Community Systems Foundation

CSF Programmes Summary of Selected Projects 1987-2003

Presented by

KS Oswalt October 2003


Community Systems Foundation 1987-1992 Selected projects supported by two source of funds

USAID – ICDS Project

Library of Congress - IODA India, Wash DC and other field offices

1 C S F

Community Systems Foundation ICDS MIS 1987-1992 USAID ~$650k Indian Integrated Child Development Services MIS

ICDS Progress Reporting System software system v1.0 - v4.0


Community Systems Foundation IODA 1987-1993 Library of Congress ~$450k Integrated Order, Distribution and Accounting System

IODA v1 to v2.2 (1990) with system

2 C S F

Community Systems Foundation 1993-2003 Projects supported by two major source of funds




Community Systems Foundation MIS for RH Services 1994-2003 USAID – CEDPA $2,023k

MIS - Innovations in Family Planning Services SIFPSA Private Sector MIS, SIFPSA Public Sector MIS, SIFPSA Training MIS, SIFPSA District Action Plan MIS, SIFPSA Program MIS

3 C S F

Community Systems Foundation Strengthening ICDS MIS 1996 USAID – ISTI (Impact) $103k

ICDS Progress Reporting System multimedia presentations


Community Systems Foundation RH Service Data Analysis 1997-1998 USAID – AVSC (IFPS) $12k

Data analysis reports on RH service delivery at:

RCH/TFA Orientation at Block/District Level Internship (Pre-Service) Training Departments of Medical Institutions in UP Dean's Office Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department Community Medicine (PSM) Department CTU Workshop Rapid Assessment

SN District Name of the Block #nDx site name type 1 1 PPC LL Memorial District Women's Hospital PPC/DWH 2 AGRA 2 CHC-Kheragarh CHC 3 A GR A F ATE H AB AD 3 CH C - Falehabad C H C 4AGRA AN WALK HE R A- KH A ND 4 CHC-Anwalkhera CHC 5 AGRA 5 CHC & Sub. Div. PPC Bah SDPHC/CHC 6 AGRA PINHAT 6 PHC- PHC 7 AGRA JAINTPURKALA 7 PHC-Jetpurkala PHC 8 AGRA BAROLI AHIR 8 PHC-Baroli Ahir PHC 9 AGRA SHAMSABAD 9 PHC-Shamsabad PHC 10 AGRA 10 PHC-Jagner PHC 11 AGRA 11 PHC-Etmadpur PHC 12 AGRA FATEHPUR-SIKRI 12 PHC Fatehpur-Sikri PHC 13 AGRA AKOLA 13 PHC-Akola PHC 14 AGRA SANYA 14 PHC-Saiyan PHC 15 AGRA 15 PHC-Bichpuri PHC 16 AGRA 16 PHC-Achhnera PHC 17 AGRA AN WALK HE R A- KH A ND 17 PHC-Khandauli PHC 18 AGRA ACHHNERA 18 WH & Sub. Div. PPC Achhnera SDPPC/WH 1 9 A L IGA RH 1 PP C Al ig ar h Di st ri ct Wo m e n's Ho sp i ta l P PC / DW H

4 C S F

Community Systems Foundation Demographic Calculator 1995 USAID – AED $15k



Community Systems Foundation IFPS Liaison Office Site 2001 USAID – CEDPA (IFPS Project)

