ATTENTION We welcome sponsors for our Sunday Bulletin You may contact the Church Office: 626-449-1523 OV

FELLOWSHIP HOUR St. Gregory The Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church Families and individuals are encouraged to host the fellowship hour for happy or otherwise S7 Cricor Lovsavori[ Ha3x7 A-akylagan Ygy.yxi solemn occasions. Please contact the church office. Today’s fellowship hour is sponsored by St. Gregory Hovsepian School Sunday Bulletin - Giragn0rya3 :yr;ig

Giragi5 Ma3is 5, 2019 Sovrp Badarac A-av0dyan +amu10:30in Sunday, May 5, 2019 10:30 a.m.

Ygy.yxvo3 8Giragos9 yv 8Ygavyan9 Srahnyru Archpriest Fr. Sarkis Petoyan Dramatryli yn @yr Polor A-i;nyrovn D7 Sarcis A7 Khn37 Py;o3yan St. Gregory Armenian Church Hall Rentals Yegavian and Geragos Halls are Available for your • Weddings Harsaniknyr • Baptism Gnovnknyr • Birthdays Darytar2nyr Welcome to our visitors! Our family of parishioners joyfully • Anniversaries Hocyja,yr invites you to make St. Gregory parish your spiritual home. • Hokejash and any other occasion Yva3ln Please join us for fellowship in the Yegavian Hall following services today! For more information, please call ------Vahe Charkhutian 562-715-8730 2215 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107 Tel. 626-449-1523 Fax:626-449-7039 Manramasnov;yan hamar hy-a2a3nyl` E-Mail:[email protected] - Wahe {arqu;yanin` 562-715-8730 16 1 1 Peter (A Bydros )2:1 – 10 Rid yourselves, therefore, of all malice, and all guile, insincerity, St Gregory Armenian Church envy, and all slander. Like newborn infants, long for the pure, spiritual milk, Parish Directory so that by it you may grow into salvation if indeed you have tasted that the Parish Council Asbed Tatoulian (818) 923-1113 Lord is good. Come to him, a living stone, though rejected by mortals yet chosen and Ladies Society Aida Sethian (626) 695-8013 precious in God’s sight, and like living stones, let yourselves be built into a Men’s Forum Berj Gourdikian (626) 355-8780 spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices Friendship Club Jeannette Kevorkian (818) 244-7222 acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For it stands in scripture: A.C.Y.O Christina Hilalian (626) 716-4300 “See, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious; and A.C.Y.O. V.Chair Sophia Kedjidjian (626) 773-2526 whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame.” Choir Director Elise Tashjian (626) 356-9208 To you then who believe, He is precious; but for those who do not believe, Hovsepian School Office (626) 578-1343 “The stone that the builders rejected has become the very head of the Hovsepian School Chair Yeran Melelian (213) 760-1204 corner,” and “A stone that makes them stumble, and a rock that makes Saturday School Norayr Dadouryan (626) 683-7211 them fall.” They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were Sunday School Marguerite Hougasian (626) 351-8137 destined to do. But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, Director of Dn. Vahe Charkhutian (562) 715-8730 God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. Fellowship Ministery “Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.”

