Fishing Regulation in Haute-Vienne 2015
2 3 Saint-Paul, Saint-Yrieix la Perche. la Saint-Yrieix Saint-Paul, the Environmental Code). Code). Environmental the Downloadable book on on book Downloadable Germain les Belles, Saint-Mathieu, Saint-Mathieu, Belles, les Germain Saint- Pouge, La Limoges-Uzurat, Jonchère, La Long, Any !sherman must take a mandatory book to capture the eel !shing (art. R. 436-64 of of 436-64 R. (art. !shing eel the capture to book mandatory a take must !sherman Any lles-Laurière, Ladignac le le Ladignac lles-Laurière, Fo Forêt, la Châteauneuf Bussière-Galant, Ambazac, *** The eel !shing eel The - Worms on rivers in the second category. second the in rivers on Worms - Langleret, Bujaleuf, Fleix, Martineix, Larron) Martineix, Fleix, Bujaleuf, Langleret, department (Saint-Pardoux, Vassivière Le Palais, Chauvan, St. Marc, Artige, Villejoubert, Villejoubert, Artige, Marc, St. Chauvan, Palais, Le Vassivière (Saint-Pardoux, department mandatory. - Lures, lively and dead !sh ONLY on all the lakes and dams 2nd category of the the of category 2nd dams and lakes the all on ONLY !sh dead and lively Lures, - Fishing for bass on the dam Fleix is allowed but surrender to the immediate water is is water immediate the to surrender but allowed is Fleix dam the on bass for Fishing ** Possibility to continue !shing pike-perch and bass from 25 January to 8 March: 8 to January 25 from bass and pike-perch !shing continue to Possibility ** barus clarkii. barus Procam et limosus Orconectes leniusculus, Pacisfastacus species are These * December. !shing
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