Go Slow … in the Swiss Alps

Naturetrek Tour Report 1 - 8 July 2019

Alpine Salamander

Campanula thyrsoides

Androsace helvetica Trifolium alpinum

Report and Images by Paul Harmes & Bruce Middleton

Naturetrek Mingledown Barn Wolf's Lane Chawton Alton Hampshire GU34 3HJ UK T: +44 (0)1962 733051 E: [email protected] W: www.naturetrek.co.uk

Tour Report Go Slow … in the Swiss Alps

Tour participants: Paul Harmes & Bruce Middleton (leaders) with 12 Naturetrek clients

Day 1 Monday 1st July

Fly London – Zurich: Transfer to Mürren (Alt. 1650m) Eleven tour participants met Paul and Bruce at Heathrow Airport Terminal 5, for the 12.10pm British Airways flight BA714 to Zurich, arriving at 3pm. With passport control and baggage reclaim completed, we made our way into the Arrivals area, where we met up with Nola, who had arrived the previous day, and our coach driver, Adnan. Luggage was quickly loaded, and we set off for the two-and-a-half-hour journey to Stechelberg. We took a short comfort break at a motorway service area. Here, we recorded Red Kite, Common Buzzard and Raven, as well as Lepidium ruderale (Narrow-leaved Pepperwort).

Upon our arrival at Stechelberg, we transferred to the cable car for the final leg of the journey up to the car-free village of Mürren, Where we were met by the porter from the Hotel Edelweiss, who transferred our luggage to our accommodation, whist the group took the 10-minute walk. At our hotel, we were met by our hosts, Sandra and Daniel, who soon settled us into our rooms before a late dinner and bed.

Day 2 Tuesday 2nd July

Allmendhubel (Alt. 1907m) On a bright, sunny morning, we left the hotel at 9.30am and made the short walk to the Allmendhubel Funicular railway. With tickets purchased, we took the five-minute ride up to the sub-alpine pastures and tracks of Allmendhubel. Along the way we saw Black Redstart, Alpine Chough and Chaffinch.

As we emerged from the station building, we set about exploring the alpine meadows, Crocus vernus (Spring Crocus) in both purple and white forms, Soldanella alpina (Alpine Snowbell). As we slowly worked our way across the landscape, we added Primula elatior (Oxlip), Gentiana acaulis (Trumpet Gentian), Homogyne alpina (Purple Colt’s- foot) Silene dioica (Red Campion), Potentilla aurea (Golden Cinquefoil), Geum montanum (Mountain Avens) and Gypsophila repens (Alpine Gypsophila). In addition, we also found Ring Ouzel, Nutcracker, Crested Tit and Alpine Chough, and Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Geranium Argus, Swallowtail and Painted Lady butterflies, together with the Geometrid Psodos quadrifaria and Common Heath .

We now found ourselves some benches, where our leaders set up our picnic lunch. During the meal, some plants in a flowerbed by the station building, produced the all-brown, alpine form of Purple-edged Copper [eurydame].

After lunch, some of the group set off explore an area to the north, which leads to the lower section of the Shilthorn track. Along the way we added Mountain Green-veined White, Small Tortoiseshell, Painted Lady, Small Blue, Large Blue [f. obscura] and Orange Tip butterflies. Some rock ledges produced Kernera saxatilis (Kernera), Selaginella selaginoides (Lesser Clubmoss), Paradisea liliastrum (St. Bruno’s Lily), Erinus alpinus (Fairy Foxglove), Gentiana brachyphylla (Small-leaved Gentian), and Primula auricula (Bear's-ear Primrose), and the adjacent meadows had good numbers of Viola lutea (Mountain Pansy) and Ranunculus aconitifolius (Aconite-leaved Buttercup). In the margins of the wet track, we found Linaria alpina (Alpine Toadflax)

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Go Slow … in the Swiss Alps Tour Report

It was now time to make our way back down to join the rest of the group for afternoon refreshments in the refugio, before taking the funicular back down to Mürren.

Day 3 Wednesday 3rd July

Wengen (Alt. 1274m) – Mannlichen (Alt. 2222m) It dawned cloudy but bright, and after breakfast we set off for Mürren Station. As we went, we noted Phyteuma spicatum (Spiked Rampion) and Rumex alpinus (Monk's Rhubarb), as well as a Serin and Black Redstart, and heard Garden Warbler.

We caught the 9.43am train to Grutschalp, and the cable car down to Lauterbrunan. Here we caught the shuttle train to Wengen. Upon our arrival in the village, we made our way to the cable car station, for Mannlichen. At the top, we set off to explore, taking the Royal Walk route up to the viewpoint. Once again, we found large quantities of Crocus vernus (Spring Crocus), Anemone narcissiflora (Narcissus-flowered Anemone), Aster alpinus (Alpine Aster) and scattered Soldanella alpina (Alpine Snowbell). Common Swift, and Water Pipit were active, and there were occasional 'fly-bys' from Alpine Chough, Raven and Carrion Crow, in addition to Dewy Ringlet butterflies.

At about the halfway point to the viewpoint, we began to add more plant species. Primula elatior (Oxlip), Primula farinosa (Bird's-eye Primrose), Anemone vernalis (Spring Pasqueflower), Androsace chamaejasme (Ciliate Rock-jasmine), Pedicularis verticillata (Whorled Lousewort), Dryas octopetala (Mountain Avens), Gymnadenia austriaca (a Vanilla Orchid), Gentiana verna (Spring Gentian) and Silene acaulis (Moss Campion) were all seen.

As most of the group members who had wanted to visit the viewpoint, had done so, our leaders set up our picnic, which was enjoyed in the breezy sunshine with stunning views. After eating, we began our descent, finding Ranunculus kuepferi (Kuepfer's Buttercup) and Ranunculus alpestris (Alpine Buttercup), before we made our way to the refugio for refreshments.

After this we took a look at the Kleine Scheidegg path, where we were entertained by the aerial display of a family of White-winged Snowfinch and occasional close views of Water Pipit. Around our feet on the margins of the melting snow patches, we found numerous Soldanella alpina (Alpine Snowbell) and scattered Gagea bohemica (Hollow-stemmed Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem) and Crocus vernus (Spring Crocus).

