by both her and her healthcare pro- al economy. And, I encourage the public and f my fellow Members and their staff to bring vider. And her sister, Sheryl Silver, was deter- their family and friends to this family-friendly HONORING HAROLD SHAW mined never to let another sister, mother, and free event. daughter or friend go through the same thing. This bill will help to make that happen. It re- f HON. MICHAEL H. MICHAUD authorizes the existing CDC program that edu- HONORING THE 100-YEAR ANNI- OF MAINE cates women and their health care providers VERSARY OF SAINT MICHAEL’S IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES about the symptoms of ovarian cancer. And it UKRAINIAN GREEK CATHOLIC Wednesday, September 29, 2010 includes new support for other organizations CHURCH IN HAZLETON, PENN- Mr. MICHAUD. Madam Speaker, I rise to carry out complementary education and SYLVANIA today to recognize the accomplishments of awareness campaigns in order to get the word Harold Shaw. Harold, a retired U.S. Coast out about this terrible disease. HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI Guard chief warrant officer and special edu- I want to thank Congressmen DARRELL ISSA, OF PENNSYLVANIA cation teacher at Lawrence Junior High School DAN BURTON, and SANDY LEVIN for their com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in Fairfield, Maine, has recently received rec- mitted leadership on this issue. And I urge my colleagues to vote for this legislation. As Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ognition from the Troops to Teachers program. Johanna’s family can tell you, it really will Mr. KANJORSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise The Troops to Teachers program recruits quality teachers for schools that serve low-in- make a difference. today to ask you and my esteemed colleagues f in the House of Representatives to pay tribute come families throughout America and assists to the 100th anniversary of Saint Michael’s military personnel as they transition to careers H.R. 6193, THE FOSTER YOUTH Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Hazleton, in teaching. Since its authorization in 1993, FINANCIAL SECURITY ACT Pennsylvania. nearly ten thousand troops have participated The foundations of St. Michael’s Ukrainian in the Troops to Teachers program and HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN brought unique expertise and insight to our Greek Catholic Church began in the late 19th OF RHODE ISLAND classrooms nationwide. Century when Eastern European immigrants IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES came to Northeastern Pennsylvania to work in Our veterans are called upon to learn exten- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 its mining industries. sive skills which they then need to teach to The first group of western Ukrainian immi- junior military comrades. They develop incred- Mr. LANGEVIN. Madam Speaker, last week grants settled in Hazleton in the 1880s. ible patience, perseverance and leadership I introduced H.R. 6193, the Foster Youth Fi- In 1910 a small group of Ukrainian immi- skills throughout their honorable service, and I nancial Security Act. This legislation will pre- grants purchased a church in Hazleton from cannot think of any group of individuals in our pare foster youth who are transitioning to the local Lithuanian community for $5,700, society that would be better equipped to han- adulthood to properly manage their finances and established St. Michael’s Ukrainian Greek dle the responsibility and honor of shaping the and provide greater protections of their finan- Catholic Church. Despite limited resources minds of the future in our Nation’s classrooms. cial information while they are under the care and through hard labor, the founders paid Since starting at Lawrence Junior High of the state. back the debt they owed in one year. School, Harold has used those skills everyday, Foster children are disproportionately vic- The Church initially had 70 member families and his classroom has become a safe haven tims of identity theft because their personal in- in 1910, and by 1912 that number had dou- for students. As his students and colleagues formation passes through many hands, in- bled. can attest, Harold is an exemplary teacher creasing the chances that someone will open

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.141 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1834 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 an account in their name or use their Social cation, early detection and advances in treat- ticularly instrumental in supporting Becoming Security Number (SSN). This bill would require ment. Independent, a North Bay nonprofit dedicated that all foster children have their credit reports Because early detection is the key to sur- to empowering people with developmental dis- reviewed, and cleared if there is an inaccu- viving breast cancer, NBCCEDP has provided abilities, and its wineries are a regular pres- racy, prior to leaving care. It would also end breast and cervical cancer screening, ence at the Sonoma Valley Harvest Wine Auc- the use of a child’s SSN as an identifier. Cur- diagnostics and case management services to tion. Earlier this year, Benzinger Family Win- rently, there is no available data on how many low-income, uninsured women for the past two ery also joined with the local Red Cross to children have been affected by identity theft; decades. support earthquake relief efforts in Haiti and in this legislation will track the number of stolen In 2009, NBCCEDP screened almost Chile. identities by state. The bill allows the states to 325,000 women for breast cancer and de- Madam Speaker, I ask you to join us in obtain assistance from both the Department of tected 4,600 breast cancers. If those 4,600 thanking the Benzinger family for its contribu- Health and Human Services and the Federal women diagnosed with cancer last year did tions to Sonoma Valley and in congratulating Trade Commission on how best to protect not use the NBCCEDP, they would have likely its wineries on their success and well de- their foster youth. been diagnosed at later stages with larger tu- served recognition. Benzinger Family Winery This legislation will also strengthen the fi- mors, when cancer is harder to treat and more and Imagery Estate Winery are powerful ex- nancial security of foster youth and empower deadly. amples of the value of community-minded them to make responsible financial decisions Despite efforts to eliminate disparities in business, and Sonoma Valley is stronger be- as adults. Research shows that current and breast cancer related care, substantial dispari- cause of them. for former foster youth are more likely to fore- ties remain, which is why I am proud to be the f go higher education, be in poor health, be- sponsor of H.R. 2279, the Eliminating Dispari- HONORING PLANNED PARENTHOOD come homeless, and rely on public supports ties of Breast Cancer Treatment Act, along OF WISCONSIN as adults. This legislation would provide re- with Representative DONNA CHRISTENSEN. This sources for a successful transition to adult- act ensures that every breast cancer patient, hood by helping foster youth obtain a driver’s regardless of health insurance status, race, in- HON. TAMMY BALDWIN OF WISCONSIN license or state identification card, obtain auto come, or educational background, receives IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES insurance, open a bank account, and apply for adequate care through the development of student loans. This bill would also help foster standard best practices for breast cancer Wednesday, September 29, 2010 youth determine if they are eligible for federal treatment. Ms. BALDWIN. Madam Speaker, I rise or state benefits and provide them with infor- Madam Speaker, I ask that we support the today to honor the 75th anniversary of mation on accessing health care and safe and health and wellness of all women and con- Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin. affordable housing. Financial literacy classes tinue to close the gaps in treatment among mi- Since 1935, Planned Parenthood of Wis- would be available for foster children and their norities by recognizing the month of October consin has provided access to quality repro- foster parents. as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. ductive healthcare for women and men across The Foster Youth Financial Security Act f the state. Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin also provides seed money for each state to plays an essential role in providing both repro- set up Individual Development Accounts for HONORING THE BENZINGER ductive healthcare for all and comprehensive foster youth so they leave care with a nest FAMILY sexual education. Additionally, they advocate egg to pay for housing, education, and job tirelessly for women’s reproductive rights training. This bill would provide $45 million for HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY statewide. the states to carry out the above initiatives OF CALIFORNIA In 1935, the first birth control health center and an additional $5 million for technical as- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in Milwaukee and the state of Wisconsin, the Maternal Health Center, opened its doors. For sistance. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 I would like to thank my colleague, Con- the first time, women, men and families state- gressman STARK, for joining me on this bill, as Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, I rise wide had access to comprehensive sexual and well as introducing H.R. 6192, the Foster Chil- today with my colleague, Representative MIKE reproductive healthcare. Nearly 15 years later, dren Self Support Act, of which I’m a proud THOMPSON, to honor the Benzinger family, the Maternal Health Center affiliated with the original cosponsor. These bills will provide fos- whose economic, environmental, and philan- Planned Parenthood Federation of America, ter youth with the tools they need and deserve thropic contributions in the Sonoma Valley defining their role as one of the lead reproduc- to become successful adults. have earned its businesses due recognition as tive healthcare providers in the state of Wis- 2010 Sonoma Valley Business of the Year. f consin. In 1964, Planned Parenthood of Wis- Both Benzinger Family Winery and Imagery consin opened its first of many new neighbor- RECOGNIZING NATIONAL BREAST Estate Winery have pioneered a sustainable hood health centers, and in 1971 the organi- CANCER AWARENESS MONTH approach to agriculture and a humanitarian zation officially became a statewide affiliate approach to business. Their active presence with 17 clinics opening throughout Wisconsin HON. KATHY CASTOR continues to strengthen and enrich Sonoma in the 1970s. By the mid-1980s, Planned Par- OF FLORIDA Valley communities. enthood of Wisconsin had 30 health centers IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Starting in the mid-1990s, Benzinger Family open statewide. Presently, there are 27 health Winery began its transition into biodynamic centers, which provide care to over 70,000 pa- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 agriculture. They eliminated chemicals and tients, and education staff, which provide edu- Ms. CASTOR of Florida. Madam Speaker, I other artificial elements in favor of a more ho- cational programming to over 14,000 patrons. rise today to recognize National Breast Cancer listic and organic method that capitalizes on Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin’s mission Awareness Month beginning Friday, October the vitality of a vineyard that is allowed to is to empower all individuals to manage their 1, 2010. This month also marks the 20th anni- thrive in a natural state. Benzinger Family sexual and reproductive health through patient versary of the CDC’s National Breast and Cer- Winery has even been recognized by the Na- services, education and advocacy. For 75 vical Cancer Early Detection Program tional Resources Defense Council for its water years, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin staff, (NBCCEDP), which provides breast health conservation strategies. Imagery Estate Win- donors and volunteers have helped to provide services to underserved women. ery was founded in the same tradition, and the reproductive healthcare for all who need it, in- Breast cancer will strike 1.3 million women result is not only a greener footprint, but richer cluding those who cannot afford care. Planned this year and kill almost 500,000 in the U.S. and more distinctive products that embody Parenthood of Wisconsin continues to be at African American, Native American and His- their unique places of origin. Indeed, the forefront of sexual education and equips panic women are more likely to be diagnosed Benzinger Family Winery and Imagery Estate women, men and teens across the state with with advanced stages of cancer than white Winery have earned reputations as producers the knowledge they need to promote healthier, women, and the death rates for African Amer- of exceptional quality not only in California, but safer lifestyles. ican women are about 17% higher than those worldwide. For exceptional service to communities of white women. Even with the increase of The Benzinger family has brought the same across the state, I would like to thank and breast cancer among minorities, there are 2.5 care and commitment to its active role in honor Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin and million breast cancer survivors living in the Sonoma Valley communities, supporting local congratulate them on celebrating their 75th U.S. today—a testament to the power of edu- charities and volunteerism. It has been par- anniversary.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.145 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1835 CELEBRATING THE 30TH ANNIVER- er of Tampa Bay Teens on a Mission. To rebuild somehow, where none lies left! SARY OF THE OPENING OF TBTOAM is a community service organization Day by Day . . . Step by Step . . . as defeat CARROLLTON CHRISTIAN ACAD- which seeks volunteer opportunities for chil- you Marine, would not accept! EMY dren. This organization currently has a total of For you’ve got a life to lead and live . . . as 115 members. Ms. Shaw has proven to be a you got up. . . . As gained speed! For Marines Do . . . For Marines Succeed! HON. KENNY MARCHANT leader in youth involvement and has created a And for each other, they will so sacredly OF TEXAS gateway for children to be actively involved in live, die and bleed! IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES our community. As to new heights on this day Larry, all of us She has devoted her time and talents in the you so lead! Wednesday, September 29, 2010 last ten months with more than 200 hours of Teaching Us . . . Beseeching Us So . . . O Mr. MARCHANT. Madam Speaker, I rise community service; including service to such . . . Hi . . . O, Larry high are you so! today to honor the 30th anniversary of the organizations as the Boys and Girls Club of As all in one short year, your strength . . . founding of Carrollton Christian Academy America, YMCA, Metropolitan Ministries, your courage, has so appeared! (CCA) in Carrollton, Texas. Since 1980, CCA Pinellas County African-American History Mu- For you are the kind of Son, any father has provided a first-class education to hun- seum, Mount Calvary Deliverance Church, would endear! dreds of students. Its expansions since open- Lake Myrtle Baptist Church, ‘‘Dress for Suc- Showing us all how high, and far a heart can go . . . ing include serving students across the world cess’’, Junior achievement, ‘‘Soles4Soles’’ and Yes, Maximus . . . you are O . . . HI . . . O! with its international program, begun in 2002. the St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital where she f The school, which truly lives its mandate to donated $152.00 from her birthday money and provide a quality secular and theological edu- over 100 stuffed animals, coloring books and HONORING THE CITY OF cation, has become a staple in the area and crayons. BURKESVILLE, KENTUCKY a boon to all who benefit from its creation and Kia Shaw is an incredible example that the growth. leaders of tomorrow are already making a last- HON. ED WHITFIELD ing impact in our community today. Madam Under the leadership of director Constance OF KENTUCKY Waddell, then-Sonshine Christian Preschool Speaker, please join me in recognizing Kia IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES added a kindergarten program two years after Shaw for her accomplishments, thanking her inception. In 1985, it officially incorporated, for her dedication and wishing her all the very Wednesday, September 29, 2010 and was re-named under its current designa- best in the very bright future that lies ahead. Mr. WHITFIELD. Madam Speaker, I rise tion. By 1994, only 14 years after opening its f today to commemorate the bicentennial cele- doors, CCA graduated its first class and was bration of the town of Burkesville, Kentucky. I RECOGNITION OF CPL. LARRY A. forced to expand due to increased interest. A wish to recognize the town of Burkesville’s his- DRAUGHN, JR. OF DAYTON, OHIO new building—complete with classrooms, a tory and its cultural contribution to our country. gymnasium, and science and computer labs— Founded by Samuel Burkes, an early settler was built, and opened in the fall of 1994. The HON. MICHAEL R. TURNER from Virginia, Burkesville has embodied small school re-located in 2002 to its current loca- OF OHIO town virtues, patriotism, hard work, and the tion in Carrollton. Today, the school has an IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES spirit of helping one’s neighbor for just over athletic field for football and soccer, and in Wednesday, September 29, 2010 200 years. As a city on the border of Ken- June graduated 49 students. Mr. TURNER. Madam Speaker, I rise today tucky, Burkesville played an integral part in the There are many people to note for their con- to honor a real American hero, United States American Civil War and the Cumberland River tributions to CCA. In 1985, senior pastor Dr. Marine Cpl. Larry A. Draughn Jr. of Dayton, on the city’s southern border served as a Paul Morrell helped lead CCA to its renaming Ohio. On May 30th, 2009, while out on patrol major natural barrier between opposing forces and incorporating. That fall, Dr. Morrell, Jeff in Afghanistan, Cpl. Draught lost both legs and during the war. Dixon, Carla Vaughn, and Marilyn Headley nearly lost his life during an IED explosion. I In the present day, the Cumberland River helped lead the school, and incorporators in- would like to thank him for his service to his has provided the City of Burkesville an eco- cluded Dr. Morrell, Ann Morrell, George Etier, country and place this poem, penned in honor nomic engine due to its excellent recreation Lamont Scarbrough, Carla Vaughn, John Col- of him by Albert Carey Caswell, in the CON- and the tourism it provides. Also known for its lier, Cindy Shirley, and Doug Giffen. I thank GRESSIONAL RECORD. tourism and bass fishing is the Dale Hollow these entrepreneurs for their efforts to improve O . . . HI . . . O Lake located just south of Burkesville. Within the communities in which they lived. O . . . HI . . . O the great state of Kentucky Burkesville is seen I have experienced the high quality of Are, all of those men who into the face of as a place that shows the pure heart and true CCA’s education through my own childrens’ hell must go! character of the United States. Everyone who attendance. Three of my four children went to Marines, like Larry . . . whose courage upon has had the pleasure to set foot within the CCA, and as a parent I could not be prouder battlefields of honor shows! City’s old fashioned town square, myself in- of the experiences they received. In both for- Shows us all, how high . . . to what new cluded, has been able to appreciate the his- mal education and theological growth, the heights a soul can grow! tory that this unique town represents. benefits of CCA are seen every day in the Who stand, so very high as do all of those! Madam Speaker, the City of Burkesville is hundreds of graduates and the positive influ- For from this great Buckeye State, have but an integral part of Kentucky’s history and it is ences those graduates have on their world. It come such Marines with names so an honor for me to bring this great town to the is with great pleasure and pride that I ask all great! attention of this House. Like the Right Stuff, John Glenn . . . Lima of my esteemed colleagues to join me in con- Company . . . all of those magnificent f gratulating CCA for over a generation full of men who await! RECOGNIZING THE 99TH successful work for education in both the sec- Men, who go where Angels so fear to tread ular and religious traditions. . . . who all for our nation have so died ANNIVERSARY OF TAIWAN f And bled . . . As upon battlefields of honor, their brilliant HON. JERRY MORAN HONORING KIA SHAW, LAND blood ran red! OF KANSAS O’LAKES, FL Strength In Honor, Uhraaah Jar Head! IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For Cpl. Draughn, for us you went into that HON. GINNY BROWN-WAITE valley of death. . . . Wednesday, September 29, 2010 All for God and Country, as was your fine life OF FLORIDA Mr. MORAN of Kansas. Madam Speaker, was so pledged! on October 10th, the Republic of China and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES And on that morning when you awoke, and Taiwanese Americans will celebrate National Wednesday, September 29, 2010 found your loss . . . as to you it spoke! With your two fine legs gone, all that you Day. The holiday, also known as Double Ten Ms. GINNY BROWN-WAITE of Florida. had left was but your faith and hope! Day, marks the start of an uprising that led to Madam Speaker, today I rise to recognize Ms. As on the edge of death, your fine life lie the establishment of the Republic of China. Kia Shaw of Land O’Lakes, Florida. Kia re- barely left. . . . Similar to Independence Day here, National cently received the distinguished title of Na- As once again, you began a new most heroic Day is celebrated with parades and firework tional American Miss Florida and is the found- quest! displays.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.149 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1836 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 As the Republic of China, or as most Ameri- Medical Society House of Delegates and has TRIBUTE TO THE POINT BREEZE cans know it—Taiwan, celebrates its 99th an- served on several American Medical Associa- FIRE DEPARTMENT niversary, the people of Taiwan have much to tion committees. Deeply committed to enhanc- be proud of. Taiwan is a modern democracy ing the overall health of people, Dr. Rao works with a strong, advanced economy, and a to end the morbidity triangle of obesity, diabe- HON. ANTHONY D. WEINER proud culture. tes and smoking. OF NEW YORK But, like most any other country, Taiwan Married to Dr. Rama Devi Rao, the couple IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES must remain vigilant in defending its 23 million has two children. Daughter, Hima, and son, citizens. Since passage of the Taiwan Rela- Bharat, are both pursuing careers as physi- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 tions Act in 1979, the United States has been cians. Mr. WEINER. Madam Speaker, I rise to rec- an ally of Taiwan, helping it meet its defensive Madam Speaker, I ask the House of Rep- ognize the Point Breeze Fire Department in needs. Working in partnership, we can con- resentatives to join me in applauding the work, honor of its centennial anniversary. The Point tinue to meet the security challenges in East dedication and enthusiasm of Dr. Venkat Rao Breeze Fire Department has provided a hun- Asia to ensure peace and stability. as he steps down as president of the Gen- dred years of service to the beachside com- I therefore, urge all my colleagues to join esee County Medical Society. I admire his munities of Breezy Point, Roxbury, and Rock- me in congratulating Taiwan on its proud 99- commitment to improving the lives of physi- away Point, which are located on the Rock- year history. cians and his compassion for his patients. I away Peninsula in Queens, New York, the f wish him the best in his future endeavors. most populous barrier island in the country. f FREEDOM TEMPLE OF ROCK HILL, The Point Breeze Fire Department was es- SOUTH CAROLINA TRIBUTE TO THE BROADCOM tablished in 1910 and is one of the ten re- MASTERS PROGRAM maining volunteer fire departments in the city HON. JOHN M. SPRATT, JR. of New York. The original department had an operating charter for fifteen years, and in 1976 OF SOUTH CAROLINA HON. JOHN CAMPBELL the Point Breeze Volunteer Fire Department IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA was officially incorporated and recognized as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, September 29, 2010 a fire department by Mayor Abraham Beam. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Mr. SPRATT. Madam Speaker, I rise to pay The first fire house was located on Hillcrest tribute to the tenth anniversary of Freedom Mr. CAMPBELL. Madam Speaker, I rise Walk near Point Breeze Avenue, facing the Temple Ministries in Rock Hill, South Carolina. today to commend Broadcom, one of the bay. It was a wooden structure built above the The Church was founded on October 8, 2000, world’s leading chip makers with headquarters sand that contained two hose reels and a as a group of 38 people began ‘‘Preparing for in my congressional district, on their an- large, mounted CO2 extinguisher, all of which the Promise’’ on the campus of Winthrop Uni- nouncement of the Broadcom MASTERS had to be pulled manually by the members to versity. Freedom Temple Ministries now calls (Math, Applied Science, Technology and Engi- a scene of a fire. In 1938 another firehouse 215 Main Street in Rock Hill its home. The neering for Rising Stars), a science fair pro- was built at 32 Point Breeze Avenue. It would structure, called The Freedom Center, in- gram designed for students in the sixth, sev- remain the department’s headquarters until cludes a sanctuary which seats 700, a gym- enth and eighth grades. 1975. The current home of the Point Breeze nasium with a walking track, and 65 class- The Broadcom Foundation has partnered Volunteer Fire Department, constructed that rooms. Various youth and community outreach with the Society for Science and the Public, same year is a modern facility that facilitates programs are housed here and the congrega- SSP, to sponsor and run science fairs, which the needs of an effective fire department. tion looks forward to making the facility an in- will involve over 100,000 students from over The neighborhoods protected by the Point tricate part of the Rock Hill community. Today, 350 SSP science fairs around the nation. Breeze Fire Department are geographically Pastor Herbert C. Crump, Jr. leads the con- Of all those participating, judges will nomi- challenging. The Breezy Point Cooperative is gregation. Freedom Temple Ministries has nate 7,500 contestants to compete and, from surrounded on two sides by the Atlantic made a significant impact on the spiritual that group, they will select 300 semi-finalists. Ocean and on one side by Jamaica Bay. The wellbeing of its followers and will continue to Once the semi-finalists compete, 30 students residential homes are mostly located in the serve God and country for years to come. will be chosen for the finals, which will occur sand and require four wheel drive vehicles to f in Washington, DC, in the fall of 2011. reach them. The winner will receive a $25,000 scholar- HONORING DR. VENKAT RAO ship from the Henry Samueli Foundation—Mr. The Point Breeze Fire Department has as- Samueli is the founder of Broadcom. sisted in several marine rescue operations, in- HON. DALE E. KILDEE I commend Broadcom for its efforts to pro- cluding the rescue of stranded fisherman and vide this exciting opportunity for middle school over 300 passengers from a ship named The OF MICHIGAN Golden Venture in 1993. The department IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES students to showcase their interest in science, technology, engineering and math—what is bravely responded to the World Trade Center Wednesday, September 29, 2010 commonly referred to as STEM education. attacks on September 11, 2001 and continued Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, I rise today STEM education is an area in which the to assist the FDNY and NYPD in its rescue ef- to pay tribute to Dr. Venkat Rao. On Saturday, United States led the world for many years, forts at Ground Zero. Only a few months later October 30th, the Genesee County Medical but lately, has been consistently outperformed the department was one of the first companies Society will honor its outgoing president, Dr. by several countries. This must not continue. at the scene of the crash of American Airlines Venkat Rao, at their annual Presidents’ Ball to America literally cannot afford to lag behind Flight 587 in Belle Harbor. be held in Grand Blanc, Michigan. our competitors in math and science edu- Today Chief Martin J. Ingram and seventy- Dr. Rao graduated from Guntar Medical cation. There are serious consequences for five members of the department are respon- School College and completed his residency this failure and they impact the future of this sible for protecting and serving the Breezy and pulmonology fellowship in Chicago. After country. We must be proactive in addressing Point community. The Point Breeze Fire De- serving on the faculties of Loyola University the crisis of a shrinking next generation of partment responds to over 125 calls a year School of Medicine and at the University of Illi- American engineers, scientists, mathemati- which are a emergencies such as brush, car, nois College of Medicine, Dr. Rao practiced cians, and chip makers, like those that propel and structure fires; car accidents; floods; medicine in Peoria, Illinois from 1986 to 1992. a company such as Broadcom to success. storm-related accidents; downed power lines; He relocated to the Flint area and now spe- Programs like the Broadcom MASTERS will boats in distress; and blackouts. cializes in pulmonology-critical care and sleep help to both ignite the imaginations of Amer- Point Breeze Fire Department and all of its medicine. ican students and show that math and science members have faithfully served the many Active with the Genesee County Medical have fascinating applications in the real world. communities of the Rockaway peninsula. They Society for many years, Dr. Rao is a member Madam Speaker, I want to express my have provided necessary services to an iso- of the Board of Directors, represents Genesee thanks to the Broadcom Foundation and the lated part of New York City that rarely re- and Shiawassee Counties on the Michigan Society for Science and the Public for their ceives the attention it deserves. I am pleased State Medical Society Board of Directors, continued good works, and I look forward to to congratulate the department on the occa- serves as a delegate to the Michigan State these exciting and inspiring science fairs. sion of its centennial anniversary.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.153 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1837 IN TRIBUTE TO BILL NIX as one of the south’s top public liberal arts Virginia. Mr. Kluge’s lifetime of achievements colleges. Dr. Smiddy’s name and efforts will included being a world-renowned business- HON. MARION BERRY forever be linked to the success of the Univer- man and philanthropist, as well as a key con- OF ARKANSAS sity of Virginia’s College at Wise. tributor to our national security during the Sec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A native of Jellico, Tennessee, Dr. Joseph ond World War. C. Smiddy began his career as an educator as Mr. Kluge created Metromedia in 1960, Wednesday, September 29, 2010 a biology and chemistry teacher and band di- which was the Nation’s first major independent Mr. BERRY. Madam Speaker, I rise here rector. Later, he became a high school prin- broadcasting entity, a conglomerate that grew today to pay tribute to my dear friend, and cipal in Lee County, Virginia, after honorably to include seven television stations, 14 radio great Arkansan, Bill Nix. Bill spent his whole serving his country as a member of the United stations, the Harlem Globetrotters, the Ice life in Arkansas as a cattleman, and was a States Army during World War II in New Cal- Capades, radio paging and mobile telephones. friend to everyone he met. Regretfully, he edonia and the Philippines. Dr. Smiddy was Although his success as a businessman sup- passed away earlier this year and leaves be- the first biology instructor at Clinch Valley Col- plied him with vast wealth, acknowledged as hind a wonderful family, great memories, and lege in 1954, continuing to teach there until the wealthiest man in America in 1989 by a great many friends who will miss him for- 1984. He served as dean and director of the Forbes Magazine, he believed some of his ever. I ask my colleagues to stand with me college before being named chancellor in greatest achievements came from the benefits and honor a man whom everyone was lucky 1968. Dr. Smiddy was forward-thinking in ad- society gained from his wide-ranging dona- to have known. mitting African-American students to the col- tions. From the start, Bill was committed to Arkan- lege at a time when not many others were, Mr. Kluge gave a total of more than $63 mil- sas. He grew up in Ash Flat in Sharp County, and Clinch Valley College was co-educational lion to the University of Virginia throughout his Arkansas, which he would continue to call a decade before the University of Virginia ad- lifetime, which has allowed one of our Nation’s home for the rest of his life. After graduating mitted women. most prestigious Universities to maintain itself from Ash Flat public school, Bill bought the Since his retirement in 1985, Dr. Smiddy in the top-tier of colleges nationwide. His do- Ash Flat Livestock Auction in 1958. To this has continued to serve as ambassador for the nations to medical programs provided crucial day, the business continues to flourish. University of Virginia’s College at Wise and to aid to disabled and chronically ill children, Bill was always very involved in county and work tirelessly on its behalf. Because of his ef- while his involvement in prostate cancer re- district fair boards, as well as the Cattlemen’s forts, innumerable students who would other- search has led to groundbreaking advance- Association. He always participated in Future wise not have been able to do so have ac- ments towards containing the disease once Farmers of America livestock sales, where quired a college education. being detected. He also believed in the need children would play the part of the cattle and The numerous awards which Dr. Smiddy for better end-of-life care, which led him and hog sellers. Bill had a loving habit of always has received include the University of Vir- his wife, Tussi, to provide funding to establish over-compensating the children for their cattle ginia’s College at Wise Alumni Association’s professorships in the field at the University of and hogs—he loved the livestock business Meritorious Achievement Award, the Wise Virginia. In 2000, his generosity even reached and was always trying to encourage others to County Outstanding Citizen Award, the Wise the Capitol through his $73 million donation to come into the business. County Outstanding Educator Award, and the the Library of Congress, of which he will al- Above all else, family was the most impor- Kanto Award. He has been included in the Vir- ways be remembered by the Kluge Prize for tant thing in the world to Bill. They stood by ginia Hall of Fame, and in 1981, he was the Study of Humanities. each other even in business. He and his wife, named a laureate of the Virginia Cultural Lau- But perhaps his most important contribution Alice, and their children worked side by side in reate Center. Dr. Smiddy has received hon- was one that he is least known for. Mr. Kluge the Sale Barn, which Alice continues to own orary doctorates from Lincoln Memorial Uni- enlisted in the United States Army in 1940. In and operate today. Through this labor of love, versity, his alma mater (1970); the University 1942, during World War II, he was promoted it is no wonder that this is the most successful of Richmond (1975); and The College of Wil- to Captain and appointed as the senior officer business in the history of the city of Ash Flat. liam and Mary (1985). at the top secret military intelligence post lo- f Dr. Smiddy recently achieved an important cated in Fort Hunt Park, along the George milestone by celebrating his ninetieth birthday. Washington Memorial Parkway. The top secret IN HONOR OF JOSEPH C. ‘‘PAPA He remains a vibrant member of the commu- post was known only by its mailing address, JOE’’ SMIDDY nity of Wise where he lives with his wife, P.O. Box 1142. While there, Captain Kluge led Reba. His daughter, the Honorable Elizabeth the men and women at the post in reviewing HON. RICK BOUCHER Smiddy Wills, is a juvenile and domestic rela- top secret documents and performing interro- OF VIRGINIA tions court judge for the 30th judicial district of gations of more than 4,000 important German IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Virginia. His son, Dr. Joe Frank Smiddy, M.D., prisoners of war. Through the efforts of his unit, our military was provided with crucial in- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 is a pulmonologist in Kingsport, Tennessee. An active Kiwanian for decades, Dr. Smiddy is formation that helped end World War II and Mr. BOUCHER. Madam Speaker, Joseph C. also a lifetime deacon of Wise Baptist Church. give the United States an early advantage in ‘‘Papa Joe’’ Smiddy is truly a legend in south- He uses his gifts as musician and storyteller to the Cold War. Even more impressive were the west Virginia and beyond. Known for his folksy share the music and history of the Appa- tactics he used to obtain such information. humor, Dr. Smiddy is widely revered for his lachian Mountains with others not only in Vir- Rather than physical torture, Captain Kluge endeavors on behalf of the University of Vir- ginia but across the United States and in sev- honored the Geneva Convention by obtaining ginia’s College at Wise (formerly known as eral foreign countries. His renown as an edu- information from prisoners through earning Clinch Valley College), the college that he cator will forever endear Joseph C. Smiddy to their trust. It was a clear contrast from the ap- guided through its infancy and through years the citizens of far southwest Virginia and to all proach we initially pursued with captured ter- of growth as it became the outstanding institu- those whose lives have been touched by the rorists and suspected terrorists at Guanta- tion of higher learning that it is today. institution to which he has dedicated himself, namo and Abu Ghraib prisons. Through cas- Before Clinch Valley College was estab- the University of Virginia’s College at Wise. ual conversation, card games, and taking lished in 1954, there were no public colleges f walks, he and his unit were able to extract in Virginia west of Radford, which made higher vital information that led to the discovery of education out of reach for most residents of HONORING MR. JOHN WERNER most of Germany’s secret weapons programs southwest Virginia. The only 4-year, state-sup- KLUGE that included research to develop the atomic ported college in far southwest Virginia, the bomb, the jet engine, and the V–2 rocket. University of Virginia’s College at Wise is also HON. JAMES P. MORAN Madam Speaker, I wish to commend Mr. the only branch of the University of Virginia in OF VIRGINIA John W. Kluge on his lifelong accomplish- southwest Virginia. Under Dr. Smiddy’s tute- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ments and contributions to society, as well as lage, the college became a 4-year institution in for the crucial service he provided our country 1970 with the awarding of Bachelor of Arts de- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 with at a time of war. While he was a man of grees. Bachelor of Science degrees were Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I numerous successes, he was also a man of awarded in 1973, and Bachelor of Science de- rise today to honor the accomplishments of endless generosity. He refused to ask for rec- grees in Nursing were first awarded in 1996. Mr. John Werner Kluge, who recently passed ognition or acknowledgement for his numerous U.S. News & World Report ranks the college away on September 7, 2010, in Charlottesville, charitable donations, but instead preferred the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.158 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1838 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 grins and smiles from those who knew him Ron is married to Dr. Anita Alexandra versities in the Midwest by U.S. News and well. Mr. Kluge was not only an outstanding Gadhia Smith, an accomplished author and World Report in 2009 and will only improve its soldier and American, but most importantly an practicing psychologist in Washington, D.C. academic and service standards under the outstanding human being. They have three children and six grand- guidance of their new President Christine f children. Wiseman. I wish Dr. Smith all the best as he continues I ask you to join me in honoring President HONORING CAPTAIN RON SMITH his work in private practice and in his lobbying Christine Wiseman on her appointment as efforts for the treatment of our homeless and president of Saint Xavier University, and may HON. PATRICK J. KENNEDY mentally ill in hospitals instead of jails, and for she and the university enjoy many continuing OF RHODE ISLAND the decriminalization of addiction. He will con- years of prosperity and academic excellence. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tinue to carry my own admiration, and that of Wednesday, September 29, 2010 all who have had the privilege to serve with f him. Mr. KENNEDY. Madam Speaker, I rise f CONGRATULATING TAIWAN ON today to recognize Captain Ron Smith, United THEIR 99TH ANNIVERSARY States Navy, upon his retirement. His remark- HONORING CHRISTINE M. able Navy medical career will end on October WISEMAN AND HER APPOINT- 8, 2010 but the fine innovations and the leg- MENT AS THE 19TH PRESIDENT HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. acy of his work in the areas of psychiatry and OF SAINT XAVIER UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN IN CHICAGO addiction treatment will continue. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In short, his contributions to the field of polit- ical psychology, specifically Psychoanalysis HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI Wednesday, September 29, 2010 and Alcoholism, are unmatched. OF ILLINOIS Mr. CONYERS. Madam Speaker, congratu- Upon graduation from Amarillo High School, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lations to Taiwan as they celebrate their 99th Dr. Smith enlisted in the United States Marine anniversary on October 10, 2010. We are Corps. He was soon after appointed to the Wednesday, September 29, 2010 happy to see such a vibrant democracy blos- United States Naval Academy, graduating with Mr. LIPINSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise today soming in East Asia. the class of 1966. He attended the University to honor Christine M. Wiseman, who began of Texas Medical School and completed an In- serving as the 19th president of Saint Xavier Due to the ubiquitous tension between Tai- ternal Medicine residency at the Mayo Grad- University in Chicago on June 1, 2010. Her wan and China (neighbors across the Taiwan uate School of Medicine and Naval Hospital commitment to Catholic education and her Straits) Taiwan’s President Ma is in a very dif- San Diego. Dr. Smith was the first physician strong credentials ensure that she will lead ficult position. Every day he must walk the trained in critical care medicine by the U.S. Saint Xavier University to new heights during tightrope between improving the relationship Navy, completing his fellowship at the Univer- her tenure. with mainland China and making sure that Tai- sity of Southern California Center for the Criti- President Wiseman has a long record of ex- wan does not lose its unique identity that cally Ill in Los Angeles in 1976. He soon be- cellence in academia. Prior to her appointment makes their county so special. came one of the first physicians involved in at Saint Xavier, she was Provost and Pro- To this end, President Ma is handling the Navy Alcohol treatment and with Captain Joe fessor of Law at Loyola University of Chicago. challenge masterfully. Many areas of the rela- Pursch was instrumental in the founding of the She directed the academic division at Loyola, tionship between the Republic of China (Tai- Betty Ford Center. which is the largest Catholic research institu- wan) and the People’s Republic of China He left the Navy in 1978 and as a civilian tion in the United States. Before leaving for (mainland China) have improved dramatically Dr. Smith founded the emergency medicine Loyola University in 2007, she served as the since President Ma took office. residency program at Loma Linda University Vice President for Academic Affairs at Without question, the most significant evi- Medical School. During this time, he and his Creighton University, where she led strategic dence of the improved relations between brother Richard Smith worked together to start planning and reaccreditation efforts. She was China and Taiwan is The Economic Coopera- the Winners Foundation which offered free also Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at tion Framework Agreement (ECFA). This is a substance abuse treatment at Santa Anita and the Marquette University Law School and As- formal agreement between the two sides that other race tracks in the Thoroughbred Racing sociate Vice President for Academic Affairs at aims to reduce commercial barriers and in- industry throughout the world. His interest in the University, making her the first woman to crease trade between the two countries. Three addiction and recovery led to an interest in the reach senior administration at Marquette. Her years ago this would not have been even psychological growth during the middle and experience as a high-level administrator at thought of as possible, yet today this agree- mature years of life, which led him to complete Creighton University, Loyola University in Chi- ment is in effect as of September of this year. his psychiatry training at Loma Linda, where cago and Marquette University will certainly Additionally, the following are further evi- he also taught emergency and critical care benefit her as the leader of Saint Xavier. dences the improving relationship between medicine. The basis for a good education is quality in- Taiwan and China: He returned to active duty in 1992 as a psy- struction, and President Wiseman has a Daily flights between the two countries are choanalyst and contributed as medical con- strong record in teaching as well. In 1991, she not only now occurring, but due to high de- sultant for the Honorable Jim Ramstad for the received the Marquette University Faculty mand, the number of flights and destinations Ramstad-Wellstone bill which was eventually Award for Teaching Excellence. Her decades have had to be increased. passed in 2008 as the Parity Act. I was fortu- of teaching experience at Loyola, Marquette, China, who blocked Taiwan’s access to par- nate to have the opportunity to accompany Dr. and Creighton will help her make instruction a ticipate in any part of the World Health Organi- Smith in his capacity as an Emergency Physi- top priority at Saint Xavier University. zation (WHO) for the last 38 years, has grant- cian on one of Senator ARLEN SPECTER’s President Wiseman has also been honored ed Taiwan the honor of observer status at the world-wide congressional delegations. Senator multiple times for her public service. She was World Health Assembly (WHA) arm of the SPECTER enabled Dr. Smith to meet many named the Wisconsin Civil Liberties Union WHO. world leaders and contribute significantly as a Volunteer Attorney of the Year in 1989 and political psychologist. the Spirit of the Law School recipient in 2003 Both China and Taiwan have agreed to Dr. Ronald Smith is Board Certified in Inter- at Marquette for being a role model to the share crime data and law enforcement serv- nal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Psychi- school’s students. Her commitment to public ices with one another to help reduce illegal ac- atry, and Addiction Medicine. He completed service and the disadvantaged will have a tivity in the area. his psychoanalytic training at the Southern strong impact on the students of Saint Xavier All of this has been done while still allowing California Psychoanalytic Institute in Beverly University. Taiwan to operate as an independent nation Hills, California and has a Doctorate in Philos- Saint Xavier University is a Catholic univer- with its own government, military and cur- ophy of Psychoanalysis. Since 2002, lie has sity with over 5,000 students and was founded rency. been annually recognized by the Consumer’s in 1846 by the Sisters of Mercy. Its main cam- I ask my friends in Congress to congratulate Research Council as one of America’s Top pus is located in the Mt. Greenwood neighbor- Taiwan on their 99th anniversary as we hope Psychiatrists in Psychoanalysis and Alco- hood of Chicago. The school was rated as to continue our friendship with them for their holism. one of the top 40 comprehensive master’s uni- next 99 years.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.160 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1839 INTRODUCING A RESOLUTION SUP- Decade of Action and encourages the federal INTRODUCTION OF THE HEAVY PORTING THE GOALS AND IDEAS government to support efforts to reduce road TRUCK TAX FAIRNESS ACT OF THE DECADE OF ACTION FOR fatalities, preventing needless deaths and inju- ROAD SAFETY ries both here at home and around the world. HON. EARL BLUMENAUER I appreciate the support of my good friends OF OREGON HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS Congressman CHRIS VAN HOLLEN and Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gressman DAN BURTON on this matter, and OF FLORIDA Wednesday, September 29, 2010 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES urge my colleagues to support this important resolution. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, I rise Wednesday, September 29, 2010 today to introduce the Heavy Truck Tax Fair- Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, f ness Act. Nothing is more essential to restor- I rise today to introduce a resolution sup- ing the economy, revitalizing our communities, porting the goals and ideas of the Decade of HONORING REV. ADOLPH NOBLE, and protecting our environment than the effort Action for Road Safety. This is a critically im- SR. to rebuild and renew America. The U.S. faces portant issue, as millions of people in every steep infrastructure challenges. Our infrastruc- corner of the globe are affected by traffic acci- HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. ture inventory is in poor repair and much of it dents, inadequate public policies, and under- is outdated—not just decades, but often cen- OF GEORGIA developed or neglected transportation infra- turies old. Our effort to rebuild and renew that structure. The United States can take the lead IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES infrastructure is stalled because of a funding in furthering the goals of the Decade of Action Wednesday, September 29, 2010 impasse. The Highway Trust Fund nearly ex- declared by the United Nations General As- hausted its funding several times recently and sembly, saving millions of lives and billions of Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Madam Speaker, I it is clear that our existing funding mecha- dollars. rise today to honor Rev. Adolph Noble, Sr., of nisms are insufficient to meet our current, The leading cause of death for people ages Bainbridge, Georgia, a man I am proud to call much less future, needs. Congress must con- 5 to 29 is not disease or war but road crash- my friend and constituent. He is an accom- sider new revenue sources to meet our infra- es. Nearly 1.3 million people are killed in road plished public servant who has devoted his life structure challenges and must work with trans- crashes every year and another twenty to fifty to his family and his community. portation users to find the most efficient million are injured in traffic accidents. On aver- Rev. Noble was born August 22, 1955, in means of raising this revenue. age, over 1,000 people under the age of 25 Thomasville, Georgia, to Smiley Noble and The funding sources for the Highway Trust die every single day on the world’s roads. And Betty Jean Noble ne´e Melvins. He grew up in Fund can be volatile, depending on the health these numbers are going up dramatically. Southwest Georgia, and graduated from Bain- of the economy. Current law places a 12 per- Madam Speaker, the world cannot afford bridge High School in 1973. After completing cent tax on the sale of new heavy trucks, trail- such needless, heartbreaking losses. In addi- his studies in Mortuary Science at the John A. ers, and certain tractors. This tax is an impor- tion to the catastrophic human costs—not only Gupton College in Atlanta, Georgia, he then tant source of Highway Trust Fund revenues. the lives lost but amongst their friends and went on to study at the Meadows College of In times of economic stress, these sales fall families as well—road crashes cost the global Business in Albany, Georgia. dramatically, badly limiting Trust Fund re- community over $518 billion a year, an enor- Upon successfully completing these aca- sources. These lost sales have several impor- mous sum when you consider that many of demic endeavors, Rev. Noble began his life- tant effects. By reducing revenue to the Trust the countries most plagued by road crashes long call of ministering to others. He went on Fund, the decline hinders economic produc- are underdeveloped or developing nations. to study at the Southern Baptist Seminary in tivity by imposing costs from poor infrastruc- The global community must build on the ini- Tallahassee, Florida. From there, he has ture. It also reflects an increase in the average tial, important steps already taken to enhance served his community as a pastor, ministering age of the trucking fleet. New trucks have sig- international cooperation to improve road safe- for over forty years. nificant environmental and safety advantages, ty. In November 2009, the Moscow Declara- Thirty of these years have been spent at Pil- and Congress should reduce the barriers to tion, signed by 150 countries, encouraged the grim Rest Missionary Baptist Church in Bain- new truck acquisition. To meet the demand for establishment of a Decade of Action for Road bridge, with several years spent preaching at new trucks, most truck manufacturers will add Safety from 2011 to 2020, and laid the foun- Patterson Street Free Will Baptist Church in employees, as most have significant engine dation for United Nations General Assembly Dothan, Alabama. Rev. Noble continues to and final assembly operations in the U.S. Resolution 64/255 adopted in March 2010. minister to both of these parishes today. The Heavy Truck Tax Fairness Act would This U.N. resolution recognizes that the dev- Rev. Noble is deeply involved in the many replace the 12 percent excise tax currently astation caused by road crashes negatively civic and religious affairs in his community. He levied on new truck, trailer, and certain tractor impacts the social, economic, and health tar- served as the Past Moderator of the First Flint sales with a revenue neutral increase in the gets of the Millennium Development Goals, River Baptist Association, as the President of diesel fuel excise tax of $0.073 per gallon. and reaffirms the importance of international the Bainbridge/Decatur County Civic and Pro- This modest change will be revenue neutral collaboration during the Decade of Action. gressive League, and as a member of the De- over 10 years and will have the effect of It is critical that the nations of the world smoothing resources available to the Highway work together to stabilize and reduce traffic fa- catur County Chamber of Commerce, the Fourth District Funeral Service Association, Trust Fund and will ensure the U.S. can con- talities by taking advantage of opportunities at tinue investing in our vital transportation infra- the global, national, regional, and local level. and the Georgia State Funeral Service Asso- ciation. structure. The United States can set an example for the I also note that this legislation does not af- In addition to his ministry and community rest of the world by improving transportation fect all transportation stakeholders equally. In outreach, Rev. Noble is also Owner and Fu- management, infrastructure, vehicle safety, particular, smaller companies and owner-oper- neral Director of Guyton Brothers Funeral education, and post-crash care and rehabilita- ators could see fewer benefits. I pledge to Home in Bainbridge. tion here at home. We must continue to sup- work with affected groups as this legislation port public policies designed to reduce key Rev. Noble has been, and continues to be, advances to ensure that the legislation, as en- risk factors like speeding, drunk driving, dis- very blessed in his family life. He is married to acted, is as carefully tailored and broadly ben- ´ tracted driving, and the failure of many Ameri- Sonja Noble nee Tyler, and he is the proud fa- eficial as possible. ther of four children and the proud grandfather cans to use seat belts, child restraints, and f other safety devices. of five grandchildren. His kind demeanor and Madam Speaker, this Decade of Action for unyielding compassion has endeared him to TRIBUTE TO JOHN ED REGENOLD Road Safety has not been declared to merely many. raise awareness, but also to take action. We Madam Speaker, the State of Georgia, es- HON. MARION BERRY all use roads, cars, buses, and bicycles every pecially the Second Congressional District, is OF ARKANSAS day. It is easy to take our safety for granted. truly blessed to have benefited from the tre- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES But too many tragedies remind us that road mendous counsel, and ministry of Rev. Adolph fatalities and injuries have an enormous im- Noble, Sr. We greatly appreciate his guidance, Wednesday, September 29, 2010 pact on our lives. This resolution expresses leadership, compassion, and intense desire to Mr. BERRY. Madam Speaker, I rise here the House of Representatives’ support for the help others and better his community. today to pay tribute to John Ed Regenold, a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.164 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1840 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 passionate public servant, a devoted family It was at Heinz’s urging that the Urban Cen- Executive Council, he helped lead the federa- man, and my friend. In February of 2005, John ter Task Force Committee was organized in tion’s opposition to the . He continued Ed was appointed State Highway Commis- April 2006 to encourage the city of Irving to to work tirelessly to build stronger connections sioner by Governor Mike Huckabee, where he look at the needs of Las Colinas. As Chairman between local labor leaders, community lead- has continued to be an important force in Ar- since its inception, Heinz has gotten involve- ers, workers, and organizations to support stu- kansas. ment on the Committee from the mayor of Ir- dents’ rights, civil rights, women’s rights, and Outside of his work as Commissioner, John ving; two city managers and their staffs; and countless other causes. In a time when so Ed has made a point to be an active voice in numerous city organizations. The group has many are suffering because of the economy, the public discourse for improving the State of encouraged the burying of overhead utilities, David has fought to keep jobs from going Arkansas. He has served on numerous com- the construction of the Lake Carolyn prome- abroad and to ensure competitive wages and missions and boards such as the Arkansas nade, and kept the interests of Las Colinas at benefits for union workers. Economic Development Commission. He is the forefront of discussions among city lead- In a piece reflecting on the election of Presi- also a member of the St. Francis Levee Board ers. dent Obama, David wrote, ‘‘But no gains are and is a commissioner for the District 17 Though he retires from the Las Colinas As- freely given. We have to seize the moment, Drainage District. sociation Board of Directors with many accom- focus our energies, and assure that the victory Whenever and wherever he found a place plishments, Heinz is not done improving his will indeed be ours.’’ These bold words em- he could help others, John Ed put his energy community. He currently serves as the direc- body the essence of the American spirit, and wholeheartedly and humbly into the job. He tor/trustee of the Stemmons Foundation, a it is clear that over the past fifty years, David found a home as the Chairman of the Mis- charitable trust established in 1963 to benefit has come to epitomize this spirit. Although col- sissippi County Hospital System Board and as Dallas-area cultural, educational, and scientific leagues may disagree with his beliefs or fiery a member of the Arkansas Northeast College communities. It is for this continuous dedica- spirit, they always come away with nothing but Foundation. Among all these accomplishments tion to the Las Colinas area and its sur- the utmost respect for David. he also found the time to serve as a member rounding communities that I ask my col- May his stalwart dedication, vision, and life- of the board of the First National Bank of leagues to join me in honoring Heinz K. Si- long commitment to the highest ethical stand- Blytheville. mon’s retirement from the Las Colinas Board ards continue to serve as an inspiration for us. John Ed is one of the smartest minds Ar- of Directors. I join the greater Madison community, the en- kansas has ever seen, and without people like f tire state of Wisconsin, and those who con- him guiding the way, the State would be a tinue to fight for their beliefs throughout our much different place. His career is a reflection HONORING THE RETIREMENT OF great nation in honoring Mr. David Newby’s of his compassion, intellect, and commitment MR. DAVID NEWBY achievements and thanking him for his lifetime to improving Arkansas. I ask all my fellow col- of service. leagues to rise and honor with me the great HON. TAMMY BALDWIN f work of John Ed Regenold. OF WISCONSIN f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MEDIA USE ‘‘CONSERVATIVE’’ LABEL MORE OFTEN THAN ‘‘LIB- IN HONOR OF THE RETIREMENT Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ERAL’’ OF HEINZ K. SIMON FROM THE Ms. BALDWIN. Madam Speaker, I rise LAS COLINAS ASSOCIATION today to honor the career and achievements HON. LAMAR SMITH BOARD OF DIRECTORS of Mr. David Newby, President of the Wis- OF TEXAS consin State AFL–CIO, as he retires from his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. KENNY MARCHANT esteemed position. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 OF TEXAS David served as president for sixteen years, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES but his roots in fighting for social equality run Mr. SMITH of Texas. Madam Speaker, the much deeper. He began his dedicated fight national media label political candidates and Wednesday, September 29, 2010 against injustice during his time as a teacher organizations ‘‘conservative’’ far more often Mr. MARCHANT. Madam Speaker, I rise at the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. From than ‘‘liberal.’’ today to honor Heinz K. Simon, the retiring 1965 to 1968, he faced off with racial discrimi- For example, during the last year, the New Vice Chairman and former President and nation in the South, organizing and partici- York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Chairman of the Las Colinas Association pating in protests and sit-ins to counter the ac- Angeles Times used the word ‘‘conservative’’ Board of Directors. Heinz is a valued member tions of the local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan. almost twice as often as ‘‘liberal’’ in political of the Irving, Texas community and has dedi- In 1968, David began work on a Ph.D. at the news stories, according to an internet search. cated decades of service, economic planning, University of Wisconsin-Madison. He quickly Furthermore, by margins of 3 to 1, the and community improvements to the associa- became involved in the union movement. As newspapers used the term ‘‘far right’’ more tion and its surrounding communities. Since Steward of the Teaching Assistants Associa- often than ‘‘far left’’ and ‘‘right wing’’ more fre- 1973, Heinz and his wife, Allison, have re- tion, David was able to gain recognition from quently than ‘‘left wing.’’ sided in Las Colinas, and in 1996 Heinz the administration through union strikes and And the term ‘‘extreme right’’ appeared five moved the corporate office of Industrial Prop- other actions. times more often than ‘‘extreme left.’’ erties Corporation to Las Colinas. As the In 1982, David first stepped into a labor This disparity shows the media’s liberal per- former CEO and Chairman of Industrial, Heinz leadership role when he was elected President spective. To them, ‘‘liberal’’ is actually ‘‘main- understood the dynamic business environment of the Madison Labor Council. He possessed stream,’’ and therefore not worth mentioning. Las Colinas possesses. Heinz also raised his the ability to motivate local members to come But Americans describe themselves as con- two children in this community. together on issues and express their views as servative rather than liberal by a margin of 2 Since moving to Las Colinas, Heinz’s con- one voice to the national AFL–CIO. A su- to 1. tributions to the community have been tremen- premely principled man, David had no qualms The national media should give Americans dous. In addition to being on the Association about speaking out against union-backed can- the facts, not use biased language. Board for over 10 years, he has served as the didates or policies. In 1986, he won a tough f Chairman for Irving’s Tax Increment Finance election for Secretary-Treasurer. He continued District. This position allowed him to push for to ruffle feathers as he expressed his distaste TRIBUTE TO MAJOR GENERAL a development project within the Tax Incre- for America’s military actions abroad, never ROBIN RAND ment Finance District boundaries in Las backed down from striking against plant clos- Colinas. Furthermore, Heinz was the primary ings, and continually pushed to attract new HON. IKE SKELTON force behind The Las Colinas Park Founda- and more committed union members. Finally, OF MISSOURI tion, a 501-(c)(3) organization that works to in 1994, David easily won the presidency of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES beautify parks and open spaces across Irving. the Wisconsin State AFL–CIO. In addition to other projects, the Foundation Over the past sixteen years as president, Wednesday, September 29, 2010 has replanted numerous trees and put both a David has only increased his effort to fight for Mr. SKELTON. Madam Speaker, let me statue and a sculpture in two parks within the what he believes is right. As the representa- take this means to pay tribute to Major Gen- community. tive of the Midwest on the national AFL–CIO eral Robin ‘‘Baba’’ Rand, the Director of the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.167 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1841 Legislative Liaison for the Office of the Sec- This year’s recipient is Charles J. Graziano TRIBUTE TO CHIEF MASTER retary of the Air Force. After serving in this ca- of Pittston, Pennsylvania. SERGEANT STEVEN J. PERRAULT pacity for over a year, General Rand has been Mr. Graziano was born in Pittston on Sep- selected to become the Special Assistant to tember 6, 1950. He is the son of Joseph and HON. KEN CALVERT the Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force. I am Mary Leo Graziano. OF CALIFORNIA honored to commend General Rand for his Mr. Graziano graduated from Pittston Area IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many years of service to the United States Air High School in 1968 before attending Wilkes Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Force. College where he studied Commerce and Fi- A 1979 graduate of the United States Air nance. Mr. CALVERT. Madam Speaker, I rise today Force Academy, General Rand distinguished After graduation from Wilkes College in to honor and pay tribute to an individual from himself early on as an exceptional pilot. First 1972, Mr. Graziano attended The American the 44th Congressional District of California tapped to be an Instructor Pilot and Flight Ex- Academy and McAllister Institute of Funeral who has dedicated his life to defending the aminer, he went on to serve as an F–16 Service in New York City. He graduated from people of this country and preserving the Weapons Officer and later served as the Com- the Academy in 1973. basic freedoms and liberties that we hold mander of the 36th Fighter Squadron at Osan For the past 37 years, Mr. Graziano has dear. I ask my colleagues to join me in thank- Air Force Base in the Republic of Korea. worked as Funeral Director at the Graziano ing Chief Master Sergeant Steven J. Perrault After attending the in Funeral Home in Pittston Township. He is the for his 23-plus years of dedicated service in Newport, Rhode Island, General Rand took an third generation of the Graziano family to op- the United States Air Force. assignment as a policy planner in the Direc- erate the funeral service over the past 110 Chief Perrault enlisted in the Air Force on torate for Strategic Plans and Policy on the years. January 15, 1988, as an Administrative Spe- Joint Staff at . He then returned A lifelong resident of Northeastern Pennsyl- cialist assigned to Westover Air Force Base, to the Republic of Korea, taking command of vania, Mr. Graziano is a member at St. Massachusetts. He served for two years in the , ‘‘The Wolfpack’’, at Rocco’s Roman Catholic Church. this role prior to transitioning to Vehicle Oper- with follow-on wing com- Mr. Graziano currently resides in Pittston ations. After three years, Chief Perrault then mand tours at the at Luke with his wife, Mary Lou. They have two chil- moved to his first duty station and worked as Air Force Base and the 332nd Air Expedi- dren, Joseph and Silvana. a recruiter at Hanscom Air Force Base, Mas- tionary Wing at in Iraq. Based Madam Speaker, please join me in con- sachusetts. on his experiences in Iraq, General Rand was gratulating Mr. Charles Graziano on this auspi- During his career, Chief Perrault was as- chosen to be the Principal Director for Middle cious occasion. His lifelong commitment to the signed as a Line Recruiter, which is primarily East Policy in the Office of the Secretary of Northeastern Pennsylvania community illus- responsible for new enlistees, and an in-serv- Defense at the Pentagon. In his most recent trates he is most deserving of this achieve- ice recruiter which helps Regular Air Force assignment as Director of Legislative Liaison, ment. members transfer into the Reserve Compo- General Rand has been a steadfast advocate f nent. Due to his knowledge and skills he was of the mission of the Air Force and of the selected for a Headquarters assignment help- 689,000 Total Force Airmen and their families. RECOGNIZING THE CAREER OF MR. ing oversee both the Operations and Training Madam Speaker, Major General Robin SAM WOLF Branches of Recruiting Service at Robins Air ‘‘Baba’’ Rand has served his country well, and Force Base, Georgia in 2000. Chief Perrault he will no doubt continue to do so. I wish Gen- HON. JERRY F. COSTELLO took on the tough assignment as a Senior Re- eral Rand; his wife, Kim; and their children, OF ILLINOIS cruiter and was responsible for a new oper- Brooke and Bryson; the best of luck in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ating location in Denver, Colorado that man- days to come. aged all in-service recruiters assigned to the Wednesday, September 29, 2010 f Midwest portion of the United States. In Au- Mr. COSTELLO. Madam Speaker, I rise gust 2005, after laying the ground work for CONGRATULATING CHARLES J. today to ask my colleagues to join me in rec- success in Denver, Chief Perrault was as- GRAZIANO ON BEING NAMED ognizing the distinguished career and signifi- signed to Wright Patterson Air Force Base, PERSON OF THE YEAR BY THE cant regional contributions of Mr. Sam Wolf. Ohio as a Senior Recruiter. ITALIAN AMERICAN ASSOCIA- Sam Wolf, a resident of Granite City, Illinois, In August 2007, he was chosen as the Su- TION OF LUZERNE COUNTY served 18 years in the Illinois House of Rep- perintendent for the Western Recruiting resentatives from 1974 until he retired in 1992. Squadron. Since that time, Chief Perrault has HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI Among his more notable accomplishments been instrumental in meeting their annual re- OF PENNSYLVANIA during his time in the General Assembly was cruiting goals for the ninth straight year. Dur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES legislation establishing community college vot- ing his career, Chief Perrault has been directly Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ing sub-districts. This was important to ensure responsible for helping to recruit more than Mr. KANJORSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise equitable representation of the different geo- 8,500 airmen into the Air Force Reserve and today to ask you and my esteemed colleagues graphic areas covered by a community college has contributed to the continued success of in the House of Representatives to pay tribute district. the Air Force Reserve Command Recruiting to Charles J. Graziano on being honored as Sam Wolf has been a strong proponent of Service. this year’s ‘‘Person of the Year’’ by the Italian Southwestern Illinois College and was a driv- Most recently, Chief Perrault has served as American Association of Luzerne County. ing force in the establishment of the college’s Superintendent, Western Recruiting Squadron, The Italian American Association of Luzerne Granite City Campus in 1984. Sam worked to March Air Reserve Base, California, Air Force County will hold its 33rd annual Columbus secure funding for the Industrial Technology Reserve Command. In this role, he has been Day Dinner Dance in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsyl- Center at the Granite City Campus and the responsible for coaching and mentoring the 96 vania on October 10, 2010. development of the Automotive Collision Re- enlisted personnel assigned to the squadron The Association currently has over 200 pair Technology program there. Sam has been as well as ensuring congressionally mandated members. a member of the Southwestern Illinois College end-strength manning for reserve units across Each year, the Italian American Association Board of Trustees since October 1995. 17 states, one U.S. territory, and in three of Luzerne County recognizes an individual In recognition of Sam’s tireless efforts to ex- countries. who has shown distinguished service to the pand and improve Southwestern Illinois Col- Chief Perrault could not have been such a organization and the community as its ‘‘Person lege, the Granite City Campus is named the tremendous leader without the love and unfail- of the Year.’’ Sam Wolf Granite City Campus. This is a fit- ing support of his wife Senior Master Sergeant This award honors an individual who has ting tribute for a man who has done so much (retired) Cheryl Perrault and their four children: displayed dedication and leadership in the As- to provide quality educational opportunities for Technical Sergeant Cassandra Casul, Senior sociation. It also recognizes an individual who current and future generations. Airman Shane Perrault, Kyle Perrault, and Ms. has volunteered their time throughout the Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join Ashlie Wendt. Helping to build his foundation community, and an individual who over the me in an expression of appreciation to Mr. for success early in life were his father Robert past year has promoted Italian American cul- Sam Wolf for his many contributions to the Perrault, his step-mother Carol; his mother ture, preserved Italian American traditions, and Southwestern Illinois region and to wish him Karen Gardiner and his step-father Sergeant worked to instill family values. the very best in the future. Major (retired) Dennis Gardiner.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.171 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1842 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 Madam Speaker, I join my colleagues in ex- izen stewards of the streams and rivers in went to work for his father at KJTV–34 as a pressing our sincere appreciation to Chief their community. If each individual within the national sales manager. In 1985, Brad and his Master Sergeant Steven J. Perrault for his out- watershed were to contribute to clean-up ef- father decided to make their station a FOX af- standing service to both the United States Air forts, even in small ways, the aggregate would filiate. The father-son team also launched a Force and our great nation. Chief Perrault will yield significant results in moving Bay restora- Spanish-language station, Telemundo 46. retire from the United States Air Force service tion forward. I hope my colleagues will join me Since then, Brad has launched several suc- with more than just his experience, decorated in supporting this legislation. cessful news and interactive talk radio shows career and remarkable accomplishments. He f under the name of Ramar Communications. will also have served as a shining example Most recently, the Ramar radio group and constant reminder of what it means to be HONORING GENESEE COUNTY COM- launched TT 104.3, the Texas Tech University an American patriot and leader. I am grateful MITTEE FOR COMMUNITY PEACE athletics station. for his service and salute him as he retires Not only is Brad Moran a successful broad- from the United States Air Force. HON. DALE E. KILDEE caster, but he is also very active in the com- f OF MICHIGAN munity. He has served on, and chaired, nu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES merous fundraising committees for Lubbock. A INTRODUCING THE SAVE THE BAY few of these include the Lubbock Area United HOME OWNER ACT OF 2010 Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Way, American Cancer Society, South Plains Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, on Saturday, Area Food Bank, and Lubbock Rotary Club. HON. JOHN P. SARBANES October 2nd, the Genesee County Committee Brad continues to support Texas Tech from OF MARYLAND for Community Peace will dedicate a statue of academics to athletics. He is a member of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mahatma Gandhi on the campus of the Uni- Chief Executives Roundtable for the Rawls versity of Michigan-Flint. The statue, the first College of Business and has committed to Wednesday, September 29, 2010 of its kind in Michigan, will be installed in the begin a scholarship endowment for the Texas Mr. SARBANES. Madam Speaker, I rise Peace Park in celebration of Peace Day. Tech College of Mass Communications. Addi- today to introduce the Save the Bay Home- The Genesee County Committee for Com- tionally, Brad has served on numerous com- owner Act of 2010. This legislation would munity Peace has been celebrating Peace mittees of the Lubbock Chamber of Com- allow the 17 million citizens of the Chesa- Day in Flint Michigan for over 15 years. The merce, and he is currently serving on the peake Bay watershed to become citizen stew- Committee is part of the Chinmaya Seva Chamber’s Board of Directors. ards of the Bay and give them an active role Samiti of Flint. Over the years they have spon- A few noted accolades and awards Brad in restoring it. sored several events including essay writing has received include the 1999 LAF Silver The bill directs the Environmental Protection competitions, building of a sports field for the Medalist; 2003 Alexis de Tocqueville Society Agency (EPA) to develop a ‘‘Save the Chesa- underprivileged, painting a peace mural, hon- Award for his community dedication through peake Bay Home’’ designation program that oring a Peace Maker annually, and the cre- philanthropic and human service; and the Lub- identifies various steps homeowners could vol- ation of the Peace Park. Their goals are pro- bock Chamber’s 2006 Businessperson of the untarily take around their property to reduce moting peace, teaching ways of harmonious Year Award. nutrient and sediment runoff and improve co-existence, and educating future generations I am enormously appreciative to Mr. Brad water quality in local streams and rivers that on the principles of peace and nonviolence. Moran for his contributions to Texas Tech and feed into the Bay. If a participating home The University of Michigan-Flint, the Commu- the Lubbock community. Those in District 19, meets certain standards, such as installing nity Foundation of Greater Flint, Dr. and Mrs. including myself, congratulate him on being rain barrels or reducing fertilizer on their M. Nagaraju, the Genesee Intermediate named to the Hall of Fame and extend to him lawns, that home could be designated a ‘‘Save School District and the Genesee County Med- our best wishes for his future endeavors. the Chesapeake Bay Home.’’ The legislation ical Society Alliance are represented on the f further directs the EPA to give credit to states Committee. TEJANOS OF WORLD WAR II and local jurisdictions for nutrient and sedi- Mahatma Gandhi said, ‘‘I offer you peace. I ment level reduction based upon the number offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see HON. TED POE of homeowners that achieve the ‘‘Save the your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feel- OF TEXAS Chesapeake Bay Home’’ designation. ings. My wisdom flows from the Highest IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Under the Clean Water Act, the EPA must Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us develop a Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum work together for unity and love.’’ In keeping Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Daily Load (TMDL) because the Bay has with his sentiments, the Committee believes in Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Speaker, Amer- failed to meet water quality goals and seg- embracing the unifying features of all different ica honors Hispanic Heritage this month. I ments of the Bay are classified as ‘‘impaired’’ beliefs and ethnicities and strives to pass on would like to recognize some of Texas’ heroes water ways. The TMDL will limit the amount of this wisdom to the next generation. who served their country in body and deed, nitrogen, phosphorous and sediment that may Madam Speaker, I ask the House of Rep- held up the torch of bravery and, in turn, were enter the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tribu- resentatives to join me in recognizing the dedi- awarded Medals of Honor for their actions. taries based on what is required to restore the cation, efforts and enthusiasm of the Genesee Born in San Marcos, Texas, Cleto Bay. Each state within the watershed will be County Committee for Community Peace to Rodriguez enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1944, required to meet pollution limits and water promote unity, and enhance peace in Flint and where he served as a Private in Company B, quality goals under this new framework. There Genesee County. I pray that their work to cre- 148th Infantry, 37th Infantry Division. On Feb- are different ways that state and local govern- ate a more harmonious world is successful. ruary 9, 1945 in Manila, while crossing a rail- ments can meet these standards but many re- f road station, Cleto’s platoon was stopped by quire relatively expensive infrastructure up- intense Japanese gunfire. Without being or- grades or storm water runoff retrofits. This bill A TRIBUTE TO MR. BRAD MORAN dered to do so, Rodriguez and a fellow sol- gives those state and local jurisdictions a vol- dier, Private First Class John N. Reese, Jr., untary tool to meet TMDL standards while en- HON. RANDY NEUGEBAUER left the platoon and marched straight into the gaging the 17 million citizens of the Chesa- OF TEXAS enemy volley. For two and a half hours, peake Bay watershed. Furthermore, if states IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES charged on conquest, Rodriguez and Reese and local jurisdictions receive credit towards killed over 82 Japanese soldiers and paved Wednesday, September 29, 2010 their TMDL limit for ‘‘Save the Chesapeake the way for an American victory at the railroad Bay Homes,’’ they can pass along those sav- Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Madam Speaker, I station that day. Sadly, Reese was killed in ing to homeowners who choose to participate would like to recognize Mr. Brad Moran for action defending his friends and country. For in the program through reductions in their being inducted into the Tech University Mass his ‘‘determination to destroy the enemy and water and sewer bills or their property taxes— Communications Hall of Fame. courage in the face of tremendous odds,’’ a meaningful incentive for citizens who do Brad received a Bachelor’s Degree in Busi- Rodriguez was awarded the . right by the Bay. ness from Texas Tech in 1982, making him He became the first Mexican American GI to Madam Speaker, to truly Save the Chesa- the first college graduate in his family. While be given this award in the South Pacific. peake Bay, we need the 17 million people attending Texas Tech, Brad worked as an Private First Class Silvestre Herrera, drafted who live in the Bay’s watershed to become cit- afternoon disk jockey. After graduation, he to the U.S. Army in 1944, was a seasoned

