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HE R E are people who say that 1s a T mongrel sort of parish, neither one thing nor another. When I hear it, I always say that Saddleworth is no mongrel, but it has to help Yorkshire, sometimes not very willingly, and I cannot imagine how that shire could carry on without it. Yorkshire takes every yard of Saddleworth ground, and nearly every penny of its money. When Wakefield has been through the parish pocket, there is precious little left, and to try and get something returned, would be like trying to get butter out of a dog's throat. Some people believe that Saddleworth would have no Christmas Day if Yorkshire could take it and leave no clue. Lancashire takes the water, including that from the sewage works. It also serves a part of Saddleworth with domestic water. If it didn't, many people would have to wash them­ selves in the brook. Its people speak, and have ever spoken, the Lancashire dialect. The Schofields', Buckleys', Gartsides' and other well rooted families, came chiefly from , in the I6th century. So that Saddleworth is a Yorkshire parish, with a Lancashire population. The great barrier of moorland serves to keep, the, "Joa Lad," dialect on the other side of Stanedge. It has never got through the Deep Cut­ ting to stay and never will. 3 Modern educational forces and influences ride roughshod through the dialect, and I believe the school miss calls it slang. Yet philologists, the people who know, tell us that the Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, Danish and other ancient dialects form the bedrock of the . I have read somewhere, that if rno words were taken from the works of great English writers, 70 to 80 could be traced to Anglo­ Saxon sources. An examiner of schools asked a Delph lad what the berries of the hawthorn were called, and he imme­ diately replied "haigs." The examiner told the school­ master how delighted he was to hear that old word. A modern school miss would raise her hands in holy horror if one of her scholars gave that answer. To the dalesman the dialect is a language in which he can express himself with ease, directness and force, and that is all a man needs to do with words. In its simplicity it is akin to Biblical language. It contains no long jaw rending words, that sometimes merely ape profundity. From it we learn to speak and write the simple English that, like the Bible, is said to make the greatest appeal. The dialect is without veneer that "Oft-times outshines the solid wood." It is the plain mother tongue that children learn to speak on the hearthstones of home, and in after years may be carried to the farthest corners of the earth. I do not know how it affects other people but when I hear a Lancashire or Yorkshire dalesman speak the dialect well, the fresh, clean countryside seems to come from his tongue. In his voice and words there are sounds that make me think of streams splashing over boulders in hillside doughs and wind blowing through green hawthorn hedges. Something stirring and pleasant to hear. I wonder what he hears in a townsman's voice? 4 In making this compilation, it has not been my purpose to give the English for "theau, neaw, ceaw," and every word in the Saddleworth dialect. So, herein, I have given the old words that may be the first part of the folk speech to fall into disuse. Some I have not heard for years, others but rarely, and in the next generation they may have become obsolete. It is now rare to hear young folks use them, at least that is my experience. In compiling the two lists, I have trusted to my memory and my dialect sketches, and it is more than probable that words have eluded me, to be remembered after this booklet i:; published. It will be noticed that I have omitted "gradely," "jannock." and other old words that are now found in a dictionary. I have also excluded old proverbs used in Saddleworth, as "penny wise and pound foolish," "a roll­ ing stone gathers no moss," "a wild goose chase," "many a slip between cup and lip," and many others that have a national vogue. In Ij46, "when ale's in wit's out," "Mad as a March hare,'' and others; in Ray's time, 1660, "Every dog's its day," "The more the merrier," and "The game won't pay for the candle,'' and others were common proverbs.

Austerlands. A. W.


"ADDLE" To earn, also unfruitful, an addle egg. ' 'Afterings'' The last milk from a cow. "Agate" Working. "He's agate of his wark. Also to go agate or accompany someone on a way." "Allockin" Idling. Killing time. "Ancliff" Ankle. ''Arranweb'' Spider's web. ''Awlus" Always. "Awse" To attempt. He ne'er awsed to do it.