At this point most of the group members, with Bruce rejoined the cable car back Wengen, where they retraced their steps back to Mürren. The remaining small number of group members joined Paul to walk to Kleine Scheidegg. The path, Abfahrt 8, affords wonderful views across the valley eastwards to Grindelwald and south to the Eiger. Along the way we encountered a good number of plants we had not seen during the morning. There included, Polystichum lonchitis (Holly Fern), Hieracium villosum (Shaggy Hawkweed), Veronica fruticans (Rock Speedwell), Pinguicula alpina (Alpine Butterwort), Valeriana montana (Mountain Valerian), Vaccinium vitis-idaeus (Cowberry), Saxifraga androsacea (Scree Saxifrage), Doronicum grandiflorum (Large-flowered Leopard’s-bane), Hypochaeris uniflora (Giant Cat’s-ear), Saxifraga paniculata (Livelong Saxifrage) and Phyteuma betonicifolia (Betony- leaved Rampion) among them. When we arrived at the station at Kliene Scheidegg, we were in good time for the train back to Lauterbrunen and Mürren.


Go Slow … in the Swiss Alps Tour Report

Day 4 Thursday 4th July

Shilthorn - Piz Gloria (Alt. 2970m)) - Birg – ‘Thrill Walk’ (Alt. 2677m)) - Mürren (Walk) Our morning began with a cable-car ride up to the Shilthorn, via Birg. It was a clear, bright morning, and the sun was shining. As we walked through the village to the cable-car station, Chaffinch, House Sparrow and Blackbird were noted, as well as Swallowtail and Yellow-spotted Ringlet [f. pyrrhula] butterflies.

The Shilthorn Cable car station houses the famous James Bond Museum, as this site was the location for a famous battle scene in the original movie ‘On Her Majesty's Secret Service’. However, they also have regular visits from Bearded Vultures, which they feed bones; unfortunately, not today. The cloudless sky afforded us magnificent views in every direction, from the viewing platform, before we followed the path through the rough, boulder-strewn mountainside. Here we found Saxifraga exarata subsp. moschata (Musky Saxifrage), Saxifraga oppositifolia (Purple Saxifrage), Androsace helvetica (Swiss Rock-jasmine), Androsace alpina (Alpine Rock-jasmine) and carpets of Ranunculus glacialis (Glacier Crowfoot). After our stroll and museum visit, for those who wished to, we sat down to brunch in the Piz Gloria Restaurant.

After eating, we descended to Birg. One or two of the group continued down to Mürren, to prepare for an afternoon walk. The remaining group members took the opportunity to take the 'Thrill Walk' at Birg. On the cable car descent, a solitary Alpine Ibex was spotted on a distant ridge. The ‘Thrill Walk’, is a steel walkway bolted to the cliffs below the cable car station. Again, the views were spectacular, and we found some nice alpine plant species. These included Androsace helvetica (Swiss Rock-jasmine), Veronica aphylla (Leafless-stemmed Speedwell), Leucanthemum atratum (Saw-leaved Moon Daisy), Androsace chamaejasme (Ciliate Rock-jasmine), Campanula cochlearifolia (Fairy’s-thimble), Cerastium latifolium (Broad-leaved Mouse-ear), Hornungia alpina (Chamois- cress), Persicaria vivipara (Alpine Bistort) and two plants of the white-flowered form of Gentiana verna (Spring Gentian). We also had wonderful views of the aerobatic skills of a Golden Eagle, as well as hearing Skylark.

We now continued down the cable car to Mürren, and the group re-convened outside the Hotel Edelweiss, for a leisurely stroll along the track north from Mürren towards Winteregg, which runs alongside the railway. It was, by now, raining quite persistently, but we set off in search of things of interest. The trackside woodland produced, Persicaria bistorta (Bistort), Astrantia major (Great Masterwort), three species of Phyteuma, P. orbiculare (Round-headed Rampion), P. betonicifolia (Betony-leaved Rampion) and P. spicatum (Spiked Rampion), Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Common Spotted-orchid), five species of Sedum, S. dasyphyllum (Thick-leaved Stonecrop), S. hispanicum (Spanish Stonecrop), S. rupestre (Large Yellow Stonecrop), S. album (White Stonecrop) and S. forsterianum (Rock Stonecrop), and Hepatica nobilis (Hepatica) for the plants. However, little else was active given the inclement weather.

The rain was relentless, so we turned round and made our way back to the Hotel Edelweiss for some leisure time before dinner.

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Go Slow … in the Swiss Alps Tour Report

Day 5 Friday 5th July

Zweisimman – Rinderberg (Alt. 2011m) We began today by taking the train to Grutschalp and the cable car to Lauterbrunen, where we caught the train to Interlaken Ost. As we made our way from the Hotel, we heard Nutcracker and saw Serin and Black Redstart. At Interlaken, we transferred to an express train, which took us west along the southern shore of Lake Thunersee towards Spiez and southwest through wonderful scenic countryside to the pretty little town of Zweisimman. Along the way we recorded Common Swift, Great Crested Grebe, Mallard, Red Kite, Common Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Black Kite.

Upon our arrival in Zweisimman, Bruce went off to collect our traditional Swiss fondue lunch, from a local baker, while Paul saw us across to the Rinderberg cable car. Once Bruce had rejoined us, we boarded the cable car for the 20-minute ride to the top. Once there, Bruce set up a 'base', where he began to prepare our lunch, whilst the group set off to explore with Paul. All around us we could hear the unmistakable call of Field Crickets, and Mistle Thrush, Raven, Magpie and Red Kite were all noted. Exploring the sub-alpine grassland beside an ascending path with rocky outcrops, we found Trifolium badium (Brown Clover), Pedicularis ascendens (Ascending Lousewort), Dryas octopetala (Mountain Avens), Saxifraga paniculata (Live-long Saxifrage), Arctous alpina (Alpine Bearberry), Traunsteinera globosa (Round-headed Orchid), Pedicularis foliosus (Leafy Lousewort), Anemone narcissiflora (Narcissus-flowered Anemone), Alchemilla glabra (Smooth Lady's-mantle), Paradisia liliastrum (St. Bruno’s Lily), Salix reticulata (Net-leaved Willow), Gentiana brachyphylla (Small-leaved Gentian), Homogyne alpina (Alpine Colt's- foot) and Potentilla crantzii (Alpine Cinquefoil). Butterflies included Small Tortoiseshell, Painted Lady, Alpine Blue, False Heath Fritillary, Swallowtail and Red Admiral. In addition, we also found Common Lizard.

We all now rejoined Bruce, who had prepared our fondue lunch, a first for a Naturetrek picnic. Some white wine, fruit juice and salad were also enjoyed. Around the picnic site, we added Primula auricula (Bear's-ear Primrose) and Primula farinosa (Bird's-eye Primrose) to the day list, and Common Swift, Water Pipit and Skylark for the birds.

After refreshments in the refugio, we returned down the cable car to Zweisimman, for our return journey to Mürren.

