September 2007 Issue 47

FREE of charge

RRichardichard NewmanNewman CCalgaryalgary andand EdmontonEdmonton EEdmontoniandmontonian GGayay oonn BBigig BBrotherrother UUKK AAIDSIDS WWalksalks 3300 YYearsears ofof “The“The Roost”Roost”

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GLBT RESOURCE • CALGARY & EDMONTON 2 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 3 4 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 Established originally in January 1992 as Men For Men BBS by MFM 12 Communications. Named changed to in 1998. Stand alone company as of January 2004. First Issue of Magazine, November 2003. Name adjusted in November 2006 to GayCalgary and Edmonton Magazine. Publisher Steve Polyak & Rob Diaz-Marino, [email protected] Table of Contents Editor Rob Diaz Marino, editor@gaycalgary. com 7 The Pains of Being Media 10 Original Graphic Design Deviant Designs Letter from the Publisher Advertising Steve Polyak [email protected] 10 Richard Newman Contributors Edmontonian Gay on Big Brother UK Steve Polyak, Rob Diaz-Marino, Jason Clevett, Jerome Voltero, Kevin Alderson, Allison Brodowski , Mercedes Allen, Christopher 12 Calgary Stampedes 16 Garvey, Arthur McComish and the Gay and Community of Calgary and Edmonton to Vancouver Pride A View from a Broad Photographer Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino Videographer 16 Map & Event Listings Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino Find out what’s happening Please forward all inquiries to: GayCalgary and Edmonton Magazine 23 Silence = Death Suite 100, 215 14th Avenue S.W. Calgary AIDS Walk Breaks the Silence Calgary, Alberta T2R 0M2 Phone (403) 543-6960 or toll free (888) 24 Press Releases 543-6960 Fax (403) 703-0685 25 Q Scopes ““Host a party, Virgo!” 50 E-mail [email protected] Print Run Monthly, 12 times a year 26 Adult Film Review Masthead continued on page 6 Muscle Bear Motel, Tap Out, Side Effects, A Night at the Ramrod 28 Q Puzzle “It’s All in the Game,” 29 Transsexuality The Stigma of the Current Medical Model 31 Bearbash 2007 Rocky Mountain Bears Holds Annual Gathering

Continued on page 6

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 5 Continued from page 5

32 Fundraising Photos Continued from page 5 Copies Printed Monthly, Over 10,000 35 Cell Phone Fiasco copies. Don’t Get Boned by your Phone! Distribution points up to 200 points in Calgary, largest number of distribution 37 8th Annual Calgary International Film points for any Gay publication in Calgary. Festival Up to 150 points in Edmonton, largest number of distribution points for any Gay publication in Edmonton. Also distributed 38 Sharing the “Gift” of Death coast to coast across Canada in select locations in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, 40 A Party To Murder Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, and other Vertigo’s Season Opener Will Keep You Guessing places across Canada and the United States. Please call us if you would like to 42 30 Years of “The Roost” be a distribution point. 32 Distributed by Gallant Distributions 43 Bitter Girl (Calgary), Clark’s Distribution (Edmonton), Canada Post (rest of Canada and USA) 44 Letters to the Editor and by Deadline for Ad Bookings 25th of the month 45 The Rabbit Hole (unless otherwise stated) Tragedy explored in ATP Season Opener Deadline for Ad copy 28th of the month (unless otherwise stated) 46 Edmonton Walk for Life Legal Council Courtney Sebree Aarbo, Barristers and Solicitors 50 Sizwe Banzi is Dead Printers North Hill News Theatre Junction explores Aparthied at The Grand This Issue Cover Models Brad (caged) and Pete, photo taken at the Calgary Eagle by 52 Queer Eye - Calgary & Edmonton Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino. Community Events this Month The opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of or 57 A Couple of Guys the contributors of the magazine. 52 60 Classifieds Ads People photographed or interviewed, writers, advertisers, contributors and anyone else involved with this publication are not necessarily gay, lesbian, bi, bi-curious or trans gendered. They can be October 2007 straight people that are gay friendly. No part of the publication may be reprinted Press Deadlines without the expressed permission of the editor-in-chief.

Copyright 2007 AAdd SpaceSpace BookingBooking - WednesdayWednesday Member of SSeptembereptember 26th26th 20072007 Canadian Gay & Lesbian Chamber AAdd SubmissionSubmission - of Commerce FFridayriday SeptemberSeptember 28th28th 20072007 Member of International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association IInn CirculationCirculation - ThursdayThursday OOctoberctober 4th4th 20072007

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Member of Edmonton Rainbow Member of Tourism Calgary. Business Association.

6 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 The Pains of Being Media Letter from the Publisher

but everyone is too polite to tell him. I also feel a little By Rob Diaz-Marino like Rogue from X-Men with this random streak of white - not that I’ve been through anything I would describe as Okay, so the fi rst part of my letter from the pub- traumatic. lisher last month really sucked. As one of our writers kindly put it, “it’s good to challenge peo- ple,” but I think I might have gone a little too far. Last Month I did justify that I only came to this understand- August is traditionally the slowest month of the year in ing via my education in Computer Science, which the gay community, as people are on holiday or steal- is a realm heavy in math, logic, and philosophy. ing their last opportunities to go camping. It is our So if you got what I was saying then good for you! chance to take somewhat of a break from event cover- But let’s have a publisher’s column this month age and concentrate on getting caught up on things that that we can all understand, shall we? we have diffi culties scheduling during busier months. For me it has meant working on a new version of the The amount of construction downtown is getting com- website, to be launched sometime this pletely ridiculous. A comedian that preceded the Wet coming month. I fi nally get to make good on dreams and Spots at Yuk Yuk’s last month stated, “Calgary is a nice promises of a number of unique features, which trickle city…can’t wait until it’s fi nished!” It’s not just motor- down to benefi t the non-profi t group sites that we host. ists that are running into problems – in fact, right now But for now I don’t want to ruin the surprise. I’ll let you they seem more inclined to close sidewalks than roads, explore for yourself once the new site goes public. making it diffi cult for pedestrians. I usually walk down 1st Street SW to get from home to the train station, and The event that broke our two weeks of hermit-hood I have to cross back and forth several times because of was the AFQOL Meat and Greet at Money Pennies. Ja- sidewalks closures. I now have no choice but to walk in son, Lizaine and family made Money Pennies more than front of the straight bars along that strip, which is some- just a venue for this event – they gave a lot of them- thing I prefer to avoid especially in the evenings. We selves, from acquiring sponsorship of the Angus burgers can no longer take our usual routes to the bars because to pledging contributions every time a family member so many sidewalks are closed, and even have to take sung Karaoke. A few members of the ISCCA also stepped detours upon on our usual detours. In the past the city in to help out where they were needed: Ashley did an has tried to do construction in a manner that minimizes amazing job selling the 50-50’s, though she recruited the interference for the people that regularly use these Justin and I to rip tickets; meanwhile poor Cory took on public corridors, but they seem to be allowing everything the BBQ not realizing this would be a trend throughout to be torn apart just to get it over with quicker. Hurry the rest of the month. The place was bustling during the up already! afternoon, but was totally packed by the evening when a band came in to play. All in all, the event was a commu- Steve’s birthday and our anniversary were at the be- nity effort and supremely paid off. I will let Linda Huston ginning of this month, but we had to delay celebrations sum it all up in her AFQOL thank you letter next month, by a few days as we fi nished getting over our fl us and however I can say the fi nal total ended up being close to fevers. Steve had caught it as we were going to press two grand! last month, and I followed a few days after. Had I not been sick, we could have celebrated while up at the West Aside from this, the only other events we were aware Canadian Pride Campout, but we had to decline and ask of in Calgary were the ISCCA barbecues at the Backlot our friend Don to cover for us. As it was last year, we and the Eagle, shooter bars at the Texas Lounge and the regretted missing this unique and fun event. Once I was Eagle, and Starlit Nights with a Twist at Twisted. Though fi nally over the rough patch a few days later, we were these events have been occurring just as frequently in fi nally able to go out for a romantic dinner together. previous months, they received our undivided attention for the last 2 weeks of August. While photographing the Despite Steve being a good 9 years older than me, I am currently beating him in the grey hair department. Pret- ty much over night, a patch of 10 grey hairs appeared in the soul-patch of my beard (the area under my lower lip). At fi rst I thought I had gotten toothpaste on myself - or perhaps something else! Very few people have comment- ed about it, even my parents pretend like they don’t see it, and I feel like that guy who has food stuck on his face

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 7 latter, I noticed that a new stage area was being built Where’s GayCalgary? into a block of unused space off the Twisted Lounge. By Several of our readers have asked us this month, and now it’s looking pretty close to completion; thanks to the I’m sure more have wondered why our August magazine hard working Reymark guys, I’m told. The new stage was not available at Twisted Element. It was not an has much better visibility throughout the lounge than oversight on our part. Due to the content of this edition, the current area used for performances and Karaoke. It the owners of Twisted Element made a business deci- will be interesting to see what’s in store for this new area sion that the magazines themselves were not welcome once complete. on their premise for that month, and decision pending All of the major events that feel like they should have on future months. When we asked the owners specifi - been part of this month were actually concentrated cally why, they stated that we had given them an unfairly during the September long weekend: The Cut-a-thon, small proportion of coverage in the photo section com- Twisted’s Toga Party, and the fi rst annual Chili Cook-off pared to ARGRA (and the bars that held special events at the Calgary Eagle. We have to save photos of these surrounding ARGRA), and that they felt my “Who Made events for next issue, but I do want to make special You the Center of the Universe” article was targeted at mention of the Chili Cook-off, a fundraiser for Beswick them, though no specifi c names were mentioned. house, because it was something quite unique for Cal- The month prior, they were upset that we did not gary. Contestants made use of their best chili recipes publish photos of any of their bike winners from their to post entries in the competition, and representatives Sunday giveaways; that their Gay Pride Day photos did from Beswick House rated them anonymously. Once not contain a picture I had taken of RJ standing in front the judging was over, the public was allowed to buy of their prizes (a row of fl at screen televisions in card- samples or full bowls of each entry. Steve and I had a board boxes, probably not distinguishable as such in a great time sampling each one of the nine entries, though small photo) or any of the prize winners themselves; that we got pretty stuffed in the process. In the course of this we had opted to publish the photo of the Calgary Men’s two-hour event, an amazing $2071 was raised! If you Chorus performing in their establishment over a photo of missed it this year, don’t fret because it is designated to RJ handing the conductor a $500 cheque donation; and become a yearly tradition…just like, I’m sure, cracking that the label for their Sexy shorts Grand Finale photos open a window will become a tradition to immediately did not mention the prize amount of $1000, because it follow (grin). Look for photographs in the next issue of wasn’t obvious enough from the photo of the winner with GayCalgary and Edmonton the $50 bills tucked in his shorts. We were taken aback Magazine. at such a long list of complaints for a single month – the photo selections were certainly an unfortunate coinci- dence but by no means intentional. We had no reason This Month not to publish the photos they were hoping for – by luck September is Bear month of the draw, they simply did not get chosen. Perhaps my in the magazine because following section about our photo selection process will it coincides with Rocky better help to explain why this might have occurred. Mountain Bears’ annual Another major complaint that they voiced to us was Bearbash get-together. It that they felt we are spending too much time and effort should be noted that the covering Edmonton for the relative amount of advertising event is not being held at we receive from Edmonton businesses. Steve spends an the same venue as the past average of two weekends (6 days) every month covering several years – it has been events in our sister city, and when he’s away I cover all moved to the Calgary Eagle. Calgary events. But I will reiterate later that our edito- See the article on page 31 rial content, including photographs, is not dependent on for more details. who spends more advertising dollars with us – it is about This month’s cover documenting the community, month to month, without features a bear and a bear the barriers of commercialism and politics. When the chaser. Remember, you magazine may one day be the only legacy from this pe- don’t have to be a bear riod in history, it would be a shame for the record to be yourself to attend Bearbash skewed on account of who bought more advertising. and have a good time! I’m Nevertheless, the owners of Twisted stressed the ex- just as much a chaser, treme importance of these photos getting published due and quite enjoy my job of to concerns about their establishment’s reputation in the photographing all the big gay community. They deemed our not printing them a burly guys that come out of major oversight, and grounds to punish us by continu- the “woods” specifi cally for ing to not advertise. My July column talked about how this event. we stood up for Twisted Element when they were the new kid on the block, especially when receiving fl ack from Boyztown and Pulse. These two directly competing es- tablishments, for obvious business reasons, did not want

8 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 Twisted to gain a foothold in the community. But that to catch up this year, though we fi nd it sad to see some was nearly three years ago; nowadays Twisted is a thriv- pirating other people’s videos from YouTube to give the ing business with a secure position as the only gay night illusion. club in Calgary. We cannot continue being a crutch for We appreciate the support of our advertisers, and we such a successful business – it’s not fair to us, and it’s continually look for new benefi ts to offer to them, (such not fair to everyone else. Sadly our attempt to gradually as including their ads with their free directory listings pull back over the past months, to treat them fairly and online, links to their websites from their ads in the online equally instead of sheltering them like a victim has lead edition, etc.) despite our rates being a third to a quarter to this response. Moving toward neutrality can seem like that of other publications that do far less for the gay a hostile act because, relatively, it is a notch down from communities in Calgary and Edmonton. To keep things what they’ve come to expect from us. fair, we charge exactly the rates that are on our price We have received word from a number of individuals sheets – no sales or random discounts that may favor that the owners, when approached about the missing one business over their competitor. But the magazine magazines, have said that the ball is in our court to fi x is not a tool to promote advertisers at every possible op- this situation, and they will continue to not advertise portunity beyond the space that they pay for – we are a (and perhaps not carry our publication) until they see free press publication, not a catalog. Our coverage can us change to satisfy their conditions. After asking for sometimes result in benefi ts for businesses that show guidance from our fondly proclaimed “big brother”, XTra! active participation in the community, but there is no West, we found out our instincts to resist were correct guarantee what benefi t, what message, or what promi- - the best response is to not give in to pressure from ad- nence the coverage receives. That’s what advertising is vertisers, even if it hurts us in the short run. This is be- for – to guarantee that your business receives exactly the cause the consequences can be a lot more serious down message, benefi t, and prominence that you want, outside the line - compromising one’s journalistic integrity can of what the host media may or may not say. We do our be the slow death of a media outlet. Once you let one best to keep things balanced, but it is highly depen- customer make their advertising conditional on specifi c dent on what happens in the community from month to self-serving demands, you will soon be juggling the speci- month. fi cations and conditions of other advertisers too. With All we can do now is to keep on going with what we do, confl icts and jealousy running amok, our magazine could whether we meet Twisted Element’s conditions or not. become the battlefi eld in an escalating struggle between Regardless of their attempts to punish us, we continue competing advertisers. When that happens, it becomes to cover their events; it would be unfair to our readers, diffi cult for us to concentrate on what we do best. This many of whom are also their customers, if we were to sort of dilemma is very common in the publishing indus- censor out that corner of the community merely because try, and it was our fi rst real taste of it. of a dispute between our two businesses – in fact, we For the most part our readers, journalistic peers, and wouldn’t be a very reputable paper if we operated that advertisers think we are doing a great job. We’re open way. Though we are obviously not happy with the situ- to constructive criticism, and we are working toward ation, we are not looking to do any sort of return dam- improving our business. A lot of times we are on the age; we would still like to resolve the situation amicably, cutting edge of technology, being (as best we can tell) the without racking up further injury on either side. But fi rst magazine in the world to provide integrated video in the fact remains that our magazines were not available our online edition – not to mention the fi rst gay maga- in their establishment for the month of August, and we zine in Canada to have done online videos and live audio were obligated to our readers and advertisers to truth- feeds at all. (A fun fact: our fi rst online video was of the fully explain why. Devon Mills Labour Day Drag Show in 2000 – exactly 7 GayCalgary and Edmonton Magazine is still available years ago from the time of me completing this article.) in close to 150 locations in Calgary and over 120 loca- Other gay publications have only started making efforts tions in Edmonton. August advertisers need not worry that their advertising received any less exposure because of this incident – our pick up rates have noticeably increased at other locations that we monitor, showing that most people still got a copy, even though they had to travel elsewhere for it.

