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6 THE ST. PAUL GLOBE. MONDAY. APRIL 18, 1004. CASS LAKE, AN IDEAL RESORT HoLels in St*. Louis A Fine Outing and Recreation Spot for Families and Children-Superb Boating, Fishing and Hunting. We are In position to give you all Information de- complete change Wred about all who desire a with bass, this gamey member of the States is tributary to Caes Lake, and yards World'w Fair hotel accommodations -in St JTMO finny tribe being •and can be constructed very of the Hotel Tedford, one of the first clat Louih, rates, location, accessibility of scenes familiar, whether in more plentiful here the cutting of this timber here will easily, Cass Lake offers the hotels of the town. to grounds, etc., and than the larger lake. Lake Windigo finest kind This house lims aboi then we can take of arrangements city or rural life, and who wish in make a very important industry for of inducements for the location of forty-five rooms and cafe in connee care all for your trip "*- is said to be several feet higher than years more tion. between St. Paul and st. Louis. We have a General to get close to nature in all her grand- to come. It is estimated that sawmills. Office in view, Cass lake. there are at least 2,000,000,000 feet of Late dispatches < harles Tedford is the proprietor of the "UMfnger st. Loiils, with which we are in com- eur of landscape and water no Here to be found, nowhere from the national Tedford Buffet, and of the niunicatlon daily, and in excellent are as timber tributary to Cass Lake. In an capital are to the effect that Gov. W. A. owner Ted- are position to at- more charming: spot in the states can else, swarms of muscalonge that for ford hotel. Mr. Tedford its a rustler for tend to your wants. on us or article elsewhere some interesting in- Rieha'*ds, of general Cass at Call write for details. be recommended than Cass Lake, lo- size and gameness will outrival the formation commissioner the Lake all times. is given about the opening of land office, is about to issue an order Dr. D. L. Stanton is the up-to-date cated in the heart of the far-famed famous river St. Lawrence species. the reservation and the sale of the tim- opening for dentist in this part Minnesota, and Here the most settlement all lands classed a of Is "park region" of the grand old Btate exacting and expert ber. as agricultural on the Leech Lake, graduate of Chicago's leading college. fishermen find C. M. Taylor run of Minnesota. Though in one sense will sport well worthy This is the best section of Minnesota White Oak Winnlbigoshish & Co. one of the de- Ticket Office, Point and partment stores of Fifth and Robert. isolated from the busy hives of indus- his time and trouble. Black bass and today for any company wishing to reservations within the next sixty days. the town and have pike are also plentiful. a fourteen branch stores in the state and try, this famous Cass Lake country start sawmill and getting their logs These lands are all within the boun- do a large business. There are numerous water crafts on to the mill cheap. J. F. is readily accessible by the Great daries of the Case Lake land district, K. Lundrigan is one of the leading M. RUGG, N. W. P. A., Cass lake, including steamers with a Cass Lake is already an important find concerning attorneys of and a member Northern railway from the Twin Cities, information them must Minnesota is carrying capacity of several hundred railroad center. It is the division be procured the local United of the firm of Sheherd & Ludiigan, of or from Cam Lake. r>uluth Crooks-ton. If you want to down to those of fifty, and gasoline headquarters for three divisions of the States land office. The epening will St. Paul, Minn. carrying way Frederick W. Smith is a leading see an enterprising and up-to-date launches all the from Great Northern railway, including east, be held here, and the indications now torney at- fifty passengers There south, and postmaster of the town. Mr. young city of over 2,000 people, ele- down to five. west and and the trainmen on point to a rush that will eclipse any- Smith was for years at Duluth. Minn. THE "BURLINGTON gant business residences, The New York Store is one of CHICAGO LIMITED," 8:40 P. M. DAILY. blocks and department the lead- streets always clean, ins stores of the town and raved and and has a very largo trade. A. B, Moberg all public improvements &uch as one VIEW OF STAR ISLAND proprietor, and J. F. Peterson, manager \u25a0would expect to find only in larger Albeit Marshik is proprietor of one of the leading cities, you want Cass saloons and restaurants of to come to Lake, the town, and has been councilman for situated on the banks of the famous two years. 