"BAGGIN" Tea. "Come to thi baggin." "Bagged" Discharged. Also sacked. "Ballisp1pes" The vocal organs. ''Ballybant' · A man's waist belt. Also applied to the belt of a horse. ''Banglin'' Idling. "Banglin abeaut." •'Bant" String, twine. ''Banterin'' Beating down the price of anything. "Aw bantered him deawn." "Bat" A blow. "Aw'll gie thi a bat." "Beast'· Milk from a newly calfed cow. "Beatneed" One who occasionally assists another person. "Bedlam Spit" A crazy dish of liver, black pudding, onions and other seasoning. ''Bellwea ther'' A noisy woman. ''Billy'' A spinning machine of about roo spindles for making slubbings, now discarded. 6 "Bishop A pinafore. When I went to school the children in the lower classes brought their school pence tied or stitched in a corner of their bishops and the teacher was busy on a Monday morning cutting the stitches loose. "Bleb" A blister. ''Blobm~auth'' A loud mouthed gossip. "Blubber" A bubble. Also blubberin or crying. ''Blurt'' To speak loudly and suddenly. To blurt it eaut. ''Boakes'' Beams. Barn boakes. '' Bogblinders'' Limewashers. 'Boggart'' A goblin. ''Boose'' Cow stall. "Brad" Spread. "He brad his sel." ''Brast'' Burst. "Brat" A child. An apron. ''Brawson Very lusty, much too fat. "Breadfleck" Once used for drying oatcakes. "Brewis" Oatcake, beef dripping, pepper and salt and a little hot water. A one time favourite supper dish. ''Breyd'' A shelf. ''Brock'' The insect in the froth called cuckoo spit. "Brogged" Broken up. He's brogged hissel op wi• drinkin. "Buckle" To do something. "Buckle to thi wark." ''Bullirag" To abuse a person with the tongue. "Bullock To insult. To bully. ''Buttery'' Pantry. There is, I believe, little (if any) farm butter churned in Saddleworth to-day. At one time nearly every farmer made his own butter for his milk customers and also for shop­ keepers. 'Butty" A dishonest contest. "A butty do." 7 ·'CAMPLIN" Children talking saucily to their elders. "Cappel" A piece of leather on the toes of clogs. "Capt'' Surprised. "Cauvelicked" The hair parted on the wrong side of the head. "Cayther" A cradle, sometimes called a sorrow box. ''Chag'' A small branch of a tree. "Chockful" Quite full. ''Chompin'' Chewing vigorously. "Chovin dish" An old holed bucket filled with hot cin­ ders and placed under a handloom in winter to warm the warp so that there would be fewer broken threads. ''Chuck'' To throw. "Aw chucked it away." "Chuntin" Murmuring sulkily. · 'Churngetting'' A feast after the haytime. ·'Claggy" Sticky, pasty. "It clagged i' mi meauth." "Clemmed" Not enough to eat. "Cob" To throw, cobbing a pigeon. · 'Cockstangs'' Two poles used for carrying cocks of hay to the barn. · 'Cockstride" A short distance. "Coddle" To nurse. "Cogley" Rough, stony, a cogley road. "Coil" A small cock of hay. ''Cotter'' To kick. "Aw'll cotter thi weel." "Crachinly" Weak, feeble. ''Cranky'' Ill-tempered. "Cranky side eaut." "Cripplehole" A square hole left in a high wall for sheep to go through. "Croddy" A feat. "Aw'll set thi a croddy." "Croot" Crooked. "Cronked" Sat down. "He's cronked i' th' corner." "Grope" Crept. Also crappled. 8 ''Clompin'' Setting the feet down heavily. "Cruckle" To sink down. "He cruckled to th' floor." ''Crudded'' Curdled, congealed milk. Clever, active. "A dab hand at a game." ''Dade'' To help, to assist. "Aw daded him across th' road." "Damprate" An imprecation. ''Deg'' To sprinkle. "Deet" Dirtied. "Theau's deet thi bishop." "Devilskin" A clownish fellow, full of tricks. ''Ding'' A blow. "Aw dinged him i' th' yed." Also "Aw dinged him op." Up­ braided him. "Dither" To tremble. ''Doaf" Dough. "Dollop" A large quantity. "A dollop o' stones." ''Dree'' Tedious. A dree sarmon. A dree road. ''Drooty'' Dry weather. "Dych" A heaped up hedge.

''EAUTCUMBLIN" A stranger. ''Eccles'' Icicles. ''Edder'' The dragon fly. ''Editch'' Grass grown after the mowing. "Eem" "Aw connut eem to do it, Aw havn't time." "Esshole" A large hole under the fire ot some )id Saddleworth houses to hold the ashes.

