American Journal of 97(2): 337–356. 2010.


Rachel Schmidt Jabaily 2 and Kenneth J. Sytsma

Department of Botany, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 USA

Puya (Bromeliaceae), a large of terrestrial bromeliads found throughout a range of elevations in the Andes and central Chile, is of great systematic, evolutionary, and biogeographical interest. This fi rst molecular phylogenetic study of Puya and re- lated bromeliads employs matK , trnS-trnG , rps16 , and PHYC sequences. Chloroplast DNA, nuclear DNA, and combined DNA data all place Puya closest to subfamily . Nuclear and combined data support Puya as monophyletic, and the two subgenera are nonmonophyletic. All data indicate that the Chilean species of Puya are early diverging within the genus, consistent with Chilean genera as the fi rst-diverging members of subfamily Bromelioideae. Central Chile is identifi ed as a key region for understanding the biogeographical history of Bromeliaceae, as is true with other South American groups. A complicated history involving early chloroplast capture and later secondary hybridization and/or introgression is seen in Chilean lineages. These events help explain the occurrence of sterile infl orescence tips, fl oral color and shape, and leaf indument. The ecological radiation of Puya appears coincident with the fi nal, recent rise of the Andes and subsequent high-elevation habitat diversifi cation. Additionally, geographical distribution, rather than moisture or elevational adaptations, correlates to species relationships. Evolu- tion of CAM photosynthesis has occurred multiple times.

Key words: Bromeliaceae; Andes; Chile; chloroplast capture; CIPRES; matK , PHYC ; phytochrome C; Puya ; rps16 ; trnS-trnG .

Puya , a large genus (ca. 200 spp.; Luther, 2004 ) of terrestrial, The genus Puya was fi rst described by the Chilean priest rosette-leaved bromeliads, is of considerable ecologic, biogeo- G. I. Molina in 1782 and, starting with the treatment of Wittmack graphic, systematic, and evolutionary interest. As one of the (1888) , has always been placed with other bromeliad genera largest radiations in the Bromeliaceae, Puya extends from the with capsular fruits lacking villous seeds. Puya was mono- mountains of Central America, through the mid- to high-eleva- graphed by Lyman Smith as the fi rst group revised in his com- tions of the Andes, and south to lower elevations of central prehensive treatment of Bromeliaceae in Flora Neotropica Chile. In a diversity of both wet and dry habitats, its species ( Smith and Downs, 1974 ). In this defi nitive treatment, Puya exhibit considerable morphological variation in growth form, was placed in the subf. with other genera in- semelparity and iteroparity, infl orescence structure, and fl oral cluding primarily mesic Pitcairnia and primarily xeric Deu- color ( Fig. 1 ). Surprisingly, considering that Puya is one of the terocohnia , , and Hechtia . Most other morphology-based most characteristic and recognized elements of the pá ramo and classifi cation schemes placed Puya with Hechtia/Deutero- subp á ramo fl oras (Luteyn, 1999), little is known about phylo- cohnia/Dyckia (among others) apart from Pitcairnia (subtribe genetic relationships of species and evolutionary transitions in Puyinae: Mez, 1896; tribe Puyeae: Mez, 1934 – 1935; tribe Pu- biogeography, habitat, habit, and morphological features. yeae: Varadarajan and Gilmartin, 1988). Thus, phylogenetic Moreover, Puya occupies an important position in the phyloge- relationships among genera comprising subf. Pitcairnioideae netic tree of Bromeliaceae as the putative sister to the large and have long troubled bromeliad systematists, and no classifi ca- diverse subf. Bromelioideae (Givnish et al., 2007; Schulte and tion scheme proposed solely on morphological characters has Zizka, 2008 ). However, sampling of Puya , subfamily Brome- been supported by modern molecular systematic data. The fi rst lioideae and other close relatives has been limited; the exact molecular phylogenies of Bromeliaceae, all using various sin- placement of Puya and composition of its major lineages are gle chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) regions, revealed a broadly pa- unknown. raphyletic subf. Pitcairnioideae (Terry et al., 1997; Horres et al., 2000 ; Crayn et al., 2004 ) and placed Puya as sister to subf. Bromelioideae with fl eshy fruits. The recent molecular phylo- 1 Manuscript received 14 April 2009; revision accepted 24 November 2009. The authors thank R. Vá squez, E. Narvá ez, D. Neill, J. Manzanares, M. genetic analysis using ndhF by Givnish et al. (2007) placed the Jabaily, D. Gutierrez, L. Novara, J. Crisci, L. Katinas, M. Rosas, D. Stanton, two sampled Puya as sister to subf. Bromelioideae and this A. Marticorena, M. Diazgranados, D. Rodriguez, N. Anaya, A. Tupayachi, clade as sister to another clade comprising Pitcairnia + (Deu- M. Nuñ ez, G. Calatayud, E. Suelli, F. Pelaé z, W. Galiano, N. Cano, A. terocohnia , Dyckia , Fosterella , and others), hereafter referred Cano, B. Drew, M. Ames, M. Schmidt, B. Berger, and M. Fernandez for to as subf. Pitcairnioideae. The many morphological similari- help in the fi eld and help with permits; herbaria NY, US, SEL, MO, HNT, ties of Puya with these other xeric genera were argued to be due USZ, LPB, QCNE, LP, MCNS, CONC, COL, USM, CUZ, HUT for letting to convergence ( Givnish et al., 2007 ). Puya was thus placed in the us view specimens; G. Lyons and the Huntington Botanical Garden for newly described and monogeneric subf. Puyoideae ( Givnish et al., supporting work with the living collection; K. Elliot for preparation of the 2007). These results have been corroborated by the fi ve cpDNA fi gures; and L. Prince, M. Kinney and C. Pires for help with primers. Laboratory work was supported by NSF grant EF-0431233 (KJS) and an region Bromelioideae phylogeny of Schulte and Zizka (2008) and NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (RSJ). the cpDNA plus low-copy nuclear PRK study of Schulte et al. 2 Author for correspondence (e-mail: [email protected]) (2009) . Recent polyploid events are quite rare in Bromeliaceae and N = 25 has been found for all Puya surveyed ( Smith and Downs, doi:10.3732/ajb.0900107 1974 ; Brown and Gilmartin, 1989 ; Gita í et al., 2005 ). 337 338 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 97

Fig. 1. Representative vegetative and fl oral diversity in both subgenera of Puya and in the Chilean species. Species in left gray box are members of subg. Puya . The remaining photos show species from subg. Puyopsis . Species united by the black line are Chilean Puya species. February 2010] Jabaily and Sytsma — Phylogenetics and evolution in P UYA 339

Puya is found primarily above 1500 m a.s.l. in both moist radiation of Bromelioideae with baccate fruits. Second, Puya and dry habitats from the Cordillera Talamanca of Costa Rica exhibits a remarkable species radiation, involving morphologi- to the dry chaco of Tucumá n, Argentina (Fig. 2A). A noticeably cal and ecological variation, along a biogeographical distribu- disjunct group of seven species are found at just above sea level tion from southern Chile to Costa Rica. in central Chile ( Fig. 2B ). This region with a Mediterranean Our aims here are to (1) solidify the placement of Puya in rela- climate represents the southernmost and lowest elevational tion to related subfamilies and genera using greater taxa sampling range of any species of Puya and is separate from the distribu- and additional chloroplast and nuclear gene regions, (2) test the tion of all other Puya by the highest and oldest parts of the monophyly of subg. Puya and Puyopsis , and (3) examine the Andes to the east and the desolate Atacama desert to the north. phylogenetic relationships and morphological evolution of Chil- This region of Chile is also home to all species of Ochagavia ean species in the context of a broader phylogeny of Puya . and Fascicularia and several species of Greigia , three putative early-diverging genera of subf. Bromelioideae (Horres et al., 2007 ; Schulte and Zizka, 2008 ). Little systematic effort is evi- MATERIALS AND METHODS dent at the infrageneric level within Puya besides the erection of subg. Puya and Puyopsis (Smith and Downs, 1974). The Collections— Fieldwork was conducted from 2006 to 2008 in all major bio- paucity of systematic studies within Puya may be due to two geographical regions where Puya occurs (northern Andes wet pá ramo, northern issues. First, many species are known only from types, and sec- Andean valleys, central Andean puna, central Andean valleys, central coastal Chile). Multiple accessions of several species were taken to test for species ond, obvious characters for morphological comparisons are elu- monophyly, particularly of Chilean species and widespread taxa (e.g., P. rai- sive or are not preserved on most herbarium specimens. Smith mondii and P. ferruginea). Some samples were taken from the living plant col- and Downs (1974) placed eight species into subg. Puya based lections at the Huntington Botanical Garden (San Marino, California, USA) and on the presence of elongate sterile tips of the compound infl o- Marie Selby Botanical Garden (Sarasota, Florida, USA) (Appendix 1). All rescence, apparently an adaptation to pollination by perching vouchers are deposited at WIS and in home-country herbaria. Forty-three ac- birds ( Johow, 1898 ; Anderson et al., 2005 ). , P. cessions of Puya are analyzed in this paper, including seven of eight species from subgenus Puya, all species from Chile and a representative sampling of gilmartiniae , P. alpestris , and P. berteroniana are generally re- subgenus Puyopsis encompassing the geographical range of the genus and ma- stricted to central Chile and P. boliviensis is found in a disjunct jor morphological types ( Smith and Downs, 1974 ) ( Table 1 ). Based the recent area further north in Chile. Puya weddelliana is found in xeric molecular phylogenetic results in Bromeliaceae (Givnish et al., 2007), we also southern Bolivia, P. castellanosii occurs in xeric northwest included taxa (for a total of 75 taxa) representing major groups of subf. Brome- Argentina, and the more widespread P. raimondii grows in the lioideae and the allied genera Pitcairnia, Deuterocohnia, Fosterella, and Dy- high puna of Bolivia and Peru. No formal classifi cation has ckia and the ultimate outgroup Hechtia . been proposed within subg. Puyopsis that contains the remain- Selection of gene regions— A subset of Puya representing the breadth of ing 190+ species. Additionally, no molecular phylogenetic ap- geographic and morphological diversity seen in the genus, as well as a robust proach has tested the monophyly of the two subgenera or even sampling of outgroups, was included in a pilot survey to select appropriate gene examined relationships of more than a few species. regions for more extensive sampling ( Tables 2, 3 ). Eight cpDNA regions from Of special evolutionary, phylogenetic, and biogeographic in- Shaw et al. (2005, 2007), Barfuss et al. (2005), and others developed by Dr. terest are species of Puya restricted to Chile. The Chilean group Linda Prince (Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden, California, USA) were ini- tially screened for variation within Puya. Similarly, four nuclear gene regions includes members from both subg. Puya and Puyopsis ( Figs. 1 , were screened including the ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrITS) and 2B ). Five species have elongate, sterile infl orescence tips and three low copy nuclear regions: RNA polymerase II (RPB2 ) (Denton et al., are placed in subg. Puya. Puya chilensis , P. gilmartiniae , and 1998 ), alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh ) ( Roalson and Friar, 2004 ), and phyto- P. boliviensis possess yellow fl owers and leaves becoming gla- chrome C (PHYC ) (Samuel et al., 2005; C. Pires, University of Missouri-Co- brous on the abaxial surface. Puya berteroniana and P. alpes- lumbia, personal communication). tris have leaves with dense, white, appressed scales on the Three cpDNA regions (trnS-trnG , matK , rps16 ) were then selected for more extensive taxon sampling based on the pilot survey ( Table 3 ). These three cp- abaxial surface, but are often diffi cult to tell apart because the DNA regions with complete taxon sampling were chosen in part because of former has blue-green fl owers and the latter has blue fl owers. compatibility with existing DNA data sets of Bromeliaceae ( Barfuss et al., is generally a smaller plant. The fl owers in each 2005) and the higher number of informative indels. Of the nuclear regions sur- of these species are shallower and have a wider diameter than veyed in the pilot analysis, PHYC was chosen because it was the easiest to the narrower, longer fl owers typical of Puya (R. S. Jabaily, per- amplify and sequence and had the most variation. sonal observation). The two species of subg. Puyopsis in Chile, Gene sequencing— Total genomic DNA was extracted from silica-dried P. coerulea and P. venusta , are generally shorter . They leaves following the manufacturer’ s protocol for the DNeasy Plant Mini Kit have dense, white scales on both the upper and lower leaf sur- (Qiagen, Valencia, California, USA). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers faces, wholly fertile infl orescences, and dark blue-purple fl ow- for all regions were based on previous studies as indicated in Table 2 . Primers ers that are tubular and narrowly open. Many of these Chilean for the four more extensively sampled cpDNA regions trnS-trnG spacer, matK , species have overlapping ranges and fl owering times and ap- and rps16 intron, and intron 1 of nuclear region PHYC included primers trnS pear to share pollinators (R. S. Jabaily, personal observation). GCU and “ 3 ′trnG UUC” following Shaw et al. (2005), matK-trnK primers 390F and 1326R (Cu é noud et al., 2002), universal rps16 primers rpsF and rpsR2 Because of the unique nature of the central coastal Chilean eco- (Oxelman et al., 1997), and PHYC primers PHYC P2F and P2R (C. system compared to the remainder of the Andes and the occur- Pires, University of Missouri-Columbia, personal communication). PCR reac- rence of both subgenera and individual speciesin close tion mixes for all regions were 13.75 μ L ddH2 O, 1 μ L template DNA, 3.5 μ L proximity, placing the Chilean Puya within the context of a TaKaRa Taq polymerase (Otsu, Shiga, Japan), 10 × ExTaq buffer, 0.5 μ L BSA, broader phylogeny is a major goal of this study. Thus, two 1.25 μ L dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), 0.5 μ L Q-Soln (Quiagen), 3.5 μ L dNTP, broad and important phylogenetic issues concerning Puya war- 0.25 μ L Tween, 0.5 μ L of each 10 mM primer, and 0.25 μ L of TaKaRa ExTaq. rant more detailed molecular phylogenetic surveys with addi- All regions were PCR amplifi ed in 25 μ L with an MJ Research PTC-200 tional genes and broader sampling of taxa of Puya and related thermal cycler using an initial 5 min denaturation at 94 ° C followed by 32 cycles genera. First, the emerging phylogenetic evidence places the of 94 ° C denaturation for 30 s, 1 min annealing at 52 ° C, and 2 min extension at large genus Puya with dehiscent fruits as sister to an even larger 72 ° C; followed by a 7 min fi nal extension at 72 ° C. PCR products were then 340 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 97

