University of Cumbria (CUMBRIA UKLANCAST02) Erasmus+ and Exchange Fact Sheet for student applicants Erasmus+ and Exchange Sarah Prince Coordinator:
[email protected] exchange/ Applications should be sent to
[email protected] by: • Semester 1 (September to January): 30th June • Semester 2 (January to June): 31st October Application information: Your Erasmus+/Exchange Coordinator has been sent a Course Catalogue advertising the courses available for a study abroad opportunity in. You can apply for ONE course from those advertised in the catalogue. The Catalogue is set up in an excel spreadsheet format with separate sheets for different subject areas. Each course has its own row, which should be read from left to right, starting with the ‘level of study’, followed by the Course Code (a list of letters and numbers; for example, 4UBFCUOCCREWR0). When you have selected the course you want to apply for, you will need to include the course code on your application form. Each course is split into 2 or 3 ‘modules’ which are listed from left to right across the course row. You will study all of the modules in the course you have selected. Each course is made up of 60 UK credits, the equivalent of 30 ECTS or 15 US credits, considered full time study at the University. Courses will not normally be reduced, but please contact
[email protected] if you have questions about this. Each course sets out the title of the module and has a description of the content of the module and how it is assessed (there is a key at the top of each subject group page).