"FADGE" A small load of coal. "Fagend" The tail end. ''Farrantly'' Decent, respectable. "Feart" Afraid. "Awm noan feart o' boggart muck." 9 ''Feabeny" Goosebeny. ''Feffnicute'' A kind of hypocrite, one who blows hot or cold to suit the moment. "Fettle" In good health, in good form. "Flabbergasted" Speechless with surpnse. "Fleet" Skimmed milk. ''Flite'' To scold. "Aw flited her" ''Flunter'' Out of order, not working properly, also ailing. ·"Foace" ·'A foace un" is one who believes that he has all the wit and can see more than his fellows. ''Fob" A pocket. ''Foomart'' Polecat. ·"Frap" A short quarrel. "A bit of a frap." ''Fratch'' A noisy quarrel. "Freetened" Frightened. "'Frisgig" A silly young woman. "Fuddled" Drunk. ''Fussocks" A fat, idle woman. "Futter" Busy doing nothing. " What arto futterin at?"

''GADDING'' Cattle racing madly about a field. Also gadding off on a holiday. "Gallus" Braces. "'Garn" Crooked, or disabled through injury. A gam leg. ''Gauby'' A fool, clownish. "Gawmless'' Without sense. "Gawpin" Staring with the mouth open. "Geawl" Discharge from weak eyes. "Gird" A sudden pain in the bowels. ''Gloppened'' Greatly surprised; stunned. "Golsh" To belch or eject wind from the mouth. "Gosterin" Making a raucous noise. IO "Grandge" A grinding with the teeth as when biting through celery. '' Grindlestone'' A grindstone. "Grout" Washings from an ale tub after home brewing. ''Guiders'' Sinews. " Hoo 's ratched her guiders:" "Guttlc" To drink.

"HACKLE'' In rare form. "In good hackle." "Haginow" To skulk about imposing on people. "Haigs" Berries of the hawthorn. "Heck" Oh heck, an exclamation. "Hegglcd" Badly off; harassed. "Helder" Rather. "Aw'd helder not go." "Hide" To thrash. A good hiding. "Hig" Vexed; in a temper. "Hippings" Stepping stones over a stream. There used to be public hippings over the brook at Rasping Mill, Delph. "Hooined" Poor and ill fed. ''Hopple'' To walk badly. "Hud" Hide. "Huffed" Offended. "He's huffed at summat.·• "Hug" To carry. ''Hugger-mugger'' To conceal. "Hugginbund" Hipbound. "Stiff in the hips." "Huggins" Hips. "Hutch" To move. "Hutch op, mack reawm. ''Hutherin" A loud, roaring win

''ILL" To cover. "Ill me up." ''lnsense'' To make understand. "Ithert" Dirty. "An ithert neck." II "JATTERT" Frayed. ''Jenny'' A cottage spinning machine of 50 spindles once common in Saddle- worth. "Jib" The chin. "Stick thi jib eaut." "Jiffy" Quickly, in a jiffy. ''Jiggered'' Weary, tired out. "Jorum" A number of people. "Jowting" Jolting. Also "Jo~v''-" Aw"ll jow thi yed.'' "J ub berty" An accident of anv kind.

''KALE" Tn take another person's turn. ''Kalling'' Idling and gossiping. "Kecking" Said of a young woman who is showing off with her head in the air. Put­ ting on airs. ''Kegley'' Shaky. Kegley on her pins (legs). "Kelter" Money. "Kem" To comb. "Kem thi yure." ''Kemming'' Combing. A "kemming corn" was lost at a Stanedge inn and a traveller found it in some potato pie he was eating. "Kesting" When the house flagstones become damp it is said to be a sign of fine weather. "Keyney" Left-handed. "Kibe" To draw the mouth crooked in contempt. ''Kist'' A clothes or other chest.

''LACE" To thrash. "Aw gav' him a good lacing." "Lag" To loiter. To lag behind. "Laithed" Invited. "Lant" Urine. I remember the time when a large lant jar stood near the door of many a cottage in and around our village. I know a row of houses that had a lant jar standing just across the road

12 in front of each door. Every few weeks a man went round with a banel cart and collected the lant and conveyed it to a mill where it was used to scour greasy woollen pieces. At Christmas each jar holder received two shillings from the mill owner. In the 17th century, Lanca­ shire folk put urine in their Ale to make it strong. ''Latching'' Infectious, catching. "Lether" To fight. "Aw lethered him." ''Lief'' Rather. "Aw'd as lief be hanged.'' "Lippcnt" Expected. "Aw lip pent he'd come." '' Li theing'' Meal added to stew to thicken it. "Loaches" Pieces of meat in stew. ''Lobscouse' • Potato hash. "Logging" Pulling the hair. "Loldering" To sing in a slow, sleepy tone. ''Lungus'' Rough, coarse. ''Lutching' · A throbbing pain.

