
UJ Tm* (; t.i. .i i » \!i r.M 11 ILJ .Tiii naviiug wa« not r»K4.mv Norr« OiT«T*!«Dmr,. I am Mmrck I. I. Jynri. M«» 2.Tire Olitr K Eli? ..iwiu Ht J. « ,.' .-i 4 Vl i \h. ii < Well inuuuged, and who conducted it did not May MARITIME HERALD. i. ».) nil 10th (<>i Li*rr|AU->. I f-ul ouuiandiu? old iuun, .703,«4i .'>13.332 J.nnon, Miy 7.Hlil Ami Brrat, NOrlcana. AUCJ neeiu to «»« » ninirr wt ul F*b. 13, IM1, 7,327,(*>2 7,*7,(M 4,172, 108 understand liovv to go about the w ork of of it'll, May I.Arr American (iitnaltar. UV THOMAS BKEL. THKAlUi;. . tliij Atlantic L.us, «rtlfcuidiif tltat 2,1)31,714 4.431,tt)l 133,312 Or|Mttw« Steamer*. triHKai rMl. 21 CHATHAM calling a misting, or how to act I MOM ICNUUfl'. IIOII AMKglCg. April Art Harm i, Marjrill.s foi Uototi, * Btorti Soi 2t Aw unrf 111 hilion .Irrct.) Tti« Olii I'rii:** R«->time«J. after got Palermo for ~ they . I'.th, . 4.38,296 otimbw, Judkiui June 16 Oriole, Philadelphia MUM)A\ tVE.NJMo, Juue he pcilorm«aice mil eoiii* The sensible in together. >. Mal ana, May 1.la port, to a monIMIT mance * only proposition made the f nr. of Jan. 1041. 2.377,113 3,641,737 7,(179,941 Wratrrn Ho»kru Juee lSgk Nnpoh <<11, for Leghorn, aail in At IU «t tlir conm of H roidw.iv Wlute at., irli 10.211 ft wdayj. o'clock, aaJ THE RAILROAD meeting was put down, because it was in l.iUeiurdof tlialiuur 1,826,3-12 2,317,333 llritauuia, Hewitt Juur I July a 0.In Valudblr male of Wine*, (itgccrift, fcr..In c.ntinuaiion, the , STATION. English.. Lalriluuia, Loll Juur 111 1# LioHonta, May port. Due d'Orlcam, for NYnrk,ldg; anil moat llir wiihm, a h. i'iou Ju-k Hobiiu Hi. Id The Jnly Macon. do do; Backua, (or do or do. rrmunilt't taJuablr |*>rtioii of alock of .vimJjtr«W Smith meeting was too exclusive ; it should not have orsud lutal ouuUiidiDK. 8,>39,113 7,434,7211 9,100,904 keadia, R>rir July i Ail*. 1 Philadelphia, I unity cf<>crri«>, |ickl«**, .altera, fniila. Ira*. atuari, Mr» Ju.Uh i. (ii.wna, May II.Arr E 1) Wolfe, i. tjaiMr. After which r».« hn. ,.r Cnr ,nm. . h.. Wrjieru, Ho.keo July yAim 4 IhiiUdelphi U'hasti'liali.i ham*. *«'. The proiwity of II H Alwill, »110 it been confined to the < hut have H. B. Malu.aa. April 28.III ;«ort, for in a few SAM PATCH IN lemians, should M. iiNiiirrBriiuk Quern,tapi M. M. K«»ue,wili lra*r I to Kicluuoud, Palermo, rbaucnitc kit rraidnuce. FRANCE. I the aud the 1'iit in ya, liniah Idirfor Bontou.only Ajncricau rraacl. Sid lutli, Sim Patch Marble Pic.t all nations and all benevolent men ofembracedall present mouth, particular description* of purl Turulay, Juur 7, (ill Southampton, Kuglawl, and Monroe. Baltimore. TUESDAY. Herbert tutwarp. *1 room. Bnd*et Mrt Thome II issues is no longer given. The however, Palfhmo, May ».In poit, Courier, and Tn for N Al l#Vj o'clock lln* auction tTo conrlml., classes. As it the whole figure-, reott, York, sal,- of v ilucldr null l.nhionatil imuinrt .. with was, thing aiipeared ma. now ut> camo. Sid April 211, Boston; Eaigc i-lothuu,-. THE the singular fact that the old issue* ,i. r*n:.i. a*v _i. * Rnnahnfla,n n ». e* 28th, Lincoln,do; SAILOR naged and controlled a small outstanding To Stilp Matters. A viTToSTJCEfc' offarFs emiiRofUKri'^ele* SINBAjDK ibub Seftou Sn.b.i.1 Hieid entirely by Hv/ut.. 'nve been increasoil the month is Smyrna. during This a fact We alitll eatrrm il a favor April 29.In |tort, Cathariuv, Loin B too, arr 28th, GANT AHT1EIC1AL KLOWEKS, itr JOHN II. Nourmaleah Mm This is very foolish at but at a of veiaiL arming for do 1. £* will idII it N%>. 140 in future at a Metuycr any time, especially that some m.. mil IU vumaiunure .^lf ra^laim CWtiw, direct, Miv ! OLKRN iuctioa,K , Tu« fcda}, Doom will Ojieii ijuartei put 7 and the require* explanation. All the notes under the (Iir tx. n. .inrilD, OI OUT lieWI I1CCI, Thiki ri*. Jaur 11 300 o'clock, time it i report of the left at the April 2*^SIJ L-mi<»n NYork. T,at o'clock. t-leicai.t French ilower*, compruiu* t-uruiu will n»r .1 I o'clock puuctuilly when is necessary to enlist the of old laws were to have stopping port whence they sailed, the Caric of Good March 13.Arr Gcul l# ><»» «.*t». wreatlis. side U-\ Ike. jo euli .h- .-I.i syuiputhies supposed been issued prior to vessel* spoken on their passage, a lut of their aud any Hopi:, Scott, Syduav, tiowcrs, Drencircle, -Bonne. U.Pit, 111,-Private Bovea. ;, ..i*- cargo, NSW. Also, SO Bplt-iidii) Fifuch Pans «tiiuiv in Denait 01 m<* sunerers. March 1st. It w as in foreicn may nave. will lelicules, collnri, ea|>«i, cuffs, cuminuntiy repeatedly stated othcial and newspapers Che) Commodore Martin 19.Sid Uaiulkc in w -. OLYMPIC TIIKATHF. reports board tin*in oil their arrival. We will Calcutta. FVh Cafo, Boston. rctiieU, funs, patients, shave It, Paris bonnets, & otherwise, that the issue had iieeu immediately reciprocate M iiili a. prefioiu to Jan jn.Arr Bclndera, from Sydney* jeS ft»c MONDAY EVENING, June li..The iwrfnrtiuiucei will com Great Rdwiwi Match..The Newbi.rgh |M>w«rto exhausted, lie favor iu aov way. NSW. mrt»*e wirb and during March and April, no increase took place in INJ TUKNITUHK BUY tHB.-WABHiNu TWELVE MONTHS. Newburgh Amateur Boat ClubChallenge..Thebust PORT OK NKW JtiRKMiF., May 19.III port, Fawn, for NYork, 11 J*. .V .MLKK8, No. 3li Broadwux, ucil th» Hospital, Jul,Graham | October Mitchell those issues. The present return, disguised YORK, Jl.\K 5, 18*#. Bl'tnot Avkfs, April 9.in port, Chancellor, from would draw tlie itmutiou of tlu- public that he will hull Mim challenged the whole world of watermen, to run although by Cabinet V unnture at in i*r Aiuil Small-ton a variation in its form, shows that the Mason Barney, NYork, 14; Three Brother*, Montevideo:Salem, cvnt. le-i» tli in the same ouhIi?;splyidid After which. with summer. We following change «ua aiSRS 4 SO 1 MOON 153 ; Drotno, da do; Oawnro, Bo*r.>u, toon: Lexington, New (if work 14 IIOW StdllMM ;il lh#> Iiirn.iiu «l* ru... them sometime this suppose t"ok I rove reit in VALET DE SHAM. place in the issues during the month of May Sifts 7 14 I HIGH WATERA w York, 14; Telomah, from New York, arr 7tn; Arcturus, from oucllei, Sofn, ditfeieiil colored pluatiev, mtnia, 1 aptaiu Trivet F.dw in \Vi*lri Uraham there is a puree of u lew thousands at .stake.and Boston, in 4 or f» Albion, sold: Delta, for Boston, taking »m hair doth. »l thr lilnt 8|>ni pattenia. dM6a Votei issued under old Acts, 018,983 fidi; dodo;dayu; for <"li|>l*i Miaa Ayre. more in bete. This is a bold and will do Act of year IBM, Cleared* Fountain, Thetis, sale. After which many step, 1,*'48,204 I NKW JKRSES RAILKOAD AND THANH owrxr.o. Ships America, Hnhbard. Stoning lou, Conn.. Grintiell. nlted State* Porta. PORTATiON lun.x produce some amusement. The contest between Total issues $3,057,187 & Co ; Sii)>erh, (Br.) Hamilton. of MinturnTii 'Masimv Mai tHMd Iowa, Nm OrleaM; Snow, COMPANY. Guy OooJIurk Srftou John Jo. f" Edwin New notes redeemed 2k Bay Chuteur, Glover Mobile. NEW YORK AND NEWARK. Eliza M> lion Mii. Singleton Boston and Fashion will be nothing to it. SI,011 McMurray..Brigs Belle, Myers, Wilmington, NC: Helen Fr Mhv To conclude with .Mar, (Br.) Card, Windsor, N8; Norman, Shacklon! ikkf King, Nickinvou Member of Congress..The Hon. Nutlian The issues stated in the snme form as the last return Charles Joseph, Mauran, Providence; Jofui H. do; America, Cuba; Philadelphia: Sally Ann. Mia» Roberta. Hall, Bermuda, R S Tucker; lit iiirich, Kleucke, Stevens,rianet, Star, and Coylon, do. Dreaa is elected to Congress from the Boston Appletonwould present the foil wing result via New Bedford, Meyer 2k Slurker: John K Gardner,Bremen, Portland, June 2.Signalized, 2 luigs. Arr 1st, Harriet, Circle, yo ceuU.Upper Boxes, UetuU.Pit, la..Private /iicreusr Neill. Riehmoud, D 11 Robertson; Portland, Clougli. Malaniaa; Exchange, Havana; llobt Bruce, Norfolk. Erom lite font of t'ourtlaudt Jtreel, Nrw York lioxex, £.'