purifi ed and cleaned using the AMPure PCR purifi cation protocol (Agencourt, Beverly, Massachusetts, USA). Gel electrophoresis of PCR products was used to determine product size and amount. Cycle sequencing reactions used the ABI PRISM BigDye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Ready Reaction Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, California, USA) using the thermocycler parameters 94 ° C for 5 min, 50 cycles of 94 ° C for 1 min; and fi nal elongation at 60 ° C for 10 min. Samples were electrophoresed on an Applied Biosystems 3730xl auto- mated DNA sequencing instrument, using 50 cm capillary arrays and POP-7 polymer. Data were analyzed using PE-Biosystems version 3.7 of the program Sequencing Analysis at the University Wisconsin-Madison Biotechnology cen- ter. Sequences were manually edited in the program Sequencher 3.0 (Gene Codes, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA) and the resulting sequences were manually aligned in the program Se-Al v2.0a7b ( Rambaut, 2003 ). All sequences could be aligned without diffi culty except for nrITS. For nrITS, we employed the proce- dure of Wheeler (1996) in selecting the alignment that minimized steps in the most parsimonious trees. Sequences from the four genes were submitted to NCBI-GenBank (FJ968163– FJ968437; Appendix 1), and gene alignments were submitted to TreeBASE ( , SN4576-23204 [5, 6, 7]).

Phylogenetic analyses— Phylogenetic analysis of the three chosen cpDNA regions included nonoverlapping indels that were coded as separate characters scored as present or absent and appended to nucleotide data as additional char- acters following the procedure of Baum et al. (1994) . Analysis of the one nu- clear gene chosen warranted additional steps in formation of the fi nal aligned data set. In all cases, gel electrophoresis revealed a single, clear band for PHYC . PHYC is shown to be a single copy locus in all monocots thus far surveyed (M. Kinney, University of Missouri-Columbia, personal communication) and was treated as such by Samuel et al. (2005) . Direct sequencing of PHYC produced clean sequences, and thus cloning was not performed. Sporadic occurrences of double peaks, inferred as allelic variation, were carefully evaluated to see if their patterns suggested the presence of alleles either restricted to a taxon or shared with two or more taxa. The polymorphic sites were then treated in two ways in separate analyses and the phylogenetic results compared. First, base pairs showing double peaks were coded as polymorphic and included in one analysis. Issues with scoring taxa as polymorphic are known (e.g., Nixon and Davis, 1991), and thus in the second approach, we randomly divided polymor- phic taxa into subunits that are monomorphic for each character used in the analysis. We generated duplicate sequences for the subset of taxa exhibiting double peaks and then randomly assigned each of the two possible states at each polymorphic site to one or the other duplicated sequences. This expanded data set with additional “ taxa ” was included in a second analysis. If the majority of polymorphic sites actually represent allelic variation restricted to a given spe- cies, we would expect the duplicate taxa to be sisters. However, if many of these sites represent more ancient alleles shared in common by species, we would expect increased homoplasy and/or occurrences of duplicate taxa not forming monophyletic clades. The cpDNA data (concatenated as one data set) and nuclear PHYC data were analyzed both separately and combined using maximum parsimony (MP), maximum likelihood (ML; Felsenstein, 1973 ), and Bayesian MCMC inference (BI; Yang and Rannala, 1997 ). MP analyses were implemented in the program PAUP* 4.0b10 ( Swofford, 2003 ). Heuristic searches were performed using 100 stepwise random addition sequences replicates, holding one tree at each step, with tree-bisection-reconnection (TBR) branch swapping and MULTREES and steepest descent in effect. Because analyses were not able to complete under the above search parameters due to excessive numbers of most parsimonious trees, an alternative search strategy was employed. The resulting consensus tree of all trees was then used as a backbone constraint to search for trees not consistent with the initial trees. If the initial heuristic search was suffi cient, this additional search strategy should detect that there are no shorter trees and that the strict consensus tree refl ects all most parsimonious trees, even though all equal length trees have not been found (Catal á n et al., 1997; Davis et al., 2001; Hall et al., 2002). Ensemble consistency indices (CI) and retention indices (RI) ( Farris, 1989 ) were calculated to evaluate the amount of homoplasy in the data. Bootstrap replicates ( Felsenstein, 1985 ) were performed to assess character support. One thousand bootstrap replicates were performed with stepwise ran- dom addition sequences, holding three trees at each step, with MULTREES and steepest descent in effect. To decrease the amount of time necessary to run large bootstrap replicates, we held a limit of 10 trees at each step. MP bootstrap analyses are available (SSAppendices S1– S3: see Supplemental Data with the Fig. 2. Distribution of Puya species based on herbarium specimens. online version of this article). Locations are from the collections of R. Jabaily and from CONC, Rundel ML and BI analyses employed the program MODELTEST v. 3.6 ( Posada and Dillon (1998) , and Smith and Downs (1974) . (A) Entire range of Puya , and Crandall, 1998) and the likelihood ratio test (Felsenstein, 1988) to select updated from Smith and Downs (1974) . (B) Localities of Chilean Puya . models of nucleotide evolution for each of the different gene regions. The ML February 2010] Jabaily and Sytsma — Phylogenetics and evolution in P UYA 341

Table 1 . Accessions of Puya included in this study with general geographic locality, subgeneric classifi cation, and position in the phylogenetic analyses. HBG = accessions from the Huntington Botanical Garden (San Marino, California).

Clade in Accession Geographic location Subgenus cpDNA phylogeny ( Fig. 3 )PHYC phylogeny ( Fig. 4 ) Combined data phylogeny ( Fig. 5 )