''lllARLOCKING'' Merriment, playfulness. "l\Ieg" A halfpenny. "Melch" l\Ioist. "A melch morning." " Metcrley" I\Ioderately. ''J\Iezzcled'' A face painted red and purple by brewery ale. ''lVliss Nancy'' An affected young woman. "Mizzy'' A quagmire. "Moance" An, untidy, careless person; also an unfortunate happening. "Theau's made a moance o' that." ''Moangy'' Going about sleepily and shiftless. "Mooed eaut" Full, a crowded room. "Moorpeep" The twite. 13 "Mollycot" An effeminate womanish ::nan. ''Mowdiwarp'' The mole. ''Mullock'' A dirty, slovenly person. ''Mullycrushed'' Hopelessly ruined, beyond repair. "Mump" To strike. "Aw mumped him." "Mydered" Worried, upset, ill at ease. "NAB" To seize. "Aw nabbed him." "Naiging" A constant pain. A naiging tooth, also to continue pestering. "Gie up naiging me." "Nangnail" Ingrowing toe nail. "Nattle" Easily angered. "Neb" The front of a cap. "Neetrake' · One who stays out late at night. "Neplin" A small cob of coal. "Nesh" Tender. "As nesh as a boiled turnip." ''Nethercrop'' The spider. ''Noddle, also Napper" The head. "Nominy" A folk speech for special occasions.

"OERANENCE" Opposite. ''He lives oeranence yon chapel." "Oppenchops" A gossip. "Ottymotty" Perplexed, in a state of suspense. "Awm fere i' ottymotty.'' ''Ovish'' Clownish. "PAN" To make fit. "It':; just panned eaut." "Paxwax" A tough white tendon in meat. "Peawchin" Crying. "What arto peawchin for?" ''Peyl, To strike to beat. "Aw poal him i'th' also Poal'' yed." "Pcylin" Striking, also moving. "He's gone pey­ lin dcawn th' road." "Peyth" A slight, tickling cough. "Pike" To go a way. "He's just piked off." Gone. ''Pikel'' A long hayfork. ''Pindert'' Thin, wizened. ''Pinot'' The magpie. ''Pleck'' A place. ''Plutcherin'' Pilfering, stealing. ''Poke'' A sack. ''Ponmark'' A dirty mark round the neck. ''Posnit'' Large iron pan set on feet. ''Pote'' To keep pushing the feet out. "Potter" Poker. A fire potter. ''Pottert'' Worried, upset. ''Poverty Knocker'' A handloom weaver. ''Powfagged'' A ragged, dirty, slovenly person. ''Powing'' Cutting the hair. ''Prout'' A word of reproof to a setter dog when making a false set at a non-game bird. ''Provven'' Provender. ''Provven pricked'' One who refuses good food, wants better. "RABnus" A door mat made from old canvas. • 'Rackenhook" An iron bar and a hook in the chimney on which to hang a posnit above the fire. '' Rafflecoppin'' A careless, roystering fellow. ''Ramshackle'' Anything made up of odds and ends. ''Rapscallion'' A mischievous youngster. "Ratchin" Stretching. "Reeap" To revive or recall something against a a person. "To reeap it op." "Reech" Smoke. 15 "Reisty" Rancid, reisty bacon. ''Rhism'' A small piece. "Aw havn't a rhism o' 'bacco." "Ricklin" The smallest of a family, or of a litter of young pigs. ''Riffraff'' Rubbish. ''1:{ig'' The shoulders. "Get it on to thi rig." "Roange" To shout angrily. ''Rops" The entrails, bowels. ''Rumpus" Bother, a row.

