Arxiv:1809.04341V1 [Quant-Ph] 12 Sep 2018 Progress, See [18])

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Arxiv:1809.04341V1 [Quant-Ph] 12 Sep 2018 Progress, See [18]) Stochastic Integral Representation for the Dynamics of Disordered Systems Ivana Kureciˇ c´1 and Tobias J. Osborne2 1Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany 2Institut fur¨ Theoretische Physik, Leibniz Universitat¨ Hannover, Appelstr. 2, 30167 Hannover, Germany The dynamics of interacting quantum systems in the presence of disorder is studied and an exact rep- resentation for disorder-averaged quantities via Itoˆ stochastic calculus is obtained. The stochastic integral representation affords many advantages, including amenability to analytic approximation, applicability to interacting systems, and compatibility with existing tensor network methods. The integral may be ex- panded to produce a series of approximations, the first of which already includes all diffusive corrections and, further, is manifestly completely positive. The addition of fluctuations leads to a convergent series of systematic corrections. As examples, expressions for the density of states, spectral form factor, and out-of-time-order correlators for the Anderson model are obtained. Since Anderson’s disovery of the localisation phe- averaged propagator of an arbitrary quantum system. The nomenon [1], quantum systems in the presence of disor- derivation of this representation is reminiscent, in parts, of der have attracted considerable interest. The localisation field-theoretic approaches to disordered systems and also phenomenon is a result of quantum coherent effects, thus separately to recent calculations [22, 23] of Prosen and presenting many challenges and exhibiting rich physics. coworkers. However, there are crucial differences. For ex- During the past 60 years there has been excellent progress ample, there is no mapping to the nonlinear sigma model. in the study of disordered systems in the single-particle Also, the representation is provably exact and not an ap- regime, culminating in a solid understanding of these phys- proximation. We exploit the integral to produce a series ical phenomena (see, e.g., the recent review [2]). These ad- of approximations, the first of which already includes all vances are the result of several powerful techniques which diffusive corrections and, further, is manifestly the result have been developed to quantitatively study disordered sys- of a completely positive evolution, thus conserving proba- tems, including numerical methods [3], the renormalisa- bilities. The addition of fluctuations leads to a convergent tion group [4], and field-theoretic methods [5] such as the series of systematic corrections. Using this expansion we replica trick [6, 7], the supersymmetric method [8, 9], and compute the density of states and out-of-time-order corre- the Keldysh formalism [10–12]. lations for the Anderson model. With the recent discovery of the intriguing phenomenon Disordered quantum systems, Brownian motions, and of many body localisation (MBL) [13] (see also the recent stochastic calculus.—Here we introduce the systems un- reviews [14–17]), renewed interest in disordered systems der consideration and give a brief notational summary of has emerged. As a collective many particle effect, MBL stochastic calculus. We consider quantum systems with a is proportionally more challenging to study than its single- Hamiltonian of the form m particle counterpart. The most progress in this field has X come from perturbation theory and direct numerical sim- H(x) = H0 + xjDj; (1) ulation via Monte Carlo sampling. In general, these tech- j=1 niques are limited either to weak disorder or finite system where H0 is a fixed Hamiltonian (typically a kinetic energy sizes (of the order of 20 spins), and few samples. Ex- term), D represent disordered terms (e.g., a local mag- ploiting the most powerful field-theoretic approaches to j netic field or potential energy terms), and xj are random study the strongly interacting quantum spin systems ex- variables drawn from the Gaussian distribution [24] with hibiting MBL appears to be a difficult task (for some recent the probability density function arXiv:1809.04341v1 [quant-ph] 12 Sep 2018 progress, see [18]). 