IFPS Liaison Office Network Website

5 C S F

Community Systems Foundation B M I S 2001-2003 USAID - CEDPA

Benchmark Monitoring System

FIFTH SET OF BENCHMARKS Valuation by project elements (with commitment details) BM Att r ibu ti on (in $ 00 0s) No. BM Q- II C ommitt ed with P IL # 44 190 Teta nus Tox oid Immun izat ion Ca mp aig n r eac hin g o ut to all pr eg nan t w omen i n t he st ate of U. P . b etwe en A pr il 20 00 an d Ju ne 2 00 2. 192 Impro ved access t o a nd ut iliz ati on of qu ali ty Repr o duc tiv e chi ld heal th (R CH ) ser vi ces t hr ou gh the RCH Ca mp s in th e f oll ow ing 29 I FPS d istr ic ts b y M ar ch 2002 952.000 193 Di strict Act ion Plan s prep ared t hrou gh part icip ato ry p rocess, a pp roved and fund ed, wi th SIFPSA Fiel d Office estab lish ed i n Agra by September 31, 2001 194 Con tracep ti ve Preval ence Rat e (CPR) in crea sed from 29 .1 % to 3 0.1 % b y Ap ri l 3 0, 20 02 * 46 .24 0 195 Qu ali ty rep r odu cti ve h ealt h ser vi ces p ro vid ed t o p r egna nt wo men by Ap r il 30 , 2 00 2* 25 .50 0 196 Impro ved access t o a nd qu alit y of Repro du ctiv e Ch ild H ealt h (RCH ) services provided through private nursing ho mes, ur b an healt h cente rs a nd mo bi le h ealt h ca mps 20 .40 0 203 Di strict Act ion Plan s prep ared t hrou gh part icip ato ry p rocess, a pp roved and fund ed, wi th SIFPSA Fiel d Office estab lish ed i n B ar iell y b y S ep tember 3 1, 20 01 204 Con tracep ti ve Preval ence Rat e in crea sed from 2 6.1 % t o 2 6. 9% by Ap ri l 3 0, 20 02 * 24 .14 0 205 Qu ali ty rep r odu cti ve h ealt h ser vi ces p ro vid ed t o p r egna nt wo men by Ap r il 30 , 2 00 2* 15 .30 0 206 Impro ved access a nd qu alit y o f Rep roduc tiv e ch ild heal th (R CH) serv ices i n t he d istrict b y April 30 , 2 00 2 11 .90 0 213 Di strict Act ion Plan s prep ared t hrou gh part icip ato ry p rocess, a pp roved and fund ed, wi th SIFPSA Fiel d Office estab lish ed i n Sah aranp ur b y Sep tember 3 1, 20 01 214 Con tracep ti ve Preval ence Rat e (CPR) in crea sed from 18 .5 % t o 1 9. 2 % by Ap ril 3 0, 20 02 * 23 .80 0 215 Qu ali ty rep r odu cti ve h ealt h ser vi ces p ro vid ed t o p r egna nt wo men by Ap r il 30 , 2 00 2* 17 .00 0 216 Impro ved access a nd qu alit y o f Rep roduc tiv e hea lth servic es in Firozab ad dist ri ct throu gh new strat egic in tervent io ns b y April 30, 2002 13.600 223 Di strict Act ion Plan s prep ared t hrou gh part icip ato ry p rocess, a pp roved and fund ed, wi th SIFPSA Fiel d Office estab lish ed i n Sah aranp ur b y Sep tember 3 1, 20 01 224 Con tracep ti ve Preval ence Rat e in crea sed from 3 0.6 % t o 3 1.3 % by Ap ri l 3 0, 20 02 * 34 .00 0 225 Qu ali ty rep r odu cti ve h ealt h ser vi ces p ro vid ed t o p r egna nt wo men by Ap r il 30 , 2 00 2* 27 .20 0 226 Impr o ved qua lit y o f Repr o duc tiv e hea lth ser vice s by Ap ri l 3 0, 20 02 20 .40 0 233 A st rateg y an d acti on pla n i n p lace to improv e hea lth of a dol escent s by Ma rch 2 00 2 236 Tr adit io nal Bir th At ten dan t (TBA) skil ls u pgraded for pr ovi sion of RC H serv ices i n A gr a, Sitapur (ex clud in g pilo t pro ject bl ock s) and Meerut district s by June 200 57.800 238 Tr adit io nal Bir th At ten dan t ( TBA ) skil ls u pgr ad ed f or p r ovi sion of RC H serv ices i n S h ahja han pu r, S ul tan pur a nd Mo ra dab ad districts by August 2002 88.400 240 Or al Pill sales exp and ed i n r ur al UP ( 2 00) 241 Condom sales expanded in rural UP (2001) 1,377.680


Community Systems Foundation White Ribbon Alliance Site 2001 USAID - CEDPA

White Ribbon Alliance Website - India

6 C S F

Community Systems Foundation Analysis of Health Systems 2001 USAID - CEDPA

Analysis of Health Systems Strengthening for India

Wide Variations in IMR Across States

0 20406080100120

Kerala Maharashtra Tamil Nadu West Bengal Punjab Karnataka Gujarat An dh ra Pr a de s h Bihar Haryana INDIA Assam Rajasthan Or i ssa Madhya Pradesh


