June 8, at Uut Other 30 Ann Street. This Is Undoubtedly MARITIME

June 8, at Uut Other 30 Ann Street. This Is Undoubtedly MARITIME

% UJ Tm* (; t.i. .i i » \!i r.M 11 ILJ .Tiii naviiug wa« not r»K4.mv Norr« OiT«T*!«Dmr,. I am Mmrck I. I. Jynri. M«» 2.Tire Olitr K Eli? ..iwiu Ht J. « ,.' .-i 4 Vl i \h. ii < Well inuuuged, and who conducted it did not May MARITIME HERALD. i. ».) nil 10th (<>i Li*rr|<tMi|. ION >AU->. I f-ul ouuiandiu? old iuun, .703,«4i .'>13.332 J.nnon, Miy 7.Hlil Ami Brrat, NOrlcana. AUCJ neeiu to «»« » ninirr wt ul F*b. 13, IM1, 7,327,(*>2 7,*7,(M 4,172, 108 understand liovv to go about the w ork of of it'll, May I.Arr American (iitnaltar. UV THOMAS BKEL. THKAlUi;. tliij Atlantic L.us, «rtlfcuidiif tltat 2,1)31,714 4.431,tt)l 133,312 Or|Mttw« Steamer*. triHKai rMl. 21 CHATHAM calling a misting, or how to act I MOM ICNUUfl'. IIOII AMKglCg. April Art Harm i, Marjrill.s foi Uototi, * Btorti Soi 2t Aw unrf 111 hilion .Irrct.) Tti« Olii I'rii:** R«->time«J. after got Palermo for ~ they . I'.th, . 4.38,296 otimbw, Judkiui June 16 Oriole, Philadelphia MUM)A\ tVE.NJMo, Juue he pcilorm«aice mil eoiii* The sensible in together. >. Mal ana, May 1.la port, to a monIMIT mance * only proposition made the f nr. of Jan. 1041. 2.377,113 3,641,737 7,(179,941 Wratrrn Ho»kru Juee lSgk Nnpoh <<11, for Leghorn, aail in At IU «t tlir conm of H roidw.iv Wlute at., irli 10.211 ft wdayj. o'clock, aaJ THE RAILROAD meeting was put down, because it was in l.iUeiurdof tlialiuur 1,826,3-12 2,317,333 llritauuia, Hewitt Juur I July a 0.In Valudblr male of Wine*, (itgccrift, fcr..In c.ntinuaiion, the , STATION. English.. Lalriluuia, Loll Juur 111 1# LioHonta, May port. Due d'Orlcam, for NYnrk,ldg; anil moat llir wiihm, a h. i'iou Ju-k Hobiiu Hi. Id The Jnly Macon. do do; Backua, (or do or do. rrmunilt't taJuablr |*>rtioii of alock of .vimJjtr«W Smith meeting was too exclusive ; it should not have orsud lutal ouuUiidiDK. 8,>39,113 7,434,7211 9,100,904 keadia, R>rir July i Ail*. 1 Philadelphia, I unity cf<>crri«>, |ickl«**, .altera, fniila. Ira*. atuari, Mr» Ju.Uh i. (ii.wna, May II.Arr E 1) Wolfe, i. tjaiMr. After which r».« hn. ,.r Cnr ,nm. h.. Wrjieru, Ho.keo July yAim 4 IhiiUdelphi U'hasti'liali.i ham*. *«'. The proiwity of II H Alwill, »110 it been confined to the < hut have H. B. Malu.aa. April 28.III ;«ort, for in a few SAM PATCH IN lemians, should M. iiNiiirrBriiuk Quern,tapi M. M. K«»ue,wili lra*r I to Kicluuoud, Palermo, rbaucnitc kit rraidnuce. FRANCE. I the aud the 1'iit in ya, liniah Idirfor Bontou.only Ajncricau rraacl. Sid lutli, Sim Patch Marble Pic.t all nations and all benevolent men ofembracedall present mouth, particular description* of purl Turulay, Juur 7, (ill Southampton, Kuglawl, and Monroe. Baltimore. TUESDAY. Herbert tutwarp. *1 room. Bnd*et Mrt Thome II issues is no longer given. The however, Palfhmo, May ».In poit, Courier, and Tn for N Al l#Vj o'clock lln* auction tTo conrlml., classes. As it the whole figure-, reott, York, sal,- of v ilucldr null l.nhionatil imuinrt .. with was, thing aiipeared ma. now ut> camo. Sid April 211, Boston; Eaigc i-lothuu,-. THE the singular fact that the old issue* ,i. r*n:.i. a*v _i. * Rnnahnfla,n n ». e* 28th, Lincoln,do; SAILOR naged and controlled a small outstanding To Stilp Matters. A viTToSTJCEfc' offarFs emiiRofUKri'^ele* SINBAjDK ibub Seftou Sn.b.i.1 Hieid entirely by Hv/ut.. 