Land of Land North West West of Park Road Selsey West
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Parish: Ward: Selsey Selsey North SY/15/00490/FUL Proposal Erection of 110 residential dwellings with associated access, parking, landscaping, open space and works. Site Land North West of Park Road Selsey West Sussex Map Ref (E) 486578 (N) 94042 Applicant Mr Robert Collett RECOMMENDATION TO DEFER FOR SECTION 106 THEN PERMIT Note: Do not scale from map. For information only. Reproduced NOT TO from the Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of the SCALE controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Crown Copyright. License No. 100018803 1.0 Reason for Committee Referral Parish Objection - Officer recommends Permit 2.0 The Site and Surroundings 2.1 The application site lies on the north eastern edge of Selsey approximately 1km (1.8 km walking distance) from the town centre. It comprises a total area of 6.6 hectares. It is enclosed for the greater part on 3 sides by residential development with mature, high hedging to all boundaries (approx. 5-6 metres high). The site is generally flat and level and is presently laid to rough pasture being in part sub- divided into horse paddocks. Park Lane defines the north site boundary and is an unmade single width access road which links the coast to the east of the site all the way back west to the B2145. The west site boundary is defined by Manor Lane, an unmade single width access track/road which is a public footpath. The south boundary is formed by Drift Road. Immediately west of Manor Lane is arable farmland, part of a larger parcel of land at Park Farm which benefits from a Committee resolution to permit a hybrid outline application for inter alia 139 dwellings and an ASDA supermarket subject to completion of a S.106 agreement which is underway. The rear garden boundaries of those dwellings fronting Park Road form the site boundary to the east. 2.2 The character of the surrounding area to the south and east is residential with predominantly bungalows or chalet bungalows (1960/70's) to the south. The north boundary of the site at its eastern end has residential development along approximately a third of its length and there are a cluster of farm buildings at Park Farm adjacent to the north-west corner at the junction of Manor Lane with Park Lane. 2.3 The site is located within the Environment Agency's Flood Zone 1. 3.0 The Proposal 3.1 The planning application is submitted in full. The site already benefits from an extant outline planning permission granted in November 2014 for 110 dwellings. That permission established both the principle of a new housing development of that size in this location and specifically permitted details of the 'access' to the site and the site 'layout'. Matters relating to the 'appearance', 'scale' and 'landscaping' of the proposed development were reserved for a later application/s. 3.2 The current proposal is again to erect 110 dwellings, 44 of which will be affordable units (40%). The application is submitted in full rather than as a reserved matters application to the extant outline permission because the applicant has proposed a variation to the previously agreed layout with changed dwelling types. The proposed dwellings comprise 2, 3 and 4 bed properties with a mix of houses, flats/maisonettes and bungalows. The application advises that the houses will be a maximum 2 storeys high whereas the outline permission permitted up to 2.5 storeys high. They will be constructed in a mix of red and buff brick and 3 different roof tiles. The applicant advises that the dwellings will be constructed to Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4 adopting inter alia a fabric first approach i.e. minimising energy use through enhanced insulation. The approved modifications to Policy 40 in the new Local Plan have deleted the specific reference to achieving the Code for Sustainable Homes in favour of an approach which achieves a similar sustainable development approach through the building regulations requirements. The scheme has also been designed to follow the Building for Life 12 criteria to ensure well-designed homes and neighbourhoods. The proposed dwelling mix is as follows; Affordable- 44 units 6 x 1 bed (4x1b maisonette, 2x2b maisonette) 16 x 2 bed (10x2b houses, 4x2b maisonette, 2x2b bungalows) 15 x 3 bed (all houses) 7 x 4 bed (all houses) Tenure - 13 x shared ownership, 31 x rent Market - 66 units 23 x 2 bed (15x2b houses, 8x2b bungalows) 33 x 3 bed (25x3b houses, 8x3b bungalows) 10 x 4 bed (all houses) 3.3 The proposed development has a single point of vehicular access approximately mid-way along the south boundary of the site with Drift Road. There are 4 points of access for pedestrians and/or cyclists from the site onto Drift Road and an access at the junction of Manor Lane with Park Lane - the latter also functioning as an emergency access