Hon. Ion Keith-Falcon Er I' Memorials
MEMORIALS 01' THB HON. ION KEITH-FALCON ER I' MEMORIALS OF THE HON. ION KEITH-FALCONER LATE LORD ALMONER'S PROFESSOR OF ARABIC IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAlllBRIDOE, AND llllBSIONARY TO THE lllOH~llll4EDANB OF SOUTHBRN All.A.BIA BY ROBERT SINKER, D.D. LIBRA.RIAN OF TRINITY COLLEGE1 CAMBRIDGE WITH PORTRAIT, MAP, AND ILLUSTRATIONS ., ATIVII ~v µ.o, Kfp871, TIIV'TII fl'Y"lµ.111 8,a. TOV Xp,cr-rov (17µ.l11v,-PHIL. iii. 7. NEW EDITION, WITH THE SUBSEQUENT HISTORY OF THE MISSION CAMBRIDGE DEIGHTON, BELL AND CO. LONDON: GEORGE BELL AND SONS 1903 Firat Edition, eztra O,Otl/n 8vo, April 1888; Seeond Edition, June 1888; reprinted October, November, December, 1888; ru,t for Orown 8vo, aizth printing, Ma11 189(); awenth printing (from plat11, with addi tions) eztra Orown 8110, November 1903. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION A CAREER of exceptional promise was' early closed in the death of Ion Keith-Falconer. The beauty of his character, his ardent missionary zeal, his great learning, form a combination rarely equalled; and the feeling was very generally expressed last summer, especially in Scotland, that an attempt should be made to portray the many sidedness and goodness of tball life. It was represented to his family that it was a duty "to make the story of such a life the possession and the stimulus of the Church and the country." When I was honoured with the request to write the Memoir of my late dear friend, I could but feel it was too sacred a trust to be refused.
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