'nve been increasoil the month is Smyrna. during This a fact We alitll eatrrm il a favor April 29.In |tort, Cathariuv, Loin B too, arr 28th, GANT AHT1EIC1AL KLOWEKS, itr JOHN II. Nourmaleah Mm This is very foolish at but at a of veiaiL arming for do 1. £* will idII it N%>. 140 in future at a Metuycr any time, especially that some m.. mil IU vumaiunure .^lf ra^laim CWtiw, direct, Miv ! OLKRN iuctioa,K Broadway, Tu« fcda}, Doom will Ojieii ijuartei put 7 and the require* explanation. All the notes under the (Iir tx. n. .inrilD, OI OUT lieWI I1CCI, Thiki ri*. Jaur 11 300 o'clock, time it i report of the left at the April 2*^SIJ L-mi<»n NYork. T,at o'clock. t-leicai.t French ilower*, compruiu* t-uruiu will n»r .1 I o'clock puuctuilly when is necessary to enlist the of old laws were to have stopping port whence they sailed, the Caric of Good March 13.Arr Gcul l# ><»» «.*t». wreatlis. side U-\ Ike. jo euli .h- .-I.i syuiputhies supposed been issued prior to vessel* spoken on their passage, a lut of their aud any Hopi:, Scott, Syduav, tiowcrs, Drencircle, -Bonne. U.Pit, 111,-Private Bovea. ;, ..i*- cargo, NSW. Also, SO Bplt-iidii) Fifuch Pans «tiiuiv in Denait 01 m<* sunerers. March 1st. It w as in foreicn may nave. will lelicules, collnri, ea|>«i, cuffs, cuminuntiy repeatedly stated othcial and newspapers Che) Commodore Martin 19.Sid Uaiulkc in w -. OLYMPIC TIIKATHF. reports board tin*in oil their arrival. We will Calcutta. FVh Cafo, Boston. rctiieU, funs, patients, shave It, Paris bonnets, & otherwise, that the issue had iieeu immediately reciprocate M iiili a. prefioiu to Jan jn.Arr Bclndera, from Sydney* jeS ft»c MONDAY EVENING, June li..The iwrfnrtiuiucei will com Great Rdwiwi Match..The Newbi.rgh |M>w«rto exhausted, lie favor iu aov way. NSW. mrt»*e wirb and during March and April, no increase took place in INJ TUKNITUHK BUY tHB.-WABHiNu TWELVE MONTHS. Newburgh Amateur Boat ClubChallenge..Thebust PORT OK NKW JtiRKMiF., May 19.III port, Fawn, for NYork, 11 J*. .V .MLKK8, No. 3li Broadwux, ucil th» Hospital, Jul,Graham | October Mitchell those issues. The present return, disguised YORK, Jl.\K 5, 18*#. Bl'tnot Avkfs, April 9.in port, Chancellor, from would draw tlie itmutiou of tlu- public that he will hull Mim challenged the whole world of watermen, to run although by Cabinet V unnture at in i*r Aiuil Small-ton a variation in its form, shows that the Mason Barney, NYork, 14; Three Brother*, Montevideo:Salem, cvnt. le-i» tli in the same ouhIi?;splyidid After which. with summer. We following change «ua aiSRS 4 SO 1 MOON 153 ; Drotno, da do; Oawnro, Bo*r.