Photos A few people have asked us in the past, “Why didn’t my photo make it into the magazine?” In most cases, the best answer we can give is “because it didn’t.” It’s not that we’re trying to be curt, just that there are so many

Letter from the Publisher, continues on page 47

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 9 Richard Newman Edmontonian Gay on Big Brother UK

By Chris Garvey Individual | Spotlight A gay man born and raised in Alberta will unquestionably face assumptions about the ries, Big Brother, achieving no small amount of celebrity status. It was my pleasure to meet Richard recently, and so-called gay experience because of where he ask him a few questions about his past in Edmonton, and lives. Environment is a huge factor in who we his present in London. are because we often defi ne ourselves in relation- ship to our surroundings – our culture. It would Q Previously to your experience on Big Brother, had you been to London or any other foreign city for an be interesting to any Albertan who identifi es as extended period of time? How did the experience of af- a minority to see how the same minority culture fect you, and how did it make you feel about being from can function in other places around the world. Alberta? Such a situation can expose unseen assumptions A: Well I grew up In Edmonton to British parents. I left about oneself and one’s sense of community here Edmonton for London almost 11 years ago and previ- at home. ous to that I hadn’t really traveled abroad other than the occasional drive across to the United States. I can The name “Richard Newman” will evoke different ideas remember the moment I arrived in London, my aunt and in people from the two very different parts of the world uncle had picked me up from Heathrow airport, we drove where he is known. Richard was raised in Alberta, but through the city. I was glued to the window. Everything born in the United Kingdom, where he has lived for the was different, the architecture, the fashion, the accents, last ten years. It was in this time that Richard partici- and the overall atmosphere. London is very tight, every- pated in the British version of well-known television se- thing and everyone is pushed so close together. Alberta is the complete opposite - it’s all about space. Huge amounts of space between roads, houses and people; space between gay men and the rest of society. There have always been moments in London when I miss all of that space. However being back in Edmonton has made me realize it just creates distance, and I don’t like being distant from things and people. Q What were some of the differences between the gay men you met in the UK and the gay men you had met in Alberta? To what would you attribute these differences? A: Culture is an important part of who we are and most people only know one culture. …I think when It comes to British men there’s this myth that they are all skinny, pale and have bad teeth, when in actuality they’re more James Bond than Austin Powers. British men are less confrontational, something I don’t like; they’re more about being reserved and proud. But they are also very quick witted, charming and have orgasmic accents. They tend to be far more open about their sexuality. As a coun- try the UK is small, but its gay population is huge, and very cosmopolitan. Cities like London, Brighton, Man- chester, Edinburgh and Birmingham are close enough for most gay men and lesbian women to venture into from neighboring small towns and villages. The British have such a great attitude towards gay men and women in this country. Gay is seen as cool, and I put a lot of that down to the fact that gay men and women are visible in the media. When I fi rst arrived I couldn’t get over how many gay men were on TV presenting, and how popular they

10 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 were with the bars and clubs like Buddy’s and The Roost also offer over all public. this, they are not out on view where all of society can see More fascinat- them. I often remember Edmonton’ s pride marches as ing was the being that one day when gay men can shout and scream fact that they who they are. Then for the other 364 days they retreat were blatantly back into the windowless bars in the downtown core. It open about shouldn’t be like that. Pride marches are about celebra- there sexuali- tion and pageantry in London. In small cities and towns ty, fl irting with they become a political statement, a holler back to pro- male guests testers; advice to all the boys and girls who participate in and using next year’s marches across Alberta. Do what the London sexual innuen- boys do: Arm yourself with those giant uzi water guns do. For a boy and when you turn that corner where they stand - hose from Edmon- the bastards down! ton this was a It’s your day, not theirs. huge awaken- ing. These men Q: Do you feel there is anything in common between and women the gay men in such radically different areas as Alberta were role and London? models - ones I never had A: Well we all have the ability to love and be loved. growing up in We have that in common, no matter what city, culture, Alberta. My class or age we come from. The moment we are denied memories of growing up and homosexuality in the media our sexuality by either ourselves or others is the moment and popular culture were that it was a joke, something of our right to love is taken away. Sexuality is incorporated disgust. I often remember sitting with mates in a cinema in every aspect of a person’s life, from conversations at watching those Police Academy fi lms and dreading the work or down at the pub, from advertising to media. We Blue Oyster scenes, as I knew the laughs and jeers were are constantly exposed to the love and sex of others, and directed at me. American fi lms still treat homosexuality the majority of the time it’s heterosexual. Why should in this way. Gay men and women need to be more visible gay men and women not be able to have the same rights in the media and not just in a clinical, safe Will & Grace of conversation and visibility? That’s why I believe it is kind of way. I mean when is Much Music going to have important to say, “I’m gay and I’m proud of being gay”. an openly gay presenter? Do we still not have one? Mind Many men and women here in Alberta are sadly still very you, how wonderful would it be to see some leather clad uncomfortable with that statement. Walk down London’s muscle man on Much Music making fi sting references as Old Compton Street in the heart of Soho and you’ll see he interviewed some of America’s top rappers? that statement screams out of every bar and discotheque. Visibility and conversations about our sexuality are more Q: After returning from your experience abroad, in common… what ways did Alberta seem different from when you left? What do you miss about the UK, and what, if anything, Q: If you could put any idea in the minds of gay men in do you miss from Alberta while you are there? Alberta, what would it be? A: Alberta hasn’t changed. More condos have popped A: Celebrate your pride 365 days of the year. Just be up, but attitudes are still the same. I think most gay men yourself and look out for each other, we’re all in this here can’t really be themselves. Alberta is very much a together. masculanized culture. It’s all about the fuckin’ pick up Q: What comes to mind when you think of Alberta? truck! The gay communities here are far too small, and are overpowered by the heterosexual redneck sitting in * That’s a great question and a tough one to answer. an Earl’s restaurant, wearing his Oilers jersey, with his I was constantly bullied throughout Junior High in Ed- baseball cap turned backwards eating his nachos & hot monton because of my sexuality, so at times I often think wings. …I was out one night with friends at the Fringe of Alberta as this redneck province that would not accept and noticed in every bar we went to, the men herd the me because of who I was. In some ways I was forced out women into corners; they surround them like some sort of my home, but then I’m a believer of focusing on the of vulnerable pray. I found it odd and somewhat intimi- positive. So for me Alberta will always be this beautiful dating - I think these levels of machoism have had an landscape with long sunset drives down to Calgary with impact on Alberta’s gay scene. I spent a night at Buddy’s Jann Arden on the radio. and The Roost and I don’t think I saw any kissing or It’ll always be home. sordid dance fl oor action. Where are the dark rooms and the booze fueled pool parties? I suppose I was just used Richard Newman presents two shows on Gaydar Radio to London’s “one big playground” attitude. …I suppose I - - Every Saturday & Sunday from take it for granted that in London I have Soho, an entire 10pm to 1 pm (British time). gay village bigger than Edmonton’s Whyte Avenue, lined Photos by Paul Schnaars with gay bars, clubs, shops and restaurants where gay men and women of all types can come together. While

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 11 Calgary Stampedes to Vancouver Pride

By freelance photojournalist Linda Eckess View from a Broad Yeehaw! My trusty assistant T and I jump on an early Friday morning fl ight to the biggest to-do to port. We didn’t win the motorbike prize, however the greatest gift was when I turned around and bumped right at the top of August: Vancouver Pride 2007! This into the infamous Marilyn O. For those wondering, not year we decided to treat ourselves and stay west only was she the number side of Denman at the historic Sylvia Hotel. The one agent for all the top, beach is a stumble away from their front door, the hard, hot male exotic danc- to-die-for spectacular ers, (ie. Richard Richards), grand fi nale of the but she also reigned as Crown Prince with Emperor fi reworks competition Crema, Vancouver’s fi rst happens directly in lesbian Emperor. Not to front of the hotel on mention she was Crown Saturday night. The Prince for both Empress’ 29th Vancouver Pride Myria Le Noir, and the Parade on Sunday perennial favorite of all time kicks off only a half Mama . “Oh!” how we love Marilyn O. a block away, so we are good to go! As we return to dock with grins from ear to ear, As we land in the city T and I jump into our limo, of too much fun, we are laugh and say “This is only graciously greeted one Friday!” more time by the owner of Queen’s Limo Service, Saturday, I was determined to spend some holiday Kerry Grant, known to beach time. Keep in mind, my friends, that I’m out with most in Calgary as our cruisy “T” who is looking forward to a day without work city’s Ms. Gay 5 Gale - playtime only. So I get up early, enjoy a decadent break- Force. As we throw our fast overlooking the beach, slink back to deliver breakfast gear into the limo, our phone starts ringing. Gale laughs for T when he awakes, grab my beach gear and jet. I fi nd and welcomes us back, saying that ev- my own piece of prime beach property on English Bay eryone has been waiting for us two ‘cuz and settle in for a day of sun, ocean quite frankly the rest of Calgary, never and relaxation. Or so I thought! mind Alberta and all of Canada has got The term “Calgary Stampede” took on the party started here without us! a whole new meaning for me, the idiot You gotta love that because when who brought her cell phone! The fi rst you get to Vancouver Pride, the top call was from one of Calgary’s favorites, notch people are from Calgary. The Kiwi! MC for the parade is Joan E. (Robert K: “Where are you?” Kaiser) from Calgary, and the court that represents Vancouver to the world, has LH: “On the beach in front of the numerous members on their board who hotel, sun tanning, watching the set up are originally from Calgary (never mind for the fi reworks.” one of our favorites Emperor Glen). But, She is on her way. I guess even T I will come back to this in a bit. got tired of having his head on a swivel, As always, both of us love kicking cruising all of the hotties. Together off Vancouver Pride with the women’s they swish, saunter and sashay, cruise, lovingly produced and put towards me; Kiwi has a bevy of Greek together by one of my dearest friends, food (go fi gure) and T with a vodka on CREMA! She puts on the wildest cruise the rocks in proper glasses. Now, I feel - totally packed stern to bow, starboard

12 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 like a queen! Cruising the seawall, T suddenly turns and yells. “Hi Mark!” with a wave, and there he is - Mark Tewksbury, Grand Marshal for Vancouver’s Pride Parade (also from Calgary) out for a jog. He stops to say “Hey” to both Kiwi and T, and promises me a moment of his time the following day during the Parade! I enjoyed the most sensational fi reworks You bet I did, but not as much as the Cruise after the grand fi nale to date with Parade. a list of my favorites from Calgary that would make Denim and leather and cowboys, oh my! Now cruisy you howl. Just to let ya know, Canada won! Who would T gets to shake the hand that is Cruisy T: Randy New- have guessed that after a day of fun in the sun, cocktails, burg, owner of Cruisy T Productions. And what a party friends and fi reworks, both me and cruisy T called it quits he throws, bringing locals and tourists from all over the and shut down for the night. The Main Event is yet to world to that great city during pride. As one guy on the come! ship said to me “I just fl ew in from Toronto, because even though I’ve been to Montreal and Toronto’s Pride, they Sunday morning as I wake, T surprises me with can’t give you this: the Ocean!” breakfast, saying “It’s Showtime!” In no time we’re at Vancouver Pride Parade 2007, where MC Joan E, actor DJ Uncle Johnny played the most danceable party and entertainer extraordinaire welcomes and entertains tunes, while Pol poured the cocktails and whispered in all 380,000 spectators. It explodes, the dykes on bikes my ear, “Don’t forget, it’s Lola’s birthday!.” So once the leading over 140 fl oats, giving a whole new meaning to ship docks, we go off to the Odyssey. There’s DJ Jules in “Festive!” bombastic drag, rockin’ the house. The patio is packed with Lola’s reigning court, with a show in store for us. My favorite fl oat was defi nitely NOT the ugly naked Once again, Joan E is involved. Now, really, she’s got guys. I kept thinking, looks like a cock…only smaller. to be the hardest working _____ in showbiz. Carlotta Like, what would you do with that, put it under your pil- Girrrllll is fabulous and quite fl exible too, if I may say. low and smoke it in the morning? And wrinkled beyond Joan E goes into Amy Winehouse’s, Rehab song, chorus- belief, all I wanted to do was “iron” them. No, my favorite ing “No, no no!” goes to Mr. Mark Tewksbury who stops his parade vehicle and says “Hey Linda, did you enjoy the beach yesterday?” On that note I realize it is time to go home. T and I both agree that every Vancouver Pride we feel like little kids going there, but end up tired enough to be our age coming back. But that’s just a View from a Broad.

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 13 14 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 15 Events Listing Find out what’s happening

Money-Pennies O9 Barbies Shop O48 Calgary Listings See our ad on page 41 Bathhouse and Sauna’s 1518 4th Street SW • (403) 262-8265 Goliath’s O6 1742 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 263-7411 Adult clothing store, shoes, Gothic, punk, fetish, See our ad on pages 55, and 58 custom corsettes and more. 308 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 229-0911 Accommodations Texas Lounge O6 Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day Brian Mahoney & John McNeill O Westways Guest House 13 See our ad on page 15 #10, 6020 - 1A St SW • (403) 259-4141 216 - 25 Ave SW • (403) 229-1758 308 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 229-0911 Re/Max Reality Professionals BuBu Bear Businesses (403) 852-6977 Bars and Clubs Twisted Element O33 Alykhan Velji BackLot O3 1006 11th Ave SW - Front Entrance• (403) (403) 617-2406 Portable adult novelties See our ad on page 30 802-0230 Interior Decorator 209 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 265-5211 Courtney Sebree Aarbo O24 Open 7 days a week, 4pm-close Adult Depot 1138 Kensington Road NW • (403) 571-5120 140, 58th Ave SW •(403) 258-2777 Calgary Eagle Inc. O4 Twisted Element Lounge O33 Sex toys, and Straight, Bi, Gay video rentals, largest Barristers & solicitors See our ad on page 36 and 39 1006 11th Ave SW - Back door Entrance • (403) Gay video rental collection in Alberta 424a - 8 Ave SE • (403) 263-5847 802-0230 Chronos Apollo Open Wed-Sun 5pm-close B & C Financial Services #520 922 5th Avenue SW • (403) 237-2353 9298 Horton Road SW • (403) 250-55785 Physician directed skin care and more Insurance Cruiseline See our ad on page 13 See our ad on page 64

16 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 (403) 777-9494 trial code 3500 Marlborough •(403) 273-2233 movies and magazines. Gifts. See our ad on page 2 Stephen Avenue Walk •(403) 266-5226 2007 AIDS Walk for Life Rev. Nadene Rogers Phone chat room & talking classifieds for 18+ Westhills Town Centre •(403) 249-2822 See our ad on page 58 Sunday, September 23, 2007 at Eau Claire Deva Dave Salon O32 (403) 247-0602 Leather and Lace Apollo Calgary Friends in Sports 910 12th Avenue SW • (403) 290-1973 2020 32nd Avenue NE • (403) 291-4060 Marriage Commissioner The art of romance See our ad on page 15 eXude Productions Reymark Lorne Doucette /CIR Realtors Apollo Friends In Sports is a volunteer-operated, See our ad on page 48 See our ad on page 58 non-profit organization serving primarily members See our ad on page 9 Able Craftsman, Your home renovation specialist (403) 461-9195 of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgendered (403) 478-2411 • [email protected] communities but open to members of all First Class Flowers communities. We currently have more than 400 O Elbow and Heritage Drive SW• (403) 255-2239 Marcy Calberry /CIR Realtors R. Cobalt 45 members and are growing fast! The primary focus See our ad on page 47 See our ad on page 14 Inside of Apollo is to provide our membership with well (403) 291-4440 or (866) 859-4440 735 12th Avenue SW • (403) 228-7822 Corner of Blackfoot Trail & 34th Avenue SE• (403) organized and fun sporting events and other Hair & Aesthetics 241-8550 MFM Communications activities to allow them to participate and interact in See our ad on page 18 Sol Sourced Weddings a positive social framework. O See our ad on page 7 Jane Doe Marketplace & Cafe 50 (403) 543-6970 Absolutely Smashing! Badminton- Winter Event See our ad on page 8 (403) 270-9480 311 17 Avenue SW • (403) 245-5263 Web site hosting and development. Computer Curling- Winter Event Calgary’s Only Marketplace featuring Women Hardware and Software. Wedding Commissioner Squash - Winter Event Entrepreneurs. Coffee Shop too! More Better Buses Z-Group Volleyball.- Winter Event La Fleur O41 (403) 651-1692 Voice over IP (VOIP) phone service and long See our ad on page 414 Providing unique, comfortable & affordable distance Rainbow Riders Bowling League - Let’s 10 Pin #103 - 100 7th Avenue SW transportation. Charter us for: High School (403) 770-1940 Bowlerama, 2916 5 Avenue NE, Wednesday’s at (403) 266-1707 Graduations, Senior Groups, Pub Crawls and 6:30pm. Season is from September to April. League Florist Shop Sporting Events Community Groups and fees are $15.00 per Night. Shoe rental is $2.00 Lammle’s Western Wear Priape Calgary O16 Outdoor Pursuits - In attempting to meet our Chinook Centre •(403) 255-5292 See our ad on page 56 Organizations members requests for diverse sporting activities we Aids Calgary O2 Crowfoot Crossing •(403) 547-9808 1322 - 17 Ave SW • (403) 215-1800 have formed the Apollo Outdoor Pursuits League! 200, 1509 Centre St South • (403) 508-2500 Deerfoot Mall •(403) 275-6877 If it’s done outdoors we do it! (and occasionally Market Mall •(403) 247-9224 Clothing and accessories. Adult toys, leather wear, we venture indoors too). This summer we will be