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.174 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1843 veteran. He had been stationed on the front Capt. Rick James, Capt. Mike Woodzicka, the students of Wawona School. I invite my lines in Germany for several months. A part of Doug Vrechek and Mike Becker, as they are colleagues to join me in wishing Mrs. Stauffer the 36th ‘‘Texas’’ Division, Herrera had experi- inducted into the Wisconsin Fire and Police many years of continued success. enced the most violent fighting in the Central Hall of Fame for saving the lives of four young Europe campaign when the Allies closed in to children. As friends, family and colleagues f deliver the finishing blow on Nazi Germany. gather to pay tribute to their courage and As Americans advanced toward the border, bravery, I ask my colleagues to join me in HONORING MARIA RODRIGUEZ FOR German resistance mounted. That day, Her- honoring these outstanding individuals. A LIFETIME OF PUBLIC SERVICE rera’s division, the 142nd Regiment, neared On December 29, 2007, Capt. Rick James, the French-German border town of Mertzwiller. Capt. Mike Woodzicka, Doug Vrechek and When orders were given to advance the town, Mike Becker valiantly rescued four children HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO Herrera, being a scout, was 400 yards ahead from a burning house in my hometown of Ap- OF CONNECTICUT of his company. The regiment was suddenly pleton, WI. The children, who were all under overwhelmed by machine gun nest fire from the age of seven and included 15-month-old IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the enemy. Armed with only a bayonet and an twins, were trapped in the house, unable to Wednesday, September 29, 2010 M1 hand rifle, Herrera single-handedly cap- escape. The firefighters acted swiftly and he- tured eight German soldiers and sent them to roically, rescuing the children within four min- Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, I rise to American lines. However, upon gearing up for utes of arriving at the scene. commemorate decades of service to the com- a second attempt to end the gunfire, he In recognition of this courageous act, the munity by a longtime and dear friend, both to stepped on an anti-personnel mine that blew firefighters were inducted into the State of me and my husband and to the children and off both his feet. Despite the intense pain and Wisconsin Fire and Police Hall of Fame on families of New Haven, Connecticut: Maria loss of blood, Herrera continued to fight and September 10, 2010. The Hall of Fame recog- Rodriguez. kill two more German soldiers. His presence nizes firefighters and police officers in Wis- enabled his comrades to lead a full frontal at- Elected to New Haven’s Board of Aldermen consin who have performed a heroic act, been in 1976, Maria has the distinction of being the tack on the enemy position. For his heroism an innovator in advancing the productivity or first Hispanic alderperson in the history of our that day Silvestre Herrera was awarded the safety of services, or who have provided ex- Congressional Medal of Honor. city. But that service was only the beginning of ceptional community service. And last, but certainly not least—a hero her contributions to our city and state. For as from Congressional District 2. One of twelve Madam Speaker, without questions, the service of Capt. Rick James, Capt. Mike long as I have known her, Maria has given of children from a large Mexican American fam- herself to the people around her, and has ily, Lucian Adams was born in Port Arthur, Woodzicka, Doug Vrechek and Mike Becker has been selfless and exemplary, and their in- worked to make New Haven a richer, more vi- Texas in 1922. The summer of 1944, Adams brant, and more compassionate community. was stationed near the town of Saint-Die in duction into the Wisconsin Fire and Police Hall the Mortagne forest of France. With supply of Fame is very well-deserved. I ask my col- Indeed, Maria has spent a lifetime doing so. lines cut off by the Germans, Adams was sent leagues to join me in saluting these truly he- She began her career in the early 1970s as a out as a scout for his company and alerted the roic members of our community. trained mental health therapist at the Con- commander of three enemy machine gun f necticut Mental Health Center, where she nests. He was given orders to ‘‘go on out HONORING MICHELLE STAUFFER worked day in and day out to improve the ex- there and make a breakthrough to get those perience and the quality of life of Hispanic GIs.’’ Armed with a borrowed Browning auto- HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH families in the Greater New Haven area. As matic rifle, Adams and his men started walking my husband Stan, Maria, and I worked on so OF CALIFORNIA in a heavily wooded area of the forest. Having many local political campaigns then, we be- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES only walked 10 yards, enemy machine guns came great friends. She helped us to forge killed three men and wounded six others al- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 many wonderful friendships in New Haven’s most instantaneously. The company ran to Mr. RADANOVICH. Madam Speaker, I rise Hispanic community. She is a tireless worker take cover. However, Adams charged forward. today to commend and congratulate Michelle and a strong ally. He killed nine Germans, shot lobbying gre- Stauffer upon her retirement from Wawona After receiving her Masters from Southern nades, eliminated three enemy machine guns School. and forced two German infantrymen to sur- Mrs. Michelle Stauffer has spent the past 29 Connecticut State University in 1983, and render. In a matter of 10 minutes, Adams had years serving as a teaching principal at spending a year as a key and valuable aide to successfully cleared the woods of enemy sol- Wawona School; a kindergarten through sixth my predecessor, Bruce Morrison, Maria soon diers and reopened the severed supply line. grade, one-room elementary school in Yosem- moved into full-time social work. For over 25 Adams was dubbed ‘‘The Texas Tornado’’ by ite National Park. Wawona School has been years, through organizations such as the Con- his company men and received the Medal of serving the children that live in the park since necticut Board of Education, Family Coun- Honor in 1945. the late 1800’s. Park rangers, firefighters and seling of Greater New Haven, and Latino The Medal of Honor is the nation’s highest Youth Development, Inc., she provided ther- award for gallantry in action and is only given other National Park Service employees rely on this community school, and Mrs. Stauffer, to apy to families and students in need of mental to the bravest of the brave. It is the American health care. symbol of knighthood. Men like Rodriguez, educate and nurture their children. During its Herrera and Adams deserve only the utmost existence, the school has educated the chil- In her off-hours, Maria kept on giving. From respect from their countrymen. They are stat- dren of many Yosemite pioneer families, in- serving on the Board of the YMCA to tutoring ues of strength—true visions of valor. With a cluding the Washburn, Bruce and Gordon fam- students in her free time, she has always thankful heart, I tip my hat to the Texas he- ilies. looked for more ways to help those in need roes who fought and are fighting for liberty. Mrs. Stauffer is dedicated to providing a and to improve our city. And, now that she America salutes you. solid education for the students. Field trips to has decided to retire from the Connecticut And, that’s just the way it is. Washington DC, museums, live theater and Board of Education, I can only expect she is f the San Francisco Opera are part of the cur- already thinking of new ways to volunteer her riculum at Wawona School. Mrs. Stauffer be- time and her effort. HONORING APPLETON FIRE- lieves these field trips are an important part of FIGHTERS CAPT. RICK JAMES, exposing her students to life outside of the For that is who Maria is. For decades now, CAPT. MIKE WOODZICKA, DOUG park. she has continued to infuse our community VRECHEK AND MIKE BECKER Mrs. Stauffer is an extraordinary person and with her warmth and energy, her caring and educator. She is dedicated to the Yosemite compassion. I thank her deeply for her service HON. STEVE KAGEN community and especially to her students. She to the families of New Haven, and for her OF WISCONSIN is committed to providing her students with the years of friendship to me. And I congratulate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES very best education in the most nurturing envi- her and her family—her husband Alquilino, her Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ronment possible. son Paul, and daughter-in-law Bunny—on Mr. KAGEN. Madam Speaker, I rise here Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor reaching this milestone. Congratulations, today to pay tribute to Appleton firefighters Michelle Stauffer for her dedicated service to Maria, you have earned it.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.178 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1844 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 HONORING THE EDMUND S. Drennan suffered an exit wound, but kept sion and I wish them the best in their future MUSKIE ARCHIVES AND SPECIAL fighting with his battalion. The battle fought at endeavors. COLLECTIONS LIBRARY Okinawa saw 62,000 American casualties: the f bloodiest battle experienced in the Pacific war. The men and women of our Armed Forces HONORING THE 125TH ANNIVER- HON. MICHAEL H. MICHAUD SARY OF THE CITY OF MILAN OF MAINE serve with an incomparable sense of duty. Mr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Drennan, like many men and women that wear the military uniform, served selflessly HON. JOHN D. DINGELL Wednesday, September 29, 2010 and with only his country’s interest in mind. OF MICHIGAN Mr. MICHAUD. Madam Speaker, I rise The Adler family, and families all across New IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jersey, are eternally grateful for Mr. Drennan’s today to recognize the Edmund S. Muskie Ar- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 chives and Special Collections Library at service. Bates College in Lewiston, Maine as it cele- I ask my colleagues to join me in honoring Mr. DINGELL. Madam Speaker, I rise today brates its twenty-fifth anniversary. this great American hero. Without his sacrifice, to honor the City of Milan and to commemo- As a U.S. Senator from 1959 to 1980, Ed- and the sacrifice of those like him, we would rate its 125th anniversary, as it gathers to mund Muskie established a legacy of not share the freedoms that we have today. It honor this occasion on Sunday, September environmentalism, fiscal responsibility and is important to remember the duty laid upon 26, 2010. In 1885, only 48 years after Michi- budgetary reform. Senator Muskie chaired the our men and women in the military from past gan became a state, the Village of Milan was Environmental Pollution Subcommittee, the generations and those who will serve in the fu- chartered by the Michigan State Legislature. Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee, ture. Soon after, the first elections were held and and the Senate Committee on Budget. In f the Village of Milan had its first governing 1963, Senator Muskie served as the chief Board of Trustees. Milan was a village for over sponsor of the Clean Air Act, the first major HONORING THE BEAGLE FAMILY 80 years until November 6, 1967, when voters federal law aimed at air pollution control. Sen- overwhelmingly approved the charter that es- ator Muskie also served as the chief sponsor HON. DALE E. KILDEE tablished the City of Milan. of the Clean Water Restoration Act in 1966. OF MICHIGAN The City of Milan brings a rich history to the Since its founding in 1985, the Muskie Ar- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 15th Congressional District and it offers a unique blend of rural farms and modern indus- chives has preserved and promoted the leg- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 acy of U.S. Senator, Secretary of State and trialization. Milan is located partially in Bates College alumnus Edmund S. Muskie. Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, I ask the Washtenaw County and partially in Monroe The Muskie Archives have served Bates stu- House of Representatives to join me in con- County, surrounded by corn and soybean dents and researchers from across the United gratulating the Beagle family as they are hon- farms. In 1937, Henry Ford finished his cre- States and around the world. For the past ten ored by the Genesee County Bar Foundation ation of Ford Lake and officially opened a new years, the Edmund Muskie Archives and Spe- on October 7 in Flint, Michigan. power house which operated using coal and cial Collections Library has also been the re- The Beagle family’s contributions to the Flint hydro power. The power house is now the cur- pository of the Archives of the College. In this community span the past century. Charles D. rent Milan City Hall, and Ford Lake was offi- capacity, the library has preserved a collection Beagle graduated from Minnesota Law School cially acquired by Milan in 1949. Even the of records that document that history of Bates in 1904. After practicing law in the State of wonderful park where the 125th anniversary College from its inception through its develop- Washington, he moved to Genesee County in celebration took place was used by Henry ment into one of the country’s premier liberal 1920. He was elected Genesee County Pros- Ford to run a coil manufacturing plant and a arts colleges. ecutor in 1928. He served as president of the paint creation facility for the Model T. The Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Spe- Genesee County Bar Association in 1937– I am proud of the City of Milan’s many con- cial Collections Library at Bates College is a 1938. When he passed away in 1958, Charles tributions to Michigan’s 15th Congressional valuable asset to both the State of Maine and Beagle had practiced law for 54 years. District and I ask my colleagues to join me in the country. Through exhibits, public outreach His son, John S. Beagle, received his law congratulating the city on its 125 wonderful and educational programs, the institution en- degree from Washington and Lee University in years of service to its citizens and the State of sures that the lasting work of Edmund Muskie 1936. He served as a Genesee County Assist- Michigan. is not forgotten. ant Prosecuting Attorney and a Michigan As- f I am pleased to share in the celebration as sistant Attorney General. He enlisted in the HONORING FIRST BAPTIST the Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Special Army at the beginning of World War II and CHURCH OF MADISON Collections Library looks back on its twenty served in the Navy Air Corps until his dis- five years of history. charge. He joined his father and Van H. Stew- Madam Speaker, please join me in honoring art and formed the law firm, Beagle, Stewart HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Edmund S. and Beagle. He served on the governing body OF NEW JERSEY Muskie Archives and Special Collections Li- of the local bar. He retired in 1986 after 50 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years of practicing law and passed away in brary. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 f 2000. The John S. Beagle Scholarship was established through his bequest to help Gen- Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Madam Speaker, I IN HONOR OF SGT. RAYMOND esee County law students defray the cost of rise today to honor the First Baptist Church of JOSEPH DRENNAN their schooling. Madison, located in Morris County, New Jer- Duncan M. Beagle has carried on the tradi- sey as they celebrate their 115th anniversary HON. JOHN H. ADLER tion started by his grandfather and father. He year. OF NEW JERSEY received his Juris Doctor degree from the Uni- In the spring of 1895, a small group of indi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES versity of Detroit Mercy in 1975. He served as viduals began to organize in what was known the youngest president of the Genesee County as Odd Fellows Hall in Madison, New Jersey Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Bar Association in 1983–1984. He has served in an effort to create a Baptist Mission so they Mr. ADLER of New Jersey. Madam Speak- as the court administrator for 67th District would have a place to gather and worship. er, I rise today to honor Sgt. Raymond Joseph Court, assistant prosecutor for Genesee Coun- Two years later, the Baptist Mission became Drennan, who is being honored with the Pur- ty, Friend of the Court referee, and as a pri- the First Baptist Church of Madison, and ple Heart that he earned while fighting the vate practitioner. Appointed to the 7th Judicial members selected Reverend R.L. Harris to be enemy at Okinawa on May 18, 1945. This Circuit Court in 1991, he continues to serve in its first pastor. As membership grew, land was honor is long overdue and serves as a re- this capacity. purchased to build a larger place of worship. minder of the great sacrifices given by our Madam Speaker, I would like to extend my On the first Sunday of June 1901, a ground military personnel from all generations. congratulations to Judge Beagle and the Bea- breaking service was held, and by February Mr. Drennan served as a Sergeant in the gle family as they are honored by the Gen- 1902 the church was completed at its current 29th Battalion of the Marines 6th Division. He esee County Bar Foundation. The Beagle fam- site. was under heavy duress while pinned in a fox- ily represents the best traditions of service to In 2003, the Arthur D. Brown Enrichment hole, and he was injured in the line of fire. Mr. community, their clients and the legal profes- Center was opened to provide a place for