> of MaMBchuaets. There were 125 abolitiondistrict wl( 27.A? r < it 1". '' Tin- Door. will in future open at 7 and the Curtain will rue a May I. ./uiif 2. huieane outstuml'g u, Nesmith, Leeds ! Augeretia, Crowell,Wvman,Salem: Brazos, Lin* mouth. Leavei New Y"rk Leavia Newark precisely. Issues of Feb. 18*I, 7,527,082 8.27y.857 752,795 colli, Grand Torre La, A B Cooley 2k Co; Veteran. (Br) Ni:wHUavroRT, June 2.Arr Win Wallace. NYork., At 8 A. M. At I r. M. At 7>» A. M. At I hi P. M. AMF.KICAN AH'S K I'M AIV I) CSARDKSS. Lowe, Bah una, $ Broom 4k Co; Cclc.de, Johnson, BaUiniose; Salkm, June 1.Cld Brookline, Manilla. SM Carolina, and 9 do. 4 do. 9 do. IV. do. UN KM OK BROADWAY AND ANN STREET Daghehrotyfe..We yesterday saw some very 8,070,91* 8,(123,700 758,7!li Cornelia, Ricketson. New Bedford: Hudson, Coolev, Lotos; Orleans, Georgetown, DC. 4\II do. 10% do. S'j di. CO T, BARNU.M. manager. EVERY DAY ANDP, Red'd Feb. William Boston, June 3.Arr Win Davis, Buenos J as A 6 EVENING Tills fine specimens of this art in the of Mr. issues, *,*51.001 *.585,*13 133,812 Wilson, Biker, Philadelphia, Tin s WiuuieU;Baltimore; Ayret; (kins, do. 7 do. Wr.EK, commencing ira Monday, June possession John Boyntoti, (Br) Melvin, Windsor, \S, Smith k Boynton; Jeremie; Washington, Havana: Holly Bush, do; Oriole, do; B do 10 do. 6. Bevt attraction ill [lie city Day .Liters admitted llie Van Loun, Granite Buildings, corner of Chambers 3,819,313 *,238,290 018,983 lleertide. LangIcy, Boston; Le>mtine, Knapp. Richmond; Galen, Matanza*; Columbia, Savannah; Danube, Frederick ON SUNDAYS. iRrnp evening KKEL Issues of new notes, 5,641,737 7,079,(Ml 1,138,20) for; Hallett, Boston; Dndye, Knapp, Alexandria, DC; SamuelVicj Coquette, Baltimore; Mazeppa, Philadelphia; ^Fort Hill,bun?; Kioin tin- foot of Liberty *t rret. Th manag*i i* mo.i luin»y to announce to th* public that tree! and Broadway They were views of the city Redeemed ilo d#s. W > ''17 CM kii mi Phillip*, Prettymaii, Baltimore. A B Cool"V 4k Co; Jasper, I.minium, wriiuaiaxv, ivonaour; illvinpus, (in; vimi, ,>cw Leave New York, Leave Newark. th« verv liberal juti tiatft boitowed upott thii Mtiblithinent kii taken from the roof Howes, Boston; J. W. K» m| Mi, Oaboeu, Norfolk. York. ounwfu) lsbipandl i»ri_:. IJ Ouibriuii Wtiieni At '» A. VI. .o,d Hi P. M. At 18 Noon and 10 P. M. induced Itiiii to incur n Mill greater cxiMJuac for (heir of that building, and are the most Or in, whaling; Kazan, N .tint and liut lie coinideted :i S3,815,415 I.RG2.G0S 1,047,193 Arrived* S Atlantic CopriihagAn aiid.ft inkt; Maine, NEW YOKK, ELIZABETH TOWN, WKSTKIKLL), Inajiut SPLENDID (J-AKI)ENgntificttlion, perfect things imaginable. We never saw Ocean*, whaling; Tliorn, Surinam; Leonid.i-*, Toil PLAINKIKLD,BOUNPBHOOK, 90MEKVILLE, U.-. on tlie top of tin* Miim tint alia tin* ulioiiune buildings on Bond any tiling Total increase mitiuiidins; Steam ship Great Western, Hoskeu, from Liverpool, May 21, ail Lochii I. Hi Jako; Chaiti r, N- w OrlaMi; 8cii net, tvat*, covering aii arii of BEVK.N THOU SAND SUl to notes, $1,666,176 .»t 5 e. m. with mdse, to R. trriii. On thr 30th and fromlat Ppuci: NYork. Daily. AKK a|roaeh them, either of iciintine' or enirmvitiF.. The debt of thi' thus to be 18 3Ut, Castine; Harvest, Arr 2d, Dover, Calcutta.put into Leave New York. Leave Klitabelh Town. KEET. floating government appears 30, Ion 40. to lot 10 30, |ot> ibotil 38 Hou*. pyied an tin* tin* Isl- id" France Feb 15, to obtain medical assistance for Capt y A.i ni. A. HI. One more week of llie my.terioux This incuse number of and&3| a li'u GIP8EY GIRL She gentlemen has certainly brought the art to a constantly on the increase. The are icebergs, quantity of floating ice. 2d died March i.Id tlionee March 5; Com Preble, i i'. m. ij m. ran lie privately coiuulted during the day. monthly expenses iusl. lat If, lou 02 40, passed Grace, of st. tiding8E. Indian[«rmi«tkwho last from Hio Janeiro with NEW higheratate of than one we know alaiiit Boston, Ocean, April 13, 2860 bbL oil; Oil'. m. ! i'm. The YORK BRASS BAND luu Item and perfection any of. fiJ.oOO.IXW, consei|ueutly the has been Ship Liberty.Norton, from Liverpool* 26. with indse, Kiiuna Isadora Palermo- Arebi <>i will a variety of airv engaged, deficiency to Post &c April laus, Alexandria; Baltimore, The tnim tin Homer*ille Railroad Co. connect with thr»« play national eveiy evening in the garden. nlMjut the amount Phillips.Tib steerair« Saml Thompson.. Baitimoie; J f ohen Jr, VV Garrison, and Oov Rnbbiu*. liii -.i each MISS ROS^'I LIK. llie Vocalial of new issues, supposing that all the 22d to lot 12 Ion 48 topassengers, Way dully. Sundays excepted. ; COLLINS, the Comic May 23d, 60, 61, fell in with Unto quant Lion, MurlYee.iboro, NC; Brilliant, Washington. DC; I'M»cni{er* are requested to purchase ticlieta at the Ollice. fool Singer; CF.LF.STF., ilte Dancer ; JLNIMJI I. M.I t» JV A> Jameit't New Novel! liabilities that have matured were inet. So far, of ice. Sp»ke May 16, lat 43 62, Ion 38 46, britc ities14 Pall is. Baltimore; Nil Dal; Viaacher. Philadelphia;of MORLEY however, davs fm Boston for St Cameo, Wwiintftow* Albany Liberty street. TISM, NIAGARA FALLS, ALBINO LADY; GLASS (fc£- KRN1STK1N, OR THE TENANTS from any old noteshavingbeen redeemed, by some British Petersburg. Oscar, Baoj Bigelow, Renown. Mi itic, and Henry Clay, New I'm le weeti New York ami Elirabrtli Tow n ii rent*. BLOWING. Of THE HEART, will t>e in three ship Jessie, Parker, from Liverpool, April 18, in York; Minion, Bluehill, LI. Kare Iiet ween Jersey t 'ity and Homerville. JO cents. Au iutermiavion of half an hour for promenade and extra numbers of positively published, process over $600,0ts> have got into circulation.unaccountableto R. Irvin.206 passengers. ballast, Fall Rivkr, Juiic 1.Arr J Rondout. Sid Rinily NEW the New World, on Wednesday British 42 J do. Keeler, YORK. HAHWAY AND NEW BRUNSWICK. refreshmenla. June at Uut 30 Was this a blunder of the last return ? or was it n re-issue ship Oceau, Hutchinson, days from Liverpool, in me, Fare reduced. A claa.ic acene by Mr. Bennle, entitled IL STUDIO, OH 8, other Ann street. This is morning, ballast, to Roche Brothers Ik C^.290 passengers. PaoviDKM i, Jnne ).Air the most beautiful of Mr. of ? Mercator, JUchmovu); John; From Che foot of Liberty street, daily. LIVING STATUES. James's attractiveundoubtedlyworks, notes The demands upon the government for Ship Henry Thoinpao >, 8yJ\ ter, from Mestiua, March 30, hub., NYork; Ware,-do: Omjinent, and liimtre**,Alb\ny;< Leave New York. Leave New Brunswick. Brand Coamorama, and more NOVEL and will be and u ith CURIOSITIES eagerly sought alter by all the lovers of light on Gibraltar April 24, fruit, See. to 8. 3 room. Konuotir. Sid Bnindyivim Philadelphia. At 9 A. M. At A. M. than are contained in any live luuaeuina ill America. literature. goods shipped are every day increasing, anddrawbacksthe Ship Aidebaron, Drew*, from and 40 dav# from June 3.Arr 7X with Ike. Marseille', II.iktkohij, Ruuice Roue, Ilui.lv, Jane, 4* P. M. II A. M. A splendid day performance every Wednesday and Sunn, f Price for a single ropy 1HI rents, six lor probability of a speedy alteration in the tariff is very Gibraltar, wine, to order. Soiled in Co. from O. with and T VV Thorn, NYork; Lois, Philadelphia. Cld Rmpc*Admiral, Fare between New York and New Brunswick, "*5 rents. afternoon copirs $1, brjp Harriet, for Boston. ror, NYork. Hah Admittance to the whole tb cent*.children half copies for J. Booksellers and agents supplied atthirteen$1J small. Ship Mogul, Bailey, II Java from with June way, 50 cents price. hundred. Sent to all of the at Havana, 3800 boaea PfilLADKuriiM, 4..Arr Alleghany, Liverpool; Turk, The fare in the 1\ A. M. train from New Brunswick, and \% jei per parts country Sales at the Stork Kxehnnge. .sugar, to J. L. Meacnaro. Hpoke off tlie Moro Castle, hark Boston ; Sulla, Bottot) ; Henry, Paraanibuco Challenge, Ban* P. M. train froin New York, has been reduced between postage. hOO per cent saved newspaperthis " Sultana. 