Day 6 Saturday 6th July

Trummelbach Falls - Mürren Following a leisurely breakfast, we made our way to the cable car, which would take us via Gimmelwald to Stechelberg. As we descended, we passed the spectacular Staubbach waterfalls which cascade down the sheer cliffs of the Lauterbrunen valley.

In Stechelberg we transferred to a local bus, for the short ride to the Trummelbach Falls, for our morning visit. Walking the path between some meadows, we made our way to the entrance, some two hundred meters from the road. this UNESCO world heritage site displaces 20,000 litres of water per second through a series of 10 waterfalls, draining from the Eiger, the Monch and the Jungfrau glaciers, all within the mountain. We took the internal lift to level six and explored the 10 levels at leisure.


Go Slow … in the Swiss Alps Tour Report

Around the Falls, on rocky ledges, we found Erica carnea (Spring Heath), Gypsophila repens ((Alpine Gypsophila), Helianthemum nummularium subsp. grandiflorum (Large-flowered Rockrose), Teucrium montanum (Mountain Germander), Kernera saxatilis (Kernera), Moehringia trinervia (Three-veined Sandwort) and Chaerophyllum hirsutum (Hairy Chervil). Birds included Wren, House Sparrow, Coal Tit and Great Tit, and butterflies were represented by Swallowtail, Small Blue, Small White, Large Skipper, Large White, Arran Brown, Meadow Brown and Large Blue [f. obscura] plus Small Tortoiseshell caterpillars.

After visiting the falls, we crossed over the main road to Lauterbrunen, with the intension of exploring the river- side meadow. Unfortunately, these had all had a hay crop taken from them, so there were no flowers and no to see, so we rejoined the bus to return to the cable car to Mürren.

After we returned to Mürren, the rest of the day was free time.

Several group members did join Bruce for an optional afternoon walk along the track from Mürren to Winteregg. The botanical highlights were, Paradisea liliastrum (St. Bruno's Lily), Cephalanthera longifolia (Sword- leaved Helleborine), Cypripedium calceolus (Lady’s Slipper Orchid) Polygala chamaebuxus (Shrubby Milkwort) and Ajuga reptans (Bugle). We also had a few insects, with Speckled Yellow, Common Heath and Latticed Heath moths, and Raven, Jay and Carrion Crow were also recorded, together with a few Alpine Salamanders.

We now returned to the village in good time for afternoon tea.

Day 7 Sunday 7th July

Schynige Platte (Alt. 2099m) On a bright sunny morning, we again took the train from Mürren to Grutschalp and the cable car to Lauterbrunen, where we caught the Interlaken train, alighting at Wilderswil. Here, we transferred to the cog- railway, opened in 1893, for the train to the Schynige Platte. Whilst awaiting departure from Wilderswil, we recorded Common Swift, House Martin, Collared Dove and House Sparrow.

This train makes a gentle and sedate rise to the summit, a journey of around one hour. As we went, we were able to record a good number of plants. These included Tilia cordata (Small-leaved Lime), Fagus sylvatica (Beech), Cephalanthera rubra (Red Helleborine), Ulmus glabra (Wych Elm), Polygonatum verticillata (Whorled Solomon’s-seal), Vicia sylvatica (Wood Vetch), Vicia cracca (Tufted Vetch), Aruncus dioica (Goat’s-beard Spirea), Galium odoratum (Sweet Woodruff) and Campanula cochlearifolia (Fairy’s-thimbles), among many others.

Upon our arrival at the Schynige Platte station, we made our way through part of the 'Alpine Garden' and out onto the rocky grass land in search of a picnic site. Along the way we took the opportunity to familiarize ourselves with many of the alpine plant species we had yet to see. Bruce and Paul set off through the boulder- strewn subalpine grassland, and as we went, they pointed out Ring Ouzel, Water Pipit and several Alpine Marmots. Plants noted included Huperzia selago (Fir Clubmoss), Ranunculus alpestris (Alpine Buttercup), Rhododendron hirsutum (Hairy Alpenrose), Clinopodium alpinum (Alpine Basil Thyme), Dryas octopetala (Mountain Avens), Juniperus communis var. saxatilis (Alpine Juniper), Lonicera caerulea (Blue-berried Honeysuckle), Gentiana

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Go Slow … in the Swiss Alps Tour Report

verna (Spring Gentian), Gentiana clusii (Clusius's Gentian), Pinguicula alpina (Alpine Butterwort) and Hedysarum hedysaroides (Alpine Sainfoin). Alpine Chough were patrolling the whole time we were here.

After about three-quarters of an hour, our leaders found a suitable picnic site among the boulders. Whilst preparing the food, Alpine Salamander was found. From this location, Bruce led some of the group on a higher- level path back to the station, whilst Paul, with the remaining group members, retraced our route from this morning. By the station we found Aquilegia alpina (Alpine Columbine), growing between the railway tracks, obviously seeding out of the Alpine Garden. There was also Oxytropis jacquinii (Mountain Milk-vetch), growing on the bank behind the platform. During the day we also recorded Common Brassy Ringlet, Scarce Swallowtail, Green Hairstreak, Little Blue and Painted Lady butterflies, the Geometrid Psodos quadrifaria, Burnet Companion and Oak Eggar moths.

It was now time to catch our train back to Wilderswil, from where we retraced our steps back to Mürren.

Day 8 Monday 8th July

Mürren to Zurich - Fly London Heathrow We said our farewells to Sandra and Daniel, our hosts at the Edelweiss Hotel, and caught the 10.55am cable car from Mürren to Stechelberg, where we were met by our bus driver Adnan, who quickly loaded our luggage into the trailer, before we set off to Zurich Airport. Along the way, we noted Common Swift, Blackbird, House Sparrow and Black Kite.

We arrived at Zurich airport in good time for our flight back to the UK. Here we said our farewells to Nola who staying in Zurich overnight, before heading home to Australia in next morning.

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Go Slow … in the Swiss Alps Tour Report

Species Lists

Plants (* = Endemic or restricted distribution; [ ] = Introduced or planted)

Nomenclature contained within this list follows the taxonomic amendments, based on DNA analysis, made by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and the Missouri Botanic Garden, and following The Plant List, an internationally accepted list of vascular plant families, published and maintained by these two Institutions.