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:19 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.182 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1845 meetings, offices, the Smith Library and per- INTRODUCTION OF PILOT PROJECT ACKNOWLEDGING TAIWAN’S 99TH sonal meditation. The church is continuously FOR TOOLS NEEDED FOR FUND- NATIONAL DAY ON OCTOBER 10, renovating and improving their 105-year-old ING CHALLENGES 2010 building. They plan to further expand their church by creating education facilities. HON. EARL BLUMENAUER HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS An important aspect of the First Baptist OF FLORIDA Church of Madison is their service to others. OF OREGON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The church participates in a wide variety of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, September 29, 2010 missions to help those in need. They provide Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, books to poor areas of Africa, visit residents in I rise to acknowledge Taiwan’s 99th National nursing homes, provide hygiene kits to the Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, I rise Day on October 10, 2010. Also known as poor, assist in paying bills for those in need or to introduce legislation authorizing a pilot Double Ten Day, this event marks the anniver- aid and provide Thanksgiving meals. The First project to develop the tools needed by private sary of the 1911 uprising that soon led to the Baptist Church of Madison has always pro- industry, the IRS, and the Department of establishment of the Republic of China. vided a warm welcome to new parishioners Transportation to meet our infrastructure fund- I congratulate Taiwan, our good friend in and visitors, and has done a commendable ing challenges for the next century. Asia, on numerous successes in recent years. job serving the community. Nothing is more essential to restoring the An economic powerhouse, millions of Ameri- economy, revitalizing our communities, and Madam Speaker, I ask you and my col- cans have come to depend on Taiwanese protecting our environment than the effort to leagues to join me in congratulating the First products like notebook computers, and Taiwan rebuild and renew America. The U.S. faces Baptist Church of Madison as they celebrate serves as a major export market for a huge steep infrastructure challenges. Our infrastruc- their 115th anniversary. range of American products, from agriculture ture inventory is in poor repair and much of it to raw materials to technology. f is outdated—not just decades, but often cen- This past year has seen highly positive polit- turies old. Our effort to rebuild and renew that HONORING MARY ANN SCHILLER ical progress between China and Taiwan, ben- infrastructure is stalled because of a funding efitting not only the entire East Asian arena impasse. The Highway Trust Fund nearly ex- but U.S. interests, as well. Taiwan’s President HON. RUSS CARNAHAN hausted its funding several times recently and Ma Yingjeou has established conciliatory and OF MISSOURI it is clear that our existing funding mecha- cooperative cross-strait relations, producing nisms are insufficient to meet our current, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES agreements in a variety of areas including much less future, needs. Congress must con- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 transportation, tourism, agriculture, and trade sider new revenue sources to meet our infra- and financial matters. For the first time in dec- Mr. CARNAHAN. Madam Speaker, I rise structure challenges and must work with trans- ades, the two great nations are pursuing pro- today to recognize the career of Mary Ann portation users to find the most efficient ductive, peaceful negotiations to ensure a bet- Schiller with the Affirm School District. She means of raising this revenue. ter future for their citizens. I am pleased that began working in the Affton School District as Most of America’s transportation investment these efforts have enabled Taiwan to play a a high school senior in 1950 as an assistant ability is premised on the gas tax. This source greater role in international organizations, to the superintendent’s secretary. She at- is becoming obsolete as vehicles are increas- such as with Taiwan’s participation as an offi- tended Miss Hickey’s Secretarial School in the ingly efficient, making increased demands on cial observer to the World Health Assembly. evening while working as secretary to the prin- our infrastructure while contributing fewer re- Such progress should not go unnoticed or cipal at Reavis School during the day. sources. The current revenue system gen- unremarked upon. In 1960 she moved to the administration erates only two-thirds of the revenue needed Madam Speaker, each time I have visited center to serve the assistant superintendent of to maintain current levels of investment. Taiwan I have come away with a deep appre- elementary education. In 1970, Mrs. Schiller While Congress waits, others are seeking ciation for the Taiwanese people’s commit- became the secretary to the superintendent innovative solutions to this challenging prob- ment to hard work, democratic traditions, envi- (later administrative assistant) as well as sec- lem: the Oregon Department of Transportation ronmental protection, and productive and retary to the Board of Education, positions she conducted successful tests of mileage-based peaceful international relations. I offer my sin- held for 40 years. She has been the indispen- revenue systems that seamlessly protected cere congratulations on their 99th National sable ‘‘right hand’’ to eight superintendents privacy while applying a user fee; two blue rib- Day and look forward to celebrating the 100th and a patient mentor to nearly 70 Board of bon panels called for further exploration of next year. Education members. such a system; and I have introduced prior f On June 15, 2010, the Affton School Dis- legislation that would fund tests of such sys- trict’s Board of Education unanimously voted tems in each state. Under the Transportation HONORING THE STUDENTS AND to dedicate and rename the Affton School Dis- Finance Innovation Demonstration Act, the FACULTY OF MCCLURE JUNIOR trict Administration Center in her honor. On concrete pumping industry has stepped for- HIGH SCHOOL FOR RECEIVING October 2, 2010 the administration center will ward to create a pilot project exploring how a THE BLUE RIBBON AWARD FROM be renamed the Mary Ann Schiller Administra- mileage system would work in practice. THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDU- CATION tion Center. In an unintended consequence of the JOBS Other honors for Mary Ann include: the re- Act of 2004, concrete pumping trucks pay gas- cipient of the Service and Outstanding oline tax on 100 percent of their fuel consump- HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI Achievement Recognition (SOAR) Award for tion, even though 50 percent of their fuel is OF ILLINOIS 1996–97; named Affton Chamber of Com- consumed at construction sites in stationary IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES merce Citizen of the Year in 1999; and one of operation. Concrete pumping trucks already Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ten distinguished alumni inducted into the collect much of the necessary information Mr. LIPINSKI. Madam Speaker, I rise today Affton Hall of Fame in 2005. about distance traveled and fuel consumption to honor the faculty, students, and parents of Mary Ann was also named by the Missouri necessary for the function of a mileage-based McClure Junior High School, a school of 541 Department of Elementary and Secondary fee. With a few minor hardware and software students in Western Springs, Illinois. The Education as a Pioneer in Education—an additions, concrete pumps nationwide could school was awarded the prestigious Blue Rib- honor never before bestowed upon a classi- collect and transmit data to the IRS in a highly bon Award by the U.S. Department of Edu- fied school district employee. accurate and secure manner. cation on September 9, 2010. Mary Ann Schiller retired on June 30, 2010 The legislation directs the Department of the The Blue Ribbon Award program was after 60 years of service to the Affton School Treasury to work with the Department of founded in 1982 by the Department of Edu- District. I honor Mary Ann today for her out- Transportation to establish a demonstration cation to reward the most outstanding schools standing public service; performing one of the project providing a refund of gasoline taxes to in the country. Out of the more than 132,000 most important tasks necessary for a success- concrete pumping trucks and the imposition of eligible schools in the United States, only 304 ful and healthy nation: educating the young an off-setting mileage fee reflecting the dis- earned the Blue Ribbon distinction in 2010. and preparing them to be productive and re- tance the concrete pumping truck traveled on McClure Junior High School has been iden- sponsible citizens. U.S. roadways. tified as a ‘‘High Performing’’ school, meaning