16 day* fin Boston, hound in. lat 37 for; HILL'S SEIV VOKK Nl'SKUM by purchasing S2,000 Notes loll 50 do saw Nodate, 20, spike bitsabetn, fkuun. Mat*; Hopewell. Salem; Cnirusta, New 1York and New Brunswick, to .'»# cents. Treasury " It-f schr Glener, from Charleston for M known aa edition.1(1,000 U. 8. 6's too luo sw d.» Boston. Died on hoard, 2Gth Nantucket; Duaty Sally, New xqrli ; Mercer, New York and Rabway to 37hi (Formerly Pcale's,) " lilt. Oliver of 0,110(1 N Voik 6's, 1362 1(1(1 do *:io Belie, seaman, N»%w London. Wave, Bo>ton \ John Jay, Providence ; Caroline, New York: The Philadelphia mail line losses through New Brunswick No. ibl Broadway, puuuaitr IKt City 92'* " It'., British hark BULWER'9 NEW WORK !.The Extra Brother do Susan & Sarah. Mills, 68 days from Newcastle, Hornet, N»*w York ; Franklin. MaehiH. ; Kliralx tli, B wton ; for New York < evening at 9 ATTRACTION !.INCREASEDHallTREMENDOUSNO 7,(SHI 92 IIMI II!7,d,i w very o'clock. Jonathan of " Rinr. itli 1(H) tons coal to Barclay Sc 2Ulli ult. lal New ; New York. On this morning, will rontain a collection of '(,000 do J1*'., IIMI 115', ill L. I. Kailroad 19'? Ion til Livingston. Cayuga, York Shark, Cleared. Delaware. Sundays the 7** A. M. trips from Now Brunswick is VELTY! Poems by the distinguished and 1.0(111 Kentuckv II nuts lid III " N. J. Its 11 road (I7l, 39, 36, spoke brig Bourne, from Philadelphia for Boston ; Ail is, Salem Levant, Boston ; Oscar, Boston ; omitted. Two Pcrfonnaiicea Daily. poet philosopher, Bulwer, " Ware11 :t0. ami which is pronounced the London critics to at l.oilll do 79h 8 do (it's British hark Hamb"t*: am, Mats; Charleston, Providence. Notus, Passengers who procure their tickets at the ticket office, MONDAY, May every evening during the week by he, least, li,(SKI Ohio G's I860 7li2,'. " (.7 do Agnes Oilmore. Hew ell, 41 days from Liverpiol. Daltimohk, June !.Arr Humphrey, Bremen; Casper, a lerry ticket gratis. Tickets are received by the receive YANKEE HILL AT HOME. to the celebrated romaunl the same " in to Glover 8c equal by author, 2.IHSI III. Bonus 17}, 20 Manh'n (iu (72 ballast, McMurrav.332 steerage passe infers.. ; Nanier. Philadelphia; Ragle, Arecibo, PR; Tappanooly,Bremen only on the day when purchased. m!W! conductor Oraud Exhibition of the wonderful "The Siamese Twins." entitled " 28th ult. on the Banks, British 3m*_ do:l,(HHI 17u III A liIi'ii Sl S\ r.i H7 spike ship Sarah Ann, fm Deny NYork; Rarer, [Br] Kleuthera : Cinderella, Gardiner, Me; F(tU IIA VA NA-DIKK.l h. POLYSI'ASTES VIEWS " for NYork: 1st inst. British Jos "f\-f i5im and (i.llOO Indiana Bonds 20'., :I5 ( anion22'i spike ship Octtvin, 41 days from Brown, Fall River; Kli/abetn &. Rebecca, Albans Wf II known Win. Iiii;t imported from Eur»>p», by Mom J Martin, and to b« pre J " Belfast for Philadelphia. steamship NATt'HF.S, to the lir *; {A LETTER from ffm. G. of 32slit Ilk 60 .'ill Mohawk 41 NYork, Commerce, do; Nile, do;Ciiruw, tin GeorgetownKmma, w seated public for the time in this country. Boanlnian, Esq., " " Bark 12 1 ill sail for the above jiorf " 7.i rtu-iiii Bk 75 2.5 Condor, Haley, days fin Ponce. PR, with 81 hlids 10 bound to Baugor, Me. Last wishes of the Emperor Napoleon, rsprest nted hi ten Mr. Jenkens Columbus " do slO II Miller^connnr.der. says (of Insurance " libls sugar 28 lihda es Co.,)Albany,III Bk ( oin'r 37 25 do inula* to J Labau; 86 lihd* sugar 24 do Richmond. June 2.Arr Olive, NYork; Chat Pit nam, do;' K«»r magnificent PolvspastcH Tableaux. writes me that he has cured " (full) 4l'.i to laud passage only, having elegant and himself by using Dalley's II O. Life St Tr. (ill 25 " do flow 8c Aspinwall;77 do sugar 8 do molasses tomolassesA Ann Klin, NYork; Hid, Fliza Warren, Lowell; Catharine,iN Among tie other views to be exhibited will Iks found. a " opK II', ccommodHtions, apply to superior with syringe. I am using it and am Remedy,be. " Mayor; 2 bids sugar 1 do molasses W P Fumis; 9 bag* coffee f» York. Ut-LaTotir de Nc«de materially 11.8. Bank 2,i do bll 411 a JOHN B. LASALA &. netitted " J1, " bhl-s sugar VV (> do 13 hluh do to CO, Vecchio at by it." 150 II.olc111 Kiilro.nl 2.i do *30 II Haley; order. Left bark t Norfolk. June 1.Arr Maryland, Russell, Snov/hill; 2d. m30 I7tr *treef. %\.Campo Home. " 12?, " for N Haven iirit of These were oases of piles of that 25(1 do I2J» 95 do day; brigs St Marks, for N York,"haneellor,Vubore, Boston; Richard, Boston, for Richmond. In II 4'J_Broad "" 3d.Ruins the Abby de Saint Berlin it St Omer. many years standing, " " opg 41,', Idg: it do: ttli.Loiter La are thus cured by from 71 Maiden .'SI do s'J 127a 25 do s'JO 41 Wampanoag, tic; Mdiioco Mohican, for N York in Roads, Susan Ludwig, Richmond for Nrwburyport. STl,uniton 3TATEN island FERJiY. be, and Ciemmi in three Tableaux. Dalley's Remedy, Lane, 10 (Is; schr w Putman, disc; 3 masted schr Hannah, sld the West NYork. 2 On this occasion will also be exhibited a new New York. The most obstinate cases are cured. day Orleans, Indies; Virginia, Dagum*'* Second Boartl. before for Cuba; brigs Overman, Davis, just arr. for N York; Wii.mincjton, NC, May 2<).Ar St Siiuous. Bermuda; Kcho, «'ool of . Diorama. 100 shs Buk of Couircr 93 5(1 " Harlein Michigan, hence, just ar. Lat 29 60, lou 72 40, spoke brig Ana* NYork; Julia, do; 28tli, Alderman, Boston; A F Thorn**! New Mr. Hill will deliver bis lectures on the habits, customs, mau " 13Si (K7- THE PILES AND ALL SORES. 1.iniment 200 L. " w*«ii, 16 ds fm Boston for N Orleans. York. The ners, lite., of the Down Eastern.and conclude with a number ot " Island lO'f IIMI do s3 I steamer. BTATEN ISLANDEU and SAMSON is known now to as a most -Hays' .'SI do 50 " do Bark Aplhorp, Blake, 20 days from New Orleans, with sugar, Charlp.tro?f. May 30.Ar NYork. Cld. Catherine, Mill ran a. until ins popular Yankee Stories, Anecdotes, &C. thousands, extraordinary SO", 13 8cc. to K. K. Collin* 8c Co. and Sutton, follows, further notice The wonderful Dwarf for Imitations, for these afflictions. It is to tell ot a remedy others. do; Hope, Boston Sid, Child, Havana, Ashley-, NYork; 31st, I.eave St in ii Island Nto* Yi>rk. one week longer. inqtossihle British , Two exhibitions in such a manner us to obtain lull State of brig Johns, Fo*,66 days from Newcastle, Rug. with it, Democrat. Fall River; eld, Merchant, Matan7.ru; Thomas, ^Leave daily. The afternoon exhibitions commences credence, thenewspaper, Trade. 124 tons coal to Masters 6t iftO casks II iv.on. " " " " at 3 o'clock I'. M. The at and benefits of this so Marker; paint Maitlaud, Bid's n.di, NYork !> M evening performances half-pttst ft. article, general is the practiceeffectsAmount of duties which accrued on Merchandize Kennedy C.o. 31st ult. lat 39. lou CO. snnke Vigilant fm Off Georgetown, the brig Isaac Mead, 7 days fin NY oik lor )0 " " " 10 " " Admission to all 23 cents. *no o 1 advertiser* of articles of no merit. Such Salem lor 1st inst. l it Ion 42 " " " extolling into the district of Philadelphia during the firstimported Montevideo; 47, 52, spoke ship Darieit. 12 "II A RCII STREET THEATRE, in l.« t references be as IVoin Charleston for 8t " " " " + PhilaiRpbia-To will given, to tiring convictionpersonalto '(darter ol the present year- $.553,972 81. Petersburg. Hanover,Savannah, May 31..Cld Rhode Hand, Liverpool; sld lj« m. 2 r. m. the Arch Street Theatre for the seasons of 1042 and 3. the minds of the most Briu Freeman, Stover, from Apalachicnla, May 10, and Biddle, New York; Nicholas " 3 " " " " to P. tUO unbelieving. Will xutlerers only American Weal cotton.to Key Androscoggin, do; Romulus, J,\ M. i.afottreade, Crown street. Apply with P. - ask tlieir friends if have not heard o( or vessels, $51*2,137 93 23d, R. Buck. Left at K. W. briga Bo»ton. » SAML. among they known do Laura, Dunham, for soon; «x : » >' BRAUBON, Secretary. its etTects ! and if do not hear it more Foreign 43,834 89 NYork, Billow, Lawrence, for St Mobile, May 26.Arr Lanark, Liverpool, Tarmtn. Buck 6 G Philadelphia, June 3, 1812. je 4 Inv/ they warmly praised Marka, aame day. Brig Horace, of ami from Boston for New Me; eld Hi All are to than other ^nt; Ageiiora, Liverpool; Affgban, do; Deu>s, licxxls snipped required be particularly marked, TAAOrERREOTYPE . NF.XV any salve, let them not get it. All fancy or Orleans, was brought in by the wteekers, having been whore cw&vnrooK, i/i. and are at the risk of the owners o PATTERN its »wvo It I . 