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Parish: Ward: Selsey Selsey North SY/14/02186/OUTEIA Proposal Hybrid planning application for comprehensive mixed use development of land at Manor Road. Full application for Class A1 foodstore, car parking, Class A3/A4 pub/restaurant, petrol filling station, new access, landscaping and ancillary works. Outline planning application for up to 144 dwellings, hotel, Class D1 building, open space, landscaping and new access. Site Park Farm Park Lane Selsey Chichester West Sussex PO20 0HF Map Ref (E) 486495 (N) 94234 Applicant Mr M Fletcher RECOMMENDATION TO DELEGATE TO OFFICERS Note: Do not scale from map. For information only. Reproduced NOT TO from the Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of the SCALE controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Crown Copyright. License No. 100018803 1 1.0 Reason for Committee Referral Major application on which Officers consider decision should be by Committee Red Card Cllr Robertson - Exceptional level of public interest 2.0 The Site and Surroundings 2.1 The application site is situated on the northern edge of Selsey adjacent to the Settlement Policy Area Boundary which is formed by Manor Road. It comprises 9.05 hectares of agricultural land in total and is mostly flat incorporating a fall of approximately 3 metres from north-west to south-east. It is bounded to the north by the unmade Park Lane and the Nature's Way factory, to the west by the B2145 Chichester Road and Manor Road and to the east by Manor Lane. To the south lies the commercial development at Ellis Square. 2.2 The site comprises two distinct parcels of land separated by a substantial hedgerow and drainage ditch. The smaller land parcel comprises 1.54 hectares and the larger parcel 7.51 hectares. The site perimeter is predominantly enclosed by native hedgerows including hedgerow trees. There is an existing field access on the west boundary to Manor Road. The distinctive detached 2 storey property 'Four Ways' (or Show House) is sited adjacent to the north-west corner of the site. The two adjoining fields, which make up the application site, fall within Class 2 and 3a of the Agricultural Land Classification. The site is located within the Environment Agency's Flood Zone 1 as having the lowest potential risk of fluvial or tidal flooding. 2.3 No statutory nature conservation designations are located within or immediately adjacent to the site itself. The nearest such designation to the site is the Pagham Harbour Special Protection Area (SPA) and Ramsar site which is located approximately 650 metres east of the site. The SPA/Ramsar site is also designated as a SSSI and Local Nature Reserve. 3.0 The Proposal 3.1 The re-development of the site is proposed within a hybrid planning application comprising both commercial and residential elements. The elements to be considered in full and outline are set out as follows: Full Application - A foodstore of 1,949 sqm (GEA) 1,866 sqm (GIA) (2-2.5 storeys) high with service yard - An automated four pump petrol filling station with canopy (no kiosk) and below ground fuel storage tanks - Two 1.5 storey high A3/A4 pub/restaurant units totalling 473 sqm (Unit 1- 139 sqm/ Unit 2- 278 sqm) - 176 customer parking spaces which include: - 10 parent/child spaces - 9 disabled bays - 2 electric vehicle bays - 3 click and collect spaces - Cycle stands for 25 bicycles 2 Outline Application Outline planning permission is sought for 144 dwellings. The proposed housing mix is as follows: 58 (40%) affordable dwellings comprising; - 8 x 1 bed flats - 20 x 2 bed houses - 22 x 3 bed houses - 8 x 4 bed houses 86 private dwellings comprising; - 7 x 1 bed flats - 21 x 2 bed houses - 41 x 3 bed houses - 17 x 4 bed houses - The residential density of development is approximately 20 dwellings per hectare. - 285 car parking spaces are to be provided (includes garages). 3.2 Additionally the outline proposals include the following development; - 40 bed Hotel - 1368 sqm (GIA) - 18 parking bays - Multi Use Clinic - 195 sqm (GIA) - 16 parking bays - Surface water swale/balancing pond in south-east corner of site - Public open space including equipped playspace - 1 km perimeter dog walking track 3.3 'Access' is the only matter for consideration under the outline part of the application with layout, scale, appearance and landscaping being reserved matters. Three points of vehicular access are proposed. As part of the full application a new access is proposed off the existing roundabout at the junction of Manor Road and the B2145. The position of the roundabout itself would be be adjusted to ensure that vehicle movements and safety considerations as a result of the proposed development are addressed. The existing field access off Manor Road is to be improved and this will be the primary access from the west to the site. At the eastern site