E.S.A. Under Guard the Thing to Remember to Do Tonight Is to Fix All the Clocks, W
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1970 Average Daily Net Press Run PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT For The Week Ended The Weather iMattrJjpater Ewtttng H w ali October 17, 1970 Fair and cooler tonight; low in the upper ’40s to low 60s. , rr^ Mias Patricia Louise Bonino, Cub Scout Pack 143 ot Nathan y ' Fall Forum Told: n o i l t 1 i > W n daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hale School will meet tomorrow PSAT Tests 16,020 T orn o r r o w increasing cloud ' Bonino of IsrSTMaln St. is one noon at Camp Johnson, Bolton, iness; high in 60s. Monday Manchester High School Manchester— A City of Village Charm cloudy. Manchester Barracks,' World of 36 seniors at Simmons Col- for Bobcat induction. After the juniors who are taking the ^ a r I 'Veterans,C..O, and ™its Auxill- lege, Boston, Mass., wnowho were ceremonies, there will be a PSAT tomorrow morning are ary will have a luncheon meet: recently inducted into tho Acad- cookout, reminded that they should Town Concerned VOL. L X X X X , NO. 21 (SIXTEEN PAGES — TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1970 (Classified Advertising on Page IS) PRICE TEN CENTS ing Sunday at 1 Pp.m. at the emy,emv. the college’scollesre's honor society. ^ ^______ be in their seats by 8:30 and VFW Home. Officers will be A 1967 graduate of Manchester Lupplno, reprrtent should have with them two elected during the business ses High School she was a member Ad" No. 2 pencils and their tick About Pollution sion at 2.
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