ffiv DevelopmentBoard Inc. gbMay 2005 I PrincipalR6s6arch Oft cer Houseof Represenlalives Standi.qCommittee on Transportand Reg ofa Setoices CANBERMACT 2600 The LimesloneCoast Regioia DevelopmenlBoad is pleasedlo have lhe oppodunilylomake a submssion lo lh s inqury. ll ismost limely thal thee s aninquiry into the Inieg€uon ol R€gonal Ra land Road Freght TEnspolrand lhen inGrfa.ewlh Porls,given lhe gowth n lhe fieight task Mlhinlhe GreenT angle'r€sion (Solth East Soulh Ausiralla and SouthWest l,luchof lhal lrelghl lask is elal€dlo bulkgoods ncllding 96in and Mod chps, with the nator grcwihmmponent being wood chp fromsoon to be haryesled,nGl olaiionblue glm planlalions. Regionall€ad€cand irdlstrysiakeholders have been act vely prcmoling nie need io upgradekeylErspoi lnfiaslructlre, before the addilional5 milion lonnes per annum olblu€cum timber l€fic,slartslo lmpact. The Po.l ot Podlandis cenl€l lo muchof thefreight task and the T€ms of Reference forlhis inquirya€ almosl ihe perfecl scripl for the silualion mnironling this region. 2 Slbmissionshave b6€n made to the south Alst€llan and vicio an slate Go@mmentsand lhe Aust@lian Governmenl, seokine tunding suppon ior lhe rLxure planningand implem€nlstofof slEt€gicMrks lo pfovid€a longterm f€ighl i.ansporls'stem rorme region. We lrusl thal ihis nqujryis ablelo ide.lit a €nge of pEct €l solulionsto our land trsnsoonand exoorlfacilllies r€quiremenls and in palticularwe woud urcelhe srandng commilt@lo visitand h@stgate lhe
[email protected] case Thankyou for the oppodunity to cspondand we would be only t@ happvto assisl CHIEFEXECIJTIVE OFFICER LIMESTONE COAST REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD SUBMISSION TO THE INQUIRY INTO THE INTEGRATION OF REGIONAL ROAD AND RAIL NETWORKS AND THEIR CONNECTIVITY TO PORTS BACKGROUND:- The Green Triangle is that region situated midway between Melbourne and Adelaide and comprises the South East of South Australia and the Western District and Wimmera Regions of Victoria.