Mm Nian Feettet

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Mm Nian Feettet 1 il li Wl iimii mm I ii iTWlMTilBWWmrT iTWH - - - VOL XXIIINo 241 HONOLULU TOEffiSm0NE 121888 WHOLE No 1222 Ojarus Hartis equal the first one mentioned Business Business THK LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY feettet Hnafiandazrite There are a number of royul scep- ¬ nian MISCELLANEOUS SCELLANEOUS tres some surmounted by a cross iPLTBIiKMBU BY others by a dove gold ivory and r- - Sixth Day V BISHOP Ss COMPANY TUESDAY JUNE 12 188 I Onyx with precious stones being GAZETTE CO TLimitedj M S GMNBATTM CO 4th HAWAIIAN pssXAJBXjXSBrrax xeb usedjm their composition bracelets 3roDyr June lass IMPOKTEES OP i spurs The House met at 10 oclock the Presi ¬ Nlorjfing - BANKERS k anjl of gold the orb placed Everx Tuosday General Merchandise and Commission LettersFrom the OldrCounfry in dent Hon S G Wilder in the chair UorfOLrtU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS the right haud of the sovereign 11T2 Merchants y Opened by prayer by Rev R S Tinioteo AT FIVE DOUAJlS PER NKUM DRAW EXCHANGE OK Honolulu H I By E L Tti at the coronation a vessel for the n chaplain Minutes of fifth days session THF BANK OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO STEAM I 1A v v 1 anointing oil in the form of a dove PA YABLE IX ADVAXCE PIONEER - -- were read and confirmed 1KD THEIR J8EKTB IN The Tower- Nq 19 witn out spread wings the oil to Candy Manufactory and Bakery PETITIOSS lu Allvauce j New York Bolton Pari drip from VoreHrl NnbMrlbpn 8600 the beak when used the Kep Rice read a petition from residents r MESSRS N M ROTHSCHILD SONS LONDON ECOHKT Practical Confectioner Pastry Cook and Baker anointing spoon the only piece of ¬ nclndes postages prepaid From Newgate Prison- - to the of Kauai praying I that ail native Ha Which -- INKFOKT-ON-THE-MAIN- -i 1178 71 ynnann and Fort y FR Hotel St bet ToWer isJiot a long step in the ancient regalia that survived waiian children in English schools be taught WHlTNEYPobiisher Manager The Commercial Banking Co of Sydney Jra the destruction of common H M London EXCHANGE ON CHINA pginatioii or in reality Only his ¬ the to read Hawaiian 2 that native Hawaiian The Commercial Banking Co of Sydney Sydney on the wealfh of solid gold a gold salt schools be kept up to Ne Zealand Auckland and The undersigned are prepared to draw tory of trie saddest and gloomiest Referred coirlmittee Building Merchant St up talrs The Bank of its -- Office Gazette chartered - cellar richly jeweled modeled on Branches in Christchnrch Danedin and Well nature cIBstere about ejther- i Ttie education ington Bank of India Australia and China afjterj the White Rep Kamauoha presented a petition Th Bank of British Colnmnia Portland- Tower - is one of the sights ofo6n Tower twelve OF ADVERTISING Hongkong cellars gold two from Kona praying Asiatic Immigra ¬ RATES Oregon A q ar-¬ smaller salt of that The Azores and Madeira Islands 187 BlMiOP CO doni and it needs no previous Space measured gold tankards a gold communion tion be limited according to resolutions 1 yr Stockholm Sweden rangement to effect a visit In Nonpariel 1 wl ra 3 m 6m J A DOWER It adopted by parties interested in sugar at a The Chartered Bank of London Anstrilia and oh of service and the baptismal font used BOO 1000 China Ship and Boat Builder stands the bank the Thames B in 100 200 3001 Carpenter tjie meeting held In Honolulu Referred to Lmei H 12 00 Hongkong Yokohama Japan And transact a at christening of the royal 1 ISO aw1 4 00 5001 8 00 and it is more than probable that 12 Lines 15 00 1201 GoncralBankinr BoMnets y YARD AT THE ENTERPRISE MILL judiciary committee 24 2 200 4001 fiOO TSOlOOO children In a case at one side Lines 10OU14O0I HOO Mutual Telephone 33S the Roman wall that ran along OK COMMITTEES S6 3001 50JI 750 REPORIS Line 14 0020 00 23 00 ftfrlthe room are three swords 43 Lines J 4 00 BOO 10 01 fsy parues on the otherJslinds nqUiring Ma Thames street lerminatecHnia fortf Rep Kawainui for the printing commit ¬ IK 9ioil4IW16C0C3O0 40 00 ol- 5 6 teriuls a Boat Or Scow bnlt or repaired rrould do linkvelvet scabbords with gold orna 20U5500l bOOO and Commission r 1 at this place is also asserted bill and 7 80al2001600 Importers Merchants well to commiiDicateJwflti i i 1 If ments tee reported eight printed ready 10 1200 18 00 22IK26 004500 S000 1172 J A DOWER Honolnln y One is the Sword of Mercy HO 12W Honolnln OnhuHI y that Alfred the Grea built a for distribution 15 00 20 K JO 0040 OOtO 100 00 is 2 Thlrd Column OOllWOO and has a blunt point It also C One Column 1S00 250 MOO1 50OM0 MRS M MELLIS stronghold there but this much Ken Brown read the report of the CLJkUt KPnKCKKIS WM A Sword is borne OIEWtJt we do Know that this castle for the of State and judiciary committee on the bill relating to OS Correspondence Intended Tor publication fc Fasnionabl Dress and Cloak Maker the