350 men In the logging camps. They the logs Cass lake. It has a system of water The Cass Lake I^and company is one tow down the Turtle river and of the Cass lake. This is the fifth works, with two a leading real estate firms of this season for and half miles of section and owns all the platted this mill and their season's cut is atx.ut ample unsold 30.000.000 They WAR mains and pressure for fire ami property at to feet have mills Mill BOOSTS Cass Lake which title can at OUR fill purposes, several miles of be given, consisting of about 200 acres. City and Sauk Rapids, and ship lumber electric J his all the light line, streets company is the present owner of over United States. J. Neils is lighted by electricity, the townsite. vice president of the First National Bank about one mile of sewer mains, tele- 11. Mullen proprietor of Cas s Lake, and is one phones is the of the White of the main all over the city, with long- 1- ront saloon, and has been in lumbermen of Minnesota. FOREIGN business TRADE distance connections, and a steam ra- for four years. L. M. Lange, formerly register of the diating system all through the business John Kiownalie is proprietor of the I nited States land office, probate judge district, Fashion hotel restaurant, $1 per tor three terms in Lyon county, past so all you need to do to keep day and best partment de- varm turn hotel in the northern country. commander of the G. A. R of Shipments of is to on the steam. E. L. one of Minnesota, is one of Cass Lake's lead- Puget Sound people Warren is the hustlers for ing le have planted hundreds of Cass Lake. Mr. Warren was appointed attorneys and business men. Bhade trees, have a charming park, six examiner-in-chief of the Chippewa In- Dr. James A. Smeallier. one of the lead- Ports Almost Equa! Those Is, five churches, and the town dian lands in nig physicians and surgeons of Cass is Xvlj Minnesota, and he and his Lake, soon to have a fine building l?B li^*^^-^iitaillilieS^lß irl OKI -e&I IBfliwP* K> men went over reported on and surgeon for the Great North- school of r& '*<«»W^la6»^ Mivlß? IB \u25a0Mg»MBB-dia— \u25a0KHtt»>y\u25a0aEafeat^MßM aS^HM mat' \u25a0-\u25a0 and each ern company, of San Francisco, eight rooms at a cost of $30,000. The forty of 1.603.968.91 acres of land and fin- railroad is a native of New ished in March of this year, and York and was a leading physician in town has a large sawmill, employing then New York city Minn., h; tendered his resignation to the depart- and Duluth. for several hundred ,>ds. Cass Lake' be- Jpffifo-JMly ment. years. He came here among the pines Jtitr In the very heart of the standing fefe^^^^^S^A%!*lJLlillMM¥<BBBBj!r•>#>r.^K'«>—;^M By w l^BE^P^lpyMB^Wjp M—im4s*J?fail j 3Bi^^.'& an invalid and regained \u25a0Bl'^bbß}Hf* iir«!(A'VBr-^B VxS'KI r HR.V I wwr . Dan Hanegan is proprietor of the An- has his health. Globe Special Washington Service, timber of the \u25a0BliiiiFiTirilrTwiffi SRSS?"z \u25a0/'t^^*i^!:V3Rßßfflß He' MB Bt c 8 : ;*» H|hß, w .>\u25a0 HRv^p^HeSv chor, one George Harris is proprietor of the Pine Chippewa reservation, of the leading bais of the town, hotel, 1417 G with three different branches of the and always has fine wines. one of the leading $1 per day Street. i>HHßii Wi houses of the WASHINGTON, D. C, April Great Northern railroad, with its al- SB! 'w^Plai R-BKTt^^Pi W\u25a0Kf kS S^BfSPL*: mK'wm hil'ii"'' Billow & Morlsset are the leading firm town. 17.— most untold millions locating settlers on claims and home- C. Depolder runs one of the leading What effect has the Eastern war had of pine, it must confectionery stores of the town and has and will become a commercial center steads. Land examiners and timber es- a on the foreign commerce of the Pacific timators. This linn has had twenty years' full line of cigars, tobacco, fruits and Of great importance. stationery always hand and cream Northwest and the tributary region mn^iSttOm^^BSK^S^ii'Cy^fSf^v^'. j&Q/f- experience and knows every on ice •.