Ovrymn5 ;0;a’ylow amen [aramdov;ivn yv amen nyncov;ivn5 gy./avorov;ivnnyru5 naqan2nyrn ov polor pampasanknyru5 Requiem - Hocyhancisd nora/in yryqanyrov bes dyn[axe4k Asdov/o3 q0skin anqartaq ga;i5 orbeszi ajik anow min[yv ‘rgov;ivn5 y;e hamdysa/ ek • A requiem service in the memory of Maritsa Sahinian, Dero] ka.xr ullalu1 M0dyxe4k anor` abro. wemin5 or artaryv Hovsep Zokian andall Shahinian and Zokian family martoxme myr=ova/ e5 pa3x Asdov/me undrova/ ov badovagan e1 deceased is requested by Lena and Maral Shahinian and Mari To4vk al` abro. karyrov bes` gu ,inovik ipr hocyvor dajar mu5 Shahinian. sovrp kahana3ov;ivn mu5 orbeszi madovxanek hocyvor zohyr5 Asdov/o3 untovnyli` #isovs Krisdosi mi]oxow1 Orowhydyv Cirkin • A requiem service in the memory of Sooren Sanasarian is me] al ga37 8aha4 Sioni me] gu tnym /a3raco3n angivnakar mu5 requested by Alis Sanasarian and daughters Anahid, Sonig and undir badovagan5 yv o4w or havada3 anor` pna4v am0;ahar Sevan and families, Araxie Shahinian and family, Veronica bidi [ulla391 Ovrymn 2yzi` or gu havadak` badovagan e an5 Haggerty and family. isg anhnazantnyrovn hamar` 8a3n karu` or ga-ovxano.nyru • Hocyhancsdyan ba,d0n gu qntrovi Mari2a myr=yxin5 aniga4 y.av angivnakaru5 ov sa3;akovmi kar yv ca3;ag.ov;yan =a3-9 anonx` or q0skin anhnazant ullalow gu

2 15 #owhannov Avydaranen (John) 2:23 – 3:12 What the say About: Yv “arisyxinyrovn me] Nigotymos anovnow mart mu gar5 or Hryanyrov I,qanavornyren megn er1 An Guides to Christian Living ci,yrow ygav #isovsi kow yv usav anor7 8_a\ppi5 cidynk or Asdov/me yga/ ys ipryv wartabyd5 I appeal to you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies orowhydyv o[ ok grna3 gadaryl a3n n,annyru zor tovn as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual g\unys5 y;e Asdova/ anor hyd [4ulla391 #isovs worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what badasqanyx yv usav anor7 8J,marid5 j,marid g\usym is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:1-2 kyzi5 y;e megu wyrsdin [/ni` [i grnar Asdov/o3 arka3ov;ivnu dysnyl91 Nigotymos usav anor5 8In[be|s The Orthodox Church has been graced with wisdom of the Church grna3 /nil mart mu5 or /yr e5 mi;e garyli| e ir m0ru Fathers, who, shortly after the ascension of Christ, prepared the orowa3nu grgin ancam mdnyl yv /nil91 #isovs groundwork of the theology of the Church. Their testimony remains for badasqan dovav yv usav7 8J,marid5 j,marid g\usym us an inspirational tool. The following are passages are as valuable kyzi5 y;e megu ]ovren yv hocien [/ni` [i grnar Asdov/o3 today, as when they were first expressed centuries ago. arka3ov;ivnu mdnyl5orowhydyv marminen /na/u marmin e5 To yield and give in to our sinful desires is the lowest form of slavery. isg hocien /na/u` hoci1Tovn mi\ zarmanar5 or usi kyzi To rule over such base desires is true freedom. ;e` tovk bedk e wyrsdin /nik5 orowhydyv howu gu ‘[e Justin ovr or ovze5 yv tovn anor 2a3nu gu lsys5 pa3x [ys cidyr ;e ovrge gov ca3 yv ovr g\yr;a37 a3sbes e nayv amen If we remain ignorant to God the Father, we don’t injure Him; rather, we deprive ourselves of His friendship. ok5or hocien /na/ e91 Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a As Christians, rather than laying down our souls for money, we ought to ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night and said to lay our money down for our souls. him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with Him.” The business of a Christian is nothing else than to be ever-preparing for Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born death. again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a A man cannot live an authentically human life as a man, unless he has second time into his mother's womb and be born?” Jesus become a child of God. Augustine answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water Do what you can. Then pray that God will give you the power to do and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is what you cannot. born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Augustine spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ He who gives to no one, is truly poor! The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you Clement do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” The greater our trials, the greater our rewards! Tertullian You abuse the commandments of the Lord, yet you call yourselves His sons! Continue page 4 14 3 Conttinue page 3 ST. GREGORY ORTHODOX The things you teach cannot have any weight unless you be the first to BOOKSTORE practice them. Lactantius Visit our bookstore! Make Christ a partner with you in your earthly possessions, so that He may make you a fellow heir with Him in His heavenly Kingdom. Cyprian Gifts for any occasion are available If we are not ready to die into Christ’s sufferings, His life is not in us at all. Justin Martyr Very Affordable, Highly Attractive Prosperity in the eyes of God, consists of nothing else then to live Invaluable Books of Armenian Church according to the truth. Justin Martyr History for all your Friends and Family It may be a poor man who holds out his hand, but it’s God Himself who receives whatever you give to the poor. Every Sunday after St. It is right to supply needs; but it is not right to support laziness. Church Services Clement There is more weight in a small number of wise men than in a great number of ignorant persons. Lactantius He who divides the Church of Christ cannot possess the seamless garment of Christ. S7 CRICOR LOVSAVORI{ Cyprian A_AKYLAGAN YGY>YXVO# If someone expects to comprehend all things about God only through his physical senses, he will surely fall short of the truth. CRAQANOV: Clement Oryve a-i;ow` 2yr novernyrovn hamar A3xylyxek ygy.yxvo3s CRAQANOV:u Mad[yli Cinyr Ar=ekavor Badmagan Hadornyr @yr Undanikin yv Parygamnyrovn Hamar Amen Giragi S7 Badaracen ydk