Community Systems Foundation Health MIS 2001-2002 USAID – CEDPA (IFPS Project)

HMIS formats and system for data collection and feedback

7 C S F

Community Systems Foundation Jharkhand Health Systems 2003 USAID - CEDPA

HMIS formats and system for data collection and feedback


Community Systems Foundation MCH/FP MIS Syria 1993-1996 UNFPA ~$563k Integrated Order, Distribution and Accounting System

MCH/FP MIS v1.0 to v4.0 linked to mapping system

8 C S F

Community Systems Foundation Dracunculiasis Eradication 1992-1993 UNICEF Mapping for eradication programme in 18 countries

ChildWatch I and II 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 UNICEF GeoTECH 1992


Community Systems Foundation Doc Systems Analysis 1997 UNICEF NYHQ $10k

Report on Options for Field Documentation Systems

UNICEF Information Update on Vitamin A Deficiency for Progress of Nations.. Interoffice Memo from Richard Jolly to All Reps and Asst. Reps, December 7, 1994. 1994.

Keywords: Micronutrients; Vitamin_A; VAD; Data. Global.

LOCATION:LIB-52 1994 Record 1 of 18 30/11/98

WHO; UNICEF Indicators for assessing vitamin A deficiency and their application in monitoring and evaluating intervention programmes.WHO, Geneva. Report of a Joint WHO/UNICEF consultation, Geneva, Switzerland, 9-11 November 1992. 1994. 55 p.

Keywords: Vitamin_A; VAD; Assessment; Indicators; Monitoring; Evaluation; Interventions. .

LOCATION:LIB-1524 1994 Record 2 of 18 30/11/98

9 C S F

Community Systems Foundation India Nutrition Database/GIS 1994-1997 UNICEF $232k

UNICEF India Nutrition Database and Mapping System


Community Systems Foundation ChildInfo 1998-2003 UNICEF $3,884k

ChildInfo Database System v1 to v3.5 and its adaptations: TSED Tanzania, DevInfo China, BenInfo Benin, MASEDA Malawi, ESDEM Mozambique, CensusInfo India 2001, AGEI Africa Girl’s Education Initiative, EFA Education for All, AfricaInfo for African Union, DevInfo Algeria, DevInfo Bhutan, DevInfo Botswana, DevInfo Burundi, CamInfo Cambodia, DevInfo Cameroon, Child Equity in Brazil, MOSAICO (Chile, Argentina Paraguay), DevInfo Cote d’Ivoire, DevInfo El Salvador, DevInfo Eritrea, DevInfo Honduras, KenInfo Kenya, JamSTATS Jamaica, DevInfo Madagascar, MauritInfo Mauritania, DevInfo Nambia, OSID Oman, DevInfo Panama, DevInfo Rwanda, ShishuInfo India, DevInfo Sierra Leone, DevInfo Tchad, UgandaInfo, ZamSED Zambia, DevInfo Zimbabwe, DevInfo Vietnam

10 C S F

Community Systems Foundation UN Common Database 1999 UN System in India $10k

Workshop on Developing a Common Database on UN and World Conferences


Agriculture Food Security Crop production (In tonnes) WHO-UNFPA-UNICEF Y Ag ri cu lt ur e La nd U se F ar me rs b y ca te go ri es WH O- UN FP A- UN IC EF Y Ag ri cu lt ur e La nd U se L an d ar ea c ul ti va te d WH O- UN FP A- UN IC EF Y Ag ri cu lt ur e La nd Use L an d un de r ir ri ga ti on WH O- UN FP A- UN IC EF Y Ag ri cu lt ur e A ra bl e la nd p er c ap it a UN DP E nv ir on Y Ag ri cu lt ur e I rr ig at io n pe rc en t of ara bl e la nd UN DP Env ir on Y Ag ri cu lt ur e L an d us e ch an ge UN DP Env ir on Y Ag ri cu lt ur e U se o f ag ri cu lt ur al p es ti ci de s UN DP E nv ir on Y Ag ri cu lt ur e U se o f fe rt il iz er s UN DP E nv ir on Y Co mm un ic at io n Ma ss Med ia R ad io set s pe r pe rs on WF P FA O YY Co mm un ic at io ns Ma ss M ed ia P ou pl at io n li st en t o ra di o WH O- UN FP A- UN IC EF YY Co mm un ic at io ns Ma ss M ed ia R ad io s et s av ai la bi li ty WH O- UN FP A- UN IC EF YY Co mm un ic at io ns Ma ss M ed ia T el ev is io n se ts a va il ab il it y WH O- UN FP A- UN IC EF YY Communications Access to information UNDP Environ Y