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 17 hiking, biking, rock climbing, rafting and a whole Contact: E-mail [email protected] or and Eatery. Did You Say Bike? bunch more. If you’re interested in any of these call Tim at (403) 660-6125 YOU TOO CAN PEDAL YOUR ASS OFF! Riders Calgary Sexual Health Centre or something else completely, get in touch with Wanted - experience or no! 304, 301 14th Street NW us. Tired of playing alone outdoors? Well this is Calgary Gay Fathers (403) 283-5580 Come ride your bike with us and make new friends, a GREAT opportunity to participate in events you [email protected] learn how to maintain your wheels, maybe even enjoy doing with other interested members of the Calgary Sexual Health Centre is a pro-choice learn a few tricks, and best of all get fit! community. To be added to the distribution list for Peer support group for gay, bisexual and organization that believes all people have the right regular updates please email outdoorpursuits@ Everyone welcome! questioning fathers. Meeting twice a month and ability to make their own choices regarding Calgary Humane Society their sexual and reproductive health. Calgary The Windmill at Eau Claire, 12 until 3-ish. Tasty Golf - Contact [email protected], Or by See our ad on page 48 Sexual Health Centre started as a volunteer based, snacks and refreshments later on. phone 276-8094 grassroots organization and has been providing (403) 250-4455 For more info on a great motivational experience, comprehensive sexuality education and counselling Lawn Bowling - For more information, please E-mail us at [email protected] programs to the Calgary community since 1972. In contact Chris or Phil at lawnbowling@ Animal Adoptions and for Prevention of Cruelty to the early 70’s, CBCA’s work focused on improving Don’t Buy In Project Animals access to birth control and increasing support for Slow Pitch - Friday Nights - Slo Pitch League, Co-Ed Calgary Men’s Chorus women facing unplanned pregnancies. Since that This Calgary Police Service Initiative aims to * Rec * Drop-In, Every Friday at 7:00pm - starts (403) 262-6295 time Calgary Sexual Health Centre has evolved to encourage youth to working towards an inclusive May 11, 2007 (tentative – based on weather), include a range of services to ensure that individuals environment in which diversity is embraced in their West Hillhurst Community Centre, 18 Street & 5 are able to make informed choices about their schools and community. Avenue NW (East Field) Rehearsals are held from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. sexual and reproductive well being. Our programs at the Old Y Centre for Community Organizations, promote sexuality as a normal, positive and healthy Fake Mustache Yoga - Winter Event. located at 223 12 Avenue SW. part of life to be valued and respected. Currently Calgary’s ONLY Drag King Show Soda Lounge: 211 - 12th Ave S.W. ARGRA – Alberta Rockies Gay Rodeo Calgary Networking Club the Calgary Sexual Health Centre offers education (403) 923-3953 Association and youth peer education programs, counselling At Money Pennies (upstairs) Hotline: (403) 541-8140 and groups for women who are questioning their 1742 - 10 Ave SW [email protected] sexual orientation. Calgary Networking Club (CNC) is back.... after a RU a lesbian, gay, bisexual, two-spirited or queer A benefit show for the Miscellaneous Youth Network, See our ad on page 51 5 year hiatus, CNC is meeting again in Calgary on youth, ages 17-24? RU interested in helping make Fake Mustache is guaranteed to please! Come see the first Thursday of every month. The networking Calgary a safer place for people of diverse sexual our boys strut their stuff at Soda, the first Thursday Artists for the Quality of Life meetings are open to all individuals who would orientation? If UR, we are looking for dynamic of every month. $5 cover. $2 cover under 18. (403) 890-1261 like to promote their businesses or who would like volunteers for our Anti-Homophobia Program. Advance tickets available at Barbies Shop. to meet new people - no business affiliation is This program is intended to raise awareness All Ages show starts at 7:30. 18+ show starts Between Men and Between Men Online necessary. and understanding among students about the at 10:15. (403) 234-8973 experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, two spirited, CNC is for members of the LGBTQ community to Gay Prairie Alumni transgendered, queer and questioning youth. If make new friends or business contacts. This group is Peer support, sexual health education for gay you are interesting in sharing your experiences with not age or specific. This group is for all gay/lesbian/transgendered or bisexual men, as well as those who may be other youth, and are available days, please call us Come listen to our monthly guest speaker, have a alumni of Prairie Bible Institute and/or Prairie uncertain or questioning their sexuality. Discussions at 283-5580 and ask for an Educator or contact snack, and enjoy talking with some new people. High School in Three Hills, Alberta. It’s purpose range from personal relationship or life issues, to [email protected].. Admission to the meeting is $5, or a yearly is twofold: First, social -- to renew old friendships sexual health and well-being. subscription pass can be bought for $25 (a 28% Deer Park United Church and Wholeness and make new ones. Second -- to talk about Meetings at GLCSA Tuesdays 7:00pm to 9:00pm savings). If you have a GLCSA membership take Centre our common experiences as gay people at a an additional $5 off your yearly subscription cost. 77 Deerpoint Road SE - (403) 278-8263 Calgary Frontrunners Running Club fundamentalist school. Any other questions, please GLCSA memberships will also be available at When: 9 am on Saturdays, feel free to ask. the meeting for $10. (Call GLCSA for details on Worship Time - 10:00am Sundays Where: Update! Coffee Junkies -795 1 Avenue SW membership benefits). Girl Friends Different Strokes (no longer meeting at Eau Claire Y) For more information contact GLCSA at (403) 234- What: Walkers and Runners between 5 km – 15 8973....or just drop in on the meeting. Swim Club. Pool at Garage Billiards, Friday, September 7th km from sub 5 min/km pace to 10 min/km pace. Calgary Networking Club (CNC) is a Gay & Lesbian Who: All are welcome - Typically about 15-20 men Check website for current schedule @ 7:30pm. Join Girlfriends for a fun night of Community Services Association (GLCSA) event. pool. If shooting pool is not your thing come and women depending on the weather conditions Food and venue sponsored by Money Pennies Bar

18 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 along anyhow to enjoy the great company! This the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month from 7 pm you may consider going to, they worship every or inter-sexed. The group meets every 3rd Friday of is not a tournament and no skill is required. For to 9 pm. Sunday morning at 8:00 am (traditional prayer the month from 7 pm to 9 pm at GLCSA. those who are interested in playing, we will rotate book service) and the contemporary worship service HIV Peer Support Group If you are transsexual, or know of someone who players each game on a non-competitive basis. at 10:30 am. Or try. (403) 230-5832 is, please contact our office for information and Garage Billiards is located on the main floor of the [email protected] Rainbow Community Church of Calgary meets at assistance. You are not alone! There is support! Eau Claire Market (near the food court). We have Hill Hurst United Church off (Kensington Close NW). reserved the private room which has two pool tables See our ad on pages 58 Positive Space Committee at Mount Royal They’re a GLBTQ etc. church (and straight folks are and can accommodate up to 30 people. The cost is College welcome too!) that seeks to provide tools for the $12.00 + GST per table and per hour. Depending Illusions Calgary 4825 Mount Royal Gate SW spiritual journey thorough developing a supportive on the turnout, and based on 3 hours of play, the (403) 234-8973 Phone: 403-440-6383 community. They are an interdenominational church estimated cost per person to attend this event will Web: in the Christian traditions with an evangelical and be approx. $5 which covers the use of the room & Email: [email protected] Social group for Calgary and area transgender open flavour. Sundays at 4 PM. Pre-service prayer tables (not including food & beverages). Please community members (cross dressers, transvestites, gathering at 3:30. The Positive Space Committee at Mount Royal RSVP to help us ensure that we can accommodate drag kings and queens). Illusions provides a safe, College works to raise awareness and challenge everyone. Knox United Church discrete and welcoming atmosphere, in which the patterns of silence that continue to marginalize 506 - 4th Street S.W. • (403) 269-8382 Girlsgo Productions transgendered people can meet others of like mind. lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-gendered, two-spirited (403) 510-2502 Illusions offers discretion, acceptance, compassion and queer (LGBTTQ) individuals. and a safe place to express your gender. Cross- Knox United Church is an all-inclusive church Pride Calgary Event production and promotion in Alberta for dressing is the purpose of the group, but is not located in downtown Calgary. A variety of facility (403) 262-3410 women. Check online for fun things to do! mandatory. rentals are also available for meetings, events and concerts. GLASS, Gay & Lesbian Association of Students Inside Out Pride Rainbow Project and Staff (403) 234-8973 Worship Services [email protected] 279R Student Union Club Spaces Wednesdays - Communion Service 12:10 pm University of Calgary Sundays - 11:00 a.m. September to June Peer-facilitated youth group for GLBTQ ages 15-25. Sundays - 10:30 a.m. in summer July and August. The Pride Rainbow Project was started in Fall 2003 The group aims to let youth know they are not (403) 220-6394 by 4 youth of the Unitarian Church of Calgary. alone, and to connect them with their peers. Every New Directions The Pride Rainbow Project is a project designed Welcome Back Mixer - GLASS’ first event will be Monday, 7 pm to 9pm at GLCSA. It is a funky and (403) 234-8973 or [email protected] to show support for same-sex marriage in Canada held Friday September 21 on campus. Check back safe environment with a variety of resources and and elsewhere. It is a fabric rainbow banner for time and location information. The event is free activities. for everyone who has a current GLASS membership. Drop in peer-support group to provide support and approximately 5 feet wide, and the goal is to make Memberships will be sold for $5 during Clubs ISCCA – Imperial Sovereign Court of the resources for individuals who identify as transsexual it 3.2km (2 miles) long, in order to break the world Week (second week of classes) look for our booth Chinook Arch in MacHall. Memberships can also be purchased at the event. Every Wednesday “ Starlight Nights with a Twist “ GLCSA - Gay And Lesbian Community Services @ Twisted Element Lounge Dwn Strs Association O1 Shows start @ 9:30 pm sharp #4, 1230A 17th Avenue SW (403) 234-8973 Every Friday BBQ with the ISCCA @ the Backlot 5:30pm - 9 pm Peer Support and Crisis Line - Front-line help service Every Saturday Shooters with the ISCCA @ the for GLBT individuals and their family and friends, Bunker/Texas Lounge 7pm - Midnight or anyone questioning their sexuality. Please click Shooters with Emperor 31 and the 31st House here for further information on our Peer Support - Friday Sept. 7th and 28th, 11pm—1am, Program. Presented by the Iscca and the Calgary Eagle 24-Hour Info Line - Calgary’s resource directory All monies raised go to Charity: Agape Manor, for information, events, business referrals, Beswick House, HIV Peer Support, Artists for Quality organizations and support for the GLBT community. of Life, Children’s Wish Foundation Library - A great selection of resource books, fiction, BBQ with the Court, September 9th, 6pm—9pm, non-fiction, videos and everything in between, all Presented by The ISCCA and the Calgary Eagle, with a queer perspective. Salmon Burger Special, Drag Show to follow BBQ. Drop-In Center - A safe and supportive environment Final Summer Fling: Prince and Princess Show, for one-to-one peer counseling for many issues Friday September 14th, 2007, At Twisted Element, surrounding family, coming out, homosexuality, 9pm to Close. Imperial Crown Prince Royal XXIX loneliness and other issues. Matchbox Max and Imperial Crown Princess Royal Unity Pages - A service directory of GLBT or GLBT- XXIX Ashley Carmichael would like to formally invite friendly businesses, organizations, and services all past ICP’s to attend and participate in photos for within Calgary. the ball program. Heading Out Integrity Calgary (403) 234-8973 NO SERVICES TILL FUTHER NOTICE Peer group for men who are looking for an St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, at 1121 - 14th alternative social activity to the bar. Activities vary Avenue S.W., is a very welcoming community that and are fun and entertaining. The group meets

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 19 record (set by a group in Florida at 1.25 miles)! the Calgary Eagle, 424A 8th Ave. S.W. The Mr. Urban Sex Calgary It contains the 6 colours of the pride flag: Red, Bear Calgary contest will be held over the course GISELLE - September 13 - 15, 2007 in Calgary Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. The project of the evening. There will be prizes awarded to the Radio Show – Every Wednesday from 9-10pm. ATP, Alberta Theatre Projects O36 is youth run, but anyone can help!. big winner! Focus on sexuality; gay bisexual lesbian trans Phone: (403) 294-7402 Primetimers Calgary Sunday, September 30th - Survivor Brunch, time gendered and straight issues here in Calgary and E-mail: [email protected] t.b.a. - Calgary Eagle, 424A 8th Ave. S.W. Plan on around the web. Listen on CJSW FM 90.9. AXIS Contemporary Art draggin yer butts outta bed for Momma G’s home Western Canada Bigmen and Admirers 107, 100 – 7 Ave. SW • (403) 262-3356 cooking. Its a great way to start your day! Prime Timers Calgary is designed to foster social [email protected] interaction for its members through a variety of Safety Under The Rainbow WesternCanadaBigmenGroup/ Monday to Friday: 10am to 6pm social, educational and recreational activities. It is [email protected] Saturday: 10am to 5:30pm open to all gay and bisexual men of any age and Womynspace Sunday: 11am to 3pm respects whatever degree of anonymity that each Mission: To raise awareness and understanding of (403) 234-8973 or [email protected] member desires. same-sex and homophobic youth First Thursdays (the First Thursday of each month): bullying. 10am to 8pm Sept. 1 - Coffee at Midtown Co-op 1130- 11 Ave. Peer social/support group for women providing an S.W. Meet at 10:00 am Project Areas: evening of fun, bonding, discussion and activities. Broadway Across Canada Sept. 5 - Free Pool at the Eagle Partnerships – Create partnerships with like-minded Meets every first and third Friday 7pm to 9pm at Sept. 8 - Coffee at Midtown Co-op 1130- 11 Ave. groups. Organize a meeting to discuss a province- GLCSA. Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra S.W. Meet at 10:00 am wide cross-sector entity addressing domestic • (403) 571-0849 Sept. 9 - General Meeting and Elections at the Old Vigor Calgary violence and homophobic bullying. “Y” 223 -12 Ave. S.W.4:00 pm (403) 255-7004 Fairytales International Gay & Lesbian Film Sept. 11- Card Night at Harvey & Tony’s . If you Training - Develop and pilot training modules that Festival would like to attend please call them at 547-9129 address GLBTT domestic violence and homophobic Violence in Gay Male Relationships (VIGOR) is a Sept. 12 - Free Pool at the Eagle youth bullying. See the website or contact the office committee of professionals dedicated to increasing Lisa Hienricks (Artist) Sept. 15 - Coffee at Midtown Co-op 1130- 11 Ave. for information on the next training session. the awareness of gay men’s domestic violence and Art Central, lower level, 100 7th Ave SW S.W. Meet at 10:00 am the services available to them. Research – Conduct an enviro-scan of services and Sept. 15 - Dining Out at El Sombrero Mexican Looks Could Kill Art Boutique support available to GLBTT family violence and “Yeah... What She Said!” Restaurant. If you would like to attend please Art Central, lower level #11, 100 7th Ave SW • abuse victims. Every Monday evening from 8:30-9:00pm contact Don or Ross at 809-4110. (403) 264-7576 CJSW 90.9 FM Sept. 16 - Vertigo Theatre’s Production “A Party To Directory – Publish a province-wide directory of [email protected] One Yellow Rabbit O35 Murder” Cost $10. Curtain time 7:30 services and supports addressing same-sex domestic Big Secret Theatre – EPCOR CENTRE for the Sept. 18 - Stitch n’Bitch at Len’s . If you would like violence and homophobic bullying. Youth 4 Youth Performing Arts • (403) 299-8888 to attend please call him at 229-3717 (403) 283-5880 Survey – Conduct a survey on how same-sex Sept. 19 - Free Pool at the Eagle domestic violence and homophobic bullying affects Sept. 22 - Coffee at Midtown Co-op 1130- 11 Ave. QUAB Gallery Inc. O43 GLBTT individuals. Contact the office if you would be YouthSafe S.W. Meet at 10:00 am 212, 100th 7th Avenue SW • (403) 261-2855 willing to fill out this survey. Sept. 22 - ARGRA Dance. Dances for the fall and winter season resume at the Hillhurst Community Sharp Foundation Alberta’s website for youth with sex-and-gender Pumphouse Theatre O37 Assoc. Hall. Phone: (403) 272-2912 differences. lists the resources, 2140 Pumphouse Avenue SW • (403) 263-0079 Sept. 26 - Free Pool at the Eagle E-mail: [email protected] information and services to help youth find safe and Rainbow Community Church caring spaces in Alberta. Skew Gallery See our ad on page 37 See our ad on page 55 1615 10th Avenue SW • (403) 244-4445 Hillhurst United Church Travel Masters - Need a vacation?, Ed Smith at Restaurants 1227 Kensington Close N.W. Travel Masters has agreed to donate 25% of Calgary Eagle Inc. O4 Website: his profit from WestJet bookings to The SHARP See our ad on page 37 and 39 Stagewest E-mail: [email protected] Foundation. So before you plan your next trip with 424a - 8 Ave SE • (403) 263-5847 727 42 Avenue SE • (403) 243-6642 Open Tues-Sun 4pm-close The Rainbow Community Church is an all-inclusive WestJet, email Ed at TravelMasters church. Everyone is welcome (and we mean it!). NEW Calgary Walk for Life 2007 – September September 13 to November 18, 2007 - Love List. Services are held every Sunday afternoon at 4:00 23, 2007 Jane Doe Marketplace & Cafe O50 She’s a perfect 10 – or is she? What happens when PM. See our ad on page 8 2 men get together & write up a list of ten qualities Become a member of The SHARP Team for Calgary’s 311 17 Avenue SW • (403) 245-5263 defining the perfect woman? Much to their surprise, Rocky Mountain Bears Walk for Life 2007, and help us reach our goal of Calgary’s Only Marketplace featuring Women she suddenly appears! Is she real? Is she someone’s raising $12,000. Entrepreneurs. Coffee Shop too! idea of a practical joke? Written by Norm Foster, See our ad on page 49 SHEQ Soulful Healing Ego Quest Money-Pennies O9 The Love List is a hilarious comedy that gives a (403) 234-8973 or [email protected] See our ad on page 41 wildly comic spin to the quest for perfection. Be Thursday, September 6th - Meeting at 7:00pm at 1742 - 10 Ave SW • (403) 263-7411 careful what you wish for! Moneypennies, 1742 10th Ave. S.W. A workshop for women that want to be themselves Stride Gallery O47 Bearbash Planning Monday, September 10th @ in a supportive, safe environment. It is a chance Theatre and Art 1004 MacLeod Trail SE • (403) 262-8507 19:00 - Coffee Night at Good Earth. 1502 11th to grow and share their experiences related to Alberta Ballet Street SW women’s sexuality. Runs for a ten week period on Thursdays at 7pm. Call Trudy or Krista at 585- Theatre Junction Friday, September 28th - Bearbash Dinner - Bears 7437. To participate, please call the exclusive OTHELLO - October 25 - 27, 2007 in Calgary Dine out at Monnypenny;s SHEQ line at 585-7437 (you may leave a voice NUTCRACKER - December 19 - 23, 2007 in Calgary See our ad on page 15 BEARBASH dinner and gropes around 7:00pm at message for Trudy or Krista) or leave your name DANGEROUS LIAISONS - February 7 - 9, 2008 Moneypennies, 1742 10th Ave. S.W. and a contact time/number with the Gay & Lesbian in Calgary Truck Gallery O46 Community Services Association at 234-8973. MOZART’S REQUIEM - March 27 - 29, 2008 in Saturday, September 29th - BEARBASH 2007 at 815 1st Street SW (Basement) • (403) 261-7702