Scientific Name Common Name Location


Lycophytes Clubmosses

Lycopodiaceae Clubmoss Family Huperzia selago Fir Clubmoss E of Murren

Selaginellaceae Lesser Clubmoss Family Selaginella selaginoides Lesser Clubmoss Allmendhubel

Eusporangiate Ferns Adder's-tongues & Moonworts

Ophioglossaceae Adder's-tongue Family Botrychium lunaria Moonwort Mannlichen

Calamophytes Horsetails

Equisetaceae Horsetail Family Equisetum arvense Field Horsetail Wilderswil Equisetum sylvaticum Wood Horsetail N of Murren

Leptosporangiate Ferm True Ferns

Aspleniaceae Spleenwort Family Asplenium ruta-muraria Wall-rue Murren Asplenium trichomanes Maidenhair Spleenwort E of Murren Asplenium viride Green Spleenwort Mannlichen

Athyriaceae Lady-fern Family Athyrium alpestre Alpine Lady-fern Allmendhubel

Cystopteridaceae Bladder-fern Family Cystopteris fragilis Brittle Bladder-fern E of Murren Gymnocarpium dryopteris Oak Fern E of Murren Gymnocarpium robertianum Limestone Fern Trummelbach Falls

Dryopteridaceae Buckler-fern Family Dryopteris dilatata Broad Buckler-fern Trummelbach Falls Dryopteris filix-mas Male-fern E of Murren Dryopteris submontana Rigid Buckler-fern Schynige Platte Polystichum lonchitis Holly-fern Allmendhubel

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Scientific Name Common Name Location


Cupressaceae Juniper Family Juniperus communis var. saxatilis Alpine Juniper Allmendhubel

Pinaceae Pine Family Picea abies Norway Spruce Allmendhubel Pinus mugo Dwarf Mountain-pine Rinderberg Pinus uncinata Mountain Pine Rinderberg [Pseudotsuga menziesii] Douglas Fir Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg



Adoxaceae Moschatel Family Sambucus nigra Common Elder Mannlichen Sambucus racemosa Red-berried Elder Mannlichen Viburnum lantana Wayfaring-tree By Trummelbach River

Amaranthaceae Goosefoot Family Chenopodium bonus-henricus Good-King-Henry Allmendhubel

Apiaceae Carrot Family Aegopodium podagraria Ground Elder Trummelbach Falls Angelica sylvestris Wild Angelica Trummelbach Falls (leaves) Astrantia major Astrantia E of Murren Bupleurum stellatum Starry Hare's-ear Rinderberg Chaerophyllum hirsutum Hairy Chervil By Trummelbach River Heracleum sphondylium Hogweed Murren Laserpitium latifolium Broad-leaved Sermountain E of Murren (leaves) Laserpitium siler a Sermountain E of Murren (leaves) Ligusticum mutellina Alpine Lovage Allmendhubel Ligusticum mutellinoides Unbranched Lovage Allmendhubel Peucedanum ostruthium Masterwort Allmendhubel (leaves) Pimpinella major Greater Burnet-saxifrage Rinderberg

Apocynaceae Periwinkle Family Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Swallow-wort Trummelbach Falls

Araliaceae Ivy Family Hedera helix Ivy Lauterbrunan

Balsaminaceae Balsam Family [Impatiens parviflora] Small Balsam E of Murren

Betulaceae Birch Family Alnus glutinosa Common Alder By Trummelbach River Alnus incana Grey Alder By Trummelbach River Alnus viridis Green Alder Allmendhubel Betula pendula Silver Birch Wengen Corylus avellana Hazel Rinderberg


Go Slow … in the Swiss Alps Tour Report

Scientific Name Common Name Location

Boraginaceae Borage Family Echium vulgare Viper's Bugloss Moterway Service area Myosotis alpestris Alpine Forget-me-not Allmendhubel

Brassicaceae Cabbage Family Alliaria petiolata Garlic Mustard Trummelbach Falls Arabis alpina subsp. alpina Alpine Rock-cress Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Arabis hirsuta Hairy Rock-cress Scnynige Platte Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd's-purse Rinderberg Cardamine pratensis subsp. pratensis Lady's Smock Allmendhubel Draba aizoides Yellow Whitlowgrass Schynige Platte Alpine Garden Hornungia alpina subsp. alpina Chamois Cress Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Kernera saxatilis Kernera Allmendhubel Thlaspi rotundifolium subsp. Round-leaved Penny-cress Schilthorn rotundifolium

Campanulaceae Bellflower Family Campanula barbata Bearded Bellflower E of Murren Campanula cochleariifolia Fairy's-thimble E of Murren Campanula latifolia Giant Bellflower Beside Schynige Platte Railway Campanula rapunculoides Creeping Bellflower Beside Schynige Platte Railway Campanula rhomboidalis Broad-leaved Bellflower Allmendhubel Campanula rotundifolia Harebell Allmendhubel Campanula scheuchzeri Scheuchzer's Bellflower E of Murren Campanula thyrsoides Yellow Bellflower Rinderberg Phyteuma betonicifolium Betony-leaved Rampion Allmendhubel Phyteuma hemisphaericum Globe-headed Rampion Mannlichen Phyteuma orbiculare Round-headed Rampion Murren Phyteuma spicatum Spiked Rampion Allmendhubel

Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle Family Knautia dipsacifolia Wood Scabious E of Murren Lonicera caerulea Blue-berried Honeysuckle Schynige Platte Scabiosa columbaria Small Scabious E of Murren Valeriana montana Mountain Valerian Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Valeriana officinalis Common Valerian E of Murren Valeriana tripteris Three-leaved Valerian Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg

Caryophyllaceae Pink Family Arenaria ciliata Ciliate-leaved Sandwort Birg - 'Thrill Walk' Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum Field mouse-ear Schynige Platte Cerastium latifolium Broad-leaved Mouse-ear Birg - 'Thrill Walk' Dianthus carthusianorum Carthusian Pink Allmendhubel (in bud) [Dianthus superbus] Large Pink Murren Dianthus sylvestris Wood Pink Schynige Platte Gypsophila repens Alpine Gypsophila Allmendhubel Moehringia ciliata Creeping Sandwort Birg - 'Thrill Walk' Moehringia muscosa Mossy Sandwort Trummelbach Falls Moehringia trinervia Three-nerved Sandwort Trummelbach Falls Silene acaulis Moss Campion Mannlichen Silene diocia Red Campion Allmendhubel Silene nutans Nottingham Catchfly Allmendhubel Silene vulgaris Bladder Campion Murren

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Scientific Name Common Name Location

Stellaria graminea Lesser Stitchwort E of Murren

Cistaceae Rockrose Family Helianthemum nummularium Common Rock-rose Rinderberg Large-flowered Common H. nummularium subsp. grandiflorum Allmendhubel Rockrose H. oelandicum subsp. alpestre Alpine Rockrose Schynige Platte Alpine Garden