"SAM" To pick up. "Aw sammed it op." "Scitter" A slight fall of snow or rain. "Scrannil" A thin person; underfed. "Scrumpled'' Ruffled. creased. 'Seawkin" Sucking. "Sennygroon" Sinew grown stiff for want of use. "Shafflin" Pretending to work or do something, and also idling. "Shammocks" Feet. "Shift thi greyt shammocks." "Shepster" The starling. ''Shepsterin'' Waiting on a lying-in woman. "Shive" A slice of bread. ''Shuttance'' Left, gone away. "Good shuttance." "Shuttered" A fall. "A wall's shuttered deawn." "Sidled" To go away. "He's sidled off worn." "Singlet" A waistcoat. The coat was a doublet. "Skellied" Browned and blistered by heat. ''Skenning'' To look obliquely. ''Skew'' To twist round. ''Skrikin'' Crying loudly. "Slart" To spill or throw liquid. "Aw slarted him wi' wayter." ' 'Slatter' ' To spill. ''Sleek" To quench a thirst, or "sleek" a fire out. ''Slither'' Silly talk. ''Slifter'' A crevice, a crack. ''Sluttered'' To slide. "He sluttered eaut o' th' chair.'' "Slur" To slide. ''Smeawch'' To kiss. ''Snaffle'' To talk down the nose. "Sneck" A door latch. Formerly a sneckbant. ''Snicksnarls'' Tangled, confusion. "Snig" To pull quickly or jerk. ''Snod'' Smooth and sleek. ''Snye'' To draw up the nose scorniully. ''Soeal'' Fastenings for cattle in the shippon. "Sollit" Quiet in company, nothing to say. "What's op theau'rt so sollit?" "Sope, also .A small quantity of a liquid. Farmers Slat" generally give a slat of milk over the actual measure. ''Sass'' To fall with a heavy thud. "Spack" To settle at a place. "Spavined" A strained horse. "Spiffin" Fine, gaudily dressed. ''Spirrings'' The banns of marriage; also to spir, or question. ''Splutter'' In great haste. "Off in a splutter." ''Stang'' A pole. "Stare-a-blaze" A person rushing about, always in a hurry. '· Steawnge" A dull pain. ''Steelhole'' A stile. "Steyl" A handle. A brush steyl. "Stoop" A post. "A gate-stoop." ··stowed'' Stopped. When a horse refuses to go it is said to be stowing. ''Stracklin'' A rough, careless fool. ''Strap'' Goods obtained without paying for them. ''Stroddlin'' Standing with the legs wide apart. ''Suddler'' A wooden implement for suddling or twirling clothes about in a tub on a washing day. It may be still in use. "Swack" To fall. "Aw fell swack o' mi back." ''Swap'' To exchange. "Swarthin" Swinging about on a road from one side to another. "Swat" To Rweat. Also in a hurry. "He's awlus in a swat." "Sweal'' To bum. "Swelted" Over-heated. "Awn fere swelted i' this reawm." "Swilk" To shake a liquid in a vessel till it dashes over. "Swipper" Strong, active, nimble. ''Swither'' To bum fiercely. "Swithern" Warped, crooked.

''TANTRUM'' In a passion. "Teaw" To work hard. "Teem'· To pour. "It teems deawn wi' rain." "Tent" To attend. Tent or shut the door. Also in hay tenting. A good yard dog is said to be a rare tenter. '' Tharcake'' Parkin. It was a custom on the country­ side to bake tharcake on the 5th of November. ''Thibble'' A porridge slice or spoon. "Thodden" Solid. A thodden cake was made with plenty of fat. ''Thole'' To afford. "A shillin' is o' Aw con thole." · ''Threap'' To argue, to dispute. I8 ''Threshin'' Laboured walking. "Throos" Rig stones built in a wall to bind the little stones together. ''Thrung'' Very busy. ''Thrutch'' To push. "Thunge" To fall with a loud noise. "Titivate" To make tidy. ''Tooting'' Spymg about suspiciously. ''Toppin" A tuft of hair on the forehead. ''Touchus'' Easily disturbed and annoyed. "Treaunce" A long, tedious journey. ''Trig'• To walk with a kind of trot. ''Trindle" The wheel of a barrow. ''Tupshinned'' To kick the heels towards each other when walking. "Twamp" To thrash. "Aw twamped him." ''Twang'' To walk crookedly. Also dialect speech. ''Twazy'' Nasty tempered. "Twitch Clock" A large beetle. ''Twitcher'' A keen bitten person.

"URCHANT" The hedgehog.

