CYCLING IN NORMANDY Places to visit on the way Information on cycle routes UNSPOILT CYCLING TRAILS When exploring the Perche region, the cycling route runs through the bucolic Tourists Offices Cycle Hire Huisne Valley, emblematic of the area. You will be surprised by the wealth of architectural heritage, manors and farmhouses embedded in a landscape of and Visitor Centres Rémalard lush green valleys, hills and forests. This first section of the Perche is wild Motoculture-Loisirs Rémalard Tel. 02 33 73 82 83 (closed in August) and unspoilt. The villages and hamlets dot the landscape with hedge-framed Tel./Fax 02 33 73 71 94 meadows, apple orchards and grazing cows.
[email protected] Igé Loc'Vélo Perche The cultivated areas are often surrounded by hedges. Farms are scattered Tel. 02 33 83 02 94 on hill sides or near rivers. The masonry of their walls are sometimes almost Mauves-sur-Huisne exclusively made of soft limestone, sometimes flint framed with bricks. The Tel. 02 33 83 82 28 - Fax 02 33 83 87 34 Saint-Maurice-sur-Huisne coatings have the colour of the local sand. Mortagne-au-Perche Chambres d’hôtes de La Fosse Tel. 02 33 85 11 18 - Fax 02 33 83 34 37 Tel. 02 33 25 14 66 / 06 71 87 02 73 Due to the abundance of water and wood, forges, glassworks and mills have
[email protected] Mortagne-au-Perche long been established in these valleys. Station-service Elan You will also find many manor houses arising from nowhere around a hill, Regional Natural Park Tel.