Puya alpestris 1 central Chile Puya Chilean Puya Blue Puya Chilean Puya Puya alpestris 2 central Chile Puya Chilean Puya Blue Puya Chilean Puya Puya angusta 1 central Peru Puyopsis Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Puya angusta 2 central Peru Puyopsis Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Puya berteroniana central Chile Puya Chilean Puya — Chilean Puya Puya bicolor central Colombia Puyopsis Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Puya boliviensis 1 northcentral Chile Puya Core Puya: Central Andes Yellow Puya Core Puya: Central Andes Puya boliviensis 2 northcentral Chile Puya Core Puya: Central Andes Yellow Puya Core Puya: Central Andes Puya castellanosii northwest Argentina Puya Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Puya chilensis 1 central Chile Puya Chilean Puya Yellow Puya Chilean Puya Puya chilensis 2 central Chile Puya Chilean Puya Yellow Puya Chilean Puya 1 central Chile Puyopsis Chilean Puya Blue Puya Chilean Puya Puya coerulea 2 central Chile Puyopsis Chilean Puya Blue Puya Chilean Puya Puya compacta central Ecuador Puyopsis Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Puya dasylirioides Costa Rica Puyopsis Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Puya dyckioides northwest Argentina Puyopsis Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Puya ferreyrae northern Peru Puyopsis Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Puya ferruginea 1 HBG-central Bolivia Puyopsis Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Puya ferruginea 2 southern Peru Puyopsis Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Puya ferruginea 3 northern Peru Puyopsis Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Puya gilmartiniae central Chile Puya Chilean Puya Yellow Puya Chilean Puya Puya goudotiana central Colombia Puyopsis Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Puya hamata northern Ecuador Puyopsis Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Puya harmsii northwest Argentina Puyopsis Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Puya herrerae central Peru Puyopsis Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Puya lanata southern Ecuador Puyopsis Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Puya lineata central Colombia Puyopsis Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Puya macrura northern Peru Puyopsis Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Puya mima northern Peru Puyopsis Core Puya — Core Puya: Central Andes northwest Argentina Puyopsis Core Puya: Central Andes — Core Puya: Central Andes Puya nana central Bolivia Puyopsis Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Puya nitida 1 southern Ecuador Puyopsis Core Puya: Northern Andes — Core Puya: Northern Andes Puya nitida 2 central Colombia Puyopsis Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Puya nutans central Ecuador Puyopsis Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Puya obconica central Ecuador Puyopsis Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes central Ecuador Puyopsis Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes 1 HBG-southern Peru Puya Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Puya raimondii 2 central Peru Puya Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Puya santosii central Colombia Puyopsis Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Puya trianae central Colombia Puyopsis Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Core Puya: Northern Andes Puya ultima HBG-central Bolivia Puyopsis Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes 1 central Chile Puyopsis Chilean Puya Blue Puya Chilean Puya Puya venusta 2 central Chile Puyopsis Chilean Puya Blue Puya Chilean Puya Puya yakespala northwest Argentina Puyopsis Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Puya wrightii HBG-northern Peru Puyopsis Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes Core Puya: Central Andes and BI phylogenies produced in this study were generated on the Cyberinfra- Congruence between the cpDNA and nuclear DNA data sets was assessed structure for Phylogenetic Research (CIPRES) portal 2 ( using the incongruence length difference (ILD) test ( Farris et al., 1994 ) with a sub_sections/portal/ ; National Science Foundation collaborative project). The heuristic search and simple taxon addition for 100 random partitions of data in most likely phylogeny for cpDNA, nuclear DNA, and combined data sets were PAUP* 4.0b10. When incongruence was detected with the ILD test, we ex- produced in the program GARLI v. 0.96 (Genetic Algorithm for Rapid Likeli- plored likely explanations for incongruence by removal of taxa strongly placed hood Inference; Zwickl, 2006) using GTR+I+ γ as the model for chloroplast and in different clades with the two data sets. combined data and GTR+ γ for nuclear data. Multiple models for each gene Support for several taxonomic and biogeographic hypotheses were tested partition are not allowed in GARLI, so the more complex model for a given set using the cpDNA, PHYC , and combined data sets (Table 4). We examined the of genes was chosen. ML bootstrapping (MLB), with different models allowed support for (1) monophyletic Puya , (2) monophyletic subf. Bromelioideae, for each gene partition, was completed using the program RAxML 7.0.4 (Ran- (3) monophyletic subg. Puya , (4) monophyly of northern Andean Puya , (5) domized Accelerated Maximum Likelihood; Stamatakis, 2006 ; Stamatakis et monophyly of all Chilean Puya , and (6) monophyly of Chilean Puya minus P. al., 2008 ). The program automatically determines the number of bootstrap runs boliviensis . These clades were written as topological constraints into the PAUP* necessary to reach completion. BI analyses were done using MrBayes 3.1 ( Ron- block, and differences in length between the optimal and constrained most par- quist and Huelsenbeck, 2003 ) allowing different models for each region. Four simonious trees were given as Bremer support values (Bremer, 1994). The con- independent runs of 5 000 000 generations were completed with four chains strained topologies were evaluated for signifi cance using the Templeton test each (three heated, one cold), using a chain temp of 0.2 and uniform priors. ( Templeton, 1983 ) at P = 0.05 ( Table 4 ). Trees were sampled every 1000 generations. Likelihood-by-generation plots were created, and the fi rst 25% of runs were discarded as burn-in. A majority rule Morphological analysis— Although a morphological phylogenetic analysis consensus of the remaining trees from the four runs was produced in PAUP* is beyond the scope and intent of this paper, a number of key morphological 4.0b10 and used as the Bayesian inference tree with posterior probabilities (PP). characters that are critical in understanding the evolution of Chilean species 342 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 97

Table 2. Information and new primers for cpDNA and nuclear gene regions surveyed but not chosen for full sampling in pilot study. Regions were surveyed for phylogenetic utility across a subset of Puya and outgroup taxa. Regions underlined are nuclear, nonunderlined are chloroplast regions. PIC = parsimony informative characters. New primer sequences for atpF intron, trnS-trnQ , ndhJ-trnF , and nrITS were graciously provided and created by Dr. Linda Prince of Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden. atpF intron: atpF-E1F, AGCAACAAATCCAATAAATCT; atpF-E2R, CTCTGTTTTCGATTATCTAATAAAT; trnS-trnQ : psbK-IGSR, CCAATCGTAGATGTTATGCC; psbK-IGSF, ATCGAAAACTTGCAGCAGCTTG; trnQ-IGSR, ACCCGTTGCCTTACCGCTTGG; trnS-IGSF, GGAGAGATGGCTGAGTGGA; ndhJ-trnF : ndhJ- IGSF, RCCCCTAATTTYTATGAAATACA; trnF-IGSF, ATCCTCGTGTCACCAGTTCAAA; nrITS: 5A, CCTTATCATTTAAGAGGAAGGAG; 5.8SR, ACGGGATTCTGCAATTCACAC; 5.8SF, TCACGGCAACGGATATCTCGG; 241R, CAGTGCCTCGTGGTGCGACA.

With outgroup Only Puya No. Puya Region Primers Size (bp) No. variable % Variable No. PIC % PICNo. indels species No. variable % Variable No. PIC % PIC

atpF intron Present study 864 54 6 13 1.5 1 10 22 2.5 7 0.8 trnS-trnQ Present study 1307 113 8.6 34 2.6 1 13 25 1.9 14 1 ndhJ-trnF Present study 1230 94 7.6 19 1.5 5 9 13 1 8 0.65 psbD-trnT Shaw et al., 2007 1149 109 9.5 26 2.3 4 8 44 3.8 14 1.2 trnL-F Taberlet et al., 1991 991 75 7.6 37 3.7 0 9 10 1 1 0.1 Adh copy1 Roalson and Friar, 2004 800 65 8 15 1.8 0 9 27 3.3 9 1.1 Adh copy2 Roalson and Friar, 2004 1000 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 6 27 2.7 4 0.4 RPB2 Denton et al., 1998 1500 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 10 49 3.2 14 0.9 nrITS Present study 755 86 11.4 32 4.2 0 47 63 8.3 17 2.2 were examined in more detail. Characters examined of the Chilean species in- model (the most complex model chosen in MODELTEST for cluded: fl ower color, fl ower shape, presence of dense appressed leaf scales on any of the gene partitions) yielded a tree with – ln 6343.6827. abaxial surface, and infl orescence tip sterility ( Fig. 6 ). Initial observations were The BI consensus tree from MrBayes runs with different mod- made in central Chile while on a collecting trip in 2006. Further observations of infl orescence and fl ower development for P. alpestris, P. venusta, and P. coeru- els allowed for each partition had a best score of – ln 6704.95. lea were made at the living collection of the Desert Garden of the Huntington Support values from MLB were sometimes markedly lower Botanical Garden in April 2007. Young fl owers and infl orescences were dis- than BI posterior probability values for the same clade, gener- sected and photographed to examine similarities in morphology at earlier stages ally supported by relatively few characters ( Figs. 3 – 5 ). of development between species. The MP, ML, and BI analyses based on three cpDNA regions yielded nearly nonconfl icting topologies, with ML and BI re- RESULTS solving and better supporting clades that were in a polytomy or poorly supported in MP analysis. A summary of the cpDNA Chloroplast regions trnS-trnG, matK, rps16— The com- phylogenetic results is shown in Fig. 3 with ML and BI support bined matrix of cpDNA data comprised 2580 bp of characters, values (MLB and PP, respectively). In all these analyses, Puya of which 124 characters were parsimony informative. Four in- and subf. Bromelioideae are sister to a clade of (Deuterocohnia , dels (one each from trnS-trnG and rps16 and two from matK ) Dyckia , Fosterella ) + Pitcairnia, representatives of the sub- were coded and included in MP analyses. MP analyses recov- family Pitcairnioideae. Subfamily Bromelioideae is monophyl- ered over one million trees of length 399, with a CI of 0.769 and etic (99 PP, 65 MLB), but the earliest-diverging lineages of RI of 0.889 with parsimony uninformative characters included. subf. Bromelioideae are weakly supported (Fig. 3). Two Reverse constraint analyses using the strict consensus of these strongly supported clades of Puya ( “ Core Puya , ” “ Chilean trees as a topological constraint were not able to fi nd alternative Puya” ) form an unresolved relationship with subf. Brome- more parsimonious topologies, indicating that treespace was lioideae. All species of Puya from Chile except Puya bolivien- amply surveyed and that this consensus tree adequately esti- sis comprise the clade “ Chilean Puya , ” a clade further supported mates the main relationships within Puya and among other gen- by two unique indels. The majority of the most parsimonious era. Because heuristic MP searches could not be completed, MP trees (86%) place most members of subf. Bromelioideae as sis- bootstrap analyses used constraints to speed up analysis time. ter to “ Core Puya , ” though majority rule consensus trees should These MP boostrap values (online SSAppendix S1) were highly not be interepreted as indicative of support of relationships congruent with other ML and BI support analyses. MODELTEST (Sharkey and Leathers, 2001). Subgenus Puya clearly is not generated the following nucleotide evolution models for the cp- monophyletic as P. boliviensis , P. castellanosii, and P. raimon- DNA regions: trnS-trnG fi ts to k81uf+ γ , matK to GTR+I+ γ , dii are placed in “ Core Puya , ” whereas P. chilensis , P. alpes- rps16 to TIM+ γ . The ML GARLI analysis using GTR+ γ +I tris , and P. berteroniana are placed in “ Chilean Puya . ” Species

Table 3. Information on cpDNA and nuclear gene region chosen for complete study. Region underlined is nuclear, nonunderlined are cpDNA regions. PIC = parsimony informative characters.

With outgroup Only Puya No. Puya Region Primers Size (bp) No. variable % Variable No. PIC % PICNo. indels species No. variable % Variable No. PIC % PIC

trnS-trnG Shaw et al., 2005 1048 104 11.2 49 5 4 45 25 2.7 17 1.8 matK Barfuss et al., 2005 819 77 9.3 32 3.9 2 45 21 2.6 11 1.3 rps16 Barfuss et al., 2005 827 108 13 43 5.2 1 45 21 2.5 8 1 PHYC Kinney et al., unpubl.a 1048 178 17 97 9.3 0 45 59 5.6 32 3 a Mike Kinney and J. Chris Pires, unpublished data. February 2010] Jabaily and Sytsma — Phylogenetics and evolution in P UYA 343

Table 4. Results of hypothesis testing for cpDNA, PHYC , and combined data sets. Ranges of Templeton P -values are given where appropriate. ** indicates highly signifi cant result (P = 0.05).

