A Acceleration, 199 Adjacency Matrix, 115 AIC, 212 Akaike Information
Index A Bayesian sampling, 392 Acceleration, 199 Behavioral dynamics, 218 Adjacency matrix, 115 Bergstrom’s statistic, 345 AIC, 212 Between-and within-person changes, 259 Akaike information criterion, 208 BFGS secant updates, 402 Aliasing, 11 Bias, 107 Aliasing problem, 329 BIC, 212 Ambulatory assessment, 245 Bifurcation, 390 Amplitude, 293 Boundaries, 225 Approximate discrete model, 11 Boundary effect or edge effect, 255–256 ARMAX model, 2 Bowman-Shenton test, 314 Assumption of invertibility, 325 Box-Ljung statistic, 314 Attractor force, 67 Box-Pierce test, 153 Attribute evolution, 117–118 BPS, 67–68 Augmented state space form, 328 Brownian bridge, 412 Autocorrelation, 29 Brownian motion, 59 Auto-covariance function, 372 Business cycle fluctuations, 283 Autoeffects, 38, 184 Business cycle theory, 290 Autoregression, 180 Autoregression coefficients, 169 Autoregressive and moving average (ARMA) C model, 2 CARIMA, 346 CARMA, 1 Causal inference, 106 B Chaotic Lorenz model, 389 Backward operator, 405 Chronometric factor models, 266 Backward pass, 310 Classification and regression tree (CART), 264 Base and input processes, 102 Closed-form solution, 319 Base process, 88 Coevolution model, 120 Bayes factor, 74 Coevolution of networks and behaviors, 112 Bayes formula, 392 COGITO study, 273 Bayesian estimation, 56 Coherence, 370 Bayesian framework, 55–76 Cointegration, 325 Bayesian inference, 68 Competitive equilibrium, 285 Bayesian information criterion, 208 Complete mediation, 197–198 © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature
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