Co mm un ic at io ns M ai n te le ph on e li ne s pe r 10 0 in ha bi tan ts UN DP Env ir on Y Ec on om y De ve lo pm en t As si st an ce O DA inf lo w WH O- UN FP A- UN IC EF YY Ec on om y De ve lo pm en t In de x G en de r- re la te d de ve lo pm en t in de x WH O- UN FP A- UN IC EF Y Economy Development Index Human development index WHO-UNFPA-UNICEF Y Ec on om y Em pl oy me nt U ne mp lo ym en t ra te WH O- UN FP A- UN IC EF Y Economy Government Expenditure WH O- UN FP A- UN IC EF G ov er nm en t ex pe nd it ur e al lo ca te d to defe ns e Y Ec on om y In co me P ur ch as in g po we r pa ri ty inc om e WH O- UN FP A- UN IC EF Y

Ec on om y La bo ur R at io o f av er ag e fe ma le w ag e to m al e w ag e UN DP E nv ir on Y

Economy Labour Women per hundred men in the labour force UNDP Environ Y Ec on om y Pr od uc ti on D eb t se rv ic e, exp or ts of go od s an d ser vi ce s WH O- UN FP A- UN IC EF Y Ec on om y A gr ic ul tu ra l wa ge r at e UN DP E nv ir on Y Economy Capital goods imports UNDP Environ Y Y


Community Systems Foundation DevInfo India 1999-2001 UN System in India $102k

DevInfo India v1 and v2

11 C S F

Community Systems Foundation DevInfo Maldives 2000 UN System in Maldives

DevInfo Maldives v1 and v2 •6155 •7218


•4440 •5758 •35 53 •3872

•2915 •2 8547 •1607

•2741 Num b er •597 •1510 5 97 - 10 00 •1920 1001-2000 •1801 2001-3000 3001-4000 4001-5000 •3811 5 00 1-2 90 00

•4611 Missing Data

•3 100 •5351

•3621 •8134


Community Systems Foundation Education for All 1999-2000 UNICEF and UNESCO

EFA Presentation at Dakar, Senegal and EFA database

12 C S F

Community Systems Foundation GSDMA Database 2001 UN System in India $151

GSDMA Database System


Community Systems Foundation DevInfo China 2001-2002 UN System in China $42

DevInfo China

13 C S F

Community Systems Foundation DevInfo Turkmenistan 2001-2002 UN System in Turkmenistan $20k

DevInfo Turkmenistan v1


Community Systems Foundation CensusInfo India 2001 2001-2002 UN System in India

CensusInfo India 2001 v1

14 C S F

Community Systems Foundation Fiji Info 2002 UN System in Fiji

Fiji Info v1


Community Systems Foundation CSEC Info 2002 UNICEF, UN ESCAP and ECPAT International

CSEC Info database

In Oct 2001, representatives of government, non-government, young people, UN and international organizations of East Asia and the Pacific gathered to reconfirm their commitments to the Stockholm Commitment and Agenda for Action (1996) at the First World Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. The Second World Congress followed in Yokohama, Japan (Dec 2001) with the adoption of an East Asia and Pacific Regional Commitment and Action Plan by all 25 participating countries.

