Part I - Electrocution of Staff Sergeant Ryan D
INSPECTOR GENERAL DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 400 ARMY NAW DRIVE ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA 22202·4704 JUL 2 4 2009 MEMORANDUM FOR DEPUTY UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR ACQUISITION AND TECHNOLOGY COMMANDER, U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND COMMANDER, MULTI-NATIONAL FORCES - IRAQ COMMANDER, ARMY SUSTAINMENT COMMAND DIRECTOR, DEFENSE CONTRACT MANAGEMENT AGENCY ARMY ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF FOR INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT SUBJECT: Review ofElectrocution Deaths in Iraq: Part I - Electrocution of Staff Sergeant Ryan D. Maseth, U.S. Army (Report No. IE-2009-006) We are providing this final report for review and COlUlnent. We considered luanagelnent COlnlnents to a draft ofthis repOli in preparing this final report. We requested and received nlanagenlent COlluuents from the COlumander, U.S. Central Conunand; Conl111ander, Multi National Forces - Iraq; C0l11111ander, Multi National Corps - Iraq; Director, Joint Staff; U.S. Anny Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Managenlellt; and the Director, Defense Contract Managelllent Agency. We also received ll1anagement COl1unents fronl the COlnnlander, Al'111Y Materiel COllll11and, and the COll1l11ander, U.S. Ar1l1Y Crilllinal Investigation Conulland. All COn1l11ents confornled to the requirelllents of DoD Directive 7650.3, "Follow-up on General Accounting Office (GAO), DoD Inspector General (DoD IG), and Internal Audit Reports," June 3,2004. As a result of l11anagelllent COllllnents, we 111ade changes to recoll1111endatiol1s A.l.2, A.4, and B.4. The COllllnander, Multi National Corps - Iraq, disagreed with recol1Ullendation A.l.2. We request that the Comlnander, Multi National Corps - Iraq, reconsider his position and provide additional conllnents to this final report. A response by August 15, 2009, would be appreciated. Please provide COllunents that COnfOl'l11 to the requirelnents ofDoD Directive 7650.3.
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