1768. ,P.E.I..founded. April Lower opened at . 11, Great fire at Montreal. April Vancouver island circumnavigated 12, Sir Guy Carleton (Lord Dor­ by Vancouver. chester) governor in chief. 1793. April 18, First issue of the "Upper 1769. Isle St. Jean () Canada Gazette." June 28, Jacob separated from , with Mountain appointed first Anglican governor in council. bishop of Quebec. July 9, Importa­ 1770-72. Hearne's journey to the Copper­ tion of slaves into Upper Canada mine and Slave rivers and Great forbidden. Rocky mountains cross­ Slave lake. ed by (Sir) Alexander Mackenzie. 1773. Suppression of the order of Jesuits York () founded by in Canada and escheat of their Simcoe. estates. 1794. Nov. 19, Jay's Treaty between 1774. June 22, The Quebec Act passed. Great Britain and the United 1775. May 1, The Quebec Act comes into States. force. Outbreak of the American 1795. Pacific coast of Canada finally Revolution. Montgomery and given up by the Spaniards. Arnold invade Canada. Nov. 12, 1796. Government of Upper Canada moved Montgomery takes Montreal; Dec. from Niagara to York (Toronto). 31, is defeated and killed in an 1798. St. John's Island (population 4,500) attack on Quebec. re-named Prince Edward Island. 1776. The Americans are defeated and 1800. Founding of Col­ driven from Canada by Carleton. lege, (now University 1777. Sept. 18, General Frederick Haldi- of N. B.). The Rocky mountains mand governor in chief. crossed by David Thompson. 1778. Captain Jas. Cook explores Noot- 1803. Settlers sent by Lord Selkirk to ka sound and claims the north­ Prince Edward Island. west coast of America for Great 1806. Nov. 22, Issue of "Le Canadien'' Britain. June 3, First issue of — first wholly French newspaper. the Montreal "Gazette." Population — Upper Canada, 70,718; 1783. Sept. 3. Treaty of Versailles, recog­ Lower Canada, 250,000; New Bruns­ nizing the independence of the wick, 35,000; P. E. I., 9,676. United States. Organization of 1807. Simon Fraser explores the Fraser the Northwest Company at Mont­ river. Estimated population of real. Kingston, Ont., and St. John, Nova Scotia, 65,000. N.B., founded by United Empire 1809. Nov. 4, First Canadian steamer runs Loyalists. from Montreal to Quebec. 1784. Population of Canada, 113,012. Aug. 1811. Lord Selkirk's Red River settlement 16, New Brunswick and (Aug. 26) founded, on land granted by Hud­ Cape Breton separated from Nova son's Bay Company. Scotia. 1812. June 18, Declaration of war by the 1785. May 18, Incorporation of Parrtown United States. July 12, Americans (St. John, N.B.). under Hull cross the Detroit river. 1786. April 22, Lord Dorchester again Aug. 16, Detroit surrendered by governor in chief. Oct. 23, Govern­ Hull to Brock. Oct. 13, Defeat of ment of New Brunswick moved the Americans at Queenston from St. John to Fredericton. Heights and death of Gen. Brock. 1787. C. Inglis appointed Anglican bishop 1813. Jan. 22, British victory at French- of Nova Scotia—the first colonial town. April 27, York (Toronto) bishopric in the British Empire. taken and burned by the Ameri­ 1788. King's College, Windsor, N. S., cans. June 5, British victory at opened. Sailing packet service Stoney Creek. June 24, British, established between Great Britain warned by Laura Secord, capture and Halifax. an American force at Beaver 1789. Quebec and Halifax Agricultural Dams. Sept. 10, Commodore Perry Societies established. destroys the British flotilla on lake 1790. Spain surrenders her exclusive rights Erie. Oct. 5, Americans under on the Pacific coast. Population Harrison defeat the British at of Canada, 161,311. (This census Moraviantown. Tecumseh killed. does not include what becomes in Oct. 26, Victory of French-Cana­ the next year Upper Canada). dian troops under de Salaberry 1791. The Constitutional Act divides the at Chateauguay. Nov. 11, Defeat province of Quebec into Upper and of the Americans at Grysler's Lower Canada, each with a lieu­ Farm. British storm Fort Niagara tenant-governor and legislature. The and burn Buffalo. Act goes into force Dec. 26. Sept. 1814. March 30, Americans repulsed at 12, Colonel J. G. Simcoe, first La Colle. May 6, Capture of lieutenant-governor of Upper Cana­ Oswego by the British. July 5, da. American victory at Chippawa. 1792. Sept. 17, First legislature of Upper July 25, British victory at Lundy's Canada opened at Newark (Niag­ Lane. July, British from Nova ara). Dec. 17, First legislature of Scotia invade and occupy northern