15 C S F

Community Systems Foundation Nepal Info 2002 UN System in Nepal $30k

Nepal Info v1

.286 - .350 .351 - .400 .401 - .450 0.286 .451 - .513 0.322 0.393 0.425 0.414 0.433 0.458 0.487 0.437 0.435 0.51 0.424

0.462 0.513 0.488


Community Systems Foundation DevInfo Tunisia 2002-2003 UN System in Tunisia $10k

DevInfo Tunisia v1

16 C S F

Community Systems Foundation EmergencyInfo ESAR 2002-2003 UNICEF in Southern Africa

EmergencyInfo ESAR v1


Community Systems Foundation AfricaInfo 2002-2003 UNICEF and African Union

AfricaInfo v1 and v2

17 C S F

Community Systems Foundation UNICEF ROSA Atlas 1995-1996 UNICEF

UNICEF Atlas of South Asian Women and Children monograph


Community Systems Foundation Youth Atlas Website 2001 UNICEF South Asia

UNICEF ROSA Youth Atlas Website

18 C S F

Community Systems Foundation Programme 1987-2002 Summary of Selected CSF projects 1987-2002 1998-2003 ChildInfo 2002-2003 Afri caInfo (Chil dInfo) 2002-2003 EmergencyInfo ESAR (ChildInfo) 2002-2003 DevInfo Tunisia 1994-2003 MIS - Innovations in Family Planning Services - IFPS 2003 Study of Existing Information Systems of Health Department (IFPS) 2002 NepalInfo 2002 CSECInfo (Chi ldInfo) 2002 FijiInfo 2001-2002 CensusInfo Indi a 2001 2001-2002 DevInfo Turkmenistan 2001-2002 DevInfo China 2001-2002 Health MIS (IFPS) 2001-2002 Benchmark Monitoring System (IFPS) 2001 GSDMA Database System 2001 Analysis of Health Systems Strengthening for India (IFPS) 2001 IFPS Liaison Office Network Website (IFPS) 2001 White Ribbon Alliance India Website (IFPS) 2001 UNICEF ROSA Youth Atlas Website (ChildInfo) 2000 DevInfo Maldives 1999-2001 DevInfo India 1999-2000 Education for All (ChildInfo) 1999 Workshop on Common Database on UN and World Conferences (DevInfo) 1999 Analysis of Documentation Systems (UNICEF) 1997-1998 Reproductive Health Service Delivery Data Analysis (AVSC) 1994-1997 Strengthening the ICDS MIS Progress Reporting System (IFPS) 1993-1996 Strengthening the Administration and Mgt of the MCH/FP Programme and Improving the MIS (UNFPA) 1995-1996 UNICEF ROSA Atlas 1995 Demographic Calculator (Profiles) 1994-1995 India Nutrition Data Base/GIS (UNICEF) 1992-1993 Dracunculi asi s Eradi cati on Programme (UNICEF NYHQ) 1987-1993 Integrated Order, Distribution & Accounting System (Library of Congress)


Community Systems Foundation Programme 2003 List of current CSF projects 2003

MIS for RH Services - IFPS USAID CEDPA 11 Jan-Feb 2003 USAID CEDPA 12 Mar-Dec 2003 USAID CEDPA Sep 2003 IBP Conference $ 152 k ChildInfo / DevInfo UNICEF NYHQ Part A UNICEF ESARO 2003 UNICEF WCARO 2003 UNICEF MENARO 2003 UNICEF ROSA 2003 UNICEF EAPRO 2003 UNICEF TACRO 2003 UNICEF CEE-CIS 2003 UN DevInfo Tunisia CensusInfo India 2001 (extn) $1,374 k Others $ 20 k Total $1,556 k

19 C S F

Community Systems Foundation Implementation Who have been implementing CSF projects in recent years?

KORD IT Pte Ltd, KS Oswalt Associates Project design & administration, software design, training DRAKE William – project design, administration ARLINGHAUS Sandra – GIS/mapping MOLLER Jesper - ChildInfo training Wishwa Consultancy RK Sharma LUND-SORENSEN Ulirk – ChildInfo training Software quality assurance, training, data management, helpdesk LENNKH-SAAD Jeanne – ChildInfo training MENDEZ Mi guel – Chi ldInfo trai ni ng Logiciel Info Sys Pvt Ltd, Rahul Dev, Reshmi Kohli KUMAR Ashok – RH MIS development Software desi gn and devel opment, mapping, data management, VANDER VELDE Ed – Water sector project helpdesk, software quality assurance (ISO), web-site support, training, graphics, advocacy materials