20 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G5 O Steamworks 11 445-0365. 11745 Jasper Ave• (780) 451-5554 Vertigo Mystery Theatre O34 Thursday night intermediate level: Coaching and 161, 115 – 9 Ave SE • (403) 221-3708 Edmonton Pride Week Society drills provided. Contact Alex for more information: Businesses [email protected], Tel: (780) 424-9984. (Please B & D Emporium O13 note that there is limited space on the intermediate New City Compound, 10081 Jasper Avenue ERBA - Edmonton Rainbow Business night) Edmonton Listings Association #3379, 11215 Jasper Avenue • (780) 4915- HIV Network Of Edmonton Society O3 Cruiseline 4458 11456 Jasper Ave Bars and Clubs See our ad on page 64 See our ad on page 63 (780) 413-7122 trial code 3500 Boots & Saddles O5 Our primary focus is the provision of networking 10242 106th St • (780)423-5014 Phone chat room & talking classifieds for 18+ opportunities for gay, lesbian, bisexual and AIDS Walk for Life 2007 (September 23rd, 2007) Buddy’s Nite Club O6 transgendered (GLBT) owned or operated and - The 16th Annual AIDS Walk for Life will take place 11725 Jasper Ave • (780) 488-6636 Pride Construction GLBT-friendly businesses in the Edmonton region. Sunday September 23rd, 2007 at Edmonton City (780) 239-9197 Membership is open to all kinds of entrepreneurs, Hall! Remember how fun the last one was – the Prism Bar & Grill O8 Construction and Renovations from tradespeople to professionals to commission sunshine, the prizes, the food, the entertainment… 10524 101st St • (780) 990-0038 salespeople. and more!? Or if you’re new to town and didn’t Community Groups and The Edmonton Rainbow Business Association After have the chance to join us – this is your chance to join one of the most easy ways to show your The Roost O9 Organizations Business Mixers. Held on the second Wednesday of every month 5:30 – 7:30 pm support, help out a great cause, meet new friends, 10345 104th St • (780) 426-3150 and do something healthy for yourself! It’s a 5km Buck Naked Boys Club (Edmonton) Edmonton STD O4 walk around the heart of downtown, and everyone See our ad on page 55 Naturism club for men. 11111 Jasper Ave is welcome – even pets! Meets the second Saturday of each month. Edmonton Vocal Minority Imperial Sovereign Court of the Wild Rose Woody’s O12 (780) 471-6993 11725 Jasper Ave • (780) 488-6557 Phone: 780-479-2038 Our club has been meeting continuously for over 10 Friday September 7th, 2007 - Scholarship years. The similar club in Calgary ceased to exist Free To Be volleyball Giveaway Show @ 10:00pm, Woody’s Pub Bathhouse and Sauna’s Amiskiwcy Academy, 101 Airport Rd. (near the Down Under Baths O7 several years ago. Naturism is being social while (11725 Jasper Ave), The recipients from this year’s downtown airport) 12224 Jasper Ave •(780) 482-7960 everyone is naked, and it does not include sexual John M. Kerr Memorial Scholoarship will be given Every Wednesday and Thursday night, 8pm-10pm activity. Therefore participants do not need to be thier cheques. gay, only male, but almost all participants over the Welcome GLBT players! Living Positive through Positive Living Society Steamers O10 years do self-describe as being gay or bisexual. 9668 Jasper Avenue • (780) 422-2581 Wednesday night recreational level: All players Camp fYrefly and skill levels welcome. Contact Marc for more 7-104 Department of Educational Policy Studies information: [email protected], Tel: (780) Faculty of Education, University of Alberta gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 21 of Alberta O2 changed their outlook on life. As well to support and OTHELLO - November 2 - 3, 2007 in Edmonton Alberta Transgender Support and Activities (780) 488-5768 help each other dealing with being HIV positive. NUTCRACKER - December 14 - 16, 2007 in Group Whatever is said in the room stays within the room. Edmonton Remember! You are not alone! DANGEROUS LIAISONS - February 15 - 16, 2008 A nexus for transgendered persons, regardless of Providing confidential one-on-one peer support for in Edmonton - Youth Understanding Youth where they may be on the continuum. infected or affected individuals…. Internet support MOZART’S REQUIEM - April 4 - 5, 2008 in Youth support and social group meets every [email protected] Edmonton Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition / Coalition Saturday from 7 to 9 pm at the Pride Centre of GISELLE - September 18 - 19, 2007 in Edmonton santé arc-en-ciel Canada Northern Chaps Edmonton 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph: (780) 488- P.O. Box / C.P. 3043 3234 Contact: [email protected] (www.members. Broadway Across Canada Saskatoon SK Canada S7K 3S9 ) Northern Chaps is Edmonton’s original leather, 306-955-5135 latex, fetish, uniform club. We have been in - Womonspace toll -free / sans frais 1-800-955-5129 existence officially since 1987 but have been in 1st Sunday of every month from 10 am to 1 pm fax/ télécopieur 306-955-5132 existence originally around 1982 in Edmonton, at the Pride Centre of Edmonton 95A St. and 111 Alberta, Canada. Everyone is welcome to join or Ave. Ph:488-3234 Contact Womonspace for details Lethbridge Listings attend events GALA/LA - Gay and Lesbian Alliance of Egale Canada Lethbridge and Area Northern Chaps is a social group existing for the September Dance - Saturday, September 22, 9pm #310, 396 Cooper (403) 308-2893 (live on Mon. and Wed. evenings purpose of providing a safe, accepting social climate Bellevue Hall, 7308 - 112 Ave Ottawa, ON K2P 2H7 until 11 p.m.) to people interested in the leather/fetish/uniform 1-888-204-7777 toll free - Prime Timers lifestyle. Stephen Lock – Regional Co-Director (Male) Monthly Member Meetings at the Pride Centre of The Gay & Lesbian Alliance of Lethbridge and Area Prairies/NWT/Nunavut Northern Chaps believes that people should be Edmonton 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph:488-3234 dance season begins Saturday, August 25 with (403) 708-5302 cell phone free to express their individuality and to exercise - Suit Up and Show Up Big Book Study the next to follow the last Saturday of each month personal lifestyle choices without social constraint, Saturdays at 12 noon. At Pride Centre (except December) until May. For more information [email protected] to the extent that they do not interfere with the on dances, monthly Pot-luck Dinners (all ages) and freedoms of others. - Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Cocaine Egale Canada is the national advocacy and lobby other programs, visit the GALA/LA website at www. Anonymous meeting organization for gay men, , bisexuals, In particular, Northern Chaps defends and pursues Also our Support Line (403) Thursdays 7-8pm CA Hotline 425-2715 trans-identified people and our families. this belief on behalf of gay men and lesbian women 308-2893 is open Monday OR Wednesday 7 pm Membership fees are pay-what-you-can, although who, through positive alternative lifestyles, seek to - Youth Drop-in -11 pm (leave a message any other time). PFLAG pre-authorized monthly donors are encouraged (and explore the boundaries of their sexuality, including Every Wednesday at 5:00pm offering support through Parents & Friends for get a free Egale Canada t-shirt). Egale has several the use of certain associated dress, signs and Open to all youth 25 years and under Lesbians and Gays is available as well, call us any committees that meet by teleconference on a symbols, and safe, sane and consensual behaviors. Contact [email protected] or time for more information. regular basis; membership on these is national with call 488-3234 for more info. Pride Centre of Edmonton O1 members from every region of Canada. 95A St. and 111 Ave. • (780) 488-3234 - Men’s HIV Support Group Will be meeting on each second Monday of the - Bears Movie Night Theatre and Art month. At the Pride Center, Edmonton Starting in Red Deer Listings Brothers TV Bears club of Edmonton meets the last Sunday of April, from 7pm to 9pm. Affirm See our ad on page 30 the month for movies 1- 6 pm in the TV room at the Composed of LGBTQ people, their friends, family Pride Centre of Edmonton 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph: - Parents Rock the World Workshops and allies. No religious affiliation necessary. (780) 488-3234 PFLAG Canada: Edmonton Chapter - Workshop Activities include support, faith and social justice OUTtv Series Tuesdays, Pride Centre (95A St. and 111 - Trans Education/Support Group discussions, film nights, and potlucks! Affirm See our ad on page 3 Ave.) 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. Ph: (780) 488-3234 Support and education for all transsexual, meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7PM at A series of workshops for Parents of Gay, Lesbian, transgendered, intersexed, two-spirited and Sunnybrook United Church, (403) 347-6073. Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning children. questioning individuals meets 1st and 3rd Sundays If you would like to add your business or non-profit Each session will feature a 30 – 45 minute of each month, 2-4 pm at the Pride Centre group to the list above, please call (403) 543- topic specific presentation, followed by a group of Edmonton 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph: (780) National Listings 6960, or toll free 1 (888) 543-6960 or E-mail discussion. Social time for sharing and networking 488-3234 [email protected]. You can add your will follow at the end of each session. Call the Pride Businesses information to the directory on the - Sunday Night Mens Discussion Group Centre to register or for more details. Entre Nous website for free. Mens social and discussion group meets every - GLBT Seniors Drop IN 1-866-467-5252 Sunday @ 7 pm at the Pride Centre of Edmonton Every Thursday Pride Centre (95A St. and 111 endeavors to have the information 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph: 488-3234, Contact: Rob Ave.), 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm here as accurate as possible. Events and listings can Wells - [email protected] Love and Pride The Pride Centre is thrilled to introduce a new change at any time so it is recommended that you Gay and Lesbian themed Jewelry check with the establishment before you head out. - Saturday Movie Night program serving our GLBT seniors. Hosted by Jeff Weekly movie nights, with themed movies and Bovee, contact the Centre at 488-3234 for more discussion afterwards at the Pride Centre of info. Squirt Non-Profit groups get free listings. Business receive Edmonton 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph: (780) 488- See our ad on page 62 a listing once an ad has been placed. The business Team Edmonton 3234. from 2:00 to 5:00 Dating and hookups website listing will last 1 year after the appear up to ad Soccer - will be on the South field of the Oliver has been placed unless there is a - The HIV Positive Gay Men’s Group School every Thursday from 7 - 9pm. 10227 -118 service located at that business. Drop in caring circle every Thursday, 1-4 pm @ 7- Street. (weather permitting) For more information Wega Video 9 pm in main area, at the Pride Centre of Edmonton contact [email protected] Adult DVD’s 95A St. and 111 Ave. Ph: (780) 488-3234 Facilitator: Mark, HIV Outreach The HIV positive Gay Men’s Group is a place for Theatre and Art Community Groups and gay men to come and share their feelings on Alberta Ballet how it is affecting their personal lives. This is a Organizations personal private time for them to express how it has

22 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 Silence = Death Calgary AIDS Walk Breaks the Silence

By Allison Brodowski Community|Spotlight American gay activist Vito Russo once wrote, “Living with AIDS in this country is like living something we would rather not deal with, despite the life and death importance of the issues surrounding it. There through a war that’s happening only for those are outstanding organizations that are working to assist people in the trenches. Every time a shell ex- those living with the disease and those coping with loved plodes you look around to discover that you’ve ones who are affected. lost more of your friends. But nobody else notices, This Sunday September 23rd, AIDS Calgary will host it isn’t happening to them.” the 13th annual AIDS Walk for Life in Calgary. The 2005 For better or for worse, AIDS will always be ingrained walk raised over $110,000 in support of AIDS Calgary in queer history. A revolutionary protest against the Food with 1,200 walkers, 40 Teams and 100 volunteers show- and Drug Administration arose when the organization ing their support. All proceeds from the walk go directly chose to hold up AZT, an anti-HIV drug, from entering to support, prevention and education programs for those the country. Those dying from AIDS and HIV requested affected and infected by HIV/AIDS in Calgary. The walk that their ashes dust the feet of the government health is organized and produced by AIDS Calgary, who provide workers responsible for denying them the drugs they support services for people at-risk for, living with and needed to prolong their lives. However in the eyes of affected by HIV/AIDS, as well as HIV prevention and some, the disease was grounds to proclaim our lifestyle education for the community. The event is still in need unhealthy. AIDS was labeled by right wing radicals as of volunteers, so if you are interested in getting involved, the ”gay disease”, which fueled a fi re of discrimination see the information below. and phobia surrounding the contraction of the disease, The total number of people in the world living with regardless of sexual preference. It changed the face of AIDS in 2006 was 39.5 Million. The total number of the queer population. The stories about friends lost like AIDS related deaths in the world in 2006 was 29 Million. grains of sand through loosely clenched fi ngers plague a generation of us who will never forget. It is a disease ”Remember that some day the aids crisis will be over. kept secret by prominent individuals who feared admit- And when that day has come and gone there will be peo- ting their HIV status would end their careers. Some like ple alive who hear that there was once a terrible disease, Rock Hudson, Freddie Mercury, and more recently Magic that a brave group of people stood up and fought and in Johnson, showed us various ways of dealing with public some cases died so that others might live and be free.” acknowledgement of AIDS even if the truth came on their - Vito Russo, 1988 deathbed, or after they had succumbed to it. AIDS Calgary presents HIV/AIDS has changed and inspired us - hampered AIDS Walk for Life 2007 our fi ght and impassioned it. But today, the fastest growing infection rates statistically are appearing in populations of straight women. In Santa Barbra, Toronto To Volunteer: and San Francisco, there have been charges of “assault - Contact Nikhat Ahmed at (403) 508-2500 ext 116 with a deadly weapon” applied to men who have know- - Send in your AIDS Walk for Life 2007 application ingly infected partners with HIV/AIDS. This is defi nitely form by fax to (403) 263-7358 or E-mail to volunteer@ not just a ”gay disease”, as Africa is being ripped apart because of it - the strangling debt of the World Bank and the vicious dogma of the , forbidding or AIDS Calgary misinforming citizens regarding condoms use. This year 200, 1509 Centre Street S. alone, Pope Benedict has announced that those married (403) 508-2500 to infected partners are not permitted to use condoms - the couple is to stay together for their entire lives, and must agree to share the disease of their partner. This is a deadly proclamation to millions. “AIDS is everyone’s disease. One day everyone will know someone with AIDS,” says Linda Houston, current director of Artists for Quality of Life. The presence of HIV/AIDS in our everyday lives is still

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 23 Press Releases

By GayCalgary Staff Press Releases Munkaspeni presents: “Censored… The Rubber Duck Revolution” in Spanish-language media will be held in South Florida on Saturday, April 12 at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino A Lowbrow Art show in Calgary, Alberta @ Looks in Hollywood, Florida. Could Kill Art Boutique “Fair, accurate and inclusive media images of lesbian, gay, September 6th, 2007 @ 6pm-midnight. bisexual and transgender people change hearts and minds,” How do you top faking your own death and commented Giuliano. “The GLAAD Media Awards are our way starting a cult while questioning the nature of of recognizing the outstanding work of journalists and enter- “selling out” as an artist to survive in the modern tainers who share the truth of our lives and our stories.” world? At the event Giuliano also announced that GLAAD had That was the topic of renowned crazy lowbrow artist conducted its annual review of the rules and procedures for Munkaspeni’s 2006 show “SOLD OUT?” This time Munkaspe- the GLAAD Media Awards and GLAAD’s Board of Directors ni has decided to start a revolution. By creating an alternative approved two signifi cant changes to the submissions process. universe where Rubber Duckies have been made illegal, an Effective immediately, GLAAD is opening its call for entries impartial discourse is created around the issues of censorship, and will be accepting submissions for the GLAAD Media political scapegoats and the nature of legality. The choice of Awards on a year-round basis from this point forward. the Rubber Duck as a symbol instead of openly tackling the The second change enacted at the Board’s June 2007 meet- various topics relevant to modern times is a deliberate attempt ing is the decision that LGBT media images appearing in me- to open people’s minds to the very nature of argument and our dia created by and for the LGBT community are now eligible to tendencies to blindly follow one group without fully under- compete for nomination in the existing categories. standing the other side’s point of view. “With the expansion of cable channels and niche program- This show has been over 10 years in the development, origi- ming, LGBT created and consumed media is more readily nating from the censorship of Munkaspeni’s own artwork & available than ever before,” stated Giuliano. “Our Board has literature which some people fi nd to be controversial. decided to incorporate LGBT media submissions into the ex- If this all sounds a bit deep, don’t be alarmed, Munkaspe- isting competitive categories. We welcome the opportunity for ni’s trademark surreal silliness remains undiminished and if LGBT media to submit their journalism and programming for you don’t collapse laughing your eyebrows will certainly get a consideration.” workout. To ensure the integrity of the GLAAD Media Awards in a For more information refer to: dynamic media environment, GLAAD reviews its nomination rules and procedures on an annual basis. In the 1990s, the GLAAD Media Awards had specifi c LGBT media categories. Or join the ‘Rubber Duck Revolution’ on Facebook. Due to a lack of submissions and a tension arising from the LGBT media that did not want to be judged and evaluated by GLAAD, the categories were eliminated in 2000. Glaad Announces Dates For 19th Annual Glaad Media In 2001, GLAAD created the Barbara Gittings Award to rec- Awards ognize those who have made substantial contributions to the Call for Entries and New Eligibility Rules Announced development of LGBT media. This honor is not awarded an- nually, but is presented to worthy candidates when warranted. New York, August 13, 2007 – At its annual Los Angeles Recipients of the Barbara Gittings Award have included Logo, summer cocktail fundraiser, ABSOLUT® Hancock Park pre- here!, The Advocate, PlanetOut, In the Life, and, in 2001, Git- sented by Lexus, Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation tings herself. (GLAAD) President Neil G. Giuliano announced the four dates and venues for the 19th Annual GLAAD Media Awards taking The reincorporation of LGBT media into the GLAAD Media place in 2008. The GLAAD Media Awards recognize and honor Awards is one of several systemic changes the organization media for their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of has made. Last year, the organization added the “Outstand- the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community ing Digital Journalism – Multimedia” category to refl ect the and the issues that affect their lives. increasing use of video and photography in online journalism. In 2003, GLAAD created the “Outstanding Reality Program” The fi rst event will be held in New York at the Marriott Mar- category and added Spanish-language categories to refl ect quis on Monday, March 17, 2008. The Los Angeles event will GLAAD’s work in Spanish-language media. return for the seventh consecutive year to the Kodak Theatre on Saturday, April 26. The San Francisco event will be held All outlets wishing to be considered for the GLAAD Media on Saturday, May 10 at the San Francisco Marriott. For the Awards are encouraged to read the submission requirements third consecutive year, GLAAD’s event honoring LGBT images and rules at 24 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 Q Scopes “Host a party, Virgo!”

