Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea), with New Records in the Country

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Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea), with New Records in the Country G Model RBE 37 1–8 ARTICLE IN PRESS Revista Brasileira de Entomologia xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 1 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE 2 Entomologia A Journal on Insect Diversity and Evolution w ww.rbentomologia.com Systematics, Morphology and Biogeography 3 Notes on distributions for Argentinean Pentatomidae 4 (Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea), with new records in the country a,c,d,∗ b c,d 5 Q1Q2 Gimena Dellapé , David A. Rider , Pablo M. Dellapé a 6 Centro Nacional Patagónico (CENPAT-CONICET), Puerto Madryn, Argentina b 7 Entomology Department, North Dakota State University, Fargo, United States c 8 División Entomología, Museo de Ciencias Naturales de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina d 9 Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina 10 a b s t r a c t 11 a r t i c l e i n f o 12 13 Article history: In this contribution, we present new distributional records from Argentina of 63 pentatomid species; 14 Received 19 December 2014 three genera (Caonabo, Cromata and Taurocerus) and 14 species (Marmessulus brasiliensis, Podisus crassi- 15 Accepted 21 May 2015 margo, Cromata ornata, Acledra haematopa, Caonabo pseudocylax, Dichelops avilapiresi, Euschistus cribarius, 16 Available online xxx E. paranticus, Mormidea maculata, Rio indistinctus, Banasa lanceolata, B. nigrifrons, Pallantia macunaima, and 17 Associate Editor: Daniela Takiya Taurocerus edessoides) are reported for the first time from Argentina; also we provided 81 new province 18 records of another 49 species. 19 Keywords: © 2015 Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open 20 Asopinae 21 Discocephalinae access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). 22 Edessinae 23 Pentatominae 24 Podopinae 25 Stink bug 26 Introduction agricultural ecosystems, for example the species of genus Podisus 45 Herrich-Schaeffer (De Clercq, 2002). 46 27 Pentatomidae is one of the largest families within the Het- The diversity and distribution of Pentatomidae in Argentina 47 28 eroptera, containing nearly 900 genera and 5000 species (Henry, is known mainly by scattered works, dealing with systematics 48 29 2009; Rider, 2012). This family is well represented in all biogeo- (e.g. Berg, 1878–1884, 1891, 1892; Pennington, 1920; Pirán, 1948, 49 30 graphical regions, and it has been divided into several subfamilies, 1956a,b, 1958, 1959a,b, 1961, 1962a,b, 1963a, 1970; Kormilev, 50 31 five of which have members occurring in Argentina: Asopinae, Dis- 1955, 1956a,b), regional listings (e.g. Montandon, 1895; Hayward, 51 32 cocephalinae, Edessinae, Pentatominae, and Podopinae (Kormilev 1960; Viana and Williner, 1972, 1978; Quintanilla et al., 1968, 52 33 and Pirán, 1952; Grazia and Schwertner, 2008). 1975–1976, 1981; Arnold, 2011) and agricultural issues (e.g. Bosq, 53 34 The phytophagous habit is the ancestral condition in the fam- 1937, 1940; Rizzo, 1976). Grazia and Schwertner (2008) reviewed 54 35 ily. The majority of the species feed on different parts of the host the knowledge of the Argentinean Pentatomidae, listed the species 55 36 plants, for example fruits, flowers, and specially seeds (Schuh and and provided general information about habitats, food habits and 56 37 Slater, 1995; Grazia and Schwertner, 2008). Among these phy- geographical distribution. The purpose of this contribution is to give 57 38 tophagous species, some are considered crop pests (Panizzi et al., new records and distribution expansions of Argentinean Pentato- 58 39 2000); members of the Edessinae feed on Solanaceae and Legumi- midae. We also include comments and complementary information 59 40 nosae (Panizzi, 2004; Frana et al., 2008), and some Pentatominae not available in previous works. 60 41 are pests of major crops of Argentina such as soy, sunflower, alfalfa, 42 snuff, rice, and potato (Rizzo, 1976; Frana et al., 2008). On the other Material and methods 61 43 hand, Asopinae is the only group whose members are predators, 44 and contains important species used as biological control agents in The specimens studied are deposited in the entomological col- 62 lection of the Museo de la Plata (MLP) and David A. Rider Collection 63 (DARC). The specimens deposited in the first collection were pre- 64 ∗ served in 96% ethanol, then mounted in the lab, and were examined 65 Corresponding author at: Centro Nacional Patagónico (CENPAT-CONICET), under a Nikon SMZ 1000 stereomicroscope. For identification of 66 Q3 Puerto Madryn, Argentina. E-mail: [email protected] (G. Dellapé). subfamily level, the keys of Rolston and McDonald (1979) and 67 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rbe.2015.06.001 0085-5626/© 2015 Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Please cite this article in press as: Dellapé, G., et al. Notes on distributions for Argentinean Pentatomidae (Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea), with new records in the country. Rev. Brasil. Entomol. (2015). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rbe.2015.06.001 G Model RBE 37 1–8 ARTICLE IN PRESS 2 G. Dellapé et al. / Revista Brasileira de Entomologia xxx (2015) xxx–xxx 68 Grazia and Schwertner (2008) were used. For identification of Podisus pallipes (Dallas) 125 69 generic level, the keys of Rolston et al. (1980) and Rolston and Known distribution: Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, and Venezuela 126 70 McDonald (1981, 1984) were used. The genitalia (the pygophore (Thomas, 1992). 127 71 and female abdomen) were prepared with a saturated KOH solu- Examined material: 1 male, 2 females, MISIONES, Victoria, 128 72 tion for observation and specific identification when necessary, and 28-IX-1967 (DARC); 1 female, MISIONES, Eldorado, 18-VIII-1967 129 73 preserved in microvials with glycerin. (DARC); 1 male, MISIONES, Eldorado, 4-IX-1967 (DARC) [First 130 record from Misiones]. 131 74 Results and discussion Supputius cincticeps (Stål) 132 75 Asopinae Known distribution: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, and 133 Venezuela (Thomas, 1992). 134 76 Marmessulus brasilianus Schouteden Examined material: 1 female, ENTRE RÍOS, Depto. Colón, II-1990, 135 77 Known distribution: Brazil (Thomas, 1992). Liebig col. (DARC); 1 female, MISIONES, Dos de Mayo, IV-1994 136 78 Examined material: 1 female, CÓRDOBA, H. Stempelmann col. (DARC) [First record from Entre Ríos and Misiones Provinces]. 137 79 (DARC); 1 female, ENTRE RÍOS, 22 km E of Bassavilbaso, Hwy., 39, 80 14-I-1989, C. & L. O’Brien & G. Wibmer cols. (DARC) [First record Tylospilus nigrobinotatus (Berg) 138 81 from Argentina]. Known distribution: Argentina (Buenos Aires, Chaco, Corrientes, 139 and Río Negro), Brazil, and Uruguay (Berg, 1879; Thomas, 1992; 140 82 Oplomus festivus Dallas Dellapé et al., 2003). 141 83 Known distribution: Argentina (Corrientes, Salta, Santa Fe, and Examined material: 4 males, 7 females, CATAMARCA, 3 km SW 142 84 Tucumán), Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, ◦ ◦ of San José, 1996 m, 26 49.167 S 66 4.159 W, 2-III-2006, D.A. Rider 143 85 Peru, Surinam, and Venezuela (Thomas, 1992; Dellapé et al., 2003). col. (DARC) [First record from Catamarca]. 144 86 Examined material: 1 male, MISIONES, Dos de Mayo, 10-I-1989 87 (DARC); 1 female, MISIONES, Dos de Mayo, 1-II-1989 (DARC) [First 88 record from Misiones Province]. Discocephalinae 145 89 Remarks: Listed as Oplomus marginalis Westwood by Grazia and 90 Schwertner (2008). See Rider and Rolston, 1995. Discocephalini 146 Alveostethus politus (Signoret). Known distribution: Argentina Q4 147 91 Oplomus punctatus Montandon (Tucumán) (Montandon, 1895), Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and 148 92 Known distribution: Argentina (Buenos Aires, Salta, and Venezuela (Ruckes, 1966a). 149 93 Tucumán) (Montandon, 1895; Thomas, 1992; Carpintero and De Examined material: 1 male, MISIONES, Delicia, 19-IX-1967 150 94 Biase, 2011). (DARC); 1 female, SALTA, Orán, Abra Grande, 10-I/28-II-1967, 151 95 Examined material: 1 female, CATAMARCA, Yunka Suma, 15- R. Golbach col. (DARC) [First record from Misiones and Salta 152 96 XII-1947, F. Monrós col. (DARC); 1 male, CATAMARCA, Rodeo, provinces]. 153 97 15-I-1958, R. Golbach col. (DARC) [First record from Catamarca Remarks: This species not was listed by Grazia and Schwertner 154 98 Province]. (2008). 155 99 Oplomus salamandra (Burmeister) Dryptocephala punctata Amyot and Serville. Known distribution: 156 100 Known distribution: Argentina (Jujuy, Misiones, Salta, and Argentina (Buenos Aires, Misiones, and Tucumán) (Grazia and 157 101 Santiago del Estero), Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Schwertner, 2008), Brazil, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela (Ruffinelli 158 102 Surinam, and Venezuela (Thomas, 1992; Dellapé et al., 2003; Grazia and Pirán, 1959; Ruckes, 1966b). 159 103 and Schwertner, 2008). Examined material: 2 males, 4 females, CHACO, Depto. Gral. 160 104 Examined material: 1 male, CATAMARCA, La Merced, II-1993 Guemes Pozo La Gringa, I-1995 (DARC) [First record from Chaco 161 105 (DARC) [First record from Catamarca Province]. province]. 162 106 Podisus crassimargo (Stål) Ochlerini 163 107 Known distribution: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, 108 and Venezuela (Thomas, 1992). Clypona aerata Rolston 164 109 Examined material: 1 female, MISIONES, Eldorado, 10-X-1967 Known distribution: Argentina (Rolston, 1992). 165 110 (identified by D.B. Thomas) (DARC) [First record from Argentina]. Examined material: 1 female, JUJUY, Ledesma, XI-1948, P. 166 Wygodzinsky col. (DARC) [First record from Jujuy province]. 167 111 Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) Remarks: It appears that Rolston (1992) misread the data on the 168 112 Known distribution: Argentina (Buenos Aires, Corrientes, Chaco, labels. The female examined is labeled: “Argentina: Ledeimo [sic. 169 113 Entre Ríos, Jujuy, Mendoza, Misiones, Salta, Santiago del Estero, and Ledesma], Jujuy 11-48, P. Wygodzinsky”. Rolston interpreted the 170 114 Tucumán), Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, ‘Jujuy’ to be part of the date ‘July’. So, even though this is one of the 171 115 Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Surinam (Thomas, 1992; specimens Rolston reported in the literature, no one has actually 172 116 Dellapé et al., 2003; Grazia and Schwertner, 2008).
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