January 29, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S201 (A) offsetting any tax decrease; and speech after speech after speech on the as proudly as you did, even though our Gov- (B) offsetting any spending increase. floor of this body about how we do not ernment required black and white solders in Mr. HOLLINGS. This is a short, one- have truth in budgeting. We do not the same Army to live, sleep, eat, and travel paragraph bill. It says that Congress have a balanced budget. We are not separate and apart while fighting and dying for our country. cannot use any of these surpluses and even close to a balanced budget and are But because of the rule of law today’s serv- trust funds for any tax cut or any not going to be for some time to come. icemen in America suffer no such indig- spending increase where we have caps. And the idea of people talking about nity.... My mother, a widow, raised two Maybe, Mr. President, they will get tax cuts or using the budget surplus, boys. She had an eighth grade education. She the money from the tobacco settle- which does not exist, to using that sur- was a domestic worker who scrubbed floors. ment. I don’t know where they will get plus to cut taxes or to increase spend- One son became the first black mayor of a the money from. ing is an absolute absurdity. major American city. The other sits here You are looking at a Senator who I think this year, 1998, we are antici- today as chairman of a House Intelligence Committee. Only in America, only in Amer- voted against spending increases and pating a $100 billion surplus in Social ica, Colonel North, only in America. against tax cuts last year in order to Security. So I lend my support to what try to bring about fiscal responsibility. the President said the other night. And Mr. President, LOUIS STOKES said We enjoy a good economy, Mr. Presi- I lend my support to what the Senator these words at a time of great tension dent. And we want to stay the course. from South Carolina just said. in our country and in the Congress. In doing so, he gave voice to what Abra- But let us practice truth in budgeting, (The remarks of Mr. BUMPERS per- and let us mean it. I have provided all taining to the introduction of S. 1586 ham Lincoln called the better angels of our nature. the facts and figures here. are located in today’s RECORD under There is a chart that everybody in ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and That, Mr. President, is really who America ought to see: the gross Fed- Joint Resolutions.’’) LOUIS STOKES is, a truly honorable man eral debt. In the past year, 1997, we ran The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. who represents the finest aspects of the a deficit not of $22 billion but of $188 THOMAS). The Senator from . American spirit. Congressman STOKES billion. The Congressional Budget Of- Mr. DEWINE. Mr. President, I ask rose from poverty to become a great fice projects an actual deficit of $170 unanimous consent to proceed for up to American statesman. He was Ohio’s billion. And, Mr. President, in 1999, the 20 minutes as in morning business. first African American member of the deficit will increase from $170 billion to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without U.S. Congress. He was the first African $200 billion. Why? Because rather than objection, it is so ordered. American ever named to the House Ap- propriations Committee. heading in the right direction, Con- f gress and the President last year in- First, first, first, again and again and HONORING CONGRESSMAN LOUIS again, Mr. President. Where a path had creased spending and cut out revenues. STOKES Under current policy, the deficit will not been carved out before, LOUIS continue to soar, right on up and away Mr. DEWINE. Mr. President, I rise STOKES took the lead and blazed a trail to $205 billion by the year 2000. this afternoon to commemorate an im- by himself. He was chairman of the So everybody ought to understand portant event in the history of my Congressional Black Caucus, he was that Congress and the White House can State, the State of Ohio, and also the chairman of the House Ethics Com- make all the wonderful talks they like; history of this Congress. Over the just- mittee, he was chairman of the House and everyone can say, ‘‘Well, the Presi- concluded recess, my good friend, Con- Intelligence Committee, he was chair- dent wants to use those funds for gressman LOU STOKES, announced he man of the historic House committee spending, and I want to use it for tax will retire at the end of this Congress. that investigated the assassinations of cuts.’’ That suits me, whatever you all LOU STOKES will retire after 30 years President Kennedy and Dr. Martin Lu- want to do, but let us have truth in representing the people of his Cleve- ther King, Jr. He was chairman and is budgeting and let us not use any of the land area district. currently ranking member of the ap- trust funds as an offset. Mr. President, when I first entered propriations subcommittee on VA–HUD The bills I introduce today will the House of Representatives in 1983, overseeing $87 billion of our Federal achieve both of these goals; they will LOUIS STOKES had already been there budget. ensure an honest budget and protect for 14 years—14 years building friend- For the last 5 years he has been the Social Security and other trust funds. ships and developing a reputation as a dean of our State’s congressional dele- I thank the distinguished Chair and powerful and effective leader. gation. yield the floor. LOU STOKES is a leader. Mr. Presi- Mr. President, I am