The Charles Stark Draper Laboratom, Inc. Cambridge
(N ASA-CF 151088) ON-ORBIT FLIGHT CONTROL N77-10135 ALGORITHM DESCRIPTION (Draper (Charles ,Stark) Lab., Inc.) 254 p HC A12/iF A01 CSCL 22A Unclas -...-. .- .. ~ _ ~G3/16 08969 R-881 ON-ORBIT FLIGHT CONTROL ALGORITHM DESCRIPTION May 1975 The Charles Stark Draper LaboratoM, Inc. Cambridge. Massaohusefs 02139 R-881 ON-ORBIT FLIGHT CO:;TROL ALGORITHM DESCRIPTION May 1975 Approved:. N. Sears The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This report was prepared by The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., under Contract NAS913809 with the Johnson Space Center, National Aer6 nautics and Space Administration. The following authors have contributed to the report; Yoram Baram, Edwvard Bergmann, Steven Croopnick, Louis D'Amario, Ivan Johnson, Donald Keene, Alex Penchuk, Gilbert Stubbs, John Turkovich, Joseph Turnbull, and Craig Work of the Draper Laboratory; Rick Stuva of Lockheed Electronics Company, Inc.; and Henry Kaupp, Edward Kubiak, and Kenneth Lindsay of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Technical coordination for the report was provided by Chris Kirchwey, George Silver and Peter Weissman of the Draper Laboratory. Design coordination between the Guid ance and Control Branch and the Draper Laboratory was carried out by Steven Croopnick. The publication of this report does not constitute approval by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the findings therein. It is published only for the exchange and stimulation of ideas. ii ABSTRACT The objective of the On-Orbit Flight Control Module is to provide rotational and translational control of the Space Shuttle orbiter in the Orbital Mission Phases, which are external tank separation, orbit inser tion, on-orbit and de-orbit.
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