1 ..-1.. J ? *i -* exnorffAcatiAii ) 81 thereof. je'J K. A. AHTAILT* igh' APPARA'ITS. .. $555,97 on o., Fulton street pvHiucij rALiiiuin 11U III IIIV BC s ai rm 11 n I s, Tnrtuga;. NCW OlLBAIfl. M^y 20.An'Tippi c.B dmum-', Bl Paul's have and it ia determined to of its hut St hr Rosallhe, Biker, 35 days from Tain|>iro, with sneeie, to Regulns. jam FOR ALBANY', 1 ROY and ini< opposite church, received per packet slop Argo, say nothing merits, what Bonded 41 order, Livorpool; Gossvpium, do; AmMeidam; CfBton, place*..The splendid low pressureruicmediateand offer for sale at low prices, 300 French (dates, large sixe, u could be proved a boat of witnesses, in court $497,661 Boston!; Vermont. Havre. Below. Bolholm; Massachusetts, inches half on ti of fullyWill by any Cash .r>S,311 40 Hehr Sophia, Train, 8 da)s from Ociacock, NC. with naval fin Havre; Deana, I Bo-men) fin Bremen; Oneco,Caledonia,fin sr 351.Jl.steamboat SWALLOW, Captain M'Lean, half; 23 complete Daguerreotype apparatus, justice. you look at the thing and the proofs at 71 stores, to master. N Vork. will leave the foot of Couillttiull street, thisj( Fiiday) new pattern; 30 anoiiiaric lenses, made at Paris, by Alphonae Maiden l.ane, where if lie seen. June Hd, »t 5 o'clock. Oiroux III Co.; 100 hot ties of soda. may HI Below, alleilioon, hyposulphite $355,97:* Two two The l)E WITT CLINTON, Capt. 8. K. Roe, will leave Also, tripoh of venisc, rodine, chloride of iodine, bromine, ihi|», brigs. is bromine SAMUEL WILLETT, OK WHITE Id the news ha* not affected PORTUGUESE FEMALE PILLS. above, to-fiiorrow, June 4th, at 7 o'clock. of iodine, chloride of gold, and the new accelerating isi.andicb, ) we to be Rooms, and for accommodation* arc unrivalled on the Hudson. year* ago, and has been lame since that time until 7 a H00 hags Bra7.il at 8} a 10 cents ; *50 Laguyrn,9J;include |*rctMve, obtained in this country. See je'J when he has been cured lately, *00 Cuha S a all 4 Newj>ort, June 3, 1142. £ on tht but column offourth int. adferllsetamstn>3is by the Nerve and Bone Liniment, 9] mo*; and *40 St. Domingo 7 a / j c. cash, Arr 2d, Oia-iiingo, 1'irlou; ftowena, I'rovideuee for Bay FISHING K.VM IMONS.-K. FIREWORKS, CRACKERS.&C. and Iudian from t otton.There has continued a fair Nantucket for FORTES -Srvrnd forte*. ul f4>i»r ?nd KENFIELD, Vegetable Elixir, Comstork, 71 Maiden steady demand for Martuer, Baltimore; Yautic, Fall River Kivcr;for pIANO* pian«» Miperiur No. Square, the Post Office, F OURT H .1 UL lane, and has now quite recovered the use of his limbs. without any in The accounts fromcotton,NYork. workmanship, warranted in every respect, k or sale low to Wt*S\V- forms Cpmhil!friends opposite Y, 1842. change prices. Sid close a 57 Cedar ^lriliLi his and the public that he has procuredini /COUNTRY siid city dealers in fireworks, will find it to their abroad have hail as no influence on the UiM'I.et, Boston; F.xilf, Philadelphia; liideiiendeuee, N. consignment. Apply street, upstairs. new anri sett* of to article yet perceptible York. je5 ht*c complete Fishing Apparatus, including Lines, advantage call and examine an extensive assortment TO MOTHERS-SORE NIPPLES..Dr. Smith here, not being deemed of a character sufficiently Arr 'Id, Laurel, (is. for Cooking Utensils, &c. of the first order. of the liest quality, at R. AYLIFFE'8 old establishim ur, 8»i can no refuse to out to the decided to warrant variation. The Darien, Boston; Vigilant, and Kienzi, NEW DAHLIAS -NUM.O St DUNLAP will Steamboats, sailing vessels, cooks, and tenders, of the first Chatham street. A large quantity of fire cracker* iu*l reccire 1. lunger bring public his any particular sales Providence lor NYork. jSgoJCEsell in that in bis include '2000 bales and Klorida at n by auction on Tuesday, 7th iml., at 1 P. M., about IOCO class, alwav readiness, and will he furnished to parties on Remember the itigu ol* the two mammoth sky rockets and gold * private practice lies had such a demandremedy, Upland 0J 9 cents 300 Pasacd Ul> P M, two deep loaded full rigged brigs, suptsisad green house the most reasonable terms. as to his b a 150 fm Pictmi for pots plants, together with 500 |K>t< d.diints, among key hull t jy4*r prevent proper attention to it, or his other duties. Mobile, 9} ; New Orleans, ti a 9} ; 8$ Texas, 8| ; Fall River. which will lie found several of that uurirailed Striata His friends mil the public are informed that lie continues to Constrained, therefore, his humane and 101 do, about H both short Sid Yantic, NYork. variety. accommodate XiTASH1NOTON HOTEL, BROADWAY, NEW YORK . by toolings, he frankly supposed cents, Fonnosumma. Virgin Queen, Miss Percival, Anaell* unique. permanent hoarders and transient company. The in as the of an a total for the Bohr Dauube, from Fredericksburg fur Boston, with a cargo Countess ..nihil | undersigned presenting himself the proprietor acknowledges prospect immense sale ; he oilers week of upward 6900bales.price.makingNaval of and of Mansfield, Hope, fcir. Entrance to the sale in 4,4 Square, Boston, May 23* 1841 jc4 |w*4 I of this favorite to inform bis numerous and this Salve as a Stores.1000 bbls flour grain, went ashore ou Block Island, 30th nil. and Prince st, comer 'it c hotel, bogs friend:, Nipple perfect guarantee, that the most Wilmington sold for export at $3, cash. was got off jlst. Broadway. je5 rpO LET.The whole or part of a house, with furniture for J acquaintances, that lie is the (arson so long and favorably and of the mother's be delicateSouthern Spirit! sells in at and TIT ANTED TO I'lIHrH'JtSt-A farm uf.lj.uit I ttie summei, about two mil«H from the lloboken Known to the patrons or the above asi" John." exquisite nurturing may Turpentine parcels 32, General '» fiftv Kerry. establishment, alleviated and cured. He ut 32 a 33 cents, both t mouths. Of Tars we haveretails Record. jwiri I v woodland, wrilh or without iiiiprott'iiirnt*, on tlir The situation is very desirable. For further particulars, Tin* house has undergone various alterations ami repairs. The hopes, therefore,immediately northern at name mothers.particularly Young Women .will not in heard of no sales. 1000 bbls Rosin ,for export brought Arrivals at New Yoaa..Arrivals from foreign ports for »horc of Lonir Island, and within fifty mile, of New country this office, stating and addrsns. addressrooms nearly furnished anew, and will he lit without hoard, by rase hesitate to any a the month Vork. Address S. II. W. |>o.t office. ji > 3t*rc the day, weekK or month, at very moderate nricrMO si to procure this salve, with full directions for $l,Ubj $1.121. delivered. of May, IBI2 215 with the times. The high the accord use, which will be found 011 each nRITISH QI'KKN tETTKll BAOS for the steam**r Bri : reputation of Washington box. Isold at 71 Maiden l#ll 212 L) tish Queen, for Antwerp and Southampton, England, will iTow CURE DYSPEPSIA Hotel for its wines and liquors, will be sustained, and nothin; Lane shall be on the of the to Philadelphia Cattle Market. close at the upper and lower |x«t offices, in this at \}\ BKANDRETH'S PILLS cure Dy*pr|*ia..They wanting part proprietor, make comfort Beeves.There were 600 lucre 3 P. on city, parties who may h nor him with their jwitionage. ibb QQ- A GENTLEMAN WAS TAKEN WITH A head including 150 Ohio, o'clock, M., Tuesday, June 7. je5 ?tr nK. the digestive organ* to do their allotted duty as a motherenahie in, aud 660 were were Number of passrugcrs, 1812 a taacb** her tint born to walk. It i> bi JOHN MARRINKK. severe attack of rheumetism or in our was brought sold,of which 280 for New 10,297 CLUB..At regular meeting of