Bremer decay Templeton Hypotheses cpDNA /PHYC/ Combined data sets cpDNA/PHYC/ Combined data sets

Monophyletic Puya 0/0/0 1/1/1 Monophyletic Bromelioideae 0/1/0 1/1/1 Monophyletic subgenus Puya 22/21/32 0.0001**/0.0001**/0.0001** Monophyletic N. Andean taxa 4/1/00 0.3173 – 0.2059/1/1 Monophyletic Chilean Puyas 19/6/6 0.0001**/0.0833 – 0.0339**/0.3657 – 0.2008 Monophyletic Chilean Puyas - P. boliviensis 3/12/01 0.3173 – 0.2568/0.0047 – 0.0013**/0.8084 – 0.8811 monophyly is not recovered within “ Chilean Puya ” although ( Fig. 4 ). Monophyly of subf. Bromelioideae is not recovered. A branch lengths are very short. Very low resolution is also found clade comprising three genera (Ochagavia , Greigia, and Dein- within “ Core Puya , ” but two moderately supported clades (96 acanthon ) is weakly supported (87% PP, < 50% MLB) as sister and 66% PP; less than 50% MLB) include most taxa from the to all Puya. The remainder of subf. Bromelioideae is strongly northern Andes and many taxa from the central Andes, respec- monophyletic (99% PP, 83% MLB). Puya is moderately sup- tively. An unusual zygomorphic-fl owered species, P. mima , ported as monophyletic (99% PP, < 50% MLB) with PHYC , un- from the central Andes does not group with any other species like that seen with cpDNA (see Fig. 3 ). Also, neither subgenus is within “ Core Puya . ” monophyletic as members of subg. Puya are included in all major subclades of Puya . Three major subclades of Puya are Nuclear DNA region phytochrome C — Analyses of the ef- recovered with strong support: “ Core Puya ” (98% PP, 80% fects of polymorphisms in the PHYC data indicated that very MLB, (which differs slightly in taxon composition from the cp- similar results were seen with either method of coding polymor- DNA “ Core Puya ” clade), “ Yellow Puya ” (100% PP, 92% phisms. Evidence of allelic variation in PHYC was found in 24 MLB) (taxa with yellow fl owers from Chile), and “ Blue Puya ” of sampled taxa as indicated by obvious double peaks at a few (100% PP, 99% MLB) (taxa with some shade of blue fl owers base pairs. The number of polymorphic sites in a given taxon from Chile). “ Core Puya ” and “ Yellow Puya ” are strongly ranged from 1 to 15 (the latter seen in P. macrura) with a mean monophyletic (100% PP, 95% MLB), with “ Blue Puya ” sister of 3.5 (SD ± 3.01) However, polymorphic sites were evident in to this clade (99% PP, < 50% MLB). Resolution within “ Core only 80 bp of the entire 1060-bp matrix across all taxa. Addi- Puya ” remains low as seen also with cpDNA, but the “ Northern tionally, 65 of these 80 polymorphic sites were polymorphic Andes” clade (with a few differences) is recovered as with cp- only within a single taxon. Thus, the two parsimony approaches DNA (see Fig. 3 ). to evaluate the effects of polymorphisms in the PHYC data indi- cated that the allelic variation encountered appears not to have Analysis of combined data set — ILD results show signifi - an adverse effect on phylogenetic reconstruction. The two types cant incongruence between the cpDNA and PHYC data sets. of analyses (the fi rst with sites scored as polymorphic, and the We explored the effects of removing individual taxa and sets of second with duplicate taxa randomly assigned alternative states taxa (e.g., outgroups and Chilean Puya taxa), but signifi cant in- at each polymorphic) generated identical topologies and dupli- congruence persisted between data sets. Incongruence may be cate taxa in the second analysis were always recovered as sister exacerbated by the relatively large number of taxa and often lineages, generally with moderate to high support (BS > 70). very short branch lengths seen in this study. Concatenation of Although these analyses only indirectly assess the issue of poly- the data sets was still carried out, as ILD tests should not be morphic taxa as discussed by Nixon and Davis (1991), the re- interpreted as a clear indication that concatenation is inappro- sults suggest that there is a not a strong phylogenetic bias in not priate ( Yoder et al., 2001 ; Hipp et al., 2004 ). having allelic data. We use the polymorphism-coded PHYC The combined data set of 75 taxa was 3631 characters in data set for the remainder of this paper. length, of which 462 were variable and 221 (6% of total) were Because of concerns about the appropriateness of using a parsimony informative. MP analysis revealed over 1 000 000 low-copy nuclear gene across greater phylogenetic distances trees of length 667, CI = 0.730 RI = 0.864 before runs were without resorting to cloning (Samuel et al., 2005), we restricted terminated. Reverse constraints found no confl icting topologies PHYC sequencing to Puya and subf. Bromelioideae, and two of similar or shorter lengths. ML analysis using GARLI and the species of Pitcairnia serve as outgroups. Several species of GTR+ γ +I model (the most complex model chosen in MOD- subf. Bromelioideae and Puya could not be sequenced for ELTEST for any of the gene partitions, in this case, trnS-G ) PHYC , despite multiple attempts. The fi nal matrix of 58 taxa is yielded a tree with – ln 10526.13. RAxML performed 350 ML 1047 characters in length, of which 171 were variable and 97 bootstrapping replicates using the specifi ed models for each (9.3%) were parsimony informative. MP analysis revealed over gene partition. The BI tree from MrBayes runs with different 900 000 trees of length 223, CI = 0.789 and RI = 0.906 before models allowed for each partition had a best score of – ln the search was terminated. Reverse constraints found no con- 10129.713. fl icting topologies of similar or shorter lengths. The maximum The tree obtained from combined cpDNA and PHYC data likelihood analysis of GARLI using GTR+ γ model selected in (Fig. 5) contains aspects of both the cpDNA tree (see Fig. 3) MODELTEST yielded a tree – ln 2915.8267. RAxML per- and the PHYC tree (see Fig. 4). Subfamily Pitcairnioideae is formed 400 ML bootstrapping replicates. The BI consensus tree sister to Puya and subf. Bromelioideae, and the latter subfamily from MrBayes had a best score of – ln 3182.621. is strongly well supported (99% PP, 85% MLB) as seen with As with the cpDNA regions, PHYC was not able to fully cpDNA but not PHYC . Puya , however, is monophyletic (99% resolve relationships between Puya and subf. Bromelioideae PP, 68% MLB) as seen with PHYC but not cpDNA. The sister 344 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 97

Fig. 3. Maximum likelihood cpDNA phylogeny for Puya and all outgroups based on trnS-trnG , matK , and rps16 . Hechtia is used as the outgroup. Numbers above branches correspond to Bayesian MCMC inference posterior probabilities (PP) and numbers below correspond to maximum likelihood bootstrap MLB) values calculated using RAxML. Support values are shown for only clades of interest. Line thickness corresponds to relative support: thickest lines indicate strong support (both PP and MLB above 80), medium thick lines indicate medium support (either PP or MLB above 80), and thin lines indicate weak support (both PP and MLB below 80). If both PP and MLB are below 50, the clade is collapsed. Two asterisks (**): subgenus Puya . February 2010] Jabaily and Sytsma — Phylogenetics and evolution in P UYA 345 relationship between Puya and subf. Bromelioideae is more tionships between taxa in “ Core Puya ” and “ Chilean Puya ” can strongly supported with combined data than with either of the be attributed to very short branches leading to these three major two data sets individually (100% PP, 84% MLB). The early radiations (Figs. 3, 4). For example, only one character unites divergence of Ochagavia , Deinacanthon , and Greigia from Puya in the combined data MP analysis. These results support within subf. Bromelioideae — a clade sister to all Puya with prior observations of low rates of nucleotide substitution in PHYC data — is also more strongly supported with combined Bromeliaceae ( Gaut et al., 1992 ; Givnish et al., 2007 ; Smith data. The combined topology more strongly points to the early and Donoghue, 2008), which may be especially problematic for divergence of within the remainder of subf. Brome- Puya and subf. Bromelioideae. Barfuss et al. (2005) used rps16, lioideae. Within the monophyletic Puya , “ Chilean Puya ” is re- in addition to many other cpDNA regions, across the subf. covered with the same species composition as seen in the Tillandsioideae, another major bromeliad radiation. They re- cpDNA analysis. However, taxa within the clade “ Chilean ported 14.1% parsimony informative characters (PIC) for rps16 Puya” segregate based on fl ower color as seen with PHYC across subf. Tillandsioideae and outgroups, whereas only 5.2% alone. Puya mima and Puya boliviensis are strongly supported (43 total) PIC are seen across Puya, subf. Bromelioideae, and as the earliest diverging lineages within “ Core Puya . ” Combined all outgroups, and just 1% (8 total) PIC within Puya for rps16 . data do little to increase resolution within the remainder of Puya , At this rate, concatenation of thousands of nucleotides from a though the “ Northern Andes ” clade is still weakly supported. great many loci would be necessary to get signifi cant resolution in “ Core Puya. ” Low-copy nuclear region PHYC was signifi - Hypothesis testing — Assessments of Bremer support indices cantly more variable (9.3% [97 total] PIC across Puya and out- and Templeton tests for all three data partitions reject the hy- groups and 3% [32 total] PIC within Puya ), but resolution potheses of a monophyletic subg. Puya ( Table 4 ). The cpDNA within “ Core Puya ” was still low. Other low-copy nuclear DNA data reject monophyly of all Puya from Chile and PHYC data regions screened in this study showed low variability, suggest- reject the hypothesis of monophyletic clade of Chilean Puya ing that commonly used low-copy nuclear gene regions may minus P. boliviensis (the topology seen with cpDNA data). The not hold the ultimate solution for resolution of recently evolved three data sets are equivocal about monophyly of subf. Brome- groups of bromeliads. Restriction-based methods surveying the lioideae, the genus Puya itself, and the “ Northern Andes ” nuclear genome (e.g., AFLPs) may be of more utility and ap- clade — all clades with relatively short branches. propriate at these taxonomic levels in Bromeliaceae ( Jabaily et al., 2008 ). Morphological analysis of Chilean species— For the Chil- Combining cpDNA and nuclear DNA data increases support ean species of Puya , herbarium records and plants in botanical for monophyly of Puya and subf. Bromelioideae and resolves gardens and in the fi eld of central Chile were observed for se- relationships among Puya , subf. Bromelioideae, and outgroups. lect key characters. Character-state presence or absence was However, by viewing results of the chloroplast and nuclear sto- generalized across species and was typically consistent with ries separately, we are also able to hypothesize a specifi c and given species descriptions if the characters were initially noted more complicated scenario of evolution for the Chilean Puya in the original species description (Fig. 6). Abaxial, appressed (see below). leaf scales unite Chilean species with bluish fl owers. Yellow pollen and abaxially glabrous leaves unite Chilean species with Placements and monophyly of Puya and subf. Brome- yellow fl owers. Infl orescence development was studied in three lioideae— The placement of major lineages in the combined Chilean species at the Huntington Botanical Garden to see data set topology agrees with previous phylogenetic studies whether there was any similarity at early developmental stages across Bromeliaceae (Terry et al., 1997; Crayn et al., 2004; between P. alpestris (with sterile infl orescence tips) and P. co- Barfuss et al., 2005; Givnish et al., 2007; Schulte and Zizka, erulea and P. venusta (with nonsterile tips). Abortion of the 2008 ) Puya and subf. Bromelioideae are sister clades, and they terminal fl owers began very early in development of the com- in turn are sister to the subf. Pitcairnioideae. Given the weak pound infl orescence in P. alpestris . were fully fertile support for monophyly of Puya in this molecular analysis, it is from the base of the infl orescence branch. The abortive whorls worth asking if we should still consider Puya monophyletic. If of fl owers had underdeveloped stamens and petals, were greatly we were to consider the two major clades of “ Chilean Puya ” reduced in size, and died very early in development. In contrast, and “ Core Puya ” produced by the combined data set as distinc- the entire axis of the infl orescences of both P. coerulea and P. tive enough for generic status, “ Chilean Puya ” would retain the venusta were fertile throughout, and no evidence was seen of name Puya, as the type specimen is Puya chilensis Molina, and the abrupt developmental timing change typical in P. alpestris . “ Core Puya” would be then elevated to the genus Puyopsis . The There is thus no similarity in infl orescence fertility between the monophyly of Puya has never been questioned by specialists in two groups of species at any developmental point. Bromeliaceae and has been supported in most familywide revi- sions and molecular phylogenies to date, although few repre- sentatives of Puya typically have been included. The paraphyly DISCUSSION of Puya in the analysis of Rex et al., (2009) is weakly supported and is likely an artifact of poor taxon sampling of Bromelioideae This study demonstrates the utility of considering both chlo- and Puya. A suite of characters including leaf-base constriction roplast and nuclear data to illuminate complex relationships in and leaf-sheath texture has traditionally been used to separate rapidly evolving groups. Key questions about the evolutionary Puya from other genera. Smith (1968 , p. 461) argued that for history of this group of bromeliads are answered, and a working Puya “… the really signifi cant characters appear to be the twist- hypothesis is presented for the evolution of Chilean Puya . ing together of the petals after anthesis and the winged seed.” The winged seeds of Puya can sometimes be confused with Utility of chloroplast and nuclear data — The weak support seeds of Pitcairnia subg. Pepinia (Varadarajan and Gilmartin, for monophyly of Puya and subf. Bromelioideae and for rela- 1988 ; Robinson and Taylor, 1999 ). Additionally, seed diversity 346 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 97