for vehicles. The east side of the site comprises an ecological enhancement area (SANGS) of approximately 1.45 hectares. This is provided as part of the applicant's package of mitigation measures to offset potential recreational disturbance issues at the Pagham Harbour SPA. A landscaped community dog-walking track approximately 900 metres long around and within the site perimeter comprising approximately 1.21 ha of land forms an additional part of this recreational mitigation package. The resultant net developable area of the site essentially comprises a perimeter block development arranged in 4 quadrants with most dwellings fronting onto the internal road layout. There is a centralised area of formal public open space which will include an equipped toddlers play area. The density of the developed part of the site including the formal open space area is approximately 28 dph. The development will provide a total of 289 car parking spaces of which 160 will be allocated to the private housing (average 2.4 spaces per dwelling) and 84 to the affordable housing (average 1.9 spaces per dwelling). A total of 45 unallocated spaces will be provided which includes visitor spaces. 4.0 History 04/04115/FUL PER Timber pavilion, 2 no. junior football pitches and parking. 08/04072/OUT REF Outline application with all matters reserved except for means of access to the development to provide up to 34,790 square metres external area of built floorspace (in total) for: Class B1 (a-c)(employment), C2 (100-bed nursing home), C3 (370 dwellings indicative), D2 (leisure), A1 (retail), D1 (clinic/healthcare) as alternative to A1 retail. Such development to include: Highways and public transport facilities, pedestrian, cyclist and vehicular ways, vehicle parking, layout open space (LEAP and formal open space), landscaping, ground works, provision and/or upgrade of services and related media and apparatus, miscellaneous ancillary and associated engineering and other operations. (If care home provided, the residential development is to be 335 units (indicative). 12/03246/EIA EIANR 150 dwellings 13/01115/FUL REF Residential development for 100 dwellings, new vehicular access off Drift Road, open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure 14/02418/OUT PER106 Outline application for residential development for 110 dwellings, and vehicular access off Drift Road. 09/00078/REF APPWDN Outline application with all matters reserved except for means of access to the development to provide up to 34,790 square metres external area of built floorspace (in total) for: Class B1 (a- c)(employment), C2 (100-bed nursing home), C3 (370 dwellings indicative), D2 (leisure), A1 (retail), D1 (clinic/healthcare) as alternative to A1 retail. Such development to include: Highways and public transport facilities, pedestrian, cyclist and vehicular ways, vehicle parking, layout open space (LEAP and formal open space), landscaping, ground works, provision and/or upgrade of services and related media and apparatus, miscellaneous ancillary and associated engineering and other operations. (If care home provided, the residential development is to be 335 units (indicative). 13/00064/REF DISMIS Residential development for 100 dwellings, new vehicular access off Drift Road, open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure 5.0 Constraints Listed Building NO Conservation Area NO Rural Area NO AONB NO Strategic Gap YES Tree Preservation Order NO South Downs National Park NO EA Flood Zone FZ1 - Flood Zone 2 NO - Flood Zone 3 NO Historic Parks and Gardens NO 6.0 Representations and Consultations 6.1 Selsey Town Council Selsey Town Council OBJECTS to this application on the grounds that the design of the proposed dwellings is of poor quality and does not reflect the identity or uniqueness of the surrounding area (facing open countryside, Pullman carriages and one off properties on Park Road) contrary to section 7, paragraphs 58 and 64 of the NPPF; the design of the properties mean they are not tenure blind and social and affordable housing is clearly identifiable, failing to secure a mixed and inclusive community - contrary to Section 7, paragraph 57 of the NPPF; the proposed properties facing Drift Road are shown as 2 storey thus overlooking the bungalows in Drift Road and so will be out of keeping with the existing street scene; the access to the site should not use Mountwood Road/Manor Lane or Manor Road/Beach Road as the prescribed access to the site from the B2145 - an alternative route to the site must to be found before development in order to ease construction traffic and ongoing residential access; Section 11 Construction Traffic of the Construction Management Plan needs a reference to no entry to the site via Park Lane 6.2 Hunston Parish Council Hunston Parish Council objects to the application on the grounds previously stated as it does not feel that these have been adequately addressed.