Logiciel Rahul Dev Software development, web-site support, graphics, advocacy Materials


Community Systems Foundation Project Funding Summary of CSF Project Funding 1994 to 2003


Other 1,600,000 WB UNFPA 1,400,000 UN UNICEF 1,200,000 USAID






- 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

20 C S F

Community Systems Foundation Status of Activities Summary 1995 to 2002

STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 REVENUE Project Revenue 449,398 468,491 243,360 535,800 616,217 799,824 1,091,253 1,619,640 Other Revenue 6,261 2,419 3,825 26,850 3,673 2,969 3,010 2,887 TOTAL REVENUES 455,659 470,910 247,185 562,650 619,890 802,793 1,094,263 1,622,527 EXPENSES Project Expenses 406,034 417,319 214,951 446,417 532,988 697,375 984,250 1,298,989 Other Expenses 44,916 49,744 40,851 108,453 81,422 103,935 107,300 146,437 TOTAL EXPENSES 450,950 467,063 255,802 554,870 614,410 801,310 1,091,551 1,445,426 CHANGE IN ASSETS DUE TO OPERATIONS 4,709 3,847 (8,617) 7,780 5,480 1,483 2,712 177,100 Sale of Assets Sale of Building 505,510 Less : Ac cumulat ed Deprec iation (18,873) Moving Expenses (20,068) Unrealized G ain/Loss on I nvestments (6,754) (76,412) CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 4,709 3,847 (8,617) 7,780 5,480 1,483 462,527 100,689


Community Systems Foundation Status of Activities Summary of Project Revenue and Expenses 1995 to 2002


$1,600 Project Revenue Project Expenses $1,400







$0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

21 C S F

Community Systems Foundation Status of Financial Position Summary 1995 to 2002

ST ATEME NT OF FINANCI AL POSI TION 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Current and cash Equivalents Cash 145, 758 47,153 52,550 22,228 62,755 6,353 121,734 431,368 Stock Portfolio (B ook Value) 0 0 0 0 0 0 212,456 212,456 Unrealized Gain/Los s 0 0 0 0 0 0 (6,754) (83,166) Accounts Receivable Billed Accounts Receivable 105, 756 90,450 0 143,782 152,736 253,248 120,985 12,431 Unbilled Accounts Receivable 2, 598 169,465 127,212 44,751 10,668 96,351 304,085 335,391 Less : Allowance for Doubtful A ccount (12, 000) (12,000) (8,019) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) Prepaid E xpenses 0 0 0 0 0 1,043 0 0 Advanc es 0 3,201 12,944 22,805 2,111 4,295 9,071 0 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 242,112 298,269 184,687 229,566 224,270 357,290 757,577 904,480 PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT Building and Land 70, 000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 0 0 Furniture and Equipment 175, 857 190,441 202,260 220,305 220,305 220,305 0 0 Capital and Land Improvements 14, 234 14,234 14,234 14,234 14,234 14,234 0 0 Less : Accumulated Depreciation (227, 664) (247,947) (264,404) (285,667) (285,667) (285,667) 0 0 TOT AL NET P RO PERTY A ND EQ UI PME NT 32, 427 26,728 22,090 18,872 18,872 18,872 0 0 TOTAL AS SETS 274, 539 324,997 206,777 248,438 243,142 376,162 757,577 904,480 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts P ayable 64, 583 90,151 34,161 30,156 32,790 83,251 90,306 146,441 Accrued Liabilit ies 56, 907 77,950 10,730 31,640 3,475 3,475 8,594 3,475 Earmarked Project Funds Payable 0 0 0 0 26,849 0 14,256 Short - term Loan 0 0 0 0 0 117,000 0 0 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 121,490 168,101 44,891 61,796 63,114 203,726 113,156 149,916 LONG TERM LIABILITIES Profess ional Development P ayable 0 0 13,607 30,583 18,492 9,415 18,874 28,327 TOT AL LIABILITIES 121, 490 168,101 58,498 92,379 81,606 213,141 132,029 178,243 NET ASSETS 153, 049 156,896 148,279 156,059 161,539 163,021 625,548 726,236 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSE TS 274, 539 324,997 206,777 248,438 243,145 376,162 757,577 904,480