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.186 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1846 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 the students scored significantly higher on death he will be remembered by a grateful na- by a strong current. Beachgoers shouted for standardized state assessments than their tion. help, attracting the attention of Hecht, 45, a peer schools. McClure was one of only 84 f social worker, who was in a camping area middle schools in the country, and one of 19 nearby. Although he decided earlier not to Illinois schools to be distinguished with this RECOGNIZING THE SEATTLE swim that day because of rough surf condi- award. STORM FOR THEIR VICTORY IN tions, Hecht entered the water with a short Thanks to the dedication of McClure Junior THE WOMEN’S NATIONAL BAS- surfboard and, holding onto the board, swam High School faculty, the hard work of the stu- KETBALL ASSOCIATION CHAM- out to the girl, reaching her at a point about dents, and the encouragement of their par- PIONSHIP 200 feet from shore. He grasped her by the ents, the school has been identified as one of wrists and held them over the board and then the very best in the United States. HON. ADAM SMITH started toward shore. Waves overtook them as I ask you to join me in congratulating the OF WASHINGTON they proceeded, and a lateral current swept faculty, students, and parents of McClure Jun- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES them along the shoreline. Others aided the girl ior High School for their receipt of a U.S. De- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 when they reached wadable water, and Hecht partment of Education Blue Ribbon Award, also reached the beach safely. Hecht was one of the highest honors a middle school can Mr. SMITH of Washington. Madam Speaker, very tired and sustained scratches to his legs, earn. I rise today to recognize the Seattle Storm for but he did not need medical treatment.’’ f their incredible season and their victory in the Women’s National Basketball Association I am proud to recognize Mr. Hecht for his IN MEMORY OF U.S. NAVY SENIOR Championship. bravery and selflessness and I thank him for CHIEF PETTY OFFICER DAVID The Seattle Storm joined the WNBA in 2000 helping make the 2nd District of New York a BLAKE MCLENDON and has since been a remarkable team, a place in which citizens take care of their fellow source of immense pride for the State of citizens. HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. Washington. Their 2010 championship was OF GEORGIA their second, and the first under Coach Brian f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Agler. They were consistently the WNBA’s best team, ending the regular season with a CONGRATULATING ST. PAUL Wednesday, September 29, 2010 28–6 record. The team’s success continued COLLEGE’S 100TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Madam Speaker, I into the post-season, where they went rise today to pay tribute to a brave sailor, undefeated and became the first team in dedicated citizen, and a great American, U.S. WNBA history to go 7–0 in the playoffs. By the HON. BETTY McCOLLUM Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer David Blake end of their impressive run, the Storm had not OF MINNESOTA McLendon, who gave his life for his country. been defeated at home. Senior Chief Petty Officer (SCPO) The women of Seattle Storm play the game IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES McLendon was raised in Thomasville, Geor- with great dedication and sportsmanship, and Wednesday, September 29, 2010 gia. After graduating from Thomas County act as role models for our community’s girls Central High School in 1998, he answered the and boys. The team is also one of three Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, I rise call to service by enlisting in the U.S. Navy, WNBA teams that is not owned as a com- today to congratulate the faculty, students and following in the footsteps of his father and panion or ‘‘sister team’’ to an NBA team. Rath- staff of Saint Paul College on the occasion of grandfather. er, they are independent and reflect the value the 100th anniversary of the school. Founded He was a successful and dedicated naval of local-owned organizations. in 1910, Saint Paul College is an outstanding non-commissioned officer, quickly rising Their championship was earned with hard community and technical college that is a part through the ranks. His awards include the work and commitment. Team members in- of the Minnesota State Colleges and Univer- Joint Service Commendation Medal; Navy and clude Svetlana Abrosimova, Sue Bird, Abby sities system (MnSCU). Saint Paul College Marine Corps Commendation Medal; Navy Bishop, Swin Cash, Lauren Jackson, Allison has further distinguished itself by earning the and Marine Corps Achievement Medal; Navy Lacey, Camille Little, Ashley Robinson, Jana nation’s top ranking among community col- Battle ‘‘E’’ Ribbon (two awards); Navy Good Vesela, Le’coe Willingham, and Tanisha Right. leges according to the 2010 September/Octo- Conduct Medal (three awards); and the Sea The enthusiastic and loyal Washington fans ber edition of Washington Monthly Magazine. Service Deployment Ribbon. have also aided to the team’s success and Located on Cathedral Hill near downtown In 2009, McLendon was promoted to Senior over 5,000 fans came to celebrate the cham- and overlooking at the State Capitol, Saint Chief Petty Officer and served as a Navy pionship at the Key Arena. cryptologic technician. He was also a Navy Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues Paul College is a model two-year higher edu- SEAL. During his twelve-year Naval career, he in the House of Representatives please join cation institution, providing academic excel- served at Norfolk, Virginia and Pearl Harbor, me in congratulating the Seattle Storm for lence and trade and technical skills to prepare Hawaii, and the Joint Expeditionary Base at their undefeated playoff run and their 2nd students for success in the workplace. Little Creek, Virginia. WNBA Championship. Saint Paul College offers thirty-eight asso- While deployed to Afghanistan, he was one f ciate degree programs and sixty-one occupa- of nine servicemembers tragically killed when tional certificate and diploma programs, includ- their Army Blackhawk helicopter went down in RECOGNIZING SCOTT HECHT FOR ing transfer and articulation agreements with the southern Afghanistan province of Zabul on HIS BRAVERY AND HEROISM 4-year colleges and universities that provide Sept. 21, 2010. pathways for students to transfer and continue SCPO McLendon’s death is a great loss to HON. STEVE ISRAEL their higher education. this country, as he was a man of great prom- OF NEW YORK The first-place ranking and national recogni- ise and honor. He was described as a con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES summate Navy professional by his fellow tion conveyed by Washington Monthly Maga- servicemembers, and was known for his dedi- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 zine is a testament to the school’s long-stand- cation, quick wit, and engaging sense of Mr. ISRAEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today ing commitment to academic excellence and humor. to acknowledge Scott Hecht, a resident of to the students and families in the community His death is also a great loss to his loving Hauppauge, New York, for being awarded the it serves. Generations of crafts and trades family. He is survived by his wife and parents, Carnegie Medal by the Carnegie Hero Fund people in Minnesota have earned their edu- his brother and sister, his nieces and neph- Commission. This prestigious award is given cation at Saint Paul College, and the school is ews, and his paternal grandmother. to civilians who risk their lives to save the lives poised to help more generations develop the Madam Speaker, U.S. Navy Senior Chief of others. Scott Hecht saved a girl from skills they need for successful careers. Petty Officer David Blake McLendon made the drowning on July 30, 2009, in Mastic Beach, In honor of the 100th Anniversary of Saint ultimate sacrifice for his country. His time on New York. Paul College, I am pleased to recognize the this earth was too short. He was a proud According to the Commission, ‘‘A teenage many achievements of the faculty, staff and American, a brave sailor, and a true family girl struggled to stay afloat in the Atlantic students through this statement in the CON- man. In life he was loved and honored, and in Ocean after being swept away from the beach GRESSIONAL RECORD.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.190 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1847 INTRODUCING LEGISLATION TO Judge Victor Miceli, who served as Superior from a village, to a town, to the fourth largest EXPAND THE DISCRETIONARY Court Judge for Riverside County, California city in Missouri. Civic leaders joined together AUTHORITY OF THE U.S. TRADE for 15 years and dedicated his life to bettering to create a forum for the maintenance, growth REPRESENTATIVE the community around him. On Thursday, and economic stability of the city. The Cham- September 16, 2010, Vic passed away at the ber has played a vital role in providing vision HON. EARL BLUMENAUER age of 82 with his wife of 49 years, Bernice, which helped to tackle the hard economic problems of the day. Today’s Chamber is OF OREGON by his side. Though Vic has passed on from comprised of a ‘‘. . . partnership of more than IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES this life, he leaves a lasting legacy in River- side, the community he loved so dearly. 1,200 business and professional people com- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Vic graduated from the University of Pitts- mitted to making a difference in the commu- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, today burgh Law School in 1952 and went on to nity.’’ I am introducing legislation to expand the dis- serve in the Army as a judge advocate gen- Following its founding in 1920, the Chamber cretionary authority of the United States Trade eral and later practiced civil law in a private constitution encouraged its members ‘‘to pro- Representative (USTR) to take action under practice. Although he originally hailed from mote the civic, economic, and social welfare of section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974. Specifi- Meadville, Pennsylvania, Vic came to River- the people of Independence and vicinity’’ with cally, the legislation would allow USTR to in- side after having been appointed to the Supe- membership open to all interested people. vestigate and impose sanctions on countries rior Court bench in 1986 by former California Colonel William Southern, Jr., who began pub- whose trade practices are found to be unfair Governor George Deukmejian. lishing the Jackson Examiner in 1898, served on the original Board of Directors and holds to U.S. interests by failing to enforce foreign When he retired from the bench in 2001, the honor of being the first Board President of country environmental laws. Specifically, Vic’s work in the community was far from the Chamber. Due to the continued quality of USTR will have discretionary authority to take over. Vic turned his focus and efforts to the leadership, the Chamber’s involvement is re- action if it finds a persistent pattern of conduct restoration of downtown Riverside, including spected on every issue from legislative initia- the $24.7 million renovation of the 1903 that indicates a trading partner: tives to promoting pride in the city. (I) Fails to effectively enforce the environ- beaux-arts Riverside Historic Courthouse, Throughout its 90 year history, the Chamber mental laws of a foreign country; which was rededicated in 1998 and complied has initiated and supported local programs for (II) Waives or otherwise derogates from the with new earthquake standards. Vic himself economic development, public education, and environmental laws of a foreign country or has attributed this as his proudest professional general community quality of life. Working as weakens the protections afforded by such accomplishment. He also advocated for a new a cohesive body with its Board, staff and laws; federal courthouse in Riverside, and the trans- members, the Chamber strives to provide a (III) Fails to provide for judicial or adminis- fer of the 4th District Court of Appeal, Division better quality of life for its citizens. Historically, trative proceedings giving access to remedies Two headquarters from San Bernardino to they have campaigned to improve infrastruc- for violations of the environmental laws of a Riverside. Additionally, he was a dedicated ture, stimulate economic growth, annexation, foreign country; or partner in the preservation and continued care transportation, parks, education and tourism. (IV) Fails to provide appropriate and effec- of the historic Evergreen Cemetery. Through a variety of methods, they have tive sanctions or remedies for violations of the Vic did so much for the community, the term achieved their objectives through bonds, fund- environmental laws of a foreign country. the ‘‘Micelian Footprint’’ was coined, affection- raisers or by launching programs to benefit the This authority is very similar to existing au- ately referring to Vic’s ability to positively influ- citizens of Independence. ‘‘Put Us to Work’’ thority held by USTR to enforce labor rights ence whatever he touched. In fact, 101–year- was one program initiated during the depres- around the world. old retired Appellate Justice John Gabbert sion to coordinate all civic relief efforts and My support for international trade agree- called Vic the person who has done more for employment assistance for its citizens. We ments has always been predicated on the no- the community in his lifetime, and said his should recognize organizations like the Cham- tion that agreements establish a fair, rules- contributions were ‘‘beyond measure.’’ ber of Independence as they help our commu- based trading regime. The economy of my Despite his passion and gusto, Vic always nities find solutions to our current economic state is heavily trade-dependent. Oregon’s had a way of charming those around him— challenges. iconic brands would not exist without strong and perhaps that is what helped him get so When Harry S. Truman came home from international trading relationships. Oregon’s much done. He will be remembered for his serving in World War I, he came home to largest private employer, Intel, is a product of great sense of humor and optimistic outlook Independence, Missouri. When he was con- the international market for high-tech products. on life just as much as his drive to accomplish templating a run for Eastern District Judge, he The Port of Portland’s distribution centers projects and lead others. went to Col. Southern for support. After serv- alone create 17,000 jobs, $810 million in Although his career flourished, Vic always ing as President, he once again returned to wages and other personal income, and $2.8 put his family first, and set aside time every Independence. The Chamber honored him as billion in business revenues. Ensuring a level summer to take his two sons on road trips a lifetime member of the Independence Cham- playing field in U.S. trading relationships is around the country. His wife remembers him ber in 1945. Later, out of respect and admira- vital to protecting these jobs and to ensuring as the kindest and most generous husband. tion, the Chamber proudly supported fund- public support for a forward-looking, optimistic Vic is survived by his wife and their two raising efforts for the Harry S. Truman Presi- approach to trade policy. sons, Victor Miceli II and John Michael Miceli. dential Library. Allowing our trading partners to derogate On behalf of all those who knew him, it is Madam Speaker, please join me in extend- from their environmental laws provides an un- an honor to offer these remarks as a tribute to ing my warmest congratulations to Dr. Patty fair advantage to their businesses and allows the life and legacy of my friend Victor Miceli. Schumacher, Chair of the Board, and Rick those businesses to unfairly undercut U.S. His life and presence will be sorely missed Hemmingsen, Chamber President, for the many accomplishments of the Independence companies, which operate under strong envi- and I extend my condolences to his dear fam- Chamber of Commerce on this, their 90th An- ronmental protections. I look forward to work- ily and friends. niversary. The Chamber’s work and dedication ing with my colleagues to ensure that trade re- f on behalf of the City of Independence has mains free and open, but, in incorporating en- truly bettered our community. I urge my col- vironmental and labor protections, also meets RECOGNIZING THE INDEPENDENCE leagues to join me in showing our appreciation basic expectations of fairness. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ON THEIR 90TH ANNIVERSARY to all its members, past and present. f f TRIBUTE TO JUDGE VICTOR HON. EMANUEL CLEAVER HONORING THE 5TH STRYKER MICELI OF MISSOURI BRIGADE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. KEN CALVERT Wednesday, September 29, 2010 HON. ADAM SMITH OF CALIFORNIA OF WASHINGTON Mr. CLEAVER. Madam Speaker, I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today in recognition of the 90th Anniversary of Wednesday, September 29, 2010 the Independence, Missouri Chamber of Com- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Mr. CALVERT. Madam Speaker, I rise today merce, located in my District. History reveals Mr. SMITH of Washington. Madam Speaker, to recognize and honor the life of my friend, how Independence, the county seat, grew I rise today to honor the 5th Stryker Brigade,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.194 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1848 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 2nd Infantry Division for their service and rec- Both Michael and Suzy have gone above Shelby Street Bridge Rehabilitation and ren- ognize their achievements after returning and beyond to improve the health and well- ovations to the Nashville Court House and home from a 12-month deployment in Afghani- being of all children. Together they have Criminal Justice Center, Neyland Stadium and stan. I ask that my colleagues join me in hon- worked with Sweet Dreamzzz, to provide Thompson Boling Arena—quickly became re- oring the men and women of this Stryker Bri- sleep education and bedtime needs for at-risk nowned landmarks in Nashville’s cityscape gade and thank them for their service. school children, as well as working with and throughout Tennessee. Mr. Bell knew how After 2 years of training in preparation to de- Yatooma’s Foundation for the Kids to help to bid projects, pinch pennies, cut costs and ploy to Iraq, the 5th Stryker Brigade, 2nd In- children and families who have lost one or complete the job ahead of schedule without fantry Division received a change in orders both of their parents. sacrificing quality. He was a perfectionist for and was directed to deploy as the first Stryker Suzy also serves as a board member for his clients, making men and construction ma- brigade in Afghanistan. The brigade began its The Arc of Oakland County, which works with terials come together, even salvaging the work operations in Kandahar Province, where they children and adults with intellectual and devel- of other firms. quickly encountered a determined enemy. opment disabilities, while Mike has served as Ray Bell was often called a Renaissance Over the course of their year in Afghanistan, the Michigan State Chapter and Metro Detroit Man because of his love for the arts, history the brigade went on to lead the assault on Board Chairs for March of Dimes. and music. Mr. Bell’s other passions included Marjah, fight against the Taliban in Arghandab Michael and Suzy serve as role models to his family, politics and charitable organiza- River Valley, help secure President Karzai in those around them, giving of themselves to tions. When it came to politics, Mr. Bell firmly Daykundi, and secure highways and lines of improve the lives of children and families in believed in bipartisanship and working to- communications, all while fighting enemy com- their community. gether to accomplish common goals. He gave batants. Under the leadership of Colonel Harry Together I have worked with the March of generously to various charities and was active D. Tunnell, the soldiers performed their duty Dimes to pass the Affordable Care Act, to es- with the Tennessee State Museum Founda- with honor and courage. tablish and expand the Children’s Health In- tion, Easter Seals and the Arthritis Foundation. While the brigade performed admirably in surance Program, and to advocate furiously And so, Madam Speaker, it is my privilege challenging circumstances, the deployment did for increased funding for research at the Na- to ask my colleagues to join me in saluting not come without sacrifice. Thirty-seven mem- tional Institutes of Health that will prevent birth Ray Bell’s life and accomplishments. We are bers of the brigade died in combat operations defects, prematurity and infant mortality. grateful for his passion for construction and with another 239 wounded over the course of These are just a few reasons why I am politics and the decades of service and con- the deployment. Their sacrifice in defense of proud to be an active member of my local tributions he provided to Nashville and the our nation, and in an effort to establish a more March of Dimes chapter in Michigan, and why people of Tennessee. stable Afghanistan, should be acknowledged I am proud to call them my friends. The staff f and their sacrifice will not be forgotten. and volunteers at the Michigan Chapter are After 12 months in Afghanistan, the brigade loyal advocates to improving this world for the RECOGNIZING MARC HERBST FOR began redeploying in June 2010 and held their next generation, and for more than four dec- HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO LONG IS- homecoming ceremony on July 22, 2010 at ades, we have worked hand-in-hand to fight LAND’S INFRASTRUCTURE Lewis-McChord. During the cere- for America’s children, to ensure that every mony, the brigade was also formally reflagged baby born in this country has a fighting HON. STEVE ISRAEL as the 2nd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division. chance. OF NEW YORK Though the brigade may have a new designa- Madam Speaker, I rise today to commend IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion, the service and sacrifice during their de- the March of Dimes Michigan Chapter for their Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ployment as the 5th Stryker Brigade, 2nd In- support for lifesaving research and quality fantry Division will not be forgotten. family support programs that help ensure Mr. ISRAEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues Michigan’s families can bring their children into to acknowledge Marc Herbst, Executive Direc- join me in honoring the men and women of this world healthy and happy. I look forward to tor of the Long Island Contractors’ Associa- this brigade, who have displayed venerable working with them for many years to come. tion, who has been named the 2010 Construc- service to their country. f tion Executive of the Year by the Long Island f Chapter of the Construction Financial Manage- RAY BELL COMMENDING THE MARCH OF ment Association. No one deserves this rec- DIMES MICHIGAN CHAPTER ognition more than Marc. HON. JIM COOPER Mr. Herbst is active in Long Island’s busi- HON. JOHN D. DINGELL OF TENNESSEE ness and labor organizations. He serves as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Vice President of the New York Roadway Im- OF MICHIGAN provement Coalition and is a member of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Council of State Executives for the American Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Mr. COOPER. Madam Speaker, today I rise Road and Transportation Builders Association. Mr. DINGELL. Madam Speaker, I rise today to honor C. Ray Bell, a master builder who The Suffolk County Executive appointed him to honor the March of Dimes Michigan Chap- passed away on September 4, 2010. He was as vice-chair of the Suffolk County Waste- ter for their dedicated and tireless service to an outstanding member of the Nashville com- water Treatment Task Force, and he is an em- families across our state. Since its founding in munity, a lifelong activist, a leader in the con- ployer trustee for labor benefit funds. Pre- 1939 by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, struction industry, and my friend. viously, Mr. Herbst was a five-term member of the March of Dimes has been devoted to im- Mr. Bell was born in Scottsboro, AL and the New York State Assembly, where he was proving the health and wellness of infants and raised in Shelbyville, TN. He graduated from ranking member of the Transportation Com- children across the country. the University of the South in 1963 with an mittee. Last year, in my home State of Michigan, honors degree in English and throughout his As you can tell, Marc has dedicated his the March of Dimes awarded over $1.1 million life remained a very well-read man. He worked life’s work to making Long Island a better to local researchers to support research to in construction in Shelbyville for 6 years be- place for generations to come. We all know save babies; awarded more than $255,000 in fore he came to Nashville and started Ray Bell that infrastructure is essential for our safety chapter community grants to local programs Construction Company, Inc. in 1970. His com- and economic livelihood. Even throughout the that support innovative ways to promote and pany became the State’s largest construction economic downturn, Marc continued this fight protect maternal and child health; advocated firm and led the most significant projects in and I am proud to have worked with him to for funding to maintain the Michigan Birth De- Tennessee and the South for over 30 years. move important infrastructure projects forward fects Registry; worked to expand Michigan’s Mr. Bell was a self-made man who had the on Long Island. newborn screening panel to include over 40 enthusiasm and drive to make his business a Long Island is a better place because of disorders; among many other achievements. great success. people like Marc Herbst and for that I am Volunteers like Michael and Suzy Fezzey, Ray Bell’s company built everything: sky- grateful. the recipients of this year’s ‘‘John Dingell Hero scrapers, interstate highways, bridges, pris- I am proud to recognize Marc Herbst for this for Babies Award,’’ are the reason why the ons, stadiums, arenas and more. Many—in- honor and for the work he has done to Michigan Chapter of March of Dimes is so cluding the Bicentennial Mall and Train Tres- strengthen Long Island’s infrastructure and successful. tle, the Tennessee Performing Arts Center, the economy.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.197 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1849 ACQUIRED BONE MARROW FAIL- The government now in Taiwan was found- community of North Plains, Oregon. The cele- URE DISEASE RESEARCH AND ed in mainland China before it was pushed out bration being held on Saturday October 2, TREATMENT ACT of 2010 by a brutal, communist regime. The dif- 2010, is a tribute to the residents of North ferences between the two governments today Plains, both past and present, whose years of SPEECH OF is stark. While Taiwan flourishes as a democ- hard work, persistence, and endurance is a re- HON. DORIS O. MATSUI racy marked by passionate elections, China flection of the values embodied by their com- OF CALIFORNIA suppresses all political opposition, torturing munity. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and imprisoning anyone who dares to dis- North Plains is situated at the base of Or- agree. And yet we let China into regional and egon’s Coastal Range, which houses one of Tuesday, September 28, 2010 world bodies but keep the ROC out. Oregon’s finest watersheds. North Plains is Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in For example, Taiwan is not a member of the home to Pumpkin Ridge golf course and Bob strong support of H.R. 1230, the Acquired International Civil Aviation Organization. That Horning’s hideout, whose music festivals and Bone Marrow Failure Disease Research and means that when world leaders get together to frisbee golf course attract visitors from across Treatment Act. talk about aviation regulation, Taiwan and the the country, along with numerous other locally Every year, it is estimated that between 35 million people that fly in and out of it each owned businesses. At the heart of the North 20,000 and 30,000 Americans are diagnosed year are completely unrepresented. Plains community are picturesque farms, nurs- with some form of acquired bone marrow fail- So I urge my colleagues, on this 99th anni- eries, and wineries which produce everything ure disease. versary of the Republic of China, to call on the from Christmas trees and Halloween pumpkins This classification of diseases, which include leaders in Beijing to allow Taiwan to partici- to small fruits and world class wines. Each Au- myelodysplastic syndromes (commonly known pate in ICAO and other key international orga- gust, North Plains celebrates its agricultural as MDS), aplastic anemia, paroxysmal noc- nizations like it. heritage by hosting the world’s largest ele- turnal hemoglobinuria (known as PNH), and And that’s just the way it is. phant garlic festival—an event my kids and I others, take a debilitating and deadly toll on f look forward to participating in on our way to those diagnosed, forcing patients and families camping at nearby Stub Stewart State park, to deal with significant health, social, and eco- RECOGNIZING THE 99TH ANNIVER- our most recently dedicated state park. nomic hardships. SARY OF THE REPUBLIC OF Former Oregon Governor Tom McCall once In some cases, MDS can even progress CHINA (TAIWAN) said: ‘‘Heroes are not giant statues framed over time to become leukemia, which affects against a red sky. They are people who say, hundreds of thousands of Americans in its HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS This is my community, and it is my responsi- own right. OF NEW YORK bility to make it better.’’ The residents of North And while individuals stricken with these IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Plains are American heroes who have devoted conditions can take some action to prolong Wednesday, September 29, 2010 their lives to making our country and their their lives, this diagnosis offers little hope that community better. affected patients will ever fully recover. Mr. TOWNS. Madam Speaker, I rise today I ask my colleagues to join me in congratu- In light of this, I introduced the Acquired to offer my congratulations to the Republic of lating North Plains on this remarkable achieve- Bone Marrow Failure Disease Research and China on Taiwan on the occasion of the cele- ment. North Plains’ history of land stewardship Treatment Act to enhance and intensify cur- bration of their 99th anniversary. Although it is has been an asset to our state and region, rent and future efforts in the fight against bone commonly known as ‘‘Double Ten Day,’’ this and it serves as a model to be emulated. I am marrow failure diseases. year, the anniversary can be called ‘‘Triple proud to serve a community with such a This legislation would support increased re- Ten Day,’’ as it falls on the tenth day of the strong commitment to the livelihoods of its search on these still relatively unstudied dis- tenth month of the tenth year of this millen- families, and I look forward to hearing of North eases, including what genetic and environ- nium. Plains’ ongoing successes in the years to mental factors may be associated with the This important date commemorates the come. condition and best practices for the diagnosis Wuchang Uprising of October 10, 1911, which f and treatment of these diseases. was the impetus for the fall of the Qing Dy- In addition, the bill would authorize coordi- nasty in China, leading to the creation a few MARGARET-LEE THOMPSON nated outreach and informational programs months later of the Republic of China, com- targeted to minority populations affected by monly known as Taiwan. HON. DAVID G. REICHERT these diseases, including information on treat- October 10 is the National Celebration Day OF WASHINGTON ment options and clinical trials research. in Taiwan. It is as important to the Taiwanese IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES These provisions are critical to the individ- people as the Fourth of July is to Americans, Wednesday, September 29, 2010 uals affected by bone marrow failure diseases and many American cities, including Chicago Mr. REICHERT. Madam Speaker, today I and their families, as it would bring both tan- and San Francisco, have large celebrations to rise in recognition of a constituent whose life- gible progress to fighting these diseases, and mark the occasion. time of passionate and intensive work on be- provide hope to those who have suffered their Sadly, the destruction and devastation half of developmentally disabled children and effects. caused by Typhoon Morakot last year caused Taiwanese President a to cancel the national adults has been recognized at a national level. This bill has bipartisan support, 62 cospon- Margaret-Lee Thompson, a resident of festivities to pay respect to those who had lost sors, and has incorporated suggestions from Redmond, Washington, and the coordinator of their lives. Additionally, funds normally used both sides of the aisle. the King County Parent Coalition for Develop- Mr. Speaker, I commend our Leadership for celebration were instead used to aid vic- ment Disabilities, was awarded the ‘‘Advocacy and thank Chairman WAXMAN and Chairman tims of the disaster. Matters!’’ honor by the Arc of the United PALLONE and their staff for bringing H.R. 1230 Today, Taiwan is a valued partner of the States because of her efforts and courageous to the floor, and for their commitment to pro- United States and I extend my best wishes to Taiwan for a wonderful 99th anniversary this advocacy. tecting the health of all Americans. Ms. Thompson’s adult son, Dan, has lived I urge my colleagues to support passage of year, and I look forward to celebrating their with disabilities his entire life. While focusing this important legislation, and I yield back the 100th anniversary with them next year. wholly on the daily needs of her son, Madam balance of my time. f Speaker, Ms. Thompson identified a variety of f RECOGNIZING THE COMMUNITY OF inconsistent and wrong-headed policies and TAIWAN NORTH PLAINS CENTENNIAL AN- practices at different levels of government and NIVERSARY local organizations. In 1990, seizing on a six- HON. TED POE month grant opportunity to bring parents of the developmentally disabled and policy makers OF TEXAS HON. DAVID WU together, Margaret founded the Parent Coali- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF OREGON tion. Twenty years later, Ms. Thompson is na- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, September 29, 2010 tionally recognized as a committed, veteran Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Speaker, on Oc- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 leader of an incredibly worthy movement. Her tober 10, 2010, the Republic of China will cel- Mr. WU. Madam Speaker, I rise today to work and advocacy have changed hearts and ebrate its 99th anniversary. recognize the centennial anniversary of the minds, Madam Speaker.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K29SE8.054 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1850 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 The Parent Coalition—with Ms. Thompson Church of Falls Church for its 140th anniver- first Deaconess board in the city was orga- as its leader—has three overarching goals: to sary, themed ‘‘celebrating 140 years of service nized, and hundreds of new members were work for a better future for people with devel- to God through prayer, worship and praise.’’ added to the church. It was also during Rev. opmental disabilities and their families through Founded shortly after the Civil War, the King’s ministry, on July 4, 1926, that a new systems advocacy, to organize parent training Second Baptist Church has grown from a sanctuary was dedicated at 705 North Fifth workshops, and to inform families in King small two-room cabin to a two-story church on Street. County, Washington about the developmental ‘‘Baptist Hill.’’ Not only has the Church served The Great Depression brought with it a disabilities system at all levels. Under Ms. as a symbol and source of faith for the con- share of challenges for Fifth Baptist. In re- Thompson’s leadership, the Coalition has ac- gregation, but it has also acted as a commu- complished its goals—and much more. nity center, opening its doors to various sponse, the church called a pastor who had Madam Speaker, Margaret-Lee Thompson groups such as Girl and Boy Scout troops, already built a church in Philadelphia and was is a leader, an advocate, and a social entre- nursery school classes, and other community proven as a skilled leader. On the first Sunday preneur. She’s helped thousands of develop- organizations. The Second Baptist Church in February, 1930, Rev. Christopher Columbus mentally disabled individuals in King County also has served the Falls Church community Scott became the fifth pastor of Fifth Street and influenced thousands more policy makers, by founding the Food Bank and the Baptist Church, and he served the church for community leaders, and residents. After 20 S.H.A.R.E. Food Network. 36 years. During his years of service, the years of leadership and advocacy, Ms. This past week the Church hosted a series church celebrated the burning of its mortgage Thompson has finally received the type of rec- of worship services and community events to in 1946, installed a new 22 rank pipe organ in ognition she so richly deserves. She’s a self- honor this momentous occasion. It will host a 1955, and led the city-wide celebration of less humanitarian, Madam Speaker, and I’m celebratory dinner on October 3 with a concert Emancipation Day for many years, bringing honored to call her a constituent, thank you. to conclude the week’s events. nationally known speakers and rallies for civil f Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues rights to the church. OVERBROOK SCHOOL join me in celebrating the 140th Anniversary of Changes in the city of Richmond brought the Second Baptist Church of Falls Church. changes to Fifth Baptist under the leadership HON. JIM COOPER For 140 years the Second Baptist Church has of its sixth pastor, Rev. Henry Clayton Gregory served the community through prayer, worship III, who assumed leadership of the church in OF TENNESSEE and praise. I would like to extend my con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES August 1967. New expressway construction gratulations and thank the Church for its com- and other municipal developments had geo- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 mitment to faith and to the community. graphically split the Jackson Ward/Navy Hill Mr. COOPER. Madam Speaker, today I rise f community. In response, the church rededi- to recognize Overbrook School in Nashville, cated its efforts to the community, serving as ON THE 130TH ANNIVERSARY OF Tennessee. This year, Overbrook was named a command post for Dr. Martin Luther King, a National Blue Ribbon School, a tremendous THE FIFTH STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Jr.’s Poor People’s March and establishing a honor from the U.S. Secretary of Education Federal Credit Union for members. Fifth Bap- acknowledging Overbrook’s outstanding scho- tist also looked to serve the world at large, lastic achievement. HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT building a medical clinic in Karnal, India. The Blue Ribbon Schools Program recog- OF VIRGINIA nizes public and private elementary, middle, In January 1974, Rev. Roscoe Dennis Coo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and high schools for excellence in academic per, Jr. was installed as the seventh pastor of achievement. Overbrook is one of only 304 Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Fifth Baptist. It was under his leadership that schools nationwide to receive 2010 Blue Rib- Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I the church undertook the biggest change in its bon designation and is the only Nashville area rise today to congratulate a storied institution history. Citing growing problems with the loca- school to be honored this year. Overbook is of faith in the Third Congressional District. tion in Downtown Richmond, the church took also the first Catholic elementary school in This year, the Fifth Street Baptist Church is the bold step to move 37 blocks away to a Nashville to receive the coveted award. celebrating its 130th anniversary, and I would new property on Third Avenue. On Sunday, Since it opened in 1936 as a co-edu- like to highlight some moments from the his- October 5, 1975, the church members cational, Catholic school, Overbrook students tory of the church and its contribution to our marched these blocks to the church’s new have pursued academic, cultural, and spiritual community. home in the Highland Park Community. growth. Situated on the Dominican Campus in Fifth Street was organized in 1880 and first the heart of Nashville, students from kinder- The church’s eleventh and current pastor is worshiped in the old Odd Fellows Hall on East garten through eighth grade thrive in an envi- Rev. F. Todd Gray. At the church’s new loca- Franklin Street. The church acquired land for ronment that promotes academic excellence tion and under his leadership, Fifth Street has a sanctuary on Fifth Street in 1882, and be- and a life of faith. Overbrook School is an in- continued to minister to the needs of the com- came known as Fifth Street Baptist. The first stitution that values a well-rounded education munity. Coming together with community pastor, Rev. Henry Haywood Mitchell, served in a nurturing setting. neighbors, the church helped found the North And so, Madam Speaker, it is my privilege for 2 years. Under the pastorate of Rev. A.P. District Community Development Corporation. to honor Overbrook School for being named a Dunbar, the new house of worship was com- Under this organization, the church, in con- 2010 National Blue Ribbon School. I ask my pleted and dedicated in 1886. junction with the Southern Tip Civic Associa- colleagues to join me in saluting the students, Fifth Street grew rapidly under the leader- tion, The United Way, St. Elizabeth’s Catholic teachers, parents and staff who have helped ship of its third pastor, Rev. Wesley Paul Church, and other community groups, has pro- Overbrook School set a standard of excel- Graham. At the end of one revival, Rev. vided numerous programs to the community lence for elementary schools across middle Graham singlehandedly baptized 285 people including: computer training, test prep, job Tennessee. in one afternoon. It was under his direction training, summer jobs for youth, and medical that the first Baptist Young Peoples Union in services. In 2005, the church dedicated a new f Virginia was established at Fifth Baptist. This Community Empowerment Center known as Union was influential in the plans to consoli- RECOGNIZING THE 140TH ANNIVER- the G.R.A.C.E., God’s Redemptive And Com- SARY OF THE SECOND BAPTIST date Richmond Theological Seminary and munity Empowerment, Center. CHURCH OF FALLS CHURCH Wayland Seminary of Washington, DC into one institution—Virginia Union University. Rev. As Fifth Street gathers to celebrate this his- HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Graham served Fifth Baptist for 17 years, with toric milestone, the church can truly remember its past, celebrate its present, and focus on OF VIRGINIA the highlight of his pastorate being the 1900 Session of the National Baptist Convention the future continuing to ‘‘bring the Kingdom to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hosted at Fifth Street Baptist. the Community!’’ I would like to congratulate Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Fifth Street flourished in Richmond during current pastor Rev. Gray and all of the mem- Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speak- the turn of the century. Under the leadership bers of the Fifth Street Baptist Church on the er, I rise to recognize the Second Baptist of its fourth pastor, Rev. Thomas J. King, the occasion of their 130th anniversary.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00058 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.203 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1851 RECOGNIZING REVEREND DOCTOR race by focusing on the issues of white su- Improving test scores early on is crucial to SAM E. MANN ON HIS RETIRE- premacy and white privilege. Through training, getting kids on the right path to a solid edu- MENT FROM THE SAINT MARK he seeks to inspire ministries to address rac- cation and key to securing critical resources UNION CHURCH AND UNITED ism in their congregations. that will help our schools turn around. His most recent project was the building of INNER CITY SERVICES I want to particularly honor Highland prin- the $4 million child care center, the St. Mark cipal Susan Ippongi and Inglewood Unified Child & Family Development Center, located HON. EMANUEL CLEAVER School District superintendent Gary McHenry at 2008 E. 12th Street in Kansas City, Mis- OF MISSOURI for their leadership and their dedication to souri. St. Mark’s is a state of the art child care IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES schoolchildren in Inglewood. facility that annually serves approximately 225 Wednesday, September 29, 2010 low-income families through its early childhood I am looking forward to meeting them in No- Mr. CLEAVER. Madam Speaker, I rise education program, before- and after-school vember when representatives from the Blue today in recognition of the achievements of program, and summer camp. Nearly 100 per- Ribbon schools come to Washington to be for- Rev. Doctor Samuel E. Mann, an individual cent of the children are African American, with mally recognized for their achievements. who has dedicated his life to helping the un- many living in single parent households in one I am very proud of Highland’s ability to excel derserved in the Fifth Congressional District of of Kansas City, Missouri’s poorest neighbor- over adversity, and particularly proud of the Missouri, the District that I am honored to rep- hoods. young boys and girls who are studying hard resent. This weekend, Reverend Mann is retir- Rev. Mann is presently a leader working in for a bright future. They are giving Highland ing, after 40 years as Pastor Administrator of concert with other agencies in making Kansas Elementary School, our community, our city St. Mark Union Church and executive director City a Zone Seven site to provide additional and our country a good name. of United Inner City Services. In that capacity, services in the urban core for the education of he oversaw a budget of $1.5 million annually, children. I am proud of the federal funding I f a sixty-two member staff and programs that in- helped secure for St. Mark. cluded: child and family development, social Madam Speaker, it is an honor and privilege HONORING ZOILA A. QUIN˜ ONES services, and community development and for me to recognize my friend, and colleague, street organizations and violence prevention. the Reverend Doctor Sam Mann for his efforts He is a native of Eufaula, Alabama and a to improve the education and quality of life in HON. MARIO DIAZ-BALART graduate of Birmingham Southern College, the Kansas City Metropolitan Area. It is with BA; Duke Divinity School, M. Div., and St. great pride that we honor Reverend Doctor OF FLORIDA Paul School of Theology, D. Min. He is mar- Mann today for his commitment to the resi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ried to Dr. Beverlye J. Brown, and is the father dents of Missouri. On behalf of the people of of three children and grandfather of seven. Missouri’s Fifth Congressional District, I wish Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Remarkably, Rev. Mann was a local preach- this thunderous preacher and fearless prophet Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Florida. er at the age of 15 years old at the First Meth- a well-deserved retirement. Madam Speaker, as we celebrate Hispanic odist Church of Eufaula, Alabama; he was f Heritage Month, I rise to honor one of south later the Associate Pastor of St. John United HONORING HIGHLAND ELEMEN- Florida’s finest community leaders, Zoila A. Methodist Church of Kansas City, Missouri, TARY SCHOOL IN INGLEWOOD, Quin˜ones. and sometime later, the Pastor of the First CA Methodist Church of Peculiar, MO, and Direc- Zoila was born in the city of Cabana, Peru tor of the Young Adult Projects, Inc. Rev. and completed her studies at the prestigious Mann was dismissed from both churches be- HON. MAXINE WATERS Colegio Nacional Mercedes Cabello in Lima, cause of his views on race and peace. OF CALIFORNIA Peru and graduated as a Commercial Ac- As a long-time civil rights activist, Rev. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES countant. She then went on to work at one of Mann marched in numerous demonstrations, Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Peru’s finest engineering and architecture including the march for the garbage workers in Ms. WATERS. Madam Speaker, I rise to firms, Gran˜a y Montero, S.A., for 26 years. Memphis, Tennessee, the march against the honor Highland Elementary School in In 1986, Zoila came to the United States war in Vietnam, led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Inglewood, California, located in my district. from her native Peru to join her mother and Jr., and was part of the U.S. delegation that Highland was recently named a Blue Ribbon brother in Miami, Florida. She started a career visited with ANC leader Dr. Nel- School by the Department of Education, a in the cargo industry and eventually founded son Mandela shortly after his release from coveted award recognizing high-performing her own company, Cabana International Cor- prison. Dr. Mann has also been jailed on sev- and improving schools across our country. poration. She also began her activism within eral occasions for his participation in these ac- This year, Highland shares this distinction with the Peruvian American community of south tivities. He served as a key participant in the 304 other schools among the thousands of Florida and is today one of its most influential national effort to respond to the burning of schools in the United States. leaders. She is involved with various civic and black churches in America. He has traveled to Highland and its teachers, administrators, business groups including the Peruvian Amer- Nicaragua and China for various humanitarian staff, students, parents and community mem- ican Coalition, the Chamber of Commerce of efforts. bers have really been on a roll. In addition to Florida, the Ancashina Association and the Rev. Mann was instrumental in the forma- the Blue Ribbon award, the school was also Peruvian Civic Unity. tion of Operation Break and Build, a street named a California Distinguished School, and outreach organization that evolved out of the For nearly 23 years, Zoila has also taken an Highland is a two-time Title One Academic active role in the democratic process by edu- Urban Peace and Justice Summit in 1994. Its Achievement School and California Business purpose was to assist street organizations, cating policymakers at all levels of government School of Excellence. about issues important in the Peruvian Amer- gangs, with transforming their lives via crisis I am very appreciative of the efforts by this ican community, working to ensure that the intervention, education, economic develop- Congress and this Administration to focus on United States and Peru strengthen diplomatic ment, addressing women’s issues, and crimi- education and the future of our young stu- ties, and helping shape legislation and policy nal justice. dents. We must remain committed to improv- towards Latin America. She has also been in- He has been the recipient of many awards, ing schools and providing opportunity for all strumental in fighting for small businesses, ad- including the NAACP Harold Holiday Award; Americans to learn. the John M. Swomley Human Rights Award, In my district, like many communities in vancing economic growth in the United States the Elder Statesmen of Kansas City award, urban America, test scores are below average, and working towards free trade with Peru. the MO Jazz award, the Sam Eason Award buildings are in disrepair, and graduation rates Zoila has earned the respect and trust of presented by Niles Home; the Black Archives are too low. many in our community, dedicating herself to of Mid-America award; the Beta Omega PSI I was so encouraged to hear about High- advancing the needs of the Hispanic commu- PHI Fraternity Inc.’s Citizen of the Year land’s honor because one of the two ways to nity in the United States. I ask that you join Award; and many, many more. He is co- qualify for the Blue Ribbon award is by having me in honoring and thanking my good friend founder of the project ‘‘Reframing the Dialogue schools with at least 40 percent of their stu- Zoila A. Quin˜ones, a true leader who loves on Race in America.’’ Through this national dents from disadvantaged backgrounds im- and values freedom and works so that others project, he attempts to address the problem of prove student performance to high levels. may enjoy it.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00059 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.207 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1852 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 THANKING TAEKWONDO GRAND Fame in 2007 as both the ‘‘Pioneer of Amer- More than 700 people gathered to pay trib- MASTER JHOON RHEE FOR HIS 45 ican Taekwondo’’ and the ‘‘Pioneer of ute to Gene at the California Baptist University YEARS OF SERVICE TO MEM- Taekwon-Do in Russia.’’ He currently has over quad, just behind the center that bears his BERS OF CONGRESS 60 affiliated Tae Kwon Do studios in the U.S. name. The two-hour service brought together and 65 in the former Soviet Union. people throughout the community that Gene HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA It takes but a moment in Grand Master touched during his life, including industry lead- OF AMERICAN SAMOA Rhee’s presence to sense his honor for this ers, former employees, friends and family IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES country and to see that he truly exemplifies members. Gene’s life tells the tale of a man the American spirit. He is a living reminder of Wednesday, September 29, 2010 who turned his business empire into a conduit the goodness of this nation to the U.S. and for blessing the lives of people around him. Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Madam Speaker, the world. I must echo my dear friend, Con- Grand Master Jhoon Rhee is a man of rare gressman Ike Skelton, who once said, ‘‘I might Gene Yeager was born in Riverside in 1924. character. An immigrant from South Korea say Master Jhoon Rhee has become a na- He graduated from Poly High School in 1942 who came to the United States in the 1950s, tional treasure.’’ and studied engineering at the University of later to be known as the ‘‘Father of American But what better way to gain a deeper sense California at Berkeley. In 1943, he enlisted in Taekwondo,’’ he has become an American of this man’s rare patriotism and love for the U.S. Navy and was appointed to the U.S. symbol of patriotism, service, and excellence. America, than in his own words. In a recent Naval Academy. After World War II ended, he Today, we celebrate Grand Master Rhee’s statement shared with my office, Grand Mas- returned to Berkeley, where he received his 45 years of service sharing his wisdom, expe- ter Rhee wrote, ‘‘I fought the Korean War side bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. To- rience, and knowledge as a Taekwondo in- by side with American soldiers, who came to gether with his two brothers, Richard and structor with over 350 members of Congress. defend a country they never heard of, people Jacques, they went to work for their father, Er- Yet beyond the contributions he has made to they never knew. This is why I wanted to do nest Louis Yeager, who founded E.L. Yeager members of Congress for almost half a cen- something for what America had done for my Construction Company in Riverside in 1919. tury, Grand Master Rhee has served this motherland, Korea, with what I can do the Gene ran the public works side of the oper- country through countless acts of service. best, TKD [Taekwondo]. The sense of my ations business which worked on projects to Thought time does not permit me to share gratitude for America gave me the energy to improve major freeways, dams and bridges. them all, please allow me to share some of get up 5 AM, 3 mornings a week for the last The brothers turned the business into one of the highlights today and give due honor to a 45 years to teach over 350 members of U.S. the largest public works and private construc- man who truly makes me proud to be an Congress, as my volunteer service; I will give tion companies in the United States, and one American. 5 more years to make it five decades of my that changed the landscape of Southern Cali- Born on January 7, 1932 in South Korea service.’’ fornia. during the period of Japanese occupation, Mr. Reflecting on the strength of this nation, Grand Master Rhee stated, ‘‘I became curious With Gene at the head, the Yeager Com- Rhee began training in the martial arts at the pany rebuilt two bridges that collapsed in the age of 13. Serving as an officer in the Korean what made America so great. In my sincere search for the roots of America’s strength, I 1994 Northridge earthquake, built the Highway War, Rhee fought alongside American sol- 91/Interstate 15 interchange in Corona, built diers, where he gained a deep appreciation for found the noblest mission statement ever writ- ten by any country in history. American the dam at Lake Perris and helped erect the the country that he now calls home. Auto Club Speedway in Fontana. Rhee immigrated to the United States in Founding Fathers wrote the ’Mission State- 1956, introducing Taekwondo to the Nation. A ment of America’ to place upon America the After Richard was killed in a traffic accident World-renowned 10th Degree Black Belt, he responsibility of serving as the vanguard na- in 1979, Gene and Jacques continued to run has instructed and inspired students around tion for the moral and political Freedom of all the company until 1995, when they sold it to the world. In addition to the over 350 mem- mankind, not just for American people. No a group of senior managers. In 2002, the busi- bers of Congress he has instructed over the wonder, why Alexis De Tocqueville, a French ness was sold to Skanska, the Swedish con- past 45 years, Grand Master Rhee has also Juror in 1831, wrote: ‘America is great be- struction giant. cause She is good; if America ever ceases to shared his wisdom and knowledge with the Through the years, Gene had become a be good, America will cease to be great.’ ’’ likes of Muhammad Ali, Jack Anderson, leader and an industry icon. He is remem- George Allen Sr., Bob Livingston, Tony Rob- Today I ask my fellow members of Con- gress to honor a man whose character, patri- bered just as fondly by his construction work- bins, and Jack Valenti. ers as he is with the people at Skanska, be- Yet his service does not end here. In 1983, otism, and heart of service calls for our sin- cere respect and gratitude. Grand Master cause of his intense work ethic and generous Mr. Rhee—a symbol of patriotism—served as heart. National Chairman of the July 4th, 1983 Na- Rhee, today I celebrate and thank you for your tion’s Birthday Celebration. In 1984, President 45 years of service to the members of this After retiring in 1995, Gene set about trav- Ronald Reagan appointed him to the National Chamber and the Senate. More importantly, I eling the world with his wife, spending time Council on Vocational Education, where he thank you for your example to the citizens of with his family and generously making dona- created National Teacher Appreciation Day—a this Nation—for increasing the hope within tions to worthy causes in the Riverside area, day of honor for our Nation’s educators which each of us, for reminding us of the beauty and including a $1 million endowment to fund envi- was signed by President Ronald Reagan on strength of our nation, and for inspiring individ- ronmental research and scholarships at the October 16, 1986, and continues today. uals and groups of every walk of life to contin- University of California at Riverside. From 1988 to1991, he served as President ually press towards the call to take it higher In fact, his charitable work earned him George H.W. Bush’s appointment as Special and make it better. ‘‘guardian angel’’ status in Riverside. Everyone Advisor to the President’s Council on Physical f that knew Gene, knew that he gave from the Fitness & Sports, and on March 17, 1992 he TRIBUTE TO GENE YEAGER heart, and did so without any desire for rec- was selected as the President’s 721st ‘‘Daily ognition. Point of Light’’—an award that honors individ- HON. KEN CALVERT In addition to his wife, Billie, Mr. Yeager is uals and volunteer groups around the country OF CALIFORNIA survived by sons Ken, of San Jose, and Tom, who are helping to meet critical needs in their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Riverside; daughters Beth, of Norco, and communities. In 1999, Rhee received the American Immi- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Louise, of Newport Beach; stepchildren Terri, grants Achievement Award and the National Mr. CALVERT. Madam Speaker, I rise today of Riverside, and Doug Moore, of Rancho Association of Professional Martial Arts, to recognize and honor the life of Ernest Eu- Cucamonga; brother Jacques, of Riverside; NAPMA, Life Time Achievement Award, and in gene ‘‘Gene’’ Yeager, a successful business- nephew Jacques Jr., of Riverside; and 13 2000, he became the only Korean-American man, philanthropist, outstanding community grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. named by the National Immigrant Forum and member and close personal friend of mine. On On behalf of all those who knew him, it is the Immigration and Naturalization Services as Sunday, September 5, 2010, Gene passed an honor to offer these remarks as a tribute to one of the 203 most recognized immigrants in away at the age of 85. Although Gene has the life and legacy of my friend Gene Yeager. the country, along with Albert Einstein, Alex- passed on from this life, he leaves a lasting His life and presence will be sorely missed ander Graham Bell and 200 others. Rhee was legacy of generosity and accomplishment that and I extend my condolences to his dear fam- also inducted into the Taekwondo Hall of will never be forgotten. ily and friends.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.210 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1853 ON THE 110TH ANNIVERSARY OF With its rapid, recent growth, the church out- This is meaningful legislation with strong bi- SIXTH MOUNT ZION BAPTIST grew its Kecoughtan Road location. In January partisan support and a proven track record. TEMPLE 2001 the church moved to its present location I urge my colleagues to support passage of at 3100 Butternut Drive in Hampton. In 2002, this important legislation. HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT Rev. Barber established the Six House at the OF VIRGINIA Temple’s old Kecoughtan Road location, f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES where the church holds education programs RECOGNIZING THE BIRTHDAY OF Wednesday, September 29, 2010 for children, young adults, and lifelong learn- THE LATE MARY CHURCH ers. TERRELL Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I As Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Temple gathers rise today to congratulate a historic institution to celebrate its 110th anniversary, the church of faith in the Third Congressional District. can truly remember its past, celebrate its HON. STEVE COHEN This November, Sixth Mount Zion Baptist present, and focus on the future with great ex- OF TENNESSEE Temple will celebrate its 110th anniversary, pectations. I would like to congratulate Rev. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and I would like to highlight some moments Barber and all of the members of Sixth Mount Wednesday, September 29, 2010 from the history of the church and its contribu- Zion Baptist Temple on the occasion of their tions to our community. 110th anniversary. I wish them many more Mr. COHEN. Madam Speaker, I rise today The seeds of Sixth Mount Zion were origi- years of dedicated service to the community. to recognize the birthday of the late Mary nally planted in 1900, when transplanted citi- Church Terrell, a scholar, political activist and f zens from Charles City County and Richmond, woman of compassion. Mary Church was born working in the Newport News Shipyard, STEM CELL THERAPEUTIC AND in Memphis, Tennessee to Robert and Louisa sought to establish a Missionary Baptist RESEARCH REAUTHORIZATION Church on September 23, 1863, the same Church in the area. The first services, offi- ACT OF 2010 year President Abraham Lincoln signed the ciated by Rev. N.E. Nelson, were held in a pri- Emancipation Proclamation. vate home on 22nd Street in Newport News. SPEECH OF Knowing the importance of an education, Rev. Chase Patterson assumed control of the HON. DORIS O. MATSUI Ms. Church attended Oberlin College in Ohio, church for a brief period, and started to orga- OF CALIFORNIA the first institution to admit women and one of nize Sixth Mount Zion as a Missionary Baptist IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the first to admit minorities. Upon her gradua- Church. Tuesday, September 28, 2010 tion in 1884, Ms. Church became one of the Third Pastor Rev. W.M. Greene continued first African American women to graduate from to organize the church, founding a Recognition Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in college. She then went on to receive her Mas- Council to establish the congregation as an strong support of S. 3751, the Stem Cell ter’s degree from Oberlin in 1888. independent body, and in November 1901, Therapeutic and Research Reauthorization Act After graduation, Ms. Church moved back to that recognition was granted. After this initial of 2010. Memphis and traveled to Europe before mov- establishment, Sixth Mount Zion Baptist This legislation is identical to H.R. 6081, a ing to Washington, DC where she married at- Church went through 19 pastors until the bill that I introduced with Mr. YOUNG of Florida torney Robert Herbert Terrell in 1891. During church installed Rev. W.J. Brown as pastor in to reauthorize critical bone marrow and cord this time Mrs. Terrell took an active role in so- 1912. During this era the church worshipped blood transplant programs that save thou- cial reform and volunteer work. She be- in a borrowed building on 24th Street. sands of lives each year. friended Susan B. Anthony and was active Rev. Brown served Sixth Mount Zion faith- Each year, nearly 40,000 people under the with the suffragist movement, working at the fully for 45 years until his death in 1957. He age of 55 are diagnosed with fatal bone mar- National American Woman Suffrage Associa- was succeeded by Rev. James Melvin Owens, row illnesses, and about 16,000 of those indi- tion and several other black women’s suffra- who was installed as pastor in 1959. That viduals can only be treated via blood stem cell gist organizations. same year, a fire destroyed the church build- transplant. Mary Church Terrell broke barriers by be- ing, but through the faithfulness of the con- These patient’s lives depend on finding an coming the first African American woman to gregation, a new building was built in the foot- acceptable adult stem cell donor match— be appointed to the District of Columbia Board print of the old one at 643 24th Street. quickly and easily. Rev. Owens passed away in 1964 after 6 The Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research of Education from 1895–1906. She was also years of service to Sixth Mount Zion. The Reauthorization Act of 2010 would reauthorize active in multiple black women’s organizations, search for the next pastor took over a year, the key programs responsible for helping all of which strove to terminate both gender but on June 19, 1966, Rev. M. Ivory Jefferson these individuals by recruiting bone marrow, and racial discrimination. She was the archi- was installed as the official pastor. One of his adult stem cell, and cord blood donations; tect of the merger of these clubs, forming the first actions, the establishment of a building matching donors and potential recipients; and National Association of Colored Women fund, proved to be essential, when the rede- linking these patients to care. (NACW) in 1896, becoming the organization’s velopment plans of the city of Newport News S. 3751 includes two main parts to achieve first president. She served as president until forced the church to relocate. Sixth Mount this spectrum of donation, connection, and 1901 when she was named the honorary Zion met in several different locations from care. president for life. 1973 to 1976. In June of that year, the church The first is the C.W. Bill Young Cell Trans- In 1909, Mary Church Terrell, along with Ida purchased a site at 2003 Kecoughtan Road in plantation Program, which houses the National B. Wells, befriended W.E.B. DuBois and later Hampton, and the church was renamed Sixth Registry, the Office of Patient Advocacy, and became a charter member of the National As- Mount Zion Baptist Temple. The building was the Stem Cell Therapeutic Outcomes Data- sociation for the Advancement of Colored finally completed in 1978. base. People. In 1910, Mrs. Terrell founded the Na- The move to Hampton was not the only The second is the National Cord Blood In- tional Association of College Women in 1910 change under Rev. Jefferson. During his ten- ventory (NCBI), a program that provides and in 1913 assisted in the formation of Delta ure, the church also began a radio ministry, grants to public cord blood banks to assist Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated where she arranged annual interstate worship trips, and them in collecting a diverse population of do- wrote the sorority’s creed. In 1933, Oberlin trained and ordained two Associate Ministers. nated cord blood units. These units are then College recognized her as one of its one hun- Rev. Jefferson retired in 1996, and Sixth listed on the National Registry, where patients dred outstanding alumni during their centen- Mount Zion elected Assistant Pastor Rev. Je- and doctors can find them. nial celebration. Oberlin conferred upon Mrs. rome A. Barber to serve as head pastor in The reauthorization represents legislation Terrell the honorary Doctorate of Humane Let- 1997. that is truly bipartisan and bicameral, which is ters in 1948. The church has grown significantly from 300 evident in the fact that it passed the Senate by Mary Church Terrell passed away at age 90 to over 4,000 members since Rev. Barber’s in- unanimous consent on September 28, 2010. on July 24, 1954, two months after the monu- stallation. The church has also been involved Mr. Speaker, I commend our Leadership mental Brown vs. Board of Education decision. in outreach ministries in both Virginia and and thank Chairman WAXMAN, Chairman From the signing of the Emancipation Procla- abroad. Sixth Mount Zion has mobilized action PALLONE and their staffs for bringing the reau- mation to the Brown vs. Board of Education in Kenya, Uganda, and most recently Brazil, thorization to the floor in time to vote before decision, Mary Church Terrell was here to wit- providing medical clinics, teacher workshops, these programs expire on Thursday, Sep- ness great social reforms for African Ameri- and conferences for women and youth. tember 30, 2010. cans. Hers was a life well lived.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.213 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1854 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 HONORING CHIEF RON REEVES OF States. She stood by her husband and served Through an innovative, computer- and Inter- THE CHANDLER POLICE DEPART- as his faithful advisor until her death. net-based course, Gemstone helps people MENT Even today, the Andrew Johnson Historical who demonstrate ocular discrepancies to train Museum is located in Greeneville, TN, where their eye muscles, improving their reading HON. JEB HENSARLING the Johnsons established their home. abilities. In 2009, the foundation used ARRA OF TEXAS Madam Speaker, I recognize and honor the grant funding from the National Institutes of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES First Lady of Tennessee, Mrs. Eliza McCardle Health to complete a pilot project of their tech- Johnson, born in Washington County. I am nique at a Los Angeles Unified School District Wednesday, September 29, 2010 proud to reside in east Tennessee, the same campus. Low performing elementary school Mr. HENSARLING. Madam Speaker, today I dwelling place as her and her husband. students who participated in the project, called honor Chief Ron Reeves, who is celebrating f ‘‘The Eyes Have It!’’, demonstrated an aver- 30 years as the Chief of Police of Chandler, age 25 percent improvement in reading flu- Texas. CELEBRATING FIRST BAPTIST ency in just two months. Chief Reeves was appointed Chief of Police CHURCH 175TH ANNIVERSARY I applaud the Gemstone Foundation for their for the Chandler Police Department in 1980, special focus on helping people who otherwise after joining the department in 1979 as a re- HON. PHIL GINGREY would not have access to visual skill develop- serve officer. Ronnie, as most people affec- ment programs: children in low-income or low- OF GEORGIA tionately know him, has served the citizens of performing schools; juvenile offenders; and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chandler well over the past 30-plus years. Not people in adult literacy programs. I commend only has he served the community, but he and Wednesday, September 29, 2010 the foundation and its board members for their his wife, Barbara, chose to raise their three Mr. GINGREY of Georgia. Madam Speaker, work and encourage my colleagues to learn children, Stephanie, Jessica and Matthew in I would like to recognize the First Baptist more about it. this East Texas town and make it their home. Church of Cedartown, Georgia for their 175th f Chief Reeves is licensed as a Master Peace anniversary. First Baptist was built in 1835 Officer for the State of Texas. Throughout his and has been a landmark in my district for A TRIBUTE TO WAYNE WILTSHIRE years of service, Chief Reeves has given many years. countless individuals their initial start in law The church gives back to the community HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS enforcement. Those he mentored have gone through different programs which include on to serve our communities and the State of OF NEW YORK scholarships for aspiring ministry students, fi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Texas in the Texas Attorney General’s Office, nancial assistance to the disadvantaged, pro- the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office, as an viding volunteers and food for the local food Wednesday, September 29, 2010 elected constable, and countless chiefs of po- pantry, and sponsoring a support group for Mr. TOWNS. Madam Speaker, I rise today lice. those who have lost a spouse—just to name in recognition of Wayne Wiltshire for his Chief Reeves even took the initiative to form a few. First Baptist and its members provide achievements in the healthcare field. the Chandler Police Explorers program that immeasurable aid to those most in need in gives young people the opportunity to see Mr. Wiltshire is a graduate of Canarsie High Cedartown, and for that I know the community School, and received a Bachelor’s Degree in firsthand how law enforcement protects and is most grateful. serves their community. His desire to serve Urban Politics Island from Shaw University. He First Baptist’s charity work also reaches far his community continues at his local church went on to earn a Master’s Degree in Commu- outside of Georgia—the church has main- where he serves as the children’s ministry nity Health from Long Island University and a tained its leadership in missions by sponsoring leader. Law Degree from Concord University. individual missionaries in Germany and the It has been said that Ronnie’s lifelong desire Wayne Wiltshire began his career in health Middle East. has been to help people in need, to make a care as Administrator for Emergency Ambula- Madam Speaker, I am extremely proud of lasting difference in his community and to tory Care Services at Cumberland Hospital. First Baptist’s accomplishments, and I would leave a legacy of service, compassion, fair- He then became the Associate Executive Di- like to ask my colleagues to join me in con- ness and honor. As the representative for the rector at Woodhull Hospital, which he helped gratulating them on their 175th anniversary. Fifth District of Texas, I would like to say job open in 1982. During his time at Woodhull, he well done, Chief. I thank you for your service, f opened In-Patient, Emergency, and Psy- chiatric services. He then returned to renovate sacrifice and commitment for over 30 years to GEMSTONE FOUNDATION the Chandler community. the new Cumberland Diagnostic and Treat- ment Center, and served as Cumberland’s Ex- f HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN ecutive Director for eight years. Following his 200TH BIRTHDAY OF ELIZA OF CALIFORNIA time at Cumberland, he was transferred to MCCARDLE JOHNSON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bellevue Hospital, where he served for five years as the hospital’s first African-American HON. DAVID P. ROE Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Associate Executive Director for Psychiatry and Emergency Services. Mr. Wiltshire also OF TENNESSEE Mr. BERMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize the Gemstone Foundation, a not- worked as an Adjunct Professor at St. Jo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for-profit organization in my home state of seph’s College in Brooklyn and owned his own Wednesday, September 29, 2010 California working to improve reading skills of ambulette service, Health Link Incorporated, Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Madam Speaker, low-performing students. with his family. today I recognize the birthplace of Mrs. Eliza The Gemstone Foundation’s work is based Mr. Wiltshire is currently the Chief Executive McCardle Johnson, born October 4, 1810 in on the theory that many students with poor or Officer of Paul J. Cooper Center for Human Washington County in Tennessee. October 4, below grade level reading skills suffer from Services, formerly the Brownsville-Ocean Hill 2010 will mark her 200th birthday. low ‘‘eye-brain coordination’’. Their research Mental Health Service. While at Paul J. Coo- Eliza’s birthplace is the present day site of shows that children who read below grade per Center for Human Services, he relocated McCarty Cemetery, Telford, TN on Highway level often have problems with coordinating the Administrative, Mental Health, and Chem- 11–E, just four miles west of Jonesborough, the two eyes, tracking and scanning, or re-fo- ical Dependency Services to new state of the Tennessee. cusing their eyes rapidly. Most students’ eyes art facilities. In May of 1827, Eliza McCardle married An- glide across a page as they read without dif- Mr. Wiltshire and his wife Donna, a 30 year drew Johnson, who went on to become the ficulty; however, up to 50 percent of poor health professional, celebrated their 24th wed- Governor of Tennessee, the Vice-President of readers experience one of the problems Gem- ding anniversary in July. Together, they have the United States, and eventually, the 17th stone identified. This may prevent those read- four children and five grandchildren. President of the United States. ers from being able to finish reading a line Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Ms. Eliza became the First Lady of Ten- without stopping or skipping, significantly im- join me in recognizing the contributions of nessee and the First Lady of the United pairing their reading and comprehension. Wayne Wiltshire.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K29SE8.057 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1855 RECOGNIZING THE DALE CITY unique climate and hard-working growers Pastor of St. Johns Church in Newport News, VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT produce a wide array of agricultural products Virginia. This is the 50th anniversary of Bishop FOR WINNING THE 2010 GREEN like wheat, potatoes and wine grapes for local, Green’s service to St. Johns and the people of BUSINESS REGION AWARD FROM regional, national and global markets. Our ge- Newport News, and I would like to take this THE WASHINGTON BUSINESS ographic location and deep-water ports make moment to recognize some of his numerous JOURNAL us well positioned for global trade. Nearly accomplishments during that time. $14.8 billion in food and agricultural products A native of Norfolk, Virginia, Bishop Green HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY were exported through Washington ports in is a graduate of Booker T. Washington High School. He studied at both Norfolk State Uni- OF VIRGINIA 2008, the third largest total in the U.S. versity and Old Dominion University, and re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Our agricultural bounty supports a $13 bil- lion food processing industry that employs ceived his Master’s in Divinity and Doctorate Wednesday, September 29, 2010 thousands of Washingtonians. Washington is of Ministry from Norfolk Seminary and College. Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speak- the leading U.S. producer of apple juice and a Bishop Green married his childhood sweet- er, I rise to recognize the Dale City Volunteer leading producer of grape and berry juices. It heart, Vivian Frazier Green in 1946. They Fire Department for winning the 2010 Green also has a vibrant and growing wine industry were married for 61 years and had nine chil- Business Region Award from the Washington and is the second largest wine producer in the dren. A true partner in his ministry, Mrs. Green Business Journal. The fire department joined nation with over 600 wineries. We have a passed away in 2007. the effort toward building a more sustainable strong and productive food and agriculture in- Bishop Green became pastor of St. Johns in environment with the opening of its new green dustry that feeds and employs people in every 1960. In this position, Bishop Green has been station. single county in Washington. Agriculture has an extraordinary shepherd over a vibrant and The new station includes environmentally been and will continue to be a strong part of growing flock. He has served on countless sustainable amenities such as energy-efficient our state’s economic and cultural identity. church and community boards and commis- heating and cooling systems, motion-sensor Taste Washington Day offers our kids a sions, and his exceptional service has earned lights, two balconies featuring green roofs, and chance to establish a deeper connection and him honors and citations from the Clergy Eco- a new fitness room with a scenic view pro- develop a better understanding of our state’s nomic Education Foundation, the South- viding an area for the firefighters to exercise food system, from farm to fork and each step eastern Tidewater Opportunity Project, and the and relax. The new station also includes an in between. The more opportunities our chil- cities of Norfolk and Roanoke. Bishop Green 11,000-gallon tank under the front yard, which dren have to learn about the people, time, ef- has received an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity collects rainwater that is used for irrigation. In fort and resources necessary to turn a seed from Trinity Hall College and Seminary and an addition, the new station’s design helps to pro- into a crop, the more they will appreciate the Honorary Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies. tect more than an acre of land that will be pre- food on their plates. As the next generation, it In 1973, Bishop Green was appointed Prel- served as a natural habitat. will be up to them to continue our state’s agri- ate of the Second Jurisdiction, State of Vir- Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues cultural heritage and history. ginia, by the Presidium Board of the Churches join me in recognizing the Dale City Volunteer The valuable and delicious lessons learned of God in Christ, Inc. He was named suc- Fire Department for its contributions to the through events such as Taste Washington cessor to his mentor, the late Bishop D. Law- community. As protectors of the community, Day will help them carry on our state’s proud rence Williams. Under Bishop Green’s leader- the firefighters of Dale City also serve as lead- traditions. ship, the 52 church jurisdiction has grown to ers in the growing initiative to protect and pre- Nutrition is another key element of Taste 72 churches. In 1984, Bishop Green was serve the environment. Washington Day. Right now, Americans are elected to the General Board of the Churches of God in Christ, Inc. He is currently serving f not eating enough fruits and vegetables. For the sake of our nation’s health, we need to his sixth term in office. TASTE WASHINGTON DAY find ways to instill healthy eating habits in our In 1978, Bishop Green announced to his children, including eating more fruits and congregation that he had been called to estab- HON. JAY INSLEE vegetables. The more exposure kids get to lish the Faith for Living Television Outreach Ministry. Starting with a group of 120 sup- OF WASHINGTON fresh, healthy foods, the more they will choose porters, the ministry has grown to the point IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES them. Pilot programs in Washington state where Rev. Green now owns WJCB TV–49. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 schools that promote salad bars and healthy choices have shown us that given options, The ministry, honored by the National Reli- Mr. INSLEE. Madam Speaker, today is kids will choose fruits and vegetables over gious Broadcasters Association, sponsors a Taste Washington Day, when more than sixty prepackaged, processed items. The Wash- television program that airs nationally on the local schools and fifty local farms in my home ington School Nutrition Association helped Inspirational Cable Network (INSP) on Sunday state team up to celebrate Washington-grown school districts put together the menus for to- mornings. On the occasion of his 50th anniversary, it produce and teach kids about healthy eating day’s event, showcasing local produce in gives me great pleasure to recognize and habits by featuring locally-sourced meals in healthy menu items, a win for local farms and commend Bishop Samuel L. Green, Jr. for his the school cafeterias. local kids. Taste Washington Day shows kids service and dedication to the parishioners of The Washington State Department of Agri- that the healthy choice can also be a tasty St. Johns Church of God in Christ, the people culture (WSDA) Farm-to-School Program and choice. the Washington School Nutrition Association I encourage my colleagues to take a look at of Newport News, and the Commonwealth of (WSNA) have partnered with local schools to the relationships Washington schools and Virginia. feature Washington-grown foods in their farms are building and lessons they are teach- f school meals. From fresh-dug potatoes in po- ing on Taste Washington Day and explore HONORING COLBY MARSHALL tato salad to just-picked lettuces in fresh sal- ways they can support such efforts in their ads, this state-wide event is a great oppor- own districts. tunity for students, teachers, and parents to HON. GREG WALDEN f OF OREGON consider where their food comes from, how it IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is produced and the benefits of a healthy diet. ON THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF Washington state is one of the most produc- THE SERVICE OF BISHOP SAM- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 tive growing regions in the world. Our $38 bil- UEL L. GREEN, JR. AT ST. JOHNS Mr. WALDEN. Madam Speaker, I rise today lion agricultural industry is one of the corner- CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST, to pay tribute and express gratitude to Colby stones of our state’s economy and supports NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA Marshall, a very special individual who re- over 160,000 jobs. If the Midwest is our na- cently traded in his public service in the Con- tion’s breadbasket and California our salad HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT gress for public service in his community and bowl, then I submit that Washington is our na- OF VIRGINIA dedication to his family’s half-century old tion’s fruit stand. We may be famous for our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ranching business in eastern Oregon. apples, which constitute 59 percent of U.S. Colby was born and raised in the rural high production, but we also rank first in our na- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 desert area of Burns, Oregon, near Riley, tion’s production of sweet cherries, red rasp- Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I where his parents Gary and Georgia still oper- berries, hops, and pears. Our rich soils, rise today to honor Bishop Samuel Green, Jr., ate the Broken Circle Ranch. Colby recently