Fig. 4. Maximum likelihood nuclear DNA (PHYC ) phylogeny for Puya and subf. Bromelioideae with Pitcairnia spp. used as a monophyletic out- group. Numbers above branches correspond to Bayesian inference posterior probabilities (PP), and numbers below correspond to maximum likelihood bootstrap MLB) values calculated using RAxML. Support values are shown for only clades of interest. Line thickness corresponds to relative support: thickest lines indicate strong support (both PP and MLB above 80), medium thick lines indicate medium support (either PP or MLB above 80), and thin lines indicate weak support (both PP and MLB below 80). If both PP and MLB are below 50, the clade is collapsed. Two asterisks (**): subgenus Puya . February 2010] Jabaily and Sytsma — Phylogenetics and evolution in P UYA 347 within Puya may preclude a simple, synapomorphic defi nition once and subsequently lost multiple times in the remainder of of Puya based on seeds (Varadarajan and Gilmartin, 1988). Puya. Careful analysis of different sterile tip infl orescences dur- Therefore, the most readily diagnosable character for all spe- ing development is needed to test the now likely hypothesis that cies placed in Puya is the twisting of petals into a tight spiral sterile infl orescence tips evolved in a convergent fashion. after anthesis. While some species of other genera may have Morphological variation among the 190+ species comprising slight twisting of petals after anthesis, none form the regular subg. Puyopsis is not well characterized, and no interspecifi c tight spiral seen in Puya . This character is also very useful for classifi cation has been presented for subg. Puyopsis. Hornung- identifying Puya from old infl orescences because the twisted Leoni and Sosa (2008) constructed a morphological matrix of petals generally persist. On the basis of this key morphological 93 discrete and continuous characters, including many charac- synapomorphy and the results of our molecular phylogenies, ters emphasized in the monograph of Puya ( Smith and Downs, although not well supported at this node, we argue that Puya 1974), for 28 species of Puya from both subgenera. Only a few should still be considered a cohesive, monophyletic lineage. clades within Puya had any support in the parsimony analysis The less likely alternative is that the feature of twisting petals with the character of sterile infl orescence branch apex not sur- was lost in subf. Bromelioideae if the latter is derived from prisingly supporting the unity of all members of subg. Puya . within a paraphyletic Puya ( Fig. 3 ). The DNA-based phylogenies of this study will allow for inde- The subf. Bromelioideae has long been recognized as a natu- pendent assessment of morphological characters as either syna- ral group based on possession of distinctive fl eshy fruits and pomorphic or homoplasious. We use several morphological inferior ovaries, though current generic circumscriptions are characters to support our hypothesis of the evolution of Chilean strongly in fl ux. Molecular systematics studies with a variety of taxa below (see section Evolution of Chilean Puya ). sampling densities have all recovered a monophyletic subf. Besides testing the monophyly of subgenera in this study, we Bromelioideae, albeit with low support (e.g., 64 PP in Schulte were able to delineate the Chilean Puya as a unique clade(s) and Zizka, 2008; 89% bootstrap in Givnish et al., 2007; 63% of separate from “ Core Puya . ” Other clades in “ Core Puya ” are trees on majority rule consensus in Horres et al., 2000). The apparent in these analyses, though clade support is minimal. A sampling for our study included several putatively early-di- clade of species from the wetter northern Andes is supported by verging genera of subf. Bromelioideae (Ochagavia and Greigia, all three data sets, although its species composition deviates following Horres et al., 2007 ), as well as representatives of slightly among the three. This mesic northern Andean clade ap- many other genera. The cpDNA data were able to resolve a pears to be derived from a group of taxa from the more xeric monophyletic subf. Bromelioideae with moderate support, central Andes. Relationships among species in the central An- placed in a polytomy with “ Chilean Puya ” and “ Core Puya . ” des are more weakly supported and these species do not form PHYC data identifi ed a clade comprising Ochagavia Greigia consistent clades. Several taxa within the northern Andean and Deinacanthon as sister to Puya, and this larger clade sister clade are from more xeric valleys (e.g., P. obconica , P. bicolor ) to the remainder of subf. Bromelioideae. However, only one geographically near the high elevation pá ramo taxa (e.g., P. synapomorphic nucleotide character unites Ochagavia , Greigia , goudotiana , P. hamata , P. pygmaea ). These northern Andean and Deinacanthon with Puya and apart from the remainder of xeric species do not group with other species from xeric valleys subf. Bromelioideae. Combined data strongly support a mono- in the central Andean valleys. Likewise, Puya from high eleva- phyletic subf. Bromelioideae as sister to a monophyletic Puya, tion central Andean areas (e.g., P. raimondii , P. angusta) do not in agreement with all other familywide molecular phylogenies. group with high elevation species from the northern Andes. Within subf. Bromelioideae, primarily terrestrial or saxicolous Puya appears to have colonized mid and high elevations multi- genera (e.g., Ochagavia , Deinacanthon , Greigia , Bromelia , ple times. Thus, broad geographic distributional patterns rather Ananas , Cryptanthus , Orthophytum) form a basal grade to the than ecological parameters of moisture and elevational adapta- more derived, primarily epiphytic Bromelioideae (e.g., Billber- tions might be the most accurate predictor of phylogenetic rela- gia , Portea , Aechmea ), in agreement with the topologies of tionships within “ Core Puya . ” The low levels of phylogenetic Schulte and Zizka (2008) and Schulte et al., (2009). The rela- resolution found with our chosen regions were not able to re- tive position of these basalmost lineages differs slightly from solve sister relationships between the multiple accessions of Schulte et al., (2009), which recovered a single species of Bro- widespread taxa in Core “Puya ” (e.g., P. ferruginea ). AFLP melia as sister to the remainder of Bromelioideae. Our analysis analyses appear to provide fi ner-resolved relationships among used several additional species of Bromelia and some different species in this group ( Jabaily et al., 2008 ). Puya mima from species from other basal genera but also was unable to resolve central Peru deserves further investigation as it appears to hold the basalmost lineage of Bromelioideae with strong support. a pivotal placement in the phylogenetic reconstructions, often as sister to the remaining “ Core Puya . ” This species is morpho- Monophyly of Puya subgenera and major interspecifi c logically very distinct, having a simple, few-fl owered infl ores- clades — In no analysis was subg. Puya monophyletic, as subge- cence that is nearly glabrous. The fl owers are pinkish, quite nus members P. raimondii and P. castellanosii were clearly em- large, and zygomorphic, all quite rare character states in Puya . bedded in “ Core Puya” not as sister species, P. boliviensis was in “ Core Puya” in the cpDNA and combined analysis, and P. Biogeographic implications— Our results not only show that berteroniana, P. alpestris, and P. chilensis were in separate early-diverging species of subf. Bromelioideae (all Ochagavia , clades of entirely Chilean taxa. Hypothesis testing clearly re- many Greigia) occur in central Chile as previously suggested jected a monophyletic subg. Puya with all data sets. The two ( Horres et al., 2007 ), but importantly that one of the fi rst-diverging subgenera of Puya should thus be considered nonmonophyletic, clades in Puya is from central Chile as well. If a molecular clock is given this evidence. The character of sterile infl orescence tips, assumed, the initial radiation of major clades of subf. Brome- previously used to defi ne subg. Puya , has either evolved several lioideae and Puya in central Chile occurred very quickly, as indi- times independently in Puya , perhaps in response to pressure cated by very short branch lengths. A subsequent radiation created from similar perching pollinators ( Johow, 1898 ) or evolved the majority of extant “ Core Puya ” species in the Andes. 348 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 97

Fig. 5. Bayesian posterior probability phylogeny of combined cpDNA (trnS-trnG , matK , rps16) and nuclear DNA (PHYC ) data for Puya and all out- groups. Hechtia is used as the outgroup. Numbers above branches correspond to Bayesian inference posterior probabilities (PP) and numbers below cor- respond to maximum likelihood bootstrap MLB) values calculated using RAxML. Support values are shown for only clades of interest. Line thickness corresponds to relative support: thickest lines indicate strong support (both PP and MLB above 80), medium thick lines indicate medium support (either PP or MLB above 80), and thin lines indicate weak support (both PP and MLB below 80). If both PP and MLB are below 50, the clade is collapsed. Two asterisks (**): subgenus Puya .