boundary provision for a future connection to Manor Lane at its junction with Drift Road is proposed. Two pedestrian access points are proposed along the north site boundary giving access onto Park Lane. 3.4 The following improvements to highway infrastructure also form part of the proposals: - widening of the Ferry Bends on the B2145 to facilitate two way movements by large vehicles, given the increase in HGV movements associated with servicing the new foodstore - 3 x new bus stop laybys; 1 on the B2145 at the site, 1 adjacent to Farringdon Barn and 1 at Coles Farm - a new toucan crossing on Manor Road to provide cycle access to both the food store and residential phases of development - a new cycle route north from the Manor Road/Chichester Road roundabout adjacent to the B2145 to connect into the wider cycle network 3 4.0 History 11/04954/OUT REF Outline application for 50 dwellings, access, landscaping and associated works 12/00080/REF ALLOW Outline application for 50 dwellings, access, landscaping and associated works 5.0 Constraints Listed Building NO Conservation Area NO Rural Area YES AONB NO Strategic Gap YES Tree Preservation Order NO South Downs National Park NO EA Flood Zone NO - Flood Zone 2 NO - Flood Zone 3 NO Historic Parks and Gardens NO 6.0 Representations and Consultations 6.1 Selsey Town Council This application was taken in two parts - SY/14/02186/OUTEIA (Detailed Full Application Proposals) Hybrid planning application for comprehensive mixed use development of land at Manor Road. Full application for Class A1 foodstore, car parking, Class A3/A4 pub/restaurant, petrol filling station, new access, landscaping and ancillary works. The Committee SUPPORT this application SY/14/02186/OUTEIA (Outline Application Proposals) Hybrid planning application for comprehensive mixed use development of land at Manor Road. Outline planning application for up to 159 dwellings, hotel, Class D1 building, open space, landscaping and new access. The Committee SUPPORT IN PRINCIPLE this application on CONDITION that the density of the dwellings be reduced to 90 as indicated in the draft Selsey Neighbourhood Plan; that existing hedgerows and trees be retained; that the following land is given for improvements to the B2145 as part of the Transport and Infrastructure S106 Contributions - 1. Land on western side of B2145 adjacent to Ferry bend for widening/bend shallowing works 2. Land alongside B2145 to enable relocation of bus stops and slow moving vehicles off of the main carriageway at the site of existing bus stops as follows: 4 B2145 North and southbound, due south of junction with Rectory Lane adjacent to Natures Way Foods B2145 North and southbound outside Trident Business Park B2145 North and southbound outside Comptons farm shop B2145 North and southbound outside Ferry Industrial Yard/Knight Fencing 200m x 5m strip of land from the end of Golf Links Lane, running south to chain bridge sluice to connect to Medmerry scheme - for leisure walking/cycle links from North Selsey into Medmerry 4. Land for commuting cycle path from Selsey to join existing route from Pagham Harbour Local Nature Reserve; that the following schemes form part of the Transport and Infrastructure S106 Contributions - 1. Subject to availability of land - delivery of Ferry bend widening scheme 2. Subject to availability of land - delivery of bus and tractor pull off points/stops 3. Subject to availability of land - delivery of a commuting cycle route to Pagham Harbour Local Nature Reserve 4. Purchase of land and creation of new bus stop on northbound B2145, north of Lockgate Road before junction with B2201 5. Purchase of land and creation of new bus stop on southbound B2145 between Southover Way and Meadow Close 6. Widening of the B2145 for 100m north and south of the junction with Foxbridge Drive, Hunston, to enable the passing of long vehicles on opposite carriageways 7. Funding for a forward plan for the B2145 to consider road and safety improvements along its length 8. Creation and signage for a designated on road cycle route from the new developments to Selsey Town Centre 9. Public realm improvements leading to and within Selsey High Street including wider, improved pedestrian areas/pavements and better footpath signage 10. Creation of a safe crossing point on Manor Road between junction with Chichester Road and Ellis Square, enabling pedestrian access to/from Park Farm and Drift Field 11. Traffic calming measures on Manor Road Following concerns raised by the Environment Agency regarding the proposed petrol filling station, the Committee wish to add a further comment that any attempt to site the fuel tanks above ground would create issues regarding visual aesthetics, safety and security and the Committee would strongly object to any move to do so and feel that a solution would have to be found allowing the tanks to be sited below ground.