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.218 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1856 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 returned ‘‘home on the range’’ after 8 years of for Broken Circle Ranch. He and his family Derrill’s honor. He was also a member of the selfless service to the people of Oregon’s Sec- live on the ranch 27 miles outside of Burns. Corona Lion’s Club for many years. In May ond District. His transition to the ranching His daughter, Hadley, attends the same one- 2000, Derrill was given the ‘‘Humanitarian of business continues a proud family tradition room school that Colby and his mother both the Year’’ award at Loma Linda University in five generations in the making. attended. recognition of his generous donations and tire- In 1993, Colby graduated from Burns High My colleagues, please join me today in pay- less efforts on behalf of the University. School and went on to attend college at Am- ing tribute to Colby and his family as they turn As a longtime member of the Victoria Club bassador University in east Texas, where he to their new form of service. His unfailing dedi- in Riverside, Derrill served as Club President met his beautiful bride of 15 years, Shelley, cation and faithful service will not soon be for- from 1994–1995. A decade later, Derrill had whose family has ranched in and around Pen- gotten by myself or the many people whose the proud honor of witnessing his son, Kurt dleton and been involved with the world-fa- lives he enriched through his outstanding Yaeger, serve as president from 2005–2006, mous Pendleton Round Up Rodeo and Happy work. While I will miss his counsel, I look for- which was a rare honor. Canyon Pageantry Show for 100 years. To- ward to his close friendship for many years to Though his professional accomplishments gether, Colby and Shelley have two wonder- come. were many, Derrill will be remembered for his fully charming children: seven-year-old daugh- f kindness, integrity, and generosity, which was ter Hadley and nearly-four-year-old son Wyatt. felt by those around him. Undoubtedly a busy Colby graduated Magna Cum Laude with a TRIBUTE TO DERRILL YAEGER man, Derrill tried to balance his professional bachelor of science in agriculture business life with his personal life, and often acknowl- management in 1999 from Eastern Oregon HON. KEN CALVERT edged that spending time with his family was University. He worked several jobs to put him- OF CALIFORNIA what gave him the most joy. His children fond- self and Shelley through school: he drove a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ly remember the cherished time they spent as mail carrier truck, tutored his peers, worked at Wednesday, September 29, 2010 a family over the dinner table on Sunday the local grain co-op, and fought wildfires with nights, a tradition kept through the years. the elite La Grande Hotshots. He still found Mr. CALVERT. Madam Speaker, I rise today Derrill is survived by his wife of 59 years, time to rise to president of the student body. to recognize and honor the life of Derrill Frances; daughter, Nedra Yaeger; daughter- Little wonder he was honored with the Out- Yaeger, a close personal friend and prominent in-law, Andrea; and grandchildren Jacqueline, standing Agriculture Graduating Senior Award attorney in the Inland Empire. On Sunday, Elizabeth, Emily and Adam. Sadly, Derrill’s and Outstanding Student Leadership Award. September 5, 2010, Derrill passed away at the son Kurt recently preceded him in death. Colby got his first taste of Congress as an age of 83. He will be deeply missed. On behalf of all those who knew him, it is intern for Chairman Bob Smith, my prede- Derrill was born on April 2, 1927, in Lincoln, my honor to offer these remarks as a tribute cessor in the Second District, on the Com- Nebraska. He attended La Sierra Academy to the life and legacy of my friend Derrill mittee on Agriculture. Post-college, he worked and served as a surgeon’s assistant in the Yaeger. His life and presence will be sorely for Pendleton Grain Growers before serving as Army Medical Corps in World War II. He went missed and I extend my condolences to his Eastern Oregon University’s alumni and gov- on to receive a business degree from La Si- dear family and friends. ernment relations director. While there, he erra College and became the founding man- f oversaw the formation of an alumni board of ager of the Alumni Association of the Loma directors and helped lobby successfully for Linda University School of Medicine. Derrill ARTHRITIS PREVENTION, $32 million to construct the EOU Science Cen- eventually resigned from the Alumni Associa- CONTROL, AND CURE ACT OF 2010 ter, a state-federal-private shared enterprise. tion to pursue a law degree, and while attend- SPEECH OF In 2002, I made the very wise decision to ing law school at night at the University of hire Colby. He remained in my office for the Southern California, Derrill worked as an in- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH next 8 years. Colby spent 2 years managing vestigator for the Office of the Los Angeles OF OHIO my central Oregon office in Bend before mov- City Attorney. Upon graduation, he joined the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing with Shelley to Washington, DC to manage Corona firm established by Walter Clayson in Tuesday, September 28, 2010 natural resources and energy policy. 1910, where he practiced business and real Colby helped shepherd key bipartisan bills estate law for 45 years. He became a principal Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise in sup- through the legislative process, including the shareholder with the firm which is now known port of the Arthritis Prevention, Control, and Forest Emergency Recovery and Research as Clayson, Mann, Yaeger and Hansen. Cure Act. It is estimated that approximately 46 Act, the Secure Rural Schools and Community Known for being in his office by 4:00 a.m. million Americans suffer from arthritis or Self Determination Reauthorization, and the many mornings, Derrill built a legacy of well- chronic joint symptoms. Of those, 19 million Mount Hood Stewardship Legacy Act. Colby planned residential and commercial develop- suffer enough to limit their activities. According managed a package of bills aimed at improv- ment in Corona, Riverside and Beaumont, and to the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- ing watersheds and water supply—an exceed- became a leading expert in real estate law vention (CDC), by the year 2030, 25 percent ingly important and delicate issue in the arid and development. His clientele ranged from La of the population in the United States will have lands of eastern Oregon. The Oregon Water Sierra and Loma Linda Universities, to 3M physician-diagnosed arthritis. Those projec- Resources Management Act contained four Corporation and the Bren Company. He even tions are likely to be low since they do now different acts—all became law with over- served as personal attorney to musician and account for an expected increase attributable whelming bipartisan support. television star Desi Arnaz for many years. to rising obesity rates. The last major act Colby handled was the Through one of his projects, Derrill worked Arthritis affects the daily lives of its victims Healthy Forests Restoration Amendments Act, to lift a moratorium on major land development in powerful ways. The pain is often chronic which would give federal foresters the tools in Corona and worked with the city to create and relief can be rare. The inability to kneel or they need to bring our sick national forests a thriving community south of Ontario Avenue. even walk more than a few hundred yards re- back to health and put people back to work in He also helped Loma Linda University market quires profound changes in almost every as- the forests again. This bipartisan legislation is 300 acres of sheep pasture for development pect of lifestyle. Those stricken might risk los- vital to the rural West. I am hopeful we will that included homes and a medical plaza, and ing their job, and their ability to provide for carry across the finish line the good work that also provided support for the University’s en- loved ones. It is a devastating disease with no Colby started. dowment. known cure. Colby returned to eastern Oregon in Janu- Outside of his law career, Derrill remained The Arthritis Prevention, Control, and Cure ary 2008 to open my office in La Grande—the very active in his community. He was a mem- Act, would establish the National Arthritis Ac- first ever congressional office on the east side ber of the Loma Linda University Board for 16 tion Program. This program will help in the re- of the State. In July 2009, Colby moved to years, served on the Board of Directors and search and identification of ailments, possible Bend to once more manage the central Or- as legal counsel to Corona Community Hos- treatments, and preventative methods of Ar- egon office while continuing to oversee the op- pital and the Versacare Corporation and later thritis and other rheumatic diseases. It will eration in La Grande. the Versacare Foundation. He also served as also allow the CDC to access more grant In March 2010, Colby transitioned out of my the President of the La Sierra University Alum- money, permitting them to further their re- office and returned to the family land and live- ni Association where he was awarded alum- search. Those already suffering from arthritis stock business. He is now a manager of the nus of the year. La Sierra University even re- will be assisted with control and prevention Broken Circle Company, the holding company named its new entrance road ‘‘Yaeger Way’’ in programs along with opportunities for patients

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.221 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1857 to learn self-management. It would also pro- out the disability insurance option that my bill INTRODUCING THE CLEAN, RENEW- vide education of the public and education and will offer, a Federal employee who becomes ABLE JET FUEL ACT OF 2010 training for physicians. disabled, even for a short time, is at risk of fi- I am proud to support this bill as an impor- nancial ruin. HON. JAY INSLEE tant first step toward a day when we can pre- My bill is also significant because, although OF WASHINGTON vent, treat, and cure Arthritis. it will require Federal employees to pay 100% IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f of premiums, the purchasing power of the Federal Government will allow Federal em- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ALGAE-BASED RENEWABLE FUEL ployees to pay lower insurance premiums and Mr. INSLEE. Madam Speaker, currently, the PROMOTION ACT OF 2010 will not exclude those with preexisting condi- aviation industry does not have a commer- tions. A Federal employee can still elect to cially available low-carbon fuel option nor is SPEECH OF purchase disability insurance in the private there a statutory requirement (like the Renew- HON. JERRY McNERNEY marketplace, but they may face higher pre- able Fuel Standard for transportation fuels or OF CALIFORNIA miums or even be denied coverage altogether tax incentives to help bring one to market. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES because of a pre-existing condition. This bill is However, low-carbon, renewable aviation biofuels have been successfully tested in Tuesday, September 28, 2010 a much needed supplement to the insurance benefits currently available to Federal employ- flights of both military as well as civilian air- Mr. MCNERNEY. Madam Speaker, yester- ees. craft. day the House of Representatives passed I urge my colleagues to support this bill. Unfortunately, the volatility of jet fuel prices H.R. 4168, the Algae-based Renewable Fuel makes it difficult for renewable jet fuel to com- Promotion Act of 2009, a bill I am pleased to f pete with lower-cost petroleum-based fuel and support. I would like to thank Mr. TEAGUE for THE STEM TO STEAM RESOLUTION attract the investment necessary to build com- his efforts to incentivize the production of envi- mercial-scale refineries. ronmentally-friendly biofuels. Mr. TEAGUE I rise today to introduce the Clean, Renew- worked across party lines to advance bipar- HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN able Jet Fuel Act of 2010. This bill will estab- tisan legislation, and he deserves recognition OF RHODE ISLAND lish a responsible loan program that will allow for his leadership. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES biofuel producers to climb over the economic H.R. 4168 is a significant step forward, but Wednesday, September 29, 2010 hurdles associated with commercializing their I believe that additional refinements could help product. The commercialization of these prod- incentivize a broader array of environmentally Mr. LANGEVIN. Madam Speaker, today I in- ucts will not only create jobs at these facilities friendly, economically viable biofuels. As we troduced the STEM to STEAM resolution, it will also create jobs throughout the aviation continue working to fine tune this legislation which recognizes the importance of art and and agriculture industry. Additionally, the fuels and related proposals, we should seek to en- design in the Science, Technology, Engineer- that will be produced will also enhance our sure that federal tax policy treats all viable ing and Mathematics (STEM) fields. Nation’s energy security as all of the feed- technologies fairly and equitably. I look for- Art and design advance the understanding stocks used to make these biofuels can be ward to working with Mr. TEAGUE, Mr. BILBRAY, of STEM learning and collaboration. In class- grown on U.S. soil. Recently, the Secretary of and other interested members to make sure rooms and laboratories across the country, the the Navy, Ray Mabus, made the research de- that algal biofuels produced in Northern Cali- innovative practices of art and design play an velopment, and increased use of alternative fornia fully benefit from this bill. essential role in improving STEM education fuels a priority for the Department of the Navy. Developing new sources of cellulosic and advancing STEM research. In order to These biofuels also offer a range of attrac- biofuels is beneficial to the environment, the strengthen the pipeline of future artists and tive technological and environmental aspects economy, and national security. I thank the designers, we must add STEAM to legislation that will introduce efficiencies into our aviation authors of H.R. 4168 for their efforts. that shapes the future of our education sys- sector that cannot be realized with current pe- f tem, especially the Elementary and Secondary troleum-based fuel sources. Education Act and the America Competes Act. In the great state of Washington, interests INTRODUCTION OF FEDERAL EM- Congress must also encourage institutions of from the private sector, universities, and major PLOYEE DISABILITY INSURANCE higher education to incorporate art and design airports are already working to bring the first ACT OF 2010 into their STEM curricula. generation of aviation biofuels to the market, Art and design contribute real solutions to and their efforts can be greatly enhanced by HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON our everyday lives, distinguish America’s prod- this legislation. These fuels are based on OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ucts in a global marketplace, and create op- plants such as camelina, jatropha, and even IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES portunity for economic growth in the United algae; plants that can be grown right in the States. Artists and designers can effectively Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Pacific Northwest. In addition to being able to communicate complex data and scientific in- grow these feedstocks in our own backyard, Ms. NORTON. Madam Speaker, I rise to in- formation to multiple stakeholders and broad research on the next generation of biofuels is troduce a bill to offer Federal employees sup- audiences. The tools and methods they use also creating jobs at our highly regarded re- plemental disability insurance at no cost to the also offer new models for creative problem- search institutions. These efforts will make Federal Government. My bill will allow Federal solving and interdisciplinary partnerships in sure that the U.S. secures its competitive employees to collect disability benefits to re- our growing 21st Century economy. For in- edge in this field. place a portion of their income if they become stance, they are integral in planning sustain- In closing, I urge my colleagues to cospon- unable to work because of a non-work related able neighborhoods, renewable energy initia- sor this bill, and hope that we can work to- injury or illness. While the Federal Govern- tives, and health information technologies. gether to move it towards passage as soon as ment does offer non-work related disability They also play a critical role in the develop- possible. benefits to Federal employees, they do not ment of modern technology to support new f protect the lost income of employees who be- American manufacturing opportunities. come disabled but who have not been em- It is also important to seek collaboration HONORING FILIPINO AMERICAN ployed by the Federal Government for at least among the different federal agencies that HISTORY MONTH 18 months, or 5 years as the case may be, oversee STEM programs. That is why I rec- and are disabled for less than 1 year. Under ommend the creation of a STEM to STEAM HON. BOB FILNER current law, Federal employees hired before Council, which would bring together artists, OF CALIFORNIA 1984 who become disabled for more than 1 designers, education and business leaders, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES year are eligible to collect their Federal em- and Federal agencies to facilitate a com- ployee retirement pension if they have 5 years prehensive approach to incorporate art and Wednesday, September 29, 2010 of creditable civilian service, while Federal em- design into Federal STEM programs. Mr. FILNER. Madam Speaker, it is with ployees hired after 1984 who become disabled I encourage all my colleagues to support great pleasure that I acknowledge this month for 1 year or more cannot collect such benefits this resolution to change STEM to STEAM to as Filipino American History Month. With pas- unless they have been employed by the Fed- expand innovation and opportunity in our sage of House Resolution 780 last year, the eral Government for 18 months or more. With- country’s education and research fields. House of Representatives officially recognizes

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.223 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1858 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 October as Filipino American History Month would expand water supplies, help resolve I am very proud of the students, faculty, and I am proud to note its observance again aging infrastructure in the West and protect ir- staff, parents, and community members of this year. rigated farming acreage—all without increas- HMSA. In addition to receiving this prestigious Filipino Americans have a longstanding his- ing federal funding. award—the first school within the Hawthorne tory in the United States. In 1988, the Filipino This bill, titled the ‘‘Western Water Supply School District to do so—HMSA was also American National Historical Society estab- Enhancement Act,’’ recognizes the benefits of named a California Distinguished School and lished this celebration to mark October 18, long-term regional water conservation planning was listed—again—as one of the nation’s top 1587, as the date when Filipinos first immi- at the local level by authorizing the Secretary 100 high schools by U.S. News & World Re- grated to the continental United States in of the Interior to provide up to $15 million of port. Morro Bay, California. already-authorized federal funding to irrigation I want to especially honor Principal Esau Filipino Americans are the second largest districts and municipal entities engaged in Beruman, who is only in his first year as prin- Asian American ethnic group in the United multi-year, regional, integrated and coordi- cipal of HMSA. I suspect we will continue to States and continue to play a prominent role nated water planning. This legislation amends see great things from HMSA under his leader- in our country in all facets of public life. One what is commonly known as the ‘‘Secure ship, and I look forward to meeting him and of the largest Filipino American communities in Water Act’’ provision of Public Law 111–11 to one of HMSA’s teachers when they come to the U.S. resides in my district and I am com- ensure that large conservation efforts are eligi- Washington, DC in November to be officially mitted to such a vibrant community. Filipino ble. As opposed to the current small-project- honored by the Department of Education. Americans have long served in the U.S. by-small-project approach to conservation, this HMSA has made great strides to create a Armed Forces, and as chairman of the House legislation incentivizes more comprehensive, rigorous and comprehensive academic regi- Veterans’ Affairs Committee I continue to regional approaches throughout the western men that prepares its students for college and honor the military service of Filipino American United States. helps them become well-rounded young World War II veterans. These regional approaches are a result of adults. It boasts an impressive 97 percent The United States is a nation of immigrants the Endangered Species Act, which places ad- graduation rate. and we celebrate the accomplishments of ditional demands on already limited water sup- As its own mission statement reads, ‘‘HMSA Americans of all backgrounds. From the mili- plies originally devoted to agriculture or mu- is committed to creating a challenging, rig- tary to health care, education, arts, business, nicipalities. The Endangered Species Act is orous, standards-based curriculum for all stu- sports, government, the sciences and count- national in scope, but many of its require- dents, regardless of gender, ethnicity, primary less other areas of endeavor, Filipino Ameri- ments impact local water districts that bear language, or special needs status, within a cans have made and continue to make invalu- much of the financial burden. Investing limited safe and cooperative learning community.’’ I able contributions to the United States. federal dollars in regional conservation believe the school is not only living up to that I urge my colleagues to join me in recog- projects that are the result of federal regula- standard, but superseding it. nizing this important celebration of Filipino tions can relieve this pressure and protect and The students of HMSA should be particu- American History Month. promote existing water uses. larly proud of their strong work. They are giv- I have always been and will continue to be f ing their school, our community, our state, and a strong proponent of new and expanded our country a good name through their dedica- RECOGNIZING COMMISSIONER water storage. Legendary projects, such as tion, their drive, and their excellence. CLARENCE BROWN the Grand Coulee, Hoover and Glen Canyon Congratulations to HMSA on this latest, but dams, are the flagship federal projects that surely not the last, accolade. have transformed the American West from the HON. PHIL GINGREY f OF GEORGIA desert to some of the most productive agricul- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tural land in the world. Some in the environ- THE INSTALLATION OF DR. mental movement believe that conservation of Wednesday, September 29, 2010 CLAUDE G. PERKINS AS VIR- existing resources is the only way to solve our GINIA UNION UNIVERSITY’S 12TH Mr. GINGREY of Georgia. Madam Speaker, growing water and power scarcity problems. I PRESIDENT I rise today to recognize Bartow County Com- beg to differ. Everything, including new stor- missioner, Clarence Brown. His dedication to age, regulatory reform and new conservation, HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT Bartow County and to the 11th District of has to be on the table for us to resolve our OF VIRGINIA Georgia has earned him the well-deserved supply problems. honor of having a new conference center in The Western Water Supply Enhancement IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bartow County named after him. Act would be one tool in that toolbox. It is not Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Commissioner Brown has earned this great the solution, but it is part of the overall solu- Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I honor for a number of reasons—mostly be- tion to help water utilities with limited, already rise today to recognize Dr. Claude G. Perkins cause he has spent much of his life as a self- authorized funding in their efforts to provide as Virginia Union University’s 12th president. I less servant to Bartow County. He has devel- water to farm families and help promote a safe am proud to represent Virginia Union Univer- oped sustainable growth management plans and affordable food supply for our nation and sity (VUU), which is located in Richmond, Vir- while perpetuating Bartow’s commitment to the world. ginia, and is one of the nation’s oldest Histori- environmental stewardship. He has also f cally Black Colleges and Universities. brought a new college campus to Bartow HONORING HAWTHORNE MATH Established in 1865 on the site of Lumpkin’s County, and he has established local partner- Jail in order to educate the newly freed slaves, ships with national non-profit organizations AND SCIENCE ACADEMY, HAW- THORNE, CA VUU was formed by the merger of Richmond while expanding recreation facilities throughout Theological Institute and Wayland Seminary. the county. Hartshorn Memorial College and Storer Col- Madam Speaker, Commissioner Brown has HON. MAXINE WATERS lege were later merged into the University touched and enriched the Bartow community OF CALIFORNIA forming a true ‘‘union.’’ Today, VUU continues in a number of lasting ways. I would like to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to be nourished by its African American herit- congratulate Commissioner Brown on his ac- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 age and energized by its commitment to ex- complishments. Ms. WATERS. Madam Speaker, I rise to cellence and diversity. f honor Hawthorne Math and Science Academy, VUU’s student body currently numbers WESTERN WATER SUPPLY HMSA, in Hawthorne, CA. HMSA, a depend- 1,500 students—including 1,200 under- ENHANCEMENT ACT ent charter high school of the Hawthorne graduate and 300 graduate students—con- School District located in my congressional sisting primarily of first generation college stu- HON. DOC HASTINGS district, was recently honored with a Blue Rib- dents. VUU is proud to offer 24 majors at the OF WASHINGTON bon Award by the U.S. Department of Edu- baccalaureate level, as well as Master of Di- cation, a coveted award recognizing high-per- vinity, Master of Arts in Christian Education, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES forming and improving schools across our and Doctor of Ministry degrees at the Samuel Wednesday, September 29, 2010 country. This year, HMSA shares this distinc- Dewitt Proctor School of Theology. VUU’s Mr. HASTINGS of Washington. Madam tion with 304 other schools among the thou- Criminal Justice and Mathematics programs Speaker, today, I am introducing a bill that sands of schools in the United States. are renowned, and many teachers in the City

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.228 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1859 of Richmond are graduates of VUU’s Edu- Coghlan in a special ceremony held in Wash- Three hundred years is a truly remarkable cation program. In addition to excelling in aca- ington, DC. achievement. I ask my colleagues to join me demics, VUU boasts strong extracurricular ac- Times Square is known around the world for in congratulating the First Baptist Church of tivities and programs. In particular, VUU has its energy, color, and signature advertising bill- Waterford on this milestone and wishing the won four NCAA Division II National Basketball boards. In January 2010, the FBI announced church well for many years to come. Championships—three for the men’s team in an agreement with Mr. Coghlan for his com- f 1980, 1992, and 2005 and one for the wom- pany, Spectacolor, to provide 40-foot by 40- en’s team in 1983. foot digital billboard space at the corner of RECOGNIZING MEGAN JOHNSON AS This month, VUU formally installed Dr. Per- 47th Street and Broadway to display wanted THE WINNER OF THE 2010 PRU- kins as its 12th president. Dr. Perkins is a vet- fugitives, missing persons, and high-priority DENTIAL SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY eran educator with ties to Richmond, and I am security alerts. AWARD pleased that he has returned to Richmond to By entering into this agreement, the FBI lead this excellent academic institution. hoped to follow the trend set by Newark, New HON. ADAM SMITH Dr. Perkins has spent over 35 years in edu- Jersey, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by OF WASHINGTON cation leadership roles at various levels of K– empowering the public in high traffic areas to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 12 and higher education. In Richmond, Vir- help law enforcement by providing tips. Given Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ginia, he held the positions of Deputy Super- the success of the digital billboard program in Mr. SMITH of Washington. Madam Speaker, intendent and Assistant Superintendent in the those cities, the immediate success of the pro- I rise today to honor Megan Johnson of Fed- Richmond Public School System for several gram in Times Square was a surprise to no eral Way, Washington for winning the 2010 years in the 1980s and early 1990s. Dr. Per- one. Prudential Spirit of Community Award. kins also served as Superintendent of Schools On September 12, 2010, the FBI announced Every year, Prudential Financial, Inc. choos- in Kansas City, Missouri, and Clark County, the arrest of an alleged mobster who had es two people from each State and the District Nevada. In 2005, the Clark County, Nevada, been displayed on a Times Square billboard in of Columbia as winners of the Spirit of Com- School Board approved the naming of the new Yonkers, New York. Since the inception of the munity Award. Megan Johnson was chosen Claude Grandford Perkins Elementary School program in 2007, more than 35 arrests have for her outstanding community service. As a in recognition of Dr. Perkins’ service to the been made by the FBI in connection with tips state honoree, Megan will receive a $1,000 Clark County, Nevada, education community. prompted by digital billboards. cash award and a trip to Washington, DC. A In 2009, Dr. Perkins retired from Albany Madam Speaker, I applaud the FBI for its senior at Highline CHOICE Academy in State University, where he spent 10 years in effective partnerships, and I commend Mr. Burien, Megan was Washington State’s top several posts, including Professor of Edu- Harry Coghlan and Clear Channel Spectacolor high school volunteer and one of ten national cational Leadership, Graduate Dean and As- for their pioneering work to use advanced honorees. She initiated philanthropic programs sociate Vice President for Academic Affairs. technology to benefit law enforcement and for hospitalized children, the homeless, and School officials credited him with expanding public safety. substance-addicted babies. Her goal is to pro- the graduate program and increasing the Uni- f vide the underserved with the necessary re- versity’s international partnerships. He also COMMEMORATING THE TRI- sources to improve their situations. taught graduate education courses. At the age of 10, Megan Johnson estab- Dr. Perkins is the recipient of many awards, CENTENNIAL OF THE FIRST BAP- TIST CHURCH IN WATERFORD lished a non-profit organization named including: The Ohio University Medal of Merit ‘‘Megan’s Mission,’’ making blankets for the Award (1982); City of Richmond (Virginia) homeless and soliciting donations to buy the Resolution in Recognition of Educational HON. JOE COURTNEY homeless scarves, hats, and other warm cloth- Leadership (1997); The James Herbert White OF CONNECTICUT ing during the winter. In the following years, Preeminence Award for Education and Aca- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Megan joined ranks with community groups, demics (2002); and the Nevada Senate Reso- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 schools, churches, and prisoners from Monroe lution of Educational Achievement (2005). Correctional Complex to make blankets for in- VUU has already seen significant change in Mr. COURTNEY. Madam Speaker, I rise today to commemorate a very special occa- fants born of addicted mothers and collect the few short months of Dr. Perkins’ leader- DVDs for children’s hospitals. Megan has ship. Dr. Perkins led VUU through a success- sion for the First Baptist Church of Waterford. Next month the Church will be celebrating its aided four homeless families in finding a ful reaccreditation process, increased enroll- home; a remarkable feat for such a young ment, and began a significant campaign to up- tricentennial—300 years in Connecticut and a rich history that predates our nation. woman. Currently, Megan raises money for grade classrooms and campus housing. Shriners Hospital for Children by writing and il- Madam Speaker, I am pleased that Dr. Per- In 1710, the First Baptist Church of Water- ford was founded by members who withdrew lustrating children’s books, selling hot cider kins is the newest president of VUU. I con- during Christmas, selling jewelry, and soliciting gratulate him on this outstanding achievement from the First Baptist Church of Groton to cre- ate a new church on the western side of the donations from corporations. and wish him much success as he continues In addition to being invited to speak at the the efforts to take VUU into the next century Thames River. They built a meeting house on Pepperbox Hill, which they shared with an- Prudential Spirit of Community Service Awards as a leader in higher education. in South Korea, Megan has also been asked f other congregation. Some services in these early years were held at the homes of the to be a National Patient Ambassador for RECOGNIZING HARRY COGHLAN church’s members. The third and current Shriners Children Hospital. Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join sanctuary, the Jordan Meetinghouse, was built me in honoring Megan Johnson for her self- on Rope Ferry Road in 1848. Today, the First HON. TIMOTHY H. BISHOP less commitment to others and her dedication Baptist Church of Waterford is the second old- OF NEW YORK to help her community. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES est Baptist church in the State of Connecticut. It shares a spectacular history with the f Wednesday, September 29, 2010 town—having even served as the seat of its CALLING ON TURKISH-OCCUPIED Mr. BISHOP of New York. Madam Speaker, government. It was once a recruiting station CYPRUS TO PROTECT RELIGIOUS I rise to honor Mr. Harry Coghlan, a New for the Civil War. More than anything else, ARTIFACTS Yorker who has earned special recognition however, the church’s 300 hundred years are and praise from the Federal Bureau of Inves- defined by its deep involvement and generous SPEECH OF tigations (FBI) for his steadfast commitment to contributions to the community around it. HON. VIRGINIA FOXX advancing public safety. Today, the church serves people in the Water- OF NORTH CAROLINA On September 15, 2010, Mr. Coghlan was ford area by providing assistance from food to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES presented with the Director’s Award for Excel- medicine to heating oil. lence by FBI Director Robert S. Mueller. Citing The First Baptist Church of Waterford is an Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Mr. Coghlan’s continuing efforts to assist the historic and treasured institution that has per- Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, I have serious mission of law enforcement officials through severed, survived attacks by English forces concerns regarding H. Res. 1631 which was his donation of digital billboard space in Times during the Revolutionary War, given our nation considered on the House Floor on Tuesday, Square, Director Mueller recognized Mr. statesman, soldiers and helped those in need. September 28.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.232 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1860 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 While the resolution proports to raise aware- New York Institute of Technology. Sergio then Her work will be on exhibit at the National ness regarding the smuggling of Cypriot reli- began his community involvement as a board Museum of Women in the Arts, in Washington, gious and cultural artifacts, it only addresses member of Club Peru New York, the oldest D.C., October 9, 2010 to January 9, 2011. cases related to Northern Cyprus and ignores Peruvian organization in the United States. He Loı¨s Mailou Jones (1905–1998) explored the fact that it is a problem on both sides of later moved to Miami, became the president of multiple themes and styles, poetically por- the island, and should be addressed by both Club Peru Miami, and established his own traying African-American struggles in her work sides in addition to the international commu- company, Business Authority Corporation, which included paintings, drawings and textile nity. which provides accounting services and devel- designs. For over fifty years, she consistently H. Res. 1631 overlooks the destruction of opment for small and midsized businesses. experimented with new techniques and in- over 100 mosques, shrines, mausoleums and In 1994, Sergio established the Peruvian spired others to innovate. This led to many other valuable Ottoman and other cultural American Coalition (PAC), which has brought collaborations with her Harlem Renaissance treasures in the 103 towns and villages which together Peruvians from across the country contemporaries, from drawing illustrations for the Turkish Cypriots were forced to abandon and serves as a venue for its members to en- Langston Hughes to working alongside Carter in the southern part of the island. gage in politics and the legislative process, G. Woodson, her significance during this pe- There is also no mention of the vast sums while promoting issues important to the Peru- riod has been acknowledged. spent by Turkish Cypriots to restore 15 Ortho- vian American community. Today, PAC has As a long-time professor at Howard Univer- dox Churches over the last three years—each chapters in Los Angeles, Washington, DC, sity, she shaped generations of students and of which has been completed. West Palm Beach, Atlanta, Utah, Idaho and upcoming artists. She enhanced their learning In order to address this problem, Greek and New York City. experience with painting tours outside of the Turkish Cypriot leaders established a Tech- For years, Sergio has also been involved in classroom, convinced the exposure would help nical Committee on Cultural Heritage in May an issue critical to our nation and that is immi- them become better artists. This included trav- 2008 in conjunction with talks to settle the Cy- gration reform. Through the establishment of els as near as the local park to as far away prus issue. This Committee was given an im- the Latin American Foundation, he has helped as Paris and Africa. portant mandate for the protection of the rich and guided countless immigrants as they tran- Born in Boston, MA, but traveling frequently cultural heritage of the island. It aims at pre- sition and settle in the United States, enter the throughout her career, her artwork consistently serving secular and religious cultural heritage workforce and tackle language and cultural captured what was relevant in her life. After monuments, which is an integral part of the barriers. Sergio continues to advocate for marrying Haitian artist Louis Vergniaud Pierre- ongoing process of improving relations be- comprehensive immigration reform, coordi- Noel in 1953, Jones traveled and lived in Haiti tween Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots. nating with other community groups and elect- and in those pieces one can see the influence Had Greek Cypriots accepted the UN peace ed officials at all levels of government and of the Haitian culture, with its African influ- plan in the simultaneous referenda in April working for the passage of that legislation. ences and more colorful creations. 2004, these issues would have been well on Aside from the PAC and the Latin American Her race and gender contributed to a long the way to being resolved, rather than dis- Foundation, Sergio is the founder of the Peru- and challenging path before receiving recogni- cussed in third country legislatures. vian American Political Organization USA tion for her work, but eventually the accolades Despite the rejection of the so called Annan (PAPO USA), the Peruvian American Coalition came. President Jimmy Carter honored Jones Plan in 2004, direct negotiations between the Foundation, the Tumi USA Award, the Latin for her outstanding achievements in the arts in two leaders on the island have continued in American Voters League, Inc., the Convention 1980, and in the last ten years of her life both pursuit of a comprehensive solution to the of Peruvian Institutions in the USA, and President Bill Clinton and French President conflict. As the party that has supported the AIPEUC-the Association of Peruvian Institu- Jacques Chirac met the artist and collected UN peace plan along with the international tions in the USA and Canada. her work. Loı¨s Mailou Jones continued to cre- community in 2004, the Turkish Cypriots con- Throughout his impressive career as a suc- ate her vibrant paintings until her death in tinue to demonstrate their commitment to a cessful businessman and a selfless leader in 1998. comprehensive settlement based on the polit- our community, he has counted on the uncon- A unique synthesis of African, Haitian, Pari- ical equality of the two sides. Both sides need ditional support of his wife Flor and his chil- sian, and American iconography, Jones’ work the support and encouragement of the United dren, who have understood the value and im- remains a remarkable contribution to the world States and other members of the international portance of his service and have joined him in of art. Her paintings grace the permanent col- community in order to bridge their differences putting the needs of their community first. Ser- lections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and reach a mutually agreed upon settlement. gio has earned the respect and admiration of National Museum of American Art, Hirshhorn The Congress should engage in activities that many in our community and has been honored Museum and Sculpture Garden, National Por- aim to bring the two sides together, not in- and recognized by local governments and or- trait Gallery, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the flame passions. That is why I believe it was ill ganizations. Today I join all of them in thank- National Palace in Haiti, the National Museum advised for the Congress to adopt this resolu- ing my good friend Sergio Massa for his undy- of Afro-American Artists and private collections tion. ing commitment to seeing the success of the around the world. At this time, I would like to also honor the f Peruvian American community and all His- panics in South Florida and across the United current Trustees of the Loı¨s Mailou Jones HONORING SERGIO MASSA States. He values the principles of democracy Pierre Noel Trust: Robert W. Jones, Chris and works each day to ensure that they are Chapman, MD, and Larry Frazier, Esq. Madam Speaker, we recognize this distin- HON. MARIO DIAZ-BALART preserved for all to enjoy. guished artist and offer recognition of her con- OF FLORIDA f tributions made to this genre. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LOI¨S MAILOU JONES—HONORING f Wednesday, September 29, 2010 AN INNOVATIVE TRAILBLAZER CELEBRATION OF LIFE: THE LATE FROM THE HARLEM RENAIS- Mr. MARIO DIAZ-BALART of Florida. JASON EDWARD JUSTICE, JR. Madam Speaker, as we celebrate Hispanic SANCE Heritage Month, I rise to honor one of South Florida’s finest community leaders, Sergio HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL OF TEXAS Massa. OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sergio was born in the historic Port of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Callao, Peru and completed his studies at the Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Colegio Militar Leoncio Prado. At an early age, Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. his family instilled in him the value and impor- Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I stand be- Madam Speaker, George S. Patton, Jr. said tance of service and activism, and it is one fore you today to recognize the late Loı¨s ‘‘It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who that he has carried with him throughout his Mailou Jones, a renowned American artist and died. Rather we should thank God that such life. He came to the United States when he educator who died in 1993 at the age of 93. men lived.’’ For that reason, on September 29, was 18 years old and first lived in San Fran- One of the longest living painters of the Har- 2010 we did not mourn Jason Edward Justice cisco. He later moved to New York and in lem Renaissance, she influenced many Jr’s death; rather we celebrated his life. 1979 received a Bachelor of Science in Busi- emerging African-American artists during and Jason was born on March 20, 1955, in Gal- ness Administration & Accounting from the since that historic period. veston, Texas. He was inspired to study hard

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.236 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1861 and prepare himself for college. He attended Fire and Emergency Response Program, we ARTHRITIS PREVENTION, La Marque Independent School District. He can do our part in ensuring that these heroes CONTROL, AND CURE ACT OF 2010 was a great athlete which enabled him to re- get the equipment, vehicles, training, staffing ceive full college scholarship. He graduated in and other resources they need. SPEECH OF 1977 from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln I hope that this milestone in the HON. ANNA G. ESHOO with a Bachelor of Arts Degree. Massapequa Fire Department’s history re- OF CALIFORNIA He parlayed this degree into a career of minds us of not only the traditional role that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES public service as Chief of Staff to Texas State firefighters have always played in protecting Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Senator Royce West and me when I served in our communities, but also how their role has the Texas Senate. In addition, his more than Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in changed since September 11, 2001, because strong support of my legislation, H.R. 1210, three decades of state service included work- now they are also faced with an increasingly ing for Ann Richards when she was the Texas the Arthritis Prevention, Control, and Cure Act. complex and dangerous job of preparing for I have fought long and hard for this bill along- Comptroller and with the Texas Employment and responding to acts of terrorism. We must Commission. side the Arthritis Foundation, the American do all that we can to support them in their mis- College of Rheumatology, and the thousands Jason was involved with many organizations sion. such as the Coalition of Black Trade Unions, of advocates across the country who under- I want to thank Massapequa Fire Chief the American Federation of State, County and stand how important this is. The legislation en- Peter Anglim for his leadership and service, Municipal Employee Union, the AFL–CIO and joys the bipartisan support of 181 Members of and all of the firefighters, both active and re- the National Association for the Advancement the House, and passed out of the Energy and tired, who have proudly served the of Colored People. His integrity and excellent Commerce Committee unanimously. Massapequa community. Congratulations on service earned him various awards. One out of every five adults suffers from ar- Jason was devoted to his wife, Janis 100 years of dedicated service. thritis, making it the most common cause of DeGrate Justice, and to his family. In addition disability in the United States. More than to Janis, he is survived by his children, Jason f 300,000 children suffer from juvenile arthritis. Justice, III, Christopher Justice, Derek D. Early diagnosis for this disease is critical to VETERANS BENEFITS AND ECO- ensure children get access to the right doctor Smith and Barbie Smith. NOMIC WELFARE IMPROVEMENT Many of us in Texas knew and admired and the care they need. ACT OF 2010 My bill will authorize the ‘‘National Arthritis Jason Justice. I valued his friendship and ad- Action Plan,’’ giving legislative direction and vice, as did so many others, and we will great- leadership to a program which has proven ly miss him. It is impossible to fully grasp the SPEECH OF successful since 1998. The Plan distributes breadth and depth of a life of someone like important grants to states and nonprofits to Jason, who gave every project or responsi- HON. JOHN J. HALL carry out arthritis outreach and education ac- bility his very best effort and who lived his life OF NEW YORK tivities. The bill expands the Secretary of with boundless enthusiasm and compassion. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Health and Human Services’ authority to in- He was a role model and mentor to so many, crease juvenile arthritis research at NIH, and and he leaves a powerful legacy that will last Tuesday, September 28, 2010 authorizes important institutional training for generations to come. Mr. HALL of New York. Mr. Speaker, thank grants to increase the number of pediatric Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join you for the opportunity to speak this morning. me in memory and in honor of this great rheumatologists in the U.S. I rise in support of several pieces of legislation I’m proud of the work I’ve done to raise American, dedicated public servant, and truly before us this week that aim to improve the awareness about the devastating effects of ar- great man—Jason Justice. We will not mourn lives of our Nation’s veterans. thritis but I’m far prouder of the tireless work that he has left us behind; rather we will re- of the arthritis advocates who have walked joice what he has left behind. As Chairman of the House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and these halls, called their Representatives, and f Memorial Affairs, it was my honor and privi- shared their stories. Their grassroots efforts HONORING THE MASSAPEQUA lege to help move some of these bills forward. are at the heart of this bill and I’m so pleased FIRE DEPARTMENT’S 100TH AN- I also thank the sponsors of these bills for we could work on this together. NIVERSARY their commitment to our veterans. Passage of the Arthritis Prevention, Control, and Cure Act is also a tribute to my friend, These bills make substantial improvements Senator Edward Kennedy, as we introduced to the VA’s job training programs, making vet- HON. PETER T. KING this legislation together in the 110th Congress. OF NEW YORK erans more attractive to small businesses to His commitment to public health, improving hire and train, and to ensure that veterans suf- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES care for children, and ending suffering are the fering from PTSD and other mental conditions Wednesday, September 29, 2010 principles which guided everything he did and are able to appeal their claims decisions if I know he’s looking down on us today and Mr. KING of New York. Madam Speaker, they miss an arbitrary deadline, set by a bu- smiling. this weekend I had the privilege of joining in reaucrat. celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the f I strongly support the provision in H.R. 6132 Massapequa Fire Department. Founded on which will allow veterans receiving a pension IN REMEMBRANCE OF THOSE WHO September 25, 1910, the Massapequa Fire from the VA to keep receiving their pension in LOST THEIR LIVES IN THE SEP- Department has a long history of dedicated the event they are awarded a settlement for TEMBER 29, 2009 TSUNAMI THAT volunteerism and service to the Long Island loss or injury. This will correct an extremely STRUCK AMERICAN SAMOA, community including Massapequa, unfair part of current law that includes these SAMOA AND TONGA Massapequa Park, and East Massapequa. payments as income when determining a vet- The Massapequa Fire Department provides eran’s eligibility for a means-based pension. around-the-clock fire protection and emer- HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA OF AMERICAN SAMOA gency medical services to approximately I am also glad that the House is addressing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 19,000 homes located within its district, re- the issue of Retained Asset Accounts. We sponding to an average of 2,400 alarms annu- have heard a great deal about these accounts Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ally. for recipients of Service Group Life Insurance Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Madam Speaker, I As Ranking Member of the Committee on Policies. H.R. 5993 will ensure that the fami- rise today to remember those who lost their Homeland Security and Chair of the Congres- lies of veterans understand their rights and are lives last year on September 29 when Amer- sional Fire Services Caucus, I am proud to fully informed of their options when their loved ican Samoa was hit by the most powerful support our nation’s firefighters in Congress. one passes. earthquake of 2009 which struck below the These brave men and women risk their lives Thank you again Mr. Speaker, and thank ocean about 140 miles southwest of Pago day after day to protect our communities and you to Chairman FILNER for his assistance in Pago, American Samoa, and 125 miles south save the lives of others. Through Federal pro- bringing these bills forward. I encourage all of of Samoa. grams such as the Assistance to Firefighters my colleagues to vote in favor of these impor- The earthquake, which registered 8.3 on the Grant Program and the Staffing for Adequate tant bills. Richter scale, set off a massive tsunami that