tin* New how aaefatimr, by gufd N. B..The or Ball i* at the gout ollice, and Vork. at 100 lbs. I AMATEURAmateur Thomas in tn-, and thu»i to ntbt nine the stonuu h and bowels, tnat Assembly room, present Under so that we were to a $5a$7 per lows and Calves -225 were 11141 II. 405 burgh Club, Powell the Chair, relating of when finished w ill to the completely helpless, obliged send for offered and of at to the Annual Regatta, :i communication was received from our THE BRANDRETH'H PILLS process renovation, present cab to take him home. We learned from his conversation disposed $8a!.15 for Dry Cows ; $15a$25 art idol to a room for*diincnsiotn and beauty.will he secondbeoolderto for ; each jr lncreaai 4.1192 Hudson lli\er Watermen, to row a match race, with a exceeding!) ry, and invigorating the human* none in this Union.will be let or w that he had and attacks Springers $23a$35 f Milch Cows. Hogs 525 six-oared hoar, and a offering constitution. It i« thu* thnt th»y enable the most with ithotK the rooms freqnent repeated of this kind, were Cabin 1842 "o four-oared rvont, against the New Vork, weakly for concerts, dinner Kid, as a matter ol course, was rendered for brought in, and 425 sold at $4a4 75 (wr 100 lbs. passengers, N*-w Jvney suit l«inn«l Watrrmi ti, or other ours* to digest proper!v and healthily. Pure Blood \s thus supstomach toil, balls, parties, clubs, committees,adjacent the time aad Sheep any to the public meetings. 8tc. je5 lw We gave him a bottle of Indian Elixirhelpless.and Lambs.1100 ottered, and 800 sold at $1 7*«52 75 fbr IB41 6'J'J men, a distance of six miles, more or L*m«. plied every i»«vt of bodily frame. It i* absolutely wes' Nerve and Bone Vegetable l.amns, and f.Jaf»4 lor Sheep. JAH. BELKAP. Ser'y. Br.-ndre.tn'g Pills can fail to cure the Dyspeptic individual,initiossible n*t)X DOLLARS HKWAHD-Lo.i la»t Wednesday rrei Liniment, which he used with Increase 841 Any rommtwHcations on the «u hiect, add rested to tin* provided the iniwers of the frame are tiot entirely hevond all * ing at Niblo'a Harden. a r»*d rnonocco book of large sire, such and one b energy good will, (as every should do when Batri Silshkk, Bochner, of and from liotind to will be promptly attended to. Seen?tsry,human aid. containing ttcrs, hills and other pipers, o( no value or use to a for Markets. NYork, TO BE one hut the owner. w buying remedy* complaint,) that th* next Foreign put into Faval war on Newlmrgh, May 30. je5 31 r REMEMBERED. any Whoever ill return the same to No. t»i wetaw him any day April 21, aud disclurging the 25th.Cadiz, That each of tin* genuine has it THREE Libertv street, sVall receive the above attending to his business, and perfectly cured Pfrnamiu'co, April 29, 184V.We herewith hand you As ah leaks badly, and as |>art of the sheathinK bottom is off, Officii of the Ai.iu h.n kTlot: hester li. II. Co. / ui»on COPY up stairs, reward. oi aw Such certificate* a* the Price it will be RIGHT LABELS. jc3 31 *c gout. these, coming from some Current and lift of vessels of the 25th, since necessary to heave out. Canandorua, June ?, it 12. S That each label has two of I)r. of the most merchants down should which time has Bkiu AOottis, of New York, Davis, front Oporto for NYork, Semi Annual Dividend of Five |»rr Cent will be luud on the signatures Benjamin 117 ANTED.A Chief Cook with an uaexrrptionabh charm respectable town, nothing transpired of importance in prires hi t if(K>n it. Bundreth for v» all prejudices as to the of theremoveof im|K>rts or The I into Faval April 21, with loss of lower gudgeon and upper A Capital Stock of this Company on the first day of July That there must.he each ter, H. B. M.'s steamer "British Uiuen." Appt/oa unspeakable efficacy exports. barque Athulia. Mavhew, pintle ol the rudder, and sails injured hy weather. next. npmt box three signatures, thus:. hoird between the hours of 10 and 12 or 5 and 7 above remedy. One experiment will convince the most on the 26th, with 300 bbls. Oil, and sailed arrivedon tempestuous B. BRANDRETH, M. D. jet 4f* Sperm Disrhaiviiig ill order to liravc nut. The expense of Shareholders whose Stock is registered in the Transfer a.,.i . > that the heaving """ sceptical Indian Vegetable Elixir and Hnwe*' the 27th, on a cruize. The Globe has just anchored out had bevii awarded 2d ult. Hlie hail been tightened and the Books of this Company, will receive atCitytne Baftk of Nerveaad Bone are not the from on State the payment Bf'v'jAmi'N BRANDRETH. Liniment, only cures, but port Philadelphia. outsidecadge replaced, would commence loading on the 3d, and lie the of New York, in of New York; ami those Besides the are full for the most is for sea whose not City labels of small priming done in red ink A VOICE inveterate attack*. "They are toantidotesbe Flour in fair demand at lb .SKI, and if none should ic.uly about the Sth. Stock it registered in the City will he paid their their being «»n the labels nearly three hundred found at 71 . from Rio arrive Dividend at this Office. impressions of FROM only Janeiro, the article will improve. Our Notice to Mariners. By order of the President and Directors, Benjamin Bmndrcth's Pills. LOWER CANADA. dates from Kio state that there is 75,000 bbls of Flourlatest New I.ioht Hopar* ns the Fbench Coast..The fol- The BRANDKETH PILLH are told at 25 cents per bo*, IVA"ONTREAL, January 15, 184*..Oenu:.You will be «ur* jeypivlr HAS. SKA MOl'K, Tiv at prised when I that a SEYMOUR, OF THE FIRM OF M. St M. in the market. Sugars are low, and not much demand for lowing notice of the rstahlishmt i»f ol new house 4 on the Dr. Bintidtfth'* priucinal office, No. 211 Broadway inform you large body of Of?-Mr. coast of France, lias lieen to tl»c A. CARTER, Commission and Wine Park Hitre ind Mnniii street; ilto at his retail omcei.between Indians c.nne into my store and traded moccasin*.Cockinawawgaskin SEYMOUR, of Batarin, purchased three boxes of F.urope. F.xchange 27d a officially communicated D« ismELLINGTON271 t of foxes and otters, for Pain to lie Dalley's 27Jd. ofBtate, and is now published forthe benefit ofnavi* partmcntMerchant, Nu. 5 New street, one door from , , IW1* Hudson street, near anal, and 17.0 Ser(.nu your candy, vvhieb would have amount* Magical Extractor, found only at 71 Maiden garioti (agent for Uie ancient bouse of Loineiiuo, of Madeira) often street N. v V«»r »e0 Utf ed in cash to fifty dollars; and I am happy to say that the lane, for me, and in hours we had full in now regard it as a general restorati that Canadians thirty-six proof Married. Calais..A ight lias been placed at the extremity of the fur sale, parcels to unit imrcluwers. is also, my stock of its astonishing powers ia arresting pain and western ietee or mole of Calais, which has been recently 150 pipes, IiIiiU. and small ea.sk*. of the celebrated Lonielinn, OK TH li (TTMOTST nearly exhausted. We have a large ft.. of'the British arnriv L\TP(7)l: " on a child that was to On the Sdiust., the Rerv. Dr. A. M. tended about ?WI This will South Madeira ral here, also, who have acknowledged its eminent merits, fis nearly burnt death. anguishIt by Patton, Noim»>, yard*. light be constant from (beex| tide, Wjncs, Malmsey, Rritrvf, other fact, I cannot was alive the of a F.sq., of Baltimore, to Mrs. Fmanors C. of this 1st of May. 181'j of a red color, and will burn all night, being qualities, the whole of direct moor tailoiu, some thirty years TANCE supply the demairi, snd yc»u must continue to literally flayed by falling stove, Brsnvn, nidi nr. siock. shall .mo eit t!;. to c* a kettle of hot water over it. The citv. visible at the distance of three marine milui; ettept during old, under custom hou«* lock, hiki entitled to drawback. pure lasers of Marshall's Troy Shirts, Bosom* and Col* k, Utd MMrepl# emptying salve stormy weather, such as to render 100 baskr u A in Windmill, and all other TO you an immediate remittance. nroves to the world a wonder indeed. The child could On Thursday the 2d inst-, by the