Species Composition, Distribution, Biology and Control of Flies of Veterinary Importance in Ethiopia Compiled by Solomon Gebre Ministry of Agriculture, National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation Center/NAHDIC/ December 2014 Biology and Control of Flies 2013 Disclaimer The designations employed and the presentations of materials in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of either the National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation Center (NAHDIC) of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) or respective stakeholders concerning the legal status of any country territory, City or its authorities concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or Boundaries. The opinions expressed in the documents are views of the author, not necessarily those of NAHDIC. The mention of specific companies or agencies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been aatented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by NAHDIC in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. ISBN: 978-99944-891-5-2 Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Agriculture National Animal Health Diagnostic and Investigation Center P.O.Box 04, Sebeta, Ethiopia T el:+251 113 380894/5/8 Fax:+251 113 380220 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.nahdic.eov.et Issued January, 2013 The author: Solomon Gebre (DVM, PhD/ARPPIS), Senior Researcher and Head of acarology/entomology, and helminthology laboratories, NAHDIC. Editors: Etana Debela (DVM. MVSc, PhD. Associate Professor) Hailemariam Lemecha (DVM, DVM, MVSc) Ibrahim Hussein Hussein (DVM, MVSc) This manual is targeted for veterinary professional working on the subject to create better understanding on external parasites of domestic animals in Ethiopia and equip with essential knowledge and skills on identification and control.