13 Yrc[aqovmpu sirow g4untovni nor antamnyr1 Hydakrkrovo.nyren gu qntrovi hy-a2a3nyl Eliz :a,jyanin` Yrc[aqovmpi .ygawarin The Choir welcomes new members. If you are interested, please see Elise Tashjian, the Choir Director

A N N O U N C E M E N T The Pastor is available to visit our parishioners in the hospital, nursing homes, or conduct Home Blessings, and other sacramental needs and consultations. Please call the church office at 626-449-1523. We would like to increase our outreach to church members who are unable to attend services. Any parishioner who has a concern is welcome to call the pastor or the Parish Council

Gu qntrovi an]adyl 2yr p]i]a3in hy-aq0snyru ygy.yxi mdnyle a-a] Please turn off your cell phone when entering the church

Hocyhancsdyan Qntranknyr Hocyhancsdyan qntranknyru hajyxek nyrga3axnyl min[yv Hinc,ap;i ges0r5 orbeszi garyli ulla3 dbyl ;yr;igin me]1 Requiem Services We ask those who wish to have hokehankisd conducted for their loved ones on a given Sunday, to please submit their names by Thursday noon for printing in the Sunday Bulletin

Remember The Church In Your Will

If certain information is omitted, missing or incorrect in this issue, please contact the Church Office, so we may make the correction in the next issue. 5 AVAILABLE FOR SPONSORSHIP If you would enjoy the opportunity of investing in the growth ofour parish, please consider sponsoring one of the following items, either in your name or in memory of your St. Gregory Illuminator Armenian Apostolic loved one: Church of Pasadena Stained Glass Window near steps to Balcony $5,000 Small Chandelier $5,000 Armenian Saturday School Narthex Doors (main/inside) $15,000 Elevator $25,000 Bell Tower Mural $60,000

Every Saturday from 10-1:00p.m.

 For ages 5-13.  All levels of Armenian.  Rigorous, curriculum guided teaching. Easter Offerings:  Special emphasis on Armenian culture, history, church, music. Youghakeen Fourth List donations to St. Gregory  Annual poetry competitions and art competitions. were recieved from the following faithfuls Please inquire for adult classes in all levels. Berj & Hilda Berj Gourdikian For more info please contact Mr. Norayr Daduryan Peter & Melanie Vetrano Chake Yerevanian (626) 683 7211

