~4ainis & Jkltnnan, ([[4arter£~ Cfi.ounselon. nt ~ ~Z40 0C)CKEf FILE COPY ORfGINAL 1850 ~ ~tncl, ~.~ ~a~,~.Cfi.Z0036 (ZOZ) Z93-0011 ®f Cfinunsel }.armt J. jlqainis Jll'ax (ZOZ) Z93-0810 ~illimn ~ ~u~s, III ~ Jj. Jleltmum e-mail:
[email protected] ~herl Jj. ~ller December 20, 2000 Magalie R. Salas, Esq. RECEIVED Secretary Federal Communications Commission DEC 202000 Portals II - 12th Street Lobby ~ ""'IWATIINI~. Filing Counter - TW-A325 ePPII2 6f'nE SECR£!'rARY 445 12th Street, S. W. Washington, D.C. 20554 Re: MM Docket No. 00-166 RM-9951, 10015 and 10016 Amendment of Section 73 .202(b) Table ofAllotments, FM Broadcast Stations (Wickenburg, Aguila and Bagdad, Arizona) Dear Ms. Salas: Transmitted herewith, on behalfofCircle S Broadcasting Co., Inc., is an original and four (4) copies of its Reply Comments in MM Docket 00-166. Please contact the undersigned in the event the Commission has any questions with respect to these Reply Comments. Sincerely, Enclosure j' - -_._----~-_.----- J:\# FCC\D, WICKENBURG-[12-20-00]RepComm.COY.doc ORIGINAL BEFORE THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of ) RECEIVED ) Amendment ofSection 73 .202(b) ) MM Docket No. 00-166 DEC 202000 Table ofAllotments ) RM-9951, 10015, 10016 FM Broadcasting Stations ) ....0GIM1NIC'AlIJNI ~ ClPfft OF 1M! SfCSI!IMV' (Wickenburg, Aguila and ) Bagdad, Arizona) ) To: Chief, Allocations Branch Policy and Rules Division Mass Media Bureau REPLY COMMENTS Circle S Broadcasting Co., Inc. ("Circle S"), licensee of Station KSWG(FM), Wickenburg, Arizona, by its counsel, hereby submits its Reply Comments in the above- captioned rule making in response to the Commission Public Notice, Report No.