Community Systems Foundation Status of Net Assets Summary 1995 to 2002

$800 726 $700 626 $600




$200 153 157 148 156 162 163


$0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

22 C S F

Community Systems Foundation Net Assets & Cash Flows What are the major issues related to cash flow at CSF? Issues Cash account dropped to $6,353 in Dec 2000 with $350k accounts receivable Project portfolio growth from $449k in 1995 to $1260k in 2002 required more for operating expenses Some major project sponsors take 12-18 months to settle invoices Some project budgets are under constant revision Solutions Short-term loans from members Conversion of 1130 building into cash in 2001 Advances from projects on signing Shorter invoicing cycles, when feasible


Community Systems Foundation Net Assets 2001 What is the change in net assets in 2001?

Change in Net Assets in 2001 Net Assets at Beginning of 2001 163,021 Sale of Assets Sale of Building 505,510 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (18,873) Moving Expenses (20,068) Change in Assets Due to Operations 2,712 Unrealized loss on invements (6,754) Net Assets at End of 2001 625,548

Composition of Net Assets at End of 2001 Net Assets At Beginning of 2001 163,021 Assets from Sale of Building 254,112 Investment Portfolio 205,702 Change in Assets Due to Operations 2,712 Net Assets at End of 2001 625,548

23 C S F

Community Systems Foundation Status of Net Assets Summary 1995 to 2002


$700 Earmarked 0 174 $600 Investments (1130) Cash (1130) Net Assets 206 $500 129


$300 254 254


$100 153 157 148 156 162 163 166 169

$0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002


Community Systems Foundation Investment Portfolio What is CSF’s investment portfolio?

24 C S F

Community Systems Foundation Investment Portfolio What are the changes in CSF’s investment portfolio?






$(100, 000)

$(120, 000)


Community Systems Foundation Investment Portfolio What where key issues regarding the investment portfolio?

Investment portfolio should provide mechanism for short- term loans to meet cash flow requirements

Investment gains/losses are to be treated separately from project activities and losses should not be made up through project activities

25 C S F

Community Systems Foundation Cash Flows Trend in cash flows from Jan 2001 to Aug 2003 600,000



- Jul-01 Jul-02 Jul-03 Ja n -0 1 Apr-01 Ju n-0 1 Oct -01 Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 Oct-02 Jan-03 Apr-03 Ju n-0 3 Feb-01 Mar-01 Sep-01 Nov-01 Dec-01 May-02 Jun-02 Au g-0 2 Sep-02 Dec-02 Feb -03 Mar-03 Au g-0 3 Aug-01 May-01 Nov-02 May-03


(400,000) Closing Bal Out In NetFlow



Community Systems Foundation Budget Components What are the guidelines for budgeting? Indirect costs USAID: 48% Æ 32% G&A UN: 9%, more G&A shifted to ODCs Other: 8%, no burden on cash flow Professional development funds 24% of fees (key project personnel) Unappropriated surplus Target for no gain/no loss New project funds Limited to funds available after project, G&A expenses No advances from 1987 to 2002 against new projects Use determined by project / key personnel track record

26 C S F

Community Systems Foundation Indirect Costs Summary 1995 to 2002

1,600 9% 1,400 Other Expens es 146 Project Expens es

1,200 10%

107 1,000

13% 800 104 19% 13% 1,299 600 81 10% 11% 108 984 45 50 400 697 17% 533 41 200 406 417 446 215

- 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002


Community Systems Foundation Professional Development What is the status of the PD accounts as of Aug 2003?

General 1,520.09 WD 212.77 KO 954.34 EV 4,045.09 SW 893.23 FZ 5,756.48 NG (186.27)

27 C S F

Community Systems Foundation Unappropriated Surplus Average 1995-2001 = $2485, 2002 = $3100 (+$174,000)





20,000 4,709 3,847 (8,617) 7,780 5,480 2,712 1,483 3,100

1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 (30,000)


Community Systems Foundation New Project Expenses 2001 to 2002

2001 2002 Revenue 1,091,253 1,619,640 Overheads 43,294 4% 49,862 3% New Projects 64,006 6% 96,575 6% Total Indirect Costs 107,300 10% 146,437 9%

28 C S F

Community Systems Foundation