''WACKERT'' Weak, tottering. '' Walloper'' Large. "A walloper of a pig." "Walt or Wote" To topple over. To overturn. ''Wang'' To throw violently. "Aw wanged it at his yed." "Wapt" To move quickly. "He wapped reaund th' corner." "Ware" To spend. ''Warch'' Ache. Yedwarch. "Wastril" A man of no character; a waster. ''Waytertomes'' Sick fits. "Wea therpeg" The nose. "Welly" Nearly. "Welt" A blow. "Aw'll gie thi a welt." ''Whangby'' Coarse cheese. ''Whewtin'' Whistling. "Whysty" Draughty. A whysty reawm. ''Wirkened'' A choking sensation with drinking too fast. ''Winrow'' A long row of raked-up hay. ''Winterhedge'' Now called a clothes horse. "Witchert" Wetshod. "Mi feet are witchert." ''Worritin'' Troubled ..· Upset. ''Writhen'' Irritable, petulant.

''YAMMERIN" Making a noise with the lips when want, ing something. "Yure" Hair. "Yessins" The eaves. ''Yawnooked'' Crooked. ''Yedweshin'' A celebration at a birth.

John Ray, 280 years ago, heard in Lancashire and Cheshire, "Swilk," "Insense," "Boose," "Threap," "Deet," "Ding" and other words, that are still in use. LANCASHIRE FOLK SAYINGS PARISH OF SADDLEWORTH.

Saddleworth is rich in folk sayings and they appear to have a greater vitality than old words and there is no telling how long they will live. Many seem to have the grit of the country side in them.