Rev. A. M. Oiborn, Mr. very the extremity of the hor, IIirp, Cabinet, lars. In consequence of the many mistakes having been Yours, DAv ID 11. mole inaccessible, when the light at Fort Reiige alone will choice brands, Chami«igiie. made of late by strangers and others, in finding our only truly, ASPIN WALL. nave lived but a tew hours, hut was raised from torment in Daniel Cnvii., to Miss Caroline F., of John he 310 cases St. Chateau Stc. Troy To Messrs. J. Pease fk Son, 45 DivLioi, L. ull of daughter lighted, ofClaret, Julicii, Mhviut, Also, Shirt D*i>ot, wr are tiierofoie obliged to inide public the cause twenty minutes, to the wonder of all who beheld it. Smith, F.sq., Middletown, C.t. IsLF. or Rk...A fixed light, 70 feet alioVe the level ofthe sea, common table wines, at low prn r for the fwnefit of all in pursuit of our highly reputed Troy DR. will bum on the top of a tower built onth<* rocks of the 100 cases of Muscat Wines, assorted Cordials, Shirts, Bosoms ami Collars. It is this. A store has Biooklyn, Dec. 27. IS41..Gentlemcu;.I deem it out justice AARON LONtl. Pointe Absynthe, lately had to you, however the act Oenesce 1HV1. Died. de ( hauveau, at the southern extremity of the Isle of Re, in &c.. tkr. painted on thfrir window, and about their a unprofessional may be considered, t< Pembroke, county, May '17, promises, sign apprise you that I nave for two monthi neru latitude40 defnw, I rainntri ana t seeondac ami hnfitndeS IMi h.i-kets fresh Sailad Oil, Meinschim, Anchovies, Capers, t# he "Twy shut Depot." Now \\« inform afi. the.importing Ind, |*sl, n In this city, on Sate after a 36 mimics and and Pickles. do our under iny charge laboring most alarm :iu'ly under the ii rday evening, lingering legreea. Bscomk watt of Faria, foneinitid* not keep Tioy Shirts, Boioms and Collars, ami as a nee SUNDAY IS A DAY OF AND Mrs. Sarah in the 23d n : I 16 minutes 50 Indian bbla of Mai ora Sweet occur ofconsumption, evidently the effect* of early flue Ql?- REST, ALL Maiih, year of her age, wifeillness, with arnff, and w weona watt of (Jreenr Wipe. I guard against mistake.* that may in futnre, on account of anee. I iutempei who are troubled with a or of Ai.KiANorR W. of This light will lie visible in clear weather at the A constant of the best double and refined loaf. mis new at the corner we shall resorted, without the leaaf hopes of success, toefcy cough headache, should get Marsh, Cold Spring, L.I. wicJi, supply sinfle sign store, therefore, circulate remedy; the hoarse rough continued to some of Sherman's Lozenges. In no matter what Her friends and and those the of tweIre or Aftwo miles, and cooMqtetth from thadistanceen* Also, Lump Sugars, Iroin various refineries, tor which W. A eitensively the following card, and lor the benefit of dealers in dry increase.discliary fact, acquaintances, of family, trance of tlie Carter is the our from the lungs was rare and attended with convulsive s| uun». ails he has that will cure -. he is are invited to attend her funeral on Pertuis d'Antioche, It can never be mistaken lor agent. goods :. the you, Lozenges you truly Monday nJternoon at f).. of the Port «>t Roche as the mar can Advances made on s&leibh riKTchajidize. is to appetite failed.the bowels became a cyjd the medicated maker of and 5o'clock,from the residcnceof light lie, never be seen This inform dealer* ami others tint Marshall's only over the ftaine. constipated.slid great Lozenge America, his her mother-in-law, No. 86 from the m unlets tb Chaovemt light will also visible, As one ofthe house of Lomeliuo embarks by an early Troy Shirt Depot in the city is about sixteen door* from the dampness prevailed When I had exhausted aJi warehouse is at I0t> Nassau and like a v profenional I to the friends desire to allow street, good Bowery. ami tlx can than h dittraguiflHed i>\ the difference of tnair for Madeira, oider* for those celebrated wines, of anyconveyanceage corner of Pearl and Chatham streets, on the right hand side in Peas. ', remedies^< yteldeq he in Christian On the 4th inst., at half 3 T>. i ind their bt ilti incv. or will be forwarded, and the w ine to the 90 street. This lloarhoutid andy. With reluctance 1 permitted it, delights doing good past o'clock, Gf.oroe Strono iring quality, promptly executed, passing City Hall.No. Chatham is onr doubtful ofits oh well as Ballard, aged lUyears. Ndis* NsvifiATio^r..On my passage from Bvxvia to *hip(*-d io order, at very favorable price*. jy.S Im+lt only '1105 Shirt for th< receiving ofooi merits, pusumpfive of my own ina Depot high) reputed bility. My surprise, an well as his fiiemli, at an immediate The friends of the are via B oca utd Rhio Straits, I discovered a shoal not L"HKNCH Troy Shifts, Bosoms Collars in the city. Wt nail cstw w.»« 0Qt- SACRED CONCERTS.At the New York family respectfully invited to \»t Singapore," DYKING AOfiNCIKM.O. W. Biirntoai, 7# lo aqd change, unspeakable. He that had settled all his worldly his funeral this at 4 attendmentioned in any chart published, and believe not known Maiden lane, N. Y.; J. (». Heed. 113 Ktiltou st, Brooklyn.. this he extensively circulated, in consequence of many and himself this F.vening, will be given a delightful treat.aMuseum, afternoon, half past o'clock, from to exist. It u a very dangerous shoal, not having More than Iti having been made of late. Br to see the name. affairs, resigned religiously to fate, every hour Sacred Concert the house of his mother, I. A. Hasson, New Haven, lnihlir ate rei|>ectfullv particular mistakesshowed symptoms of recovery. His breathing is treed from all under the excellent management of Mr. Williiimshurgh, L. feet water on toine parts of it. It li-s in latitude 1.07 H B'llo informed that the above Dyer..1The nos MAHSHAi.L'H, on the window glassiaho the following. Wa ,V. B. will lie in at street N establishment been in surccssfiiC «*< tightness. The cough has moderated, the i> iieorge Loder. expect the room will be crowded. Carriagn waiting the Grand Taya, bearing halfW, and thi Seven Islands h Kill's. M operation lor many and full confidence can be in M AHSHALL'S ONLY TROY 8HTH1 DEPOT. hath pectoral and appetite at as in* r ss could while aer..s, years, placed am street. nourly increasing, my hopes of his recovery coiiurmed.. To-morrow the beautiful and vocalist, Miss Ferry 4o'clock, P. M. i«., judg** Mailing I', fioiu one them for richm ss of finish «>idbs*:i tu ilit in toe No f»atronagc asked of those who beat down. Justice this tribute to accomplished and a half to two miles long, with irregular sounding*, retiitini New York, June 3, IMS. Itb lm*c require* your discovery. Reynolds, makes her appearance, aad will sing some of between five Merchants and the public generally will find it to their advatt* II. HUNT, M. D her Mr. fathoms and two and three-quarters, varyinghard tage to yi\< them their t lm *« IN PROOFS THE EKKH \« \ OK To Pease Ik 45 delightful tongs. A. Shaw will also appear, and Poaaengera Arrived. g 1< Mind. | DOUBTED* "OK Messrs, Son, Division st. Sir. Bruce the celebrated comic singer. In addition, the F.DWARD M. SMITH, ofthe Thomas Htnrismi. KRF U I." I) I S« t)V K It Y.-A. COX, the most V DR. MOFFAT'S LIFE MEDM"INEH.These AortVTS. Redding, No. 8 State stieet, Boston, Mass, Liverpool.Steam ship Great Western.Mr and Mil J»me«, WOND Cloth Scourer and Renovator of the celebratedis have acquired their present high .oid rmisble distinctionmedicincHRaw h k Co. 57 , Albany, N. V. magnifioent pastes views, and the curiosities Mix. .lame. Mi.. R.. \L- I «'» present day, polys myriad Whalemen* to announce to Iris old customers and their tb.it not by the usual arts of puffing and extravagant pref nsion, hut Ziebcr, Pa. of the Establishment. Mayue, Mr^tabcnu, Mr Orn Sir It A 22. lit happy friends, th«ir and ifcisin I'hihdeljhh,lit) K Sam|r*nn, Arinatroiisr. W spoken,March 23,18, Ion .11 ZJ L, Nuius, of Lynn, he ha returned to this country, after an absence of sit years, by prompt aAeatj tangwdt var.etyof hn Roluoxm, No. Baltimore street, Baltimore, 7»!d. Dimilaa. Jimi'v, F Farram). D ml Uiraud, Mr Damn <011,, Mr 1300 hhls oil, ItiOsp, bound into f"ape of Oood Hope. and locnted hinmnif at No. 1H Centre street, three doors from mm diseases. Tlt*ir renown has sp ead from one individual to Jlahbimn, Louisville, Ky. AMERICAN Voorhica, Mr Pnnga, Mr Mali Mrs Jacoli (ii March a( 3$5} ion f t K 811. near the and from to family, until they have become Cook, Pittsburgh, P». Of?