11 • St. Gregory Sunday School PARISH FELLOWSHIP HOUR Our Parish Fellowship Hour, which follows Divine Liturgy each week in the Yegavian Hall, is a wonderful opportunity for parishioners to meet, greet and enjoy one another’s company. It’s truly one of the most important aspects of our community life, and is more than a time to enjoy coffee, tea and refreshments. We have always relied on parishioners to host the Parish Fellowship Hour, for which we are grateful. In that tradition, we ask that any individual, couple, family or Teaching Sharagan, Prayer & Tradition group of families to come forward and pledge their support in hosting Fellowship Hour on either a happy occasion or in memory of a loved one. of the Armenian Church We take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers who have hosted the Parish Fellowship Hour thus far, as we encourage others to come forward and do likewise. For information call To host a Parish Fellowship Hour or learn more about this program, please contact the church office at 626-449-1523, email at Marguerite Hougasian (626) 351-8137 [email protected], or call Sevan Sarkisian at 626- 808-1460 “Train up a child in the way he should go And when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 UPCOMING EVENTS AT ST. GREGORY ARMENIAN CHURCH, PASADENA Sp7 Cricor Lovsavori[ Ygy.yxvo3 Giragn0rya3 War=aran Giragi A-av0dyan  Friday–May 3, 2019 - Family First Friday - Mexican Night. Dovna3yanx srahin me]  Wednesday–May 8 , 2019 - 12:00 p.m. Friendship Club Luncheon. #avylyal manramasnov;yan hamar hy-a2a3nyl  Wednesday–May 15 , 2019 - 12:00 p.m. Ladies society Mother’s Day Luncheon. Margri; >ovgasyanin` (626) 351-8137

DEACON VAHE CHARKHUTIAN (562) 715-8730 8Gr;e4 manovgu ir jampan sgsa/ adynu5 orbes zi ir /yrov;yan adynn al ange [qodori9 A-agax 22:6 7 What the Church Fathers say About: Penance St John of Kronstadt (Part I) Penance is a remission of sins through repentance, during which the This, my son, is how you should begin your life according to God. You sinner bathes his bed in tears and his tears become his bread by day should continually and unceasingly call to mind all the blessings which and night, during which he is not ashamed to show his sin to the priest God, in His love, has bestowed upon you in the past and still bestows of the Lord for the remedy. for the salvation of your soul. You must not let forgetfulness of your evil works or laziness make you grow unmindful of these many and great blessings (and so pass the rest of your life uselessly and ungratefully. Do not be ashamed to enter the Church to confess. Be ashamed when For this kind of continual recollection moves it constantly to confession you sin and don’t confess. and humility, to thanksgiving with a contrite soul. St. John Chrysostom Venerable Mark the Ascetic Cry out, O sinner, with all your might and spare not your throat, for Enter into the Church and wash away your sins. For there is a hospital your Lord is merciful and loves those who repent. As soon as you for sinners and not a court of law. return, your Father will come out to meet you and rejoice in you. St. John Chrysostom St. Ephraim the Syrian

God’s bountiful mercy has come to help stumbling sinners regain hope To all the believers He grants remission of sins until the Master agrees of eternal life, not only through the grace of Baptism, but through the with the opinion of His slaves. medicine of penitence, as well. These remedies come from the goodness St. John Chrysostom of God. They have been so arranged that His pardon cannot be obtained without the intercession of priest. St. Leo of Rome PARKING CONCERN: Priests have the power to bind and loosen, to forgive and retain sins, Please be reminded that the parking in the retail shopping which is not given even to the angels. It is a power given to them by center on Colorado Blvd., next door to St. Gregory is for God through the promise of Christ. patrons only. Your car will be subjected to towing if you St. John Chrysostom leave your car in their parking lot during church services.

Message to Priests: Do not observe the sins of others and do not behave unfriendly Ganca-i Harx1 (inwardly or outwardly) towards those who sin. Rather, present your Ygy.yxagan araro.ov;yan yv own sins and deeply repent for having committed them, considering 3ov.argavorov;ivnnyrov un;axkin bidi qntrynk 2yr inkna,ar=yru [gancnyxnyl cor/ady.inyrov yourself worse than all. Pray lovingly for those who sin, knowing that ganca-in me]1 we are all inclined to every sin. A3labes 2yr inkna,ar=nyru bidi ‘oqatrovin ovri, dy. (TOWING) 9