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.239 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1862 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 crashed into American Samoa, Samoa and expected to take place in mid-to-late October. DEMANDING JUSTICE FOR RUS- Tonga, sweeping cars and people out to sea A local business is expected to be issued the SIAN WHISTLEBLOWER SERGEI as survivors fled to high ground. In American contract award for Phase 2. 33 homes are ex- MAGNITSKY AND REFORM OF Samoa, many children running for home un- pected to be constructed in Phase 2. Overall, RUSSIAN PRISON SYSTEM knowingly ran in the direction of the tsunami. the entire pilot program currently stands at 41 Entire villages in American Samoa and the homes. HON. JAMES P. McGOVERN neighboring islands of Samoa and Tonga were The U.S. Congress also set aside an addi- OF MASSACHUSETTS devastated by the disaster. In response, the tional $1.2 million to provide direct assistance IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES United States answered with a generous and to ASG for the disaster through the U.S. De- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 heartfelt outpouring of aid. partment of the Interior. As we pause to remember the lives lost and Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, today I In addition to more than $200 million federal the families impacted, I want to once more introduced the ‘‘Justice for Sergei Magnitsky dollars described above, Samoan students at publicly thank President Obama for his leader- Act of 2010’’ in the House. This bill is the re- the Wentworth Military Academy collected ship during this tragedy. The Obama Adminis- sult of a recent hearing I chaired as Co-Chair- $32,000. They donated $15,000 in cash to the tration continues to stand with us and, on be- man of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Com- American Samoa Voluntary Organizations Ac- half of all Samoans, I thank the Administration mission on the human rights situation in the tive in Disaster (ASVOAD) and the remaining for its swift response. Russian Federation. During this important amount was given to their families in American I also want to thank U.S. Secretary of State hearing, the Commission heard extraordinary Samoa, and also used to provide airfare for Hillary Clinton for her unwavering support. At testimony regarding an extraordinary senior the students to visit their families during the my request and the request of Congress- Russian lawyer and tax advisor, Sergei time of the disaster. I am so proud of these woman Laura Richardson, Secretary Clinton Leonidovich Magnitsky, who vigorously rep- students who showed true leadership and authorized the immediate airlift of 92,000 resented his client, the Hermitage Capital Ltd/ courage in the face of adversity. pounds of emergency supplies collected by HSBC, before the relevant Russian authorities Samoan and non-Samoan communities in the Some of my dearest friends and acquaint- regarding the fraudulent take-over of Hermit- Los Angeles, California area as well as by our ances also came to our aid. Without being age subsidiaries and an elaborate tax fraud Samoan and Tongan communities in Salt asked, they contacted my office immediately scheme which was designed to defraud the Lake City and St. George, Utah under the di- after the tragedy wanting to make donations Russian Treasury of an estimated of 5.4 billion rection of Reverend Elder Liki Tiatia, Rev- and help in whatever way they could. rubles (USD $230 million). erend Dr. John Mailo, Reverend Dr. For historical purposes, I am listing their Mr. Magnitsky testified before the Investiga- Misipouena Tagaloa, High Chief Loa Pele names below because no act of kindness tive Committee of the Russian Prosecutor Of- Faletogo, and HC Papali’i Misiona Patane. should ever pass by without sincere acknowl- fice on June 5, 2008 and October 7, 2008, In American Samoa, a team of more than edgment to the persons, governments and or- and specifically implicated Lt. Colonel Artem 300 responders from the Federal Emergency ganizations who gave so generously. They Kuznetsov and Major Pavel Karpov of the In- Management Agency (FEMA), the American are: terior Ministry in the fraud scheme, among Red Cross, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chairman Li Ka Shing (Li Ka Shing Founda- other officials. In a Kafkaesque turn of events, the Department of Health and Human Serv- tion) (Presented to PM Tuilaepa on behalf of instead of investigating those officials, the Min- ices (HHS) and other Federal agencies coordi- the people of American Samoa)—$100,000. istry of Interior charged Mr. Magnitsky with tax nated relief and recovery operations. Chairman Li Ka Shing (Li Ka Shing Founda- fraud and arrested him on November 24, 2008 The United States Navy, the United States tion) (Presented to Am. Samoa Disaster Relief and placed him in Moscow’s pre-trial detention Coast Guard, the Hawaii Air National Guard and Recovery Program)—$150,000. facility of the Moscow Branch of the Interior and the U.S. Army Reserve American Samoa Chairman Seung-Youn Kim (Hanwha Ministry on the orders of Major Oleg provided critical transport of the life-saving and Silchenko. Despite the fact that Lt. Colonel life-sustaining supplies and equipment to meet Group) (presented to American Samoa Red Kuznetsov’s was implicated in the fraud the immediate needs of the survivors, includ- Cross: $62,985 for caskets of deceased in scheme, he served as a senior member of the ing more than 26,000 meals, 14,000 liters of Am. Samoa; $37,015 remainder to Am. investigation team responsible for Mr. water, 1,800 blankets, 800 tents, more than Samoa Red Cross)—$100,000. Magnitsky during the nearly one year pre-trial 800 cots, and 9 pallets of medical supplies President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Republic detention. and medical equipment in support of American of Kazakhstan (Presented to Am. Samoa Dis- While Mr. Magnitsky was in good health be- Samoa’s mass care operations. aster Relief and Recovery)—$50,000. The U.S. Department of Labor released Government of Thailand (Presented to Am. fore he was arrested, only five months into his over $24 million in National Emergency Grant Samoa Disaster Relief and Recovery Pro- detention, his health deteriorated significantly. (NEG) funds to assist clean-up and recovery gram)—$15,000. On July 1, 2009, Mr. Magnitsky was given an ultrasound to identify the cause of his medical efforts in American Samoa, although an aver- Government of Taiwan (Presented to Am. symptoms and a surgeon diagnosed him with age disaster NEG is only about $5 million. Samoa Red Cross)—$10,000. ‘‘calculous cholecystitis’’ and ordered another FEMA has projected, or set aside, over Mr. Raymond Calamaro, Esq. (D.C. Attor- ultrasound, which was to be followed by sur- $155 million for recovery efforts. So far, about ney) (Presented to Am. Samoa Red Cross)— gery within a month. One week before his $65 million has been obligated and about $45 $1,000. scheduled treatment, on July 25, 2009, and million has been disbursed pending action Mr. Steven Kirchof (Florida Businessman) from the applicant to define scopes of work or fully aware of Mr. Magnitsky’s medical condi- (Presented to Am. Samoa Red Cross)— tion, Ivan Pavlovich Prokopenko, head of the provide information necessary to clear envi- $1,000. ronmental compliance. pre-trial detention facility Matrosskaya Tishina, Of this $155 million set-aside, FEMA has Also, I again want to make special mention approved the transfer of Mr. Magnitsky to projected that about $77 million will be used of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who really Butyrka Prison (Detention Center 77/2). De- for infrastructure. Of this $77 million, $15 mil- fought to make an airlift possible. tention Center 77/2 did not have the appro- lion has been obligated, but only $7 million DC10 Charter flight (authorized by U.S. priate medical facilities to allow Mr. Magnitsky has been disbursed. According to FEMA, the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for shipment the prescribed medical treatment and nec- program is based on reimbursement so FEMA of 92,000 pounds of aid to Apia, Samoa)— essary surgery. Despite his medical condition, cannot disburse until the American Samoa $300,000. Mr. Magnitsky was not examined by a doctor Government (ASG) requests a manual draw- Total—$727,000. upon his arrival at the Detention Center 77/2. down based on receipts submitted. While American Samoa is now on the road He was subsequently transferred to eight dif- Regarding housing, FEMA initiated a pilot to recovery, there is still much work to be ferent cells, with each transfer a marked program and planned two phases of construc- done. But with the faith and support and pray- health deterioration as a result. Undeterred, tion. Phase 1 required the construction of 8 ers of our people and with the additional funds Mr. Magnitsky testified again on October 13, homes and 10 additional site preparations. All ASG is receiving from the federal government 2009 concerning the complicity of Interior Min- of this work is completed and the 8 homes are as a result of the American Reinvestment and istry officials in the theft of 5.4 billion rubles occupied. Costs for Phase 1 are still being fi- Recovery Act (ARRA), we have every oppor- from the Treasury and accused them of inves- nalized. tunity to forge ahead and become stronger tigating him in retaliation for his testimonies. A contract award for Phase 2 is expected to than before, and I thank my colleagues for On November 11, 2009, Mr. Magnitsky filed a occur in early October with ground-breaking standing with American Samoa. petition with the interior Ministry and the court

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.243 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1863 stating his determination to bring to trial offi- Small businesses are the engine of job cre- position with the Washington State Depart- cials who falsified the case against him. On ation in our economy and are playing a crucial ment of Ecology, where he manages the water November 13, 2009, he wrote petitions in role in helping America recover from the worst pollution control grant program. which he stated that he had been transferred recession in 75 years. Still, small main street Madam Speaker, I congratulate Captain again to a new cell during the night, and that businesses are struggling to expand due to a Steven M. Carley on his many remarkable he was intentionally deprived of sleep and hot lack of credit. The Small Business Lending achievements, his venerable service to his food. As a result he developed acute pain and Fund Act of 2010 (H.R. 5297) helps small country, and his retirement after 39 years with vomiting and insisted on seeing a doctor and businesses expand by creating a new $30 bil- the United States Navy Reserve. an ultrasound examination that was prescribed lion fund for small and medium-sized commu- f to him in July 2009. This examination was nity banks. This fund is expected to leverage never carried out. After having been denied up to $300 billion in small business lending. PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION medical treatment for four months, Mr. The economic impact of this legislation OF H.R. 847, JAMES ZADROGA 9/11 Magnitsky’s condition became critical and he would be significant. It will create up to HEALTH AND COMPENSATION died on November 16, 2009. 500,000 jobs and provide loan guarantees to ACT OF 2010 Madam Speaker, this injustice cannot stand. approximately 8,000 community banks. H.R. SPEECH OF And while no words will comfort the painful 5297 provides $12 billion in tax breaks for loss of the Magnitsky family—Sergei is sur- small businesses, including write-offs on cap- HON. EARL POMEROY vived by his wife and two children—his case ital investments and credits for new hires. OF NORTH DAKOTA at least got international exposure because of More importantly, his bill will not add a dime IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the wherewithal and connections of his em- to the deficit because it is fully paid for by Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ployer, Hermitage Capital Management of closing tax loopholes. London. In that aspect, Sergei’s case is similar Congressional Republicans repeatedly say Mr. POMEROY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in oppo- to that of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and the Yukos they support small businesses while at the sition to the Motion to Recommit H.R. 847, the case. But how many unknown Sergei same time deliberately delaying and obstruct- James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensa- Magnitskys and Mikhail Khodorkovskys lan- ing this legislation, which cuts taxes and ex- tion Act. guish unjustly in Russian prisons because of pands access to credit for small businesses. I believe that our current medical mal- corruption? How many voices critical of the When our economy is recovering and small practice system is in need of reform. Rising Russian government have been silenced this businesses need access to credit, new Amer- medical liability premiums are threatening trau- way? ican jobs should not fall victim to the gridlock ma centers, emergency rooms and obstetri- Madam Speaker, the Russian Federation re- caused by Republicans in Congress. cian-gynecological practices and the patients mains a crucial world power of critical impor- There is no question in my mind that we will they serve, causing some to shut their doors tance to the United States in vital policy areas, get America’s economy back. Until credit is because they cannot afford the cost or risk of including, but not limited to, nuclear prolifera- flowing and houses are selling, until customers treating patients. To help address this issue, I tion issues such as in Iran and North Korea, are confident and job creation is back on have repeatedly voted for legislation that disarmament agreements, global warming, the track, I will continue to take actions that place would reform our medical malpractice system war on terror, and the international economic our country on a sustained path of broad- by, among other things, placing a cap of crisis. I therefore applaud our Secretary of based economic growth. $250,000 on noneconomic and punitive dam- State Hillary Clinton for working hard to I urge my colleagues to join me in voting for ages as well as limiting lawyers’ contingent strengthen and deepen our ties with Russia the Small Business Lending Fund Act of 2010. fees. and the Russian people, which reflect the im- f While the flawed Motion to Recommit H.R. portant role Russia continues to play today. 847, the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and I believe that my bill directly contributes to HONORING UNITED STATES NAVY Compensation Act includes important provi- those deepening ties by establishing human RESERVE CAPTAIN STEVEN M. sions to help avoid frivolous medical mal- rights accountability. Under my bill, the individ- CARLEY practice lawsuits, it would also eliminate im- uals who have—in the determination of our portant delivery system reforms recently en- Secretary of State—directly contributed to the HON. ADAM SMITH acted in the health care reform law. This in- death of Sergei Magnitsky will be put on a OF WASHINGTON cludes eliminating the Independent Payment visa ban list until they have been thoroughly IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Advisory Board which is charged with devel- oping recommendations about innovative ways investigated. It further requires the Russian Wednesday, September 29, 2010 government to undertake significant reform to better control costs both in public and pri- steps to bring the Russian prison system into Mr. SMITH of Washington. Madam Speaker, vate health programs while also ensuring that compliance with international standards. We I rise today to honor United States Navy Re- care is improved. In addition, I believe that must ensure that these perpetrators do not get serve Captain Steven M. Carley, who retired comparative effectiveness research holds the rewarded with shopping trips on New York’s after 39 years of service in August 2010. I ask potential to improve quality by helping doctors Fifth Avenue or elsewhere in the U.S.—that is that my colleagues join me in honoring Cap- and patients determine the most effective the least we can do for Sergei. Furthermore, tain Carley for his commitment to our Nation. treatment approaches. Repealing this impor- my bill will ensure that no U.S. bank accounts Captain Carley enlisted in the Navy Reserve tant program would be an unacceptable step can be used to transfer the ill-gotten spoils of in 1968 and began his career at Sand Point backwards. Furthermore, I have deep con- this fraud, and any such assets are frozen, so Naval Air Station in Seattle, WA. After 13 cerns with reducing funding aimed at improv- they can be returned to their rightful owner, years of enlisted service working in intel- ing public health. the Russian people. ligence, Captain Carley was commissioned in For these reasons, I urge my colleagues to f November 1984 and became an Intelligence oppose the flawed Motion to Recommit H.R. Officer in the Navy Reserve. Over the course 847, the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and TEMPORARY EXTENSION OF of his career, he was assigned to multiple Compensation Act. SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS units where he served in a range of roles from f Intelligence Analyst to Executive Officer. Addi- SPEECH OF tionally, Captain Carley participated in five PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION major joint exercises in Korea as well as an- OF H.R. 2378, CURRENCY REFORM HON. BETTY McCOLLUM FOR FAIR TRADE ACT OF MINNESOTA nual overseas training in Germany and Japan. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Captain Carley’s achievements are remark- able and plenty. His military awards include SPEECH OF Thursday, September 23, 2010 the Meritorious Service Medal, Navy Reserve HON. DANIEL LIPINSKI Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, I rise in Meritorious Service Medal, Armed Forces Re- OF ILLINOIS strong support of the Small Business Lending serve Medal, and the Marine Corps Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Fund Act of 2010 (H.R. 5297). This legislation mendation Medal. will extend much needed credit and reduce Captain Carley currently resides in Olympia, Wednesday, September 29, 2010 taxes for small businesses all across the WA where he serves his community through Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong country. various community service projects and his support of H.R. 2378, the Currency Reform for

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.244 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1864 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 Fair Trade Act. I am a proud cosponsor of this ate to quickly act on this important measure in reform those policies that reduce our manufac- bill, and am pleased that this measure has order to bring fairness and balance to inter- turers’ competitiveness. The taxes and regula- been brought up for a vote. national trade. tions imposed on American businesses are American manufacturers are facing numer- f damaging economic growth and killing jobs. If ous challenges during this recession, but Chi- we were serious about creating jobs, we na’s manipulation of its currency is undoubt- PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION would be working on an aggressive agenda of edly the most insidious. These unfair practices OF H.R. 2378, CURRENCY REFORM cutting taxes and repealing needless regula- put U.S. firms at a distinct disadvantage in FOR FAIR TRADE ACT tions. their efforts to remain competitive and to ex- Congress can also improve America’s com- SPEECH OF port goods to a growing global market. By fix- petitive position by ending the practice of forc- ing the value of the renminbi to the American HON. RON PAUL ing American workers to subsidize their for- dollar, China effectively undervalues its cur- OF TEXAS eign competitors through organizations such rency by at least 25 percent and affords its IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as the Export-Import Bank and the Inter- manufacturers an unfair advantage, making Wednesday, September 29, 2010 national Monetary Fund. their exports artificially cheap. As a result of In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, I remind my col- this manipulation, American-made products Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, the imbalances in leagues that stability in currencies is some- are unable to compete in the marketplace and international trade, and in particular trade be- thing we should seek, not something we American manufacturers and other exporters tween China and the United States, have should condemn. The bill before us today will are forced to lay off workers. prompted many to demand a realignment of not solve our problems. In fact, by refusing to H.R. 2378 will begin to address this market the Chinese yuan and the American dollar. address the economic stability created by fiat exploitation by allowing the United States to Since we are running a huge trade deficit with currency and instead embracing protectionism, assess countervailing and anti-dumping duties China the call now is for a stronger yuan and it will further weaken the American economy. on products exported from any nation that a weaker dollar. This trade imbalance problem f benefits from the export subsidy of manipu- will not be solved so easily. lated currency. It has been estimated that by I would urge my colleagues to consider the PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION implementing these duties as many as benefits we receive from our relationship with OF H.R. 2378, CURRENCY REFORM 500,000 U.S. manufacturing jobs will be cre- China, one of which is that American con- FOR FAIR TRADE ACT ated. And by making American manufacturers sumers benefit from lower-priced goods. more competitive, we can begin to overcome Adopting the policy urged by supporters of this SPEECH OF the estimated 1.4 percent annual GDP reduc- bill would cause consumer prices to increase, HON. MARCY KAPTUR tion caused by China’s currency manipulation. thus reducing consumers’ wealth. Other pro- OF OHIO ducers would suffer as a result of the con- While both Presidents Bush and Obama IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have sought to address China’s currency ma- sumers’ decreased purchasing power. I doubt nipulation diplomatically through both bilateral that many of our constituents want us to in- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 and multilateral channels, China has provided crease the prices they pay for goods and serv- Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I believe in free only empty pledges to allow its currency to ices. and fair trade among free peoples conducted float freely with the market—pledges that have Congress should also consider how the Chi- under a rule of law. Our nation boasts the never truly been realized. When one looks at nese benefit the United States government by most open markets in the world. But not all the value of the Chinese renminbi against the holding our debt. The dollars the Chinese ac- the world’s markets are open house; con- U.S. dollar, it is remarkable how unnaturally quire by selling us goods and services must sequently, since 1975 our nation has amassed flat the rate has remained for the last 2 years. be returned to the United States. Since the an enormous trade deficit that will top 1⁄2 bil- Though the renminbi has appreciated by a tiny Chinese are not buying an equivalent amount lion dollars this year. amount in recent months, this is an obvious of American goods and services, they are This trade gap has resulted in: attempt by the Chinese to leave the impres- using the dollars to finance Congress’ extrava- 35 years of outsourced jobs by the millions sion that it is acting responsibly with respect to gant spending. to penny wage environments. its currency, when in fact we all know that is This deep and legitimate concern for the 35 years of imports dwarfing our exports. not the case. This legislation is crucial to over- trade imbalance between China and the U.S. 35 years of buying from countries who will coming China’s failed promises to operate in will fall short if the issue of fluctuating, world- not buy as much from us. the global economy under fair rules and stand- wide fiat currencies is not addressed. The fact 35 years of trying to penetrate the markets ards. that the U.S. dollar is the principal reserve cur- of countries who contort the trade and cur- This is not some esoteric exercise. China’s rency of the world gives us a benefit that oth- rency rules in their favor, not ours. currency manipulation has a direct effect on a ers do not enjoy. It allows us to export paper As our nation climbs out of its deepest re- wide range of U.S. manufacturers, from steel dollars and import goods manufactured in cession since the 1930s, we must rebalance to paper, machinery to textiles. It has driven countries with cheap labor. It also allows us to our trade policies and take action to dig us out firms out of business and cost us millions of finance the welfare/warfare state with cheap of this deep hole. jobs, especially in the Midwest. It serves to loans from China and Japan. It’s a good deal Take the case of China. The massive hem- decrease exports and widen our trade deficit for the government but according to economic orrhage of U.S. jobs and wealth to China is with China at a time when we need to be ex- law must come to an end, and the end will be staggering—in 1990 America’s trade deficit panding our exports and growing our econ- messy for the U.S. consumer and for world with China was $10.4 billion, and by 2000 it omy. As my constituent Zach Mottl, of Atlas trade. was up to $83.8 billion. As of July of this year Tool and Die and the Tool and Manufacturing Our current account deficit and huge foreign we are already $145.4 billion in the red to Association, said, ‘‘a few percentage point dif- indebtedness is a reflection of the world mon- Communist China. These deficits mean lost ference [in currency value] can make that dif- etary system of fiat money. The longer the jobs in America, a shrinking middle class as ference in terms of whether a company buys trade imbalances last, the more difficult the production and wealth get shifted offshore. here or buys overseas.’’ adjustment will be. The market will eventually The evidence is all around us: Americans It is the government’s duty to defend the force these adjustments on us. working harder each year, plants closing down American people. American workers and fami- Instead of having fluctuating currency ex- despite increasing worker productivity. Now lies have been under assault for years from change rates and the inevitable instability that people’s health and retirement benefits are China’s unfair currency policy which steals accompanies them, we should be working to cut, or they face unemployment, as their jobs American jobs. While we’ve been playing by establish a commodity-backed currency whose are outsourced or destroyed the rules, China has enriched itself by delib- value is determined by the market. This would This is not a recipe for a healthy economy erately ignoring them. Our policy has been all provide an objective measurement of the nor a strong nation. carrot and no stick, with unfortunate but pre- value of economic goods and services and How did this happen? dictable consequences. We cannot continue to thus strengthen the economy by freeing it from The Chinese are gaining a mercantilist ad- allow American businesses and workers to be the negative effects of our unstable monetary vantage in their economic practices, which put out of work by China’s currency manipula- policy. some experts call ‘‘market Leninism.’’ They tion. I am pleased to support this much need- Instead of promoting global economic gov- manipulate trade through several devices, the ed, bipartisan legislation, and I urge the Sen- ernment, the United States Congress should most potent of which is currency manipulation.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00072 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.249 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1865 We must take the necessary steps to create year of incorporation on Thursday, October Established during the Great Depression, a level playing field for American workers and 14, 2010. the grounds for the new municipal airport for companies by holding China accountable for The city of Taft is located in the south- Pensacola, Florida, were purchased for the unfair devaluation by 40 percent or more of its western part of the San Joaquin Valley, and sum of $50,000 from Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. currency. has quite a unique history. Named after our Taylor on November 1, 1935. Shortly after, the By making the Yuan cheaper than it should 27th President, William Howard Taft, starting Works Project Administration authorized sev- be, their goods are 40 percent cheaper here in the late 1800s oil was discovered in the eral hundred men to clear and grade the and in global markets than American-made western San Joaquin Valley and overnight an heavily-forested property, laying out the strong products, simply because of that government’s oil town was born. The oil that was discovered foundation, which 75 years later supports to- actions. was in the now-famous Midway-Sunset region day’s modern airport. China manipulates its currency by making and Buena Vista Hills, and by 1910 Taft had The Works Project Administration approved massive purchases of dollars, Euros, and Yen officially become a fixture within Kern County. the construction of three paved runways and in the global exchange markets, intervening Standard Oil was one of Taft’s primary em- the airport’s first administration building. In with tens of billions of purchases of other cur- ployers and helped lay Taft’s foundations by 1937, a Stinson Trimotor airplane of Atlantic rencies weekly. building numerous construction businesses, a and Gulf Coast Airlines landed the first sched- The result: the U.S. GDP drops by 1.4 per- machine shop, numerous supply shops, bunk- uled commercial airline passenger service. centage points annually just because of Chi- houses for workers, and dozens of company During the following year, the runways wel- na’s currency manipulation. homes for employees. As one of the only comed the first air mail service upon arrival of Jobs are lost, factories closed, and Amer- towns remaining in the United States which a Lockheed Electra from National Airlines. ica’s competitiveness weakens. exists solely because of nearby oil reserves, Throughout World War II, the airport played The U.S. has the following four options: Taft has a rich historical connection to our a supporting role and was leased to the 1. Negotiate with the Chinese to end their County and the history of our Nation’s domes- United States Navy. During this time, the mili- currency manipulation. The U.S. has been in tic natural energy production. tary invested more than $1 million into airport such negotiations for 6 years. The talks have The operational activities within the oil fields improvements, including paving the way for a failed. That is why the Currency Reform for surrounding Taft have been the economic life- fourth runway. The Pensacola Municipal Air- Fair Trade Act is so important. blood of the city for over 100 years. From the port was returned to the city’s control in 1945 2. Intervene in the global currency market remnants of old wooden oil derricks, to the and transitioned to commercial operations in by selling massive amounts of dollars. Inter- historic Taft Fort, Taft has become a hallmark the 1950s. In 1952, a new administration vention would result in massive inflation and if of the prosperity and endurance that has dis- building at Pensacola Municipal Airport was the Chinese countered, it would not work. tinguished our County’s industries and built and named Hagler Field, honoring Pensa- 3. Seek WTO approval of global sanctions. progress. State Highway 33 is now called the Petroleum Highway because of legislation that cola’s beloved mayor, the late Conner L. This would take 3–5 years and there is no cer- Hagler. tainty that Europe or Japan would be sup- I initiated when I was a State Assemblyman portive. representing the 32nd district of California to During the next decade, the Pensacola air- 4. Impose an Adjustable Currency Tariff recognize the national resource that has put port embraced the commercial jet age sup- (ACT). An ACT would be set at exactly the Taft on the map. In celebration of its oil herit- porting the landing of an Eastern Air Lines amount that the Yuan is undervalued. Under age, Taft holds an event every 5 years called Boeing 727 in 1965, which called for length- this proposal, the amount of the undervalu- ‘‘Oildorado.’’ This year will be the first ening the airport’s runways. As its services ation would be set by some neutral inter- Oildorado celebration that will consist of 2 continued to grow, the airport was renamed national financial organization such as the weekends and will include many traditions and Pensacola Regional Airport in 1972, and in IMF. The value of the ACT would be adjusted activities such as the grand parade, Maids of 1978, the increased commercial air traffic led quarterly. As China changed the value of the Petroleum Oildorado Queen Pageant, bar- to making arrangements for the airport’s first Yuan, the value of the ACT tariff would be al- becues, dances, a World War II aircraft ex- regional airlines. To accommodate the expan- tered correspondingly. When China ended hibit, arts and crafts fair, and oilfield skills con- sion of their operations, the airport further en- their manipulation, the ACT would be zero. tests. Also included in this year’s Oildorado hanced its physical structure. In the 1990s, a This is not old-fashioned protectionism, but celebration will be the unveiling and dedication two-story air terminal was built that included rather a remedy against such protectionism di- of the Oil Worker Monument, built to honor all the airport’s first enclosed jetways, and enter- rected towards American-based production the men and women who have worked in the ing into the new millennium, plans were and jobs. The crisis is huge and we must act oilfields over the years. launched for a multi-million dollar moderniza- now. Taft has truly developed into a wonderful tion. city of progress and yet through the years has These corrections, including passage of In 2008, the Pensacola Regional Airport still maintained a familiar, rural atmosphere H.R. 2378, if taken immediately, could create was renamed the Pensacola Gulf Coast Re- making Taft a unique and enjoyable commu- an estimated 500,000 manufacturing jobs here gional Airport. While over the course of its his- nity to visit. The city of Taft is a vital compo- in the United States, helping to put Americans tory, the airport has undergone several name nent of California’s 22nd District, and will con- back to work and strengthening our economy. and structural changes, one thing has re- tinue to remain a place of economic impor- The Chinese government’s currency policy mained constant—the professionalism and tance and growth for the State of California. I is an impediment to this great Republic of hospitality of all those who have dedicated recognize Taft and the members of its com- ours. It kills American jobs and weakens our their time and hard work to maintain the air- munity in celebration of the city’s 100th year of nation in the global markets. It is time that we port’s daily operations and who make it all incorporation. take action to fix this broken policy and stand possible. f up for our nation. Madam Speaker, over the last 75 years, the I urge my colleagues to join me in voting RECOGNIZING THE 75TH ANNIVER- airport has grown and transitioned into one of yes for this bill. SARY OF THE PENSACOLA GULF the largest commercial airports in the Gulf f COAST REGIONAL AIRPORT Coast. Whether dropping by for a visit or call- ing Pensacola or its surrounding areas home, TRIBUTE TO THE CITY OF TAFT HON. JEFF MILLER the Pensacola Gulf Coast Regional Airport OF FLORIDA and its staff provides all those who pass HON. KEVIN McCARTHY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES through it a warm welcome to the Emerald OF CALIFORNIA Coast. On behalf of the hundreds of thou- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sands of passengers it serves annually and Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, I the communities of northwest Florida, my wife Wednesday, September 29, 2010 rise to recognize the 75th Anniversary of the Vicki and I would like to congratulate the Pen- Mr. MCCARTHY of California. Madam Pensacola Gulf Coast Regional Airport and its sacola Gulf Coast Regional Airport on their Speaker, I rise today in honor of the city of service to northwest Florida and visitors world- 75th Anniversary and wish its employees all Taft, California, which is celebrating its 100th wide. the best for continued success.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00073 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.251 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1866 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 HONORING DR. SUSAN REES, RE- participated in the El Paso Service Challenge. football at Middle Tennessee State University. CIPIENT OF THE U.S. ARMY The response was inspiring and impressive. He answered his country’s call to serve in the CORPS OF ENGINEERS 2010 CIVIL- Students performed various forms of commu- United States Navy during World War II and IAN OF THE YEAR AWARD nity service ranging from painting their schools returned to MTSU to earn his degree after the to volunteering at local police and firefighter war ended. HON. JO BONNER stations. I initiated the El Paso Service Chal- Brad Miller began working as a high school OF ALABAMA lenge this year as a way to encourage middle teacher and coach before pursuing his career IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and high school students to give back to our in the construction industry. He started a water Wednesday, September 29, 2010 community during the month of September in and sewer firm that eventually became Brad remembrance of 9/11. The idea for the El Miller Construction Company, Inc. After many Mr. BONNER. Madam Speaker, it is a real Paso Service Challenge arose from President successful years of business, Mr. Miller sold pleasure to rise today to pay tribute to the out- Obama’s call to service after the passage of his construction company and became presi- standing achievements of Dr. Susan Ivester the ‘‘Service America Act.’’ dent of Tennessee Paving Company, an as- Rees, who was recently recognized for her ef- The Edward M. Kennedy ‘‘Serve America phalt paving firm he founded with his brother- forts to protect our Gulf Coast from the dev- Act’’ is the most sweeping expansion of na- in-law. astating impact of future hurricanes. tional service in a generation. Signed by Presi- Mr. Miller served as executive director of the In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina—a dent Obama on April 21, 2009, it established Tennessee Crushed Stone Association until it storm which dealt an unprecedented amount a nationwide ‘‘Call to Service Campaign’’ and merged with the Tennessee Asphalt Pavement of destruction and loss of life to the Gulf Association to form The Tennessee Road Coast—Congress authorized the U.S. Army designated September 11 as the National Day Builders Association. Mr. Miller was a member Corps of Engineers (USACE) to undertake of Service and Remembrance. The swift bipar- comprehensive planning to help strengthen tisan passage of the legislation reflected a na- and served on the board of directors for all the region’s ability to withstand the assault of tional consensus that service is a powerful re- three associations at the same time, and dur- future natural disasters. sponse to the economic and social challenges ing the merger he acted as the liaison be- One of the studies authorized by Congress facing America today. tween the three firms. When the associations was the Mississippi Coastal Improvement Pro- In addition to these students, I would also merged in 1982, he was chosen to be the ex- gram (MsCIP), undertaken by the Army Corps like to congratulate the members of the El ecutive vice president of The Road Builders of Engineers’ Mobile District. Paso Senior Campaign Program at Centro de Association, a position he held until his retire- Dr. Susan Rees’ leadership and active in- Salud Familiar La Fe for their volunteer work. ment. Brad transformed The Road Builders volvement in the project as Program Man- La Fe has operated El Paso’s Senior Cam- into one of the most powerful and respected ager—working with coastal residents and mar- paign Program branch since 1988. More than associations in Tennessee. Later, he was shalling the best ideas from across govern- 80 El Paso seniors are currently signed up to elected chairman of the A-R-T-B-A Council of ment agencies—was instrumental in shaping volunteer their time and energy to help seniors State Executives. the final plan which won her praise from the much like themselves by providing caring Brad Miller believed in the importance of Corps of Engineers, as well as other Federal, home visits and companionship. These sen- having good representation in our Nation’s State and local leaders for its comprehensive iors were honored last week for performing Capitol. Over the course of his career he used nature. 73,000 hours of service in 2009, serving as a his formidable lobbying skills to help influence Dr. Rees’ extensive public involvement was great example of a lifelong commitment to important legislation. Mr. Miller’s success in pivotal in the formation—and approval—of 15 helping others. the construction industry was widely recog- major construction projects, including the According to the Corporation for National & nized. He received a certificate of special rec- opening of canals to improve water flow, Community Service, since the ‘‘Serve America ognition from the National Stone Association, beach reconstruction, and rebuilding the Bay Act’’ was passed in 2009, volunteering has in- The Tennessee Road Builders Association St. Louis seawall. creased, momentum is strong, and a new vi- Lifetime Achievement Award, and the A-R-T- In recognition of her tremendous efforts and sion for service is taking effect. This is cer- B-A Award, the association’s highest honor. considerable leadership in the Mississippi tainly true in my district as evident from both Mr. Miller was married to Betty June Carter Coastal Improvement Program, Dr. Rees was the students who participated in the El Paso Miller for fifty-nine years. The couple met in presented with the Lt. Gen. John W. Morris Service Challenge and the seniors who partici- college and married in 1951. Brad Miller was 2010 Civilian of the Year Award at the 2010 pated in the Senior Campaign Program at the proud father of Ira Bradford Miller, Jr., Mi- USACE Summer Leaders Conference in Se- Centro de Salud Familiar La Fe. Indeed chael L. Miller, Cindy Miller Smith and Molly attle, Washington on August 2, 2010. across our nation, Americans have joined with Miller Alspaugh. He enjoyed spending time Dr. Rees is also a member of the scientific friends and neighbors to replenish food banks, with his children and seven grandchildren. advisory board of the Alabama Center for Es- provide health services, support veterans and And so, Madam Speaker, it is my privilege tuarine Studies at the University of South Ala- military families, restore public lands, and to ask my colleagues to join me in saluting Mr. bama; a member of the executive committee more. Miller’s life and accomplishments. We are of the Mobile Bay Estuary Program; and a At a time of great need, Americans are an- grateful for the contributions he provided to his member of the advisory council for the Mis- swering President Obama’s call to serve. community and the people of Tennessee. sissippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium. Giving back to the community is an impor- f I wish to congratulate Dr. Rees—as well as tant lifelong lesson. I am very proud to recog- her husband, Fred, who, himself, has dedi- nize the volunteering efforts of all of my con- LANCE CORPORAL CHRISTOPHER cated many years in government service, for stituents, and I hope their work will inspire oth- BLAKE RODGERS their exemplary efforts to protect and enhance ers to do the same. the quality of life along America’s Gulf Coast. HON. LYNN A. WESTMORELAND Susan is to be commended for her dedication f OF GEORGIA to preserving our environment and making our IRA BRADFORD MILLER, SR. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES coastal communities safer. Madam Speaker, I join my colleagues in HON. JIM COOPER Wednesday, September 29, 2010 wishing Dr. Rees much success in her future OF TENNESSEE Mr. WESTMORELAND. Madam Speaker, endeavors. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Lance Corporal Christopher Blake Rodgers f answered his nation’s call of duty by joining Wednesday, September 29, 2010 IN RECOGNITION OF THE EL PASO the Marines in 2008 after graduating from SERVICE CHALLENGE Mr. COOPER. Madam Speaker, today I rise Spalding County High School; on September to pay tribute to Ira Bradford ‘‘Brad’’ Miller, Sr. 1, 2010 he made the ultimate sacrifice while who passed away on September 4, 2010. He serving his country and fellow servicemen HON. SILVESTRE REYES was an outstanding member of the Middle abroad. He was killed while conducting com- OF TEXAS Tennessee community, a leader in the con- bat operations in the Helmand Province of Af- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES struction industry, and a great friend. ghanistan. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Mr. Miller was a lifelong resident of Ruther- Lovingly known as Blake to his family and Mr. REYES. Madam Speaker, I rise today to ford County, where he attended Central High friends. Lance Corporal Rodgers was a man recognize those students in my district who School and received a scholarship to play ready to serve his country since the tender

