La Guardia Raps Soldiers' Bonus Roosevelt's Plea Not
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■’ ■- ' ■ ■ *. ■. '■ -•,- '-"/'.V.: ,' ■■<. v< -- .•■ if L X"!. • , ■*‘- • • “MANCHESTER DAT" THURSDAY. —...-V-Tl^' t b b w b a s h e b ATSBAOB DAILY dBOULATlON YoreoMt . ef 'D, S. Wentim BareM for the Month of Mnroh, 1983 'Hartford • - . 5 , 5 3 0 'Fair tonlEht u d Wedneeday; not Member of Audit Barean moeh ehaage In temperature. of Oroiilallon. (TWfiLVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. LI., NO. 171. (CtaoBlfled AdverttUng on Page ID.) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1932. OVER100S1N6 JUST A BIT OF DRY HUMOR JOURNEY FACES LA GUARDIA RAPS -<s> ROOSEVELT’S PLEA IN GLEE CLUB FATEASTRIAL SOLDIERS’ BONUS CONCERT HERE N E A I^ H E E N D NOT FOR CLASSES, New York Congrebman SPECIAL ELECTION Beethoven Organization Is Black Rock Innkeeper HE TELLS CRITICS Would Rather Help All VOTE LIGHT TODAY Augmented By Worcester Charged With Killing Car BEATS UP HERALD Answers Smith's Challenge Jobless With An Unem Group— Both Are Brilliant penter and Attempting To By Stating His Policy Was ployment Insurance. Expect Nearly 2,000 To Be MAN AT MEETIHt In Fine Program. Bum Up His JBody. To Help All At the Same Cast Before Polls Close At Washington, April 18.—(AP) — By Walter JojTier Bridgeport, 19*—(-^) — Robert L Carney Victim of Time— Denies He Means Full payment of the soldiers bonus Murder charges against Joseph Jour The seventh annusu concert of the was assailed upon a wide front to Eight Tonight ney, Black Rock innkeeper accused Beethoven Glee Club was given last Assaolt By Joseph Char- To Set Class Against day by members of Congress who of slaying Frank Buda, carpenter, evening in the High school Audi fought during the World War. were expected to reach the Jury Less than 300 votes had been poll torium. Fridolf T. Anderson, bari La Guardia (R., N. Y.), called for late today. tier, Blacksmith. Class. ed at noon today on the School Con tone and John B. Cadieux, tenor, unemployment insurance to help all With testimony for both sides solidation measure, but indications both of Worcester, and also the unemployed instead of singling out completed last Friday, attorneys be pointed to a large evening vote as Mendelssohn Singers of Worcester Joseph Chartier, tax collector in St. Paul, Minn., April 19— (A P )— one group of sufferers. He argued, gan arguments at the opeMng of is the usual thing in questions of assisted. the Eighth School and Utilities dis Governor Franklin D, Rooseyelt of also that veterans should not be the court this morning. this kind. The polls close at eight The program: trict and north end blacksmith, will New York has picked up the chal victims of currency inflation, but o’clock tonight. Journey attempted to appear at Sanctus .............................. Schubert be presented in town court tomor lenging gauntlet hurled at him by should be paid in real money. The Worisers The Nim of Nidaros.................Buck what promised to be the last day of Johnson (R., S. D.) and Simmons The personnel at the polls today Beethoven Glee Club the trial, dressed formally, but was row charged with assault and bat- former Governor Alfred E. Smith. (R., Neb.) said there should be is as follows: Moderator, Otto Nel Mendelssohn Singers The camera doesn’t lie, so what you see must be true—Bishop James forestalled by Judge John R. Booth- Addressing a St. Paul audience some changes in the laws but that son; Checkers (Women), Joseph Serenade ............................ Schubert Cannon, Jr. (left) with his foot on a brass rail, and Canon William S. The defendant. Jail officials said, last night he denied vehemently the there should not be full payment of Moriarty .and Ghas. Griffith: (Men) Arise, O Sim .......... ......................Day Chase (right) Jovially Joining him at the bar. But don’t think the world insisted in attiring himself In a inference of Smith that be proposed Otto Sonniksen and Edward F. has turned upside down, ’The “Saloon" was only a realistic anti-liquor Tuxedo before appearing in the the bonus now. Simmons said he Fridolf Anderson “to set class against class” to fur would favor payment of the present Moriarty. Machine tenders, Thomas Hail to Our Native Land ___ Verdi exhibit at the “Prohibition Fair” in Washington and the two dry leaders court room, but Judge ^oth, bear value of the certificates but that he Tedford, Thomas Sheridan, John (from Aida—arr. Andrews) were merely obliging the cameraman. The fair was sponsored by the ing of his plans, sent Instructions for ther the ends of his campaign for did not believe veterans could Thompson, Charles O’Connor, John Pilgrim’s Chorus— (Tannhauser) .. Women’s National Committee for Law Enforcement. him to attend in conventional attire. the Democratic presidential nomina equitably ask for payment now of Fogarty and Arthur Shorts. ........................................ Wagner Assistant State Attorney Willis tion. the 1945 vEdue of them. The Assessors’ rooms are being Rolling Down to Rio . German opened the argfuments. The State charges Journey lured In a voice that was carried by used by those opposed to School (words by Kipling) Buda to a bam in Easton, March 10, radio to the whole of the northwest JOBLESS INSURANCE Consolidation and the room used Beethoven Glee Club and resounded in the nation’s pres^, during , t^ p ^ t winter by. tjxe Man shot him for the purpose of robbery Washington, April 19.—(AP) — The Treasured S p ot ......................... MEMBERS OF CONGRESS and then set fire to the bam to con Governor Roosevelt declared him National imemployment insurance chester llmergency Employment .......... Mendelssohn-Bartholday self pledged to a program calling Association is the headquarters for ceal the crime. A State policeman was offered today by Representative Liebstraum .............................. Liszt testified Journey had confessed the for natloDEd “community of inter the advocates of the measure. LaGuardia (R., N. Y.), as a counter (arr. McLeod) shooting to him three days later. ests” as epoused bv his party’s proposal to cash payment of the Seek Big Vo te Thanks Be To G od ............ Dickson MUST TAKE WAGE CUT founder, Tbpmu Jefferson. Taking the stand Journey denied $2,000,000,000 soldiers’ bonus. Each of the groups are working Mendelssohn Singers admitting the shooting and declared “If this be treason” he said “let LaGuardia, himself a veteran, hard to get out the vote and this Song of the S teppes...... ................... he had remained In his inn on Fair- us make the most of it.” made known his views as he took afternoon several new workers have ............ Tchiakovsky-Bom hein JOHN CAN EXPLAIN field avenue all that morning. Praise Rival the witness stand as the first to put been added to the lorces. Many pri Pale Moon ................ Logan-Stocco President's Furlough Plan The Summing Up his opposition to full payment of the And though bis rejoinder to Smith vate cars are being used to bring Schneider’s B a n d ___ Mundy-Mason MOST EVERYTHING Summing up by the state and de bonus before the House ways and Beethoven Glee Club waa emphatic, Governor Roosevelt the vote up to at least the standard fense went forward rapidly once took the occMlon * fCw minutes means committee. Cherubim Song .......... Bortniansky Cannot Be Adapted To Pushes Auto Alonjr ■ Street Journey’s sartorial arrangements \Advocates of the payment through of past years. later to praiM bis “distinguished From those familiar with the BroUops March ......... Soderman Without Shoes So' That He were satisfactorily adjusted and it predecessor Governor Smith” for his a two billion dollar currency inflation Mendelssohn Singers was expected his fate would be In concluded the presentation of their situation it was learned today that Senators and Representa Will Not Awaken Neighbors part in , prejiervlng New York’s a vote approximating 1,800 is ex On Away, Awake Beloved .............. power resources for the people of case yesterday. ...................... Ooleridge-Taylor (Continued on Page Two) pected. The vote on the $310,000 re Milwaukee, W■^., April 29.— that f tgte.;: - Under LaGuardia’s unemployment Take Joy Home ...'.. ........ Bassett tives, Committee Is Told. funding bond issue and the peddlers’ (AP)—John Roback Itf careful. insurance proposal, an imemploy- John B. Cadieux Robert E. Carney Smith speech to which Roose- Uceinsing measure is not . expected Patrolman Albert will meqt copimission would be created The S e a ........................... F*rosser vglt'.rcjpiy was made at a Jelferson to bring out a very large crowd. testify to that. He saw John to mainUttn M ^emplpyinent insur Gloria ................ ... Buzzi-Peccia tcry upon Robprt B- CJariiey, pqpu- ; ^hiBfthti iwt The Jitte r meeting will Jje beld in Washington, April 19.—(AP) — pushing automobile down POSESASBEGGAR; ance fund by a^elfare tax on em Beethoven Gleif'Club lat ripdrtMf t&r The Hcirald. ’The ployes and employers, including » jHiajiebool hall at.^ Chaignan said today Ws‘ the street, sa explanation seem Moulelssohn Singers change follows a fracas at a mest- Citing Jefferson, fienjamln Pranh- spe^al ta^ on aD incomes. xhe vote of the early moniing on ecepomy comitnittee had not yet ed in order so he asked for one. The program given b> the Bee Ihg.of 'tbe Mahcbieeter. Improvement lin and Theodore RooMvelt as Shortly before the day’s hearings school consolidation had almost been able to determine how the “I’m in no shape to drive this $30,000 INPOiXETS champions of the philosophy he is doubled, 300 women having voted at thoven Glee Club at its seventh an AABbclAlion held’ last night' in the opened. Representative Mapes (R., President’s furlough plan could be thing,” he quoted John as say Hollister street school hill.. Carney pledged to, Roosevelt said he was Mich.), announced his opposition to 2:45 p.