Question for written answer E-002703/2020 to the Commission Rule 138 , Matteo Adinolfi, , , ,

Subject: Management and processing of plastic waste

Laudable moves are afoot within the European Union to make the transition to a circular, zero-waste economy, an ambitious objective that cannot be attained any time soon.

The problem of the disposal of plastic waste is becoming extremely serious in Europe as elsewhere, following the closure of traditional processing circuits in Asia, with incalculable consequences for the food chain, ecosystems and the cleanness of water and land.

Numerous public-private projects exist for the processing of plastic waste that can no longer be recycled into transport fuel.

Research and investment for this purpose are also being encouraged by the European Institutions, as such a system will make it possible to increase employment substantially, particularly at this time of global economic crisis.

It is hardly necessary, therefore, to recall the environmental benefits that ensue from correct management of plastics to be sent for energy recovery and the consequent reduction in the extraction of raw materials.

In view of the above, can the Commission answer the following questions:

1. Does the European Union intend to finance research and partnership projects to increase the number of plants processing plastic waste into fuel?

2. Will it directly involve the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) so as to ensure that the know-how available is increasingly cutting- edge?