By Jack Fertig Lifestyle | Astrology Mercury in Libra stimulates the social butterfl y in all of us. Jupiter in Sagittarius leads us further focus, but to get better perspective. than mere butterfl ies can - toward larger truths and adventure. In aspect to each other and the asteroid SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): Find Chiron, they open up new paths to healing. someone in whom you can confi de your deepest family secrets. Sharing them will help you fi nd healing for old wounds. A little retail therapy can help, too. Try shopping for facsimiles of childhood souvenirs. ARIES (March 20 - April 19): With some focus and attention, you can heal political rifts and promote cooperation. Your own ideas are terrifi c - well, some SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20): of them anyway. Let your partner, or a good friend, help to Your gifts of verbal healing are at their peak. You pick and choose or to stimulate even greater genius. could help friends through crises and resolve political rifts. Bouncing your own impressions and ideas off of a friend will magnify your insights or even help remedy some of your own TAURUS (April 20 - May 20): Advice from a col- problems! league can be very helpful in brushing up your professional image and improving your relationships with superiors and/or subordinates. A good, playful sex life - but CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): What at a different time and place! - also helps you stay balanced at is it about your career that is fulfi lling, or should work! be? Go for promotions and raises, but think fi rst about what you really want - money or other kinds of satisfaction? Trust your instincts to provide timing and answers. GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): You were born with a double dose of playfulness, and now it’s doubled again. With some foresight and philosophy, you could focus AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): Get out that energy into powerful creative accomplishment. Your part- and listen to new points of view. Really listen! ner or a new playmate can help you with that. Taking them to heart can open you to new ways of healing old ills. You may have to socialize in new venues to get the diverse CANCER (June 21 - July 22): Calling Dr. Freud! perspectives you need. Family issues can be impacting your sex life, whether it’s inverse-Oedipal-Electra-fi xation or your cousin PISCES (February 19 - March 19): Balance eroti- crashing on your living room couch. Some meditation, espe- cism with meditation. Sexual healing can be espe- cially during housekeeping or exercise, can help you turn any cially cathartic, getting you in better touch with yourself, and of that to your advantage. making you more open to your partner and clearer about your life’s direction. What you learn can make you a great teacher! LEO (July 23 - August 22): A few words in your sweetheart’s ear can start some hot action. But Jack Fertig, a professional astrologer since 1977, is based in you could also have so much fun talking about it that you’re San Francisco. He can be reached for consultations at 415-864- all talk and no action! Charge ahead, but keep communication 8302, through his website at, and by at the heart of your play. e-mail at [email protected].

VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Healing begins at home. Learning more about your family medical history can prove surprising, but very helpful. Host a party. The housekeeping in preparation for the event will offer insights, and the company will prove educational.

LIBRA (September 23 - October 22): Any cre- ative blocks you may have been experiencing are now cracking apart - perhaps too much so. Focus is hard to achieve in this fl ood. Writing out your ideas will help - not to

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 25 Adult Film Review Muscle Bear Motel, Tap Out, Side Effects, A Night at the Ramrod

By Jerome Voltero Review | Adult Male Okay, so with Bear Bash coming up at the end of this month, I was told to choose pornos appropriately. “Get Bo is in damn good company in this fi lm. Edu Boxer ones with hairy guys in it,” you say? Bend my rubber is a hot little muscle bear who gets interrupted in the arm…I never needed an excuse before! shower by Manu Maltes in the fourth scene. Baring a semi from playing with himself, Boxer gets a fright when the shower curtain in abruptly thrust open. “Muscle Bear Motel” Maltes eyeballs him for a moment before he grabs onto by Butch Bear, Cour- Boxer’s cock and coaxes him into the bedroom. tesy of Priape Eventually Blake’s fantasies come true as Mick Pow- This porno was a rec- ers, big beefy and bearded, comes to join him in his ommendation from the room. And they screwed happily ever after. The end. BuBu Bear guys after I expressed an interest in Bo Ladashevska, the “Tap Out” by Butch hairy muscular guy that Bear, Courtesy of appeared in the recent Priape Priape Leather catalogue. This movie is set up Bo won fi rst place at the like a secret under- International Mr. Leather ground wrestling club, 2006 competition, and I each scene a different narrowly missed meet- round with contestants ing him at the Eagle on facing off – the loser bot- Halloween last year. But toms. Round one has I feel much better after seeing him bare it all in this Trojan Rock vs. Rocky steamy fi lm. Hope I’m not revealing a dirty secret for Torrez and for the fi rst him…but it’s such a sexy dirty secret! few minutes they ap- Blake Nolan plays a straight guy who is at odds with pear to be seriously the ‘missus – perhaps the fi rst woman I’ve ever seen wrestling. It all changes in a gay porno even though they don’t show her face. when Rock gets Torrez Nolan gives her a parting “Fuck you Christine,” as on his back and rubs his she leaves him alone in his motel room with only his crotch in Torrez’ face. thoughts to keep him entertained. Naturally he turns They struggle a bit more and Rock gets the upper hand to homoerotic fantasies; what straight guy wouldn’t do again, coddling his opponent’s bulge with his mouth. so in a gay porno? Realizing it’s not so bad to lose, Torrez gives in and the two start kissing. Those wrestling suits are very easy He imagines Bo getting picked up by Christian Volt to get around. on the side of a deserted road near Vegas. Bo is a brute of a guy with a wicked tan and tattoos, and looks The main event is a showdown between Ross Taylor, a bit out of place in his bright red tank top and short a salt-and-pepper muscle daddy, and Erik Hunter, a jean shorts. Those shorts come in handy as he climbs beefy muscle-bound black guy. A side plot to their into the car – he spreads his legs and out pops his ball match is Johnny Donovan, a furry muscle-otter, wash- sack! The two of them go back to a motel room and, ing up in the locker room…hmm, must have a really surprising to me, Bo bottoms for Volt. A few scenes dirty cock for how much he scrubs it. He emerges in a later we see Volt drop Bo off at a warehouse in the towel to fi nd Matthew Ford getting changed. Donovan middle of nowhere. To follow is probably the hottest walks boldly up to Ford and the two begin some heavy glory hole scene I can recall. We get to see some better petting. Meanwhile Hunter is dominating in the ring, close-ups of Bo’s chest and that amazing dragon tattoo but I suspect Taylor is throwing the match…I would for across his back. too for Hunter in his black rubber shorts (assuming I had a choice). But let me wipe the stars out of my eyes for a second;

26 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 The fi nal scene is a little different from the fi rst two, Rider gets to show off but I’ll let you discover that one for yourself. his talent of being able to cum twice with only a two minute gap, as the “Side Effects” by Ti- puppy dog patrons fanta-, Courtesy sizes about the man. of Adult Depot The setting in this fi lm The fi rst time I saw is really cool. The fanta- Tober Brandt was in sies take place in a room Spyquest 2, where he with stained glass win- played the creepy villain. dows, an old-fashioned He had contact lenses fi replace and tile mural that made his pupils of a dragon, giving it look odd, had something medieval character that really strange going I found pretty appealing. on with his facial hair, The bar itself looks to and…ugh…was sus- have a country western pended from the ceiling theme, with a saddle and by hooks through his wagon wheel mounted on the walls. back fl esh! This fi rst Rider is the big name in this fi lm, and in fact the impression didn’t make only one I recognize from elsewhere. The other actors me like him at all, but as seem like average guys that you would see out at a bar, a regular looking guy in and possibly take home for some fun as happens in Side Effects, (if by regular you mean muscular and well the third scene. They’re hard to categorize…not really endowed) he’s actually not bad at all! hairy, but not smooth; not really old but not young. Jake Deckard plays a psychiatrist who seems to spe- Aside from Dan Rider, only two others wear facial hair cialize in homoerotic sex dreams. The fi rst few scenes and those are the ones he plays with, if he is only as a are visualizations of the dreams of two of his clients, as fi gment of their imagination. he listens to their tape recorded descriptions and takes I can see this fi lm being appealing to both fur lovers notes. These will appeal to those into younger smooth- and those who prefer guys that are not-so-extreme in bodied guys like Brad Starr and Damon Demarco, al- any direction of the spectrum. though Diego De La Hoya did manage to drum up some interest for me in the fi rst scene. The clincher for fur lovers comes later on, when Priape Calgary Brandt comes in for a one on one counseling session Canada’s Favorite Gay Store with Deckard. We see an adolescent fantasy involv- 1322, 17th Avenue SW – (403) 215-1800 ing young Brandt (Tony Bishop) and biker boy Zachary Pierce, then fi nally on to the grown men stuff. Deckard approaches his client who is on his back, eyes closed, Adult Depot on the psychiatrist’s bench. With his cock already Over 2500 Gay Titles for Sale or Rent hanging out, Deckard curtly tells Brandt, “open your 140 – 58th Ave SW – (403) 258-2777 eyes…suck my dick.” [email protected] The scene is amazingly hot – we see the two are mus- cular and covered in tattoos as they gradually undress one another. In particular, Brandt has trimmed fur across his chest and belly, and sports two large silver nipple rings. At a few points he uses his belt as a col- lar around Deckard’s neck, and Deckard does some interesting stuff with Brandt’s toes. But describing it here could not do the scene justice – go rent it!

“A Night at the Ramrod” by R.C. Men Produc- tions, Courtesy of Adult Depot The Ramrod: a leather and denim biker bar with Dan Rider, a cute muscle daddy, as their one and only bar tender. Talk about showing off your assets – he’s got a number of the guys sitting around the bar all riled up.

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 27 Q Puzzle “It’s All in the Game,”

By GayCalgary Staff Fun | Crosswords CLUE: a crossword tribute to the late Merv Griffi n.

Across 1 Click it to go to AfterEl- 38 East of Eden director Kazan 5 Gay couples can ex- 39 See 32-Across change them in Canada 42 Amount from Dr. George 9 Pink Triangle Press pub- O’Malley lication 43 Gay rodeo target 13 Auntie disestablishmen- 44 Do the master’s work tarian? 45 See 32-Across 14 Privy to 47 Sweaty place 15 Anthropologist Margaret 48 They could come from 16 Tutti-frutti ingredient Uranus 17 Ed Wood role for 27- 49 Club where you can Down dance with a sailor 18 Drag role for John Tra- 50 Devoured Beard’s sweet- volta meats 19 Creator of Jeopardy and 53 Med. care group Dance Fever 55 See 32-Across 22 Oral vote 60 Fairy story 23 Word before generis 63 Peter the Great 24 Chef Traci ___ Jardins 64 Treat meat 65 Aida lyricist Tim 27 Johnny Mathis disks Down Shaiman’s job) 66 Alternate date? 30 WWII area 1 Mosque head 31 What tail 67 Asian inland sea 32 With 39-, 45-, and 2 Composer John 33 Where to have cybersex 68 Changes from a couple 55-Across, epitaph that 19- 3 Barbra’s Funny Girl guy 36 Is unlike Dorian Gray to a threesome Across chose for himself 4 Having cojones 37 Guys with Mary at a 69 Bette Davis feature of 34 “Diamonds ___ a Girl’s 5 They help you shake that stable song Best Friend” thing 40 One ruled by a queen 70 What you can catch in 35 Soft seats 6 R.E.M.’s “The ___ Love” 41 Coal porter’s vehicles? South Beach 7 Eats enthusiastically, 46 Gay Games cry with “down” 51 Support Metropolitan 8 Screw-up Community Church, e.g. 9 McKellen’s Magneto 52 Francis Bacon work movie 54 Charlize Theron’s Mon- 10 Food and wine expert ster award Allen 55 Patty Sheehan support- 11 Went lickety-split ers 12 1993 Carole Maso novel 56 Hair of a stallion 20 They go down south for 57 Star quality the winter 58 Former Gov. Davis 21 Threesome for Caligula 59 Some have electric 24 What pupils watching organs porn may do 60 Refrain syllable 25 Bring out 61 Hand job? 26 Quenches 62 PC display 27 Martin, who won an Os- car for playing 17-Across 28 Printouts at 9-Across Answer key is on page 62 29 ___ music (does

28 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 Transsexuality The Stigma of the Current Medical Model

By Mercedes Allen Opinion The email notices come in quite regularly, from sources around the world. The latest one in my nario. And certainly, where coverage is not available, it is the impoverished, disenfranchised and marginalized of our inbox is calling for Spanish residents to join a dem- community (who quite often have more to worry about than onstration for “the Transgender, Transexual and the stigma of mental illness) who lose the most. Intersexual struggle” on October 7th, in Barcelona. The protest’s aim is for the “complete depathologiza- So I would argue that declassifi cation is actually not best for the transgender community. But if anyone who thinks tion of Trans identities” by removing “Gender Iden- that removing transsexuality as a mental disorder would tity Disorder” (GID) from medical classifi cation - or magically change the way that society views transfolk, is perhaps to reassign it. deluding themself. This would seem a reasonable enough issue, and certainly At some point in the future, I expect that we will fi nd more as a transgendered person myself, it’s quite unnerving that biological bases for GID, and that transgendered people will my diagnosis of GID puts me in the same pigeon-hole as perhaps become a smaller part of the larger intersex com- things such as schizophrenia or even pedophilia. It’s also munity (rather than the other way around). Recent studies quite humbling that while homosexuality was stricken from in genetics have demonstrated some difference in chromo- the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) in the early somal structure in male brains versus female brains, and 1970s, transgendered people still carry the stigma of “mental the UCLA scientists who conducted the study have also pro- illness.” It takes a while to get past the emotional argu- posed that their fi ndings are pertinent to a cause of gender ments and personal vanity to really assess this fi ght. dysphoria. Other studies into endocrine disrupting chemi- cals could open new discoveries related to variance in gender There is defi nite cause for concern, don’t get me wrong. correlation. A reassessment of GID is almost certainly When the emotional argument of “mental unfi tness” can something that will be on the medical community’s table at lead to ostracism, discrimination in the workplace or the some point in time in the future, but it defi nitely needs to loss of custody and/or visitation rights of children, there are remain in the DSM in some capacity. some very serious things at stake. But when the lobbies are calling for a reclassifi cation - or more dramatically a total But for now, GID is not something that can be determined declassifi cation - of GID, one would expect that they had a by a blood test or an ultrasound, and is not easily and verifi - better medical and social model to propose. They don’t. ably identifi ed through biological conditions, which is why reclassifi cation is not yet feasible. It’s diffi cult to convince The argument for complete declassifi cation is a great scientifi c and medical professionals to alter a diagnosis concern because, unlike homosexuals, transgendered people when the current model is workable in their eyes (even if do have medical needs and issues related to their condi- not perfect). The alternatives are not yet proven, cannot be tion. There are clear medical applications that some require, demonstrated as more valid than the current listing, and where there is risk of suicide from the distress of not having no modifi ed treatment system has been devised. Any move such things available: genital reassignment surgery (GRS), of the diagnosis will not likely be far from the current list- mastectomies and hysterectomies for transmen; tracheal ing. From the literature I’ve seen, I doubt that the commu- shave, facial hair removal and breast augmentation for nity will be happy with that. For some, even listing it as a transwomen. We need to use caution about taking psy- “physical disability” could constitute an “unwanted stigma.” chiatry out of the equation because GID really does affect us psychologically, and we do benefi t from having a central Complacency is still not an answer. In the face of conser- source of guidance that keeps this in mind no matter how vative reluctance and new left-wing activism by the likes of fl awed the process might be otherwise. Julie Bindel, who claims that GRS is “unnecessary muti- lation,” we need to discuss the necessity of treatments in Declassifi cation of GID would essentially relegate trans- order to ensure that any change would be an improvement sexuality to a strictly cosmetic issue. Without being able to on the existing model, rather than a motion to scrap it. This demonstrate that GID is a real medical condition via a listing is, of course, something that affects a small portion of the in the DSM, convincing a doctor that it is necessary to treat transgender community in the umbrella’s full reach of the us, provide referrals or even provide a carry letter that will term, but the need for those at spectral extremes is pro- enable us to use a washroom appropriate to our gender pre- found. It is not simply a question of quality of life, but one sentation could prove to be very diffi cult. of living at all. If and when a reclassifi cation occurs, it will Coverage in some regions, or those medical plans that list be this sense of necessity that will determine the shape of inclusion, are only possible because of an existing medical what will be written into any revision. classifi cation. Even coverage of, and access to, hormone Perhaps this issue is what transgender activists on any treatment is called into question in a declassifi cation sce- medical fronts should focus on, for the moment.

