Turczaninowia 19 (4): 114–128 (2016) ISSN 1560–7259 (print edition) DOI: 10.14258/turczaninowia.19.4.16 TURCZANINOWIA http://turczaninowia.asu.ru ISSN 1560–7267 (online edition) Dedicated to the memory of Rudolf Vladimirovich Kamelin (1938– 2016), Dr. Biol. Sci., Prof., corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, renown Soviet and Russian botanist, expert in Potentilla, Rosaceae, and a founder of Altai botanical school (Barnaul). Посвящается светлой памяти доктора биологических наук, чле- на-корреспондента РАН, профессора Рудольфа Владимировича Камелина (1938–2016), выдающегося советского и российского ботаника, знатока рода Potentilla, семейства Rosaceae, и основа- теля алтайской школы ботаники. УДК 582.734.4(57.06) A system of subtribe Potentillinae J. Presl (Rosaceae Juss.) A. A. Kechaykin, A. I. Shmakov South-Siberian Botanical Garden, Altai State University, Lenin str. 61, Barnaul, 656049, Russia E-mail:
[email protected] Key words: new combination, typification, new sections,Argentina Hill, Horkelia Cham. et Schltdl., Potentilla L. Summary. A new system of subtribe Potentillinae J. Presl down to the rank of sections is presented. The Fragari- astrum and Tormentilla groups of the genus Potentilla L. is classified here as distinct genera, supported by results of molecular studies and morphological differences. Most of species of these groups formerly included in Potentilla are transferred to the separate genera Fragariastrum Heist. ex Fabr. and Tormentilla L. New combinations in Argentina Hill, Horkelia Cham. et Schltdl., and Potentilla are also validated; some sections of these genera are lectotypified. The need of a new typification of Potentilla with subsequent conservation of the name in order to avoid nomenclatural instability is briefly discussed; finally, five new sections withinArgentina are described.