- MUSEUM..THAT GARDEN. Mr* rutrar Wiyman, 'and, fj. B, Hannibal, 1900hhls,would Cluunbirs, Post Office, New York, for the purport** of another; family Mr. Barnum hits hit and Hnichi i, and infant, W Nicholson. S B Thorn** Mr stop at St Helena, some of the crew h«*iiig sick with scurvy. recumin- nciiiK business in an art which he has much known in every town and village in the Union. The following lobson, No. 20 St. Charles street, New Oilcans finally completed splendid Pilmicri, Mr ('umlaut, I'. II Palmer, A .Mr Dai |»erfected j. nei volumes to thi ir and irs Term, Flower Garden anil Promenade, on the of the Mr* Jaa Billow, iaon, Hpoken. by having had the advantage of visiting the iii.miiIact«ring itsly recaivadspeak favor, Watson, Memphis, top delighlinlSpioa, llarlicr, Mr and Mrs Hoiikina, Mr L.c Dt I haiv towns hi and obtaining a of the inateriuls lor tli< consideration of the public without furthersubmitted Adams St Blunt, HuuUvilJc, Ah. Museum. It cover# an area of 7,*00 and I# a M dp Ht Paal. Wm Mr Crescent, Wilmington, Del. for Boston, Juue 3, Hi miles S of F.umpe, knowledge W. square feet, mrm, Mr Hti'id, McDiriuld, J Brnali, th>o Erg Iviat Fh nnmnb lira Bssatmliiu nfiiliitn aad laanutig tka jnast n rar r»m.irk* T. Tannciiill, Nashville, Temi. perfect paradise. An awning i« prepared for use incase Dlitpit, Sinylh, Mr Ward, It B Bttrllioloini w, Mr Ricardo, Harbor.by pilot less to restore color without Extracts from a letter received from Beruamui B. Davis, Tobey, Cineiinuti. Ohio. of a# a Mrrimia, J Smith, Mr Mali'* I'nmd. Mr< Burgundy, front Ha* re for New .York, May II, lat 40 10, Ion preparations injury. dated Columbiana 5th month Detroit Mich. damp weather, and shade in (he aftamoon ; and, Mr K Mali. Mra Wrynuw, 3 10. lie lia-- been engaged constantly in the business in Loudon Haletn, county, Ohio, (May,] Piefty Teller, take it all in all, Hi# the most cool, and Oiraud. Knit*rami, J W t' Mitorr, J MrHcnry, T during hi* absence from ibis where he met with the most 18th, tit:! R. J. Woodwool, St. Lours, Mo. fragrant, MrHamc K II Palmer, A 8 K A AjnIdrr,J ftydney, SO days front Liverpool lor Now Orleans, Msy 13, city, Friend W. B. Mofr.it.I have sold at rrt.iil the last four Kisehei, Washington I). C. place we hav# ever seen in this The icedelightfulcream Mr* Kennedy, Spin, Mil lat to 6, Ion 87. lis tt critic success and encuunuremeut from tlie nolri lit v. gentry. during City, city. Eustace, Krndtll'i servant, dim Armstrong'* two striatals, AIMcommercial ami he now again to meet year* In tills town, eight tn ten hundred dollais worth of thy IT/" Each envelope of the genuine llorehonnd Candy is and refreshment# are Briidldrd Orlando NYork for Ar Ion community, hope* Si .tr... provided Wy Jones, Esq., Mr Palmer's servant, Mr Rirliard'a two arrvanta. twerp, May 17, lat 42, i3. that which pvir <-xieii.lt T fi A V I.I.I Et and the stage with new decorated,The 30. Ion 7 J 48. Repairing ami altering done in the iieatevl manner and on the years general HorSK.KEEI'KHS.PA I KNT RKI.KOOCK I NO HE provided fernery. Porto*.Bark I'ondor.T Sinffrout and family, T < ilium .and mo*t reaamtahle t< rrflf. Samuel Duhle, of troshen town«hip says tluit fh«-*e PEATINO rlSTOI.A.K<»r Ilnuw »»d performances thi# woek exceed in splendor and t ariety lad i Lyrnw, of Warren, from Norfolk for Antigua, May 25, lat hnve relieved him much of the Liver medicinesII Tmv»ll-,., all the in vi, ion (»0H4, both vnal weknowofthat could such a host ol novelties fiiai Pool. Prrdonnrt, xtrm Tor Nrw Orlrana, .lour I, off ipr cured the latter but failed to cure the which continued ran »tidiaj»eti*Hb1r an provide Cod. queen. »t british former, female, with this pistol project their live* and property for °J6 cents. Arai-arrairoLa.Biirt Freemuu.Jai Johnaon, I. B till lie used the Pills. His inoth'-r-»n-lnw has also been «filiated if at ...irked m on** E I) I. M Nnyra, Coliaaart, 111 Hit* fmm CB. for June BritishUtifi'n, ft.. Antwerp and Southampton, Eng. will eloxe at She bj m^tiy i»cr*on*, of tinm it e. or hut little tab »r H won repealing Riley, Capt Day, Capt l'aai-y, of JO. : Qrurttleaf Rvhlrlira Bankrupt Law,hed..Content* tion ol'(he pMUrl it perfectly can be drawn from delivery at 9, 1, and I o'clock. Lieut* Lovell, Andrrson and Hoffman, and Aaat on Hi m Diadem, Briatol, May 2i, Ut Ji M, Ioii 7:1 x wherein the of atUrhtiu-nU 01 found a benefit from the use of Moffat's Pill* ami Bitter*, and the anil simple.tVy wifli Sunr> parte Foxier, validity the pocket used with one baud without the loot of a Bbaiscii OrFit af.-Letters before and 2 companies A, C, I) and F, Id rrgiornt I' 8 nona, Porta. of o«i tneane 1* disrinu-tl with the by continuing their * ehurt tiinr, broom nearly ai mint *« shot* ran In- fired h« m«ment.«i< deposited 7, II, Forrlfn Hitikriiprx, furore**, property jwr la fax? a* a man can nook hit n* o'elsck, will be sent ont for at 9, l.and I o'clock. infantry.Lrrr.arooL, May 29.Off |«.rt, Onecn. NOrlran*. Arr iiAiiil ability ana di*<*ri mi nation of that learned Jurist, Juxtire evrr. Tlif grr it rhtuiy-e in tin appearance i» the st ^ r. They are no than an delivery v*. of tins oImuimii- Ho urea larger ordinary pocket pistol. ALEX. M. Mobile. Slil Europe, NYork; Taroltnta, do. CldHarmony,St Storv ; Washington B ink Hhurtleflf: United Stated *«. thy tiriifiiff in reoi.mintuiUti.iti(fr ntlenu-n are muted to call and exuntue the same, a* thru OREIG, Agent ,1« >»< tin' uiedleiiie in hit in to «n> .. 111 Mark', So.inii.ih. Kilt for bly, I'liiti il Stater, B,ot"ii; Dobbin* ; Diffnt of Kit IntelMtfeiici and Miicrl* family prefrrrace othp:. Tlr; being warranted not to gel out of then ..JW. foreign Importaatlone. uihui tin* iiiiiu nat iiiilurril ol lit* simplicity, order, and did Palr»title. lanv ; Bankrupt* 111 Maw*, iu<-biding all who hive jieliriom-d |.roilureil effuel perfect safety wi I certainly recommend them over all other*. MOSBY MARKET. LlVK.arnoi..Steam .22 J Gihon It Co.I Boonvii (irarriciv.Oorfoli.tkco. Dkal, M ay III.r<«acd, Bachelor. Cowra for Ohont; Orion, ZOtli. si , V-w PuL4i< aliona Obituary Notici ; Tin Lut Uriijaniin Ifawlry jnllt England by VV... ll-.~w.k_i Ir-in . V ... Im.li. « no he at Weatern. which NOrloaiu far Mimbtu*. Bankrupt* in New Fork will continued in next tin in or. family: lie mini.leu them the lirtt ilicine can it : he THE Ml 1ST PEUOIlfFiTn RKSI>in during period, however, no change Brother*.II Win Whitehead.1 (irrrii \ W (' i. riodfca k co. Ills unwell mill If. Ill in tin -pnn* of I8.W, by *. Iting wet feet the citizen* of New in Morley.1 Orr Drum, May 19.Sterile, Bremen for Pliil.idi lulu bradbury, till narvrat. f\F* York, is beyond doubt HOBOKKN the state of nflairs. occurred Jin Patau It ca.1j f'riniia It cu.12 Rami., f'ot It co.12Hutcin.I Orr Ji'ai.Mui tm, May 17.Clinton, fmiu Now Orlraii» for mlO .t IfJ n .1 01 *t. n. V and 10 Beltool u, Bo ton when ploughing i he continued weakly Hf (ivci The most fashion «i |e and favorite excursion in the Mimm-r S Patou It Stewart.13 Bir.l, (eillilanil it ro.I Henry Hivr.. thy medicinea tlw credit of ruiiti* lam. Hf lia« -ont arena! is to its extensive and diversified walk-* and The Stock Market has lieen Jea.n|>. . , to the loverb of 8uperjor hl at k tea heatitifnlly public very heavy to-day, and lUrfr' It Stain:.4 Watt St llosencranl*.i Atie, which the pUct hns f> en rt njiwd more lovely than it en w } it Srotl.'J Jk mv Wediu'i»d*y'* Saturday*«. Ferry .I VVilw.li O Hnnt kco.I Danl (jtkey it Son*. I VV VV It J ( lay, Virtriiiii for litli, Havana for miln in. He opinion f.oceniiug thi-in. bsihlsontelv pre|tared f >r l!»