Compositae (Asteraceae) Daisy Family Adenostyles alliariae Adenostyles Allmendhubel Adenostyles glabra Hairless Adenostyles Scnynige Platte Achillea millefolium Yarrow Zweisimman Antennaria dioica Cat's-foot Manndlichen Arnica montana Arnica Manndlichen Aster alpinus Alpine Aster Manndlichen Bellidastrum michelii False Aster Allmendhubel Bellis perennis Daisy Manndlichen Carduus defloratus Alpine Thistle Allmendhubel Centaurea montana Mountain Cornflower Allmendhubel Centaurea scabiosa Greater Knapweed Manndlichen Cicerbita alpina Blue-sowthistle Manndlichen Cirsium oleraceum Cabbage Thistle S of Lauterbrunen Cirsium spinosissimum Spiniest Thistle Manndlichen Crepis aurea Golden Hawk's-beard Allmendhubel Crepis pyrenaica Pyrenean Hawk's-beard Murren Doronicum grandiflorum Large-flowered Leopard's-bane Birg Hieracium villosum Shaggy Hawkweed Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Homogyne alpina Alpine Colt's-foot Allmendhubel Hypochaeris uniflora Giant Cat's-ear Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Leucanthemopsis alpina Alpine Moon Daisy Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Leucanthemum adustum Mountain Ox-eye Birg Leucanthemum atratum Saw-leaved Moon Daisy Birg - 'Thrill Walk' Leucanthemum vulgare Ox-eye Daisy Allmendhubel Mycelis muralis Wall Lettuce Trummelbach Falls Petasites paradoxus Alpine Butterbur E of Murren (leaves) Orange Hawkweed, Fox-and- Pilosella aurantiaca Murren cubs Pilosella officinarum Mouse-ear Hawkweed Murren Prenanthes purpurea Purple Lettuce Beside Schynige Platte Railway (in bud) Senecio doronicum Chamois Ragwort Schynige Platte Senecio viscosa Sticky Groundsel Zweisimann Solidago virgaurea Goldenrod Allmendhubel Taraxacum agg. Dandelion Allmendhubel Tolpis staticifolia Tolpis Allmendhubel Tragopogon pratensis Goat's-beard E of Murren Tussilago farfara Colt's-foot Mannlichen

Cornaceae Dogwood Family Cornus sanguinea Dogwood Beside Schynige Platte Railway

Crassulaceae Stonecrop Family Sedum album White Stonecrop Murren Sedum annuum Annual Stonecrop Schynige Platte


Go Slow … in the Swiss Alps Tour Report

Scientific Name Common Name Location

Sedum dasyphyllum Thick-leaved Stonecrop Murren Sedum forsterianum Rock Stonecrop Murren Sedum hispanicum Spanish Stonecrop Murren Sedum reflexum Rexflexed Stonecrop Murren Sedum roseum Roseroot Schynige Platte Alpine Garden Sempervivum montanum Mountain Houseleek Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Sempervivum tectorum Common Houseleek Schynige Platte (leaves)

Ericaceae Heather Family Arctous alpinus Alpine Bearberry Rinderberg Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Bearberry E of Murren Calluna vulgaris Heather Allmendhubel Empetrum nigrum subsp. Hermaphrodite Crowberry Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg hermaphroditum Erica carnea Spring Heath Scnynige Platte Loiseleuria (Kalmia) procumbens Trailing Azalea Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Pyrola minor Lesser Wintergreen Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Rhododendron ferrugineum Alpenrose Allmendhubel Rhododendron hirsutum Hairy Alpenrose Trummelbach Falls Vaccinium myrtillus Bilberry Allmendhubel Vaccinium uliginosum agg. Bog Whortleberry Allmendhubel Vaccinium vitis-idaea Cowberry Mannlichen

Euphorbiaceae Spurge Family Euphorbia cyparissias Cypress Spurge Allmendhubel Mercurialis perennis Dog's Mercury Trummelbach Falls

Fagaceae Beech Family Fagus sylvatica Beech N of Lauterbrunnen

Gentianaceae Gentian Family Gentiana acaulis Trumpet Gentian Allmendhubel Gentiana bavarica Bavarian Gentian Allmendhubel Gentiana brachyphylla Short-leaved Gentian Mannlichen Gentiana clusii Clusius' Gentian Allmendhubel Gentiana lutea Great Yellow Gentian Schnige Platte Gentinan purpurea Purple Gentian Allmendhubel Gentiana verna Spring Gentian Allmendhubel

Geraniaceae Crane's-bill Family Geranium pyrenaicum Pyrenean Crane's-bill E of Murren Geranium robertianum Herb Robert Trummelbach Falls Geranium sylvaticum Wood Crane's-bill Allmendhubel

Hypericaceae St John’s-wort Family Hypericum maculatum Imperforate St John's-wort Allmendhubel

Juglandaceae Walnut Family [Juglans regia] Walnut Beside Schynige Platte Railway

Lamiaceae Dead-nettle Family Ajuga pyramidalis Pyramidal Bugle Allmendhubel Ajuga reptans Common Bugle Schynige Platte

© Naturetrek January 20

Go Slow … in the Swiss Alps Tour Report

Scientific Name Common Name Location

Betonica officinalis Betony Beside Schynige Platte Railway Clinopodium alpinum Alpine Basil-thyme Murren Glechoma hederacea Ground-ivy By Trummelbach River Lamiastrum galeobdolon Yellow Archangel Beside Schynige Platte Railway Origanum vulgare Marjoram Trummelbach Falls Prunella grandiflora Large-flowered Self-heal E of Murren Prunella vulgaris Self-heal Schynige Platte Salvia pratensis Meadow Clary Allmendhubel Stachys sylvatica Hedge Woundwort Trummelbach Falls Teucrium montanum Mountain Germander Trummelbach Falls Thymus polytrichus Wild Thyme E of Murren Large Thyme E of Murren

Leguminosae (Fabaceae) Pea Family Anthyllis vulneraria subsp. alpestris Alpine Kidney Vetch E of Murren Astragalus alpinus Alpine Milk-vetch Allmendhubel Astragalus australis Southern Milk-vetch Rinderberg Astragalus glycyphyllos Wild Liquorice Manndlichen Coronilla vaginalis Small Scorpion-vetch Schynige Platte Hedysarum hedysaroides Alpine Sainfoin Manndlichen Hippocrepis comosa Horseshoe Vetch Allmendhubel Hippocrepis emerus False Senna Beside Schynige Platte Railway Lathyrus laevigatus subsp. Smooth Pea Schynige Platte occidentalis Lathyrus pratensis Meadow Vetchling E of Murren Lathyrus sylvestris Narrow-leaved Everlasting Pea N of Lauterbrunnen Lotus alpinus Alpine Bird's-foot-trefoil Allmendhubel Medicago lupulina Black Medick Murren Medicago sativa Lucerne Zweisimann Melilotus albus White Melilot Beside Schynige Platte Railway Onobrychis montana Mountain Sainfoin Schynige Platte Oxytropis campestris Yellow Milk-vetch Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Oxtropis jacquinii Mountain Milk-vetch Schynige Platte [Robinia pseudoacacia] False Acacia Beside Schynige Platte Railway Securigera varia Crown Vetch Beside Schynige Platte Railway Trifolium alpinum Alpine Clover Allmendhubel Trifolium badium Brown Clover Allmendhubel Trifolium medium Zig-zag Clover Trummelbach Falls Trifolium montanum Mountain Clover E of Murren Trifolium pratense Red Clover Murren Trifolium repens White Clover Murren Trifolium thalii Thal's Clover Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Vicia cracca Tufted Vetch E of Murren Vicia sepium Bush Vetch Murren Vicia sylvatica Wood Vetch Beside Schynige Platte Railway