2 − x Some intriguing new directions — emerging from holo- e 2γ2 gγ (x) ≡ p ; graphic arguments in high energy physics [19] — are also 2πγ being explored in the study of the complex dynamics of quantum systems such as the Anderson model [20]. Here a where γ is its standard deviation. This class of models is central role is played by out-of-time-order correlation func- sufficiently general to describe a diverse variety of models tions (OTOCs) [21] as signatures of quantum chaos. The from single impurity models, the Anderson model in arbi- behaviour of OTOCs for complex disordered systems is a trary dimensions, as well as MBL systems. We illustrate central goal in the study of new phases of disordered mat- the results in terms of the one-dimensional Anderson tight- ter. binding model with periodic boundary conditions, where Motivated by the twin challenges of MBL and calculat- N X ing OTOCs for disordered systems, in this Letter we intro- H0 ≡ 2I − jj + 1ihjj + jjihj + 1j; (2) duce a stochastic integral representation for the disorder- j=1 2 and Dj ≡ jjihjj. We study disorder-averaged dynamical where the product is taken from right to left and δ(f(x)) = quantities, such as the disorder-averaged propagator: δ(x2 −x1) ··· δ(xn −xn−1). The second step is to use the itH identity S(t) = Ex[e ]; (3) 1 Z 1 δ(x) ≡ eikx dk; (9) whose Fourier transform yields the density of states (DOS), 2π the density operator: −∞ and to carry out the integral over the xj variables. This −itH itH ρ(t) = Ex[e j 0ih 0je ]; (4) leaves an integral over k1; k2; : : : ; kn−1: 1 Z nγ2 Pn 2 spectral form factors: − 2 j=1(kj−1−kj ) S(t) = 1 e Fe(k) dk; n− 2 (−β−it)H 2k (2π) γ Ex[j tr(e )j ]; (5) (10) and OTOCs: where we’ve introduced two additional k variables, k0 = kn = 0, as well as the function Ex[hA(0)B(t)C(0)D(t)i]: (6) n Y These quantities are intimately interrelated (see, e.g., [25]), Fe(k) ≡ Fej(kj−1 − kj); (11) and can all be calculated in terms of S(t) by taking tensor j=1 copies of the Hamiltonian [26]. where Z 1 p 2 − p 1 x −i n γy it We make use of stochastic calculus, but it is not at 2nγ j 2 (A+xj B) Fej(y) = e e n dxj: (12) all necessary to be familiar with this formalism, as all −∞ derivations can be understood with little more than a pass- The third step is to expand the exponents of the operator ex- ing familiarity with Gaussian integrals and a tolerance ponentials in F s, collect terms to O(1=n2), and then carry for lengthy derivations using discretisations [27]. At this e out the integrals over x : stage it is sufficient to comment that a Brownian motion or j Z n Wiener process Wt is characterised by the following four Y F (kj−1 − kj) dµ, (13) properties: (1) W0 = 0; (2) Wt is (almost surely) continu- j=1 ous; (3) Wt has independent increments; and (4) Wt − Ws is distributed according to the normal distribution with a where mean of zero and variance t − s for 0 ≤ s ≤ t. We will it t2 F (y) ≡ + (A + iγ2nyB) − (nγ2 − n2γ4y2)B2 also encounter stochastic differential equations (SDE) of I n 2n2 the form dy = f ds + g dW . At this stage, it is sufficient (14) to regard these as equations that, upon discretisation, define and s new random variables y in terms of W . For further details 2 n−1 2 n(nγ ) − nγ kT Mk on stochastic calculus see, e.g., [28, 29]. dµ ≡ e 2 dk1 ··· dkn−1; (15) (2π)n−1 A stochastic integral representation.— In this section we summarise the salient features of the derivation of our in- with tegral representation, with an emphasis on the physical 0 2 −1 0 0 ··· 01 foundations of the argument. As explained previously, for B−1 2 −1 0 ··· 0C Hamiltonians of the form (1), it is sufficient to restrict our B 0 −1 2 −1 0C M = B C = 2I − Pn−1: (16) attention to the study of the quantity B . C @ . .. A itH(x) S(t) ≡ Ex[e ]: (7) 0 ··· 0 −1 2 For simplicity, we focus on Hamiltonians of the form In physical terms, µ is the (discretisation of the) equilib- rium probability distribution for a free particle with the H(x) = A+xB, where x is a single Gaussian-distributed 2 random variable, and A and B are N × N matrices. (The Hamiltonian H = −∇ , which is diffusively moving on extension to Hamiltonians of the form from Eq. (1) is the interval [0; 1] with vanishing Dirichlet boundary condi- entirely straightforward and requires no additional tech- tions. niques.) We derive our representation in four steps. The By employing the approximation itH it 2 t2 2 2 first step is to break the propagator e into n small pieces n (A+inγ (kj−1−kj )B)− 2n γ B n F (y) ≈ e ; (17) it H e n , introduce n independent Gaussian-distributed valid to O(1=n2), we have already arrived at an approxi- variables xj, j = 1; 2; : : : ; n, and enforce equality via mation of great utility in tensor-network simulations (this delta functions: will be the subject of a forthcoming paper): n n Z kxk2 Z 2 1 − Y it (A+x B) Y it A−tγ2(k −k )B− t γ2B2 p S(t) = p e 2nγ2 δ(f(x)) e n j dx; S(t) ≈ e n j−1 j 2n dµ+O(1= n): 2πγ j=1 j=1 (8) (18) 3 The final step is to recognise the integral measure in the The stochastic Dyson series: diffusions and limit of n ! 1 as the path measure for the Brownian fluctuations.—In this section we describe a Dyson se- bridge [28], which is a continuous-time stochastic process ries procedure to develop the integral in a power series with the same conditional probability distribution as the in the disorder parameter γ.

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