>u, toon: Lexington, New (if work 14 IIOW StdllMM ;il lh#> Iiirn.iiu «l* ru... them sometime this suppose t"ok I rove reit in VALET DE SHAM. place in the issues during the month of May Sifts 7 14 I HIGH WATERA w York, 14; Telomah, from New York, arr 7tn; Arcturus, from oucllei, Sofn, ditfeieiil colored pluatiev, mtnia, 1 aptaiu Trivet F.dw in \Vi*lri Uraham there is a puree of u lew thousands at .stake.and Boston, in 4 or f» Albion, sold: Delta, for Boston, taking »m hair doth. »l thr lilnt 8|>ni pattenia. dM6a Votei issued under old Acts, 018,983 fidi; dodo;dayu; for <"li|>l*i Miaa Ayre. more in bete. This is a bold and will do Act of year IBM, Cleared* Fountain, Thetis, sale. After which many step, 1,*'48,204 I NKW JKRSES RAILKOAD AND THANH owrxr.o. Ships America, Hnhbard. Stoning lou, Conn.. Grintiell. nlted State* Porta. PORTATiON lun.x produce some amusement. The contest between Total issues $3,057,187 & Co ; Sii)>erh, (Br.) Hamilton. of MinturnTii 'Masimv Mai tHMd Iowa, Nm OrleaM; Snow, COMPANY. Guy OooJIurk Srftou John Jo. f" Edwin New notes redeemed 2k Bay Chuteur, Glover Mobile. NEW YORK AND NEWARK. Eliza M> lion Mii. Singleton Boston and Fashion will be nothing to it. SI,011 McMurray..Brigs Belle, Myers, Wilmington, NC: Helen Fr Mhv To conclude with .Mar, (Br.) Card, Windsor, N8; Norman, Shacklon! ikkf<uit. 29.Arr Rupert. NYork RICHARD Increase total outstanding a* above - $1,066,170 hia, John Klwell; Notion, (Br) Bevau, St. Johns. rtiiladeliHunt Bath, May 27.Sid Ecliose, and Charles, Guildsloupe; !)Ut, NO III. & Brock: NF, Lion, and Port Leon, Arab, Ru-hard, Mitch. II | H»iu> King, Nickinvou Member of Congress..The Hon. Nutlian The issues stated in the snme form as the last return Charles Joseph, Mauran, Providence; Jofui H. do; America, Cuba; Philadelphia: Sally Ann. Mia» Roberta. Hall, Bermuda, R S Tucker; lit iiirich, Kleucke, Stevens,rianet, Star, and Coylon, do. Dreaa is elected to Congress from the Boston Appletonwould present the foil wing result via New Bedford, Meyer 2k Slurker: John K Gardner,Bremen, Portland, June 2.Signalized, 2 luigs. Arr 1st, Harriet, Circle, yo ceuU.Upper Boxes, UetuU.Pit, la..Private /iicreusr Neill. Riehmoud, D 11 Robertson; Portland, Clougli. Malaniaa; Exchange, Havana; llobt Bruce, Norfolk. Erom lite font of t'ourtlaudt Jtreel, Nrw York lioxex, £.'> of MaMBchuaets. There were 125 abolitiondistrict wl( 27.A? r < it 1". '' Tin- Door. will in future open at 7 and the Curtain will rue a May I. ./uiif 2. huieane outstuml'g u, Nesmith, Leeds <k Co; Creole, Bath, Me.,NeuvitB De kfokd, May '.ihdonia, A ikj;'.» La. (Every day.Sunday at* rarpted.) half-nut 7 votes polled in Boston. Old issue* outst indiliK M 1,852 5*3.859 Forest k Co..Sehr>! Augeretia, Crowell,Wvman,Salem: Brazos, Lin* mouth. Leavei New Y"rk Leavia Newark precisely. Issues of Feb. 18*I, 7,527,082 8.27y.857 752,795 colli, Grand Torre La, A B Cooley 2k Co; Veteran.

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