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.254 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1867 age of eleven years old. Like many Ameri- only female on the board. During her tenure, Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, cans, Blake watched in horror on September O’Connor has seen the number of Lucia Mar which provides breast health services to un- 11th as our nation faced one of the most trag- Unified School District schools grow from 4 to derserved women. This life-saving program ic days in its history. It was on that day that 17; expand to serve grades K–12, and an has served more than 3.7 million women over he told his parents that he wanted to help overall student population grow to 10,500 stu- the past two decades. those people who tragically lost their lives; that dents. We have made so much progress in the he wanted to serve his country, that that he Dedicated to serving her community, Mrs. past year for breast cancer treatment and wanted to become a Marine. O’Connor’s stewardship and selflessness to awareness. The Patient Protection and Afford- Blake always impressed his superiors in all the students of Lucia Mar Unified School Dis- able Care Act enacts meaningful reforms for of his endeavors. In high school he was a trict will be sorely missed and difficult to re- so many Americans, but it will prove especially member of the JROTC program, rising to the place, but her well-deserved retirement will beneficial for those facing cancer. rank of First Lieutenant. Under his leadership give her the ability to spend more time with Through health care reform, we guaranteed his company won the year’s Best Marching her family. I thank Mrs. O’Connor for her life- that no longer will cancer patients face losing Company award. His JROTC service in high time of board service and dedication to the their health care at the moment treatment is school only furthered his resolve to join the children of Arroyo Grande and San Luis needed most. No longer will those battling dis- Marines upon graduation. Obispo County. I wish her the very best in her ease face the atrocious burden of lifetime or After Marine boot camp and advanced in- future endeavors. annual caps on their treatment. And, a provi- sion that is not only life-changing but life-sav- fantry training Blake was assigned to Camp f Lejeune, North Carolina where he was as- ing for all cancer survivors: no longer will any- signed as a rifleman and member of First Pla- RECOGNIZING NATIONAL ALCOHOL one be denied coverage due to a pre-existing toon, Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Ma- AND DRUG ADDICTION MONTH condition! rine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division. His unit If our health care system does not work for was away from North Carolina for the bulk of HON. JUDY BIGGERT cancer patients, it simply does not work at all; so I am so thrilled to have been able to sup- late 2009 and early 2010, on training missions OF ILLINOIS and pre-deployment work-ups designed to pre- port these vital reforms for previvors, sur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vivors, and all American families. pare them for the war they would soon be Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Early detection of breast cancer is a key to fighting. He deployed to Afghanistan in March Mrs. BIGGERT. Madam Speaker, recog- surviving the disease. We must ensure all 2010 in support of Operation Enduring Free- women have access to affordable breast dom. His first and only combat tour ended nizing National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Month, 2010 drug and alcohol abuse is a health services, and we must maintain our in- September 1, 2010. vestment in innovative research to develop Two weeks ago Lance Corporal Rodgers growing problem across America, and espe- cially in Illinois. According to the Substance better screening tools and treatments for came home to Georgia for the final time. breast cancer. Abuse and Mental Health Services Administra- There he was met in the small community of When I was diagnosed with breast cancer tion, drug and alcohol abuse was found Griffin, Georgia with a procession of people shortly after my 41st birthday, I was shocked who had come to welcome their local hero among 9.5 percent of our citizens ages 12 and to have to deal with the disease—especially home. He was laid to rest on September 11th, older in 2008. as a relatively young woman. a somberly fitting tribute to a man for whom Established in 1989, National Alcohol and So often, young women are not aware of the date had overwhelming significance. Drug Addiction Recovery Month is observed their risks, but young women can and do get Lance Corporal Rodgers was a true hero annually every September and recognizes the breast cancer. and I ask that you join me today in saluting treatment and celebration of recovery for That’s why, as soon as I was cancer-free, I one of America’s bravest. I honor Lance Cor- those struggling with addiction diseases. This introduced H.R. 1740—the Breast Health Edu- poral Rodger’s life and mourn deeply for his year’s theme, ‘‘Join the Voices for Recovery: cation and Awareness Requires Learning family’s loss. Now More Than Ever!’’ calls us to unite and Young Act, or the EARLY Act, to educate f encourage drug and alcohol-free living. Treat- young women about their risks, empower ment programs, family members and neigh- them to know their bodies and speak up about TRIBUTE TO GEORGIE O’CONNOR bors can all help assist those who experience their health, and work together to wipe out this addiction. It is with this precedent that facilities deadly disease. And, with the passage of HON. KEVIN McCARTHY in my district, like Timberline Knolls Residen- Health Reform we turned the EARLY Act from OF CALIFORNIA tial Treatment Center in Lemont, IL, are serv- legislation into the law of the land! IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing those who suffer from addiction, and are Going forward, there is so much more work dedicating efforts in support of this proclama- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 to be done. Every 69 seconds, somewhere in tion. the world a woman dies of breast cancer— Mr. MCCARTHY of California. Madam By recognizing September as National Alco- nearly half a million women this year alone, Speaker, I rise today to honor a community hol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, we making it the leading cancer killer of women leader, Mrs. Georgie O’Connor, on her retire- reaffirm the importance of education and worldwide. Breast cancer will strike 1.3 million ment after 49 years of service on the Lucia awareness of addiction problems and the im- women this year alone and one in eight Mar Unified School District Board in Arroyo portant role treatment centers across America women will be diagnosed during her lifetime. Grande, California. play in addiction recovery. This is simply not acceptable. Georgie O’Connor’s family moved to Arroyo f There are 2.5 million breast cancer sur- Grande in 1928 and she attended Orchard Av- vivors living in the U.S. today. I am one of enue School. O’Connor and her husband Bill BREAST CANCER AWARENESS those women—living proof of the power of have been married for 67 years and have MONTH education, early detection, and the incredible lived directly across the street from Orchard advances in treatment of the disease. Avenue School, which is now Arroyo Grande HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ Today, we honor and recognize all those High School, for the past 55 years, where they OF FLORIDA women who have won their fight against have raised four sons—Bill, Mike, Pat, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES breast cancer, are still fighting the disease, Casey—all of whom attended Arroyo Grande Wednesday, September 29, 2010 those mothers, sisters, friends and wives we schools. have lost, and those who work tirelessly every Mrs. O’Connor has the distinction of holding Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Madam day to ensure that one day no one else will tenure as the longest continually-serving Speaker, I rise today to honor October as die from breast cancer. school board member in the State of Cali- Breast Cancer Awarness Month. I am so grateful to all of the wonderful and fornia. Mrs. O’Connor was first elected to the Each year, Breast Cancer Awareness Month inspiring advocacy groups who have stood Arroyo Grande Elementary School District in is a special time to celebrate how far we have strong as my partners in the fight against this 1961. In 1965 the district joined other small come on the path to eliminating breast cancer, cancer. districts in the southern portion of San Luis reflect on all we have accomplished, and re- During this special time we stand together in Obispo County in unification and became the double our efforts for the future. solidarity, wholly committed to increasing early Lucia Mar Unified School District. During her This year is special because it marks the diagnoses, saving more lives, and ultimately, first 15 years of board service, she was the 20th Anniversary of the National Breast and finding a cure to wipe out this deadly disease.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00075 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.257 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1868 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 IN RECOGNITION OF CHIEF The Conference is celebrating its 75th Anni- starting in 1959. In May 1964, the Supreme EDWARD ‘‘EDDIE’’ JAGGERS versary in the hometown of one of its found- Court ruled that the Equal Protection Clause ers, the late Attorney Oliver W. Hill, near the of the Fourteenth Amendment did not permit HON. BOB ETHERIDGE site of the first planning meeting of the Virginia closing schools in Prince Edward County while OF NORTH CAROLINA State Conference. The Virginia State Con- public schools were being maintained in all IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ference NAACP was formed in 1935 at a time other school districts in Virginia. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 when racial inequality was permitted under the The Conference supported defendants in law. This injustice is what caused eight individ- criminal cases where the case highlighted ra- Mr. ETHERIDGE. Madam Speaker, I rise uals to get together to form the Virginia State cially discriminatory practices in the justice today to honor a true hero from my district, Conference of Branches of the National Asso- system, such as racial discrimination in the Chief Duncan Edward ‘‘Eddie’’ Jaggers of ciation for the Advancement of Colored Peo- jury selection process. Coats, North Carolina. Chief Jaggers has ple. Those eight people were: Sadie Wyche, In 1981, after several organizations chal- shown outstanding courage, selflessness and Suffolk; Atty. Oliver W. Hill, Richmond; Jesse lenged the redrawing of the Virginia General bravery by risking his life to protect the citi- M. Tinsley, Richmond; Jewel S. Carrington, Assembly districts, the Conference supported zens of Coats and get lawbreakers off the Halifax; Zenobia Gilpin, Richmond; J. Byron the lawsuit filed in the Federal Court in Rich- street. Hopkins, Richmond; Dr. Leon Ransome, mond. The Conference helped negotiate the Although Chief Jaggers is a hero every day, NAACP National Office, and Mrs. Spencer, settlement which created one hundred single one particular incident stands out. On Novem- Roanoke. The group held their first planned member districts. ber 17, 2009, Chief Jaggers went to work at meeting in Roanoke in 1935. Madam Speaker, the Virginia State Con- a routine license checkpoint on North Carolina Many presidents have faithfully served the ference NAACP has been instrumental in the Highway 27 in Coats that turned out to be Conference since the organization’s inception: fight to eliminate of racial inequality and dis- anything but routine. While checking the li- J. M. Tinsley, 1935–1954; E. B. Henderson, crimination in Virginia. However, its work is not censes of other drivers, a vehicle sped past 1955–1956; Philip Y. Wyatt, 1957–1960; Rob- yet done. Racial disparities still exist in our the officers and through the checkpoint, lead- ert D. Robertson, 1961–1962; L. Francis Grif- education system, our criminal justice system, ing Chief Jaggers on a high-speed car chase fin, 1963–1967; Charles Brown, 1968–1970; and elsewhere in our society. As long as at speeds of up to 120 miles per hour. The Melford Walker, 1971–1974; Isaac Ridley, these exist, I know that the Virginia State Con- suspect eventually stopped, grabbed an un- 1975–1978; Roger Ford, 1979–1980; James ference NAACP will remain vigilant in its fight known object from his vehicle, and headed Hicks, 1981–1982; James E. Ghee, 1983– for civil rights, equality and liberty. deep into the woods, leading Chief Jaggers on 1985; Charles Mangum, 1986–1988; Jack W. As the Virginia State Conference NAACP a foot race to detain the suspect. Chief Gravely, 1988–1991; Erenest Miller from gathers to celebrate 75 years, the organization Jaggers did not hesitate to follow the suspect, 1991–1995; Paul C. Gillis, 1995–1997; Emmitt can truly remember its past, celebrate its but a tussle ensued and Chief Jaggers was Carlton, 1997–1999; Rovenia Vaughan, 1999– present, and focus on the future with great ex- knocked unconscious. Lieutenant Kelly Fields 2003; Linda Thomas, 2003–2007. Currently, pectations. I would like to congratulate Rev. found Chief Jaggers in the woods more than the organization is fortunate to have as its Dr. J. Rayfield Vines, Jr., President of the or- twenty minutes later, and he was immediately president Rev. Dr. Rayfield Vines, Jr., who ganization, Executive Director King Salim rushed to the hospital. The suspect was later has served since 2007. Khalfani, and all of the members of the Vir- apprehended by the Harnett County Sherriff’s In the Conference’s early years, J. Byron ginia State Conference NAACP. I wish them Office, none which would have been possible Hopkins, Jr., Wendell Walker and J. Thomas many more years of dedicated service to the without the tireless pursuit and valiant actions Hewing, Jr. provided legal services for the or- people of the Commonwealth of Virginia. of Chief Eddie Jaggers. ganization. In later years, an organized legal f I had the honor of presenting Chief Jaggers staff included Oliver W. Hill, Martin A. Martin, with the Law Enforcement Purple Heart award Samuel W. Tucker, Edwin C. Brown, Sr., TRIBUTE TO THE MOBILE earlier this month for his actions on that fateful Spotswood W. Robinson III, Robert H Cooley, INFIRMARY MEDICAL CENTER day. A combination of Chief Jagger’s excep- Jr., Roland Ealey, Philip S. Walker, Rueben E. tional courage and lifelong experience in law Lawson, W. Hale Thompson, Victor Ashe, J. HON. JO BONNER enforcement made it possible for him to react Hugo Madison, James A. Overton, Jerry L. OF ALABAMA with lightning speed to protect the citizens of Williams, Otto L. Tucker, Ruth Harvey, Henry IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Coats community. L. Marsh, III, John W. Scott, Jr., James E. Chief Jaggers has been employed with Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Ghee, Dennis Montgomery, James Hume, North Carolina law enforcement for more than Stephanie Valentine, S. Delacy Stith, Gwen- Mr. BONNER. Madam Speaker, I rise to 20 years, including tenures at the North Caro- dolyn Jones Jackson and presently, Richard recognize the upcoming birthday of an impor- lina DMV, North Carolina Secretary of State, Patrick. tant institution in my Congressional district that and currently as the Police Chief of the Town Over the years, the conference has taken has provided a virtual lifeline for generations of Coats. He serves as an example for his fel- up several initiatives to help better the lives of of Mobilians and others from throughout low law enforcement officers and shows us all Black Americans. In conjunction with the Vir- Southwest Alabama. On October 21, the Mo- the meaning of true courage and bravery. ginia Teachers Association, the Conference’s bile Infirmary Medical Center will celebrate its Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join first major policy campaign was the elimination 100th Birthday. me today in recognizing the heroism of Chief of the difference between the salaries paid to When the Mobile Infirmary first opened its Edward ‘‘Eddie’’ Jaggers. We in North Caro- the white and Negro public school teachers, a doors in 1910, it served the public with 32 lina are proud to call him our hometown hero. difference which was later determined to be hospital beds and four operating rooms. Its fa- f unlawful in Alston v. School Board of Norfolk, cilities have evolved with time, relocating and ON THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF 112 F.2d 992 (4th Cir. 1940). growing to 258 beds in the early 1950s. THE VIRGINIA STATE CON- Starting in 1947, the Conference took up the Today, the Mobile Infirmary Medical Center FERENCE NAACP cause of eliminating segregation in public is the largest non-governmental, not-for-profit schools by requiring school boards to face the hospital in Alabama. HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT expense of equalizing schools for Negro chil- With more than 700 beds and 30 operating dren with schools for white children. Later, the rooms, the Mobile Infirmary Medical Center is OF VIRGINIA the region’s health care leader, respected IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Commonwealth of Virginia resolved to main- tain racial segregation even after the United statewide for its specialty care and ‘‘patient- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 States Supreme Court struck down the first’’ approach. Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I premise of ‘‘separate but equal.’’ The Con- The Mobile Infirmary Medical Center enjoys rise today to congratulate the Virginia State ference was determined to help desegregate an expert reputation for the diagnosis, treat- Conference NAACP (the Conference). During Virginia’s public schools. The Conference filed ment and rehabilitation of patients with cardio- its state conference on October 29–31, the suits against school boards in 37 counties and vascular disease. The facility performs more Conference will celebrate its 75th Anniversary, 15 cities or towns. than 4,000 procedures in its heart catheteriza- and I would like to highlight some moments It also fought to reopen schools in Prince tion lab and more than 700 open heart sur- from the history of the organization and its Edward County after they avoided desegrega- geries a year, making it one of Alabama’s contributions to the Commonwealth of Virginia. tion by closing their public schools for 5 years, busiest cardiac care hospitals.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:19 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00076 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.261 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1869 The Mobile Infirmary Medical Center also of- THE 99TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE screening, including annual mammograms for fers the latest cancer therapies and treatments REPUBLIC OF CHINA (TAIWAN) women age 40 and older. available and its research program provides A number of non-profit organizations are treatment options not found anywhere else on HON. DOUG LAMBORN dedicated to saving lives and ensuring quality care for those suffering from this terrible dis- the Gulf Coast. OF COLORADO ease. This is the 30th anniversary of Nancy G. In celebration of its 100th birthday, the facil- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ity plans several events next month, including Brinker’s promise to her sister, Susan Komen, Wednesday, September 29, 2010 a public viewing of its remodeled atrium and a that she would do everything in her power to reunion of everyone born at the Mobile Infir- Mr. LAMBORN. Madam Speaker, on Octo- end breast cancer forever. mary Medical Center. ber 10th, the Republic of China will celebrate I encourage everyone to join me in recog- nizing Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I One hundred years ago, the Mobile Infir- National Day, this year marking their 99th an- would like to acknowledge this month as a mary was a vital part of our community—deliv- niversary. The United States of American and Taiwan enjoy a close and strong relationship time of hope for those fighting this disease ering babies, saving lives and comforting the and to honor the 2.5 million survivors living in suffering. Today, it continues to fulfill that im- based on shared democratic values and free market economies. the U.S. today who serve as a testament to portant role for Mobile and all of Southwest the power of education, early detection, and Alabama and, indeed, the central Gulf Coast. I salute the people of Taiwan for their recent achievements, including the completion on advances in treatment. Madam Speaker, on this 100th anniversary, f I offer my heartfelt congratulations for its ex- June 29 of the Economic Cooperation Frame- emplary service to our community and I am work Agreement (ECFA) with China. Improv- INTRODUCTION OF THE HOME- confident that the legacy of the Infirmary as a ing relations between Taiwan and mainland LAND DEFENSE OPERATIONS leading health care center will long endure. China have greatly reduced tension across the PAY EQUITY ACT Happy Birthday, Mobile Infirmary. And special Taiwan Strait. While welcome, the improved relations be- thanks to the thousands of men and women HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO tween the two sides does not eliminate the who, over the years, have helped fulfill your OF GUAM need for the United States to continue to help core mission of health care excellence. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Taiwan’s defense capabilities under the Tai- wan Relations Act. We should continue to aid Wednesday, September 29, 2010 f Taiwan in replacing its aging air force. Accord- Ms. BORDALLO. Madam Speaker, today I CONGRATULATING FRANCINE ing to the most recent Department of Defense introduced a bill, the Homeland Defense Oper- FARKAS SEARS OF BRANFORD, report on Taiwan’s military power, China con- ations Pay Equity Act, which aims to address CONNECTICUT tinues to enjoy air superiority over Taiwan. an oversight in statute that does treat mem- It is also my view that we must support Tai- bers of the National Guard or Reserves, who wan’s participation in global affairs by sup- are also federal civil servants, with pay parity HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO porting Taiwan and its 23,000,000 people in during periods of activation in support of do- OF CONNECTICUT becoming a member of the United Nations. An mestic operations. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES internationally visible Taiwan is a strong Tai- The Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009 wan. (Public Law 111–8) established Section 5538 Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Today, Taiwan is a major trading partner of Title 5. The intent of this provision was to Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, I rise and friend. Our strong economic and cultural ensure that any member of the National Guard today to congratulate my good friend Francine ties go back nearly a hundred years. We hope or Reserves who was called to active duty and Farkas Sears of Branford, a pioneering small that this strong bond will continue for another who works as a federal civil servant does not businesswoman from my district whose com- 100 years and more. incur a significant loss of income as a result pany, Fabrique, has been named one of f of their activation to active duty service under America’s fastest-growing 5000 companies by Title 10. This was in direct response to the TRIBUTE TO BREAST CANCER Inc. Magazine. This acknowledgment is a tes- major activations for Operation Iraqi Freedom AWARENESS MONTH tament to her entrepreneurial skills and spirit and Operation Enduring Freedom. Numbers of of innovation. Guardsmen and Reservists who work for the Francine is president and owner of HON. NITA M. LOWEY federal government were suffering significant Fabrique, a certified woman-owned business OF NEW YORK losses of income as a result of the activations that provides cases and accessories for a host IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to support Operation Enduring Freedom and of consumer electronic products. Francine has Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Operation Iraqi Freedom. To address this dis- led this company since the early 1980s driven parity, Congress passed Section 5538 to en- Mrs. LOWEY. Madam Speaker, I rise today sure that the federal government, under spe- by the vision of what women needed to com- to pay tribute to Breast Cancer Awareness pete and succeed in the business arena. cific regulations, pays the difference between Month, which begins on October 1. This their active duty pay and their federal salary. And its success is only the latest feather in month should serve as a time to reflect on the However, Section 5538 does not cover a the cap of a true trailblazer, one with 40 years struggles faced by women fighting this deadly Coast Guard Reservist or National Guardsmen of experience in the business world. As a disease and to celebrate how far we have who was called to service in support of home- stockbroker in the 1960s, Francine was recog- come and all we have accomplished in the land defense operations under Title 32 or Title nized by Newsweek and the New York Times. fight for a cure. 14. And in 1972, she was the first businesswoman This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Since 9/11, our National Guardsmen and invited to visit Communist China, after Presi- National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early De- Reservists have answered the call to duty on dent Nixon had normalized relations. tection Program, which has provided health numbers of domestic operations including Op- These achievements, like her inclusion on services to more than 3.7 million underserved eration Noble Eagle, security at our airports, the Inc. list this year, speak to Francine’s cre- women. It focuses on one of the key factors Hurricane Katrina operations, Operation Jump ativity, resilience, tenacity, and business in surviving breast cancer—early detection. Start on the southwest border and most re- savvy—all as plain as day to anyone who Due to the sobering fact that breast cancer will cently for BP oil spill clean-up. We should en- meets her. Perhaps most importantly, she has afflict 1.3 million women this year, it is vital courage, not penalize, our federal civil serv- used her success to serve her community, by that we ensure access to affordable breast ants who perform domestic operations in the helping other women to join the business health services. Last year alone, the early de- National Guard or Reserves. The Homeland world and succeed in their own right. tection program screened almost 325,000 Defense Operations Pay Equity Act would cor- I applaud Francine for achieving this rec- women for breast cancer—and detected 4,600 rect this oversight and ensure that Reservists ognition, and I congratulate her on both her instances of cancer. and Guardsmen do not incur a significant loss thriving professional career and the continued In addition to maintaining this progress, we of income in their service to our country. success of Fabrique. She is a credit to the must also maintain our investment in innova- I urge that this bill be passed, so that our Branford community and an excellent reminder tive research to develop better screening tools dedicated Guardsmen, Reservists, and their that small businesses can and do continue to and treatments. Numerous provisions in the families, do not face financial hardship while thrive in our home state of Connecticut. health reform law will improve breast cancer answering the call to service.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00077 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.264 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1870 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CIVIL RECOGNIZING THE NICK MAR- once thought impossible with the commitment SERVICE EMPLOYEES ASSOCIA- SHALL FAMILY AS THE 2010 by EADS and Airbus to grow their U.S. foot- TION OKALOOSA COUNTY OUT- print in the State of Alabama. Without ques- STANDING FARM FAMILY OF tion, the man at the helm of Alabama’s eco- HON. PAUL TONKO THE YEAR nomic development efforts during this produc- tive period has been Neal Wade. OF NEW YORK HON. JEFF MILLER Mr. Wade, a Sanford University graduate, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES spent the 1990’s leading the Economic Devel- OF FLORIDA opment Partnership of Alabama. As president Wednesday, September 29, 2010 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and CEO of the partnership of the State’s Mr. TONKO. Madam Speaker, today, I rise Wednesday, September 29, 2010 leading businesses aligned to promote eco- to honor the 100th anniversary of the Civil nomic development, he demonstrated his Service Employees Association. Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, on unrivaled leadership capabilities and caught I want to publicly acknowledge this organi- behalf of the United States Congress, it is an the eye of Governor Bob Riley who appointed zation whose endeavors have served the best honor for me to rise today to commend the him director of the Alabama Development Of- interests of the workforce in the State of New Marshall family on being selected as the 2010 Okaloosa County Outstanding Farm Family of fice in 2003. York. Labor unions have played an essential In this new capacity, Mr. Wade wasted little role in ensuring the prosperity, safety and lib- the Year. Dating back several generations, the hard time courting major new industry, including erty of workers in my home state, as well as ThyssenKrupp, National Railcar, and more re- our Nation, and around the world. work and dedication of Nick Marshall and his father James, along with Nick’s wife Maryann cently, Hyundai Heavy Industries. His efforts This great group of civil servants was first and his mother Helen, have helped keep their did not go unnoticed outside of the State. organized on October 24, 1910. The Civil family’s farming tradition alive. They, along Twice during his stewardship, the Alabama Service Employees Association’s founding with their ancestors, have helped provide food Development Office was named the top eco- was the first known instance of state employ- and goods not only throughout their commu- nomic development agency in the United ees organizing. One hundred years later, the nity, but throughout the Nation. States. Civil Service Employees Association is one of The Marshall family’s current operation of Mr. Wade recently announced that he is the largest, most influential unions in the growing cotton and peanuts was started by leaving his post at the ADO to become the United States. Nick’s father in 1973. It was during his early senior vice president for economic develop- It is New York’s largest public employee years that Nick learned from his father, ment at the St. Joe Company. It is an under- union, representing 300,000 active and retired, James, the importance of a strong work ethic statement to say that Alabama will greatly public and private employees. Its members and producing quality goods. The bond be- miss the steady hand and wise counsel of are an integral part of every locality and pro- tween father and son working on the farm is Neal Wade. However, we wish him and his vide essential services throughout the state. a special one and should be cherished; Nick wife, Mary Ann, the very best in their future Today the association’s members are the hopes to one day share some of the same endeavors. backbone of their communities, supporting memories and life lessons with his son, Madam Speaker, Alabama is a different every kind of charitable cause, service organi- Landen. State—and a much better place to call zation and community activity. With a mem- Madam Speaker, our great Nation was built home—because of the tremendous team of bership of dedicated employees, the record of by farmers and their families. The Marshall Governor Bob Riley and ADO Director Neal the Civil Service Employees Association in family serves as an excellent model to all our Wade. While we will miss this dynamic duo public service is one to be celebrated. Nation’s family farmers. On behalf of North- next year, the seeds of the new investment west Florida, I wish the Marshall family contin- that Neal has helped plant over the past sev- f ued success and hope that their family tradi- eral years will no doubt bear fruit for genera- tions to come. STATEMENT IN HONOR OF SOPHIE tion will continue to prosper for many future HAYFORD’S RETIREMENT generations to come. f f TRIBUTE TO THE CINCINNATI HON. DORIS O. MATSUI TRIBUTE TO NEAL WADE, ALA- REDS OF CALIFORNIA BAMA’S TOP INDUSTRIAL RE- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CRUITER HON. JEAN SCHMIDT OF OHIO Wednesday, September 29, 2010 HON. JO BONNER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. MATSUI. Madam Speaker, I want to OF ALABAMA Wednesday, September 29, 2010 take a moment to recognize the extraordinary IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. SCHMIDT. Madam Speaker, I rise work of the Rules Committee’s Chief Counsel, Wednesday, September 29, 2010 today along with all of Cincinnati to congratu- who will be retiring this November. late and celebrate the Cincinnati Reds becom- For more than three decades, Sophie Mr. BONNER. Madam Speaker, I rise to ing the 2010 National League Central Division Hayford has served this chamber with grace recognize the incredible contributions of one of Champions. and humility. America’s top economic development recruit- Cincinnati has a rich and proud tradition of Beginning her tenure as a legislative aide to ers, Mr. Neal Wade, who will soon leave his great baseball teams. Cincinnati is the home Representative Joseph Moakley, Sophie then home State of Alabama after accumulating a of the first professional ball club beginning in went to work for the Rules Committee. most impressive record of accomplishments. 1879. The Reds have won World Series Titles Over the past 24 years, Sophie has guided Faced with many of the same economic in 1919, 1940, 1975, 1976, and most recently, the Rules Committee and the House as a pro- challenges as other states, including the rapid 1990. The Reds also won National League cedural specialist. She has been a constant decline of the textile industry, Alabama has Pennants in 1939, 1961, 1970 and 1972 and resource to me and my staff and has helped spent much of the last decade recreating its have numerous Reds players and coaches in- guide the passage of several important initia- image and reaching out to new industries. ducted into the National Baseball Hall of tives. And even when you include the impact of Fame. My good friend—Chairwoman (LOUISE) the global recession, which has spared few, Madam Speaker, this year’s Reds ball club SLAUGHTER—has been privileged to have the results have been nothing less than im- has had an astonishing number of come-from- Sophie on her staff. And I know I speak for my pressive. behind wins and walk-off wins in the final at- colleagues when I say that Sophie will be Our State has made significant gains in bat. Last night was no different when, in the sorely missed on the Committee. But we all landing a variety of top tier projects, including bottom of the ninth, Jay Bruce hit a home run wish her the very best in the future. German steel manufacturer ThyssenKrupp to break a 2–2 tie and send Cincinnati into the Sophie: thank you so much for your hard Steel and Austal USA in my congressional dis- post season. work, dedication and the many late nights. It trict, as well as expansions in Alabama’s auto- Madam Speaker, please join me in con- really has been a pleasure working with you. makers—Mercedes, Honda, Hyundai, and gratulating Manager Dusty Baker for, leading Please enjoy your retirement, you certainly Toyota. We have also been at the forefront of this diverse team full of young players, sea- deserve it. developing our aerospace presence in ways soned

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.269 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1871 veterans, gold glovers, and an MVP candidate wanted as many mortgages as it could get, as CHILDHOOD CANCER SUMMIT to the division title. I congratulate their owner, quickly as possible, and as cheaply as pos- Mr. Bob Castellini, and his ownership group sible. In order to allow it to pull out more fees HON. MICHAEL T. McCAUL for bringing winning baseball back to my at every link in the chain, subprime lenders, OF TEXAS hometown in Cincinnati. trusts, and banks decided to cut as many IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Go Reds. costs as possible, including record-keeping. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 f They didn’t keep good records, and violated the laws mandating that they had to file Mr. MCCAUL. Madam Speaker, I am hon- FORECLOSURE FRAUD! BANK ored to take this opportunity to discuss a re- RATES VERSUS RULES FOR EV- records with county clerks on who owned what mortgage title. cent event in DC on an issue that has always ERYONE ELSE been of particular significance to me. On Sep- Instead, banks simply digitized mortgage ti- tember 16, 2010, I hosted a Childhood Cancer HON. ALAN GRAYSON tles into a privatized system called the Mort- Summit with Congressman JOE SESTAK on be- OF FLORIDA gage Electronic Registry System (MERS) and half of the Pediatric Cancer Caucus. We held IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES did the transfers by trading Excel spread- the Summit in September to honor Childhood sheets among banks and trusts rather than by Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Cancer Awareness Month. Our goal was to endorsing the notes as required by their own raise awareness among Members of Congress Mr. GRAYSON. Madam Speaker, fore- contracts, state real estate law, and IRS rules. and to advance policies to better treat and closure fraud can affect anyone, whether you Today, MERS is the registered owner of a se- prevent this disease. have a mortgage, are paying on time, have in- curity interest in 60 million properties or about Pediatric cancer is the leading killer by dis- come, or not. The average foreclosure hearing 60% of the mortgages in the United States. ease of our nation’s children. Thirty-five chil- in a Florida court is 90 seconds. Mistakes are 97% of the loans originated between 2005– dren, or the equivalent of an entire school common, and fraud is rampant. Everyone is 2008 are in MERS. classroom, are diagnosed every day. familiar with dealing with a big bureaucratic in- However, pediatric cancer research remains It appears that on a widespread, probably stitution. What is happening is that these big woefully underfunded. To compound this prob- pervasive basis, they did not take the steps bureaucratic loan servicers are charging fees lem, the small patient population creates no necessary for them to own the note (a bor- inappropriately, refusing to talk to homeowners market incentive for pharmaceutical compa- by putting calls through to call centers in India, rower IOU), which means that in 45 of 50 nies to develop pediatric cancer drugs. There- and then foreclosing with forged documents states, they lack the legal right to foreclose. fore, there exists a lack of available treatments once the homeowner has been drained of all Thus, every trust now has questionable legal and drugs tailored specifically to childhood assets and the will to fight. standing in foreclosures in the overwhelming cancer. Only one drug has been manufactured There is one set of rules for banks, and an- majority of states. In addition, the records particularly for pediatric cancer since the other set of laws for everyone else. A servicer were poorly kept, so servicers are basically 1980s. In addition, three out of every five sur- can ask for fees, it can demand payment, it guessing that they have the right to foreclose vivors face devastating long-term effects from can send you to call centers in India, and it when they foreclose. their disease or their treatments. Pediatric doesn’t have to negotiate. And you now have Obviously, the banks do not want to grapple cancer is a chronic disease, and we have virtually no rights as a homeowner. with the consequence of trillions of dollars of much to learn before diagnosed children are Here are four bizarre examples: securitized mortgages having no legal stand- guaranteed to lead full and normal lives. (1) Last summer, Fort Lauderdale resident ing to foreclose. So, they have simply created It is the goal of the Pediatric Cancer Caucus Jason Grodensky experienced what has trag- to raise awareness for these issues, as well ically become an increasingly familiar process a system whereby servicers hire ‘foreclosure mill’ law firms whose business is to forge doc- as to advocate in support of measure which all across America: his house was sold at a will improve the lives of patients, and work to- foreclosure sale after a bank notified the Flor- uments showing that they have a legal right to foreclose. Some of these mills have been fea- ward eliminating this disease as a threat to all ida courts that Grodensky had defaulted on children. The Caucus now has about 80 mem- tured in the New York Times, and so-called his mortgage. The foreclosure came as a sur- bers, and is steadily growing. ‘robo-signers’, people whose names show up prise to Grodensky, according to reports from The Childhood Cancer Summit included a on thousands of affidavits, despite obvious for- the Sun-Sentinel. Not only did Grodensky not panel discussion between childhood cancer have a mortgage with the bank that sued to geries and overt admissions that these people experts from around the nation. Participants foreclose against his house, he had never had had no knowledge of what they were signing. came from many of the premier pediatric can- a mortgage at all. Grodensky had paid cash The system is so organized that there is a cer centers, including MD Anders Cancer Cen- for his home. company, Lender Processing Services, who ter, Texas Children’s Hospital, Children’s Hos- (2) One house in Pinellas County, Florida allegedly has created the means to systemize pital of Philadelphia, Memorial Sloan-Kettering, saw two foreclosure suits brought against it fraud. Lawyers use the LPS system to request and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. because the banks didn’t know who had title which affidavits and documents they need. The panelists discussed the unique challenges to the mortgage. LPS then has ‘document mills’ where they can facing childhood cancer patients and their (3) One victim with a perfect payment magically make an authorized Vice President families compared with adult cancers, includ- record of all interest and principal was fore- of Whoever You Need, and send you ing the development of better treatments for closed on because of a $75 contested late backdated signed documents saying you have kids with cancer and initiatives to improve the fee. the right to foreclose. Courts at first refused to quality of survivorship. (4) Tim and Nicole West were victims of a believe that this level of rampant fraud exists, It is my goal to use the recommendations predatory loan. In 2005, a bank threatened to from these panelists to shape an effective leg- sue the couple if they didn’t sign a refinancing but more recently, they have started to sanc- tion fraud against loan servicers. islative agenda, and gamer the support of my offer. Their loan servicer subsequently raised fellow policymakers. As policymakers, we their payments from $1900 to $5300 a month, Servicers don’t make money through routine have a responsibility to the many children and with regular forebearance fees required in the servicing; it’s a break-even business. They families suffering from this devastating dis- tens of thousands of dollars. Finally, the make it at foreclosure, with a $6,000 fore- ease. servicer refused to accept payments from the closure fee. When you combine the incentive f family in the name of negotiating for a mort- to foreclose with systemized fraud, it’s law- gage modification. Instead of modifying the lessness. IN RECOGNITION OF THE PASSING loan, their servicer began foreclosure pro- OF GEORGE IRELAND, JR. Fraud is now big business. And it’s sanc- ceedings. The servicer used fraudulent docu- tioned in part through the government, as both ments to prove that it had the right to fore- Fannie and Freddie are shareholders in HON. JEFF MILLER close. MERS. OF FLORIDA Here’s how it happened. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Securitizating mortgages was originally a We’re approaching the point where the easi- way to take the cost of a mortgage of a bank’s est way to make a buck is to steal it. The only Wednesday, September 29, 2010 books. From 2005 onward, the securitization way to end this plague of foreclosure fraud is Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, on chain went out of control, and Wall Street to make sure that crime does pay. behalf of the United States Congress, it is an

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00079 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.273 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1872 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 honor for me to rise today to recognize the life nity. His impact he had on northwest Florida proximately 290,000 new cases in 2008. With of northwest Florida’s beloved George Ireland. can never be forgotten. the increase in Lyme cases, problems due to Mr. Ireland is survived by Jacqueline, his Madam Speaker, on behalf of the United poor diagnostics and ineffective treatments for wife of 57 years; his three sons, George, Tim- States Congress, it gives me great pride to Lyme disease have become almost over- othy and Bruce; as well as two grandchildren honor the life of George Ireland, and his living whelming—affecting larger numbers of people and three great-grandchildren. To his family legacy. over longer periods of time. and friends, I would like to offer my deep and f Many patients are angry because progress sincere condolences. George Ireland was not in addressing Lyme disease has been im- only a compassionate man, but also had a MONROE JOURNAL EDITORIAL peded by entrenched bias and a lack of ac- sharp wit and an immense love for his com- CALLING FOR RENEWAL OF countability in the science of tick borne dis- munity. Northwest Florida has truly suffered a BUSH TAX CUTS eases. It is critical that we identify biases and great loss with his passing. impediments that are constraining the science Mr. Ireland served his country with honor HON. JO BONNER on Lyme and to open up the dialogue to hon- and distinction in both the Korean and Viet- OF ALABAMA est and transparent debate. The scientists who have long been marginalized, the treating nam Wars and retired after more than 27 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years of service in the United States Air Force physicians who have felt intimidated and with the rank of Chief Master Sergeant. Fol- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 threatened, and most importantly the sick pa- lowing his retirement, Mr. Ireland moved to Mr. BONNER. Madam Speaker, I wish to tients and their families need our help. Niceville, Florida, where he served his local submit for the RECORD an editorial published My main purpose here today is to introduce community as City Clerk for over 32 years and in the September 16th edition of the Monroe for inclusion in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD also served as President of the Florida Asso- Journal in my congressional district, calling for the following statement ‘‘The Patient Perspec- tives on the Research Gaps in Tick Borne Dis- ciation of Clerks. Mr. Ireland was described by the renewal of the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and eases,’’ written by three of the Nation’s largest his colleagues as a ‘‘financial whiz’’; his re- 2003. Lyme disease advocacy organizations, who markable aptitude for managing budgets and CONGRESS MUST RENEW BUSH’S TAX BREAKS represent tens of thousands of patients. I be- records helped the city of Niceville continually In this economic environment it would be lieve that this statement provides important run a budget surplus. ludicrous to even consider not renewing the perspectives that need to be heard and taken In 1978, he was the catalyst for the pur- ‘‘Bush tax breaks’’ for everyone, especially to heart. chase of a cutting-edge computer system so for middle class Americans. PATIENT PERSPECTIVES ON THE RESEARCH Niceville. He convinced the Niceville City President Barack Obama has said he sup- GAPS IN TICK BORNE DISEASES Council to approve the purchase of computers ports renewing the federal income tax breaks for middle class workers, but he does not (Submitted by Time for Lyme, the national to help facilitate a sophisticated internal sys- support renewing the tax breaks for persons Lyme Disease Association, and the Cali- tem that allowed the city to save countless making $250,000 or more annually. fornia Lyme Disease Association on behalf dollars. He was also responsible for founding Unfortunately, the problem with not re- of our patients across the United States) an institute for the education and training of newing the tax breaks for those who make In December 2009, Labor HHS 2010 appro- city clerks in northwest Florida; this service, $250,000 or more is that many of those indi- priations language, signed into law by Presi- provided at no cost to the cities of northwest viduals are small business owners. dent Obama, encouraged the National Insti- Florida, was especially crucial as it allowed We all know that the majority of jobs in tutes of Health (NIH) to ‘‘sponsor a scientific each city to cut the cost of sending their clerks America are created by small businesses. conference on Lyme and tick-borne diseases If the tax breaks are not continued for . . . the conference should represent the to train in south Florida. middle class workers, they would see an av- broad spectrum of scientific views . . . and Mr. Ireland’s excellence in financial manage- erage increase of $1,500 per individual in should provide a forum for public participa- ment was recognized by the Government Fi- their annual federal income tax. And, if the tion and input from individuals with Lyme nance Officers Association, which bestowed tax breaks are not continued for small busi- disease.’’ The language also requires NIH to upon his office more than 20 annual awards ness owners, many of those middle class identify research gaps to understand the for excellence in financial reporting. He was workers could find themselves on the unem- ‘‘mechanisms of persistent infection.’’ The also the recipient of the prestigious Robert N. ployment lines in 2011. passage of this language represents a signifi- Why not amend the tax law to continue the cant opportunity to summarize and solidify Clark Award from the Florida Association of the issues that prevent scientific progress for City Clerks. tax breaks for everyone, who makes less than $250,000 annually and for small business a disease recognized here for 35 years, if, and Mr. Ireland’s dedication to his community owners, who make no more than $500,000 an- only if, this process occurs without bias. was beyond reproach. After his retirement as nually? This would help middle class workers Progress can be accomplished if the stewards City Clerk, he continued to give his time, even continue to make ends meet and help small commit to the elimination of predisposition though he was off the payroll. He was also businesses with minimum operating capital by key decision makers. deeply involved in a myriad of fraternal organi- stay afloat in this shaky economy that is It is not clear why the NIH elected to sub- still in a rebound stage. contract this issue to the Institute of Medi- zations. Mr. Ireland was a member of the Vet- cine (IOM), given that the existing NIH con- erans of Foreign Wars of Florida, where he Madam Speaker, oftentimes the best ideas ference structure contains the best process served as District 1 Commander. He was a come from real America, not just those gen- to address the appropriations language re- Master Mason of the Okaloosa Masonic Lodge erated here inside the Washington Beltway. I quirements. According to the NIH Consensus 312 in Niceville, and was a 32nd Degree hope my colleagues will take to heart this ur- Development Program, which explains the Knights Commander of the Court of Honor for gent plea from the editors and publisher of the two relevant types of conferences offered by the Hadji Shrine in Pensacola, Florida. He Monroe Journal. NIH, ‘‘when the available evidence is weak or also served multiple times as President of the contradictory, or when a common practice is f not supported by high-quality evidence, the local Lions Club, but his real love was in serv- ISSUES REGARDING LYME State-of-the-Science label is chosen.’’ This ing as secretary and treasurer of the Lions conference format would appropriately ad- Club—a position he held since the early DISEASE dress the research gaps that exist for Lyme 1960s. Mr. Ireland’s service to his community and tick-borne diseases as it provides a was recognized in 2005 when he was award- HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH ‘‘snapshot in time’’ of the state of knowledge on the conference rather than a policy state- ed the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award—the OF NEW JERSEY ment of the NIH or the Federal Government. highest award given by Lions Clubs Inter- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In Lyme disease, there are two distinct dis- national for humanitarian service. Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ease paradigms, each providing science to To some George Ireland will be remem- support its claims. One paradigm views the bered as a courageous member of our armed Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Madam Speaker, disease as ‘‘hard to catch and easy to cure’’ services where he fought to protect the lib- as chair of the congressional Lyme Disease and denies the existence of chronic Lyme erties and freedoms we all hold so dear; to Caucus and a person who has been closely disease—persistent infection with Borrelia others he will forever be a sharp, intelligent, involved in Lyme disease issues for over burgdorferi, the spirochete that causes the and exceptionally compassionate public serv- twenty years, I want to bring to your attention disease. Under this paradigm, the state of the science for patients with chronic Lyme ant. He will long be remembered by his family extremely troubling issues regarding Lyme dis- disease is closed. Any treatment is consid- and friends as a loving husband and father; ease. ered too risky because practitioners are un- and we will all remember his wit, energy, moti- Lyme disease is the most common of all able to determine the cause or extent of pa- vation and commitment to serving his commu- vector-borne infections in the U.S., with ap- tient symptoms, or they view the symptoms