Lentibulariaceae Butterwort Family Pinguicula alpina Alpine Butterwort Schynige Platte

Linaceae Flax Family Linum alpinum Alpine Flax Allmendhubel Linum catharticum Fairy Flax Allmendhubel


Go Slow … in the Swiss Alps Tour Report

Scientific Name Common Name Location

Malvaceae Mallow Family Tilia cordata Small-leaved Lime Beside Schynige Platte Railway

Oleaceae Ash Family Fraxinus excelsior Ash Mannlichen

Onagraceae Willowherb Family Epilobium anagallidifolium Pimpernel-leaved Willowherb Allmendhubel Epilobium (Chamaenerion) Rosebay Willowherb Mannlichen angustifolium Epilobium montanum Broad-leaved Willowherb E of Murren

Orobanchaceae Broomrape Family Bartsia alpina Alpine Bartsia Allmendhubel Melampyrum sylvaticum Small Cow-wheat Allmendhubel Orobanche alba Thyme Broomrape E of Murren Pedicularis ascendens Ascending Lousewort Allmendhubel Pedicularis foliosa Leafy Lousewort Rinderberg Pedicularis verticillata Whorled Lousewort Manndlichen Rhinanthus alectorolophus Greater Yellow-rattle E of Murren Rhinanthus minor Yellow-rattle By Trummelbach River

Plantaginaceae Plantain and Speedwell Family Digitalis grandiflora Large Yellow Foxglove Beside Schynige Platte Railway Erinus alpinus Fairy Foxglove Allmendhubel Globularia cordifolia Matted Globularia Allmendhubel Globularia nudicaulis Leafless-stemmed Globularia Rinderberg Globularia punctata Common Globularia Allmendhubel Linaria alpina Alpine Toadflax Allmendhubel Plantago alpina Alpine Plantain Allmendhubel Plantago atrata Dark Plantain E of Murren Plantago media Hoary Plantain Allmendhubel Plantago lanceolata Ribwort Plantain Rinderberg Veronica aphylla Leafless-stemmed Speedwell Birg - Thrill Walk Veronica chamaedrys Germander Speedwell Allmendhubel Veronica fruticans Rock Speedwell Allmendhubel Veronica fruticulosa A Rock Speedwell Murren Veronica officinalis Heath Speedwell Murren Veronica serpyllifolia Thyme-leaved Speedwell Allmendhubel

Polygalaceae Milkwort Family Polygala alpestris Mountain Milkwort Allmendhubel Polygala alpina Alpine Milkwort Schynige Platte Polygala chamaebuxus Shrubby Milkwort Allmendhubel

Polygonaceae Dock Family Persicaria bistorta Common Bistort Allmendhubel Persicaria vivipara Alpine Bistort Allmendhubel Rumex acetosa Common Sorrel E of Murren Rumex alpestris Mountain Dock Allmendhubel Rumex alpinus Monk's-rhubarb Allmendhubel Rumex obtusifolius Broad-leaved Dock Allmendhubel Rumex scutatus French Sorrel Allmendhubel

© Naturetrek January 20

Go Slow … in the Swiss Alps Tour Report

Scientific Name Common Name Location

Primulaceae Primrose Family Androsace alpina Alpine Rocjk-jasmine Schilthorn Androsace chamaejasme Ciliate Rock-jasmine Manndlichen Androsace helvetica Swiss Rock-jasmine Birg - Thrill Walk Primula auricula Bear's-ear Primrose Schilthorn Primula elatior Oxlip Manndlichen Primula farinosa Bird's-eye Primrose Allmendhubel Primula hirsuta Hairy Primrose Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Primula veris Cowslip Manndlichen Soldanella alpina Alpine Snowbell Manndlichen

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family Aconitum lycoctonum subsp. vulparia Wolf's-bane Schynige Platte Anemone alpina subsp. alpina Alpine Pasqueflower Allmendhubel Anemone alpina subsp. apiifolia Alpine Pasqueflower Allmendhubel Anemone narcissiflora Narcissus-flowered Anemone Manndlichen Anemone vernalis Spring Pasqueflower Manndlichen Aquilegia alpina Alpine Columbine Schynige Platte Aquilegia vulgaris Columbine Murren Caltha palustris Marsh-marigold Allmendhubel Clematis vitalba Old Man's Beard Allmendhubel Hepatica nobilis Hepatica E of Murren (leaves) Ranunculus aconitifolius Aconite-leaved Buttercup Allmendhubel Ranunculus acris Meadow Buttercup Allmendhubel Ranunculus alpestris Alpine Buttercup Manndlichen Ranunculus glacialis Glacier Crowfoot Schilthorn Ranunculus kuepferi Keupfer’s Buttercup Manndlichen Ranunculus montanus Mountain Buttercup Manndlichen Thalictrum alpinum Alpine Meadow-rue Trummelbach Falls Thalictrum aquilegiifolium Great Meadow-rue Allmendhubel Trollius europaeus Globeflower Allmendhubel

Rhamnaceae Buckthorn Family Rhamnus alpinus Alpine Buchthorn Allendhubel

Rosaceae Rose Family Agrimonia eupatoria Agrimony Beside Schynige Platte Railway Alchemilla alpina Alpine Lady's-mantle Schilthorn Alchemilla conjuncta Silver Lady's-mantle Allmendhubel Alchemilla glabra Smooth Lady's-mantle Schynigge Platte Alchemilla xanthochlora Pale Lady's-mantle Allendhubel Aruncus dioicus Goat's-beard Spiraea N of Lauterbrunnen Cotoneaster integerrima Wild Cotoneaster Schynigge Platte Crataegus monogyna Hawthorn Beside Schynige Platte Railway Dryas octopetala Mountain Avens Allmendhubel Fragaria vesca Wild Strawberry E of Murren Geum montanum Alpine Avens Allmendhubel Geum rivale Water Avens Murren Potentilla aurea Golden Cinquefoil Allmendhubel Potentilla crantzii Alpine Cinquefoil E of Murren Potentilla erecta Tormentil Allmendhubel Poterium sanguisorba Salad Burnet Allmendhubel


