A New Species of Suckermouth Catfish (Mochokidae: Chiloglanis) from the Rio Mongo in Equatorial Guinea

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A New Species of Suckermouth Catfish (Mochokidae: Chiloglanis) from the Rio Mongo in Equatorial Guinea Zootaxa 4652 (3): 507–519 ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition) https://www.mapress.com/j/zt/ Article ZOOTAXA Copyright © 2019 Magnolia Press ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition) https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4652.3.7 http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:386BA62C-B1EB-4AD3-8E9A-44951376185E A new species of suckermouth catfish (Mochokidae: Chiloglanis) from the Rio Mongo in Equatorial Guinea RAY C. SCHMIDT1,2 & CHRISTIAN BARRIENTOS3 1Biology Department, Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, VA 23005, USA 2Smithsonian Research Associate, National Museum of Natural History, Division of Fishes, Washington, DC 20560, USA 3Wildlife Conservation Society, Equatorial Guinea. Edificio Candy Vista Mar Of. 208 Bata Litoral, Equatorial Guinea Abstract A recent expedition surveyed freshwater fishes throughout the continental portion of Equatorial Guinea (Rio Muni). This portion of the Lower Guinean ichthyoprovince is relatively unknown with very few collections occurring since the 1960s. Sampling in the Rio Mongo, a tributary to the Rio Wele, yielded two Chiloglanis species; one putatively ascribed to the widespread species C. cameronensis, and the other species having similarities with C. harbinger described from the Lokoundje River in Cameroon. Morphometric analyses between the specimens from Rio Mongo and paratypes of C. harbinger confirm that they are distinct species and should be described as such. Here we describe Chiloglanis mongoensis sp. nov., a narrow endemic species only known from one locality in the Rio Mongo. We provide measurements from paratypes of C. harbinger and emphasize the need for further expeditions in the area. Key words: Endemism, specimen collection, allometric correction, biodiversity Introduction The Lower Guinea ichthyofaunal province stretches from the mouth of the Niger River to the mouth of the Congo River. This diverse province contains over 575 species of fishes with many being endemic to the area (Stiassny et al. 2007). The inland waters of continental Equatorial Guinea remain some of the least explored in the region. Early collections, mostly in the coastal plain, resulted in the description of several species of note (e.g., Enteromius potamogalis Cope, 1867) and extended the ranges of fishes collected in Cameroon (Pappenheim 1911). More recent studies mainly focused on coastal rivers and streams, but also included areas within Monte Alen National Park and tributaries to the Ntem River in the northeastern corner of the country (Román 1971; Lasso et al, 1998). Despite these recent efforts specimens from these studies are largely unavailable to contemporary researchers. The noted diversity within the province, paucity of material available in natural history collections, and the necessity of topotypic material to resolve taxonomic uncertainty within the African barbs (Schmidt & Bart 2015; Hayes & Armbruster 2017) provided the bases to propose an expedition to the region. A National Geographic Society funded expedition to the region in June and July of 2017 sampled fishes across the country to provide an updated baseline of the diversity of freshwater fishes in the country and highlight areas where further expeditions are needed. Putative Chiloglanis cameronensis Boulenger, 1904 were collected at several localities within the Rio Wele (formerly Rio Benito before independence) drainage. In the Rio Mongo, a tributary to the Rio Wele, another Chiloglanis species was collected in addition to C. cameronensis. This species was similar to Chiloglanis harbinger Roberts, 1989 described from the Lokoundje River in Cameroon, but appeared to differ in some morphological and meristic aspects. Given the high degree of endemism observed in Chiloglanis species from western, eastern, and southern Africa (Friel & Vigliotta 2011; Schmidt et al 2014; Schmidt et al 2015; Morris et al. 2016; Schmidt et al. 2016; Schmidt et al. 2017b) a thorough comparison of these newly collected specimens with type material of C. harbinger was warranted. After conducting morphological analyses it is clear that specimens collected in the Rio Mongo in Equatorial Guinea are distinct from C. harbinger and this new species is formally described. This discov- ery empathizes the need for further ichthyological exploration and highlights the possible discovery of more narrow endemic species in the region. Accepted by J. Armbruster: 11 Jul. 2019; published: 9 Aug. 2019 507 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0 Material and methods A National Geographic Society funded expedition (# WW-055R-17) collected fishes from across continental Equa- torial Guinea for