In the context of biogeography and habitats seen in Puya , the habitats or the evolution of epiphytism. The majority of subf. pattern of C3 and CAM photosynthesis is notable. The evolu- Bromelioideae are CAM, but members of Greigia , Fascicu- tion of CAM photosynthesis has occurred multiple times in laria, and Ochagavia are C 3, suggesting that C 3 is the ancestral Bromeliaceae ( Martin, 1994 ; Benzing, 2000 ; Crayn et al., 2004 ; condition in Bromelioideae (Horres et al., 2007) and that CAM Givnish et al., 2007 ) and is associated with an invasion of arid did not arise in response to aridity in central Chile, at least for February 2010] Jabaily and Sytsma — Phylogenetics and evolution in P UYA 349

Fig. 6. Comparison of cpDNA and nuclear PHYC phylogenies illustrating relationships of “ Chilean Puya ” (or its smaller clades), “ Core Puya ” , and subf. Bromelioideae. States of select morphological characters discussed in the text are shown for “ Chilean Puya ” only. Asterisk indicates the weakly sup- ported relationships between Bromelioideae and all Puya . Two matK indels are placed as synapomorphies for “ Chilean Puya ” . subf. Bromelioideae. Members of subf. Pitcairnioideae and Bromeliaceae are particularly depauperate in Chile compared subf. Tillandsioideae native to central and northern Chile are to the rest of its primary range in South America ( Rundel and either obligate CAM plants or have a mixed C 3 /CAM system Dillon, 1998). Nine species of subf. Bromelioideae are found in ( Rundel and Dillon, 1998 ). Most species of Puya surveyed by Chile, whereas the remaining 700+ species are primarily in Martin (1994) had carbon isotope values indicative of a mixed southeastern Brazil. Seven species of Puya are endemic to Chile C3 /CAM system, the given value being proportional to the fre- (though there are a few reports of P. alpestris from far western quency the plant switched to CAM photosynthesis, presumably Argentina), whereas the remaining 190+ species are found because of water stress. Carbon isotope values for a given spe- throughout the Andes. The Mediterranean region of central cies varied between individuals surveyed by Martin (1994) and Chile is recognized as a biodiversity hotspot ( Myers et al., Crayn et al. (2004) , the latter who surveyed many more species 2000), but the phylogeographic affi nities of taxa endemic to and indicated that Puya is the only genus of Bromeliaceae with central Chile with those from the remainder of the Andes are both C3 and CAM photosynthesis. Species of Puya with CAM complex and varied (Katinas et al., 1999). A number of taxa are in the minority (24% of species surveyed, Crayn et al., with primarily Andean distributions have disjunct species in 2000) and include the Chilean species P. chilensis and P. gil- central Chile. Phylogenetic and systematic studies of these vari- martiniae, as well as many species from lower elevations and ous groups do not necessarily exhibit the same pattern seen in generally dry valleys in the central Andes. Species of Puya with Puya of basal, depauperate lineages in Chile with a subsequent mixed C 3/CAM included P. venusta and P. berteroniana. C3 radiation in the Andes and elsewhere. Berry et al. (2004) showed species include P. alpestris and P. coerulea from Chile, as well that the Chilean Fuchsia sect. Kierschlegeria (Onagraceae) are as most surveyed species from higher elevations and the north- sister to a larger radiation of southern South American and Bra- ern Andes. Interestingly, putative closely related species pairs zilian taxa in sect. Quelusia , not sister to the main Andean P. berteroniana/P. alpestris and P. venusta/P. coerulea show Fuchsia radiation. This pattern may be more similar to that seen different forms of photosynthesis, but this may be impacted by in subf. Bromelioideae. Tristerix (Loranthaceae) is equally di- the physiological history of the individuals surveyed. Clearly, verse in central/southern Chile and central/northern Andes and CAM photosynthesis has arisen at least twice within the Puya / species from these two geographical regions form sister clades Bromelioideae clade and merits further study within Puya . (Amico et al., 2007). Similarly, extant Chuquiraga (Asteraceae) 350 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 97 have equally large radiations in southern South America, in- support a monophyletic Chilean clade, whereas PHYC data cluding central Chile, and in the rest of the Andes (Ezcurra, strongly support two clades of Chilean Puya with one sister to 2002). The species endemic to central Chile were derived from the remainder of Puya ( “ Core Puya” ). This discordance is best a more widespread species. Loasa s.s. (Loasaceae) and allied explained by ancient chloroplast capture in Chile (see below). genera form a major radiation in central Chile, but relationships Additionally, at least two other more recent episodes of hybrid- with northern Andean Nasa remain unresolved (Weigend et al., ization and/or chloroplast capture involve Chilean species (see 2004 ). Multiple clades of the tribe Mutisieae (Asteraceae) have below). members in central Chile and in other regions of the primarily southern Andes. However, the clade of Moscharia/Polyachy- Ancient reticulation in the Chilean Puya— A reticulate evo- rus/Leucheria has its center of origin and diversity in central lutionary history is invoked to explain the confl icting results Chile, and the arid climate may have prompted evolution of from individually strongly supported cpDNA and nuclear DNA secondary capitula ( Katinas et al., 2008 ). clades ( Fig. 7 ). Chloroplast capture and hybridization are well- More phylogenetic work needs to be done on other species established explanations for points of confl ict between cpDNA rich genera from central Chile and the Andes to determine and nuclear DNA data, though assigning either as causation of whether there is a general phytogeographic relationship be- the confl ict should proceed with caution as other stochastic pro- tween the two regions. In the above examples illustrating links cesses can create similar patterns (Smith and Sytsma, 1990; between central Chile, the Andes, and the rest of South Amer- Baum et al., 1998; Wendel and Doyle, 1998; Linder and Riese- ica, determining the ages of lineage diversifi cations will be im- berg, 2004; Friar et al., 2008). Incomplete lineage sorting may portant to more fully understand these phytogeographic be a pertinent explanation for such data set confl ict, but gener- relationships. The Andean uplift greatly altered the weather ally it is invoked for groups that exhibit complex patterns of patterns and vegetation of Chile, and subsequent Pleistocene organellar DNA relationships within and among species gener- glacial cycles may have served to isolate and subsequently di- ally not in sympatry (Wendel and Doyle, 1998; Comes and Ab- versify lineages (Simpson, 1975). Groups that were forming bott, 2001). The weight of the evidence in Puya, with good before or during the uplift of the southern Andes in the mid sampling in Chile and broad sampling elsewhere, does not point Pliocene-Pleistocene may have a very different distribution and toward incomplete lineage sorting or other stochastic popula- diversifi cation pattern than those that formed after the major tion-level processes as causative for this discordance. Rather, uplift was completed ( Arroyo et al., 1988 ). chloroplast capture following hybridization and unidirectional Molecular calibration of the diversifi cation of Bromeliaceae introgression explains the evidence best because the incongru- using monocot fossils and an ndhF phylogeny of monocots ence between the data sets is confi ned to the Chilean Puya and (Givnish et al., 2007) placed the stem node of the clade com- is readily explained by biogeography, morphology, and ecol- prising subf. Bromelioideae and Puya to around 10 Mya and ogy in sympatry ( Kim and Donoghue, 2008 ). The possibility their subsequent crown radiation to about 7.8 Mya. These time that PHYC is providing a discordant phylogeny relative to other periods of origination and diversifi cation of Puya and subf. portions of the nuclear genome ( An é et al., 2007 ) also may be Bromelioideae are within the Miocene/Pliocene when the discounted as phylogenetic analysis of AFLP data, primarily southern Andes were building, although not yet at full height, nuclear in origin, produces highly congruent results relative to and affecting climate changes. Extant taxa of Puya may have PHYC (Jabaily et al., 2008). On the basis of the extensive sam- arisen considerably more recently (even as late as 370 000 yr; pling of Puya and phylogenetic patterns of both cpDNA and Givnish et al., 2007 ), when the northern Andes were actively nuclear DNA, we propose the following scenario to explain the rising and the older southern Andes of Chile were at full height. discordance in phylogeny and morphology for the Chilean spe- Recent glaciation cycles in the Andes and their impact on An- cies of Puya ( Fig. 7 ). dean fl ora via successive rounds of allopatry and sympatry (1) Prior to any episode of chloroplast capture, ancestral line- ( Simpson, 1975 ) undoubtedly played a critical role in the radia- ages of subf. Bromelioideae and three clades of Puya had al- tion of extant taxa of Puya (Varadarajan, 1990). An expanded ready diversifi ed in Central Chile. Strong support is seen with and updated phylogeny of Bromeliaceae calibrated with mo- PHYC ( Fig. 4 ) for three clades within Puya , with the Chilean lecular dating methods, including sampling from the here de- “ Yellow Puya ” sister to the “ Core Puya ” and these two in turn fi ned “ Chilean Puya ” lineage and denser taxon sampling of sister to the Chilean “ Blue Puya . ” early diverging lineages within subf. Bromelioideae, will do (2) In Central Chile, an ancestor of the nuclear DNA defi ned much to improve our understanding of the evolutionary history clade “ Yellow Puya” crossed as the pollen donor to an ancestor of Bromeliaceae and of South American phytogeography more of the nuclear DNA defi ned clade “ Blue Puya . ” This hybrid, generally. Bromeliaceae, and Puya in particular, may prove to possessing the cytoplasm of “ Blue Puya , ” backcrossed repeat- be some of the most rapid examples of plant speciation, with edly as the egg donor to the paternal “ Yellow Puya ” ancestor. rates similar to or exceeding those currently found in other rapid The fi nal introgressant product, the ancestor to all extant “ Yel- radiation examples (Richardson et al., 2001; Klak et al., 2004; low Puya, ” thus swamped out most, if not all, nuclear contribu- Hughes and Eastwood, 2006 ; Scherson et al., 2008 ). tions from the “ Blue Puya ” ancestor, but captured the latter ’ s chloroplast. This early chloroplast capture event followed by Evolution of the Chilean Puya — The results of these mo- subsequent diversifi cation of both “ Yellow Puya ” and “ Blue lecular phylogenetic analyses further enhance the phylogenetic, Puya ” clades thus united all Chilean species into a single cyto- evolutionary, and biogeographic signifi cance of the species of plasm clade distinct from both “ Core Puya ” and subf. Brome- Puya restricted to Chile. As demonstrated, Central Chile is im- lioideae. The sole exception in Chile is P. boliviensis, which plicated as an ancestral area for the radiation of extant Puya and more recently captured a distinctive chloroplast from within subf. Bromelioideae. Moreover, the fundamental phylogenetic “ Core Puya , ” as discussed below. confl ict between the cpDNA and nuclear PHYC data resides in (3) In theory, the directionality of the chloroplast capture the placement of the Chilean species. The cpDNA data strongly could be from the yellow-fl owered species to the blue-fl ow- February 2010] Jabaily and Sytsma — Phylogenetics and evolution in P UYA 351 ered species, or vice versa. Assuming that cpDNA and PHYC strongly argue that the “ Blue Puya ” cytoplasm is found in the sequence evolution have proceeded at a relatively constant extant Chilean species. rate (although each different) through time, the relative amount (4) Following this chloroplast capture event, subsequent di- of change and branching pattern evident between cpDNA and versifi cation of this “ mosaic ” “ Yellow Puya ” ancestor and of PHYC of Chilean species relative to that evident in both the the “ Blue Puya ” ancestor created all extant species in Chile. “ Core Puya ” and subf. Bromelioideae should provide a means Prior to or subsequently after the chloroplast capture event, sev- of identifying the directionality of chloroplast capture. The eral morphological features evolved in their respective clades PHYC phylogeny ( Fig. 4 ) depicts a trichotomy at the base of although it is not possible to ascertain when or what state was Puya with three clades, subf. Bromelioideae, “ Blue Puya , ” apomorphic ( Fig. 6 ). The “ Yellow Puya ” clade is now defi ned and “ Yellow Puya + Core Puya , ” indicating all three are es- by yellow, bowl-shaped fl owers, sterile-tipped infl orescences, sentially of equal age. However, the stem lineage leading to and glabrous leaves; the “ Blue Puya ” clade is defi ned by some subsequent splitting of the “ Yellow Puya + Core Puya ” is ap- shade of blue fl owers, and densely scaly leaves below. proximately half in ML branch length relative to the entire shape and infl orescence sterility vary within “ Blue Puya . ” All length of the clade. If the “ Yellow Puya ” cytoplasm had been morphological traits discussed here vary in “ Core Puya , ” al- captured by the “ Blue Puya ” lineage early on in Central Chile, though sterile-tipped infl orescences of unknown homology oc- the cpDNA phylogeny should retain a clade of “ Chilean cur in at least two of these species (P. raimondii and P. Puya ” with “ Core Puya ” and that this stem branch would be castellanosii ). roughly half that in length relative to the entire branch. In- stead, the cpDNA phylogeny ( Fig. 3 ) also depicts a trichot- Secondary chloroplast capture in P. boliviensis — An addi- omy at the base of Puya with each of the stem lineages tional hybridization and possibly introgression event was in- roughly equal in length (0.003 ML branch length). This to- volved in the formation of P. boliviensis . The maternally pology and similarity in divergence among the three clades inherited cpDNA unites all Puya taxa from Chile minus P. boli- (subf. Bromelioideae, “ Core Puya , ” and “ Chilean Puya ” ) viensis and instead places this species within “ Core Puya. ” Nu-