administering or oaths by Notaries of the Hawa WU G IRWIH CO Vj immediately before the sovereign should be addressed to the Editor 1199 Ho 17 Emma street ly centuries palace forJ centuries a Public recommending that the bill pass Office on state occasions Two Man Gazette Poet JJoxE Sngar Pactors and Commission Agents prison anu now a oarracic ana a others with an amendment ollered by the com- ¬ Correspondencerclatiupto Advertisements Ac ua e 1172 Honolulu H I WILUKIC CO Swords of Justice ecclesiastical and mittee faigned bj ull the members of buWriptiotUandJob Prlntlne ald fossil of the sterner ages was ¬ Gazette Corner of Fort and Queen Steets Honolnln civil borne on committee except Nobie Richardson ab- arced to the MHuaecrof the Hawaiian commenced in its present form for are either side at sent Box E A Lumber Paints Oils Nails Salt Building post Office II iUCKFIXU CO certain ceremonies Two other Minister Austin moved the bill pas to Cards and all quarterly or early 11 63 of every kind William the Conqueror The name carBuslness ¬ Materials t arc nayabltin advance on pre General Commission Agents cases contain the insignia of the engrossment dverlisement is taken from the square White IteD Paehaole moved the report be laid sentation of the bill 1204 Queen Street Honolulu H I y HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO several British orders of Knight ¬ - be ac- - Tower that rises conspicuously in on the table to be considered with the bill m V B All foreign advertisement- mtist jtwi bleam Eucinea5uRar Mills Borers hood and still another contains o uhpn ordered iu or no Coolers IronBras and Lead Casting the centre1 are an irregu- ¬ Noble Wideniutln did not consider that companieu nu i v 3 nf A A CO SncttL Around if t in tvr ikpn of iheoi lue rates F SCiZAEFKK twelye banners wrought with gold the passing of the bill to engrossment on arid remit ¬ V A Machinery of Every Description lar mass of buildings erected at names are given in the above scale lmporters Commi3SionjMorcs e Miid to Order SS thread and beautifully mounted recommendation of the committee was in for European or American advertisements r- e these also sur- ¬ order tance postal order 1187 Honolnln Hawaiian Islands various periods may be made by i i Particular attention paid to Ships Black by and twelve silver trumpets These Minuter Austins motion was put aud smithing JOU WORK executed on the shortest rounded a high wall Tlie reading of bill 1180 notice y banners and trumpets were carried carried and the third the 0 U KAWATNUI - Ai Wtiite Tower is ascended by a cir¬ set Wednesday Saytfg and blown at Victorias coronation for gmflMff Acknowlodgments to cular staircase built in the wall and NOTICES OP NEW BILLS Agent to take not been used AVe Labor Contracts it is under this stairway that the and have since Rep llelckunihi gave notice of a bill PROFESSIONAL For the District of Kona Oahu Office UNION FEED CO bones of the two young princes next day ascend Beauchamp Tower To amend section 1 of the penal codenud 1181 ynnaun Street y miirdered and enter a room that has figured also to amend sections 3 and 4 as aihended DEALERS IN by Richard ILK were August 1st 1878 fiJ COMPANY found story largely in the gloomy history of the Kep gnve nodce of A KOSA s C BREWER In the second what Iaehaole pash is a plain room not very persons sent to NOTARY PUBLIC LImncd- - HAY and GRADT was Council It Air Act authorizing M0Jb ATTORNEY AT LAW AND formerly the Chamber kai to be accompanied with one assisfatlt General Mercantile and Commission Agents Queen and Edinburgh Sts ¬ well lighted and within it and a Attorney GcncralAJHolanl Halo is iiQW used to display a marvel each Office with the QUEEN STREET HONOLULU 4 srriall room opening it HL To Lo2xcsxo 173 ous collection of old armor On into inany NEW HILLS 2H Honoulu II I J LIST OP OPPICEHS Ulaud orders solicited notqble prisoners have been confined 1210 either of the central pass- ¬ Rep Kamauoha read a first timp P C TONES jb - - Presidentand Manager 3ml sde to Upon FRANCIS VL HATCH JOSEPH O CARTER Treasurer and Secretary age stand twenty two equestrian previous execution the An Act to amend section 4 of chapter Col V P ALLEN Auditor figures fully equipped with many walls are carved initials names LtXII of the penal code jus amended by XW y DIRECTOES chapter XXIV session laws of 1884 This No 11 Ivaacumann Street 8 NCASTIE 1 B ATHEltTOV a r CASTLE datds arms religions emblems and ¬ J204 Bisnop HENRY VTATKRHOUSK figures on foot as well all life bill is intended to provide for leper hospi- Hov OR iuscbptions and many are worthy tals in the several election districts of the AJLTRED- - MAGOON 1 J01 SAXL C ALLEN ly CASTLE COOKE size and giving a faithful history J of study In this room were the Kingdom and requires a family any mem- Counselor At Law- - of English war array for four hun- ¬ ber of which
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