several weeks in June and July of 2017 (Fig. 1). Specimens were collected by seine, dipnet, and electrofisher. At each locality representative voucher specimens were photographed and fin and muscle tissues were collected and stored in 95% ethanol for later genetic analyses. Voucher specimens and other specimens were fixed in 10% formalin for several days, washed, and ultimately stored in 75% ethanol. Specimens are deposited in the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History Division of Fishes (USMN). Institutional abbrevia- tions follow Sabaj (2016). Measurements and counts follow Schmidt et al. (2015; 2017b) and were taken with digital calipers or with a ste- reoscope equipped with an ocular reticle. A principal component analysis using the covariance matrix of log-trans- formed measurements, Mann-Whitney U tests on relative measurements, and descriptive statistics were completed in MYSTAT (SYSTAT Software Inc.). Shape variation within principal components strongly correlated to size (e.g., PC1) were assessed through reduced-major axis (RMA) regression lines in the SMATR package in R (Warton et al. 2006). Meristic variables correlated to size were also assessed through RMA. This analysis reveals if the allometric trajectories (i.e., the slope) are similar for each group and if there are significant intergroup differences (i.e., eleva- tion) that are a result of other variables beyond size after allometric correction (Sidlauskas et al. 2011; Schmidt et al. 2019). A more detailed description of this analysis and its utility in morphological studies can be found in Sid- lauskas et al. (2011). Between group differences in PC2 were analyzed with one-way ANOVA in MYSTAT. The mi- tochondrial marker, Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (CO1), was sequenced from the two representatives of the new species with published primers and protocols (Sullivan et al. 2008). These sequences and associated metadata (e.g., photographs and trace files) were uploaded to the Barcode of Life Database (BOLDsystems.org) and are publicly available. These sequences are part of an ongoing effort to barcode the freshwater fishes of Equatorial Guinea. Results The morphological analyses revealed clear separation between paratypes of Chiloglanis harbinger and the three specimens of the putative new species from the Rio Mongo in Equatorial Guinea. One specimen from Equatorial Guinea was missing the dorsal fin and was removed from the analyses. The principal component analysis clearly separates C. harbinger and the new species along PC1 and PC2 (Fig. 2). PC1 was strongly correlated to standard length while PC2 was weakly correlated to standard length (Pearson’s correlation = 0.99 and 0.046 respectively). The RMA of PC1 to the log-transformed standard length (not shown) showed that the slopes were equal (P-value = 0.1865), but the differences between the y-intercepts (i.e., elevation) were not significant (P-value = 0.1004). If you include the fourth specimen and remove all variables associated with the dorsal fin from the analysis the dif- ference between the y-intercepts approaches statistical significance (P-value 0.0675). The morphological characters unequally contribute to the variation observed within PC1 suggesting that the variation is not purely isometric and that shape variation is also a factor (Table 1). The difference in PC2 values between C. harbinger and the new species in Equatorial Guinea is significant (P- value 0.02) with adipose-fin height, eye diameter, body depth at anus, premaxillary tooth-patch length, maxillary barbel length, and adipose fin to caudal peduncle length contributing to variation along the component (Table 1). The meristics were largely similar between C. harbinger and the new species from Equatorial Guinea, but there is a clear difference in the number of total premaxillary teeth. Plotting the number of total premaxillary teeth to mor- phometric PC2 readily separates C. harbinger from the new species (Fig. 3A). While correlated to standard length (Pearson’s correlation = 0.83), the RMA of the log-transformed number of premaxillary teeth to log SL shows that C. harbinger and the new species have equal slopes (P-value = 0.5029) and significantly different elevations (P-value 0.0446); suggesting that the differences in number of premaxillary teeth between the groups is not based solely on the size of the specimens (Fig. 3B). The Mann-Whitney U tests showed that the relative measurements (percentage of standard length) of many morphological characters were significantly different between C. harbinger and the new species from Equatorial Guinea (Table 1). Eye diameter, dorsal-spine length, adipose-fin base length, and adipose-fin height are some characters that are significantly different between paratypes of C. harbinger and the new species in Equatorial Guinea and assist in diagnosing the new species (Table 1). 508 · Zootaxa 4652
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