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AUTOMOBILES. ETC/ THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, T). Cl, TUESDAY, »TTTNE 26, 1928? ifOOMS; ETC~ 33 »»¦ —— SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. HIRE—AUTOMOBILES. WANTKI)—ROOMS AM) HOARD SALE—MISCELLANKOI S. BOATS.___ SALE—AUTOMOBILES. ! _ APARTMENTS—FURNISHED. (On tinned. (Continued.) SEDAN—Carerui’.y (Continued.; > _ MOTOR BOAT. 26-ft. null. lovely lines, ex- 1 EMERSON & NEW driven by owner; BY EMPLOYED MOTHER—Care of child, • throughout; ready > COACH, 1924; *150; paint; Uf<M E. short or long trips. rate. aged ? years, during day: preferably vicinity BEDROOM furniture. oak Phone Cleve- cel lent condition to go HUDSON late new * Reasonable I . 834 FST NR. AFT. 2. *4«e_cash.__ West_li2t). runs fine. Adams 6637. WALLACE. Lincoln 83. of 14th and Park rd. n.w. Address Box | 2 bright rooms, electricity, land low. ot:t. Phone GOLD SEAL BUICK. bath; furnished BOILER. one. 5 h.p., tubeless. Stearns, auto- - CRUISER, rawed deck; a'ccommoekVa six': : HUDSON coach, late model; new Duco fln- DEMONSTRATORS. 198-E. Star office. __ •_ J reasonable. 25* matic ns control and water feed, used only * good as new Cost *5.060; price. $2,000: one- . Ish; see this car; only *495: terms. J. L. "A Guaranteed Used Car.” R ENT—(• AR AGES! LADY, young, desires room and board with • Co,. family by July 3432 months; lar»e enough to operate two Hoß- - man control. Phone Jerman Inc,. 2921 M st. n.w. North !i Buy the Best REAR 1729 20th ST. N.W “$12.00 private 1. Prefer place within CONN. AVE. _ -* walking distance of Treasury. Address Box man pressing machines Address Box 218-E.
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