"Wark's good physic, but bad takin." "Aw know him by favver like Marsden folk know their sheep.'' '' A mahogany berrin' '-(Crown bowls at a Saddleworth funeral). "He's played wi' th' cat till it's scrat him"-(Done some­ thing risky). "He's cut his nose off to spite his face" -(Made things worse). "A bone in his back 't willn't bend"-(Idle). "Mi fingers are o' thumbs"-(Clumsy). "Thin as cat papper"-(Tissue paper). "Beggar macker shops" -(Alehouses). "Leatheryed broth" -(Brewery ale). "He's let on his feet" -(Fortunate, doing well). "Aw'll tack th' bull bi th' hurns"-(Face danger). "He's bitten off more nur he con chew"-(in difficulties). " He's had meyt put in his meauth an' wouldn't chew it.'' (Missed his chances). "O'or noan or noan at o' "-All or nothing). "As foace as a weasel wi' its een bored eaut." 2I "Thungin o' th' pluck"-(Stomach crying for food). "Noan o' thi soft soap"-(Flattery). "Sowd a horse an' bowt a donkey" -(Come down in the world). "Happy as pigs i' muck." ''Dunno poo thi butterprint' ' -(Said to a crying child) . "He's flyin' his kite"-(Cutting a dash). "There's no love lost between em" -(Unfriendly). "Aw'll stand th' drop o' York first"-(Said when a person refuses to do something). "Sollit as box-(Quiet, silent). "Under his finger an' thumb" -(Under his control). "He's clogged agen"-(Recovered from an illness). "Mack an' marrow." "Yo' connut chet an' owd chetter." "Good seeker but a poor finder." "Aw dreawnt th' miller" -(Said when a woman has put too much water in her flour before kneading). "Stondin' i' his own leet." "One tale's good till another's towd." "When there's no edders (dragon flies) it's a poor haytime." "Let thi meyt stop thi meauth"-(Talking at meal times). "Aw getten th' seek an' th' bant to tee it op wi." "Muck or nettle" -(Taking a risk). "It's tune o' th' old ceaw deed on." "Aw connut tell th' tone fro tother" -(One from the other). "Thoose 'at doth' mooist are least thowt on." "He hasn't wit to know he's beaut." "As silly as a boathorse." "Whistle-belly vengence.-(Poor ale). "It looks as if th' cat had kittled on it" -(Ruffled, creased). 22 "He lives bi his losses like farmers." "Neet brings crows wom"-(Said to late comers). "Nobbut foos an' horses work." "It never rains but it pours" -(Excessive). "Rough and enough" -(Plenty of porridge). "It macks mi teeth shoot breet wayter" -(The smell of a hunting stew or a good dinner). "Ne'er meddle between th' bark an' th' tree"-(Between husband and wife). ''The best gowd fro' under th' flock bed'' -(The flock bed was the bygone farmer's bank). "Lump it as dogs do dumplings" -(Take it or leave it). "Yo' connut put an owd yed on young shilders." "He' had his tail pinned op" -(Checked when going too fast). "A month o' Sundays"-(Suggesting a long time). "One to' mony at th' porritch pon." "As nice a whistler as ever cocked a lip." "Aw connut keep th' bant i' th' nick"-(Out of favour). "When th' cat's away, mice are at play" -(Said when children have been in mischief). "Go rub thisel. There's more stone woas nur flitches o' bacon to rub agen' '-(Said when a person is difficult to please). "Aw met as weel whistle as toak"-(Said to heedless children). "They're thick an' threefowd" -(Very friendly). "Nar akin an' farther in" -(Said when one relation has defrauded another). "Hoo never lays chowl" -(Never rests her tongue). "He shakes a loase leg"-(Unmarried, freedom). 23 "Torein on" -(Ailing a long time). "Aw live at worn like Bill Haigh's dog"-(A good home). "Childer mack a mother's arms warch when they're little uns, an' her heart warch when they're big uns." "Their own's their own, but if sich like wur to sell we shouldn't buy em" -(Said when children have turned out badly). "Shut thi meauth an' oppen thi een an' theau'll see more." "There's noan as blind as thoose 'at winnot see." "There's no cock een eaut" -(Said when the chances are equal. Or when a cock had not lost an eye in a fight). "Hoo's off i' th' best bib an' tucker" -(Fully dressed). "Theau's weshed reaund thi moon"-(Just washed 1.hc face). "What connut be helped mun be bided." "As fine a lad as ever broke th' edge of a cake.'· "He's livin' fro' hont to meauth"-(Just existing). "He's livin i' clover" -(Living well). "More luck nur good management." "Gapin's catchin an' hangin 's ratchin." "Dunnot oppen thi meauth to fill other folks" -(Don't tell something that you should keep to yourself). "A jow fair" -(Something arranged that does not take place). "Aw'll weet mi whistle"-(Drink). "Hoo's supped at Owd Tome (Old Tame) speau1." -(In 1.hc sulks). "Gravel Rash" -(A scarred face after a fuddle). "Theau's a stepmother's blessing" -A piece of loose skin near a finger nail). "Six o' one an' a hauve a dozen o'th' t'other.'' "Here to-day an' gone to-morrow" -(Sudden death). 