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 29 30 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 Bearbash 2007 Rocky Mountain Bears Holds Annual Gathering

By Benjamin Hawkcliffe Community|Spotlight There is something to be said in a world where an expanding city cannot see the virtue in provid- the contestant they’d like to see be Mr. Bear Calgary,” ex- plained Desautels. “The contest is usually 3 short events, ing basic needs such as shelter and food to those which could be anything from Bare what you Dare, tell us suffering from HIV/AIDS . Once again Artists for about your best fantasies, or maybe see who can be fi rst Quality of life, a small non–profi t group, is taking to put on a frozen wet T-shirt. It’s usually good for a few a proactive step to boost the spirits and brighten laughs, but mostly the contestants just mill about, get the everyday life of these individuals. to know people, get groped and likely get in a few of their own gropes.” This year’s 11th annual Bear Bash event, running September 28th to 30th, marks a number of exciting One of the cool things about bear events in general is changes. For the past several years it has been held in that they are very laid back, making them very comfort- the Montgomery Community Centre, however with the able. My boyfriend and I attended a bear event in Van- support of The Calgary Eagle, Bear Bash will have a new couver on Pride weekend and had a great time; gone was venue this year! the pretense and attitude that can permeate a gay event, and instead it is just about a bunch of big guys hanging “We are a Non-profi t organization and Bear Bash is out and having a good time. Even if you do not fi t into usually our major fundraiser. We like to give to worth- the bear or cub mould, you can still feel accepted and while causes and support the Gay community,” treasurer enjoy yourself. This is the same premise behind Calgary’s Gerry Desautels told us. “The last couple of Bear Bash Bearbash. events have not been very well supported, and we lost money. This year we decided to tone down the Bear Bash “We try to keep our event unique. In the past we’ve to reduce our costs and hopefully make it a success. The encouraged people to remove their shirts by having a Best Eagle, as always, has been very supportive and helpful. Hairy Chest contest that everyone in the crowd can par- We are a very small group, around 15 to 20 members, ticipate in. Often, once they get the shirt off, it stays off. and it really stretches our time and resources to but on a It’s great to have a room full of half naked HOT Bears.” big community event.” Indeed, GayCalgary’s own Steve Polyak was last year’s winner. Once again, Bearbash will be a weekend event. Past years have featured Teddy Bear Picnics and car rallies, We asked Desautels to summarize what makes but this year’s event kicks off Friday the 28th with the Bearbash an event that people should not miss. He sim- Bearbash dinner at Money Pennies. Saturday Night is ply replied, “Come and meet a bunch of friendly bears - the big event itself, and return to the Eagle on Sunday the people who have come out and have attended in past for some of Momma G’s home cooking at the survivor years always have a great time. We hope the community brunch. will support us.” “Bears Love to eat and this is two opportunities to get As the biggest bear event in Calgary, you do not want to together with other Bears and enjoy good food. Our out of miss out on this woofi sh opportunity to meet new friends, town guests enjoy these events as it gives them an oppor- check out guys, and have fun the way only bears know tunity to meet members and friends in a relaxed way. The how. Survivor Brunch at the Eagle is great - Momma G puts on a fabulous spread, and fun-loving Bears get an opportu- Bearbash Dinner nity to hang out [with] new and old out of town friends.” September 28th, 2007 @ 7:00pm The annual Mr. Bear Calgary event takes place at Money Pennies Bearbash on Saturday September 29th. Contestants par- ticipate in a series of challenges before the audience votes BEARBASH 2007 to crown the winner. There is still time to sign up if you September 29th, 2007 want to compete. The Calgary Eagle

“We are always in need of contestants, and we’re often Bearbash Survivor Brunch looking till the very last moment to fi nd someone to run. I September 30th, 2007 guess people are a little shy. The people in attendance are The Calgary Eagle the ones who pick the winners. We give everyone a voting chip when they arrive and after the contest, they vote for

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 31 Fundraising Photos

Photos by Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz Marino of Magazine AFQOL Meat and Greet at Money Pennies - Calgary

32 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 Edmonton Pride Centre Fundraiser at Prism ISCWR Entertainer of the Year - Edmonton

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 33 ISCCA BBQs at the Backlot - Calgary ISCCA BBQs at the Calgary Eagle

ISCCA Drag Shows at the Calgary Eagle ISCCA Drag Shows at Twisted Element - Calgary

ISCCA Shooters at the Calgary Eagle ISCCA Shooters at the Texas Lounge - Calgary

34 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 Cell Phone Fiasco Don’t Get Boned by your Phone!

By Rob Diaz-Marino Consumer|Advice It’s no secret that the phone companies are out to make money. Some earn it in exchange for providing a fi xing, I might just be acting silly. reliable quality service, while others think up gimmicks Monday rolls around and I go back to the store in TD to ding you around every corner. Now a lot of us have Square where I had bought the phone. The clerk doesn’t our own horror stories regarding my service provider in care about the details of my problem. He looks up my ac- particular, but recently I went through an incident that count and tells me, “I’m sorry, your phone is three days out made me truly appreciate just how carefully they had set of warranty. It expired on Saturday.” me up to spend more money than I signed up for. “But my phone failed on Friday,” I tell him. I’m a really busy guy, as many readers know. The pros- “Then you should have brought it in right away that day,” pect of having a phone that does more than calls is very he replies, never mind the fact that the store would have attractive to me, which is why I went with a PDA phone. It’s been closed by the time I was certain the phone was broken. a wonderful piece of technology that helps me manage my “I’ve never seen it cut so close,” he offers unhelpfully. schedule, gives me reminders of upcoming appointments, lets me take down people’s contact information, write notes, Then he starts going into my out-of-warranty repair take pictures and audio recordings, even listen to MP3s. As options: $50 courier fee to transport the phone to their Chi- you probably guessed, that many features don’t come cheap nook location which handles repairs, plus a $235 repair fee. – the going price of this PDA phone is over $500 without a Then he tells me something that gives me hope, “You can contract. I would have never paid that much for a phone bring your phone in to the repair depot yourself and not pay when I can get a laptop for roughly the same price; however, the overhead charges. They will only charge around $135, with a three year contract, the device was only $150. Not plus a service charge for repair time. You would need to bad at all – but exactly what they wanted me to think. take the phone in to get a quote of how much that will be.” Then came the question I always dread hearing: “Do you OPTION 3: $50 courier + $285 repair fee = $335. want to purchase the extended warranty?” The phone came with a 1 year manufacturer’s warranty. Extended warran- OPTION 4: $135 repair fee + unknown service charge = ties can be a lifesaver with electronics – especially portables approx. $150 to $200? that you might drop or easily damage. However, after pay- Well, the choice is obvious for me, but tracking down this ing $150 for a phone, I was not inclined to pay more than “repair depot” is a chore in itself. I grab the white pages double (add $165) for the extended two year warranty. I and look up the number for repair depot information for decided to take my chances. my carrier. Ironically when I call, I’m told the number has OPTION 1: $150 phone + $165 two-year extended war- been disconnected. I then phone the location in Chinook ranty = $315. Mall (assuming they were the depot, or would at least know of it) and they quote me the $285 fee with up to a 6 week OPTION 2: Screw the $165 extended warranty = $150. waiting period, since the phone needs to “get sent away” to the manufacturer. A courtesy phone is an additional $50 Everything was going great. My phone was a dream to charge, so I’m basically paying a repair fee and my regular use, and I wouldn’t leave home without it. The headset that $40/month to squander a month and a half. After practical- came with it made it easy to listen to music and seamlessly ly having to beat it out of them, they fi nally recommended I answer calls while I was on the move. I took very good care call TAC Mobility. It sounded like another wild goose chase, of it, never once dropping it or letting it get wet. I could so we decided to go right to the source with the hopes that connect it up to my computer and synchronize my appoint- they would have a better idea of what I should do. ments, tasks, contacts and notes through Microsoft Outlook. This device did it all, with a portability that even a laptop Option 3a: $50 courier + $285 repair fee + 1.5 wasted could never beat. months ($40/month) = $395. Then one evening while I’m trying to call someone, I hear Option 3b: $50 courier + $285 repair fee + $50 loaner fee two rings and then complete silence. I try a second time and = $385. hear nothing but silence. Noticing the two failed attempts, the person tries calling me back, and still silence. Totally I called the customer service line for my carrier. After a miffed, I wonder if it might be a problem with the cell phone 15 minute wait I fi nally get to talk to someone. That is short network – it’s happened before that my calls have received lived as they hang up on me instead of transferring me to bad connections. I get home later that night and try tinker- the department I need. After another infuriating 15 minute ing with my volume settings to no avail. It is Friday night wait I fi nally get through to the tech support department with a busy weekend schedule ahead of me. I will bring my and explain my situation. phone in fi rst thing Monday morning to see if it even needs

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 35 “Our company doesn’t give leniency on warranty dates,” on the replacement phone, and I still end up paying a little he explains, “it’s not my decision; it’s just the way we less than if I had originally bought the 2 year extended war- operate. In fact, even if you had brought your phone in ranty (option 2). I still have only two years to go before I can on Friday while it was under warranty, we would not have break free from the people who set me up – but they didn’t honoured it because the phone would have gone out of succeed in keeping me for another year (option 5). As long warranty while waiting to be repaired.” This statement just as my phone doesn’t break down again in exactly a year and about makes me choke on my own spit, but I remain calm. three days, I might just escape without paying through the He tells me that my cheapest route was option 3, to bring nose for horrendous service and expensive gimmicks. it back to the store from whence I bought it and have them I wrote this article to warn other cell phone users not to send it in for repairs. I explain the story about the repair fall for these traps. The phone stores are not representatives depot in Chinook, but it doesn’t ring a bell at all. I am of your carrier – they are the middle man, and some of them now thinking the whole option 4 is a myth, but I’m still not are downright greedy when taking their cut. Sadly, you sounding amicable to option 3. can’t always trust customer service reps from your carrier “The only other thing I can do you is to put a discount on either – to simplify things they are told to point you back to your account for $100 off a new phone with a new three year the original store of purchase. Something simple like getting contract.” your phone repaired can turn into a major gouge, and trying to avoid it led me through a great deal of frustration and “My phone costs $500 regular price,” I tell him, “but on a confusion. The fair alternatives are out there if you perse- three year contract it was $150. So I just pay $50 then?” vere – don’t take the fi rst answer you get, even if you have to “No, you would pay $400, and it would replace your wait on hold for another 15 minutes to speak to somebody current 3 year contract with another one, starting from different. scratch.” Because of this incident, I have already vowed to leave OPTION 5: $400 for a replacement + 1 additional year of my provider once the contract is up. The more people that service ($40/month) = $880. circumvent these dishonest and outrageous prices, the more people that wise up to the gimmicks they use to suck you in, I’m defi nitely feeling peeved, and consider my option of then the more honest the phone stores and carriers have to leaving them for a different provider. But of course I have be to keep our business. The future is friendly only if you only gone through one year of my 3 year contract. make it that way, because the now leaves something to be OPTION 6: Pay out the remaining 2 years ($40/month) = desired. $960. Looking back at my current options (3-6), I now truly feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. The easy way out (4) was merely a phantom. My cheapest option (3) is by far the most inconvenient, and the prices of my other options (5, 6) are completely daunting – I refuse to burn close to a grand, even if it does solve the problem immediately! Then I see the note I took about TAC Mobility, and decide to give them a try anyway. It turns out that they are located several blocks away from Chinook. I explain my situation – they can’t help me with the warranty problem (the manufac- turer actually is that sticky), nor can they “fi x” my particular model of phone. However they can have a replacement for me in 2 days, for only $145+GST. This is not black market, though it sure sounds too good to be true. This is the option that nobody in a position to milk me for more money seemed to know about. Merely by talking to them over the phone, they put in the order for my replacement device, and called me two days later as promised. I head down there and the swap takes 10 minutes. They keep my old phone to send back to the manufacturer (hopefully to dissect it and fi nd out what failed), but transfer its battery to the new one. Bingo - I have a working phone again, and I gladly pay the $145+GST. I tell the tech support guy what the phone stores wanted to charge me to get mine repaired, and he scoffs – “We all send the phones back to the carrier in the end. We all get charged this same price, with pre-paid way bills so that we don’t have to pay for courier costs. The difference they charge is all going into their pockets,” he says. “They were defi nitely trying to rip you off.” OPTION 7: I get my phone replaced with a refurbished one in 2 days for $145+GST. I have another 3 months warranty

36 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 8th Annual Calgary International Film Festival

By Arthur McComish Preview |Theatre With summer winding down, the time to seek out some engaging indoor activities is drawing near. Luckily September is the month in which the Calgary International Film Festival (CIFF) takes place. Starting on Thursday September 20th, the CIFF will present a variety of fi lms over the course of ten days. The mission of the orga- niztion is “to entertain and enlighten through the experience of fi lm.” This defi nitely sounds like a great indoor activity. themselves as the guardians of an 11-year-old fl amer. There are endless reasons to attend this year’s CIFF. Or, if you are more inclined for some non-fi ction check Firstly you would be supporting movie out the documentary Black White + Gray: A Portrait Of industry, and according to CIFF Programming Manager, Sam Wagstaff And Robert Mapplethorpe. This documen- Angela Kempf, the festival provides the opportunity to tary explores the 25 year romantic relationship between see movies that you may not get to see otherwise; many the famous curator and photographer, and features some of these fi lms will not end up in the major theater chains. rare footage worth seeing. For those who are looking for Kempf also points out that for some of the fi lms, the di- something more exotic there is, Auf der Anderen Seite rectors will be present to discuss their work either before (The Edge of Heaven), which recently won best screen- of after their showing - something that never happens play at Cannes. It involves a number of intertwined sto- in the bigger theaters. On top of it all, there will be some ries, one being focused on the love between two women. great parties taking place. The CIFF will host an opening There are many way to access information about this party, a gala party and a closing party, but you can bet year’s festival. The best resource is the CIFF website on there being more with Calgary’s saturation of movie which gives a complete listing and bio of each fi lm. Ad- industry members over the ten days. ditionally the website has a unique feature that lets you There are three primary categories to the CIFF: Cana- select the fi lms that you want to see and then generates dian Film works, American Independent works, and Con- a personal itinerary that you can print off. Tickets for the temporary world cinema. Within each section there are festival are available online and at the CIFF Box Offi ce subsections separating fi lms by country, series, genre site at Eau Claire Market opening September 7th. Souve- and theatre venue. Some Canadian fi lms playing are the nir programs will also be available at the CIFF Box offi ce Emmy nominated Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, and and participating Starbucks at a cost of $5. the featured Gala fi lm Walk All Over Me, starring Leelee Sobieski and directed by Robert Cuffl ey. The American The Canadian International Film Festival independent selections include some star-driven per- September 20th – September 30th, 2007 formances such as The Jane Austin Book Club featuring Box Offi ce: Eau Claire Market Emily Blunt, and The Hottest State directed by Ethan Tickets on sale starting September 7th Hawke, who also stars. And from even further away the www.calgaryfi Contemporary World Selection will feature some Cannes award winning foreign fi lms like that of the 2007 Palme d’Or winner 4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days from Roma- nia, and Percepolis, the animated Jury Prize from Iran. This year’s line up also contains a variety of fi lms that may be of interest to fans the gay and lesbian genre. One Canadian fi lm that you should see is Breakfast with Scot, a co- presentation by maga- zine and Fairytales Film Festival on Tuesday September 25th at 6:45pm at the Uptown theatre. Breakfast with Scot is adapted from the Michael Downing Book of the same name, in which a sporty gay couple suddenly fi nd

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 37 Sharing the “Gift” of Death

By Kevin Alderson, Ph.D., R. Psych. Queer Quest “Travelling POZ delivery service who prefers other It should be clear from this poz guys, but will do it with consenting and sober study that only a very small neg dudes who want to enlist in our ranks. . . [I plan] percentage of hardcore gift to make de-poz-its in eleven cities in four countries givers (1.1% of the 1,600 sub- between now and October and [am] looking for sex sample) and a signifi cantly partners at every stop.” [Actual Classifi ed Ad]. [1] higher percentage of hardcore bug chasers (21% of the “Attention neg men! Why stay locked in a boring 1,600 sub-sample) advertise world of sterile sex when you can join the ranks of on bareback websites looking the AIDS Freedom Fighters? Let me give you my gift for infection. and set you free.” [Actual Classifi ed Ad]. [2] I was unable to fi nd re- I consider myself a giving person who receives compli- search that describes the ments and gifts unapologetically (note to readers: espe- reasons why hardcore gift cially big gifts, likes cars, trips – hum). One kind of giving givers are looking to infect and receiving is diffi cult to understand, however – the so others. They are a rare group, called “gift” of HIV infection. Gift givers are those individu- and that is likely the reason no studies have been done als who are willing, with varying degrees of intent, to infect about them specifi cally to date. Is it because they wish to HIV negative individuals. Bug chasers are those individu- reclaim the sexual freedom – with its sense of irresponsi- als who are wanting, with varying degrees of intent, to bility – that existed before AIDS in the gay community? Is become infected with the HIV virus. Although I defi ne this it that they wish to share something of themselves with proclivity in gender-neutral terms – thus allowing for the others that will continue to be felt by the ones who become possibility that women and straight men fall into either infected by them long after their own deaths? Is that they category as well – I am only aware of research concerning are simply the worst kind of hedonistic psychopaths who this practice as it relates to gay men. In either case, gift don’t give a damn about others and only care about their givers and bug chasers, both colloquial terms, comprise a own pleasure? These are purely some of my speculations sub-community of barebackers, the topic of last month’s – we need to know the reasons why, however, if we are to Queer Quest (available online at do something constructive with this group of dangerous gay rebels. In some places, gift givers and bug chasers hold HIV transmission parties – the intent is to share the virus to We know far more about the more prevalent group here, those in attendance. [3] I hope you are already asking that of the bug chasers. Two researchers defi ned four mo- yourself, “Why on earth would anyone want to do this?” tives for bug chasing, including: Let me explain what I have learned. 1. Fear and Relief – these individuals seek out infection The most comprehensive study reported in the literature because they worry about contracting the virus, so rather analyzed one Web site targeted at barebackers hosting than continue to worry about it, they pursue it. Once in- 24,000 Internet profi les in 2004. Of these, approximately fected, their anxiety ends because they have created their 1,600 indicated they were either a bug chaser or gift giver own self-fulfi lling prophecy. (6-7% of total). Only a small percentage of this group 2. Risk-Taking – These people eroticize engaging in risky were considered “committed,” in the sense that they were behaviours, like those who play “Russian Roulette” for fun. exclusively looking for a serodiscordant (meaning not of the same HIV status) sexual partner. That is, 1.1% of 3. Loneliness and Group Solidarity – This group pursues HIV positive men and 21% of HIV negative men – of the infection because they feel “left out” by others who have 1,600 sub-sample – were seeking HIV serodiscordant already become infected, and they believe that they will partners. In other words, the vast majority of barebackers become part of the group by becoming infected themselves. were not literally chasing or giving the bug with serious 4. Political Action – These men believe that because gay intent. However, much of this sample of barebackers were and bisexual men are stigmatized, becoming infected will referred to as “opportunistic” bug chasers and gift givers, bring the negative labelling closer to them. In turn, some- meaning that they were willing to engage in serodiscordant thing about this labelling is viewed by them as empower- bareback sex if the opportunity arose, but they were not ing. [5] exclusively pursuing it (i.e., 72% of HIV positive men and 35% of HIV negative men of the 1,600 sub-sample). [4] In summary, the four reasons for bug chasing is that