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.276 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1873 as insignificant and write off the patients’ To date, every NIH-funded treatment re- and treatment. Rather than providing cura- complaints as psychiatric in nature. This search study has been designed using the in- tive treatments that restore health, the leaves seriously ill patients without any via- accurate diagnostic test results as part of IDSA would provide costly and long term ble therapeutic avenues. It also shuts the the entry criteria. The entry criterion in palliative treatments, presumably for life. door on future research necessary to get pa- these studies excluded the vast majority of While the NIH requires participation by tients to a state of wellness. Lyme patients and created sample sizes too major stakeholders (including patients and The alternative paradigm says that the small (less than 220 patients to date) to de- treating physicians), the IOM does not. science is too unsettled to be definitive and tect clinically important treatment effects The summary of the IOM proceedings will there can be one or more causes of persistent or generalize to the clinical population. reflect this pervasive lack of objectivity, un- symptoms after initial treatment in an indi- Moreover, Lyme has not attracted industry dermining its integrity and credibility. Addi- vidual who has been infected with the agent funding for treatment approaches, which tionally, much IOM deliberation is done be- of Lyme disease. These causes include the places the disease at a considerable research hind closed doors and an anonymous panel possibility of persistent infection, or a post- disadvantage. To detect clinically relevant will be permitted to comment on the written infectious process, or a combination of both, treatment effects requires much larger record. Because of such flaws in the IOM pro- with the Lyme bacterium itself driving the treatment trials with sample populations ceedings, the three largest patient interest autoimmune process. This paradigm allows that reflect those seen in clinical practice.4 groups who were offered a brief opportunity doctors the ability to exercise their clinical One thing that past research has dem- to speak (TFL) at the IOM October 2010 judgment and provide therapies that are onstrated is that patients with Lyme are a meeting and an opportunity to provide a helping their patients. heterogeneous population. Hence, the course commissioned paper—CALDA, the LDA and Patients with Lyme disease need a re- of illness and responsiveness to treatment TFL—pulled out of the conference in protest. search agenda that reflects outcomes that may vary depending on the duration of onset From a research perspective, strongly held matter to patients, namely effective diag- of the disease to its diagnosis and treatment, paradigms can create a closed loop, and ex- nostic tools and effective treatments that re- the presence of co-infections, comorbid fac- periments may be designed, implemented store them to health. The reason there are tors, other genetic characteristics of the pa- and interpreted to support a particular view- two disease paradigms in Lyme disease is be- tients, and the virulence of the strain(s) with point.7 The antidote to bias is to balance sci- cause central pieces of the puzzle are missing which the patient is infected. Research sam- entific perspectives and to ensure that all or are inadequate. The first area of concern ple populations must reflect those seen in scientific viewpoints are being heard and ex- involves testing. clinical practice to yield clinically relevant plored. Given the extraordinary stream of There are no reliable biomarkers of the results. federal funding granted to researchers who disease.1 Current diagnostic tests commonly As advised by the Appropriations language, support the closed paradigm which was cre- used do not detect the spirochete that causes research on the pathophysiology of Lyme ated and is supported by the Infectious Dis- Lyme disease, rather, they detect only disease is necessary. Research projects need eases Society of America (IDSA) and their whether the patient has developed antibodies to be designed which determine the course of vested interest in maintaining the status to the pathogen. Antibody production, if it the disease from inception, and which utilize quo, it is not reasonable to expect this group registers on the tests at all, takes weeks to treatments that effectively interfere with of researchers to serve as neutral arbiters of appear, thus rendering the current tests inef- the mechanisms that allow the infection to scientific debates over competing scientific fective in the earlier and more easily ad- persist. Little to no government sponsored paradigms. For example, Lyme related pan- dressed stage. Additionally, the Lyme anti- science has been dedicated to the effects on els dominated by IDSA have time and time body has been shown to form a ‘‘complex’’ persistence of the different forms of the again excluded opposing viewpoints from with the bacterium itself—and tests cannot Lyme bacterium (cyst vs. flagellar), the role, participating or controlled the review proc- detect ‘‘complex’’ antibodies. Once triggered, if any, of biofilms, sequestration of the orga- ess to ensure outcomes that reinforce the antibody reactions may remain long after an nism from the immune system, the exchange IDSA paradigm. If past is prologue, it is ob- infection has been treated, also clouding the and mutation of genetic material of the spi- vious what the future holds for panels domi- diagnostic and treatment picture. The two-tier testing system endorsed by rochete, and the role that components of the nated by one group. Worse, the small treatment trials that the Centers for Disease Control and Preven- bacterial genome may play in protecting it have been conducted have been given an tion (CDC) is very specific for Lyme disease from eradication by the immune system or undue amount of weight by IDSA researchers (99%), so it gives few false positives. But the antibiotics. Understanding the pathology of and in its guidelines and used to apply a de- tests have a uniformly low sensitivity the organism can greatly enhance targeted gree of certainty on the science that far ex- (56%)—missing 88 of every 200 patients with diagnostics and treatment modalities. Patients also need studies that explore a ceeds the limitations of the small sample Lyme disease. By comparison, AIDS tests have a sensitivity of 99.5%—missing only one range of treatment options. The ideal anti- sizes of the studies. Further, they claim that biotics, route of administration, and dura- the state of the science is sufficient to deter- of every 200 infected patients.2 Sensitive AIDS tests were developed less than 10 years tion of treatment for any stage of Lyme dis- mine with certainty that chronic Lyme dis- into the disease, while archaic Lyme tests ease are not established. No single antibiotic ease does not exist, is not treatable with remain unreliable 35 years later. There is a or combination of antibiotics appears to be antibiotics, and that no further research on critical need for research exploring newer capable of completely eradicating the infec- this topic is needed. Sample size affects the technologies such as polymerase chain reac- tion in all patients, and treatment failures strength of the conclusions that may be tion (PCR), which is used with many other or relapses are reported with all current drawn from them: ‘‘Providing definitive an- diseases, and cutting-edge proteomics. regimens, although they are less common swers in the face of low event rates and 5 Strain variations and co-infections with with early aggressive treatment. Treatment small-to-moderate treatment effects neces- other organisms, often transmitted by the failure rates suggest the need to re-examine sitates sample sizes in the thousands or tens same tick bite, obscure the diagnostic pic- the effectiveness of the currently rec- of thousands. . . . Funding for such mega- ture further. ommended monotherapy as a treatment ap- trials is very limited, and is often restricted A vast number of strains of Borrelia proach. Studies need to explore combination to industry sources.’’ 8 burgdorferi have been identified. Variation treatments and longer term treatment regi- For that reason, the Connecticut Attorney in strain may cause differing symptoms or mens, which have been critical to the suc- General antitrust investigation into the de- severity of symptoms as well as determine cessful treatment of AIDS and tuberculosis. velopment process of IDSA Lyme guidelines the appropriate antibiotics and duration of Patients need the type of outcomes re- found exclusionary practices and suppression treatment needed to clear the infection.3 Dif- search advocated by the IOM to examine how of divergent viewpoints on the part of IDSA ferent strains may also express different pro- well treatments are working in actual clin- panels that crafted IDSA 2000 and the 2006 teins. Preliminary research shows that pro- ical practice.6 While not all patients with Lyme disease guidelines. Although IDSA set- teins need to be examined to find the ones chronic Lyme disease have returned to a tled the investigation with the Attorney most often expressed, then using microarray state of wellness, many have, and we need to General by agreeing to review its guidelines technology, doctors may be able to diagnose find out how and why. This information can with a panel without conflicts of interest, patients using a chip which contains the pro- then be applied to other patients and used to the control of the process was in the hands of teins. establish a research agenda for treatment IDSA, which again selected a panel con- Research is needed concerning the role of that has a likelihood of success, rather than sisting almost exclusively of IDSA members mutation on persistence. Some research in- abandoning patients based on limited treat- and excluding treating physicians who held dicates that bacteria can exchange genetic ment trials. divergent viewpoints. material, probably contributing to its ability The IOM process does not allow these re- It was patients who pressed for the lan- to invade different systems in the body— search ideas to be heard in an unbiased and guage in the Appropriations bill that called some may have a proclivity for the heart transparent fashion with balanced divergent for a review of the state of the science of muscle, others for the brain, and some for viewpoints. While the NIH process precludes Lyme disease. However, patients need that muscles and joints. By exchanging genetic bias on the part of panel members, the IOM process to occur in a transparent manner, material, bacteria may be able to form a does not. Four of the six members of the IOM without bias, and with the participation of symbiotic relationship to avoid detection by panel that have been selected belong to all stakeholders. Albert Einstein defined in- the immune response or to further invade IDSA, a medical society that has a known sanity as ‘‘doing the same thing over and the body. bias against chronic Lyme disease diagnosis over again and expecting different results.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00081 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.278 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1874 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 This process is a perfect example of that in- same employer. Cordy Williamson has worked Originally founded in 1910 as Luigi’s and sanity. for Progress Energy since 1960, and says Lemucchi’s Grocery by Joe Lemucchi, Luigi’s Patients want research which will restore about contemplating retirement, ‘‘I love going is one of Bakersfield’s oldest family owned their health. Their voice and the voice of the ´ clinicians must be given the necessary to work and I love Progress Energy. Why and operated businesses. The cafe and gro- weight to legitimize the research agenda and should I retire when I have all this going for cery store reflect the city’s rich tradition and in the research process. Truth in science can be me?’’ its early days, one could always hear the con- achieved through open debate in an inde- Mr. Williamson first joined Progress Energy stant chatter of the different languages that pendent process free from bias and conflicts when it was known as Carolina Power & Light, made up the original immigrant community. of interest. The scientific process fails when working on the line crew. Sometimes, that Joe’s son, Louis, later inherited the family one side of a debate controls the arena and meant digging ditches with his bare hands and business and covered the walls with photos of sets the rules to ensure that its viewpoint a shovel. It did not seem hard for him, having local athletes that span more than seventy prevails. grown up on a farm in Aynor, South Carolina Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA, Chief Execu- years. These photos have attracted multiple tive Officer, California Lyme Disease Asso- where manual labor was a part of his every- generations of Kern County patrons who re- ciation. day life. turn with friends and family to view favorite Patricia V. Smith, President, Lyme Dis- Even though he was comfortable with the photos. The same recipes from the cafe´, such ease Association, Inc. physical aspects of the job, his supervisors as Emelia Lemucchi’s Bolognese pasta sauce Diane Blanchard/Deb Siciliano, Co-Presi- saw promise in Mr. Williamson’s leadership recipe that she brought from Italy, are being dents, Time for Lyme, Inc. abilities. He moved up the ladder, assuming used by the current keepers of the legacy, An- ENDNOTES positions such as lineman, meter reader, and tonia Valpredo, daughters Monica and Lanette 1 Steiner I. Treating post Lyme disease: Line and Service Supervisor. These jobs took and son Gino—all of whom make up the third trying to solve one equation with too many him to Laurinburg and Lumberton, North Caro- and fourth generations of the family. unknowns. Neurology 2003; 60:1888–9. lina, and Kingstree and Florence, South Caro- Luigi’s is more than just a restaurant in Ba- 2 Stricker RB, Johnson L. Lyme wars: let’s lina. kersfield. It is a staple in our community and tackle the testing. BMJ 2007; 335:1008. In 1987, Mr. Williamson became a distribu- exemplifies our town’s culture. A culture of 3 Weintraub P. What we don’t know about Lyme. Experience Life Magazine June 2009. tion inspector, inspecting work performed by pride in one’s craft is embodied in the pasta 4 Guyatt GH, Mills EJ, Elbourne D. In the Progress Energy crews as well as tree trim- and meats prepared. From the receptionist to era of systematic reviews, does the size of an ming crews. the wait staff, the friendly atmosphere makes individual trial still matter. PLoS Med, 2008; I believe this letter by Mrs. L.B. White writ- even first time visitors feel like regulars. Luigi’s 5:e4. ten to the District Manager’s office in Florence has had a long standing reputation of hospi- 5 Hunfeld KP, Ruzic-Sabljic E, Norris DE, in 1973 sums up Mr. Williamson’s 50 years of tality, dating back to the early twentieth cen- Kraiczy P, Strle F. In vitro susceptibility dedication to his work: tury, when Joe Lemucchi would rent out small testing of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato iso- ‘‘. . . Last Saturday I went in to fix cottages he constructed himself to bachelor lates cultured from patients with erythema lunch—no heat, no lights, and a complete migrans before and after antimicrobial Italian immigrants who had just moved into the power failure. I immediately called your chemotherapy. Antimicrobial agents and area. Luigi’s is one of Bakersfield’s iconic lo- service department . . . and in about twenty chemotherapy 2005; 49:1294–301. cations, bringing together a community of dif- minutes Mr. Cordy Williamson was here. It 6 Institute of Medicine (Committee on ferent backgrounds and perspectives to enjoy was quite a job. He was so courteous and pa- Quality of Health Care in America). Crossing tient with me (an old woman). I wanted you delicious cuisine. the Quality Chasm: A New Health System to know what a wonderful fellow he is and I have been going to Luigi’s my whole life. for the 21st Century. Washington, DC: Na- how fortunate you are to have such a man Growing up in Bakersfield, Luigi’s is one of the tional Academies Press, 2001. with your company. I tried to pay him—no best restaurants around. I always order a 1⁄2 & 7 Ernst E, Canter PH. Investigator bias and pay would he accept. Such an honest, up- 1 false positive findings in medical research. ⁄2—it is a true taste of Bakersfield, as it is a right man (sic). Hope everything good pos- Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 24(5), 219–221 (2003). humble combination of pasta and meat sauce sible will come to him. I am a widow and live 8 Guyatt GH, Mills EJ, Elbourne D. In the with Luigi’s Italian beans. My wife Judy loves alone and he meant much to me.’’ era of systematic reviews, does the size of an Luigi’s Monica’s Salad. To top it off, everyone individual trial still matter. PLoS Med, 2008; Mr. Williamson is the father of two daugh- must have the Butterfinger Pie for dessert. It 5:e4. ters, Amanda and Margaret, and two sons, is an icy delight that perfectly blends candy f Jamie and Cordy. He enjoys fishing, motor- bar, ice cream, and biscotti cookie crust to cycle riding, and flying. He served the Civil Air make one of my favorite desserts. Luigi’s is a EXPLANATION REGARDING Patrol in South Carolina and also flew assign- gathering place filled with friendly faces and COSPONSORING A BILL ments for the U.S. Customs Agency. He great food. helped to start the ‘‘MayFly’’ Air Show in Flor- Luigi’s is one of the bedrocks of our small HON. BRAD SHERMAN ence in 1986 and continues to organize the business community that measures success in OF CALIFORNIA show today. its loyalty from generations of local customers. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam Speaker, I ask that you and my col- It is a family run institution in the Kern County leagues join me in congratulating Cordy Wednesday, September 29, 2010 community and I thank Luigi’s for its 100 years Williamson on reaching this tremendous mile- of service to the people of Bakersfield, and Mr. SHERMAN. Madam Speaker, I wish to stone in his employment with Progress En- wish them the very best in the next 100 years. clarify that when I cosponsor a bill, it does not ergy. His commitment to his work is admirable f necessarily mean that I agree with every part and a model for young people today to emu- of it. At a minimum, my cosponsorship indi- late. I wish him many more years of happiness TRIBUTE TO JULIEN E. MARX cates that I support moving the bill forward on the job. through the legislative process, including being f HON. JO BONNER marked up in committee, and if sent to the OF ALABAMA CONGRATULATING LUIGI’S DELI- floor by the relevant committee(s), then sub- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ject to consideration and amendment on the CATESSEN ON ITS 100TH ANNI- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 floor. VERSARY f Mr. BONNER. Madam Speaker, I rise to pay HON. KEVIN McCARTHY tribute to the memory of a highly respected TRIBUTE TO CORDY WILLIAMSON OF CALIFORNIA entrepreneur and philanthropist from my dis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trict who recently passed away at the age of 68. HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN Wednesday, September 29, 2010 OF SOUTH CAROLINA On August 10, Mobile lost a dear friend with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. MCCARTHY of California. Madam the death of Mr. Julien E. Marx. Mr, Marx was Speaker, I rise today to honor a leading small the epitome of a model citizen—a veteran, a Wednesday, September 29, 2010 business in our community, Luigi’s Deli- successful businessman, a civic leader, a Mr. CLYBURN. Madam Speaker, I rise catessen, which is celebrating 100 years of compassionate humanitarian and lover of ani- today to pay tribute to a rare find these days— operation in Bakersfield, California on October mals, and a devoted benefactor of higher edu- a man who has dedicated 50 years to the 3, 2010. cation.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00082 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.279 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1875 Mr. Marx was a graduate of Murphy High Under his leadership, Colorado Technical duced legislation to reauthorize and amend School and the University of Alabama, where University partnered with the Freedom Alliance the Marine Debris Research, Prevention, and he was business manager of the Crimson Scholarship Fund to provide a full four-year Reduction Act. White. Upon graduation, he joined the Army, scholarship for a son or daughter of an Amer- My legislation is straightforward and was de- serving as a during the Viet- ican military hero who has served and sac- veloped in consultation with NOAA and nu- nam War. rificed for our nation’s freedom. CTU pledged merous stakeholder organizations. The bill Returning to Mobile, Mr. Marx became ac- $1 million in full tuition scholarships for Free- would clarify the scope and purposes of the tive in developing small businesses and joint dom Alliance scholarship recipients who wish program, maintain existing program activities venture projects. He was best known for his to attend their University. initiated by the National Oceanic and Atmos- ownership of local real estate and his Julien E. Prior to coming to Colorado Technical Uni- pheric Administration (NOAA) and the U.S. Marx Realtors. versity, Mitchell worked in Colorado Springs Coast Guard, and also encourage greater and While many would be content with tending for Plasmon LMS/Philips Laser Magnetic Stor- more effective cooperation, both domestically to their business interests, Mr. Marx used his age, Media Security Incorporated, Brown Disc and abroad. Importantly, my legislation will passion and energy to better the lives of oth- Manufacturing, and the NCR Corporation. help ensure that the program remains focused ers. He was an active booster and board Outside of Mitchell’s professional contribu- on delivering results without additional Federal member of the Boy Scouts of America, as well tions to our community, he has served on nu- spending. as MARC, which improves the lives of intellec- merous community boards. Some of his volun- Under this program NOAA has implemented tually and physically-challenged adults in the teer work includes serving on the following a variety of projects in collaboration with state Mobile area. boards: and local governments, NGOs, and industry to Mr. Marx endowed a number of University —Better Business Bureau prevent and reduce marine debris from enter- of South Alabama scholarships, including the —Colorado Thirty Group ing the marine environment and providing in- promotion of art education among minority stu- —The Home Front Cares centives for its removal once it appears. For dents. He was a lover of photography, having —Congressman Doug Lamborn’s Defense example, Covanta Energy, a global innovator donated his family’s extensive collection of Advisory Board in ‘‘energy from waste’’ technologies, has Mobile historical photographs to the University —Advisory Board for the Latino Chamber of worked collaboratively with NOAA to pioneer of South Alabama. Commerce the use of marine debris to generate electric Mr. Marx also used his time and resources —Advisory Council on Military Education power. to back many inventions, from medical re- —Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce In addition, the Northwest Straits Commis- search to consumer products. Ironically, he —Vitality Group Advisory Board sion in the North Puget Sound region of will never be known for all the good that he Mitchell is a devoted husband and father. Washington State, received funding made did because he often chose to give to others He has been married for twenty years to his available under the American Recovery and anonymously. wife, Cindy, and is the father of three grown Reinvestment Act and coordinated through the Madam Speaker, there simply isn’t space in children, Garth, Blake, and Paige. Marine Debris Program to remove derelict this tribute to fully capture Julien Marx’s con- fishing gear from Puget Sound, vastly cutting tributions to our community. He was uniquely I thank Greg for his tremendous contribution down on ‘‘ghost fishing’’ and navigational haz- American—a dreamer, a doer, a giver, a lover to our community and our men and women in ards that negatively impact habitat as well as of life. In short, he was a community treasure. uniform. He is a great American patriot. the local economy I join so many in South Alabama in mourn- f Organizations that support my legislation, ing Julien Marx’s passing and also in extend- INTRODUCING THE MARINE DE- ing condolences to his wife of 18 years, Linda, such as the Ocean Conservancy, the United BRIS ACT REAUTHORIZATION Nations Environmental Program, and the Ma- and extended family and friends. You are all AMENDMENTS OF 2010 in our prayers. rine Conservation Biology Institute, remain hard at work to raise public awareness about f HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO this serious issue. RECOGNIZING GREG MITCHELL OF GUAM The 25th annual International Coastal FOR HIS EXTRAORDINARY CON- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Cleanup, first initiated in 1985 by the Center TRIBUTIONS TO HIGHER EDU- for Environmental Education, took place last CATION AND THE U.S. MILITARY Wednesday, September 29, 2010 Saturday. The Coastal Cleanup is the world’s Ms. BORDALLO. Madam Speaker, marine largest volunteer effort in support of ocean HON. DOUG LAMBORN debris is a global problem degrading the envi- conservation; each year, the Coastal Cleanup mobilizes hundreds of thousands of people in OF COLORADO ronmental health of the world’s oceans. Near my home island of Guam is the Great Pacific over 100 countries to clean up our beaches, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Garbage Patch, a huge area hundreds of lakes, and rivers. In the past 25 years the Wednesday, September 29, 2010 miles wide within the North Pacific gyre. The Coastal Cleanup has engaged more than 8 Mr. LAMBORN. Madam Speaker, I rise Garbage Patch contains virtually tons of plas- million dedicated volunteers, who have re- today to pay respect to a great man in my tics and other non-degradable litter, especially moved more than 125 million pounds of trash hometown of Colorado Springs, Colorado. discarded fishing gear, that was tossed, inten- around the world. Greg Mitchell is a hands-on, results-oriented tionally or unintentionally, into the ocean and Last year, in Guam alone 3,006 volunteers leader with a proven track record of achieving now drifts indefinitely, harming both ocean picked up 17,776 pounds of trash along 22.5 success. A longtime resident of Colorado wildlife, such as sea turtles and marine mam- miles of coastline. This trash included every- Springs, Mitchell is retiring this year after serv- mals, and impacting sensitive marine habitats, thing from 21,900 soda cans to 194 tires, and ing six years as President of Colorado Tech- such as coral reefs. so much more debris in the form of plastic nical University, CTU. Unfortunately, the Great Pacific Garbage bottles, bags and nets. This effort is a great Greg, a former Naval officer, has cham- Patch—while emblematic of the problem of opportunity for citizens to make a hands-on pioned our state’s veterans and young people marine debris—is no longer unique. As we difference in improving the ocean and coastal in both his professional and personal roles for learned earlier this year, a new garbage patch areas. I applaud the Ocean Conservancy for nearly three decades. has emerged in the Atlantic Ocean in the re- their efforts to coordinate this annual event for As President of CTU, he played a key role gion between the Island of Bermuda and the 25 years, and I urge my colleagues to do their in developing programs to serve soldiers, in- Azores Islands located in the Mid-Atlantic part by supporting my legislation to reauthor- cluding the wounded warrior program that Ocean east of Portugal. Both areas pose a ize the Marine Debris Research, Prevention, awards 50 scholarships annually to wounded troubling, pernicious threat to not only ocean and Reduction Act. veterans and their spouses. He once said, ‘‘If ecosystems, but also to navigational safety I look forward to working with my colleagues you do the right thing, it’s very rewarding. We and coastal aesthetics. on both sides of the aisle to reauthorize this can’t do enough for the military today.’’ In Today, in recognition that we must continue highly successful and effective legislation that 2008, the school was named one of the most to take purposeful action to address this chal- addresses one of the most serious threats to military friendly institutions in the country. lenging environmental threat, I have intro- our oceans today.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00083 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.283 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS E1876 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 29, 2010 HONORING THE ONE HUNDREDTH The founding President and CEO of the Lancaster, South Carolina. A head coaching ANNIVERSARY OF CALVARY Chamber of Commerce Association of Ala- position followed in 1961 at Granard High BAPTIST CHURCH IN ALLEN- bama, Ralph Stacy was unequalled in his abil- School in nearby Gaffney, where he compiled TOWN, FLORIDA ity to promote local business by building coali- a 6-year record of 65–7–2. He won three con- tions and utilizing effective communication secutive state AAA championships, 1964, HON. JEFF MILLER strategies. 1965 and 1966. OF FLORIDA A skilled communicator who possessed an In 1973 Jeffries’ alma mater called him to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES extraordinary talent for salesmanship, Ralph serve as its head football coach. During the Stacy received two national television and next six seasons at South Carolina State, his Wednesday, September 29, 2010 print marketing awards. He was an author, record was an impressive 50–13–4. In 1979, Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, on syndicated columnist and radio host. Division I-A football and history called. Jeffries behalf of the United States Congress, it is an Ralph Stacy was a member of the BCA was offered and accepted the head coaching honor for me to rise today to recognize the Board of Directors, Class Sixteen of Leader- position at Wichita State University, becoming centennial anniversary of Calvary Baptist ship Alabama, the Board of Troy University’s the first African American to coach a Division Church located in Allentown, Florida. Center for International Business and Eco- I team. Calvary Baptist Church was first organized nomic Development, a Governor’s appointee Jeffries became the 32nd head coach for on October 12, 1910 by a group of 33 mem- to the Alabama Partnership for Children and the Wichita State University Shockers in Wich- bers of a tightknit farming community. After a was President of the Board of Directors of the ita, Kansas. During his 6-year tenure he com- revival meeting, the charter members decided Alabama Council of Association Executives. piled a record of 21–32–2, which ranks him to establish a church to observe and uphold He was also a founding partner and executive third in the school’s history for total wins. In the Word and teachings of Jesus Christ. committee member of the Alabama Commu- 1982, his team went 8–3, which holds the dis- These founders provided a strong, moral nity of Excellence (ACE) program. tinction as the last winning season in Wichita framework which established the values that A former director of the Greenville Chamber State history. Wichita’s program was discon- the church continues to uphold today; multiple of Commerce, Ralph Stacy was a native of tinued after the 1986 season. generations of the Allentown community have nearby Georgiana, in south Butler County. He In 1984, Jeffries left Wichita State to be- grown worshipping and rejoicing in the Word was a leader his entire life, earning the rank come head coach at Howard University in of God at Calvary Baptist Church. of Eagle Scout as a young man and going on Washington, DC, where he led the Bisons to In 1919, after 9 years of worshipping in the to graduate from Huntingdon College in Mont- their first league victory and a national cham- ‘‘Solid Block’’ school, the congregation bound gomery, where he was a member of the golf pionship. together to build a new house of worship. team. In 1989, Jeffries returned to his beloved Through the strength of the Almighty, the Ralph Stacy was not only a skillful business South Carolina State for what was to be an- church ministered through World War II, and leader, but a gifted story teller and even an or- other 13 years as head coach. During those in 1945, church members began work on a dained minister, shepherding the Beatrice years, Jeffries earned a national title and new Sanctuary that is still in use today and Community Church in Monroe County, Ala- made three Heritage Bowl appearances. He provides a sanctified space for the propaga- bama. retired from coaching in 2001, and served as tion of the Gospel of the Lord. Madam Speaker, I know I speak for every- director of athletic fund-raising until 2005, Membership has grown in the 100-year his- one across our state who had the good for- when he accepted the athletic director position tory of this Church, from the original 33 char- tune to know and work with Ralph Stacy that at Grambling State University. Earlier this ter members to a congregation of 381 today. his death leaves a giant void in the fabric of year, Jeffries was named head coach emeritus The impressive growth and outstanding Alabama. at South Carolina State and serves as a liai- achievements, however, do not tell the whole Ralph always put the interests of our people son between the university, its alumni, and story of the people of Calvary Baptist Church. and our communities first. His friendship, other constituents. The true triumph of this Church lies in its con- warm personality and his tireless advocacy for gregation’s faithful devotion to the Lord. Alabama jobs and prosperity will be deeply Over his outstanding career Jeffries has re- Madam Speaker, on behalf of the United missed. There was but one Ralph Stacy and ceived several honors. He was inducted into States Congress, it gives me great pleasure to his leadership can never be replaced. the SCSU Athletic Hall of Fame in 1998. He commemorate the centennial anniversary of On behalf of our state, I wish to extend our is also a member of the South Carolina Ath- Calvary Baptist Church in Allentown, Florida. heartfelt sympathy to his wonderful wife, letic Hall of Fame, and the Mid-Eastern Ath- May the Spirit of the Lord continue to bless Angel, and their lovely daughter, Savannah, letic Conference (MEAC) Hall of Fame. He the Church and its congregation. I am certain as well as Ralph’s extended family for their has also received numerous honors for his this anniversary is the first of many milestones loss. You are all in our prayers. community service including the Order of the Silver Crescent, South Carolina’s highest to come. f award for outstanding community service, the f TRIBUTE TO WILLIE JEFFRIES Order of the Palmetto, South Carolina’s high- TRIBUTE TO RALPH STACY, A est civilian award. A scholarship fund and en- TIRELESS ADVOCATE FOR ALA- HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN dowment have been established in his name BAMA BUSINESS OF SOUTH CAROLINA at SCSU. During the 2002 school year, he was honored by the Black Coaches’ Associa- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. JO BONNER tion with a lifetime achievement award and in- Wednesday, September 29, 2010 ducted into the South Carolina Black Hall of OF ALABAMA Fame. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. CLYBURN. Madam Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to South Carolina’s new- The highest honor of his career came on Wednesday, September 29, 2010 est inductee into the College Football Hall of July 17, 2010, when Jeffries was inducted in Mr. BONNER. Madam Speaker, it is with Fame and one of our State’s favorite native the College Football Hall of Fame. The re- profound sadness that I note the untimely sons. Coach Willie Jeffries has distinguished quirements any coach must meet before being passing of one of Alabama’s most dedicated himself as a trailblazing coach, a tremendous considered for this honor include coaching a and talented boosters of economic develop- motivator, and wonderful ambassador for his minimum of 10 years and 100 games as a ment, not to mention a dear personal friend to community, his alma mater, and the State of head coach, be retired for at least 3 years, me and countless others, Mr. Ralph Stacy. South Carolina. and have won at least 60 percent of their At a much-too-young age of 53, Ralph Willie Jeffries was born in Union, South games. Jeffries easily passed the first two Stacy passed away on September 14, 2010 in Carolina in 1937, and is a graduate of South tests, but he fell just short of the 60 percent Montgomery, Alabama. At the time of his Carolina State College (now University) in winning record with a winning percentage of death, he was the Senior Vice President for Orangeburg, South Carolina, where he played .565. Because of Jeffries remarkable career Strategic Communications of the Business football and baseball. He earned a bachelor’s spanning 317 games over 29 years and his Council of Alabama (BCA) and Executive Di- degree in civil engineering and a master’s de- historic significance, the selection committee rector of The Partnership, a program which gree in guidance and counseling. considered him a candidate who should qual- links the state’s 120 local Chambers of Com- Jeffries’ coaching career began in 1960 as ify for an exception based on his unique merce with the BCA. assistant coach at Barr Street High School in record.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:59 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00084 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.286 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS September 29, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1877 Jeffries is a three-time Black National had firsthand experience with it by virtue of many challenges currently facing Sudan, from Championship winner, and is credited with in- having run a sickle cell community education continued violence in Darfur to questions venting the ‘‘Freeze Option’’ offense. He is the project for the University of Illinois in Chicago about resource allocation. only person in history to coach against both and came in contact with many of the patients We are concerned about the repeated lack College Football Hall of Famers Paul ‘‘Bear’’ and their families; saw the pain and suffering of attention and focus placed on Sudan in the Bryant and Eddie Robinson. Jeffries won the firsthand. months leading up to the referenda. The Ad- MEAC conference title seven times, six with I would urge all my colleagues to support ministration must engage further with the local SCSU and one with Howard. He coached Col- the passage of this resolution. groups and governments to ensure these lege Football Hall of Famers Harry Carson f votes are fair and free and that all citizens and Donnie Shell. In addition to his accomplishments on the STATE ETHICS LAW PROTECTION have the ability to determine their future. Many field, it was also Jeffries work off the field that ACT OF 2010 issues including borders, oil and revenue shar- made him worthy of this extraordinary honor. ing, and right of return for refugees still need SPEECH OF He is a much sought after speaker and a tre- to be discussed in advance of the votes and mendous ambassador for South Carolina HON. BILL FOSTER resolved in a manner that satisfies the con- cerns of all of the groups involved. Even as State University. He is a member of several OF ILLINOIS the Comprehensive Peace Agreement expires, coaching, professional and civic organizations, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES including the American Football Coaches As- we must work to facilitate continued dialogue Tuesday, September 28, 2010 sociation, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., on these important issues. and NCAA Football Rules Committee. Mr. FOSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in This is a critical time for the future of Sudan, He and his wife, Mary, are the parents of strong support of H.R. 3427, the State Ethics and we must not put ourselves in a position three children and currently reside in Elloree, Law Protection Act of 2009. This simple bill where we look back in January and regret not South Carolina. goes a long way in closing a loophole that dis- taking action sooner. No matter the outcome Madam Speaker, I ask that you and our col- courages states from enacting tough pay-to- of the referenda, we need to encourage the leagues join me and South Carolina State Uni- play reforms. people of Sudan to continue to take positive versity in congratulating Coach Willie Jeffries Under current policy, states like Illinois that steps towards a peaceful future. This resolu- on his induction in the College Football Hall of take a stand against corrupt practices by pro- tion lays out our specific recommendations for Fame and having November 6, 2010 cele- hibiting the awarding of highway contracts to how the Administration can encourage this brated as his day on the campus of SCSU. He campaign contributors may jeopardize a share outcome, and I hope you all will support it. is a legendary coach, whose love of football of their highway funding. In 2008, when a tough pay-to-play law was being considered in made him an unexpected barrier breaker. f While he seeks no recognition for his extraor- Illinois, the Federal Highway Administration in- dinary contributions to the sport and to soci- tervened and threatened to withhold Federal CONCUSSION TREATMENT AND ety, I can think of no one more deserving of dollars if the law was enacted. CARE TOOLS ACT OF 2010 these honors. The shameful and unethical string of crimes f perpetrated by public officials in the State of Il- linois is by now well known, but the FHWA’s SPEECH OF RECOGNIZING SICKLE CELL intervention led the General Assembly to DISEASE AWARENESS MONTH water down what would have been a tough HON. TODD RUSSELL PLATTS and effective anti-corruption law. What’s more, OF PENNSYLVANIA SPEECH OF the FHWA’s application of this policy has been HON. DANNY K. DAVIS occasional and uneven. Of the eight states IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF ILLINOIS that have enacted pay-to-play legislation, only Tuesday, September 28, 2010 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES New Jersey and Illinois have been singled out. H.R. 3427 will untie the hands of state legis- Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Mr. PLATTS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in latures that seek to take bold action to combat support of House of Representatives Bill 1347 Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I support pay-to-play practices and restore the public’s (H.R. 1347), the Concussion Treatment and H. Res. 1663, a bill supporting the goals and faith in government. It will also help ensure Care Tools Act. I am honored to have joined ideals of Sickle Cell Disease Awareness that federal dollars will not be wasted on con- with my fellow cochair of the Congressional Month. In 1983, Congress first recognized tracts doled out to political cronies. Traumatic Brain Injury Taskforce, Representa- September as the month to nationally com- I urge my colleagues to support this impor- tive BILL PASCRELL, in introducing this impor- memorate sickle cell disease awareness. And tant bill, which will help state legislatures hold tant legislation that aims to make significant it is in that same vein today that I ask for sup- the line against corruption. progress in protecting student athletes from port of H. Res. 1663. f brain injuries. More than 2.5 million Americans have the sickle cell trait. The sickle cell trait is found in SUPPORTING IMPLEMENTATION It is estimated that as many as 41 percent 1 of 12 African Americans. There is a 1 in 4 OF PEACE AGREEMENT IN SUDAN of high school athletes who suffer from con- chance that a child born to parents who both cussions return to play too soon. The con- have the Sickle Cell Trait will develop the sick- SPEECH OF sequences of this practice are extremely dan- le cell disease. The average life span for an HON. MICHAEL T. McCAUL gerous, as suffering a second concussion be- fore an existing head injury has time to heal adult with the sickle cell disease is 45 years. OF TEXAS can lead to brain swelling, permanent brain Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood dis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES order characterized by affected red blood cells damage and even death. However, when stu- that mutate into the shape of a crescent or Tuesday, September 28, 2010 dents, coaches and athletic trainers are pro- sickle, and as such are unable to pass Mr. McCAUL. Madam Speaker, I rise today vided the proper training in prevention, detec- through small blood vessels. It is a recessive in support of H. Res.1588, concerning the im- tion, and management, these instances can genetic condition that occurs when a child in- plementation of the Comprehensive Peace largely be prevented. As such, the bill we are herits two sickle cell genes- or traits- from Agreement in Sudan during and after the up- considering today provides States with the each parent. The horrific outcomes of this con- coming referenda. We are now less than 100 tools needed to adopt and disseminate con- dition include considerable pain in one’s arms, days away from one of the most crucial dates cussion management guidelines for school- chest, legs and abdomen, anemia, gallstone, in Sudan’s recent history. On January 9th, the sponsored sports. In addition, the bill would strokes, as well as damaging tissue in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement will expire fund schools’ implementation of computerized liver, spleen, kidney, and death. The sickle cell and the citizens of Sudan will have the oppor- pre-season baseline and post-injury neuro- disease primarily affects African-Americans tunity to vote both on the referendum on self- psychological testing for student athletes to and other ethnic groups. determination for Southern Sudan and the ref- determine the severity of each injury. I urge Mr. Speaker, I would also just note that the erendum on whether Abyei will remain in the my colleagues to join me in supporting H.R. devastation of this disease on those who are north or join the south. This resolution high- 1347 and making significant gains in pro- affected by it is, indeed, tremendous. I have lights the importance of these votes and the tecting high school student-athletes.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:19 Oct 01, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00085 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29SE8.288 E29SEPT2 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with REMARKS