24 "Every tub stonds on its own bottom." "L for leather" -(Meaning great haste). "Wur nor a clockin' hen" -(Said of a garrulous woman). "Mi belly thinks mi throat's cut"-(Said by a hungry person). "As scabbed as a cuckoo"-(Is a cuckoo scabbed?). "There's enuff to ding dogs i'th' yed wi"-(More than sufficient). "It's a lame tale, a creep eaut"-(A poor excuse). "Do good an' good 'ull come on thi." "An owd dog for a gate"-(Craftiness). "As nice as ninepence." "His een are hungrier nur his belly." "As harmless as a mad dog." "He's lading an' teeming"-(In financial difficulties). "Far fot an' dear bowt" -(Better bargains near home). "Hoo's a slutterin hobgob o' rags an' tallocks." ''As sad as liver.'' "As fat as mud." "Good shuttance o' bad rubbish." "Poor but hearty, like a parson's pig." "Wrung's no mon's reet, nobbut th' pinder's"-(Keeper of the pinfold). "He's mending a cake at a meal." "He toaks an' ses nowt.'' "Hoo's been knocked abeaut fro' piller to post." "Aw met as weel bi hung for a sheep as a lamb." "Brag's a good dog, but holdfast is better." "He's gone o'er to Ailse bridge"-(The bridge at Weakey leading to the workhouse). "Aw'm £ere i' otty motty"-(anxious, in a state of suspense). "He's stuffed a red stocking"-(Committed suicide). 25 "Theau wants boath th' hawpenny an' th' gingerbread ,._ (Avaricious). ''He connot see to th' end of his nose" -(i\Icntally short- s1ghted). "Women, like cats, look th' best at ,vom." "Collar wark"-(Uphill work). "Cats are o' a colour i' th' dark." "As feaw as a push-plough" -(Coarse featured). The push-plough, was a primitive kind of plough that was used by the small farmer. It took two men to use it. A rope was fastened to the lower part of the plough for one man to pull, and the top part of the shaft rested against a wooden brattice that was fastened round the chest of the man who had to push the plough. No doubt at one time there would be many push-ploughs in Saddleworth. There is one at a farm near Rochdale. "He's tean his pigs to a bonnie market" -(Failed through his own fault). "It'll be weel afore theau works" -(Said to a youngster with a cut finger). "Th' first cock o' hay fears th' cuckoo away." "Pecked bi a good hen" -(Said by a henpecked husband). "Worchin forth' deaud horse"-(Working for nothing). "He's a nose like a Halifax dur hondle" -(Prominent). "They;'vc lids to their een i' Marsden.'' "He hasn't as mony brains as would grease a gimlet." "They've mixed sugar and sand" -(Adultery). "He's ceaunted his chickens afore they wur hatched." "He keeps her back bare an' her teeth cleaun" -(Not a model husband). "He's noddin' at th' saxon" (sexton)-(Seriously ill). "Th' saxon's thrut his spade at him.'' 26 "He'd be wur, if he ailed howt"-(Shamming sickness). "As brazent as a brass knocker." "As fine as a fiddler's foo' "-(Gaudily dressed). "A big as bull beef" -(Said of a lusty person). "A lie's good enough for a spirrer." "He'll spir thi een eaut, an' skin off thi teeth." "Awlus sing low in a bad tune." "Rest on th' bone is as good as cloth on th' beam" -(Said by handloom weavers during a bunting spree). "As idle as Ludlcm's dog that laid it ·deawn to bark." "He hangs his yed like a pown heaund." "He connot see a hole through a ladder." "He's as ragged as a robin." "He's three sheets i'th' wind" -(Not sober). "Hoo's as straight as a yard o' pump wayter." "There's most thrutchin where there's least reawm." "Bakin i'th' neet makes doafy bread" -(Staying up late at night). "Hoo's supped sorrow bi spoonsfuls" -(Had a sad life). "Better the day and better the deed." "Fair play's bonny play." "Aw'm short o' that stuff thi buy pigs wi." "They're o' akin, like Mullion's whelps.'' "Cliver clogs winnot mack fine ladies." "A blind man on a galloping horse will never see it." "Aw've a crow to poo wi thee"-(Something severe to say). "Aw'll put dar (dare) at back o'th' dur." "He mun ha' a lung spoon that sups wi'th' devil." "Aw'm grooin deawnert, like a ceaw tail." "He lets th' gress groo under his feet"-(Lazy). "He's gone op th' ceaw lone"-(Died and gone up the milky way to heaven). "He's put his foot into it" -(Got into trouble). "Hoo hasn't a idle boan in her body." "The dule's thrown his club o'er his heause"-(Said when accidents or misfortunes occur). "As hard as hell's hobstone"-(Said by stonehewers). "He's hit reet nail on th' yed." "Hoo's o' her marbles i'th' taw" -(Her hands full of work). "A miss is as good as a mile." "He goes tail first, like Donegal ducks." "He's an eautcumblin"-(A stranger). "He's like a bell, he nobbut wants hanging." "As sharp as a cat on a hot backstone." "It's a bad bargain when both sides rue." "I wouldn't hang a cat on his word." "Hoo's like Dan's heifer, hoo's beef to th' ankle.,. "He begged like a cripple on a bridge." "He noather does nur dees." "Hoo's better lost nur fund." "It winnot pay at pit." "He looks very deawn i'th' meauth"-(Depressed). "Thi hannot mich to tack to" -(Poor). "He's noan as green as he's cabbage looking." ''As lousey as whisper.'' "Yo cannot mack a pancake on a gridiron." "There's more killed wi o'er keep nur under keep." "There's nowt lost among honest £oak." "He looks as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth" (Innocent looking). "A Heemoor berrin is merrier nur an Uppermill wedding.'' "Never mack flesh o' one an' fish of another." "When there's leet hay there's good weather." 28 "One pound o' June hay is worth four pounds o' August hay." "Let's have noan o' thi donkey looks" -(Sulky). "Th' ow

A County Court judge could make nothing of the Saddle­ worth dialect. "How much milk did your cow give?" he asked a farmer in a case of cow warrantry. ''Eight quart an' a slat," the farmer replied. "What's a slat?" asked the judge. "A sope," returned the other. "Soap," said the judge, "nonsense; I won't believe that cows give soap; judgment for defendant."

39 PRINTED BY GEO. WHITTAKER & SONS Eclipse Works: . 1940.