38 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 they “gain in self-respect, sense of purpose, [experience] the University of Calgary who specializes in gay and lesbian studies. heightened group solidarity, and [have] improved percep- He also maintains a private practice. He can be contacted by confi- tion in quality of life.” [6] dential email at [email protected], or by confidential voice mail at 605-5234. If you are a bug chaser, please read these four reasons carefully: do any of them really make sense? As I wrote References: last month, nearly everyone who is HIV positive knows 1) Gauthier, D. K., & Forsyth, C. J. (1999). Bareback sex, bug chasers, how living with the disease is onerous. [7] If you need to and the gift of death. Deviant Behavior, 20(1), 85 100. [quote from p. 92]. ask why your life is worth saving, then honey, you need to 2) Ibid [quote from p. 92]. be calling a psychologist to get some help. Do so and learn 3) Ibid. about how your life is the most precious gift ever given to 4) Grov, C., & Parsons, J. T. (2006). Bug chasing and gift giving: The you. potential for HIV transmission among barebackers on the Internet. AIDS Education and Prevention, 18(6), 490 503. I also decided in this issue to write about harm reduc- tion, which includes the strategies that can be used to 5) Gauthier & Forsyth (1999). reduce the likelihood of harm for those who refuse to wear 6) Ibid [quote from p. 97]. condoms for whatever reason. It is a bit like using the 7) Adam, B. D. (2005). Constructing the neoliberal sexual actor: Responsi- withdrawal method of birth control – some women will bility and care of the self in the discourse of barebackers. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 7(4), 333 346. still get pregnant using this method and they will not be protected from the transmission of sexually-transmitted 8) Wolitski, R. J. (2005). The emergence of barebacking among gay and bisexual men in the United States: A public health perspective. Journal of diseases (STDs). I do beseech you to use condoms if you Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy, 9(3 4), 9 34. [quote from p. 13]. are the inserter during anal . It is the safest 9) Shernoff, M. (2006). Condomless sex: Gay men, barebacking, and harm method of avoiding HIV and several other STDs. If you will reduction. Social Work, 51(2), 106 113. not listen to the best advice regarding safer sex, however, 10) Grov & Parsons (2006). then at least know about harm reduction strategies and use them. 11) Wolitski (2005). [quote from p. 26].. Negotiated safety is the idea of two men in an open relationship who are both HIV negative agreeing to have unprotected anal sex between themselves, but practicing only safer sex outside their relationship. This approach has been widely promoted in Australia, and it requires fi ve conditions: 1. The two are in an ongoing primary relationship; 2. Both partners are HIV negative and both are aware of each other’s HIV status; 3. Both partners have agreed in unambiguous terms what behaviours will be permitted outside the relationship; 4. Their agreement is clear that safer sex will be prac- ticed outside of their relationship; and 5. Both partners actually keep the agreement. [8] Serosorting is the method whereby you only engage in risk behaviours with those who are believed to have the same serostatus (i.e., HIV positive or negative). This meth- od is based on trust, but besides its reliance on honesty, not everyone knows their serostatus at any given time. [9] Strategic positioning is a third harm reduction strategy, and it requires that partners agree to engage in certain sexual behaviours based on the perceived serostatus of their partners. For example, if one member of the pair is HIV negative and the other is HIV positive, then the HIV positive person becomes the insertee instead of the in- serter in anal intercourse. Note that the possibility of HIV transmission is still present for the HIV negative inserter, but the risk is less than if the insertee became the inserter and vice versa. [10] In one study among young men who have sex with men, “77% of those who tested HIV positive incorrectly believed that they were uninfected.” [11] Remember to love hard but always to play safe sexually. Dr. Alderson is an associate professor of counselling psychology at

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 39 A Party To Murder Vertigo’s Season Opener Will Keep You Guessing

By Jason Clevett Preview |Theatre Six relative strangers gather in a cabin on an island for a fun weekend of thrills and murder people try to fi gure it out before the ending, and that is the popularity of the art form,” he replied. “What I love about mystery. When ghosts from the past haunt the it in its theatrical styling is that it is immediately engaging proceedings, the game takes on a sinister dimen- to an audience. They understand what it is. Unlike a great sion as it turns real - and the players are literally play that you just sit back and absorb, our theatre, no one dropping dead. This is the premise behind A Party sits back everyone is on the edge of their seat watching for To Murder, the gripping thriller by Marcia Kash clues and trying to fi gure it out. It is the most actively en- and Douglas E. Hughes, playing at the Vertigo gaged audience I have come across in theatre. The discus- sions in the lobby are great because everyone has a theory Theatre from September 15th until October 7th. and is trying to fi gure it out. Our audiences spend the “I always like to fi nd Canadian work to put on stage entire intermission talking about the play, it is amazing and this was written by two Canadian playwrights. It is the eye for detail that people have. It is a lot of fun to scare very much a tribute to Agatha Christie, it has got every the crap out of people.” secret twist, trick, special effect that you can pack into And yes, A Party To Murder likely will fall into the “scare one play. You take everything from every great murder the crap out of you” department. mystery and set it in a cabin on an island that they can’t get off of. It’s really a contemporary classic and is really “There are some good, creepy thrills in this show. The fun and spooky,” Vertigo’s Artistic Director Mark Bellamy power goes out, of course. It is different than watching it told GayCalgary and Edmonton magazine. “I defy anyone on fi lm because you are distant from fi lm. When people to fi gure out the ending. If anybody fi gures it out before are stuck in the cabin and plunged into the dark, it’s a it actually ends I would be very surprised, it is that well lot more visceral and creepier because you are right there written. For fans of the classic type of mystery, people with them, in the same room as the killer. I wouldn’t go being trapped in a cabin is the archetypal image of the out in the woods after seeing it! Just don’t go to a cabin great mysteries. It’s like the classic Agatha Christie play on an island with fi ve people you don’t really know - that Ten Little Indians except instead of ten people there are would be the moral in this story. And never look for some- six…which is more affordable. It’s a great kickoff to the one in your underwear. It is a sure way to die. There is season.” no underwear in the show everyone is in their pajamas.” We asked if the pajamas in this particular show were at The show also marks the return to Vertigo of Calgary all revealing, to which he responded, laughing, “You never Theatre legend Stephen Hair, who steps into the role of know, you will just have to come and see it and fi nd out.” director for the show. In case you still aren’t convinced, Mark has one last “We are really looking forward to bringing Stephen back. message as to why you should check out the 2007/2008 He was the artistic director from 1990-1995 and directed season opener of Vertigo Mystery Theatre. many a play, and many of them Agatha Christie. This was the perfect choice to bring him back. He is very popular “You will laugh, be scared, and engaged and intrigued. with our audience already and he knows this kind of work If you like any mystery in any form, you will love this. You so so well. It was a great fi t.” will keep guessing and guessing, peeling away more lay- ers like an onion and when you get to the core it is quite This year marks the 31st season of Vertigo’s mystery surprising. [There are] lots of great twists and turns. If you series (the company was originally called Pleiades theatre) have never been here before you should defi nitely check it and they are the only professional theatre company in out because the work we do is really great. Our audience is Canada that specializes in producing Mystery Genre work. growing rapidly, so get on board while there is still room!” We asked Mark what keeps people coming back to the unique niche of mystery theatre. Vertigo Mystery Theatre presents “As a society we have this great love of puzzles and A Party To Murder people love to fi gure things out, whodunnit and why. Ag- September 15th - October 7th atha Christie is the best selling author of all time - outsold Vertigo Theatre (Calgary Tower) only by the works of William Shakespear and the Bible. (403) 221-3708 J. K. Rowling isn’t even close to touching Agatha Christie yet. You look back at classic cinema, or even how many different versions of CSI and Law and Order are on TV. People are fascinated by the mystery, and when watching

40 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 41 30 Years of “The Roost”

By Jason Clevett Business |Spotlight Very few bars, gay or straight, can claim thirty years of business, but The Roost nightclub in Ed- and in fact we are closed three days: Monday, Tuesday and monton can proudly boast that they are the lon- gest running nightclub in Canada (Regina’s GLCR Wednesday. By owning the building and all equipment, has been in business longer, but they started as we are able to control our costs as incomes change.” a community centre and pub). With a one week However, one of the main reasons to support gay busi- celebration running September 16th to the 23rd, ness is that they, in turn, support the community. The we spoke with owner Dow about this milestone Roost alone raises thousands of dollars that go to a variety event in the gay community. of charities. “There are lots of things that we do that I don’t think “We have had a pretty good run. We have tried to sup- the community knows we do. We pretty much support all port all the groups as we hope in turn they have sup- of the groups that support us. We do of course have a few ported us. We’ve provided a place that people want to be, pet fundraisers, including the AIDS Research program at where they can come, be safe and have fun.” the University of Alberta. We, to date, have raised $98,000 We asked Dow about the challenges of setting up the for this worthwhile project. When Vincent Richards (Sticky bar back in 1977, as opposed to having to set one up Vicky) was alive he championed many more causes; today. Breast Cancer, Children’s Wish Foundation, Heart and Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis and many more.” “What it really amounts to is that there is a lot more intervention, and sometimes roadblocks, from government Like any entertainment venue, The Roost has offered agencies; there are more approvals to be obtained and a variety of attractions; from drag shows, amateur strip, more agencies with their hands out. The costs of construc- and appearances by recording artists and other celebri- tion and manpower far exceeds those encountered thirty ties. They have been host to Fringe Festival events and years ago.” the 2006 Sterling Awards production of Bash’d They have a deli within the building that serves food until close, as Dow has owned the building that houses The Roost for Dow feels it important that his customers can eat to offset 10 years. With 13,000 square feet of space and a massive their drinking. outdoor patio, The Roost has been a prime destination. We asked about what has changed in the community since However, Dow says he has no secret formula to keep the they started. community coming back to his business. “I think that the biggest change we see is that different “I can’t tell you that I have a solution. We do work very lifestyles are able to merge together. When The Roost was hard to try different things for customers, to keep their fi rst started we only sold memberships to the GBLT com- interest up. During the summer there are many festivals munity in order that the patrons would feel no one knew such as the Fringe, the Fold Festival which are very popu- about them. Today our members can go to straight bars lar and impact our attendance.” and pubs with their friends and fi t in, as their straight What does the future hold for the Roost? It’s a diffi cult friends spend Saturday evenings at The Roost. Even with question, as the bar and patrons have seen a great deal this mix in the patrons we experience almost no problems. over the past thirty years. The Edmonton Police Service considers us to be very well behaved with less than 3% of the complaint calls received “I do not see a change in the foreseeable future but, annually by other establishments in our area.” everything has a life cycle and we are not likely to be the exception. Operating The Roost over those thirty years has It has been said that the gay community is in some been both challenging and rewarding for me, and I owe so ways falling apart in cities where homosexuality has much thanks to so many people for their support.” become more accepted. We asked Dow if he is seeing a similar trend in Edmonton. The Roost turns 30 “I do see a gradual move away from spending a lot of September 16th to 23rd, 2007 time in Gay Bars and establishments as people are now 10345 104 Street able to go to many other venues without fear of harass- Edmonton AB ment. As a result of this move of GBLT people to other (780) 426-3150 venues we see less need to be open seven days per wee,

42 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 43 Letters to the Editor

By Staff Letters Dear GayCalgary, ment Karen and Brad who bested the other 7 teams par- On Sunday August 5th, 2007, Vincent B. Richards ticipating. We thank GayCalgary and Edmonton Maga- passed away suddenly at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in zine for their sponsorship and support for this event as Edmonton. He was also lovingly known as “Sticky Vicky.” well as the Texas Lounge, Bill, and you other hidden Anyone who has been angels for your donations and ongoing support for the to the Roost, where he SHARP Foundation. Watch for us next year August 16th worked for the last 12 at the Inglewood Lawn Bowling Centre. years, will always remem- Mark Randall, ber his welcoming smile. For The SHARP Foundation, Beswick and Scott Houses He went out of his way to make people feel welcome. He had a heart of gold like Dear GayCalgary, no other, and a passion for helping others in the Finally the STATS that we all needed are in! WOW! community through vari- We are making a difference to be proud of. AFQOL is ous fundraising shows and getting the job done. events, many of which he “As one of our longest standing third-party fundraisers, organized himself. He was Artists for the Quality of Life (AFQOL) has helped us sup- a mainstay on the Roost port over 530 registered clients and 200+ drop-in clients stage for many years. by providing support for our various nutritional programs, Vince was involved in the Imperial Sovereign Court of including our Positive Living Lunch program. In addition, the Wild Rose for a long time. His various titles included $3000 has in emergency food and assistance funding, Imperial Crown Princess XXIII, and Empress XXVIX just and over 50 Christmas hampers has been provided by 3 years ago. For him, holding these titles was not about the funds generated by AFQOL. Proper nutrition can help having the biggest crown and the most fabulous out- boost immune function and maximize the effectiveness fi ts; he had a style of his own, which set him apart from of HIV/AIDS medication and helps contribute to a better the other Queens. As Empress he wore a second-hand overall quality of life. The support AIDS Calgary receives crown, given to him by a past Empress. For him it was from AFQOL is essential so we may continue to offer these all about raising money and having fun - he knew the services.” - AIDS Calgary Awareness Association true meaning of what it was all about. He was also very active in the planning of the AIDS benefi t fundraiser and Linda Huston Eckess the kids Christmas party held annually at the Roost. Artists for Quality of Life Vince will be sadly missed by those who knew him, but forever remembered in our hearts. He was an example of what true community spirit is all about. Rest in Peace my friend. Bob Halldorson President, ISCWR

Dear GayCalgary, Bocce for Beswick thanks you! The organizers and volunteers for the “Bocce for Beswick” Fundraiser held August 11th in Rotary Park wants to thank everyone involved for making it a great success. Congratulations to the winners of our tourna-

44 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 The Rabbit Hole Tragedy explored in ATP Season Opener

By Jason Clevett Preview |Theatre The 2007/2008 season for Alberta Theatre Proj- ects kicks off with the Canadian debut of one of characters in the play the most critically acclaimed new shows of the have, and it is that recog- nition that brings out the past year. Multi-time Tony award nominee and the humor. Pulitzer Prize winner for best drama of 2006, David Lindsay-Abaire’s Rabbit Hole explores one of the “There are comic ele- most diffi cult subjects a human being can deal with ments for sure. That is one of the things that is - the loss of a child - adding depth and warmth to so endearing about the the piece and making it a must see. play is that no matter Originally starring Cynthia Nixon (Sex and the City) and how painful an experience Tyne Daly (Cagney and Lacey, Judging Amy), Rabbit Hole is to go through, we all explores the life of Howie (Curt McKinstry) and Becca (An- cope through it in differ- nette Loiselle) Corbett eight months after their four year ent ways, and humor is old son Danny was hit by car while chasing the family dog a strong aspect of that. out into the street. Now the parents struggle to hang on It allows us to carry on to their memories, sanity, and each other. Sister Izzy and despite all of the hardship mother Nat both try and lift the spirits of the couple in their we have to go through,” own quirky ways. McKinstry and Loiselle are both parents explained McKinstry. themselves, so approaching the role of living out this tragedy With such a heavy sub- every night for 18 days is a daunting task. Lindsay-Abaire ject matter, guaranteed created the concept for the show in a writing class when to bring tears to your eyes (bring tissues) the question was asked to write about something that scared him. In his case, asked, why see Rabbit Hole? Sure, it is critically acclaimed, as with many of us, the loss of a child was the most terrify- but why go through the emotions that the show is sure to ing thing he could imagine. bring to the surface? Both actors gave very convincing argu- “It is hard to walk into it predicting how I will feel. I am ments. taking it day by day. I know when I fi rst read the script it “It is not often that a play like this [comes around]. Usu- was very emotional, but I like going to those places. There ally the play is going to deal with the drama happening in is something about the piece that is a release. …I love sad the play [itself]. To have a show where someone dies and it movies and to bawl my eyes out, or laugh out loud. People is eight months later is different. In our society there is so look at me like I am crazy, but I am expressing myself and I much that happens around the time of the death, with the need to be able to do that out loud. There is no question it is family getting together, that we forget about the family that, hard because you have to go to a place that you never want a year later, is still struggling with the loss. It is a universal to go in your own life,” Loiselle told GayCalgary and Edmon- recognition,” said Loiselle. “It’s not plot driven, it is character ton magazine. driven and a look at relationships. Every time people would McKinstry added his own thoughts on preparing for the ask me about the play I would try to describe it, and it is role. “For myself in terms of preparing for this experience, hard because there isn’t really a plot. It is character driven I didn’t necessarily try to think about it too much but just and absolutely riveting.” open myself up to the experience and warm up to the idea “The thing that draws people into it is that no matter who that it is going to be diffi cult... I know that this is going to you are or what your beliefs are, we can all connect with it be one of the most horrifi c experiences I am going to have to on that level. We all have moments in our lives where we go through in my acting career, and I have had to get myself have to deal with something tragic and horrifi c and fi nd a to that place where I was ok. From an actor’s perspective it way to deal with it and get through it all,” added McKinstry. is one of the most exciting pieces of theatre I have seen in “When you see it on stage you realize you are not alone and a very long time. It is the type of play that we as artists live have these feelings. It is art imitating life which is a beauti- for. You go through really great experiences in the theatre ful thing.” world and then there are those one or two gems that make you go ‘I have got to do this,’ and this is one of those shows.” Alberta Theatre Projects What is especially surprising, given the subject matter, Rabbit Hole is that in many ways Rabbit Hole is a comedy. The way the September 11th - 29th, 2007 play is written creates very real, human characters. People can really relate to the arguments and discussions that the (403) 294-7402