Fig. 7. Scheme depicting hypothesized genome evolution in the “ Chilean Puya ” . Rounded box and circle diagrams depict cells: the smaller circle is the maternally inherited chloroplast genome and the larger circle with two internal bars represents the biparentally inherited nuclear genome. (1) Hybrid- ization event between maternal “ Blue Puya ” ancestral lineage and paternal “ Yellow Puya ” ancestral lineage. (2) Repeated hybrid (cytoplasm donor) backcrossing to paternal “ Yellow Puya ” giving rise to modern “ Yellow Puya ” lineage with “ Blue Puya ” cytoplasm. (3) Subsequent, recent hybridization event between modern “ Yellow Puya ” and “ Blue Puya ” with no subsequent backcrossing generating the P. alpestris/P. berteroniana intermediate species complex. ( 4) Secondary chloroplast introgression event in P. boliviensis involving a central Andean species of “ Core Puya ” . 352 American Journal of Botany [Vol. 97 clear PHYC, however, places P. boliviensis as expected based clade. Despite numerous attempts, we were unable to sequence on fl oral and vegetative features squarely within the “ Yellow PHYC from P. berteroniana . Both the “ Yellow Puya ” and Puya” clade from Chile. Puya boliviensis thus shares a similar “ Blue Puya ” clades would have provided parental copies for nuclear history with other “ Yellow Puya ” but experienced a the expression of the intermediate fl oral coloration seen in the later, secondary chloroplast capture event from a maternal line- two species. The lighter blue fl owers of P. alpestris/P. bertero- age elsewhere in the Andes. Puya boliviensis occurs at an iso- niana are intermediate between the yellow fl owers of P. chilen- lated location in northern Chile beyond the boundary of the sis , P. gilmartiniae and P. boliviensis and the dark blue fl owers Mediterranean zone and several hundred kilometers north of of P. coerulea and P. venusta . We cannot rule out that such a hy- the other Chilean species. It is one of only two Puya species bridization event and possible subsequent limited introgression found in the fog-fed lomas formations of arid coastal Chile and may have happened multiple times to create the complex seen in P. Peru, the most xeric areas in which Puya are currently found alpestris/P. berteroniana . Much fi ner-scale population genetic (Rundel and Dillon, 1998). If we interpret the PHYC history as markers would be necessary to address this question further. the closest approximation available to the species history for The persistence of hybrid species P. alpestris raises ques- Puya , P. boliviensis is derived from a central Chilean clade tions of how speciation in sympatry can occur and how mainte- ( “ Yellow Puya ” ), and not from elsewhere in the Andes. This nance of species boundaries is achieved. The Mediterranean relationship is similar to that seen in other Atacaman endemic vegetation region of Chile extends from roughly 31 ° S – 37 ° S clades: Oxyphyllum ( Luebert et al., 2009 ), Polyachyrus ( Kati- and is fl anked on the north by the Atacama Desert and to the nas and Crisci, 2000; Katinas et al., 2008), and Tropaeolum south by cooler and wetter climates. The majority of Chilean sect. Chilensis (Hershkowitz, 2006a). Hyperaridity of these Puya are restricted to this zone. Putative hybrid P. alpestris is coastal areas may be a recent phenomenon and Arroyo et al. common throughout this region (32 ° S – 38 ° S for the majority of (1988) suggested that the western slope of the Andes may have collections) and grows in relative close proximity to both puta- been wetter than the eastern side during the Miocene, which tive extant parent taxa: P. chilensis (possible “ Yellow Puya ” would have most likely supported many more species of Puya . parent ) and P. coerulea/P. venusta (possible “ Blue Puya ” par- The maternal cytoplasm in P. boliviensis may have come from ent) (Fig. 2B). In some sites (e.g., the beaches of Zapallar), spe- a more widespread Puya species group that is now just repre- cies were found growing in true sympatry. However, most sented as “ Core Puya ” in the higher Andes. Alternatively, P. Chilean species of Puya live in general close proximity. Most boliviensis could have captured a chloroplast from an extant species also overlap, at least partially, in fl owering times and taxon. The cpDNA phylogeny is not suffi ciently resolved within appear to share pollinators (R. S. Jabaily, personal observation). “ Core Puya ” to clearly identify the cytoplasm source for P. bo- During our fi eld season from November to December 2006, all liviensis, but it may be P. ferruginea, a widespread species observed populations of P. chilensis had recently fi nished fl ow- found in the lomas of southern Peru and also at higher eleva- ering, though a few individuals were still fl owering. Popula- tions in several countries. The chloroplast donor to P. bolivien- tions of P. venusta , P. coerulea , P. alpestris , and P. berteroniana sis could also have been from other taxa restricted to the higher were all in full fl ower. Patagonia gigas , the largest species of elevation central Andean Altiplano. Valleys connecting the Alti- hummingbird on earth, was observed visiting the fl owers of plano with the arid coast may have been a corridor of gene ex- both P. alpestris and P. venusta, although the infl orescence and change between P. boliviensis and central Andean “ Core Puya , ” fl ower shapes of species in subg. Puya suggest pollination by which have been proposed as important for the dispersal and perching birds. subsequent isolation of groups that originated in the high cen- As no prezygotic barriers to successful reproduction may ex- tral Andes ( Palma et al., 2005 ; Luebert et al., 2009 ). The other ist between P. alpestris and its putative parents, postzygotic members of subg. Puya not from Chile are all found in the vi- mechanisms such as chromosomal rearrangement and genic cinity of the Altiplano. sterility should be investigated to determine why P. alpestris persists. Similar questions could perhaps be asked about all Hybridization and recent origin of P. alpestris/P. berteroni- Puya species, because interspecies fertility has not been sys- ana— More recently, a “ Yellow Puya ” taxon with sterile infl o- tematically studied. Interspecifi c hybrids in Puya have naturally rescence tips (most likely extant P. chilensis ) and a blue-fl owered arisen in the Huntington Botanical Garden (R. S. Jabaily, per- taxon (perhaps P. coerulea or P. venusta) hybridized to create sonal observation). The Chilean endemics of Tropaeolum sect. the intermediary species complex P. alpestris / P. berteroniana . Chilensia (Tropaeoleaceae) have a similar history of reticulate Puya berteroniana may be a lineage from within P. alpestris or evolution based on confl ict between nrITS paralogs ( Hershko- derived in a similar fashion. Puya berteroniana is reported from vitz et al., 2006a ). Chile has been suggested to be an ideal habi- a few locations in the northern part of the Mediterranean district tat for sympatric speciation, with varied habitats and climate near Fray Jorge NP, a refugium for much more temperate, throughout many latitudes ( Hershkovitz et al., 2006b ). The southern fl oristic elements (Simpson Vuilleumier, 1971). In the Chilean Puya may well be an ideal group in which to further fi eld, P. alpestris and P. berteroniana are very diffi cult to tell explore these questions of biogeography, hybridization, intro- apart, grading together in overall body size and general fl oral gression, and sympatric speciation. color. This gradation has generated discrepancies between ma- jor collectors in Chile as to which name they apply to a given collection. If morphological characters can behave as single LITERATURE CITED nuclear loci ( Baum et al., 1998 ), the traits of sterile infl ores- Amico , G. C. , R. Vidal-Russell , and D. L. Nickrent . 2007 . cence tips and shallow, open fl owers in these two species would Phylogenetic relationships and ecological speciation in the mistletoe trace the contribution of the “ Yellow Puya ” clade. However, Tristerix (Loranthaceae): The infl uence of pollinators, dispersers, and the trait of abaxial leaf indument would trace the contribution hosts. American Journal of Botany 94 : 558 – 567 . of the “ Blue Puya” clade. In addition, the only PHYC copy in P. Anderson , B. , W. W. Cole , and S. C. H. Barrett . 2005 . Specialized alpestris accessions is also contributed by the “ Blue Puya ” bird perch aids cross-pollination. Nature 435 : 41 – 42 . February 2010] Jabaily and Sytsma — Phylogenetics and evolution in P UYA 353

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Appendix 1. Voucher information and GenBank accession numbers for species of Puya and outgroup genera. Subfamilies follow Givnish et al. (2007) . Herbaria abbreviations: WIS, = University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, USA, HNT = Huntington Botanical Garden, San Marino, California, USA, SEL = Marie Selby Botanical Garden, Sarasota, Florida, USA, MO = Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, USZ = Universidad Autó noma Gabriel René Moreno, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, RFA = Universidad Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, HB = Herbarium Bradeanum, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, MBML = Museo de Biologia Mello Leit ã o, Santa Teresa, Brazil, CONC = Universidad de Concepci ó n, Concepci ó n, Chile; LP = Museo de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina, COL = Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá , Colombia, QCNE = Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales, Quito, Ecuador, USM = Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru.

