At the Seas de

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Techniquest Stuart Street CF10 5BW

Tel: 029 20 475 475 At the Seaside

Show Summary Delyth the dragon is spending a quiet day at the beach At the when she hears someone crying. Penny the Pirate has lost her treasure! Help Delyth solve problems relating to Seas de plants, animals, habitats and the weather as she plots her way across the treasure map. Pupils can take part in activities on stage to help out and even come face to face with a shark in Techniquest’s science theatre! Can they help Penny find her treasure? This science theatre show develops the pupils’ skills and knowledge through story telling. Pupils participate in a range of interactive demonstrations and even have the chance to take part on stage!

Copyright Teachers may reproduce the following materials without infringing copyright, so long as copies are made for use in their own schools. Techniquest’s permission must be obtained before reproducing these materials for any other purpose.

Acknowledgements Special thanks to the pupils and teachers of St Mellons Primary School, Pendoylan Primary School and Park Primary School for their support and ideas.

1 At the Seaside Using Your Photos

Working in groups, ask pupils to select one photograph from those taken of them during their visit. Pupils should present their chosen photograph to the class and describe what is happening in the photograph. Use these questions to get more information from the pupils. • Who is in this photograph? • What is this a photograph of? • Why have you chosen this photograph? • Has anyone found something similar in another photograph? • What did you enjoy about this exhibit? • Does this exhibit have anything to do with the show you saw? What? • What else did you see at Techniquest? • What did you learn from your visit? • What was your favourite part of the visit? Why?

2 At the Seaside Exhibit Trail

In each of the following photographs, Delyth is asking a question related to the show or the exhibit. • Set pupils the challenge of answering the questions. • Ask pupils if they used the exhibit in the photograph during their visit. What did they find out about it? • What other exhibits did they find that were related to the show? What did they find out from exploring these? • Pupils could draw a picture of their favourite exhibit. They could add thought bubbles, like on the photographs of Delyth, to explain why they liked it.

Pupils can email their thoughts, comments and pictures about their time in Techniquest to:

[email protected]

Delyth will choose her favourite emails and photographs and these will be displayed in Techniquest. Look out for them next time you visit.

3 At the Seaside

What do these ants eat? How do they move food to their nest? At the Seaside

What creatures live in compost? What can we put in the compost bin? At the Seaside

What creatures live in and around ? At the Seaside How can I open the lock? What other things have locks? At the Seaside

Musical Islands What you need: • Pages of newspaper. • CD player. • CD of different music.

What you do: • This is a pirate version of the classic party game “Musical Chairs”. • Lay out sheets of newspaper in the hall or playground. You will need one less sheet of paper than you have numbers of pupils. • Play the music. Pupils should travel around the room. They can pretend they are swimming to add to the idea that they are moving around a Xim faccus a Et lant fugit por porem vent. modisint ex eseque group of islands. Ecum restius- repedipid eos qui dame conecer dolupis experias ferionsequis quo de same nis sus • Stop the music at random intervals. volo et alicientem aut verspientium suntur as t ius dolorum as aut • Whenever the music stops, pupils eliam que should jump onto the nearest island. You could shout “pirates” to add to the excitement and fun. • How easy was it to find an • Only one pupil is allowed to stand island? on each piece of paper. The pupil • Did you learn any ways to without an island must leave the make sure you always found game. You could say that they have an island? been captured by pirates! • Did you and a friend ever land • Before you restart the music, remove on the same island? How did one of the sheets of paper. you decide who should step • Keep playing until there is one off? winner. Ask pupils:

8 At the Seaside

Visiting the Beach • Think about all of the different things you like to do at the beach. • Find out the word for ‘beach’ in Welsh. • Find out the words for ‘sea’ and ‘sand’ in Welsh. • You could use: to help you. • Write a sentence in Welsh in the large bubble to describe to Delyth the best thing for you about visiting the beach.

9 At the Seaside

Shoebox Aquarium What you’ll need: • Shoebox • Blue paint • Paint brush • Card • String • Scissors • Pencils or crayons • Green tissue paper • Stickers • Glue

What you do: • Paint the inside of the shoebox blue and leave it to dry. • Stand the box on its side (as in the picture). • Cut out seaweed shapes in the green tissue paper. Stick these on the back wall of the box and along the bottom. • Draw and colour in fish shapes. You could also do a starfish, crab, octopus or any other sea creature you can think of. • Cut out these shapes. You may need an adult to help you with the cutting. • Ask an adult to help you make a hole in the top of each sea creature. Feed string through the hole and tie a knot. • Make some holes along the top of the box. Feed the string through the holes to dangle your sea creatures in your sea scene.

10 At the Seaside

Sorting Sea Creatures • Below there are lots of different sea creatures*. With an adult’s help, cut out the pictures. • How can you sort the sea creatures into different groups? • Why did you choose to sort them in this way? • Now sort them into different groups. • How did you sort them this time? Why did you choose to sort them in this way? • How are these creatures similar? How are they different?

* Not shown to scale 11 At the Seaside

Curriculum Links world Physical Creative development development development development Mathematical Knowledge and Knowledge Welsh language Welsh Personal and social and social Personal communication skills communication and cultural diversity and cultural understanding of the of understanding Language, literacy and literacy Language, development, wellbeing wellbeing development,

At the Seaside science theatre show   

Exhibit trail at Techniquest     

Animal homes - floor activity at Techniquest   

Deep sea fishing - floor activity at Techniquest    

Sorting sea shells - floor activity at Techniquest    

Musical islands - post-show activity    

Visiting the beach - post-show activity   

Shoebox aquarium - post-show activity    

Sorting sea creatures - post-show activity    