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 45 Edmonton Walk for Life

By Chris Garvey Community|Spotlight Put on your shoes! Yes, the annual AIDS Walk for Life is here again – though for some, “again” The 16th annual Walk for Life will be held on Septem- ber 23rd, 2007 starting at Edmonton’s City Hall. Every- only means the time spent reading about it. That one is also invited to an unoffi cial after-party on Friday, is about to change because there are reasons to September 28th, at the recently opened Starbucks in the volunteer this year that you have likely overlooked new Matrix Hotel, where donations will be accepted for in the past. products for three hours before regular business hours begin. First, you should volunteer because you will be helping yourself and people that you know. The walk helps to Sponsor sheets are available online at www.hivedmon- fund HIV Edmonton’s extensive public education cam- and for more information please call 780-488- paign, so go ahead and be greedy - do it for yourself and 5742, ext. 222 or email directly to admin@hivedmonton. the people you care about. com. Secondly, you should volunteer for the Walk of Life because you like sex. Prior to the Walk, you can use AIDS Calgary presents the pick-up line of “Would you like to sponsor me?” on AIDS Walk for Life 2007 strangers. Just make sure you actually have your spon- sor sheet handy when you ask. After the walk you will have that nice sheen of sweat, and who knows who you HIV Edmonton’s Walk for Life might meet. You won’t have to look very far for extra Sunday September 23rd, 2007 condoms. Starting at Edmonton City Hall Some of you have volunteered before, quite possibly for the reasons above; but Ted Kerr, Volunteer Coordina- (780) 488-5742 ext. 222 tor of HIV Edmonton, thinks there are other reasons the admin@hivedmonton public lends a helping hand: “[They’re] giving back to the community… using [their] skills and talents to make www.hivedmonton the world a better place,” he explains. Kerr points out that Walk for Life is “a great way to put a local face on a world-wide issue”, stressing the regional aspect of the work his organization performs. Or it could also be that you’ve volunteered because you know how vital this fundraiser is for HIV Edmonton to function. It is “very important, because the Walk is the largest fundraiser in which the public is involved,” says Leah Portelance, interim Operations Coordinator of HIV Edmonton. Imagine, “very important…largest fundraiser…public…involved” on your résumé or next bursary application! The donations contributed to HIV Edmonton help fi nance their operations, which include taking care of people living with HIV, fostering HIV prejudice-free envi- ronments in the social services sector, and distributing free condoms among many other things. Once you’ve decided to volunteer, you’ll be glad to know you have many options available. Getting spon- sors and walking in the event is the most common form of participation, but HIV Edmonton can accommodate your schedule by having you volunteer the days before, after, or during the Walk.

46 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 Letter from the Publisher, continued from page 9 ual touch-ups, however the fi lters we use can sometimes smooth enough to give an airbrushed effect. factors between taking the pictures and printing them Finally, we lay out the photo section in the magazine that could have been the reason; we seldom remember itself. We have limited space to do this, and the photo exactly why. sections are sometimes our crumple room when we can’t fi t articles or ads. We take into account the number of First off, there are events happening in the community pages that we have available for each section, and allo- almost every day of the week – we cannot attend them all cate space based on the quantity of photos set aside from or else we would get nothing else done. That is why we each event (but not more than a two page spread for a have a set of rules to follow: single event). We then have to take a subset of the good 1) One-time special events and annual events take photos based on what we think we can fi t reasonably (ie. highest priority. without making photos the size of postage stamps): usu- ally two vertical photos for every horizontal photo. These 2) Monthly events follow, because if we miss it one are chosen from a thumbnail inventory, and we look for month, we can make up for it the next. photos that appear the most different from one another. 3) Weekly events are usually not photographed unless We often can’t tell who is in a photo until we place it on they involve a non-profi t group, and even so, are usually the magazine page – but we typically catch doubles of only covered once a month. However, we make an excep- people and try to include as many different faces. So in tion in the case of drag shows to ensure we maintain the case of Calgary Pride, only 42 out of those 600 pho- that element of gay culture in each issue. tos could be published. Now, consider the fact that we take anywhere between These sections are typically the last thing in the 5000 and 15,000 photos in a month, depending on the magazine that we lay out. When it is late at night and line-up of events. After we have downloaded the photos our deadline is getting tight, sadly we often don’t clue in from our cameras, the fi rst thing we do is sort through that we might be missing a photo of someone who really them. During this step we eliminate any photos that are wanted to be in the magazine. Even so, we really can’t out of focus, too dark, washed out, have motion blurs afford to be farting and fanning around with the photo etc. In the case of candid photos, we usually toss ones selections for too long – it takes enough effort to lay it where people are looking away from the camera, have out the fi rst time. unfl attering or unhappy expressions on their faces (ex- So why didn’t that one particular picture make it? cept when they’re trying to be silly), have nasty red-eye Well, it could have been deleted because the photo didn’t or have their eyes closed altogether. We usually take two turn out, or it might have been missed in the photo or three photos of people in case any of these unfavor- selection, or it might not have fi t in the magazine layout. able conditions occur, that way there is a higher chance Suffi ce it to say that our photo choices are not really that at least one out of the set will be good. If not, we choices – they are mostly luck of the draw, so don’t take sometimes keep the least bad of the set so as not to cut it personally if you didn’t make it into the magazine this the people out completely. month. There’s always next month, and the only thing Next, Steve will select a set of the best photos by tak- you can do is make sure you get photographed! ing one from each set of similar photos. For example, in Now, the other thing I want to mention about photos our June edition this year we had selected close to 600 is regarding those who ask us to send them particular good photos from Calgary Pride. These ones get set aside ones. The worst possible request is to ask us to send from the originals, and undergo color adjustments and a all the photos that we have of them personally, or from gauntlet of fi lters to prepare them for print. People often events in their establishment or put on by their organiza- joke about us airbrushing photos - either that they need tion. You have to realize that we keep all of the photos it, or that we’ve done it to make them look better. Unless that aren’t eliminated in the fi rst sorting step, and we you’re on the cover we really don’t have time to do man- have them going back to 2000 (even before the magazine started). To do a manual search through them all is just…well, let’s say impossible. Even if you ask us while we’re taking the photographs, we don’t look through them until the end of the month. So that’s why photo requests can be hit and miss. I ask anyone who wants particular photos to send me their request by E-mail, with the date(s) of the event(s) if possible. Some I’ve been able to fulfi ll right away, but I do keep a list of others, waiting for that day I happen to come across the photos that they wanted. I recently completed custom-built software to help us manage this large photo collection. Not only does it help us sort through the photos faster, but it also lets us database and tag them with a number of useful classifi - cations: city, venue, organization, event, and even people

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 47 that are in them. The cool part is that this system will tie in with our new online photo gallery that we hope to launch within the next month. Once that is available, you won’t have to wait on us any more! But there is still a lot of work to do as we must go back and classify all of our past photos before they can become available. Past photos will probably go on in waves, while recent photos won’t become available until a month after they have been taken – we still want you to pick up the magazine after all!

November - 4th Anniversary Edition It’s only two months away! This November marks the magazine’s fourth year in operation, and the month after, our 50th edition! Personally we can’t believe that we will have done the magazine for 50 straight – er, rather gaily continuous months. Going to press can be a pretty intense experience, so doing it 50 times is a milestone of commitment and determination. We encourage our ad- vertisers to take advantage of these two special months, as they will both be excellent opportunities for exposure.

We want to hear what YOU have to say about the topics in this article, and any other articles in our magazine. Visit the chat forums at and write your heart out! Or write us a letter to the publisher by E-mailing publisher@gaycalgary. com, and we may respond to it in the magazine!

48 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 49 Sizwe Banzi is Dead Theatre Junction explores Aparthied at The Grand

By Jason Clevett Preview | Theatre In apartheid-era South Africa, migrant worker Sizwe Banzi is getting desperate. To survive and (which should be an interest- ing experience for live theatre) support his wife and family, he needs a job. But the show kicks off Theatre to get a job he needs a valid pass, which he does Junction’s exciting 2007/2008 not qualify for. While season. Sizwe is out walking one Sizwe Banzi is Dead was evening, fate places a written in collaboration with corpse across his path. two African Actors, John Looking through the Kani and Winston Ntshona, pockets of the deceased both of whom appeared in the man he discovers that original production. Originally his name was Robert debuting in Cape Town, South Zwelinzima and that his Africa in 1972, it debuted a year later in England and won papers are in order! Can The London Theatre Critics he take the name, steal award for the best play of the papers, lose his 1974. Thirty-fi ve years later, identity and destroy the the show’s themes are as man known as Sizwe important a message as it was Banzi? - Sizwe Banzi back then. Still today in Africa is Dead is a story that and other parts of the world, people are treated as second has struck a universal class citizens. Director Brook told The Economist that the play is, for chord. him, “about a fundamental lack of respect for the African” which ex- World renowned director Peter Brook continues his investigation ists to this day in the world. of the role of theatre in political situations of repression, focusing on Critically acclaimed, Sizwe Banzi is Dead has been included in lists themes connected with identity, humanity, truth and survival. This such as “Masterpieces of the twentieth century” and “most signifi cant engaging and humorous production of beautiful simplicity pushes us plays of the Twentieth century.” The Broadway version of the show to contemplate the philosophical question: what is a man? has lead to actors John Kani and Winston Ntshona making history by Starring Habib Dembele and Pitcho Womba Konga, the show is in co-winning the Tony Award. Do not miss this chance to see one of the midst of runs worldwide from Jerusalem to Dublin, and its tour the greatest works of the twentieth century live and in person at The stops in Calgary for four shows only, September 12th - 15th at The Grand! Grand theatre. Performed entirely in French with English subtitles Theatre Junction presents Size Banzi is Dead September 12th - 15th (403) 205-2922

50 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 51 Queer Eye - Calgary & Edmonton Community Events this Month

Photos by Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino of Magazine

West Canadian Pride Campout (photos by Don T.)

52 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 Drag Show at Boots - Edmonton Diva-Licious Drag Shows at Twisted Element - Calgary

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 53 Drag Shows at Buddy’s - Edmonton “Madonna’s Birthday Party” at The Roost - Edmonton

Drag Shows at The Roost - Edmonton

54 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 55 56 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 57 58 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 59 Classified Ads

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60 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 Hi Fi 508 Insurance 616 Office/business Space 709 Internet 908 Miscellaneous 509 Landscaping/gardening 617 Real Estate Agent 710 Leather 909 Musical Instruments 510 Leather 618 Rooms To Rent 711 Mail Orders 910 Pets 511 Legal Services 619 Seeking Accommodation 712 Model & Escort 911 Promotional 512 Medical 620 Studios 713 Phone lines 912 Vehicles For Sale 513 Movers 621 Professional Services 913 Musical Services 622 Travel 800 Sightings 914 Professional Services 600 Painting 623 Accommodations/rentals 801 Xxx Videos/magazines 915 Animal Care 601 Photography 624 Adventures 802 Carpentry 602 Physicians 625 Camping 803 Catering 603 Plumbing 626 International Travel 804 Cleaners 604 Skilled & Technical Service 627 Travel Agencies 805 Computer Services 605 Training 628 Travel Canada 806 Construction 606 Travel USA 807 Consulting 607 Real Estate 700 Counseling 608 Business For Sale 701 Personals 900 Courses 609 Cottages 702 Announcements 901 Design/interiors 610 Homes Furnished 703 Business Personals 902 Fashion 611 Homes/condos/lofts For Sale 704 Dating Services 903 Financial/bookkeeping 612 Homes/condos/lofts/apt. For Rent 705 Erotic Massage 904 Funeral Services 613 Homes/condos/lofts/apt. To Share 706 Friends Female 905 General 614 Investment Opportunity 707 Friends Male 906 Hair Removal 615 Mortgages 708 General 907

Classified Ads Employment 301 Employment 316 Prof. Services 600 Animal Care 601 GAY Beauty & Mayhem Marriages The Stables (CLI) Beauty&Mayhem – Calgary’s hottest production agency Immediately or by appointment. Customized HORSE BOARDING, you Non-religious, elopements, cross- adult production agency – is now Calgary’s rapidly growing adult tell us what you want, we custom cultural, hetero, homo, and trans. casting gay/bi/tv/ts/tg male and production agency is in need of design to meet your needs and Witness provided. Contact Rork females for its upcoming new website a photo/video/website editor. An budget. A very friendly atmosphere Hilford, Marriage Commisioner. Gay for the fall season. extensive knowledge in the use of welcoming all lifestyles. Full time (403) 246-4134. [email protected]. Contact Sean [email protected] or call Mac system and its editing software care taker on site. Varying types and 266-4383 serious inquires only 18+. is a must with an understanding of Prof. Services 600 levels of horse experienced personnel Employment/Help 308 the adult entertainment industry and available upon request. 20 Acre’s, ¼ lifestyle. Contact Sean bmpa@telus. BOOK KARAOKE TODAY WITH mile track, barn with grooming stalls GayCalgary & Edmonton net or call 266-4383 serious inquires STEVIOKI KARAOKE CALL (403) 803- and client socializing lounging areas. only 18+. 0882 FOR YOUR PARTY. Located 9km west of Airdrie, Alberta. Magazine is looking for writers. For Inquiries please contact Ms Stacey Call us at (403) 543-6960 or toll Health & Fitness 404 Cleaners 604 @ 287 7299 Calgary Lifestyles Inc. free at (888) 543-6960 or email us dba “The Stables (CLI)” www. resumes and/or writing samples to Chandra Leavitt - Life Coach Recycling made easy!! Have you [email protected] Do you want change? Do you have tried waiting in line at the recycling Counseling 608 dreams? Do you want to achieve plant? An you have decided it is not Employment/Sales 314 for you. Don’t throw it out. Give me excellence in your life? Coaching by I’m a compassionate counsellor GayCalgary & Edmonton a call. I’m willing to pick it up, sort phone, convenient accessible and who understands our community. it and give you 75%. Don’t let it Magazine is looking for an safe. Coaching the Gay Community, Individuals, Couples & Families. pile up after a party - call me and it experienced part time sales rep. Must young people and women. Website Emotional, Physical & Spiritual will be gone. I give 5% to charity at be able to do cold calls and have Wellness. Extended medical insurance the end of the year. So you can now transportation or enjoy hitting the coverage. Bryan Campbell 265-8462 drink for a cause. For further details pavement. Fax resumes to (403) 703-0685 or contact us at (403) 543- call Glen @ (403) 229-3791. Always 6960 or (888) 543-6960 or email us drink responsibly as I definitely want to see you again. at [email protected] Classifieds continued on next page

gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 61 Classifieds continued Personal 903 Personal/Friends 906 Homes Furnished 703 CHECK OUT REAL WOMEN, REAL ADS Single GWM early 40’s looks Fully furnished-down to the dishes! Free membership - Join now! younger. Looking for fun. Cannot OUR NNEWEW 1 bdrm suite in shared basement, all entertain. Very discreet. Safe. Clean. CCLASSIFIEDLASSIFIED utilities & internet incl. Quiet street Drug Free. n/s. not into bar scene. No in Penbrooke. Close to downtown Personal/Friends 906 mind games. Reply to box1002@ AADD RRATESATES & DeVry, on bus route. $700. mo or mail to Box 1002 single/$800. double, + dd. N/S, N/P. Male 40’s 6’1-“ 140lbs tanned, look- c/o Magazine FFirstirst 2525 wordswords forfor ing to meet other males for fun times Avail. immed. Call (403) 830-6315 jjustust $10.00$10.00 pperer daytime or (403) 689-3572 after 5. or more. Fort McMurray area. Lets iissue,ssue, plusplus GSTGST Travel 801 meet. Phone (780) 868-9216 Personal -Escort 911 Puerto Vallarta Friends Male 906 Female escort, 120 lbs., offers seduc- Answers to this month’s South Side Old Town, 2 Bdrm Condo Single GWM, 50, Hairy chest. Look- tive play in fetishes, Greek, and oral. Q-Puzzle on page 28 - 1/2 block directly above Blue Chairs ing for other hairy guys 30-55 for Outcall only. / Los Muertos Beach! Fully equipped, fun. Possible long-term relation- Friendly and fun. Edmonton. Ocean Views from 2 balconies, full ship. Not into drugs. Love cooking, Call Petra (780) 442-3039 use of private pool, maid service coffee and long walks. If this sounds 053816197-002/52911847-001 6 days/wk. Walk to all bars, like you, leave a message at (403) restaurants, shops. Call Rob - (403) 714-4940. 210-0093. Personal/Friends 906 Travel 801 Single GWM, early 40’s, general The Whistle Stop Vacation House non-scene. Fit, good shape. Looking Golden BC for like-minded normal fun, down Newly Renovated , Sleeps 9, Out Door to earth, honest, kind, profes- Hot Tub, Hydro Fitness Gym, Business sional, mature male for long-term Center, Laundry Facilities, Galley relationship. Hoping to find someone Kitchen, BBQ. to be both a life-long partner and Minutes From Kicking Horse Ski best friend. Is that you? Reply to Resort. $250.00 Daily ,Weekly Rates. [email protected] or mail to Box 1001 c/o Toll Free# 1 866 538 6625 Magazine Travel 801 Personal/Friends 906 Northern Lights B&B Married male, early 40’s, 6’3, good EDMONTON shape, looking for a good friend, Swimming pool and Antique rooms married too, about same age for TV/VCR (780) 483-1572 long term relationship. Email justmo- [email protected] [email protected] Travel 801 Friends Male 906 Montreal Village B&B Educated oriental male, 65. Looking Room only $49/night, TV, Cable, to meet other males (60’s + Telephone, Air, Wi-Fi, Video XXX, senior) for fun. Love heavy build. 1-888-334-0348. I am bottom, need you to be top. [email protected]

62 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007 63 64 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #47, September 2007