Subfamily Genus species Author Voucher (herbaria)trnS- trnG matK rps16 PHYC

Hechtioideae Hechtia lundelliorum L.B.Smith RSJ 024 (WIS) FJ968380 FJ968178 FJ968308 — Pitcairnioideae Deuterocohnia longipetala (Baker) Mez RSJ 235 (HNT) FJ968413 FJ968210 FJ968340 — Pitcairnioideae Deuterocohnia meziana Kuntze ex Mez RSJ 071 (WIS) FJ968390 FJ968187 FJ968318 — Pitcairnioideae Dyckia pseudococcinea L.B.Smith RSJ 233 (HNT) FJ968411 FJ968208 FJ968338 — Pitcairnioideae Fosterella albicans (Grisebach) L.B.Smith C. Nowiche 2359 (USZ) FJ968420 FJ968217 FJ968347 — Pitcairnioideae Pitcairnia feliciana (A. Chevalier) Harms & SEL 1998-0116 FJ968386 FJ968183 FJ968314 — Moldboard Pitcairnioideae Pitcairnia maidifolia (C.Morren) Decaisne SEL1986-0313A FJ968387 FJ968184 FJ968315— Pitcairnioideae Pitcairnia orchidifolia Mez SEL1994-0086A FJ968388 FJ968185 FJ968316 FJ968253 Pitcairnioideae Pitcairnia sanguinea H. Luther SEL 1992-0015 FJ968385 — FJ968313 FJ968252 Bromelioideae Aechmea nudicaulis (L) Grisebach Wendt 332 (RFA) FJ968392 FJ968189 FJ968320 FJ968256 Bromelioideae Ananas comosus (Linnaeus) Merrill RSJ 018 (WIS) FJ968379 FJ968177 FJ968307 FJ968247 Bromelioideae Ananas nanus (L. B. Smith) L. B. Smith A. Genrty (MO) FJ968374 FJ968172 FJ968303 FJ968242 Bromelioideae Billbergia euphemiae E. Morren RSJ 017 (WIS, SEL) FJ968378 FJ968176 FJ968306 FJ968246 Bromelioideae Billbergia laxifl ora L.B. Smith Wendt 379 & G. K. FJ968366 FJ968164 FJ968295 FJ968236 Brown, L. Kolmann (MBML, RFA) Bromelioideae Bromelia balansae Mez RSJ 031 (HNT) FJ968381 FJ968179 FJ968309 FJ968248 Bromelioideae Bromelia pinguin L. BAB sn (WIS) FJ968436 FJ968233 FJ968363 — Bromelioideae Bromelia agavifolia Brongniart ex Houllet J. Kress 88-2529 & FJ968373 FJ968171 FJ968302 FJ968241 Stone (SEL) Bromelioideae Bromelia fl emingii I. Ramirez & Carnevali F. Oliva-Esteva s.n. FJ968372 FJ968170 FJ968301 FJ968240 (SEL) Bromelioideae Cryptanthus bromelioides Otto & Dietrich RSJ 016 (WIS,SEL) FJ968377 FJ968175 FJ968305 FJ968245 Bromelioideae Cryptanthus dorothyae Leme L. C. Araujo s.n. (SEL) FJ968370 FJ968168 FJ968299 FJ968238 Bromelioideae Deinacanthon urbanianum (Mez) Mez RSJ 004 (SEL) FJ968376 FJ968174 — FJ968244 Bromelioideae Fernseea itatiaiae (Wawra) Baker Katia Ribeiro 291 (RFA) FJ968367 FJ968165 FJ968296 — Bromelioideae Greigia sp. RSJ 184 (CONC, WIS) — FJ968224 FJ968354 FJ968284 Bromelioideae Neoregelia cruenta (Graham) L.B.Smith B. Whitman s.n. (SEL) FJ968371 FJ968169 FJ968300 FJ968239 Bromelioideae Ochagavia carnea (Beer) L.B.Smith & Looser Leme 2418 (HB) FJ968368 FJ968166 FJ968297 — Bromelioideae Ochagavia elegans Philippi Tod Stuessey s.n. (SEL) FJ968369 FJ968167 FJ968298 FJ968237 Bromelioideae Ochagavia lindleyana Mez RSJ 058 (HNT, WIS) FJ968437 FJ968234 FJ968364 — Bromelioideae Orthophytum gurkenii Hutchison RSJ 234 (SEL) FJ968412 FJ968209 FJ968339 FJ968272 Bromelioideae Portea fosteriana L.B. Smith Wendt 397 & G. K. FJ968365 FJ968163 FJ968294 FJ968235 Brown, L. Kolmann (MBML, RFA) Puyoideae Puya alpestris 1 (Poeppig) Gay RSJ 177 (WIS,CONC) FJ968401 FJ968198 FJ968329 FJ968264 Puyoideae Puya alpestris 2 (Poeppig) Gay RSJ 174 (WIS,CONC) FJ968407 FJ968204 FJ968335 FJ968269 Puyoideae Puya angusta 1 L.B.Smith RSJ 226 (WIS,USM) FJ968431 FJ968228 FJ968358 FJ968289 Puyoideae Puya angusta 2 L.B.Smith RSJ 230 (WIS,USM) FJ968435 FJ968232 FJ968362 FJ968293 Puyoideae Puya berteroniana Mez RSJ 168 (WIS,CONC) FJ968398 FJ968195 FJ968326 — Puyoideae Puya bicolor Mez RSJ 202 (COL) FJ968425 FJ968222 FJ968352 FJ968282 Puyoideae Puya boliviensis 1 Baker M. Rosas 3351 (WIS) FJ968402 FJ968199 FJ968330 FJ968265 Puyoideae Puya boliviensis 2 Baker D. Stanton and J. FJ968409 FJ968206 — FJ968270 Villagra sn (WIS) Puyoideae Puya castellanosii L.B.Smith RSJ 149 (LP, WIS) FJ968393 FJ968190 FJ968321 FJ968257 Puyoideae Puya chilensis 1 Molina RSJ 164 (WIS,CONC) FJ968396 FJ968193 FJ968324 FJ968260 Puyoideae Puya chilensis 2 Molina RSJ 172 (WIS,CONC) FJ968406 FJ968203 FJ968334 FJ968268 Puyoideae Puya coerulea 1 Lindley RSJ 175 (WIS,CONC) FJ968400 FJ968197 FJ968328 FJ968263 Puyoideae Puya coerulea 2 Lindley RSJ 176 (WIS,CONC) FJ968408 FJ968205 FJ968336 — Puyoideae Puya compacta L.B.Smith RSJ 129 (QCNE) FJ968417 FJ968214 FJ968344 FJ968275 Puyoideae Puya dasylirioides Standley Grant 92-01895 (MO) FJ968375 FJ968173 FJ968304 FJ968243 Puyoideae Puya dyckioides (Baker) Mez RSJ 150 (LP, WIS) FJ968394 FJ968191 FJ968322 FJ968258 Puyoideae Puya ferreyrae L.B.Smith RSJ 222 (USM, WIS) FJ968430 FJ968227 FJ968357 FJ968288 Puyoideae Puya ferruginea 1 (Ruiz & Pav ó n) L.B.Smith RSJ 059 (USM, WIS) FJ968383 FJ968181 FJ968311 FJ968250 Puyoideae Puya ferruginea 2 (Ruiz & Pav ó n) L.B.Smith RSJ 210 (USM, WIS) FJ968428 FJ968225 FJ968355 FJ968286 Puyoideae Puya ferruginea 3 (Ruiz & Pav ó n) L.B.Smith RSJ 209 (USM, WIS) FJ968427 — — FJ968285 Puyoideae Puya gilmartiniae G.S.Varadarajan & Flores RSJ 169 (CONC, WIS) FJ968399 FJ968196 FJ968327 FJ968262 Puyoideae Puya goudotiana Mez RSJ 182 (COL) FJ968424 FJ968221 FJ968351 FJ968281 Puyoideae Puya hamata L.B.Smith RSJ 122 (QCNE) FJ968414 FJ968211 FJ968341 FJ968273 Puyoideae Puya harmsii (Castellanos) Castellanos RSJ 145 (LP, WIS) FJ968391 FJ968188 FJ968319 FJ968255 Puyoideae Puya herrerae Harms RSJ 212 (USM, WIS) FJ968429 FJ968226 FJ968356 FJ968287 Puyoideae Puya lanata Kunth RSJ 105 (QCNE) FJ968418 FJ968215 FJ968345 FJ968276 356 American Journal of Botany

Appendix 1. Continued.

Subfamily Genus species Author Voucher (herbaria)trnS- trnG matK rps16 PHYC Puyoideae Puya lineata Mez RSJ 180 (COL) FJ968426 FJ968223 FJ968353 FJ968283 Puyoideae Puya macrura Mez RSJ 227 (USM, WIS) FJ968432 FJ968229 FJ968359 FJ968290 Puyoideae Puya mima L.B.Smith & Read RSJ 228 (USM, WIS) FJ968433 FJ968230 FJ968360 — Puyoideae Puya mirabilis (Mez) L.B.Smith RSJ 161 (LP, WIS) FJ968404 FJ968201 FJ968332 — Puyoideae Puya nana Wittmack RSJ 062 (WIS) FJ968389 FJ968186 FJ968317 FJ968254 Puyoideae Puya nitida 1 Mez RSJ 112 (QCNE) FJ968416 FJ968213 FJ968343 — Puyoideae Puya nitida 2 Mez RSJ 206 (COL) FJ968421 FJ968218 FJ968348 FJ968278 Puyoideae Puya nutans L.B.Smith RSJ 117 (QCNE) FJ968403 FJ968200 FJ968331 FJ968266 Puyoideae Puya obconica L.B.Smith RSJ 106 (QCNE) FJ968419 FJ968216 FJ968346 FJ968277 Puyoideae Puya pygmaea L.B.Smith RSJ 135 (QCNE) FJ968415 FJ968212 FJ968342 FJ968274 Puyoideae Puya raimondii 1 Harms RSJ 229 (USM, WIS) FJ968434 FJ968231 FJ968361 FJ968292 Puyoideae Puya raimondii 2 Harms RSJ 232 (USM, WIS) FJ968410 FJ968207 FJ968337 FJ968271 Puyoideae Puya santosii Cuatrecasas RSJ 194 (COL) FJ968422 FJ968219 FJ968349 FJ968279 Puyoideae Puya trianae Baker RSJ 192 (COL) FJ968423 FJ968220 FJ968350 FJ968280 Puyoideae Puya ultima L.B.Smith RSJ 051 (HNT, WIS) FJ968384 FJ968182 FJ968312 FJ968251 Puyoideae Puya venusta 1 Philippi RSJ 166 (CONC, WIS) FJ968397 FJ968194 FJ968325 FJ968261 Puyoideae Puya venusta 2 Philippi RSJ 165 (CONC, WIS) FJ968405 FJ968202 FJ968333 FJ968267 Puyoideae Puya wrightii L.B.Smith RSJ 039 (HNT, WIS) FJ968382 FJ968180 FJ968310 FJ968249 Puyoideae Puya yakespala Castellanos RSJ 157 (LP, WIS) FJ968395 FJ968192 FJ968323 FJ968259