«- -uinrner. «n»l eomtsnlJ* trom The Great Western out to the Rptfrrdam, Boihia. turn I liail n cured of tbal Hi* mr ply brought specie amount of Wild.I B ub»r Bmth. rt St eu.Jotej.li Hodaorr.It Joaepji AUrr Colby, Viriflnia for do. llnmen; I l.l.l royaelfb" I«f. Iiy thf Bvr« In (.'anal, and C'hrwtopher street*. jCI6..'iOO in and the achooucr from Rhode..I E Oemim: St ct>.10 Win Vy»«.I Ofiltiii k TrinwotiTH, Ellen from "HOMO SUM NIHIL H I IM A NI of tini medirinr,'and felt it lobfinv duly fo rrroinroend to A farn- howt runs to Canal tree? i»i the evening until lu gold, Rosalthe, Tampico. May t.'«.The Keith,of Liirrpmd, other* .ifflii'tfil with it. Hr {.amrarneeii the itar hrollvfit 47 707 in iin-ri* Watt It Ro.enrrauti.n'Rieharilaon k Walton.1I'ttllmat.n.6am! New Orlraiu, .-uuled but loylit, after hem* auppiird * lib nf tin* I'iMa oVIOck. jeJfw in* r< ±l*0 in «oM Peter I Netiu. k Roll.I bo* jLiOO ill tfoltl Clut* iarona. A MELIENHUM PUTO." m Billi rt. in rariM'tt at directed Into, ih- rail, it in again m P pioI I am a ;n»d concerns inc." ii il.n i in ami Some sales of ITnited State* 6 cent itor ten LeTerrell.3»kiri Gardner f'oll.y ken.71 Godfrey, PatttaOu BaiiToL. May It.Sid British », N Yolk. Man, whatever concerns Man few i|iiitr rtunnol apte-aiam-i-, Mid he ti ll hi-Iter. per were made kru.1 I (dun Such ix the literal tranxhtion of the xrntiiricnt of Terence Took am.(In i bottle of (inter* ami a Inn of Pill*. In CAMPHENK. in; 11, k Sentt. B K BalwOck.iLlllr .Lim.ori St eo.. Swansea, May IJ.Arr Alert, Baltimore. aleiur l>>. inr-Mmi., "I Hw Jrticlr, fcticwn ». at the Board at par ; alio a few Note* at 1 Hinmrr, t the Roman Port, and it breathe* tip nenfimenf «»f three wrokt lir waa ready to take hold of the handle* lliroiuh Trenaury par., Mriloam k Hi)..I". Emrrauu.4 Wiley St P.il aatnrr, May Ift. Shi NYork. purext plonji WEBB,( i>«* l.tr. BwiU'-k "x""" Kennedy, which ihnnlil trer the human h.ea.f. attain- Hr baa ermtinned and atcribra hi* n to .'.11'!h ni.d U'. that an increan-d imie hail "J5?".S 4'ochraii.I S Anil.I Henry Hettrr Uri.raaT. May If.Sid Constitution, NYork. agitate feeling healthy. fo»ery 'ifif Oil ci'Miiirv f,lr ol »,» « * notwithstanding taken place. W realm.toti Stephen.7 Strive hut to h*?c, '»ix (i'aj * own medicine* II.- Ifflim-a Kit nut a rrrtinralf not itifHiiftv nf vfinl*1'. Jnwtih Walker.III easel and 3Sl.al*« to order. ("una, May 17.Arr Sir l«iar Nrwtoa, Liverpool, to takr gift ihy wmIi'iu h:» I. Ml ! ! »W',y ""V wlT^niwmnif. Whiro *" catue name I iiilnrined lnni thai n» w a | Uiiu This effort i* produced by a combination of those broker* i D eat*. 2 camlwoara I chi .*1 i... M...1 i 1.1 mil. to- M..O To aid the of human pntiltiliril. hi* at Mriking Vliir oJSaml *Sf>0'' Rliip Liberty ere* would wlurh hr 11 tin,' .rrf,, f*»r.tnrcv'f'»k l,o*t>ovnK«nv. 1^.Sid ilntaiinia, NYork. tliey ' in .1 lUr have got email amount of government itork that W.lah rheinpai.il.;^uaurl May deed* on earth are »r»ree to Ami. hi* cue Not in furlhrr W o»,uinrd .1 *n\ "'«Wl.hrn.M th..ei«r. .»<>!< nl.l Mallory.J k Lot.roi.-9 Patrick IC.Sid l>nudr<*. By pnhli*hed. iking patlieniar objection I . <» II* Oakley H. Duudec, May NYork. or »a a ntr lua nainr. «nl,li-l,.,l EWPOKII'M I.H.HI, Brn»dw»v, >rn»r they wiihto aell. There are no bona fide inveatmrnti in J Lee ki J it t o-30 ill. St ft.Arr Hoaton. A remedy for trouble of anv kind, physical mrnUl, immi n.«JMlr, MeC.tll klleIMdpibnleU PKTinani'nn, M.iy Lyromitur, found. Look for an John aav* hi waa C*n»i»l t wlurh i« rnndurt.dww.rthr ilutr i 8"I»I>. I II.Arr desideratum (ifhti low^lit for hut xeldrm Murphy afflicted all laat w inter, with a nain 1.1. Statei 6 per rentitocki at New York .J.4 do I7 ri V*"" Tliniwai k('o.16 feuds, Ko* flGo nrnHAiirx, May tlnrvnlpf, Chnrlcium, to. Death i« around n» t»m thru frn.l'noi- nf ihr *ufc«rribrr, w»lltaow«lo br Utr >ii<, par,when Rtafr.A's Lawrence ami Rntnuaoie-10 bale. Abraham Bell do. inxtant at the e mplauit* men are liable tirvMt, micIi it* leverity that be n turn Ih* »»in*. Augmta, to the grave in hhI in'rnlur of .. .. can be had at W. mult mo ptit iron O T in a thouatnd form*, and etr r> step leads nMk'f himwlf bed without rising up. On takin? a Hkwr «»l The federal government have d ? !'J"» T.wUI. -33 lw«. I'enw it 0h» m a, May II.Sid Maryland. Nrw York; Itk, I'rom ihi! J. r rx*«- k A. V. If. ivp.nn. (aenenil Brooka.1 bwl* to onlei. Baltimorr. Arr The Compound Extract of ||orehr Chief ElMiinrer. .Infray i» W ,e. ,n, kit. to K Oroii.wette-4*erdjirria At vm 4 and Bovton; xnmpfmn at it* firxl pfOfrew. tpell* libitum* and ha* found n^fhui^; to afford*«ihirrt that before the clote ano. k" F.i.nr, May 7.Strphani, (JoddrfTroy, It i» recommend' d b> the her a* them* Pill*. a mart john jr. liability of the present leiaion. lf1«»,,'k ami Kooo- ion bkt. of the |*njf«, andiimilircoiindvintx. ttch^rellef Her hudund %.ty «!* u For Awie'enlrykeh, oil J Durand k Co-20 i-ha Wirprnatlein,. NOrir.im. lint ,,ri«n. of OHr *»>V«'kI "I"""- ^ »" direct,.*, * woman in 21 hour* after takin/ * The*e r*on* I Emiiiiom. ther loan will he Ihan^n k Arhlll..', f ON*, «till redde in thi« wintry, tnd the afrhibal.l nome, knxtnt' omp'ey no. si. the itock at do 14 oni«*r. elwn*lit-|| bale. eork. J thi' lire, ivlB liylm-n to discharge; Hi nrirtta Lonio Boston; ««<»* m llwaimo helirte, h'-urv wwiw), llo do nil. i. abroad present, and the itook mutt Mifchr|I.1 2(10 of \ r.»«L from all of the world arr So hi-i|jiioi! j I., rati for ait Arr of nM* III llic Union tiiirnff* in I'ifftr of thy medicine*, hut it covered revenue! four k tu-if.000 Bottrh, m.T 1 blown ilroug from weeka. lldli, Manco, New iKinn. If »" ","1 frnmth. w*« *f lei«ure to note them and I on* venture-to m lurln fallon. kmrim dn no. it by legitimate and pledge against in Tli.-Uu.l-*jj£ J Jwivil h IMh, Havana; Bronte., M.iUnr.u. SSSSSwIlTwiX yo«e.?M»i tna down, < harle* j. no.ii Hon, of Philaii.tin P. j. Framia.$7M1 PTPnii k Orleani; Cvclopa, h»i r >n of liin'nnc conmmijion, firat ») miifomi or arnliL ohM for truth what kai dim »» my ilurii, llo<<|| ifiuvf 2 l*l< t'o--iLS Amiti an*w, Mav 13.Arr Oreui, NOrleon.; H.oailia, < l,V from lite or their brc«jft* rrmt ii n* iiftrmo W iln do no. j.i. suppl), go up. increasedhid"* jalap Ml tlir'ki ItiMic to bale* aaraaparilTa to or.WV hoy a frwf»f« .Mr. iM fr" 'wm'M « Abraham B.ntart.Jr., do do no. sf. The statement of the Mr*tm»-8hl,. H-nry TSnmp«ti»-'ttoil rreata ml by .Wn MjW " monthly Treaanry Department to ! Irknona 1«» rk* win- MH» ba«a inn. 120 chain n Turk, Brazil, 19th, Manhattan, NYork; Fama, do; fttn, HememberaiiJohiainihe amnine fUndy K.eh .mgr wm. ii. < 'oihell, harlem'' do ib» no. jv «jr Broom 1k Charleston friend* of ...j am .(i»ri.a ibj. |f lit the lit instant, give* the fart that the debt of the n liqaofltr |rt*te lo order. co-Till CotntniaaarV.bear" lb* ^ "iirnouirr « the peornetnri, J. Penie k mnura. in ihi*v i»iii i|imi»i»-«i «*i- > >*» floating A.vTwrar, 17.The Hiram W whi'li tailed in "f wheat it ran >,« uht lined paek*C the of May Taylor, <4,111. 4* Ditriilon «treet, wholelale irr all thr.tuk thr *n*r ot (to*, ahil llif larahiaMt iririllCllli-« iw james alkx'a.nkkr ftointos hv itminnl government, during month May, waa increased bailaat ye.irrday for Nrwraallr. having in tacking in the I «»'» ' 1 ureal u Dommllc Importation*. her 1 ho tmiieMtl. till lilV, and for aiuhr orrki. to so. Bi u.Diirn and since the 1st loached the gronml anil Mkr mwm' pm Itnilitoii Si A<|for ill- hv the on the 1st inst:. Maiiimu: Patrirk.Til Holbrook, ,\(Uon It Co.1 hbl> J Oyden Putor, IUOrernwieli Urrrl; Ktafe, fti Broadway; llin. lid DR. MOFFAT. o, bariel. br WM J. outstanding .31 atH-lta iiinr timber W do cedtr .1 Edaell. Boppiur, Mav i-RM 6 A* Antfrrltlt, Nkork. Imr »f»i»l». JW in»*r buttle, rail.IB, KHMER, r.t Mir Arr Julia, Mobile. Fallon Hitll, Brooklyn. jj AJ«© by hi» a|ipuintcd j» mil 7i *i 17m South itiett

\ . »v \ .