Generosity GENERAL EDITOR Robert B. Kruschwitz ART EDITOR Heidi J. Hornik REVIEW EDITOR Norman Wirzba PROCLAMATION EDITOR William D. Shiell PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Elizabeth Sands Wise DESIGNER Eric Yarbrough PUBLISHER The Institute for Faith and Learning Baylor University One Bear Place #97270 Waco, TX 76798-7270 PHONE (254) 710-4805 WEB SITE E-MAIL
[email protected] All Scripture is used by permission, all rights reserved, and unless otherwise indicated is from New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. ISSN 1535-8585 Christian Reflection is the ideal resource for discipleship training in the church. Multiple copies are obtainable for group study at $3.00 per copy. Worship aids and lesson materials that enrich personal or group study are available free on the website. Christian Reflection is published quarterly by The Institute for Faith and Learning at Baylor University. Contributors express their considered opinions in a responsible manner. The views expressed are not official views of The Institute for Faith and Learning or of Baylor University. The Institute expresses its thanks to individuals, churches, and organizations, including the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, who provided financial support for this publication. © 2015 The Institute for Faith and Learning at Baylor University All rights reserved Contents Introduction 8 Robert B. Kruschwitz Generosity of Spirit 11 Douglas V. Henry Paul’s Expectations of Generosity 19 Kelly D. Liebengood Subversive Generosity 29 K. Jason Coker Solving the Riddle of Comfortable Guilt 37 Patricia Snell Herzog How Congregations (and Their Members) 44 Differ on Generosity Ruben Swint Imperial Gifts 52 Heidi J.