proud to have Mr. BUMPERS addressed the Chair. dent, he is more than that. LOU STOKES served for so long with this truly great The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- is a good man. One of my own favorite American, here in the Senate for the ator from Arkansas. memories of LOU STOKES, and frankly last 3 years, as well as the 8 years we Mr. BUMPERS. Mr. President, what it is one of my memories that I will served together in the U.S. House of is the parliamentary situation? carry with me all my life and my ca- Representatives. So today, Mr. Presi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning reer in politics, was the very moving dent, I join the people of Ohio in business has just concluded. speech that Congressman LOU STOKES thanking Congressman LOU STOKES for made when he and I served together on all he has done to move our State and f the Iran-Contra Committee. Mr. Presi- our country forward. EXTENSION OF MORNING dent, this was a contentious time. Con- LOUIS STOKES’s hometown newspaper, BUSINESS gressman STOKES and I did not always the Plain Dealer, says that Mr. BUMPERS. I ask unanimous con- agree on everything about these hear- he is ‘‘A man who, through word and sent, Mr. President, that I be permitted ings or about the facts of that series of deed, created a legacy of exemplary to proceed in morning business for no events that led to the Iran-Contra public service.... After his long years more than 15 minutes in order to intro- hearings. But there was a moment dur- of distinguished service, Congress duce a bill. ing the hearings when LOU STOKES won’t be the same without him.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without spoke from the heart and he really let Mr. President, how true that is. objection, it is so ordered. us know what kind of a person he is, So to our friend, LOU STOKES; his f sort of what makes him tick. We really wife, Jay; his children, Shelley, An- had an insight into the soul of this gela, Louis, Lorene; and his grand- TRUTH IN BUDGETING very good man. children, who I know he cherishes so Mr. BUMPERS. Mr. President, prior In his remarks he expressed heartfelt much, Brett, Eric, Grant, Kelley, Kim- to introducing my bill, let me just lend love of this great country of ours. Let berley, Alexandra, and Nicolette, my support to the remarks just made me quote a portion of what Congress- thank you very much. Thank you for by the Senator from South Carolina. man LOU STOKES said at that time: sharing him with us. We wish you, Con- He and the Senator from North Da- I wore the uniform of this country in gressman STOKES, and your children kota, Senator DORGAN, have made World War II in a segregated Army. I wore it and your grandchildren and the rest of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:42 Oct 31, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\1998SENATE\S29JA8.REC S29JA8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S202 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 29, 1998 your family all the best for a wonderful much by ’s daring exploit. a federal government failure so mas- future. That, Mr. President, was a great day to sive that it may take the taxpayers f be an American. I hear a lot of that en- years, even decades, to burrow out thusiasm today after the announce- from underneath it. HONORING SENATOR JOHN GLENN ment that Senator GLENN will be going What could be so potentially dev- Mr. DEWINE. Mr. President, I will back into space. I think that one of his astating? The failure of the U.S. De- take a moment this afternoon to say a last public services as a Member of the partment of Energy to begin accepting few words about another truly historic U.S. Senate may be one of the most the nation’s spent commercial nuclear announcement that occurred during valuable achievements of his long and fuel. the recess. On behalf of the people of very distinguished career because JOHN And, Mr. President, the taxpayers the State of Ohio and all of our col- GLENN has a rare, truly incredible op- will inherit the responsibility for that leagues in the U.S. Senate, let me say portunity to educate the rest of us, to failure just three days from now. how truly proud we are of our distin- educate the American people about the At midnight on January 31, 1998, the guished friend and colleague, Senator value of America’s adventure in space. DOE is required by law to begin accept- JOHN GLENN. By now, everyone in Who better, Mr. President, than JOHN ing spent nuclear fuel from sites across America knows that in October at the GLENN to speak to Americans about the nation. age of 77, Senator JOHN GLENN will re- this great American achievement? Who The clock was set in motion 16 years turn to space as a member of the crew better to explain to us the importance ago, upon enactment of the ‘‘Nuclear of the space shuttle Discovery. of NASA, the importance of space ex- Waste Policy Act of 1982.’’ Since then, utility ratepayers have Mr. President, very few people show ploration? And who among us, except been required to pay the federal gov- the kind of courage shown throughout JOHN GLENN, has that historical per- ernment more than 13 billion of their his lifetime by JOHN GLENN, courage spective and can explain it in terms hard-earned dollars in exchange for the that Senator GLENN showed when he that average Americans can under- promise that the DOE would develop flew 149—149—heroic combat missions stand? JOHN GLENN has a unique ability and build a centralized repository for as a Marine pilot in World War II and to tell this great story. He has that the safe and efficient storage of spent then in the Korean war facing death ability because he has lived it. from enemy fighters and antiaircraft Mr. President, I think this space mis- nuclear fuel. But that’s yet another government fire. Because of all the enemy fire that sion is already starting to fire up the promise that won’t be kept. JOHN GLENN braved, we are told his imagination of the American people buddies called him the ‘‘Mig-Mad Ma- Today, 16 years later—with 7 billion about the wonders of discovery. It can of those ratepayer dollars already rine,’’ and I guess they had a few other remind us again that we as Americans names for him, as well. spent—the waste is piling up. have a tradition of national greatness Nobody at the DOE wants it—nobody Mr. President, it comes as no sur- and that the pursuit of national great- prise to those of us who know him that at the DOE is prepared to claim it—and ness remains our continued breath- because there’s no place to put it, no- our friend, JOHN GLENN, is that kind of taking challenge. So, Colonel—Sen- body at the DOE would be ready to a rare person. One reporter commented ator—the hearts of all Ohioans and the that when he was a young man he was take it by the January 31st deadline hearts of your colleagues in the Sen- anyway. That’s just three days from thrilled by then Colonel GLENN’s orbits ate, and indeed all Americans, will be around the Earth and yelled out, ‘‘Go, now. with you on your historic mission. Our At the same time energy consumers Colonel GLENN, go.’’ Well, Mr. Presi- hearts will also be with your great are pouring billions into the waste dent, I had pretty much the same expe- family and with your heroic wife fund, ratepayers and utilities are con- rience, as millions of Americans did. Annie. As President Clinton said the tinuing to pay for on-site storage at My experience occurred when I was in other night, godspeed, JOHN GLENN. more than 70 commercial nuclear high school, my wife Fran and I were in Mr. President, I suggest the absence plants throughout the country. high school in Yellow Springs High of a quorum. In other words, ratepayers are being School and the day that JOHN GLENN The PRESIDING OFFICER. The forced to pay twice for nuclear waste orbited the Earth and made that his- clerk will call the roll. storage—all because the Department of toric flight I happened to be in Mr. Ed The bill clerk proceeded to call the Energy has failed to meet its legal ob- Wingard’s science class in Yellow roll. ligations to the American people. Springs High School. We all listened on Mr. GRAMS. Mr. President, I ask Sadly, these costs pale in comparison the radio to the progress of this truly unanimous consent that the order for to the true catastrophe the DOE has in historic flight. For those who were not the quorum call be rescinded. store for the taxpayers beginning just born at that time or cannot remember The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without three days from now. it, it is hard to describe the atmos- objection, it is so ordered. The Court of Appeals phere in this country. It is hard to ex- Mr. GRAMS. Mr. President, what is for the DC Circuit, in a ruling issued on plain how literally this country came the business before the Senate? November 14, said that not only is the to a stop, when people gathered around The PRESIDING OFFICER. We are DOE authorized to begin accepting TVs and gathered around radios for still in morning business. waste on January 31, but also able to that period of time as he went around Mr. GRAMS. Thank you very much. fulfill its contractual obligations to re- the Earth and made those three orbits. f move it. In fact, just about anyone around By failing to do so, the court ruled, TAXPAYERS ON THE HOOK: THE back then can tell you how important the DOE makes the federal government NUCLEAR WASTE STORAGE that achievement was for the American liable for any damages resulting from COUNTDOWN people, and they can tell you where even the smallest delay in perform- they were and what they were doing at Mr. GRAMS. Mr. President, I rise ance. that moment. We, as a Nation at that today because after 16 years of denials, And we all know who foots govern- time, Mr. President, were shaken, we delays, and indifference on the part of ment’s bills. had been shaken when the Russians the U.S. Department of Energy, the By failing to take possession of the beat us into space with the Sputnik, American taxpayers are about to find nation’s nuclear waste just three days Sputnik satellite, earlier in 1957 and themselves saddled with the liability from now, the DOE will in essence then in April of 1961 they sent Yuri Ga- for our nation’s nuclear waste. make the American taxpayer respon- garin into orbit, the first man in space. It is a liability they do not deserve, sible for those damages. The same week as that flight the U.S. and one they most certainly cannot af- According to the Nuclear Energy In- was rocked by the tragedy and failure ford. Unfortunately, the President stitute, the estimated cost of storing of the Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba. failed to warn them on Tuesday night spent nuclear fuel at power plants In short, Mr. President, America was during his State of the Union address across the nation through 2020 is $56 reeling, and that is one of the reasons that many of the achievements he ac- billion, with the federal government— why our hearts were lifted so very knowledged are at risk—threatened by the taxpayers—liable for every dollar.

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