Go Slow … in the Swiss Alps Tour Report

Scientific Name Common Name Location

Prunus avium Wild Cherry Beside Schynige Platte Railway Rosa canina Dog-rose Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Rosa pendulina Alpine Rose Allmendhubel Rosa spinosissima Burnet Rose E of Murren Raspberry Trummelbach Falls Rubus saxatilis Stone Bramble E of Murren Sorbus aucuparia Rowan Allmendhubel

Rubiaceae Madder Family Galium megalospermum Swiss Bedstraw Schynigge Platte Galium mollugo Hedge Bedstraw Allmendhubel Galium pumilum Slender Bedstraw E of Murren

Salicaceae Willow Family Populus tremula Aspen Rinderberg Salix hastata Large-stipuled Willow Schynigge Platte Salix herbacea Least Willow Birg 'Thrill Walk' Salix reticulata Net-leaved Willow Rinderberg Salix viminalis Osier Beside Schynige Platte Railway

Santalaceae Bastard-toadflax Family Thesium alpinum Alpine Bastard-toadflax Allmendhubel

Sapindaceae Maple Family Acer campestre Field Maple Beside Schynige Platte Railway Acer pseudoplatanus Sycamore E of Murren

Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Family Saxifraga aizoides Yellow Mountain Saxifrage Birg 'Thrill Walk' Saxifraga exarata subsp. moschata Musky Saxifrage Schilthorn Saxifraga oppositifolia Purple Saxifrage Schilthorn Saxifraga paniculata Livelong Saxifrage Allmendhubel

Scrophulariaceae Figwort Family Verbascum nigrum Dark Mullein Mannlichen

Thymelaeaceae Mezereon Family Daphne mezereum Mezereon Schynigge Platte

Ulmaceae Elm Family Ulmus glabra Wych Elm Beside Schynige Platte Railway

Urticaceae Nettle Family Urtica dioica Common Nettle E of Murren

Violaceae Violet Family Viola biflora Yellow Wood Violet Manndlichen Viola calcarata Long-spurred Pansy Manndlichen Viola lutea Mountain Pansy Allmendhubel Viola riviniana Common Dog-violet E of Murren

© Naturetrek January 20

Go Slow … in the Swiss Alps Tour Report

Scientific Name Common Name Location

Monocots Monocotyledons

Amaryllidaceae Daffodil Family Allium senescens Mountain Onion Manndlichen

Asparagaceae Asparagus Family Convallaria majalis Lily-of-the-Valley Schynigge Platte Maianthemum bifolium May Lily E of Murren Paradisea liliastrum St Bruno's Lily Rinderberg Polygonatum verticillatum Whorled Solomon's-seal Beside Schynige Platte Railway

Cyperaceae Sedge Family Carex caryophyllea Spring Sedge Allmendhubel Carex flacca Glaucous Sedge Trummelbach Falls Carex vaginata Sheathed Sedge Allmendhubel

Iridaceae Iris Family Crocus vernus Spring Crocus Allmendhubel

Juncacae Rush Family Juncus trifidus Three-leaved Rush Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Luzula alpinopilosa Alpine Wood-rush Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Luzula lutea Yellow Wood-rush Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Luzula luzuloides White Wood-rush Allmendhubel Luzula multiflora Heath Wood-rush Allmendhubel

Liliaceae Lily Family Gagea bohemica (G. fistulosa) A Yellow Star-of-Bethlehem Mannlichen Gagea serotina Snowdon Lily Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Lilium martagon Martagon Lily Murren

Melanthiaceae Herb-Paris Family Paris quadrifolia Herb-Paris By Trummelbach River Veratrum album White False-helleborine Allmendhubel (leaves)

Orchidaceae Orchid Family Cephalantha longifolia Sword-leaved Helleborine E of Murren Cephalanthera rubra Red Helleborine Beside Schynige Platte Railway Cypripedium calceolus Lady's-slipper Orchid E of Murren Dactylorhiza fuchsii Common Spotted-orchid Allmenhubel Dactylorhiza maculata Heath Spotted-orchid Between Mannlichen & Kleine Scheidegg Dactylorhiza majalis Broad-leaved Marsh-orchid Allmenhubel Dactylorhiza (Coeloglossum) viride Frog Orchid Allmenhubel Epipactis atrorubens Dark-red Helleborine E of Murren Epipactis helleborine Broad-leaved Helleborine E of Murren Gymnadenia albida Small-white Orchid Allmenhubel Gymnadenia conopsea Fragrant-orchid Allmenhubel Gymnadenia rhellicani Alpine Vanilla Orchid Mannlichen Neotinea ustulata Burnt Orchid E of Murren Neottia ovata Twayblade E of Murren Ophrys insectifera Fly Orchid E of Murren Orchis mascula Early-purple Orchid Mannlichen


Go Slow … in the Swiss Alps Tour Report

Scientific Name Common Name Location

Platanthera bifolia Lesser Butterfly-orchid Winteregg Traunsteinera globosa Round-headed Orchid Rinderberg

Poaceae Grass Family Arrhenatherum elatius False Oat-grass Common Brachypodium pinnatum Tor Grass By Trummelbach River Brachypodium sylvaticum False Brome By Trummelbach River Briza media Quaking-grass Allmenhubel Cynosurus cristatus Crested Dog's-tail By Trummelbach River Dactylis glomerata Cock's-foot By Trummelbach River Festuca rubra Red Fescue By Trummelbach River Phleum pratense Timothy By Trummelbach River

Tofieldiaceae Scottish Asphodel Family Tofieldia calyculata Tofield's Asphodel Rinderberg

