IN THE HIGH COURT OF KERALA AT ERNAKULAM PRESENT THE HONOURABLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE MR.S.MANIKUMAR & THE HONOURABLE MR. JUSTICE SHAJI P.CHALY MONDAY, THE 12TH DAY OF JULY 2021 / 21ST ASHADHA, 1943 W.P.(C) NO. 13730 OF 2021 PETITIONER: HINDU SEVA KENDRAM REG. NO.563/IV/2019 68/991, 2ND FLOOR, THARAKANS COMPLEX, K.K. PADMANABHAN ROAD, ERNAKULAM NORTH P.O., KOCHI-682 018, REPRESENTED BY ITS TREASURER, SREEKUMAR MANKUZHY. BY ADVS. SHRI R. KRISHNA RAJ SRI. E. S. SONI KUMARI SANGEETHA S. NAIR RESPONDENTS: 1. UNION OF INDIA, REPRESENTED BY ITS SECRETART TO GOVERNMENT, HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT, NEW DELHI-110 001. STATE OF KERALA, REPRESENTED BY ITS CHIEF SECRETARY, 2. KERALA GOVERNMENT SECRETARIAT, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM-695001. THE NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR BACKWARD CLASSES, 3. REPRESENTED BY ITS SECRETARY, TRIKOOT-1, BHIKAJI CAMA PLACE, NEW DELHI- 110 066. R1 BY ADV. SRI. P. VIJAYAKUMAR, ASSISTANT SOLICITOR GENERAL OF INDIA R2 BY ADVOCATE GENERAL SRI. K. GOPALAKRISHNA KURUP THIS WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) HAVING COME UP FOR ADMISSION ON 12.07.2021, THE COURT ON THE SAME DAY DELIVERED THE FOLLOWING: WP(C):13730/2021 2 “C.R.” JUDGMENT S. Manikumar, CJ Instant public interest writ petition is filed for the following reliefs: (i) Issue a writ of mandamus or any other appropriate writ, order or direction, to declare that Muslims, Latin Catholics, Christian Nadars, and Scheduled Castes converted to any denomination in Christianity, are not entitled to be treated as backward classes/socially and educationally backward classes in the State of Kerala. (ii) Issue a writ of mandamus or any other appropriate writ, order or direction, commanding respondents 1 to 3, to remove Muslims, Latin Catholics, Christian Nadars and Scheduled Castes converted to any denomination in Christianity from the list of backward classes/socially and educationally backward classes and stop providing reservation to the members of those communities for employments in Government services and public sector undertakings and in any instrumentalities under the State, as well as for education, in the State of Kerala.
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