Birds (✓=recorded but not counted; H = heard only) July Common name Scientific name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Mute Swan Cygnus olor ✓ 2 Mallard Anas platyrhynchos ✓ 3 Common Swift Apus apus ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 4 Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus H H 5 Rock Dove [Feral] Columba livia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 6 Common Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus ✓ ✓ ✓ 7 Eurasian Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto ✓ ✓ ✓ 8 Eurasian Coot Fulica atra ✓ 9 Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis ✓ 10 Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus ✓ 11 Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis ✓ ✓ 12 Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo ✓ 13 Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos ✓ 14 Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus ✓ 15 Red Kite Milvus milvus ✓ ✓ 16 Black Kite Milvus migrans ✓ ✓ ✓ 17 Common Buzzard Buteo buteo ✓ 18 Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major ✓ 19 Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 20 Eurasian Jay Garrulus glandarius ✓ 21 Eurasian Magpie Pica pica ✓ ✓ ✓ 22 Spotted Nutcracker Nucifraga caryocatactes ✓ ✓ H ✓ ✓ 23 Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 24 Carrion Crow Corvus corone ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 25 Northern Raven Corvus corax ✓ H ✓ ✓ ✓ 26 Coal Tit Periparus ater ✓ 27 European Crested Tit Lophophanes cristatus ✓ 28 Great Tit Parus major ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 29 Eurasian Skylark Alauda arvensis H H ✓ 30 Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 31 Eurasian Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris ✓

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July Common name Scientific name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 32 Common House Martin Delichon urbicum ✓ ✓ 33 Common Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita H H H H 34 Eurasian Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla H 35 Garden Warbler Sylvia borin H H ✓ H H H 36 Goldcrest Regulus regulus H 37 Eurasian Wren Troglodytes troglodytes H 38 Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria ✓ 39 Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris ✓ ✓ 40 Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus ✓ ✓ 41 Common Blackbird Turdus merula ✓ ✓ ✓ H ✓ 42 Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus ✓ ✓ ✓ 43 Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 44 Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe ✓ 45 White-throated Dipper Cinclus cinclus ✓ 46 House Sparrow Passer domesticus ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 47 White-winged Snowfinch Montifringilla nivalis ✓ 48 Dunnock Prunella modularis ✓ 49 White Wagtail Motacilla alba ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 50 Water Pipit Anthus spinoletta ✓ ✓ ✓ 51 Common Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 52 Eurasian Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula ✓ 53 European Greenfinch Chloris chloris H 54 Common Linnet Linaria cannabina ✓ 55 European Serin Serinus serinus ✓ ✓ ✓ 56 Cirl Bunting Emberiza cirlus H

Mammals 1 Common Pipistrelle Pipistrellus pipistrellus ✓ 2 Red Squirrel Sciurus vulgaris ✓ ✓ ✓ 3 Alpine Marmot Marmota marmota ✓ 4 European Roe Deer Capreolus capreolus 5 Alpine Ibex Capra ibex ✓ 6 Alpine Chamois Rupicapra rupicapra ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Amphibians & Reptiles (LO = Leader only) 1 Alpine Salamander Salamandra atra LO LO ✓ ✓ 2 Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara LO

Butterflies 1 Swallowtail Papilio machaon ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2 Scarce Swallowtail Iphiclides podalirius ✓ 3 Black-veined White Aporia crataegi ✓ ✓ 4 Large White Pieris brassicae ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 5 Small White Pieris rapae ✓ ✓ 6 Mountain Green-veined White Pieris bryoniae ✓ 7 Orange Tip Anthocharis cardamines ✓ 8 Berger’s Clouded Yellow Colias australis ✓ 9 Wood White Leptidea sinapis ✓ 10 Green Hairstreak Callophrys rubi ✓ ✓


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July Common name Scientific name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 Purple-edged Copper Palaeochrysophanus hippothoe ✓ 12 Little Blue Cupido minimus ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 13 Large Blue Maculinea arion ✓ ✓ 14 Mazerine Blue Cyaniris semiargus ✓ 15 Alpine Blue Agriades orbitulus ✓ 16 Geranium Argus Eumedonia eumedon ✓ 17 Brown Argus Aricia agestis ✓ ✓ 18 Adonis Blue Lysandra bellargus ✓ 19 Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta ✓ 20 Painted Lady Cynthia cardui ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 21 Large Tortoiseshell Nymphalis polychlorus LO 22 Small Tortoiseshell Aglais urticae ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 23 Pearl-bordered Fritillary Clossiana euphrosyne ✓ 24 False Heath Fritillary Melitaea diamina ✓ ✓ 25 Heath Fritillary Melitaea athalia ✓ 26 Marbled White Melanargia galathea ✓ 27 Aran Brown Erebia ligea ✓ 28 Yellow-spotted Ringlet Erebia manto ✓ 29 Bright-eyed Ringlet Erebia oeme ✓ 30 Dewy Ringlet Erebia pandrose ✓ 31 Meadow Brown Maniola jurtina ✓ 32 Ringlet Aphantopus hyperantus ✓ 33 Alpine Heath Coenonympha gardetta ✓ 34 Large Wall Brown Lasiommata maera ✓ ✓ ✓ 35 Grizzled Skipper Pyrgus malvae ✓ 36 Dingy Skipper Erynnis tages ✓ 37 Chequered Skipper Carterocephalus palaemon ✓ 38 Small Skipper Thymelicus sylvestris ✓ 39 Large Skipper Ochlodes venatus ✓

Micro Moths 1 Crambid Anania funubris ✓ 2 Crambid Pyrausta ✓

Macro Moths (C = Caterpillar) 1 Six-spot Burnet Zigaena filipendulae ✓ ✓ 2 Oak Eggar Lasiocampa quercus ✓ ✓ 3 Lackey Malacosoma neustria C C C 4 Spruce Carpet Thera britannica ✓ 5 Treble-bar Aplocera plagiata ✓ 6 Chimney Sweeper Odezia atrata ✓ ✓ ✓ 7 Speckled Yellow Pseudopanthera macularia ✓ ✓ ✓ 8 Common Heath Ematurga atomaria ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 9 Geometrid Charissa pullata 10 Hummingbird Hawk-moth Macroglossum stellatarum ✓ 11 Bedstraw Hawk-moth Hyles galli ✓ 12 a Geometrid Psodos quadrifaria ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 13 Silver Y Autographa gamma ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 14 Burnet Companion Euclidia glyphica ✓ ✓

© Naturetrek January 20

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July Common name Scientific name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 15 Small Purple-barred Phytometra viridaria

Other Invertebrates 1 Ground Bug Lygaeus equestris ✓ 2 Marmalade Hover-fly Episyrphus balteatus ✓ 3 Wood Ant Formica sp. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 4 Honey Bee Apis mellifera ✓ ✓ 5 Buff-tailed Bumblebee Bombus terestris ✓ ✓ ✓ 6 Alpine Bumblebee Bombus alpinus ✓ 7 Red-tailed Bumblebee Bombus lapidarius ✓ ✓ 8 Garden Chafer Phyllopertha horticola ✓ ✓ ✓ 9 Chafer Hoplia argentea ✓ ✓ 10 Black Click Beetle Elateridae sp. ✓ 11 Hazel Leaf-roller Weevil Apoderus coryli ✓

Anemone narcisiflora Traunsteinera globosa